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River Gunboat, Insect-class Ordered 2.15 as "China Gunboat" for service on Danube. Served elsewhere, Pendant Nos. P.96 (1.16), P.03 (1.18). Launched 15.9.15 Ailsa SB. 645 tons, 237(oa), 230(pp)x36x4ft. TE 2000ihp,14kts, twin screws in tunnels. Armament: 2-6in, 2-12pdr. Mediterranean 1916-18. Sold 1947 at Singapore. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes:
Some useful abbreviations:
This edit would not of course be possible without the Internet and we would like to acknowledge the following sites that are the source of all the hyperlinks here. All of these are maintained by volunteers, usually at their own expense and we are greatly indebted to them. In no particular order…
The following sites each contributed a single piece to the jigsaw and nonetheless valuable for that… Thank you, heroes all, we enthusiasts and amateur historians salute you! Each page is a précis of the day’s events, with routine entries (clean ship, hands to dinner etc) omitted for brevity. However on the first day of each month the full entry is recorded, to give an idea of shipboard life. The position on the second line of each day is that of the ship at noon, either as recorded in the log or the co-ordinates of a known port. When neither is available, positions have been estimated, with the assistance of the Journey Plotter programme, and these are marked [approx]. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1916 4edebce614d0450578000d14: ( 4edebce614d0450578000d15: ( Front cover of copy log book for February 1916. 4edebce614d0450578000d16: ( Blank. 4edebce614d0450578000d17: ( Signature of Cdr FB Noble (Captain)*. 1st March 1916. *Although only a Commander, he is referred to as Captain by courtesy and to the crew he is known, by ancient custom, as “The Owner”. 4edebce614d0450578000d18: ( Instrument page, none fitted. HMS Aphis was delivered to the Royal Navy in November 1915, so is still fitting out and preparing for Mediterranean service.
4edebce614d0450578000d19: ( 1 February 1916 Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Forward 6" gun sponged out and breach stripped. Bridge deck awnings fitted. Pads made for main deck awnings. Noon: Hands to dinner. After 12 pdr scraped and painted with one coat of red lead. 4.20pm: Evening quarters. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.30pm. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Liberty men returned. 4edebce614d0450578000d1a: ( 2 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 In pm: 16 Seedie boys and two Tindals [the seedie equivalent of a Boatswain’s Mate] received on board as crew. 4edebce614d0450578000d1b: ( 3 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 One punt’s oar broken by AB Saul. For’d magazine key lost overboard by AB Knight. 4edebce614d0450578000d1c: ( 4 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Mast painted, waterline cut in, storeroom bilges cleaned. Seedie boys cleaned out bilges in provision store. 4edebce614d0450578000d1d: ( 5 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 In am: Exercised fire stations. 10.00pm: Watch turned out to put out extra moorings [strong winds and heavy rain]. 4edebce714d0450578000d1e: ( 6 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Sunday routine. Received mails. Landed RC and C of E church parties. 4.30pm: One man transferred to hospital and one man arrived from same. 4edebce714d0450578000d1f: ( 7 February 1916 Port Said and at sea for submarine patrol Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Compass adjusted by Navigating Lieutenant of HMS Implacable. [A list of deviations and magnets attached is given in the log]. 10.00am: Let go aft and weighed anchor to proceed to sea. 10.30am: Thick fog, remoored. 11.15am: Fog cleared. 1.10pm: Let go aft and proceeded to sea. 1.40pm: Outer buoy. Commenced adjusting compass. 3.10pm: Finished adjusting, very unsatisfactory. 3.23pm: Fired three rounds from each gun (6” fore and aft, 12 pdr fore and aft). 4.05pm: Returned to harbour. 4.45pm: Remoored, port anchor and stern fast to quay. 7.40pm: Slipped, weighed and proceeded to sea with pilot. 8.10pm: Dropped pilot at outer buoy. 8.15pm: Hands at guns for night defence and proceeded on submarine patrol, various speeds and courses. [Although not equipped to detect or attack a submerged submarine, they will be hoping to catch one on the surface for recharging batteries.] 4edebce714d0450578000d20: ( 8 February 1916 Patrol, Port Said and patrol Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 12.01am: At sea on patrol. 7.50am: Secure. Return ammunition 8.00am: Outer buoy. Embark pilot. 8.50am: Moored to buoys at oil station to receive fuel oil. Took on charge 11 tons oil fuel. 11.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded to berth. 11.30am: Moored with port anchor and stern fast to quay. 6.40pm: Let go aft. Weighed anchor and proceeded to sea for night patrol. 7.25pm: Disembarked pilot. Man and arm ship for submarine patrol. 4edebce714d0450578000d21: ( 9 February 1916 Patrol and at Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 12.01am: At sea on patrol. 6.45am: Embarked pilot and entered harbour. 7.00am: Secure, returned ammunition. 7.50am. Moored, port anchor and stern fast to quay. 9.05am: Coaled ship, 25 tons Welsh coal. [Aphis burns both coal and oil. The coaling is presumably being done by local labour because …] 10.40am: Hands stand easy for forenoon. 1.00pm: Finished coaling. 4edebce714d0450578000d22: ( 10 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 7.35am: Warrant No 1 read to ship’s company. 1.30pm: All matting brought on board from Navy House. 4edebce714d0450578000d23: ( 11 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 In am: Hands fitting matting. In pm: Part of provision room bilges redleaded. 4edebce714d0450578000d24: ( 12 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 7.30am: Proceeded to Petroleum Basin. 8.00am: Arrived and moored in Petroleum Basin to adjust gun sights and oil. Received 11 tons oil fuel. 11.10am: Returned to harbour. 11.45am: Moored in Cherif Basin. 1.30pm: Two boats placed on beach at Navy House. 8.40pm: Punt sent for mails. 9.10pm: Punt returned and hoisted. 4edebce714d0450578000d25: ( 13 February 1916 From Port Said to Great Bitter Lake Lat 30.58, Long 32.28 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.50am: Embarked pilot and proceeded into canal. 12.45pm: Stopped off Ismailia, discharged confidential mails. 12.55pm: Changed pilots and proceeded. 2.15pm: Disembarked pilot at Deversior [at the Northern end of Great Bitter Lake]. 3.30pm: Anchored, North of Fairway buoy off Kabret. 9.00pm: Placed armed guard of one QM [Quartermaster] and one Seaman on Pom Pom deck [probably not for military purposes, but to detect and deter kleftis, the highly skilled local thieves who specialise in stealing from vessels anchored in the canal]. 4edebce714d0450578000d26: ( 14 February 1916 Great Bitter Lake Lat 30.27, Long 32.46 6.00am: Armed guard dismissed. 1.15pm: Weighed port anchor and moored ship bow and stern with both bower anchors for calibrating. 9.00pm: Armed guard on Pom Pom deck during dark hours. 4edebce714d0450578000d27: ( 15 February 1916 Great Bitter Lake Lat 30.27, Long 32.46 9.40am: Commenced calibrating 6” guns. 11.25am: Completed calibrating. 9.00pm: Armed guard on Pom Pom deck during dark hours. 10.47pm: Patrol boat alongside with provisions. 4edebce714d0450578000d28: ( 16 February 1916 Great Bitter Lake Lat 30.34, Long 32.39 [approx] 9.55am: Proceeded as required for target practice towing target for HMS Scarab. 10.40am: Transferred target to Scarab and carried out aiming rifle* practice with 6” and 12 pdr guns. 12.45pm: Finished target practice and returned to anchorage off Kabret. * To save wear and tear on gun barrels and expenditure on full calibre shells, an aiming rifle was inserted into the barrel of the gun to fire a smaller round when practising. 4edebce714d0450578000d29: ( 17 February 1916 Great Bitter Lake to Ismailia Lat 30.58, Long 32.28 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Ismailia. Carried out GL’s practice with HMS Scarab. 8.05am: Embarked pilot and proceeded into canal. 9.40am: Anchored off Ismailia. 4edebce714d0450578000d2a: ( 18 February 1916 Ismailia to Kantara Lat 30.85, Long 32.315 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Kantara. 10.15am: Anchored and made fast alongside canal bank at Kantara. 1.00pm: Two hours leave to starboard watch. 3.00pm: Two hours leave to port watch. 4edebce714d0450578000d2b: ( 19 February 1916 Kantara to Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 6.15am: Cast off. Weighed and proceeded to Port Said. 9.20am: Anchored in Sherif Basin [Bassin Chérif]. 4edebce714d0450578000d2c: ( 20 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebce714d0450578000d2d: ( 21 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Wardroom and cabins prepared for painting. Port watch inoculated [spelling corrected throughout] for typhoid. 4edebce714d0450578000d2e: ( 22 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Hands painting wardroom and cabins. 4edebce714d0450578000d2f: ( 23 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Hands painting wardroom and cabins. 4edebce714d0450578000d30: ( 24 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Hands painting wardroom and cabins. 4edebce714d0450578000d31: ( 25 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Hands painting wardroom and cabins. 4edebce714d0450578000d32: ( 26 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Hands painting wardroom and cabins. 4edebce714d0450578000d33: ( 27 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Sunday routine. 4edebce714d0450578000d34: ( 28 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Officers’ passage washed and painted. Deck houses pumice stoned. 4edebce714d0450578000d35: ( 29 February 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Starboard watch inoculated for typhoid. Voice piping covered. Boot topping* scrubbed. * The line on the hull where the anti-fouling paint below the water-line meets the grey of the hull. 4edebce714d0450578000d36: ( 4edebce714d0450578000d37: ( Above two pages blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1916 [Port Said, Ismailia, Great Bitter lake, Ismailia and Port Said] 4edebce814d0450578000d38: ( 4edebce814d0450578000d39: ( Cover of copy logbook for March 1916. Signed WW Rickard, Navigating Officer. 4edebce814d0450578000d3a: ( 4edebce814d0450578000d3b: ( Signature of Cdr FB Noble (Captain). 1st April 1916. 4edebce814d0450578000d3c: ( No instruments fitted. 4edebce814d0450578000d3d: ( 1 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 6.55am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Divisional drills. Port watch second inoculation for typhoid. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Ship’s side washed. Green bottom touched up. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. Leave to watch till 10.30pm. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: All liberty men on board. 4edebce814d0450578000d3e: ( 2 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebce814d0450578000d3f: ( 3 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Ship’s side and galley funnel painted. 4edebce814d0450578000d40: ( 4 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebce814d0450578000d41: ( 5 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 6” gun shields brought alongside. 4edebce814d0450578000d42: ( 6 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Hands employed getting gun shields on board and sending down topmast. Starboard watch second inoculation for typhoid. 4edebce814d0450578000d43: ( 7 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Gun shields pumice stoned. Superstructure touched up. 4edebce814d0450578000d44: ( 8 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed rigging new topmast and as requisite. 4edebce814d0450578000d45: ( 9 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Rigging and fitting new topmast. Working party sent to HMS Gnat. 4edebce814d0450578000d46: ( 10 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Working party to HMS Gnat. Stores brought on board from Gnat and HMS Moth. 4edebce814d0450578000d47: ( 11 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 New topmast sent up. 4edebce814d0450578000d48: ( 12 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Sunday routine. Hands employed as requisite. 4edebce814d0450578000d49: ( 13 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Topmast stays fitted. Crows nest prepared for going aloft. Five Seedie boys discharged to HMS Moth. 4edebce814d0450578000d4a: ( 14 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Crow’s nest sent aloft, secured and redleaded. Dummy cartridge lost overboard by AB F Carroll. 4edebce814d0450578000d4b: ( 15 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Meat safe brought on board. Ship's side painted. Commenced making ladder for topmast. Topmast and crow’s nest painted. 4edebce914d0450578000d4c: ( 16 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 7.45am: Ldg Seaman E Streets sent to Cairo as escort. 6” gun covers painted. 4edebce914d0450578000d4d: ( 17 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 12.15am: Ldg Seaman E Streets returned on board with AB J Farmer from Cairo. 4edebce914d0450578000d4e: ( 18 March 1916 Port Said to Ismailia Lat 30.73, Long 32.34 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to enter canal. 9.50am: Gare du Ras. 10.20am: Gare No 2. 10.55am: Gare du Gap. 11.23am: Kantara. 11.52am: Gare de Ballah. 12.14pm: Gare el Faredine [now Al Firdan]. 1.20pm: Anchored off Ismailia. 4edebce914d0450578000d4f: ( 19 March 1916 Ismailia Lat 30.58, Long 32.28 Sunday Routine. 4edebce914d0450578000d50: ( 20 March 1916 Ismailia Lat 30.58, Long 32.28 Ladder put up mast. SS and GL to drill. After 6” gun shield painted. 4edebce914d0450578000d51: ( 21 March 1916 Ismailia Lat 30.58, Long 32.28 In am: SS and GL to drill. 1.30pm: Hands to Make and mend. 4edebce914d0450578000d52: ( 22 March 1916 Ismailia to Great Bitter Lake Lat 30.58, Long 32.28 2.07pm: Weighed and proceeded South. 3.27pm: Gare de Deversoir. Discharged pilot Williams. 4.00pm: Anchored on Eastern shore of lake. 6.00pm: Shifted berth to anchor in deeper water. 4edebce914d0450578000d53: ( 23 March 1916 Great Bitter Lake Lat 30.34, Long 32.42 [approx] 8.30am: Commenced spotting for HMS Scarab. Small arm drill. Pom pom crew at firing practice. 2.30pm: Finished spotting. 2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to shift berth and anchored. 5.52pm: Weighed and proceeded to Kabret for provisions. 6.48pm: Anchored off Kabret. 4edebce914d0450578000d54: ( 24 March 1916 Great Bitter Lake Lat 30.34, Long 32.42 [approx] 6.05am: Weighed and proceeded to GB Lake for target practice. 7.40am: Moored on West side of lake. 8.30am: Target practice commenced. 11.50am: Finished target practice. Unmoored, proceeded to East side of lake and anchored. Watch sent ashore to unrig target. 4edebce914d0450578000d55: ( 25 March 1916 Great Bitter Lake to Ismailia Lat 30.41, Long 32.36 [approx] 8.35am: Weighed and proceeded to carry out target practice. 11.25am: Finished target practice. 12.02pm: Gare de Deversoir. Embarked pilot. 1.20pm: Anchored off Ismailia. One fire bucket lost overboard by AB J Knight. 4edebce914d0450578000d56: ( 26 March 1916 Ismailia Lat 30.58, Long 32.28 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebce914d0450578000d57: ( 27 March 1916 Ismailia to Port Said Lat 31.05, Long 32.31 [approx] 8.35am: Weighed and proceeded North under pilot’s orders. 9.30am: Eased for passing ship. 11.05am: Kantara abeam. 1.20pm: Arrived at Port Said and moored to APC buoys for fuel. Took in 40 tons. 5.50pm: Cast off to moor in Sherif Basin. 4edebce914d0450578000d58: ( 28 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Funnel tops scraped. 12 pdr gun shields brought on board. 4edebce914d0450578000d59: ( 29 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed shipping 12 pdr gun shields and scraping same. 4edebce914d0450578000d5a: ( 30 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Paint touched up round hawse pipes. Stores received from SS Trifels. 4edebce914d0450578000d5b: ( 31 March 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Empty ammunition cases returned. New falls for motor boat cradle fitted. Topmast fighting stays refitted. 4edebce914d0450578000d5c: ( 4edebce914d0450578000d5d: ( 4edebce914d0450578000d5e: ( 4edebce914d0450578000d5f: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR APRIL 1916 [Port Said and Ismailia] 4edebcea14d0450578000d60: ( 4edebcea14d0450578000d61: ( Front cover of copy logbook, April 1916, signed W W Rickard, NO. 4edebcea14d0450578000d62: ( 4edebcea14d0450578000d63: ( Signature of Cdr FB Noble (Captain). 3rd May, 1916. 4edebcea14d0450578000d64: ( No instruments fitted. 4edebcea14d0450578000d65: ( 1 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Hands employed as requisite. 6.00am: Washed decks. 8.00am: HMS Tarantula, when getting under weigh, smashed side ladder and motor boat cradle. 9.00am: Exercised fire stations. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.30pm. 4.20pm: Evening quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Liberty men returned. 4edebcea14d0450578000d66: ( 2 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebcea14d0450578000d67: ( 3 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 12 pdr gun shields and bilges in after mess deck red-leaded. Gunner’s party from HMS Jupiter dismounted for’d 6” gun. 4edebcea14d0450578000d68: ( 4 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Red-leaded for’d mess deck bilges. 4edebcea14d0450578000d69: ( 5 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Painted after 12 pdr gun shield. Put patch in after awning. 4edebcea14d0450578000d6a: ( 6 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Mast painted blue. Hands employed covering voice piping. Ventilators touched up. 4edebcea14d0450578000d6b: ( 7 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands at voice piping and cleaning woodwork of punts. 4edebcea14d0450578000d6c: ( 8 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Wash down decks and clean mess decks. 4edebcea14d0450578000d6d: ( 9 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebcea14d0450578000d6e: ( 10 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Washed paintwork and painted voice piping. 4edebcea14d0450578000d6f: ( 11 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Funnels and part of pom pom deck painted. Rain and dust stopped painting. 4edebcea14d0450578000d70: ( 12 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebcea14d0450578000d71: ( 13 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 12.05am: Cleared lower deck to furl awnings [SE gale force 8]. 1.30pm: PO Handsford sent to hospital. 4edebcea14d0450578000d72: ( 14 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 7.30am: Dust storm. 12.30pm: Ditto. 1.30pm: Overhauled awnings, awnings and matting shaken. 4edebcea14d0450578000d73: ( 15 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Cleaned mess decks, exercised fire stations. 4edebcea14d0450578000d74: ( 16 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebcea14d0450578000d75: ( 17 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 1.30pm: AB Fagence placed under arrest. 4.30pm: PO Handsford returned from hospital. 5.30pm: Warrant No 2 read. AB Fagence sent to HMS Jupiter for 14 days cells. 4edebcea14d0450578000d76: ( 18 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Hands employed as requisite. 4edebcea14d0450578000d77: ( 19 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 9.50am: Ord. Seamen to small arms drill. 4edebceb14d0450578000d78: ( 20 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 9.50am: Aft 6” gun crew to drill. 1.15pm: Hands setting up awning ridge ropes etc. 4edebceb14d0450578000d79: ( 21 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 Sunday routine for Good Friday. 7.45am: Manned anti-aircraft guns. 9.20am: Secure. 1.15pm: Took in 200 rounds of 12 pdr shrapnel. 4.10pm: Slipped and weighed to shift berth alongside lighthouse. 4.35pm: Anchored, moored to buoy and took line ashore from port bow. 4edebceb14d0450578000d7a: ( 22 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.50am: Manned AA guns. 5.40pm: Hostile aeroplane overhead. Anti-aircraft guns manned. 6.15pm: Secure. Crews fall out. 4edebceb14d0450578000d7b: ( 23 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Manned AA guns. 10.30am: Landed church parties. 4edebceb14d0450578000d7c: ( 24 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Manned AA guns. 6.15pm: AB Gibbs from HMS Jupiter joined ship in place of AB Fagence. 4edebceb14d0450578000d7d: ( 25 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Manned AA guns. 1.10pm: Hostile aircraft overhead, guns manned. 1.30pm: Secure. 7.00pm: Hostile aircraft overhead, guns manned. 7.25pm: Secure. 4edebceb14d0450578000d7e: ( 26 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Manned AA guns. Hands painting funnels and scrubbing matting etc. 4edebceb14d0450578000d7f: ( 27 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Manned AA guns. Hands employed on awnings and getting two boats from Navy House. 4edebceb14d0450578000d80: ( 28 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Manned AA guns. 10.00am: Two Ord. Seamen sent to HMS Jupiter to pass for higher rating. Hands employed fitting side screens. 4edebceb14d0450578000d81: ( 29 April 1916 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.55am: Manned AA guns. Hands employed fitting side screens and on boats. In pm: Make and mend. 4edebceb14d0450578000d82: ( 30 April 1916 Port Said to Ismailia Lat 30.58, Long 32.3 7.55am: Weighed and proceeded for Suez Canal, pilot on board. 12.25pm: Anchored off Ismailia. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.30pm. 4edebceb14d0450578000d83: ( 4edebceb14d0450578000d84: ( 4edebceb14d0450578000d85: ( 4edebceb14d0450578000d86: ( 4edebceb14d0450578000d87: ( Above five pages blank. No logs from 1 May 1916 to 31 October 1918
LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1918 [Mudros, Aliki Bay, Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Izmit, Dardanelles and Mudros] 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c33: ( 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c34: ( Front cover of logbook copy for November 1918, signed WW Rickard, NO. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c35: ( 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c36: ( Above two pages blank. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c37: ( Instruments. Aneroid barometer by Pastorelli & Rapkin Ltd, No 2940 Thermometers mounted for’d on main deck. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c38: ( 1 November 1918 Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 A typical harbour day. 6.00am: Clean ship. 6.45am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Hands detailed for work as requisite. 11.45am: Secure. Noon: Dinner. 1.15pm: Hands detailed for work as requisite. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Winds SW’ly, as high as f 5-6 at times, dry and clear, temperatures low 58º, high 74ºF at 8.00am. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c39: ( 2 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.50am: Went alongside oiler Mexican Prince. 9.50am: Completed with oil, 58 tons. Cast off to anchor. In pm: Make and mend. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c3a: ( 3 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Sunday Routine. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c3b: ( 4 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Painting ship. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c3c: ( 5 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Painting ship. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c3d: ( 6 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded for water. Secured alongside RFA Reliance. 8.05am: Cast off to anchor off town pier. 10.05am: Weighed and proceeded to secure to buoy. 4ef4f375e53e0a0c91000c3e: ( 7 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c3f: ( 8 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c40: ( 9 November 1918 Mudros to Aliki Bay Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 8.10am: Slipped from buoy and anchored. 11.35am: Embarked balloon and personal [sic]. 12.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 1.25pm: Cape Irene bg North 1 mile. A/c N32E. 2.40pm: A/c N48E. 4.42pm: Cape Niger abeam 1/3rd mile. 5.15pm: Anchored in Aliki Bay, Imbros*. *Now Gökçeada, Aliki Bay on the SE coast was the RNAS base. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c41: ( 10 November 1918 Aliki Bay to Dardanelles Lat 40.15, Long 26.39 [approx] 6.40am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.00am: Cape Helles bg E, ½ mile. 8.05am: Stopped off Seddal Bahr [now Sedd el Bahr] waiting orders. 8.30am: Proceeded N80E, then N60E. 9.15am: Returned to Helles. 9.50am: Anchored off Cape Helles. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 11.55am: Arrived Chanak [now Cannakale], slow to send up observer in balloon. 12.10pm: Proceeded North. 2.30pm: Gallipolli Lt bg N50W 1/3 mile. 2.55pm: A/c S53W. 3.15pm: Gallipoli abeam. 4.00pm: Kodirik [possibly now Cardak] Lt abeam, slow to change observer. 5.02pm: Nagara Pt abeam. 5.20pm: Anchored in Dardan Bay. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c42: ( 11 November 1918 Dardan Bay to Pasha Liman harbour Lat 40.51, Long 27.21 [approx] 6.30am: Weighed and proceededNorth. 6.55am: Passed Nagara Pt. 9.05am: Gallipoli Lt abeam. 11.30am: Sar Kios [probably now Sarköy] bg N20W, 2-3 miles. Observer out of balloon. 12.45pm: Hora Lt bg N25W, 3 miles. A/c S60E. 2.35pm: Courses to enter Pasha Liman harbour. 2.45pm: Anchored. Topped up balloon. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c43: ( 12 November 1918 Pasha Liman to Izmid [now Izmit] Lat 40.61, Long 28.56 [approx] 6.37am: Weighed and proceeded, course N80E. 11.52am: Kalolimno I. [now Imrali] bg S8E, 4 miles, log 42. 3.45pm: Yelken Kaya Lt bg N, 1/3 mile, a/c East [into Gulf of Izmid]. 4.00pm: Topped up balloon, observer ascended. 4.35pm: Kara Lt abeam. 5.35pm: Lictun Lt abeam, a/c N88E and various. 6.20pm: Came to off Izmid in 4 fms. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c44: ( 13 November 1918 Izmid to mouth of Gulf and return Lat 40.73, Long 29.7 [approx] 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to secure alongside oiler. 9.55am: Completed with oil, 35 tons. 10.00am: Secured alongside HMS Aquarius [Aquarious in log] for water. 11.10am: Cast off and proceeded up Gulf. 11.52am: Lictun abeam. 12.15pm: Observer descended. 1.46pm: Gelken Kaya Lt abeam, fleet in sight. 4.00pm: Topped up balloon and changed observer. 4.20pm: A/c East. 6.35pm: Anchored off Izmid. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c45: ( 14 November 1918 Izmid Lat 40.75, Long 29.92 11.00am: Splice the Mainbrace, by order of the C-in-C. 1.15pm: Make and mend. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c46: ( 15 November 1918 Izmid and at sea Lat 40.75, Long 29.92 2.00pm: One rating joined ship. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.37pm: Lictun Lt abeam, course S81W. 8.38pm: Yelken Lt bg North, 2/3rd miles. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c47: ( 16 November 1918 At sea to Mavro I. Lat 40.03, Long 26.16 [approx] 12.25am: Kalolimno I. bg S10E, 5 miles. 4.50am: Kutali I. bg S, 2/3 mile. 8.00am: Pos. 40 27N, 26 47E. 8.30am: Gallipoli Lt abeam. Topped up balloon, observer ascended. 10.30am: Nagara Pt abeam 10.50am: Anchored in Dardan Bay. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 12.20pm: Cape Helles abeam. 1.20pm: Cruising between Rabbit Is and Bashika Bay to pick up mine field. 3.52pm: Anchored under Mavro I., observer descended. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c48: ( 17 November 1918 Mavro I. anchorage Lat 39.93, Long 26.07 1.30am: Let go second anchor [winds NNE 6-7, remaining strong all day]. 8.50am: Balloon broke away and lost. 1.30pm: Landed football party. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c49: ( 18 November 1918 Mavro I. to Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.58am: Weighed and proceeded. Course S16W. 7.29am: Streblos I. bg S26W, 1 mile, a/c S76W. 10.13am: Cape Irene N, 1 mile. 11.13am: Anchored, Mudros. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c4a: ( 19 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Make and mend. Two ratings joined ship. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c4b: ( 20 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Europa. 4ef4f376e53e0a0c91000c4c: ( 21 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c4d: ( 22 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c4e: ( 23 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c4f: ( 24 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c50: ( 25 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c51: ( 26 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside oiler. Received 22 tons fuel oil. 11.45am: Cast off to anchor. 1.15pm: One Petty Officer LTO* discharged to HMS Europa. 3.45pm: One CERA joined ship. *The abbreviation LTO is for Leading Torpedo Operator, a non-substantive rating. Member s of the torpedo branch in those days also functioned as electricians, probably this rating’s function on Aphis, which was not equipped with torpedoes. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c52: ( 27 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite, drawing and embarking stores. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c53: ( 28 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c54: ( 29 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Landed football party. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c55: ( 30 November 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 1.30pm: Duty part of watch removed depth charge throwers. 2.15pm: Discharged one AB to hospital. Page signed Gerald A. Wilson Lt/Cdr RN, Commanding Officer. 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c56: ( 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c57: ( 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c58: ( 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c59: ( 4ef4f377e53e0a0c91000c5a: ( Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1918 [Mudros, Constantinople, Galatz, Giurgiu, Corabia and Turnu Severin] 4ef4f378e53e0a0c91000c5b: ( 4ef4f378e53e0a0c91000c5c: ( Cover of copy logbook, December 1918, signed WW Rickard, NO. 4ef4f378e53e0a0c91000c5d: ( 4ef4f378e53e0a0c91000c5e: ( Above two pages blank. 4ef4f378e53e0a0c91000c5f: ( Instruments. Aneroid barometer by Pastorelli & Rapkin Ltd, No 2940 Thermometers mounted for’d on main deck. 4ef4f378e53e0a0c91000c60: ( 1 December 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 A harbour Sunday. 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 6.45am: Clean guns. 7.30am: Secure. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Clear up decks. Workmen removing depth charge trays. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 11.45am: Clear up decks. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 5.00pm. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 4.45pm: Lit up boilers*. Liberty men returned. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Shut down boilers. Weather: Light winds from the NE, rain at times, temperatures in the mid-50s F. *Probably to run the dynamo for electric light and to distil and heat water. They used 120 gallons of oil and also 1 cwt of coal, presumably for the galley range. 4ef4f378e53e0a0c91000c61: ( 2 December 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. One SBA rejoined ship. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c62: ( 3 December 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside oiler. 11.50am: Completed with oil, 22 tons. 1.15pm: Cast off to anchor. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c63: ( 4 December 1918 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c64: ( 5 December 1918 Mudros and at sea for Constantinople Lat 40.14, Long 26.06 7.05am: Weighed and proceeded, 230 revs. 8.15am: Cape Irene bg WNW, ¼ mile. A/c N32E. 11.16am: Cape Niger bg N22E, ¼ mile. A/c N83E. 1.00pm: Cape Helles bg NE, ¼ mile. Courses through Dardanelles. 2.30pm: Chanak abeam. 3.58pm: Galata Lt abeam. 4.38pm: Gallipoli abeam, a/c N66E. Streamed log. 5.58pm: Dahan Aslan buoy abeam. 7.40pm: Hora Lt bg N24W 1.5 miles, a/c N83E, log 36. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c65: ( 6 December 1918 At sea to Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.99 2.53am: Stefano Lt bg N12W, 1.5 miles, a/c N56E. 3.55am: Anchored in Constantinople outer anchorage. 9.25am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.25am: Came too off Shutari in 3¾ fms, port bower, 2 shackles. 11.40am: Weighed and proceeded to oil. 12.11pm: Secured to oiler. 2.30pm: Completed with oil, 22 tons, cast off to anchor. 8.30pm: Drifter alongside with provisions. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c66: ( 7 December 1918 Bosphorus Lat 41.2, Long 29.1 7.55am: Weighed and proceeded to anchor off the palace and transfer confidential books. 9.47am: Weighed and proceeded through Bosphorus. 10.10am: Anatole Lt abeam. Heavy Northerly swell, returned to anchor. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c67: ( 8 December 1918 Constantinople and at sea towards River Danube Lat 42.19, Long 29.28 6.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.45am: Anatole Lt bg S45E. 8.02am: Bosphorus Lt abeam, a/c N2W. Working up to 280 revs. 6.59pm: A/c N6W, log 145. 8.15pm: A/c N28E, log 162.
4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c68: ( 9 December 1918 To and up River Danube Lat 45.175, Long 29.0 [approx] 2.15am: Anchored off St Georgeo [Sfantu Gheorghe] mouth. 6.45am: Weighed and proceededN5E. 8.35am: Entered Sulina Mouth [of the Danube]. 8.45am: Passed Sulina, proceeded up river towards Galatz. 10.55am: Passed Gorgova. 12.42pm: Passed Yuleka. 3.45pm: Passed Reni. 5.10pm: Arrived at Galatz and secured alongside bank. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c69: ( 10 December 1918 Galatz Lat 45.42, Long 28.04 6.25am: Cast off to go alongside HMS Beaver for oil. 11.10am: Completed with oil, 30 tons. 11.25am: Beaver cast off and proceeded. [Not recorded in the log, but Aphis presumably returned to moor alongside the bank.] 3.00pm: HMS Ladybird arrived. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c6a: ( 11 December 1918 River Danube Lat 45.08, Long 27.92 [approx] Weather now cold, falling to 32ºF at midnight. 9.00am: Cast off and proceeded up river. 10.15am: Passed Braila. 1.10pm: Passed Gaza Gazlitis. 2.30pm: Passed Harsova. 4.00pm: Passed Bouseic. 5.20pm: Anchored off Cernavoda. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c6b: ( 12 December 1918 Cernavoda and up river Lat 44.32, Long 28.01 7.30am: Thick fog, unable to proceed at daylight. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.15pm: Passed Rasova. 4.40pm: Anchored off Parijvid. 4ef4f379e53e0a0c91000c6c: ( 13 December 1918 Up river to Giurgiu Lat 44.09, Long 26.8 7.20am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.20am: Hands dismounting for’d 12 pdr gun. 9.15am: Passed Silistra. 10.35am: Passed Betrena [now Vetren]. 12.10pm: Passed Sparniova. 5.50pm: Arrived at Giurgiu and secured to bank. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c6d: ( 14 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c6e: ( 15 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 1.30pm: Two MLs and HMS Ladybird arrived. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c6f: ( 16 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Landed football party. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c70: ( 17 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 Hands employed spreading awnings and painting funnels. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c71: ( 18 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 Painting. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c72: ( 19 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 Painting. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c73: ( 20 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 7.55am: Shifted alongside pontoon. Hands employed embarking oil fuel in drums from motor lorries. 3.30pm: Stopped oiling, 10 tons. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c74: ( 21 December 1918 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 6.30am: Rigged gear for oiling. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c75: ( 22 December 1918 Giurgiu to Corabia Lat 43.79, Long 25.89 [approx] 10.50am: Embarked pilot. 11.17am: Cast off. Weighed and proceeded. 1.40pm: Passed Schela Pietrosani. 3.25pm: Arrived at Ziminicea, stopped for instructions re barrage. 3.45pm: Proceeded. 5.25pm: Anchored at Corabia. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c76: ( 23 December 1918 Corabia to Tumu Magurele and return Lat 43.77, Long 24.51 7.17am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 8.30am: Anchored off Tumu Magurele for orders. 9.05am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 11.13am: Arrived at Corabia and secured alongside. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c77: ( 24 December 1918 Corabia Lat 43.77, Long 24.51 9.30am: Clear up decks and pipe down for the day. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c78: ( 25 December 1918 Corabia Lat 43.77, Long 24.51 9.00am: Prayers. Pipe down. 4ef4f37ae53e0a0c91000c79: ( 26 December 1918 Corabia Lat 43.77, Long 24.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c7a: ( 27 December 1918 Corabia Lat 43.77, Long 24.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c7b: ( 28 December 1918 Corabia Lat 43.77, Long 24.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c7c: ( 29 December 1918 River Danube Lat 43.7, Long 24.1 [approx] 6.40am: Cast off and proceeded. 6.55am: Anchored in thick fog. 10.12am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.55am: Passed Becti [now Baykai]. 1.30pm: Passed Rahova [now Oryahova]. 5.35pm: Anchored, Lom Palanka. 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c7d: ( 30 December 1918 Up river to Turnu Severin Lat 44.1, Long 22.96 [approx] 7.35am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 10.40am: Passed Viden. 10.55am: Passed Calafat. 1.30pm: Passed Orif. 7.25pm: Arrived at Turnu Severin, secured alongside 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c7e: ( 31 December 1918 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 Hands employed painting etc. 5.45pm: Four MLs secured alongside. Page signed by Lt/Cdr Gerald A Wilson, CO. 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c7f: ( 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c80: ( 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c81: ( 4ef4f37be53e0a0c91000c82: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1919 [Turnu Severin and Belgrade] 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c83: ( 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c84: ( Front cover of copy logbook, January 1919, signed WW Rickard, NO. 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c85: ( 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c86: ( Above two pages blank. 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c87: ( Instruments. Aneroid barometer by Pastorelli & Rapkin Ltd, No 2940 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c88: ( 1 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 7.00am: Quarters. Clean guns. 7.35am: Secure. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Hands detailed for work. 11.45am: Clear up decks. Noon: Dinner. 1.15pm: Watch onboard painting ship. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 5.30pm. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Tide mark 0’ 6”. 4.45pm: Lit up. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Shut down. Weather: Light airs, mist or fog in the forenoon, dry and clear later, temperatures from 36 to 52ºF. 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c89: ( 2 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 Hands employed as requisite. Tide mark 1’. 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c8a: ( 3 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 Hands employed as requisite. Tide mark 1’ 6”. 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c8b: ( 4 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 Hands employed as requisite. Tide mark 1’ 8”. 4ef4f37ce53e0a0c91000c8c: ( 5 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 10.00am: Commenced oiling from trucks. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c8d: ( 6 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 Hands employed as requisite. Tide mark 2’ 0”. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c8e: ( 7 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 Hands employed as requisite. Tide mark 2’ 9”. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c8f: ( 8 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 9.00am: Hands landed for squad drill. TM 2’ 6”. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c90: ( 9 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 In am: Completed with 41 tons of oil. TM 2’ 9”. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c91: ( 10 January 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 10.35am: Captain Haggard arrived in ML 509. TM 3’ 3”. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c92: ( 11 January 1919 Danube River Lat 44.64, Long 22.3 [approx] 7.30am: Pilot onboard. 7.58am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 8.35am: Embarked pilot for rapids. 10.20am: Passing Orsova. 12.25pm: [Passing various rapids named in the log until 2.20pm, when the rapids pilot was discharged.] 5.12pm: Arrived at Gradiste and secured to bank. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c93: ( 12 January 1919 Up river to Belgrade Lat 44.68, Long 20.73 7.25am: Cast off and proceeded up river. 11.00am: Passed Semendria. Noon: Passing Grocka. 2.30pm: Arrived at Belgrade and secured alongside lighters in River Sava. Put clocks back one hour. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c94: ( 13 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c95: ( 14 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c96: ( 15 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c97: ( 16 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 8.45am: Cast off and proceeded to anchor off Customs House. 3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to return to moor alongside lighters. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c98: ( 17 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.9, Long 20.3 [approx] 7.00am: Tug Amilla with two ships in tow collided with ship, severely damaged bow and smashed starboard hawse pipe. 8.45am: Cast off and proceeded to anchor in the Danube. 11.00am: Crown Prince of Serbia and staff came on board. 11.05am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 12.12pm: Passed Novi Banovci. 1.43pm: At Stari Stankaman, turned to return to Belgrade. 3.30pm: Disembarked Crown Prince and staff at Customs jetty. Cast off and proceeded up river to secure to bank near bridge. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c99: ( 18 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c9a: ( 19 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37de53e0a0c91000c9b: ( 20 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000c9c: ( 21 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000c9d: ( 22 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000c9e: ( 23 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000c9f: ( 24 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 11.00am: One ERA discharged to hospital. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca0: ( 25 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca1: ( 26 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca2: ( 27 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca3: ( 28 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 9.00am: Landed hands for route march. 11.10am: Party returned. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca4: ( 29 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 10.00am: AB Satterley discharged to hospital. Temperatures dropped below freezing today, max 30ºF at 4.00pm, with snow in the afternoon. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca5: ( 30 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. Bilges inspected. Freezing all day with more snow. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca6: ( 31 January 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. Freezing all day with more snow. 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca7: ( 4ef4f37ee53e0a0c91000ca8: ( 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000ca9: ( 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000caa: ( Above four pages blank. 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000cab: ( 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000cac: ( Front cover of deck log for the period 17th January to 13th April, 1919. 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000cad: ( Some handwritten notes in pencil re “black list men”. These are men undergoing the greatly disliked 10a punishment. 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000cae: ( Blank. 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000caf: ( Hand written in pencil, instruction re wardroom hatch. 4ef4f37fe53e0a0c91000cb0: ( Printed instructions for use of deck log. The following scans for 17-31 January, 1919, show the deck log entries, from which the copy log above was made. The entries are in pencil but mostly legible and those interested in the exhaustive detail of a day’s routine may be interested to click on them. However, nothing of importance happens ‒ the weather remains cold and Aphis remains at her mooring. 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb1: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb2: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb3: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb4: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb5: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb6: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb7: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb8: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cb9: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cba: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cbb: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cbc: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cbd: ( 4ef4f380e53e0a0c91000cbe: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cbf: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc0: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc1: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc2: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc3: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc4: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc5: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc6: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc7: ( 4ef4f381e53e0a0c91000cc8: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cc9: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cca: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000ccb: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000ccc: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000ccd: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cce: ( From here to the end of 1919, all the entries are taken from deck logs. The first page for each day has the weather information, the second records the day’s events. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1919 [Belgrade] 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000ccf: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cd0: ( 1 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 A typical harbour day. The cold weather continues with freezing air temperatures and snow falling. The river is only just above freezing. Note that on Aphis, moving from one compartment to another means going on deck through the hatch. The men’s heads are right aft, over the stern. No doubt they have awnings rigged to keep some of the snow off the steel decks, but movement will be kept to a minimum and cleaning the upper deck will involve little more than sweeping snow off it. 5.50am: Called hands. 6.00am: Cocoa and wash. 6.30am: Hands fall in, up guard and steerage*. 7.50am: Cooks. 8.00am: Breakfast and clean into No 3 dress. 8.55am: Out pipes. 9.00am: Hands fall in, clean ship, Saturday routine. 10.00am: Stand easy. 10.10am: Carry on. 10.50am: Quarters. 11.45am: Secure. 11.50am: Cooks. Noon: Pipe dinner. Leave to watch 1.30pm to 10.30pm. 1.30pm: Libertymen fall in. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Cooks. 4.15pm: Tea. 6.50pm: Cooks. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up mess decks for rounds. 9.00pm: Rounds. 9.50pm: Out pipes. 10.00pm: Pipe down. (Shut down). 11.00pm: All liberty men on board. *Men who have been on duty for part of the night. 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cd1: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cd2: ( 2 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Freezing cold, with strong Easterly winds and more snow. Sunday routine. 9.30am: Hands mustered for medals in the wardroom. 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cd3: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cd4: ( 3 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Light winds today, continuing cold, with fresh snow in the early hours. 6.00pm: English mail arrived. 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cd5: ( 4ef4f382e53e0a0c91000cd6: ( 4 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 More snow. 10.50am: Both watches muster on foc’sle to ease off bow wires. 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cd7: ( 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cd8: ( 5 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Snow, temperatures around freezing. Noon: Orderly returned with English mail. 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cd9: ( 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cda: ( 6 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 More snow. 10.30am: One SPO joined from hospital. 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cdb: ( 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cdc: ( 7 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Very cold, 16ºF at midnight. Noon: Two ratings detained in hospital. 4.30pm: Cover guns. 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cdd: ( 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cde: ( 8 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Continuing very cold. 9.00am: Hospital party landed. Hands clean out boats. 11.05am: Hospital party returned. 3.45pm: Hoisted dinghy. 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000cdf: ( 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000ce0: ( 9 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Continuing very cold with a lot of snow. 10.00am: Inspecting doctor arrived. 10.10am: Doctor departed. 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000ce1: ( 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000ce2: ( 10 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Continuing very cold with more snow. 10.30am: Landed provision party. 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000ce3: ( 4ef4f383e53e0a0c91000ce4: ( 11 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Light airs and blue skies, but still temperatures as low as 15ºF at 8.00pm. 9.35am: Shifted billet. 1.40pm: One AB joined from hospital. 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000ce5: ( 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000ce6: ( 12 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Light airs and blue skies, slightly warmer. 9.00am: Both watches employed beaching motor boat. 9.30am: Landed hospital orderly party. Noon: One AB rejoined from hospital. 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000ce7: ( 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000ce8: ( 13 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Mist and fog at first, clear skies later. 10.10am: Hands warping ship. Noon: Leave to watch in Belgrade till 5.00pm, Semlin [now Zemun] 10.00pm. One ERA detained in hospital. 1.15pm: Both watches shifting ship. Clear lower deck to man the capstan. 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000ce9: ( 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000cea: ( 14 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Temperatures rise above freezing with mist and rain in the afternoon. Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000ceb: ( 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000cec: ( 15 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 9.50am: Secured to lighter. 10.00am: Shoved off. 10.45am: Tied up alongside bank [probably with the lighter between ship and bank. The water level is dropping (see entry for 17 Feb), presumably due to freezing upstream and so they wish to avoid being left on the mud]. 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000ced: ( 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000cee: ( 16 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Freezing fog early, clearing later. Sunday routine. 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000cef: ( 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000cf0: ( 17 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Warmer weather, rain at times. River stopped falling, total fall 12 ft approx. 11.45am: Orderly returned, one man remaining in hospital. In pm: Drew provisions and stores. 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000cf1: ( 4ef4f384e53e0a0c91000cf2: ( Receipt? Cyrillic script. 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cf3: ( 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cf4: ( 18 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 River rising. Both watches spread out for’d airing [bedding and night clothing]. 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cf5: ( 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cf6: ( 19 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Temperatures in the 40s F, rain, mist and fog in the forenoon, clearing later. 7.35am: Stow away awnings. 9.00am: Hands landed for medical inspection. 10.50am: Medical party returned, four ratings returned from hospital and two detained there. 3.00pm: Caisson placed under bows. 4.00pm: One AB lent to barracks for duty. 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cf7: ( 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cf8: ( 20 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Depth from top of bank to water, 10’ 6”. 7.30am: Hands shifting officers’ round house. 9.00am: Landed hospital party. 9.10am: Workmen arrived to repair bows. 10.40am: Commenced to pump out caisson. 1.15pm: Tug Aladar arrived for pumping. 3.45pm: Tug ceased pumping and left. 4.25pm: Workmen left. 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cf9: ( 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cfa: ( 21 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Depth from top of bank to water 7’ 5”. 7.00am: One PO lent to barracks. 11.10am: Workmen arrived. 11.20am: Two ratings rejoined from hospital, two ratings detained. 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cfb: ( 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cfc: ( 22 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. Workmen onboard. 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cfd: ( 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cfe: ( 23 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Workmen onboard. 1.20pm: Hands mustered for money. 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000cff: ( 4ef4f385e53e0a0c91000d00: ( 24 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Depth from top of bank to water 7’ 5”. Noon: Captain discharged to hospital. 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d01: ( 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d02: ( 25 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 10.30am: One rating returned from barracks. 11.45am: One man returned from hospital, one detained. 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d03: ( 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d04: ( 26 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Depth from top of bank to water 5’ 0”. 6.00am: Lt Wightman and two ratings left ship for […]. 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d05: ( 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d06: ( 27 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 7.00am: Hands on foc’sle to tighten wires. Workmen onboard. 9.00am: Landed hospital party. 11.20am: Party returned, one man detained. 4.30pm: One PO rejoined from barracks. 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d07: ( 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d08: ( 28 February 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 2.55pm: Captain’s gear discharged to hospital. LOGS FOR MARCH 1919 [Belgrade, Turnu Severin and Braila] 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d09: ( 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d0a: ( 1 March 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 5.50am: Called hands. 6.00am: Cocoa and wash. 6.30am: Hands fall in, detailed as requisite. 7.05am: Pontoon bridge opened. 7.50am: Cooks. 8.00am: Breakfast and clean. 8.55am: Out pipes. 9.00am: Hands fall in, detailed as requisite, Saturday routine. 10.50am: Quarters. 11.45am: Secure. Clear up decks. 11.50am: Cooks. Noon: Pipe dinner. Leave to watch 1.30pm to 10.30pm. 1.30pm: Libertymen fall in. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Cooks. 4.15pm: Tea. 6.50pm: Cooks. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up mess decks for rounds. 9.00pm: Rounds. 9.50pm: Out pipes. 10.00pm: Pipe down. (Shut down). 11.00pm: All liberty men on board. Weather: Light SE winds, some rain, temperatures in the 40s F. 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d0b: ( 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d0c: ( 2 March 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Depth from top of bank to water 3’ 0”. 9.40am: Captain Haggard inspected the ship. 10.30am: Captain Haggard left. 1.30pm: Landed liberty men and football team. 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d0d: ( 4ef4f386e53e0a0c91000d0e: ( 3 March 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 1.50pm: One AB rejoined from hospital. 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d0f: ( 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d10: ( 4 March 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 1.15pm: Party away in motor boat to fetch water. 2.50pm: Motor boat made second water trip. 3.45pm: MB returned with slight damage. 6.50pm: Reported tug Bodrogkoz for steaming fast by ship. 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d11: ( 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d12: ( 5 March 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 2 feet between waterline and top of bank. 10.15am: Landed church party. 10.30am: One rating joined from hospital. 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d13: ( 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d14: ( 6 March 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 9.10am: Two Stoker ratings discharged to Belgrade hospital. 11.00am: One Stoker and one AB joined from hospital. 3.45pm: One Sub-Lieutenant RNVR joined ship from motor launch. 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d15: ( 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d16: ( 7 March 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 11.00am: Captain Haggard visited ship. 3.20pm: Caisson flooded. 3.35pm: Caisson taken away from bows. 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d17: ( 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d18: ( 8 March 1919 Belgrade to Orsova Lat 44.67, Long 20.9 [approx] 6.30am: Off large wires. Pilot arrived onboard. 9.35am: Cast off and proceeded. 9.40am: Turned. 9.55am: Left River Sava. 12.10pm: Passed Semendria [aka Smederevo]. 2.18pm: Passed Gradiste. 3.55pm: Embarked pilot. 6.15pm: Secured to pontoons at Orsova. 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d19: ( 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d1a: ( 9 March 1919 Orsova to Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 5.25am: Pilot onboard. 5.55am: Let go and proceeded. 7.07am: Arrived at Turnu Severin. Distance made good, 27 miles. Mails for Monitors and Bulgarian TB in office. 12.15pm: Commenced oiling. One PO joined ship from ML 509. 6.00pm: Shifted ship for oiling convenience. 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d1b: ( 4ef4f387e53e0a0c91000d1c: ( 10 March 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d1d: ( 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d1e: ( 11 March 1919 Turnu Severin to Lom Palanka Lat 43.99, Long 22.89 [approx] 3.00am: Finished oiling. 6.15am: Pilot onboard. Weighed and proceeded. 1.40pm: Secured to pontoon at Lom Palanka. Distance made good, 95 miles. 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d1f: ( 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d20: ( 12 March 1919 Lom Palanka Lat 43.84, Long 23.23 6.30am: Received provisions and stores from train. 1.10pm: Hands fall in for payment. 1.40pm: Hands provisioning tug for MLs. 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d21: ( 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d22: ( 13 March 1919 Lom Palanka to Giurgiu Lat 43.77, Long 24.51 6.45am: One Sub-Lieutenant and one PO left ship. 7.12pm: Weighed and proceeded down river. 10.20am: Issue of slops. Noon: Passed Corabia. 3.00pm: Sistov abeam. 5.25pm: Arrived at Giurgiu. DMG 109 miles. 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d23: ( 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d24: ( 14 March 1919 Giurgiu and down river Lat 44.04, Long 26.46 [approx] 8.30am: Shifted ship and tied up alongside lighter. 9.55am: Hands clear bunkers of remaining coal. [After this was done they must have proceeded down river, but not recorded in log] 12.40pm: Passed Tutrakan. 2.40pm: Passed Selestria [now Silistra] 5.35pm: Passed Cernavoda. 6.23pm: Anchored at K282. 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d25: ( 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d26: ( 15 March 1919 Down river to Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 6.35am: Coal lighters alongside. 7.05am: Weighed and proceeded. Hands employed cleaning port coal bunker. 11.35am: Arrived at Braila. 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d27: ( 4ef4f388e53e0a0c91000d28: ( 16 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Sunday routine. 9.00am: Landed RC party. 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d29: ( 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d2a: ( 17 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 9.30am: Started coaling from lighter alongside. 3.55pm: Finished coaling. 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d2b: ( 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d2c: ( 18 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 8.55am: Left coaling lighter and proceeded to oiling lighter. 10.15am: Started oiling. 2.30pm: Finished oiling, left jetty to tie up. 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d2d: ( 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d2e: ( 19 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 12.45pm: Hands detailed for unloading collier. 6.15pm: Coaling party returned. 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d2f: ( 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d30: ( 20 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 8.45am: Landed coaling party. 5.10pm: Coaling party returned. [Page has authentic period coal dust fingerprints] 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d31: ( 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d32: ( 21 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Clean ship and prepare for paying off. All mess decks inspected. 4.50pm: Sparia [?] tied up alongside. Crews changed over. 6.00pm: Relief crew fall in for’d. 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d33: ( 4ef4f389e53e0a0c91000d34: ( 22 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 10.05am: Sparia [?] left Braila. 12.20pm: Captain’s Writer ashore with telegram. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d35: ( 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d36: ( 23 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Sunday routine. 1.15pm: Duty part [of watch] fall in and bowse* ship in to jetty. *Bowse, tighten up. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d37: ( 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d38: ( 24 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 9.30am: Victualling Assistant and Captain of Hold* and two hands ashore. Signalman ashore for Captain**. *The rating who supervises the stowing of stores, known as the Tanky. ** In harbour the Signal ratings have little to do, so one will double as Captain’s orderly or writer. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d39: ( 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d3a: ( 25 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 9.00am: Captain of Hold and two hands ashore for bread. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d3b: ( 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d3c: ( 26 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d3d: ( 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d3e: ( 27 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Painting ship. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d3f: ( 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d40: ( 28 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 9.00am: Party ashore for provisions. 2.10pm: Landed football party. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d41: ( 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d42: ( 29 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f38ae53e0a0c91000d43: ( 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d44: ( 30 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Sunday routine. 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d45: ( 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d46: ( 31 March 1919 Braila Lat 45.26, Long 27.97 Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR APRIL 1919 [Braila, Lom Palanka, Turnu Severin and Belgrade] 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d47: ( 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d48: ( 1 April 1919 Braila and up river Lat 44.67, Long 27.98 [approx] 3.15am: Called watch for lighting up. 5.00am: Called hands. 5.15am: Cocoa and wash. 5.30am: Hands fall in, prepare to get under weigh. 6.40am: Weighed and proceeded up river at 230 revs. 10.00am: Starboard shaft knocking at stern gland, stopped engine and anchored. 10.25am: Weighed and proceeded on port engine. 11.30am: Half ahead starboard. Noon: Pipe dinner. K249 [distance marker]. 12.15pm: Passed Harsova. 1.15pm: Both watches detailed as requisite. 1.30pm: Passed Topales. 3.10pm: Cernavoda bridge. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Cooks. Rasova abeam. 7.00pm: Anchored at K369. Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up mess decks for rounds. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light SW winds, dry, high temperature 67ºF at 4.00pm. 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d49: ( 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d4a: ( 2 April 1919 River Danube Lat 43.98, Long 26.19 [approx] 5.08am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 5.50am: Silistra abeam. 9.30am: Tutrakan abeam. 1.30pm: Arrived at Rustcuk [now Ruse]. Landed libertymen. 3.00pm: Liberty men aboard. 3.05pm: Special duty men* stations. 3.10pm: Proceeded. 6.58pm: Passed Sistov [now Svishtov]. 7.45pm: Anchored. * The team that moors and unmoors ship. 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d4b: ( 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d4c: ( 3 April 1919 To Lom Palanka Lat 43.7, Long 24.31 [approx] 5.05am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.25am: Passed Nikopol. 9.33am: Passed Corabia. Noon: K672 12.30pm: Passed Rakova [now Oryahovo]. 4.25pm: Arrived at Lom Palanka. 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d4d: ( 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d4e: ( 4 April 1919 Lom Palanka Lat 43.84, Long 23.23 In am: Drilled 6” gun crews. 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d4f: ( 4ef4f38be53e0a0c91000d50: ( 5 April 1919 Lom Palanka Lat 43.84, Long 23.23 11.00am: Shifted billet. 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d51: ( 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d52: ( 6 April 1919 Lom Palanka Lat 43.84, Long 23.23 10.30am: Lighter No 360 alongside. 1.30pm: Hands unloading stores from lighter. 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d53: ( 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d54: ( 7 April 1919 Lom Palanka to Turnu Severin Lat 43.84, Long 23.23 6.00am: Carried on loading stores. 11.55am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 12.55pm: Passed tug and lighter at K 756. 3.05pm: Passed Vidin. 3.25pm: Passed Calafat. 6.00pm: Passed Vrif [probably now the village of Vrav]. 9.34pm: Passed Korbova. 11.50pm: Arrived at Turnu Severin. 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d55: ( 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d56: ( 8 April 1919 Turnu Severin Lat 44.62, Long 22.67 10.05am: Romanian Captain came aboard. 10.25am: Romanian Captain left. 2.00pm: Shifted ship to secure to jetty. 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d57: ( 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d58: ( 9 April 1919 Turnu Severin to Dubovac Lat 44.66, Long 22.31 [approx] 5.30am: Finished oiling. 9.07am: Let go and proceeded. 9.25am: Embarked pilot at […]. 11.12am: Arrived at Orsova 11.20am: Left Orsova. Noon: K969, distance 25 miles. In pm: Passed various rapids named in log. 3.55pm: Dropped pilot at Dunkova. 6.05pm: Passed Moldova. 8.30pm: Anchored at Dubovac,1095 K. 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d59: ( 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d5a: ( 10 April 1919 Dubovac to Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.00am: Passing Semendria. 11.15am: Entered River Sava. 11.20am: Arrived at Belgrade. Landed postman, orderly and Ship’s Steward. 2.00pm: One rating discharged to RND Barracks. 5.45pm: Discharged one Signal rating to hospital. 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d5b: ( 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d5c: ( 11 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 6.00pm: ML 509 alongside. 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d5d: ( 4ef4f38ce53e0a0c91000d5e: ( 12 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d5f: ( 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d60: ( 13 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Sunday routine. 9.25am: ML 210 alongside. 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d61: ( 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d62: ( Above two pages transferred to new log. 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d63: ( 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d64: ( 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d65: ( 4ef4f38de53e0a0c91000d66: ( Above four pages blank. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d67: ( 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d68: ( Front cover of deck log book, 14th April to 10th July 1919. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d69: ( Black list men will fall in at 12.35pm and work until out pipes, at 4.45pm and work to 6.40pm and at 8.55pm to stand rounds. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d6a: ( Blank. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d6b: ( Captain's standing order. The QM [Quartermaster] is to see that wardroom hatch is kept shut down at night. Initials of QMs. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d6c: ( Printed page of instructions for use of deck log. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d6d: ( 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d6e: ( 14 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d6f: ( 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d70: ( 15 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 1.25pm: Postman landed for mail. 2.10pm: Lt Whightman [probably Wightman is intended] left ship. 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d71: ( 4ef4f38ee53e0a0c91000d72: ( 16 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 8.55am: Orderly and working party for provisions landed. 9.50am: Armed guard returned from lighter 360. 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d73: ( 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d74: ( 17 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 8.55am: VA* and two hands landed for provisions. 6.10pm: ML 509 tied up alongside. *Victualling Assistant rather than Vice Admiral. 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d75: ( 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d76: ( 18 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 8.45am: Captain of Hold and one hand landed for provisions. Postman and orderly landed*. 8.30pm: One Ldg Hand and six hands left ship. *Neither of these are substantive ratings, just jobs given to ratings in harbour who are not otherwise over-burdened with duties. According to a Telegraphist on the China station, admittedly in a smaller vessel; “I was Sparker, Bunting Tosser, Captain’s Writer, Postman, Tanky, Pusser, Sick Bay Tiffie and Lampie. For this I got an extra sixpence a day!” 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d77: ( 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d78: ( 19 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 6.40pm: Received one case of bacon and one of stationery. 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d79: ( 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d7a: ( 20 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 4.30am: Called ML crew. 4.50am: ML left. 9.15am: Landed RC party. 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d7b: ( 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d7c: ( 21 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 In am: Hands paint mess deck. In pm: Make and mend. 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d7d: ( 4ef4f38fe53e0a0c91000d7e: ( 22 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 6.40am: One Ldg Hand and four hands left on duty. 8.35am: Captain of hold and VA left ship on duty. 8.45am: Wardroom cook and Postman ashore. 10.30am: ML 236 arrived. 11.30am: MLs 484, 368 and 430 arrived alongside. 3.45pm: Hands on jetty to get matting. 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d7f: ( 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d80: ( 23 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 Painting. 7.10am: Mr Peterson RNR joined ship. 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d81: ( 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d82: ( 24 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 1.40pm: ML 430 alongside. 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d83: ( 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d84: ( 25 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 9.25am: ML 434 alongside. Hands detailed for painting. 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d85: ( 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d86: ( 26 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 6.10am: Hands scrub upper deck. Sigmal* employed on battery deck. 3.30pm: ML 434 alongside. * I believe this to be a proprietary deck coating. 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d87: ( 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d88: ( 27 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 9.15am: RC party landed. 10.25am: C of E church party landed. 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d89: ( 4ef4f390e53e0a0c91000d8a: ( 28 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 8.05am: ML 434 shoved off. 9.40am: ERA Williamson landed on duty. 11.35am: ERA Williamson returned. 1.25pm: ML 368 left. 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d8b: ( 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d8c: ( 29 April 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 2.00pm: SBA* landed on duty. 2.25pm: One Signalman returned from hospital. *Sick Berth Attendant. 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d8d: ( 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d8e: ( 30 April 1919 Belgrade to Semlin and return Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 6.10am: ML 210 left. 6.45am: Proceeded to sea. 7.35am: Arrived Semlin. Tied up. 8.00am: Arrived Zemkier [possibly a merchant ship] 9.55am: Finished taking in stores. Left Semlin. 10.35am: Arrived Belgrade. Noon: Lt* CP Franklin joined ship. 2.30pm: Lt Aylward left ship. 5.35pm: Shifted ship and secured alongside HMS Ladybird. * Should read Lt/Cdr. LOGS FOR MAY 1919 [Belgrade and Novi Sad] 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d8f: ( 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d90: ( 1 May 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 A wet day in harbour. 5.20am: Called hands. 5.30am: Cooks. 5.55am: Cocoa and wash. 6.00am: Hands fall in, clean ship. 7.20am: Quarters. 7.40am: Broom down upper deck. 7.50am: Cooks. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.05am: Hands employed painting mess deck. 10.00am: Stand easy. 10.10am: Out pipes. 11.30am: Up spirits. 11.45am: Clear up decks. 11.50am: Cooks. Noon: Pipe dinner. 1.10pm: Out pipes. 1.15pm: Hands fall in. 3.45pm: Secure. Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 4.05pm: Cooks. 4.10pm: Tea and shift into night clothing. 6.45pm: Cooks. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up mess decks for rounds. 9.00pm: Rounds. 9.50pm: Out pipes. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light airs with rain for most of the day, temperatures in the 40s F. 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d91: ( 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d92: ( 2 May 1919 Belgrade Lat 44.81, Long 20.446 9.45am: Landed postman, wardroom cook, Signalman and ERA Williamson on duty. 11.20am: Postman, wardroom cook and Signalman returned. 11.40am: Weighed and proceeded to usual base for water. 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d93: ( 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d94: ( 3 May 1919 Belgrade to Novi Sad Lat 44.89, Long 20.35 [approx] 9.15am: Four Stewards arrived on board for passage. 9.45am: Pilot on aboard. 11.00am: Cast off and left River Sava. 11.25am: Passed Semlin. 12.15pm: Passed Novi Banovic. 12.45pm: Belegis abeam. 2.45pm: Passed Stari Slankamen. 4.25pm: Arrived at Novi Sad. 4.55pm: Discharged four ratings to tug Leontine 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d95: ( 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d96: ( 4 May 1919 Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 1.40pm: ML 210 arrived. 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d97: ( 4ef4f391e53e0a0c91000d98: ( 5 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.30pm: ML 236 left with mail for Belgrade. 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000d99: ( 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000d9a: ( 6 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000d9b: ( 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000d9c: ( 7 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.30am: Height of bridge 24’. 2.22pm: HMS Ladybird secured alongside. 3.37pm: Ladybird left. 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000d9d: ( 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000d9e: ( 8 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.45am: Lighter alongside. 10.10am: Working party from ML arrived. 4.15pm: Captain ashore. 5.05pm: First Lieutenant and Sub-Lieutenant ashore. 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000d9f: ( 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000da0: ( 9 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.00pm: Month’s money advanced to ship’s company. 2.15pm: Landed football party. 5.00pm: AB Chapman in hospital [a football injury?] 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000da1: ( 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000da2: ( 10 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Make and mend. 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000da3: ( 4ef4f392e53e0a0c91000da4: ( 11 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 1.50pm: ML 236 arrived with mail. 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000da5: ( 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000da6: ( 12 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000da7: ( 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000da8: ( 13 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.00am: Shift lighter and transfer funnels. 10.50am: Ldg Stoker Randell to French hospital. 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000da9: ( 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000daa: ( 14 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.30pm: Landed football party. 3.20pm: MLs 434 and 210 arrived. 4.30pm: Received 25 gallons of SML* oil. *Small Motor Launch. 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000dab: ( 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000dac: ( 15 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.40pm: Mail left with ML 236. 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000dad: ( 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000dae: ( 16 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000daf: ( 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000db0: ( 17 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.35pm: ML 504 arrived with mail. 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000db1: ( 4ef4f393e53e0a0c91000db2: ( 18 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.00am: SBA and one hand ashore on duty. 9.50am: RCs landed. 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000db3: ( 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000db4: ( 19 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 12.30pm: Both watches shift ship. 1.20pm: Ship secure. 4.05pm: Lt Rickard left ship. 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000db5: ( 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000db6: ( 20 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.30pm: Liberty men and football party landed. 1.50pm: Captain and one hand left ship for three days. 2.00pm: ML 236 and ML 196 alongside with stores. 2.30pm: MLs shoved off. 5.15pm: Football party returned. 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000db7: ( 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000db8: ( 21 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000db9: ( 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000dba: ( 22 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.45am: Monitors left. 11.35am: Elisabeth [a river steamer] arrived with mail and stores. 11.40am: Captain and one Signalman arrived on board. 4.25pm: Landed range party. 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000dbb: ( 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000dbc: ( 23 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000dbd: ( 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000dbe: ( 24 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000dbf: ( 4ef4f394e53e0a0c91000dc0: ( 25 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 12.15pm: ML 202 arrived with mails. 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc1: ( 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc2: ( 26 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.50am: ML 202 left for Belgrade with mails. 1.00pm: AB Mugford [?] joined ship. 3.30pm: Shooting party fall in. 5.40pm: Shooting party returned. 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc3: ( 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc4: ( 27 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.45am: Captain returned onboard. 6.00am: Hands fall in and rig tackle on steering chains. 8.00am: Shifted ship to tie up alongside oil lighter. 5.35pm: Hands muster on deck to rig large gangway. 6.30pm: Hands shift ship. 6.50pm: Secure. 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc5: ( 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc6: ( 28 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 11.10am: Two hands rejoined from hospital. 1.50pm: Commenced oiling. 11.45pm: Stopped pumping. 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc7: ( 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc8: ( 29 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.00am: Commenced pumping. 11.15am: ML 430 alongside. 11.25am: ML 430 left with 25 gallons of SML oil. 8.40pm: Finished oil pumping. 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dc9: ( 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dca: ( 30 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.10am: SMS Monitor Temes tied up astern. 9.45am: Sub-Lieutenant, interpreter and one hand went to Serbian Headquarters. 10.55am: SMS Temes went up river. 3.05pm: Pump started. 11.30pm: Stopped oil pump. 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dcb: ( 4ef4f395e53e0a0c91000dcc: ( 31 May 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.00pm: ML 202 arrived with mail. 7.30pm: Two army ratings joined ship. LOGS FOR JUNE 1919 [Novi Sad and based at Baja] 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dcd: ( 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dce: ( 1 June 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.20am: ML 202 proceeded up river. 5.30am: Called hands. 5.55am: Out pipes. 6.00am: Hands fall in, clean ship. 6.45am: Gun Quarters. 7.40am: Secure. 7.45am: Tug Vag* alongside. 7.50am: Cooks. 8.00am: Belay breakfast. Dress of the day No 8. 8.20am: Shifted ship. 8.50am: Breakfast. 9.15am: Landed RCs. 9.45am: Clear up decks. 10.00am: Divisions. Prayers. 11.30am: Up spirits. Landed liberty men. Noon: Pipe dinner. Leave to watch, 1.30pm to 10.30pm. 1.30pm: Liberty men and football party landed. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 6.00pm: Liberty men landed. 6.50pm: Cooks. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up mess decks for rounds. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light airs, dry and clear, temperatures as high as 84ºF at noon. * Later renamed Slovenac: excellent photo, from Serbian-language website. 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dcf: ( 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd0: ( 2 June 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd1: ( 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd2: ( 3 June 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.50pm: ML 434 alongside and received 25 gallons of SML oil and mail. 2.55pm: ML 434 left for Belgrade with mail. 3.20pm: Lighter alongside with funnels. 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd3: ( 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd4: ( 4 June 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd5: ( 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd6: ( 5 June 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.00pm: ML 504 left. 1.30pm: Landed football party. 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd7: ( 4ef4f396e53e0a0c91000dd8: ( 6 June 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.40am: ML 504 arrived with despatches. 11.07am: ML 504 left with 12 lbs of bully beef. Noon: Ship under sailing orders. 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000dd9: ( 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000dda: ( 7 June 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.00am: Hands fall in. Detailed up funnel. 7.05pm: Monitor Koros arrived. 9.15pm: 7 drums of petrol taken on board. 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000ddb: ( 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000ddc: ( 8 June 1919 Novi Sad to Baja Lat 45.68, Long 18.95 [approx] 2.45am: Called hands. 3.20am: Pilot on board. 3.25am: Under way for Baja. 1.10pm: Watch muster on battery deck. Up mast and wireless. 6.10pm: Arrived at Baja and tied up alongside houseboat. 10.00pm: Discharged AB Vaughn to hospital. 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000ddd: ( 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000dde: ( 9 June 1919 Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 6.50am: Thames [possibly SMS Temes is intended] came alongside. 1.30pm: Six ratings rejoined ship. 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000ddf: ( 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000de0: ( 10 June 1919 Baja and up river Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.20pm: Let go and proceeded up river. 11.10pm: Anchored astern of HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000de1: ( 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000de2: ( 11 June 1919 Upstream from Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 6.35am: ML 504 tied up alongside. 6.40am: HMS Ladybird left. 12.20pm: Landed bathing party. 12.40pm: ML alongside. 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000de3: ( 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000de4: ( 12 June 1919 To Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 2.30am: Fore 6” gun crew kept watch. 2.45am: Shook Captain. 5.50am: Weighed and proceeded to Baja. 6.35am: Secured alongside. 1.30pm: SMS Koros arrived. 6.20pm: Received 50 lbs of tea from HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f397e53e0a0c91000de5: ( 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000de6: ( 13 June 1919 Baja, up river and return Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 2.50am: Called both watches. 3.30am: Proceeded up river. 5.00am: Anchored. 6.00am: Up anchor. 6.45am: Tied up alongside oil lighter. 9.00am: Hands muster for quinine. 9.40am: Captain went ashore. 10.45am: Aeroplane appeared but was driven off by gunfire. 11.30am: Captain returned. 6.45pm: Discharged Telegraphist Fenton to HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000de7: ( 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000de8: ( 14 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 9.00am: Pumping oil. 7.40pm: Finished oiling. Received 28 tons. 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000de9: ( 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000dea: ( 15 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.15am: Church. 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000deb: ( 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000dec: ( 16 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000ded: ( 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000dee: ( 17 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.55am: Two ratings discharged to hospital. 1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 1.45pm: Tied up alongside. 3.00pm: Pilot arrived. 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000def: ( 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000df0: ( 18 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.30pm: Themes [probably SMS Temes is intended] went up river. 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000df1: ( 4ef4f398e53e0a0c91000df2: ( 19 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 11.30pm: AB Chapman and Stoker Finch returned from hospital. 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000df3: ( 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000df4: ( 20 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.30am: Landed bathing party. 10.15am: Discharged to hospital, Taylor, Shipwright. 2.20pm: Provision lighter alongside, received stores and provisions. 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000df5: ( 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000df6: ( 21 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.20pm: Anti-aircraft gun crews close up. 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000df7: ( 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000df8: ( 22 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 11.15am: Admiral’s inspection*. * Presumably Sir Ernest Troubridge. 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000df9: ( 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000dfa: ( 23 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000dfb: ( 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000dfc: ( 24 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000dfd: ( 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000dfe: ( 25 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000dff: ( 4ef4f399e53e0a0c91000e00: ( 26 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 6.46am: A-A gun crews close up. 6.49am: Opened fire. 6.50am: Secure. 4.00pm: Hands to action stations and raised steam. 4.20pm: Bolshevik monitors surrendered. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.30pm: Tied up alongside. 5.45pm: First prize crew left ship. 6.15pm: Second monitor arrived, second prize crew left ship. 7.10pm: Third and fourth monitors arrived. 7.45pm: Fifth and sixth monitors arrived. 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e01: ( 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e02: ( 27 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 12.15pm: Guard party left for Gozelor. 7.55pm: Down awnings. Fore 6” gun crew close up. 8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded up river. 9.00pm: Returned to berth. 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e03: ( 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e04: ( 28 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 6.45am: Air raid. 7.45am: Secure. 11.00am: Hands to action stations over raid. 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e05: ( 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e06: ( 29 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 8.30am: Prisoner released. 9.20am: Air raid. 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e07: ( 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e08: ( 30 June 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.25am: Dead body reported floating down river by ML 504. 11.15am: Shift ship. 11.55am: Tied up in new berth. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.50pm: Air raid. 7.10pm: Clear lower deck. First Lieutenant read out Field and Smith warrants (Nos 1 and 2 warrants). LOGS FOR JULY 1919 [Based at Baja] 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e09: ( 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e0a: ( 1 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 5.20am: Called hands. 5.30am: Cocoa and wash. 5.55am: Out pipes. 6.00am: Hands fall in, clean ship. 6.45am: Gun Quarters. 7.40am: Secure. 7.55am: Cooks. 8.00am: Breakfast and clean. Dress of the day No 5, duty men No 6. 8.45am: Out pipes, clear up decks. 9.00am: Fall in, detailed for work as requisite. 10.00am: Stand easy. 10.10am: Mail boat arrived. 11.30am: Up spirits. 11.45am: Clear up decks. 11.50am: Cooks to the galley. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: One hand left ship. 1.55pm: Out pipes. 2.00pm: Fall in, detailed for work as requisite. 2.05pm: Captured monitors left for Belgrade. 3.30pm: Dogwatch men to tea. 4.00pm: Secure, clear up decks. 4.05pm: Cooks. 4.15pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Bathing party landed. 6.00pm: Bathing party returned. 6.45pm: Cooks. 7.00pm: Supper. 7.30pm: Cover guns. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up mess decks for rounds. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light airs, dry and clear, temperatures as high as 92ºF at 4.00pm. 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e0b: ( 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e0c: ( 2 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 6.50am: Men relieved left ship. 7.00am: Reliefs arrived onboard. 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e0d: ( 4ef4f39ae53e0a0c91000e0e: ( 3 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 9.00am: Doctor visited ship. 4.30pm: Splice the mainbrace*. *Probably to mark the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June, which officially ended the war. 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e0f: ( 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e10: ( 4 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.00am: Doctor from HMS Ladybird onboard for inoculations. 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e11: ( 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e12: ( 5 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 8.15am: Prisoner released. 6.00pm: Stoker Cooper discharged to hospital on duty. 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e13: ( 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e14: ( 6 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.35am: AB Saulter returned on board from surrendered monitors. 11.00am: AB Vaughan returned from hospital ship. 12.30pm: Pilot rejoined ship. 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e15: ( 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e16: ( 7 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e17: ( 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e18: ( 8 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 1.05pm: Mail left for UK and Malta. 2.45pm: Secured oil lighter alongside. 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e19: ( 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e1a: ( 9 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 3.00am: Commenced pumping oil [by hand with hourly reliefs] 11.30am: One hand joined ship. 1.55pm: Funeral party fell in [but possibly this was postponed until the following day]. 11.40pm: Finished oiling. 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e1b: ( 4ef4f39be53e0a0c91000e1c: ( 4ef4f39ce53e0a0c91000e1d: ( 4ef4f39ce53e0a0c91000e1e: ( 4ef4f39ce53e0a0c91000e1f: ( 4ef4f39ce53e0a0c91000e20: ( Above six pages blank. 4ef4f39ce53e0a0c91000e21: ( 4ef4f39ce53e0a0c91000e22: ( Front cover of deck log for the period 10th July 1919 to 4th October 1919. 4ef4f39ce53e0a0c91000e23: ( 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e24: ( 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e25: ( Above three pages blank. 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e26: ( Printed page, instructions for use of log. 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e27: ( 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e28: ( 10 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.00am: Funeral escort clean arms. 9.20am: Funeral party fall in for’d. 10.55am: Funeral party returned. 2.50pm: Funeral party landed*. 4.00pm: Flag at half-mast. 5.00pm: Flag close up. Funeral party returned. *Probably for Deck Hand Malcolm Macleod, RNR, late of ML 368, deceased after accident. 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e29: ( 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e2a: ( 11 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.30am: HMS Ladybird returned to harbour. In pm: Hands chipping upper deck, repairing matting and cleaning wardroom paintwork. 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e2b: ( 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e2c: ( 12 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour and anchored. 10.30am: H Taylor to hospital. 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e2d: ( 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e2e: ( 13 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Sunday routine. 4ef4f39de53e0a0c91000e2f: ( 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e30: ( 14 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 3.15am: Hands to HMS Ladybird with Cdr F Hewitt. 10.00am: Hands lay aft for inoculation. 7.00pm: Monitor Nereveta proceeded to advanced position. 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e31: ( 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e32: ( 15 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 4.40am: Two Yugo-Slav monitors left for Belgrade. 10.20am: Mail boat arrived. 11.00am: Engineer’s stores received onboard. 1.30pm: Mail arrived. First Lieutenant joined ship. 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e33: ( 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e34: ( 16 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.30am: HMS Ladybird came down and tied up alongside. 12.20pm: ML 368 proceeded to advanced position. 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e35: ( 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e36: ( 17 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e37: ( 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e38: ( 18 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.40am: Mail boat arrived. 12.30pm: Mail boat left for Belgrade. 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e39: ( 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e3a: ( 19 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 9.00am: Tugboat Vag arrived. Two hands rejoined from same. 10.30pm: Weighed and proceeded up stream [entry almost illegible]. 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e3b: ( 4ef4f39ee53e0a0c91000e3c: ( 20 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 8.10am: Up anchor, proceeded to Baja. 8.55am: Arrived alongside 10.45am: Three ratings returned from hospital lighter Mary. 11.00am: Pipe down. Dress of the day. Flannels and white trousers. 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e3d: ( 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e3e: ( 21 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.10pm: HMS Ladybird arrived and secured alongside. 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e3f: ( 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e40: ( 22 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 12.10pm: ML 368 proceeded to advanced position. 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e41: ( 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e42: ( 23 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.20am: Church party landed. 11.15am: Church party returned. 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e43: ( 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e44: ( 24 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 10.15am: Williamson returned from hospital. 1.10pm: Hands employed filling and placing sandbags. 3.30pm: Oil lighter alongside. 8.30pm: Sloped awnings. 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e45: ( 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e46: ( 25 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 4.00am: Commenced oiling. 9.50am: Mail boat arrived and interpreter rejoined ship. 11.05am: Two ratings discharged for Malta. 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e47: ( 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e48: ( 26 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 11.35am: Finished oiling. Oil lighter cast off. 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e49: ( 4ef4f39fe53e0a0c91000e4a: ( 27 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Sunday routine, church parties and liberty. 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e4b: ( 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e4c: ( 28 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 11.40am: ML 368 proceeded to advanced position. 6.15pm: ML 210 arrived from Novi Sad. 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e4d: ( 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e4e: ( 29 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 11.50am: Ml 228 proceeded to advanced position. 12.35pm: Sent 50 lbs of tea to HMS Ladybird. 2.45pm: Oil lighter alongside. 10.15pm: Finished oiling. 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e4f: ( 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e50: ( 30 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 3.30am: One man made prisoner. 6.00am: Hands oiling ship. 9.00am: Oiling ship and pumping bilge. 1.00pm: Finished oiling, lighter cast off. 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e51: ( 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e52: ( 31 July 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.00am: Vag and oil lighter left. 10.50am: Prisoner put at large. 1.50pm: Enemy aeroplane over. 6.00pm: Liberty men landed. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1919 [Baja, Vukovar, Apatin, Baja, Duna Pentele, Paks, Dunavecse, Dunaföldvar and Duna Pentele] 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e53: ( 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e54: ( 1 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 8.00am: Dress of the day No 5, duty men No 8. 9.45am: Mail boat arrived. 11.45am: ML 430 proceeded to advanced position. 12.05pm: Mail boat left for Belgrade. 2.30pm: Hands muster for pay. Weather: Light airs, dry and clear, temperatures 59 to 74ºF. 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e55: ( 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e56: ( 2 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 3.45am: ML went down river. 4ef4f3a0e53e0a0c91000e57: ( 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e58: ( 3 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Noon: ML 368 proceeded to advanced position. 3.30pm: Enemy aeroplane over. 9.25pm: Clear lower deck. Fire on HMS Ladybird. 10.00pm: Starnes SBA went sick aboard Ladybird. 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e59: ( 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e5a: ( 4 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 4.45pm: One Ldg Seaman left to join ML 210. 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e5b: ( 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e5c: ( 5 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 9.00am: SBA Starnes returned from HMS Ladybird from sick list. Noon: ML gone down river. 1.30pm: Mail boat arrived. 2.10pm: Mail boat left. 3.40pm: Store ship arrived. 5.45pm: Deutchland [probably Deutschland ] arrived and came alongside with stores. 9.20pm: Deutchland shoved off and went alongside HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e5d: ( 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e5e: ( 6 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 12.20am: One man took bad. 12.45am: Doctor arrived from HMS Ladybird. 3.10am: Doctor returned to Ladybird. 7.30am: Steamer arrived from down river. 9.00am: Tugboat Vag arrived. 9.10am: Jugo Slab [sic] Monitor Neretva [Nereveta in log] proceeded up river. 9.15am: Ten barrels of rum received from SS Deutchland. 10.40am: Two ratings discharged to hospital. 2.25pm: Neretva returned from up river. 2.50pm: Landed funeral firing party. 4.50pm: Funeral party returned. 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e5f: ( 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e60: ( 7 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 6.50am: Store ship Verseny went down river. 7.10am: Tugboat Deutchland alongside for empty store casks and drums. 9.50am: Tug shoved off. 11.45am: ML 509 proceeded up river. 2.30pm: Two prisoners and escort left ship. 3.30pm: Deutchland went up river. 3.40pm: Gisela proceeded down river. 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e61: ( 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e62: ( 8 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.45am: Tug Vag arrived. 10.15am: Interpreter and OS Woods returned from hospìtal. 11.45am: ML 196 proceeded up river. ML 509 came down. 3.45pm: Mail boat arrived. 5.30pm: Mail boat left. 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e63: ( 4ef4f3a1e53e0a0c91000e64: ( 9 August 1919 Baja to Vukovar Lat 45.64, Long 18.97 [approx] 7.00am: Left Baja and proceeded down river, 230 revs, pilot steering. 8.40am: Passed Mohacs. 10.40am: Arrived at Apatin. 11.20am: Left Apatin. 2.30pm: Arrived Vukovar. 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e65: ( 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e66: ( 10 August 1919 Vukovar Lat 45.35, Long 19.01 Sunday routine. 10.45am: Landed liberty men. 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e67: ( 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e68: ( 11 August 1919 Vukovar to Apatin Lat 45.67, Long 18.97 4.00am: Proceeded up river, 11 knots. 6.15am: Passed bridge at Gombos. 8.47am: Arrived at Apatin and secured alongside. 8.55am: Shifted ship up stream and anchored. 8.05pm: Tug and lighter passed. 8.30pm: Tug and lighters passed. 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e69: ( 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e6a: ( 12 August 1919 Apatin to Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 4.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to Baja. 7.30am: Passed Mohacs. 9.50am: Arrived at Baja. 11.00am: Mining party of five hands and one CPO left ship. Noon: Interpreter returned on board. 2.35pm: Tug Vag proceeded up river with hospital ship. 2.45pm: Mail boat arrived. Escort returned on board. 3.15pm: ML 509 proceeded up the river. 4.25pm: Mail boat left. 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e6b: ( 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e6c: ( 13 August 1919 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 7.00am: ML 509 returned. 7.20am: CPO returned from mine-sweeping party. 1.00pm: ML196 went up river. 7.20pm: SS Alexandra arrived. 7.25pm: ML 196 came down river. 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e6d: ( 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e6e: ( 14 August 1919 Baja to Duna Pentele Lat 46.57, Long 18.89 7.00am: Vag proceeded down river. 8.50am: ML 196 came alongside to take guard, one Ldg Sn, six Seamen. 9.00am: ML 196 shoved off. 9.05am: Up anchor and proceeded up river. 9.10am: ML 509 passed us. 9.20am: ML 196 following up astern. 10.00am: Monitor Barsch passed us coming down. 10.09am: Ship anchored at Uszod. 11.58am: ML 196 passed us. 1.20pm: Weighed and proceeded from Uszod. 2.15pm: Arrived at Paks. 2.30pm: Proceeded up river. 6.18pm: Arrived at Duna Pentele* and anchored. 6.43pm: ML 228 passed us. *Then a village, now the city of Dunáujváros, Hungary. 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e6f: ( 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e70: ( 15 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 5.05am: Tug came down river and took pilot to Paks. 8.15am: HMS Ladybird anchored off starboard bow. 9.00am: Mercury [?] tied up alongside landing stage. 10.30am: Same left landing stage and anchored off starboard beam. 12.55pm: Leontine towing hospital lighter arrived. 2.00pm: Josef Carl (ferry steamer) arrived from Paks and went up river. 3.00pm: Leontine went down river. 5.15pm: Tug Vag arrived towing three lighters. 5.45pm: Tug Helene arrived towing two lighters. 6.25pm: Shifted alongside oiler and commenced oiling. 7.00pm: ML 196 tied up alongside hospital barge. 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e71: ( 4ef4f3a2e53e0a0c91000e72: ( 16 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 3.55am: ML 196 shoved off up river. 10.50am: Iris arrived 11.07am: Iris proceeded down river. 1.50pm: Iris returned. 2.10pm: Iris went up river. 4.20pm: ML 210 tied up alongside 414 barge 4.45pm: ML 210 went up river. 5.35pm: MLs 202 and 240 secured ahead of Magrour [?]. 6.20pm: Vag went down river. 6.30pm: Leontine and Alexandra arrived. 7.30pm: Shifted ship and made fast to jetty. 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e73: ( 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e74: ( 17 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 6.35am: Small tug came down river. 7.45am: Belefania towing two lighters went down river. 10.45am: Josef Carl arrived. 11.10am: Josef Carl proceeded down river. 12.15pm: Tug and two lighters passed going down. 2.20pm: Josef Carl proceeded up river. 4.10pm: Tug came up river towing lighter. 5.25pm: HMS Ladybird shifted to secure alongside oil lighter. 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e75: ( 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e76: ( 18 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 10.45am: Mail steamer Iris arrived… 10.55am: … and passed down river. 1.40pm: Iris returned… 1.55pm: … and proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e77: ( 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e78: ( 19 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 6.20am: ML 210 proceeded to Budapest. 10.40am: Josef Carl proceeded down the river. 12.15pm: Tugs Wasiliki and Dionysia (Greek) arrived 12.45pm: Tugs proceeded down river. 1.45pm: Josef Carl returned… 2.00pm:…and went up river. 2.12pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river to ferry and anchored. 5.35pm: Weighed anchor and proceed to anchor and tie up alongside pontoon. 6.10pm: ML 202 arrived. 7.15pm: ML 196 proceeded down river. 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e79: ( 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e7a: ( 20 August 1919 Duna Pentele to Dunavecse Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 1.05am: Vag towing lighter secured alongside pontoon. 2.05am: Vag and lighter went up river. 5.10am: ML 202 proceeded to Buda Pest. 10.40am: Iris arrived… 10.53am:… and went down river. 12.45pm: Leontine arrived and ship got under way. 1.40pm: Anchored. 1.45pm: Iris arrived. 2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.05pm: Anchored at Dunavecse. 5.22pm: Weighed and tied up to pontoon. 5.57pm: ML 202 proceeded down the river. 7.40pm: Ship proceeded down river to Dunavecse and anchored. 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e7b: ( 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e7c: ( 21 August 1919 Dunavecse to Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 1.30am: Burned searchlight. 2.10am: Burned searchlight. 7.07am: ML 202 passed downriver. 10.00am: HMS Ladybird passed upriver. 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.50am: Mail steamer Tegetthoff passed downriver. 10.55am: Secured to pontoon. 2.05pm: Tegetthoff proceeded up the river. 4.19pm: Tug Vag towing lighter 725 arrived. 4.35pm: ML 202 arrived from up river… 4.37pm: … and proceeded up. 5.12pm: Vag went down river with same lighter. 6.55pm: Tug 168 passed down river with lighters 155 and 169. 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e7d: ( 4ef4f3a3e53e0a0c91000e7e: ( 22 August 1919 Duna Pentele to Paks Lat 46.87, Long 18.93 [approx] 7.20am: Weighed anchor. 11.45am: Passed Josef Carl. 12.30pm: Arrived at Dunaföldvar and tied up alongside. 12.35pm: Proceeded down river. 12.50pm: Anchored at Solt. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded down river. 3.00pm: Arrived and tied up alongside at Ordas. 4.00pm: One Stoker and one Officers’ Cook joined ship. 5.05pm: Ship left Ordas. 5.50pm: Ship arrived at Paks. 9.05pm: Josef Carl arrived. 10.10pm: Josef Carl proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e7f: ( 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e80: ( 23 August 1919 Paks down to Kalocsa and up to Dunaföldvar Lat 46.51, Long 18.9 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 10.15am: Arrived and anchored at Kalocsa. 10.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river. 11.03am: Tied up alongside Helene. 11.20am: Shoved off and proceeded up river. 11.35am: Ship anchored. 1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.50pm: Called at Uszod. 3.30pm: Arrived Paks and secured alongside Vag. 3.40pm: Left Paks, proceeded up river. 6.00pm: Arrived at Dunaföldvar and tied up alongside. 11.05pm: Mail steamer arrived… 11.30pm: … and proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e81: ( 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e82: ( 24 August 1919 Dunaföldvar to Dunavecse Lat 46.91, Long 18.96 6.15am: Tug Leontine passed down river. 9.15am: Ship weighed and proceeded to Dunavecse [Duna Vici in log]. 10.30am: Anchored at Dunavecse. 10.40am: Mail steamer passed down river. 2.50pm: ML 236 alongside with mail and proceeded up river. 5.00pm: Tug Helene with lighters 754 and 725 passed up river. 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e83: ( 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e84: ( 25 August 1919 Dunavecse to Paks via Ordas Lat 46.64, Long 18.94 1.15am: Mail steamer Josef Carl proceeded up river. 5.50am: Weighed and proceeded to Paks. 7.55am: Arrived Paks. 10.50am: Left Paks and proceeded up the river. 11.25am: Tied up alongside pontoon at Ordas. 1.00pm: Iris arrived… 1.07pm: … and went down river. 1.33pm: Tugs Stefania and Komaram passed going up river. 3.08pm: Left Ordas and proceeded down river to Paks. 3.35pm: Arrived at Paks and tied up alongside Vag. 9.55pm: Iris proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e85: ( 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e86: ( 26 August 1919 Paks to Duna Pentele Lat 46.73, Long 18.99 [approx] 6.45am: One AB left to join mine-sweeping party. 9.34am: HMS Ladybird arrived and anchored. 10.45am: One Stoker discharged to Ladybird, sick. 11.00am: Left Paks and proceeded up river. 2.50pm: Ship secured alongside oiler at Duna Pentele. Commenced oiling. 6.30pm: Ladybird arrived. 7.30pm: Finished oiling for the day. 10.15pm: Vag and one lighter secured ahead. 11.30pm: ML arrived, secured ahead. 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e87: ( 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e88: ( 27 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 4.30am: Josef Carl arrived… 5.05am: …and proceeded up river. 7.30am: ML proceeded up river. 9.00am: Commenced oiling. 10.15am: HMS Ladybird went down river. 10.50am: Tegetthoff arrived… 11.00am: … and passed down river. 2.05pm: Finished oiling and made fast to jetty. 5.20pm: Vijo and Compo arrived. 6.10pm: ML 236 arrived. 6.25pm: ML 210 arrived… 6.30pm: … and went down river. 6.45pm: Two ratings joined ship from Budapest. 7.05pm: Vag arrived with eight lighters and secured. (Nos 386, 758, 671, 616, 354, 695, 688 and 625.) 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e89: ( 4ef4f3a4e53e0a0c91000e8a: ( 28 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 2.30am: Passenger boat arrived… 2.47am: … and went up river. 9.25am: One AB discharged to hospital. 11.00am: Iris proceeded down river and HMS Ladybird returned to harbour. 3.10pm: One Officers’ Cook left ship with the mail. 3.40pm: Vag proceeded down river with eight lighters. 3.53pm: ML 210 arrived. 3.55pm: Josef Carl went down river. 6.35pm: ML 210 came alongside and left for Budapest. 10.00pm: Passenger steamer Iris arrived… 10.15pm: … and went up river. 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e8b: ( 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e8c: ( 29 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 10.00am: Shipwright A Taylor discharged to hospital ship Mary. 12.35pm: ML 368 arrived from up river… 1.15pm: … and went down river. 3.42pm: Tegetthoff arrived… 3.50pm: … and went down river. 5.15pm: Ml 368 returned. 10.00pm: One Hungarian prisoner detained on board. 10.05pm: Helene arrived. 11.35pm: Mail steamer arrived. 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e8d: ( 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e8e: ( 30 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 5.30am: ML 368 and Josef Carl proceeded up river. 7.00am: Leontine proceeded up river with two lighters, 386 and 765. 11.30am: Three Roumanian soldiers detained on board. 1.40pm: Roumanian soldiers released. 3.05pm: ML 509 proceeded down river. 3.30pm: Captain returned on board. 3.40pm: Iris proceeded down river. 5.00pm: MLs 430 and 434 arrived from down river. 5.05pm: Received mail. 5.50pm: ML 430 went up river. 6.00pm: ML 434 alongside. 10.45pm: Iris went up river. 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e8f: ( 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e90: ( 31 August 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 10.00am: ML 509 arrived. 12.30pm: Tug Helene proceeded down river. 4.35pm: Laudon proceeded down the river. 5.40pm: Leontine proceeded down river towing two lighters (725 and 754). 10.14pm: Mail steamer Laudon arrived and went up river. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1919 [Duna Pentele and Budafok] 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e91: ( 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e92: ( 1 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 12.35am: ML proceeded up river. 8.12am: ML 434 shoved off from alongside. 9.37am: ML 430 arrived from Budapest. 11.30am: ML 434 secured alongside… 1.00pm: … and left with mail. 1.30pm: Hands muster for monthly payment. 3.55pm: Tegetthoff arrived. 9.00pm: Two ratings left for Leontine to Budapest. 10.40pm: Leontine left, also mail steamer Arad. Weather: Cloudy with rain in the afternoon, light airs, temperatures in the 50-60ºF range. 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e93: ( 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e94: ( 2 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 12.15pm: Zagyva with two lighters went down river. 4.00pm: Iris arrived… 4.10pm: … and proceeded down river. 5.50pm: ML 236 arrived from up river. 6.08pm: ML 434 arrived from down river. 11.25pm: Iris proceeded to Budapest. 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e95: ( 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e96: ( 3 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 5.30am: ML 236 left for Budapest with pilot. 1.00pm: Tug Zagyva passed up river. 3.30pm: Leontine arrived from Budapest with lighters 396 and 754. 3.55pm: Passenger steamer Tegetthoff arrived… 4.10pm: … and proceeded down river. 5.03pm: ML 236 arrived. 6.20pm: MLM 202 proceeded down river. 10.15pm: Iris arrived… 10.30pm: …and proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e97: ( 4ef4f3a5e53e0a0c91000e98: ( 4 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 8.50am: ML 202 proceeded up river. 10.30am: ML 434 shoved off. 10.45am: One rating returned from hospital ship. 11.55am: HMS Ladybird proceeded down river. 12.50pm: ML434 went down river. 4.10pm: Josef Carl arrived… 4.20pm: …and proceeded down river. 7.04pm: ML 202 arrived from up river. 10.15pm: Mail steamer arrived… 10.35pm: …and left. 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000e99: ( 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000e9a: ( 5 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 8.35am: Lelec [?] (salvage ship) arrived from up river. 11.40am: ML430 arrived… 12.50pm: … and proceeded to Budapest. 1.35pm: Tug Lelek [?] arrived with one lighter and tied up. 10.30pm: Josef Carl arrived… 10.50pm. …and proceeded to Budapest. 3.55pm: Iris arrived… 4.10pm: …and proceeded down river. 9.30pm: Tug went down river towing houseboat. 11.25pm: ML 434 arrived. 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000e9b: ( 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000e9c: ( 6 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 7.03am: ML 228 arrived from Budapest. 2.30pm: ML 434 came alongside. 2.34pm: ML 228 went down river. 3.40pm: Salvage ship and pontoon anchored ahead. 4.00pm: Passenger steamer Tegetthoff arrived. 10.10pm: ML 228 returned. 10.35pm: Iris arrived… 10.50pm: …and proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000e9d: ( 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000e9e: ( 7 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 4.40am: ML202 proceeded to Budapest 4.04pm: Passenger steamer Sophie arrived… 4.16pm: … and proceeded down river. 7.50pm: ML 228 arrived from Budapest. 10.45pm: Sophie proceeded to Budapest. 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000e9f: ( 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000ea0: ( 8 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 6.53am: Vag proceeded up river towing lighter 754. 7.05am: Salvage tug went up river. 8.15am: Salvage tug and works came down river. 8.30am: ML 228 proceeded down river. 10.55am: Tug Sajo proceeded down river. 11.40am: ML 434 shoved off. 2.50pm: Landed football party. 4.05pm: Joseph Carl arrived… 4.18pm: …and left down river. 7.50pm: ML 504 arrived with mail. 9.10pm: Leontine with marines passed up river. 10.35pm: Sophie arrived… 10.53pm: …and went up river. 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000ea1: ( 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000ea2: ( 9 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 10.00am: ML 504 came alongside for letter and proceeded to Budapest. 1.00pm: Upper deck clock and ward room clock adjusted by HMS Ladybird. 3.40pm: Iris arrived… 3.48pm: …and went down river. 4.00pm: Guard from Budapest rejoined ship. 4.01pm: Leontine arrived with lighter 765 from Budapest. 8.15pm: ML 434 arrived from down river. 10.20pm: Josef Carl arrived … 10.35pm: …and went up river. 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000ea3: ( 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000ea4: ( 10 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 5.30am: ML 434 proceeded up river. 4.00pm: Passenger steamer Sophie arrived … 4.10pm: … and proceeded down river. 10.30pm: Sophie returned … 10.35pm: … and went up river. 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000ea5: ( 4ef4f3a6e53e0a0c91000ea6: ( 11 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 5.05am: ML 236 proceeded up river. 11.45am: ML 208 arrived. 2.25pm: ML 368 arrived … 3.30pm: … and went down river. 4.00pm: Steamer Josef Carl arrived … 4.15pm: … and went down river. 11.45pm: Sophie arrived. 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000ea7: ( 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000ea8: ( 12 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 12.15am: Sophie proceeded up river [see 11 Sep]. 8.40am: Tejo [?] arrived from down river with mining party, which came on board. 10.40am: ML 504 came down river tied up to HMS Ladybird. 10.45am: Tejo proceeded up river. 11.55am: Tug Baja proceeded up river. 12.13pm: ML 202 proceeded up river. 3.17pm: ML 504 proceeded down river. 3.55pm: Sophie arrived … 4.05pm: … and proceeded down river. 7.35pm: ML 368 arrived. 11.23pm: Josef Carl arrived … 11.40pm: … and proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000ea9: ( 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eaa: ( 13 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 4.40am: Tug Sajo proceeded up river. 3.35pm: Tug Zagyva towing salvage lighter No 784 passed down river. 3.55pm: Tegetthoff arrived … 4.15pm: … and left down river. 10.50pm: Sophie arrived … 11.10pm: … and passed up river. 11.59pm: ML 202 arrived. 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eab: ( 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eac: ( 14 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 7.00am: ML 202 proceeded down river. 7.35am: Leontine towing lighter 725 passed up river. 8.25am: Leontine with 777 and 725 proceeded up river. 9.00am: Landed RC church party. 10.45am: Tug Sello arrived from up river with two lighters… 11.00am: … and proceeded down river. 4.00pm: Steamer Joseph Carl arrived and went down river. 10.15pm: Tegetthoff arrived … 10.26pm: … and went up river. 11.45pm: ML 228 arrived from down river. 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000ead: ( 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eae: ( 15 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 6.30am: ML 368 proceeded up river. 4.55pm: Sophie arrived … 5.20pm: … and proceeded down river. 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eaf: ( 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eb0: ( 16 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 9.00am: HMS Ladybird got under way for oil. 12.15pm: Tug Zagyva proceeded up river. 3.00pm: Tegetthoff arrived and proceeded down river. 3.40pm: Ladybird finished oiling. 4.00pm: ML 368 tied up alongside. 5.25pm: ML 202 arrived from Baja. 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eb1: ( 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eb2: ( 17 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 6.00am: Ship underway to complete with oil. 7.00am: ML 202 proceeded up river. 2.00pm: ML 368 arrived. 3.15pm: Joseph Carl arrived … 3.25pm: … and proceeded down river. 3.35pm: Ship secured at anchorage. 6.15pm: Deutschland [Deucthlunde in log] arrived. 6.30pm: Carpenter returned to duty from hospital. 9.10pm: Deuchland [sic] shifted berth. 9.35pm: Joseph Carl arrived … 9.55pm: … and left up river. 11.20pm: Deuchland shifted berth … 11.55pm: … and went up river towing two lighters. 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eb3: ( 4ef4f3a7e53e0a0c91000eb4: ( 18 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 12.30pm: Leontine proceeded down river. 3.20pm: Sophie arrived from Budapest. 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000eb5: ( 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000eb6: ( 19 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 3.15pm: Steamer Tegetthoff arrived … 3.25pm: … and left down river. 5.30pm: Balonton arrived and anchored. 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000eb7: ( 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000eb8: ( 20 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 12.01am: Sophie arrived … 12.25am: … and shoved off. 3.15am: Balonton proceeded up river. 12.23pm: Leontine, with lighters 765 and 625 proceeded to Budapest. 3.25pm: Josef Carl arrived. 9.10pm: Tegetthoff arrived … 9.25pm: … and proceeded up river. 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000eb9: ( 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000eba: ( 21 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 9.30am: Tug Kommorom [?] with lighter passed up river. 2.20pm: ML 228 arrived … 2.50pm: … and left down river. 3.05pm: Tegetthoff arrived … 3.15pm: … and left down river. 9.30pm: Tegetthoff returned … 9.45pm: … and left up river. 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000ebb: ( 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000ebc: ( 22 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 3.05pm: Sophie arrived. 4.30pm: ML 202 arrived … 4.40pm: … and left down river. 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000ebd: ( 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000ebe: ( 23 September 1919 Duna Pentele Lat 46.97, Long 18.95 6.00am: Went alongside coal schlepp 627. 9.30am: Completed with coal. 10.15am: Ldg Sig. Field rejoined ship. 10.30am: Proceeded to harbour anchorage and secured. 3.10pm: Josef Carl arrived … 3.50pm: … and left down river. 4.45pm: ML 368 arrived … 4.50pm: … and left down river. 5.45pm: ML 202 arrived with mail. 7.30pm: Vag arrived. 7.45pm: S/Lt FR Parham RN and six ratings joined ship. 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000ebf: ( 4ef4f3a8e53e0a0c91000ec0: ( 24 September 1919 Duna Pentele to Budafok [now part of Budapest] Lat 47.42, Long 19.05 [approx] 6.15am: Three ratings left ship. 8.00am: Ship proceeded up river. 9.35am: Clear ship for action. Exercised hands at general quarters. 12.35pm: Ship anchored at Buda Fock [sic]. 1.00pm: ML 210 alongside with motor boat. 5.50pm: Tug Vag arrived towing the two hospital ships. 5.55pm: Vag left for Budapest. 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec1: ( 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec2: ( 25 September 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 1.05pm: ML 202 arrived. 3.10am: Joseph Carl arrived … 3.20am: … and left for Budapest. 1.20pm: Joseph Carl arrived … 1.30pm: … and left down river. 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec3: ( 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec4: ( 26 September 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 8.00am: ML 196 arrived from Budapest … 9.00am: … and left down river. 1.05pm: Passenger steamer Sophie arrived. 1.55pm: ML 368 arrived from Baja. 3.00pm: Tug Balaton passed going down and ML 509 arrived from Budapest. 4.30pm: ML 509 alongside. 6.20pm: ML 509 shoved off. 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec5: ( 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec6: ( 27 September 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 7.00pm: Received three boxes of maxim ammunition from HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec7: ( 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec8: ( 28 September 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 1.15am: Working party left ship. 6.00am: WP returned. 10.00am: 509 arrived from Budapest … 10.15am: … and left down river. 1.20pm: ML 210 proceeded up river with liberty men. 1.30pm: ML 368 arrived from down river. 11.45pm: ML 509 returned from down river. 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ec9: ( 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000eca: ( 29 September 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 2.40am: Passenger steamer Joseph Carl arrived … 2.55am: … and left for Budapest. 1.40pm: Joseph Carl arrived … 2.00pm: … and left. 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ecb: ( 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ecc: ( 30 September 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 8.45am: Leontine and lighter 725 came alongside. 8.45am: ML 434 came up river. Hands employed discharging rifles. 9.15am: ML 434 left for Budapest. 10.00am: ML 430 proceeded down river. 11.30am: Leontine and lighter shoved off. 12.20pm: Leontine and lighter left HMS Ladybird and went alongside hospital ship Mary. 12.40pm: Passenger steamer Iris arrived… 12.50pm: … and left down river. 1.30pm: ML 368 arrived from up river … 2.40pm: … and proceeded down river. 2.55pm: Tug Kommarom and slipp [or schlepp, a barge] 707 passed down. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1919 [Budafok] 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ecd: ( 4ef4f3a9e53e0a0c91000ece: ( 1 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 A Wednesday in harbour. 4.20am: Passenger steamer Joseph Carl arrived … 4.30am: … and left for Budapest. 7.00am: Dress of the Day No 5, dutymen and boatkeepers No 3. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Skiff and dinghy falls refitted. 10.30am: Hands muster for pay. 10.40am: One rating to hospital lighter. 11.30am: Mail left ship. 12.40pm: Passenger steamer Tegetthoff arrived from Budapest … 12.45pm: … and proceeded down river. 2.15pm: Mail arrived. 4.00pm: Leave to watch 4.00pm to 10.00pm. Landed liberty men. 5.00pm: Landed liberty men. 6.10pm: ML 430 arrived, tied up alongside HMS Ladybird and then left for Budapest. Weather: Calm and dry, high temperature 73ºF at 4.00pm. 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ecf: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed0: ( 2 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 9.40am: Landing party away in ML 202. 11.30am: Same returned. 11.55am: Joseph Carl arrived from Budapest. 12.55pm: Sophie arrived … 1.00pm: … and went down river. 2.45pm: ML 196 alongside with provisions, cast off and left for Budapest. 4.40pm: HMS Ladybird’s skiff capsized, 6 hands in boat, one man drowned*. 6.25pm: Safo and lighter passed going down. 7.00pm: Safo passed on way to Budapest. * Ordinary Seaman Edward Hunt, J 48744. 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed1: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed2: ( 3 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 3.30am: Passenger steamer Iris arrived … 3.40am: … and left for Budapest. 4.10am: Josef Carl arrived … 4.20am: … and left up river. 12.40pm: Tegetthoff arrived … 1.00pm: … and left down stream. 1.45pm: Leontine proceeded down stream towing lighter 777 and ML 196. 2.00pm: Tugboat Kate went down stream with one lighter. 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed3: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed4: ( 4 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 2.20pm: ML 368 arrived from up river. 3.30pm: Received two days provisions from HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed5: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed6: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed7: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed8: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000ed9: ( 4ef4f3aae53e0a0c91000eda: ( Above six pages blanks and back cover. 4ef4f3abe53e0a0c91000edb: ( 4ef4f3abe53e0a0c91000edc: ( Deck logbook cover 5th October to 31st December 1919. 4ef4f3abe53e0a0c91000edd: ( Blank. 4ef4f3abe53e0a0c91000ede: ( Instructions for logkeepers. 4ef4f3abe53e0a0c91000edf: ( 4ef4f3abe53e0a0c91000ee0: ( 5 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee1: ( 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee2: ( 6 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 9.15am: Two absentees returned onboard. 1.30pm: One rating returned from hospital ship. 4.00pm: ML 210 came alongside. 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee3: ( 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee4: ( 7 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 3.30pm: S/Lt Pearson left ship. 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee5: ( 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee6: ( 8 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee7: ( 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee8: ( 9 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000ee9: ( 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000eea: ( 10 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 1.45pm: One rating returned from hospital ship. 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000eeb: ( 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000eec: ( 11 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3ace53e0a0c91000eed: ( 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000eee: ( 12 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000eef: ( 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef0: ( 13 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef1: ( 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef2: ( 14 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 10.00pm. Liberty men returned aboard (six absent). 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef3: ( 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef4: ( 15 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 11.00am: Dental party at hospital schlepp. 10.00pm: Liberty men and four absentees returned on board. 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef5: ( 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef6: ( 16 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 4.45am: Raised steam for slow speed. 1.00pm: Landed football party. 1.20pm: ML 228 proceeded up river. 3.30pm: 11 of the football party returned. 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef7: ( 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef8: ( 17 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 11.00am: General quarters. Exercised landing party, fire stations. 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000ef9: ( 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000efa: ( 18 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 2.45pm: Football party landed. 3.00pm: Oil lighter came alongside. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Liberty men returned aboard. 10.45pm: ML 210 came alongside with remainder of liberty men, one absentee. 4ef4f3ade53e0a0c91000efb: ( 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000efc: ( 19 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Sunday routine. 11.30am: Commenced oiling ship. 4.00pm: Secure oiling. Tea. 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000efd: ( 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000efe: ( 20 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 6.30am: Commenced oiling. 4.00pm: Secure oiling. Tea. 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000eff: ( 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f00: ( 21 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 7.00am: Down stanchions. 8.00am: ML 210 came alongside … 8.30am: … and left with stanchion party. 8.30am: Continued oiling. 3.00pm: Dockyard party returned. 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f01: ( 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f02: ( 22 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f03: ( 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f04: ( 23 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 9.00am: Land every available man for route march. 11.30am: Landing party returned. 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f05: ( 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f06: ( 24 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed mustering and stowing ammunition. 2.00pm: ML 509 came alongside for three cases of ammunition. 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f07: ( 4ef4f3aee53e0a0c91000f08: ( 25 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 10.45am: Hospital boat alongside for coal and oil. 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f09: ( 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f0a: ( 26 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f0b: ( 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f0c: ( 27 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 8.00am: ML196 alongside. 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f0d: ( 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f0e: ( 28 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f0f: ( 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f10: ( 29 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 1.00pm: Funeral party landed*. 2.50pm: Funeral party returned. * For Lt Basil G Watney, RNVR, late of ML 236. 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f11: ( 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f12: ( 30 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 9.20am: Landed funeral party. 12.55pm: Vag alongside. Funeral party boarded and Vag left. 6.00pm: Funeral party returned. 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f13: ( 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f14: ( 31 October 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1919 [Budafok, Budapest, Duna Pentele and Novi Sad] 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f15: ( 4ef4f3afe53e0a0c91000f16: ( 1 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 7.00am: Dress of the day, No 3s, negative cap covers. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Clean ship, Saturday routine. 10.00am: Issued winter clothing. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 11.40am: Cooks to the galley. 11.45am: Dinner. 1.00pm: Usual leave from 1.00pm to 10.00pm. Liberty men landed. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 5.30pm: Ditto. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. Weather: Calm at first, NE’ly breezes 2-3 later, cloudy but dry, temperatures between 28º (7.00am) and 40ºF (4.00pm). 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f17: ( 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f18: ( 2 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f19: ( 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f1a: ( 3 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f1b: ( 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f1c: ( 4 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 3.00pm: Dockyard boat alongside with stores. 10.00am: CPO Prince and AB Vaughan left ship 10.00pm: Libertymen returned, four absentees. 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f1d: ( 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f1e: ( 5 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 8.30am: Three absentees returned. 2.30pm: Landed football party. 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f1f: ( 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f20: ( 6 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 11.15am: One absentee returned. 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f21: ( 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f22: ( 7 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 8.45am: LS Flowers and one hand left for provisions. 4ef4f3b0e53e0a0c91000f23: ( 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f24: ( 8 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f25: ( 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f26: ( 9 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 Sunday routine. 11.30am. Three absentees returned. 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f27: ( 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f28: ( 10 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 4.00pm: Read Warrant No 5, P Field, Signalman. 10.00pm: Liberty men returned, one absentee. 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f29: ( 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f2a: ( 11 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 9.00pm: One absentee returned. 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f2b: ( 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f2c: ( 12 November 1919 Budafok Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 1.00pm: ML368 tied up alongside. Provisions arrived on board. 2.15pm: Landed football party. 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f2d: ( 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f2e: ( 13 November 1919 Budafok to Budapest Lat 47.43, Long 19.05 6.00am: Raised steam for 12 knots at ½ hour’s notice. 1.00pm: Hands employed getting up ammunition. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded up river. 3.45pm: Anchored at Budapest. 9.50pm: Burnt searchlight, 10 minutes. 11.40pm: Ditto. 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f2f: ( 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f30: ( 14 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 2.30am: Burnt searchlight, 10 minutes. 5.00am: Ditto. 1.30pm: Weighed and shifted berth. 10.10pm: Burnt searchlight, 10 minutes. 11.20pm: Ditto. 4ef4f3b1e53e0a0c91000f31: ( 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f32: ( 15 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 1.50am: Burnt searchlight, 10 minutes. 3.30am: Ditto. 10.00am: Mails arrived, including mail for the MLs, HMS Ladybird and Manchester Brigade. 10.10am: Three ratings joined ship. 1.10pm: ML 434 came alongside. 1.30pm: ML 236 came alongside with bread and mail. 1.43pm: ML 434 shoved off. 3.45pm: Leontine alongside with oil lighter. 7.30pm: Discharged one rating to RNB under escort. 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f33: ( 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f34: ( 16 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 2.00pm: Dropped second anchor (Winds WNW f 6-7, temperatures dropping to 24ºF by midnight). 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f35: ( 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f36: ( 17 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 5.00pm: Maintenance party (one ERA, one Stoker and five Seamen) left on Leontine. Strong WNW winds all day with air temperatures below freezing and water temperature 30ºF. 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f37: ( 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f38: ( 18 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 9.40am: ML 210 came alongside. 4.45pm: ML 236 came alongside. Freezing weather continues. 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f39: ( 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f3a: ( 19 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f3b: ( 4ef4f3b2e53e0a0c91000f3c: ( 20 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 2.20pm: ML 236 left for Balaton* … 2.55pm: … and returned alongside… 3.00pm: … and left. 4.30pm: Captain** Franklin left ship and Lt/Cdr S Phillimore joined ship. * Believed to be an ex-Hungarian gunboat. **Captain by courtesy, his substantive rank is Lt/Cdr. 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f3d: ( 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f3e: ( 21 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 10.50am: HMS Ladybird passed proceeding down river. 1.05pm: ML 236 proceeded down river. 1.15pm: ML 210 proceeded down river. 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f3f: ( 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f40: ( 22 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f41: ( 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f42: ( 23 November 1919 Budapest Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 11.00am: Hands muster by the ledger*. * The entire ship’s company is drawn up on deck and each hand in turn steps up, salutes the Captain and states his rating, qualifications and good conduct badges. The muster roll and ship’s disciplinary record are checked and the man salutes again and returns to his division. The main purpose of this today is to allow the new Captain to put names to the faces. 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f43: ( 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f44: ( 24 November 1919 Budapest to Duna Pentele Lat 47.49, Long 19.05 1.00pm: Weighed and left Budapest. 1.30pm: Stopped to embark ratings from Balaton… 1.15pm: … and proceeded. 3.45pm: Stopped engines to embark four ratings from Leontine. 4.45pm: Arrived at Duna Pentele and anchored. 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f45: ( 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f46: ( 25 November 1919 Duna Pentele to Dalya Lat 46.17, Long 18.91 [approx] 6.40am: Weighed anchor and left Duna Pentele. 12.40pm: French patrol boat passed going up river. 4.24pm: Anchored at Dalya. 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f47: ( 4ef4f3b3e53e0a0c91000f48: ( 26 November 1919 Dalya to Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river. 11.00am: Arrived and tied up alongside Novi Sad [Nova Said in log]. Three shackles [of cable] and anchor lost. 1.45pm: Three hands with pilot dragging for cable. 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f49: ( 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f4a: ( 27 November 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.05pm: ML 202 alongside. 1.15pm: Admiral’s yacht Szofia passed and ML proceeded. 2.15pm: Lt M Least of 41st left ship. One rating discharged to hospital in Belgrade. 8.15pm: ML 228 alongside. This is winter quarters for Aphis and the ship remains here until early March 1920. 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f4b: ( 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f4c: ( 28 November 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.40am: Working party (one Ldg Sn, six ABs) left on tug Helene for anchor and cable. 7.00am: Liberty men returned, five absentees. 9.00am: One man placed under arrest in fore store. 9.40am: Oil lighter alongside, commenced oiling. 1.00pm: ML 196 came alongside with mails. 3.00pm: Hands dragging for cable on ML 196. 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f4d: ( 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f4e: ( 29 November 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.00am: Cable and anchor recovered. 9.20am: Prisoner released. 11.25am: Hugo-Slav monitor passed. Continued oiling. 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f4f: ( 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f50: ( 30 November 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine, but continued oiling. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1919 [Novi Sad] 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f51: ( 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f52: ( 1 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.30am: Hands oiling ship. 7.00am: Liberty men returned. 8.00am: Breakfast. Dress of the day, No 3. 9.00am: Hands cleaning bilges and refitting pins and awning stanchions. Noon: Dinner. Leave piped, 4.30pm to 7.00am. 1.10pm: Out pipes. 1.30pm: B watch fall in, carry on oiling. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Calm, misty, temperatures 38 to 50ºF. 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f53: ( 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f54: ( 2 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.00am: Oiling ship continues. 1.00pm: ML 228 alongside with mail. 3.30pm: Finished oiling. 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f55: ( 4ef4f3b4e53e0a0c91000f56: ( 3 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.15pm: Muster for monthly payment. 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f57: ( 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f58: ( 4 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.40pm: ML 202 proceeded down with mail. 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f59: ( 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f5a: ( 5 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.00am: Shifted berth and tied up. 10.40am: ML 228 came alongside. 1.25pm: Landed working party. 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f5b: ( 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f5c: ( 6 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.10am: Ship shifted berth to allow bathing pontoon to move. 8.40am: Ship tied up alongside. 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f5d: ( 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f5e: ( 7 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f5f: ( 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f60: ( 8 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.45am: Landed working party. 11.55am: Same returned. 12.40pm: Ldg Sn Crocker returned from hospital. 6.30pm: ML 210 came alongside. 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f61: ( 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f62: ( 9 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 WPs landed in am and pm. 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f63: ( 4ef4f3b5e53e0a0c91000f64: ( 10 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 11.30am: ML 368 came alongside. 9.15pm: Mails sent to ML 368 with one letter for Belgrade. 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f65: ( 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f66: ( 11 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.00am: ML 368 proceeded down river. 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f67: ( 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f68: ( 12 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. Temperatures at freezing point. 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f69: ( 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f6a: ( 13 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 5.00pm: ML 368 and Helene alongside. 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f6b: ( 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f6c: ( 14 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.40am: Landed RC party. 9.45am: Divisions. 2.35pm: Helene cast off to pick up slip. 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f6d: ( 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f6e: ( 15 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 5.50am: Helene proceeded down river. 10.30am: Working party to hospital lighter. 12.55pm: One Officers’ Steward left ship. 4.20pm: Jugoslav monitor passed up river. 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f6f: ( 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f70: ( 16 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.30am: Working party to hospital schlepp. 4ef4f3b6e53e0a0c91000f71: ( 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f72: ( 17 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.50pm: ML 504 came alongside with one bag of mail parcels. 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f73: ( 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f74: ( 18 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.45am: ML 368 proceeded down river to Belgrade. 11.00am: One rating joined ship from ML 368. 1.45pm: ML 202 secured alongside. 3.30pm: Four bags of mail arrived from mail office. 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f75: ( 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f76: ( 19 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.40am: ML 202 proceeded down river. 11.00am: ML 202 came alongside. 3.45pm: Tug Helen arrived with four slipps [lighters]. 4.25pm: Helene with two schlepps [ditto] secured alongside. Watch employed about stores. 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f77: ( 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f78: ( 20 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.30am: B watch employed about stores, bags and hammocks to winter quarters. 10.50am: Helene with two schlepps cast off. 11.45am: MLs 504, 202 and 225 cast off. 12.45pm: Hands getting up small arms. 1.45pm: Weighed anchor. 4.20pm: Tied up to winter quarters. 5.10pm: Seven shipkeepers remained on board, remainder of ship’s company proceeded to winter quarters [until 7 March]. 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f79: ( 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f7a: ( 21 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.20am: Stokers working party on board. 9.40am: ML 202 left. 11.20am: VA and Captain of hold came aboard. 11.40am: WP and Captain of hold left ship with lamps and boxes of candles. 1.00pm: VA left with two gallons, one ullage and two tots of rum. SBA left with medical stores. 3.30pm: ML 202 came alongside with ML 504. 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f7b: ( 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f7c: ( 22 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.20am: Stokers WP onboard. 10.10am: ML 202 left. 11.30am: Stokers WP left. 3.15pm: ML 202 alongside … 4.20pm: … and left again with ML 504. 4ef4f3b7e53e0a0c91000f7d: ( 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f7e: ( 23 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers WP onboard in am and pm. 11.35am: Stokers WP left. 4.00pm: ML 202 came alongside. 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f7f: ( 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f80: ( 24 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers WP onboard in am. 2.50pm: ML 202 came alongside. 3.30pm: Helene arrived with two lighters... 3.50pm: … and left. 4.15pm: Helene returned with three lighters. 4.20pm: ML 202 left. 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f81: ( 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f82: ( 25 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 11.00am: Captain and 1st Lieutenant came onboard. 12.10pm: ML 202 came alongside. 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f83: ( 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f84: ( 26 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Weather: Some rain in the morning watch, dry and clear later, with temperatures in the 30s F. 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f85: ( 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f86: ( 27 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers WP onboard in am. 11.00am: Two jars of rum sent to ML 228 and three jars to the barracks. 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f87: ( 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f88: ( 28 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.30am: Officer of ML 228 went the rounds and inspected Bildress [?]. 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f89: ( 4ef4f3b8e53e0a0c91000f8a: ( 29 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers WP onboard in am, also the Shipwright and the Armourer. 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f8b: ( 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f8c: ( 30 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.45am: Dockyard workers on board. Stokers working party on board, am and pm. 9.30am: Shifted berth. 5.00pm: Dockyard men left. 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f8d: ( 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f8e: ( 31 December 1919 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard workers and Stokers working party on board. 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f8f: ( 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f90: ( 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f91: ( 4ef4f3b9e53e0a0c91000f92: ( Above four pages blank. For 1920 we return to the more formal (and very much more legible) copy logs, with a single page for weather and comments. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1920 [Novi Sad] 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f93: ( 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f94: ( Cover of Copy Log January 1920, signed by S/Lt JF Parham (Navigating Officer) 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f95: ( 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f96: ( 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f97: ( Above three pages blank. 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f98: ( 1 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.25am: Stokers working party arrived… 1.00pm: … and left. Weather: Calm or light SE’ly breezes, dry and clear, temperatures in the 40s F. 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f99: ( 2 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers and dockyard men at work during the day. 4ef4f3bae53e0a0c91000f9a: ( 3 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers and dockyard men at work during the day. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000f9b: ( 4 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.00pm: Landed two ratings for 48 hours leave. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000f9c: ( 5 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men at work during the day. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000f9d: ( 6 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men at work during the day. 12.50pm: Two men rejoined from leave. 3.10pm: ML 210 secured alongside. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000f9e: ( 7 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers and dockyard men at work during the day. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000f9f: ( 8 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.30am: ML 210 cast off. Stokers and dockyard men at work during the day. 9.10am: ML 202 cast off. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa0: ( 9 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers and dockyard men at work during the day. 6.30pm: ML 202 secured alongside. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa1: ( 10 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers and dockyard men at work during the forenoon. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa2: ( 11 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday. Light breezes, dry and clear, high temperature 56ºF at noon. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa3: ( 12 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers at work until 1.00pm. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa4: ( 13 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers at work until 1.00pm. 2.20pm: ML 202 cast off. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa5: ( 14 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers at work until 1.00pm. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa6: ( 15 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers at work until 1.00pm. 4ef4f3bbe53e0a0c91000fa7: ( 16 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers at work until 1.00pm. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fa8: ( 17 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.45am: Stokers onboard until 11.30am. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fa9: ( 18 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Weather: Light airs, some rain in the forenoon, temperatures in the 40s F. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000faa: ( 19 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.00am: Stokers working party onboard. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fab: ( 20 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.00am: Stokers working party onboard. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fac: ( 21 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.35am: ML 228 left. Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 9.40am: ML 228 secured alongside. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fad: ( 22 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fae: ( 23 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000faf: ( 24 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fb0: ( 25 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Weather: Calm clear and dry, with temperatures below freezing at night. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fb1: ( 26 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fb2: ( 27 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bce53e0a0c91000fb3: ( 28 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bde53e0a0c91000fb4: ( 29 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bde53e0a0c91000fb5: ( 30 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard. 4ef4f3bde53e0a0c91000fb6: ( 31 January 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers onboard in the forenoon. 4ef4f3bde53e0a0c91000fb7: ( 4ef4f3bde53e0a0c91000fb8: ( 4ef4f3bde53e0a0c91000fb9: ( 4ef4f3bde53e0a0c91000fba: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1920 [Novi Sad] 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fbb: ( 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fbc: ( Cover of copy log January 1920, signed by S/Lt JF Parham (Navigating Officer). 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fbd: ( 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fbe: ( 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fbf: ( Above three pages blank. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc0: ( 1 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.15pm: Leontine with coal schlepp tied up alongside. Weather: Calm but overcast with rain in the afternoon, temperatures falling from a high of 39ºF at noon to 28ºF by midnight. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc1: ( 2 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men employed on board. Coaling party coaling ship from lighter. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc2: ( 3 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men employed on board. Coaling party coaling ship from lighter. 2.45pm: Completed coaling, Leontine cast off. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc3: ( 4 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc4: ( 5 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc5: ( 6 February 1920 [5 February in the log] Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 3.25pm: ML 504 secured alongside. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc6: ( 7 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 4ef4f3bee53e0a0c91000fc7: ( 8 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Weather: Calm or light airs, clear and dry, temperature 57ºF at 4.00pm, falling to 30ºF at midnight. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fc8: ( 9 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 11.00am: ML 228 cast off… 11.45pm: … and returned to secure alongside. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fc9: ( 10 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 5.30pm: ML 202 alongside. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fca: ( 11 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fcb: ( 12 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 12.30pm: Hands employed embarking stores from waggons. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fcc: ( 13 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fcd: ( 14 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.30am: ML 228 cast off. Dockyard men and Stokers employed on board. 12.15pm: ML 202 cast off. 4.45pm: ML 202 returned… 5.00pm: … and left again. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fce: ( 15 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 11.15am: Tug Vag secured alongside. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fcf: ( 16 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 One dockyard man, with Seamen’s and Stokers’ working parties onboard. 1.30pm: Vag cast off. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fd0: ( 17 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.30am: Stokers’ working party arrived. 10.00am: ML 368 alongside. 1.00pm: Stokers left. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fd1: ( 18 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Seamen and Stoker working parties at work. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fd2: ( 19 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Seamen and Stoker working parties on board. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fd3: ( 20 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Seamen and Stoker working parties on board. Lt AF Romb [?] joined ship. 4ef4f3bfe53e0a0c91000fd4: ( 21 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers’ working party on board in the forenoon. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fd5: ( 22 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Weather: Calm, clear and dry, temperatures as high as 57ºF at noon. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fd6: ( 23 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Stokers’ working party on board in the forenoon. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fd7: ( 24 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Seamen and Stoker working parties on board in the forenoon. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fd8: ( 25 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.10am: ML 368 cast off… 11.20am: … and returned. 3.55pm: ML236 secured alongside. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fd9: ( 26 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.45am: ML 504 left. 2.00pm: ML236 cast off. 5.30pm: ML 228 secured alongside. 6.50pm: ML 504 returned. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fda: ( 27 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men, Seamen and Stokers at work. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fdb: ( 28 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.35am: ML 228 cast off. 8.15am: Dockyard men arrived. 8.45am: Stokers’ working party arrived. 11.30am: Working party left. 1.00pm: Dockyard men left. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fdc: ( 29 February 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday, no work today. 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fdd: ( 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fde: ( 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fdf: ( 4ef4f3c0e53e0a0c91000fe0: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1920 [Novi Sad, Budapest, Novi Sad] 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe1: ( 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe2: ( Cover of copy logbook for March 1920, signed by S/Lt JF Parham. 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe3: ( 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe4: ( 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe5: ( Above three pages blank. 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe6: ( 1 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.30am: Dockyardmen arrived. 8.45am: Stokers arrived. 10.30am: Seamen arrived. 1.00pm: Working parties left. 5.30pm: Dockyard men left. Weather: Calm, clear and dry all day, with temperatures reaching 60ºF at 4.00pm. 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe7: ( 2 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Aphis crew working onboard. 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe8: ( 3 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Aphis crew working onboard. 4ef4f3c1e53e0a0c91000fe9: ( 4 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Aphis crew working onboard. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000fea: ( 5 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Aphis crew working onboard. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000feb: ( 6 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Dockyard men and Aphis crew working onboard. 9.20am: ML 228 secured alongside. 11.25am: ML 236 secured alongside. 1.30pm: ML 430 secured alongside. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000fec: ( 7 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.30am: Oil lighter alongside. 8.30am: Working party commenced oiling. 10.30am: Ship's company returned onboard from barracks. 1.30pm: Landed football party, remainder employed oiling ship [throughout the night]. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000fed: ( 8 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Oiling continuously. 5.00pm: Landed one watch of libertymen. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000fee: ( 9 March 1920 Novi Sad to Vörösmart Lat 45.34, Long 19.08 [approx] 5.20am: Finished oiling (10 tons short). 5.30am: Shifted oil lighter ahead, turned ship and secured alongside schlepp. 6.55am: Left winter harbour and proceeded up river. 7.00am: Stopped to secure ML 368 alongside for towing. Proceeded. 12.31pm: Vukovar pontoon abeam. 2.45pm: Down mast and funnels to pass umder Gombos [aka Bogojevo] bridge. 6.11pm: Anchored near left bank below Vörösmart [aka Zmajevac]. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000fef: ( 10 March 1920 Vörösmart to Százhalombatta Lat 46.6, Long 18.86 1.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 2.10am: Bexdan abeam. 4.30am: Down mast for telephone wire at Mohacs; up mast. 4.45am: Stopped and anchored, snowing. 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.30am: Down mast and funnels to pass under Baja bridge. 10.40am: Sighted ML 509 coming down, stopped engines, ML secured alongside. 11.10am: ML 509 cast off, proceeded. Noon: Paks pontoon abeam. 7.05pm: Stopped and anchored at Szàzhalombatta. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000ff0: ( 11 March 1920 Százhalombatta to Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.15am: Down mast and funnels to pass under a railway bridge, Ferenc Josef bridge and Elizabeth bridge. 7.30am: Secured alongside schlepp, Budapest. 11.00am: Transferred five drums of petrol to ML 368. 2.45pm: ML 368 cast off. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed until 7.00am. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000ff1: ( 12 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c2e53e0a0c91000ff2: ( 13 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ff3: ( 14 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ff4: ( 15 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 9.25am: Cast off and proceeded to anchor to right bank below Lánchid. 4.20pm: Tug alongside with gangway planks. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ff5: ( 16 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ff6: ( 17 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 10.30am: ML 368 proceeded up river. 5.00pm: Watch employed getting in wood. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ff7: ( 18 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 1.10pm: Discharged one AB and one Sig. to Red Cross hospital. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ff8: ( 19 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 9.40am: Exercised general quarters. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ff9: ( 20 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ffa: ( 21 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ffb: ( 22 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ffc: ( 23 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 3.50pm: Embarked wood for Shipwright. 4.20pm: Skiff left for dockyard. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ffd: ( 24 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 3.20pm: One Officers Steward 1c, four ABs, two Stokers 1c and one WT Operator joined from HMS Egmont*. One AB and one Ord rejoined from escort duty. * The base ship, a “stone frigate” at Malta. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000ffe: ( 25 March 1920 Budapest Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 4.10am: Discharged three ABs, two Stokers and one Ord. Tel. to ML 210 for passage to England. 4.30pm: ML 210 left for Novi Sad. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91000fff: ( 26 March 1920 Budapest to Dunaföldvàr. Lat 47.495, Long 19.045 3.20pm: Cast off and proceeded down river at 230 revs. 6.55pm: Turned 16 pts and anchored at Dunaföldvàr. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91001000: ( 27 March 1920 Dunafoldvar to Novi Sad Lat 45.65, Long 18.95 [approx] 4.35am: Weighed, turned and proceeded down river. 5.22am: Harta abeam. 5.47am: Fog, slow speed. 7.10am: Fog, slowed down and turned upstream. 7.25am: Proceeded at full speed. 8.20am: Passed under Baja bridge. 9.45am: Passed under telegraph wire at Mohacs, down mast. 11.45am: Passed Apatin. 1.12pm: Gombos bridge. 4.02pm: Passed under telegraph wire at Palanka, down mast. 6.10pm: Passed under railway bridge and wooden bridge at Novi Sad, down mast and funnels. 6.30pm: Anchored and secured to schlepp at Novi Sad. 4ef4f3c3e53e0a0c91001001: ( 28 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 5.10am: ML 228 went down river. 9.00am: Hands shifting schlepp and getting in stores. 10.55am: One Stoker 1c joined ship. 4ef4f3c4e53e0a0c91001002: ( 29 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.40am: Admiral’s yacht Szofia left. 9.10pm: One AB joined from ML 196. 4ef4f3c4e53e0a0c91001003: ( 30 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.20pm: ML 210 proceeded down river… 3.20pm: … and returned. 4ef4f3c4e53e0a0c91001004: ( 31 March 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed getting in stores and oiling. 11.25am: ML 210 left for Belgrade. 2.40pm: MLs 228 and 430 arrived from down river. 4ef4f3c4e53e0a0c91001005: ( 4ef4f3c4e53e0a0c91001006: ( 4ef4f3c4e53e0a0c91001007: ( 4ef4f3c4e53e0a0c91001008: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR APRIL 1920 [Novi Sad] 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c91001009: ( 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c9100100a: ( Front cover of copy logbook for April/May 1920. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c9100100b: ( 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c9100100c: ( 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c9100100d: ( Above three pages blank. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c9100100e: ( 1 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.30am: Clean ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.50am: ML 210 arrived from Belgrade. 1.30pm: Make and mend. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am. Weather: Fresh SE’ly winds, with squalls up to f 6 at times, dry with temperatures in the 50s F. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c9100100f: ( 2 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine [for Good Friday]. 5.00am: ML 196 proceeded up river. 7.05am: ML 430 proceeded down river. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c91001010: ( 3 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 11.50am: ML 430 arrived from Belgrade. Paymr Lt HM Fitch, RN, joined ship. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c91001011: ( 4 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Easter Sunday. 10.30am: Muster by the open list. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c91001012: ( 5 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.55am: ML 228 went up river… 10.40am: … and returned. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c91001013: ( 6 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c91001014: ( 7 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.20pm: Discharged one Stoker 1c to hospital. 4.30pm: Discharged one Officers Cook 2c to HMS Egmont. 4ef4f3c5e53e0a0c91001015: ( 8 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001016: ( 9 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.30pm: Admiral’s yacht Szofia arrived from down river. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001017: ( 10 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Advanced clocks 1 hour to Local Summer Time. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001018: ( 11 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001019: ( 12 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c9100101a: ( 13 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands scrubbing and respreading awnings. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c9100101b: ( 14 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands scraping and painting. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c9100101c: ( 15 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 12.12pm: ML 368 arrived from Budapest. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c9100101d: ( 16 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 5.55am: ML 210 proceeded down river. 1.50pm: ML 509 arrived from down river. 3.40pm: HMS Ladybird arrived from down river. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c9100101e: ( 17 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.55am: ML 368 proceeded down river. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c9100101f: ( 18 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.50am: ML 210 arrived from down river. 1.45pm: Discharged one Officers Cook 1c to HMS Ladybird. 2.40pm: ML 509 left for Budapest. 5.30pm: Paymr Lt HM Fitch OBE, RN, left ship for Ladybird. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001020: ( 19 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001021: ( 20 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.45pm: Landed football party. 4.45pm: Watch shifted oil lighter alongside and commenced oiling. 10.00pm: Ceased oiling. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001022: ( 21 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.15am: Commenced oiling. 11.50am: Finished oiling. 4ef4f3c6e53e0a0c91001023: ( 22 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c91001024: ( 23 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 11.00am: Surgeon Lt A Gwynne-Jones, RN, left ship. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c91001025: ( 24 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c91001026: ( 25 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c91001027: ( 26 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.45am: One Officers Steward 1c joined ship. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c91001028: ( 27 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.25am: Pilot left ship for HMS Ladybird. 4.55am: Ladybird proceeded up river. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c91001029: ( 28 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c9100102a: ( 29 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c9100102b: ( 30 April 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 12.45pm: SHS Monitors Drina and Neretva passed proceeding down river. LOGS FOR MAY 1920 [Novi Sad, Baja, Novi Sad] 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c9100102c: ( 1 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.00am: Clean ship. 8.30am: Clean ship. 1.30pm: Make and mend. Landed liberty men until 11.00pm. Weather: Calm, clear skies, temperatures from 58º to 79ºF. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c9100102d: ( 2 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.45pm: HMS Ladybird arrived from Budapest. 9.25pm: Monitors Drina and Neretva passed proceeding up river. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c9100102e: ( 3 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c9100102f: ( 4 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.50am: SHS Monitors Morava and Vardar passed proceeding down river. 12.05pm: Four Stoker POs joined ship for MLs. 4ef4f3c7e53e0a0c91001030: ( 5 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 5.55am: SHS Monitor Morava passed proceeding up river. 10.20am: Two Stoker POs left ship for MLs 236 and 368. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001031: ( 6 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001032: ( 7 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.30am: One Off. Steward 1c left ship for Malta. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001033: ( 8 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.50pm: ML 196 arrived from Budapest. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001034: ( 9 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001035: ( 10 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.30am: Hands to First Aid lecture. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001036: ( 11 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 3.54pm: One SPO left ship for ML 504. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001037: ( 12 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001038: ( 13 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.30am: Small arm company landed for drill. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c91001039: ( 14 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 3.50pm: One SPO left ship for ML 434. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c9100103a: ( 15 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c9100103b: ( 16 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c9100103c: ( 17 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands refitting standing rigging, returning stores etc. 4ef4f3c8e53e0a0c9100103d: ( 18 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c9100103e: ( 19 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands variously employed. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c9100103f: ( 20 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.45pm: One Ord. Sig. joined ship from ML 509 for medical treatment. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001040: ( 21 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Drilled guns’ crews, remainder scrubbing awnings etc. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001041: ( 22 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.10am: Watch eased off awnings, thunderstorm with rain squalls. 2.30pm: ML 202 arrived from down river and secured alongside HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001042: ( 23 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 5.00am: ML 196 proceeded down river. 9.15pm: One Sig. joined ship from HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001043: ( 24 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.00am: Dressed ship overall [for Empire Day]. 11.30am: Field Marshal Borovitch [?]* came onboard. 1.45pm: Cast off and went alongside coal schlepp. * Possibly Petar Bojovic is intended, at that time Chief of Staff of the Yugoslav army. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001044: ( 25 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 4.30am: Coaled ship, 11 tons. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001045: ( 26 May 1920 Novi Sad to Baja Lat 45.53, Long 19.07 [approx] 4.23am: Cast off, weighed anchor. Proceeded up river half speed. 6.00am: Banostor abeam. 9.40am: Vukovar pontoon abeam. 11.50am: Passed under Gombos bridge. 2.02pm: Apatin abeam. 4.55pm: Passed under telegraph wire at Mohacs. 7.15pm: Came to port anchor and secured alongside left bank at Baja. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001046: ( 27 May 1920 Baja Lat 46.18, Long 18.92 Hands employed pumping over oil. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001047: ( 28 May 1920 Baja to Novi Sad Lat 45.23, Long 19.36 [approx] 4.20am: Cast off weighed anchor, turned down river and proceeded at 210 revs. 5.54am: Passed under telegraph wire at Mohacs. 9.15am: Passed under Gombos bridge. 12.12pm: Passed under telegraph wire at Palanka. 2.14pm: Anchored opposite Kamenitz. 6.33pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.52pm: Anchored and secured to pontoon, Novi Sad. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001048: ( 29 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed refitting stays, shipping pom-pom etc. 4ef4f3c9e53e0a0c91001049: ( 30 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3cae53e0a0c9100104a: ( 31 May 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.15pm: ML 368 arrived from down river. 4ef4f3cae53e0a0c9100104b: ( 4ef4f3cae53e0a0c9100104c: ( 4ef4f3cae53e0a0c9100104d: ( 4ef4f3cae53e0a0c9100104e: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR JUNE 1920 [Novi Sad, Giurgiu, Galatz] 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c9100104f: ( 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001050: ( Cover of copy logbook, June 1920. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001051: ( 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001052: ( 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001053: ( Above three pages blank. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001054: ( 1 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.00am: Clean ship. 6.15am: Landed party for route march. 7.30am: Party returned. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers. 9.30am: Hands scraping funnels and as requisite. 2.00pm: Hands scraping funnels and pumping oil. 3.30pm: ML 202 went up river. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 4.30pm: Landed liberty men until 11.00pm. Weather: Calm or light breezes, clear and dry, temperatures 64 to 75ºF. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001055: ( 2 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.10am: Landed party for route march. 7.30am: Party returned. 5.15pm: Oil and petrol schlepp arrived from down river and secured alongside right bank. 7.25pm: HMS Ladybird cast off and went alongside oil schlepp. 7.45pm: One AB rejoined from escorting schlepp. 7.50pm: Cast off, weighed and went alongside coal schlepp. 8.10pm: MLs 368 and 430 went alongside petrol schlepp. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001056: ( 3 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.50am: Muster for monthly payment. 4.10pm: ML 430 proceeded down river. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001057: ( 4 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001058: ( 5 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c91001059: ( 6 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Sunday routine. 9.30am: Muster by the open list. 6.30pm: ML 434 arrived from down river. One CPO joined ship. 10.00pm: Lt D de Pass RN, joined ship for HMS Glowworm. 4ef4f3cbe53e0a0c9100105a: ( 7 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.04am: ML 434 proceeded up river. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c9100105b: ( 8 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c9100105c: ( 9 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands scraping funnels and bilges. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c9100105d: ( 10 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c9100105e: ( 11 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.00am: HMS Glowworm arrived from down river and secured alongside schlepp. 8.10pm: ML 434 arrived from up river. 10.35pm: ML 236 arrived from down river 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c9100105f: ( 12 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.30am: Hands getting in stores from Glowworm. 9.25am: Clear lower deck to get in 6” wire hawser. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001060: ( 13 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001061: ( 14 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.10am: ML 236 proceeded up river. 9.00am: Lieut D de Pass, RN, left ship for HMS Glowworm. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001062: ( 15 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 7.45am: Discharged one AB to Barracks. 8.00am: ML 368 proceeded down river. 9.00pm: ML 430 arrived from down river. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001063: ( 16 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 8.00am: HMS Ladybird proceeded down river. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001064: ( 17 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.00am: Hands restowing shell room and on Sailmaker’s party. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001065: ( 18 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 9.00am: Hands restowing fore magazine and on Sailmaker’s party. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001066: ( 19 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 1.15pm: ML 236 arrived from up river. Surgeon Lt NB de M Greenstreet, RN, joined ship for HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001067: ( 20 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.25am: ML 430 secured alongside. Hands embarking gun and ammunition from same. 11.30am: Shifted billet to alongside oil fuel schlepp. Hands employed pumping oil and petrol into schlepp S2. 4ef4f3cce53e0a0c91001068: ( 21 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 5.45am: ML 430 proceeded up river with Schlepp S2. 1.10pm: ML 368 arrived from down river. Hands embarking gun and ammunition from same. One AB joined from same. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c91001069: ( 22 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 6.00am: ML 368 proceeded up river. 1.30pm: ML 236 proceeded up river. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c9100106a: ( 23 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 2.45am: ML 196 arrived from down river. 3.35pm: ML 196 proceeded down river. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c9100106b: ( 24 June 1920 Novi Sad Lat 45.26, Long 19.86 10.00am: One PO and four hands re-joined ship from escort party. Noon: One rating re-joined ship from hospital. 8.05pm: ML 509 arrived from up river. 10 ratings joined ship from hospital for passage. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c9100106c: ( 25 June 1920 Novi Sad to Corlu Island [?] anchorage Lat 44.82, Long 21.38 3.50am: Cast off and turned down river. 7.28am: Zemun abeam. 7.40am: Secured alongside schlepp at Belgrade. 7.53am: Cast off and proceeded down river. 8.43am: Temes River Junction abeam. 10.45am: Morava River Junction abeam. Noon: Bazias abeam. 1.00pm: Moldova abeam. 2.20pm: Secured alongside pontoon at Drencova. Embarked cataract pilot. 2.40pm: Proceeded down river. 5.10pm: Secured alongside pontoon at Orsova. 7.10pm: Proceeded down river. 8.10pm: Secured alongside pontoon at Turnu Severin. Disembarked pilot. Proceeded. 9.20pm: Anchored below Corlu I. [Possibly Ostrovu Corbului] 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c9100106d: ( 26 June 1920 Corlu I. to Giurgiu Lat 43.82, Long 23.53 [approx] 4.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river. 8.50am: Vidin abeam. 10.55am: Lom Palanka abeam. 1.30pm: Rohova [probably Oryahovo is intended] abeam 4.45pm: Nikopol abeam. 9.00pm: Secured alongside pontoon at Giurgiu (HMS Ladybird in winter harbour). 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c9100106e: ( 27 June 1920 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c9100106f: ( 28 June 1920 Giurgiu Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 9.05am: Cast off, proceeded into mid-stream and swung ship for deviation. 10.45am: Secured alongside. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c91001070: ( 29 June 1920 Giurgiu to Oltenita Lat 43.88, Long 25.99 11.00am: Cast off to oiling station. 1.30pm: ML 509 arrived from up river. 3.35pm: Commenced oiling. 4.10pm: ML 509 proceeded down river. 4.30pm: HMS Ladybird secured alongside. 5.00pm: Ladybird cast off and proceeded to anchor. 5.37pm: Completed oiling. 5.55pm: Cast off and proceeded down river at 11 Kts. 8.15pm: Anchored off Oltenita (left bank). 11.35pm: Ladybird arrived and anchored. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c91001071: ( 30 June 1920 Oltenita to Galatz Lat 44.77, Long 27.88 [approx] 4.05am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 6.10am: Silistra abeam. 9.07am: Passed under Cernavoda railway bridge. 11.07am: Hârsova abeam. 3.20pm: Anchored alongside HMS Ladybird at Galatz. 8.00pm: HMS Gardenia arrived from down river and secured alongside. 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c91001072: ( 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c91001073: ( 4ef4f3cde53e0a0c91001074: ( 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c91001075: ( 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c91001076: ( Above five pages blank.
LOGS FOR JULY 1920 [Galatz, Constantinople and Malta] 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c91001077: ( 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c91001078: ( Cover of copy logbook July/August 1920. 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c91001079: ( 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c9100107a: ( 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c9100107b: ( Above three pages blank. 4ef4f3cee53e0a0c9100107c: ( 1 July 1920 Galatz Lat 45.42, Long 28.04 5.00am: Hands cleaning ship and packing bags. 9.00am: Discharged 34 ratings to HMS Gardenia and one to Ladybird. 36 ratings joined ship from Gardenia. Embarked 7 cases of arms from Gardenia. 1.30pm: Exercised general quarters and fire stations. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Sick List: 1. Weather: Calm or light airs, mostly cloudy, temperatures as high as 89ºF at 4.00pm. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c9100107d: ( 2 July 1920 Galatz to Sea Lat 45.39, Long 29.59 [approx] 3.55am: HMS Gardenia cast off and proceeded down river. 4.25am: Cast off and proceeded down river at 8 Kts. 1.05pm: Stopped off Water Tower, Sulina. 1.12pm: Pilot boat alongside. 1.25pm: Passed out of Sulina Mouth into Black Sea. Formed astern of Gardenia, 11 Kts. 4.12pm: Gardenia dropped target. Proceeded astern for Gardenia’s firing. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c9100107e: ( 3 July 1920 At sea to the Bosporus Lat 41.57, Long 28.96 (DR) 1.55pm: Romili Lt abeam. Proceeded down Bosporus. 2.25pm: Passed HMS Iron Duke. 2.35pm: Anchored. 2.55pm: Shifted berth and anchored 1.5 cables SW of Selvi Burnu. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c9100107f: ( 4 July 1920 Bosporus Lat 41.20, Long 29.10 9.30am: C-in-C came onboard and inspected ship. 9.50am: C-in-C left ship. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001080: ( 5 July 1920 Bosporus to Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 5.32am: Weighed anchor, turned to S16E and proceeded down Bosporus. 6.20am: Stopped off HMS Revenge. 6.45am: Proceeded to No 7 buoy and secured. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001081: ( 6 July 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 5.10am: Entered Golden Horn and secured under sheer legs. 9.00am: Hoisted out both 6” guns. 9.15am: Discharged four ratings to HMS Heliotrope. 11.00am: Embarked general stores. 1.00pm: Muster for monthly payment. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001082: ( 7 July 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 4.10am: Cast off and proceeded down Golden Horn. 4.50am: Passed out into Bosporus. 5.25am: Secured alongside oiler Perthshire. Took on 36 tons. 9.20am: Cast off from oiler and proceeded down Bosporus. 9.35am: Stopped off HMS Benbow. Lt/Cdr Corson (N) came onboard. Proceeded to swing ship for deviation. 4.20pm: Returned to harbour and secured to No 5 buoy. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001083: ( 8 July 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Hands employed as requisite. Leave to watch until midnight. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001084: ( 9 July 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Hands paint ship. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001085: ( 10 July 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Hands employed as requisite. Make and mend in pm. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001086: ( 11 July 1920 Constantinople and at sea Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 11.20am: Eng. Lt Stanbury, RN, joined ship for passage. 12.12pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. Course S67W, 8 knots. 1.20pm: St Stefano Lt abeam. 2.30pm: Marida Tash Burnu abeam, 3.1 miles. 7.30pm: Ag. Andrea Lt abeam. 11.25pm: Gallipoli Lt rt ahead. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001087: ( 12 July 1920 At sea Lat 39.09, Long 25.3 DR Courses SW’ly all day. 10.55am: Sighted HMS Tilbury bg NE. 12.45pm: Tilbury took station ahead*. 7.53pm: Manditi I. abeam, 1.2 miles. 10.50pm: Angarlistra Pt Lt abeam, 1.2 miles. * Probably an arranged rendezvous; the Insect class gunboats are not really suited to the open sea unescorted. 4ef4f3cfe53e0a0c91001088: ( 13 July 1920 At sea Lat 38.24, Long 22.38 DR 5.30am: Stopped and secured alongside HMS Tilbury in Kalamaki Bay for oiling purposes. 7.35am: Cast off and proceeded for the Corinth Canal. 8.25am: Entered canal… 8.59am: … and left. Various NW’ly courses. 2.09pm: A/c S86W. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001089: ( 14 July 1920 At sea Lat 37.5, Long 19.9 [approx] 2.40am: Stopped engines to make good small defects to main engines. 6.45am: Proceeded N72W. 9 kts. 7.15am: Took station astern of HMS Tilbury. Course S76W. 10.00pm: Mt Aetna bg N45W, 112 miles. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c9100108a: ( 15 July 1920 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 5.40am: HMS Tilbury parted company. 9.00am: Courses to enter Grand Harbour, Malta. 9.35am: Stopped engines. Secured head and stern to Nos 3 and 3a buoys, Magazine Trot. 11.15am: Medical inspection of ship’s company. Noon: Eng. Lt Stanbury left ship. 1.30pm: Hands getting out ammunition, Maltese coaling party getting out coal. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c9100108b: ( 16 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.00am: Hands getting out ammunition, Maltese coaling party getting out coal. 11.00am: Discharged one SPO, one VA [Victualling Assistant] and one Ord. Sig. to Hospital. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c9100108c: ( 17 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.00am: Hands getting out ammunition and pumping oil fuel into lighter. 11.20am: One Officers’ Steward joined from HMS Egmont. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c9100108d: ( 18 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Landed church parties. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c9100108e: ( 19 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Slipped and towed by tug to Machinery wharf in Dockyard Creek. 9.10am: Spread awnings. Hands shifting stores. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c9100108f: ( 20 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 12.15am: Discharged one AB to RN hospital. Hands shifting stores and ammunition. 5.30pm: Discharged ship’s company to HMS Egmont, four Quartermasters remaining onboard. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001090: ( 21 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard, shifting stores and ammunition. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001091: ( 22 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard shifting stores. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001092: ( 23 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard shifting stores. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001093: ( 24 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001094: ( 25 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday, no work. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001095: ( 26 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d0e53e0a0c91001096: ( 27 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c91001097: ( 28 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c91001098: ( 29 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c91001099: ( 30 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c9100109a: ( 31 July 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 10.20am: Muster for monthly payment. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1920 [Malta for refit] 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c9100109b: ( 1 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday, no work. Weather: Calm or light North winds, dry with clear skies, temperatures around 80ºF. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c9100109c: ( 2 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c9100109d: ( 3 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c9100109e: ( 4 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c9100109f: ( 5 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c910010a0: ( 6 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side and drawing stores. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c910010a1: ( 7 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. Read Warrant No 1. 4ef4f3d1e53e0a0c910010a2: ( 8 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday, no work. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010a3: ( 9 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010a4: ( 10 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010a5: ( 11 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Working party onboard chipping the side. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010a6: ( 12 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's Company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 9.15am: Entered No 1 Dock. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010a7: ( 13 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010a8: ( 14 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010a9: ( 15 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010aa: ( 16 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010ab: ( 17 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d2e53e0a0c910010ac: ( 18 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010ad: ( 19 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010ae: ( 20 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010af: ( 21 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 6.00pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Benbow. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b0: ( 22 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 10.25am: Read Articles of War*. * The regulations governing the conduct of every member of the Royal Navy, required by Admiralty Instructions to be read to the ship’s company once a month. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b1: ( 23 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4.00pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Benbow. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b2: ( 24 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 1.30pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Egmont. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b3: ( 25 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b4: ( 26 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b5: ( 27 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b6: ( 28 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b7: ( 29 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b8: ( 30 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010b9: ( 31 August 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d3e53e0a0c910010ba: ( 4ef4f3d4e53e0a0c910010bb: ( 4ef4f3d4e53e0a0c910010bc: ( Above three pages blank. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1920 [Malta and Constantinople] 4ef4f3d4e53e0a0c910010bd: ( 4ef4f3d4e53e0a0c910010be: ( Front cover of copy log for September/October 1920 4ef4f3d4e53e0a0c910010bf: ( 4ef4f3d4e53e0a0c910010c0: ( 4ef4f3d4e53e0a0c910010c1: ( Instruments. Aneroid barometer Wilson, Warden & Co, No 5368 and from 6th September Short and Mason No 5098. Thermometer on upper deck, screened, Barton & Co. Sea thermometer, Barton & Co. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c2: ( 1 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. Weather: Calm or light airs, dry, temperatures in the 80s F. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c3: ( 2 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c4: ( 3 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Ship's company employed as working party in HMS Derby. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c5: ( 4 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 11.00am: Officers and ship’s company returned to ship from HMS Derby. Hands employed refitting and drawing stores. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c6: ( 5 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 5.30pm: Five ABs joined ship from HMS Benbow. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c7: ( 6 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 9.30am: Discharged three Ord. Seamen to HMS Benbow. Hands refitting, drawing stores etc. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c8: ( 7 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 9.15am: Working party from HMS Egmont arrived. Undocked from No 1 dock and secured alongside Machinery Wharf. 11.30am: Working party left. 1.30pm: Hands drawing and stowing stores, assisted by working party from HMS Egmont. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010c9: ( 8 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Working party from HMS Egmont onboard. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010ca: ( 9 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.30am: Hands employed drawing and stowing stores. 9.00am: Ship coaled by native labour (34 tons). 1.00pm: Completed with oil, 54 tons. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010cb: ( 10 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 9.00am: Carried out basin trials. 10.30am: Ammunition lighter secured alongside. Employed ammunitioning ship. 2.30pm: Working party from HMS Benbow arrived. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010cc: ( 11 September 1920 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Cast off from jetty and proceeded out of harbour for steam trials. 9.20am: Entered breakwater and secured to buoy. Resumed taking on ammunition. 10.30am: S/Lt Chapman joined ship. 1.00pm: Secured to H1 and H1A buoys. Oil and water tanks secured alongside. Oiled and watered. 1.30pm: Two Stokers joined ship from HMS Egmont for passage. 3.30pm: Two ABs joined ship to take passage. 7.00pm: S/Lt Parham left ship. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010cd: ( 12 September 1920 Malta and at sea Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 4.10pm: Lt/Cdr Lancaster and Lt Anstice joined for passage to Constantinople. 6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Course N71E. 11.15pm: Exercised sea boat’s crew*. * The sea boat’s crew are usually to be found in a warm cubby hole just abaft the funnel. They should be closed up at their station at least once a watch for inspection. The ability to put a whaler over the side at any moment is a real life saver. 4ef4f3d5e53e0a0c910010ce: ( 13 September 1920 At sea for Constantinople Lat 37.0, Long 18.50 [approx] NE’ly courses. 6.00am: Stopped and discharged one AB to HMS Sirdar for conveyance to hospital in Malta. [As on the journey to Malta, Aphis has an escort.] 9.30am: Rotator and governor of patent log lost due to line parting. 11.00pm: Reduced speed to 6 knots. [There is a moderate NE swell and light breeze.] 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010cf: ( 14 September 1920 At sea for Constantinople Lat 38.29, Long 21.11 12.04am: Reduced to slow. 12.29am: Stopped [presumably waiting for HMS Sirdar to rejoin]. 1.47am: Proceeded. 4.10am: Cape Skinari Lt bg N65W (T). 4.55am: Same abeam, 1 mile. 7.55am: Secured alongside HMS Sirdar at Oxia I. for oil. Received 30 tons. 12.45pm: Slipped and proceeded. 6.43pm: Cape Melangari bg S51E (compass). 8.39pm: Same abeam 5/6th mile. 9.30pm: Anchored. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d0: ( 15 September 1920 At sea for Constantinople Lat 37.6, Long 24.0 [approx] 7.35am: Weighed and proceeded through Corinth canal. 8.49am: Course S80E(t). 11.08am: Passed US destroyer Southard [Southward in log] steering West. 9.40pm: Lithari Pt Lt [Skiros I.] abeam, 10 miles. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d1: ( 16 September 1920 At sea for Constantinople Lat 40.3, Long 26.6 [approx] 9.05am: Courses as required to pass through Dardanelles, speed 10 knots. 4.00pm: Stopped engines, hands to bathe. 4.35pm: Proceeded. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d2: ( 17 September 1920 At sea to Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 4.15am: Stefano Pt Lt abeam. 6.45am: Secured alongside SS Perthshire. Commenced oiling. 9.00am: Lt/Cdr Lancaster left ship after taking passage. 1.50pm: Finished oiling, 45 tons. 2.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to secure to No 6 buoy. 3.30pm: Finished with engines, drew fires. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d3: ( 18 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 3.00pm: Lt Anstice left ship after taking passage from Malta. 7.00pm: One SPO discharged to Base. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d4: ( 19 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.15am: Landed C of E and RC church parties. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d5: ( 20 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 6.15am: Slipped and proceeded into Golden Horn and secured under sheerlegs. 9.15am: Working party from HMS Ramillies, two POs and six ABs, arrived to assist in embarking 6” guns. 1.30pm: Hands working on guns*. *These are the guns that were taken out on 6 July. Insect class gunboats, shallow drafted and flat bottomed, were poor seaboats at the best of times and removing their heavy guns for a sea journey improved their stability a lot, as well as increasing the freeboard a little. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d6: ( 21 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands painting and working on guns. 5.30pm: WP from HMS Ramillies left. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d7: ( 22 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 5.45am: Slipped from jetty and proceeded to anchorage. 6.30am: Anchored with stern secured to buoy. 10.15am: Aft 6” gun crew to drill. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d8: ( 23 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.15am: One AB to hospital for treatment. 10.00am: Fore 6” gun crew to drill. 11.00am: Rating returned from hospital. 1.30pm: Landed cricket party and liberty men. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010d9: ( 24 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 1.50pm: One AB discharged to hospital. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010da: ( 25 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 In am: Clean ship. In pm: Make and mend. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010db: ( 26 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.50am: Muster by the open list. 4ef4f3d6e53e0a0c910010dc: ( 27 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.25am: HMS Centurion left harbour. 10.45am: Control party to HMS Iron Duke for spotting table instruction. Page signed by Captain Arthur L Snagge, SNO Danube, 28/9/20. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010dd: ( 28 September 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.30am: SNO Danube Flotilla, Capt Snagge RN, inspected the ship. 1.15pm: Slipped, weighed and proceeded. Navigating officer of HMS Surprise came onboard for compass adjustment*. 1.50pm: Carried out compass adjustment and then .303 and 1” aiming rifle practice. 6.40pm: Returned to harbour. 6.55pm: Anchored and secured stern to buoy. *Note that the magnetic compass also had to be adjusted when Aphis left Constantinople in July, after the removal of her guns. The removal (or replacement) of several tons of steel has a considerable effect on the compass. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010de: ( 29 September 1920 Constantinople and at sea for firing exercise Lat 40.9, Long 28.9 [approx] 6.50am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for aiming rifle practice. 4.10pm: Finished practice and shaped course to anchor off Stefano Pt. 4.30pm: Anchored. 8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded for night aiming rifle practice. 9.50pm: Practice complete and returned to Stefano Pt anchorage. 10.33pm: Anchored. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010df: ( 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e0: ( Table of compass deviations. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e1: ( 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e2: ( Blank deviation pages. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e3: ( 30 September 1920 Sea of Marmara and Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.17am: Weighed and proceeded for aiming rifle practice. 10.52am: Shaped course (039º) to return to harbour. 11.55am: Anchored and secured stern to buoy. 2.00pm: Received fresh water from water boat. 5.20pm: Ship dragging, dropped starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles. 6.45pm: HMS Calypso entered harbour. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1920 [Constantinople and Gulf of Izmid] 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e4: ( 1 October 1920 Constantinople, at sea and return Lat 40.9, Long 28.97 [approx] 9.00am: Divisions. 9.10am: Hands employed providing ammunition. 9.30am: Lit fires in both boilers. 10.20am: Weighed starboard anchor. 10.40am: Slipped from buoy and weighed port. 10.45am: Proceeded, courses and speeds to leave harbour. 11.15am: Course S2W True. Speed 14 knots. Noon: Course and speed as required, to carry out 6” QF, 12 pdr and 3 pdr pom pom full calibre firing. Gunlayers’ test, 8 rounds per gun, control firing 12 rounds per gun. Recording party supplied by HMS Iron Duke. 3.20pm: Secure. Returned to harbour. 4.45pm: Secured alongside RFA Perthshire, commenced oiling. 7.00pm: Paid quarterly settlement. 7.15pm: Finished oiling, 15 tons. Slipped and proceeded to anchor. 7.45pm: Anchored and secured to buoy. 8.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.00pm, CPOs and POs till 11.00pm. 11.00pm: Drew fires. Weather: Calm or light airs, clear and dry, temperatures around 70ºF. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e5: ( 2 October 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 10.20am: Received 10 drums of oil, mineral, sperm and lubricating. 2.30pm: Make and mend. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e6: ( 3 October 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 2.10pm: One AB returned to duty from hospital ship. 8.45pm: AB Morton discharged to HMS Heliotrope. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e7: ( 4 October 1920 Constantinople To Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 7.05am: Slipped from buoy, weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour. 7.15am: Course 172º, speed 11.5 knots. 11.40am: Anchored off Izmid. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.35pm: Stopped engines off Eregli. 3.30pm: Turkish passenger steamer Trebizon [?] arrived. 3.35pm: Proceeded, course 70º. 4.00pm: Turkish steamer Kirlangich [Kirlangiç may be intended] arrived. 4.47pm: Anchored off Izmid. 8.00pm: Turkish MB Huda Verdi arrived. 4ef4f3d7e53e0a0c910010e8: ( 5 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 9.10am: Turkish SS Kirlangich sailed. 7.10pm: Greek SS Soultana [aka Sultana] arrived. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010e9: ( 6 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 9.20am: Greek SS Soultana sailed. 9.30am: Turkish MB Cagour [?] arrived. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010ea: ( 7 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 8.30am: Turkish passenger steamer Kirlangich sailed. 11.30am: Greek SS Aghios Nicolas sailed [perhaps arrived is intended]. 11.59pm: Greek SS Aghios Nicolas sailed. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010eb: ( 8 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands making funnel covers and engine room screens. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010ec: ( 9 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 In am: Hands making funnel covers and engine room screens. In pm: Make and mend. 6.30pm: Two men placed under close arrest. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010ed: ( 10 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010ee: ( 11 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 2.00pm: Turkish sailing ship Ashuk sailed. 4.30pm: Greek steamer Alina arrived. 5.00pm: Turkish steamer Kirlangich arrived. 7.10pm: Turkish motor boat Bagliar [?] sailed. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010ef: ( 12 October 1920 Izmid and Derinji Lat 40.75, Long 29.86 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.15am: Secured alongside jetty at Derinji [now Derince]. 12.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. 1.13pm: Anchored off Izmid. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010f0: ( 13 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 6.00am: Greek steamer Vlacios [possibly Vlassios is intended] sailed. 8.00am: Greek SS Sultana sailed. 5.45pm: Greek steamer Alina arrived. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010f1: ( 14 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 7.30am: Turkish SS Tchanakalu arrived. 9.00am: Greek SS Alina sailed. 9.30am: Tchanakalu sailed. 11.00am: Pistol drill and practice firing. 12.55pm: Greek SS Dafnie arrived. 2.40pm: Landed football party. 4.10pm: Turkish s. ship [probably sailing ship] Hasian arrived. 4.30pm: Greek s. ship Hora arrived. 5.30pm: Greek steamer Soultana and s. ship [illegible] arrived. 5.45pm: Greek s. ship Pictissa [?] arrived. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010f2: ( 15 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 7.20am: Turkish SS Hikmet arrived. 7.30am: Greek steamer Soultana sailed. 4.25pm: Greek steamer Alina arrived. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010f3: ( 16 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 8.00am: Turkish steamer Kavir arrived. 9.00am: Greek steamer Alina sailed. 8.30pm: Greek SS Elefteris sailed. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010f4: ( 17 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 1.30pm: Greek steamer Pinyos arrived. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010f5: ( 18 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 9.30am: General drill. Exercised fire, collision, abandon ship, clear for action, out stern anchor and prepare to tow for’d. 5.20pm: Greek steamer Helidon arrived. 5.45pm: Greek steamer Alina arrived. 4ef4f3d8e53e0a0c910010f6: ( 19 October 1920 Izmid, Derinji, Izmid Lat 40.75, Long 29.86 8.00am: Greek SS Alina sailed. 8.10am: Greek SS Helidon sailed. 10.46am: Weighed and proceeded. 11.33am: Anchored and secured to jetty at Derinji. Commenced watering. 5.30pm: Cast off and proceeded. 6.07pm: Anchored, Izmid. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010f7: ( 20 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 9.00am: Hands refitting bottom lines, jigger and skiff’s davit guys and making gun covers. Skiff away dragging for lost suction hose. 3.30pm: Greek steamer Pirgos arrived. 4.50pm: Greek steamers Alina and Helidon arrived. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010f8: ( 21 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 8.10am: Greek steamer Alina sailed. 8.20am: Greek steamer Helidon sailed. Skiff away dragging for lost suction hose. 9.20pm: Greek steamer Soultana arrived. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010f9: ( 22 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 8.20pm: Greek steamer Soultana sailed. 3.30pm: Greek steamer Alina arrived. 3.40pm: Greek steamer Helidon arrived. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010fa: ( 23 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 7.10am: Greek steamers Helidon and Alina sailed. 4.20pm: One Ord. Seaman joined ship. 6.20pm: Greek steamer Soultana arrived. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010fb: ( 24 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 5.45pm: Greek destroyer Thyella arrived. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010fc: ( 25 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 3.20pm: Greek destroyer Thyella sailed… 8.00pm: … and returned. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010fd: ( 26 October 1920 Izmid, Karamürsel, Derinji and Izmid. Lat 40.7, Long 29.6 6.30am: Furled awnings and cleared for action. 7.12am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.35am: Stopped off Karamürsel. Greek 2nd Lieutenant went ashore. 9.35am: Major in command of Greek troops at Karamürsel came on board. 9.50am: Greek Lt/Colonel and Major went ashore. 10.00am: One company of the 17th Greek Regiment arrived from Izmid in two steamers. 10.27am: Proceeded to search Turkish sailing vessel, boarded same. 11.00am: Returned to Karamürsel. Noon: Greek destroyer Panthir arrived. Officers from Panthir came on board 1.25pm: Action stations. 1.30pm: Opened fire with 6” and 12 pdr guns to cover advance of Greek troops. Fired 5 rounds per gun. 1.40pm: Greek destroyer opened fire. 1.50pm: Ceased fire. 3.40pm: Proceeded, course 066º. Passed Greek destroyer Thyella steering for Karamürsel. 4.45pm: Secured alongside jetty at Derinji. Watered ship. 9.15pm: Cast off and proceeded. 9.52pm: Anchored [at Izmid]. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010fe: ( 27 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 10.20am: Hands employed dragging for lost suction hose. 2.55pm: Two Greek steamers arrived with troops from Karamürsel. 8.30pm: Greek destroyer Panthir arrived. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c910010ff: ( 28 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 10.50am: Greek destroyer Panthir left for Constantinople. 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c91001100: ( 29 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 10.40am: Landed guard for memorial service for the late King Alexander of Greece 4ef4f3d9e53e0a0c91001101: ( 30 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 In am: Hands painting out chain lockers. In pm: Make and mend. 4ef4f3dae53e0a0c91001102: ( 31 October 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 10.00am: Muster by the open list. 4ef4f3dae53e0a0c91001103: ( 4ef4f3dae53e0a0c91001104: ( 4ef4f3dae53e0a0c91001105: ( 4ef4f3dae53e0a0c91001106: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1920 [Izmid, Tuzla and Constantinople] 4ef4f3dae53e0a0c91001107: ( 4ef4f3dae53e0a0c91001108: ( Front cover of copy log for November 1920, signed by S/Lt LVG Chapman, NO. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001109: ( 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c9100110a: ( Above two pages blank. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c9100110b: ( Aneroid barometer, Short & Mason Ltd, No 5098, 9’ asl. Thermometer for air and sea, AC Cossor & Son, No 58, on upper deck, screened. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c9100110c: ( 1 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 2.00am: Clocks put back 20 minutes. 5.00am: Clocks put back 20 minutes. 6.00am: Hands cleaning out bilges and painting cable lockers. 9.10am: Divisions. Prayers. 9.25am: Read Articles of War. 10.00am: Hands re-stowing ammunition and painting cable lockers. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and painting fore store, 12 pdr gun shields and stanchions. 3.50pm: Paid monthly advance. Weather: Overcast with some mist and rain, fresh NE’ly winds all day, temperatures from 39º to 45ºF. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c9100110d: ( 2 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands variously employed. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c9100110e: ( 3 November 1920 Izmid, Karamürsel, Derinji, Izmid Lat 40.7, Long 29.6 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.00am: A/c to examine sailing vessel. 10.57am: Stopped off Karamürsel. 11.35am: Moored to buoy and swung ship for compass deviation. 12.53pm: Proceeded. 2.00pm: Anchored and secured to jetty at Derinji. Watered ship. 5.30pm: Slipped, weighed and proceeded. 6.10pm: Anchored [at Izmid]. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c9100110f: ( 4 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands employed as requisite. One sack of potatoes lost overboard by accident. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001110: ( 5 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 10.40am: Greek troopship Aris arrived. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001111: ( 6 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 4.25pm: Two ratings joined ship from HMS Egmont. 5.45pm: Received Gunner’s, Paymaster’s and Engineer’s stores. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001112: ( 7 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001113: ( 8 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 3.10pm: Greek TB Alkyoni [Alkyonis in log] arrived. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001114: ( 9 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands employed cleaning and painting. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001115: ( 10 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 8.40am: Greek TB Alkyoni left ... 1.35pm: … and returned. 4ef4f3dbe53e0a0c91001116: ( 11 November 1920 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 11.00am: Second Anniversary of the Armistice. Silence and attention on board till 11.02am. 9.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c91001117: ( 12 November 1920 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 12.55am: Anchored off Touzla [now Tuzla]. 3.15am: HMS Hibiscus sailed for Constantinople. 1.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to new berth. 5.00pm: Water boat alongside. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c91001118: ( 13 November 1920 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c91001119: ( 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c9100111a: ( Above two pages cancelled. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c9100111b: ( 14 November 1920 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Cleaning and painting. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c9100111c: ( 15 November 1920 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Painting. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c9100111d: ( 16 November 1920 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 More painting. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c9100111e: ( 17 November 1920 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Painting and cleaning. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c9100111f: ( 18 November 1920 Tuzla to Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.19am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.40am: Anchored. 12.28pm: HMS Dianthus arrived and anchored. 1.58pm: Weighed and proceeded, course 243º. 2.02pm: A/c to close HIMS Tasouz [possibly the Samsun class destroyer Tasoz is intended]. 4.00pm: Courses to return to harbour. 4.55pm: Secured alongside oiler [probably RFA Perthshire] and commenced oiling. 6.30pm: Two ratings (ODs) discharged to HMS Benbow. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c91001120: ( 19 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.30am: Slipped from oiler and proceeded to anchor. 11.00am: HMS Benbow shifted berth. One Ldg Sn discharged to hospital. 10.30pm: Raised steam for slow speed [winds ENE 6-7]. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c91001121: ( 20 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 3.00am: Shut down boiler. 11.10am: HMS Ceres arrived. 4ef4f3dce53e0a0c91001122: ( 21 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.30am: HMS Ceres sailed. 7.45am: HMS Ladybird arrived. 1.25pm: HMS Calypso sailed. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001123: ( 22 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 In pm: Taking on general stores from lighter. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001124: ( 23 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001125: ( 24 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 6.02am: Weighed and proceeded up Golden Horn. 7.35am: Anchored and secured stern to shore. 9.00am: Guns’ crews from HMS Ladybird exercised at gun drill on board. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001126: ( 25 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 9.30am: Guns’ crews from HMS Ladybird exercised at gun drill on board. 11.45am: One AB discharged to hospital ship. 4.00pm: Read warrant No 3. 4.30pm: One AB discharged to HMS Centurion to undergo cell punishment. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001127: ( 26 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 9.05am: Shifted berth, secured to buoy and secured stern to shore. 5.00pm: One SBA lent to HMS Ladybird. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001128: ( 27 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Cleaning and painting. Make and mend in pm. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001129: ( 28 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c9100112a: ( 29 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Cleaning, painting and refitting. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c9100112b: ( 30 November 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Cleaning, painting and refitting. 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c9100112c: ( 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c9100112d: ( 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c9100112e: ( 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c9100112f: ( 4ef4f3dde53e0a0c91001130: ( Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1920 [Constantinople] 4ef4f3dee53e0a0c91001131: ( 4ef4f3dee53e0a0c91001132: ( Front cover of copy log for December 1920, signed by S/Lt LVG Chapman. 4ef4f3dee53e0a0c91001133: ( 4ef4f3dee53e0a0c91001134: ( Above two pages blank. 4ef4f3dee53e0a0c91001135: ( Aneroid barometer, Short & Mason Ltd, No 5098, 9’ asl. Thermometer for air and sea, AC Cossor & Son, No 58, on upper deck, screened. 4ef4f3dee53e0a0c91001136: ( 1 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 9.30am: Hands cleaning Gunner’s store and painting the after shell room and the side. 1.45pm: Landed football party. Make and mend. 2.00pm: One AB returned from hospital. 4.00pm: Lit one boiler. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until midnight, CPOs and POs to 12.30am. 5.00pm: Shut down boiler. Weather: Mostly calm, clear and dry, with moderate temperatures during the day, falling rapidly to 37ºF at midnight. 4ef4f3dee53e0a0c91001137: ( 2 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 6.45am: HMS Ladybird secured alongside. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c91001138: ( 3 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 1.30pm: Shifted position of ship to port to lie off from HMS Ladybird. 4.00pm: One AB returned from confinement in cells. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c91001139: ( 4 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c9100113a: ( 5 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Landed church parties. Mustered by the open list. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c9100113b: ( 6 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 General drill. Cleaning and painting. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c9100113c: ( 7 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c9100113d: ( 8 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 3.00pm: Landed football party. 3.30pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Centurion and one AB discharged to same. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c9100113e: ( 9 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands transferring general stores and fitting battens in fore magazine and shell room. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c9100113f: ( 10 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 10.15am: Engineer Captain inspected the engine room department. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c91001140: ( 11 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c91001141: ( 12 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c91001142: ( 13 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 9.30am: Hands exercised bayonet fighting drills. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c91001143: ( 14 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Cleaning, painting and refitting. 4ef4f3dfe53e0a0c91001144: ( 15 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Cleaning, painting and refitting. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c91001145: ( 16 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Cleaning, painting and refitting. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c91001146: ( 17 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Gun drills, cleaning, painting and refitting. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c91001147: ( 18 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Saturday routine. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c91001148: ( 19 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Sunday routine. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c91001149: ( 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c9100114a: ( Duplicate scans for 18/19 December. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c9100114b: ( 20 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 6.40am: HMS Ladybird cast off and proceeded down Golden Horn. 9.30am: General drill. 10.00am: Hands making cover for collision mat rack, refitting whaler’s falls, coaling galley and covering voice pipes. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c9100114c: ( 21 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Painting and refitting. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c9100114d: ( 22 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Painting and refitting. Make and mend in pm. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c9100114e: ( 23 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Painting and refitting. Copies of the logs for 24-27 December 1920 are missing. The rough log copies have been inserted here to provide log transcripts for those dates. 4f73ceb3a2fc8ea903001aad: ( 4f73ceb3a2fc8ea903001aae: ( 24 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Saturday routine. 4f73ceb4a2fc8ea903001aaf: ( 4f73ceb4a2fc8ea903001ab0: ( 25 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 10.30pm: Pipe down. 4f73ceb5a2fc8ea903001ab1: ( 4f73ceb6a2fc8ea903001ab2: ( 26 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73ceb6a2fc8ea903001ab3: ( 4f73ceb7a2fc8ea903001ab4: ( 27 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands employed as requisite. One PO discharged to hospital. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c9100114f: ( 28 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 2.00pm: One CERA joined ship. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c91001150: ( 29 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands instructed in assembling heavy marching order. 4ef4f3e0e53e0a0c91001151: ( 30 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Cleaning and painting. 4ef4f3e1e53e0a0c91001152: ( 31 December 1920 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 Hands employed as requisite. 4ef4f3e1e53e0a0c91001153: ( 4ef4f3e1e53e0a0c91001154: ( 4ef4f3e1e53e0a0c91001155: ( 4ef4f3e1e53e0a0c91001156: ( Above four pages blank. The following transcripts, for 12-31 December 1920, are mostly rough copies of the logs that are also reproduced above. 4f73cea4a2fc8ea903001a8f: ( 4f73cea4a2fc8ea903001a90: ( 4f73cea4a2fc8ea903001a91: ( Above four pages blanks or covers. 4f73cea5a2fc8ea903001a92: ( Typewritten standing orders for Quartermasters, signed by Lt/Cdr Phillimore. 4f73cea5a2fc8ea903001a93: ( 4f73cea5a2fc8ea903001a94: ( Printed instructions for logkeepers. 4f73cea6a2fc8ea903001a95: ( 4f73cea7a2fc8ea903001a96: ( 4f73cea7a2fc8ea903001a97: ( 4f73cea7a2fc8ea903001a98: ( 4f73cea8a2fc8ea903001a99: ( 4f73cea8a2fc8ea903001a9a: ( 4f73cea9a2fc8ea903001a9b: ( 4f73cea9a2fc8ea903001a9c: ( 4f73ceaaa2fc8ea903001a9d: ( 4f73ceaaa2fc8ea903001a9e: ( 4f73ceaba2fc8ea903001a9f: ( 4f73ceaba2fc8ea903001aa0: ( 4f73ceaca2fc8ea903001aa1: ( 4f73ceaca2fc8ea903001aa2: ( 4f73ceada2fc8ea903001aa3: ( 4f73ceaea2fc8ea903001aa4: ( 4f73ceaea2fc8ea903001aa5: ( 4f73ceafa2fc8ea903001aa6: ( 4f73ceafa2fc8ea903001aa7: ( 4f73ceb0a2fc8ea903001aa8: ( 4f73ceb0a2fc8ea903001aa9: ( 4f73ceb1a2fc8ea903001aaa: ( 4f73ceb1a2fc8ea903001aab: ( 4f73ceb2a2fc8ea903001aac: ( 4f73ceb3a2fc8ea903001aad: ( 4f73ceb3a2fc8ea903001aae: ( 4f73ceb4a2fc8ea903001aaf: ( 4f73ceb4a2fc8ea903001ab0: ( 4f73ceb5a2fc8ea903001ab1: ( 4f73ceb6a2fc8ea903001ab2: ( 4f73ceb6a2fc8ea903001ab3: ( 4f73ceb7a2fc8ea903001ab4: ( 4f73ceb7a2fc8ea903001ab5: ( 4f73ceb8a2fc8ea903001ab6: ( 4f73ceb8a2fc8ea903001ab7: ( 4f73ceb8a2fc8ea903001ab8: ( 4f73ceb9a2fc8ea903001ab9: ( 4f73ceb9a2fc8ea903001aba: ( 4f73ceb9a2fc8ea903001abb: ( 4f73cebaa2fc8ea903001abc: ( The above 40 pages are from the deck log and duplicate pages recorded above. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1921 [Constantinople, Tuzla, Constantinople] 4f73cebaa2fc8ea903001abd: ( 4f73cebba2fc8ea903001abe: ( 1 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 6.30am: Clean ship. 8.45am: Clean ship. 11.45am: Muster for payment. In pm: Make and mend. Lost overboard by accident, one pantry lamp. Weather: Rain at first, light airs, temperatures 48 to 54ºF. 4f73cebca2fc8ea903001abf: ( 4f73cebca2fc8ea903001ac0: ( 2 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.03, Long 28.96 10.00am: Muster by the Open List. 10.30pm: One SPO joined ship from E of I [presumably HMS Emperor of India]. Departed this life by accidentally falling into No 3 Dry Dock, Ldg Sn Edward McDermott, 208984. 4f73cebca2fc8ea903001ac1: ( 4f73cebda2fc8ea903001ac2: ( 3 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.15am: Slipped and proceeded down Golden Horn. 7.15am: Secured alongside oiler Brambleleaf. Commenced oiling (16 tons). 9.20am: Discharged one AB to hospital. 10.00am: Cast off to secure to buoy. 11.00am: Commenced coaling. 2.00pm: Finished coaling. 4f73cebda2fc8ea903001ac3: ( 4f73cebea2fc8ea903001ac4: ( 4 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.30am: Court of Enquiry held on board [see 2 Jan]. 12.45pm: Funeral party left ship for HMS Emperor of India [E of I in log]. 3.00pm: Funeral party returned on board. 4f73cebfa2fc8ea903001ac5: ( 4f73cebfa2fc8ea903001ac6: ( 5 January 1921 Constantinople to Touzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 8.45am: Unshackled. 9.10am: Inter Allied Commission arrived onboard. 9.16am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, courses East of South. 11.30am: Stopped engines. Inter-Allied commission went on board Tasouz [possibly the Samsun class destroyer Tasoz is intended]. 11.45am: Anchored [at Tuzla]. 4.00pm: HMS Sikh left harbour. 4f73cec0a2fc8ea903001ac7: ( 4f73cec0a2fc8ea903001ac8: ( 6 January 1921 [1920 in log] Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 In am: Hands clearing up magazines, store rooms and shell rooms. In pm: Make and mend. 4f73cec0a2fc8ea903001ac9: ( 4f73cec0a2fc8ea903001aca: ( 7 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands variously employed. 4f73cec1a2fc8ea903001acb: ( 4f73cec1a2fc8ea903001acc: ( 8 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands employed as requisite. Make and mend in pm. 4f73cec2a2fc8ea903001acd: ( 4f73cec2a2fc8ea903001ace: ( 9 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Sunday routine. 4f73cec3a2fc8ea903001acf: ( 4f73cec3a2fc8ea903001ad0: ( 10 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 8.10am: Working party left ship to get Russian destroyer under weigh. 9.00am: Muster, kit inspection. 2.00pm: WP employed in Russian destroyer Pospyeshni [probably Pospeshnyy is intended]. 4f73cec4a2fc8ea903001ad1: ( 4f73cec4a2fc8ea903001ad2: ( 11 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 8.15am: Working party left ship to get Russian destroyer under way. 2.45pm: Russian destroyer Pospyeshni, towed by French tug, departed. 4f73cec5a2fc8ea903001ad3: ( 4f73cec5a2fc8ea903001ad4: ( 12 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands employed taking up QD matting and coating deck with composition. 4f73cec6a2fc8ea903001ad5: ( 4f73cec6a2fc8ea903001ad6: ( 13 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands employed taking up matting and coating deck with composition. 4f73cec7a2fc8ea903001ad7: ( 4f73cec7a2fc8ea903001ad8: ( 14 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands moving QD matting aft and coating deck. 10.45am: Read Articles of War. 4f73cec8a2fc8ea903001ad9: ( 4f73cec8a2fc8ea903001ada: ( 15 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Replacing matting etc. 1.15pm: Shifted berth and re-anchored. 3.40pm: HMS Emperor of India arrived and anchored. 4.40pm: HMS Hibiscus arrived and anchored. 4f73cec8a2fc8ea903001adb: ( 4f73cec8a2fc8ea903001adc: ( 16 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 9.30am: HMS Hibiscus left for Constantinople… 5.15pm: … and returned to anchor. 4f73cec9a2fc8ea903001add: ( 4f73cec9a2fc8ea903001ade: ( 17 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 8.15am: HMS Emperor of India sailed. 8.30am: HMS Hibiscus sailed. 4f73cecaa2fc8ea903001adf: ( 4f73cecaa2fc8ea903001ae0: ( 18 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands coating upper deck and filling Maxim belts. 2.00pm: HMS Ladybird arrived and anchored… 2.50pm: … and sailed. 4f73cecaa2fc8ea903001ae1: ( 4f73cecba2fc8ea903001ae2: ( 19 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands putting down matting on battery deck. 12.30pm: Let go second anchor [wind briefly force 7]. 1.30pm: Hands fitting awning lacings, gripes for skiff etc. 4f73cecba2fc8ea903001ae3: ( 4f73cecca2fc8ea903001ae4: ( 20 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 11.45am: Turned ship to clear foul hawse, weighed second anchor. 1.15pm: Weighed to shift berth and re-anchored. 4f73cecca2fc8ea903001ae5: ( 4f73cecca2fc8ea903001ae6: ( 21 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Hands at routine tasks. 3.52pm: HMS Ladybird arrived… 4.35pm: … and left. 4f73cecda2fc8ea903001ae7: ( 4f73cecda2fc8ea903001ae8: ( 22 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 11.15am: Landed football party. 4f73cecea2fc8ea903001ae9: ( 4f73cecea2fc8ea903001aea: ( 23 January 1921 Tuzla Lat 40.817, Long 29.265 Sunday routine. 4f73cecfa2fc8ea903001aeb: ( 4f73ced0a2fc8ea903001aec: ( 24 January 1921 Tuzla to Constantinople Lat 40.82, Long 29.26 [approx] 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded to swing for compasses. Hands furling and stowing awnings. 10.30am: HMS Hibiscus arrived. 10.53am: Anchored. 11.54am: Weighed and proceeded, course 240º. 2.00pm: Courses to enter harbour. Secured alongside RFA Brambleleaf. Commenced oiling. 3.05pm: One SPO joined from HMS King George V. 5.15pm: Finished oiling, cast off and secured to buoy. 4f73ced0a2fc8ea903001aed: ( 4f73ced1a2fc8ea903001aee: ( 25 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Tophane and moored along side store ship Minerva. Hands employed getting up ammunition for returning. 1.30pm: SPO Grant left ship for HMS Emperor of India. 4f73ced1a2fc8ea903001aef: ( 4f73ced2a2fc8ea903001af0: ( 26 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.20am: HMS Benbow arrived in harbour and anchored. 9.00am: Storeship Minerva slipped buoy and proceeded. 9.05am: Took on board stores for Bo’sun, Engineer and Carpenter. 10.35am: One Ldg Sn joined from HMS Centurion and one ditto from hospital. 1.00pm: Minerva [Minerver in log] secured alongside. 4f73ced3a2fc8ea903001af1: ( 4f73ced3a2fc8ea903001af2: ( 27 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.25am: HMS King George V sailed. 4f73ced4a2fc8ea903001af3: ( 4f73ced4a2fc8ea903001af4: ( 28 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73ced5a2fc8ea903001af5: ( 4f73ced5a2fc8ea903001af6: ( 29 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Saturday routine. 4f73ced6a2fc8ea903001af7: ( 4f73ced6a2fc8ea903001af8: ( 30 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Sunday routine. 4f73ced7a2fc8ea903001af9: ( 4f73ced7a2fc8ea903001afa: ( 31 January 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.20am: HMS Bryony arrived. 1.15pm: Read warrant No 5 and discharged one AB for cell punishment. 4.30pm: HMS Dianthus sailed. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1921 [Constantinople and Izmid] 4f73ced8a2fc8ea903001afb: ( 4f73ced8a2fc8ea903001afc: ( 1 February 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.35am: Hands employed painting funnel, respreading bridge screen and cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. 11.15am: Medical inspection of ship’s company. 1.30pm: Hands employed fitting weather screens. 4.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm, CPOs and POs till 11.00pm. Weather: Calm or light airs, clear and dry, temperatures 34ºF at 4.00am, rising to 50ºF at midnight. 4f73ced8a2fc8ea903001afd: ( 4f73ced9a2fc8ea903001afe: ( 2 February 1921 Constantinople to Izmid Lat 40.9, Long 29.0 [approx] 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded to go alongside oiler. 9.50am: Finished oiling and proceeded to sea, to carry out full power trial and instruct hands in the use of the sounding machine. 3.16pm: Shaped course for anchorage [at Izmid]. 3.38pm: Anchored. 4.30pm: HMS Shark arrived and anchored. 4f73ced9a2fc8ea903001aff: ( 4f73cedaa2fc8ea903001b00: ( 3 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 7.40am: HMS Ladybird sailed. 9.30am: HMS Sikh departed. 4f73cedaa2fc8ea903001b01: ( 4f73cedba2fc8ea903001b02: ( 4 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 9.25am: Exercised action stations and fire in magazine. 3.45pm: One Stoker rejoined ship. 4f73cedba2fc8ea903001b03: ( 4f73cedca2fc8ea903001b04: ( 5 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 8.45pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 2.25pm: One Greek TBD arrived… 3.05pm: … and left. 4f73cedca2fc8ea903001b05: ( 4f73cedda2fc8ea903001b06: ( 6 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Sunday routine. 4f73cedda2fc8ea903001b07: ( 4f73cedea2fc8ea903001b08: ( 7 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Scraping and painting etc. 4f73cedea2fc8ea903001b09: ( 4f73cedfa2fc8ea903001b0a: ( 8 February 1921 Izmid, Derinji, Izmid Lat 40.75, Long 29.86 8.00am: One Signalman left ship. 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.10am: Moored target and proceeded to carry out .303, pom-pom and maxim practice. 11.00am: Secure. Pick up target. 11.35am: Secured to jetty at Derinji. 3.20pm: Slipped from jetty and proceeded to anchorage. 3.54pm: Anchored. 4f73cee0a2fc8ea903001b0b: ( 4f73cee0a2fc8ea903001b0c: ( 9 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands painting funnels and the whaler and making man ropes. 4f73cee1a2fc8ea903001b0d: ( 4f73cee1a2fc8ea903001b0e: ( 10 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Painting. 4f73cee2a2fc8ea903001b0f: ( 4f73cee2a2fc8ea903001b10: ( 11 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands variously employed. 4f73cee3a2fc8ea903001b11: ( 4f73cee3a2fc8ea903001b12: ( 12 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands scrubbing matting and cleaning. 4f73cee4a2fc8ea903001b13: ( 4f73cee4a2fc8ea903001b14: ( 13 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 10.05am: Divisions. Muster by the ledger. 4f73cee5a2fc8ea903001b15: ( 4f73cee6a2fc8ea903001b16: ( 14 February 1921 Izmid, Derinji, Izmid Lat 40.75, Long 29.86 10.27am: Weighed and proceeded at 10 knots. 11.05am: Secured alongside jetty [at Derinji]. 4.14pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4.39pm: Anchored [at Izmid] 4f73cee7a2fc8ea903001b17: ( 4f73cee7a2fc8ea903001b18: ( 15 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 1.45pm: HMS Shark left. 2.15pm: HMS Somme arrived and anchored. 4f73cee8a2fc8ea903001b19: ( 4f73cee8a2fc8ea903001b1a: ( 16 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands employed cleaning and painting. 5.30pm: One AB and one Signalman rejoined ship. 4f73cee9a2fc8ea903001b1b: ( 4f73cee9a2fc8ea903001b1c: ( 17 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73ceeaa2fc8ea903001b1d: ( 4f73ceeaa2fc8ea903001b1e: ( 18 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Paint and clean. 4f73ceeba2fc8ea903001b1f: ( 4f73ceeba2fc8ea903001b20: ( 19 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 In am: Routine cleaning etc. In pm: Make and mend. 4f73ceeba2fc8ea903001b21: ( 4f73ceeca2fc8ea903001b22: ( 20 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Sunday routine. 5.20pm: Received from HMS Somme, 1 Lewis gun. 4f73ceeca2fc8ea903001b23: ( 4f73ceeda2fc8ea903001b24: ( 21 February 1921 Izmid, Derinji, Izmid Lat 40.75, Long 29.86 8.50am: Weighed and moved to jetty at Derinji. 2.45pm: Slipped and returned to anchorage [at Izmid]. 4.20pm: SS Maria Sophiru [?] departed. 4f73ceeda2fc8ea903001b25: ( 4f73ceeea2fc8ea903001b26: ( 22 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 7.15am: SS Maria Sophiru arrived. 9.10am: HMS Somme left for torpedo exercise. 11.10am: Somme returned and anchored. 5.00pm: Somme left… 7.35pm: … and returned. 4f73ceeea2fc8ea903001b27: ( 4f73ceefa2fc8ea903001b28: ( 23 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 12.41pm: HMS Montrose and HMS Tomahawk arrived and anchored. 4f73ceefa2fc8ea903001b29: ( 4f73cef0a2fc8ea903001b2a: ( 24 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 9.20am: HMS’ Montrose, Tomahawk and Somme weighed and proceeded. 11.15am: Captain’s rounds of magazines, engine room and storerooms. 4f73cef0a2fc8ea903001b2b: ( 4f73cef1a2fc8ea903001b2c: ( 25 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Clean and paint. 4f73cef1a2fc8ea903001b2d: ( 4f73cef2a2fc8ea903001b2e: ( 26 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 2.20pm: Greek TBD Alkyoni [Alkyonis in log] arrived and anchored. 5.40pm: HMS Centurion arrived in harbour and anchored 4f73cef2a2fc8ea903001b2f: ( 4f73cef3a2fc8ea903001b30: ( 27 February 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 2.00pm: Greek TBD Alkyoni left. 2.25pm: Alessandra, Italian steam drifter, arrived. 4f73cef3a2fc8ea903001b31: ( 4f73cef3a2fc8ea903001b32: ( 28 February 1921 Izmid, Derinji, Izmid Lat 40.75, Long 29.86 10.35am: Weighed and proceeded. Closed HMS Centurion. 10.55am: Anchored. Noon: Weighed and proceeded. 12.08pm: Secured to jetty at Derinji. 5.55pm: Slipped and proceeded for anchorage. 6.26pm: Anchored [at Izmid]. LOGS FOR MARCH 1921 [Izmid, Constantinople] 4f73cef4a2fc8ea903001b33: ( 4f73cef4a2fc8ea903001b34: ( 1 March 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 7.35am: French SS Progrès arrived. 8.05am: Hands employed spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 8.15am: Italian SS Alesandra departed. One AB discharged to Naval base, Constantinople. 8.23am: Greek SS Doxa departed. 9.30am: Educational Test held on board. 11.15am: Greek SS Antigone [written in the log with Greek lettering] arrived. 1.30pm: Test continued. Hands repairing awning lacings and working about the skiff, scraping and painting. 3.45pm: Paid monthly advance. Weather: Calm or light airs, dry and clear, max temperature, 41ºF in the afternoon. 4f73cef5a2fc8ea903001b35: ( 4f73cef5a2fc8ea903001b36: ( 2 March 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 8.30am: Greek SS Antigone departed. 12.35pm: Greek SS Olympos arrived. 2.00pm: HMS Centurion departed. 4f73cef6a2fc8ea903001b37: ( 4f73cef6a2fc8ea903001b38: ( 3 March 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 Hands employed painting. 12.40pm: Greek SS Olympos departed. 4f73cef7a2fc8ea903001b39: ( 4f73cef7a2fc8ea903001b3a: ( 4 March 1921 Izmid Lat 40.73, Long 29.92 1.15pm: Greek SS Antigone sailed. 1.30pm: French SS Progrès sailed. 3.40pm: Greek torpedo boat Doris arrived. 4.45pm: HMS Ladybird arrived and secured alongside. 4f73cef7a2fc8ea903001b3b: ( 4f73cef8a2fc8ea903001b3c: ( 5 March 1921 Izmid to Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.05am: One Ldg Sn, one Signalman and one SBA joined from HMS Ladybird for passage. 6.25am: Ladybird cast off. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded, courses for Constantinople. 12.50pm: Secured alongside oiler Slavol, commenced oiling. 4.40pm: Cast off and secured to buoy at Tophane. 4f73cef9a2fc8ea903001b3d: ( 4f73cef9a2fc8ea903001b3e: ( 6 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 10.05am: Muster by the open list. 4f73cefaa2fc8ea903001b3f: ( 4f73cefaa2fc8ea903001b40: ( 7 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.00am: Medical inspection. 9.40am: HMS Cardiff sailed. 4f73cefba2fc8ea903001b41: ( 4f73cefba2fc8ea903001b42: ( 8 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Painting and cleaning. 4f73cefca2fc8ea903001b43: ( ) 4f73cefca2fc8ea903001b44: ( 4f73cefda2fc8ea903001b45: ( 4f73cefea2fc8ea903001b46: ( Above four pages blanks and covers. 4f73cefea2fc8ea903001b47: ( 4f73ceffa2fc8ea903001b48: ( Cover of new deck log 9th March 1921 to 4th August 1921. 4f73ceffa2fc8ea903001b49: ( 4f73ceffa2fc8ea903001b4a: ( 4f73cf00a2fc8ea903001b4b: ( Above three pages blank or damaged. 4f73cf00a2fc8ea903001b4c: ( Printed instructions for logkeepers. 4f73cf01a2fc8ea903001b4d: ( 4f73cf01a2fc8ea903001b4e: ( 9 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.40am: HM TBD GR1 [possibly GA1] arrived from Golden Horn (Tuscan) [Probably HMS Tuscan, although neither of these is a pendant number recorded for her]. 7.15am: HM TBD Tumult arrived. 7.35am: One French TBD arrived. 8.25am: USS Overton departed. 8.30am: Discharged one PO to HS Berbice. 10.10am: Italian Admiral's yacht arrived [probably Galileo, see 15 March]. 11.05am: HMS Cardiff arrived. 4f73cf02a2fc8ea903001b4f: ( 4f73cf02a2fc8ea903001b50: ( 10 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.05am: Greek TBD Doris left… 11.10am: … and returned. 12.15pm: HMS Caradoc arrived. 4f73cf03a2fc8ea903001b51: ( 4f73cf03a2fc8ea903001b52: ( 11 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.00am: HMS Tuscan and USS destroyer 114 sailed [DD-114 (USS Talbot) is recorded as being in reserve at this time, so this may be a mis-identification of USS Tracy DD-214, which was on station during this period; see 29 March]. 3.40pm: French TBD SL arrived [possibly Sakalave, certainly on this station at the time]. 4f73cf04a2fc8ea903001b53: ( 4f73cf04a2fc8ea903001b54: ( 12 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Cleaning ship etc. 4f73cf04a2fc8ea903001b55: ( 4f73cf05a2fc8ea903001b56: ( 13 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Cleaning ship etc. 4f73cf05a2fc8ea903001b57: ( 4f73cf06a2fc8ea903001b58: ( 14 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.00am: Ship de-coaled by native labour, 17 tons. 9.35am: HMS Centurion left. 4f73cf06a2fc8ea903001b59: ( 4f73cf06a2fc8ea903001b5a: ( 15 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.55am: AB Sawyer left ship for hospital. 9.20am: Hands coaling ship. 9.25am: HMS Caradoc left. 9.30am: Italian yacht Galileo slipped. 12.30pm: Finished coaling, 34 tons. 12.35pm: HMS Tuscan arrived. 7.30pm: Galileo returned. 4f73cf07a2fc8ea903001b5b: ( 4f73cf07a2fc8ea903001b5c: ( 16 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.05am: HMS Somme left harbour. Noon: HMS Speedy entered harbour. 2.05pm: HMS Hibiscus arrived. 4f73cf08a2fc8ea903001b5d: ( 4f73cf08a2fc8ea903001b5e: ( 17 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.45am: Greek TBD Doris departed. 10.20am: HMS Speedy departed. 3.00pm: HMS Centurion arrived in harbour. 4.30pm: HMS’ Speedy and Tuscan arrived with Doris. 4f73cf09a2fc8ea903001b5f: ( 4f73cf09a2fc8ea903001b60: ( 18 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.30am: Italian yacht Galileo sailed… 5.20pm: … and returned to secure to buoy. 5.25pm: HMS Tuscan left. 4f73cf0aa2fc8ea903001b61: ( 4f73cf0aa2fc8ea903001b62: ( 19 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.15pm: HMS Bryony left. 4f73cf0aa2fc8ea903001b63: ( 4f73cf0ba2fc8ea903001b64: ( 20 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 5.50pm: Greek TBD NK arrived. 4f73cf0ba2fc8ea903001b65: ( 4f73cf0ca2fc8ea903001b66: ( 21 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 11.25am: Roumanian destroyer B arrived. 6.40pm: USS Borie departed. 4f73cf0da2fc8ea903001b67: ( 4f73cf0da2fc8ea903001b68: ( 22 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.00am: Italian yacht Galileo slipped and proceeded… 5.00pm: … and returned. 2fc8ea903001b69: ( 4f73cf0ea4f73cf0ea2fc8ea903001b6a: ( 23 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.15am: HMS Bryony arrived. 8.10am: Roumanian destroyer B sailed. 8.40am: HMS’ Montrose and Speedy sailed. 9.10am: HMS’ Cardiff and Caradoc sailed. 9.15am: Control party left for HMS Centurion. Noon: Control party returned. 1.15pm: Montrose returned. 5.00pm: Greek TBD Doris left. 4f73cf0fa2fc8ea903001b6b: ( 4f73cf0fa2fc8ea903001b6c: ( 24 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 10.20am: Engine Room Dept inspected by Engineer Captain. 2.00pm: Received aiming rifles from HMS Ladybird. 3.00pm: HMS Cardiff arrived. 3.40pm: American TBD 216 [USS John D Edwards] arrived. 3.45pm: HMS Tumult arrived. 5.30pm: HMS Caradoc arrived. 6.05pm: French cruiser Waldeck-Rousseau departed. 4f73cf10a2fc8ea903001b6d: ( 4f73cf10a2fc8ea903001b6e: ( 25 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Sunday routine [for Good Friday]. 7.00pm: Roumanian royal yacht Regele Carol I and escort departed. 4f73cf10a2fc8ea903001b6f: ( 4f73cf11a2fc8ea903001b70: ( 26 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 11.25am: Read warrant No 6. 4f73cf11a2fc8ea903001b71: ( 4f73cf12a2fc8ea903001b72: ( 27 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Easter Sunday. 1.15pm: HMS Ladybird secured alongside. 4f73cf12a2fc8ea903001b73: ( 4f73cf13a2fc8ea903001b74: ( 28 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 2.45pm: French TBD Touareg departed. 4.55pm: USS Fox arrived. 5.00pm: Hands unshackling cable for’d and taking off wires aft, preparatory to slipping. 6.00pm: Italian destroyer Alessandro Poerio departed. 4f73cf13a2fc8ea903001b75: ( 4f73cf14a2fc8ea903001b76: ( 29 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.25am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to secure alongside HMS Centurion. 7.00am: USS St Louis arrived. 8.15am: USS 236 [USS Humphreys] departed. 8.30am: Disembarked 6” guns to Centurion. 10.05am: French destroyer Tonkinois arrived. 10.45am: Cast off to go alongside HMS Ladybird off Tophane [Tophany in log] 4.10pm: USS Tracy arrived. 5.00pm: Italian yacht Galileo arrived. 6.30pm: HMS Bryony departed. 4f73cf14a2fc8ea903001b77: ( 4f73cf15a2fc8ea903001b78: ( 30 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.25am: HMS Caradoc left harbour… 7.50am: … and returned to the anchorage. 2.00pm: One Ldg Stoker, one Stoker, one SBA and one Cook’s Mate changed from HMS Ladybird. One Q Sig. [Qualified Signalman] left ship (Perrin). 3.00pm: Ladybird shoved off. 4.30pm: One signalman joined from HMS Centurion and one SBA left for Ladybird. 5.35pm: One Ldg Tel. joined from HMS Hibiscus and one Ldg Tel. left for same. 6.15pm: HMS Tuscan departed. 4f73cf15a2fc8ea903001b79: ( 4f73cf16a2fc8ea903001b7a: ( 31 March 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.10am: AB Lucy joined from HMS Centurion. 9.25am: HMS Hibiscus left harbour. 12.35pm: HMS Tumult arrived… 12.45pm: … and left. 1.06pm: USS Tracy left. 3.45pm: Tumult returned. 4.30pm: Discharged one AB to Centurion. LOGS FOR APRIL 1921 [Constantinople, Patras, Malta] 4f73cf17a2fc8ea903001b7b: ( 4f73cf17a2fc8ea903001b7c: ( 1 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.00am: Painting ship. 9.30am: HMS Hibiscus arrived and secured Noon: Paid ship’s company. 1.30pm: Painting ship. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 5.50pm: HMS Torch, destroyer, arrived. Weather: Calm or light airs, dry and clear, temperatures in the 40-50ºF range. 4f73cf18a2fc8ea903001b7d: ( 4f73cf18a2fc8ea903001b7e: ( 2 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.50am: HMS Bryony arrived. 4f73cf19a2fc8ea903001b7f: ( 4f73cf19a2fc8ea903001b80: ( 3 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.10am: HMS Ajax entered harbour. 3.00pm: 1 AB ST [probably Seaman Torpedoman, a sub rating who also worked as an electrician] joined from HMS Ajax 3.35pm: 6 cases of wine arrived on board from [name, possibly of wine merchant, illegible] via HMS Ajax. 4f73cf1aa2fc8ea903001b81: ( 4f73cf1aa2fc8ea903001b82: ( 4 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.10am: French destroyer BM [possibly the Arabe class Bambara] sailed. 9.20am: USS 212 destroyer [Smith Thompson] sailed. 2.30pm: One ERA, one SPO, one Ldg Stoker and two Stokers joined from HMS Centurion. 8.00pm: Centurion sailed. 4f73cf1ba2fc8ea903001b83: ( 4f73cf1ba2fc8ea903001b84: ( 5 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 7.30am: Italian yacht Galileo sailed. 8.45am: One Signalman joined ship from HMS Bryony. 3.00pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Julius [the shore base at Constantinople] 5.45pm: Galileo returned. 6.00pm: AB Quartermain left ship for Julius. 4f73cf1ca2fc8ea903001b85: ( 4f73cf1ca2fc8ea903001b86: ( 6 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 2.00pm: Greek battleship Averoff arrived. 4f73cf1da2fc8ea903001b87: ( 4f73cf1da2fc8ea903001b88: ( 7 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Hands variously employed. 4f73cf1ea2fc8ea903001b89: ( 4f73cf1ea2fc8ea903001b8a: ( 8 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.45am: HMS Destroyer F26 [?] sailed. 12.30pm: USS destroyer 215 [USS Borie] arrived. 1.50pm: HMS Somme arrived. 3.35pm: USS Tracy arrived. 6.00pm: HMT Teutonic arrived. 4f73cf1fa2fc8ea903001b8b: ( 4f73cf1fa2fc8ea903001b8c: ( 9 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.12am: US Destroyer 216 [USS John D Edwards] departed 8.20am: Greek cruiser Georgio Averoff [aka battleship Averoff] departed. 3.46pm: HMS Centaur arrived. 4.30pm: One Seaman joined ship from HMS Ajax. 4f73cf20a2fc8ea903001b8d: ( 4f73cf20a2fc8ea903001b8e: ( 10 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.55am: HMS Sparrowhawk arrived. 6.35pm: HMT Teutonic departed. 4f73cf21a2fc8ea903001b8f: ( 4f73cf21a2fc8ea903001b90: ( 11 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 10.30am: Greek Kiltas [?] departed. 4f73cf22a2fc8ea903001b91: ( 4f73cf22a2fc8ea903001b92: ( 12 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 6.40am: USS Tracy left for Golden Horn. 7.35am: French destroyers TO and TK [possibly Touareg and Tonkinois] departed. 9.20am: One Signalman joined ship from HMS Bryony. 9.35am: USS destroyer Whipple sailed. 10.40am: Greek destroyer I arrived. 10.45am: Greek TBD Doris arrived. 12.30pm: Whipple returned. 2.00pm: HMS Centaur departed. 4f73cf22a2fc8ea903001b93: ( 4f73cf23a2fc8ea903001b94: ( 13 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.11am: USS 239 [USS Overton] left harbour. 8.30am: One AB left for HS Berbice. 1.40pm: HMS Sparrowhawk arrived. 4.55pm: Italian destroyer AD [probably Audace] arrived. 6.00pm: French destroyer TK arrived. 7.05pm: HMS Torch left. 4f73cf23a2fc8ea903001b95: ( 4f73cf24a2fc8ea903001b96: ( 14 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.15am: HMS Caradoc sailed. 2.35pm: USS destroyer 234 [USS Fox] arrived 5.45pm: HMS Glowworm secured alongside. 5.30pm: Italian destroyer AD [probably Audace] sailed 4f73cf24a2fc8ea903001b97: ( 4f73cf25a2fc8ea903001b98: ( 15 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.40am: USS Fox departed. Noon: Italian gunboat Agordat arrived. 4.35pm: HMS Speedy arrived. 4f73cf26a2fc8ea903001b99: ( 4f73cf26a2fc8ea903001b9a: ( 16 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 9.15am: French battleship Edgar Quinet [Qunniett in log] arrived. 11.10am: HMS Centaur arrived in harbour. 11.25pm: HMS Caradoc arrived in harbour. 3.30pm: USS destroyer Tracy [Tracey in log] arrived in harbour 4.20pm: USS destroyer Fox arrived in harbour. 4.45pm: USS’ Barker and Borie arrived. 6.04pm: USS destroyer Overton arrived. 6.45pm: One SPO joined ship from HMS Ajax, one SPO left ship to take passage in Caradoc. 7.00pm: HMS Bryony sailed. 9.00pm: Caradoc departed. 4f73cf26a2fc8ea903001b9b: ( 4f73cf27a2fc8ea903001b9c: ( 17 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cf27a2fc8ea903001b9d: ( 4f73cf28a2fc8ea903001b9e: ( 18 April 1921 Constantinople Lat 41.02, Long 28.99 8.55am: USS destroyer Fox sailed. 11.25pm: Medical inspection of ship’s company. 1.00pm: French destroyer TK arrived. 4.15pm: Cast off from HMS Glowworm and proceeded to sea to swing for compasses. 6.45pm: Returned to harbour and secured to RFA Brambleleaf. Oiled ship. 4f73cf28a2fc8ea903001b9f: ( 4f73cf29a2fc8ea903001ba0: ( 19 April 1921 Constantinople and at sea for Malta Lat 40.74, Long 27.84 6.00am: Slipped from RFA Brambleleaf and proceeded out of harbour in company with HMS’ Hibiscus and Glowworm. 9.00am: Fitted and streamed fog buoy [in fog, this trails behind the ship on a long line, to alert following ships to your presence]. 5.25pm: Shardak Liman lighthouse abeam. Stopped and embarked passengers for HMS Torch. 6.25pm: Took station astern of Glowworm. 6.55pm: Tile Kiln abeam 1 mile. 7.36pm: Proceeded independently. 7.43pm: Disembarked passengers. 7.45pm: Proceeded and took station 2 cables astern of Hibiscus. 4f73cf29a2fc8ea903001ba1: ( 4f73cf2aa2fc8ea903001ba2: ( 20 April 1921 At sea Lat 37.83, Long 24.46 2.00am: Exercised seaboat’s crew and sounding party. 5.00am: Lithari Pt Lt bg S80W (mag). 6.00am: Same bg N79.5W (mag) 22 miles. 7.00am: Passed HMS Bryony off Skyros steering NE’ly. 7.20pm: Sparta Pt abeam, courses as requisite for entering harbour. 7.50pm: Secured alongside HMS Hibiscus in Kalamaki Bay 4f73cf2aa2fc8ea903001ba3: ( 4f73cf2ba2fc8ea903001ba4: ( 21 April 1921 At sea and at Patra Lat 38.23, Long 22.28 (DR) 6.55am: Cast off and proceeded. 7.30am: Entered Corinth Canal (E end). 8.20am: Left canal. 4.45pm: Anchored in Patras harbour. 8.10pm: HMS Sportive arrived. 4f73cf2ba2fc8ea903001ba5: ( 4f73cf2ca2fc8ea903001ba6: ( 22 April 1921 Patras Lat 38.23, Long 21.7 6.45am: HMS Sportive secured alongside to discharge oil. 12.10pm: Finished with oil, 42 tons. 1.50pm: Sportive sailed. 4.45pm: HMS Hibiscus secured alongside. 5.35pm: Football party landed. 4f73cf2ca2fc8ea903001ba7: ( 4f73cf2da2fc8ea903001ba8: ( 23 April 1921 Patras Lat 38.23, Long 21.7 9.30pm: HMS Hibiscus left and anchored in Roads. 4f73cf2da2fc8ea903001ba9: ( 4f73cf2ea2fc8ea903001baa: ( 24 April 1921 Patras Lat 38.23, Long 21.7 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cf2ea2fc8ea903001bab: ( 4f73cf2fa2fc8ea903001bac: ( 25 April 1921 Patras and at sea Lat 38.26, Long 21.72 Noon: Slipped from mole, weighed and proceeded. Took station astern of HMS Hibiscus, HMS Glowworm astern of Aphis. 4f73cf2fa2fc8ea903001bad: ( 4f73cf2fa2fc8ea903001bae: ( 26 April 1921 At sea Lat 37.44, Long 17.31 Lost overboard at sea in middle watch one wash deck locker, contents listed in log. [Note that this is in a very moderate head wind and sea.] 1.50pm: Dropped out of line and reduced speed, HMS Glowworm signalling Not Under Control. 2.26pm: Took station astern of HMS Hibiscus. 4f73cf30a2fc8ea903001baf: ( 4f73cf30a2fc8ea903001bb0: ( 27 April 1921 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 4.45am: Sighted Valetta Lt. 6.45am: Courses for entering harbour. 7.00am: Hoisted paying off pennant. 7.21am: Secured alongside Canteen Wharf, Malta. 9.00am: Hands pumping out bilges. 10.10am: Medical inspection of ship's company. 1.20pm: Four ratings left for HMS Centurion and one for HMS Egmont. 4.45pm: One CPO left ship for Egmont. 4f73cf31a2fc8ea903001bb1: ( 4f73cf31a2fc8ea903001bb2: ( 28 April 1921 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.10am: HMS Iron Duke left. 11.30am: One rating left for hospital. 1.25pm: Disembarking ammunition. 3.00pm: HMS Emperor of India left canteen wharf. 4f73cf32a2fc8ea903001bb3: ( 4f73cf32a2fc8ea903001bb4: ( 29 April 1921 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.15am: Finished disembarking ammunition and lighter left ship. 1.40pm: HMS Iron Duke arrived. 3.25pm: One Sig. rating discharged to HMS Egmont. 5.45pm: HMS Endeavour shifted billet [Endeavour’s log records returning to harbour from survey duties at this time and securing to buoys in the Rope Walk Trot]. 4f73cf32a2fc8ea903001bb5: ( 4f73cf33a2fc8ea903001bb6: ( 30 April 1921 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 9.15am: Ship’s company paid monthly advance. LOGS FOR MAY 1921 [Malta to pay off] 4f73cf33a2fc8ea903001bb7: ( 4f73cf33a2fc8ea903001bb8: ( 1 May 1921 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 8.45am: Clean ship. 9.50am: Divisions. 10.10am: Landed C of E, RC and Wesleyan church parties. 11.35am: Church parties returned. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Weather: Easterly light airs, dry, overcast later, temperatures up to 70ºF at Noon. 4f73cf34a2fc8ea903001bb9: ( 4f73cf34a2fc8ea903001bba: ( 2 May 1921 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.00am: HMS Endeavour departed. 1.20pm: Hands employed disembarking rifles and marching order gear. 4f73cf35a2fc8ea903001bbb: ( 4f73cf35a2fc8ea903001bbc: ( 3 May 1921 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 9.20am: HMS Cardiff arrived. 10.45am: Inspection of ship by CSO. 4f73cf36a2fc8ea903001bbd: ( 4f73cf36a2fc8ea903001bbe: ( 4 May 1921 [4 April in log] Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.45am: HMS’ Chrysanthemum and Hibiscus arrived 9.00am: Ensign hauled down. Ship paid off. Left in charge of Care and Maintenance party from old crew. 9.30am: HMS Emperor of India shifted billet. 4f73cf37a2fc8ea903001bbf: ( 4f73cf37a2fc8ea903001bc0: ( 4f73cf37a2fc8ea903001bc1: ( 4f73cf38a2fc8ea903001bc2: ( 4f73cf38a2fc8ea903001bc3: ( 4f73cf39a2fc8ea903001bc4: ( Above six pages blanks and back cover. HMS Aphis remained at Malta until 1927, when she and her sister ship HMS Ladybird were escorted and towed to Hong Kong to fit out for service on the Yangtse. HMS Aphis Voyage Book 1, a hand written account of the journey, with many contemporary photographs, is highly recommended! |
Revised 27/02/2018 |