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River Gunboat Pendant No. N.6A (11.19), close sister to TEAL. Launched 13.8.01 Yarrow. 180 tons, 148(oa), 145(pp)x24x2ft. Compound 550ihp, 13kts. Armament: 2-6pdr, 4 MG. China Station, paid off 12.14. Sold 8.33 at Hong Kong. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor Paul’s notes: HMS Moorhen was exclusively a river gunboat and so the logs contain a great number of place names and details of the day’s navigation, but they do not give Latitude and Longitude positions at noon as sea-going vessels do. When Moorhen is in a known place, it is of course possible to give a very accurate position, but when she is on the move, the noon position has had to be estimated from the details given; when this has been done, such positions are marked [approx]. Place names and the way in which they are translated have of course changed greatly over the years and even within the logs, a number of variations at the time were recorded. I have adopted the course of standardising all entries to the most common variant, eg Kong Mun has been used even when the log entry refers to Kongmun, Kong Moon etc.
Examples of place names with their modern equivalents. The courses of the various waterways covered by Moorhen have often changed in the past 100 years, particularly in the Pearl Delta: then almost entirely agricultural, now the largest industrial/urban conurbation in the world. So, in the maps, I have adopted the convention of keeping the estimated positions within the modern boundaries of the rivers, to avoid the vessel being shown on dry land. There is a splendid series of US Army maps of China made in the 1950s for those of you who wish to view the places in more detail. I found them invaluable. Also of interest is this period chart of the lower Pearl River. A handbook to the West River (pdf file) has many photographs and an excellent sketch map of the river on P. 74. Be aware that there is a gruesome shot of a pirate being beheaded at Wuchow! Vessels, places and people have hyperlinks when first encountered. All of the sites linked to are run by volunteers, often at their own expense. In no particular order, we would like to gratefully acknowledge (places), (RN ships and officers), (old Hong Kong), (everything), (Butterfield & Swires, China Navigation Co.), (world warships), (worldwide wreck database), (18,000 historic photographs of China, addictive!) and (Royal Fleet Auxiliaries). June 1918 to December 1920, edited by Robert Harvey, with some additional material by Paul Money. January 1921 to January 1924 edited by Paul Money. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) THE VOYAGES OF HMS MOORHEN 1918 LOGS FOR JUNE 1918 [Hong Kong, Canton and Wuchow] 4caf8883cadfd34197020efe: ( 53-49912-003_1.jpg) 20 June 1918 Moorhen is commissioned in Hong Kong harbour, by Lt RN Marshall, RNR, in command with part of the crew of HMS Fame [vide logs of HMS’ Fame and Tamar]. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 2.00am: Lit galley fire. 6.00am: Called hands. Breakfast. 7.00am: Hands employed drawing stores. 9.00am: Ship commissioned. 10.00am: Ship's company, with assistance of dockyard, fitting ship out for sea. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 5.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch till 7.00am. 7.30pm: Supper. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020eff: ( 53-49912-004_0.jpg) 21 June 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 2.00am: Lit galley fire. 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands to breakfast. 6.30am: Lit fires in two boilers. 7.00am: Hands employed fitting ship for sea. 9.00am: Basin trial. 11.00am: Up Spirits*. Noon: Dinner. Fires died out. 2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 5.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch till 7.00am. 7.30pm: Supper. 10.00pm: Pipe down. * The call 'Up spirits' at 11.00am is the Royal Navy's traditional call to hands for the issue of the daily rum ration. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f00: ( 53-49912-004_1.jpg) 22 June 1918 Hong Kong and up river towards Canton Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 2.00am: Lit galley fire. 5.30am: Called hands. Breakfast. 8.30am: Lit fires in one boiler. 11.00am: Up spirits. Noon: Dinner. 12.20pm: Left Camber* and proceeded through Kap Sing Mun (Keep Si Mun in log) Strait. 2.00pm: One coir fender left behind in dockyard by accident. 4.00pm: Exercised Fire and Grounding Stations. 5.00pm: Tea. 6.45pm: Sampan Chan abeam. Distance ½ mile. 7.06pm: Cluien Point Fort abeam. 7.30pm: Amung Point (probably Anunghoi Pt) abeam. 8.05pm: Anchored Gifu Island bg W¾S, West point Tiger Island [now Dahu) SE, 4 shackles. 9.00pm: Bank fires.** 10.00pm: Pipe down. *The reference to leaving ‘Camber’ at 12.20pm is not a typo. The name is used several times in these logs. It is a reference to a particular dock at Hong Kong. There is a 1907 photograph described as being “a view over the British Military hospital and Naval Yards” at Gwulo: Old Hong Kong. It is the editor’s reading of the text on this page that the Camber is the dock covered by the letter ‘O’ in the watermark on this image. **The reference to ‘bank fires’ at 9.00pm is about the practice of pulling together a fire then covering it in ash to keep out the air. A fire treated in this way will quietly smoulder for many hours. The fire can then be quickly relit by spreading the banked fire, opening any dampers so as to not impede the air flow over the fire, and applying new fuel on top of the glowing embers. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f01: ( 53-49912-005_0.jpg) 23 June 1918 Up river to Canton [now Guangzhou] Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.00am: Spread fires. 5.15am: Weighed anchor. 5.30am: Proceeded via Blackstairs Passage. 7.15am: Stopped port engine for defect. 7.20am: Proceeded at 10 knots. 7.30am: Tide pole abeam. 10.00am: Arrived at Canton. 10.30am: Secured to buoys at gunboats’ moorings off Shameen [now Shamian Island]. Official visit paid by Chinese Naval Officer. 11.00am: Official visit paid by American Naval Officer. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 83 miles*. 1.00pm: Leave to watch from 2.00pm till Sunset. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.30pm: Hoist boats. 7.00pm: Sunset. Liberty men returned. 7.30pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down. * This is the distance covered since noon the preceding day. This practice is followed in these logs until the end of February 1919. After that, Distance Made Good (DMG) is recorded as the days run. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f02: ( 53-49912-005_1.jpg) 24 June 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 2.00am: Lit galley fires. 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands fall in. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.45am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands fall in. Employed refitting etc. 10.00am: Returned official visit to American ship. 11.00am: Up spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch from 2.00pm till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.00pm: Hoist boats. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks*. 10.00pm: Pipe down. *When this is piped, the men form up to remove their hammocks from the nettings where they have been stowed during the day and run them down to the mess deck where they eat and sleep. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f03: ( 53-49912-006_0.jpg) 25 June 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 A typical day tied up in port. 5.30am: Call hands. 5.45am: Hands fall in. 6.00am: Clean ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting boats. 10.00am: 6 pounder guns crews drill. 11.00am: Up spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to one watch from 2.00pm to 7.00pm. Other watch employed fitting awning curtains. 4.00pm: Tea. Shift night clothing*. 7.00pm: Supper. Liberty men returned. 7.15pm: Sunset. 7.30pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down *Night clothing, the old sweaters and slacks that men wear when off duty in the evening. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f04: ( 53-49912-006_1.jpg) 26 June 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Call hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. Maxim guns’ crews drill. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed fitting mooring wires. 11.00am: Up spirits. Coal lighters arrived alongside. Coal ship. Noon: Dinner. 1.25pm: Finished coaling. 20 tons received. Discharged 200 coal bags to SS Fatshan. Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 7.20pm: Sunset. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks 10.00pm: Pipe down 4caf8883cadfd34197020f05: ( 53-49912-007_0.jpg) 27 June 1918 Canton and en route for Wuchow Lat 23.07, Long 113.48 [approx] Chan Fau, a Chinese unlicensed pilot, engaged for trip to Wuchow and back at the rate of $10.00 per day steaming and $8.00 per day when at anchor. 5.30am: Call hands. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea. 10.10am: Slipped, proceeded up Canton River. Course as requisite. Speed 10 knots. 11.30am: Proceeded down Front Reach. Noon: Dinner. Passing Cambridge Barrier. Noon: Distance made good: 12 miles. 12.52pm: Tide pole abeam. Water level 9 feet 10 inches. 2.30pm: Rounded Forbes Point. Passed through Saiwan [now Shawan] Channel, Tauchan [Tamchow] Channel and Tailing [Ta-liang] Channels. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Town of Yung sighted abeam. 7.40pm: Anchored at 3 shackles in 2½ fathoms water in Yellow Reach. Bearings: entrance Sailam Strait S/W ½ W; entrance Kerr Channel E ½ N. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Page signed RM Marshall. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f06: ( 53-49912-007_1.jpg) 28 June 1918 Day 2 of the journey. Many joss houses (temples) passed in afternoon. Canton to Wuchow Lat 23.08, Long 112.81 [approx] 5.00am: Call hands. Steam on capstan. 5.15am: Passed by Chinese gunboat. 5.30am: Weighed anchor. Proceeded down Yellow Reach. Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. Fa Chian Island abeam. 8.30am: Hok Shan Island abeam. 9.00am: Proceeded through Junction Channel and entered West River at First Cliff. 9.30am: Rattler Island abeam. 11.00am: Chau Cham Island abeam. 11.30am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good 81 miles. Noon: Bearing and Distance: West River, Mar Han distance 2 miles. 12.40pm: At Sam Shui Junction, altered course into New Reach. 2.00pm: Kwangli (Kwanli in log) Spit abeam. 3.45pm: Tung Wa Joss House abeam. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Shui Hing [now Zhaoqing] Pagoda abeam. 6.05pm: Guai Lum abeam. 6.50pm: Tau Tianng Joss House abeam. 7.06 pm: Wa Kong Joss House abeam. 7.30pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Anchored at Luk Po in 13 fathoms of water. 8.30pm: Banked fires. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f07: ( 53-49912-008_0.jpg) 29 June 1918 Day 3 of the journey ends at Wuchow Canton to Wuchow Lat 23.19, Long 111.62 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. Position Kai Yik Kwan Reach. 8.21am: Cocks Comb sighted abeam. 9.55am: Chut Polim abeam. 10.20am: 9 Storied Pagoda abeam. 10.46am: Tak Hing abeam. Quarters, clean guns. 11.10am: Steep Point abeam. Noon: Dinner. Distance made good: 84 miles. Noon: Bearing and Distance: Off Guard House, Fa Piu. 12.41pm: Likin Station abeam. 1.00pm: Dosing [now Yunan] abeam. 2.15pm: Hok Hau abeam. 2.40pm: Fong Cheun abeam. 3.34pm: Kai Liao Salt Station abeam. 4.00pm: Evening Quarters, Fire and Collision Stations. 4.40pm: Arrived Wuchow. 4.45pm: Anchored abreast of Commissioner's House. 3½ shackles in 6 fathoms of water. 7.00pm: Supper. Tested hand fire engine. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f08: ( 53-49912-008_1.jpg) 30 June 1918 Wuchow [now Wuzhou] Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.45am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. Colours. 9.00am: Divisions and prayers. 9.45am: Disperse. 11.00am: Up spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 34 miles. 12.30pm: Leave to watch from 1.00pm till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. Liberty men returned. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down. LOGS FOR JULY 1918 [West, North and East Rivers] 4caf8883cadfd34197020f09: ( 53-49912-009_0.jpg) 1 July 1918 Moorhen is a gunboat whose main weapons are its 6 pounders and Maxim machine guns. However, the crew are trained in the use of small arms as standard. Is it a coincidence that today’s small arms training comes before the issue of the daily rum ration? Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.30am: Called Hands. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Seamen to small arm drill. 10.00am: Return arms. Hands employed cleaning magazines. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch from 2.00pm to 7.00pm. 2.00pm: Watch employed cleaning paintwork. 4.00pm: Tea. Shift night clothing. 7.00pm: Supper. Liberty men return. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f0a: ( 53-49912-009_1.jpg) 2 July 1918 More gun drill – this time for the Maxim machine gun crews. As previously noted ‘banking the fire’ in a boiler is the equivalent of putting your TV on standby. The fuel consumption is reduced to a very low level but the boiler can be very quickly relit when it is next needed. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.30am: Call hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Maxim guns crews drill. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed fitting bridge curtains. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Lit fires in one boiler. 2.00pm: Weighed anchor. Shifted berth. 2.15pm: Anchored at 3½ shackles. 3.00pm: Banked fires. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch till 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. Liberty men return. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f0b: ( 53-49912-010_0.jpg) 3 July 1918 The daily ship board routine is becoming clear: the crew clean the ship first thing; the 6 pounders are cleaned at 7.30am; breakfast is at 8.00am; Divisions are at 9.00am; 11.00am is the standard time for the rum ration to be issued; dinner is at noon; tea is at 4.00pm and supper at 7.00pm; ‘Stand by hammocks’ is called at 8.00pm and ‘Pipe down’ at 10.00pm. Wuchow to Sam Shui Lat 23.08, Long 112.19 [approx] 4.00am: Spread fires. 5.00am: Called hands. Tide gauge 30 feet. Steam on capstan. 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Dosing sighted abeam. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning the magazines. 11.00am: Up Spirits. 11.13am: Cocks Comb sighted abeam. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 68 miles. Noon: Bearing and Distance: Narrow Island ENE 1 mile distant, West River. 12.01pm: One coir broom lost overboard by accident. 2.00pm: Hands preparing to anchor. 4.00pm: Anchored at 3 shackles in 4 fathoms water at Sam Shui. 4.45pm: Tide gauge 12 feet. 5.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f0c: ( 53-49912-010_1.jpg) 4 July 1918 Sam Shui [now Sanshui] Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.30am: Call hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Colours, Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Hands to small arm drill. 10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 54 miles. Noon: Bearing and Distance: Sam Shui. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave to watch till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f0d: ( 53-49912-011_0.jpg) 5 July 1918 Sam Shui to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.00am: Lit fires in two boilers. 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down Fat Shan branch and Moneypenny Creek. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed preparing to secure to buoys. 11.10am: Arrived at Canton and secured to gunboat moorings off Shameen. Draft: Forward 2 feet; Aft 3 feet. Noon: Dinner. Tide gauge 8 feet. Noon: Distance made good: 35 miles. Noon: Bearing and Distance: Canton. 1.00pm: Leave to watch from 2.00pm to 7.00pm. Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f0e: ( 53-49912-011_1.jpg) 6 July 1918 The handwriting in the log changes after Noon today. Canton [Guangzhou] Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed preparing to coal ship. 11.00am: Clean guns. Noon: Dinner. Note Draft before coaling. Forward 2 feet; Aft 3 feet. Draft after coaling. Forward 2 feet 4 inches; Aft 3 feet 3 inches. 1.45pm: Coal lighters alongside. Commenced coaling. 3.00pm: Paid quarterly settlement to ship’s company. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.30pm: Finished coaling, 38 tons received. Disembarked 14 full and one empty oil drums. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f0f: ( 53-49912-011a_0.jpg) 7 July 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch 1.00pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Quarters. Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. Liberty men returned. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f10: ( 53-49912-011a_1.jpg) 8 July 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.30am: 6 pounder guns’ crews to drill. 10.00am: Seamen muster bags. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch 1.00pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. Liberty men returned. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f11: ( 53-49912-012_0.jpg) 9 July 1918 Canton to Sam Shui Lat 23.03, Long 113.213 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Hands preparing ship for sea. 10.10am: Slipped and proceeded. 10 knots Tide Gauge 4’ 9”. Draft For’d 3 feet, Aft 3 feet 3 inches. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 12 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Sharp bend in Moneypenny Creek. 4.55pm: Arrived Sam Shui. Anchored in 4 fathoms of water at 2½ shackles. Leave to watch to 7.00pm. Tide gauge 7 feet 9 inches. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f12: ( 53-49912-012_1.jpg) 10 July 1918 Sam Shui to Tsing Yuen Lat 23.61, Long 112.96 [approx] 4.30am: Called hands. 5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.45am: Steam on capstan. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up North River [now Beijiang River). 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands painting ship. Note: Engaged Pilot Lung Yong at the rate of $7.00 per day when steaming, $5.00 per day when at anchor, and food. Also $20.00 cumshau* if we get to Shas Chan Fu and back without damage. Noon: Distance made good: 65 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: North River 11 miles South of Tsing Yuen. 1.40pm: Anchored off Tsing Yuen [now Qingyuan]. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 7.40pm: Sunset. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. * Cumshau or cumshaw, a tip or gratuity. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f13: ( 53-49912-013_0.jpg) 11 July 1918 Tsing Yuen to Sam Shui Lat 23.43, Long 112.89 [approx] 5.30am: Call hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. 10.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to Sam Shui. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 32 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Ming Shui Head abeam, North River. 2.15pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 2½ shackles. Tide gauge 7 feet 9 inches. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch 4.00pm to 7.00pm. Draft on arrival: forward 2 feet 6 inches, aft 3 feet. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f14: ( 53-49912-013_1.jpg) 12 July 1918 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.30am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.30am: Hands painting ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 18 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Sam Shui 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch 4.00pm to 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f15: ( 53-49912-014_0.jpg) 13 July 1918 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.30am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Clean guns. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch 4.00pm to 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f16: ( 53-49912-014_1.jpg) 14 July 1918 The log records Moorhen experiencing a heavy squall in the early evening between 6.00pm and 8.00pm but this does not affect the ship’s routine. Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions and prayers. 11.30am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch, 4.00pm to 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f17: ( 53-49912-015_0.jpg) 15 July 1918 Another quiet day at anchor. Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.00am: Call hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Clean arms and inspection. 10.00am: Small arm company to drill. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch 4.00pm to 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f18: ( 53-49912-015_1.jpg) 16 July 1918 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.00am: Call hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. Tide Gauge 9 feet 10 inches. 9.00am: Hands to Maxim drill. 10.00am: Hands employed spreading wing awnings. Noon: Dinner. 3.00pm: Tide Gauge 10 feet 8 inches. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch 4.00pm to 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 7.30pm: Tide gauge 11 feet 7 inches. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f19: ( 53-49912-016_0.jpg) 17 July 1918 Not such a smooth journey today. Moorhen did not just cruise along at her usual 10 knots in the afternoon, because the river is in spate. Is Tin Kong Hau a safe harbour? The log shows that sentries are posted as darkness approaches. Note Engaged an unlicensed pilot Leong Yong at the Rate of $10.00 per day when steaming and $5.00 per day at anchor for the trip to Shao Chou Fu and back. Sam Shui to Sin Kong Hau Lat 23.68, Long 112.99 [approx] 5.00am: Call hands. Steam on capstan. 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Tide gauge 12 feet 6 inches. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: 6 pounder guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands cleaning magazines. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 46 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 4 miles South of Tsing Yuen. 12.35pm: Arrived Tsing Yuen. 1.15pm: Dropped anchor. 1.20pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 2.30pm: Increased speed to 12 knots. 3.15pm: Reduced speed to 10 knots. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.40pm: Engines to full speed. 6.10pm: Reduced speed to 10 knots. 7.00pm: Supper. 7.50pm: Anchored at 5 shackles Sin Kong Hau. Placed sentries. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f1a: ( 53-49912-016_1.jpg) 18 July 1918 An unusual day – there is no record of the crew doing any housekeeping! Sin Kong Hau to Sam Shui Lat 24.19, Long 113.43 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Shorten in anchor prior to weighing. 5.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up North River. 7.40am: Anchored Yin Tak [now Yingde] at 1½ shackles 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Maxim guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Spread roof awnings. 11.00am: Up Spirits. 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Sam Shui. Speed 10 knots. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good 45 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: North River 1 mile South of Yin Tak. Noon: Draft: Forward 2 feet 7 inches; Aft 3 feet. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.05pm: Arrived Sam Shui. Anchored at 3 shackles. Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Discharged Pilot. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Tide pole 16 feet. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f1b: ( 53-49912-017_0.jpg) 19 July 1918 Sam Shui to Canton Lat 23.07, Long 113.26 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded*. 11.00am: Up Spirits. 11.15am: Reduced speed to 7 knots. 11.35am: Increased speed to 10 knots. 11.40am: Stopped. 11.45am: Speed 10 knots. Noon: Stopped. Noon: Distance made good: 114 miles. 12.05pm: Speed 6 knots. 1.40pm: Secured alongside coaling wharf, Canton. Coaled ship 20 Tons. 4.00pm: Tea. Finished coaling. Draft: Forward 2 feet 9 inches; Aft 3 feet. 4.35pm: Left coaling wharf. 4.55pm: Secured to buoys. Tide pole 3 feet. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. *The log doesn’t make the route clear, but the times suggest that they passed via Fatshan and Moneypenny Creek, a route that they only take in midsummer when the water levels are at their highest. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f1c: ( 53-49912-017_1.jpg) 20 July 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Scrub fire gear. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.00am: Small arm company to drill. 11.40am: Consul General paid unofficial visit. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 16 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. 1.00pm: Leave to watch from 1.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Liberty men returned. Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f1d: ( 53-49912-018_0.jpg) 21 July 1918 A quiet Sunday. Hands even get a short lie in today. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch, 1.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. Sunset. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f1e: ( 53-49912-018_1.jpg) 4caf8883cadfd34197020f1f: ( 53-49912-019_0.jpg) Two copies of the same date. 22 July 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Landed small arms company. 8.00am: Small arms company returned. Breakfast. 9.00am: Clean ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f20: ( 53-49912-019_1.jpg) 23 July 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Exercise small arms ashore. 8.00am: Small arm party returned. Breakfast. 9.00am: Cleaning ship. 9.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 10.30am: Clean small arms. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.45pm: Picnic party left ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Picnic party returned. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f21: ( 53-49912-020_0.jpg) 24 July 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Cleaning ship. 6.25am: Small arm party landed. 7.30am: Small arm party returned. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave for watch 1.30 till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f22: ( 53-49912-020_1.jpg) 25 July 1918 A Chinese cruiser arrives at Canton. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands fall in. 6.10am: Small arm party landed. 7.45am: Small arm party returned. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and refitting bridge screens. 10.00am: Clean guns. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch 1.30pm till 10.00pm. Leave to part watch 4.00pm till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 7.20pm: Chinese cruiser arrived. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f23: ( 53-49912-021_0.jpg) 26 July 1918 Canton to Shek Ling Lat 23.06, Long 113.5 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands securing ship for sea. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded down Front Reach. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 11 miles. Noon: Position Cambridge Reach Barrier. Noon: Tide gauge Canton 3 feet. Draft: Forward 2 feet 10 inches; Aft 3 feet. 12.50pm: Reduced speed to 6 knots. Tide gauge 8 feet-6 inches. 1.00pm: Entered Escape Reach and proceeded up East River [now Dong River]. 2.00pm: Gan Tong abeam. 2.30pm: Engaged native Pilot to take us to Shek Lun and back for $5.00. 4.20pm: Anchored by Railway Bridge at Shek Ling at 3 shackles in 2 fathoms of water. 5.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f24: ( 53-49912-021_1.jpg) 27 July 1918 First warrant of the voyage is read today. Shek Ling to Kong Mun Lat 22.96, Long 113.54 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.50am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.20am: Proceeded down river. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Dinner. Passed out of Escape Creek. Noon: Distance made good: 54 miles. Noon: Bearing and Distance: Entrance to Escape Creek, Canton River. 1.00pm: Proceeded through Hill Passage, Saiwan Channel, Sam Chau Channel and Tailung Channel. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Yung Ki abeam. 6.20pm: Anchored in Yellow Reach entrance to Kerr Channel ENE. At 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 6.30pm: Warrant read. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f25: ( 53-49912-022_0.jpg) 28 July 1918 Shek Ling to Kong Mun [aka Kong Moon and now Jiangmen] Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 5.45am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up Junction Reach into West River at First Cliffs. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.13am: Staunch Island abeam. 10.30am: Arrived Kong Mun. Anchored, 3 shackles. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Distance made good: 62 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Kong Mun, West River. Noon: Draft on arrival at Kong Mun: Forward 2 feet 6 inches; Aft 2 feet 10 inches. 2.45pm: Storm from North East. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch 4.00pm till 7.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f26: ( 53-49912-022_1.jpg) 29 July 1918 An interesting day. Moorhen sights the USS Pampanga for the first time. The official record says of the USS Pampanga at this time that her duties included “investigating Chinese political conditions and offering assistance to Americans in danger or need” and that “she cruised the West River to Canton and beyond protecting American interests, especially in the period of heavy unrest in the middle 1920’s, and made frequent visits to Hong Kong, Swatow, and the other ports of the area”. Naval History and Heritage Command: Pampanga At 5.30pm a storm struck with force 6 winds and Moorhen had to drop a second anchor to ensure that she was secure. Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands painting ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. 11.00am: USS Pampanga arrived Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch 4.00pm till 7.00pm. 5.30pm: Storm from North. Let go second anchor, 2 shackles. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f27: ( 53-49912-023_0.jpg) 30 July 1918 More bad weather! Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave for watch 4.00pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Storm from South. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f28: ( 53-49912-023_1.jpg) 31 July 1918 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.50am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch 4.00pm till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1918 [Kong Mun, Hong Kong and Canton] 4caf8883cadfd34197020f29: ( 53-49912-024_0.jpg) 1 August 1918 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.50am: Clear up decks. 9.30am: 6 Pounder gun drill. 10.30am: Clean arms. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch 4.30pm till midnight. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f2a: ( 53-49912-024_1.jpg) 2 August 1918 Moorhen deployed a second anchor on 29 July so there are two anchors to be weighed before she can sail. Kong Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.53, Long 113.59 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Weighed port anchor. 7.00am: Clear up decks. 7.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.50am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Staunch Island abeam. 10.30am: Entered Sailam Channel. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 44 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Wang Mun [aka Wang Moon and now Wang Mun]. 3.15pm: Hands to tea. 3.45pm: Hands fall in. 5.15pm: Secured to North wall of the Camber at Hong Kong. Draft on arrival at Hong Kong: Forward 2 feet 4 inches; Aft 2 feet 8 inches. 6.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f2b: ( 53-49912-025_0.jpg) 3 August 1918 This is Saturday so the leave being granted from 7.00am today is for 48 hours. The crew get paid today so those going ashore on leave will have money in their pockets. However, it is hard work for those left on board who have the job of shifting ammunition. HMS Tamar is the base ship for Hong Kong. A photograph of her taken in around 1941 is available at Gwulo: Old Hong Kong. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Leave from 7.00am till 7.00am on Monday. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Able Seaman [???]ard and Leading Seaman Hattley discharged to HMS Tamar. 10.00am: Leave from 7.00am till 7.00am on Monday. 11.00am: Paid monthly money. Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 48 miles. 2.00pm: Hands employed shifting ammunition from after magazine to forward magazine. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f2c: ( 53-49912-025_1.jpg) 4 August 1918 Log records experiencing heavy rain squalls around 7.00am. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean mess deck. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions and prayers. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f2d: ( 53-49912-026_0.jpg) 5 August 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 6.45am: Clean ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f2e: ( 53-49912-026_1.jpg) 6 August 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Coal lighter alongside. 2.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 20 tons coal. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f2f: ( 53-49912-027_0.jpg) 7 August 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Clean mess deck. 7.30am: HMS Cadmus arrived. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to 11pm. 3.30pm: Tea. 4.05pm: Left Camber and secured outside North wall. Damaged hub of whaler davit. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f30: ( 53-49912-027_1.jpg) 8 August 1918 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.95, Long 113.55 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.15am: Hands securing ship for sea. 6.00am: Slipped and proceeded through Kap Sing Mun [Kapsimun in log] Straits. Draft leaving Hong Kong: Forward 2 feet 10 inches; Aft 3 feet. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 10.15am: Cheun Pi Signal Station abeam. 10.30am: Anunghoi Point abeam. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 63 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Second Bar Pagoda abeam. 12.30pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 9.00pm. 2.30pm: Secured to B & S [Butterfield & Swires] wharf for coal. Draft before coaling at Canton: Forward 2 feet 9 inches; Aft 2 feet 11 inches. 3.35pm: Finished coaling. Received 6 tons. 4.00pm: Tea and left coaling jetty. 4.20pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f31: ( 53-49912-028_0.jpg) 9 August 1918 A quiet day with time for hands to go swimming. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.00am: Ash boat alongside. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hand employed as requisite. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 22 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton Buoys. 1.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 10.00pm. 2.00pm: Swimming party left ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f32: ( 53-49912-028_1.jpg) 10 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hand employed as requisite. 9.30am: HMS Tarantula left Canton for Sam Shui. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Heavy squall. 1.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f33: ( 53-49912-029_0.jpg) 11 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions, prayers. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Tide gauge 6 feet 6 inches. 1.00pm: Leave to watch 1.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f34: ( 53-49912-029_1.jpg) 12 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Clean and inspection of small arms. 10.00am: Hands employed in painting etc. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Tide gauge 7 feet 11 inches. 1.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f35: ( 53-49912-030_0.jpg) 13 August 1918 Another quiet day at the office. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Tide gauge 6 feet 6 inches. 1.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f36: ( 53-49912-030_1.jpg) 14 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. Tide gauge 7 feet 11 inches. 1.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f37: ( 53-49912-031_0.jpg) 15 August 1918 Moorhen encounters very high winds and the log records weather readings being taken hourly throughout the afternoon and evening. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.00am: Lit fires in one boiler. 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.30am: Typhoon signal No 17 hoisted. 9.35am: Shifted berth to B & S buoy, secured with two bights of cable. 11.00am: Furled awnings. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: 1 water bottle enamelled; 1 pair braces ‘303. 8.00pm: Supper. Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f38: ( 53-49912-031_1.jpg) 16 August 1918 The wind speed has dropped but the bridge crew continue to monitor the barometer on an hourly basis until 4.00pm. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.30am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed re-spreading awnings. 10.15am: Typhoon signal down. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed re-spreading awnings. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f39: ( 53-49912-032_0.jpg) 17 August 1918 The log for this day ends with the entry for 4.00pm. The remaining part of the page was left blank. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Prepared to slip. 6.00am: Shifted berth to gunboat moorings off Shameen. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.00am: Up Spirits. Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f3a: ( 53-49912-032_1.jpg) 18 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Call hands. 7.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f3b: ( 53-49912-033_0.jpg) 19 August 1918 The official record states that Pampanga’s mission is essentially intelligence gathering – see note on July 29, 1918 entry. Official visits (complete with cocked hat and sword!), as well as being demanded by custom and courtesy, were a very important source of information exchange. The Captains of China gunboats, in the days of limited communications with their senior officers, had a great deal of autonomy and the latest intelligence was priceless. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Clean small arms. 10.00am: Small arm drill. 11.00am: Official visit to USS Pampanga. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f3d: ( 53-49912-034_0.jpg) 20 August 1918 A new log book has been started in the middle of the month: not unknown but not the usual practice of starting a new log book on the first day of a month. There appears to be a fault with the binding of the new log book leading to the loss of around 1cm from the page width at top inside edge of the page. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: 6 pounder guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.30pm: Supper. 7.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f3e: ( 53-49912-034_1.jpg) 21 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f3f: ( 53-49912-035_0.jpg) 22 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f40: ( 53-49912-035_1.jpg) 23 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f41: ( 53-49912-036_0.jpg) 24 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f42: ( 53-49912-036_1.jpg) 25 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Landed Church party. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.30pm: Sunset. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f43: ( 53-49912-037_0.jpg) 26 August 1918 A new, very legible, hand appears in the log book. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning arms. 9.30am: Hands paint ship. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f44: ( 53-49912-037_1.jpg) 27 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.00am: Raised steam to make water*. 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: 6 pounder guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands making mats and screens. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. * This is distilled water for boiler feed, because the small tubes in the boilers require fresh water free from minerals. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f45: ( 53-49912-038_0.jpg) 28 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f46: ( 53-49912-038_1.jpg) 29 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: AB Kingsman left ship for hospital. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Maxim guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f47: ( 53-49912-039_0.jpg) 30 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning mats. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f48: ( 53-49912-039_1.jpg) 31 August 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1918 [Canton, Wuchow, Sam Shui and Hong Kong] 4caf8883cadfd34197020f49: ( 53-49912-040_0.jpg) 1 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions. Pipe down. 9.30am: Landed Church party. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f4a: ( 53-49912-040_1.jpg) 2 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands fall in, clean ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.30am: Stokers and Seamen clean small arms. 9.00am: Inspection of small arms. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f4b: ( 53-49912-041_0.jpg) 3 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands painting ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: 6 pounder guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands paid monthly money. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f4c: ( 53-49912-041_1.jpg) 4 September 1918 This page was originally dated “4th August” and subsequently changed to “4th September”. The binding of this logbook is becoming an issue as the inner edges of the pages creep further inwards. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Maxim gun crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 2.00pm: HMS Tarantula arrived at British buoys, her skiff carried away at foremost fall. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f4d: ( 53-49912-042_0.jpg) 5 September 1918 Another page with a corrected date: originally “Thursday 4 day of September”, subsequently amended to read “5th day of September”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Seamen to pistol drill. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f4e: ( 53-49912-042_1.jpg) 6 September 1918 Another page with a corrected date. Originally “Friday 5th day of September”, subsequently amended to read “6th day of September”. A new hand appears in the log book. Why is the Captain attending a Court of Enquiry? As a witness to the loss of the skiff by Tarantula? There is no other incident in the log. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands scrubbing mats. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Captain proceeded to HMS Tarantula for Court of Enquiry. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f4f: ( 53-49912-043_0.jpg) 7 September 1918 Date changed from “Saturday 6th” to “Saturday 7th”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Petty Officer Kirby discharged to HMS Tamar. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f50: ( 53-49912-043_1.jpg) 8 September 1918 Date changed from “Sunday 7th” to “Sunday 8th”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Church party landed. 10.00am: Hands to Divisions. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f51: ( 53-49912-044_0.jpg) 9 September 1918 Date changed from “Monday 8th” to “Monday 9th”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.30am: Clean small arms. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f52: ( 53-49912-044_1.jpg) 10 September 1918 Date changed from “Tuesday 9th” to “Tuesday 10th”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: 6 pounder guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f53: ( 53-49912-045_0.jpg) 11 September 1918 At last the date on the page is correct! No changes. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.30am: Maxim guns’ crews to drill. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f54: ( 53-49912-045_1.jpg) 12 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.00am: Raised steam for making water. 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8883cadfd34197020f55: ( 53-49912-046_0.jpg) 13 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Doctor took one man to Hospital. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f56: ( 53-49912-046_1.jpg) 14 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f57: ( 53-49912-047_0.jpg) 15 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands to Divisions. 10.00am: Church party landed. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f58: ( 53-49912-047_1.jpg) 16 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Stoker Randell discharged to hospital. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.30am: Stokers and Seamen clean small arms. 9.00am: Inspection of arms. 10.00am: Hands employed refitting boats’ falls. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f59: ( 53-49912-048_0.jpg) 17 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: 6 pounder guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands scrubbing ship’s side. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f5a: ( 53-49912-048_1.jpg) 18 September 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Maxim guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: One seamen vict- [victualled, ie fed] from HMS Tarantula. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f5b: ( 53-49912-049_0.jpg) 19 September 1918 The binding issue has caused the loss of data from this page and several following pages. Incomplete words have been inferred and are in italics. After the ship grounded at 2.00pm it seems that the ship simply waited for the tide to refloat it before continuing on her way. Canton to West River Lat 23.09, Long 113.42 [approx] 4.00am: Called steaming watch. 4.30am: Raised steam on two boilers. 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands getting ready for sea. 7.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.00am: Colours. 8.30am: Slipped from buoy. 9.00am: Secured alongside coaling jetty. 11.30am: Slipped and proceeded down river. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Via Hamilton Creek, Choy[…] Chung Chanel, Tamchow Channel, Tailung Channel. 2.00pm: Ship grounded. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Passed through Yellow Reach and Junction Channel. 6.00pm: Anchored Makming Bank. 3½ shackles in 14½ ft of water. 7.00pm: Supper. 7.30pm: Placed sentries. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f5c: ( 53-49912-049_1.jpg) 20 September 1918 West River to Shui Hing Lat 23.1, Long 112.8 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Heaved up anchor, proceeded into West River at First Cliff. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 2.30pm: Arrived off Shui Hing. Anchored 3½ shackles. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f5d: ( 53-49912-050_0.jpg) 21 September 1918 Shui Hing to Wuchow Lat 23.15, Long 111.73 [approx] 3.00am: Proceeded at 10 knots up river in company with SS N[…] 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 77 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: West River, Tak Hing [now Deqing] 2 miles East. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.00pm: Anchored [at Wuchow]. 3 shackles. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f5e: ( 53-49912-050_1.jpg) 22 September 1918 Wuchow [Wuzhou] Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands to divisions. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 36 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Wuchow Fu. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm. 1.30pm: Slight storm blew up from South East. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f5f: ( 53-49912-051_0.jpg) 23 September 1918 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.30am: Stokers and Seamen clean small arms. 9.00am: Inspection of small arms. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f60: ( 53-49912-051_1.jpg) 24 September 1918 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands scrubbing awnings. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: 6 pounder guns crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f61: ( 53-49912-052_0.jpg) 25 September 1918 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Maxim guns’ crews to drill. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f62: ( 53-49912-052_1.jpg) 26 September 1918 Wuchow to Tak Hing Lat 23.19, Long 111.58 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.00am: Lit one boiler for steaming. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 30 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: West River 3 miles East of Dosing. 12.30pm: Arrived at Tak Hing and anchored at 3 shackles in 13 ft water. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f63: ( 53-49912-053_0.jpg) 27 September 1918 Tak Hing to Sam Shui Lat 23.05, Long 112.41 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 60 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: West River 2 miles West of Shui Hing 2.30pm: Arrived at Sam Shui. Anchored at 2½ shackles in 15 ft of water. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f64: ( 53-49912-053_1.jpg) 28 September 1918 Sam-Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands painting ship. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.00am: Received 5 cases of Eng.* stores. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 30 miles. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. * Engineer’s. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f65: ( 53-49912-054_0.jpg) 29 September 1918 Sam Shui to Tin Wo and return Lat 23.15, Long 112.59 [approx] 3.00am: Lit one boiler for steaming. 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river at 10 knots. 8.00am: Arrived at Tin Wo [probably now Dinghu]. 8.30am: Anchored at 3 shackles. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 16 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: West River 3 miles South West of Kwangli. 3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Sam Shui. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.30pm: Arrived at Sam Shui, anchored at 3 shackles. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f66: ( 53-49912-054_1.jpg) 30 September 1918 Log for the day ends with the 5.00pm entry relating to the granting of leave. Sam Shui to Hong Kong Lat 22.49, Long 113.6 [approx] 3.00am: Lit second boiler for steaming. 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river, speed 10 knots. 6.35am: Increased speed to 12 knots. 7.00am: via First Cliffs, Junction Channel, Sailam Channel. Speed reduced to 9 knots. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. Passed Wang Mun Lighthouse. Noon: Distance made good: 78 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Gag Island abeam. Junk Fleet Entrance. 12.30pm: Course S65E. 4.00pm: Secured alongside North Side of Hong Kong Dockyards. 5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1918 [Hong Kong and Canton] 4caf8884cadfd34197020f67: ( 53-49912-055_0.jpg) 1 October 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 5.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. 8.30am: HMTB 038 tied up alongside. 8.45am: Hands employed mustering bags [?] 10.05am: TB 038 left. Dockyard Engineer Commander came onboard. 10.25am: Engineer Commander left ship. Noon: Distance made good: 44 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Naval Camber, Hong Kong. 12.30pm: Leave to watch 2.00pm: Hands muster for monthly payment. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Leave to the watch from 5.00pm to 7.00am [probably]. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f68: ( 53-49912-055_1.jpg) 2 October 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Hands employed scrubbing ship’s side. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. Noon: Leave to watch and part 5.00pm to 7.00am. 1.10pm: HMTB 038 left harbour. 6.10pm: Sunset. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f69: ( 53-49912-056_0.jpg) 3 October 1918 The date on this log entry is incorrect. It is given as “Thursday 2nd day of October, 1918”. Checking the calendar, if it is Thursday then the date has to be October 3, 1918. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Call hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.15am: HMTB 038 left harbour. 1.00pm: Leave from 5.00pm to 7.00am. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f6a: ( 53-49912-056_1.jpg) 4 October 1918 The date of this log page has been corrected from “Friday 3rd October” to “Friday 4th October”. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing for coaling. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Note: Draft before coaling: Forward 1 foot 9 inches; Aft 2 feet 6 inches. Note: Draft after coaling: Forward 2 feet 9 inches; Aft 3 feet. 1.00pm: Leave from 5.00pm to 7.00am. 1.20pm: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f6b: ( 53-49912-057_0.jpg) 5 October 1918 This log page is blank after the Noon entry other than for the four hourly weather records. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Colours. Noon: Leave from 1.00pm to 7.00am 4caf8884cadfd34197020f6c: ( 53-49912-057_1.jpg) 6 October 1918 This log page is blank other than for weather records, between Noon and 9.00pm when the regular, hourly “Rounds correct” entries begin for the night. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. Noon: Leave from 1.00pm to 7.00am. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f78: ( 53-49913-003_1.jpg) 7 October 1918 A new log book has begun that does not have any binding issues. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.45am: New crew came onboard. 9.00am: Old crew left ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch 5.00pm until 7.00am. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 7.00pm: Hands to supper. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f79: ( 53-49913-004_0.jpg) 8 October 1918 A new hand appears in the log for the first time on this page. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast and cleaning. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Exercised action stations. 2.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: Leave from 5.00pm until 11.00pm. 7.00pm: Hands to supper. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f7a: ( 53-49913-004_1.jpg) 9 October 1918 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.79, Long 113.61 [approx] 1.00am: Rounds correct. 1.30am: Lit galley fire. 2.15am: Called lighting up watch. 2.30am: Lit two boilers. 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands secure for sea. 6.30am: Left Dockyard. 7.00am: Returned to Camber. 7.30am: Discharged J Watkins, Stoker to HMS Tamar. 8.00am: Proceeded through Kap Sing Mun Passage to Canton. 11.00am: Action stations and tested Maxim guns by firing 25 rounds each gun. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 52 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Sampan Channel South distance 3 miles. 1.45pm: Tide pole showing 7 feet. 3.55pm: Secured ship head and stern to buoys at Canton. 7.00pm: Hands to supper. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f7b: ( 53-49913-005_0.jpg) 10 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast and clean. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 41 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. 1.30pm: Paid money to ship’s company. Piped leave till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.50pm: J Elrick (Stoker) joined ship from HMS Tarantula. 7.00pm: Hands to supper. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f7c: ( 53-49913-005_1.jpg) 11 October 1918 Date on log page corrected from “Thursday” to the correct day,“Friday”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 2.00am: Lit galley fire. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f7d: ( 53-49913-006_0.jpg) 12 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.10am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: HMS Tarantula left harbour. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f7e: ( 53-49913-006_1.jpg) 13 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: Divisions. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f7f: ( 53-49913-007_0.jpg) 14 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Portuguese Gunboat Macau left harbour. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f80: ( 53-49913-007_1.jpg) 15 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f81: ( 53-49913-008_0.jpg) 16 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f82: ( 53-49913-008_1.jpg) 17 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm till 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f83: ( 53-49913-009_0.jpg) 18 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f84: ( 53-49913-009_1.jpg) 19 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Hands to Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f85: ( 53-49913-010_0.jpg) 20 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands to divisions. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f86: ( 53-49913-010_1.jpg) 21 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 10.00am: AB Leonard discharged to Royal Naval hospital, Hong Kong. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f87: ( 53-49913-011_0.jpg) 22 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f88: ( 53-49913-011_1.jpg) 23 October 1918 The new crew appear to have a pretty standard daily port routine by this point. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f89: ( 53-49913-012_0.jpg) 24 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f8a: ( 53-49913-012_1.jpg) 25 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f8b: ( 53-49913-013_0.jpg) 26 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f8c: ( 53-49913-013_1.jpg) 27 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Breakfast. 8.15am: Hands clear up deck. 9.30am: Hands to divisions. 9.45am: Church party landed. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f8d: ( 53-49913-014_0.jpg) 28 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f8e: ( 53-49913-014_1.jpg) 29 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f8f: ( 53-49913-015_0.jpg) 30 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Lost overboard by accident whilst scrubbing ship’s side: Scrubber brushes, hand, pattern 459, 2 in number. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f90: ( 53-49913-015_1.jpg) 31 October 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Call hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1918 [Canton, Kong Mun, Sam Shui, Wuchow, Canton, Hong Kong] 4caf8884cadfd34197020f91: ( 53-49913-016_0.jpg) 1 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Paid monthly money. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f92: ( 53-49913-016_1.jpg) 2 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, scrub gun gear. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f93: ( 53-49913-017_0.jpg) 3 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Breakfast. 8.15am: Clear up decks. 9.15am: Divisions. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f94: ( 53-49913-017_1.jpg) 4 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. E Trenfield, Chief Engine Room Artificer, discharged to Royal Naval hospital. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f95: ( 53-49913-018_0.jpg) 5 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. AB Gooch discharged to Royal Naval hospital per SS Heung Shan. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. HMS Tarantula arrived and secured to buoys 5.00pm: Stoker Elrick discharged to Tarantula. ERA Pinder and Stoker Kitchen joined ship from Tarantula. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f96: ( 53-49913-018_1.jpg) 6 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 2.00am: Called lighting up watch. Lit one boiler. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f97: ( 53-49913-019_0.jpg) 7 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: ABs C Jowett and W Ingram joined ship from HMS Tarantula. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f98: ( 53-49913-019_1.jpg) 8 November 1918 With the final crew changes in place Moorhen sets sail again. Canton to Kong Mun Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 4.00am: Called lighting up watch. Lit one boiler. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 7.45am: Slipped buoys and got under way. 8.10am: Arrived Pak Hin Hok and commenced coaling. 8.45am: Hands employed stowing cable and placing screens. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.15pm: Finished coaling. 1.25pm: Tai Shek Barrier abeam. 3 feet 6 inches on tide gauge. 1.35pm: Entered Hamilton Creek. 3.00pm: Passed out of Chun Chuen Creek. 3.50pm: Anchored at junction of Chun Chuen Channel and Brick Kiln Creek. 5.00pm: Bank fires No. 2 boiler. 6.30pm: High water. 8.00pm: Placed sentries. 9.20pm: Exercised surprise attack. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f99: ( 53-49913-020_0.jpg) 9 November 1918 Down river to Kong Mun Lat 22.88, Long 113.3 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Scrub gun gear. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 18 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Brick Kiln Creek South of Teznai Island. 1.00pm: Weighed anchor. 1.09pm: Anchored 2 shackles. 1.50pm: Weighed anchor. Got under way and proceeded through Brick Kiln Creek, Luklao Creek and Kum Chuk Creek. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Passed Kum Chuk Rapids. 6.00pm: Arrived Kong Mun and anchored at 2½ shackles. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f9a: ( 53-49913-020_1.jpg) 10 November 1918 Kong Mun (Jiangmen) Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.10am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Hands clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.30am: Rounds. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 32 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Anchored at Kong Mun. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f9b: ( 53-49913-021_0.jpg) 11 November 1918 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f9c: ( 53-49913-021_1.jpg) 12 November 1918 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f9d: ( 53-49913-022_0.jpg) 13 November 1918 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f9e: ( 53-49913-022_1.jpg) 14 November 1918 Kong Mun to Kum Chuk Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Four hands in whaler drawing provisions. 9.20am: Hands fall in, hoist whaler and employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.10pm: Anchored Kum Chuk at 3 shackles. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 9.50pm: Chinese gunboat anchored. 4caf8884cadfd34197020f9f: ( 53-49913-023_0.jpg) 15 November 1918 Kum Chuk to Sam Shui Lat 23.01, Long 112.84 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 10.30am: Exercised General Quarters, Fire Stations and Collision Stations. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.10pm: Anchored Sam Shui at 2 shackles. 2.20pm: Hands scrubbing ship. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa0: ( 53-49913-023_1.jpg) 16 November 1918 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 7 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Sam Shui. 1.00pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 8.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa1: ( 53-49913-024_0.jpg) 17 November 1918 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Hands to breakfast. 8.15am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.15am: Rounds. 10.00am: Leave from 10.00am until 8.00pm. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa2: ( 53-49913-024_1.jpg) 18 November 1918 Sam Shui and up West River Lat 23.04, Long 112.47 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Breakfast. 8.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 28 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Shui Hing, West River. 4.15pm: Anchored Yut Hing at 5½ shackles. 8.00pm: Placed sentries. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa3: ( 53-49913-025_0.jpg) 19 November 1918 West River Lat 23.14, Long 111.75 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Boat sent to SS Siamam for provisions. 7.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast and clean. 9.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 53 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Tak Hing, West River. 1.30pm: Anchored at Luk Shui. Landed liberty men till sunset. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa4: ( 53-49913-025_1.jpg) 20 November 1918 Luk Shui up to Wuchow and down to Dosing Lat 23.42, Long 111.5 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 30 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Fong Chuen [now Fengkai], West River. 2.30pm: Anchored Wuchow at 2 shackles. Tide gauge showing 9 feet. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.10pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 6.30pm: Anchored Dosing at 3 shackles (heavy rain, very dark). 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa5: ( 53-49913-026_0.jpg) 21 November 1918 Dosing to Luk Po Lat 23.06, Long 112.4 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 8.00am: Breakfast. Tak Hing abeam. 9.40am: Cock’s Comb abeam. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 103 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 5 miles West of Shui Hing, West River. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 6.05pm: Anchored Luk Po at 2½ shackles. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa6: ( 53-49913-026_1.jpg) 22 November 1918 This page was originally headed “at Canton”, which is where Moorhen was at midday. However, this was subsequently modified to read “at Luk Lo” – the place that Moorhen was at midnight. Luk Lo to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded through Brick Kiln Creek. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Arrived Canton and moored head and stern to buoys. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 103 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa7: ( 53-49913-027_0.jpg) 23 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 5.00pm: AB Ingram and AB Jowett discharged to HMS Tarantula. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa8: ( 53-49913-027_1.jpg) 24 November 1918 The date on this log entry is incorrect. It is given as “Sunday 25th day of November, 1918” Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Hands to breakfast. 8.15am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Landed Church party. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fa9: ( 53-49913-028_0.jpg) 25 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Stoker Simmons, RNR discharged to Royal Naval hospital, Hong Kong. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020faa: ( 53-49913-028_1.jpg) 26 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 5.00pm: AB Davis joined ship from HMS Tarantula. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fab: ( 53-49913-029_0.jpg) 27 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: AB Hollands discharged to Royal Naval hospital, Hong Kong. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fac: ( 53-49913-029_1.jpg) 28 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.50am: Hands landed for American Thanksgiving service Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fad: ( 53-49913-030_0.jpg) 29 November 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands painting ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 5.00pm: AB Davis discharged to HMS Tarantula. 4caf8884cadfd34197020fae: ( 53-49913-030_1.jpg) 30 November 1918 Canton to Hong Kong Lat 22.8, Long 113.6 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for getting under way. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.15am: Slipped buoys and proceeded toward Hong Kong. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 39 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Sampan Chan Island abeam distance ½ mile. 3.45pm: Arrived Hong Kong and moored up in Naval Camber. 4.30pm: Piped leave from 5.00pm until 7.00am. 6.00pm: AB Holland and AB Leonard joined ship from HMS Tamar. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1918 [Hong Kong, Canton, South West river patrols and Canton] 4caf8885cadfd34197020fb8: ( 53-49914-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1918 Hong Kong (Camber) Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.30am: Rounds. Church party landed. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 42 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Hong Kong. 12.30pm: Leave piped for one watch from 1.00pm until 7.00am Tuesday, 3rd December. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fb9: ( 53-49914-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for slipway. 7.00am: Ship’s boats taken to Boat Shed. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.25am: Tugs arrived. Ship towed to Hong Kong and Whampoa Dockyard. 9.20 Ship hauled up on slipway. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fba: ( 53-49914-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Leave for Second Watch from 9.00am until 7.00am, Thursday 5th December. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fbb: ( 53-49914-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 10.10am: Ship left slipway and towed to Naval Camber and secured alongside HMS Wivern. 11.15am: Coal arrived and commenced coaling. Noon: Hands to dinner. Note: Draft before coaling: Forward 2 feet 3 inches; Aft 2 feet 9 inches. Note: Draft after coaling: Forward 2 feet 7 inches; Aft 3 feet. 1.30pm: Hands employed returning stores and ammunition. 3.00pm: Finished coaling 25 tons. 3.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fbc: ( 53-49914-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and drawing stores. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. Leave piped from 5.00pm until 6.00am. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fbd: ( 53-49914-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1918 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.5, Long 113.8 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.20am: Left Naval Camber and proceeded to Canton. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 30 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Fausink Rock S30E distance 5½ miles. 4.00pm: Arrived Canton and secured to head and stern buoys. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fbe: ( 53-49914-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands scrub gun gear. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Hands to quarters clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 51 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. 5.00pm: ERA Pindar discharged to HMS Tarantula. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fbf: ( 53-49914-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Hands clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.45am: Church party landed. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.00pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc0: ( 53-49914-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed refitting boats falls. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 4.30pm until 10.00pm. 1.45pm: Hands employed refitting boats’ falls. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc1: ( 53-49914-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed scrubbing canvas. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave from 4.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc2: ( 53-49914-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 12.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 1.45pm: Hands employed refitting boats’ falls. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc3: ( 53-49914-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.35am: HMTB 036 arrived. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 4.30pm until 10.00pm. 1.45pm: Hands employed scrubbing matting. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc4: ( 53-49914-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. HMTB 036 left. 9.00am: Hands employed painting mast and yards. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. Leave piped until 10.00pm. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc5: ( 53-49914-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed scrubbing decks. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.45am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc6: ( 53-49914-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Clear up decks. 10.00am: Rounds. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave piped until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc7: ( 53-49914-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1918 Canton to Yung Ki I. Lat 23.1, Long 113.4 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed preparing for coaling. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. Slipped buoys and proceeded to Pak Hin Hok. 8.20am: Tied up alongside Pak Hin Hok coaling wharf and coaled ship. 11.25am: Finish coaling. Left coaling wharf and proceeded. 9.00am: Hands employed refitting boats falls. Noon: Distance made good: 3 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Pak Hin Hok. Note: Draft before coaling: Forward 2 feet 7 inches; Aft 3 feet. Note: Draft after coaling: Forward 3 feet; Aft 3 feet. 12.30pm: Tai Shek Bar abeam. 5 feet 6 inches on Tide pole. 1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Passed through Hamilton Creek and Chun Chuen Creek into Tailung Channel and Tailung Creek. 4.10pm: Anchored at Yung Ki Island. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc8: ( 53-49914-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1918 Yung Ki to Staunch I. Lat 22.69, Long 113.10 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands fall in and employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Proceeded down Tailung Channel and Yellow Reach. 11.50am: Anchored 2 miles South of Staunch Island. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 51 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: South of Staunch Island distance 2 miles. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fc9: ( 53-49914-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1918 An unusual start point for the day: the description of the place at which Moorhen anchored up the day before rather than a place name. Down river to Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 8.20am: Anchored Kong Mun [Jiangmen] at 2 shackles. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands to breakfast. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 9 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Kong Mun. 12.30pm: Hands employed painting ship. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: Leave from 4.30pm until 9.00pm. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fca: ( 53-49914-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1918 Kong Mun to Southwest river [now Tanjiang River] Lat 22.27, Long 113.18 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.40am: Weighed anchor. Passed through West River, Lu Lu Creek and Fu Tin Mun Creek. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 30 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Fu Tin Mun Creek, 5 miles North of Ngai Mun. 1.30pm: Ngai Mun Custom House abeam. 2.00pm: Entered Ngai Mun Creek and passed into South West River. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 5.15pm: Anchored in South West River 9 miles East of Kungyifow [now part of Shuikouzhen] at 3 shackles. 7.00pm: Burned searchlight and expended fireworks [ie flares]. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fcb: ( 53-49914-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1918 Kungyifow [Hung Yifow in log] to Cheong Sha Lat 22.35, Long 112.68 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed scrubbing matting. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up South West River. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 53 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 3 miles East of Cheong Sha. 12.30pm: Anchored at Cheong Sha [possibly now Zexianzhou]. 1.00pm: Ship swung to flood tide. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 5.15pm: Ship swung to ebb tide. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 9.40pm: Ship swung to flood tide. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fcc: ( 53-49914-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1918 Cheong Sha and down river to Ngai Mun Lat 22.43, Long 112.79 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down South West River. 10.20am: Anchored at Kung Yek. 11.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down South West River. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 19 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 8 miles East of Kung Yek. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: Anchored at Ngai Mun. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fcd: ( 53-49914-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1918 Ngai Mun Lat 22.2, Long 113.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 28 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Ngai Mun. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 9.00pm: Ship swung to flood tide. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fce: ( 53-49914-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1918 There is something reassuring about those logs that finish with the words “Hands to tea”. It is so colonial English! These men may be serving in a far flung colony but their day is still ruled by the traditions of home. You might almost think that when the log reads “Hands painting ship” the hands have their watercolours and camel hair brushes out to create delicate images of their ship in a gentle landscape. The reality is of course that they are doing the traditional military thing of slapping layers of paint on any static object in sight that is not either routinely scrubbed or polished. Ngai Mun to Kong Mun Lat 22.6, Long 113.135 [approx] 2.45am: Sudden squall from NNW, ship started to drag anchor. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up Ngai Mun Creek. 11.00am: Entered Kong Mun Creek. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 24 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Kong Mun Creek 3 miles South of Kong Mun. 1.40pm: Passed out of Kong Mun Creek. 1.45pm: Anchored at Kong Mun. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fcf: ( 53-49914-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1918 Kong Mun to Sam Shui and Sha Po Lat 22.64, Long 113.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.40am: Shortened in the anchor hawser. 11.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. Noon: Distance made good: 11 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 2 miles North of Kong Mun. 4.00pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 4.43pm: Weighed anchor. 5.45pm: Anchored at Sha Po. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fd0: ( 53-49914-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1918 This trip has the appearance of a Christmas Day “jolly”. Sha Po [now Shapuzhen] Lat 23.17, Long 112.69 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Pipe down. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 47 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance 9 miles West of Sam Shui, West River. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fd1: ( 53-49914-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1918 Sha Po to Sun Chu Lat 22.8, Long 113.33 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30pm: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River, Kum Chuk Creek, and Luklao Creek. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 37 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Luklao. 12.30pm: Entered Brick Kiln Creek and proceeded via Sianok [probably Saiwan is intended] Channel and Hill Passage into the Canton River. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.55pm: Anchored at Sun Chu. 5.10pm: Weighed anchor and shifted berth. 5.20pm: Anchored in mid channel. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fd2: ( 53-49914-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1918 Sun Chu to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.05am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 9.00am: Arrived at Canton and moored to head and stern buoys. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 57 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fd3: ( 53-49914-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave piped until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fd4: ( 53-49914-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1918 The date on this log entry is incorrect. It is given as “Sunday 28th day of December, 1918”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Divisions. HMTB 036 arrived. 10.00am: Church party landed. 11.50am: TB 036 left. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fd5: ( 53-49914-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Four hands landed to paint buoys. 9.00am: Remainder of hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fd6: ( 53-49914-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1918 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.45am: Working party landed. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: HMTB 035 arrived. THE VOYAGES OF HMS MOORHEN 1919 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1919 [Canton, Wuchow, Canton and Hong Kong] 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe0: ( 53-49915-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.05am: HMTB 035 left. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands mustered for Quarterly Settlement. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe1: ( 53-49915-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Hands employed stowing away stores. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe2: ( 53-49915-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands scrubbing matting. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.45pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe3: ( 53-49915-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.30am: American gunboat USS Pampanga left harbour. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe4: ( 53-49915-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.15am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.30am: Ship’s company mustered by the Ledger*. 10.15am: Church party landed. 11.45am: Church party returned. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. * The entire ship’s company is drawn up on deck and each hand in turn steps up, salutes the Captain and states his rating, qualifications and good conduct badges. The muster roll and ship’s disciplinary record are checked and the man salutes again and returns to his division. The main purpose of this is to allow the Captain to put a name to the face, because even in a small ship there will be some hands that he never sees in the normal run of things. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe5: ( 53-49915-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.30pm: Hands painting ship. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: Leave from 4.30pm until 10.00pm. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe6: ( 53-49915-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm until 10.00pm. 2.00pm: HMS Tarantula’s mooring buoys are replaced. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe7: ( 53-49915-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.45pm: Hands employed painting ship. 3.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived and moored to buoys. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe8: ( 53-49915-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 10.00pm. 3.20pm: HMTB 036 arrived. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fe9: ( 53-49915-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed scrubbing matting. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. HMTB 036 left harbour. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Leave piped 4.30pm until 10.00pm. 1.45pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fea: ( 53-49915-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters. Hands scrub gun gear. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4caf8885cadfd34197020feb: ( 53-49915-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.15am: Hand to Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.55am: HMS Tarantula left harbour. 9.00am: Clear up decks. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.15am: Church party landed. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fec: ( 53-49915-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Exercised General Quarters. 9.00am: Exercised Fire Stations, Collision Stations and Surprise Attack. 10.15am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fed: ( 53-49915-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning sections. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fee: ( 53-49915-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020fef: ( 53-49915-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1919 Canton to Saiwan Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing for coaling. 8.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded to Pak Hin Hok. 8.10am: Arrived at Pak Hin Hok. 8.30am: Commenced coaling. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 36 tons. 12.35pm: Cast off and proceeded down Back Reach and Hill Passage. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.00pm: Entered Saiwan Channel. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 6.30pm: Anchored at Saiwan City. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff0: ( 53-49915-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1919 “Friday 16th day of January” has been corrected to “Friday 17th January”. Saiwan City to Sam Shui Lat 22.94, Long 112.87 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed scrubbing matting. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded through Brick Kiln Creek, Luk Lao and Kum Chuk Rapids into West River. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 73 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Lai Shui, West River 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30am: Anchored Sam Shui (at 2 shackles). 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff1: ( 53-49915-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1919 Sam Shui and up West river Lat 23.04, Long 112.47 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters scrub gun gear. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 44 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Shui Hing. 3.15pm: Anchored at Narrow Island. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff2: ( 53-49915-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1919 West River Lat 23.13, Long 111.84 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 11.55am: Anchored 2 miles East of Tak Hing. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 49 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 2 miles East of Tak Hing [now Deqing]. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm until sunset. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff3: ( 53-49915-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1919 West River Lat 23.19, Long 111.6 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 18 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 2 miles East of Dosing. 1.55pm: Anchored at Second Bar. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 6.00pm: Lost overboard by accident one Pattern No 8, Basin, Wash-hand, Iron. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff4: ( 53-49915-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1919 Up river to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 11.55am: Anchored at Wuchow [Wuzhou]. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 29 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Wuchow Fu. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 8.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff5: ( 53-49915-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1919 Wu Chow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.45pm: Hands employed painting ship. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff6: ( 53-49915-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1919 Wu Chow and down river Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 3.10pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 6.30pm: Anchored 2 miles South of Dosing. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff7: ( 53-49915-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1919 West River Lat 23.09, Long 112.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed scrubbing matting. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 54 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Kau Koan [now Yuechengzhen]. 2.05pm: Anchored at Narrow Island. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff8: ( 53-49915-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1919 West River Lat 23.04, Long 112.47 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters scrub gun gear. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down West River. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 39 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Shui Hing. 1.00pm: Anchored at Howlick [aka How Lek]. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ff9: ( 53-49915-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1919 Howlick to Sam Shui Lat 23.12, Long 112.57 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 14 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Howlick. 12.25pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 2.25pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ffa: ( 53-49915-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1919 Sam Shui to Sun Chu Lat 22.8, Long 113.07 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.35am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 43 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Kum Chuk. 12.30pm: Passed through Kum Chuk Rapids, Luklao and Brick Kiln Creek into Saiwan Channel. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 6.25pm: Anchored at Sun Chu. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ffb: ( 53-49915-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1919 Sun Chu to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed preparing for coaling. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up Canton River. 9.40am: Arrived at Pak Hin Hok. 10.00am: Commenced coaling. 11.30am: Finished coaling. 11.45am: Left Pak Hin Hok. Noon: Arrived at Canton. Noon: Distance made good: 66 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. Note: Draft before coaling: Forward 2 feet 4 inches; Aft 2 feet 11 inches. Note: Draft after coaling: Forward 2 feet 6 inches; Aft 3 feet. 1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ffc: ( 53-49915-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ffd: ( 53-49915-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1919 Canton to Hong Kong Lat 22.79, Long 113.62 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.40am: Slipped buoys and proceeded down Front Reach. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 35 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Chain Rocks abeam. 1.30pm: Tested Maxim guns. 200 rounds. 4.20pm: Arrived Hong Kong and moored up in Naval Camber. 4caf8885cadfd34197020ffe: ( 53-49915-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Commenced coaling. Noon: Distance made good: 46 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Hong Kong. 1.00pm: Leave to the watch from Noon until 7.00am of the 3rd. 2.30pm: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1919 [Hong Kong, Canton, Hong Kong, Canton, Sam Shui, Wuchow, Canton, Wuchow] 4caf8885cadfd34197021008: ( 53-49916-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: AB Gosling discharged to hospital Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.30pm: Piped leave to part of watch until 11.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197021009: ( 53-49916-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Piped leave to second watch until 7.00am on the 4th February. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd3419702100a: ( 53-49916-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: HMS Robin left harbour. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: HMS Fame arrived in harbour. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.15pm: HMS Sandpiper arrived in harbour. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd3419702100b: ( 53-49916-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship side. 10.00am: AB Eaton discharged to HMS Tamar. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd3419702100c: ( 53-49916-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Stoker Pleasants discharged to HMS Tamar. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd3419702100d: ( 53-49916-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 10.00am: Lost overboard by accident one funnel, tin, Patt 18. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd3419702100e: ( 53-49916-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.4, Long 113.87 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 7.00am: Five ratings joined ship from HMS Euryalus. 7.30am: Five ratings discharged to Euryalus. 8.00am: Eight ratings joined ship for passage to HMS Tarantula. 9.00am: Unmoored and left Naval Camber. Proceeded through Kap Sing Mun Passage toward Canton. 11.00am: Carried out quarterly practice. Expended 20 rounds 6 pounder and 1,000 rounds .303 from Maxims. Noon: Distance made good: 24 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Tausink. 12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident one cartridge case QF 6 pounder. 4.40pm: Arrived Canton and secured to buoys. 5.30pm: One SPO and eight ratings discharged to Tarantula. 4caf8885cadfd3419702100f: ( 53-49916-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 60 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197021010: ( 53-49916-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Cleared up deck. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 10.15am: Church party landed. 11.45am: Church party returned. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197021011: ( 53-49916-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1919 The ‘at’ entry on this page was originally “Hong Kong” but this has been subsequently changed to “Canton”. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed scrubbing matting. Noon: Hands to dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197021012: ( 53-49916-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1919 Moorhen loses her commanding officer to hospital in Hong Kong. Canton to Hong Kong Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 12.45pm: Slipped both buoys and proceeded down Back Reach toward Hong Kong. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Sampan Channel abeam. 7.45pm: Arrived Hong Kong and secured to East Wall, Naval Camber. 8.30pm: Lieutenant Marshall, RNR, discharged to Royal Naval hospital. 4caf8885cadfd34197021013: ( 53-49916-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1919 And promptly gains a new commanding officer… Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Lt Watson, RNR joined ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 83 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Hong Kong. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197021014: ( 53-49916-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197021015: ( 53-49916-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1919 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.82, Long 113.60 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Left Naval Camber and proceeded through Kap Sing Mun Passage toward Canton. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 49 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Tiger Island abeam. 2.50pm: Arrived Canton and secured to buoys. 4caf8885cadfd34197021016: ( 53-49916-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1919 Canton to Saiwan Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded to Pak Hin Hok. 8.15am: Arrived Pak Hin Hok. Commenced coaling. Noon: Distance made good: 35 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Pak Hin Hok. 12.15pm: Finished coaling. 12.25pm: Cast off from wharf and proceeded down Canton River. 3.15pm: Hands to fire stations. 5.15pm: Anchored at Saiwan City. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8885cadfd34197021017: ( 53-49916-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1919 Saiwan City to Sam Shui Lat 22.8, Long 113.07 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded through Tailung Channel. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 68 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Kum Chuk. 3.45pm: Arrived Sam Shui. 4caf8885cadfd34197021018: ( 53-49916-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1919 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 30 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Sam Shui. 1.45pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd34197021019: ( 53-49916-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1919 Sam Shui and up West River Lat 23.17, Long 112.32 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Lost overboard by accident 1 bass broom*. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 37 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 1 mile West of Tai Saing, West River. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 5.15pm: Anchored 1 mile East of Tak Hing. *A broom made of piassava fibre, probably a gun barrel brush. 4caf8885cadfd3419702101a: ( 53-49916-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1919 Up river to Wuchow Lat 23.31, Long 111.54 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 68 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Second Bar, West River. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.50pm: Anchored at Wuchow [Wuzhou]. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8885cadfd3419702101b: ( 53-49916-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1919 Moorhen takes an active part in her role of protecting British interests. First she supplies an armed guard to the local British Consulate, then she repositions herself to be moored close to the Consulate building. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 18 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Wuchow. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Armed guard sent to British Consulate. 8.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to anchor abreast of Consulate. 4caf8885cadfd3419702101c: ( 53-49916-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1919 The low number of log entries suggests that the bridge crew were busy on this day. The tension continued to run high ‒ particularly in the afternoon when an extra guard was sent to the British Consulate. Contrast this day’s logs with one from a quiet day moored up in the Camber or moored to the buoys at Shameen. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 3.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to mid-stream off British Consulate. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 10.30am: Relief guard landed 11.00am: First guard returned. 12.30pm: Leave to watch. 1.30pm: Extra guard landed. 5.30pm: Extra guard returned. 4caf8885cadfd3419702101d: ( 53-49916-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1919 Other than the routine pre 4.00am ‘Rounds correct’, the following two entries comprise the entire log for this day! The guards appear to be doing 24 hour shifts – which suggests that they must be receiving support from the Consulate while they are on duty ashore. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.00am: Relief guard landed. 9.30am: Relieved guard returned. 4caf8885cadfd3419702101e: ( 53-49916-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1919 Another very terse log. The sentry duty still appears to run for 24 hours. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 8.00am: Hands breakfast. 9.00am: Relief guard landed. 9.30am: Relieved guard returned. 4caf8886cadfd3419702101f: ( 53-49916-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1919 The backup to Moorhen arrives in the form of HMS Tarantula. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.00am: Relief guard landed. 9.30am: Relieved guard returned. 5.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 8.00pm: Guard returned 4caf8886cadfd34197021020: ( 53-49916-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1919 Wuchow and down river Lat 23.14, Long 111.85 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 8.25am: Anchored at Kok Hui (fog) [possibly Hok Hau is intended]. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 47 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 2 miles East of Tak Hing. 6.35pm: Anchored at Ho Kok Island, West River. 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8886cadfd34197021021: ( 53-49916-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1919 West River to Pak Hin Hok Lat 23.0, Long 113.52 [approx] 5.15am: Called hands. 5.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 149 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Second Bar Pagoda, Canton River. 2.00pm: Arrived at Pak Hin Hok and secured to coaling wharf. 3.00pm: Commenced coaling. 5.00pm: Lost overboard by accident one coal bag and 2 hundredweight of coal. 6.30pm: Finished coaling. 4caf8886cadfd34197021022: ( 53-49916-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1919 To Canton and on to West River Lat 22.8, Long 113.33 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.30am: Cast off from wharf and proceeded to Canton. Consul General came on board. Proceeded down Back Reach, Canton River. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 69 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 3 miles East of Yung Ki. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 8.00pm: Abreast of Yuct Hing. Page signed by Lt AH [or AK] Watson, RNR [in command]. 4caf8886cadfd34197021023: ( 53-49916-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1919 A very rare river trip in darkness; presumably the Consul General is very urgently required in Wuchow. Up river to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 2.15am: Anchored (Fog). 3.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 10.00am: Arrived at Wuchow and secured alongside HMS Tarantula. 11.30am: Hands employed coaling ship. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 178 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Wuchow. 1.30pm: Hands employed coaling. 3.30pm: Finished coaling. LOGS FOR MARCH 1919 [Wuchow and Hong Kong for dry dock] 4caf8886cadfd3419702102e: ( 53-49917-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702102f: ( 53-49917-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 9.45am: Hands to divisions. 11.30am: Five hands landed as Consul General’s bodyguard. Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.00pm: Guard returned. 2.00pm: 39 saluting charges expended. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: Consul General joined HMS Tarantula. 5.00pm: HMS Tarantula left harbour. 4caf8886cadfd34197021030: ( 53-49917-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1919 An anchor is returned to Moorhen four years after it was lost! Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Stores arrived from Hong Kong. 9.30am: Received anchor and cable from Banker and Co. Equipment that was lost by HMS Moorhen in 1914. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021031: ( 53-49917-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed replacing and rigging top mast. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021032: ( 53-49917-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed rigging top mast. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021033: ( 53-49917-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021034: ( 53-49917-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021035: ( 53-49917-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Lost overboard by accident while exercising fire stations: One Bucket, Fire, Galvanised Patt. 31. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021036: ( 53-49917-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Hands to Church. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Hands to tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021037: ( 53-49917-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: AB Holland discharged to Wuchow (hospital). 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021038: ( 53-49917-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: AB Hollands returned on board. Noon: Dinner. 1.45pm: AB Hollands discharged to Hong Kong for hospital 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021039: ( 53-49917-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702103a: ( 53-49917-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702103b: ( 53-49917-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702103c: ( 53-49917-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702103d: ( 53-49917-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Clear up decks. 9.00am: Hands to clean. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.45am: Church. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: HMS Robin arrived alongside for coal. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Robin finished coaling. Stores transferred. 5.30pm: Robin cast off and anchored. 4caf8886cadfd3419702103e: ( 53-49917-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1919 Wuchowand down river Lat 23.18, Long 111.64 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 36 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 2 miles South East of Monks Head, West River. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.30pm: Encountered fog. 6.20pm: Anchored (fog). 8.00pm: Placed night sentries. 4caf8886cadfd3419702103f: ( 53-49917-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1919 A stop, start day due to fog as Moorhen travels down river. Down river to Wang Mun Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 10.05am: Anchored (fog). 11.00am: Weighed anchor. 11.15am: Anchored (fog). 11.28am: Weighed anchor. 11.45am: Anchored at Sam Shui. Noon: Distance made good: 87 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Sam Shui. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded down West River. 4.00pm: Rattler Island abeam. 8.20pm: Anchored at Wang Mun. 4caf8886cadfd34197021040: ( 53-49917-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1919 Wang Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.49, Long 113.8 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded toward Hong Kong. 11.40am: Anchored (fog). Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 72 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 3 miles North of Kiau Island. 12.10pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded 4.00pm: Tea. 4.10pm: Arrived Hong Kong and secured to East wall, Naval Camber. 4caf8886cadfd34197021041: ( 53-49917-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1919 Moorhen acquires a doctor. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed discharging stores. 10.00am: Surgeon joined ship Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 36 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Hong Kong. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021042: ( 53-49917-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed discharging stores. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021043: ( 53-49917-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands landed as guard. 10.30am: Guard returned. 11.00am: One AB discharged to HMS Tamar (sick). Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021044: ( 53-49917-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 9.30am: Church party sent to HMS Tamar. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021045: ( 53-49917-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Cleaned arms. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands landed as guard. 11.00am: Guard returned. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition*. 4.00pm: Tea. *The invariable prelude to a spell in dry dock. 4caf8886cadfd34197021046: ( 53-49917-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed disembarking stores. 10.00am: Chief Petty Officer discharged to hospital. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed disembarking stores. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021047: ( 53-49917-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021048: ( 53-49917-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Ship left East Wall of Camber for dock. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed docking ship. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed returning stores. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021049: ( 53-49917-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed ranging* cable for surveying. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 10.30pm: One Engine Room Artificer discharged to HMS Tamar sick. *Laying out cable on the floor of the dock. 4caf8886cadfd3419702104a: ( 53-49917-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1919 Some crew members rejoin the ship after having been discharged because of illness. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: AB Taylor joined ship. Noon: Dinner. 2.30pm: AB Holland joined ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702104b: ( 53-49917-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 9.00am: Divisions. One Engine Room Artificer returned to ship. 10.00am: Church party sent to HMS Tamar. 11.30am: Church party returned. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702104c: ( 53-49917-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. LOGS FOR APRIL 1919 [Hong Kong and Canton] 4caf8886cadfd34197021056: ( 53-49918-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021057: ( 53-49918-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021058: ( 53-49918-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021059: ( 53-49918-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Two Able Seamen joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf8886cadfd3419702105a: ( 53-49918-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702105b: ( 53-49918-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Cleaning up decks. 9.15am: Divisions. 9.30am: Church party landed. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 7.00am. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702105c: ( 53-49918-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702105d: ( 53-49918-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702105e: ( 53-49918-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1919 Moorhen gets a new commanding officer. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Lieutenant JL Croasdaile joined ship to take over Command. 10.30am: Lieutenant Watson left ship. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702105f: ( 53-49918-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021060: ( 53-49918-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021061: ( 53-49918-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1919 Moorhen is refloated and leaves dry dock to tie up in the Camber. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Started to flood dock. 7.45am: Ship floated. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Ship left the dry dock. 10.15am: Ship secured to East wall of the Camber. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021062: ( 53-49918-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1919 Despite this being a Sunday, the task of reloading Moorhen with supplies and munitions is started. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed embarking stores. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm until 7.00am. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021063: ( 53-49918-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021064: ( 53-49918-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Coal arrives alongside. 7.15am: Coaling. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Finished coaling. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021065: ( 53-49918-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021066: ( 53-49918-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021067: ( 53-49918-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1919 Good Friday Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Church party landed. 11.00am: Church party returned. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 7.00am. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021068: ( 53-49918-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 7.00am. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021069: ( 53-49918-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1919 Easter Sunday. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Cleared up decks. 10.00am: Church party landed. 11.00am: Church party returned. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702106a: ( 53-49918-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1919 Easter Monday. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702106b: ( 53-49918-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1919 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.54, Long 113.8 [approx] 6.15am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.00am: Cast off from wall and proceeded toward Canton 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 38 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: 2 miles East of Lankit Island. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Arrived at Canton and secured to buoys. 4caf8886cadfd3419702106c: ( 53-49918-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 45 miles. Noon: Bearing and distance: Canton. 1.00pm: Leave piped from 1.30pm until 7.00am. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702106d: ( 53-49918-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702106e: ( 53-49918-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702106f: ( 53-49918-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: HMS Tarantula left harbour. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021070: ( 53-49918-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands to divisions. 10.00am: Church party landed. 11.30am: Church party returned. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021071: ( 53-49918-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021072: ( 53-49918-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021073: ( 53-49918-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. LOGS FOR MAY 1919 [Canton, Sam Shui, Canton, Sam Shui, North River and Wuchow] 4caf8886cadfd3419702107e: ( 53-49919-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd3419702107f: ( 53-49919-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021080: ( 53-49919-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021081: ( 53-49919-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1919 A number of new engine room personnel come on board. These appear to be additional men as there is no record of corresponding men leaving the ship. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church parties landed. 11.00am: HMS Robin arrived. 11.30am: Church parties returned. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: One Engine Room Artificer, one Leading Stoker, one Stoker and four Chinese Stokers joined ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021082: ( 53-49919-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: HMS Robin left harbour. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: HMS Fame arrived. 4caf8886cadfd34197021083: ( 53-49919-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1919 Canton to West River Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.40am: Slipped buoys and proceeded to Sam Shui. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 4 miles. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.05pm: Anchored off Ho Ching, West River at 2 shackles. 4caf8886cadfd34197021084: ( 53-49919-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1919 West River to Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 5.30am: Called hands. 5.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Anchored at Sam Shui. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 75 miles. 12.30pm: Commenced coaling. 2.20pm: Finished coaling (27 tons). 3.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021085: ( 53-49919-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1919 Sam Shui to Canton Lat 22.89, Long 113.33 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded toward Canton. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 63 miles. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Arrived at Canton and secured to buoys. 4caf8886cadfd34197021086: ( 53-49919-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 35 miles. 12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: 1 Boat Hook GM [gunmetal] small Pattern 78.n 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021087: ( 53-49919-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8886cadfd34197021088: ( 53-49919-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 9.30am: Hands to Divisions. 10.15am: Church party landed. 11.50am: Church party returned. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd34197021089: ( 53-49919-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1919 Canton to Sam Shui Lat 22.89, Long 113.1 [approx] 4.30am: Called hands. 4.45am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 5.15am: Slipped buoys and proceeded to Sam Shui. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 44 miles. 3.20pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Commenced coaling. 6.15pm: Finished coaling. 4caf8887cadfd3419702108a: ( 53-49919-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1919 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 26 miles. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd3419702108b: ( 53-49919-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1919 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm until 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd3419702108c: ( 53-49919-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1919 Sam Shui to Tsing Yuen (North River) Lat 23.31, Long 112.87 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Pilot joined the ship. 10.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up North River. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.30pm: Anchored at Tsing Yuen (2 shackles). 4caf8887cadfd3419702108d: ( 53-49919-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1919 Tsing Yuen to Ying Tak Lat 24.12, Long 113.38 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up North River. 8.00am: Hands to breakfast. 9.30am: Exercised action stations and fire stations. Noon: Dinner. 1.25pm: Anchored at Ying Tak. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd3419702108e: ( 53-49919-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1919 Ying Tak [now Yingde] Lat 24.21, Long 113.44 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd3419702108f: ( 53-49919-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1919 Ying Tak Lat 24.21, Long 113.44 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands to divisions. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.40pm: Weighed anchor and shifted berth. 4caf8887cadfd34197021090: ( 53-49919-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1919 Ying Tak to Hu Kau Lat 24.21, Long 113.44 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 3.25pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded up North River. 7.17pm: Anchored Hu Kau at 1 shackle. 4caf8887cadfd34197021091: ( 53-49919-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1919 Moorhen runs aground again. This seems to be a hazard of navigating these rivers despite Moorhen’s shallow draft of 3 feet. Hu Kau to Tong Kong Yin Lat 24.69, Long 113.53 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up North River. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Ship grounded on sandy bottom 13 miles below Shiu Chow [aka Chiu Chow and now Shaoguan]. Noon: Bearing and distance: Tong Kong Yin, 13 miles South of Shiu Chow. 2.25pm: Ship floated. 2.55pm: Anchored in mid stream. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd34197021092: ( 53-49919-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1919 Tong Kong Yin Lat 24.69, Long 113.53 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd34197021093: ( 53-49919-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1919 Hu Kau Lat 24.69, Long 113.53 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd34197021094: ( 53-49919-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1919 Hu Kau to Chui Chow Lat 24.69, Long 113.53 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.10pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river. 4.00pm: Anchored at Chui Chow (1½ shackles). Tea. 4caf8887cadfd34197021095: ( 53-49919-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1919 Chui Chow to Sam Shui Lat 23.99, Long 113.28 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 6.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down North River. 7.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 8.00pm: Arrived at Sam Shui and anchored. 4caf8887cadfd34197021096: ( 53-49919-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1919 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.30am: Called hands. 6.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd34197021097: ( 53-49919-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1919 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.88 5.45am: Coal arrived alongside. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Commenced coaling. 8.00am: Dressed ship [for Queen Mary’s birthday]. Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Finished coaling (30 tons). Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Piped leave from 1.30pm to 7.00. 4.00pm: Tea. 8.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd34197021098: ( 53-49919-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1919 Sam Shui to Tak Hing Lat 23.07, Long 112.4 [approx] 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 41 miles. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.35pm: Anchored 2 miles East of Tak Hing. 4caf8887cadfd34197021099: ( 53-49919-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1919 Tak Hing to Wuchow Lat 23.3, Long 111.55 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up West River. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 69 miles. 1.20pm: Arrived at Wuchow and anchored. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd3419702109a: ( 53-49919-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. Noon: Distance made good: 15 miles. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd3419702109b: ( 53-49919-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Commenced coaling. 10.55am: Finished coaling (9 tons). Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd3419702109c: ( 53-49919-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. LOGS FOR JUNE 1919 [Wuchow, Lui Chow, Sun Chow, Kuien Shien, Nanning, Na Po and Nanning] 4caf8887cadfd341970210a6: ( 53-49920-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210a7: ( 53-49920-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210a8: ( 53-49920-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1919 The following log pages suffer from strike through (the condition where ink on one side of the page soaks through the paper to become visible on the reverse side of the page). This has made some of the log entries difficult to read. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.30am: Called hands. 6.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210a9: ( 53-49920-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210aa: ( 53-49920-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1919 Wuchow to Kong Ho Lat 23.44, Long 110.7 [approx] 4.30am: Called hands. 5.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.05pm: Anchored at Kong Ho. 4caf8887cadfd341970210ab: ( 53-49920-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1919 Kong Ho to Sun Chow [now Guiping Xian], and up river Lat 23.47, Long 109.78 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.45am: Anchored at Sun Chow [possibly to pick up a local pilot]. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded [up Liujiang river]. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. Not recorded in the log, but presumably Moorhen anchored at some point. 4caf8887cadfd341970210ac: ( 53-49920-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1919 Up Liujiang river to Lui Chow [Liu-chow, now Liuzhou] Lat 24.21, Long 109.5 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.25pm: Anchored at Lui Chow. 4caf8887cadfd341970210ad: ( 53-49920-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1919 Lui Chow Lat 24.33, Long 109.42 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 10.15am: Divisions. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210ae: ( 53-49920-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1919 Lui Chow Lat 24.33, Long 109.42 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210af: ( 53-49920-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1919 Lui Chow to Ping San Chow [aka Sun Chow] Lat 24.03, Long 109.68 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.30pm: Anchored at Ping San Chow. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b0: ( 53-49920-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1919 Ping San Chow Lat 23.4, Long 110.08 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b1: ( 53-49920-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1919 Ping San Chow Lat 23.4, Long 110.08 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.15pm: HMS Tarantula arrived [at Sun Chow, vide her log]. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b2: ( 53-49920-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1919 Moorhen loses an anchor in a sudden squall in the evening. Ping San Chow Lat 23.4, Long 110.08 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands preparing for coaling. 7.00am: Commenced coaling. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: HMS Tarantula left. 11.30am: Finished coaling received 27 tons 2 hundredweight. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 8.45pm: Cable parted during sudden squall. Lost starboard anchor and 8 fathom of cable, lengthening piece and swivel piece, 1 anchor shackle and 3 join shackles. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b3: ( 53-49920-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1919 Ping San Chow to Kuien Shien Lat 23.19, Long 109.93 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up Yujiang river. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.45pm: Anchored at Kwei Hsien. 5.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: Flag, Union, 3 breadth, 1 in number. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b4: ( 53-49920-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1919 Kwei Hsien [aka Kwei Hsing-ye, now Guigang] Lat 23.08, Long 109.6 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Clear up decks. 10.00am: Hands to divisions. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. Page signed by the Captain, Lt JL Croasdaile. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b5: ( 53-49920-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1919 Kwei Hsien Lat 23.08, Long 109.6 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b6: ( 53-49920-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1919 Kwei Hsien to Yung Tsien Hsien Lat 22.8, Long 109.43 [approx] 5.40am: Called hands. 6.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 8.13pm: Anchored at Yung Tsien Hsien. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b7: ( 53-49920-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1919 Yung Tsien Hsien to Nanning Lat 22.8, Long 108.92 [approx] 4.45am: Called hands. 5.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. Anchored on account of engine trouble. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Lost overboard by accident: Broom, bass. Patt 459, 1 in Number. Noon: Dinner. 3.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 4.00pm: Tea. 8.45pm: Anchored at Nanning. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b8: ( 53-49920-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 3.00pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210b9: ( 53-49920-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: HMS Tarantula left harbour. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210ba: ( 53-49920-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands preparing for coaling. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Commenced coaling. 11.00am: Finished coaling. Noon: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210bb: ( 53-49920-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1919 Nanning to Ha Hong Lat 23.01, Long 107.92 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river. 7.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.00pm: Anchored at Ha Hong. 4caf8887cadfd341970210bc: ( 53-49920-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1919 Ha Hong to Na Po Lat 23.6, Long 107.06 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.30pm: Anchored at Na Po. 4caf8887cadfd341970210bd: ( 53-49920-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1919 Na Po [now Napozhen] Lat 23.73, Long 106.83 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210be: ( 53-49920-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1919 Na Po Lat 23.73, Long 106.83 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210bf: ( 53-49920-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1919 Na Po Lat 23.73, Long 106.83 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210c0: ( 53-49920-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1919 Na Po Lat 23.73, Long 106.83 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210c1: ( 53-49920-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1919 Na Po to Po Seh [now Baise] and return Lat 23.73, Long 106.83 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to Po Seh. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.47pm: Anchored at Po Seh. 5.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded to Na Po. 8.25pm: Anchored at Na Po. 4caf8887cadfd341970210c2: ( 53-49920-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1919 Na Po to Nanning Lat 23.31, Long 107.56 [approx] 5.45am: Called hands. 5.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded toward Nanning. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 8.50pm: Anchored at Nanning. 4caf8887cadfd341970210c3: ( 53-49920-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Prepared for coaling. 8.00am: Breakfast. 10.00am: Commenced coaling. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 2.30pm: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Tea. LOGS FOR JULY 1919 [Nanning and down West River to Hong Kong] 4caf8887cadfd341970210ce: ( 53-49921-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210cf: ( 53-49921-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d0: ( 53-49921-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.30am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d1: ( 53-49921-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d2: ( 53-49921-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed provisioning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d3: ( 53-49921-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d4: ( 53-49921-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d5: ( 53-49921-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d6: ( 53-49921-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d7: ( 53-49921-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d8: ( 53-49921-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210d9: ( 53-49921-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210da: ( 53-49921-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210db: ( 53-49921-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210dc: ( 53-49921-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210dd: ( 53-49921-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210de: ( 53-49921-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210df: ( 53-49921-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e0: ( 53-49921-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1919 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e1: ( 53-49921-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1919 Nanning to Ping Yat Lat 23.01, Long 109.57 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 3.30pm: Anchored at Ping Yat. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e2: ( 53-49921-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1919 This is a very long day. Unfortunately the log does not record just how far Moorhen is travelling each day. Ping Yat to Wuchow Lat 23.42, Long 110.12 [approx] 5.40am: Called hands. 6.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 9.15pm: Anchored at Wuchow. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e3: ( 53-49921-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1919 Wuchow to Sam Shui Lat 23.09, Long 111.99 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.15pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e4: ( 53-49921-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1919 Sam Shui to Hong Kong Lat 22.49, Long 113.6 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.35am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 3.32pm: Arrived at Hong Kong and secured to South Wall of Camber. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e5: ( 53-49921-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: First watch commenced leave. Remainder of hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e6: ( 53-49921-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e7: ( 53-49921-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.00am: First watch returned from leave. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Second watch commenced leave. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e8: ( 53-49921-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210e9: ( 53-49921-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Second watch returned off leave. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner [Breakfast again in log]. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Two Able Seamen and one Leading Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf8887cadfd341970210ea: ( 53-49921-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210eb: ( 53-49921-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8887cadfd341970210ec: ( 53-49921-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1919 [Hong Kong, Canton, Wuchow, Kum Chuk, Canton] 4caf8888cadfd341970210f6: ( 53-49922-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 5.00pm: One Able Seaman joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf8888cadfd341970210f7: ( 53-49922-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: One AB discharged to hospital. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Two Stokers and one Able Seaman joined ship. 5.30pm: Two Stokers discharged to HMS Tamar. 9.30pm: Body of Chief Engine Room Artificer* found floating in Camber. *Chief ERA 2c William Hayward, 271630 (Dev). 4caf8888cadfd341970210f8: ( 53-49922-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Church party landed. 11.00am: Church party returned. Noon: Dinner. 3.30pm: Funeral party landed. 5.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf8888cadfd341970210f9: ( 53-49922-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Court of Enquiry into death of CERA Hayward held. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8888cadfd341970210fa: ( 53-49922-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1919 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.81, Long 113.60 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Hands preparing ship for sea. Cast off wires and proceeded out of Camber. Course and speed as required for leaving harbour. 7.00am: Passed Kap Sing Mun. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.20am: Black Point abeam. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.41am: Fish stakes aft. 11.04am: Sampan Chan aft. Noon: Dinner. 3.21pm: Passed Faishek Barrier. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Arrived at Canton and secured to buoys. 4caf8888cadfd341970210fb: ( 53-49922-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Cleared up decks. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: Piped leave. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8888cadfd341970210fc: ( 53-49922-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30 Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Coaled ship. 8 tons. 11.45am: Cleared up decks. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8888cadfd341970210fd: ( 53-49922-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 7.00am: One rating discharged to hospital. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8888cadfd341970210fe: ( 53-49922-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 2.20pm: HMS Robin arrived. 4.00pm: Tea. 4caf8888cadfd341970210ff: ( 53-49922-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Divisions. 10.00am: Hands to Church. 2.50pm: HMS Robin left harbour. 4caf8888cadfd34197021100: ( 53-49922-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.45pm: HMS Sandpiper arrived. 4caf8888cadfd34197021101: ( 53-49922-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1919 Canton and towards Wuchow Lat 22.91, Long 113.51 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.40am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 11.23am: Entered Hamilton Creek 8 knots. Course and speed as requisite for passing through Delta. 1.18pm: Entered Tze Nai Channel. 3.00pm: Entered Luk Lao Creek. 4.05pm: Passed Kum Chuk Rapids, 6 knot current, full speed. 7.00pm: Anchored off Ha Tung Chuen. 4caf8888cadfd34197021102: ( 53-49922-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1919 Up river to Nam Kong Lat 23.17, Long 112.33 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Course as requisite for proceeding up West River. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 10.51am: Shui Hing, large pagoda abeam. Noon: Lo Kang Joss House abeam. 5.25pm: Anchored off Nam Kong (3 shackles). 4caf8888cadfd34197021103: ( 53-49922-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1919 Up river to Wuchow Lat 23.3, Long 111.55 [approx] 5.00am: Called watch of stokers. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor. Course and speed as requisite for proceeding up West River. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.53am: Passed through Dosing Bar. 1.42pm: Anchored at Wuchow. 4caf8888cadfd34197021104: ( 53-49922-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021105: ( 53-49922-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 7.00am: Commenced coaling. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Finished coaling. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8888cadfd34197021106: ( 53-49922-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: Hands to divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf8888cadfd34197021107: ( 53-49922-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Exercised fire stations. 4caf8888cadfd34197021108: ( 53-49922-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021109: ( 53-49922-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd3419702110a: ( 53-49922-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1919 Wuchow and down river Lat 23.19, Long 111.6 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River 8 knots, course as requisite. 11.45am: Dosing Bar passed. Passed HMS Sandpiper. 5.50pm: Anchored in 8½ fathoms water. Far Wan village. 4caf8888cadfd3419702110b: ( 53-49922-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1919 Down river to Kum Chuk Lat 23.01, Long 112.84 [approx] 2.45am: Heavy squall, let go 2nd anchor. 6.45am: Called hands. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down West River. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.40pm: Heavy South Easterly squalls and rain force 4. 1.50pm: Anchored at Kum Chuk*. 2.30pm: Lost overboard by accident during sudden squall. Bath**, sponge, 30 inches, one. *Leaving the West River at Kum Chuk involved passing down some rapids that could run very fast, so Moorhen is probably waiting here for the current to drop to a safe level. It is raining very heavily. ** Hygiene for a rating on a very small vessel was a sponge bath, in which he could stand and sponge himself down. 4caf8888cadfd3419702110c: ( 53-49922-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1919 Kum Chuk Lat 22.8, Long 113.07 6.30am: Called hands. 6.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd3419702110d: ( 53-49922-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1919 Kum Chuk to Canton via Pak Hin Hok Lat 22.99, Long 113.52 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded through Kum Chuk Rapids toward Canton. 10.00am: Passed through Luk Lao Creek. 2.15pm: Arrived at Pak Hin Hok and secured to wharf. Coaled ship. 4.15pm: Left wharf and proceeded to Canton. 4.50pm: Secured to buoys. 4caf8888cadfd3419702110e: ( 53-49922-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.00am: Two ratings discharged to hospital in Hong Kong. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd3419702110f: ( 53-49922-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side. 7.00am: One rating discharged to hospital, Hong Kong. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021110: ( 53-49922-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021111: ( 53-49922-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021112: ( 53-49922-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Exercised action stations. 1.00pm: HMS Sandpiper arrived. 4caf8888cadfd34197021113: ( 53-49922-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: USS Pampanga arrived. 4caf8888cadfd34197021114: ( 53-49922-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.38am: HMS Sandpiper left harbour. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.00am: One SPO and two Stokers joined ship. 8.45am: Cleared up decks. 9.30am: Church party landed. 11.30am: Church party returned. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1919 [Canton, Hong Kong, Wuchow, Canton] 4caf8888cadfd3419702111e: ( 53-49923-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf8888cadfd3419702111f: ( 53-49923-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021120: ( 53-49923-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021121: ( 53-49923-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021122: ( 53-49923-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.50pm: HMS Sandpiper arrived. 4caf8888cadfd34197021123: ( 53-49923-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1919 Canton and down river Lat 23.02, Long 113.52 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 10.30am: Slipped from buoys and proceeded at 8 knots, course as requisite for proceeding down Back Reach. 12.25pm: Collinson Barrier. 12.30pm: Speed 9 knots. 2.00pm: Lost overboard by firing of Webley Scott Pistol, 56 empty cylinders. 6.40pm: Anchored at Chu Lu Kok Island. 1 shackle in 2¾ fathoms of water. 4caf8888cadfd34197021124: ( 53-49923-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1919 Down river to Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded through Kap Sing Mun, speed 8 knots and course as requisite. 11.15am: Arrived at Hong Kong and secured to No 9 buoy. 1.00pm: One Engine Room Artificer and one Stoker discharged to hospital. 4caf8888cadfd34197021125: ( 53-49923-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One Able Seaman joined ship from hospital. 4caf8888cadfd34197021126: ( 53-49923-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands commenced coaling. 11.00am: Finished coaling (10 tons). 3.00pm: One Chief Engine Room Artificer joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf8888cadfd34197021127: ( 53-49923-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021128: ( 53-49923-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd34197021129: ( 53-49923-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: One Engine Room Artificer joined ship from HMS Tamar. 5.00pm: One ERA discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf8888cadfd3419702112a: ( 53-49923-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1919 Hong Kong and up river towards Wuchow Lat 22.5, Long 113.8 [approx] 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Slipped from buoys and proceeded at 8 knots. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Carried out quarterly firing practice off Linton Island. 2 misfired cartridges thrown overboard. Lost overboard by accident, 258 empty .303 cylinders. 10.00am: Proceeded at 8 knots for Wang Mun Entrance. 12.55pm: Wang Mun Entrance. Proceeded by Sailam Channel and Junction Channel. 6.10pm: Anchored at Mahning Bar 2 shackles, 4 fathoms water. 4caf8888cadfd3419702112b: ( 53-49923-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1919 Up river towards Wuchow Lat 23.02, Long 112.83 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor. Speed 9 knots, course as requisite for proceeding up West River. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.25pm: Shui Hing Pagoda. 5.20pm: Anchored at Fu Wan. 2 shackles. 6 fathoms water. 4caf8888cadfd3419702112c: ( 53-49923-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1919 Up river towards Wuchow Lat 23.08, Long 112.01 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 9 knots. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Yuct Shing abeam. 5.20pm: Anchored at Red Hill Bank 1½ shackles, 3½ fathoms. 4caf8888cadfd3419702112d: ( 53-49923-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1919 Up river to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 9 knots. 10.40am: Arrived at Wuchow and anchored off Commissioner’s House, 1½ shackles in 1½ fathoms water. 4caf8888cadfd3419702112e: ( 53-49923-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.30am: Cleared up decks. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd3419702112f: ( 53-49923-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Four ratings joined ship. 1.30pm: One rating discharged to hospital. 4caf8888cadfd34197021130: ( 53-49923-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Exercised action stations. 4caf8888cadfd34197021131: ( 53-49923-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Three ratings discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf8888cadfd34197021132: ( 53-49923-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Cleared up deck. 4caf8888cadfd34197021133: ( 53-49923-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1919 Wuchow and down river Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded alongside coaling plant. Coaled ship 10 tons. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: One rating discharged to hospital. 1.00pm: Left coaling berth. 1.10pm: Proceeded down river at 8 knots. 5.45pm: Anchored at Nam Kong Pagoda, 4 fathoms water, 1½ shackles. 4caf8888cadfd34197021134: ( 53-49923-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1919 Down river to Sam Shui Lat 23.04, Long 112.47 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river 8 knots 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Shui Hing Pagoda abeam. 2.40pm: Arrived at Sam Shui and anchored (1 shackle) in 2 fathoms water. 4caf8888cadfd34197021135: ( 53-49923-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1919 Sam Shui and down river towards Canton Lat 22.89, Long 113.28 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite to pass down river and by Junction Channel and Saiwan Channel. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.10pm: Bullock Point abeam. 1.50pm: Essex Point. 4.30pm: Passed Hill Passage. 6.00pm: Anchored in Collinson Reach (1 shackle). 4caf8888cadfd34197021136: ( 53-49923-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1919 Up river to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Canton at 8 knots. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45pm: Arrived at Canton and secured to buoys. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite, 4caf8888cadfd34197021137: ( 53-49923-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Exercised action stations. 4caf8888cadfd34197021138: ( 53-49923-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Cleared up deck. 4caf8888cadfd34197021139: ( 53-49923-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Cleared up deck. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.15am: Church party landed. 11.45am: Church party returned. 4caf8888cadfd3419702113a: ( 53-49923-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8888cadfd3419702113b: ( 53-49923-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1919 [Canton and Hong Kong for dry dock] 4caf8889cadfd34197021144: ( 53-49924-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021145: ( 53-49924-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021146: ( 53-49924-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021147: ( 53-49924-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021148: ( 53-49924-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021149: ( 53-49924-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702114a: ( 53-49924-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1919 Canton to Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.7, Long 113.7 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for proceeding down river. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.35pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay 2½ fathoms water, 1 shackle. 4caf8889cadfd3419702114b: ( 53-49924-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1919 Castle Peak Bay to Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 8.30am: Dropped target and carried out Maxim firing. 9.00am: Proceeded at 8 knots. 10.35am: Arrived at Hong Kong and secured to No 9 buoy. 2.00pm: Two ratings discharged to hospital. 4.00pm: Four ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf8889cadfd3419702114c: ( 53-49924-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.30am: Commenced coaling. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8889cadfd3419702114d: ( 53-49924-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: One rating discharged to hospital. 4caf8889cadfd3419702114e: ( 53-49924-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8889cadfd3419702114f: ( 53-49924-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021150: ( 53-49924-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Ship towed* from buoy into Naval Camber and secured to East wall. *Moorhen does not have steam on her main boilers; hence the need for a tow. 4caf8889cadfd34197021151: ( 53-49924-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating joined ship from hospital. 4caf8889cadfd34197021152: ( 53-49924-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Hands employed returning ammunition*. *Always a prelude to going into dry dock. 4caf8889cadfd34197021153: ( 53-49924-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed preparing to shift ship. 7.30am: Ship towed from Camber and secured to buoy outside dry dock. 8.15am: Ship entered dry dock. 9.00am: Hands employed scraping ship’s bottom*. 1.00pm: Hands employed scraping ship’s bottom. 5.00pm: One rating discharged to HMS Tarantula. *One of the first tasks in dry dock, because marine growths on the hull set like concrete if allowed to dry out. Always a dirty job and the occasion for much horseplay if not closely supervised. 4caf8889cadfd34197021154: ( 53-49924-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed scraping ship’s bottom. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.00pm: One rating discharged. 4caf8889cadfd34197021155: ( 53-49924-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021156: ( 53-49924-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Church party lands. 11.30am: Church party returned. 4caf8889cadfd34197021157: ( 53-49924-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021158: ( 53-49924-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: One rating discharged to hospital. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital. 4caf8889cadfd34197021159: ( 53-49924-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating joined ship from hospital. 4caf8889cadfd3419702115a: ( 53-49924-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702115b: ( 53-49924-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702115c: ( 53-49924-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702115d: ( 53-49924-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church party landed. 11.00am: Church party returned. 4caf8889cadfd3419702115e: ( 53-49924-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702115f: ( 53-49924-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1919 Moorhen is refloated and leaves dry dock. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Commenced flooding dock. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Ship floated. 10.15am: Ship left dock. 10.45am: Secured alongside South East wall Naval Camber. 4caf8889cadfd34197021160: ( 53-49924-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf8889cadfd34197021161: ( 53-49924-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021162: ( 53-49924-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed drawing and embarking stores and ammunition. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1919 [Hong Kong, Canton, Wuchow, Kong Mun, Canton] 4caf8889cadfd3419702116a: ( 53-49925-002_1.jpg) Report to VA Alexander Duff KCB, RN, Commander in Chief, China Station signed (by Lt PCW Manwaring) and dated December 1, 1919. Details of ordinary speed or consumption exceeded. One instance: November 3, 1919, 8 hours duration, 11.65 miles on average each hour, coal expended 0.57 tons per hour, 20.5 miles run per ton of coal, reason – quarterly power trial. 4caf8889cadfd3419702116c: ( 53-49925-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702116d: ( 53-49925-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1919 The Commander-in-Chief inspects Moorhen. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.45am: Church party landed. 10.45am: Church party returned. 11.00am: Commander-in-Chief [VA Duff, see above] inspected ship. 4caf8889cadfd3419702116e: ( 53-49925-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1919 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.5, Long 113.79 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: One rating joined ship from hospital. 8.45am: Left Naval Camber and proceeded at 12 knots, course as requisite for entering Canton River. 10.15am: Eased speed to 11½ knots. 4.00pm: Proceeded by Front Reach, course and speed as requisite. 6.25pm: Arrived at Canton and secured to buoys off Shameen [Shamian Island]. 4caf8889cadfd3419702116f: ( 53-49925-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1919 Canton to Kum Chuk Lat 22.92, Long 113.51 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.30am: Slipped buoy and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for passing down back reach. 11.40am: Entered Hill Passage. 3.50pm: Entered Luk Lao Creek. 5.00pm: Passed Kum Chuk Rapids. 5.12pm: Anchored at Kum Chuk 3 fathoms of water, 1½ shackles. 4caf8889cadfd34197021170: ( 53-49925-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1919 This day’s position suggests that the person recording the log was recording place names phonetically. The anchorage was originally written as ‘Fan Kay’ and this was subsequently modified to read ‘Fan Kai’. Kum Chuk to Fan Kai Lat 23.08, Long 112.82 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots up West River. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.15pm: Anchored at Fan Kai in 9 feet of water at ½ shackle. 4caf8889cadfd34197021171: ( 53-49925-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1919 Fan Kai to Halok Lat 23.17, Long 112.72 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots up West River. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.25pm: Anchored at Halok [between Tak Hing and Dosing] in 4 fathoms water at 1 shackle. 4caf8889cadfd34197021172: ( 53-49925-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1919 Halok to Wuchow Lat 23.19, Long 111.59 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded at 8 knots up West River. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Anchored at Wuchow (1 shackle). 2.00pm: Laid out stern anchor. 4caf8889cadfd34197021173: ( 53-49925-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8889cadfd34197021174: ( 53-49925-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am Church. 4caf8889cadfd34197021175: ( 53-49925-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021176: ( 53-49925-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021177: ( 53-49925-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021178: ( 53-49925-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021179: ( 53-49925-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: Exercised action and surprise attack stations. 4caf8889cadfd3419702117a: ( 53-49925-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 4caf8889cadfd3419702117b: ( 53-49925-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf8889cadfd3419702117c: ( 53-49925-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702117d: ( 53-49925-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1919 Wuchow to Lok Yum Lat 23.09, Long 112.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.45am: Dosing Bar. 6.00pm: Anchored at Lok Yum in 2½ fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4caf8889cadfd3419702117e: ( 53-49925-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1919 The log gives no connection between the place Lok Yum where Moorhen is recorded as having anchored up yesterday and Howlick – the place where Moorhen is recorded as staying for all of today. Possibly this is one place having two names. Howlick is shown as How Lek on some old maps. Howlick Lat 23.09, Long 112.54 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd3419702117f: ( 53-49925-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1919 Howlick to Canton Lat 22.8, Long 113.097 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Passed Kum Chuk Rapids. 4.30pm: Tai Shek Barrier. 4.45pm: Arrived at Canton and secured to coaling wharf, Pak Hin Hok. 4caf8889cadfd34197021180: ( 53-49925-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1919 Canton to Bullock Pt Lat 23.07, Long 113.48 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 7.00am: Commenced coaling. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: One rating joined ship. 11.00am: Finished coaling, 35 tons. 11.20am: Left coaling wharf and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 5.50pm: Anchored at Bullock Point at 1 shackle in 3 fathoms. 4caf8889cadfd34197021181: ( 53-49925-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1919 Bullock Pt to Kong Mun (Jiangmen) Lat 22.76, Long 113.08 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots by Tailung Channel and Junction Channel. 1.20pm: Anchored at Kong Mun, ½ shackle in 9 feet. 4caf8889cadfd34197021182: ( 53-49925-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1919 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf8889cadfd34197021183: ( 53-49925-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1919 Kong Mun to Danes I. Lat 23.06, Long 113.49 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. Let go of second anchor. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.25am: Weighed both anchors. 8.10am: Proceeded up river at 8 knots. 10.15am: Entered Junction Creek. 1.00pm: Passed by Junction Channel and Saiwan Creek. 4.01pm: Left Hill Passage. 5.08pm: Anchored at Danes Island in 4½ fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4caf8889cadfd34197021184: ( 53-49925-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1919 Danes I. to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 10.15am: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 4caf8889cadfd34197021185: ( 53-49925-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021186: ( 53-49925-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 9.15am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf8889cadfd34197021187: ( 53-49925-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021188: ( 53-49925-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.00am: Quarters, clean guns. 4caf8889cadfd34197021189: ( 53-49925-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1919 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.30am: Divisions. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1919 [Canton, Wuchow and Hong Kong] 4caf8889cadfd34197021194: ( 53-49926-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1919 Canton to Essex Pt Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded alongside coaling wharf. Commenced coaling 11.45am: Finished coaling Noon: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots via Hill Passage. 4.50pm: Anchored at Essex Point in 4½ fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4caf8889cadfd34197021195: ( 53-49926-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1919 Essex Pt to Lok Yum Lat 22.81, Long 113.02 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded at 8 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Passed through Shun Tuk Branch. 10.45am: Kum Chuk Rapids (4 knots). 5.00pm: Anchored at Lok Yum in 3½ fathoms at 1 shackle. 4caf8889cadfd34197021196: ( 53-49926-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1919 An entry at 5.00pm appears to have been erased from this log. Lok Yum Lat 23.09, Long 112.54 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8889cadfd34197021197: ( 53-49926-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1919 Lok Yum to Tui Yik Lat 23.17, Long 112.3 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river at 8 knots. 8.30am: Anchored at Shui Hing in 5½ fathoms at 1½ shackles. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river 8 knots. 5.07pm: Anchored at Tui Yik Joss House in 4½ fathoms at ½ shackles. 4caf888acadfd34197021198: ( 53-49926-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1919 Tui Yik to Wuchow Lat 23.24, Long 111.56 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded 8 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.20pm: Anchored at Wuchow at 1½ shackles in 2½ fathoms. 4caf888acadfd34197021199: ( 53-49926-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1919 Having arrived at Wuchow, Moorhen starts another of the long periods moored up in harbour that are so characteristic of her behaviour. The presence of a gunboat with a trained and heavily armed crew, that could be put ashore to guard property and deter unrest, was a major arm of diplomacy in China at this time. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888acadfd3419702119a: ( 53-49926-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888acadfd3419702119b: ( 53-49926-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd3419702119c: ( 53-49926-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888acadfd3419702119d: ( 53-49926-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd3419702119e: ( 53-49926-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd3419702119f: ( 53-49926-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Two ratings discharged to hospital. 4caf888acadfd341970211a0: ( 53-49926-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1919 Moorhen does not appear to be a very healthy place. In just two days a total of six ratings have been discharged to hospital, probably with Spanish ‘flu which was rife at this time. Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Four ratings discharged to hospital. 4caf888acadfd341970211a1: ( 53-49926-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888acadfd341970211a2: ( 53-49926-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211a3: ( 53-49926-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211a4: ( 53-49926-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: One rating joined ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211a5: ( 53-49926-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211a6: ( 53-49926-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1919 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211a7: ( 53-49926-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1919 Wuchow to Tai Wan Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.20am: Weighed and proceeded down river at 7 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.38pm: Anchored at Tai Wan at 1½ shackles in 5½ fathoms. 4caf888acadfd341970211a8: ( 53-49926-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1919 Tai Wang to Wang Mun Lat 23.16, Long 112.29 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 7 knots down river. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.30pm: Anchored at Wang Mun in 3½ fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211a9: ( 53-49926-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1919 Wang Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.48, Long 113.79 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 7 knots. 10.05am: Dropped target off Linton I. 10.30am: Carried out firing, course and speed as requisite. 11.10am: Picked up target and proceeded at 7 knots. 3.20pm: Arrived at Hong Kong and secured to No 9 buoy. 4caf888acadfd341970211aa: ( 53-49926-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211ab: ( 53-49926-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211ac: ( 53-49926-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1919 Christmas Day. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211ad: ( 53-49926-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: 1st Watch proceeded on 48 hours leave. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211ae: ( 53-49926-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211af: ( 53-49926-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1919 First watch return and second watch go on leave. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: 2nd Watch proceeded on 48 hours leave. 4caf888acadfd341970211b0: ( 53-49926-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211b1: ( 53-49926-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands returned from leave. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211b2: ( 53-49926-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. THE VOYAGES OF HMS MOORHEN 1920 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1920 [Hong Kong, Kong Mun, Canton, Sam Shui, West River, Canton, Castle Peak Bay and Macao] 4caf888acadfd341970211bb: ( 53-49927-003_0.jpg) Details of ship’s barometer and thermometers: Barometer ‒ Aneroid ‒ Short & Mason's; Thermometer ‒ Negretti & Zambra ‒ Air 29151 ‒ Wet 29152; Thermometer for sea ‒ Reynolds & Co. 4caf888acadfd341970211bc: ( 53-49927-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211bd: ( 53-49927-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores. 4caf888acadfd341970211be: ( 53-49927-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211bf: ( 53-49927-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211c0: ( 53-49927-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1920 Hong Kong to Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.45am: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots through Rambler Pass. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.15pm: Anchored Castle Peak Bay in 4½ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211c1: ( 53-49927-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1920 The weather records show that there are force 6 winds in the early hours so it is not surprising to see Moorhen drop a second anchor. Castle Peak Bay to Wang Mun Lat 22.47, Long 113.73 [approx] 1.25am: Let go 2nd anchor. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.15am: Weighed 1st anchor. 9.30am: Weighed 2nd anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for entry into Junk Fleet entrance. 11.45am: Exercised General Quarters, fired Maxims. 2.25pm: Anchored at Wang Mun in 3½ fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211c2: ( 53-49927-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1920 Wang Mun to Kong Mun (Jiangmen) Lat 22.58, Long 113.47 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 11.00am: Lost overboard by accident Block, 6 inches, 1 in number. 11.30am: Proceeding via Kerr Channel and Yellow Reach. 4.36pm: Anchored at Kong Mun in 1½ fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211c3: ( 53-49927-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211c4: ( 53-49927-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.64, Long 113.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.25am: Weighed and proceeded at 8 knots by Sandpiper Creek. 5.55pm: Anchored at Essex Point in 3½ fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211c5: ( 53-49927-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1920 Kong Mun to Canton Lat 23.1, Long 113.4 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded to Saiwan Channel and Hill Passage. 8.40am: Speed 9 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.10pm: Secured to China Merchant’s buoy off Shameen. 3.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to Pak Hin Hok. 3.30pm: Commenced coaling. 5.50pm: Finished coaling. [Although it is likely that Moorhen returned to Shameen after coaling, it has not been recorded in the log.] 4caf888acadfd341970211c6: ( 53-49927-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.28pm: HMS Fame arrived in harbour. 4caf888acadfd341970211c7: ( 53-49927-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1920 Canton and en route to Sam Shui Lat 22.96, Long 113.51 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.55am: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots. 11.00am: Passed by Saiwan Channel and Tailung Channel. 6.00pm: Anchored Maknim Bar at 1 shackle in 3½ fathoms. 4caf888acadfd341970211c8: ( 53-49927-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1920 Up river to Sam Shui Lat 22.98, Long 112.86 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning down from aloft. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.45am: Weighed and proceeded at 8 knots up the West River. 3.00pm: Anchored at Sam Shui in 8 feet at 1½ shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211c9: ( 53-49927-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1920 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211ca: ( 53-49927-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1920 Sam Shui to Lok Yum and up river Lat 23.09, Long 112.54 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.25am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots up the West River. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.50am: Anchored at Lok Yum in 2½ fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4.00pm: Proceeded alongside HMS Tarantula. 4caf888acadfd341970211cb: ( 53-49927-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1920 How Lick to Tai Wan Lat 23.09, Long 112.54 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.50am: HMS Tarantula sailed. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.05pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots up river. 3.40pm: Anchored at Shui Hing in 5 fathoms at 1 shackle. 5.10pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots up river. 6.05pm: Anchored at Tai Wan in 5½ fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211cc: ( 53-49927-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1920 Tai Wan to Pak Nai Lat 23.17, Long 112.31 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.20pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 5.10pm: Anchored Pak Nai at 2 shackles in 2½ fathoms. 4caf888acadfd341970211cd: ( 53-49927-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1920 Pak Nai to Saiwan Channel Lat 22.96, Long 112.87 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 5.50pm: Anchored at Stone Barrier, Saiwan Channel at 1½ shackles in 2 fathoms. 4caf888acadfd341970211ce: ( 53-49927-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1920 To Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.35 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots by Hill Passage. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite for entering harbour. 12.25pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen [Shamian Island]. 4caf888acadfd341970211cf: ( 53-49927-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211d0: ( 53-49927-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived in harbour. 6.15pm: USS Pampanga arrived. 4caf888acadfd341970211d1: ( 53-49927-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211d2: ( 53-49927-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded. 7.42am: Secured Pak Hin Hok. 8.00am: Commenced coaling. 12.10pm: Slipped and proceeded down river. 5.25pm: Anchored in Gutzlaff Channel in 5 fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211d3: ( 53-49927-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1920 Gutzlaff Channel to Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.7, Long 113.7 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.20pm: Anchored in Kok Bay in 10 feet of water at 1 shackle. 2.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 3.30pm: Anchored at Castle Peak Bay in 5 fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888acadfd341970211d4: ( 53-49927-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1920 A second anchor is dropped at one o’clock in the morning. Then Moorhen shifts her anchorage early in the day, probably because of bad holding ground in their original berth. The Tuen Mun river runs into the bay on the West Side, so perhaps the current is causing them a problem. Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.37, Long 113.96 1.00am: Let go second anchor. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Weighed both anchors 9.00am: Anchored East side of Castle Peak Bay. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888acadfd341970211d5: ( 53-49927-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1920 Castle Peak Bay to Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 7.00am: Course S65W at 8 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 10.38am: Anchored at Macao [Macau] in12 feet water at ½ shackle. 2.45pm: Weighed anchor and shifted to CP2 buoys. 4caf888acadfd341970211d6: ( 53-49927-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211d7: ( 53-49927-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211d8: ( 53-49927-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211d9: ( 53-49927-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211da: ( 53-49927-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1920 [Macao, Hong Kong and Canton] 4caf888acadfd341970211e2: ( 53-49928-002_1.jpg) Ordinary speed and consumption exceeded report. One instance from 15 February 1920: time 4 hours; average distance run per hour 11.4 miles; coal expended for all purposes per hour 1.26 tons; distance run per ton of coal 9.048 miles; reason for excess – quarterly power trial. Report dated March 1,1920. 4caf888acadfd341970211e4: ( 53-49928-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888acadfd341970211e5: ( 53-49928-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting. 4caf888acadfd341970211e6: ( 53-49928-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211e7: ( 53-49928-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211e8: ( 53-49928-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211e9: ( 53-49928-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211ea: ( 53-49928-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211eb: ( 53-49928-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888acadfd341970211ec: ( 53-49928-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211ed: ( 53-49928-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf888acadfd341970211ee: ( 53-49928-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211ef: ( 53-49928-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211f0: ( 53-49928-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211f1: ( 53-49928-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1920 Macao Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211f2: ( 53-49928-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1920 Macao to Hong Kong Lat 22.17, Long 113.53 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.30am: Church. 2.30pm: Slipped buoys and proceeded at 8 knots. 2.53pm: Fairway Buoys abeam. Course N80E at full speed. 4.03pm: Topmast carried away. 4.44pm: Lantau, South West Point abeam. 5.00pm: Eased to 8 knots. 7.10pm: Secured to No 8 buoy, Hong Kong 4caf888acadfd341970211f3: ( 53-49928-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf888acadfd341970211f4: ( 53-49928-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf888acadfd341970211f5: ( 53-49928-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Commenced coaling. 11.20am: Finished coaling. 1.00pm: One rating joined ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211f6: ( 53-49928-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating joined ship. 4caf888acadfd341970211f7: ( 53-49928-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888acadfd341970211f8: ( 53-49928-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.00pm: One rating discharged to Royal Naval hospital. 4caf888acadfd341970211f9: ( 53-49928-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: HMS Sandpiper left harbour. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888acadfd341970211fa: ( 53-49928-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating discharged to hospital. 4caf888acadfd341970211fb: ( 53-49928-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: USS Pampanga left harbour. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf888bcadfd341970211fc: ( 53-49928-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: One rating joined ship from hospital. 4caf888bcadfd341970211fd: ( 53-49928-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating joined ship. 5.00pm: Three ratings discharged to HMS Tamar. 5.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from HMS Fame. 4caf888bcadfd341970211fe: ( 53-49928-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1920 Hong Kong and up river for Canton Lat 22.52, Long 113.78 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots. 12.35pm: Sampan Channel Light abeam. 5.20pm: Anchored Senhouse Creek at 1 shackle in 3 fathoms. 4caf888bcadfd341970211ff: ( 53-49928-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1920 Up river to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.55am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 10.10am: Secured to coaling wharf at Pak Hin Hok. 12.45am: Finished coaling. 2.20pm: Slipped and proceeded to buoys off Shameen. 2.43pm: Secured to buoys. 4caf888bcadfd34197021200: ( 53-49928-017_1.jpg) 29 February 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.15am: Church party landed. 11.30am: Church party returned. LOGS FOR MARCH 1920 [Canton, Shai Po, Wuchow and Hong Kong for refit] 4caf888bcadfd3419702120a: ( 53-49929-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.50am: HMS Robin left harbour. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702120b: ( 53-49929-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1920 The log pages from this day, and for around a week forward, appear to have been completed in pencil rather than the usual ink. Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702120c: ( 53-49929-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.45am: HMS Tarantula left harbour. 4caf888bcadfd3419702120d: ( 53-49929-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Small arm company landed. 11.30am: Landing party returned. 4caf888bcadfd3419702120e: ( 53-49929-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702120f: ( 53-49929-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021210: ( 53-49929-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888bcadfd34197021211: ( 53-49929-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1920 The entries now return to being written in ink as is usual for these logs. Canton to Kum Chuk Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.40am: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots. 12.30pm: Hamilton Creek entrance. 5.45pm: Anchored at Kum Chuk at 1½ shackles in 7 fathoms of water. 4caf888bcadfd34197021212: ( 53-49929-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1920 Kum Chuk to Shai Po Lat 23.1, Long 112.8 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river at 8 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Anchored at Shai Po [possibly now Shapuzhen]. 4caf888bcadfd34197021213: ( 53-49929-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1920 Shai Po Lat 23.17, Long 112.68 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021214: ( 53-49929-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1920 Shai Po to Kum Chin Lat 23.09, Long 112.54 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 6 knots. 11.10am: Anchored at Lok Yum in 2 fathoms of water at 1 shackle. 1.40pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 6.45pm: Anchored at Kum Chin in 10 feet at 2 shackles. 4caf888bcadfd34197021215: ( 53-49929-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1920 Kum Chin to Wuchow Lat 23.19, Long 111.61 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 9.00am: Exercised surprise attack. 10.00am: Increased speed to 9 knots. 5.45pm: Anchored at Wuchow in 8 fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888bcadfd34197021216: ( 53-49929-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888bcadfd34197021217: ( 53-49929-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888bcadfd34197021218: ( 53-49929-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021219: ( 53-49929-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702121a: ( 53-49929-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: One rating joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf888bcadfd3419702121b: ( 53-49929-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702121c: ( 53-49929-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702121d: ( 53-49929-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888bcadfd3419702121e: ( 53-49929-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.45am: Divisions. 10.40am: HMS Robin arrived. 4caf888bcadfd3419702121f: ( 53-49929-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1920 Wuchow to Tai Kiang Lat 23.39, Long 111.5 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river at 6 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 6.15pm: Anchored at Tai Kiang at 2 shackles in 4 fathoms. 4caf888bcadfd34197021220: ( 53-49929-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1920 Tai Kiang to Wang Mun Lat 23.17, Long 112.6 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 9 knots. 5.02pm: Sailam Channel. 7.15pm: Anchored at Wang Mun in 3 fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888bcadfd34197021221: ( 53-49929-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1920 Wongmun to Hong Kong Lat 22.4, Long 113.8 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for passing Junk Fleet Entrance. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.25am: Sinkin Head Peak abeam. 1.25pm: Kap Sing Mun Passage. 2.12pm: Secured to No 8 buoy, Hong Kong. 2.30pm: Two ratings joined ship. 5.00pm: One officer, four ratings and one native stoker discharged to hospital. 6.00pm: Two ratings discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf888bcadfd34197021222: ( 53-49929-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed discharging stores. 4caf888bcadfd34197021223: ( 53-49929-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Tugs secured alongside, slipped buoy. 8.00am: Proceeded to Naval Camber. 9.00am: Hands employed discharging ammunition. 4caf888bcadfd34197021224: ( 53-49929-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888bcadfd34197021225: ( 53-49929-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Church. 4caf888bcadfd34197021226: ( 53-49929-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Tugs secured alongside. 9.30am: Proceeded in to dock. 4caf888bcadfd34197021227: ( 53-49929-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021228: ( 53-49929-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR APRIL 1920 [Hong Kong] 4caf888bcadfd34197021232: ( 53-49930-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed ranging cable. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021233: ( 53-49930-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Church [Good Friday]. 4caf888bcadfd34197021234: ( 53-49930-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888bcadfd34197021235: ( 53-49930-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1920 Easter Sunday Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Church 4caf888bcadfd34197021236: ( 53-49930-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021237: ( 53-49930-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021238: ( 53-49930-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021239: ( 53-49930-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888bcadfd3419702123a: ( 53-49930-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Hands employed stowing cable. 4caf888bcadfd3419702123b: ( 53-49930-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Commenced flooding dock. 9.30am: Ship floated. 11.00am: Left dock and secured to East Wall of Naval Camber. 4caf888bcadfd3419702123c: ( 53-49930-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.30am: Church. 4caf888bcadfd3419702123d: ( 53-49930-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.00pm: One rating discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf888bcadfd3419702123e: ( 53-49930-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting down aloft. 4caf888bcadfd3419702123f: ( 53-49930-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Two ratings discharged to HMS Tamar. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Four ratings discharged to HMS Tamar. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021240: ( 53-49930-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021241: ( 53-49930-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed drawing ammunition. 11.00am: Hands employed embarking ammunition. 1.30pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition. 4caf888bcadfd34197021242: ( 53-49930-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021243: ( 53-49930-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed*. 11.30am: Church parties returned. *In Hong Kong, the Church of England party go to HMS Tamar for a service, while Roman Catholics and Non-conformists march to churches and chapels in town. 4caf888bcadfd34197021244: ( 53-49930-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Coaled ship. 38 tons. 4caf888bcadfd34197021245: ( 53-49930-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021246: ( 53-49930-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021247: ( 53-49930-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021248: ( 53-49930-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021249: ( 53-49930-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: One rating discharged to HMS Fame. 5.00pm: One rating joined ship from Fame. 4caf888bcadfd3419702124a: ( 53-49930-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church party landed. 11.30am: Church party returned. 4caf888bcadfd3419702124b: ( 53-49930-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702124c: ( 53-49930-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702124d: ( 53-49930-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702124e: ( 53-49930-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702124f: ( 53-49930-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR MAY 1920 [Hong Kong, Wuchow and up river to Ham Kong] 4caf888bcadfd34197021258: ( 53-49931-002_1.jpg) Report of ‘Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded’ for month of May 1920.
The report is addressed to: Vice-Admiral Sir AL Duff, KCB, RN, HMS Hawkins, Commander-in-Chief, China Station, and signed by Lt PCW Manwaring, dated June 1, 1920. 4caf888bcadfd34197021259: ( 53-49931-003_0.jpg) Details of Moorhen’s metrological instruments: Barometer ‒ Aneroid. Maker, Short & Mason, No 1612 Thermometers for air temperatures: Maker, Negretti & Zambra, Air No. 25191, Wet No 25192. Thermometer for sea temperatures: Maker, Reynolds & Co. 4caf888bcadfd3419702125a: ( 53-49931-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702125b: ( 53-49931-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.40am: Church parties landed. 11.30am: Church party returned. 4caf888bcadfd3419702125c: ( 53-49931-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1920 Today Moorhen sets off for Wuchow but the details of her route are not recorded in this copy of the log for some reason. I have arbitrarily assigned her a route and timings that are broadly representative of a usual journey from Hong Kong to Wuchow, but “approx” should perhaps read “very approx”. We do at least know when she leaves Hong Kong and when she arrives at Wuchow, but there is no way to find where she moors each night. Hong Kong and up river towards Wuchow. Lat 22.35, Long 114.05 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.35am: Slipped and proceeded [from the log of HMS Fame]. 1.30pm: Exercised general quarters. Fired 6 pounder and Maxims. 4caf888bcadfd3419702125d: ( 53-49931-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1920 Hong Kong to Wuchow Lat 22.8, Long 113.33 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888bcadfd3419702125e: ( 53-49931-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1920 Hong Kong to Wuchow Lat 22.95, Long 112.88 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd3419702125f: ( 53-49931-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1920 Hong Kong to Wuchow Lat 23.04, Long 112.48 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Exercised Fire Stations. 4caf888bcadfd34197021260: ( 53-49931-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1920 Hong Kong to Wuchow Lat 23.2, Long 111.57 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Exercised collision stations. 4.50pm: Anchored at Wuchow . 4caf888bcadfd34197021261: ( 53-49931-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888bcadfd34197021262: ( 53-49931-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.30am: Church. 4caf888bcadfd34197021263: ( 53-49931-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised abandon ship. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888bcadfd34197021264: ( 53-49931-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised landing party. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded to coaling jetty. 4.00pm: Commenced coaling. 9.00pm: Finished coaling. Tons received 32.15. 4caf888bcadfd34197021265: ( 53-49931-009_0.jpg) 4caf888ccadfd34197021266: ( 53-49931-009_1.jpg) Two pages for one day. 12 May 1920 Wuchow and up river. Lat 23.44, Long 110.71 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.36am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 11 knots up West River. 8.30am: Exercised general quarters. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Ting Hsien [probably now Tengxian] 4.12pm: Ping Nam [probably now Pingnan] 7.10pm: Anchored at Dog Head Rapid in 7 fathoms on 2½ shackles. 4caf888ccadfd34197021267: ( 53-49931-010_0.jpg) 13 May 1920 The second day when Moorhen runs her engines at higher than usual revolutions. Up West and Nanning Rivers to Ham Kong Lat 23.23, Long 109.98 [approx] 5.35am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 11 knots up the West River. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.30am: Brazen Drum Rapids speed 9 knots. 6.53am: Finished navigating rapids. 7.03am: Entered Nanning River [now Yujiang River, the junction is at Guiping). 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.05pm: Anchored at Kwei Hsien, South Bank in 4½ fathoms of water at 2 shackles. 4.35pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 9 knots. 8.05pm: Anchored at Ham Kong in 3½ fathoms at 2 shackles. 9.00pm: Dropped Port anchor underfoot. 4caf888ccadfd34197021268: ( 53-49931-010_1.jpg) 14 May 1920 For the following days the log keeper does not record Moorhen’s location. Since there is no indication that she is on the move, the ship has been assumed to have remained anchored up at Ham Kong. Ham Kong [aka Hengchow and now Hengxian] Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Exercised collision stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021269: ( 53-49931-011_0.jpg) 15 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702126a: ( 53-49931-011_1.jpg) 16 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. Church. 4caf888ccadfd3419702126b: ( 53-49931-012_0.jpg) 17 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Exercised ‘Away all Boats Crews’. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702126c: ( 53-49931-012_1.jpg) 18 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised surprise attack stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702126d: ( 53-49931-013_0.jpg) 19 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702126e: ( 53-49931-013_1.jpg) 20 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15 Weighed port anchor by hand. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702126f: ( 53-49931-014_0.jpg) 21 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021270: ( 53-49931-014_1.jpg) 22 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd34197021271: ( 53-49931-015_0.jpg) 23 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.30am: Church. 4caf888ccadfd34197021272: ( 53-49931-015_1.jpg) 24 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Exercised collision stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021273: ( 53-49931-016_0.jpg) 25 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised landing party. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021274: ( 53-49931-016_1.jpg) 26 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Dressed ship [for Queen Mary’s birthday]. 9.00am: Exercised fire stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021275: ( 53-49931-017_0.jpg) 27 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Seamen to Maxim and 6 Pounder gun drill. 10.30am: Stokers to Maxim and 6 Pounder gun drill. Hands employed cleaning out storerooms. 4caf888ccadfd34197021276: ( 53-49931-017_1.jpg) 28 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021277: ( 53-49931-018_0.jpg) 29 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd34197021278: ( 53-49931-018_1.jpg) 30 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. Church. 4caf888ccadfd34197021279: ( 53-49931-019_0.jpg) 31 May 1920 Ham Kong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised surprise attack. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR JUNE 1920 [Nanning River, Nanning and Na Po] 4caf888ccadfd34197021282: ( 53-49932-002_1.jpg) Report of ‘Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded’ for month of June 1920.
Signed by Lt PCW Manwaring, RN. Dated July 1, 1920. 4caf888ccadfd34197021284: ( 53-49932-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1920 For the first time in the best part of a month, the location name appears in the log. It is not the same as the presumed location name from the May log but it is similar. I have assumed that they didn’t move! Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised landing party. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021285: ( 53-49932-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021286: ( 53-49932-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Dressed ship (for the King’s birthday). 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021287: ( 53-49932-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021288: ( 53-49932-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd34197021289: ( 53-49932-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Clear up decks. 10.00am: Divisions. Church. 4caf888ccadfd3419702128a: ( 53-49932-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised collision stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702128b: ( 53-49932-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702128c: ( 53-49932-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised fire stations and away boats crews. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702128d: ( 53-49932-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd3419702128e: ( 53-49932-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702128f: ( 53-49932-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: 1 Hair Broom lost overboard by accident. 4caf888ccadfd34197021290: ( 53-49932-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Clear up decks. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.30am: Church. 4caf888ccadfd34197021291: ( 53-49932-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1920 Nga Fong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised away boats crews and fire stations. 4caf888ccadfd34197021292: ( 53-49932-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1920 The spelling of the second word in the place name changes from “Fong” to “Tong”. Nga Tong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021293: ( 53-49932-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1920 Nga Tong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021294: ( 53-49932-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1920 Nga Tong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Exercised prepare to tow forward. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021295: ( 53-49932-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1920 Nga Tong Lat 22.67, Long 109.26 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd34197021296: ( 53-49932-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1920 Nga Tong to Chong Tong Lat 22.64, Long 108.99 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 5.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 240 revolutions. 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.25am: Full speed through Gread Rapid. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.50pm: Anchored at Chong Tong [probably now Changtangzhen] in 4½ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ccadfd34197021297: ( 53-49932-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1920 Chong Tong to Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 4.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 250 revolutions. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Slow through Fan Tan Rapid. 8.04am: 250 revolutions. 10.02am: Anchored at Nanning in 4 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ccadfd34197021298: ( 53-49932-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1920 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Coal arrived alongside. 7.00am: Commenced coaling. 8.30am: Hands coal ship. 9.45am: Finished coaling. 10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd34197021299: ( 53-49932-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1920 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Dressed ship (for Coronation Day). 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702129a: ( 53-49932-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1920 After a very long time, the crew are recorded as painting the ship again. Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702129b: ( 53-49932-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1920 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702129c: ( 53-49932-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1920 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702129d: ( 53-49932-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1920 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd3419702129e: ( 53-49932-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1920 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands clear up decks. 10.00am: Divisions. Church. 10.30am: Pipe down. 4caf888ccadfd3419702129f: ( 53-49932-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1920 Nanning to Lung On Lat 23.03, Long 107.99 [approx] 4.30am: Called hands. 5.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 9 knots. 6.00am: 230 revolutions. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.32pm: Anchored at Lung On [probably now Long’an] in 3 fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212a0: ( 53-49932-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1920 Lung On to Tingma Lat 23.32, Long 107.56 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 7.25am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 230 revolutions. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.50pm: Anchored at Tingma [?] in 3½ fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212a1: ( 53-49932-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1920 Tingma to Napo Lat 23.7, Long 106.92 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 190 revolutions. 9.00am: Exercised collision stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.53pm: Anchored at Napo in 2 fathoms at 2 shackles. LOGS FOR JULY 1920 [Na Po, Nanning, Lung Chow, Nanning, Wuchow] 4caf888ccadfd341970212aa: ( 53-49933-002_1.jpg) Report of ‘Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded’ for month of July 1920.
Rough Log lost overboard during heavy squall night of July 31-August 1. Copy of log had at the time, been only completed to July 15. Remainder is made out from Navigating Officer’s Notebook. Signed, Lt PCW Manwaring, RN. Dated August 1,1920. 4caf888ccadfd341970212ac: ( 53-49933-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1920 Location assumed to be Na Po Napo Lat 23.73, Long 106.83 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised fire stations and whaler crew. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd341970212ad: ( 53-49933-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1920 Napo Lat 23.73, Long 106.83 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd341970212ae: ( 53-49933-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1920 Napo to Samkong Lat 23.31, Long 107.56 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 6.02am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 220 revolutions down river. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.48pm: Anchored at Samkong [which is at the junction with the Zuojiang River] in 2½ fathoms at 1¾ shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212af: ( 53-49933-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1920 Samkong to Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 7.00am: Called hands. 7.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded downstream at 190 revolutions. 11.40am: Anchored at Nanning in 3½ fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b0: ( 53-49933-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1920 Nanning Lat 22.77, Long 108.35 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Commenced coaling. 11.00am: Finished coaling. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b1: ( 53-49933-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1920 The river must be running pretty fast around this time because Moorhen is using both anchors, as well as securing mooring lines to the river bank. Nanning to To Lu Lat 22.81, Long 108.03 [approx] 4.30am: Called hands. 5.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river at 190 revolutions. 6.15am: Proceeded at 240 revolutions. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.20am: Samkong abeam, entered Tso Kiang [now Zuojiang]. 7.48pm: Anchored at To Lu [probably now Tuoluzhen] in 5 fathoms. Both anchors out and wire and grass ashore. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b2: ( 53-49933-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1920 To Lu to Hsiang Shui Lat 22.53, Long 107.58 [approx] 5.00am: Called hands. 6.35am: Weighed anchors and proceeded up river at 240 revolutions. 7.00am: Topmast carried away*. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 6.40pm: Anchored at Hsiang Shui in 3 fathoms 3 shackles. Wire run to tree ashore. Moorhen has lost a substantial piece of equipment, her top mast, probably from striking an overhanging tree or the like. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b3: ( 53-49933-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1920 Hsiang Shui to Lungchow Lat 22.45, Long 107.38 [approx] 4.30am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river at 9 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.45pm: Anchored Lungchow [now part of Chongzuo] in 2½ fathoms at 2 shackles 4caf888ccadfd341970212b4: ( 53-49933-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1920 To give some temporal context to the logs, this Friday is the day that the editor’s (RH) late father was born. This reminds him in the year 2012 that these logs are describing events from a period that is only just out of living memory. Lung Chow Lat 22.407, Long 107.36 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b5: ( 53-49933-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1920 Lung Chow Lat 22.407, Long 107.36 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b6: ( 53-49933-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1920 Lung Chow Lat 22.407, Long 107.36 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Prayers. Piped down. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b7: ( 53-49933-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1920 Lung Chow Lat 22.407, Long 107.36 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Exercised prepare to tow forward. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b8: ( 53-49933-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1920 Lung Chow Lat 22.407, Long 107.36 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised surprise attack stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd341970212b9: ( 53-49933-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1920 Lung Chow Lat 22.407, Long 107.36 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd341970212ba: ( 53-49933-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1920 Lung Chow Lat 22.407, Long 107.36 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ccadfd341970212bb: ( 53-49933-011_0.jpg) “Rough Log lost overboard during heavy squall night July 31st - 1st August, copy of log had only been completed to 15th July. Remainder is made out from Navigating Officer's notebook. Initialled PCW” I think that we can assume that Moorhen remained at Lung Chow for the period July 16-22 inclusive. 4caf888ccadfd341970212bc: ( 53-49933-011_1.jpg) 23 July 1920 A week later Moorhen’s official record is partially restored. Lungchow and down river towards Nanning Lat 22.49, Long 107.41 [approx] 8.08am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river at 170 revolutions. 7.53pm: Anchored at bank 5 miles below To Lu in 3 fathoms at 1½ shackles. With wire run ashore. 4caf888ccadfd341970212bd: ( 53-49933-012_0.jpg) 24 July 1920 Lungchow to Nanning Lat 22.83, Long 108.05 [approx] 7.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river at 170 revolutions. 1.15pm: Samkong abeam. 3.35pm: Anchored at Nanning in 3 fathoms at 3½ shackles with second anchor at 2 shackles. NB: Record for Sunday, July 25, 1920, is missing. Presumably Moorhen is moored at Nanning. 4caf888ccadfd341970212be: ( 53-49933-012_1.jpg) 26 July 1920 Nanning to Sha Ping Lat 22.8, Long 108.48 [approx] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river at 170 revolutions. 10.20am: Engine Room breakdown. Anchored mid river in 5 fathoms at 5 shackles. 11.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river at 170 revolutions. 6.32pm: Anchored at Sha Ping, left bank in 3½ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212bf: ( 53-49933-013_0.jpg) 27 July 1920 Sha Ping to Kweishien Lat 22.65, Long 109.0 7.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 11.45am: Passed over Great Rapid. 3.00pm: Anchored at right bank Kweishien in 7½ fathoms at 3½ shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212c0: ( 53-49933-013_1.jpg) 28 July 1920 Kweishien to Mong Kong Lat 22.99, Long 109.6 [approx] 8.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river at 8 knots. 1.10pm: Kweiping abeam. 5.48pm: Anchored at Mong Kong, left bank in 3 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212c1: ( 53-49933-014_0.jpg) 29 July 1920 Mong Kong to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river at 8 knots. 12.02pm: Anchored at Wuchow in 3 fathoms at 2½ shackles. No entries for July 30-31; Moorhen is presumably moored at Wuchow. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1920 [Wuchow, Canton, Hong Kong and Canton] 4caf888ccadfd341970212cc: ( 53-49934-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ccadfd341970212cd: ( 53-49934-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1920 Wuchow Lat 23.29, Long 111.56 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.25pm: Anchored at Tai Siang Banks in 4 fathoms at 8 shackles. 4caf888ccadfd341970212ce: ( 53-49934-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1920 Tai Siang Banks to Canton Lat 23.15, Long 112.8 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.55am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river at 8 knots. 12.25pm: Anchored Sam Shui in 4½ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 2.34pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded for Canton by Moneypenny Creek. 7.14pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 4caf888ccadfd341970212cf: ( 53-49934-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: HMS Tarantula left harbour. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d0: ( 53-49934-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d1: ( 53-49934-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1920 Canton to Hong Kong Lat 22.69, Long 113.7 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Slipped and proceeded at 9 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.45pm: Secured to North Wall, Hong Kong Dockyard Basin. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d2: ( 53-49934-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d3: ( 53-49934-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Landed Church parties. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating joined ship. One rating discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d4: ( 53-49934-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d5: ( 53-49934-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d6: ( 53-49934-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: One rating discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d7: ( 53-49934-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d8: ( 53-49934-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212d9: ( 53-49934-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Tamar. 1.30pm: Two ratings joined ship. 4caf888dcadfd341970212da: ( 53-49934-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Landed Church parties. 6.15pm: Stoker WT Sims* died in hospital. *Henry T Sims, Stoker 1c, K22447, Chatham. 4caf888dcadfd341970212db: ( 53-49934-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Read Warrant No. 5. 4caf888dcadfd341970212dc: ( 53-49934-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212dd: ( 53-49934-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212de: ( 53-49934-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Tamar. 4caf888dcadfd341970212df: ( 53-49934-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e0: ( 53-49934-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.20am: Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Finished coaling. 2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e1: ( 53-49934-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Landed Church parties. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e2: ( 53-49934-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1920 Hong Kong and up river for Canton Lat 22.35, Long 114.02 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots. 12.02pm: Stopped engines to repair joints. 12.31pm: Proceeded at 8 knots. 3.15pm: Stopped engines to repair port engine. 3.27pm: Proceeded at 8 knots. 4.30pm: Four ratings discharged to HMS Tamar. 5.00pm: Seven ratings joined ship. 7.23pm: Anchored off Nimrod Creek in 3 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e3: ( 53-49934-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1920 Nimrod Creek to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.21am: Passed USS Helena. 10.18am: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e4: ( 53-49934-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Exercised fire and collision stations. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e5: ( 53-49934-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters and surprise attack stations. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e6: ( 53-49934-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e7: ( 53-49934-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e8: ( 53-49934-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Divisions. 10.15am: Church. 4caf888dcadfd341970212e9: ( 53-49934-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised land every available man. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4caf888dcadfd341970212ea: ( 53-49934-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: HMS Foxglove arrived in harbour. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1920 [Canton, Kong Mun, Canton, Kong Mun] 4caf888dcadfd341970212f4: ( 53-49935-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Landed Maxim gun’s crew. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212f5: ( 53-49935-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: SPO Steer discharged to hospital, Hong Kong 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212f6: ( 53-49935-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.00am: HMS Foxglove sailed. 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212f7: ( 53-49935-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888dcadfd341970212f8: ( 53-49935-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. Church. 4caf888dcadfd341970212f9: ( 53-49935-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Discharged one rating to Hong Kong hospital. 9.00am: Exercised prepare to tow aft and forward. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212fa: ( 53-49935-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised fire and collision stations. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212fb: ( 53-49935-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Landed small arm company. 4caf888dcadfd341970212fc: ( 53-49935-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1920 Canton to Paknai Lat 22.81, Long 113.097 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Slipped and proceeded down river at 8 knots. 7.40am: Entered Hamilton Creek. Course and speed as requisite. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.10pm: Full speed over Kumchuk Rapid. 3.05pm: Anchored at Paknai [aka Pakkai and the name of a part of Kong Mun] in 2½ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888dcadfd341970212fd: ( 53-49935-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd341970212fe: ( 53-49935-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888dcadfd341970212ff: ( 53-49935-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.15am: Prayers. 4caf888dcadfd34197021300: ( 53-49935-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1920 Kong Mun to Canton Lat 22.89, Long 113.52 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.48am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for passing up river and through Junction Creek. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Entered Chun Chum Creek. 12.40pm: Steering gear jammed. Stopped both engines. 1.20pm: Proceeded at 8 knots. 3.30pm: Secured alongside Pak Hin Hok Wharf. Coaled ship. 20 tons. 6.10pm: Finished coaling. Proceeded up harbour. 6.30pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 4caf888dcadfd34197021301: ( 53-49935-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Secure. Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021302: ( 53-49935-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Landed Small Arm party. 11.00am: Small Arm party returned and clean arms. 11.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021303: ( 53-49935-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021304: ( 53-49935-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021305: ( 53-49935-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888dcadfd34197021306: ( 53-49935-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.15am: Church party landed. 11.30am: Church party returned. 4caf888dcadfd34197021307: ( 53-49935-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised prepare to tow forward and aft. 4caf888dcadfd34197021308: ( 53-49935-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1920 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting mess-deck and as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021309: ( 53-49935-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1920 Canton and down river towards Kong Mun Lat 23.107, Long 113.37 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.20am: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for proceeding down river. 6.20pm: Touched on a sunken groin causing a small leak in after magazine. Slow both engines. 6.30pm: Anchored Taichai Channel in 5 fathoms at 2 shackles 4caf888dcadfd3419702130a: ( 53-49935-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1920 Down River to Kong Mun Lat 22.84, Long 113.112 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for passing Tailung and Junction Channels. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: Anchored at Kong Mun [Jiangmen] at 2½ shackles in 2¾ fathoms water. 4caf888dcadfd3419702130b: ( 53-49935-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.30pm: One rating discharged to Hong Kong hospital. 4caf888dcadfd3419702130c: ( 53-49935-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd3419702130d: ( 53-49935-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions and Prayer. Read Articles of War and Courts Martial Returns. Read Commander in Chief's memo on Welfare Committee. 4caf888dcadfd3419702130e: ( 53-49935-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd3419702130f: ( 53-49935-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021310: ( 53-49935-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1920 Moorhen appears to be working on improving her crew’s competence with small arms. A vital function of a river gunboat at times of unrest is to put a disciplined body of armed men ashore. Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised land every available man. Rigged MT [Morris tube] range. All hands fired. 4caf888dcadfd34197021311: ( 53-49935-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised action stations. 9.15am: Secure. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1920 [Kong Mun for delta patrols, Hong Kong and Kong Mun] 4caf888dcadfd3419702131c: ( 53-49936-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd3419702131d: ( 53-49936-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888dcadfd3419702131e: ( 53-49936-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Prayers. 4caf888dcadfd3419702131f: ( 53-49936-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1920 Kong Mun and up river to Kaymun Lat 23.08, Long 112.81 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.50am: Sighted Staunch Island. 1.30pm: Anchored Kaymun [possibly now Gaoming] in 3 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888dcadfd34197021320: ( 53-49936-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1920 Is this what all the training of the crew with small arms has been about? Today Moorhen takes on what appears to be a policing role that has not previously been recorded in her logs. Patrolling and return to Pakkai Lat 22.47, Long 113.2 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. Course as requisite for patrolling creeks. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: Patrolling off Kam Kong. 3.53pm: Anchored at Pakkai in 2¾ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888dcadfd34197021321: ( 53-49936-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021322: ( 53-49936-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1920 The ship spends most of today at action stations. This is for real ‒ not an exercise. Moorhen remains at action stations for 9 hours until the ‘secure from action stations’ command is given at 3.30pm. During this time it appears that Moorhen has been patrolling creeks. This is an example of the ship’s new policing role. Kong Mun, Ngaimun and return Lat 22.3, Long 113.08 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 9 knots. 7.30am: Action stations. 8.05am: Entered Holmes Creek. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.08am: Anchored at Ngai Mun Customs House in 2½ fathoms at 1 shackle. 10.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up Ngai Mun at 7 knots. 11.50am: Altered course 16 points as requisite for returning by Holmes Creek. 3.30pm: Secure. 4.20 Anchored at Pakkai in 2¾ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888dcadfd34197021323: ( 53-49936-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021324: ( 53-49936-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1920 Kong Mun, escort duty and return Lat 23.1, Long 112.8 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river at 8 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.04am: Speed and course as requisite for escorting oil lighters. 1.12pm: Altered course 16 points. Parted company with convoy. Proceeding at 9 knots. 4.40pm: Anchored at Pakkai in 2¾ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888dcadfd34197021325: ( 53-49936-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.30am: Church. 4caf888dcadfd34197021326: ( 53-49936-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed painting ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf888dcadfd34197021327: ( 53-49936-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands painting down aloft and as requisite. 9.00am: Coaled ship, 5 tons. 4caf888dcadfd34197021328: ( 53-49936-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd34197021329: ( 53-49936-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1920 Kong Mun to Ngai Mun Lat 22.2, Long 113.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Secure. Hands employed as requisite. Course as requisite for passing by Holmes Creek and up Ngai Mun. 12.05pm: Passed Ngai Mun Customs House. 1.30pm: Head of Ngai Mun. Altered course by 16 points. 3.16pm: Anchored at Ngai Mun Customs House in 3 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 7.00pm: Exercised surprise attack stations. 4caf888dcadfd3419702132a: ( 53-49936-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1920 Return to Pakkai Lat 22.48, Long 113.18 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. Course up Tufu Mun. 10.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.03pm: Anchored at Pakkai in 2¾ fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888dcadfd3419702132b: ( 53-49936-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.30am: Read Warrant No. 6. 4caf888dcadfd3419702132c: ( 53-49936-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.30am: Church. 4caf888dcadfd3419702132d: ( 53-49936-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf888dcadfd3419702132e: ( 53-49936-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888dcadfd3419702132f: ( 53-49936-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1920 Kong Mun to Wang Mun Lat 22.7, Long 113.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Evolutions, fire stations and stations for out stream anchor. 11.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots course as requisite. 2.05pm: Entered Sailam Creek. 4.34pm: Anchored at Wang Mun in 3½ fathoms 2 shackles. 4caf888dcadfd34197021330: ( 53-49936-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1920 Wong Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.33am: Weighed anchor and proceeded by Wang Mun Entrance at 9 knots. Course as requisite. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.55am: Secured to North Wall inside Camber, Hong Kong. 4caf888dcadfd34197021331: ( 53-49936-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed in dockyard drawing stores. 4caf888ecadfd34197021332: ( 53-49936-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ecadfd34197021333: ( 53-49936-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 11.30am: Church parties returned. 4caf888ecadfd34197021334: ( 53-49936-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021335: ( 53-49936-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1920 Hong Kong and up river towards Kong Mun Lat 22.3, Long 114.1 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands prepare for coaling. 9.00am: Coaled ship, 15 tons. 11.04am: Slipped and proceeded at 8 knots by Kupsimun [Kap Sing Mun]. 2.45pm: Anchored at Linton Island in 2 fathoms of water at 2 shackles. 4caf888ecadfd34197021336: ( 53-49936-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1920 Linton I. to Kong Mun Lat 22.7, Long 113.2 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 8.30am: Speed and course as requisite for entering Wang Mun entrance. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.35pm: Finished Sailam Creek. 2.48pm: Anchored at Kong Mun [Jiangmen] at 2½ shackles in 3 fathoms. 4caf888ecadfd34197021337: ( 53-49936-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Ship’s company to instruction on the short rifle and webbing equipment. 4caf888ecadfd34197021338: ( 53-49936-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters and landing party. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021339: ( 53-49936-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ecadfd3419702133a: ( 53-49936-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.30am: Church. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1920 [Kong Mun, Ngai Mun, Sam Shui, Kong Mun and Hong Kong] 4caf888ecadfd34197021344: ( 53-49937-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1920 Kong Mun to Ngai Mun Lat 22.31, Long 113.188 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 10.00am: Entered Holmes Creek. 1.12pm: Anchored at Ngai Mun Customs House in 2 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ecadfd34197021345: ( 53-49937-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1920 Ngai Mun Lat 22.2, Long 113.1 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Exercised rifle firing. 10.00am: One dustpan lost overboard by accident. 4caf888ecadfd34197021346: ( 53-49937-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1920 Ngai Mun to Kong Mun Lat 22.2, Long 113.1 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 9 knots up Fuhi Mun. 4.00pm: Reduced speed to 8 knots. 5.01pm: Anchored at Pakkai in 2 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ecadfd34197021347: ( 53-49937-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised collision and fire stations. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021348: ( 53-49937-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1920 Kong Mun to Sam Shui Lat 22.86, Long 112.92 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Weighed anchor and proceeded up river at 8 knots. 3.42pm: Anchored at Sam Shui in 2 fathoms at 1½ shackles. 4caf888ecadfd34197021349: ( 53-49937-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1920 Sam Shui to Kong Mun Lat 22.91, Long 112.91 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots down river. 3.12pm: Anchored at Pakkai in 2 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ecadfd3419702134a: ( 53-49937-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: Divisions. Church. 4caf888ecadfd3419702134b: ( 53-49937-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1920 Kong Mun to Taiping Island Lat 22.8, Long 113.07 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up river at 8 knots. 2.10pm: Anchored at Taiping Island [now Pingsha] in 4 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ecadfd3419702134c: ( 53-49937-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1920 Moorhen anchors on a very tight line at 10.30am today: one shackle in 7 fathoms of water, so the line is only 5½ fathoms (33 feet) greater than the depth of water. However, it is only for half an hour. Taiping Island to Kongmun Lat 22.72, Long 113.09 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.35am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 10.29am: Anchored Hankong at 1 shackle in 7 fathoms. 10.56am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 7 knots. 1.12pm: Anchored at Pakkai in 2 fathoms at 2½ shackles. 4caf888ecadfd3419702134d: ( 53-49937-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702134e: ( 53-49937-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1920 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702134f: ( 53-49937-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1920 Kong Mun to Linton [aka Lintin] Island Lat 22.72, Long 113.22 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots up river. 11.56am: Entered Sailam Channel. 5.44pm: Anchored at Linton Island in 2 fathoms at 2 shackles. 4caf888ecadfd34197021350: ( 53-49937-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1920 Linton Island to Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 8 knots. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.05am: Secured to No 12 buoy at Hong Kong. 4caf888ecadfd34197021351: ( 53-49937-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church party landed. 4caf888ecadfd34197021352: ( 53-49937-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Entered dock. 2.00pm: Hands employed docking ship. 4caf888ecadfd34197021353: ( 53-49937-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ships bottom. 4caf888ecadfd34197021354: ( 53-49937-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021355: ( 53-49937-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021356: ( 53-49937-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021357: ( 53-49937-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021358: ( 53-49937-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 4caf888ecadfd34197021359: ( 53-49937-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1920 Previous log entries have revealed that the crew are training with a weapon described as the ‘short rifle’. It now looks as though the crew are receiving more weapons training and practice on a firing range ashore. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Range party landed. 11.00am: One rating discharged to HMS Tarantula. 4.30pm: Range party returned to ship. 4caf888ecadfd3419702135a: ( 53-49937-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Range party landed. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Range party returned. 4caf888ecadfd3419702135b: ( 53-49937-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Range party landed. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Range party returned. 4caf888ecadfd3419702135c: ( 53-49937-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Range party landed. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. HMS Cicala arrived. 4.30pm: Range party returned. 4caf888ecadfd3419702135d: ( 53-49937-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Range party landed. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: Range party returned. 4caf888ecadfd3419702135e: ( 53-49937-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf888ecadfd3419702135f: ( 53-49937-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 11.30am: Church parties returned. 4caf888ecadfd34197021360: ( 53-49937-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021361: ( 53-49937-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1920 [Hong Kong] 4caf888ecadfd3419702136b: ( 53-49938-003_0.jpg) Barometer ‒ Aneroid. Maker, Short & Mason No. 1612 Thermometers for air temperatures: Maker Negretti & Zambra No. Air 25191 Wet 25192 Thermometer for sea temperatures: Reynolds & Co. Serial number not stated. 4caf888ecadfd3419702136c: ( 53-49938-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702136d: ( 53-49938-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702136e: ( 53-49938-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: One rating joined ship. 10.30am: Blocks, wood 4 inch ‒ Two lost overboard by accident. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702136f: ( 53-49938-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1920 Back in dry dock again! Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Entered dock. 4caf888ecadfd34197021370: ( 53-49938-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 11.30am: Church parties returned. 4caf888ecadfd34197021371: ( 53-49938-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.15pm: Ship rested on chocks. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021372: ( 53-49938-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed about cable. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021373: ( 53-49938-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021374: ( 53-49938-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021375: ( 53-49938-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: Two ratings joined ship. 4caf888ecadfd34197021376: ( 53-49938-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021377: ( 53-49938-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 4caf888ecadfd34197021378: ( 53-49938-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021379: ( 53-49938-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702137a: ( 53-49938-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702137b: ( 53-49938-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702137c: ( 53-49938-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702137d: ( 53-49938-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd3419702137e: ( 53-49938-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 11.30am: Church parties returned. 4caf888ecadfd3419702137f: ( 53-49938-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021380: ( 53-49938-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021381: ( 53-49938-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021382: ( 53-49938-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021383: ( 53-49938-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1920 Hong Kong, Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021384: ( 53-49938-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1920 Christmas Day, hence the church parties on a Saturday. Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 11.30am: Church parties returned. 4caf888ecadfd34197021385: ( 53-49938-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Church parties landed. 4caf888ecadfd34197021386: ( 53-49938-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021387: ( 53-49938-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf888ecadfd34197021388: ( 53-49938-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands painting ship. 9.00am: Hands painting ship. 1.30pm: Hands painting ship. 4caf888ecadfd34197021389: ( 53-49938-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands painting ship. 4caf888ecadfd3419702138a: ( 53-49938-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1920 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Hands painting ship. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. The logbooks for the period January 1 to March 13, 1920, are not included. Moorhen may have been out of commission for part or all of this period. THE VOYAGES OF HMS MOORHEN 1921 LOGS FOR MARCH 1921 [Hong Kong, Canton, Kong Mun, Hong Kong and Canton] 4f4d1658a2fc8ee092001a73: ( 4f4d1658a2fc8ee092001a74: ( Log book cover, 14th March 1921 to 30th April 1921. 4f4d1659a2fc8ee092001a75: ( 4f4d1659a2fc8ee092001a76: ( Above two pages blank. 4f4d1659a2fc8ee092001a77: ( Instruments. Aneroid barometer, Short & Mason, No 1612. Air thermometers on upper deck aft, screened. Negretti & Zambra Dry No 10567, Wet No 25192. Sea thermometer, Reynolds. 4f4d1659a2fc8ee092001a78: ( 14 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship re-commissioned. 4f4d165aa2fc8ee092001a79: ( 15 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Hands scrub and wash decks. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.45am: Exercised fire stations. 9.00am: Hands clean ship. 1.30pm: Leave to 7.00am. 4f4d165ba2fc8ee092001a7a: ( 16 March 1921 Hong Kong and up river for Canton Lat 22.38, Long 113.78 [approx] 10.05am: Proceeded out of basin, towards Canton. Speed 8 knots. 6.05pm: Anchored off Calliope Pt in 5 fathoms. 4f4d165ba2fc8ee092001a7b: ( 17 March 1921 Up river to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.10am: Weighed and proceeded, 8 knots. 11.29am: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 1.30pm: Leave until 10.00pm. 4f4d165ca2fc8ee092001a7c: ( 18 March 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 In am: Exercised evolutions. 4f4d165ca2fc8ee092001a7d: ( 19 March 1921 Canton to Campbell I. Lat 22.84, Long 113.112 [approx] 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded down Canton River, 8 knots. 9.00am: Turned in all boats. Course and speeds to pass through Hamilton Creek. Hands at bearing off* stations. 1.05pm: Increased to full speed, to pass through Kum Chuk Rapid. 2.30pm: Turned out boats. 4.31pm: Anchored off Campbell Island in 6 fathoms. Leave ashore until dark. * I believe this to mean standing by with spars to fend off if they are too close to the bank or another vessel, while passing through a very narrow waterway and the rapids at Kum Chuk. 4f4d165ca2fc8ee092001a7e: ( 20 March 1921 West River to Sam Shui and on to Kong Mun Lat 23.14, Long 112.8 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up West River at 9 knots. 10.45am: Turned 16 points and proceeded down river. 11.08am: Entered Sam Shui. 11.33am: Cleared Sam Shui. 4.21pm: Anchored at Kong Mun. 4f4d165da2fc8ee092001a7f: ( 21 March 1921 Kong Mun to Wang Mun Lat 22.63, Long 113.1 [approx] 11.41am: Weighed and proceeded up river at 8½ knots. Proceeded through Junction Channel and Sailam Creek. 4.43pm: Came to starboard anchor at Wang Mun. 4f4d165ea2fc8ee092001a80: ( 22 March 1921 Wang Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.39, Long 113.8 [approx] 8.35am: Weighed and proceeded by Junk Fleet Entrance at 8 knots. 2.48pm: Secured alongside HMS Tamar at Hong Kong. 4.00pm: HMS Robin secured alongside. 4f4d165ea2fc8ee092001a81: ( 23 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d165ea2fc8ee092001a82: ( 24 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: HMS Robin proceeded from alongside. 10.15am: Hands employed clearing store rooms. Lighter came alongside for stores and empties. In pm: Hands employed loading lighter with stores for return and empties. 4f4d165fa2fc8ee092001a83: ( 25 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine in observance of Good Friday. C of E church party to HMS Tamar, other denominations ashore. 4f4d165fa2fc8ee092001a84: ( 26 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Saturday routine. Hands employed in parts of ship. 4f4d1660a2fc8ee092001a85: ( 27 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 C of E Church party to HMS Tamar. Other denominations ashore. 4f4d1660a2fc8ee092001a86: ( 28 March 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.40am: Landed party to draw stores. 10.45am: Party returned. Hands stowing stores. 4f4d1660a2fc8ee092001a87: ( 29 March 1921 Hong Kong to Tiger I. Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.15am: Ship cast off from HMS Tamar and proceeded to No 12 buoy. 8.15am: Coaled ship from lighter, 21 tons. 11.50am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded for Canton. 2.10pm: Black Point abeam. 6.20pm: Came to starboard anchor on South side of Tiger Island. Distance steamed 49 miles. 4f4d1661a2fc8ee092001a88: ( 30 March 1921 Tiger I. to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded at 9 knots. 12.10pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen, Canton. Distance steamed 34 miles. 4f4d1661a2fc8ee092001a89: ( 31 March 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed cleaning the ship’s side. Leave 1.30pm to 10.00pm, CPOs and POs until 11.00pm. LOGS FOR APRIL 1921 [Canton, Sam Shui, Canton, Sam Shui and Dosing] f4d1661a2fc8ee092001a8a: ( 1 April 1921 Canton to Shell I. Lat 23.05, Long 113.51 [approx] 6.30am: Hands scrub and wash decks. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 9.15am: Prepared ship for getting under way. 9.45am: Slipped and proceeded at 9 knots down Canton River. Hands employed refitting gear. 11.30am: Passed High Island. 2.10pm: Entered Saiwan Passage. 5.05pm: Anchored off Shell Island. Distance steamed, 55 miles. 6.00pm: Payment of ship's company. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Calm, mostly cloudy; temperatures in the 60s F. 4f4d1662a2fc8ee092001a8b: ( 2 April 1921 Shell I. to Sam Shui Lat 22.76, Long 113.09 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up Yungki Junction. 10.30am: Turned out of Junction for Yellow Reach. 11.00am: Entered Junction Channel. Noon: Passed First Cliffs. 4.45pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. Distance steamed, 46 miles. 4f4d1662a2fc8ee092001a8c: ( 3 April 1921 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 Sunday routine. 6.30am: Scrub and wash decks. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 9.15am: Divisions. Prayers. 10.00am: Pipe down. 1.30pm: Recreation leave [ie, no duties]. 4.00pm: Leave until 8.00pm. 4f4d1663a2fc8ee092001a8d: ( 4 April 1921 Sam Shui to Campbell I. Lat 23.17, Long 112.78 [approx] 9.45am: Weighed and proceeded, towards Ma Han [aka Mahou]. 11.40am: Anchored in 6 fathoms, off Brick Kilns, North of Campbell Island. 7.20pm: Weighed and proceeded astern of HMS Tarantula. 7.50pm: Anchored in company. 4f4d1663a2fc8ee092001a8e: ( 5 April 1921 Campbell I. to Lok Yum Lat 23.17, Long 112.68 [approx] 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded at 6 knots toward Howlick. 3.15pm: Anchored off Lok Yum in 3½ fathoms. HMS Tarantula already anchored off Lok Yum. Distance steamed 15 miles. 4f4d1663a2fc8ee092001a8f: ( 6 April 1921 Lok Yum to Kulo Lat 23.17, Long 112.67 [approx] 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river towards Kulo. 5.30pm: Anchored off Kulo [possibly now Gulaozhen] in 7 fathoms, HMS Tarantula in company. Distance steamed 27 miles. 4f4d1664a2fc8ee092001a90: ( 7 April 1921 Kulo to Hill Passage. Lat 22.72, Long 113.22 [approx] 9.30am: Proceeded at 7 knots for Canton via Junction Channel, Tailung Channel and Saiwan Channel. 3.50pm: Stopped engines to clear choked inlets. 3.57pm: Proceeded. 5.00pm: Anchored in Hill Passage, Distance steamed 48 miles. 4f4d1664a2fc8ee092001a91: ( 8 April 1921 Hill Passage to Canton Lat 23.05, Long 113.51 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded at 7 knots to Canton, via Hill Passage. 2.30pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen. Distance steamed 27 miles. 4f4d1664a2fc8ee092001a92: ( 9 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 One Stoker rating discharged (tempy) to HMS Tamar for dental treatment. 4f4d1665a2fc8ee092001a93: ( 10 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Sunday routine. Roman Catholic and Church of England parties landed. 4f4d1665a2fc8ee092001a94: ( 11 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.30am: HMS Robin left harbour. 4f4d1666a2fc8ee092001a95: ( 12 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed refitting and cleaning. 1.30pm: Leave until 10.00pm, CPOs and POs until 11.00pm*. *Senior ratings get an extra hour so that they don’t have to come up the gangway with the lower orders, which may be an opportunity for indiscipline. 4f4d1667a2fc8ee092001a96: ( 13 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands to general drill. 4f4d1667a2fc8ee092001a97: ( 14 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.30am: Hands broom down decks [it is raining]. 6.45am: Seamen away in whaler. 11.15am: Hands prepare ship for getting "under-way". 1.00pm: Slipped from buoys and proceeded to coaling wharf. 3.40pm: Completed coaling (13 tons mixed coal) and proceeded to buoys. 4.00pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen. Tea. Cleaned ship. 4f4d1667a2fc8ee092001a98: ( 15 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed cleaning ship preparatory to painting. 4f4d1668a2fc8ee092001a99: ( 16 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.50am: Hands employed painting ship. In pm: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar (tempy) for medical treatment. 4f4d1668a2fc8ee092001a9a: ( 17 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Sunday routine. 4f4d1668a2fc8ee092001a9b: ( 18 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.50am: Hands employed painting ship. 4f4d1669a2fc8ee092001a9c: ( 19 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.50am: Hands employed painting ship. 4f4d1669a2fc8ee092001a9d: ( 20 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.50am: Hands employed painting ship. In pm: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar (tempy) for medical treatment. 4f4d166aa2fc8ee092001a9e: ( 21 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.50am: Hands employed painting ship. 4f4d166aa2fc8ee092001a9f: ( 22 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.50am: Hands employed painting ship. 4f4d166aa2fc8ee092001aa0: ( 23 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.30am: HMS Robin arrived. 2.30pm: HMS Cicala arrived. One Stoker rating rejoined from HMS Tamar. 4f4d166ba2fc8ee092001aa1: ( 24 April 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Sunday routine. 4f4d166ba2fc8ee092001aa2: ( 25 April 1921 Canton to Saiwan Channel Lat 23.107, Long 113.35 [approx] 10.00am: Carried away sampan's davits alongside HMS Robin whilst getting under way. 11.45am: Slipped and proceeded for Sam Shui, via Hill Passage. 2.30pm: Passed Eyres Point, Tide gauge showing 8.5 feet. Experienced strong tide against. 4.45pm: Anchored in Saiwan channel, 1.5 miles above Forbes Point. Distance steamed 33 miles. 4f4d166ba2fc8ee092001aa3: ( 26 April 1921 Saiwan Channel to Sam Shui Lat 22.75, Long 113.13 [approx] 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded up Saiwan Channel. 12.45pm: Passed First Cliffs. 2.45pm: 7 story pagoda abeam. 5.20pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. Distance steamed 64 miles. 4f4d166ca2fc8ee092001aa4: ( 27 April 1921 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.30am: Seamen and Stokers exercised separately in whaler. 10.30am: Exercised general quarters. 4f4d166ca2fc8ee092001aa5: ( 28 April 1921 Sam Shui and up river for Wuchow Lat 23.14, Long 112.58 [approx] 7.00am: Pilot from APC (lent) came onboard 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up West River with pilot onboard. Nine large sampans full of troops left Sam Shui bound up river. 11.00am: Reached Kwangli Bend (N. channel). 11.50am: Entered Great [?] Pass. 3-4 knot current against. 3.45pm: Anchored off Red Cliff in 6 fathoms. 4f4d166ca2fc8ee092001aa6: ( 29 April 1921 Up river for Wuchow Lat 23.09, Long 112.1 [approx] 9.05am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 11.05am: Passed Luk Tan. 12.50pm: Stopped to clear inlets. 12.55pm: Proceeded. Speed reduced owing to fan* trouble. Current 2-3 knots against 6.20pm: Anchored off Tai Lik Han. Distance steamed 30 miles (9.5 hours). * The furnaces rely on a fan to produce a forced draught. 4f4d166da2fc8ee092001aa7: ( 30 April 1921 Tai Lik Han to Dosing. Lat 23.24, Long 111.56 [approx] 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Dosing to procure wood. 8.15am: Anchored at Dosing, distance steamed 10 miles. No wood procurable. Sent letter in steamer to Wuchow for 10 tons wood. 6.00pm: Hands mustered for payment. 4f4d166da2fc8ee092001aa8: ( 4f4d166ea2fc8ee092001aa9: ( 4f4d166ea2fc8ee092001aaa: ( 4f4d166ea2fc8ee092001aab: ( 4f4d166fa2fc8ee092001aac: ( 4f4d166fa2fc8ee092001aad: ( 4f4d1670a2fc8ee092001aae: ( Above seven pages blank or covers. LOGS FOR MAY 1921 [Dosing, Wuchow, Sam Shui, Wang Mun and Hong Kong] 4f4d1670a2fc8ee092001aaf: ( 4f4d1671a2fc8ee092001ab0: ( Cover of logbook, 1st May to 30th June 1921. 4f4d1671a2fc8ee092001ab1: ( 4f4d1672a2fc8ee092001ab2: ( Instruments. Aneroid barometer, Short & Mason, No 1612. Air thermometers on upper deck aft, screened. Negretti & Zambra Dry No 10567, Wet No 25192. Sea thermometer, Reynolds. 4f4d1672a2fc8ee092001ab3: ( Blank 4f4d1672a2fc8ee092001ab4: ( 1 May 1921 Dosing. Lat 23.24, Long 111.56 [approx] 6.30am: Scrub and wash decks. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 9.00am: Hands clean ship. 9.30am: Pipe down. 5.20pm: Wood junk arrived alongside. Ten tons of wood taken in. 6.40pm: Junk shoved off. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Calm, mostly cloudy with rain in the morning; temperatures in the mid 70s F. 4f4d1673a2fc8ee092001ab5: ( 2 May 1921 Dosing to Wuchow Lat 23.32, Long 111.53 [approx] 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 6.40am: Anchored with port anchor, 2 shackles, on the other side of the river, being unable to stem current. Lit up second boiler. 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 3.05pm: Anchored at Wuchow with 2 shackles on port anchor in 4.5 fathoms. Let go Chinese anchor over stern. Current about 5 knots, river high. Distance steamed 27 miles. 4 tins of condensed milk were condemned and thrown overboard. (This is an almost daily occurrence over the remainder of these logs, so it won’t be recorded every day. Other ships on the China station also had this problem.] 4f4d1673a2fc8ee092001ab6: ( 3 May 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.00am: Veered to 2.5 shackles*. 10.30 Seamen supplied with and fitted web equipment, ready for landing. 9.45am: Exercised fire stations and collision stations. 10.30am: Seamen supplied with and fitted webbing equipment**, ready for landing. *ie, let out extra cable, in this case ½ a shackle, about 36 feet. ** Presumably belts etc, to carry ammunition pouches, scabbards and the like. 4f4d1673a2fc8ee092001ab7: ( 4 May 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed refitting gear and clearing storerooms. 4f4d1674a2fc8ee092001ab8: ( 5 May 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed in parts of ship. 4f4d1674a2fc8ee092001ab9: ( 6 May 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.30am: Secured wood junk alongside. Hands employed getting in 5 tons of wood fuel. 4f4d1675a2fc8ee092001aba: ( 7 May 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.30am: Hands went away in whaler for exercise.. 10.30am: Coal junk secured alongside. Received 20 tons of coal, with hired coolies. 4f4d1675a2fc8ee092001abb: ( 8 May 1921 Wuchow to Sam Shui Lat 23.08, Long 112.02 [approx] 6.30am: Hands employed striking and housing* topmast. 7.30am: Ship weighed and proceeded down river, 9 knots 9.15am: Hands hoisted topmast. 9.45am: Passed Dosing. Several junks full of soldiers. 3.35pm: Passed Shui Hing. Several junks full of soldiers. 6.00pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 1½ shackles on port anchor in 4 fathoms. Distance steamed 120 miles. Average current 2 knots. *Lowering the topmast to sit parallel with the mainmast with the butt on the deck. There was a low telephone wire over the river just below Wuchow. 4f4d1675a2fc8ee092001abc: ( 9 May 1921 Sam Shui to Wang Mun Lat 22.97, Long 112.87 [approx] 12.05am: Chinese fireman discovered aft, taking on board over 700 lbs of raw opium from a sampan alongside ship. This was put under sentry’s charge. 9.05am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 10.30am: Hands search ship for opium. 4.20pm: Anchored at Wang Mun, 1 mile beyond Custom Boat. Distance steamed 62 miles. Average current 2 knots. 4f4d1676a2fc8ee092001abd: ( 10 May 1921 Wang Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.35, Long 114.0 [approx] 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong. 9.30am: Linton [Lintin in log] Island abeam. 10.20am: Anchored under Saw Chan Island on account of heavy rain obscuring landmarks. 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 2.00pm: Secured alongside North Wall inside Camber at Hong Kong. 4.00pm: One rating joined from HMS Tamar. 5.30pm: Two firemen (Chinese) left ship under police escort. Police removed opium. 4f4d1676a2fc8ee092001abe: ( 11 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: A lighter was secured alongside. Hands employed loading lighter with empty coal bags from ship. Hands employed getting up ammunition. 1.50pm: Lighter for ammunition secured alongside. Hands employed de-ammunitioning ship. 4f4d1676a2fc8ee092001abf: ( 12 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Ammunition lighter shoved off. 9.30am: Hands employed returning stores, and empties. 4f4d1677a2fc8ee092001ac0: ( 13 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Hands broom down ship, and strip boats of gear. 9.15am: Hands prepare ship for docking. Boats taken over to constructors’ slipway. 10.20am: Left wall with tug alongside and secured to No.10 buoy. Noon: Slipped from buoy and towed into dock. 12.25pm: Secured in dock. Hands employed scrubbing and cleaning ship’s bottom. 4f4d1677a2fc8ee092001ac1: ( 14 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed returning stores and clearing out and cleaning after magazine. 4f4d1677a2fc8ee092001ac2: ( 15 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. Landed C of E, RC and Presbyterian church parties. 4f4d1678a2fc8ee092001ac3: ( 16 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 General leave to half ship’s company for 48 hours from noon. 4f4d1678a2fc8ee092001ac4: ( 17 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed brooming down, cleaning brightwork and chipping paintwork. 2.10pm: One Chief ERA joined ship from HMS Tamar 4f4d1678a2fc8ee092001ac5: ( 18 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Noon: First half of ship’s company returned from general leave. General leave to second half of ship’s company for 48 hours from Noon. 2.30pm: One chief ERA discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f4d1679a2fc8ee092001ac6: ( 19 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: Commenced flooding dock. 12.50pm: Dock flooded. 1.00pm: Ship left dock and towed into Camber. Secured alongside North wall. 4f4d1679a2fc8ee092001ac7: ( 20 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Skiff was brought back to ship from slipway. 4f4d1679a2fc8ee092001ac8: ( 21 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.40am: Hands employed bringing sampan back to ship from slipway. 10.40am: Hands painting in water line. 4f4d167aa2fc8ee092001ac9: ( 22 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d167aa2fc8ee092001aca: ( 23 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed drawing stores and painting ship’s side. 4f4d167ba2fc8ee092001acb: ( 24 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Hands working in magazines. 3.45pm: HM Drifter Moonshine*, secured alongside. *Admiralty steel drifter No 3923. Launched 4.9.18, Lewis. 94 grt, armament: 1-6pdr. 4f4d167ba2fc8ee092001acc: ( 25 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Hands employed drawing stores and refitting “picking-up”* wire. * I believe this is a wire used to draw the vessel close up to the buoy when unmooring. 4f4d167ba2fc8ee092001acd: ( 26 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.20pm: Hands employed working on topmast. 4f4d167ca2fc8ee092001ace: ( 27 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.15am: Hands employed chipping paintwork. 1.30pm: Hands furl upper waist awning and take it to sail loft for repair. 4f4d167ca2fc8ee092001acf: ( 28 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Furled lower waist awning and sent it to the sail loft for repair. 10.00am: Lighter came alongside and lathe hoisted out into her for deposit. 4f4d167ca2fc8ee092001ad0: ( 29 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine, usual church parties. 4f4d167da2fc8ee092001ad1: ( 30 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.20am: Tugs came alongside. Left North wall and placed alongside HMS Tamar 1.30pm: Hands employed in taking lathe to deposit store and drawing ammunition. 4f4d167da2fc8ee092001ad2: ( 31 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.15am: Hands cleaning down aloft and painting boats. 10.00am: One rating (sick) discharged to HMS Tamar. 1.30pm: Hands employed working on sampan’s davits and boats. LOGS FOR JUNE 1921 [Hong Kong and up river to Wuchow] 4f4d167da2fc8ee092001ad3: ( 1 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Breakfast. 7.00am: Hands fall in with rifles and equipment and gear. 7.15am: Hands left ship in ferry for Stonecutters I. for “A” musketry course, (Annual) 1st Lieutenant in charge. Chief ERA, CVPO*, Shipwright, Senior [?] PO, one Stoker (lent) and one Seaman (sick), only ratings onboard. Weather: Calm and dry; temperatures in the mid 70s F. *Chief Victualling Petty Officer. 4f4d167da2fc8ee092001ad4: ( 2 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 No entries. 4f4d167ea2fc8ee092001ad5: ( 3 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d167ea2fc8ee092001ad6: ( 4 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d167ea2fc8ee092001ad7: ( 5 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d167fa2fc8ee092001ad8: ( 6 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d167fa2fc8ee092001ad9: ( 7 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d1680a2fc8ee092001ada: ( 8 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d1680a2fc8ee092001adb: ( 9 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d1680a2fc8ee092001adc: ( 10 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Ship’s company at Stonecutters I. for annual musketry course. 4f4d1681a2fc8ee092001add: ( 11 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 2.30pm: 1st Lieutenant and ship's company returned from Stonecutter's Island. 4f4d1681a2fc8ee092001ade: ( 12 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. Church party to HMS Tamar. RCs and Wesleyans to service ashore. 4f4d1682a2fc8ee092001adf: ( 13 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.35am: Store lighter secured alongside. Hands employed putting in empties. 9.30am: Store party shoved off in lighter to draw victualling stores. 11.35am: Lighter returned with store party and stores. 1.30pm: Hands employed getting in victualling stores. 4f4d1682a2fc8ee092001ae0: ( 14 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.50am: Hands employed placing maxim mountings into lighter for deposit, also ammunition boxes for return. 9.00am: Lighter with working party left for ordnance depôt. 11.20am: Lighter returned with ammunition. Hands employed ammunitioning ship. 4f4d1682a2fc8ee092001ae1: ( 15 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands painting down from aloft and painting ship. 4f4d1683a2fc8ee092001ae2: ( 16 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.20am: Coal junk alongside. Commenced coaling (coolie hire). Hands employed returning old rope and drawing stores. 11.45am: Coal junk shoved off. Hands hoist boats and prepare ship for slipping from North wall, typhoon warning having been received. 1.25pm: Cast off from North wall and towed by tug alongside to Kowloon. Secured alongside wall inside Camber at Kowloon. 2.15pm: Coal junk returned to complete coaling. 4f4d1683a2fc8ee092001ae3: ( 17 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.15am: Hands employed scrubbing canvas screens on jetty. 12.35pm: Cast off from wall at Kowloon. Tug towed ship over to Camber at dockyard. 12.55pm: Secured to North wall. 1.10pm: HMS Robin secured alongside. 4f4d1683a2fc8ee092001ae4: ( 18 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.15am: Hands scrubbing mess deck house, preparatory for painting. 4f4d1684a2fc8ee092001ae5: ( 19 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. Church parties left ship. C of E to HMS Tamar, other denominations to services ashore. 4f4d1684a2fc8ee092001ae6: ( 20 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.15pm: Hands employed transferring ammunition from forward magazine to proper storage in aft magazine. 8.30pm: One Seaman rating (sick) discharged to HMS Titania. 4f4d1684a2fc8ee092001ae7: ( 21 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands painting ship. 4f4d1685a2fc8ee092001ae8: ( 22 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands painting ship. 9.40am: HMS Robin cast off from alongside and proceeded from Hong Kong. 4f4d1685a2fc8ee092001ae9: ( 23 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.15am: Hands employed reeving new boats’ falls, and drawing awnings from sail loft. 1.15pm: Hands spread awnings. 4f4d1686a2fc8ee092001aea: ( 24 June 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed spreading awnings. 4f4d1686a2fc8ee092001aeb: ( 25 June 1921 Hong Kong to Wang Mun Lat 22.3, Long 114.15 [approx] 10.00am: Carried out basin trial to test new shaft. 11.30am: Cast off from North wall and proceeded for West River, via Wang Mun. 4.30pm: Exercised general quarters. Fired a few rounds from Lewis guns and Maxims for testing. 6.40pm: Stopped starboard engine as condenser was overheated. 7.00pm: Proceeded with both engines. 7.45pm: Anchored at Wang Mun, distance steamed 47 miles. 4f4d1686a2fc8ee092001aec: ( 26 June 1921 Wang Mun to Sam Shui Lat 22.78, Long 113.22 [approx] 7.05am: Weighed and proceeded towards Sam Shui via Sailam and Junction channels. 8.00am: Entered Sailam channel. 9.00am: Passed dead Chinaman floating in water. 11.30am: Arrived at Junction channel. 6.15pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. Distance steamed 67 miles. Current 3 knots. 4f4d1687a2fc8ee092001aed: ( 27 June 1921 Sam Shui to Luk Pu Lat 23.16, Long 112.6 [approx] 9.15am: Hands working in magazines and cleaning Lewis guns. 10.10am: Weighed and proceed up river, 9 knots. 3.10pm: Off Shui Hing. 3.20pm: Passed dead soldier in water. 3.30pm: Passed dead Chinamen in water off Solitary Tree Point. 4.55pm: Anchored with Port anchor off bamboo clump opposite Luk Pu. Veered to 3 shackles. Distance steamed 42 miles. Current 3 knots. Corpse passed in water after anchoring. A confused sequence of times, so those in the pm are best guesses. 4f4d1687a2fc8ee092001aee: ( 28 June 1921 Luk Pu to Dosing Lat 23.08, Long 112.15 [approx] 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 9 knots. 10.45am: Passed corpse in water. 11.00am: Passed corpse in water. 6.00pm: Anchored off Dosing in 8 fathoms. Port anchor, veered to 3 shackles. Distance steamed 51 miles. Current 4 knots. 10.20pm: Overturned junk floating down stream struck the ship on the starboard bow and scraped alongside the length of the ship. Dent in side forward. 4f4d1687a2fc8ee092001aef: ( 29 June 1921 Dosing to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. Passed corpse. 8.10am: Passed corpse. 9.50am: Passed corpse. 11.00am: Passed corpse. 11.30am: Hands strike topmast to pass under a telephone wire. 11.45am: Anchored at Wuchow in 6.5 fathoms. Veered port anchor to 2.25 shackles. Distance steamed 27 miles. Current 3 knots. 12.10pm: Hands hoist topmast and set up rigging. 1.40pm: USS Pampanga weighed and proceeded down river. 4f4d1688a2fc8ee092001af0: ( 30 June 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.30am: Seamen away in whaler for exercise. 7.00am: Stokers away in whaler for exercise. 20 lbs of potatoes found to have gone bad. Condemned and thrown over side. Page signed by Lt/Cdr VP Alleyne. 4f4d1688a2fc8ee092001af1: ( 4f4d1688a2fc8ee092001af2: ( Covers LOGS FOR JULY 1921 [Wuchow, Sam Shui, Wuchow and Canton] 4f4d1689a2fc8ee092001af3: ( 4f4d1689a2fc8ee092001af4: ( Log book cover, 1st July to 31st August 1921 4f4d1689a2fc8ee092001af5: ( 4f4d168aa2fc8ee092001af6: ( Above two pages blank. 4f4d168aa2fc8ee092001af7: ( Instruments. Aneroid barometer, Short & Mason, No 1612. Air thermometers on upper deck aft, screened. Negretti & Zambra Dry No 10567, Wet No 25192. Sea thermometer, Reynolds. 4f4d168aa2fc8ee092001af8: ( 1 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Call the hands. 6.30am: Hands fall In. Prepare for coaling. 6.40am: Hands secure coal junks. 7.00am: Coal ship (coolie labour). Hands clean bridges. 9.00am: Hands at cleaning quarters. 10.35am: Coaling completed. Junks shoved off. Coal received 24.5 tons. Hands scrub and wash decks. Noon: Dinner. 1.10pm: Wood junk secured alongside. Chinese firemen employed in getting in wood. 2.20pm: Completed with wood. Lighter shoved off. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 8.30pm: One Stoker rating left ship for passage in HMS Tarantula to Hong Kong to rejoin HMS Titania. (Lent temporarily to replace man sick.) 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light airs, rain in the afternoon, high temperature 80ºF at noon. 4f4d168aa2fc8ee092001af9: ( 2 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 5.45am: HMS Tarantula left Wuchow 7.30pm: HMS Moth arrived at Wuchow. 7.50pm: One seaman rating rejoined ship, having taken passage in Moth from Hong Kong. 4f4d168ba2fc8ee092001afa: ( 3 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.45am: Broom down decks. Furl bridge screens and place matting on decks. 2.15pm: Veered ½ shackle on port cable to prevent HMS Moth swinging on to ship. 4f4d168ba2fc8ee092001afb: ( 4 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed refitting gear and cleaning ship. 4f4d168ba2fc8ee092001afc: ( 5 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed fitting after bridge screens and painting W/T house. 4f4d168ca2fc8ee092001afd: ( 6 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 7.30am: Seamen away in whaler for exercise. 9.00am: Hands refitting gear and painting boats. 4f4d168ca2fc8ee092001afe: ( 7 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands cleaning the side and washing paintwork. 4f4d168ca2fc8ee092001aff: ( 8 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 1.40pm: USS Pampanga arrived at Wuchow. 4f4d168ca2fc8ee092001b00: ( 9 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 11.00am: Assembled Stokers, read Warrant No 1. 4f4d168da2fc8ee092001b01: ( 10 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 8.45am: Hands employed in parts of ship. Seven tins of condensed milk condemned and thrown overboard [still a daily occurrence]. 4f4d168da2fc8ee092001b02: ( 11 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d168da2fc8ee092001b03: ( 12 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 1.00pm: Three ratings discharged for passage to Hong Kong naval hospital. 4f4d168ea2fc8ee092001b04: ( 13 July 1921 Wuchow to Tak Hing Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 11.30am: Hands strike topmast. 11.50am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 1.00pm: Hoisted topmast. 4.05pm: Anchored off Tak Hing in 4 fathoms. Distance steamed 42 miles. 4f4d168ea2fc8ee092001b05: ( 14 July 1921 Tak Hing to Shui Hing Lat 23.12, Long 112.25 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river, 8 knots. 10.35am: Passed Cock's Comb. 11.35am: Passed Narrow Island. 1.55pm: Anchored off Shui Hing in 8 fathoms. Distance steamed 50 miles. 4f4d168ea2fc8ee092001b06: ( 15 July 1921 Shui Hing to Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 6.40am: Weighed and proceeded down river, 8 knots 9.15am: Anchored at Sam Shui, distance steamed 28 miles. Portuguese gunboat Macau in harbour. 4f4d168fa2fc8ee092001b07: ( 16 July 1921 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 Hands employed on boats’ sailing gear and boats. 4f4d1690a2fc8ee092001b08: ( 17 July 1921 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 Sunday routine. 4f4d1690a2fc8ee092001b09: ( 18 July 1921 Sam Shui to Tai Siang Lat 23.17, Long 112.67 [approx] 7.40am: One ERA joined ship from HMS Tamar. 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river at 8 knots. 10.20am: Cleared Sam Shui entrance*. 2.30pm: Passed USS Pampanga going down stream. 4.40pm: Anchored off Tai Siang, in 3.5 fathoms. Distance steamed 36 miles. * The North and West rivers are joined by a narrow channel just West of Sam Shui. The flow in this channel may run in either direction, depending on the levels in the rivers, which vary seasonally. 4f4d1690a2fc8ee092001b0a: ( 19 July 1921 Tai Siang to Tak Hing Lat 23.12, Long 112.27 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river, 8 knots. 11.00am: Exercised “abandon ship” and “out kedge anchor”. 1.30pm: Passed Cock's Comb. 5.00pm: Anchored off Tak Hing in 4 fathoms. Distance steamed 43 miles. 4f4d1691a2fc8ee092001b0b: ( 20 July 1921 Tak Hing to Kai River [now Hejiang river] Lat 23.21, Long 111.55 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river, 8 knots. River dropped 1.5 feet during night. 3.00pm: Reduced speed and entered Kai River. 3.30pm: Anchored about 4 miles up Kai River in 2.5 fathoms. Distance steamed 35 miles. 5.00pm: Hands to bathe from ship. 4f4d1691a2fc8ee092001b0c: ( 21 July 1921 Kai River to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded down Kai River, 6 knots. 8.30am: Entered West River. Increased speed. 10.20am: Anchored at Wuchow in 3.5 fathoms. Distance steamed 15 miles. 4f4d1691a2fc8ee092001b0d: ( 22 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.20am: One stoker rating joined ship. 10.00am: Inspection of all storerooms and magazines by Commanding Officer. 4f4d1692a2fc8ee092001b0e: ( 23 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands scrub coconut matting and clean small arms. 4f4d1692a2fc8ee092001b0f: ( 24 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Sunday routine. 4f4d1693a2fc8ee092001b10: ( 25 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands cleaning out magazines. 4f4d1693a2fc8ee092001b11: ( 26 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed scraping and chipping paintwork and painting. 4f4d1693a2fc8ee092001b12: ( 27 July 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed scrubbing canvas gear and man ropes etc. 4f4d1693a2fc8ee092001b13: ( 28 July 1921 Wuchow to Shui Hing Lat 23.16, Long 111.65 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river, 9 knots. Height of river, 16 feet. 9.10am: Hands employed fitting gaff and chipping paint on Fxl [aka foc’sle] deck. 6.05pm: Anchored off Shui Hing in 6.5 fathoms. Distance steamed 92 miles. Current 1 knot. 7.30pm: Received naval stores from SS Tai Ring and victualling stores from SS Chung On, from Hong Kong. 4f4d1694a2fc8ee092001b14: ( 29 July 1921 Shui Hing to Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 10.35am: Anchored at Sam Shui. Distance steamed 28 miles. 12.05pm: Wood junk arrived alongside. 1.00pm: Hands employed getting in wood. 2.45pm: Wood junk cleared. 2.50pm: Junk shoved off. 4f4d1695a2fc8ee092001b15: ( 30 July 1921 Sam Shui to Hill Passage Lat 22.76, Long 113.09 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton. 3.15pm: Entered Saiwan channel. 5.10pm: Anchored off Small Pagoda, Hill Passage. Distance steamed 82 miles. Average current, 1 knot. 4f4d1695a2fc8ee092001b16: ( 31 July 1921 Hill Passage to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton. 9.45am: Secured to buoys off Shameen, Canton. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1921 [Canton, Kong Mun, Sam Shui, Kong Mun and Hong Kong] 4f4d1695a2fc8ee092001b17: ( 1 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 A quiet day in harbour. 6.00am: Call hands. 6.30am: Scrub and wash decks. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands painting and refitting. 11.45am: Ship’s company mustered for monthly payment. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave until 10.00pm, CPOs and POs until 11.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Seven tins of condensed milk condemned and thrown overboard [still a daily part of routine]. Weather: Light airs in the forenoon, freshening to NW f3 later. Dry and clear, high temperature 91ºF at 4.00pm. 4f4d1696a2fc8ee092001b18: ( 2 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands at painting and fitting a screen around the lamp locker. 4f4d1696a2fc8ee092001b19: ( 3 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Painting and refitting. 4f4d1696a2fc8ee092001b1a: ( 4 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands painting and in parts of ship. 4f4d1697a2fc8ee092001b1b: ( 5 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Exercised “land armed party with machine gun” (every available man). 3.05pm: USS Hart arrived. Sent Officer of Guard onboard her. 4f4d1697a2fc8ee092001b1c: ( 6 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.15pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4.30pm: Three ratings joined ship, passage in Tarantula from Hong Kong naval hospital. 4f4d1697a2fc8ee092001b1d: ( 7 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.50am: Hands on foc’sle. Placed double bridle on buoy. Typhoon warning, gale expected from West. 2.00pm: One ERA (lent temporarily) left ship to rejoin HMS Tamar in Hong Kong. One Stoker rating discharged to hospital. 11.10am: Canteen meeting onboard, 1st Lieutenant of HMS Tarantula presiding.. 4f4d1698a2fc8ee092001b1e: ( 8 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed canvassing oars. 4f4d1698a2fc8ee092001b1f: ( 9 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Painting and refitting. 4f4d1699a2fc8ee092001b20: ( 10 August 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands employed removing double bridle and laying out Chinese anchor on starboard bow. 10.15am: HMS Tarantula slipped and proceeded. 4f4d1699a2fc8ee092001b21: ( 11 August 1921 Canton to Hill Passage Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 8.30am: Slipped from buoys and proceeded to Butterfield and Swire's coaling wharf. 2.10pm: Coaling completed, 35 tons. 2.30pm: Shoved off from wharf and proceeded down river. 5.45pm: Anchored below small pagoda in Hill Passage. Distance steamed 24 miles. 4f4d169aa2fc8ee092001b22: ( 12 August 1921 Hill Passage to Fa Chian I. Lat 22.8, Long 113.34 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down Hill Passage for Saiwan Channel, Yungki junction and Junction Channel. 4.20pm: Anchored off Fa Chian I. in 7 fathoms. Distance steamed 50 miles. 4f4d169aa2fc8ee092001b23: ( 13 August 1921 Fa Chian I. to Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river to Kong Mun. 10.15am: Anchored at Kong Mun. Distance steamed 14 miles. 4f4d169aa2fc8ee092001b24: ( 14 August 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Sunday routine. 4f4d169ba2fc8ee092001b25: ( 15 August 1921 Kong Mun to Sam Shui Lat 22.89, Long 112.92 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui. 9.15am: Met HMS Moth near Kum Chuk. Stopped engines. Commanding Officer repaired on board her. Worked engines to stem current. 9.45am: Proceeded up river. 3.05pm: Anchored at Sam Shui in 2.75 fathoms. Distance steamed 42 miles. Average current 2 knots. 4f4d169ba2fc8ee092001b26: ( 16 August 1921 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 Hands employed refitting whalers' sailing gear and cleaning out Boatswain's store room. 4f4d169ba2fc8ee092001b27: ( 17 August 1921 Sam Shui to Wang Mun Lat 22.82, Long 112.99 [approx] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 4.00pm: Anchored off Customs Creek at Wang Mun. Distance steamed 67 miles. Average current 2 knots. 4f4d169ca2fc8ee092001b28: ( 18 August 1921 Wang Mun to Mount Channel Lat 22.75, Long 113.23 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up Kerr Channel at 6 knots. 12.15pm: Entered Yungki Junction. 1.20pm: Proceeded through Tam Chan channel, North Center junction and Tai Kok Tan Passage. 3.30pm: Anchored at the mouth of Mount Channel. Distance steamed 41 miles, average current 0.5 knot. 4f4d169ca2fc8ee092001b29: ( 19 August 1921 Mount Channel to Yellow Reach Lat 22.89, Long 113.28 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up Mount Channel at 6 knots. 10.20am: Entered Saiwan Channel. 11.20am: Entered Brick Kiln Creek. 1.20pm: Entered Luk Lao Creek 2.00pm: Entered Shun Tuk Branch 3.30pm: Entered Tai Lung Channel. 3.45pm: Stopped to clear inlets. 4.40pm: Anchored in Yellow Reach, distance steamed 45 miles. 4f4d169ca2fc8ee092001b2a: ( 20 August 1921 Yellow Reach to Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded for Kong Mun at 9 knots, via Junction channel. 11.50am: Anchored at Kong Mun in 2.5 fathoms, distance steamed 22 miles. 4f4d169da2fc8ee092001b2b: ( 21 August 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Sunday routine. 4f4d169da2fc8ee092001b2c: ( 22 August 1921 Kong Mun, Sandpiper Creek and return to Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded up river for Sandpiper Creek 10.05am: Entered Sandpiper Creek. 11.20am: Entered West River. Noon: Anchored at Kong Mun, distance steamed 24 miles. 4f4d169ea2fc8ee092001b2d: ( 23 August 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands washing down masts and scraping paint blisters. 4f4d169ea2fc8ee092001b2e: ( 24 August 1921 Kong Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.52, Long 113.59 [approx] 6.55am: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong. 9.35am: Entered Sailam channel. 10.30am: Hands employed getting ship ready for Hong Kong; rifles stowed below, etc. 12.20pm: Passed Wang Mun light. 5.20pm: Secured alongside HMS Cicala on East wall, inside Camber, at Hong Kong. 4f4d169ea2fc8ee092001b2f: ( 25 August 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed getting ammunition and stores ready for disembarkation. Noon: One Seaman rating discharged to hospital. 12.30pm: Discharged Moth's Telegraphist to HMS Moth and ship's Telegraphist, temporarily on Moth, returned to ship. 4f4d169fa2fc8ee092001b30: ( 26 August 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.00am: HMS Moth proceeded for West River. 8.30am: Tugs came alongside and shifted ship to North Wall, inside Camber. 1.30pm: One Stoker rating, sick, discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f4d169fa2fc8ee092001b31: ( 27 August 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands unrigging all screens and cleaning ship. 4f4d16a0a2fc8ee092001b32: ( 28 August 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d16a0a2fc8ee092001b33: ( 29 August 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition into lighter. 9.15am: All ammunition out of ship. 9.30am: Ammunition party shoved off in lighter to NO depôt. 11.40am: Ammunition party returned to ship. 4f4d16a0a2fc8ee092001b34: ( 30 August 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.30am: Commodore Hong Kong [at this time Captain William Bowden-Smith] arrived onboard to inspect ship. Ship's company inspected at Divisions, Fire Stations, and General Quarters. Ship inspected and books. 10.50am: Commodore left ship. Hands piped down. One maximum and minimum thermometer lost over the side by accident. 4f4d16a1a2fc8ee092001b35: ( 31 August 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed cleaning out magazines and storerooms, preparatory to red-leading double bottoms. In pm: Half ship's company proceeded on general leave for 48 hours 4f4d16a1a2fc8ee092001b36: ( 4f4d16a1a2fc8ee092001b37: ( 4f4d16a2a2fc8ee092001b38: ( 4f4d16a2a2fc8ee092001b39: ( 4f4d16a3a2fc8ee092001b3a: ( Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1921 [Hong Kong for refit) 4f4d16a3a2fc8ee092001b3b: ( 4f4d16a3a2fc8ee092001b3c: ( Log book cover, 1st September to 31st October 1921. 4f4d16a4a2fc8ee092001b3d: ( 4f4d16a4a2fc8ee092001b3e: ( Above two pages blank. 4f4d16a4a2fc8ee092001b40: ( 1 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Call hands. 7.00am: Scrub and wash decks. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast and clean. 9.00am: Hands clean ship. 10.30am: Hands unrigging canvas gear for return to sail loft. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands employed taking all boats over to crane for hoisting and repairs and survey by Yard. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Leave to part of watch until 7.00am, Chiefs and POs to 7.30am. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light Easterlies, dry and clear; temperatures in the 80s F. 4f4d16a5a2fc8ee092001b41: ( 2 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Hands employed getting down awnings and returning them to the sail loft. Noon: 1st watch returned from general leave. 12.30pm: 2nd watch went on general leave (48 hours). 4f4d16a5a2fc8ee092001b42: ( 3 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands cleaning storerooms. 1.30pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital. 4f4d16a5a2fc8ee092001b43: ( 4 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 3 tins of condensed milk condemned and destroyed. 12.30pm: 2nd watch returned from general leave. 4f4d16a6a2fc8ee092001b44: ( 5 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Half the ship's company left ship for a week's leave to the Sanitorium. Remainder employed drawing and returning small store items. On opening a new rum jar, found top damaged and a deficiency amounting to 1 1/8th pints of rum caused thereby. 4f4d16a6a2fc8ee092001b45: ( 6 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: HMS Robin left Hong Kong for West River. 9.10am: Shifted ship to new billet on North wall. 4f4d16a6a2fc8ee092001b46: ( 7 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Ship shifted to billet alongside East wall. Hands employed ranging cable on jetty for survey. 2.30pm: HMS Cairo secured inside Camber. 4f4d16a7a2fc8ee092001b47: ( 8 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Hands removing awnings. Two tins of condensed milk condemned and destroyed. 4f4d16a7a2fc8ee092001b48: ( 9 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands cleaning out chain lockers and red-leading bottoms. Refitted wireless halliards. 4f4d16a7a2fc8ee092001b49: ( 10 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands cleaning out after magazine and red-leading double bottom. 4f4d16a8a2fc8ee092001b4a: ( 11 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 C of E church party to HMS Tamar for service. Other denominations to services ashore. 4f4d16a8a2fc8ee092001b4b: ( 12 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands returning wireless gear to store. 10.45am: Half ship's company returned from Sanitorium. 12.30pm: Remaining half of ship's company left ship for week's leave at Sanitorium. 4f4d16a8a2fc8ee092001b4c: ( 13 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands red-leading double bottom of after magazine. 4f4d16a9a2fc8ee092001b4d: ( 14 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Cleaning and painting. 4f4d16a9a2fc8ee092001b4e: ( 15 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting. 4f4d16a9a2fc8ee092001b4f: ( 16 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed drawing victualling stores and scraping paintwork. 4f4d16aaa2fc8ee092001b50: ( 17 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands restowing cable in locker. 4f4d16aaa2fc8ee092001b51: ( 18 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 2.00pm: One Stoker rating discharged to RN hospital. 4f4d16aba2fc8ee092001b52: ( 19 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.00pm: One Stoker rating returned to ship from RN hospital. Second half of ship's company returned from Sanitorium. 4f4d16aba2fc8ee092001b53: ( 20 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands unrigging mainmast and scraping mast and yard. 4f4d16aca2fc8ee092001b54: ( 21 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 4 tins of condensed milk condemned and destroyed [still an almost daily ritual. 4f4d16aca2fc8ee092001b55: ( 22 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting and chipping paintwork. 4f4d16aca2fc8ee092001b56: ( 23 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed in refitting. One Stoker rating, sick, discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f4d16ada2fc8ee092001b57: ( 24 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Chipping and scraping paintwork. 4f4d16ada2fc8ee092001b58: ( 25 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.20am: Divisions. Read Articles of War*. Church party (C of E) to Tamar. RCs and Wesleyans to services ashore *The regulations that governed the conduct of every member of the Royal Navy. They were required by Admiralty instructions to be read to the ship’s company once a month. 4f4d16ada2fc8ee092001b59: ( 26 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.40am: Floating galley secured alongside. Sent aneroid [barometer] to chart depôt for survey and repairs. 4f4d16aea2fc8ee092001b5a: ( 27 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Refitting and chipping paintwork. 4f4d16aea2fc8ee092001b5b: ( 28 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Struck topmast, W/T yard and mainyard. 9.00am: Painting down aloft and refitting halliard blocks on yards. Aneroid returned from chart depôt. 4f4d16afa2fc8ee092001b5c: ( 29 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting outside of mess deck. 4f4d16afa2fc8ee092001b5d: ( 30 September 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1921 [Hong Kong and Wuchow] 4f4d16afa2fc8ee092001b5e: ( 1 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.00am: Call hands. 6.30am: Hands painting outside of messdeck house. 8.00am: Breakfast and clean. 9.00am: Hands painting and rigging gaff on mainmast. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am, Chiefs and POs to 7.30am. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light NE’lies, misty in the afternoon, high temperature 82º F at noon. 4f4d16afa2fc8ee092001b5f: ( 2 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Church party (C of E) to HMS Tamar. RCs and Wesleyans to services ashore. 4f4d16b0a2fc8ee092001b60: ( 3 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Hands chipping paintwork and cleaning out Paymaster’s store. In pm: Hands employed drawing new awnings from sail loft. 4f4d16b0a2fc8ee092001b61: ( 4 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands spreading awnings and painting. 4f4d16b0a2fc8ee092001b62: ( 5 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands drawing Paymaster’s stores and painting. 4f4d16b1a2fc8ee092001b63: ( 6 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands drawing stores and painting. 4f4d16b1a2fc8ee092001b64: ( 7 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.00am: Hands employed drawing ammunition from NO depôt. 10.40am: Ammunition lighter with working party secured alongside. Ammunitioned ship. 1.30pm: Hands employed shifting ship's boats from boat repair shed on to jetty and covering them. 4f4d16b1a2fc8ee092001b65: ( 8 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed painting and drawing awnings and screens from sail loft. 4f4d16b2a2fc8ee092001b66: ( 9 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.45am: Church party (C of E) to HMS Tamar. RCs and Wesleyans to services ashore. 4f4d16b2a2fc8ee092001b67: ( 10 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.05am: Coal lighter alongside. Commenced coaling. Noon: Completed coaling. Dinner. 2.30pm: Coal lighter cast off. From October 11-31, the year is entered as 1922. Because the sequence of page numbers, days of the week and events described all follow a logical order, this can safely be assumed to be an error. 4f4d16b2a2fc8ee092001b68: ( 11 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed striking topmast. 9.15am: Ship’s company attended hygiene lecture onboard HMS Tarantula. 1.30pm: Hands employed drawing 16' skiff from Kowloon. 4f4d16b3a2fc8ee092001b69: ( 12 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.10am: Slipped from East wall and secured alongside HMS Tamar. 4f4d16b3a2fc8ee092001b6a: ( 13 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.30pm: Hands employed painting and returning 13½' dinghy to dockyard. 4f4d16b3a2fc8ee092001b6b: ( 14 October 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Hands employed returning ammunition. 9.00am: Hands employed setting up topmast rigging and drawing ammunition. 1.45pm: Cast off from HMS Tamar. 2.00pm: Secured to buoy. Hands employed ammunitioning ship from lighter.. 4f4d16b4a2fc8ee092001b6c: ( 15 October 1921 Hong Kong to Cho Po Lat 22.54, Long 113.59 [approx] 7.35am: Slipped buoy and proceeded up river at 9½ knots. Courses as requisite for proceeding up West River via Wang Mun, Sailam and Junction Channels. 1.47pm: Stopped port engine to effect repair to lubricator. Proceeded on starboard engine. 6.40pm: Anchored off Cho Po. Laid out kedge astern. 4f4d16b5a2fc8ee092001b6d: ( 16 October 1921 Cho Po to Shui Hing Lat 22.94, Long 112.89 [approx] 7.15am: Weighed stern anchor. 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded up river, speed 9½ knots. Pou Pik with gunboat escort passed at Junction Channel. 6.30pm: Anchored off Shui Hing. 4f4d16b5a2fc8ee092001b6e: ( 17 October 1921 Shui Hing to Ha Lok Lat 23.08, Long 112.15 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded up river at 9.5 knots. 11.15am: Passed Narrow Island. 1.00pm: Cocks Comb passed. 4.00pm: Tak Hing passed. 5.45pm: Anchored off Ha Lok. 4f4d16b6a2fc8ee092001b6f: ( 18 October 1921 Ha Lok to Wuchow Lat 23.33, Long 111.53 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river, speed 9 knots. 11.30am: Fong Chuen passed. 2.10pm: Came to with starboard anchor at 2 shackles off Wuchow. 4f4d16b6a2fc8ee092001b70: ( 19 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 7.00am: Coaled ship from junk alongside, 20 tons. 4f4d16b7a2fc8ee092001b71: ( 20 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.00am: Placed ship on pontoon for repairs. 4f4d16b7a2fc8ee092001b72: ( 21 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Painting and fitting awnings. 4f4d16b7a2fc8ee092001b73: ( 22 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.00am: Hands painting and drawing skiff from shore. 4f4d16b8a2fc8ee092001b74: ( 23 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Sunday routine. 4f4d16b8a2fc8ee092001b75: ( 24 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 7.30am: HMS Robin weighed and proceeded down river. Hands painting and fixing canvas flaps round awning outside upper mess deck. 4f4d16b8a2fc8ee092001b76: ( 25 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Painting. 4f4d16b9a2fc8ee092001b77: ( 26 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Painting and refitting. 4f4d16b9a2fc8ee092001b78: ( 27 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Painting and fitting awnings. 4f4d16b9a2fc8ee092001b79: ( 28 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 10.00am: One Armourer and one Stoker joined ship. 4f4d16baa2fc8ee092001b7a: ( 29 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Refitting and cleaning. 4f4d16baa2fc8ee092001b7b: ( 30 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16baa2fc8ee092001b7c: ( 31 October 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands cleaning out storeroom and refitting. 4f4d16bba2fc8ee092001b7d: ( 4f4d16bba2fc8ee092001b7e: ( 4f4d16bba2fc8ee092001b7f: ( 4f4d16bca2fc8ee092001b80: ( 4f4d16bca2fc8ee092001b81: ( 4f4d16bda2fc8ee092001b82: ( Above six pages blanks and cover. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1921 [Wuchow, Kong Mun and Canton] 4f4d16bda2fc8ee092001b83: ( 4f4d16bda2fc8ee092001b84: ( Cover of logbook, 1st November to 31st December 1921. 4f4d16bea2fc8ee092001b85: ( 4f4d16bea2fc8ee092001b86: ( 4f4d16bea2fc8ee092001b87: ( Above three pages blank. 4f4d16bfa2fc8ee092001b88: ( 1 November 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.00am: Called hands. 6.30am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning out storerooms and as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 12.30pm: HMS Moth arrived. 1.00pm: Leave to watch until 6.00pm, Chiefs and POs to 6.30pm. 1.45pm: Discharged one Armourer to Moth. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Calm or light Easterlies, dry, high temperature 78º F at 4.00pm. 4f4d16bfa2fc8ee092001b89: ( 2 November 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.30am: Weighed anchor and shifted berth. 11.30am: Paid monthly payment. 4f4d16bfa2fc8ee092001b8a: ( 3 November 1921 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 8.00pm: One Stoker discharged to HMS Moth for passage to Hong Kong. 4f4d16c0a2fc8ee092001b8b: ( 4 November 1921 Wuchow to Howlick Lat 23.13, Long 111.97 [approx] 6.30am: Prepared for getting under way. 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 9.40am: Passed Dosing. 10.30am: Passed Fo Pin rocks (Monks Head). 10.30am: Commenced full power trial. 1st hour 12.6 miles. 11.05am: Passed Tak Hing. 11.48am: Passed Block House. 12.03pm: Passed Luttow Bank. Finished steam trial. 4.00pm: Shui Hing abeam. 5.10pm: Anchored off Howlick. Distance made good, 112 miles. 4f4d16c0a2fc8ee092001b8c: ( 5 November 1921 Howlick to Kong Mun Lat 22.85, Long 112.93 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 9.10am: Passed Sam Shui Reach. 1.50pm: Anchored at Kong Mun. Distance made good, 62 miles. 4f4d16c1a2fc8ee092001b8d: ( 6 November 1921 Kong Mun [Howlick at top of page; clear error] Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Sunday routine. 4f4d16c1a2fc8ee092001b8e: ( 7 November 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed as requisite and spreading waist awnings. 4f4d16c1a2fc8ee092001b8f: ( 8 November 1921 Kong Mun and towards Canton Lat 22.74, Long 113.24 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton 10.50am: Passed First cliff. 11.45am: Yellow Reach. 2.25pm: Anchored TSZ Nai, [possibly Tsg Nai is intended]. Distance made good 43 miles. 4f4d16c2a2fc8ee092001b90: ( 9 November 1921 To Canton Lat 23.03, Long 113.52 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton down Saiwan [now Shawan] channel. 9.00am: Entered Hill Passage. 11.30am: Collinson Reach. 2.00pm: Made fast to buoys at Canton. 4f4d16c3a2fc8ee092001b91: ( 10 November 1921 Canton to Kong Mun Lat 22.80, Long 113.34 [approx] 7.05am: Slipped from buoys and proceeded to Kong Mun. 8.15am: High Island. 9.15am: Escape Creek. 10.15am: Entered Saiwan Channel. 10.40am: Passed Barrier . 12.15pm: Bullock Point. 12.55pm: Grounded Clown Rock 1.50pm: Junction channel. 3.15pm: Staunch Island light. 4.20pm: Anchored Kong Mun. Distance made good, 83 miles. 4f4d16c3a2fc8ee092001b92: ( 11 November 1921 Kong Mun, Kep Siang Is and Yungki Junction Lat 22.49, Long 113.23 [approx] 11.00am: Observed two minutes silence in commemoration of Armistice Day. 11.05am: Weighed and proceeded down river to Kep Siang Is to cruise scene of piracy of King Shan. Noon: Dinner. Turned and proceeded for Kong Mun. 1.20pm: Dropped pilot off Kong Mun and proceeded. 3.00pm: First Cliff. 4.20pm: Anchored off Yungki Jn. 4f4d16c3a2fc8ee092001b93: ( 12 November 1921 Yungki Jn to Canton Lat 22.99, Long 113.52 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded up Yungki Junction. 7.50am: Tamshan Channel. 9.00am: Saiwan Channel. 10.40am: Hill Passage. Noon: Dinner. Blenheim Reach tide gauge. 2.30pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. 4.15pm: HMS Moth arrived. DMG 42 miles. 4f4d16c3a2fc8ee092001b94: ( 13 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.15am: Landed church parties. 4f4d16c4a2fc8ee092001b95: ( 14 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.45am: HMS Tarantula sailed. 11.40am: Hands preparing and standing by to land at fire on shore. 12.20pm: Seamen landed to keep order at fire. 4f4d16c4a2fc8ee092001b96: ( 15 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16c4a2fc8ee092001b97: ( 16 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.30am: Chinese seamen painting ship's side. 10.00am: CPOs and POs medically inspected. 4f4d16c5a2fc8ee092001b98: ( 17 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.30am: Two stokers joined ship. 10.00am: Seamen and Stokers medically examined. 4f4d16c5a2fc8ee092001b99: ( 18 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.10am: Two Stokers discharged to HMS Tamar per river steamer to Hong Kong. 4f4d16c5a2fc8ee092001b9a: ( 19 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 12.05am: Fire observed immediately behind Shameen. 12.25am: Fire signalled from Bund. Land fire party. 1.00am: Fire party returned onboard. 10.30am: Landed fire party. 12.30pm: Landed relief fire party. 4f4d16c5a2fc8ee092001b9b: ( 20 November 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.30am: Divisions. Articles of War read to ship’s company. 4f4d16c6a2fc8ee092001b9c: ( 21 November 1921 Canton to Hill Passage Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 7.00am: Employed preparing to get underway. 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded to B & S wharf and commenced coaling. 11.20am: Completed coaling. Received 26½ tons. 1.00pm: Cast off and hoisted boats. Proceeded down river. 3.17pm: Stopped to clean inlets (40 minutes). 5.10pm. Anchored in Hill Passage. 4f4d16c6a2fc8ee092001b9d: ( 22 November 1921 Hill Passage to Yellow Reach Lat 22.87, Long 113.3 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Saiwan Channel. 9.37am: Entered Saiwan Channel. 12.20pm: Entered Tamchan Channel. 3.00pm: Anchored in Yellow Reach. DMG 37 miles. 4f4d16c7a2fc8ee092001b9e: ( 23 November 1921 Yellow Reach to Tai Ping Chan Lat 22.99, Long 112.85 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up West River. 1.30pm: Anchored off Tai Ping Chan. DMG 27 miles. 4f4d16c7a2fc8ee092001b9f: ( 24 November 1921 Tai Ping Chan to Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.84 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river to Sam Shui 12.20pm: Anchored Sam Shui. DMG 19 miles. 4f4d16c7a2fc8ee092001ba0: ( 25 November 1921 Sam Shui to Sha Po and return Lat 23.17, Long 112.68 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded for Sha Po. 11.30am: Anchored off Sha Po. 4.20pm: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui. 5.30pm: Anchored Sam Shui. 4f4d16c8a2fc8ee092001ba1: ( 26 November 1921 Sam Shui to Kong Mun Lat 22.85, Long 112.93 [approx] 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 2.00pm: Anchored at Kong Mun. DMG 51 miles. 4f4d16c8a2fc8ee092001ba2: ( 27 November 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16c9a2fc8ee092001ba3: ( 28 November 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 9.00am: Hands painting double bottoms in fore store. 4f4d16c9a2fc8ee092001ba4: ( 29 November 1921 Kong Mun to Hok Shan [now Heshan] Lat 22.8, Long 112.99 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 11.45am: Anchored in 3 fathoms off Hok Shan opposite Kau Kong. DMG 18 miles. 4f4d16c9a2fc8ee092001ba5: ( 30 November 1921 Hok Shan to Kong Mun Lat 22.8, Long 112.99 9.00am: Exercised “Collision stations”, “Out kedge anchor”, “Surprise attack stations” and “Abandon ship”. 10.00am: Replace gear. 1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to Kong Mun. 2.10pm: Passed Plover Islands. 3.00pm: Anchored at Kong Mun. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1921 [Kong Mun, Canton, Kong Mun and Hong Kong] 4f4d16caa2fc8ee092001ba6: ( 1 December 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed in parts of ship and as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00pm, Chiefs and POs to 10.00pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: NW’ly breezes f 2-3, dry and clear, high temperature 71º F at 4.00pm. 4f4d16caa2fc8ee092001ba7: ( 2 December 1921 Kong Mun to Hill Passage Lat 22.88, Long 113.32 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Canton via Junction and Yungki Channels. 10.05am: Passed Plover I. 11.45am: Yellow Reach. 12.10pm: Yungki Junction. 1.05pm: Tamchan Channel. 3.55pm: Hill Passage. 4.35pm: Anchored Hill Passage, N Entrance. DMG 64 miles. 4f4d16caa2fc8ee092001ba8: ( 3 December 1921 Hill Passage to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton. 8.32am: Stopped engines for choked inlet. 8.40am: Proceeded. 12.10pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. 4f4d16cba2fc8ee092001ba9: ( 4 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: One Stoker rejoined ship. 10.15am: Landed church parties. 4f4d16cba2fc8ee092001baa: ( 5 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands clean ship and scrub the side. 4f4d16cba2fc8ee092001bab: ( 6 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Clean and inspect small arms. 4f4d16cca2fc8ee092001bac: ( 7 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands refitting skiff and sampan falls and cleaning down foremast. 4f4d16cca2fc8ee092001bad: ( 8 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed refitting whaler falls and as requisite. 2.00pm: One PO discharged to RN hospital Hong Kong, sent down by train. 4f4d16cda2fc8ee092001bae: ( 9 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.00am: HMS Robin slipped and proceeded. 4f4d16cda2fc8ee092001baf: ( 10 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.00am: Clean and inspect small arms. 4f4d16cda2fc8ee092001bb0: ( 11 December 1921 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 11.30am: Church parties returned. 4f4d16cda2fc8ee092001bb1: ( 12 December 1921 Canton to Tsg Nai Lat 23.05, Long 113.5 [approx] 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded alongside B & S wharf. 8.20am: Commenced coaling. 10.15am: Completed coaling. Received 10 tons. 11.00am: Slipped and hoisted boats and proceeded down river. 3.30pm: Passed Saiwan Barrier. 5.00pm: Anchored off Tsg Nai. DMG, 40 miles. 4f4d16cea2fc8ee092001bb2: ( 13 December 1921 Tsg Nai to Kong Mun Lat 22.80, Long 113.35 [approx] 9.35am: Weighed and proceeded for Kong Mun via Yungki and Junction Channel. 10.50am: Entered Yungki Junction. 12.20pm: Yellow Reach. 1.40pm: First Cliffs. 3.00pm: Anchored, Kong Mun. DMG 43 miles. 4f4d16cea2fc8ee092001bb3: ( 14 December 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands cleaning and painting. 4f4d16cea2fc8ee092001bb4: ( 15 December 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 2.00pm: HMS’ Robin and Moth arrived. 4.00pm: One rating discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f4d16cfa2fc8ee092001bb5: ( 16 December 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16cfa2fc8ee092001bb6: ( 17 December 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 7.10am: HMS Moth weighed and proceeded. 4f4d16d0a2fc8ee092001bb7: ( 18 December 1921 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16d0a2fc8ee092001bb8: ( 19 December 1921 Kong Mun to Yellow Reach Lat 22.74, Long 113.24 [approx] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Tarantula to rendezvous at head of Yellow Reach. 12.30pm: Anchored head of Yellow Reach in Kerr Channel. DMG 24 miles. 4f4d16d1a2fc8ee092001bb9: ( 20 December 1921 Yellow Reach to Hong Kong Lat 22.49, Long 113.65 [approx] 8.05am: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong via Yungki, N Centre Junction and Lanket Entrance with Commodore on board. 3.00pm: Prepared for entering harbour. 4.45pm: Secured alongside HMS Magnolia, East wall of basin. DMG 68 miles. 5.00pm: One Petty Officer rejoined ship from hospital. 4f4d16d1a2fc8ee092001bba: ( 21 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands refitting fenders and as requisite. 4f4d16d1a2fc8ee092001bbb: ( 22 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands refitting fenders and as requisite. 4f4d16d2a2fc8ee092001bbc: ( 23 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16d3a2fc8ee092001bbd: ( 24 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 11.00am: Cleaned and inspected small arms. 4f4d16d3a2fc8ee092001bbe: ( 25 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: Sent church parties to HMS Tamar. 4f4d16d4a2fc8ee092001bbf: ( 26 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Piped down. 4f4d16d4a2fc8ee092001bc0: ( 27 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Furled for’d awnings. 4f4d16d5a2fc8ee092001bc1: ( 28 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 5.00pm: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f4d16d5a2fc8ee092001bc2: ( 29 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands refitting side screens. 4f4d16d6a2fc8ee092001bc3: ( 30 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands drawing stores and striking and stripping down topmast. 1.30pm: Clearing away awning to unstep mainmast. 4f4d16d6a2fc8ee092001bc4: ( 31 December 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 11.00am: Clean and inspect small arms. 4f4d16d6a2fc8ee092001bc5: ( 4f4d16d7a2fc8ee092001bc6: ( 4f4d16d8a2fc8ee092001bc7: ( 4f4d16d8a2fc8ee092001bc8: ( Above four pages blank. THE VOYAGES OF HMS MOORHEN 1922 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1922 [Hong Kong for dry dock and refit] 4f4d16d8a2fc8ee092001bc9: ( 4f4d16d9a2fc8ee092001bca: ( Log book cover, January 1st to February 28th, 1922. 4f4d16d9a2fc8ee092001bcb: ( 4f4d16d9a2fc8ee092001bcc: ( 4f4d16d9a2fc8ee092001bcd: ( Above three pages blank. 4f4d16daa2fc8ee092001bce: ( 1 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 A harbour Sunday. 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Landed Presbyterian church party. Sent C of E party to HMS Tamar. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am, Chiefs and POs to 7.30am. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Calm with SE’ly breezes in the evening f 1-3, dry and clear; temperatures in the 60s F. 4f4d16daa2fc8ee092001bcf: ( 2 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands drawing stores. Noon: General leave to 1st watch until noon on the 4th of January. 4f4d16dba2fc8ee092001bd0: ( 3 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16dba2fc8ee092001bd1: ( 4 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Noon: Dinner. 1st watch returned from general leave. General leave to 2nd watch from noon until noon on the 6th of January. 4f4d16dca2fc8ee092001bd2: ( 5 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16dca2fc8ee092001bd3: ( 6 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Noon: 2nd watch returned from leave. 4f4d16dda2fc8ee092001bd4: ( 7 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Clean ship. 4f4d16dda2fc8ee092001bd5: ( 8 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: Landed Non-conformist church parties. Sent C of E party to HMS Tamar, 4f4d16dda2fc8ee092001bd6: ( 9 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed refitting and in parts of ship. 4f4d16dea2fc8ee092001bd7: ( 10 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: Hoisted out boats onto dockyard wall. 3.30pm: Ammunition lighter alongside. 4f4d16dea2fc8ee092001bd8: ( 11 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Hands employed getting ammunition up on deck and discharging same to the lighter. 4f4d16dea2fc8ee092001bd9: ( 12 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands cleaning out boats and after magazine. 4f4d16dfa2fc8ee092001bda: ( 13 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Secured tug alongside. Slipped from HMS Magnolia and proceeded into dry dock. Hands employed cleaning ship's bottom. 4.30pm: One Petty Officer joined ship and one ditto discharged to HMS Hawkins. 4f4d16dfa2fc8ee092001bdb: ( 14 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Cleaning out storerooms. 4f4d16dfa2fc8ee092001bdc: ( 15 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d16e0a2fc8ee092001bdd: ( 16 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed in boats and as sentries in storeroom. 4f4d16e0a2fc8ee092001bde: ( 17 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed shifting bottom boards in storeroom for inspection of plates and frames. 4f4d16e0a2fc8ee092001bdf: ( 18 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed cleaning ship and repairing awnings. 4f4d16e1a2fc8ee092001be0: ( 19 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed striking foreyard and in parts of ship. 4f4d16e1a2fc8ee092001be1: ( 20 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed cleaning skiff and canvassing oars. 4f4d16e1a2fc8ee092001be2: ( 21 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Drawing stores, cleaning ship. 4f4d16e1a2fc8ee092001be3: ( 22 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d16e2a2fc8ee092001be4: ( 23 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands drawing stores from dockyard. 4f4d16e2a2fc8ee092001be5: ( 24 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Hands cleaning out fore magazine and returning after awning to dockyard for alteration. 3.00pm: Commenced flooding dry dock. 4f4d16e2a2fc8ee092001be6: ( 25 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.15am: Shifted ship from dry dock alongside East wall of basin. 9.00am: Hands drawing after awning from dockyard and spreading same. 3.00pm: Shifted berth alongside HMS Durban at North wall. 4f4d16e3a2fc8ee092001be7: ( 26 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed getting up empties and drawing stores from Kowloon. Working party from HMS Tamar drawing ammunition. 1.00pm: Hands employed embarking and stowing ammunition. 4f4d16e4a2fc8ee092001be8: ( 27 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Drawing stores, cleaning storerooms. 4f4d16e4a2fc8ee092001be9: ( 28 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In pm: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Tamar and one ditto discharged to same. 4f4d16e4a2fc8ee092001bea: ( 29 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d16e5a2fc8ee092001beb: ( 30 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed respreading waist awnings and placing kedge anchor. 4f4d16e5a2fc8ee092001bec: ( 31 January 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands fitting strop to kedge anchor. 1.45pm: Shifted berth outside HMS Cicala at North arm inside basin. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1922 [Hong Kong, Canton, Wuchow and Canton] 4f4d16e6a2fc8ee092001bed: ( 1 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands cleaning boats and canvassing bottle screws on main rigging. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch from 4.30pm to 7.00am, Chiefs and POs to 7.30am. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Various light breezes, mostly cloudy and overcast, dry; temperatures in the 60s F. 4f4d16e6a2fc8ee092001bee: ( 2 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 3.00pm: HMS Robin arrived and secured alongside HMS Tamar. 4f4d16e6a2fc8ee092001bef: ( 3 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Hands sent to coal yard Kowloon to fill coal lighter. 3.00pm: Coaling party returned from Kowloon. 5.00pm: Coal junks secured alongside. 4f4d16e7a2fc8ee092001bf0: ( 4 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.30am: Hands coal ship. 11.30am: Completed coaling, received 30 tons. 4f4d16e7a2fc8ee092001bf1: ( 5 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d16e7a2fc8ee092001bf2: ( 6 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands swaying up fore topmast and yards and painting down aloft. 4f4d16e8a2fc8ee092001bf3: ( 7 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands scrubbing screens, setting wireless aerials and painting down fore lower mast. 4f4d16e8a2fc8ee092001bf4: ( 8 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16e8a2fc8ee092001bf5: ( 9 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting boats. 4f4d16e9a2fc8ee092001bf6: ( 10 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.20am: Shifted ship to North wall. Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16e9a2fc8ee092001bf7: ( 11 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In pm: Two Stokers rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f4d16e9a2fc8ee092001bf8: ( 12 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d16eaa2fc8ee092001bf9: ( 13 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands cleaning roof and scrubbing top of upper awnings. 4f4d16eaa2fc8ee092001bfa: ( 14 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16eaa2fc8ee092001bfb: ( 15 February 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Cleaning and painting. 4f4d16eba2fc8ee092001bfc: ( 16 February 1922 Hong Kong to Sampan Channel Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [approx] 9.20am: Slipped from North wall and proceeded with launch to No 9 buoy. One CPO joined ship for HMS Moth. Swung ship for adjustment of compasses. 11.45am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded for Canton at 9 knots. 5.50pm: Anchored in 8 fathoms, 1 mile N of Sampan Chan. 4f4d16eba2fc8ee092001bfd: ( 17 February 1922 Sampan Chan to Canton Lat 22.98, Long 113.53 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Canton 9 knots. 10.00am: Tigers Claw abeam. 3.20pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. 4.30pm: Discharged one Chief Gunner’s Mate to HMS Moth. 4f4d16eba2fc8ee092001bfe: ( 18 February 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.00am: Cleaned and inspected small arms. 4f4d16eca2fc8ee092001bff: ( 19 February 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d16eca2fc8ee092001c00: ( 20 February 1922 Canton to Shell I. Lat 23.06, Long 113.5 [approx] 8.40am: Slipped and proceeded to B & S wharf to coal. Received 10 tons. 10.45am: Cast off from wharf and proceeded for West River. 1.45pm: Entered Hill Passage. 3.05pm: Passed Saiwan Barrier. 5.25pm: Anchored off Shell Island. DMG 50 miles. 4f4d16eca2fc8ee092001c01: ( 21 February 1922 Shell I. to Wong Cha Lat 22.77, Long 113.08 [approx] 8.40am: Weighed and proceeded up Yungki junction. 10.10am: Entered Kerr Channel. 10.45am: Junction Channel. 11.50am: First Cliffs. 5.30pm: Anchored in Kwangsi Reach off Wong Cha. DMG 58 miles. 4f4d16eda2fc8ee092001c02: ( 22 February 1922 Wong Cha to Dosing Lat 23.17, Long 112.3 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 10.5 knots, (2 boilers). 10.00am: Passed large pagoda at Shui Hing. Noon: Passed Luk Po [now Lubuzhen]. 2.06pm: Cocks Comb abeam. 3.45pm: Nine Storey Pagoda. 4.05pm: Tak Hing. 5.35pm: Fai Piu Rocks (Monks Head). 6.07pm: Anchored at Dosing in 14 fathoms. DMG 90 miles. 4f4d16eda2fc8ee092001c03: ( 23 February 1922 Dosing to Wuchow Lat 23.44, Long 111.49 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Wuchow. 12.07pm: Twin Rocks abeam. 1.30pm: Anchored at Wuchow in 3 fathoms, river at Wuchow 1'-11”. DMG 27 miles. 4f4d16eda2fc8ee092001c04: ( 24 February 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Painting. 4f4d16eea2fc8ee092001c05: ( 25 February 1922 Wuchow to Shui Hing Lat 23.13, Long 111.83 [approx] 7.10am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 10.15am: Dosing abeam. 12.10pm: Nine Storey Pagoda. 1.10pm: Kau Koan Reach (Landslips). 1.37pm: Cock's Comb. 4.45pm: Let one boiler die out. 5.20pm: Anchored off Shui Hing. DMG 102 miles. 4f4d16eea2fc8ee092001c06: ( 26 February 1922 Shui Hing to Sha Po Lat 23.17, Long 112.69 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Sha Po. 11.15am: Anchored off Sha Po. DMG 19 miles. 4f4d16efa2fc8ee092001c07: ( 27 February 1922 Sha Po to Bullock Pt Lat 22.82, Long 112.99 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river for Canton via Junction and Tailung channels. 4.05pm: Anchored off Bullock Point. 4f4d16efa2fc8ee092001c08: ( 28 February 1922 Bullock Pt to Canton Lat 22.91, Long 113.51 [approx] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton via Saiwan channel and Hill Passage at 9 knots. 11.30am: Passed Kwong Wai [presumably a steamer] above Barrier, flying strikers banners. 12.30pm: Hill Passage. 3.35pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. 4f4d16efa2fc8ee092001c09: ( 4f4d16f0a2fc8ee092001c0a: ( 4f4d16f0a2fc8ee092001c0b: ( 4f4d16f0a2fc8ee092001c0c: ( 4f4d16f1a2fc8ee092001c0d: ( 4f4d16f1a2fc8ee092001c0e: ( Above six pages blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1922 [Canton, Sam Shui, Kong Mun, Hong Kong, Canton and Kong Mun] 4f4d16f2a2fc8ee092001c0f: ( 4f4d16f2a2fc8ee092001c10: ( Log book cover, 1st March to 30th April 1922. 4f4d16f2a2fc8ee092001c11: ( 4f4d16f3a2fc8ee092001c12: ( 4f4d16f3a2fc8ee092001c13: ( Above six pages blank. 4f4d16f3a2fc8ee092001c14: ( 1 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.00am: Scrub decks. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 11.59pm: HMS Moth left buoys. Weather: Light Northerly breezes, cloudy and overcast, dry; temperatures 49-51ºF. 4f4d16f4a2fc8ee092001c15: ( 2 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.10am: Wood arrived alongside (3 tons). 4f4d16f4a2fc8ee092001c16: ( 3 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Painting. 4f4d16f4a2fc8ee092001c17: ( 4 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.35am: USS Pampanga slipped and proceeded down river. 4f4d16f5a2fc8ee092001c18: ( 5 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Church party landed. 4.00pm: HMS Foxglove arrived. 4f4d16f5a2fc8ee092001c19: ( 6 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.15am: HMS Moth arrived. 4.00pm: USS Pampanga arrived. 4f4d16f5a2fc8ee092001c1a: ( 7 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Painting etc. 4f4d16f5a2fc8ee092001c1b: ( 8 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Painting etc. 4f4d16f6a2fc8ee092001c1c: ( 9 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 3.15am: Fire observed ashore bearing NNE. 7.15am: HMS Moth slipped and proceeded to Hong Kong. 4f4d16f6a2fc8ee092001c1d: ( 10 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.05pm: HMS Moth secured to buoys. 4f4d16f7a2fc8ee092001c1e: ( 11 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.20am: Inspected small arms. 4f4d16f7a2fc8ee092001c1f: ( 12 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church party. 8.35pm: Explosion on oil wharf. 11.59pm: Fire still burning. 4f4d16f7a2fc8ee092001c20: ( 13 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.00am: Fire burning slightly. Noon: Slipped buoys and proceeded to Pak Hin Hok for coaling. Received 12 tons. 3.40pm: Shoved off and proceeded for Sam Shui. 6.40pm: Anchored off Little Pagoda. 4f4d16f8a2fc8ee092001c21: ( 14 March 1922 Little Pagoda to Sam Shui Lat 22.78, Long 113.24 [approx] 8.05am. Weighed and proceeded down Hill Passage. 9.10am: Passed barrier, 9 miles. 10.45am: Essex Pt, 16 miles. Bullock Pt 21.5 miles. Yellow Reach, 31.5 miles. 2.10pm: Stopped and signalled HMS Robin with Commodore onboard. 3.50pm: Anchored, Sam Shui. DMG 85 miles. 4f4d16f9a2fc8ee092001c22: ( 15 March 1922 Sam Shui to Kong Mun Lat 22.89, Long 112.91 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceed for Kong Mun at 9 kts. 2.45pm: Anchored at Kong Mun close to HMS Robin. 4f4d16f9a2fc8ee092001c23: ( 16 March 1922 Kong Mun to Hong Kong Lat 22.52, Long 113.59 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong. 8.45am: First Cliffs. 9.45am: Sailam Channel. 2.00pm: Exercised Lewis and Maxim guns. 5.15pm: Made fast to No 13 buoy, Hong Kong. DMG 90 miles. 4f4d16f9a2fc8ee092001c24: ( 17 March 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Took on water and 50 tons of coal. 5.00pm: HMS Moth made fast alongside. 5.30pm: HMS Marazion made fast to buoy. 4f4d16faa2fc8ee092001c25: ( 18 March 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: HMS Moth slipped and proceeded alongside RFA Dredgol. 1.00pm: Moth secured alongside. 4f4d16faa2fc8ee092001c26: ( 19 March 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: HMS Moth slipped and proceeded up river. 10.00am: Church party to HMS Tamar. 5.30pm: One VPO [Victualling Petty Officer] joined ship. 4f4d16faa2fc8ee092001c27: ( 20 March 1922 Hong Kong to First Bar I. Lat 22.47, Long 113.8 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded for Canton. 3.10pm: Tigers Claw. 3.45pm: Blake Point. 5.00pm: Anchored off First Bar I. 4f4d16fba2fc8ee092001c28: ( 21 March 1922 First Bar I. to Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Canton. 11.25am: Made fast to buoys, Canton. 4f4d16fba2fc8ee092001c29: ( 22 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.30am: S/Lt JWL Tremayne joined ship. 9.30am: One Telegraphist joined ship from HMS Moth. 10.50am: Moth slipped and proceeded down harbour. 4f4d16fba2fc8ee092001c2a: ( 23 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands fitting dressing lines and cleaning ship. 4f4d16fca2fc8ee092001c2b: ( 24 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d16fca2fc8ee092001c2c: ( 25 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Clean small arms. 4f4d16fca2fc8ee092001c2d: ( 26 March 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.30am: Divisions. Articles of War read. 10.00am: Landed church party. 4f4d16fda2fc8ee092001c2e: ( 27 March 1922 Canton to Bullock Pt Lat 23.03, Long 113.52 [approx] 10.30am: Slipped from buoys and proceeded for delta. 1.10pm: Passed USS Pampanga. 5.20pm: Anchored inside Bullock Pt. 4f4d16fda2fc8ee092001c2f: ( 28 March 1922 Bullock Pt to Kong Mun. Lat 22.74, Long 113.08 [approx] 9.00am: Hands strike topmast to fit dressing lines. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Kong Mun via Tailung and Junction Channels. 1.45pm: Anchored Kong Mun. 4f4d16fea2fc8ee092001c30: ( 29 March 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 8.00am: Hands painting mast, funnels, W/T office and waterline. 4.30pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Tamar at Hong Kong per river steamer. 4f4d16fea2fc8ee092001c31: ( 30 March 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Painting. 4f4d16ffa2fc8ee092001c32: ( 31 March 1922 Kong Mun to Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.71, Long 113.28 [approx] 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong via Sailam channel and Wang Mun. 11.30am: Sailam Channel. 2.36pm: Wang Mun Outer Lt. 5.30pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. 6.00pm: HMS Robin anchored. LOGS FOR APRIL 1922 [Hong Kong, Wuchow, Sam Shui and Wuchow] 4f4d16ffa2fc8ee092001c33: ( 1 April 1922 Castle Peak Bay to Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship and prepare to weigh. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 10.50am: Secured alongside East wall of basin. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am, Chiefs and POs 7.30am. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Clear at first, overcast and rainy later, max temperature 70ºF at 4.00pm. 4f4d16ffa2fc8ee092001c34: ( 2 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine, church parties, leave etc. 4f4d16ffa2fc8ee092001c35: ( 3 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4da2fc8ee092001c36: ( 4 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Returning ammunition for heat test. 4f4da2fc8ee092001c37: ( 5 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1701a2fc8ee092001c38: ( 6 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Dressed ship (mast heads only) 9.15am: HMS Renown arrived with HRH the Prince of Wales onboard. 4f4d1701a2fc8ee092001c39: ( 7 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.00am: Dressed ship (mast heads only) 1.30pm: Sent representatives of each branch to flagship for visit of HRH Prince of Wales. 4f4d1702a2fc8ee092001c3a: ( 8 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: HMS Renown sailed with HRH Prince of Wales onboard. 9.30am: Undressed ship. 4f4d1702a2fc8ee092001c3b: ( 9 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: Landed Non-Conformist church parties. Sent C of E church party to HMS Tamar. 4f4d1702a2fc8ee092001c3c: ( 10 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 4.30pm: Joined ship, one Chief ERA, one Shipwright, one PO, one Ldg Stoker, three ABs and three Stokers. Discharged to HMS Tamar, one Chief ERA, one Chief VPO, one Shipwright and three Stokers. 4f4d1702a2fc8ee092001c3d: ( 11 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.10am: Secured coal junk alongside, commenced coaling. 1.20pm: Completed coaling. Received 32 tons. 4.30pm: Discharged three ABs to HMS Alacrity. 4f4d1704a2fc8ee092001c3e: ( 12 April 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1704a2fc8ee092001c3f: ( 13 April 1922 Hong Kong and up Pearl River Lat 22.57, Long 113.78 [approx] 9.10am: Proceeded out of basin for West River. 9.30am: Passed HMS Merlin. 9.40am: Passed HMS Tarantula. 4.45pm: Anchored off Beddingfield Pt. 4f4d1704a2fc8ee092001c40: ( 14 April 1922 Pearl River Delta Lat 22.80, Long 113.34 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Bullock Point. 9.50am: USS Pampanga. Noon: Anchored off Bullock Point. 4f4d1705a2fc8ee092001c41: ( 15 April 1922 Bullock Pt to Sam Shui Lat 22.81, Long 113.04 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui via Tailung and Junction Channels. 10.50am: Junction Channel. 4.20pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 4f4d1705a2fc8ee092001c42: ( 16 April 1922 Sam Shui and up West River Lat 23.07, Long 112.53 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up River. 4.15pm: Anchored off Tai Kan House. 4f4d1706a2fc8ee092001c43: ( 17 April 1922 West River Lat 23.13, Long 111.84 [approx] 6.30am: Hands striking down upper deck cargo of coal. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 12.20pm: Tak Hing. 2.40pm: Dosing. 4.50pm: Anchored off Kong Hau Bank [now Fengkai]. 4f4d1706a2fc8ee092001c44: ( 18 April 1922 Up river to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Wuchow. 11.30am: Anchored, Wuchow. 4f4d1707a2fc8ee092001c45: ( 19 April 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Painting the side. 4f4d1707a2fc8ee092001c46: ( 20 April 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Painting ship. 4f4d1707a2fc8ee092001c47: ( 21 April 1922 Wuchow to Tai Siang Lat 23.13, Long 111.81 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river. Water gauge 4’ 6”. 2.45pm: Narrow Island abeam. 4.30pm: Anchored at Tai Siang [now Xiaoxiangzhen]. DMG 85 miles. 4f4d1708a2fc8ee092001c48: ( 22 April 1922 Tai Siang to Sam Shui Lat 23.17, Long 112.6 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 11.45am: Anchored off Kwangli I. [now Guanglizhen]. 3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui. 5.15pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. In harbour, HMS Tarantula. 4f4d1708a2fc8ee092001c49: ( 23 April 1922 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 Sunday routine. 4f4d1709a2fc8ee092001c4a: ( 24 April 1922 Sam Shui to Tak Hing Lat 23.04, Long 112.49 [approx] 8.30am: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Tarantula. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 11.00am: Passed Kwangli. 5.50pm: Anchored off Tak Hing. 4f4d1709a2fc8ee092001c4b: ( 25 April 1922 Tak Hing to Wuchow Lat 23.28, Long 111.57 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Wuchow. 10.35am: Passed No 16 Fairies Bridge. 2.50pm: Anchored at Wuchow. DMG 45 miles. 4f4d170aa2fc8ee092001c4c: ( 26 April 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d170aa2fc8ee092001c4d: ( 27 April 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d170aa2fc8ee092001c4e: ( 28 April 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 8.30am: Coal junks secured alongside. Coaling commenced. 11.30am: Completed coaling. Received 15 tons. 4f4d170aa2fc8ee092001c4f: ( 29 April 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d170ba2fc8ee092001c50: ( 30 April 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d170ca2fc8ee092001c51: ( 4f4d170ca2fc8ee092001c52: ( 4f4d170ca2fc8ee092001c53: ( 4f4d170da2fc8ee092001c54: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR MAY 1922 [Wuchow, Canton and Hong Kong] 4f4d170da2fc8ee092001c55: ( 4f4d170da2fc8ee092001c56: ( Log book cover, May 1st 1922 to June 30th 1922. 4f4d170ea2fc8ee092001c57: ( 4f4d170ea2fc8ee092001c58: ( 4f4d170ea2fc8ee092001c59: ( 4f4d170fa2fc8ee092001c5a: ( 1 May 1922 Wuchow and down West River Lat 23.39, Long 111.5 [approx] 6.00am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Prepare to weigh. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 6.05pm: Anchored in 12 fathoms, 1 mile below Narrow I. DMG 71 miles. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light NW winds at first, backing SW f 2-3 later. Dry and clear, high temperature 90ºF at 4.00pm. 4f4d1710a2fc8ee092001c5b: ( 2 May 1922 Down river to Sam Shui Lat 23.07, Long 112.53 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui. 2.45pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. DMG 59 miles. 4f4d1711a2fc8ee092001c5c: ( 3 May 1922 Sam Shui to Canton Lat 22.75, Long 113.13 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton. 4.00pm: Forbes Point. Increased to full speed with one boiler. 6.30pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. DMG 104 miles. 4f4d1711a2fc8ee092001c5d: ( 4 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Painting and refitting. 4f4d1711a2fc8ee092001c5e: ( 5 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Cleaning and painting aloft. 5.00pm: Lt/Cdr VP Alleyne, RN discharged to RN hospital, Hong Kong. 4f4d1712a2fc8ee092001c5f: ( 6 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.30am: Lt/Cdr JM Heath RN took over command of ship. 4f4d1712a2fc8ee092001c60: ( 7 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d1712a2fc8ee092001c61: ( 8 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Painting lower mast and wireless house. 9.20am: HMS Moth slipped and proceeded down river. 4f4d1713a2fc8ee092001c62: ( 9 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 10.40am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.55am: Secured alongside B & S wharf, Pak Hin Hok. Coaled ship, 26 tons. 3.30pm: Cast off from wharf. 3.50pm: Secured to buoys, Canton. 4f4d1713a2fc8ee092001c63: ( 10 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands painting cable to buoys. 11.00am: One AB discharged to HMS Tarantula, sick. 4f4d1714a2fc8ee092001c64: ( 11 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands dismounting 6 pdr for overhaul. 4f4d1714a2fc8ee092001c65: ( 12 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: One AB rejoined ship from HMS Tarantula 4f4d1714a2fc8ee092001c66: ( 13 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1715a2fc8ee092001c67: ( 14 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed Church parties 4f4d1717a2fc8ee092001c68: ( 15 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands refitting boats’ falls. 4f4d1717a2fc8ee092001c69: ( 16 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands painting roof. 4f4d1717a2fc8ee092001c6a: ( 17 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands refitting boats’ falls and painting. 3.30pm: Hands employed getting in stores (11 cases stationery for HMS’ Moorhen and Moth). 4f4d1717a2fc8ee092001c6b: ( 18 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.00am: Received one box of stores for HMS Moth. 4f4d1718a2fc8ee092001c6c: ( 19 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1718a2fc8ee092001c6d: ( 20 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1718a2fc8ee092001c6e: ( 21 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed Church Parties 4f4d1719a2fc8ee092001c6f: ( 22 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 In am: Hands refitting cocoa nut [sic] matting and cleaning out magazines. One bass broom, Patt 457, lost overboard by accident. 5.20pm: HMS Moth secured to buoys. Disembarked six cases (stationery) and one case (piston rings) to same. 4f4d1719a2fc8ee092001c70: ( 23 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: General drill. Exercised action stations, fire stations and surprise attack stations. 4f4d1719a2fc8ee092001c71: ( 24 May 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands painting the side. 4f4d171aa2fc8ee092001c72: ( 25 May 1922 Canton to Hong Kong Lat 22.71, Long 113.68 [approx] 6.30am: One Armourer joined ship for passage. Slipped and proceeded for Hong Kong. 1.30pm: Exercised Maxim gun crews firing SA .303 ball ammunition. 3.45pm: Secured to No 9 buoy. No 1 typhoon signal flying. 5.00pm: Discharged one Armourer to RN hospital. 6.20pm: No 4 Typhoon signal hoisted. 4f4d171aa2fc8ee092001c73: ( 26 May 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 11.10am: No 4 typhoon signal lowered. 1.30pm: Commenced 48 hrs general leave. 2.30pm: Slipped No 9 buoy and towed to billet alongside dockyard wall. 4f4d171aa2fc8ee092001c74: ( 27 May 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 4.10pm: One Stoker rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f4d171ba2fc8ee092001c75: ( 28 May 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d171ba2fc8ee092001c76: ( 29 May 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed getting cables on to jetty for survey, returning ammunition and drawing stores. 11.30am: One ERA discharged to hospital. 4f4d171ca2fc8ee092001c77: ( 30 May 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed ranging cable, oiling wire hawsers and drawing ammunition. 4f4d171ca2fc8ee092001c78: ( 31 May 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands stowing cable and drawing stores. 11.30am: Commodore [the new Commodore is Captain HE Grace] visited ship and addressed ship's company. 2.00pm: Shifted ship to alongside jetty to Westward of dock. 3.15pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. LOGS FOR JUNE 1922 [Hong Kong, Canton, Kong Mun, Canton, Sam Shui and Ying Tak] 4f4d171ca2fc8ee092001c79: ( 1 June 1922 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.84, Long 113.58 [approx] 6.30am: Called hands. 6.45am: Prepare to slip. 7.00am: Slipped from wall and proceeded for Canton. 9.00am: Hands employed in parts of ship and shifting cat davit to starboard position. Exercised Maxim crew firing SA .303 ball. Noon: Dinner. 3.50pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. DMG 86 miles. 4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch until 10.00pm, Chiefs and POs to 11.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Piped down. Weather: NE’ly winds up to f3, dry and clear, high temperature 81ºF at noon. 4f4d171da2fc8ee092001c7a: ( 2 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 In am: Clean ship and rig dressing lines. 4f4d171da2fc8ee092001c7b: ( 3 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.00am: Dressed overall. 11.45am: Party landed for celebration of birthday of HRH King George V. 4f4d171da2fc8ee092001c7c: ( 4 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d171ea2fc8ee092001c7d: ( 5 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Unrigged dressing lines. 4f4d171fa2fc8ee092001c7e: ( 6 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 8.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Pak Hin Hok for coaling at B & S wharf. Noon: Completed coaling, received 21.5 tons. 12.45pm: Returned to buoys at Canton. 4f4d171fa2fc8ee092001c7f: ( 7 June 1922 Canton to Forbes Pt Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands cleaning boats and scrubbing screens. 1.30pm: Slipped and proceeded down river. 5.20pm: Anchored 1 mile below Forbes Point. DMG 32 miles. 4f4d171fa2fc8ee092001c80: ( 8 June 1922 Forbes Pt to Kong Mun Lat 22.79, Long 113.31 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up Saiwan Channel. 9.35am: Passed barrier. 10.40am: Essex Pt. 3.08pm: Staunch Island. 4.10pm: Anchored Kong Mun, 2.5 fathoms. DMG 56 miles. 4f4d1720a2fc8ee092001c81: ( 9 June 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed painting ship's side. 4f4d1720a2fc8ee092001c82: ( 10 June 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1720a2fc8ee092001c83: ( 11 June 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1721a2fc8ee092001c84: ( 12 June 1922 Kong Mun to Sam Shui Lat 22.79, Long 113.07 [approx] 10.15am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 4.30pm: Anchored at Sam Shui, distance made good, 52 miles. 4f4d1721a2fc8ee092001c85: ( 13 June 1922 Sam Shui to Lok Yum Lat 23.09, Long 112.54 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. Hands employed chipping rudder heads and tillers. 11.30am: Anchored Lok Yum, DMG 19 miles. 4f4d1722a2fc8ee092001c86: ( 14 June 1922 Lok Yum to First Cliffs Lat 23.09, Long 112.54 9.00am: Leave to men wishing to visit Ting Wu Chan monastery. 12.15pm: Weighed and proceeded down river. 2.30pm: Anchored at Sam Shui for vegetables. 2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.00pm: Met HMS Moth off Fort I., proceeded in company. 6.20pm: Anchored ahead of Moth off First Cliffs. 4f4d1722a2fc8ee092001c87: ( 15 June 1922 First Cliffs to Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Kong Mun with HMS Moth. 10.40am: Anchored at Kong Mun. 4f4d1722a2fc8ee092001c88: ( 16 June 1922 Kong Mun to Canton Lat 22.72, Long 113.22 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton. 12.10pm: Tailung Wharf. 2.45pm: Saiwan Barrier. 3.10pm: Forbes Pt. 6.20pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. DMG 86 miles. 4f4d1723a2fc8ee092001c89: ( 17 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 1.30pm: Four Chinese gunboats came out of Pearl River and laid to opposite Shameen. 2.00pm: HMS Moth arrived. 6.00pm: Five Chinese gunboats entered Pearl River. Last gunboat opened fire on both sides of river and quite close to Shameen. 4f4d1723a2fc8ee092001c8a: ( 18 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d1724a2fc8ee092001c8b: ( 19 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 2.50pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4f4d1724a2fc8ee092001c8c: ( 20 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded down river to B & S wharf at Pak Hin Hok. 9.30am: Secured alongside. Commenced coaling. 12.20pm: Completed coaling. Received 28 tons. 12.35pm: Slipped wharf and proceeded up river and secured to buoys at Canton. 4f4d1724a2fc8ee092001c8d: ( 21 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: HMS Moth slipped and proceeded down river 1.30pm: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tarantula and one joined from same. 4f4d1724a2fc8ee092001c8e: ( 22 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1725a2fc8ee092001c8f: ( 23 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1725a2fc8ee092001c90: ( 24 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1726a2fc8ee092001c91: ( 25 June 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Sunday routine. 4f4d1726a2fc8ee092001c92: ( 26 June 1922 Canton to Sam Shui Lat 23.06, Long 113.27 [approx] 9.30am: Slipped and proceeded to B & S wharf, but wharf not clear so cancelled coaling. 10.00am: Proceeded to Sam Shui via Moneypenny Creek. 6.15pm: Anchored Sam Shui. DMG 41 miles. 4f4d1726a2fc8ee092001c93: ( 27 June 1922 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 2.40pm: Very heavy rain squall. Ship commenced to drag. 3.00pm: Let go port anchor to 1.5 shackles. Veered on starboard cable to 4 shackles. 4f4d1727a2fc8ee092001c94: ( 28 June 1922 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 9.00am: Hands painting wardroom. 4f4d1727a2fc8ee092001c95: ( 29 June 1922 Sam Shui and up North River. Lat 23.3, Long 112.87 [approx] 6.00am: Water at Sam Shui 19 feet. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded for North River. 10.00am: Bamboo River. 3.00pm: Shan Tong. 4.15pm: Anchored off Tsing Yuen [now Qingyuan] in 2 fathoms. DMG 48 miles. 4f4d1728a2fc8ee092001c96: ( 30 June 1922 Tsing Yuen to Yin Tak Lat 23.3, Long 112.87 [approx] 7.00am: Sounding at bows, 20 feet. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 9.20am: Fui Loi Tze Gorge. 10.00am: Cleared gorge. Current 2.5 knots. 2.10pm: Kong Ho (Fuchow River) [now Lianjiang River] 3.25pm: Ship grounded. Engines reversed and ship came clear. 3.30pm: Proceeded. 4.15pm: Anchored Ying Tak in 10 feet. 1.5 shackles. 7.00pm: Sounding at bow, 6 feet. 4f4d1728a2fc8ee092001c97: ( 4f4d1728a2fc8ee092001c98: ( 4f4d1729a2fc8ee092001c99: ( 4f4d1729a2fc8ee092001c9a: ( 4f4d1729a2fc8ee092001c9b: ( 4f4d172aa2fc8ee092001c9c: ( Above six pages blank. LOGS FOR JULY 1922 [Ying Tak, Sam Shui, Hong Kong and Canton] 4f4d172aa2fc8ee092001c9d: ( 4f4d172ba2fc8ee092001c9e: ( Log book cover, 1st July to 31st August 1922 4f4d172ba2fc8ee092001c9f: ( 4f4d172ba2fc8ee092001ca0: ( 4f4d172ca2fc8ee092001ca1: ( Above three pages blank. 4f4d172ca2fc8ee092001ca2: ( 1 July 1922 Ying Tak to Sam Shui Lat 23.69, Long 113.00 6.30am: Prepared to weigh. Soundings at bow 5'. 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 7.20am: Grounded on Ying Tak lower barrier. Went full speed over it. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.40am: Entered Fui Loi Tze Gorge. 11.50am: Passed Tsing Yuen. Noon: Dinner. 12.35pm: Passed Shan Tong. 2.00pm: Passed Ta Tong. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.20pm: Anchored Sam Shui in 5 fathoms. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: SE’ly winds up to f3, dry and clear, high temperature, 91ºF at 4.00pm. 4f4d172da2fc8ee092001ca3: ( 2 July 1922 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 9.30am: Divisions. Articles of War read to ship's company. 4f4d172da2fc8ee092001ca4: ( 3 July 1922 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 7.00am: Hands struck topmast and secured coal junk alongside. 10.10am: Completed coaling. Washed down decks. 4f4d172da2fc8ee092001ca5: ( 4 July 1922 Sam Shui to Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.63, Long 113.58 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded down river for Hong Kong. 8.25am: Commenced full power trial. 9.05am: Finished trial. Speed 12.8 knots. 9.55am: First Cliffs. 1.00pm: Wang Mun bearing light. 4.10pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. DMG 82 miles. 4f4d172ea2fc8ee092001ca6: ( 5 July 1922 Castle Peak Bay to Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 10.05am: Secured to wall, NE corner of basin. DMG 30 miles. 4.45pm: One ERA joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f4d172ea2fc8ee092001ca7: ( 6 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 In am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: General leave to watch until noon Saturday 8th July. 4f4d172ea2fc8ee092001ca8: ( 7 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed fitting wire halyards. 10.00am: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4f4d172fa2fc8ee092001ca9: ( 8 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d172fa2fc8ee092001caa: ( 9 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: C of E church party to HMS Tamar, landed Non-conformists. 4f4d5.30pm:a2fc8ee092001cab: ( 10 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands drawing stores. 4f4d5.30pm:a2fc8ee092001cac: ( 11 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Hands getting up empties for Paymaster’s stores. 9.00am: Hands drawing provisions and Paymaster’s stores from Kowloon. 10.00am: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 11.30am: Provision lighter alongside. Hands employed stowing provisions. 11.40am: No 1 Typhoon signal hoisted. 2.40pm: Tug secured alongside. Slipped wall and moved to Kowloon. 3.45pm: Ship secured alongside wall inside basin, Kowloon. 4.00pm: Tea. No 4 Typhoon signal hoisted. 4f4d5.30pm:a2fc8ee092001cad: ( 12 July 1922 Kowloon Lat 22.31, Long 114.215 8.00am: Breakfast. No 6 Typhoon signal hoisted. 9.00am: Hands employed taking down and stowing awnings and securing gear re Typhoon signals. Struck and housed top mast. One Stoker rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. Weather: Strong NE winds f6-7 in the forenoon, veering East later with heavy rain. 4f4d1731a2fc8ee092001cae: ( 13 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.30am: No 6 Typhoon signal lowered. 10.30am: Warped out of basin and secured alongside tug. 11.45am: Secured alongside North wall of basin, Hong Kong. 4f4d1731a2fc8ee092001caf: ( 14 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands hoisting fore topmast and spreading upper awnings. 4f4d1731a2fc8ee092001cb0: ( 15 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands scrubbing lower awnings. 4f4d1732a2fc8ee092001cb1: ( 16 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d1732a2fc8ee092001cb2: ( 17 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed hoisting boats, spreading lower awnings and drawing stores. 4f4d1732a2fc8ee092001cb3: ( 18 July 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed refitting and in parts of ship. 4f4d1733a2fc8ee092001cb4: ( 19 July 1922 Hong Kong to Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.3, Long 114.14 [approx] 10.00am: One SPO joined ship for passage to HMS Moth. 11.30am: Slipped and proceeded out of basin for Castle Peak Bay. 2.30pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. 4.30pm: Hands to bathe. 4f4d1733a2fc8ee092001cb5: ( 20 July 1922 Castle Peak Bay to canton Lat 22.41, Long 113.86 [approx] 9.10am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton. 9.30am: Exercised Maxim and Lewis guns. 1.35pm: Sampan Channel Lt. 2.25pm: Chain Rock. 3.15pm: Blake Point. 5.30pm: High I. 7.00pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. Discharged one SPO to HMS Moth. 4f4d1733a2fc8ee092001cb6: ( 21 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.55pm: HMS Robin arrived and secured to buoys. 4f4d1734a2fc8ee092001cb7: ( 22 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1734a2fc8ee092001cb8: ( 23 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d1734a2fc8ee092001cb9: ( 24 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.00am: HMS Robin proceeded down river. 4f4d1735a2fc8ee092001cba: ( 25 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 4.35pm: HMS Robin arrived and secured to buoys. 4f4d1735a2fc8ee092001cbb: ( 26 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands cleaning roof and employed in parts of ship. 4f4d1735a2fc8ee092001cbc: ( 27 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.10pm: Typhoon signal hoisted. 4f4d1736a2fc8ee092001cbd: ( 28 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands scrubbing matting and small gear. 4f4d1736a2fc8ee092001cbe: ( 29 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.00am: HMS Robin proceeded down river. 11.20am: Typhoon signal lowered. 11.30am: Medical inspection. 4f4d1737a2fc8ee092001cbf: ( 30 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 3.00pm: HMS Robin arrived. 4f4d1737a2fc8ee092001cc0: ( 31 July 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1922 [Canton and Hong Kong] 4f4d1738a2fc8ee092001cc1: ( 1 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.50am: HMS Moth proceeded down river. 9.00am: Hands employed in parts of ship and as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.00pm, Chiefs and POs to 11.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 10.00pm: Piped down. Weather: Various light breezes at first, calm later, dry and clear, high temperature 91ºF at 4.00pm. 4f4d1738a2fc8ee092001cc2: ( 2 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: Hands refitting sampan davit guys and cleaning out magazines. 10.10pm: Typhoon signal hoisted. 4f4d1738a2fc8ee092001cc3: ( 3 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 3.30pm: Placed second bridle on for’d buoy. Rove extra wire on stern buoy. Winds NW 5-6 at 4.00pm, abating later. 4f4d1739a2fc8ee092001cc4: ( 4 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 8.30am: HMS Robin proceeded to coaling wharf. 9.30am: One Ldg Seaman discharged to HMS Tarantula. 11.30am: Robin returned and secured to buoys. 4f4d1739a2fc8ee092001cc5: ( 5 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.00am: One Ldg Seaman rejoined ship from HMS Tarantula. 4f4d173aa2fc8ee092001cc6: ( 6 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d173aa2fc8ee092001cc7: ( 7 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 6.00am: HMS Robin slipped and proceeded down river. 4f4d173aa2fc8ee092001cc8: ( 8 August 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: One AB discharged to HMS Tarantula. 4f4d173ba2fc8ee092001cc9: ( 9 August 1922 Canton and down river for Hong Kong Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.00am: Took off extra bridle on for’d buoy and extra wire aft. 3.00pm: Prepared to get under way. One AB rejoined ship from HMS Tarantula. One SPO joined ship from Tarantula. 4.00pm: Embarked Dr Sun Yat Sen and four staff. Slipped and proceeded down river for Hong Kong. 7.50pm: Passed Sampan Chan. 4f4d173ba2fc8ee092001cca: ( 10 August 1922 To and at Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 2.05am: Kap Sing Lt abeam. 4.25am: Secured to No 4 buoy. 5.30am: Disembarked Dr Sun Yat Sen and staff. 11.00am: One SPO discharged to RN hospital. 2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded alongside dockyard West wall. 4f4d173ba2fc8ee092001ccb: ( 11 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed drawing stores. 4f4d173ca2fc8ee092001ccc: ( 12 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed drawing and returning stores. 4f4d173ca2fc8ee092001ccd: ( 13 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d173da2fc8ee092001cce: ( 14 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Employed getting ammunition on deck. 7.30am: Ammunition lighter alongside. 9.00am: Hands employed disembarking and returning all ammunition to Ordnance depôt. 4f4d173da2fc8ee092001ccf: ( 15 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6 pdr QF [Quick Firing] guns examined by ordnance officials. 4f4d173da2fc8ee092001cd0: ( 16 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands returning boats to dockyard for repair. 4f4d173ea2fc8ee092001cd1: ( 17 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed getting out and returning anchors and cable to dockyard for test. 4f4d173ea2fc8ee092001cd2: ( 18 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands at chipping the side and the after bridge. 4f4d173ea2fc8ee092001cd3: ( 19 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Chipping and red leading. 4f4d173fa2fc8ee092001cd4: ( 20 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d173fa2fc8ee092001cd5: ( 21 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Tug secured alongside. Prepared to cast off. 7.30am: Secured to No 9 buoy. 2.20pm: Tug secured alongside. Slipped from buoy. 2.35pm: Placed in dry dock. 3.00pm: Commenced pumping out. Hands to scrub ship’s bottom. 4f4d173fa2fc8ee092001cd6: ( 22 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting out Chief’s and PO’s messes. 4f4d1740a2fc8ee092001cd7: ( 23 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Chipping and painting. 4f4d1740a2fc8ee092001cd8: ( 24 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as sentries in the storeroom and cleaning out cable locker. 4f4d1740a2fc8ee092001cd9: ( 25 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting. 4f4d1741a2fc8ee092001cda: ( 26 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting messes and storeroom. 4f4d1741a2fc8ee092001cdb: ( 27 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d1742a2fc8ee092001cdc: ( 28 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting Seamen’s mess deck and No 10 compartment. 4f4d1742a2fc8ee092001cdd: ( 29 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting Seamen’s mess deck. 4f4d1742a2fc8ee092001cde: ( 30 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Painting Seamen’s mess deck and returning 2” wire hawser for test. 4f4d1742a2fc8ee092001cdf: ( 31 August 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.00pm: Sent nine ratings to Naval Sanatorium. 4f4d1743a2fc8ee092001ce0: ( 4f4d1744a2fc8ee092001ce1: ( 4f4d1744a2fc8ee092001ce2: ( 4f4d1744a2fc8ee092001ce3: ( 4f4d1745a2fc8ee092001ce4: ( Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1922 [Hong Kong, Sam Shui, Howlick, Kong Mun and Canton] 4f4d1745a2fc8ee092001ce5: ( 4f4d1746a2fc8ee092001ce6: ( Log book cover, 1st September to 31st October 1922. 4f4d1746a2fc8ee092001ce7: ( 4f4d1747a2fc8ee092001ce8: ( 4f4d1747a2fc8ee092001ce9: ( Above three pages blank. 4f4d1747a2fc8ee092001cea: ( 1 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. HMS Tarantula sailed. 9.00am: Hands employed drawing anchor from smithy in dockyard. 3.30pm: HMS Robin arrived and went inside the basin. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am, Chiefs and POs to 7.30am. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Piped down. Weather: Light airs, dry but overcast and cloudy; temperatures 79-81ºF. 4f4d1748a2fc8ee092001ceb: ( 2 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed replacing anchor and cables and spreading awnings. 4f4d1748a2fc8ee092001cec: ( 3 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: Landed Non-conformist church party. Sent C of E church party to HMS Tamar. 4f4d1748a2fc8ee092001ced: ( 4 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands drawing and replacing cables. 4f4d1749a2fc8ee092001cee: ( 5 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands drawing and spreading new awnings from the dockyard. 4f4d1749a2fc8ee092001cef: ( 6 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands drawing and stowing cable from dockyard and spreading new upper awnings. 3.30pm: Ship shifted further Westward. 4f4d1749a2fc8ee092001cf0: ( 7 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands spreading side screens and cleaning out sampan. 4f4d1749a2fc8ee092001cf1: ( 8 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands striking fore topmast and painting down fore and main masts. 4f4d174aa2fc8ee092001cf2: ( 9 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d174aa2fc8ee092001cf3: ( 10 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4.45pm: HMS Hollyhock arrived. 4f4d174ba2fc8ee092001cf4: ( 11 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.30am: Sent party to Ordnance depôt to draw ammunition. 10.30am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Commenced to embark ammunition. 1.40pm: Ammunition lighter shoved off. 4f4d174ba2fc8ee092001cf5: ( 12 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Employed getting empty provision cases on deck for returning. 9.00am: Hands employed drawing provisions and returning empties to Kowloon and drawing 2” wire from dockyard. 4f4d174ba2fc8ee092001cf6: ( 13 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.10am: Secured coal lighter and commenced coaling. 11.40am: Completed coaling. Received 38 tons. 2.00pm: Coal lighter cast off. 4f4d174ca2fc8ee092001cf7: ( 14 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands employed painting outside upper mess desk and roof. 4f4d174ca2fc8ee092001cf8: ( 15 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands cleaning paintwork and painting sampan. 4f4d174ca2fc8ee092001cf9: ( 16 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d174da2fc8ee092001cfa: ( 17 September 1922 Kowloon Lat 22.31, Long 114.215 1.10am: No 1 Typhoon warning signal hoisted. 8.30am: Raised steam in one boiler. 9.00am: Hands drawing and hoisting boats. 10.30am: Ship proceeded to Kowloon basin and secured inside. 4f4d174da2fc8ee092001cfb: ( 18 September 1922 Kowloon Lat 22.31, Long 114.215 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 2.45pm: HMS Robin left harbour. 4f4d174da2fc8ee092001cfc: ( 19 September 1922 Kowloon Lat 22.31, Long 114.215 Painting davits etc. 4f4d174ea2fc8ee092001cfd: ( 20 September 1922 Kowloon Lat 22.31, Long 114.215 6.00am: No 2 Typhoon signal hoisted. 12.45pm: HMS Robin entered basin and secured to wall. 1.30pm: No leave given re Typhoon signal. 3.45pm: No 6 Typhoon signal hoisted. 5.00pm: Furled all awnings and secured everything on deck. Put on extra bow and stern wires. Weather: NE’ly winds in the forenoon, veering East and as strong as f6-7 in the afternoon with rain squalls. 4f4d174ea2fc8ee092001cfe: ( 21 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.31, Long 114.215 7.00am: No 6 Typhoon signal lowered. 9.00am: Hands employed spreading awnings and drawing rifles and pistols from Ordnance, Hong Kong. 1.30pm: Hands preparing to slip from wall and securing tugs. 2.20pm: Secured to No 9 buoy. 4f4d174fa2fc8ee092001cff: ( 22 September 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands drawing stores and spreading awnings. 2.15pm: Tugs secured alongside. Slipped buoy and secured alongside HMS Hollyhock. 4f4d174fa2fc8ee092001d00: ( 23 September 1922 Hong Kong to Toz Nai [aka Tzu-ni] Lat 22.48, Long 113.8 [approx] 8.30am: Discharged one SPO to HMS Tamar. 9.00am: Slipped from HMS Hollyhock and proceeded for delta. 2.45pm: Tigers Claw Point. 4.05pm: Passed Saiwan barrier. 5.40pm: Anchored off Toz Nai. DMG 72 miles. 4f4d1750a2fc8ee092001d01: ( 24 September 1922 Toz Nai to Sam Shui Lat 22.77, Long 113.08 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui via Tailung. 9.05am: Stopped engines to clear inlets (10 minutes). 9.15am: Proceeded. Noon: First Cliffs abeam. 5.10pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. 4f4d1750a2fc8ee092001d02: ( 25 September 1922 Sam Shui to Howlick Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 2.30pm: Prepared to weigh. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded for Lok Yum. 5.35pm:* Anchored at Lok Yum. DMG 18 miles. Times in the log are given in 24 hour format and the log records Moorhen anchoring at 1535. This is of course not feasible and I have assumed that 1735 is intended. This is not the first example of this, so perhaps it is a mental block for the log-keeper. 4f4d1750a2fc8ee092001d03: ( 26 September 1922 Howlick (Lok Yum) Lat 23.14, Long 112.58 [approx] 9.00am: Leave to men wishing to visit monastery. 4f4d1751a2fc8ee092001d04: ( 27 September 1922 Howlick to Kong Mun Lat 22.85, Long 112.93 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Kong Mun. 1.50pm: Anchored, Kong Mun. DMG 65 miles. 4f4d1751a2fc8ee092001d05: ( 28 September 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 5.35pm: HMS Robin arrived and anchored off port quarter. 4f4d1751a2fc8ee092001d06: ( 29 September 1922 Kong Mun to Larkins Pt Lat 22.72, Long 113.22 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton via Junction and Yungki Junction Channels. 10.50am: First Cliffs abeam. 3.30pm: Forbes Point. 6.10pm: Anchored off Larkins Point. DMG 75 miles. 4f4d1752a2fc8ee092001d07: ( 30 September 1922 To and at Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Canton. Prepared for coaling. 8.30am: Secured to B & S wharf at Pak Hin Hok. 11.45am: Coaling completed. Received 25 tons. 12.20pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1922 [Canton, Wuchow, Sha Po, Kong Mun and Canton] 4f4d1753a2fc8ee092001d08: ( 1 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Sunday in harbour. 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.00am: Landed church parties. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm, Chiefs and POs to 10.30pm. 4.00pm: Tea. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Piped down. Weather: NW’ly breezes, dry and clear, maximum temperature 77ºF at 4.00pm. 4f4d1753a2fc8ee092001d09: ( 2 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1753a2fc8ee092001d0a: ( 3 October 1922 Canton towards West River Lat 22.9, Long 113.49 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded for West River via Hill Passage and Saiwan Channel. 11.00am: Forbes Point. 11.25am: Saiwan Barrier. 1.10pm: Bullock Point. 4.40pm: Anchored off Hok Shan [now Heshan]. DMG 80 miles. 4f4d1754a2fc8ee092001d0b: ( 4 October 1922 Hok Shan to Shui Hing Lat 23.11, Long 112.8 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 3.35pm: Anchored off Shui Hing. DMG 56 miles. 4f4d1754a2fc8ee092001d0c: ( 5 October 1922 Shui Hing to Dosing Lat 23.09, Long 112.11 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 3.30pm: Passed Tak Hing mission buildings. 6.05pm: Anchored opposite Dosing. DMG 68 miles. 4f4d1754a2fc8ee092001d0d: ( 6 October 1922 Dosing to Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 11.35am: Anchored at Wuchow. DMG 27 miles. Water at Wuchow 12' 4”. 4f4d1755a2fc8ee092001d0e: ( 7 October 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1755a2fc8ee092001d0f: ( 8 October 1922 Wuchow Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1755a2fc8ee092001d10: ( 9 October 1922 Wuchow to Sha Po Lat 23.08, Long 112.15 [approx] Water at Wuchow 12' 0”. 6.50am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 8.30am: Passed Dosing. 10.10am: Passed Tak Hing mission buildings. 11.45am: Cocks Comb abeam. 3.05pm: Passed Shui Hing. 4.55pm: Anchored off Sha Po. DMG 115 miles. 4f4d1756a2fc8ee092001d11: ( 10 October 1922 Sha Po Lat 23.17, Long 112.69 Hands employed refitting falls for dinghies and sampan. 4f4d1756a2fc8ee092001d12: ( 11 October 1922 Sha Po to Kong Mun Lat 22.92, Long 112.91 [approx] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Kong Mun. 2.20pm: Anchored at Kong Mun. DMG 50 miles. 4f4d1756a2fc8ee092001d13: ( 12 October 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands painting wardroom and fore bridge. 4f4d1757a2fc8ee092001d14: ( 13 October 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands painting wardroom and fore bridge. 4f4d1757a2fc8ee092001d15: ( 14 October 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands painting fore bridge. 4f4d1758a2fc8ee092001d16: ( 15 October 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1758a2fc8ee092001d17: ( 16 October 1922 Kong Mun to Forbes Pt Lat 22.89, Long 113.35 [approx] 7.20am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton. 10.50am: Bullocks Point abeam. 11.40am: Passed Essex Point. 1.10pm: Anchored off Forbes Point in 5 fathoms with HMS Robin in company. DMG 54 miles. 4f4d1758a2fc8ee092001d18: ( 17 October 1922 Forbes Pt to Canton via Pak Hin Hok Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Canton, 195 revs. 10.00am: Secured to B & S wharf, took in 3 tons of coal. 10.45am: Slipped wharf and proceeded for buoys. 11.05am: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 4f4d1758a2fc8ee092001d19: ( 18 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands painting storerooms and magazine bilges. 4f4d1759a2fc8ee092001d1a: ( 19 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands painting storerooms and after magazine bilges. 4f4d1759a2fc8ee092001d1b: ( 20 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands painting storerooms and magazine bilges. 4f4d175aa2fc8ee092001d1c: ( 21 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 2.10pm: Chinese cruiser proceeded down river. 4f4d175aa2fc8ee092001d1d: ( 22 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d175aa2fc8ee092001d1e: ( 23 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.00am: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar (sick). 3.15pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 5.00pm: HMS Robin arrived. 4f4d175ba2fc8ee092001d1f: ( 24 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d175ba2fc8ee092001d20: ( 25 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 7.00am: Employed preparing for coaling and slipping buoys. 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded for coaling wharf. 8.25am: Secured alongside B & S wharf, Pak Hin Hok. 11.30am: Completed coaling, received 30 tons. Slipped from wharf. 12.05pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 4f4d175ba2fc8ee092001d21: ( 26 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d175ca2fc8ee092001d22: ( 27 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.00am: USS General Alava arrived with the American C-in-C [at this time VA Edwin Anderson Jr] onboard. 6.00am: HMS Robin slipped and proceeded down river. 10.10am: HMS Tarantula proceeded down river. 7.30pm: General Alava sailed. 4f4d175ca2fc8ee092001d23: ( 28 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d175da2fc8ee092001d24: ( 29 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 10.00am: Landed church parties. 4f4d175da2fc8ee092001d25: ( 30 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 9.00am: General drill. Exercised action, collision and fire stations. 10.30am: Secure. Replace gear. 2.00pm: Discharged one Able Seaman to HMS Tamar (sick). 4f4d175da2fc8ee092001d26: ( 31 October 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands painting fore magazine and cleaning boats. 4f4d175ea2fc8ee092001d27: ( 4f4d175ea2fc8ee092001d28: ( 4f4d175ea2fc8ee092001d29: ( 4f4d175fa2fc8ee092001d2a: ( 4f4d175fa2fc8ee092001d2b: ( 4f4d1760a2fc8ee092001d2c: ( Above six pages blank. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1922 [Canton, Sam Shui, Kong Mun and Hong Kong for refit] 4f4d1760a2fc8ee092001d2d: ( 4f4d1761a2fc8ee092001d2e: ( Log book cover, November 1st to December 31st, 1922. Lt/Cdr VP Alleyne, RN, in command. 4f4d1761a2fc8ee092001d2f: ( 4f4d1762a2fc8ee092001d30: ( 4f4d1762a2fc8ee092001d31: ( Above three pages blank. 4f4d1762a2fc8ee092001d32: ( 1 November 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 A typical harbour day. 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning out boats and storerooms. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.00pm,Chiefs and POs to 11.00pm. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Piped down. Weather: Light NE’ly winds, mist and rain at first, dry and clear later, high temperature 76ºF at noon. 4f4d1763a2fc8ee092001d33: ( 2 November 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1763a2fc8ee092001d34: ( 3 November 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Cleaning paintwork, scrubbing small gear. 4f4d1763a2fc8ee092001d35: ( 4 November 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 11.00am: Clean small arms. 4f4d1764a2fc8ee092001d36: ( 5 November 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Sunday routine. 2.00pm: One Seaman and One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar by afternoon train to Hong Kong. 4f4d1764a2fc8ee092001d37: ( 6 November 1922 Canton to Yellow Reach Lat 22.9, Long 113.49 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded for Delta. 11.40am: Forbes Point. 1.00pm: Saiwan Barrier. 2.00pm: Passed Essex Point. 2.45pm: Bullock Point abeam. 4.10pm: Anchored at North end of Yellow Reach, HMS Cicala in company. DMG 60 miles. 4f4d1764a2fc8ee092001d38: ( 7 November 1922 Yellow Reach to Sam Shui Lat 22.81, Long 113.06 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Sam Shui. 4.10pm: Anchored at Sam Shui. DMG 44 miles. 4f4d1765a2fc8ee092001d39: ( 8 November 1922 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 Painting. 4f4d1765a2fc8ee092001d3a: ( 9 November 1922 Sam Shui Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 7.00am: Hands striking topmast and washing down aloft. 9.00am: Painting down aloft and superstructure. 4f4d1765a2fc8ee092001d3b: ( 10 November 1922 Sam Shui to Sam Chau Lat 23.13, Long 112.8 [approx] 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 1.45pm: Anchored off Sam Chau Pagoda. DMG 19 miles. 4f4d1765a2fc8ee092001d3c: ( 11 November 1922 Sam Chau Lat 22.96, Long 112.87 [approx] 11.00am: Observed two minutes’ silence, Armistice Day. 4f4d1766a2fc8ee092001d3d: ( 12 November 1922 Sam Chau to Sha Po Lat 23.17, Long 112.69 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded up river 11.05am: Anchored off Sha Po. 4f4d1766a2fc8ee092001d3e: ( 13 November 1922 Sha Po To Kong Mun Lat 22.85, Long 112.93 [approx] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Kong Mun. 2.40pm: Anchored at Kong Mun. 4.00pm: HMS Cicala arrived. 4.30pm: One rating discharged to Cicala. 5.30pm: HMS Robin arrived and secured to Cicala. 7.00pm: One SPO rejoined ship. 4f4d1766a2fc8ee092001d3f: ( 14 November 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 Hands painting wireless house and sampan. 9.00am: One Stoker discharged to HMS Cicala. 4f4d1767a2fc8ee092001d40: ( 15 November 1922 Kong Mun Lat 22.61, Long 113.12 9.00am: Rifle team landed to compete against other gunboats for Griffiths Cup. 5.00pm: Tug of war team landed to compete for gunboat flotilla trophy. 4f4d1767a2fc8ee092001d41: ( 16 November 1922 Kong Mun to Castle Peak Bay Lat 22.68, Long 113.36 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong. 10.00am: First Cliffs. 11.00am: Sailam Channel. 1.30pm: Wang Mun Outer Light. 4.30pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. DMG 75 miles. 4f4d1768a2fc8ee092001d42: ( 17 November 1922 Castle Peak Bay to Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 11.10am: Secured to No 9 buoy. 2.00pm: Tug secured alongside. Slipped from buoy and secured alongside HMS Magnolia at North arm. 4f4d1768a2fc8ee092001d43: ( 18 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1768a2fc8ee092001d44: ( 19 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Sunday routine. 4f4d1769a2fc8ee092001d45: ( 20 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.30am: Tug secured alongside. Shifted to No 9 buoy. 11.30am: Berthed alongside West wall. 4f4d1769a2fc8ee092001d46: ( 21 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.45am: HMS Marazion arrived. 8.40am: HMS’ Durban and Carlisle left harbour. 4f4d1769a2fc8ee092001d47: ( 22 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed refitting. 4f4d176aa2fc8ee092001d48: ( 23 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed refitting. 3.00pm: Tug alongside. Slipped and secured to No 8 buoy. 4f4d176aa2fc8ee092001d49: ( 24 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Hands drawing stores. One rating rejoined from HMS Tamar. 3.00pm: Tug secured alongside. Slipped from buoy and secured alongside West wall. 4f4d176aa2fc8ee092001d4a: ( 25 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 2.00pm: HMS Despatch arrived and secured to buoy. 2.35pm: HMS Durban arrived and secured to buoy. 4f4d176ba2fc8ee092001d4b: ( 26 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Rubbing chock on starboard side damaged while laying alongside through heavy swells. 1.30am: Tug secured alongside. 1.45am: Left West wall and secured to No 9 buoy. 4f4d176ba2fc8ee092001d4c: ( 27 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.00am: Employed cleaning ship and getting ammunition on deck. 9.00am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition into lighter. 10.30am: Lighter shoved off. Working party to Ordnance depôt. 4f4d176ba2fc8ee092001d4d: ( 28 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 11.25am: Tug secured alongside. Proceeded inside basin. 4f4d176ca2fc8ee092001d4e: ( 29 November 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d176ca2fc8ee092001d4f: ( 30 November 1922 29 November in log Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 Hands employed refitting. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1922 [Hong Kong, Canton, Sam Shui, Canton and Wuchow] 4f4d176da2fc8ee092001d50: ( 1 December 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: Clean ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. Dress ship mast heads only [for Queen Alexandra’s birthday]. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning paintwork and scrubbing small gear. Noon: Dinner. 1.30pm: Hands refitting, embarking stores and painting ship. 4.00pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am, Chiefs and POs 7.30am. 7.00pm: Supper. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Calm or light airs, cloudy but dry; temperatures 66-73ºF. 4f4d176da2fc8ee092001d51: ( 2 December 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 11.00am: Clean small arms. 4f4d176ea2fc8ee092001d52: ( 3 December 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 10.00am: Landed church parties. Sent C of E church party to HMS Tamar. 2.00pm: One rating discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4f4d176ea2fc8ee092001d53: ( 4 December 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.00am: Working party to Ordnance depôt. 11.00am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Commenced embarking ammunition. 1.45pm: HMS Vindictive secured alongside West wall. 4f4d176fa2fc8ee092001d54: ( 5 December 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 11.10am: Coaled from junk alongside, 10 tons. 4f4d176fa2fc8ee092001d55: ( 6 December 1922 Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.30pm: One Stoker rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. Two ABs, one Stoker and one Shipwright discharged to HMS Vindictive for passage to England. Two ABs, one Stoker and one Shipwright joined ship from same. 4f4d1770a2fc8ee092001d56: ( 7 December 1922 Hong Kong to Canton Lat 22.69, Long 113.71 [approx] 8.00am: Slipped and proceed for West River 10.00am: Tested Maxim and Lewis Guns. 4.30pm: Secured to buoys at Canton. 4f4d1770a2fc8ee092001d57: ( 8 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Cleaning paintwork and refitting aloft. 4f4d1770a2fc8ee092001d58: ( 9 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 1.45am: Fire observed back of Shameen. 4f4d1771a2fc8ee092001d59: ( 10 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Sunday routine. 4f4d1771a2fc8ee092001d5a: ( 11 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 5.35pm: USS Pampanga arrived and secured to buoys. 4f4d1772a2fc8ee092001d5b: ( 12 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.36 [approx] 7.00am: Prepare for coaling. 8.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded down river to coaling depôt. 8.25am: Secured alongside B & S wharf, Pak Hin Hok. Commenced coaling. 12.40pm: Cast off from coaling wharf and proceeded up river to buoys. 1.15pm: Secured to buoys off Shameen. 4f4d1772a2fc8ee092001d5c: ( 13 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1773a2fc8ee092001d5d: ( 14 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f4d1773a2fc8ee092001d5e: ( 15 December 1922 Canton Lat 23.106, Long 113.3 Cleaning paintwork, scrubbing small gear. 4f4d1774a2fc8ee092001d5f: ( < |