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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2006


HMS SEVERN (57 F) - Thames-class Submarine

Edited by Gordon Smith, Naval-History.Net

HM S/M Thames, sister-boat (Cyber Heritage, click to enlarge) return to Contents List 

Second THAMES-Class of Fleet Submarines ordered on 20th November 1932 from Vickers-Armstrong at Barrow and laid down on 27th March 1933. This submarine was launched on 16th January 1934 and was the first submarine to bear the name  that was used for the tenth time. It had been introduced in 1695 for a 4th Rate 50 gun ship and had last been used by a River Monitor SOLIMOES purchased from Brazil in 1914 and sold in 1921. Build was completed on 12th January 1935. In November 1938 she was deployed in the Mediterranean with the1st Submarine Flotilla based at Malta .


B a t t l e   H o n o u r  s

ALGIERS 1816 - BELGIAN COAST 1914 - KONIGSBERG Action 1915 - NORWAY 1940 - ATLANTIC 1940-41 - SICILY 1943 - AEGEAN 1943

 H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge: On a Field Blue, a leopard’ head Gold, in base two chevrons Red

between roudels Red, three and one.


M o t t o

 Fides invicta triumphal: 'Faith unconquered triumphs'


S u m m a r y   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


1 9 3 9


August                  Deployed at Malta with 1st Submarine Flotilla

                                Passage to take up allocated war station at Freetown


September             Arrived in Freetown and deployed for Atlantic convoy defence as part of the escort during

to                            passage in South Atlantic and Indian Ocean,



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January                  Freetown deployment in continuation.

to                            Transferred to Home waters for interception patrol and convoy defence in North Sea.

March                    Deployed in North Sea.

                                Commanding Officer Lieut. Cdr Taylor, RN


April                       Nominated for support of planned minelaying operations by ships of Home Fleet off

                                Norway to prevent enemy use of Norwegian Leads for iron ore traffic (Operation


                9th          Took up station in North Sea for interception of German interference to WILFRED.

                                Remained in North Sea for interception patrol and support of allied operations after German

                                landings in Norway

                                HM Submarines CLYDE, SEALION, SPEARFISH, PORPOISE, NARWHAL, TRIDENT,

                                TRUANT, TAKU, TETRARCH, and French RUBIS were also deployed.)


May                        North Sea deployment for interception patrols in continuation.

                                Sank mercantile of 1,786 tons.


June                        North Sea interception patrols with HM Submarines CLYDE, SEALION, SPEARFISH,

to                            PORPOISE, NARWHAL, TRIDENT, TRUANT, TAKU, TETRARCH, and French RUBIS.



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January                  North Sea deployment in continuation

to                            Nominated for service at Gibraltar

May                        Passage to join 8th Submarine Flotilla


June                        Deployed at Gibraltar with HM Submarine CLYDE and four Dutch submarines for convoy

                                defence in Atlantic and interception patrols in western Mediterranean

                                (Note: Submarines on passage to join 1st and 10th Flotillas in eastern Mediterranean were

                                also used for these patrols as a work-up for operations.)


July                         Gibraltar deployment in continuation

                28th        Deployed as part of escort of Convoy HG69 during Atlantic passage from Gibraltar to



August                  Deployed at Gibraltar for Flotilla duties




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January                  Gibraltar deployment in continuation.

to                            Nominated for transfer to Home waters.

December              (Note: Refit period to be confirmed.)


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January                  Deployed in Home waters.

to                            (Note: On completion of refit - to be confirmed.)

March                    Nominated for interception of German major units attempting passage into Atlantic to

                                attack convoys.



                1st           Sailed from Clyde with HM Submarine STUBBORN and US Navy submarine USS BARB to

                                take up patrol station in NW Approaches for interception.


May                        Home waters deployment in continuation.

                                Transferred to Mediterranean for support of planned allied landings in Sicily.


June                        Passage to Alexandria for interception patrol and support of Operation HUSKY



                12th        Deployed for patrol to intercept enemy interference during allied landings.


August                  Resumed interception patrols in eastern Mediterranean based at Haifa


September             Haifa deployment in continuation

                                Nominated for support of military operations in eastern Mediterranean.

                                (Note: After Italian surrender military occupation of Cos and Leros had been commenced.)


October                 Deployed at Beirut to embark Bofor guns and ammunition for delivery to Leros.

                                For details see WAR IN THE AEGEAN by E Walker,

                18th        Sailed for Leros with Bofors, ammunition and eight army personnel.

                21st         Arrived at Leros.

                22nd       After unloading completed sailed from Leros.

                25th        Arrived in Beirut and prepared for further supply operation to Leros.

                31st         Sailed with stores.


November              Returned to Beirut after serious machinery defect and operation abandoned.

                                On completion of repair resumed operations in eastern Mediterranean


December              Eastern Mediterranean deployment in continuation.


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January                  Interception deployment in continuation




July                         Nominated for transfer to Eastern Fleet based at Trincomalee.


August                  Passage to join 2nd Submarine Flotilla


September             Deployed for Flotilla duties based in Ceylon.

to                            Carried out interception patrol duties in Indian Ocean.

December              Transferred to East Indies Fleet on formation.


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January                  East Indies Fleet duties with Flotilla in continuation.

to                            Withdrawn from operational service



P o s t   W a r    N o t e s


HMS SEVERN remained in Ceylon after VJ Day and was placed on the Disposal List. The boat was sold for demolition by T  Hassan Ali in May 1946. She was towed later that year to the breaker’s yard in Bombay.


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revised 25/11/10
further editing and formatting is required


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