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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion

Pendant Nos. MI.64 (on coming into service), MI.79 (1.18), MI.42 (4.18). Built 1903, 9500grt, 18.5kts. Armament: 8-6in, 2-6pdr AA. In service 27.11.15. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. Sunk 23.5.18 by UB.57 off Brighton. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

Research on this log would not have been possible without the Internet. Below is a list of the sites that I have linked to in the text. for ships built on the Clyde. for ships built on the Tyne. for ships built on the Tees. for ships built in Sunderland. for ships built in Aberdeen. for information on Royal Fleet Auxiliaries. for lighthouses. for lighthouses of the UK. for world lighthouses. for ships and their crews that did not return to port. for Milford trawlers. for Grimsby trawlers. for Hull trawlers. for Dutch trawlers. for Fleetwood trawlers. for Granton trawlers. for what it says on the packet. for sailing ship information. for Dutch merchant ships. for Esso tankers. for Thames tugs. for ships of that line. for ship photos and history. for details of shipping lines and their vessels. for Norwegian ships. also for Norwegian ships. for diving and shipwrecks. for maps and information on places. for British and Irish maps. for information on Scottish places. for information on RN ships and officers. for everything.

All of these sites are built and maintained, often at their own expense, by enthusiasts. I wish to acknowledge and profusely thank all of them. Those of us fascinated by ships that no longer leave a wake and sailors who have downed their last tot are greatly in their debt.

Some useful abbreviations.

AB: Able Seaman.
A/c: Altered course.
AG: Armed Guard.
AR: Aiming Rifle.
Bg: Bearing.
C of E: Church of England.
Cdr: Commander.
CPO: Chief Petty Officer.
DR: Dead Reckoning.
Eng: Engineer(ing).
GQ: General Quarters.
HE: High Explosive.
HMS: His Majesty’s Ship.
L or Ldg: Leading Seaman, Stoker etc.
Lt: Lieutenant.
Lt/Cdr: Lieutenant Commander.
(m): Magnetic (bearing).
MB: Marine Barracks.
Mid.: Midshipman.
MMR: Mercantile Marine Reserve.
Paymr: Paymaster.
PO: Petty Officer.
QF: Quick Firing.
RFR: Royal Fleet Reserve.
RMA: Royal Marine Artillery.
RMLI: Royal Marine Light Infantry.
RN: Royal Navy.
RNB: RN Barracks.
RNR: Royal Naval Reserve.
S/Lt: Sub Lieutenant.
SNLR: Services no longer required (of a rating discharged as a nuisance).
SNO: Senior Naval Officer in port or on station.
SS: Screw Steamer.
ST: Steam Trawler.
SV: Sailing Vessel.
(t): True (bearing).
TB(D): Torpedo Boat (Destroyer).
Tel: Telegraphist.
VA: Vice Admiral.
WSS: War Signal Station.
W/T or WT: Wireless Telegraphy or Water Tight (doors) as per context.

Each day’s page is a precis, with routine entries usually omitted, but on the 1st of each month a fuller record is shown to give a flavour of life aboard. The second line on each page is the ship’s position at noon in the modern decimal format. Other position entries are given in degrees and minutes.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

Operations from February to June 1916

JP map Moldavia February-June 1916


[London docks, Sheerness, Portsmouth and Southampton for dry dock]

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Front cover, signed by the Navigating Officer.

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Above two pages blank.

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Barometer, mercurial by Lilley & Son, 45’ asl.

Thermometers, mounted on fore bridge outside chart room, not screened.

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1 February 1916


Lat 51.5, Long -0.01

     In pm: HMS Moldavia commissioned with the late crew of HMS Teutonic.

  3.45pm: Crew arrived on board.

  Ship’s company employed clearing up decks.

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2 February 1916


Lat 51.5, Long -0.01

    In am: Hands employed embarking ammunition and provisions.

    In pm: Hands embarking ammunition and stores.

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3 February 1916


Lat 51.5, Long -0.01

  6.00am: One Shipwright and one Plumber joined ship.

  7.30am: Discharged 24 ABs to RN Barracks, Portsmouth.

  9.00am: Hands embarking stores and provisions.

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4 February 1916


Lat 51.5, Long -0.01

  Hands working about ammunition, embarking stores and getting ready for sea.

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5 February 1916

London to Nore LV.

Lat 51.5, Long -0.01

  9.00am: Preparing ship for sea.

  Draught leaving docks: For’d 26’ 2”, Aft 26’ 6”.

  1.34pm: Cast off and entered lock assisted by tugs Beverley and Walbrook.

  2.23pm: Entered river assisted by tugs Liberia and Nestor.

  2.31pm: Proceeded down river, pilot (Mr Edgley) on board.

  3.49pm: Stop both, pilot cutter alongside.

  4.13pm: Mucking Lt abeam.

  4.45pm: Southend Pier abeam.

  5.05pm: Anchored off Nore LV.

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6 February 1916

At anchor off Nore LV

Lat 51.47, Long 0.77

  2.41pm: Weighed and proceeded up channel [of the R. Medway].

  2.52pm: No 3 Fairway buoy abeam.

  3.12pm: Garrison Pt abm. Passed through gate.

  4.00pm: Made fast to No 9 mooring buoy, assisted by tug Sun III.

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7 February 1916

River Medway

Lat 51.44, Long 0.74

  7.50am: Tug Sun III alongside with compass adjusters.

Swung ship for deviations, assisted by tugs Security and Robust.

11.20pm: Completed swinging, tugs cast off. Water boat alongside.

11.00pm: One Fireman* brought on board.

A merchant service rating, equivalent to a RN Stoker.

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8 February 1916

Sheerness, at sea for gun trials and return

Lat 51.5, Long 0.8 [approx]

  7.10am: Gunnery officer arrived on board.

11.26am: Cast off from No 9 buoy and proceeded out of harbour, assisted by tug Robust.

11.50am: Passed boom.

12.21pm: Outer Bar buoy abeam.

12.51pm: Commenced gun trials.

  2.04pm: Mouse LV abeam. [Many other navigation marks are identified in the text, but omitted here for clarity.]

  4.12pm: Passed through gate.

  4.27pm: Entered harbour and moored to No 9 buoy, assisted by Robust.

  4.44pm: Steam launch alongside to take gunnery officer ashore.

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9 February 1916

Sheerness and at sea

Lat 51.44, Long 0.74

  9.30am: Commenced to swing for compass deviation, assisted by tug Robust.

11.20am: Compass adjuster disembarked.

  Water and stores boats alongside.

  3.42pm: Cast off and proceeded.

  4.30pm: Anchored in 12 fathoms.

  4.50pm: Dockyard boat alongside with loader.

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10 February 1916

At sea to Portsmouth

Lat 50.87, Long 0.92

  5.00am: Whaler left with mail for Nore LV, but failed to get there on account of the tide. Whaler returned.

  6.21am: Weighed and proceeded. [Various marks named in text.]

  7.53am: Tongue LV abeam.

  8.29am: Stop port and full astern port. Hard a starboard and sounded two short blasts. Full astern both, closed W/T doors.

  8.30am: Struck SS Correct with stern on starboard quarter. Cleared away and manned starboard cutter and No 3 lifeboat. Nine members of Correct’s crew climbed on board Moldavia..

  9.50am: Gull LV abeam.

11.45am: Dungeness abeam, 1 mile. [Various marks named in text.]

  1.56pm: Beachy Head abeam, 4.5 miles.

  4.26pm: Owers LV abeam, 1 mile, a/c N53W.

  5.15pm: Lowered seaboat to get letter from HMS Angler. Boat returned and hoisted.

  5.28pm: Passed Dean LV.

  5.53pm: Passed through gate.

  6.40pm: Anchored.

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11 February 1916


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  7.41am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.51am: Tug Sturdy alongside. Pilot Mr Barnet boarded.

  8.24am: Passed between Round Tower and Blockhouse fort.

  8.26am: Passed HMS Victory [at this time still afloat].

  9.05am: Fast to No 4 buoy.

  9.52am: Boat D6 alongside with Naval constructor.

10.22am: Boat left with same.

  4.10pm: D6 alongside with Naval constructor.

  4.11pm: Norwegian vice-consul boarded.

  4.20pm: D6 with naval constructor left.

  4.26pm: Norwegian vice-consul left with Master and eight crew from SS Correct, being escorted to to the dock gate by S/Lt Young.

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12 February 1916


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  1.30pm: Colliers alongside both sides, but left again as coaling deferred.

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13 February 1916


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

10.53am: Duty boat left with POs and natives of the port of the Starboard watch, proceeding on leave.

  1.39pm: Landed officers and liberty POs.

  6.05pm: Liberty men returned.

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14 February 1916


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  7.50am: Steam tug Gnat alongside with liberty men.

  5.18pm: Landed liberty men.

  8.43pm: Sea boat away to fetch telegram from Flag Captain’s office.

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15 February 1916


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  8.15am: Landed Marines for barracks.

  8.50am: Landed Marines for survey of greatcoats (16 for Eastney and 12 for Forton).

10.37am: Some officers visited HMS Lord Clive.

11.00am: Made cable fast to buoy.

     In pm: Various arrivals and departures including some Officers and Boys visiting HMS Victory.

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16 February 1916


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Liberty men arrive and depart.

  9.12pm: Away seaboat with orderly to collect immediate letter and returned with same.

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17 February 1916


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

10.30am: Tug alongside with Naval contractor.

11.40am: Hospital boat alongside towing isolation boat.

11.48am: Same left with Midshipman Grey and working party.

  5.50pm: Commenced to pump out ballast tanks Nos 5, 6 and 7.

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18 February 1916

Portsmouth to Southampton

Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  7.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.30am: Passed Blockhouse Fort.

  [Various marks named in log.]

  9.00am: Anchored.

10.17am: Embarked pilot.

11.05am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.30am: Tug Gauntlet* alongside. Proceeded into Empress dock assisted by Gauntlet and Victor**.

      Noon: Entered No 5 dry dock.

12.30pm: In position, all fast.

  Leave to starboard watch until 9.00am Wednesday (23rd Feb.)

* Gauntlet (ex-Goole No 8), built 1891, 149grt.

** Victor, W.64 (9.18). Built 1898, 153grt.

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19 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

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20 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

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21 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

10.15am: Five ratings joined from depôt.

  Hands fitting wireless and cleaning boats.

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22 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

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23 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

  Hands employed landing provisions.

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24 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

  Hands filling boats’ breakers* and repairing wireless aerial.

*Small water barrels, shaped to fit under the thwarts in the lifeboats.

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25 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

  Hands fitting wireless and getting in canteen stores.

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26 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

10.45am: Paid monthly money to men going on leave.

  1.00pm: Leave to port watch until noon, 6th March.

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27 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  Sunday routine. Divisions, prayers.

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28 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

  Hands employed on wireless repairs, painting etc.

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29 February 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

  Hands employed on wireless, clearing magazines and painting shot racks.

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Above six pages blank.


[Southampton to Northern patrol, Olna Firth and return to patrol]

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Above four pages blanks and covers.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley, 45’ asl.

Thermometers, on bridge, unscreened.

Sea thermometer, J Lilley.

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1 March 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

  9.00am: Hands employed painting shot racks and as requisite.

  1.15pm: Painting and as requisite.

  5.00pm: Leave to second part of starboard watch until 8.00am.

  7.55pm: Magazines examined and locked.

Sick List: 1.

Weather: Various light winds up to force 2, misty and some showers in the forenoon, max. temperature 43º F at 4.00pm.

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2 March 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

  Hands employed in magazines, cleaning boat decks and embarking stores.

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3 March 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

In dry dock, refitting.

Hands employed in magazines, cleaning, painting and embarking stores.

10.30am: One Seaman released from cells.

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4 March 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  In dry dock, refitting.

     In am: Hands employed restowing after magazine and cleaning mess decks.

  1.15pm: Hands to make and mend.

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5 March 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  Hands employed about ship's cables and as requisite.

  9.00am: Started to flood dock.

11.08am: Engines to 'stand by'. Cast off and proceeded out of dry dock assisted by tugs Hercules, Vulcan and Gauntlet.

11.36am: Made fast to East side of Empress dock.

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6 March 1916


Lat 50.89, Long -1.395

  5.00am: Hands employed securing coal lighters alongside.

  5.40am: Breasted off [allowing lighters to be positioned between the dock wall and the ship], assisted by tug Mercedes.

  Hands employed stowing magazines, provisioning ship and getting in stores.

  1.15pm: Two Boys discharged to RN Barracks, Portsmouth.

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7 March 1916

Southampton and at sea

Lat 50.59, Long -0.93

  5.58am: Engines stand by. Pilot Mr AE Gadd on board. Depth of water insufficient to leave dock.

  7.38am: Cast off and left dock, assisted by tugs Victor and Neptune. Proceeded down channel.

  8.05am: Let go tugs.

  [Various marks named in log].

  9.13am: Anchored.

  9.25am: Boat from HMS Martin alongside.

10.27am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.10am: Passed through gate.

11.30am: Dean LV abeam.

11.45am: Proceeded, escorted by HMS’ Martin and Ruby.

12.20pm: A/c S80W, 2 pt zigzag (S58W and N78W), speed 14 knots.

  1.40pm: General quarters.

  4.30pm: Exercised starboard watch at fire and boat stations.

  6.10pm: Ditto port watch.

  8.00pm: Pos. 49 47N, 3 37W.

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8 March 1916

At sea

Lat 48.49, Long -8.59

  7.30am: Passed wreckage.

  8.00am: Pos. 48 38N, 7 35W.

  8.01am: Destroyer escort left.

  9.25am: A/c N43W, zigzag.

12.40pm: A/c N36W, zigzag.

  2.28pm: Signalled SS Florrieston [Florieston in log].

  8.00pm: Pos. 49 33N, 10 54W

  8.01pm: Ceased zigzag, a/c N34W.

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9 March 1916

At sea

Lat 52.54, Long -13.84 (DR)

  3.00am: A/c N5E.

  6.15am: Commenced zigzag.

  8.00am: Pos. 51 36N, 13 42W.

  9.30am: A/c N28E, straight course.

  8.00pm: Pos. 54 20N, 13 13W.

  8.00pm: A/c N34E.

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10 March 1916

At sea

Lat 58.14, Long -12.82

  8.00am: Pos. 57 04N, 12 40W.

11.15am: Hard-a-port to investigate object in water.

11.21am: Fired two shots from starboard 6 pdr. Marine rifle party fired at black object.

11.26am: Resumed course N40E.

     Noon: Started working up to full speed.

  1.30pm: Full speed, 21.5 knots.

  5.30pm: Eased to 65 revs.

  5.35pm: Sighted HMS Hildebrand, challenged and replied.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 00N, 12 14W.

  8.05pm: Sighted HMS Hilary, challenged and replied.

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11 March 1916

At sea

Lat 62.94, Long -12.04

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 26N, 12 19W.

  9.55am: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

10.25am: Stopped engines in 63 00N, 12 00W.

10.35am: Boat away with Captain* [Cdr AH Smyth RN] to Alsatian**.

11.35pm: Boat returned, proceeded.

  2.48pm: A/c North to intercept steamer.

  7.08pm: A/c WSW to intercept steamer.

  7.47pm: Resumed original course N64W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 57N, 16 19W.

  8.56pm: A/c North to intercept trawler.

  9.15pm: A/c N64W.

*Captain by courtesy although only a Commander by rank. The crew, by immemorial custom, refer to him as The Owner.

** Alsatian is the flagship of the 10th Cruiser Squadron..

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12 March 1916

At sea

Lat 63.14, Long -24.0

  Various courses patrolling.

12.18am: Portland Lt [aka Dyrhólaey] bg N6E.

12.46am: Same abeam.

  2.05am: Heimaey [aka Stórhöföi] Lt bg N1W.

  2.40am: Same abeam.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 08N, 23 17W.

10.00am: Divisions, prayers. Captain’s inspection.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 39N, 24 58W.

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13 March 1916

At sea

Lat 62.7, Long -18.97

  Various courses patrolling.

  5.50am: Heimaey Lt bg S82E.

  7.50am: Same abeam, 15 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 09N, 20 11W.

  7.00pm: A/c N36E to intercept vessel.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 01N, 19 51W

  8.10pm: In 63 01N, 19 52W, boarded Danish SS Olgar [?], bound for Reykjavik, papers OK, allowed to proceed.

  9.06pm: Boarded British ST Aralia, GY 371 [317 in log], allowed to proceed.

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14 March 1916

At sea

Lat 63.20, Long -20.40

  Various courses patrolling.

  2.35am: Challenged HMS Ebro.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 36N, 19 32W.

  1.15pm: Commenced steering by point of land in case of local magnetic attraction. [Various rocks named in log.]

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 45N, 19 44W.

11.59pm: Heimaey Lt bg N15E.

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15 March 1916

At sea

Lat 62.65, Long -19.6

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 10N, 20 15W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 45N, 18 28W.

11.15pm: Portland Lt bg N5W.

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16 March 1916

At sea

Lat 63.05, Long -19.32

  Various courses patrolling.

  3.05am: A/c West to intercept vessel.

  3.27am: In 62 42N, 18 20W, spoke British ST St Cuthbert, GY 824.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 05N, 18 40W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 53N, 19 32W.

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17 March 1916

At sea

Lat 62.99, Long -24.64 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 59N, 24 15W.

  9.00am: Stopped both, handed log.

  2.00pm: Swung ship for compass deviation.

  4.31pm: Finished swing.

  5.28pm: Dead slow ahead, N30E. [This period stopped may have been for engine room purposes, as the weather was clear.]

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 25N, 24 51W.

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18 March 1916

At sea

Lat 65.84, Long -25.45

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 65 40N, 25 00W.

  9.00am: Staalbierg Huk bg S36E.

     Noon: Icebergs bg N50E.

  1.15pm: Swung ship for compasses. Observed pack ice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 65 48N, 25 29W.

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19 March 1916

At sea

Lat 63.74, Long -24.74

    Various courses patrolling.

  4.00am: A/c to intercept steamer.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 53N, 24 53W.

  5.10pm: Reykjanes Lt abeam, 16.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 25N, 21 53W.

  8.12pm: In 63 23.5N, 21 54.5W, boarded Iceland trawler Ram RE 54.

  8.45pm: Proceeded.

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20 March 1916

At sea

Lat 62.74, Long -17.65

  Various courses patrolling. SE’ly courses from 3.00pm.

  1.17am: Heimaey Lt abeam, 9 miles.

  2.20am: Observed steamer without lights. Hands to GQ.

  2.50am: Observed vessel to be HMS Patia. Secured guns.

  4.46am: Heimaey Lt abeam, 16.5 miles.

  7.50am: Boarded Danish SS Skalholt in 62 54N, 19 23W, allowed to proceed.

   8.00am: Pos. 62 54N, 19 23W.

  1.30pm: In 62 32N, 17 37W, boarded ST Gavina, FD 236, papers OK.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 13N, 14 55W.

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21 March 1916

At sea

Lat 61.35, Long -7.35

  SE’ly courses all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 35N, 9 27W.

  9.10am: Faeroe Is bg ENE.

     Noon: Commenced zigzag.

  1.25pm: Sydero I. Lt abeam, 8.5 miles. [Now known as Suduroy I., the light is called Akraberg.]

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 16N, 4 12W.

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22 March 1916

At sea to Olna Firth

Lat 60.365, Long -1.32

  2.20am: Eshaness Lt bg S21E.

  6.03am: Murbie Stacks Lt abeam.

  6.40am: Entered Olna Firth. Let go port anchor in 15 fathoms.

  7.30am: Collier Sir Francis alongside to starboard. Collier Cundall alongside to port.

  9.30am: Commenced coaling. [An account of coaling. Yes, the officers really did join in!]

10.45am: Landed one Signal rating at the whaling station.

  6.05pm: HMS Gibraltar’s coaling party left ship.

10.30pm: Veered away 30 fathoms more cable and both colliers dropped anchor.

Since arriving on station on the 11th March, Moldavia has steamed approximately 3,687 miles and consumed 1,329 tons of coal.

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23 March 1916

Olna Firth

Lat 60.365, Long -1.32

  Continued coaling in daylight.

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24 March 1916

Olna Firth

Lat 60.365, Long -1.32

  7.40am: Commenced coaling.

11.40am: Finished coaling. 1,205 tons taken in. HMS Gibraltar’s coaling party left.

  In pm: Hands employed cleaning ship.

  3.15pm: Colliers Sir Francis and Cundall left.

  Hove in to 5 shackles. [A shackle was 12.5 fathoms, or 75’, so Moldavia has 375 feet of cable out.]

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25 March 1916

Olna Firth and at sea

Lat 60.365, Long -1.32

  7.00am: Discharged one Gunner RMA to HMS Duke of Cornwall for medical treatment.

10.00am: Vice Admiral commanding 10th cruiser squadron [at this time VA Tupper, known to the tars as Holy Reggie] came on board.

10.25am: Vice Admiral left in drifter.

  6.54pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.35pm: Passed through gate.

  8.30pm: Eshaness Lt bg N63E, 3.75 miles. A/c N27W.

  Wind East, gale force 8 by midnight.

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26 March 1916

At sea

Lat 62.45, Long -6.75

  Wind East, gale force 9 in am. NW’ly courses all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 04N, 5 18W.

  8.25am: Fore topmast carried away bringing down wireless antenna.

11.03am: Fuglo [now Fugloy] abeam, 5.5 miles.

11.20am: Rigged temporary aerial from foremast to foremost funnel.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 40N, 10 53W.

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27 March 1916

At sea

Lat 63.07, Long -19.27

  Strong NE’ly winds all day, with temperatures down to 21ºF by midnight. NW’ly courses.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 58N, 17 06W.

     Noon: Heavy Easterly swell and continuously heavy snow squalls.

  4.53pm: Passed French trawler Tramontane heading East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 46N, 22 40W.

  8.03pm: Reykjannes Lt abeam N14E, 3 miles. A/c N3W.

  8.57pm: Utskalar Lt bg 44º and Reykjanes Lt bg 230º.

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28 March 1916

At sea

Lat 63.39, Long -24.75

  Various courses for patrol.

12.32am: Bridge steering gear out of action. Engines as required to steer.

  1.00am: Connected after steering gear and proceeded.

11.57am: Full astern to avoid ice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 57N, 24 40W.

11.00pm: Öndverdanes Lt bg N78E.

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29 March 1916

At sea

Lat 65.37, Long -24.5

  Various courses for patrol.

  5.20am: Öndverdanes Lt bg N65E.

  7.07am: Same abeam, 14 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 54N, 24 37W.

  9.15am: Compass affected by local attraction.

  2.00pm: Passed through drift ice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 65 35N, 24 42W.

  8.17pm: Staalbierg Huk Lt abeam 6 miles.

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30 March 1916

At sea

Lat 65.77, Long -24.29

  Various courses for patrol. Winds ENE 6 to gale force 8 at times, temperatures as low as 17ºF.

  8.00am: Pos. 65 26N, 24 58W.

10.05am: Staalbierg Huk Lt abeam, S60E(T), 3 miles.

12.25pm: Passed iceberg on port side.

12.45pm: Passing through loose pack ice.

  2.30pm: Cleared ice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 65 58N, 24 11W.

11.25pm: Staalbierg Huk Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

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31 March 1916

At sea

Lat 66.32, Long -23.5

Various courses for patrol.

  3.40am: Staalbierg Huk Lt bg N80E.

  5.10am: Same abeam, 3.5 miles.

  7.38am: Large iceberg to port, 3 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 65 56N, 24 08W.

10.30am: Large piece of ice to port, 0.25 miles. Continuously passing similar.

  1.31pm: Helm used as requisite to avoid drift ice.

  5.15pm: Away seaboat, courses to manouevre around SS Gustaf E Falck, bound for Bergen with cargo of skins and wool. Sent into Lerwick with armed guard under S/Lt Young. Position on boarding, 66 30N, 23 23W.

  7.25pm: Replied to challenge from HMS Mantua.

  7.44pm: Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 66 29N, 23 20W.

  8.05pm: Signalled Mantua.

11.59pm: A/c to investigate white light.

Page signed by Cdr Smyth.

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Above four pages blank.


[Northern patrol, Busta Voe, Northern patrol and Glasgow]

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Above four pages covers or blanks.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley, 45’ asl.

Thermometers, on bridge, unscreened.

Sea thermometer, J Lilley.

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1 April 1916

At sea

Lat 66.22, Long -23.64

  Various courses for patrol.

12.33am: Switched on navigation lights, telegraphs to "stand by". Challenged strange ship, no reply. Closed W/T doors

  2.30am: General quarters, commenced 2pt zig zag every 10 mins. Sighted vessel burning navigation lights, afterwards discovered to be HMS Mantua.

  8.00am: Pos. 66 08N, 24 15W.

  9.15am: Mantua replied to our challenge.

  2.00pm: Passing several pieces of small ice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 66 07N, 24 30W.

Weather: Strong to gale force Easterly winds, with high seas, snow and temperatures below freezing.

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2 April 1916

At sea

Lat 65.95, Long -25.22 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol. Easterly gales 8-10 all day, very high seas.

  8.00am: Pos. 66 19N, 23 44W.

11.55am: Passed a black lifebuoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 53N, 24 26W.

  9.25pm: Ondverdarnes Lighthouse abeam.

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3 April 1916

At sea

Lat 63.05, Long -20.12

  Various courses for patrol.

  2.22am: Utskala Lt abeam, 10.5 miles.

  3.29am: Reykjanes Lt abeam, 2.25 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 23N, 20 47W.

  8.45am: A/c to examine steamer.

  9.35am: In 63 16N, 20 43W, boarded SS Fylla, allowed to proceed.

  1.56pm: Observed smoke bg SW.

  2.33pm: In 62 57N, 19 35W, boarded ST Pericles, H 131, allowed to proceed.

  3.40pm: In 63 00N, 19 27W, boarded ST Audrey, H 854. Proceeded.

  7.10pm: A/c to inspect sailing vessel.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 56N, 18 13W.

  9.23pm: Boarded ST Vulcana, GY 27. Proceeded.

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4 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.62, Long -14.09

  Various courses for patrol.

  4.40am: In 62 50N, 16 09W, boarded ST Salacon, GY 55. proceeded. Heavy confused swell.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 43N, 15 07W.

  2.30pm: Boarded SS Flora (Norwegian), sent to Stornoway with S/Lt Fairnie. Proceeded.

  7.06pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian, replied.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 05N, 12 33W.

  8.10pm: Sea boat to Alsatian, returned with mail.

  9.57pm: In 63 00N, 12 00W boarded Norwegian SS Patria, allowed to proceed.

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5 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.14, Long -7.19

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 22N, 8 22W.

  9.15am: In 62 12N, 8 02W, boarded Dutch Trawler Anna, IJM 34. Proceeded.

11.00am: Myggenaes [aka Mykines] Lt S20W (T), 7.75 miles.

11.40am: Entered Vestmanna Sund.

     Noon: Passed Vestmannhavn, then Kvivig (12.13pm), Leinum (12.14pm) and Stakken (12.20pm).

  5.30pm: Challenged HMS Mantua.

  6.08pm: Mantua in company.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 40N, 5 35W.

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6 April 1916

At sea to Busta Voe

Lat 60.37, Long -1.37

  2.00am: Replied to challenge from HMS Orotava.

  5.06am: Eshaness Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

  6.07am: Hevden Ness abeam.

  6.11am: Anchored.

  7.30am: Colliers Excellent and Cundall alongside.

  9.00am: Commenced coaling with party from HMS Gibraltar.

  6.00pm: Finished coaling for the night.

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7 April 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.37, Long -1.37

  Coaling ship.

  7.00pm: Motor boat alongside with mail.

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8 April 1916

Busta Voe and at sea

Lat 60.37, Long -1.37

  8.00am: Finished coaling, 1,300 tons. Colliers cast off.

  1.10pm: Read warrant No 3.

  8.08pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.21pm: Passed through gate.

  9.30pm: Eshaness Lt abeam.

10.15pm: Forward ammunition shelter carried away. Wind WSW gale f8 by midnight.

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9 April 1916

At sea

Lat 61.74, Long -5.14

  Various courses for patrol.

12.30am: Observed display of St Elmo's Lights on foc'sle head during heavy squall.

  5.40am: Slow, wreckage cleared away from forecastle [see 8th April] and No 1 hatch battened down.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 22N, 4 20W.

     In am: Heavy squalls, confused sea and swell.

     In pm: Twice altered course to inspect trawlers.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 50N, 6 32.5W.

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10 April 1916

At sea

Lat 60.19, Long -6.0

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 43N, 6 26W.

11.48am: Circled round Norwegian barque Lapwing in 60 09N, 5 56W. Proceeded.

  4.21pm: Boarded SS Henrik (Norwegian) in 60 33N, 6 30W. Green clearance, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 26N, 6 34W.

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11 April 1916

At sea

Lat 63.05, Long -8.49

  Various courses for patrol.

12.25am: Sydero Lt bg N65E.

  1.17am: Same abeam, 15 miles.

  4.50am: Full speed, closed W/T doors, fired 6 pdr blank.

  5.15am: In 61 56N, 7 38W, boarded Danish SS Godafoss, Copenhagen to Iceland, green clearance from Leith.

  6.52am: Myggenaes Lt: N68E, 5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 16N, 7 57W.

12.38pm: Spoke HMS Teutonic.

     In pm: Rolling heavily to Westerly swell.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 16N, 8 38W.

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12 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.75, Long -8.27

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 17N, 8 37W.

  Observed two trawlers, snow and hail squalls. Swell from westward.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 22N, 8 51W.

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13 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.57, Long -7.85

  Various courses for patrol.

  1.40am: Myggenaes Lt bg South.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 06N, 8 37W.

10.55am: Observed trawlers.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 12N, 8 32W.

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14 April 1916

At sea

Lat 63.14, Long -8.25

  Various courses for patrol.

  6.45am: Circled rendezvous.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 30N, 9 00W.

  8.30am: Challenged HMS Orcoma.

  8.41am: Sent boat to Orcoma, boat returned with despatches and armed guards. Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 47N, 9 45W.

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15 April 1916

At sea

Lat 63.77, Long -9.47

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 47N, 9 45W.

  8.25am: Challenged HMS Hildebrand.

  9.02am: Dropped target and carried out 1” aiming rifle practice.

10.02am: Ceased firing and hoisted in target. Signalled with Hildebrand. Proceeded.

12.57pm: Dropped target for further target practice. Picked up target.

  1.00pm: Sig. Gorston [or Garston] released from cells.

  3.05pm: Proceeded.

  5.00pm: Effects of the late Stoker T Pictor, RFR, sold by auction, realising 1 pound 9 shillings and 8 pence. (The custom of the service, the receipts being sent to his next of kin. Stoker 1c Pictor, 278970, drowned after falling from the gangway of HMS Teutonic on 4th December 1915. Moldavia’s crew was formerly that of Teutonic.]

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 44N, 9 36W.

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16 April 1916

At sea

Lat 63.72, Long -9.59 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 43N, 9 35W.

  2.25pm: In 63 54N, 10 30W, boarded HM Armed Trawler Enid, H 198. [This vessel may be the trawler King Lear, H 871, Adty No 78, which at times was used as a Q ship. Enid was one of the names that she used and presumably the registration number is fictitious.]

  3.07pm: Proceeded.

  3.10pm: Challenged HMS Hildebrand.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 08N, 10 42W.

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17 April 1916

At sea

Lat 64.02, Long -10.79

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.30am: Shipping light water for’d in moderate Easterly gale and rough sea.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 10N, 10 47W.

  1.55pm: Challenged HMS Ebro.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 20N, 13 45W.

  8.15pm: Replied to challenge of HMS Orcoma.

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18 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.82, Long -15.8

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 22N, 15 36W.

12.47pm: Inspected Trawler Martineta, GY 505 in 62 48N, 15 37W. Proceeded.

  2.10pm: Observed sailing vessel.

  3.04pm: Boarded Danish Sailing Trawler Ben Stark, TG 38 in 62 30N, 15 51W. Proceeded.

  4.35pm: Boarded Trawler Leo, GY 36 in 62 25N, 15 52W. Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 47.5N, 16 04W.

  8.27pm: Boarded Trawler Aquarius, GY 76 in 62 51N, 16 03W. Proceeded.

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19 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.77, Long -15.84

  Various courses for patrol. Rough seas, squally weather.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 26N, 15 51W.

  6.00pm: In 62 10N, 14 53W, inspected trawler Conan Doyle, H 240. Proceeded.

  6.35pm: In 62 11N, 15 04W, boarded Danish SV Christian, allowed to proceed.

  7.12pm: HMS Otway, challenged and replied.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 19N, 15 18W.

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20 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.64, Long -15.44

  Various courses for patrol.

  12.20am: Passed trawler Courser, GY 79.

  4.40am: Intercepted trawler Bona H 855.

  7.35am: In 62 25N, 15 50W, boarded trawler SS Aralia, GY 37 

  8.00am: Pos. 62 25N, 15 50W.

  8.25am: Proceeded.

10.19am: In 62 37N, 15 33W boarded trawler SS Valmont GY 885.

11.10am: Proceeded.

  6.44pm: In 62 38N, 15 39W, boarded trawler SS Thomas Stratten H, [H 977 presumably].

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 50N, 15 48W.

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21 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.89, Long -15.87

  Various courses for patrol.

  4.00am: Light easterly wind, snow squalls.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 19N, 16 35W.

  9.50am: In 62 31N, 15 50W, boarded ST Cadet, H 210. proceeded.

  2.06pm: In 62 42N, 15 31W, boarded ST Stalwart H 213. Proceeded.

  3.10pm: in 62 39N, 15 18W, met ST Admiral Cradock H 103.

  5.00pm: Heavy snow squalls.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 49N, 15 47W.

11.05pm: Heavy snow squalls. Reduced to 40 revs.

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22 April 1916

At sea

Lat 62.96, Long -15.94

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 19N, 15 34W.

  8.01am: Easterly gale with violent snow and hail squalls.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 49N, 15 56W.

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23 April 1916

At sea

Lat 60.94, Long -14.97

  Southerly courses from 4.00pm.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 57N, 15 33W.

  9.12am: Challenged HMS Otway.

  2.20pm: Challenged HMS Teutonic.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 06N, 13 36W.

  8.01pm: Challenged HMS Motagua.

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24 April 1916

At sea

Lat 56.34, Long -12.14

  Southerly courses all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 57 10N, 12 50W.

  8.52pm: Observed steamer without lights.

  9.20pm: Fired across vessels bows.

  9.25pm: Vessel being SS Theseus*.

10.00pm: Signalled SS Tuscani [probably Tuscania is intended].

11.54pm: Tory I. Lt abeam, 9.5 miles.

* Theseus, built 1908 by Workman Clark of Belfast, 6,723grt, the first of two Blue Funnel Line ships with this name.

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25 April 1916

At sea to Glasgow

Lat 55.97, Long -4.81

  2.04am: Inishtrahull Lt abeam.

  4.50am: Replied to challenge from Tor Point WSS.

  6.29am: Maiden's Rock Lt bg S78W, 5 miles (app).

  8.06am: Ailsa Craig Lt abeam

10.08am: Cumbrae Elbow abeam.

11.01am: Passed through gate. Picked up pilot Mr McGibbon.

11.27am: Passed Whiteforeland Point.

11.36am: Anchored.

  3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded up river. Various buoys and marks named in log.

  5.02pm: Passed Renfrew Ferry.

  6.32pm: Made fast in central basin of Princes dock.

10.30pm: Leave to port watch till 11.00pm on 5th May. Leave to 2nd part of starboard watch until 7.0am.

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26 April 1916

Prince’s Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

     In am: Hands shifting 6” shell from for’d shell room to aft shell room. Shore gang coaling. Shifted vessel for’d.

     In pm: Painting funnels and masts. Shifted ship astern to rig staging over bow.

  5.30pm: Leave to 1st part starboard watch.

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27 April 1916

Prince’s Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

10.30am: Fireman Cook discharged to Glasgow naval prison.

  2.15pm: Armourer’s party working on guns. Party getting out dirty linen.

  4.15pm: One Chief Ldg Fireman and one Steward discharged to shore, services no longer required.

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28 April 1916

Prince’s Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  9.00am: Armourer’s party working on guns. Party painting.

10.15am: One Armourer’s Crew and one Boy joined from Portsmouth.

  7.00pm: Finished coaling.

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29 April 1916

Prince’s Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  7.00am: One RMA Gunner joined from Eastney Barracks.

     In pm: Embarking ammunition.

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30 April 1916

Prince’s Dock to Merkland wharf, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

11.15am: Cast off and proceeded with tugs Flying Swallow and Warrior.

  1.00pm: Left Prince’s Dock and proceeded down river.

  2.00pm: Made fast alongside Merkland Wharf.

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Above five pages blank.


[Glasgow, patrol, Swarbacks Minn, patrol.]

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Above four pages, covers and blanks.

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Instruments, no changes.

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1 May 1916

Glasgow, Merkland wharf

Lat 55.865, Long -4.31

     In am: Painting.

  1.45pm: Paid monthly money.

  2.15pm: Painting.

  3.30pm: Discharged one Steward to shore.

  5.00pm: Leave to 2nd part of starboard watch, till 7.00am.

  9.35pm: Discharged one Armourer rating to HMS Excellent.

Weather, dry, Easterly breezes, max. temp. 56ºF at 8.00am.

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2 May 1916

Glasgow, Merkland wharf

Lat 55.865, Long -4.31


  Told off 6 pdr gun crews and cleared away searchlights.

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3 May 1916

Glasgow, Merkland wharf

Lat 55.865, Long -4.31


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4 May 1916

Glasgow, Merkland wharf

Lat 55.865, Long -4.31

  Painting and provisioning ship.

  4.45pm: Discharged one Stoker 2c to RNB, Portsmouth.

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5 May 1916

Glasgow, Merkland wharf

Lat 55.865, Long -4.31

  Taking in stores and provisions.

  6.00pm: Shore gang started coaling.

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6 May 1916

Glasgow and at sea

Lat 55.865, Long -4.31

  8.45am: Taking in stores and provisions.

  9.15am: Discharged one Boy to RNB.

10.30am: Received one prisoner from Barlinnie civil prison.

  2.20pm: Cast off from Merklands Wharf, proceeded down river with tugs Flying Swallow and Chieftain.

  Passed various river marks.

  4.32pm: Cast off tugs.

  4.38pm: Dropped pilot off Tail of the Bank buoy.

  5.36pm: Passed through gate.

  9.48pm: Challenged by HMS Loyal.

10.07pm: Mull of Cantyre abeam, 0.75 miles.

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7 May 1916

At sea

Lat 56.04, Long -10.77

  Various courses to patrol.

12.27am: Oversay Lt abeam.

  3.55am: Tory I. Lt bg S39W.

  4.15am: Same abeam.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 28N, 9 39W.

11.15am: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  6.30pm: Passed SV Hjertnes with armed guard on board. Reports all well.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 26N, 12 44W.

10.54pm: In 57 40N, 13 22W, boarded ST Dreadnought [A 144) of Aberdeen.

11.36pm: Proceeded.

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8 May 1916

At sea

Lat 59.7, Long -14.94

  Various courses for patrol.

12.20am: Inspected trawler Argo, A 544.

  3.24am: Spoke Swedish SS Narvik.

  3.36am: Signalled oiler Tacalusa, heading West.

  4.00am: In 58 23N, 13 54W, boarded SS Narvik and sent her to Lerwick with armed guard.

  7.45am: In 58 40N, 15 00W, spoke British SS Devona from Middlesboro’ to Montreal.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 40N, 15 00W.

  4.00pm: Signalled steamer to stop.

  4.30pm: Fired a shot across steamer’s bow.

  4.45pm: Signalled Danish SS Rigmor to proceed, 60 40N, 15 58W.

  6.00pm: Passed Danish SV Hertha in 60 58N, 16 18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 22N, 16 14W.

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9 May 1916

At sea

Lat 62.87, Long -15.87

  Various courses for patrol.

  2.57am: Boarded trawler India, GY 570.

  7.37pm: Passed trawler Stalwart, H 213.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 14N, 15 36W

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 59N, 15 56W.

10.44pm: In 62 33N, 15 20W, boarded trawler Ladas, GY 282.

11.13pm: Proceeded.

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10 May 1916

At sea

Lat 62.92, Long -15.44

  Various courses for patrol.

  5.30am: In 62 47N, 15 36W, boarded ST Bona, H 855, green clearance. allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 27N, 15 37W.

  2.23pm: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire.

  3.15pm: In 62 34N, 14 03W, boarded British ST Vulcana, GY 27, all correct.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 41N, 15 31W.

  8.01pm: Ship swung for deviations.

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11 May 1916

At sea

Lat 62.99, Long -15.94

  Various courses for patrol.

  1.30am: In 62 25N, 15 27W, boarded Danish SS Skalholt.

  3.24am: Brilliant display of Aurora Borealis observed in Northern sky.

  5.10am: In 62 50N, 15 41W, boarded ST Yorick, H 49. Green clearance, allowed to proceed.

  7.45am: Passed sailing trawler Helene of Trangisvaag, TG 306.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 02N, 15 22W.

  8.28am: Dropped target for 1” AR practice.

10.25am: Picked up target and proceeded.

  3.35pm: Fired 6 pdr blank. In 63 23N, 15 36W, spoke ST Companion, GN 23.

  7.30pm: In 63 00N, 15 37W, boarded Norwegian SS Seier, papers correct, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 00N, 15 37W.

10.20pm: In 62 40N, 15 35W, boarded British ST Naamah, GY 289.

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12 May 1916

At sea

Lat 62.92, Long -16.09

  Various courses for patrol.

  1.30am: In 62 35N, 15 46W, boarded trawler Aralia GY 371.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 22N, 15 37W.

10.50am: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire.

10.55am: Spoke Danish sailing trawler Frida TG 546.

11.30am: Rendezvous with Gloucestershire.

  1.50pm: In 62 46N, 15 41W, boarded Danish sailing trawler Frida TG 546.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 04N, 16 09W

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13 May 1916

At sea

Lat 62.82, Long -15.84 (DR)

   Various courses for patrol.

 8.00am: Pos. 62 17N, 15 35W.

  7.55pm: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 07N, 15 33W.

  8.38pm: Sent boat with mail to Gloucestershire.

11.30pm: Challenged by Gloucestershire.

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14 May 1916

At sea

Lat 63.10, Long -17.10

  Various courses for patrol.

  1.00am: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire.

  2.40am: Passed ST Zaree, GY 838.

  7.44am: Observed trawlers fishing.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 39N, 16 17W.

10.45am: Passed Danish fishing trawler, TG 334.

  3.45pm: Boarded Dutch ST Camelia, IJM 18. Sent to Lerwick with Midshipman Parker.

  7.45pm: In 63 37N, 16 00W, boarded British ST Leo GY 36. Allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 37N, 16 00W.

10.00pm: Passed sailing trawler VN 19.

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15 May 1916

At sea

Lat 63.75, Long -16.47

  Various courses for patrol.

  4.30am: Passed Danish Trawler TG 334.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 28N, 16 56W.

  8.30am: In 63 30N, 17 00W, boarded Danish ST Heccert Olavsson, RE 156.

10.25am: In 63 43N, 16 26W, boarded Danish ST Njordur, RE 36.

10.53am: In 65 31N, 17 00W, boarded British ST Lucy, FD 24

11.45am: Boarded British ST Lucerne, GY 1202.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 37N, 15 45W.

10.55pm: In 63 46N, 14 59W, boarded British trawler Connisboro’ Castle, GY 533.

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16 May 1916

At sea

Lat 63.04, Long -16.85

  Various courses for patrol.

  6.30am: Signalled HMS Orcoma.

  7.35am: Sent boat to Orcoma, boat returned.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 07N, 15 46W.

  9.00am: One hour’s 1” AR practice at target.

  4.21pm: In 63 24N, 17 05W, boarded trawler Peridot, H 234.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 31N, 15 47W.

9.35pm: In 63 32N, 15 04W, boarded Dutch trawler SS Trio, IJM 175. Sent to Lerwick with Mid. Jacks.

11.50pm: In 63 48N, 14 40W, boarded trawler SS Aphelion, GY 1123.

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17 May 1916

At sea

Lat 62.89, Long -14.24

  Various courses for patrol.

12.54am: Spoke ST Antonio H 990.

  2.08am: Spoke ST Conisboro Castle, GY 533.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 17N, 15 48W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 53N, 11 06W.

  9.03pm: In 63 06N, 10 50W, boarded British trawler Robinia, GY 1147.

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18 May 1916

At sea

Lat 62.37, Long -5.97

  Various courses to coaling base.

  5.50am: Steering gear broken down. Steering with hand gear aft.

  7.54am: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 45N, 7 00W.

  9.20am: Boat alongside from Alsatian with mail.

11.41am: Fuglo [now Fugloy] abeam, 6.75 miles.

  1.22pm: Steering gear repair completed.

  5.53pm: In 61 25N, 3 50W, boarded SS Kristianiafjord. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 12N, 3 22W.

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19 May 1916

At sea to Swarbacks Minn

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

12.50am: Replied to challenge from HMS Griffon.

  1.00am: Eshaness abeam, 5 miles.

  1.43am: Passed boom.

  2.00am: Let go anchor in No 2 berth.

  2.20am: Drifter alongside with mail.

  6.15am: Colliers Boscawen and Sir Francis alongside.

  7.40am: Commenced coaling assisted by party from HMS Gibraltar.

11.00am: One S/Lt and two Mids joined ship. S/Lt Potts and armed guard and Mid. Parker rejoined.

  3.30pm: Discharged Stoker Lewis to shore.

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling.

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20 May 1916

Swarbacks Minn

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  7.30am: Resumed coaling.

  7.10pm: Coaling complete, 1,200 tons. Colliers cast off.

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21 May 1916

Swarbacks Minn and at sea

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

     In am: Clean ship and prepare for sea.

  1.00pm: Drifter took liberty men ashore.

  9.28pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.48pm: Passed gate.

10.39pm: Eshaness bg N45E, 3.5 miles.

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22 May 1916

At sea

Lat 61.42, Long -3.0

12.12am: In 60 28N, 2 15W, boarded Norwegian SS Hector. Papers correct.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 52N, 3 00W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 04N, 2 58W.

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23 May 1916

At sea

Lat 61.5, Long -9.57

  Various courses for patrol.

  5.15am: Passed Dutch trawler Eendracht, IJM 130.

  6.50am: Passed British trawler A 422 [Duke of York].

  8.00am: Pos. 62 06N, 8 06W.

  1.55pm: Spoke British trawler Naamah [GY 289].

  2.25pm: Challenged HMS Patia. Away sea boat and return.

  4.00pm: Misty weather [thickening to fog later].

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 02N, 11 34W.

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24 May 1916

At sea

Lat 61.71, Long -9.95

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 42N, 10 08W.

  8.40am: Commenced circling [presumably at a rendezvous].

11.25am: Challenged HMS Orotava. Lowered sea boat, same returned with armed guard.

12.17pm: Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 44N, 10 49W.

  8.01pm: Boarded British transport No 1107 [probably the hired drifter Midas], allowed to proceed.

10.00pm: Challenged HMS Columbella. Sent sea boat, which returned with four ratings.

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25 May 1916

At sea

Lat 61.61, Long -9.97

  Various courses for patrol.

  3.58am: Met Norwegian SS Nyg with HMS Columbella's armed guard.

  7.16am: Spoke British trawler Windward Ho, H 692. A/c S37E zz.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 00N, 11 30W.

12.18pm: A/c S48W, straight course.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 55N, 11 38W.

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26 May 1916

At sea

Lat 56.59, Long -14.2

  Various courses for patrol.

  6.30am: In 57 41N, 13 45W, boarded ST Kincorth, A 263.

  7.07am: Rockall abeam bg S50E, 3 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 57 26N, 13 55W.

11.39am: In 56 35N, 14 12W, boarded Danish Schooner Irene and sent her in to Stornoway with armed guard.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 03N, 15 20W.

  9.30pm: In 54 54.5N, 14 57W, boarded Norwegian barque Ferm and sent her in to Stornoway with armed guard.

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27 May 1916

At sea

Lat 55.39, Long -14.34

  Various courses for patrol.

12.35am: Challenged vessel without lights, no reply.

  2.00am: Strange vessel not sighted again.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 25N, 13 48W.

10.35am: In 55 21.5N, 14 04W, sent boat to Norwegian Ferm.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 53N, 17 55W.

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28 May 1916

At sea

Lat 56.29, Long -15.75

  Various courses for patrol.

  3.00am: Challenged HMS Patuca, replied.

  5.35am: Boat alongside from Patuca.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 33N, 14 20W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 46N, 17 14W.

  8.10pm: Signalled SS Sicilian bound for Montreal.

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29 May 1916

At sea

Lat 56.2, Long -15.77

  Various courses for patrol.

  5.37am: Challenged HMS Patuca.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 32N, 14 23W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 55N, 17 10W.

  9.29pm: In 55 43N, 16 40W, boarded British SS Darwin, allowed to proceed.

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30 May 1916

At sea

Lat 56.5, Long -14.9

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 32N, 14 18W.

  8.49am: Passed SS Darwin.

  8.50am: Dropped target for 1” AR practice.

11.05am: Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 58N, 17 06W.

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31 May 1916

At sea

Lat 56.25, Long -15.67 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 32N, 14 18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 58N, 17 06W.

  9.30pm: Signalled SS Strathdee flying clearance flag, allowed to proceed.

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Above four pages blank.


[Patrol, Swarbacks Minn, patrol, Loch Ewe, patrol and Glasgow]

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Above four pages, blanks and covers.

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Instruments, no change.

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1 June 1916

At sea

Lat 56.4, Long -11.2

12.15am: In 56 08N, 15 20W, boarded Dutch SS Themisto.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 20N, 12 44W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 38N, 7 48W.

  8.12pm: Barra Hd abeam.

  8.55pm: Challenged HMS Rightwhale* [Right Whale in log].

  9.00pm: Challenged HMS Patuca.

Sick List: 4.

Weather: Northerly winds 4-5, clear and dry, temperatures 47-50ºF.

* Rightwhale [Z.11], Admiralty whaler, Adty No 874. 1915, 237grt. From 1915-18, served as coastal anti-submarine escort.

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2 June 1916

At sea to Swarbacks Minn

Lat 58.76, Long -2.8

12.23am: Neist Pt Lt abeam, 3.5 miles.

  5.45am: Challenged armed trawler.

  7.15am: Made our Pendants to Cape Wrath.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 39N, 4 46W.

Various points named in the log not included here.

10.45am: Dunnet Head Lt abeam, 1.25 miles. Replied to challenge by same.

10.58am: Altered course to avoid fleet.

  2.31pm: Start Pt Lt abeam.

  6.00pm: Foula I. abeam, 6.75 miles.

  8.37pm: Passed gate.

  9.27pm: Anchored in No 1 berth, Swarbacks Minn.

10.00pm: Colliers Foreland and Westbound alongside.

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3 June 1916

Swarbacks Minn and at sea

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  6.30pm: One boy rejoined from HMS Gibraltar.

  9.00pm: Finished coaling.

  9.47pm: Weighed and proceeded.

10.07pm: Passed through gate, course N59W.

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4 June 1916

At sea

Lat 60.07, Long -8.3

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 60 10N, 6 18W.

11.59am: Challenged HMS Teutonic.

12.58pm: In 60 12N, 8 15W, boarded Norwegian barque Whinlatter. Supplied her with two days stores, sent to Lerwick with Mid. Beatty.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 10N, 7 00W.

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5 June 1916

At sea

Lat 59.87, Long -8.44

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 59 28N, 9 03W.

10.15am: In 59 41N, 8 36W, spoke Danish SS United States, Westbound, flying correct clearance flag.

  2.04pm: In 59 36N, 9 13W, signalled Norwegian SS Storfond, Shields to Delaware. Flying correct clearance flag.

  4.49pm: In 59 35N, 8 32W. Signalled Norwegian SS Bratland flying clearance flag.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 55N, 7 34W.

  8.45pm: Passed SV Whinlatter.

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6 June 1916

At sea

Lat 59.84, Long -7.87

  Various courses for patrol

  3.25am: In 59 21N, 8 28W, boarded Dutch SS Ubbergen, sent to Kirkwall with S/Lt Potts.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 23N, 8 17W.

  9.22am: Passed SS Ubbergen.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 55N, 7 07W.

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7 June 1916

At sea

Lat 60.36, Long -7.5

  Various courses for patrol

  5.34am: Examined British ST A 623 [Pelagos].

  8.00am: Pos. 60 40N, 6 44W.

  1.31pm: In 60 14N, 7 51W, boarded Norwegian SS Bellatrix. Sent to Kirkwall with S/Lt Young.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 06N, 7 43W.

  8.40pm: Passed British ST GY 286 [Illustrious].

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8 June 1916

At sea

Lat 60.04, Long -8.2 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol

  5.59am: In 60 36N, 7 20W, boarded Danish whaler Urd.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 31N, 7 05W.

12.44pm: Signalled Dutch SS’ Winterswjk and Epsilon and Norwegian SS Sommerstad, all flying correct clearance flags.

  1.37pm: In 60 04N, 8 29W, boarded Danish SS Nellie [Nelly in Andes’ log] with armed guard on board from HMS Andes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 35N, 9 48W.

  9.44pm: In 59 46N, 10 11W, boarded Norwegian SS Imo, outward bound in ballast.

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9 June 1916

At sea

Lat 59.79, Long -8.59

  Various courses for patrol

  5.08am: Challenged HMS Patuca.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 16N, 7 55W.

11.00am: In 59 50N, 8 50W, signalled Danish SS Europa with armed guard on board.

11.38am: Replied to HMS Orotava’s challenge.

12.27pm: Challenged HMS Victorian.

  5.17pm: In 59 32N, 9 29W, boarded Danish motor ship Oregon. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 41N, 9 31W.

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10 June 1916

At sea

Lat 60.24, Long -7.92

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 60 33N, 7 02W.

  8.09am: In 60 29N, 7 07W, boarded British ST Halifax, GY 442.

  7.30pm: Passed dead sea-gull.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 35N, 9 51W.

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11 June 1916

At sea

Lat 60.07, Long -8.37

  Various courses for patrol

  2.57am: In 60 28N, 7 26W, boarded Danish Schooner Katrine [mentioned in this book].

  6.27am: In 60 43N, 6 24W, boarded British ST Fermo, GY 773.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 39N, 6 53W.

  1.19pm: Stopped and picked up a barrel.

  3.25pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian [flag]. Kept station with same.

  5.01pm: Sea boat away with Captain.

  5.30pm: Received armed guards, three for Moldavia, two for Orotava and one for Victorian. [S/Lts Young, Potts, May & three ratings to Moldavia, Lt Webster, Lt Hall & 10 ratings for Orotava, Mid. Stephens for Victorian, vide log of Alsatian]

  6.30pm: Captain returned.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 55N, 8 39W.

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12 June 1916

At sea

Lat 58.09, Long -12.27

  Various courses for patrol

12.32am: Signalled Dutch SS Waaldyk, armed guard on board from HMS Victorian.

  6.30am: In 58 30N, 11 04W, boarded British SS Huelva*, NY to Leith.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 25N, 11 22W.

10.45am: Challenged HMS Motagua. Sent boat to her, boat returned.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 01N, 14 06W.

  9.08pm: Challenged HMS Victorian.

  9.22pm: Picked up Victorian’s boat and returned it with mail and one Midshipman.

* The second of two ships of this name owned by CT Bowring & Co., 1915, 4,867 tons.

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13 June 1916

At sea

Lat 56.84, Long -11.6

  Various courses for patrol

  7.27am: Challenged HMS Orotava. Sent her two armed guards and mail.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 30N, 10 40W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 28N, 14 03W.

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14 June 1916

At sea to Loch Ewe

Lat 57.04, Long -9.05

  8.00am: Pos. 57 17N, 10 04W.

12.41pm: Sighted Hebrides, bg S68E.

  2.56pm: Barra Head abeam.

  4.30pm: Challenged patrol boat.

  8.01pm: Vaternish Pt abeam, 3.5 miles.

  9.04pm: Eilean Trodday Lt abeam, 1 mile.

10.53pm: Passed through gate.

11.15pm: Anchored.

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15 June 1916

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

  5.45am: Colliers Ravelston and Lord Stewart alongside.

  6.30am: Coaling party (14) arrived.

  5.45pm: One S/Lt RNVR joined ship.

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

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16 June 1916

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

  5.15am: One PO and one AB discharged to RN Barracks. One Trimmer discharged to shore. One Boy discharged to detention barracks, Portsmouth.

  6.00am: Commenced coaling.

12.30pm: Finished coaling, colliers cast off.

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17 June 1916

Loch Ewe and at sea

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

12.45am: HMS Minotaur anchored, accompanied by destroyers HMS’ Menace and [possibly] Nereus.

  1.30am: HMS Orotava anchored.

  4.45am: Minotaur and destroyers left.

  9.30am: Received two armed guards. Water boat alongside.

  1.00pm: Landed liberty men.

  6.00pm: Liberty men returned.

  9.17pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.34pm: Eilean Trodday abeam, 1 mile.

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18 June 1916

At sea

Lat 57.22, Long -9.4 (DR from Barra Head)

  2.11am: Ushinish Lt abeam, bg N61W.

  6.04am: Barra Hd Lt abeam.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 40N, 8 33W.

12.50pm: Signalled Swedish SS Sagoland, flying clearance flag.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 38N, 10 38W.

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19 June 1916

At sea

Lat 60.77, Long -14.13

  Various courses for patrol

  3.00am: Challenged HMS Mantua.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 39N, 13 02W.

  9.45am: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 14N, 15 24W.

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20 June 1916

At sea

Lat 60.42, Long -13.17

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 60 43N, 12 45W.

  9.34am: In 60 34N, 13 07W, boarded Danish SS General Consul Paulsen. Sent to Kirkwall (S/Lt Potts only).

  1.50pm: Challenged HMS Mantua, which sent boat. One Engineer Officer [Eng. Lt Klitz, vide Mantua’s log] joined ship.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 08N, 13 45W.

  9.18pm: Challenged HMS Changuinola.

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21 June 1916

At sea

Lat 58.95, Long -13.07

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 59 04N, 12 02W.

11.29am: Stopped to pick up black object. Marines fired at tub. Lowered sea boat to pick it up.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 46N, 14 37W.

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22 June 1916

At sea

Lat 59.04, Long -13.1 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 59 16N, 11 53W.

  3.08pm: In 59 18N, 12 44W, boarded Norwegian SS Mexicano. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard under S/Lt May.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 57N, 13 59W.

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23 June 1916

At sea

Lat 59.22, Long -12.15 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol

  1.10am: In 59 03N, 12 54W, boarded British SS Cleveland Range, green clearance, allowed to proceed.

  6.53am: In 59 33N, 11 49W, signalled Dutch SS Larenberg, flying correct clearance flag.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 26N, 11 50W.

  9.14am: In 59 16N, 12 00W, spoke Dutch SS Mijdrecht, flying correct clearance flag.

10.05am: Carried out 1” AR practice at floating target.

  1.54pm: In 58 48N, 12 40W, boarded British SS Lowther Range.

  3.10pm: In 58 50N, 12 30W, signalled Dutch SS Ootmarsum [Octmaresom in log]

  3.28pm: Boarded Lowther Range again when reported passing mine in 58 26N, 15 02W.

  7.22pm: Circled round box in water.

  7.25pm: Challenged HMS Otway.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 31N, 13 40W.

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24 June 1916

At sea

Lat 58.6, Long -13.97

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 58 09N, 15 04W, boarded American SS Wico. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard, S/Lt Naismyth.

12.43pm: Passed SS Kentucky (Danish) flying correct flag.

  2.05pm: Stopped to pick up cask.

  5.25pm: Challenged HMS Otway.

  7.52pm: Passed Russian barquentine Benor in 58 02N, 12 22W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 02N, 12 22W.

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25 June 1916

At sea

Lat 55.5, Long -9.89

  Various courses for patrol

  6.00am: Circled box in water.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 46N, 11 07W.

  1.06pm: Stopped and picked up fisherman’s buoy.

  2.25pm: Passed SS San Francisco bound to Block I.

  4.08pm: Tory I. Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

  5.00pm: Challenged by Malin WSS.

  5.20pm: Challenged by HM Minesweepers St.Johns* and Vale of Lennox**

  6.14pm: Inishtrahull abeam, 1 mile.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 19N, 6 28.5W

  8.40pm: Rue Point (Rathlin I.) abeam, 0.75 miles.

10.33pm: Maidens Lt abeam.

* St Johns, hired trawler, Adty No 1906. Built 1910, 208grt, Hull-reg H 18.

** Vale of Lennox (ex-Gardar Landnemi), hired trawler, Adty No 991. Built 1909, 233grt, Leith-reg LH 264.

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26 June 1916

At sea to Princes Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

Various other way points named in log.

12.15am: Ailsa Craig abeam.

  2.20am: Passed Little Cumbrae.

  3.15pm: Passed gate. Picked up pilot.

  3.57pm: Anchored.

  6.47am: Weighed and proceeded up river under pilot Mr Fraser, tug Samson assisting aft.

  8.30am: Screw tug Cruiser made fast for’d.

  9.45am: Entered Princes Dock.

11.00am: Two Ldg Sn RNR, Two Stokers FR and three prisoners joined ship.

  4.30pm: Leave to starboard watch until Noon, 6th July.

  5.00pm: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

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27 June 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Shore gangs coaling ship.

10.00am: One rating discharged to prison.

11.00am: S/Lt May and armed guard rejoined ship.

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28 June 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

Shore gangs coaling throughout the night.

10.00am: Six RNR ratings joined ship from RN barracks.

11.00pm: S/Lt Nasmyth and armed guard rejoined ship.

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29 June 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Shore gangs coaling.

  3.30am: Coaling completed.

10.00am: Shifted to No 12 berth North and commenced embarking stores from RN Depôt.

  1.00pm: Discharged five RNR ABs to RN barracks.

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30 June 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands embarking stores and painting ship’s side.

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Above seven pages cancelled and blanks.

Operations from July to November 1916

JP map Moldavia July-November 1916


[Glasgow, patrol, Swarbacks Minn, patrol]

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Above four pages blank.

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Instruments, no changes.

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1 July 1916

Glasgow (Princes Dock)

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

     In am: Hands painting ship.

     In pm: Shifted from No 5 berth (Central basin) to No 1 berth (North basin) assisted by tugs Cruiser and Warrior.

  4.00pm: Leave to 2nd part of port watch till 7.00am.

Sick List: 1.

Weather: SW’ly winds in the forenoon, veering NE’ly later with rain, temperatures in the 50s F.

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2 July 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Sunday routine, landed church party.

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3 July 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297


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4 July 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Embarking stores.

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5 July 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

10.40am: 13 ratings joined from RNB and MB.

  1.30pm: Discharged three Marines to Eastney Barracks and seven boys to RNB.

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6 July 1916


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Painting and getting in stores.

  4.55pm: Discharged one Fireman.

  9.00pm: Two Steward ratings joined. One Corporal RMLI discharged to Forton Barracks.

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7 July 1916

Glasgow and at sea

Lat 55.8, Long -4.2

  5.18pm: Left Princes Dock assisted by tugs Cruiser and Warrior and proceeded down river.

  7.54pm: Tug Cruiser cast off.

  8.14pm: Anchored.

  9.00pm: Tug Warrior left with workmen from forward magazine.

  9.07pm: Four Stokers returned to duty.

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8 July 1916

At sea

Lat 55.42, Long -8.19

12.15am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

12.55am: Passed through gate.

  1.55am: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam.

  3.10am: Challenged by Kildonan Pt WSS.

  5.15am: Passed Maidens Lt.

  6.00am: Challenged HM Destroyer Garry.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 18N, 6 30W.

  9.40am: Inishtrahull abeam. A/c N71W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 51N, 11 02W.

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9 July 1916

At sea

Lat 56.2, Long -12.44 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  1.00am: Challenged HMS Otway.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 36N, 11 10W.

  4.55pm: Boarded British SS Lakonia*. All correct. Allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 45N, 13 50W.

* The first of two Donaldson Line ships of this name, 1899, 4,684 grt, scrapped in 1924.

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10 July 1916

At sea

Lat 56.22, Long -12.37 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 32N, 11 23W.

  4.40pm: Challenged HMS Andes. In 15 46N, 15 43W, sent sea boat to same.

  5.45pm: Warrant No 7 read out.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 14N, 14 08W.

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11 July 1916

At sea

Lat 56.69, Long -12.72

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 57 04N, 11 29W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 45N, 13 10W.

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12 July 1916

At sea

Lat 58.55, Long -10.45

  Various courses for patrol.

  3.21am: In 57 54N, 11 28W, spoke Dutch SS Moerdijk, Westbound, flying correct flag.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 35N, 10 18W.

  8.50am: In 58 22N, 10 18W, boarded British ST Mannofield, A 526.

  9.55am: In 58 18N, 10 18W, boarded Norwegian SV Elin, allowed to proceed.

10.44am: in 58 28N, 10 34W, boarded Norwegian SV Mountain Laurel.

12.42pm: In 58 40N, 10 15W, boarded Norwegian barque Lapwing, all correct, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 17N, 9 12W.

  8.37pm: In 58 25N, 9 09W, boarded Danish SV Activ, allowed to proceed.

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13 July 1916

At sea

Lat 59.75, Long -7.49 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.45am: In 59 58N, 6 16W, boarded Danish SS Adonis, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 58N, 6 16W.

  7.30pm: Challenged HMS Champagne.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 43N, 8 48W.

10.37pm: Spoke Dutch SS Parkhaven, flying correct flag.

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14 July 1916

At sea

Lat 59.2, Long -8.57

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 48N, 7 27W.

  9.15am: Spoke Admiralty oiler No 64 San Jeronimo.

12.42pm: Stopped in 59 05N, 8 46W, lowered seaboat and picked up large log of wood, apparently part of vessel.

  3.25pm: In 59 04N, 9 18W, boarded USA SS Chemung sent to Kirkwall with armed guard (S/Lt Nasmyth).

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 37N, 9 37W.

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15 July 1916

At sea

Lat 59.3, Long -8.49

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 50N, 7 32W.

  4.24pm: In 58 48N, 9 28W, spoke British SS Teakwood, escorted by armed trawlers Sea Lion [H 542] and Gurth [GY 39].

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 32N, 9 41W.

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16 July 1916

At sea

Lat 59.9, Long -7.69 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 04N, 7 10W.

10.15am: Boarded Norwegian SS Avona, all correct.

  3.47pm: Challenged HMS Motagua. Sent sea boat to same, returned with two Midshipmen, mail and mail and armed guards for passage to HMS Almanzora.

  5.34pm: In 59 40N, 7 35W, spoke British SS Vienna

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 16N, 8 17W.

  9.10pm: Passed Danish SS London, flying correct flag.

10.40pm: Replied to Almanzora’s challenge, sent sea boat to her with mail and armed guards.

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17 July 1916

At sea

Lat 59.54, Long -8.37

  Various courses for patrol.

  1.58am: In 59 24N, 7 52W, boarded SS Sark, New York to Christiania, sent to Lerwick with armed guard (S/Lt Potts).

  8.00am: Pos. 59 43N, 7 37W.

  9.45am: In 59 35N, 8 04W, boarded Danish SS Alf sent to Kirkwall with armed guard (S/Lt May).

11.00am: Replied to HMS Columbella’s challenge.

11.20am: In 59 30N, 8 25W, spoke Norwegian SV Ebros with armed guard aboard, proceeded.

  3.04pm: In 59 11N, 8 30W, boarded Russian SV Alide, boat returned. Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 35N, 9 34W.

10.00pm: In 58 52N, 9 25W, boarded French SV St Joseph.

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18 July 1916

At sea

Lat 59.34, Long -8.47 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.15am: Passed SS Petrolite with armed guard aboard.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 56N, 7 28W.

  1.05pm: In 59 07N, 8 55W, boarded Dutch SS Andijk [possibly Andyk is intended], sent to Kirwall with armed guard (S/Lt Young).

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 32N, 9 51W.

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19 July 1916

At sea

Lat 58.4, Long -13.29 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  4.34am: In 58 36N, 12 13W, boarded Norwegian SS Jotunfjell. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard (Mid. Beatty).

  8.00am: Pos. 58 55N, 12 30W.

10.10am: Dropped target for firing practice, but cancelled same due to poor visibility.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 25N, 13 14W.

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20 July 1916

At sea

Lat 58.37, Long -13.5 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

12.55am: In 58 22N, 14 09W, seaboat away and boarded Russian SS Tourgai. Allowed to proceed.

  4.25am: Replied to HMS Columbella's challenge.

  4.50am: Picked up paint drum.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 32N, 12 36W.

10.15am: Exercised fire and abandon ship stations. Swung all boats out.

  5.00pm: Read warrant No 8.

  6.59pm: Circled to pick up sealed bottle. Failed to find it.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 15N, 14 17W.

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21 July 1916

At sea

Lat 58.35, Long -13.6 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  6.20am: Passed Dutch SS Gamma, flying correct flag.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 32N, 12 36W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 12N, 14 19W.

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22 July 1916

 At sea

Lat 59.4, Long -10.82 (DR)

  Weather: Mist in the forenoon, thick fog in the afternoon. Various courses for patrol.

  5.25am: Challenged by HMS Patuca.

  5.59am: In 58 44N, 11 37W, picked up Patuca’s boat with Warrant Telegraphist Starkey [vide Patuca’s log] for HMS Gloucestershire and Stoker James Fitzpatrick No SB 187, absentee from Moldavia.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 53N, 11 27W.

  1.21pm: Rang “Stand by engines”, fog thickening.

  2.15pm: Heard one long blast fog signal on starboard bow. Helm hard-a-starboard, full ahead starboard, full astern port.

  2.24pm: Rang stand by.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 24N, 9 33W.

  9.45pm: Thick fog, commenced sounding.

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23 July 1916

At sea

Lat 61.69, Long -5.7

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.58am: Boarded British trawler Helvitia [probably Helvetia].

  8.00am: Pos. 61 30N, 6 31W.

  9.15am: Passed British trawler with correct flag.

10.54am: In 61 36N, 5 57W, boarded British trawler Strathdon, A 660, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 54N, 2 53W.

10.30pm: Challenged by French aux. cruiser Artois.

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24 July 1916

At sea to Swarbacks Minn

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  2.34am: Eshaness Lt abeam, 3.5 miles.

  3.26am: Passed through boom defence, dropped anchor in No 1 berth.

  5.45am: Colliers Wychwood and Cairnevon [?] alongside.

  8.00am: Commenced coaling.

10.00am: Four armed guard officers S/Lts Nasmyth, Young, May and Potts and two ratings returned from HMS Gibraltar.

11.00am: Discharged one Warrant Telegraphist to HMS Gloucestershire.

  6.30pm: Ceased coaling for the day.

  7.45pm: Mid. Beatty (armed guard officer) returned.

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25 July 1916

Swarbacks Minn

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  7.35am: Commenced coaling.

  8.45am: S/Lt Fairnie transferred to HMS Fiona for leave.

  4.00pm: Completed coaling. Hands to tea.

  4.35pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. Coiliers Wychwood and Carnarvon [?] left.

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26 July 1916

Swarbacks Minn and at sea

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

  2.00pm: Landed liberty men.

  6.00pm: Liberty men returned.

  8.17pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.52pm: Passed through gate.

  9.13pm: Murbie Stacks abeam.

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27 July 1916

At sea

Lat 60.96, Long -7.14

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 58N, 5 18W.

  5.25pm: In 60 30N, 9 17W, boarded British ST Emerald, [GY 613]. Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 19N, 10 00W.

  9.40pm: Challenged HMS Hildebrand. Sent boat.

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28 July 1916

At sea

Lat 60.42, Long -10.0

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.15am: In 60 52N, 8 36W, boarded British ST Fort William.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 50N, 8 42W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 12N, 10 28W.

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29 July 1916

At sea

Lat 60.37, Long -9,8

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 12N, 10 28W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 13N, 10 24W.

  9.30pm: Circled to examine object in water.

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30 July 1916

At sea

Lat 60.29, Long -10.05

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 10N, 10 34W.

  4.14pm: In 60 27N, 8 45W, boarded Danish SV Ceres, all correct, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 18N, 9 43W.

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31 July 1916

At sea

Lat 60.37, Long -9.9

  Various courses for patrol.

  6.05am: Challenged HMS Columbella.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 12N, 10 30W.

12.30pm: Stopped to pick up cask.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 12N, 10 28W.

  9.55pm: Spoke British SS Edenmore, Middlesborough to Montreal.

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[On patrol, Loch Ewe, patrol and Glasgow]

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Above four pages, blanks and covers.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened, Lilley & Son.

Sea thermometer; J Hicks, 1678.

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1 August 1916

At sea

Lat 60.34, Long -10.11

A typical day on patrol.

12.45am: A/c N87E, 2 pt zz.

  4.00am: A/c S79W, 2 pt zz.

  6.45am: Lowered starboard wireless aerial.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 12N, 10 26W.

  8.58am: A/c N87E, 2 pt zz, 40 revs.

  9.04am: Stopped port, full ahead starboard to turn.

  9.12am: Proceeded.

     Noon: A/c S87E, 2 pt zz.

  2.26pm: Hard-a-starboard to examine object in water.

  2.35pm: Stop both.

  2.39pm: Proceeded S78W, 2 pt zz, 44 revs, streamed log.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 13N, 10 24W. Pitching easily to confused swell, taking light water for’d.

  9.55pm: Increased to 55 revs to turn.

10.00pm: A/c N86E, 2 pt zz.

10.06pm: 40 revs.

 Sick list: 8.

Weather: Winds f 6-7 from various points, rough seas, mostly dry with temperatures in the low 50s F.

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2 August 1916

At sea

Lat 60.37, Long -9.89 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 12N, 10 28W.

  4.35pm: In 60 27N, 9 34W, boarded Danish SS Wladimir Sawin, sent to Kirkwall with armed guard (S/Lt Potts).

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 18N, 10 06W.

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3 August 1916

At sea

Lat 60.32, Long -10.04 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 17N, 10 09W.

  5.00pm: Dropped target and fired five 6” rounds from each gun.

  6.35pm: Challenged HMS Columbella.

11.48pm: In 59 30N, 10 20W, boarded Dutch SS Algenib, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 11N, 9 44W.

  9.30pm: Heavy fog descending.

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4 August 1916

At sea

Lat 59.85, Long -9.95 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 42N, 10 30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 46N, 10 16W.

In and out of fog all day.

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5 August 1916

At sea

Lat 59.3, Long -12.14

  Various courses for patrol.

  5.55am: Challenged HMS Columbella.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 39N, 10 46W.

12.02pm: In 59 18N, 12 08W, boarded Norwegian SS Firda. All correct, allowed to proceed.

  1.36pm: In 59 09N, 12 19W, boarded Norwegian SS Kolaastind, allowed to proceed.

  6.41pm: In 58 59N, 13 28W, boarded Dutch SS Sloterdyk [Sloterdijk in log], sent to Kirkwall with armed guard (S/Lt May).

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 58N, 13 40W.

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6 August 1916

At sea

Lat 59.04, Long -13.2 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 10N, 12 06W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 58N, 13 41W.

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7 August 1916

At sea

Lat 59.19, Long -12.44 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.50am: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 08N, 12 57W.

10.09am: Alsatian’s boat alongside with VA Tupper for Admiral’s inspection.

10.55am: Carried out 6” firing practice at target.

  1.15pm: Stopped and lowered Admiral’s seaboat. Admiral left ship.

  1.40pm: Proceeded, taking station 2 miles astern of flagship, course S80W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 09N, 12 56W.

  8.20pm: Challenged HMS Teutonic.

10.40pm: Challenged by and replied to Alsatian.

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8 August 1916

At sea to Loch Ewe

Lat 59.05, Long -7.95

  8.00am: Pos. 59 26N, 9 40W.

  4.10pm: Butt of Lewis Lt abeam, 3.5 miles.

  7.36pm: Passed boom defence.

  7.52pm: Anchored in Loch Ewe.

  8.15pm: Colier Wychwood and water boat alongside.

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9 August 1916

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

  Coaling ship with breaks for meals.

  2.10pm: Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

  9.20pm: Finished coaling.

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10 August 1916

Loch Ewe and at sea

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

  8.34pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.24pm: Passed through boom defence gate, course N6E.

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11 August 1916

At sea

Lat 59.44, Long -8.47 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 00N, 7 21W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 16N, 10 05W.

  9.58pm: Circling at rendezvous looking for HMS Alsatian.

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12 August 1916

At sea

Lat 60.77, Long -10.12

  Various courses for patrol.

  1.05am: Replied to challenge from HMS Alsatian. Proceeded in company with same.

  5.46am: Passed trawler bound West.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 16N, 9 10W.

  7.53pm: In 60 19N, 10 51W, boat away and boarded Norwegian SS Bellatrix. Sent to Kirkwall with S/Lt Fairnie.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 19N, 10 51W.

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13 August 1916

At sea

Lat 60.69, Long -9.72

  Various courses for patrol.

  3.05am: In 60 38N, 8 59W, boarded British ST St Bernard, [GY 1280], allowed to proceed.

  5.30am: In 61 15N, 8 10W, passed British Trawler Nellie Bruce, GY 494.

  6.54am: Passed Norwegian SS Bellatrix with AG aboard.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 02N, 8 36W.

  2.20pm: Challenged HMS Orcoma.

  4.43pm: Hard a-port to examine object (fisherman’s buoy).

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 40N, 11 48W.

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14 August 1916

At sea

Lat 61.04, Long -10.1 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol. Mist and fog all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 16N, 9 03W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 40N, 11 44W.

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15 August 1916

At sea

Lat 60.89, Long -10.9 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  6.15am: Circling around rendezvous.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 48N, 11 00W.

12.24pm: Challenged HMS Andes. Sent boat to same.

  6.35pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 34N, 11 56W.

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16 August 1916

At sea

Lat 60.49, Long -9.97 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol

  8.00am: Pos. 60 50N, 8 55W.

11.10am: Boarded British ST Anzac, [H 487], flying correct clearance flag. [Boarding is technically required in the unlikely case that the vessel has been captured, but often of course the opportunity is taken to buy some fish.]

12.02pm: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire.

  5.50pm: In 59 56N, 11 12W, boarded Danish SV Delos, allowed to proceed, consular certificate.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 08N, 10 59W.

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17 August 1916

At sea

Lat 61.12, Long -8.77 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.05am: In 61 10N, 8 02W, boarded Danish whaler (steam) Urd, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 11N, 7 51W, boarded Danish whaler Egil, allowed to proceed.

  8.53am: Passed British Trawler St Denis, H228.

  7.00pm: Challenged by HMS Patia, boat away to same with back signals.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 26N, 9 45W.

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18 August 1916

At sea

Lat 56.97, Long -12.24

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 57 44N, 11 46W.

  4.00pm: In 56 26N, 11 27W, departed this life, PO Robert French, RFR, ON 138240, from haemorrhage following cancer of the stomach.

  7.42pm: Challenged HM Destroyer Thorn, escorting steamer.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 04N, 10 30W.

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19 August 1916

At sea

Lat 55.7, Long -10.65

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 30N, 11 34W.

  9.00am: Stopped and committed to the deep the body of the late PO 1c Robert French, in Lat 56 22N, Long 11 17W. RIP.

  1.33pm: In 55 54N, 10 57W, boarded Swedish SS Australic, all correct, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 39N, 12 04W.

10.47pm: In 57 03N, 12 32W, boarded Norwegian barque Alcyon, sent to Lerwick with armed guard (Mid Beatty).

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20 August 1916

At sea

Lat 56.67, Long -11.17

  Various courses for patrol.

  2.00am: Observed brilliant display of Aurora Borealis.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 02N, 10 33W.

11.42am: In 56 40N, 11 10W, boarded Danish SV Rjukan, sent to Stornoway with armed guard (S/Lt Potts).

12.56pm: Passed steamer flying correct clearance flag.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 47N, 12 03W.

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21 August 1916

At sea

Lat 56.79, Long -12.44

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 45N, 12 08W.

10.00am: Divisions, prayers and GQs and proceeded to carry out 1” aiming rifle practice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 03N, 10 37W.

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22 August 1916

At sea

Lat 56.55, Long -11.17

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 16N, 11 03W.

11.34am: Passed Romanian steamer flying correct clearance flag.

12.37pm: In 56 39N, 11 11W, boat away and boarded Dutch SS Merak. Sent to Stornoway with armed guard (S/Lt Grey).

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 38N, 11 53W.

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23 August 1916

At sea

Lat 56.79, Long -12.12

  Various courses for patrol.

  6.55am: Challenged HMS Hilary. Sent boat, which returned with armed guards (S/Lts May and Fairnie).

  8.00am: Pos. 56 38N, 11 49W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 09N, 10 50W.

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24 August 1916

At sea

Lat 56.24, Long -11.34 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 20N, 11 13W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 38N, 11 53W.

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25 August 1916

At sea

Lat 56.67, Long -12.37

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 27N, 11 29W.

  6.25pm: In 55 58N, 10 59W, boat away and boarded Swedish SS Hellenic, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 00N, 10 38W.

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26 August 1916

At sea

Lat 55.8, Long -10.29

  5.50am: Replied to HMS Columbella’s challenge.

  6.08am: In 56 39N, 11 57W, sent boat to Columbella.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 29N, 11 30W.

  5.19pm: Tory I. Lt abeam, 4.25 miles.

  7.25pm: Replied to challenge from Malin Head.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 25N, 7 09W.

  9.45pm: Altacarry Lt abeam.

11.35pm: Mull of Cantyre abeam, replied to challenge from patrol trawler.

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27 August 1916

At sea to Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  1.16am: Ailsa Craig abeam.

  4.12am: Passed through boom. Picked up pilot

  4.37am: Anchored off Tail of Bank buoy. Paymaster and postman left in motor boat.

10.05am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

  2.00pm: Paid monthly money.

  5.00pm: Leave to port watch until noon, 6th September. Leave to 2nd part of starboard watch until 7.00am.

  5.45pm: Discharged one PO 2c to RNB Portsmouth and one Private RMLI to Forton Barracks, Gosport.

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28 August 1916

Princes Dock, Glasgow (No 8 berth)

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  9.30am: One Ldg Seaman RNR and two Boys discharged to RNB Portsmouth.

10.30am: Discharged one Fireman to civil prison, Glasgow.

12.30pm: Two engine room ratings discharged to shore.

  5.50pm: Armed guard from HMS Mantua arrived on board.

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29 August 1916

Princes Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

    In am: Leave granted by SNO to officer and men of HMS Mantua’s armed guard, one man remaining on board to look after arms.

     Noon: Three ratings discharged to hospital.

  6.30pm: Shore gang commenced loading bunker coal.

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30 August 1916

Princes Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  7.10am: Finished coaling, 200 tons.

11.45am: Shifted ship to clear crane on dockside.

12.30pm: Made fast in same berth.

  5.30pm: Shifted to No 6 berth.

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31 August 1916

Princes Dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

11.30am: Started to discharge pig iron ballast from No 5 hold, shore gang work.

  3.00pm: Discharged one AB RNR to hospital.

  Shore gang worked throughout night, with breaks for meals.

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Above four pages blank.


[Glasgow for dry dock, patrol, Swarbacks Minn, patrol]

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Above four pages blank.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened, Lilley & Son.

Sea thermometer; J Hicks, 1678.

4caf887fcadfd34197020db1: ( 53-49761-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1916

Princes dock and Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  8.45am: Hands embarking stores.

  2.10pm: Singled in moorings. [Reducing the number of mooring lines to one for’d and one aft.]

  2.20pm: Pilot (Thos. Crighton) aboard.

  2.30pm: Proceeded, assisted by tugs Victor and Cruiser.

  3.02pm: Entered dry dock.

  4.50pm: Ship took blocks.

  5.50pm: Leave to part of watch until 7.00am.

  7.45pm: Dock pumped dry.

Sick List: 1.

Weather: Light SW’ly breezes, clear and dry, temperatures up to 63ºF at 8.00pm.

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2 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands taking in stores and lowering cables into dock. [The cables, ie the anchor chains and the anchors, are ranged on the floor of the dock for cleaning and survey.]

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3 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

10.30am: Landed church party (C of E). RC's from HMS’ Hilary and Orotava attended service on board.

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4 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed as requisite.

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5 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed as requisite.

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6 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

11.30am: One Private RMLI joined from Forton.

  5.45pm: Discharged one Greaser as medically unfit.

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7 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  6.30am: Commenced flooding dock.

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8 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

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9 September 1916

Govan dry dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  8.00am: Discharged three Boys to RNB Portsmouth for rating.

  8.05am: Dry dock filled.

11.30am: Pilot Crighton aboard.

  1.00pm: Ship failed to float.

  4.00pm: Discharged armed guard for HMS Mantua.

11.50pm: Slipped and proceeded with tugs Neptune and Nestor.

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10 September 1916

Princes dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  2.00am: Secured ship in No 6 berth, Princes dock.

  6.30am: Shore gang commenced coaling.

  Coaling continued throughout day and night.

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11 September 1916

Princes dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Coaling continued throughout day and night.

  Four firemen discharged.

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12 September 1916

Princes dock, Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Coaling continued throughout day and night.

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13 September 1916

Princes dock, Glasgow and at sea

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  1.30pm: Pilot on board.

  2.10pm: Tugs Neptune and Vanguard made fast alongside.

  2.26pm: Passed out of Princes dock and proceeded down river.

  4.17pm: Passed Tail of Bank buoy and anchored.

  4.45pm: Tug alongside to take pilot.

  7.18pm: Tug left with shore workmen.

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14 September 1916

At sea

Lat 55.44, Long -7.49

12.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

 1.24am: Passed boom defence.

  2.19am: Cumbrae Lt abeam.

  5.00am: Maidens Lt bg S70W.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 14.5N, 6 10W.

11.23am: Inishtrahull Lt abeam.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 56N, 10 27W.

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15 September 1916

At sea

Lat 57.92, Long -11.82

  Various courses patrolling.

  6.30am: Steering gear jammed. Ship heading North. Hand steering gear connected. Helm & engines as requisite to close steamer.

  8.00am: Pos. 57 95N, 11 10W.

  8.30am: In 57 57N, 11 10W, boarded Dutch SS Themisto, sent to Lerwick with armed guard (S/Lt Potts).

  4.32pm: Sent boat to HMS Patia for back signals.

  5.00pm: Repairs to steam steering gear completed and gear connected up.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 04N, 13 12W.

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16 September 1916

At sea

Lat 58.04, Long -11.25

  Various courses patrolling.

  7.45am: In 58 07N, 10 27W, boarded Danish schooner M Hay, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 08N, 10 25W.

  4.00pm: In 57 18N, 11 53W, passed Dutch Amsterland [possibly SS Amstelland is intended], flying correct flag.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 53N, 12 25W.

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17 September 1916

At sea

Lat 58.72, Long -11.95

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 39N, 10 50W.

  9.45am: A/c N40W during divisions.

10.10am: Resumed course N79W.

  NW gales f8 in the pm.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 17N, 12 56W.

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18 September 1916

At sea

Lat 59.0, Long -9.77 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 26N, 10 11W.

  NxW gale f8-9 at noon.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 07N, 9 12W.

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19 September 1916

At sea

Lat 59.37, Long -9.04

  Various courses patrolling.

  6.50am: Passed Norwegian SS Brazil, cleared from Kirkwall, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 41N, 9 01W. Passed British SS Alton.

10.00am: In 59 42N, 9 14W, boarded Danish SV Glitre, sent to Stornoway with armed guard, Mid. Beatty.

  5.16pm: In 58 57N, 9 18W, boarded Norwegian SV Boavento. Sent to Stornoway with armed guard (S/Lt Grey).

  7.00pm: In 59 10N, 9 08W, spoke British SS Australian Transport.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 10N, 9 06W.

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20 September 1916

At sea

Lat 59.94, Long -6.15

  Various courses patrolling.

12.43am: In 59 26N, 8 10W, boarded American SS Brindilla, allowed to proceed.

  3.15am: Intercepted Dutch SS Batjan, cleared from Kirkwall.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 03N, 5 55W.

  8.30am: Passed SS Hermes, flying correct clearance flag.

  9.05am: In 59 58N, 5 25W, boarded Dutch SS Krakatau, allowed to proceed.

  1.52pm: In 59 44N, 6 31W, boarded Dutch SS Zijldijk [probably aka Zyldyk], sent to Kirkwall with armed guard (S/Lt May).

  3.50pm: Challenged HMS Repulse.

  4.20pm: Stopped to pick up barrel.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 20N, 8 25W.

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21 September 1916

At sea

Lat 59.44, Long -8.32 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 50N, 7 04W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 06N, 9 15W.

11.15pm: Challenged HMS Motagua.

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22 September 1916

At sea

Lat 59.54, Long -8.62

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 45N, 7 29W.

  1.07pm: Intercepted Swedish SS Caroline, flying correct clearance flag.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 06N, 9 04W.

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23 September 1916

At sea

Lat 58.14, Long -11.34

  Various courses patrolling. Mist or fog for most of the day.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 15N, 10 43W.

10.35am: Hard-a-port to investigate sound of steamer siren.

10.51am: Resumed course.

  5.00pm: Released two Stokers from cells.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 58N, 12 48W.

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24 September 1916

At sea

Lat 58.25, Long -11.5 [approx]

  Various courses patrolling.

  1.10am: In 58 11N, 12 04W, boarded Danish schooner Noah, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 14N, 10 50W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 56N, 13 02W.

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25 September 1916

At sea

Lat 58.37, Long -11.42

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 10N, 11 16W.

12.08pm: Challenged HMS Hildebrand.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 56N, 12 56W.

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26 September 1916

At sea

Lat 59.62, Long -13.02

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 38N, 13 12W.

  7.48pm: Intercepted Dutch SS Gorredyk, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 28N, 13 34W.

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27 September 1916

At sea

Lat 61.0, Long -7.5 (DR)

  8.00am: Pos. 60 39N, 9 03W.

  2.00pm: Intercepted Danish SS Tjaldur, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 05N, 4 00W.

11.59pm: Challenged HM trawler.

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28 September 1916

At sea to Swarbacks Minn

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  2.00am: Eshaness Lt bg SE.

  3.20am: Same abeam, a/c S25E.

  4.54am: Murbie Stacks abeam.

  5.34am: Anchored, Swarbacks Minn.

  6.30am: Colliers Westwood and Cundall alongside.

10.00am: S/Lt May, S/Lt Grey and Mid. Beatty rejoined from HMS Gibraltar.

  6.30pm: Finished coaling for night.

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29 September 1916

Swarbacks Minn

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  7.40am: Hands commenced coaling ship.

  7.30pm: Finished coaling both sides, colliers cast off.

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30 September 1916

Swarbacks Minn and at sea

Lat 60.33, Long -1.6

  7.20pm: Anchor aweigh, passed through boom defence, increased to 72 revs, course N32W, zz.

  8.44pm: Eshaness Lt bg N58E, 4 miles.

11.27pm: Challenged HMS Patuca.

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Above five pages blank.


[On patrol, Glasgow for repairs and on patrol]

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Above four pages front cover and blanks.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened, Lilley & Son.

Sea thermometer; J Hicks, 1678.

4caf8880cadfd34197020dd9: ( 53-49762-003_1.jpg)

1 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.52, Long -7.1

  Various courses towards patrol area.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 18N, 5 46W.

10.37am: Passed British trawler GY 357 [Athenian].

12.05pm: In 62 31N, 7 08W, stop both, boat away and boarded Norwegian SS Kolaastind, sent to Lerwick with armed guard (Mid Parker and two men).

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 53N, 10 09W.

  9.15pm: Passed British ST Fortuna, GY 140.

Sick List: 2.

Weather: Northerly winds f3-4, dry, temperatures 43-44ºF.

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2 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.75, Long -15.12

  Various courses on patrol.

  1.00am: Observed brilliant display of Aurora Borealis.

  7.52am: In 62 14N, 14 42W, boat away and boarded Norwegian SS Vesla, sent to Kirkwall with armed guard (Mid. Currey)

  8.00am: Pos. 62 14N, 14 42W.

  8.40am: Stopped. Boat away to HMS Hildebrand with Signal rating.

  3.25pm: In 62 56N, 15 44W, boat away and boarded British ST Belvedere Castle.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 34N, 15 17W.

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3 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.17, Long -14.79

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 21N, 15 02W.

  1.31pm: In 62 22N, 14 14W, stopped. Boat away and boarded Norwegian SS Kongshaug.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 44N, 14 34W.

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4 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.14, Long -14.87 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 45N, 14 34W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 40N, 14 30W.

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5 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.22, Long -14.94

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 44N, 14 34W.

10.10am: Hard-a-starboard to examine black object. Passed a large piece of timber.

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6 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.14, Long -14.95

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 48N, 14 37W.

  3.45pm: Stop both. Log handed. Waiting at rendevous for HMS Alsatian.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 02N, 14 08W.

11.28pm: A/c N to close steamer.

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7 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.19, Long -14.82 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  1.09am: In 62 19N, 15 10W, boat away, boarded Swedish SS Christian IX, green clearance.

  2.53am: Passed British Trawler Cadet, H 210.

  3.32am: Passed British Trawler Bridlington, H 1009.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 57N, 14 36W.

  9.15am: Cylinder of steam steering gear cracked. Proceeded to steer by engines.

  1.42pm: In 62 02N, 15 23W, boarded Norwegian steamer Activ, sent to Kirkwall, armed guard, Mid Gilmour.

  7.40pm: In 62 38N, 15 05W, boarded British SS Eskasoni. Allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 38N, 15 52W. [This position and the previous one should be almost identical, so one is in error.]

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8 October 1916

At sea

Lat 61.95, Long -16.37

  Various courses on patrol.

  6.45am: Steering gear temporarily repaired and in use.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 28N, 17 32W.

  1.10pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  2.13pm: Sent boat to same, returned with Eng. Cdr Bell and two armed guards, S/Lt Potts and Mid. Parker.

  3.09pm: Closed Alsatian’s boat, Eng. Cdr Bell left.

  3.37pm: Proceeded, steering with engines.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 28N, 15 08W.

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9 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.02, Long -16.04

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 24N, 17 30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 30N, 15 13W.

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10 October 1916

At sea

Lat 62.07, Long -16.85

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 20N, 17 32W.

  1.45pm: Steering gear jammed, engines as requisite.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 05N, 15 53W.

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11 October 1916

At sea

Lat 59.9, Long -18.17

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 48N, 18 20W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 00N, 17 43W.

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12 October 1916

At sea

Lat 56.2, Long -11.32

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 31N, 13 00W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 02N, 11 10W.

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13 October 1916

At sea to Glasgow

Lat 55.09, Long -5.44

  7.30am: Challenged by Inishtrahull WSS.

  7.34am: Inishtrahull Lt abeam, 3 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 27N, 7 00W.

 9.51am: Fair Head abeam.

11.12am: Maidens Lt abeam, 3 miles.

  1.35pm: Pladda abeam.

  3.39pm: Passed gate and picked up pilot.

  4.15pm: Anchored.

  6.00pm: Read warrants Nos 13 to 20.

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14 October 1916


Lat 55.97, Long -4.8 [approx]

10.55am: Tug alongside with pilot.

11.25am: Tug left with pilot, Paymaster, S/Lt May, postman and two Marines. [The wind is WSW f7, with rain squalls, so they appear to have postponed going up river.]

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15 October 1916

Greenock to Yorkhill basin

Lat 55.95, Long -4.68 [approx]

10.43am: Pilot aboard, tugs [Flying Phantom, Flying Condor and Flying Linnet] alongside, engines to standby.

11.08am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded up river.

12.02pm: Cardross Lt abeam.

  2.30pm: Entered Yorkhill Basin [now filled in] and docked on East side.

  8.00pm: Armed guards returned.

  9.00pm: Leave to starboard watch until the 25th [but see entry for 28th].

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16 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

10.20am: Prisoners left ship.

  4.10pm: Discharged one Marine to Glasgow sick quarters.

  5.00pm: Discharged one Seaman to RMB [possibly RNB is intended] Portsmouth.

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17 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  Painting, getting in stores.

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18 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  Painting, getting in stores.

  4.50pm: Six ratings joined from HMS Gloucestershire [Glostershire in log].

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Page copied twice.

19 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  5.00pm: One prisoner released from cells.

  Shifted ship to West side of basin for coaling.

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20 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  Coaling ship.

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21 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  Coaling ship until lunch [Saturday]

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22 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  9.00am: Six ratings joined from RNB Portsmouth.

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23 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304


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24 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  9.35am: Two ratings joined from HMS Eagle, Liverpool.

11.00am: One Gunner joined from Eastney Barracks.

  5.30pm: Eight ratings joined from RNB, Portsmouth.

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25 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

11.45am: Seven ratings arrived from RNB Portsmouth.

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26 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  1.00pm: Discharged one PO 1c, two Ldg Seamen and four Boys to RNB Portsmouth.

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27 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  9.00am: Hands employed shifting ship to South side of basin.

10.30am: Hands striking down* shell and embarking provisions.

* Strike down, remove from the deck and stow it below.

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28 October 1916


Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

  7.00am: One PO and four ABs landed to Princes Dock to unload stores.

  9.45am: Hands stowing magazine and provisioning ship. One box of milk lost overboard.

11.00am: Working party returned from Princes Dock with 19 casks of rum.

11.59pm: Starboard watch returned from long leave.

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29 October 1916

Glasgow and at sea

Lat 55.865, Long -4.304

10.07am: Men rejoined from prison.

11.15am: Tugs alongside and pilot (Mr Kitt) boarded.

12.23pm: Left Yorkhill Basin and proceeded down river.

  2.32pm: Cardross Lt abeam.

  3.03pm: Passed Tail of the Bank buoy, cast off tug.

  3.27pm: Passed gate, various courses to test steering engine.

  4.35pm: Proceeded to harbour, let go port anchor, finished with engines.

  7.25pm: Tug left with workmen.

  8.28pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

10.51pm: Holy I. Lt abeam.

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30 October 1916

At sea

Lat 55.95, Long -9.9 (DR)

  1.21am: Mull of Cantyre abeam.

  3.14am: Oversay Lt abeam, 7 miles.

  5.54am: Fanad Pt abeam.

  6.30am: Commenced 2pt progressive zz, course N71W.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 37N, 8 32W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 26N, 12 54W.

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31 October 1916

At sea

Lat 56.5, Long -19.77

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 26N, 17 58W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 16N, 20 00W.

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Above five pages blank.


[Patrol, Swarbacks Minn and patrol]

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Above four pages blanks and covers.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened, Lilley & Son.

Sea thermometer; J Hicks, 1678.

4caf8880cadfd34197020e03: ( 53-49763-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1916

At sea

Lat 61.62, Long -19.47 (DR)

  8.00am: Pos. 61 03N, 19 55W. A/c N29E, steady.

  9.20am: Reduced to 60 revs.

10.05am: Stop both, exercised collision stations.

10.30am: Half ahead port to bring ship round.

10.49am: Course N89E, 60 revs.

  3.40pm: Challenged HMS Almanzora. Sent sea boat. Helm and engines as requisite.

  4.21pm: Boat returned. Proceeded SE.

  4.35pm: A/c S49W, 50 revs. Streamed log.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 23N, 18 33W. Reduced to 40 revs. A/c S65E, 2 pt zigzag.

Sick List: 5.

Weather: NE’ly winds 4-5, overcast with rain at times, temperatures mid 40s F.

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2 November 1916

At sea

Lat 61.3, Long -17.24 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  7.40am: In 61 22N, 16 14W, boarded Norwegian SS Are, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 22N, 16 14W.

  9.07am: In 61 20N, 16 27W, boarded Danish Trawler Vidar, GK 450, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 12N, 18 05W.

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3 November 1916

At sea

Lat 61.67, Long -13.80

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 28N, 14 43W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 57N, 13 28W.

10.00pm: Wind and sea increasing to fresh gale.

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4 November 1916

At sea

Lat 62.39, Long -14.14 (DR)

NE’ly gales 9-10 all day with very high seas and rain squalls. From 2.00am, Moldavia keeps her head to the wind at very slow speeds, a survival tactic.

  3.39am: Forward fall of starboard seaboat carried away.

  4.20am: Seaboat temporarily secured.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 16N, 14 34W.

  4.00pm: Closed forward water tight doors up to No 4.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 31N, 13 30W.

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5 November 1916

At sea

Lat 61.92, Long -13.92

NE’ly gales 7-9 all day with very high seas and rain squalls.

12.01am: Course N78E.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 42N, 12 50W.

  8.55am: Increased speed to turn 16pts [180º].

  9.12am: Steadied on S67W.

  9.40am: Passed piece of drift wood.

10.00am: Held divine service.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 30N, 15 01W. Ship pitching heavily in NE swell.

  8.13pm: A/c N62E.

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6 November 1916

At sea

Lat 61.95, Long -14.37 (DR)

  NE’ly gales as high as f10 all day with very high seas and rain squalls. Moldavia keeps her head to the wind at slow speeds (2.5 knots).

  8.00am: Pos. 61 46N, 14 18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 08N, 14 00W.

4caf8880cadfd34197020e09: ( 53-49763-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1916

At sea

Lat 62.39, Long -12.97 (DR)

  NE’ly gales continuing as high as f10 all day with very high seas and rain squalls. Moldavia continues to maintain steerage way heading into the wind and waves, her best course to see out the storm.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 21N, 13 15W.

  Washed overboard during bad weather, 28 No 2 size flags, 1 large red pendant.

     Noon: Ship labouring heavily to very high NE'ly sea.

  4.00pm: Ship labouring heavily to high NE'ly sea and shipping heavy water.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 34N, 12 27W.

10.00pm: Weather moderating.

11.26pm: Hard-a-starboard to steady on course West.

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8 November 1916

At sea

Lat 62.89, Long -13.24 (DR)

  NE’ly gales pick up again as high as storm f10 all day with very high seas and rain squalls, abating towards midnight. Moldavia turns her head to the wind again and steams slowly into the gale.

  1.30am: A/c to secure anchor crane.

  2.30am: A/c N20E.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 44N, 13 22W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 04N, 13 11W.

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9 November 1916

At sea

Lat 62.57, Long -12.87

  Wind and sea gradually abate during the morning to a more manageable ENE 6 at noon, but it’s still too rough to board the vessels that they intercept.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 19N, 12 08W.

  9.26am: In 63 12N, 12 15W, intercepted Danish SS Nenda.

10.52am: In 63 02N, 12 35W, intercepted British ST MacLeay, H 1022, steering SExE.

  5.30pm: In 61 50N, 14 12W, boarded Norwegian SS Patria.

  5.50pm: Boat returned.

  6.53pm: Telemotor gear broken down. [This is the hydraulic system that connects the wheel to the steering engine.]

  7.25pm: Telemotor gear repaired.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 49N, 14 14W.

  9.27pm: Observed SS Patria firing rockets.

10.00pm: Heard crew shouting. Stopped and lowered seaboat.

11.00pm: Boat returned with 14 men from abandoned SS Patria.

  List. T Fredricksen (Owner), G Eveson (Master), N Kunsen (Chief Engineer), H Jensen (Mate), C Carlsson (2nd Mate), W Tolkasen (2nd Engineer), H Olson (Steward), A Olson, H Peterson, M Olsen, H Teffox (all Seamen), T Matherson and D Ekhold (Firemen), A Olson (Deck Boy).

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10 November 1916

At sea

Lat 61.72, Long -14.64 (DR)

  8.00am: Pos. 61 44N, 14 43W.

  8.35am: Seaboat away to SS Patria

  9.16am: Boat returned.

11.20am: Disabled vessel bore North.

  4.59pm: Commenced firing at abandoned SS Patria, helm and engines as required.

  5.24pm: Ceased firing, ship circling round abandoned vessel.

  6.45pm: Fired three rounds HE shells from B2, ship observed to be sinking slowly.

  7.53pm: Observed large quantity of wood, deck load of SS Patria. Vessel apparently sunk in 61 40N, 14 35W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 37N, 14 50W.

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11 November 1916

At sea

Lat 61.24, Long -14.34 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  3.55am: Telegraphs to stand by. Mist closing in.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 16N, 14 21W.

  8.45am: Commenced circling rendezvous.

  2.50pm: Course N83E.

  4.08pm: Challenged HMS Kildonan Castle. Sent sea boat, boat returned.

  4.54pm: Proceeded East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 36N, 13 44W.

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12 November 1916

At sea

Lat 62.84, Long -10.25

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 18N, 10 18W.

  3.01pm: In 63 22N, 9 27W, stop, boat away and boarded Russian SS Alexeli, Liverpool to Archangel, allowed to proceed.

  4.17pm: Challenged HMS Patia.

  4.31pm: Sent boats to Patia with survivors from SS Patria.

  5.34pm: Boat returned, proceeded S17W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 04N, 10 07W.

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13 November 1916

At sea

Lat 62.67, Long -8.34

  Courses for the Shetlands.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 25N, 9 57W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 17N, 4 48W.

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14 November 1916

At sea to Northern Coaling Base [Swarbacks Minn]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  4.27am: Eshaness Lt bg S8E.

  6.48am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam.

  7.15am: Anchored in No 3 berth.

  8.00am: Colliers Hitchen and Maureen alongside. Commenced coaling.

  9.15am: One RNVR Telegraphist joined ship.

  3.00pm: Whaler left ship with Surgeon.

  5.30pm: Eng. S/Lt Richardson joined ship.

  5.40pm: One rating discharged to….

  6.20pm: HMS Patuca sailed.

  9.30pm: One rating discharged to hospital.

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15 November 1916

Northern Coaling Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  1.15am: Whaler alongside with Captain and concert party.

  4.00am: HMS Vienna* sailed.

  6.45am: HMS Motagua arrived.

  7.15am: Coaling party from HMS Gibraltar arrived.

  9.45am: Whaler left with Gunner.

  5.20pm: HMS Andes sailed.

  5.30pm: Finished coaling, 1,230 tons.

* An armed boarding steamer and presumably the vessel SS Vienna, on wartime service.

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16 November 1916

Northern Coaling Base and at sea

Lat 62.2, Long -9.6

  8.00am: One AB and two Stokers discharged to ST Saxon. Colliers cast off.

11.15am: Launch from HMS Shannon alongside with Commander. Motor boat away with officers.

  5.07pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.13pm: Hevden Ness Lt abeam.

  5.24pm: Passed through boom.

  5.32pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam.

  6.15pm: Both mines [depth charges] ready for dropping.

  7.50pm: Esha Ness Lt dipped, bg S30E (mag).

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 47N, 2 12W.

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17 November 1916

At sea

Lat 63.84, Long -7.42 (DR)

  Courses West of North all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 10N, 5 49W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 65 21N, 10 26W.

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18 November 1916

At sea

Lat 68.84, Long -12.95

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 67 37N, 14 22W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 67 41N, 14 24W.

11.00pm: Fine display of Aurora Borealis.

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19 November 1916

At sea

Lat 67.59, Long -14.4 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  5.00am: Brilliant display of Aurora Borealis in Southern sky.

  8.00am: Pos. 67 27N, 14 24W.

  8.30am: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire and exchanged pendants.

  9.11am: Boat alongside from same with two Seamen and four Firemen.

  8.00pm: Pos. 68 04N, 15 12W.

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20 November 1916

At sea

Lat 68.12, Long -17.2

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 67 51N, 17 30W.

10.07am: Dropped target and carried out 1” aiming rifle practice.

  6.00pm: Observed brilliant display of Aurora Borealis.

  8.00pm: Pos. 67 53N, 17 30W.

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21 November 1916

At sea

Lat 67.8, Long -17.5 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 67 49N, 17 30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 67 49N, 17 30W.

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22 November 1916

At sea

Lat 67.84, Long -17.5 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 67 49N, 17 30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 67 56N, 16 48W.

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23 November 1916

At sea

Lat 67.35, Long -12.67

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 67 00N, 12 40W.

10.08am: Firing practice with 1” AR and 6 pdr.

  8.00pm: Pos. 67 03N, 12 40W.

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24 November 1916

At sea

Lat 66.84, Long -12.7 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 66 56N, 12 32W.

  9.00am: Exchanged pendants* with HMS Gloucestershire.

10.25am: Carried out 6” QF practice.

  2.15pm: Challenged Gloucestershire.

  3.00pm: Boat alongside.

  8.00pm: Pos. 67 00N, 12 33W.

*Pendant numbers, unique identification numbers for each RN vessel.

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25 November 1916

At sea

Lat 65.84, Long -10.0

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 66 23N, 10 00W.

10.53am: Stopped port engine for Engineer’s purposes.

10.59am: Half ahead port.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 32N, 10 00W.

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26 November 1916

At sea

Lat 65.07, Long -9.9 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 47N, 9 50W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 50N, 10 00W.

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27 November 1916

At sea

Lat 64.19, Long -12.57 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 55N, 12 36W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 20N, 10 00W.

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28 November 1916

At sea

Lat 64.8, Long -9.89

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 65 01N, 10 00W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 33N, 10 00W.

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29 November 1916

At sea

Lat 64.92, Long -9.92

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 65 28N, 10 00W.

11.05am: Challenged HMS Artois.

11.45am: Boat away to Artois with despatches.

12.16pm: Boat returned, proceeded.

  7.00pm: Observed brilliant display of Aurora Borealis.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 34N, 10 00W.

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30 November 1916

At sea

Lat 63.05, Long -5.97 (DR)

  SE’ly courses all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 23N, 7 28W.

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Above five pages blank.

Operations from December 1916 to May 1917

JP map Moldavia December 1916 - May 1917


[Swarbacks Minn, on patrol and Glasgow]

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Front cover and blank pages.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened.

Sea thermometer, J Hicks, London.

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1 December 1916

Northern Coaling Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  3.05am: Eshaness Lt bg S20E.

  6.05am: Eshaness Lt abm, 2.5 miles.

  7.05am: Passed boom defence.

  7.24am: Anchored. Colliers Paignton and Kylgabin alongside.

  9.30am: Commenced coaling, with breaks for lunch and tea.

10.30am: Landed one Signalman and mail.

  5.00pm: HMS Otway sailed.

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

  8.00pm: Concert parties came on board from HMS’ Minotaur, Gibraltar and Locust.

11.00pm: Concert parties left.

11.40pm: HMS Vienna sailed.

Sick List: 3.

Weather: SW’ly breezes, cloudy but dry, temperatures in the low 40s F.

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2 December 1916

Northern Coaling Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  5.45am: HMS Locust sailed.

  8.00am: HMS Artois arrived with Locust.

  3.00pm: Finished coaling, 1,100 tons. Colliers cast off.

  8.00pm: Concert parties from ships in harbour came onboard.

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3 December 1916

Northern Coaling Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  9.00am: Church parties from HMS’ Shannon and Duke of Edinburgh came onboard.

12.30pm: Drifter alongside for liberty men.

  3.20pm: Drifter alongside with armed guard, one Wireless rating and mail for HMS Avenger.

  4.00pm: Liberty men returned.

10.10pm: Motor boat returned with 1st Lieutenant.

10.40pm: HMS Alsatian anchored in No 2 berth.

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4 December 1916

Northern Coaling Base and at sea to patrol ground

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  1.00pm: Discharged HMS Avenger's armed guard and one Telegraphist to HMS Gibraltar.

  4.27pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.45pm: Passed gate.

  4.51pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam.

  5.42pm: Eshaness Lt bg N74E, 5 miles.

  6.00pm: Commenced zig zag, depth charges ready for letting go (80ft).

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 53N, 2 24W.

11.00pm: Challenged HMS Achilles, received reply.

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5 December 1916

At sea

Lat 62.45, Long -8.1

  8.00am: Pos. 62 27N, 6 55W.

  9.45am: Passed ST Shamrock, GW 1.

10.30am: Passed ST New Haven, GY 232.

10.55am: Passed ST Yeovil, GY 575.

11.00am: Passed ST Braeriach, GY 922

  6” QF 13.25 lbs, 84 charges destroyed*.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 38N, 12 10W.

*Probably cordite charges that have become unstable for some reason.

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6 December 1916

At sea

Lat 62.99, Long -18.69

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 47N, 16 56W.

  2.00pm: Observed Vestmannaeyjar Is [Vestmaraijar Is in log] bg N9W.

  4.23pm: Geirfuglasker [probably the islet to the South of the above group] abeam, 4 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 39N, 22 17W.

  9.05pm: Eldey I. abeam 2 miles.

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7 December 1916

At sea

Lat 64.4, Long -27.17

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 21N, 26 40W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 25N, 27 07W

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8 December 1916

At sea

Lat 64.12, Long -25.77 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  1.45am: Wind and sea increasing. Frequent snow squalls

  6.00am: Weather cleared.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 17N, 26 22W.

     In pm: Frequent and severe snow squalls.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 49N, 24 24W.

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9 December 1916

At sea

Lat 61.29, Long -19.82 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 30N, 20 57W.

10.35am: Dead slow, hove to whilst repairing wireless aerial. Guns crews closed up and W/T doors closed.

11.30am: Aerial repaired, half speed both 60 revs.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 03N, 16 30W.

  9.00pm: Stand by on telegraphs and W/T doors closed during snow squall.

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10 December 1916

At sea

Lat 62.77, Long -15.15 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 09N, 15 46W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 09N, 14 15W.

  Strong winds and snow all day.

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11 December 1916

At sea

Lat 61.95, Long -15.04

  Various courses patrolling.

  3.08am: Heavy snow, reduced to 35 revs, closed W/T doors, switched on dim navigation lights.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 42N, 15 09W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 52N, 15 21W.

  8.43pm: Intercepted Danish SS Ceres.

  Strong NE’ly winds all day.

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12 December 1916

At sea

Lat 65.04, Long -12.55

  Northerly courses all day, strong winds, rough sea.

  1.00am: Brilliant display of Aurora Borealis. Wind freshening and sea increasing. Shipping heavy water occasionally.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 40N, 12 31W. Ship pitching heavily to high N'ly sea and shipping heavy water for'ard.

  8.00pm: Pos. 66 20N, 13 00W.

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13 December 1916

At sea

Lat 66.39, Long -13.0 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 66 48N, 13 00W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 66 20N, 13 04W.

  Very strong NE’ly winds, bringing snow, very rough seas and freezing temperatures.

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14 December 1916

At sea

Lat 66.15, Long -12.97

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 66 12N, 13 05W.

11.34am: Kollemule Huk bg West and Kogur bg S69W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 66 23N, 13 00W.

  Temperatures below freezing all day.

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15 December 1916

At sea

Lat 64.77, Long -8.79

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 43N, 9 39W.

  Strong NE’ly winds, bringing snow in the pm.

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16 December 1916

At sea

Lat 63.39, Long -9.07

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 08N, 9 12W.

  1.04pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian. Picked up boat from same.

  1.54pm: Boat shoved off.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 13N, 9 00W.

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17 December 1916

At sea

Lat 63.97, Long -9.0 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 36N, 9 00W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 17N, 9 00W.

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18 December 1916

At sea

Lat 63.27, Long -8.67

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 31N, 9 00W.

  4.50pm: Signalled SS Gullfoss*, allowed to proceed.

  4.56pm: Signalled HMS Alsatian.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 07N, 9 03W

* Probably the small steamer of this name that served the Faroe Is.

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19 December 1916

At sea

Lat 58.44, Long -12.34

  Southerly courses all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 25W, 12 04W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 13N, 11 48W.

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20 December 1916

At sea to the Clyde

Lat 55.17, Long -6.01 [approx]

  6.20am: Tory I. Lt abeam 14.5 miles.

  8.20am: Inishtrahull abeam.

11.47am: Runabay Hd abeam 1.5 miles.

  2.51pm: Ailsa Craig abeam, 0.75 miles.

  5.32pm: Passed through boom defence and proceeded up river.

  6.20pm: Tugs fast.

  9.10pm: Made fast alongside Meadowside Wharf.

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21 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf, Glasgow

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

10.30am: One Corporal and four Gunners RMA joined ship from barracks.

10.45am: One AB and two Firemen joined ship from HM trawler Saxon via HMS Ebro.

10.50pm: One Trimmer (prisoner) joined ship from Ebro.

  Paid monthly money.

  Read warrants.

  2.00pm: Leave to port watch till noon, December 30th.

  2.05pm: Discharged three prisoners to prison.

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22 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  8.45am: Hands getting out empties and boxes (Paymaster’s stores). Gunner’s party stripping 6” breech blocks.

10.05am: Read warrant.

11.00am: Two Firemen joined from HMS Changuinola.

      Noon: Discharged one prisoner to prison.

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23 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  Hands working on stores.

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24 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  Sunday routine.

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25 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  Sunday routine for Christmas Day.

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26 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  Gunners party cleaning guns and refitting wireless yards.

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27 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  6.00pm: Lt/Cdr White RNR left ship and Lt/Cdr Rawlinson RNR joined ship.

  8.30pm: Two Marines RMLI joined ship from Gosport Barracks.

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28 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  9.30am: One prisoner left ship for HMS Daphne.

  2.00pm: Discharged one Fireman to shore, SNLR.

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29 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  1.00am: One Ldg Stoker of HMS Daphne [Daphine in log] reported himself onboard.

  1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Patuca.

  4.30pm: Armed guards arrived on board and one Mid. RNR.

  5.00pm: Six Ratings joined from RNB Portsmouth.

  8.30pm: Four Gunners RMA discharged to Eastney.

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30 December 1916

Meadowside Wharf to Princes Dock

Lat 55.867, Long -4.314

  1.00pm: Cast off from Meadowside and proceeded to Princes dock.

  3.15pm: Made fast in No 6 berth Princes dock.

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31 December 1916

Princes Dock

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  6.00am: Coal lighters alongside. Shore gang commenced coaling.

  8.45am: Hands cleaning decks.

10.00am: Landed church parties.

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling.

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Above four pages blank.


[Glasgow and on patrol]

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Above four pages covers and blanks.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened.

Sea thermometer; J Hicks, 1677.

4caf8881cadfd34197020e55: ( 53-49765-003_1.jpg)

1 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Paid monthly money.

Sick List: 1.

Weather: Various Westerly winds as high as f6 with rain at times, temperatures in the low 50s F.

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2 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  6.00am: Shore gangs recommenced coaling.

      Noon: Port watch returned from long leave.

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3 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed on wireless aerial.

  Shore gang coaling ship.

  1.40pm: 10 ratings and three officers left ship to join HMS Hilary.

  6.00pm: Three ratings joined ship.

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4 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  4.00am: Shore gang coaling ship.

  8.45am: Hands employed on wireless aerial and Armourer’s party.

10.40am: One rating joined ship for HMS Ebro.

  7.30pm: Finished coaling.

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5 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  9.00am: Hands employed shifting ship and embarking stores.

10.30am: One CPO RFR and one Plumber RNR joined ship from RNB Portsmouth.

  8.30pm: Two Marines left ship for Forton Barracks.

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6 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  6.00am: One Carpenter's Mate MMR joined ship from RNB Portsmouth.

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7 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  9.30am: Armourer’s party dismounted Y2 gun.

  1.30pm: Armourer’s party remounted A2 gun.

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8 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed as requisite.

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9 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed refitting, also embarking and stowing ammunition.

  9.00pm: One officer and one rating left ship for Cumbella [probably HMS Columbella is intended].

4caf8881cadfd34197020e5e: ( 53-49765-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

11.00am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.50am: Two ratings joined ship from prison.

  2.15pm: Shifted ship to berth ahead.

  3.15pm: Discharged from ship two MM Stoker ratings.

11.15pm: One rating joined ship for Montague. [HMS Motagua must be intended here; Moldavia rendezvoused with her on the 20th January and transferred one rating.]

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11 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

11.45am: One Stoker joined ship from prison.

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12 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  9.10am: One rating joined ship for HMS Ebro.

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13 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

11.00pm: Seven ratings joined ship from RNB Portsmouth.

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14 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  4.00pm: One Fireman joined ship absent from HMS Hilary.

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15 January 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

10.00am: One Stoker joined ship from prison.

11.30am: One Stoker discharged to hospital and one Steward rating joined ship from Portsmouth.

  8.30pm: 12 Seaman ratings discharged to RNB Portsmouth.

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16 January 1917

Glasgow and at sea

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8 [approx]

  5.10am: Discharged one Sergeant RMA to Eastney. Tugs alongside.

  5.30am: Ship cast off and left dock to proceed down river.

  7.30am: Dumbarton Rock abeam.

  8.15am: Stern tug cast off.

  8.30am: Anchored to repair minor engine trouble.

11.43am: Mids Hocken and Gough returned from leave*.

  1.12pm: Anchor aweigh, proceeded.

  2.47pm: Cumbrae Lt abeam. Depth charges ready.

  4.50pm: Ailsa Craig abeam, 0.75 miles.

  7.06pm: Rathlin I. Lt abeam.

10.19pm: Inishtrahull Lt abeam.

* A “pierhead jump”; the Mids will have taken a train to Greenock and got a boat to take them out to their ship.

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17 January 1917

At sea

Lat 56.59, Long -12.47

  Courses for patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 07N, 11 08W.

  9.00am: Connected up steam steering gear.

12.30pm: Telemotor gear connected up.

  3.32pm: In Lat 57 19N, Long 12 17W, examined Norwegian Barque Blanca, armed guard on board .

  5.20pm: Challenged HMS Changuinola, same replied.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 08N, 12 24W.

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18 January 1917

At sea

Lat 61.17, Long -12.84 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 25N, 12 42W.

  1.39pm: Lowered seaboat with mail to HMS Virginian.

  2.05pm: Boat alongside with ratings.

  3.50pm: Challenged HMS Patia. Same sent boat.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 40N, 12 32W.

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19 January 1917

At sea

Lat 60.67, Long -10.4 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 35N, 11 38W.

  1.25pm: Challenged HMS Motagua.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 40N, 11 52W.

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20 January 1917

At sea

Lat 60.57, Long -10.44 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 48N, 10 26W.

  1.15pm: Challenged HMS Motagua, same sent boat.

  4.54pm: In 60 32N, 11 16W, boarded Norwegian SV Songvig, allowed to proceed

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21 January 1917

At sea

Lat 60.77, Long -15.44 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 43N, 11 43W.

12.05pm: Challenged by HMS Alsatian.

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22 January 1917

At sea

Lat 60.34, Long -14.9 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 29N, 13 56W.

  5.20pm: One Stoker released from cells.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 52N, 14 02W

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23 January 1917

At sea

Lat 63.05, Long -10.5 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 32N, 11 21W.

12.25pm: In 63 07N, 10 18W, passed British Trawler Quassia, GY 1141.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 26N, 10 15W.

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24 January 1917

At sea

Lat 62.77, Long -7.54

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 50N, 7 36W.

  9.41am: Carried out 1” AR practice.

  4.10pm: In 62 34N, 6 30W, stopped and boarded British Trawler Caspian, GY 755.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 48N, 7 30W.

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25 January 1917

At sea

Lat 64.14, Long -4.82 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 21N, 6 10W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 50N, 2 58W.

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26 January 1917

At sea

Lat 64.24, Long -5.49 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 28N, 6 57W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 59N, 3 40W.

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27 January 1917

At sea

Lat 64.27, Long -5.32

  Various courses patrolling.

12.55am: In 64 04N, 5 15W, stopped and boarded Danish Trawler Drofn.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 27N, 6 22W.

  8.05am: Passed Drofn.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 20N, 2 49W.

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28 January 1917

At sea

Lat 64.52, Long -4.62 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 47N, 5 40W.

11.40am: Replied to HMS Andes challenge.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 46N, 6 57W.

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29 January 1917

At sea

Lat 63.7, Long -9.57

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 26N, 9 30W.

12.07pm: Challenged HMS Champagne.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 49N, 9 44W.

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30 January 1917

At sea

Lat 63.82, Long -9.5 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 29N, 9 30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 47N, 8 20W.

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31 January 1917

At sea

Lat 63.72, Long -9.5 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 22N, 9 30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 51N, 9 23W.

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Above four pages blank.


[Patrol, Swarbacks Minn, patrol, Loch Ewe, patrol]

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Front cover.

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Above two pages blank.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened.

Sea thermometer; J Hicks, London.

4caf8881cadfd34197020e7d: ( 53-49766-003_1.jpg)

1 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.95, Long -9.34

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 28N, 9 30W.

10.00am: Stopped and dropped target, carried out 1” aiming practice.

11.20am: Picked up target and proceeded.

  1.20pm: In 64 00N, 9 37W, stopped and boarded Russian SS Irina. Allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 05N, 9 31W.

Sick List: 4.

Weather: Northerly winds f3-4 with snow squalls in the afternoon, temperatures below freezing.

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2 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.1, Long -7.07 (DR)

  SE’ly courses from 4.00am. Snow showers, heavy at times.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 37N, 8 22W.

  4.51pm: Stopped and boarded British ST Leeds, GY 207, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 57N, 5 00W.

  9.20pm: Prisoner released from cells.

4caf8881cadfd34197020e7f: ( 53-49766-004_1.jpg)

3 February 1917

At sea to Northern Coaling Base [Swarbacks Minn]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  3.57am: Eshaness Lt bg S49E.

  6.10am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam.

  6.30am: Passed boom defence and proceeded to anchor in No 1 berth.

  8.00am: Colliers Foreland and Wedgwood [Wedgewood in log] alongside, with coaling party from HMS Gibraltar. Commenced coaling.

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

  6.15pm: Admiral arrived from HMS Alsatian.

  6.30pm: Admiral left ship.

  6.45pm: One Ldg Tel. from HMS Lively brought to sick bay.

  9.00pm: Alsatian sailed.

4caf8881cadfd34197020e80: ( 53-49766-005_0.jpg)

4 February 1917

Northern Coaling Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  5.50am: HMS Royal Scot* arrived.

  7.30am: Coaling party from Gibraltar arrived, commenced coaling.

  4.30pm: Ass. Paymr Jones left ship.

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

10.25pm: HMS Champagne anchored in No 2 berth.

* Royal Scot, an armed boarding steamer (mercantile conversion), 1910, built by Caledon Shipbuilding of Dundee for the London and Edinburgh Shipping Co.

4caf8881cadfd34197020e81: ( 53-49766-005_1.jpg)

5 February 1917

Northern coaling base and at sea

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

  Continued coaling and watering.

  2.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,425 tons. Colliers cast off.

  5.00pm: Discharged one Ldg Seaman and one AB to HMS Gibraltar.

  7.50pm: Concert party from HMS Champagne boarded.

  9.00pm: Concert party left ship.

10.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

10.26pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam.

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6 February 1917

At sea

Lat 60.44, Long -5.12

  Various Westerly courses patrolling.

  3.11am: In 60 55N, 2 04W, stopped and intercepted Dutch SS Jason, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 26N, 4 16W.

  8.06am: In the same position, spoke British SS Francisco.

10.42am: Passed British Trawler Garnet, H 495.

  4.30pm: Depth charges placed at safe and lashed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 54N, 6 52W

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7 February 1917

At sea

Lat 58.79, Long -10.4 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 55N, 9 58W.

  1.33pm: Challenged HMS Patuca.

  2.01pm: Sent boat to same.

  2.17pm: Boat returned.

  4.15pm: Depth charges ready for dropping.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 30N, 11 33W.

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8 February 1917

At sea

Lat 58.55, Long -10.74

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 41N, 10 08W.

10.11am: In 58 34N, 10 34W, intercepted Norwegian SS Activ*.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 26N, 11 51W.

*A very common name for Scandinavian merchant ships, so this identification may not be correct.

4caf8881cadfd34197020e85: ( 53-49766-007_1.jpg)

9 February 1917

At sea

Lat 58.69, Long -10.19 (DR)

  Various courses patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 38N, 10 27W.

10.17am: Fired practice shot across East bound vessel.

10.54am: Stopped and boat away to Italian SS Famiglia.

11.00am: Italian ship abandoned by crew and German armed guard after exploding four bombs.

11.20am: Boat returned with crew and German armed guard.

11.40am: Boat left ship with examination party.

12.15pm: Boat returned with empty bomb box.

12.55pm: Boat returned with examination party. Hoisted seaboat and both Italian boats.

  1.08pm: Italian ship listed to port and sank in 51 08N, 10 08W.

  7.41pm: Flannan I. Lt abeam, 19.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 37N, 7 25W.

10.30pm: Butt of Lewis Lt bg South (t), 10 miles.

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10 February 1917

At sea to Loch Ewe and at sea

Lat 58.7, Long -7.2

Northerly courses all day after leaving Loch Ewe.

12.02am: Tiumpan Head Lt bg S57W, 10.5 miles.

  1.00am: Rugh Re [Rua Reidh] bg S17W (m).

  1.45am: Made pendants to shore signal station.

  2.41am: Passed boom and proceeded to anchor.

  3.15am: Drifter alongside with shore Captain.

  3.45am: Drifter alongside with guard and same left with shore officers, passengers, guard and prisoners.

  4.15am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  7.25am: Butt of Lewis Lt bg N30W.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 28N, 5 59W.

  9.54am: In 58 34N, 6 51W, passed Danish sailing vessel Sofareren* flying clearance flag.

  6.45pm: In 59 56N, 6 51W, stopped, boat away and boarded Norwegian barque Holthe. Sent same to Lerwick with S/Lt Grey and two men.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 02N, 7 56W.

*Possibly the Norwegian full rigger Sorfareren is intended.

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11 February 1917

At sea

Lat 62.02, Long -10.05

  Various courses for patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 02N, 9 52W. Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  9.25am: In 62 12N, 9 47W, stopped and boat away and boarded Swedish SS Meta, allowed to proceed.

  9.50am: Stopped and picked up Alsatian's boat. Boat away with Captain to Alsatian.

10.20am: Stopped, sea boat returned.

11.42am: Stopped, boat away with two Signal ratings to Alsatian.

12.20pm: Boat returned with Captain and two Signal ratings. Proceeded.

  1.32pm: Challenge and reply, HMS Artois.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 53N, 8 46W.

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12 February 1917

At sea

Lat 65.22, Long -8.74

  Various courses for patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 39N, 8 30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 65 25N, 11 12W.

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13 February 1917

At sea

Lat 66.15, Long -12.57

  Various courses for patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 66 18N, 12 26W.

  Strong winds, gale force at times in am.

  9.20am: Hove to while repairing wireless aerial.

  8.00pm: Pos. 65 41N, 11 18W.

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14 February 1917

At sea

Lat 64.77, Long -10.92 (DR)

  Various courses for patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 65 00N, 11 24W.

  8.07am: Challenged HMS Victorian. Reply.

  8.23am: Boat away to Victorian for mails.

  9.12am: Boat returned. One officer and three ratings joined ship. Proceeded.

  9.20am: Exercised action with Victorian. Helm and engines as requisite.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 39N, 10 51W.

  9.00pm: Observed brilliant display of Aurora Borealis.

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15 February 1917

At sea

Lat 62.8, Long -11.15

  Various courses for patrolling.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 31N, 10 35W.

12.55pm: Challenged HMS Artois, reply.

  3.23pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian, reply.

  5.30pm: In 62 58N, 11 32W, stopped and boarded British Trawler Jonquil, GY 391. Allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 43N, 11 02W.

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16 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.37, Long -11.69 (DR)

  Various courses for patrolling.

  3.30am: In 62 24N, 9 38W, boat away and boarded British Trawler Pericles, H 131. Boat returned. Proceeded.

  7.59am: Challenge and reply, HMS Artois.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 50N, 10 33W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 26N, 10 55W.

11.03pm: Examined Trawler Bona, H 855.

11.45pm: In 62 11N, 9 50W, boat away and boarded Norwegian SS Lyngenfjord.

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17 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.1, Long -11.29 (DR)

  Various courses for patrolling.

  7.30am: In 62 53N, 10 52W, boat away and boarded British Trawler Oystermouth Castle, GW 23, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 53N, 10 52W.

  6.20pm: In 62 23N, 10 12W, boat away and boarded Norwegian SS Tricolor [Tricolour in log], allowed to proceed.

  “Noted against Mr Robert Gilmour, Midshipman (Tempy) RNR, that having reported himself for attendance to the Surgeon at 4.00pm on Saturday 17th February, he did sleep upon his watch between 8.00pm and 11.15pm that day without having informed his superior officer that he felt unfit for duty. Signed RP Gilmour.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 14N, 10 02W.

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18 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.50, Long -11.17

  Various courses for patrolling.

  2.25am: Hard a port. Guns’ crews closed up, full ahead.

  2.27am: Resumed course.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 48N, 10 56W.

  9.40am: In 62 50N, 11 21W, boat away and boarded Russian SS Czar, allowed to proceed.

10.00am: Sunk cask by gunfire.

  2.30pm: In 63 02N, 10 58W, boarded British Trawler Braeriach, GY 922, allowed to proceed.

  5.10pm: In 62 58N, 12 07W, boarded British Trawler Dunraven Castle, SA 69, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 46N, 10 56W

10.45pm: In 62 21N, 10 55W, boarded Norwegian SS Losna.

11.21pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

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19 February 1917

At sea towards Loch Ewe

Lat 60.22, Long -8.2

  8.00am: Pos. 60 56N, 8 55W.

10.00am: GQs. Helm and engines as requisite to examine wreckage.

  8.47pm: Butt of Lewis Lt abeam, 4 miles.

  9.08pm: Tiumpan Light bg S34W.

11.00pm: Rugh Re [now Rua Reidh] Lt bg S13W.

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20 February 1917

At sea to Loch Ewe

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

  1.00am: Rua Reidh Lt abeam, 1 mile.

  1.30am: Passed through boom defence and anchored.

  6.30am: Motor boat left for Aultbea with postman and two marines. Drifter alongside with mails.

  7.30am: Collier Redesmere alongside. Commenced coaling.

11.30am: S/Lts Grey and Cales and two men rejoined ship. One rating joined from Whale I.

  “Noted against Mr Percy R Norwood, Warrant Tel. RNR, that he did not keep a continuous watch when on duty in the W/T cabinet between 8.30am and 11.00am on Tuesday 20th February.” Signed PR Norwood.

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

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21 February 1917

Coaling Base (Loch Ewe)

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

Coaling ship.

11.00pm: Boats left ship with visitors from destroyers and shore.

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22 February 1917

Loch Ewe and at sea

Lat 57.84, Long -5.61

  7.17am: Collier cast off.

  1.00pm: Landed liberty men.

  6.00pm: Received despatches and mail.

  6.15pm: Drifter alongside with liberty men.

  9.55pm: Mail drifter alongside.

10.18pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

11.35pm: Rua Reidh Lt abeam, a/c S2W.

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23 February 1917

At sea

Lat 59.59, Long -8.87

  Northerly courses all day.

  1.56am: Butt of Lewis Lt abeam, 13 miles.

  3.00am: Ship spraying heavily forward.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 25N, 8 06W.

  1.56pm: Challenge and reply, HMS Ebro. Sent boat, same returned with one PO joining from HMS Excellent.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 28N, 9 36W.

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24 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.6, Long -11.2 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 51N, 10 25W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 16N, 10 16W.

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25 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.79, Long -10.52

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 19N, 10 16W.

12.30pm: Challenge and reply, HMS Orvieto.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 20N, 10 13W.

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26 February 1917

At sea

Lat 63.85, Long -10.79

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 12N, 10 31W.

11.30am: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  4.49pm: Boat away to pick up buoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 55N, 10 44W.

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27 February 1917

At sea

Lat 64.55, Long -11.25 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 03N, 10 52W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 53N, 10 42W.

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28 February 1917

At sea

Lat 64.29, Long -10.92

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 54N, 10 44W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 55N, 10 44W.

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Above five pages blank.


[Patrol, Glasgow, patrol, Glasgow]

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Above two pages blank.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley & Son. 45’ asl.

Thermometers on fore part of wheelhouse, not screened.

Sea thermometer; J Hicks, London.

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1 March 1917

At sea

Lat 64.5, Long -11.22 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 58N, 10 47W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 56N, 10 45W.

Sick List: 4.

Weather: Very strong SW’ly winds all day, up to gale force 8 at noon, temperatures in the low 40s F.

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2 March 1917

At sea

Lat 62.2, Long -10.19

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 57N, 10 37W.

  9.55am: Challenge and reply, French cruiser Artois.

  2.56pm: Boat away to pick up spar.

  4.00pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian.

  4.58pm: Boat alongside from same.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 00N, 10 07W.

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3 March 1917

At sea

Lat 59.49, Long -10.17 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol, then from 1.00pm, S24W.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 21N, 10 04W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 51N, 10 00W.

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4 March 1917

At sea to the Clyde estuary

Lat 55.64, Long -7.19 (DR)

  3.25am: Hard a port sighted small dark object on starboard bow. GQ.

  3.26am: Hard a starboard to clear small steamer.

  6.06pm: Maidens Lt bg S67W, 4 miles.

  7.36pm: Ailsa Craig abeam, 2 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 02N, 8 15W.

  9.47pm: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam, 0.5 miles.

10.41pm: Passed boom defence. Picked up pilot.

11.20pm: Anchored. Sentry posted on Confidential Book room.

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5 March 1917

Up river to Glasgow

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  7.00am: Paymaster and orderlies left in tug.

  7.33am: Weighed and proceeded up river, two tugs.

10.30am: Alongside No 6 berth Princes Dock. Made fast.

11.55am: Read warrant No 31.

12.15pm: Discharged one Fireman to prison.

  2.45pm: 17 ratings joined ship.

  3.00pm: Leave to port watch until 11.59pm, 10th March.

  3.05pm: Shore gang commenced coaling.

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6 March 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

10.30am: Nine ratings and two prisoners joined ship for HMS Hilary.

  Hands employed embarking stores.

  7.00pm: Discharged one Cook's Mate to shore.

  8.30pm: Discharged one Boy to Stonehouse Hospital, Devonport.

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7 March 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed as requisite, embarking stores and painting funnels.

  7.00pm: Completed coaling.

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8 March 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed embarking stores. Gunner’s party dismounting 6” guns.

  9.45pm: Hands fell in to shift ship.

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9 March 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed embarking stores and painting.

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10 March 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

11.00am: One RMA rating joined ship from Eastney.

     In pm: Hands employed shifting ship to No 10 berth.

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11 March 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  1.00pm: Two Seaman ratings joined from Portsmouth.

  3.20pm: Discharged one OD [probably Ordinary Seaman] to RNB Portsmouth.

11.30pm: Pilot on board, telegraphs to stand by, singled down.

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Handwritten record of engine room orders in the river.

( 53-49767-011_1.jpg)

Engine room record, part two.

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Part three of engine room orders in the river, signed by S/Lt RM Fairnie, RNR as officer of the watch. These relate to her journey down river on the 12th.

12 March 1917

Glasgow and at sea

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8 [approx]

  Weather foggy.

12.50am: Cast off and proceeded out of dock with tugs. Proceeded down river.

  1.57am: Dalmuir Lt abeam.

  2.13pm: Ship grounded aft when navigating Rashielea Bend.

  2.21pm: Ship afloat, proceeded

  2.32pm: Erskine Ferry abeam.

  4.15am: Anchored.

  4.40am: Pilot left in tug.

12.31pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.07pm: Passed boom defence.

  3.01pm: Holy I. Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

  4.12pm: Ailsa Craig abeam, 0.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 55 15N, 6 13W.

  8.40pm: Inishtrahull Lt bg N55W.

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Above two pages blank.

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13 March 1917

At sea

Lat 57.14, Long -10.8

  Various courses to patrol ground.

  6.30am: In 56 09N, 9 39W, intercepted British SS’ Hawsker and Helmsloch and Norwegian SS Scindia.

  8.00am: Pos. 56 22N, 10 14W.

  8.11am: Intercepted British SS Arranmoor, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 58 30N, 12 10W.

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14 March 1917

At sea

Lat 58.34, Long -13.24

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 58 27N, 13 15W.

11.45am: Challenged HMS Hilary.

12.20pm: Boat away with nine ratings for Hilary and HMS Changuinola.

12.50pm: Boat returned with six ratings.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 40N, 13 20W.

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15 March 1917

At sea

Lat 61.79, Long -16.67

  Various courses on patrol.

  6.30am: Challenged HMS Patuca.

  7.13am: Stop both, boat alongside, boat left with two ratings, proceeded N65W.

  7.53am: In 61 13N, 16 08W, stop both, boat away, boarded Norwegian SS Tanafjord, allowed to proceed

  8.00am: Pos. 61 13N, 16 08W.

  8.45am: Challenged HMS Armadale Castle, reply.

11.30am: Challenged HMS Patia.

12.06pm: Boat alongside, boat left, proceeded.

  2.05pm: Circled round barrel. Helm and engines as requisite to fire at same, proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 39N, 18 28W.

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16 March 1917

At sea

Lat 63.09, Long -15.67

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 15N, 14 48W.

10.00am: Exercised Action, steered with hand steering gear, reconnected telemotor system.

  5.00pm: Warrant No 32 read. Hard a port circling. W/T doors closed (fog).

  7.19pm: Fog lifted, opened W/T doors, proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 39N, 15 43W.

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17 March 1917

At sea

Lat 62.34, Long -16.17

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 30N, 15 20W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 59N, 18 11W.

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18 March 1917

At sea

Lat 62.3, Long -16.12

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 27N, 15 22W.

  4.30pm: In 62 08N, 17 12W, passed British trawler Eros, H 768.

  6.00pm: Heavy hail storms.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 00N, 18 01W.

  9.22pm: In 61 59N, 17 44W, examined trawler Eros.

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19 March 1917

At sea

Lat 62.92, Long -15.25

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 43N, 15 13W.

  9.35am: In 62 52N, 15 46W, passed Danish SV trawlers TG 309 and 303 [I haven’t found names for these. TG is Trangisvaag in the Faroe Islands.]

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 53N, 15 12W.

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20 March 1917

At sea

Lat 62.77, Long -15.59 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  6.30am: Challenged HMS Hildebrand. Sent boat to same with one officer. Boat returned with one rating.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 55N, 15 22W.

  9.23am: In 62 42N, 15 36W, boarded British trawler Ennerdale, GN 16. Allowed to proceed.

  9.30am: Carried out 1” AR practice at target.

  2.35pm: In 63 17N, 15 04W, boarded Danish trawler Sudurory [?] TN 36. Allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 47N, 15 38W.

  8.08pm: In the same position, boarded British trawler Ribble, H 255, allowed to proceed.

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21 March 1917

At sea

Lat 62.67, Long -15.11 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 54N, 15 34W.

  8.22am: In 62 50N, 15 35W, boarded trawler Commander Fullerton, H286.

  9.30am: Passed trawler Commander Horton, H233.

  9.45am: Carried out 1” AR practice.

11.00am: Challenged French cruiser Champagne [Champange in log]. Picked up boat from same.

  1.34pm: In 62 48N, 14 46W, boarded British trawler Great Admiral, GY 733.

  3.10pm: Challenged HMS Patuca. Sent boat to same.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 49N, 15 41W.

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22 March 1917

At sea

Lat 63.10, Long -14.17 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 28N, 13 07W.

  3.55pm: Challenged French cruiser Champagne, sent boat.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 01N, 14 55 W.

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23 March 1917

At sea

Lat 63.22, Long -13.72

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 24N, 13 28W.

  9.30am: Carried out 6” gun practice.

11.23am: In 63 16N, 13 42W, boarded British trawler Manxman, GY 34

  6.44pm: In 62 48N, 15 19W, boarded British trawler Cape Town, H 998.

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24 March 1917

At sea

Lat 63.29, Long -13.99

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 27N, 13 17W.

  2.50pm: Passed British trawler Eldorado, H 710.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 05N, 13 37W.

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25 March 1917

At sea

Lat 63.02, Long -14.7 (DR)

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 12N, 14 12W.

12.25pm: Challenged French cruiser Champagne.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 54N, 15 26W.

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26 March 1917

At sea

Lat 63.99, Long -13.02

  Various courses on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 28N, 12 59W.

11.20am: Challenged HMS Otway, reply. 8.00pm: Pos. 62 29N, 12 39W.

     Noon: Boat alongside from Otway with one German prisoner.

  2.39pm: Sent boat to Otway.

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27 March 1917

At sea

Lat 62.50, Long -11.1

  Various courses on patrol.

  3.26am: In 62 40N, 10 24W, closed British trawlers Capricornus, GY 1022 and Esmeralda, H 747.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 35N, 10 52W.

  8.10am: Rudder locking pintle broken, proceeded S42W, steering by engines.

  9.40am: In 62 30N, 11 04.5W, boarded Norwegian SS Sandefjord.

  5.25pm: Challenged HMS Avenger

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 37N, 12 00W.

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28 March 1917

At sea

Lat 60.2, Long -14.7

  Various courses..

  8.00am: Pos. 62 35N, 10 52W.

  1.27pm: In 60 04N, 14 42W, passed Belgian relief ship Adolf Deppe.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 15N, 14 10W.

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29 March 1917

At sea

Lat 57.49, Long -11.19

  South Easterly courses all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 57 58N, 12 17W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 56 13N, 9 16W

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30 March 1917

At sea to Glasgow

Lat 55.96, Long -4.84 [approx]

  4.45am: Challenged HMS Grenville.

  4.50am: Picked up escort, TBDs Grenville, Napier, Rocket and Orlandia [?]. [HMS Orcadia is a possibility for this last.]

  7.00am: Maidens abeam, 4 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 07N, 5 21W.

  9.45am: Pladda I. abeam, 3.5 miles.

11.45am: Stopped both, picked up pilot Mr Kelso, proceeded to gate.

  1.00pm: Anchored. Tug left with Paymaster and AN Other.

  2.20pm: Weighed and proceeded with tugs Campagnia and Warrior.

  4.07pm: Rashilea Lt abeam. Tug Victor made fast.

  5.55pm: Made fast in No 3 berth, Princes Dock.

  6.50pm: Discharged German prisoner to civil police escort.

  8.45pm: Paid starboard watch monthly money. Leave to same until 9.00am, 10th April.

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31 March 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  9.30am: Absentees joined from HMS Columbella [Collumbella in log].

10.00am: Paid Boys’ money and granted them leave until 10th April.

  1.00pm: Paid monthly money to remainder of ship’s company. Read warrants.

  1.40pm: Armed guard joined from HMS Hilary.

  1.55pm: Two prisoners left ship for prison.

  5.30pm: Rating left ship for RNB.

  7.30pm: Two Marines discharged to Barracks.

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Above four pages blank.

APRIL 1917 not included. It seems probable that Moldavia remained in dock for all of this month.


[Glasgow for dry dock and on patrol]

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Above two pages blank.

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Mercurial barometer, Lilley and Son, 46’ asl.

Air thermometers, screened, J Hicks, A1674 and A1676.

Sea thermometer J Hicks, A 1673.

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1 May 1917

Glasgow dry dock

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed getting out shells and painting.

  1.00pm: Discharged armed guard to HMS Patia.

  1.45pm: Paid monthly money.

  2.15pm: Hands refitting magazines.

  5.00pm: Leave to starboard watch and first part of port watch until 7.00am.

Sick List: 2.

Weather: Various light winds, dry, temperatures mostly in the 50s F.

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2 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed refitting and painting.

  4.20pm: Discharged one prisoner to RNB Devonport.

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3 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Hands employed refitting and painting.

10.15am: One OS [Ordinary Seaman or Officer Steward] joined ship for HMS Ebro.

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4 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  8.45am: One man joined from prison.

  1.00pm: Discharged Mid. Jacks to Queensferry hospital.

  3.00pm: One prisoner arrived on board.

  4.00pm: Read warrants Nos 42 to 46. Two prisoners left ship.

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5 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  9.00am: Two men joined ship from prison.

  3.00pm: One man returned from hospital.

  5.30pm: One Signal rating joined from HMS Orvieto.

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6 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Sunday routine, church parties etc.

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7 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  1.00pm: Discharged one officer and 10 ratings to HMS Columbella.

  1.45pm: Flooded dock. Proceeded with tugs to No 12 berth, Princes dock.

  4.10pm: Shore gang commenced coaling.

  5.00pm: Read warrant. Discharged one rating to prison.

  Coaling continued through the night.

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8 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Shore gangs coaling. Hands working ammunition.

  3.10pm: One prisoner discharged to HMS Eagle left ship with escort for Liverpool.

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9 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Coaling continues.

  9.00am: Escort from Liverpool returned.

  9.10am: One rating joined from HMS Changuinola.

11.15am: Funeral party landed.

  7.10pm: Funeral party returned.

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10 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  4.15am: Shifted ship to No 16 berth.

  9.50am: One absentee belonging to HMS Patia came on board and 10 Trimmers from HMS Eagle joined ship.

  5.00pm: Turned ship round.

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11 May 1917


Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  Discharged one prisoner to HM Prison Barlinnie and one rating to hospital.

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12 May 1917

Glasgow and at sea

Lat 55.858, Long -4.297

  4.53pm: Left dock and proceeded down river with pilot.

  5.53pm: Dalmuir Lt abeam. Cast off bow tug.

  7.10pm: Dropped pilot and proceeded to Bute.

  7.39pm: Passed boom.

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13 May 1917

At sea

Lat 56.15, Long -9.1 (DR)

  Various courses to patrol ground.

  8.00am: Pos. 55 48N, 7 16W.

12.03pm: Challenged HMS Changuinola. Sent boat to same with two ratings.

  5.00pm: Sighted enemy submarine red 75. Submarine submerged immediately after breaking surface, visible 5 seconds, distance 1500 yds. Full speed, helm hard a starboard.

  5.02pm: Resumed course.

  8.00pm: Pos. 57 14N, 10 50W.

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14 May 1917

At sea

Lat 60.17, Long -12.59

  Various courses for patrol.

  3.25am: Challenged HMS Patuca. Boat alongside from same, left with two ratings.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 26N, 11 57W.

  8.22am: Challenged HMS Otway.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 55N, 15 30W.

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15 May 1917

At sea

Lat 62.45, Long -16.1

  Various courses for patrol.

  3.05am: Challenged HMS Ebro.

  4.09am: Boat alongside from same, left with ratings.

  4.35am: Boat away to HMS Patia with ratings and stores.

  6.50am: In 61 51N, 15 42W, boarded Dutch SS Batjan, allowed to proceed.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 58N, 15 50W.

  8.30am: In 62 01N, 15 54W, boat away, boarded Dutch SS Alioth.

  2.15pm: Sighted SV bearing N20W.

  4.42pm: Challenged HMS Almanzora.

  5.02pm: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire. Boat away to same with ratings.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 03N, 17 04W.

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16 May 1917

At sea

Lat 62.84, Long -22.59

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 38N, 21 05W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 58N, 23 06W.

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17 May 1917

At sea

Lat 62.6, Long -21.79 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 53N, 22 50W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 57N, 23 00W.

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18 May 1917

At sea

Lat 62.64, Long -21.9 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 53N, 22 51W.

  3.55pm: Firemen McDermott and Gibson released from cells.

  8.00pm: Pos. 62 48N, 22 31W.

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19 May 1917

At sea

Lat 62.69, Long -22.17 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 62 56N, 23 08W

  9.14am: Examined some wreckage.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 45N, 19 48W.

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20 May 1917

At sea

Lat 60.00, Long -15.57 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 60 27N, 16 35W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 11N, 13 38W.

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21 May 1917

At sea

Lat 59.25, Long -12.87 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 28N, 12 10W.

  4.30pm: Fireman T Conner released from cells, time expired.

  5.25pm: In 58 49N, 13 20W, boarded Norwegian SV Hiawatha. Boat away with armed guard, allowed to proceed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 01N, 13 41W.

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22 May 1917

At sea

Lat 59.24, Long -12.92 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 27N, 13 14W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 59 01N, 13 40W.

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23 May 1917

At sea

Lat 59.47, Long -12.9 (DR)

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 59 24N, 12 28W.

10.00am: 1” AR practice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 60 32N, 13 11W.

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24 May 1917

At sea

Lat 61.49, Long -13.12

  Various courses for patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 61 42N, 12 30W.

  4.57pm: Challenged HMS Virginian with VA Tupper on board.

  5.15pm: Stop to pick up Virginian’s boat and drop ours with Captain in. Proceeded.

  6.20pm: Stopped. Dropped Virginian’s boat and picked up ours. Captain on board. Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 52N, 14 23W.

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25 May 1917

At sea

Lat 63.84, Long -14.95

  Various courses for patrol. In soundings throughout the day in poor visibility.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 40N, 14 54W.

  2.25pm: Challenged HMS Gloucestershire.

  2.55pm: Stop. Captain left ship.

  4.10pm: Picked Captain up. HMS Elf [probably Elf, H 362] in company.

  8.00pm: Pos. 61 30N, 14 54W.

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26 May 1917

At sea

Lat 63.8, Long -14.25

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.17am: Observed high land bg N30W, 20 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 01N, 14 28W.

11.00am: In 63 45N, 14 10W, boarded Dutch schooner VL134, allowed to proceed.

11.25am: Challenged HMS Almanzora.

12.10pm: Almanzora’s boat alongside. Discharged 45 bags of mails and four ratings to Almanzora.

  1.10pm: In 63 48N, 14 07W, boarded Dutch schooner VL 134.

  5.22pm: In 64 03N, 14 30.5W, boarded Danish schooner TG 339. [All the schooners boarded today are likely to be fishing vessels.]

  6.52pm: In 64 08N, 14 48W, boarded British trawlers Admiral Cradock [Craddock in log] H103 and Quail [?].

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 08N, 14 48W.

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27 May 1917

At sea

Lat 63.95, Long -13.8

  Various courses for patrol.

  7.28am: In 64 10N, 14 35W, boat away to board Dutch schooner VL134. Sent vessel into Stornoway with one officer, one PO and four men.

  8.00am: Pos. 64 01N, 13 45W.

  9.53am: Challenged HMS Almanzora.

  2.05pm: In 63 44N, 13 03W, boat away to Dutch schooner VL 134 to give orders. Boat hoisted. Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 55N, 13 38W.

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28 May 1917

At sea

Lat 64.1, Long -14.41

  Various courses for patrol. Visibilty poor and in soundings for most of the am.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 59N, 13 55W.

  8.40am: In 63 58N, 13 52W, sent boat to VL 134 with instructions [the Hebrides are over there!].

10.00am: Officers to revolver practice.

  1.50pm: Passed British trawler Admiral Cradock.

  3.05pm: Passed Danish SV Regina.

  5.50pm: Ingolfshofoi Lt bg N59W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 45N, 16 10W.

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29 May 1917

At sea

Lat 63.52, Long -17.57

  Various courses for patrol.

  3.00am: Ingolfshofoi Lt bg N39W (comp).

  3.53am: Same bg N, 6 miles.

  5.14pm: In 63 30N, 16 34W, boarded British trawler Hilaria, GY 698.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 28N, 17 31W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 37N, 16 34W.

  9.01pm: Stopped to examine object in water.

  9.55pm: In 63 47N, 16 34W, boarded British trawler Teach [?]. Proceeded to board another trawler.

10.53am: In 63 46.5N, 16 26W, boarded steam trawlers Dunraven Castle, SA69, Eclipse, PD364, Tasmania, A737 and Pochard, A250.

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30 May 1917

At sea

Lat 63.39, Long -16.57

  Various courses for patrol.

12.35am: Searching for object in the water.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 18N, 16 14W.

  9.33am: Carried out 6” firing practice at target.

  8.00pm: Pos. 64 01N, 15 34W.

11.06pm: Closed HM trawlers Sitwill [perhaps Sitvel is intended] and St Denis, H 7.

11.32pm: Boat away to fetch trawler captains.

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31 May 1917

At sea

Lat 63.85, Long -15.84

  Various courses for patrol.

12.05am: Boat left with trawler captains and Mid. McKellar RNR and armed guard. Proceeded.

  7.45am: Ingolfshofoi Lt bg N8W, 5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 63 45N, 16 29W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 63 52N, 15 06W.

11.59pm: Winds increasing to NE gale f8. Ship pitching to high NE’ly swell and shipping heavy water forward.

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Above four pages blank.

Moldavia later served as a troopship and in that capacity was torpedoed and sunk off Beachy Head on the 23rd May 1918, with the loss of 55 lives, all American service personnel. It is possible to dive the wreck on a look, but don’t touch or enter, basis, as it is an official war grave.