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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Old 1st class Gunboat, Bramble-class

Pendant No. P.8C. Launched 15.11.98 London and Glasgow. 710 tons, 187(oa), 180(pp)x33 x8ft. TE 1300ihp, 13.5kts. Armament: 2-4in, 4-12pdr. Served in West and East Africa. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Cameroons 1914. Sold 13.7.26 Ward, Pembroke Dock. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

The second line of each day’s entry is the noon position in decimal format.
The noon position was recorded in the log or is the position of a known port or, where marked [approx], has been deduced by the editor from other information, with the help of Journey Plotter.
Other positions, notably at 8.00am and 8.00pm, are given in degrees and minutes.

Useful abbreviations:

AB: Able Seaman.
A/c: Altered course.
Asl: above sea level.
bg: Bearing.
BP: Battle Practice.
C: Cape, Cap, Cabo.
C-in-C: Commander in Chief.
C of E: Church of England.
Cdr: Commander.
CPO: Chief Petty Officer.
CS: Cable Ship.
CSO: Chief Staff Officer.
(D): Destroyer, as in Captain (D).
DMG: Distance Made Good.
DR: Dead Reckoning.
Fm(s): Fathom(s).
Grt: Gross registered tonnage.
HMS: His Majesty’s Ship.
i/c: in company with or in command.
Lat: Latitude.
Long: Longitude.
Ldg Sn: Leading Seaman.
Lt: Lieutenant, also Lighthouse.
Lt/Cdr: Lieutenant Commander.
LV: Light Vessel.
(m): Magnetic (bearing).
ML: Motor Launch.
(N): Navigating.
NCO: Non Commissioned Officer (army).
OOQ: Officer of quarters, a gunnery rating, capable of firing independently.
Ord Sn: Ordinary Seaman.
PB: Picket boat.
Pdr: Pounder.
PO: Petty Officer.
Pos: Position.
QD: Quarterdeck.
RA: Rear Admiral.
RAMC: Royal Army Medical Corps.
RC: Roman Catholic.
RFR: Royal Fleet Reserve.
RMLI: Royal Marine Light Infantry.
RN: Royal Navy.
RNR: Royal Naval Reserve.
RNVR: Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve.
S/Lt: Sub Lieutenant.
SNO: Senior Naval Officer (on station or in company).
SPO: Stoker Petty Officer.
SS: Sight Setter (and also Screw Steamer).
USS: United States Ship.
VA: Vice Admiral; also Victualling Assistant.
VCPO: Victualling Chief Petty Officer.
WB: Watch below.
WD: Watch on deck.
WT: Water Tight (doors).
W/T: Wireless Telegraphy.

Ships, places and individuals have a hyperlink when first encountered.

All of the sites that I have linked to are run by volunteers, often at their own expense and I am extremely grateful to all of them.
In no particular order: for Scottish-built, especially Clyde-built, ships. for ships built on the Tyne. …and on the Tees. …and in Sunderland. for Royal Fleet Auxiliaries. for RN officers and ships. for places.
for everything. for information on warships of the day.
for merchant fleet lists.
for lighthouses. for RN officers.

Thank you all, we salute you. Man and cheer ship!

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST 1914 TO JUNE 21ST 1915

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Cover, Adm. 53/40444.

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Above five pages covers or blanks.

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Commander FEK Strong, RN, in command.

1st July 1914 to 21st June 1915.

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Printed page of instructions for logkeepers.

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Vessel information page; no entries.


JP map Dwarf 1914

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1 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Cleaning ship.

  9.00am: Ship commissioned by Cdr FEK Strong, RN.

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”.

  1.00pm: Paid monthly money.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am:

  Sick list: 0.

Weather: Light airs, dry, 65º to 75º F.

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2 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.05am: Read Articles of War*.

  Hands employed painting and as requisite.

* The regulations governing the conduct of all naval personnel. Admiralty Instructions require that these are read to the ship’s company once a month.

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3 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

11.40am: Greek cruiser Elli [Helli in log] arrived

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4 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Saturday routine.

  In pm: Hands to make and mend.

  2.45pm: HMS Pelorus arrived

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5 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

  9.00am: Divisions. Mustered by the open list.

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6 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  1.45pm: Greek cruiser Elli sailed.

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7 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: HMS Pelorus sailed.

10.00am: Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

  7.00pm: American battleship Illinois arrived.

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8 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: USS’ Missouri and Idaho arrived. [Idaho is en route to be sold to the Greek navy.]

10.00am: Discharged one Seaman and one Stoker to hospital.

  4.00pm: Discharged one prisoner to detention.

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9 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands mustered bags [for inspection].

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10 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Issued soap and tobacco.

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11 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

12.45pm: Danish cruiser arrived.

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12 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

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13 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: One AB discharged to hospital.

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14 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: Surgeon rejoined ship.

  5.00pm: Three ratings returned from hospital.

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15 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Refitting, painting, drawing stores.

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16 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: Discharged one RMLI rating to hospital.

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17 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

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18 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  4.15pm: Exercised “fire stations”.

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19 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

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20 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.10am: Vice Admiral FE Brock [SNO Gibraltar] inspected ship. Exercised “fire stations” and “abandon ship”.

  2.00pm: Shifted ship to Gun Wharf.

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21 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Ammunitioning ship.

  6.00pm: One AB returned from hospital.

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22 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Drawing stores.

  9.00am: Exercised “out diving gear”.

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23 July 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

12.12pm: Carried out basin trials. [Raised steam, ran engines, tested rudder etc, while moored.]

  6.00pm: Two ratings returned from hospital.

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24 July 1914

Gibraltar and at sea towards Las Palmas

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded for full power trials.

12.10pm: Secured to No 9 buoy.

12.45pm: Swung ship to adjust compasses.

  2.40pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  3.35pm: A/c S76W.

  5.50pm: Tarifa abeam, 4.5 miles.

  6.10pm: A/c N83W.

  9.07pm: C Spartel Lt abeam, a/c S62W.

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25 July 1914

At sea

Lat 34.9, Long -8.6 [approx]

  Course S62W all day. 8 – 8.5 knots.

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26 July 1914

At sea

Lat 32.7, Long -11.1 [approx]

  Course S62W all day. 7.7 – 9.2 knots.

12.30pm: Set staysail.

  5.10pm: Set fore and main trysails. [Dwarf has three part masts like a sailing ship and can carry a number of sails. The fore and aft sails are particularly useful for providing stability and reducing rolling when wind and sea are on the beam.]

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27 July 1914

At sea

Lat 30.8, Long -13.1 [approx]

  4.12pm: A/c S67W.

  4.40pm: Exercised “collision stations”.

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28 July 1914

At sea to Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  4.00am: Isleta Lt S80W.

  5.40am: A/c N88W.

  7.30am: Anchored in Las Palmas harbour [La Luz] and secured stern to buoy.

  Completed with coal and water from lighters.

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29 July 1914

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

10.10am: Captain of Port visited ship.

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30 July 1914

Las Palmas and at sea towards Dakar

Lat 27.2, Long -16.0 [approx]

  5.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.05am: Course S88E.

  8.00am: A/c S4W. Hands preparing ship for war.

11.35am: A/c S39W.

  9.00pm: General quarters. Hands to night defence stations.

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31 July 1914

At sea towards Dakar

Lat 24.3, Long -17.3 [approx]

  Course S39W all day at 180 revs, 7.8 – 8.5 knots.


[Dakar, Sierra Leone, Lomé and Lagos]

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1 August 1914

At sea

Lat 21.5, Long -18.5 [approx]

  2.00am: Exercised “night defence stations”.

  6.00am: Cleaning ship.

  9.00am: A/c S17W. Aired night clothing. [Not pyjamas, but the old jumpers and trousers that the crew wear off watch in the evening.]

  1.00pm: Hands mustered for payment.

  1.30pm: Preparing ship for war.

  4.00pm: Evening quarters. Exercised “general quarters”.

  9.00pm: General quarters. Exercised “night defence stations”.

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2 August 1914

At sea

Lat 18.8, Long -18.1 [approx]

  1.05pm: A/c S8W.

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3 August 1914

At sea to Dakar and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 15.0, Long -17.8 [approx]

  9.10am: A/c S4E, then various courses for anchorage.

  1.15pm: Fired 21 gun salute.

  1.25pm: Anchored, Dakar [then French West Africa].

  2.05pm: Received 40 tons of coal from lighters.

  6.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S22W.

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4 August 1914

At sea

Lat 12.8, Long -17.9 [approx]

  9.15am: Guns’ crews at loader drill.

  9.00pm: A/c S24E.

11.45pm: A/c W.

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5 August 1914

At sea

Lat 10.7, Long -17.4 [approx]

  9.55am: A/c S42E.

10.00am: Preparing for war.

  5.45pm: A/c S22E.

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6 August 1914

At sea

Lat 9.2, Long -15.2 [approx]

  6.00am: Hands painting ship grey.

  9.30pm: A/c N83E.

11.00pm: A/c S68E.

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7 August 1914

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  3.15am: Stopped and communicated with British steamer Ebani, from Sierra Leone to Monrovia. Proceeded.

  5.10am: A/c N68E, then various courses for anchorage.

  7.10am: Anchored, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

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8 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Guns crews at 1” aiming rifle [a tube mounted on or in the gun barrels firing a 1” projectile for aiming practice; cheaper and saves wear and tear on the gun barrels, a problem with cordite charges].

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9 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

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10 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed getting out stores, rattling down rigging and as requisite. [Rattling down: adjusting the shrouds and fitting the ratlines, horizontal ropes that are the footholds when climbing the rigging.]

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11 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands getting out stores, preparing for war and as requisite.

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12 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Guns’ crews at .303 target practice and gun drill.

  3.00pm: Lighter left ship with stores and landed same at King Tom [King Tom dockyard, named after the chief who sold the land to the original Freetown settlers; now workshops and a cemetery with a number of graves from both world wars].

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13 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Exercised “action stations” and “collision stations”. Hands at .303 firing and guns drill.

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14 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Guns’ crews at .303 firing.

  4.15pm: Exercised “away all boats’ crews”.

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15 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Cleaning and painting.

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16 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

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17 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.55, Long -13.3 [approx]

  8.45am: Weighed and proceeded for 1” aiming rifle and service practice.

12.50pm: Returned to harbour.

  2.30pm: Anchored.

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18 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.40am: Coal lighter alongside.

  1.10pm: Coal lighter shoved off.

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19 August 1914

Sierra Leone.

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. Guns’ crews at .303 aiming rifle.

  4.15pm: Exercised “out kedge anchor”. [A kedge, which comes in various sizes, is designed to be carried out from the ship and dropped where required, to anchor the stern, or haul the stern round, or on occasion to haul the ship off the mud.]

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20 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.15pm. Exercised “man and arm boats”.

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21 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  3.15pm: HMS Cumberland arrived.

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22 August 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

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23 August 1914

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Lomé

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Cumberland.

  5.15pm: Taken in tow and proceeded. [Dwarf isn’t disabled, but like all her class she is slow. The tow will enable her to keep up with Cumberland and also to conserve fuel. She will still use her own engines while under tow, to relieve the strain on the tow rope and to improve her steering.]

  6.40pm: Course S82W, 170 revs, making 8.6 knots.

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24 August 1914

At sea

Lat 5.4, Long -10.4 [approx]

  1.50am: A/c S16W.

  5.45am: A/c S40E.

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25 August 1914

At sea

Lat 4.0, Long -7.7 [approx]

  4.15pm: A/c S50E.

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26 August 1914

At sea

Lat 4.0, Long -3.8 [approx]

  1.10pm: A/c S74E.

  6.15pm: Reduced to 100 revs.

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27 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 4.8, Long -0.5 [approx]

  7.15am: Increased to 170 revs, a/c E.

  9.30am: Fidded topmasts. [The fid is a massive bolt of iron or wood that secures the butt of the topmast to the head of the mainmast. It is possible that Dwarf housed her topmasts while under tow for some reason and has now sent them up again.]

  5.20pm: Cast off tow and proceeded, N83E.

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28 August 1914

At sea to Lomé [now Togo, then Togoland, a German colony] and at sea

Lat 6.14, Long 1.29

10.40am: Anchored off Lomé pier [Lomé was occupied by British land forces on 8 August].

  1.15pm: Hands employed getting in ammunition from surf boats.

  7.55pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.07pm: Set course S49E.

  9.30pm: A/c S86E.

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29 August 1914

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.35, Long 3.35 [approx]

  1.15am: A/c as requisite to communicate with SS Falaba.

12.55pm: Anchored off Lagos Bar.

  5.30pm: Shifted anchorage.

  8.30pm: HMS Cumberland proceeded.

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30 August 1914


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour and anchored off Government House, Lagos.

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31 August 1914


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Completed with coal from lighter. 149.8 tons in bunkers.


[Lagos, Ambas Bay, in action in Cameroon River estuary and at Duala]

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1 September 1914

Lagos and at sea towards the Cameroons

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.00am: Clean ship.

  9.15am: Divisions. Prayers.

  9.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

  2.30pm: Streamed patent log, course S31E

  4.15pm: Evening quarters. Clear for action.

  7.00pm: Darkened ship.

  9.00pm: Exercised night defence stations.

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2 September 1914

At sea

Lat 4.9, Long 4.9 [approx]

  Hands to rifle drill, gunnery drill and cutlass drill.

  3.55pm: A/c S81E.

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3 September 1914

At sea to Fernando Po and at sea

Lat 4.0, Long 7.5 [approx]

  5.00am: A/c S77E.

  1.00pm: A/c S66E, then various courses for anchorage.

  6.45pm: Anchored, Fernando Po [now Bioko].

10.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

10.50am: Course N8E.

11.40am: A/c N40E.

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4 September 1914

At sea to Ambas Bay

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  1.10am: A/c S70E.

  5.30am: Anchored in Ambas Bay [Cameroon, then the German colony Kamerun]. Landed marines to examine Ambas I. and Pirate I. HMS Cumberland’s PB's sweeping the channel. Party from Cumberland examining Mondoleh I.

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded flying flag of truce.

     Noon: Anchored off Victoria [present day Limbe]. Captain landed with flag of truce and ultimatum.

  2.00pm: Shifted berth.

  5.05pm: Captain landed with armed guard.

  6.30pm: Party returned.

  9.00pm: Landed Cumberland's Marines.

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5 September 1914

Ambas Bay

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.40am: Landing party left ship.

  8.40am: All parties returned.

  9.00am: HMS Cumberland anchored off Bota and sent flag of truce ashore.

10.30am: Flag of truce returned.

10.50am: Cumberland opened fire on store houses.

  3.45pm: Proceeded to anchor off Ambas Island.

  7.55pm: Shifted to anchorage off Cumberland.

10.15pm: Shifted to anchorage 2 miles NE of Cumberland. Night defence stations, watch at the guns.

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6 September 1914

Ambas Bay

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

11.40am: Yacht Ivy* and small craft arrived.

  1.30pm: Shifted berth to anchor off Ivy.

  6.00pm: Weighed and closed HMS Cumberland.

  9.45pm: Proceeded for Victoria harbour.

11.59pm: Anchored off Victoria.

  * Ivy, ex-Nigerian Government yacht. Built 1895, 1,131 grt. Armed with 1 12 pdr and 2 6 pdrs.

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7 September 1914

Ambas Bay

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

12.01am: Sent cutter manned and armed with surfboats Vampire* and Walrus** to cut out four lighters.

  2.20am: Boats returned with lighters.

  3.40am: Weighed and proceeded for HMS Cumberland with two lighters in tow.

  5.45am: Arrived at rendezvous.

11.50am: Moored lighters 5 cables from Cumberland.

  2.25pm: Anchored 2 miles NE of Cumberland.

  * Vampire, ex-Nigerian Government 80 ft steam launch. Armed with 1 3 pdr.

  ** Walrus, ex-German tug captured 9.14 at Duala. Armed with 1 3pdr.

There is a very detailed account of operations in the Cameroon estuary, with a map, here.

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8 September 1914

Off Cameroon River [now Wouri River and upstream aka Duala River]

Lat 3.9, Long 9.6 [approx]

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to moor lighter and to cover sweeping operations.

11.12am: Stopped and fired at drifting boat.

12.56pm: Moored lighter.

  5.40pm: Sighted enemy NE. Exercised action stations.

  6.50pm: Anchored ½ mile W of HMS Cumberland.

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9 September 1914

Off Cameroon River

Lat 3.85, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and closed HMS Cumberland. Cumberland's Marines came onboard. Proceeded to Suellaba Point.

  8.00am: Stopped, sent away surf boat, cutter (manned and armed) and steamboat with landing party. General quarters.

  8.15am: Cumberland opened fire on Cape Cameroon.

  9.00am: Opened fire on Sanatorium. Landed marines.

10.05am: Anchored.

  2.05pm: Landing party returned with four prisoners having destroyed enemy signal station and examined Suellaba Point.

  2.20pm: Weighed and closed Cumberland.

  4.00pm: Proceeded to reconnoitre Manoka Bay.

  5.15pm: Engaged guardship Herzogin Elisabeth.

  5.40pm: Enemy retired, having apparently been hit once. Proceeded to anchor off Cumberland.

  7.20pm: Anchored ½ mile W of Cumberland.

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10 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.98, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.30am: Weighed and closed HMS Cumberland.

  6.00am: Proceeded up river to sweep and sound channel to Duala.

  5.00pm: Anchored SW of sunken ships.

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11 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.02, Long 9.65 [approx]

10.05am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for sweeping and sounding the channel.

  1.10pm: Sighted lighter and steamboat ahead and opened fire.

  1.15pm: Shore battery from Yoss Point opened fire. Engaged shore battery and ordered sweeping boats to take cover on starboard side. Retired having been hit once under the bridge.

  2.30pm: Anchored in 3.5 fms South of the sunken ships [the Germans sank several vessels in the channel off Rugged Pt as blockships]. Discharged PO Coomber*, who had been seriously wounded in the action, to HMS Cumberland.

  *Petty Officer Frederick H Coomber, 19441 (Ch), died of his wounds later that day.

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12 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.30am: Yacht Ivy arrived.

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded to base.

  7.45am: Made fast alongside collier.

10.00am: Landed funeral party for burial of PO Coomber.

  1.10pm: Coaling.

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13 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.0, Long 9.6 [approx]

  5.30am: Slipped and proceeded to sunken ships.

  7.10am: Anchored.

10.35am: Weighed and proceeded to assist PB.

11.00am: Picket boat returned.

11.45am: Anchored South of sunken ships.

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14 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.0, Long 9.6 [approx]

  5.00pm: Put up fighting tops and [something].

11.30pm: Sighted several small steamboats round the ship. Opened fire on two of them.

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15 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.0, Long 9.6 [approx]

  4.50am: Sighted launch and opened fire. Sent Vigilant* to investigate.

  6.00am: Vigilant returned with launch filled with infernal machine.

  6.30am: Captured one German from “Lome”.

  1.35pm: Towed infernal machine into shallow water and sank it.

  6.40pm: Weighed and shifted billet.

  *Vigilant, ex-Nigerian Government 80 ft steam launch. Armed with 1 3 pdr.

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16 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.98, Long 9.46 [approx]

10.40am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for searching creeks for Tiko.

  3.20pm: Stopped, opened fire on steam launch off Klippen Point.

  3.35pm: Proceeded for Tiko.

  5.00pm: Anchored.

  8.52pm: Sighted light on port bow. Opened fire on ship coming up river. German gunboat Nachtigal rammed ship abreast of foremast port side. Slipped cable and beached ship on left bank of river and placed collision mat. Nachtigal on fire. Picked up four white men and eight black. Secured ship to river bank.

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17 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.97, Long 9.47 [approx]

  1.45am: Cleared 4” magazine and store room. Laid out kedge anchor from stern.

  6.00am: Rescued two natives from left bank.

  7.55am: Weighed kedge anchor and proceeded as requisite for Cameroon River.

  8.30am: HMS Cumberland's picket boat arrived.

  2.30pm: Anchored ¾ miles SE of Cumberland. Divers employed on ship’s side.

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18 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.15am: Divers and HMS Cumberland’s working party on ship’s side.

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19 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.00am: Divers and working party on ship’s side.

  9.00am: Steamboat captured three natives with surf boat and dinghy.

12.30pm: Landed party to investigate Manoka Pt. Landing party returned with natives and two white men who were sent to HMS Cumberland.

  6.00pm: Party and prisoners returned from Cumberland.

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20 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  Hands employed on ship side.

  9.00am: Steam launch left with prisoners from Manoka Point.

  1.20pm: Steam launch returned from Manoka Point.

  4.15pm: Weighed, closed HMS Cumberland and anchored WSW of same.

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21 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  7.10am: Collier Sterndale arrived from Lagos.

  9.40am: Steam launch, manned and armed, left ship to investigate Lungasi Creek.

  1.00pm: Launch returned.

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22 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  Hands employed fitting maxim belts, painting and as requisite.

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23 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.01, Long 9.62 [approx]

  5.50am: Weighed and proceeded to sunken ships.

  8.00am: Yacht Ivy and launches Alligator and Crocodile* arrived

  9.30am: Commenced sweeping channel.

10.00am: Read warrant No 3.

10.28am: Anchored 2 miles above sunken ships. HMS Challenger and five transports arrived and anchored at the base.

  3.14pm: Weighed and proceeded to the Eastward.

  3.30pm: Opened fire on shore battery.

  3.55pm: Returned to anchorage.

  4.12pm: Anchored 2 miles NE of sunken ships.

  7.15pm: Shifted billet.

  *Alligator and Crocodile, ex Nigerian Government 100ft motor launches, each armed with one machine gun.

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24 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.00, Long 9.63 [approx]

  6.00am: Yacht Ivy arrived and anchored.

10.15am: Weighed and proceeded Eastward to cover sweeping operations, Ivy surveying astern.

12.15pm: Anchored.

  6.20pm: Weighed and shifted billet.

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25 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.02, Long 9.63 [approx]

  9.15am: HMS Challenger arrived and anchored. [Challenger has been lightened so that her draught is 19’ 6”.]

10.05am: Weighed and proceeded with sweeping boats. French cruiser Bruix and five transports arrived and anchored at base.

11.30am: Contact mine came to the surface and was sunk by Maxim.

  2.00pm: Picket boat went into Duala with a flag of truce.

  2.10pm: Sighted floating mine and exploded it with rifle fire.

  5.00pm: Sweepers brought up a bunch of mines.

  6.05pm: Anchored off Challenger.

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26 September 1914

Cameroon River

Lat 4.02, Long 9.63 [approx]

  6.00am: HMS Challenger opened fire on town of Duala.

  2.15pm: Sweepers exploded a mine.

  3.15pm: Opened fire on suspicious object with 12 pdr, also on shore battery.

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27 September 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Yacht Ivy arrived with Senior Naval Officer and British and French General staffs.

  8.30am: Weighed.

  9.40am: Duala wireless mast fell. Observed and reported white flags flying at Duala.

10.00am: Two large explosions in the direction of W/T mast.

10.30am: Duala surrendered unconditionally.

11.25am: Anchored.

  2.15pm: HMS Challenger landed Marines.

  3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.50pm: Tug Remus* took Seamen’s landing party from Challenger.

  4.00pm: Anchored 2 miles from Duala.

  6.20pm: Troopships anchored off Yoss Pt.

  Lost overboard during sweeping operations from captured German launch, one Maxim gun complete.

  *Remus, ex-Nigerian paddle tug. Built 1913, 203 grt. Armed with 3 12 pdrs.

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28 September 1914

Duala to Bonaberi and return

Lat 4.08, Long 9.69

  8.35am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

11.05am: Anchored above Bonaberi. Boarded German merchant ships and hoisted British flag in town.

Ships boarded: Soden, Arafried, Jeanette Woermann, Max Brock and Henriette Woermann*.

12.05pm: Stern wheeler Soden came alongside. Commissioned Soden.

  1.00pm: Sent Soden to board German ships further up river.

  5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Anchored off Duala. Boarded ships: Kicka, Fullah, Hausa and Adreana.

  7.00pm: Soden, launch, cutter and surf boat left for General Dodds, aground landing troops.

  9.45pm: Boats returned.

  * Three Woermann Line ships: Jeanette Woermann, 1893, 2,286 grt, to Cunard, renamed Pollentia, sank in 1916; Max Brock, 1907, 4,579 grt, renamed Policastria; and Henriette Woermann, 1903, 2,426 grt, to Cunard, renamed Polymnia, torpedoed and sunk 1917.

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29 September 1914

Duala to base and return

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

     Noon: Weighed and proceeded to base.

  3.05pm: Secured alongside SS Bintang* for provisions and stores for Bosun, Gunner, Carpenter and Navigating Officer.

  4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.55pm: Anchored off Duala.

  * The second of four ships of this name operated by the East Asiatic Co., 1907, 2,589 grt.

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30 September 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.40am: Shifted billet.


[Duala, Nyong and Sanaga river mouths, Duala]

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1 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

     Noon: Captain and Navigating Officer left ship in launch to reconnoitre creeks.

  3.35pm: Ivy arrived.

  4.00pm: Two cot cases and two sick sent on board Ivy for passage to SS Appam.

  9.40pm: Captain and party returned.

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2 October 1914

Duala and up river.

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded up Duala River.

  4.35pm: Ship grounded twice, before anchoring at 5.40pm. Extra lookouts placed.

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3 October 1914

Wouri River

Lat 4.08, Long 9.7 [approx]

  9.00am: Fullah* (Fuller in log) proceeded up river with Captain and Marines.

  1.30pm: Kroomen painting ship’s side.

  8.05pm: Fullah and party returned.

  *Fullah, a captured German vessel, see 28 September.

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4 October 1914

Wouri River, Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.05am: Weighed and proceeded down river. Fullah left ship with Captain and reconnoitring party.

  7.55am: Anchored off Duala.

  9.00pm: Fullah and party returned.

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5 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.00am: Fullah proceeded up river with Captain and reconnoitring party.

  9.00pm: Fullah and party returned.

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6 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Yacht Ivy arrived.

11.30am: Ivy proceeded.

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7 October 1914

Duala and up Wouri River

Lat 4.09, Long 9.72 [approx]

  5.30am: Expedition left for Jabassi.

10.40am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

10.50am: Stopped as steam cutter sank while being towed. Crew secured.

11.15am: Proceeded.

12.40pm: Ship grounded. Anchored.

  4.00pm: Ship afloat.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. Ship grounded and floated off twice more before anchoring at 6.10pm.

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8 October 1914

Wouri River

Lat 4.095, Long 9.72 [approx]

  2.10am: Ship grounded.

  7.00am: Laid out kedge anchor.

  9.50am: Myrtle called alongside.

  5.00pm: Hands trying to refloat ship.

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9 October 1914

Wouri River

Lat 4.095, Long 9.72 [approx]

  5.45am: Clear lower deck [an order for every man to muster on the upper deck, engine room watch excepted]. Tried to refloat ship [probably involving sending away a kedge and also running from side to side in a body and/or jumping in unison, both very effective in freeing a ship from the suction of mud].

  7.05am: In kedge anchor.

10.00am: Launch Alligator passed bound for Duala.

  4.00pm: Ran out wire to shore and tried to heave ship off.

  6.45pm: Tug Walrus anchored below Dwarf.

  6.50pm: Alligator returned and anchored.

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10 October 1914

Wouri River

Lat 4.095, Long 9.72 [approx]

  5.30am: Tug Walrus took ship in tow.

  7.45am: Ship afloat.

  7.50am: Anchored in 2.5 fms.

  4.00pm: Weighed. Laid out stern hawser.

  4.15pm: Topmast carried away alongside bank.

  4.15pm: Ship aground. Laid out bower anchor on port bow.

  5.00pm: Jabassi expedition returned.

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11 October 1914

Wouri River.

Lat 4.09, Long 9.72 [approx]

  7.10am: Tug Walrus arrived. Hands employed trying to refloat ship

  9.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.10am: Ship grounded.

11.00am: Ship afloat, proceeded.

11.45am: Ship grounded, Walrus returned to Duala.

  8.30pm: Hands trying to refloat ship.

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12 October 1914

[11 October in log]

Wouri River

Lat 4.09, Long 9.72 [approx]

  Hands employed as requisite.

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13 October 1914

Wouri River

Lat 4.09, Long 9.72 [approx]

  7.00am: Tug Porpoise* arrived.

10.00am: Mole** arrived. Took ship in tow.

11.05am: Ship afloat.

11.10am: Ship aground. Hands employed trying to refloat ship.

  1.40pm: Abandoned efforts to refloat ship. Mole anchored ahead. [Presumably the river is still tidal here and they are waiting for the next high tide.]

11.00pm: Ship afloat.

11.40pm: Secured alongside bank.

* Porpoise, ex-Nigerian paddle tug. Armed with 2 12 pdr and 1 3 pdr.

** Mole, ex-Nigerian Government dredger. Armed with 1 6” gun, lent to them by HMS Challenger.

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14 October 1914


Lat 4.09, Long 9.72 [approx]

10.40am: Mole secured alongside.

     Noon: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for Duala.

  1.20pm: Anchored off Duala.

  1.50pm: Store lighter alongside. Hands provisioning ship.

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15 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Divers examining underwater fittings.

  2.15pm: Ammunition lighter left ship. Landed ammunition.

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16 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Boats away sweeping for sunken steamboat.

  1.30pm: Divers diving for steam cutter.

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17 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Boats away sweeping.

  9.00am: Divisions. Aired night clothing

  1.30pm: Diving party away.

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18 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Diving boat away.

  6.00pm: Hands employed trying to raise steam cutter.

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19 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Divers and party raising steam cutter.

  2.00pm: Fidded new topmast.

  6.00pm: Weighed kedge anchor.

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20 October 1914

Duala, estuary and at sea

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for the base.

  7.00am: Made fast alongside SS Bintang. Coaling.

  2.20pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour, lighter in tow.

  6.50pm: Anchored off A buoy

  8.30pm: HMS Cumberland and transports passed. Weighed and proceeded South with the fleet.

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21 October 1914

At sea

Lat 3.1, Long 9.9 [approx]

  7.20am: Arrived off Nyong River.

  8.00am: Moored lighter.

  8.40am: Weighed and proceeded in search of French gunboat Surprise, Haussa and lighter.

  9.45am: Sighted lighter.

11.15am: Took missing lighter in tow, proceeded back to Nyong River.

  3.50pm: Anchored off Nyong River.

  6.00pm: Walrus took lighter.

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22 October 1914

Nyong river to Sanaga river

Lat 3.58, Long 9.63 [approx]

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded, course N35W.

10.00am: Anchored off Sanaga River.

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23 October 1914

Sanaga River to Duala

Lat 3.95, Long 9.55 [approx]

  3.10am: Sir Frederick* arrived alongside with orders.

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.55am: Took Dreadnought (lighter) in tow.

  7.20am: Proceeded as requisite to Duala.

  1.15pm: Stopped, shortened in tow.

  4.50pm: Slipped lighter and anchored off Duala.

  *1893, 134 grt.

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24 October 1914

Duala to base and return

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.55am: Weighed and proceeded for base.

  6.20am: Embarked 40 coolies.

  8.20am: Secured alongside SS Bintang. Coaling.

  4.50pm: Completed with coal.

  4.55pm: Slipped and proceeded for Duala.

  6.40pm: Anchored off Duala.

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25 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

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26 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Painting the side etc.

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27 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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28 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands variously employed.

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29 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed about wireless gear.

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30 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Mosquito fleet returned.

  2.00pm: CS Transmitter sailed.

  6.00pm: Yacht Herzogin Elisabeth arrived.

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31 October 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Duala, Cameroon coast and Victoria]

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1 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: News received that England has declared war against Turkey.

11.30am: French gunboat Surprise arrived.

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2 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Painting etc.

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3 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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4 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Diving party left ship. Hands employed diving for steam cutter.

  1.10pm: Diving party returned. Trojan came alongside with steamboat.

  1.45pm: Trojan left ship

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5 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.00am: Diving party left ship.

  9.00pm: Stoker Green died in the SS Appam. [Stoker 1c Benjamin Green, K1021.]

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6 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.00am: Bearer party left in Vampire to bring body of Stoker Green to Duala.

  3.30pm: Vampire returned.

  5.00pm: Sir Frederick left with funeral party.

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7 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  3.00pm: Lighter alongside.

  3.40pm: Weighed and proceeded

  4.25pm: Secured alongside SS Baron Ardrossan. Hands provisioning ship.

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8 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Provisioning ship.

  1.55pm: Slipped from SS Baron Ardrossan and proceeded to anchorage.

  2.15pm: Anchored off Government Pier, Duala.

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9 November 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  8.00am: Aired bedding.

  9.15am: Hands refitting boats’ falls and preparing ship for sea.

  6.30pm: Diving party returned. Two divers left behind.

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10 November 1914

Duala to Debunja.

Lat 3.95, Long 9.15 [approx]

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded to base.

  7.55am: Arrived off base. Stopped off SS Appam.

  8.30am: Proceeded.

10.15am: Fairway Buoy abeam. Course N72W, 170 revs.

  3.15pm: Anchored off Debunja Pt. [Various spellings of this cape in log and today, so I have used this modern one throughout to avoid confusion.]

  4.30pm: Captain and party landed.

  6.10pm: Party returned.

  9.00pm: Darkened ship and placed extra lookouts.

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11 November 1914

Debunja to Isongo and Bibundi

Lat 4.07, Long 9.01

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded towards Isongo.

  9.20am: Anchored off Isongo. Captain and party landed.

  1.00pm: Landing party returned with two prisoners and stores.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded towards Bibundi.

  3.20pm: Anchored off Bibundi.

  4.15pm: Captain and party landed.

  6.00pm: Landing party returned.

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12 November 1914

Bibundi, at sea and return

Lat 4.21, Long 8.98

  8.00am: Party landed at Bibundi.

10.00am: Party returned.

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.30pm: Stopped. SS Boma* took station astern. Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Anchored off Bibundi.

*1889, 2,684 grt, the first of two Elder Dempster Line ships to have this name.

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13 November 1914


Lat 4.21, Long 8.98

  9.00am: Sent boats to SS Boma.

  1.00pm: Party landed at Bibundi.

  3.20pm: Weighed and shifted billet.

  8.30pm: Boma weighed and proceeded.

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14 November 1914

Bibundi to Rio-del-rey

Lat 4.51, Long 8.75

  5.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Course N88W.

11.10am: Anchored off Rio-del-rey. Landed parties on either side of the river.

  1.30pm: Surf boat and party returned.

  2.00pm: Whaler and party returned.

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15 November 1914

Rio-del-rey to Mokundange and Isongo

Lat 4.09, Long 8.9 [approx]

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.45am: Fairway Buoy abeam, course S41E.

11.42am: Debunja Lt abeam 3.5 miles.

  1.20pm: Anchored off Mokundange.

  2.10pm: Captain and party landed

  3.50pm: Captain and party returned.

  5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded towards Isongo.

  6.40pm: Anchored [presumably off Isongo].

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16 November 1914

Isongo to Debunja

Lat 4.07, Long 9.01

10.05am: Captain and landing party ashore.

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded towards Debunja.

  1.53pm: Anchored off Debunja.

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17 November 1914

Debunja to Batoki and Isongo

Lat 4.02, Long 9.09

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Victoria.

  8.00am: Stopped off Victoria to transfer prisoners to SS Niemen*.

10.10am: Proceeded for Batoki.

11.12am: Anchored off Batoki. Captain and party landed.

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for Isongo

  1.25pm: Anchored off Isongo. Captain and party landed.

* Possibly the French ship of that name owned by Maurel Frères of Bordeaux, 1909, 1,888 grt, torpedoed in 1917.

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18 November 1914

Isongo to Victoria

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Victoria.

  8.34am: Anchored off Victoria.

  3.10pm: Yacht Ivy weighed and proceeded.

  6.00pm: SS Lagos sailed.

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19 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.00am: Captain and party went onboard paddle tug Porpoise and proceeded to Mokundange.

10.05am: Porpoise party returned with three prisoners.

10.40am: Porpoise with Captain and party proceeded to Bimbia.

  3.00pm: Porpoise and party returned.

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20 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  1.00pm: Hands employed transporting troops to Haussa [a captured German vessel].

 3.00pm: SS Lagos arrived.

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21 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.00am: Boats away embarking troops.

  1.00pm: Porpoise left for Duala.

  4.00pm: SS Lagos left for Duala.

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22 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  2.40pm: SS Niemen weighed and proceeded

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23 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  5.05pm: SS Niemen arrived.

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24 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

11.00am: Embarking prisoners in SS Niemen.

  1.55pm: Niemen sailed for Duala.

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25 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  2.35am: Haussa arrived from Duala.

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26 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  8.30am: Captain and party left in Haussa.

  9.00am: Cutter and surf boat mooring coal lighter at Bota.

  1.30pm: Captain and party returned in Haussa.

  9.50pm: SS Lagos arrived.

10.35pm: Ivy arrived with the Governor General of Nigeria [Sir Frederick Lugard], Major-General Dobell and staff and SNO onboard.

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27 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  7.00am: Embarking soldiers etc in SS Lagos.

  8.30am: Captain landed to receive the Governor.

  9.30am: Governor landed at Bota.

10.20pm: SS Lagos left for Duala

10.45pm: Yacht Ivy left for Lagos.

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28 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Reprimanded Mr Elliot, Gunner, for drinking while on shore on duty.

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29 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.00pm: Tug Porpoise arrived.

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30 November 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.10am: Tug Porpoise left with Navigator and party to visit Bibundi.


[Victoria, Duala, Fernado Po, Kribi and in action against coastal targets]

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1 December 1914

Victoria to Debunja and Isongo and return

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

12.20am: Haussa arrived.

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Debunja.

  8.36am: Anchored off Debunja.

  9.40am: Weighed and proceeded for Isongo.

10.15am: Stopped off Isongo.

10.45am: Boats returned with prisoners. Proceeded.

12.30pm: Anchored off Victoria. Fired 21 gun salute.

  2.30pm: Haussa sailed for Duala.

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2 December 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

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3 December 1914

Victoria to Duala [via Suellaba Pt anchorage, vide log of HMS Cumberland]

Lat 3.84, Long 9.56

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded, S11W.

11.00am: Secured alongside collier Portsea*.

  1.30pm: SS Appam left for England.

  6.05pm: Finished coaling [received 110 tons], slipped and proceeded to anchor ENE from Cumberland.

*1912, 3,283 grt, owned by Brown, Atkinson & Co, Hull.

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4 December 1914

Duala to Victoria

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to wrecks for fresh water.

  2.20pm: Let go port anchor at wrecks.

  3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to base.

  4.40pm: Anchored.

  6.00pm: HMS Cumberland left for England.

  6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

10.50pm: Anchored off Victoria.

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5 December 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  7.00am: Ivy sailed.

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6 December 1914


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Sunday routine.

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7 December 1914

Victoria to Isongo and return

Lat 4.07, Long 9.01

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded for Isongo.

  7.50am: Let go port anchor off Isongo. Captain and party landed.

  1.40pm: Captain and party returned.

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded for Victoria.

  3.45pm: Anchored off Victoria.

11.00pm: SS Fullah arrived.

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8 December 1914

Victoria, Fernando Po and Cameroon River

Lat 3.77, Long 8.8

  7.00am: Embarked missionaries.

  7.40am: Weighed and proceeded to Fernando Po.

11.55am: Anchored, Santa Isabel [now Malabo]. Disembarked missionaries.

  2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.10pm: Anchored off Cameroon River.

  9.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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9 December 1914

Victoria to Duala

Lat 3.9, Long 9.5 [approx]

  1.40am: Anchored off Victoria.

  8.15am: Weighed and proceeded

  3.00pm: Secured alongside SS Lagos at pier, Duala.

  3.25pm: Slipped and anchored.

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10 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

Dwarf does not have steam up, burning only 4 cwt of galley coal a day until the 18th.

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11 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.30am: French gunboat Surprise sailed.

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12 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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13 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

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14 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands painting, refitting boats’ falls and as requisite.

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15 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands painting, refitting etc

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16 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Steam cutter left ship on an expedition to Mungo Creek.

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17 December 1914


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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18 December 1914

Duala to Kribi

Lat 3.4, Long 9.75 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.00am: C Cameroon bg N69W, 4 miles.

  9.13am: Fairway Buoy abeam.

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters” and “alternative steering positions”.

  4.15pm: Anchored off Kribi.

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19 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  8.15am: Shifted anchorage.

  1.00pm: SS Niemen left for Duala.

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20 December 1914

Kribi and at sea

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  9.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N30W. Watch “man and arm ship”.

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21 December 1914

At sea to Nyong river and return to Kribi

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  5.55am: Arrived off Nyong River. Stopped and communicated with paddle tug Remus.

  9.15am: Exercised “hands prepare for battle”.

  9.17am: Proceeded, course S34W.

10.15am: A/c S6E.

11.45am: Anchored off Kribi.

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22 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  Hands painting etc.

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23 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

10.00am: French cruiser Pothuau arrived

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24 December 1914

Kribi to Plantation and return

Lat 3.01, Long 9.93 [approx]

  7.00am: French SS Saint Simon sailed

  9.30am. Weighed and proceeded course N5W.

10.00am: A/c N43E.

10.35am: A/c S57E.

10.50am: Anchored off Plantation. Captain and party landed.

     Noon: Bombarded Plantation.

  3.00pm: Captain and party returned.

  3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded N86W

  4.15pm: Anchored off Kribi.

10.00pm: SS Lagos arrived and proceeded to Duala.

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25 December 1914

Kribi, at sea and return

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  6.20am: French cruiser Pothuau left for Duala.

12.55pm: Weighed and proceeded N5W.

  1.18pm: A/c N40E.

  2.00pm: A/c S55E.

  2.20pm: Stopped. [Probably taking a look at Plantation, bombarded yesterday.]

  3.00pm: Proceeded, course West.

  3.25pm: A/c S38W.

  4.15pm: Anchored off Kribi.

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26 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

11.00am: Departed this life, Small Joe*, Officer Steward 2C.

  3.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  4.10pm: Committed to the sea the body of the late Officer Steward Small Joe.

  4.45pm: Anchored off Kribi.

*His name is typical of those given by the Purser to Kroomen when they signed up.

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27 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  Sunday routine.

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28 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  9.00pm: SS Boma arrived.

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29 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  1.00pm: SS Boma left.

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30 December 1914

Kribi, at sea twice to bombard coastal targets and return

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  3.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Longi.

  5.30am: Stopped

  6.00am: Bombarded Longi.

  6.30am: Anchored. Captain and party landed.

10.30am: Landing party returned. Weighed and proceeded to Kribi.

12.05pm: Anchored off Kribi.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Buambi.

  5.10pm: Bombarded. Captain and party landed.

  7.40pm: Landing party returned having burnt down houses and destroyed telephones. Proceeded.

  8.45pm: Let go port anchor off Kribi.

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31 December 1914


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  7.00am: SS Boma arrived.

  9.00am: Boma sailed for Duala.


JP map Dwarf 1915-16


[Kribi, in action at Great Batanga, in two actions at Plantation, Duala and Kribi]

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1 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  6.00am: Clean ship.

  9.15am: Divisions. Physical drill.

  9.30am: Exercised small arms companies. Hands employed as requisite.

  4.15pm: Evening quarters.

  5.30pm: French Commandant and 50 Senegalese troops arrived onboard.

  7.00pm: Darkened ship. Placed extra lookouts.

  8.30pm: Hoisted boats.

Weather: Light airs, cloudy, 77º to 83º F.

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2 January 1915

Kribi to Great Batanga and return

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  3.15am: Weighed and proceeded towards Great Batanga.

  5.20am: Arrived and bombarded Great Batanga.

  6.00am: Landed French troops, Captain and party of Seamen and Marines. Steam cutter, manned and armed, covered landing.

  9.00am: Proceeded to Buambe.

10.45am: Embarked Captain, Seamen and Marines.

10.55am: Proceeded towards Kribi.

11.35am: Let go port anchor off Kribi.

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3 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  4.00pm: SS Saint Simon passed en route for Libreville.

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4 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  4.00am: Steam cutter manned and armed left for Plantation.

  7.00am: Cutter returned.

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5 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  9.00am: Paddle tug Remus arrived.

  9.30am: .303 aiming rifle practice at towed target.

11.00am: Remus left for Campo.

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6 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  5.00am: Landed small arm company for drill.

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7 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  6.45pm: SS Boma arrived with provisions.

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8 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  3.00am: SS Boma left for Campo.

  9.00am: Steam cutter left for American mission.

11.00am: Cutter returned.

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9 January 1915

Kribi and Ehike Hike

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Ehike Hike* [Eike Hike in log] Mission.

  6.10am: SS Boma arrived at Kribi.

  6.45am: Arrived at mission.

  8.35am: Embarked one Swiss missionary and returned to Kribi.

  9.30am: Secured alongside Boma and commenced coaling.

  3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Ehike Hike.

  4.32pm: Anchored at Ehike Hike. Party landed and returned.

  7.00pm: Darkened ship. Placed extra lookouts. Burned searchlight every hour.

* Ehike Hike appears to have been on the shoreline, about where the Lobé Falls discharge into the ocean.

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10 January 1915

Ehike Hike

Lat 2.89, Long 9.89 [approx]

  8.00am: Steam cutter with Maxim left for Kribi.

12.15pm: Steam cutter returned.

  6.20pm: SS Remus arrived.

  7.00pm: Darkened ship. Placed extra lookouts. Burned searchlight every hour.

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11 January 1915

Ehike Hike to Kribi

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  1.00am: Steam boat left for Kribi.

  6.00am: Captain and bodyguard landed to bring off missionaries to Remus.

  7.05am: Steam boat returned.

  8.25am: SS Remus sailed for Bata [in mainland Equatorial Guinea, then a neutral Spanish colony. These are presumably German missionaries].

10.15am: Captain and party returned. Weighed and proceeded for Kribi.

11.25am: Anchored off Kribi.

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12 January 1915

Kribi, at sea and return

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Longi.

10.30am: Stopped to communicate with launch Crocodile. Returned to Kribi.

11.40am: Anchored off Kribi.

  5.00pm: Steam boat away patrolling.

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13 January 1915

Kribi, at sea and return

Lat 2.8, Long 9.8 [approx]

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Lolabé.

  9.35am: Closed Remus and stopped.

10.35am: Returned to to Kribi.

  1.02pm: Let go port anchor off Kribi.

  2.30pm: French cruiser Pothuau arrived.

  4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded for Plantation.

  6.00pm: Bombarded Plantation.

  6.55pm: Proceeded to Kribi.

  7.50pm: Let go port anchor off Kribi.

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14 January 1915

Kribi to Plantation and return

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  7.30am: Steam cutter, manned and armed, left for Elabi.

10.45am: Cutter returned.

  3.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Plantation.

  4.00pm: Bombarded Plantation.

  4.10pm: Landed Seamen and Marines.

  4.40pm: Opened fire on Plantation.

  7.00pm: Landing party returned, proceeded to Kribi.

  8.00pm: Let go port anchor off Kribi.

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15 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  Hands employed as requisite.

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16 January 1915

Kribi to Cameroon river estuary.

Lat 3.1, Long 9.9 [approx]

10.10am: French gunboat Surprise arrived.

10.30am: Weighed and proceeded N, 170 revs.

  1.40pm: Stopped off Nyong River.

  2.15pm: Proceeded N66W 170 revs.

  7.10pm: Let go port anchor off Cameroon River Fairway buoy.

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17 January 1915

Up river to Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

  7.00am: Stopped off Inner Bay buoy, Lt Jones boarded SS Jonathan Holt. Proceeded.

11.30am: Let go port anchor off Duala.

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18 January 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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19 January 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Portsea. Coaling, 154.5 tons.

  4.30pm: Slipped and anchored off Duala.

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20 January 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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21 January 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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22 January 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67


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23 January 1915

Duala and at sea towards Kribi

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, starboard engine only in use.

  4.40pm: Stopped at Suellaba Pt, HMS Cumberland with Pothuau.

  6.30pm: Inner bar buoy abeam.

  7.10pm: Outer buoy abeam. A/c S20E.

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24 January 1915

At sea to Kribi

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  3.30am: Started port engine.

  4.10am: Passed SS Boma.

  5.35am: Anchored off Kribi.

  7.00am: SS’ Le Gabon* and Boma arrived.

  8.30am: Disembarking troops.

* 1895, 489 grt, formerly Hanbury, at this time owned by Chargeurs Reunis, Paris.

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25 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

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26 January 1915

Kribi to Plantation

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  9.00am: SS Le Gabon left for Duala.

11.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Plantation.

12.45pm: Let go port anchor off Plantation. Troops arrived. Captain and Surgeon landed.

  4.00pm: Received onboard one wounded officer and one native soldier.

  5.30pm: Enemy made attack on Plantation. Opened fire with 4” guns.

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27 January 1915

Plantation to Kribi

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded to Kribi.

  7.15am: Let go port anchor off Kribi.

  8.00am: SS Portsea arrived.

  1.50pm: Ivy arrived.

  2.00pm: Shifted alongside Portsea and took on coal.

  3.00pm: Discharged wounded officer and man to Ivy. One Yeoman of signals joined ship.

  5.50pm: Slipped from collier to anchor.

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28 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  5.00am: SS Portsea left for Duala.

  7.00am: French cruiser Pothuau left.

  4.00pm: SS Boma left for Duala.

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29 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

10.10am: French gunboat Surprise sailed.

  2.00pm: Ivy arrived.

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30 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  3.30am: Ivy left for Duala.

10.00am: Tug Remus arrived.

  1.00pm: Remus left for Campo.

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31 January 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

10.00am: Marines landed from SS Lagos and same sailed for Duala.


[Kribi and on patrol off Bata]

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1 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  6.00am: Hands cleaning ship.

  9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Drill.

  9.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  4.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Darkened ship. Placed extra lookouts.

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2 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  9.30am: Carried out .303 firing at towed target.

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3 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  6.00am: Seamen, Stokers and Marines landed for drill.

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4 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

11.00am: Tug Remus arrived.

  6.00pm: Ivy arrived.

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5 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  1.00am: Ivy sailed for Campo.

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6 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  7.00am: SS Boma arrived.

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7 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  Hands employed as requisite.

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8 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  Hands employed as requisite.

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9 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  Hands employed as requisite.

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10 February 1915

Kribi to Campo River and return

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  4.30am: Weighed and proceeded Southwards.

  9.50am: Stopped at Campo River. Communicated with Sir Frederick.

  1.00pm: Proceeded Northwards.

  5.30pm: Let go port anchor off Kribi.

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11 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  Hands employed as requisite.

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12 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  9.00am: Divers examining underwater fittings.

  1.00pm: Ivy arrived then sailed again.

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13 February 1915


Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  7.00am: SS Boma arrived.

11.00am: Proceeded alongside Boma and commenced coaling.

  5.00pm: Completed with coal and slipped from Boma to anchor.

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14 February 1915

Kribi to Campo and at sea

Lat 2.94, Long 9.9

  1.00pm: Remus arrived.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded Southwards.

  6.35pm: Arrived at Campo and closed Ivy.

  9.05pm: Proceeded to sea with Ivy, various courses.

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15 February 1915

At sea off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

  1.40am: Stopped off Bata, then proceeded to rendezvous.

  2.30am: Commenced patrolling N33E and S33W, altering course every hour.

  7.00am: Stopped at rendezvous.

  8.30pm: Recommenced patrolling.

4caf8662cadfd34197015987: (

16 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

12.01am to 6.45am: Patrolling.

  6.45am: Arrived at Rendezvous A

  9.09am: Proceeded N62E and stopped at 9.35am.

  5.30pm: Sighted smoke to SW. Proceeded SW to intercept steamer.

  6.55pm: Stopped SS Boma*, Libreville to Duala. Proceeded.

11.10pm: Arrived at rendezvous, recommenced patrolling.

*1889, 2,684 grt, the first of two Elder Dempster Line ships to have this name.

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17 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

12.30am: Chased suspicious vessel N15W.

  2.10am: Vessel apparently small steamer towing lighter.

  7.30am: Stopped at rendezvous.

  7.45am: Sighted Ivy N45E.

  9.00pm: Resumed patrol.

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18 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

[This page and those following contain many changes of course and periods stopped while on patrol off Bata. I haven’t recorded them here for brevity, confining myself to meetings with other ships etc.]

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19 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

Various course on patrol, moderate speeds using 10 tons of coal a day.

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20 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

Various course on patrol, moderate speeds using 10 tons of coal a day.

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21 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

Various course on patrol, moderate speeds using 10 tons of coal a day.

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22 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

  9.00am: Sighted Ivy.

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23 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

Various course on patrol, moderate speeds using 10 tons of coal a day.

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24 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

  9.30am: Exercised small arms companies.

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25 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

Various course on patrol, moderate speeds using 10 tons of coal a day.

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26 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.83, Long 9.73

  7.00am: Stopped. Proceeded alongside SS Lagos. Coaling.

  3.15pm: Slipped from Lagos and proceeded on patrol.

  5.45pm: Stopped. Communicated with Ivy.

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27 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  9.00am: Divisions in night clothing. [Saturday routine and a relaxation for a ship that has been watch and watch for some time.]

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28 February 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  Various course on patrol, moderate speeds using 9-10 tons of coal a day.


[Patrolling off Bata and at Duala]

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1 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  8.15am: Sighted ship at sea. Launch Vigilant came alongside.

  8.35am: Proceeded full speed to SW.

10.15am: Sighted yacht Ivy bg S16E.

10.15am: Captain and Lt Carlton RNR visited and searched Spanish ship Antonico* in Lat 2º 01’N, Long 9º 29’E, bound from Fernando Po to Bata.

12.15pm: Sighted French gunboat Surprise bg NE.

  2.05pm: Ivy and Surprise closed with letters and mails and then proceeded.

  2.45pm: Proceeded with Antonico to Lat 1º 55’N, Long 9º 41’E and removed 43 cases of provisions from her.

  5.45pm: Allowed Antonico to proceed.

* The island of Fernando Po (now Bioko) is part of what was then Spanish Guinea (now Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and Bata was the largest mainland city. Although neutral, many plantations and businesses in Spanish Guinea were German owned and the Spanish colonial government was very sympathetic to German interests. Perhaps the provisions referred to were intended for German recipients.

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2 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 2.3, Long 9.6 [approx]

  8.05am: Stopped at Campo.

  9.30am: Proceeded S80W.

Noon: A/c N80E.

12.25pm: Stopped off Karuma. Disembarked stores taken from Karuma. [A confused entry. Karuma is a collier and Dwarf must have offloaded to her the stores seized on the previous day from Antonico.]

  2.00pm: Karuma sailed for Kribi.

  8.35pm: Stopped off Bata.

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3 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

10.50am: Closed Surprise. Captain went onboard same.

11.50am: Proceeded S11E.

  7.50pm: Stopped off Bata.

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4 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.7 [approx]

  5.35am: Sighted Antonico steaming to Bata.

  6.10am: Sighted yacht Ivy bg NW.

  6.40am: Stopped to communicate with Ivy.

  6.55am: Proceeded N27W.

  3.00pm: Sighted Antonico from Bata and set course to intercept her.

  4.30pm: Stopped Antonico. Boarded and found all correct.

  5.23pm: Antonico proceeded.

  7.30pm: Stopped off Bata for the night.

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5 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.9, Long 9.75 [approx]

  7.25am: Secured alongside collier Lagos. Coaling.

10.00am: Lost overboard two coal bags and two hazelwood fenders.

  6.25pm: Slipped and proceeded.

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6 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

Patrolling N67W and S34E, with periods lying stopped.

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7 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

Patrolling, various courses.

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8 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

Patrolling, various courses.

11.00pm: Tornado.

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9 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  1.00am: Tornado.

  3.12pm: Stopped off Campo.

  7.35pm: Stopped off Bata for the night.

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10 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  4.15pm: Read warrant No 6.

  7.45pm: Stopped off Bata.

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11 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata.

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  4.00pm: Exercised “abandon ship”.

  7.40pm: Struck by tornado.

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12 March 1915

Patrolling off Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  3.40pm: Stopped off Campo.

  4.00pm: Yacht Ivy arrived.

11.50pm: Challenged M Elizabeth at Nyong. [Referred to in the log of HMS Challenger as HMS Margaret Elizabeth, this is the captured German yacht, Herzogin Elisabeth.]

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13 March 1915

At sea to Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

12.15am: Stopped to communicate with M Elizabeth. Proceeded, N65W.

  5.45am: A/c ENE, slow, violent storm.

  6.15am: Proceeded N10W 170revs. Sighted Suellaba Point NE.

  7.20am: Inner Bar buoy abeam.

  9.45am: Passed wrecks.

11.10am: Secured alongside SS Karuma. Coaling. Four ratings joined ship.

  5.20pm: Completed with coal. Slipped and proceeded to anchor.

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14 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

[Not recorded here, but Dwarf’s divers are searching for a Maxim gun lost overboard from another vessel, vide log of HMS Challenger.]

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15 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Landed funeral party [for funeral of CPO Holmes, late of HMS Laurentic, vide log of HMS Challenger].

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16 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Painting etc.

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17 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

[Dwarf does not have steam up from this date to 3 April, saving 3 or 4 tons of coal a day and affording the ERAs an opportunity to clean the boilers and pipework.]

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18 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  1.30pm: Divers employed alongside HMS Challenger [still searching for the lost Maxim].

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19 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  1.15pm: Read warrants Nos 7 and 8.

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20 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  3.40pm: Margaret Elizabeth arrived.

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21 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.30am: Divers down alongside HMS Challenger.

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22 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.35am: Margaret Elizabeth sailed.

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23 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands variously employed.

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24 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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25 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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26 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

[Dwarf’s diving party finally give up the search for the Maxim, vide log of HMS Challenger.]

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27 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Lt Jones, Lt Hales and boarding party left ship for base.

  3.00pm: Yacht Ivy sailed.

  5.00pm: Margaret Elizabeth arrived.

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28 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

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29 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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30 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  3.00pm: Lt Jones, Lt Hales and boarding party returned.

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31 March 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Painting etc.


[Duala, Fernando Po, Nyong River, Campo, Libreville, Elobey Island, Mitimele River,

San Benito River, Duala, Tiko, Fernando Po, Nyong and Likunji Rivers]

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1 April 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Clean ship.

  9.15am: Divisions. Physical drill.

  9.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm.

  4.15pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light Westerly airs, dry and clear, 78º to 85º F.

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2 April 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  8.10am: Margaret Elizabeth sailed.

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3 April 1915

Duala to Fernando Po

Lat 3.8, Long 9.45 [approx]

  7.10am: French gunboat Surprise sailed.

  8.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.45am: Course N70W.

  4.55pm: Anchored, Santa Isabel.

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4 April 1915

Fernando Po to Nyong river

Lat 3.77, Long 8.8

10.00am: Captain landed to see the Governor [at this time Sr Angel Barrera y Luyando].

12.40pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

11.00pm: Challenged Margaret Elizabeth.

11.55pm: Let go port anchor off Nyong River.

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5 April 1915

Nyong River to Campo

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9

  1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded S70W 179 revs.

10.05pm: Let go port anchor off Campo.

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6 April 1915

Campo and at sea towards Libreville

Lat 2.3, Long 9.7 [approx]

10.10am: Yacht Ivy arrived. Discharged one RNR Lt to same.

10.50am: Weighed and proceeded S38W.

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7 April 1915

At sea to Libreville

Lat 0.38, Long 9.45

  8.50am: Proceeding up Gaboon River.

11.15am: Let go port anchor off Libreville.

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8 April 1915


Lat 0.38, Long 9.45

  9.30am: Governor of the Gabon came onboard [at this time M. Joseph Guyon].

  9.45am: Governor left ship. Fired 17 gun salute.

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9 April 1915

Libreville to Elobey Island

Lat 0.7, Long 9.2 [approx]

  6.35am: Weighed and proceeded to leave harbour.

  8.10am: Course N36W.

  9.30am: A/c N13E.

  9.35am: Exercised “general quarters” and “collision stations”.

  4.03pm: Let go port anchor off Elobey I.

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10 April 1915

Elobey Island and up Mitemele river

Lat 1.00, Long 9.55

  9.00am: Captain landed and returned.

10.35am: Shifted anchorage to Coco Beach. Captain landed.

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded up Muni River [aka Mitemele River).

  3.35pm: Let go port anchor 1.25 miles SWbyW from Gande I. [Isla Ngande].

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11 April 1915

Gande Island

Lat 1.08, Long 9.72

  Sunday routine.

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12 April 1915

Mitemele River to San Benito River.

Lat 1.4, Long 9.4 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded out of river

  6.45am: Stopped off Coco Beach and landed pilot. Proceeded.

  9.40am: Course N14W.

11.00am: A/c N35E.

  1.10pm: A/c N66E.

  3.05pm: A/c S60E.

  4.05pm: Anchored off San Benito river.

  4.15pm: Evening quarters. Read warrants Nos 9, 10 and 11. Captain landed.

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13 April 1915

San Benito and at sea towards Duala

Lat 1.62, Long 9.58 [approx]

11.15am: Weighed and proceeded Northwards.

  6.00pm: Arrived Campo. Stopped to communicate with yacht Ivy. Received one native prisoner and letters for passage to Duala. Proceeded.

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14 April 1915

At sea to Cameroon estuary

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.20am: Cape Cameroon N30E.

  6.10am: Fairway buoy abeam.

  8.35am: Secured alongside collier SS Diadem. Completed with coal.

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15 April 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.40am: Slipped and proceeded up river.

  8.05am: Let go port anchor off Duala.

  3.00pm: Margaret Elizabeth arrived.

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16 April 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  2.50pm: SS Karuma left with Lt Jones.

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17 April 1915

Duala to creek below Tiko

Lat 4.03, Long 9.37 [approx]

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded with a steam launch in tow for base.

  8.10am: Stopped off French cruiser Pothuau. Lt Jones returned onboard.

  8.30am: Proceeded through creeks towards Tiko.

12.20pm: Let go port anchor below Tiko.

  2.00pm: Divers away diving for anchor (presumably one lost by somebody else). Steamboats away sweeping.

  5.50pm: Diving party and boats returned.

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18 April 1915

Below Tiko

Lat 4.03, Long 9.37 [approx]

  6.00am: Diving party away. Captain and party proceeded up creeks to Missalilly.

  2.00pm: Captain and party returned.

10.00pm: Captain and party visited Tiko.

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19 April 1915

Near Tiko

Lat 4.03, Long 9.37 [approx]

  5.50am: Weighed and proceeded up creek.

  6.45am: Let go port anchor in 5 fms alongside wreck of Nachtigal. Secured stern to both banks. Divers and party employed on wreck getting up her gun.

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20 April 1915

Near Tiko

Lat 4.03, Long 9.37 [approx]

  8.00am: Divers employed on Nachtigal.

  9.45am: Hauled ship alongside Nachtigal and secured.

11.45pm: Gun clear. Hoisted on cat davit [a foredeck davit used to hoist the anchor when it was clear of the water and bring it to a cathead for stowage, as was then the practice].

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21 April 1915

Tiko to Duala and at sea.

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded through creeks to base.

  9.10am: Arrived at base and proceeded to Duala.

11.10am: Let go port anchor off Duala.

  2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to base.

  4.20pm: Secured alongside SS Diadem and commenced coaling.

  7.15pm: Finished coaling.

10.10pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea course NW, 170 revs.

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22 April 1915

At sea to Fernando Po and at sea

Lat 3.77, Long 8.8

  6.43am: Let go port anchor at Santa Isabel.

11.00am: Captain visited Governor.

12.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

12.40pm: Course E, 170 revs.

  2.00pm: A/c S20E.

  5.53pm: A/c S14E.

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23 April 1915

At sea to Nyong river

Lat 2.94, Long 9.85 [approx]

  5.13am: Campo Pt bg S8E.

  6.30am: Stopped off Campo and communicated with French gunboat Surprise.

  7.12am: Proceeded, N32W.

  7.40am: A/c N34E.

     Noon: Kribi Lt abeam, a7C N19E.

  2.32pm: Let go port anchor off Nyong River.

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24 April 1915

Nyong River

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9

  Hands employed as requisite.

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25 April 1915

Nyong River

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9

  Sunday routine.

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26 April 1915

Nyong River to Lokunji River

Lat 3.1, Long 9.9 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and communicated with Fullah.

  6.35am: Proceeded for Longi and Kribi.

10.30am: Turned and went back to Nyong river.

  1.46pm: Stopped at Nyong river, communicated with Fullah. Proceeded to Lokunji.

  2.30pm: Anchored off Lokunji river.

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27 April 1915

Lokunji river

Lat 3.19, Long 9.93

  6.00am: Steamboat and Wari away sweeping.

  9.00am: SS Lagos arrived.

10.30am: Lagos left.

11.00am: Divers and party away.

  1.30pm: Divers and sweeping boats away.

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28 April 1915

Lokunji river

Lat 3.19, Long 9.93

  7.00am: Divers away diving.

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29 April 1915

Lokunji river to Nyong river

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9

  6.25am: Fullah sailed.

  6.55am: Weighed and proceeded for Nyong.

  7.50am: Anchored off Nyong river.

10.00am: Tug Remus arrived with one wounded native.

11.00am: Remus left.

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30 April 1915

Nyong River

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9

  2.00pm: Flotilla proceeded up Lokunji river.

  3.00pm: French cruiser Surprise arrived.

  4.00pm: Surprise sailed for Kribi etc.

  4.15pm: Exercised “away all boats’ crews” for pulling exercise.


[Nyong River, Kribi, Campo and Duala]

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1 May 1915

Nyong River

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9

  6.00pm: Flotilla returned from Lokunji and tug Remus arrived.

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2 May 1915

Nyong River

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9

  4.30am: Tug Remus arrived.

  6.00pm: M Elizabeth arrived.

  8.30pm: Yacht Ivy arrived.

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3 May 1915

Nyong river to Kribi

Lat 3.05, Long 9.9 [approx]

  4.00am: Yacht Ivy sailed for Campo.

  7.20am: Weighed and proceeded for Kribi.

12.45pm: Anchored off Kribi.

  2.15pm: French cruiser Surprise arrived and left.

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4 May 1915

Kribi to Campo

Lat 2.5, Long 9.8 [approx]

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Campo.

  1.05pm: Stopped off yacht Ivy at Campo.

  1.45pm: Anchored.

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5 May 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.15am: Tug Remus arrived.

  7.30am: French gunboat Surprise arrived and anchored.

  8.00am: Remus left for Duala.

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6 May 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  8.00am: One Yeoman of Signals joined from yacht Ivy. Ivy sailed.

  4.15pm: HMS Challenger arrived.

  5.10pm: Challenger sailed.

10.00pm: French cruiser Surprise sailed.

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7 May 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.15am: Exercised “general quarters”. Stokers at rifle drill.

  1.00pm: Yacht Ivy arrived.

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8 May 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  8.30am: Weighed and shifted berth Southward.

  4.00pm: SS Lagos arrived and anchored.

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9 May 1915

Campo to Nyong River

Lat 2.38, Long 9.79 [approx]

  7.00am: SS Lagos and yacht Ivy shifted berths.

  9.00am: Weighed and communicated with Ivy and launch Vigilant.

  9.45am: Anchored.

11.20am: Took Vigilant in tow.

11.35am: Weighed and proceeded WNW 170 revs.

  7.12pm: Slipped Vigilant.

  7.28pm: Let go port anchor off Nyong.

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10 May 1915

Nyong River to Suellaba Pt

Lat 3.35, Long 9.75 [approx]

10.20am: Weighed and took Vigilant in tow. Proceeded N31W.

  7.35pm: Slipped Vigilant and anchored off Suellaba Pt.

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11 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

  8.00am: Secured alongside SS Diadem for coaling.

  2.30pm: Slipped to anchor off Duala.

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12 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.[Dwarf lets the fires go out in her boilers from this date until 10 August].

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13 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands provisioning ship.

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14 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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15 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Saturday, clean ship, divisions in night clothing.

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16 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.10am: Weighed and proceeded with tugs to floating dock. Hands docking ship.

  5.45pm: Chocks on bottom of dock gave way. Refloated ship. Closed WT doors.

  6.10pm: Ship refloated

  6.30pm: Opened WT doors.

  Lost overboard on skiff capsizing, crutches, metal patt. 73C, four in number.

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17 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  8.00am: Shifted ship to Dolphins [piles driven into the bed of the harbour to provide berths, but not connected to shore]. Divers diving about rudder.

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18 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  2.00pm: Paddle tug Remus arrived.

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19 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Tug Remus sailed.

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20 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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21 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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22 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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23 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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24 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.00am: Lt Carlton left ship.

4caf8663cadfd341970159e9: (

25 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159ea: (

26 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159eb: (

27 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.00am: Commander WCG Ruxton joined ship [to take command].

4caf8663cadfd341970159ec: (

28 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159ed: (

29 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159ee: (

30 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159ef: (

31 May 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.



4caf8663cadfd341970159f0: (

1 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Hands cleaning ship.

  9.00am: Divisions. Physical drill.

  9.15am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.00am: French auxiliary ship Vauban* arrived.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch to 6.00pm.

  4.15pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Rather cloudy with rain in the early watches, 76º to 81º F.

* A requisitioned trawler.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f1: (

2 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Divers working on sunken lighter.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f2: (

3 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: Cdr Strong left ship.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f3: (

4 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f4: (

5 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f5: (

6 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.30am: Captain left ship for duties ashore.

  3.15pm: HMS Rinaldo arrived.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f6: (

7 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f7: (

8 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f8: (

9 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159f9: (

10 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159fa: (

11 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159fb: (

12 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00pm: HMS Sirius arrived.

4caf8663cadfd341970159fc: (

13 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

4caf8663cadfd341970159fd: (

14 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159fe: (

15 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd341970159ff: (

16 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd34197015a00: (

17 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd34197015a01: (

18 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8663cadfd34197015a02: (

19 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.00pm: Captain returned on board from duty ashore.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a03: (

20 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a04: (

21 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a05: (

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4caf8664cadfd34197015a08: (

Above four pages blank.

LOG BOOK for JUNE 22nd 1915 to FEBRUARY 29th 1916

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Log front cover, Adm. 53/69681. 22 June 1915 to 29 February 1916.

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Above six pages blank.

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Instruction page for weather reports.

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Above three pages duplicates.

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22 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a1a: (

23 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a1b: (

24 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a1c: (

25 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.30am: Two Carpenter ratings lent to ship from HMS Sirius.

  3.00pm: HMS Sirius sailed.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a1d: (

26 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Clean ship.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a1e: (

27 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a1f: (

28 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a20: (

29 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a21: (

30 June 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Duala, including spell in dry dock]

4caf8664cadfd34197015a22: (

1 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Clean ship.

  9.15am: Divisions. Physical drill.

  9.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch until 6.00pm.

  4.15pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light airs, mostly overcast with rain at times, 77º to 79º F.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a23: (

2 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a24: (

3 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a25: (

4 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a26: (

5 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a27: (

6 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a28: (

7 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a29: (

8 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a2a: (

9 July 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded with tugs into dry dock.

11.00am: Secured in dry dock.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a2b: (

10 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Clean ship etc.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a2c: (

11 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Clean ship etc.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a2d: (

12 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Divers away examining French gunboat Surprise.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a2e: (

13 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  4.30am: S/Lt McIntyre RNR left ship.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a2f: (

14 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a30: (

15 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a31: (

16 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Divers employed salving lighter.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a32: (

17 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Divers employed salving lighter.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a33: (

18 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a34: (

19 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a35: (

20 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a36: (

21 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a37: (

22 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  2.00pm: Discharged three ratings to SS Elmina for passage home.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a38: (

23 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a39: (

24 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a3a: (

25 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a3b: (

26 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Diving party away examining the French gunboat Surprise.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a3c: (

27 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a3d: (

28 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a3e: (

29 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a3f: (

30 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a40: (

31 July 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Captain left ship in Sokoto [ex-German gunboat Soden, captured in September 1914].


[Duala (including dry dock), Akwayafe River, Bibundi, Victoria, Duala, Nyong River, Campo

and on patrol South of Fernado Po]

4caf8664cadfd34197015a41: (

1 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a42: (

2 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a43: (

3 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a44: (

4 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a45: (

5 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a46: (

6 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a47: (

7 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a48: (

8 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a49: (

9 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a4a: (

10 August 1915

Duala [dry dock]

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a4b: (

11 August 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Flooded dock and refloated ship. Left dry dock.

12.15pm: Secured alongside Government Wharf and carried out engine trials.

  2.00pm: Hands drawing stores and provisions.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a4c: (

12 August 1915

Duala and at sea

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.10am: Slipped and proceeded alongside collier SS Parkgate. Completed with coal.

     Noon: Slipped and proceeded down river.

  4.05pm: Set course N57W, 130 revs.

  8.45pm: A/c WSW, full speed.

  9.15pm: A/c N57W, 110 revs.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a4d: (

13 August 1915

At sea to Akwayafe River

Lat 4.67, Long 8.5 [approx]

10.00am: Courses to proceed up the Akwayafe River*.

12.55pm: Grounded on the bar.

  1.05pm: Refloated ship.

  1.10pm: Grounded.

  2.55pm: Refloated.

  4.40pm: Grounded 1 mile below Ikang. Anchored.

  6.20pm: Refloated, weighed and proceeded down river.

  6.37pm: Anchored.

* This is the river that forms the boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a4e: (

14 August 1915

Akwayafe River

Lat 4.78, Long 8.53 [approx]

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a4f: (

15 August 1915

Akwayafe River

Lat 4.78, Long 8.53 [approx]

  Sunday routine.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a50: (

16 August 1915

Akwayafe River to Bibundi

Lat 4.67, Long 8.5 [approx]

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

12.50pm: Fairway buoy abeam, S67E.

  4.00pm: A/c S53E.

  5.15pm: Anchored off Bibundi.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a51: (

17 August 1915


Lat 4.21, Long 8.98

  7.00am: Tug Remus sailed.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a52: (

18 August 1915

Bibundi to Debunja

Lat 4.11, Long 8.98

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course SW by W, 170 revs

11.55am: Let go starboard anchor off Debunja.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a53: (

19 August 1915

Debunja to Victoria

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Victoria.

  9.25am: Let go starboard anchor off Victoria.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a54: (

20 August 1915


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a55: (

21 August 1915


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a56: (

22 August 1915

Victoria to Duala.

Lat 3.9, Long 9.3 [approx]

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.00am: Outer Bar buoy abeam.

11.15am: Stopped and received dispatches from Spanish launch.

  1.50pm: Proceeded alongside SS Parkgate.

  2.25pm: Proceeded to anchor off Government Pier.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a57: (

23 August 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.40am: Coaling, received 52 tons.

  3.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to base.

  5.10pm: Anchored at base.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a58: (

24 August 1915


Lat 3.9, Long 9.55

11.20am: French cruiser Friant and HMS Sirius arrived.

11.35am: Weighed and lay to off Friant.

  1.00pm: Embarked the Governor General of French Equatorial Africa [Martial Henri Merlin] and proceeded to Duala. [Friant, drawing about 21 ft, was too deep draughted to go up to Duala.]

  3.00pm: Secured to Government Pier and disembarked Governor General.

  3.45pm: Slipped to anchor.

  6.00pm: Sirius arrived.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a59: (

25 August 1915

Duala to Nyong River

Lat 3.85, Long 9.47 [approx]

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.30am: Arrived at base. Communicated with Friant.

11.15am: Proceeded, S45W.

  1.25pm: Fairway buoy abeam, a/c S23E.

  2.33pm: Bango mouth abeam [probably the Sanaga River is intended].

  5.55pm: Anchored off Nyong River.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a5a: (

26 August 1915

Nyong River to Campo

Lat 2.65, Long 9.83 [approx]

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.15am: Gt Batanga abeam.

  2.15pm: Anchored off Campo.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a5b: (

27 August 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.00pm: Sir Hugh sailed.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a5c: (

28 August 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.00am: Vauban sailed.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a5d: (

29 August 1915

Campo and at sea

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea and swung for compasses.

  5.55pm: Set course N15W, 150 revs.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a5e: (

30 August 1915

At sea

Lat 3.6, Long 9.5 [approx]

Speeds 4 knots all day until 9.00pm.

  6.00am: Sighted Cape Santiago, a/c N22W.

10.50am: Sighted SS Antonico.

11.45am: A/c SW.

  3.30pm: A/c WNW.

  4.50pm: A/c SW.

  5.15pm: A/c South. Slow engines.

  5.50pm: A/c SE.

  7.25pm: A/c NE.

  8.30pm: A/c South.

  9.00pm: Stopped starboard engine. Proceeded slow [1.5 knots] on port engine.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a5f: (

31 August 1915

At sea patrolling off Fernando Po

Lat 3.5, Long 9.6 [approx]

12.01am: Various courses in overcast and rainy weather.

12.10pm: A/c NNW.

  1.30pm: A/c NE to intercept steamer.

  2.10pm: Communicated with SS Badagri of Liverpool.

  2.20pm: Proceeded, N77W.

  3.45pm: A/c S77E.

  4.00pm: Evening quarters. Exercised “away seaboats”.

  5.25pm: Course SSE.

  7.20pm: A/c S11W.


[Campo, patrols, Duala, Fernando Po and Campo]

4caf8664cadfd34197015a60: (

1 September 1915

At sea to Campo

Lat 2.85, Long 9.65 [approx]

12.01am: Course S11W, 4 knots.

10.20am: A/c S18E, 170 revs.

  4.30pm: Stopped to communicate with Vauban.

  5.50pm: Let go port anchor off Campo.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a61: (

2 September 1915

Campo, on patrol and return

Lat 2.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

Speed 4 knots all day.

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded N16W, 110 revs.

  9.15am: Stokers at small arms drill.

10.20am: A/c EbyN.

     Noon: A/c WSW.

  2.30pm: A/c SE.

  5.40pm: A/c N35E.

  6.30pm: Stopped, let go starboard anchor off Campo.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a62: (

3 September 1915

Campo, on patrol and return

Lat 2.1, Long 9.4 [approx]

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded NNW.

  6.50am: Sighted SS Anna Woermann*.

  7.15am: A/c SE by S.

  8.00am: Stopped to communicate with launch Crocodile.

  8.10am: Proceeded NNW.

  8.45am: Stopped to communicate with SS Anna Woermann. Proceeded, W by S.

10.45am: A/c S17W.

12.30pm: Stopped to communicate with Vauban. Proceeded NE by E.

  3.40pm: Stopped off Campo.

  4.15pm: Let go starboard anchor off Campo.

  9.05pm: HMS Rinaldo arrived.

* This is one of the ships sunk as block ships in the channel below Duala, salvaged and used by the British; Woermann Line, 1893, 2,339 grt.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a63: (

4 September 1915

Campo, on patrol and to Bata Pt

Lat 2.1, Long 9.5 [approx]

  5.30am: Weighed anchor. Communicated with HMS Rinaldo.

  6.35am: Proceeded SW.

11.45am: A/c NE.

  2.20pm: A/c SW.

  3.05pm: A/c N70E.

  6.05pm: Let go starboard anchor 4 miles NW of Bata Pt.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a64: (

5 September 1915

Bata Pt, on patrol and return

Lat 1.9, Long 9.5 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded W, 110 revs.

Various courses at 4 knots throughout the day.

  6.25pm: Let go starboard anchor 3 miles NW of Bata Pt.

4caf8664cadfd34197015a65: (

6 September 1915

Bata Pt, at sea and to Campo

Lat 2.1, Long 9.6 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded W 110 revs.

  7.00am: A/c SW.

  8.35am: A/c N30E.

10.10am: Sighted HMS Rinaldo and SS Antonico.

11.30am: Stopped. Communicated with Antonico.

12.30pm: Proceeded ESE.

  1.20pm: Let go starboard anchor off Campo.

  2.05pm: Antonico sailed.

  3.00pm: Rinaldo sailed.

  6.20pm: French aux. Vauban arrived.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a66: (

7 September 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  4.15pm: SS Lagos arrived.

  5.00pm: French aux. Vauban left for Duala.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a67: (

8 September 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Exercised Seamen at “small arms companies”.

  4.30pm: Exercised “cutter away sailing”.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a68: (

9 September 1915

Campo to Bata

Lat 2.25, Long 9.65 [approx]

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded WbyS 170 revs.

  9.30am: A/c SW.

11.00am: A/c S11W.

  1.45pm: Sighted SS Antonico.

  2.43pm: Let go port anchor off Bata.

  2.55pm: Antonico arrived.

  7.45pm: Antonico sailed.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a69: (

10 September 1915

Bata to Campo

Lat 2.15, Long 9.75 [approx]

  8.10am: Governor of Bata came onboard.

  8.50am: Governor of Bata left ship. Fired 15 gun salute.

  9.30am: Weighed and proceeded N7W 170 revs.

11.30am: Bata Pt abeam 4.5 miles.

  1.45pm: Let go port anchor off Campo. Launch Vigilant came alongside.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a6a: (

11 September 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.00am: SS Lagos came out from Campo River.

  7.45am: SS Anna Woermann arrived.

11.00am: Lagos proceeded to Nyong.

  5.30pm: Anna Woerman left for Duala.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a6b: (

12 September 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  3.30am: SS Lagos arrived.

  6.30am: Lagos proceeded up river.

  8.00am: Launch Crocodile came alongside.

  4.45pm: HMS Sirius arrived and anchored.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a6c: (

13 September 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.00am: Launch Vigilant alongside.

  9.00am: HMS Sirius sailed.

4caf8665cadfd34197015a6d: (

14 September 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.00pm: Launch Vigilant came out.

  5.15pm: HMS Sirius arrived.

  6.40pm: SS Lagos left for Duala.

  6.50pm: Vigilant returned to Campo.

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15 September 1915

Campo and at sea towards Duala

Lat 2.36, Long 9.8 [approx]

11.00am: Weighed and communicated with HMS Sirius.

11.50am: Proceeded NNW.

  5.55pm: Sighted HMS Rinaldo.

  6.15pm: Stopped and communicated with Rinaldo.

  6.35pm: Proceeded, N24W.

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16 September 1915

At sea to Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.07am: Fairway buoy abeam.

  8.25am: Stopped to communicate with French cruiser Friant.

10.30am: Arrived Duala. Secured alongside collier SS Keyingham.

     Noon: Coaling, completed in pm.

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17 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded to anchor. [Allowed fires to die out in main boilers.]

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18 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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19 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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20 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.30am: Discharged two Seaman ratings and one Marine Private to SS Appam for passage.

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21 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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22 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00pm: French auxiliary Amerique* arrived.

*A requisitioned trawler, lost 25 March 1917.

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23 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands provisioning ship.

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24 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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25 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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26 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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27 September 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

Fires lit in main boilers.

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28 September 1915

Duala to Fernando Po and at sea towards Nyong and Campo

Lat 3.75, Long 9.2 [approx]

  6.25am: Weighed. Embarked Lt Law RN and two native prisoners.

  6.35pm: Proceeded.

  8.25am: Communicated with French cruiser Friant.

  8.45am: Course WSW.

10.00am: A/c N72W.

  2.50pm: Let go starboard anchor off Santa Isabel.

  9.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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29 September 1915

At sea to Campo via Nyong.

Lat 2.85, Long 9.8 [approx]

  6.50am: Stopped off Nyong and communicated with launch Alligator.

  7.35am: Proceeded SW.

  9.00am: Marines mustered in marching order.

  2.30pm: Let go starboard anchor off Campo. Communicated with SS Antonico.

  6.00pm: Launch Crocodile alongside.

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30 September 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  3.00am: SS Antonico sailed.

  2.00pm: Launch Crocodile alongside.

  4.00pm: Landed temporary set of W/T apparatus for use at Campo.

  7.25pm: French aux. Vauban sailed.


[Campo, Bata, Kribi, Libreville, San Benito, Suellaba and Duala]

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1 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.00am: Clean ship.

  9.15am: Divisions. Physical drill.

  9.25am: HMS Sirius sailed.

  9.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  2.00pm: Launch Crocodile alongside.

  4.15pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light SW breezes, mostly overcast with rain at times, 73º to 78º F.

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2 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  4.30pm: Exercised Ordinary Seamen at boat pulling.

  6.00pm: Launch Crocodile alongside.

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3 October 1915

Campo to Bata

Lat 1.83, Long 9.73

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded West, 160 revs.

  6.40am: A/c S29W.

  9.40am: A/c S28E.

11.40am: Let go starboard anchor off Bata.

  2.00pm: SS Antonico arrived and anchored.

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4 October 1915

Bata to Campo

Lat 2.15, Long 9.7 [approx]

  7.00am: Discharged 5 tons of coal to SS Antonico.

10.20am: Weighed and proceeded N6W, 170 revs.

12.10pm: A/c NNE.

  2.30pm: Let go starboard anchor off Campo.

  6.00pm: Launch Crocodile alongside.

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5 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  Hands employed as requisite.

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6 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  2.00pm: HMS Sirius arrived.

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7 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.00am: Launch Crocodile alongside.

  8.00am: Wireless operator ashore on duty.

  2.00pm: SS Lagos proceeded up river.

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8 October 1915

Campo to Kribi

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”.

     Noon: Launch Crocodile alongside. W/T operator returned.

12.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite for Batanga and Kribi.

  5.30pm: Let go starboard anchor off Kribi.

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9 October 1915

Kribi to Campo via Nyong

Lat 2.85, Long 9.85 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded, N2W.

  8.20am: Stopped off Nyong, launch Alligator alongside. Divers and diving gear returned.

  9.20am: Proceeded SW.

  4.30pm: Anchored off Campo.

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10 October 1915

Campo and at sea towards Libreville

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.00am: HMS Sirius sailed.

     Noon: Weighed and proceeded SW by W, 170 revs.

12.30pm: A/c S to close sailing boat.

  1.00pm: Stopped for four minutes, proceeded, S28W.

  2.10pm: A/c S.

  3.50pm: A/c S56W.

  6.00pm: Reduced to 140 revs, a/c S60W.

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11 October 1915

At sea to Libreville

Lat 0.7, Long 9.25 [approx]

  5.20am: A/c N83E, 170 revs.

  6.15am: A/c NE.

  6.50am: A/c N70E.

  8.05am: A/c S70W.

  1.10pm: A/c S21E, then various courses for anchorage.

  3.25pm: Let go starboard anchor off Libreville.

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12 October 1915


Lat 0.4, Long 9.4

  8.50am: SS Amiral [possibly Amiral Fourichon is intended, see 31 October] arrived.

10.10am: Governor of Libreville visited ship.

10.25am: Governor of Libreville left ship. Fired 17 gun salute.

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13 October 1915

Libreville and at sea towards Campo

Lat 0.4, Long 9.4

11.00am: SS Amiral [?] left.

     Noon: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.40pm: Set course, N5W.

  6.00pm: A/c N35E.

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14 October 1915

At sea to Campo

Lat 2.8, Long 9.5 [approx]

  4.45am: A/c ENE.

  5.10am: Sighted HMS Sirius.

  5.40am: A/c N15W.

  7.30am: A/c N31W.

11.45am: A/c SSE.

  3.15pm: Sighted HMS Sirius steering S53E.

  3.30pm: A/c S53E.

  4.30pm: Anchored off Campo [where Sirius is anchored; vide log of same].

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15 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.00am: One Ldg Seaman joined.

  4.00pm: HMS Rinaldo sailed.

  4.15pm: Read warrant No 12. One prisoner discharged to HMS Sirius [for cell punishment].

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16 October 1915

Campo to San Benito

Lat 1.62, Long 9.55 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded S21W, 170 revs [8 knots].

  7.30am: A/c S.

  8.50am: S42W.

11.00am: A/c S30W.

11.30am: A/c S10W.

12.40pm: Anchored off San Benito.

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17 October 1915

San Benito to Campo

Lat 2.0, Long 9.65 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded N36W.

  2.15pm: Sighted HMS Sirius with SS’ Antonico and Lagos.

  3.30pm: Stopped off Sirius.

  4.30pm: Anchored off Campo.

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18 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Exercised “action”, “collision” and “abandon ship” stations.

11.00am: SS Lagos left for Duala.

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19 October 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.00am: HMS Rinaldo arrived.

  9.30am: Exercised Seamen and Marines at rifle drill.

10.30am: One Seaman rating returned from hospital.

  3.00pm: Rinaldo sailed.

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20 October 1915

Campo to Suellaba

Lat 3.05, Long 9.85 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded for Baje and Lolabé.

  9.50am: A/c for Batanga.

11.10am: A/c N16W.

  2.00pm: Sighted SS Amerique.

  5.00pm: Fairway buoy abeam.

  6.55pm: Let go port anchor at Suellaba.

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21 October 1915

Suellaba to Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded for Duala.

  8.20am: Secured alongside SS Keyingham. Commenced coaling.

  3.10pm: Finished coaling, 133 tons.

  3.30pm: Slipped from collier and anchored off Duala.

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22 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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23 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Cleaning, painting and refitting. Kroomen drawing stores.

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24 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

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25 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Cleaning, painting and refitting.

  6.00pm: Discharged Navigating Officer to hospital.

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26 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Cleaning, painting and refitting. Kroomen drawing stores.

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27 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Cleaning, painting and refitting. Kroomen drawing stores.

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28 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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29 October 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.00pm: Two Seaman ratings discharged for passage to England.

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30 October 1915

Duala to Base

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to take SS Gabon in tow,

  4.45pm: Secured Gabon alongside and proceeded for base.

  8.00pm: Slipped Gabon and anchored at base.

  8.30pm: Embarked 15 marines and equipment from French cruiser Friant for passage to Campo.

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31 October 1915

Base [Cameroon Estuary] to Campo

Lat 3.2, Long 9.85 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Passed Amiral Fourichon* entering.

  9.15am: A/c for Nyong.

11.59am: Stopped to communicate with launch Alligator.

12.15pm: Proceeded.

  6.45pm: Stopped to communicate with HMS Sirius and anchored off Campo.

  8.00pm: Launch Vigilant alongside.

*Compagnie de Chargeurs Reunis, 1901, 5,045 tons, scrapped 1928


[Campo, Lolabe, patrol off Bata Pt, Campo and Duala]

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1 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.00am: Disembarked Marines and equipment to launch Vigilant.

  7.30pm: Sighted ship rounding Campo Pt and investigated. Closed her and boarded, ship proved to be Antonico. At time of boarding she bore S50W.

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2 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.00am: Yacht Ivy arrived.

  8.15am: Antonico sailed.

10.20am: Amerique arrived.

10.30am: HMS Sirius sailed.

11.00am: Launch Vigilant alongside.

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3 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  2.00pm: Vigilant alongside.

  4.00pm: Embarked five native partisans from Campo.

  4.50pm: HMS Sirius arrived.

  5.45pm: Amerique sailed for Duala.

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4 November 1915

Campo to Lolabé

Lat 2.5, Long 9.8 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.30am: Stopped and communicated with Vauban.

  7.10am: Proceeded NNW.

  7.30am: Stopped and picked up canoe. Proceeded.

  7.45am: Proceeded NNE.

  9.00am: Exercised landing party, Seamen and Marines.

     Noon: A/c to intercept M Elizabeth.

  1.15pm: Stopped and communicated with same.

  1.25pm: Proceeded S25W.

  2.00pm: A/c S31E.

  2.30pm: A/c S14W.

  4.50pm: Let go starboard anchor off Lolabé. Landed five partisans.

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5 November 1915


Lat 2.68, Long 9.85

  7.00am: Landed Seamen and Marines in full marching order.

  6.00pm: Landing party returned.

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6 November 1915

Lolabé to Campo

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.10am: Sighted HMS Sirius off Campo.

11.50am: Let go starboard anchor off Campo.

  1.48pm: Sirius sailed for Duala.

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7 November 1915

Campo to Bata

Lat 1.83, Long 9.73

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.00am: Let go starboard anchor off Bata.

11.15am: Captain boarded SS Balmore.

  6.00pm: SS Balmore sailed.

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8 November 1915

Bata to Lolabé

Lat 2.6, Long 9.8 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded, courses NE’ly.

  1.00pm: Anchored off Lolabé.

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9 November 1915

Lolabé to Campo

Lat 2.5, Long 9.8 [approx]

  9.45am: Partisans returned on board. Weighed and proceeded.

11.15am: Stopped to communicate with HMS Rinaldo, proceeded.

  3.50pm: Anchored off Campo.

  6.00pm: French Vauban arrived.

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10 November 1915

Campo to Bata

Lat 1.85, Long 9.7 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.10am: Stopped off yacht Ivy. SS Lagos arrived.

  7.50am: Proceeded.

11.00am: Various courses patrolling off Bata.

  6.40pm: Anchored 8 miles NNW of Bata Lt.

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11 November 1915

On patrol off Bata Point

Lat 1.8, Long 9.65 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

12.45pm: Stopped to communicate with French auxiliary Vauban.

  7.00pm: Anchored NNW of Bata Lt.

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12 November 1915

On patrol off Bata Point

Lat 2.1, Long 9.65 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

11.05am: Stopped to communicate with yacht Ivy. Lt Jones returned onboard.

11.50am: Proceeded.

  3.15pm: Stopped to communicate with Vauban.

  4.35pm: Proceeded.

  7.00pm: Anchored NNW of Bata Lt.

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13 November 1915

On patrol off Bata Point.

Lat 2.05, Long 9.7 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.15am: Stopped to communicate with yacht Ivy. Proceeded.

  6.35pm: Anchored NNW from Bata Light.

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14 November 1915

On patrol off Bata Point

Lat 2.1, Long 9.7 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

11.00am: Stopped to communicate with Vauban. Proceeded.

  3.50am: Stopped to communicate with Ivy.

  5.00pm: Proceeded.

  6.40pm: Anchored NNW from Bata Light.

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15 November 1915

On patrol off Bata Point

Lat 2.05, Long 9.65 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.00am: Ord. Seamen at 12 pdr drill.

11.50am: Stopped to communicate with Vauban. Proceeded.

  4.00pm: Exercised “close WT doors” and “away sea boat’s crew”.

  6.15pm: Anchored NNW from Bata Light.

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16 November 1915

On patrol off Bata Point

Lat 2.1, Long 9.65 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  6.20pm: Anchored NNW from Bata Light.

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17 November 1915

On patrol off Bata Point and to Campo

Lat 2.34, Long 9.8

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

11.00am: A/c for Campo.

12.20pm: Came to with starboard anchor off Campo.

  1.00pm: Captain boarded SS Antonico.

  4.40pm: Antonico sailed.

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18 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  8.00am: French auxiliary Vauban sailed.

  9.30am: Ord. Seamen to Maxim drill.

  6.15pm: Yacht Ivy sailed.

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19 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.40am: Weighed, shifted billet.

  7.00am: Let go starboard anchor.

11.00am: Vauban arrived.

  1.00pm: Launch Vigilant alongside.

  2.35pm: Sir Hugh proceeded upriver.

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20 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  4.30am: Vauban sailed.

  5.20pm: Sir Hugh sailed for Duala.

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21 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Ship’s company mustered by open list.

10.10am: SS Amerique arrived.

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22 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Exercised “abandon ship” stations.

  9.45am: 12 pdr guns’ crews at 4” gun drill.

  6.00pm: Launches Crocodile and Vigilant alongside.

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23 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.35am: Ivy arrived with Manatee [an ex-Nigerian armed motor launch] in tow.

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24 November 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

11.00am: Vigilant alongside.

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25 November 1915

Campo to Base

Lat 3.2, Long 9.6 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded North, 180 revs.

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”.

  6.00pm: Secured alongside SS Knutsford, collier.

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26 November 1915

Base to Duala

Lat 3.9, Long 9.55 [approx]

     Noon: Completed with coal [with a delay for a tornado and heavy rain].

12.25pm: Slipped and proceeded for Duala.

  2.40pm: Anchored, Duala.

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27 November 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

Fires out in main boilers.

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28 November 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

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29 November 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Painting, drawing stores and provisions.

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30 November 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Duala, Campo and patrols]

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1 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Clean ship.

  9.15am: Divisions.

  9.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

12.50pm: Hands mustered for payment.

  3.00pm: Water boat alongside.

  4.35pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: SW’ly light breezes, early mist then dry with some cloud, 78º F at noon.

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2 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Cleaning, provisioning.

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3 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Kroomen painting side.

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4 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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5 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

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6 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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7 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

Raised steam.

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8 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

12.45pm: Two Seamen and one Stoker joined ship.

  3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Stopped off SS Appam.

  7.25pm: Proceeded S80W.

  8.35pm: Let go anchor in 8 fms.

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9 December 1915

Base to Campo Pt

Lat 3.25, Long 9.9 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.45am. Stopped to communicate with Ivy.

  7.10am: Proceeded S23E.

10.50am: A/c ESE for Nyong.

11.50am: Stopped and communicated with HMS Rinaldo and Margaret Elizabeth.

12.35pm: Proceeded SW by S.

  2.40pm: Kribi abeam 6 miles.

  6.55pm: Anchored due North of Campo Pt, leading lights E by S.

  7.30pm: Discharged mails and stores to launch Vigilant and HMS Sirius.

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10 December 1915

Campo and on patrol to Bata

Lat 2.2, Long 9.7 [approx]

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to close Campo.

10.00am: Proceeded on patrol.

  2.15pm: Course as requisite to meet boat under sail.

  5.20pm: Let go anchor off Bata.

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11 December 1915

Bata to San Benito

Lat 1.75, Long 9.65 [approx]

  7.50am: French auxiliary Vauban arrived.

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded for San Benito.

  1.50pm: Anchored at San Benito.

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12 December 1915

Rio San Benito

Lat 1.6, Long 9.61

  Sunday routine.

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13 December 1915

San Benito to Campo

Lat 1.9, Long 9.65[approx]

  8.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.30am: Ordinary Seamen to rifle firing. Carried out aiming rifle practice.

  4.35pm: Evening quarters. Read quarterly Court Martial returns to ship’s company. Physical drill.

  6.00pm: Stopped to communicate with French Vauban and HMS Sirius.

  7.00pm: Let go starboard anchor off Campo.

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14 December 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.30am: Vauban left

  8.45am: Amerique arrived.

  8.50am: SS Anna Woermann left.

10.00am: Vigilant proceeded into Campo.

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15 December 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.00pm: Vigilant arrived alongside, embarked two French soldiers and medical stores for Duala hospital.

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16 December 1915

Campo and at sea

Lat 1.88, Long 9.7

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded. Course S27W.

     Noon: Let go starboard anchor in 3 fms [probably off Bata].

  3.55pm: Up anchor and proceeded towards Campo.

  5.45pm: A/c as requisite to intercept Amerique.

  6.45pm: A/c North.

  7.05pm: A/c NNE.

  9.50pm: Communicated with HMS Sirius. Proceeded N4W.

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17 December 1915

At sea to Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.45am: Fairway buoy abeam.

  9.25am: Stopped and communicated with French cruiser Friant. Proceeded towards Duala.

11.20am: Made fast alongside Government Pier and discharged general cargo.

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18 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Received 120 cases of motor spirit for Campo.

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19 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.40am: Cast off from pier to anchor.

  Sunday routine.

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20 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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21 December 1915


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.40am. Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Knutsford.

11.50am: Completed with coal (164.9 tons).

  1.05pm: Cast off collier and secured alongside pier.

  2.00pm: Dinner and bath.

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22 December 1915

Duala to Nyong

Lat 3.65, Long 9.55 [approx]

  7.00am: Embarked ratings and cargo for Nyong and Campo.

  8.00am: Cast off and proceeded.

  9.50am: Stopped and received general cargo from Friant.

10.30am: Proceeded.

  1.00pm: Stopped and communicated with HMS Sirius. Received one W/T rating. Proceeded.

  2.30pm: Bungo River abeam 3 miles.

  5.25pm: Anchored and discharged stores for Nyong.

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23 December 1915

Nyong to Campo

Lat 2.6, Long 9.75 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded, course SWbyS.

  1.00pm: Stopped and communicated with Ivy. Proceeded.

  1.30pm: Anchored off Campo.

  3.00pm: Launch Manatee arrived from river.

  3.30pm: Disembarked general cargo and ratings for Campo.

  3.40pm: Launch Vigilant alongside.

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24 December 1915

Campo to Bata Bay

Lat 2.2, Long 9.65 [approx]

  8.45am: Weighed and proceeded, courses SW’ly.

11.45am: Stopped and sent skiff away to sound in vicinity of fishing ground.

  1.55pm: Stopped and communicated with Amerique.

  5.10pm: Anchored.

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25 December 1915

Bata Bay to Coco Beach

Lat 1.2, Long 9.3 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded, course S54W.

  5.45pm: Anchored off Coco Beach.

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26 December 1915

Coco Beach to Elobey and at sea

Lat 0.98, Long 9.5

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.40am: Anchored off Elobey [Eloeby in log].

12.10pm: Weighed and proceeded out of river.

  1.35pm: A/c West.

  3.25pm: A/c North.

  4.50pm: A/c N36E.

  8.45pm: A/c N29E.

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27 December 1915

At sea to Campo

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.05am: Sighted Ivy, a/c for Campo Bay.

  7.30am: Stopped and communicated with Ivy.

  7.55am: Proceeded to Campo.

  9.15am: Anchored at Campo.

10.30am: SS Amerique arrived with mails.

  3.15pm: Amerique left.

  5.00pm: French auxiliary Vauban arrived.

  6.10pm: French transport SS Loiret arrived.

  6.25pm: Launch Manatee arrived.

  8.10pm: Vauban left.

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28 December 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.00am: Manatee and Vigilant landing carriers from SS Loiret.

  7.10am: Sighted SS Antonico, Ivy proceeded to intercept.

  9.15am: Antonico and Ivy anchored.

  9.30am: Captain boarded Antonico.

12.45pm: SS Amerique arrived.

  2.20pm: Antonico left.

  6.40pm: Loiret left Campo.

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29 December 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Ord. Seamen to rifle exercise.

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30 December 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Forward 12 pdr guns crews to Maxim drill and firing.

11.55am: SS Amerique left.

  4.35pm: Exercised “physical drill” and “collision stations astern”.

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31 December 1915


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: Hands scraping and painting on QD.

10.30am: Marine detachment inspected by Captain Fortell RMLI.

11.00am: Launch Manatee arrived from river.

  1.00pm: Ivy left for Duala.

  2.30pm: Manatee left for river.

  5.00pm: Lecture to POs and Ldg Seamen on pumping, flooding and draining.

11.30pm: Amerique arrived.


[Campo, in action at Wasserfels, Bombingue, Campo, Bata, Boji, Botanga and Duala]

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1 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.00pm: French auxiliary Vauban arrived and anchored.

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2 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

10.50am: Launch Manatee arrived from Campo.

  2.35pm: Launch Vigilant arrived from river.

  6.30pm: Vigilant anchored.

  9.00pm: SS Amerique left.

10.30pm: Vigilant proceeded into Campo.

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3 January 1916

Campo and in action at Wasserfels

Lat 2.6, Long 9.75 [approx]

  8.00am: Vauban weighed and proceeded.

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.15am: Clear ship for action.

10.00am: Course N28E, 6.5 knots.

12.50pm: A/c N55E.

  1.25pm: A/c N3E.

  1.55pm: Opened fire with 4” and 12 pdr in vicinity of Waterfall. [This must be what is now known as Lobé Falls.]

  2.20pm: Ceased fire and anchored.

  2.45pm: Marines landed.

  3.00pm: Opened fire with 12 pdrs.

  3.10pm: Ceased fire.

  3.30pm: Captain landed with guard and guides.

  4.30pm: Landing party returned to ship.

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4 January 1916

Wasserfels to Bombingue

Lat 2.7, Long 9.85

  7.45am: HMS Rinaldo arrived.

  8.55am: Weighed and proceeded, Rinaldo astern.

11.30am: Anchored with Rinaldo.

[The log records that Dwarf is at Mbode, but that is a place some way South of here and I have relied on Rinaldo’s log which identifies this location as Bombingue. It also corresponds with the distance travelled.]

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5 January 1916


Lat 2.7, Long 9.85

  1.20pm: HMS Rinaldo left.

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6 January 1916

Bombingue to Campo

Lat 2.7, Long 9.85

10.45am: Fullah sighted.

     Noon: Fullah alongside with stores, mails and fresh water.

  1.20pm: Ivy arrived with Manatee in tow with stores and mails.

  1.55pm: Manatee left.

  3.30pm: Fullah cast off.

  3.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S65W.

  4.25pm: A/c S27W, Wolf Rock abeam, 8 miles.

  7.45pm: Anchored off Campo.

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7 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  4.30am: French auxiliary Vauban left.

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8 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  Hands employed as requisite.

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9 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.25am: SS’ Loiret [Loirett in log] and Akabo arrived and anchored.

  6.45am: Vigilant and Manatee employed disembarking passengers and stores from same.

  7.00am: Fullah sighted.

  1.30pm: Vigilant, Manatee and Crocodile disembarking troops from Akabo and Loiret [Lorette in log].

  6.30pm: Disembarkation complete, Fullah proceeded into Campo.

  7.10pm: Loiret [Lorette in log] sailed.

  8.05pm: Vauban arrived.

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10 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  8.20am: Vigilant arrived from Campo river.

  9.05am: Marines at 4” gun drill.

  3.50pm: Ivy sailed.

  4.55pm: Vauban sailed.

  8.30pm: Fullah left Campo.

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11 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

10.55am: Vauban arrived with Campo surf boat in tow.

11.00am: Launch Manatee arrived.

  3.00pm: Cutter’s crew rig diving boat.

  4.00pm: Diving boat crew taken into Campo by Manatee. Lost overboard from Manatee by accident, in Campo river, one W/T accumulator complete, Pattern 1552.

  7.45pm: Diving boat and crew returned.

11.00pm: Manatee returned to Campo.

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12 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.10am: After 12 pdr guns’ crews at Maxim drill.

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13 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.40am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded to communicate with Vauban and SS Antonico.

  7.10am: Anchored in 3.5fms.

  8.00am: Search party proceeded on board Antonico.

11.05am: Ivy arrived.

12.50pm: Antonico sailed. Search party returned to ship.

  4.20pm: Anchor aweigh, proceeded to Campo Bar and anchored.

  5.00pm: Vauban closed and anchored.

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14 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  1.55pm: Launch Vigilant arrived.

  3.30pm: Launches Manatee and Crocodile arrived.

  4.00pm: Lecture on pumping arrangements of ship to POs and Leading Hands.

  6.00pm: Manatee made fast astern of Vauban.

  6.30pm: Vigilant proceeded over bar.

  8.20pm: Vauban left for Duala with Manatee in tow.

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15 January 1916

Campo to Bata Bay

Lat 2.25, Long 9.65 [approx]

  8.30am: Anchor aweigh, communicated with Campo and proceeded as requisite, courses SW’ly.

  9.00am: Rounded Campo Pt.

10.07am: A/c S59W.

10.40am: A/c S28W.

11.55am: A/c S1W.

  1.15pm: A/c SE.

  1.45pm: A/c S58W.

  2.20pm: A/c S15E.

  4.25pm: Anchored in Bata Bay.

  6.10pm: SS Antonico sailed.

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16 January 1916

Bata Bay to Campo

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded towards Campo, course N13W.

  9.15am: Campo Point abeam.

11.00am: Came to starboard anchor off Campo.

  4.15pm: Launch Vigilant arrived.

  4.40pm: Vigilant returned to Campo.

  7.00pm: Yacht Ivy sailed.

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17 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

12.35pm: Vigilant arrived.

  2.15pm: Vigilant returned to Campo.

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18 January 1916

Campo to Bojé [now Ebodié]

Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  8.10am: SS Amerique arrived.

  9.10am: SS Forcados arrived

  9.30am: Launches Vigilant and Crocodile proceeded to disembark troops.

12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded for Bojé.

  3.10pm: Came to starboard anchor off Bojé.

  4.05pm: Landed party of Marines and Seamen.

  6.30pm: Landing party returned to ship.

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19 January 1916

Bojé to Batanga

Lat 2.85, Long 9.85 [approx]

  6.55am: Sent surf boat to bring in canoe.

  8.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.35am: Guns’ crews (fore) to Maxim gun drill.

  9.40am: Wolf Rock abeam.

12.15pm: Came to starboard anchor off Batanga in 4 fms.

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20 January 1916

Batanga to Campo

Lat 2.85, Long 9.87

  5.00am: Party of Seamen and Marines landed.

11.00am: Landing party returned.

     Noon: Communicated with HMS Rinaldo.

  1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded towards Campo.

  3.57pm: Wolf Rock abeam 2.5 miles.

  7.20pm: Came to starboard anchor in 4 fms off Campo.

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21 January 1916

Campo to Bata and return

Lat 1.83, Long 9.73

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.40am: Rounded Campo Pt, a/c S27W.

11.25am: Came to starboard anchor off Bata in 3 fms.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded towards Campo.

  2.00pm: Communicated with Ivy.

  5.20pm: Birch Rock abeam.

  8.05pm: Came to starboard anchor in 3.5 fms off Campo.

11.30pm: Ivy anchored.

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22 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.20am: Launch Crocodile arrived.

  7.30am: SS Antonico sailed [probably arrived is intended].

  8.12am: Antonico closed Campo, anchored and proceeded to disembark soldiers.

  8.15am: SS Amerique closed and anchored.

12.10pm: Antonico and Amerique sailed.

  2.40pm: SS Forcados anchored.

  2.45pm: Yacht Ivy sailed.

  4.00pm: Embarked 19 ratings from Forcados.

  6.30pm: Crocodile arrived.

  8.00pm: Crocodile returned to Campo.

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23 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.10am: SS Forcados sailed.

10.00am: Launch Crocodile arrived from river.

10.30am: Crocodile returned to river.

  2.25pm: SS Amerique anchored.

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24 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  5.45am: Vauban arrived.

  9.00am: Ord. Seamen to pistol drill.

10.00am: Seamen who joined last Saturday to muster bags.

  4.00pm: Ord. Seamen to boat pulling in cutter.

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25 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  6.00am: SS Amerique sailed.

  7.20am: Vigilant proceeded to Campo.

  9.00am: Ord. Seamen new entries to rifle drill. Stokers to muster bags.

  6.55pm: Crocodile arrived from Campo with sick.

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26 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  2.55am: Vauban shifted further out.

10.00am: Crocodile from Campo arrived alongside.

10.10am: Crocodile left for Campo.

12.35pm: SS Amerique arrived.

  4.05pm: Crocodile arrived from Campo.

  5.40pm: Crocodile proceeded into Campo.

  6.25pm: Weighed and proceeded to outer anchorage.

  7.30pm: Anchored in 7 fms.

11.00pm: Ivy arrived at Campo and communicated with Dwarf.

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27 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  9.30am: New entries to 12 pdr drill.

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28 January 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  7.30am: Vigilant arrived.

  8.00am: Vigilant proceeded into Campo.

11.20pm: Vauban arrived.

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29 January 1916

Campo to Base

Lat 2.95, Long 9.65 [approx]

  4.00am: Vauban left.

  7.00am: Stopped Antonico off Campo.

  7.35am: Proceeded to Duala with Antonico.

  7.15pm: Anchored at Base with Antonico.

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30 January 1916

Base to Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.25am: Stopped off French cruiser Friant.

  9.45am: Passed through wreck barrage.

10.25am: Stopped in pool, Antonico anchored.

12.25pm: Arrived alongside Government Pier and disembarked sick.

  5.53pm: Signal from SNO to release Antonico.

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31 January 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.45am: Cast off from pier and went alongside collier Relentless.

  6.00am: Antonico left.

  9.15am: Two ratings joined ship [One Ord Sn and one Telegraphist from HMS Astraea, vide log of same]. Completed with coal (149.5 tons)

  1.00pm: Fullah left, Sir Hugh arrived.

  1.35pm: SS Abinsi left.

  3.00pm: Cast off and anchored off Railway Pier.

  5.15pm: SS Forcados arrived.

  6.10pm: Four ratings joined ship.

10.35pm: Swinging to flood ship lightly took the ground. Hove in and floated clear.


[Duala, Kribi, Campo, Bata Pt, Boje, Campo and Duala]

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1 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

Fires out in main boilers.

  6.20am: Funeral party landed [for the funeral of Pte Harry Cox, 8671 (Po), late of HMS Astraea].

     Noon: Margaret Elizabeth left.

  1.45pm: SS Relentless left.

  3.20pm: HMS Sirius sailed.

  5.25pm: SS Europa anchored off Government Pier.

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2 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.40am: Alligator arrived.

  4.00pm: SS Forcados left.

  6.00pm: SS Europa left and grounded near the pool.

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3 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.20am: Tug Porpoise left.

  9.40am: HMS Rinaldo arrived and anchored.

     Noon: Fullah left Government Pier.

12.40pm: Hove up and changed anchorage.

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4 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.55am: HMS Rinaldo left for base.

  4.00pm: Collier Relentless arrived.

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5 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Aired night clothing, cleaned ship.

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6 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands employed as requisite.

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7 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.50am: SS Forcados arrived.

  7.55am: SS Akabo left.

  5.00pm: West Indian band entertained ship’s company.

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8 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.30am: SS Anna Woermann arrived.

  4.00pm: Collier Relentless left HMS Astraea.

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9 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.15am: HMS Rinaldo proceeded alongside collier.

11.30am: Rinaldo left collier and anchored.

11.45am: SS Jonathan Holt arrived [Johnathan Hall in log].

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10 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  7.00am: SS Forcados left pier and anchored.

  5.00pm: S/Lt Cooper discharged to hospital.

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11 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  8.00am: HMS Rinaldo sailed.

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12 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  1.30pm: Kroomen clearing lighter of stores.

  3.15pm: Porpoise arrived.

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13 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

11.00am: SS Anna Woermann left.

  2.00pm: French troop ship Amiral Duperre* arrived.

  *1901, 5,037 grt, Compagnie des Chargeurs Reunis.

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14 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.30am: Ivy arrived.

  1.00pm: Fullah arrived.

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15 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.00pm: Porpoise sailed.

  5.10pm: Ratings left ship for HMS Lome [possibly SS Lome].

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16 February 1916


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.45am: Fullah sailed.

  5.00pm: RMS Mendi arrived.

  5.45pm: Two ratings left ship for HMS Astraea.

  8.30pm: Surgeon Thomson came on board for passage to HMS Sirius.

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17 February 1916

Duala to Base

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

Fires lit in main boilers.

  9.00am: Anna Woermann arrived.

  2.30pm: One officer and one NCO of RAMC joined for passage to Campo.

  2.45pm: Two staff officers joined for passage to Kribi.

  3.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded towards Base.

  5.30pm: Came to starboard anchor at Base in 8 fms.

  5.45pm: Manatee arrived, embarked work party and proceeded to Suellaba Pt.

  7.30pm: Manatee returned and anchored.

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18 February 1916

Base to Kribi

Lat 3.3, Long 9.7 [approx]

  6.00am: Weighed anchor and took Manatee in tow.

  7.30am: Fairway buoy abeam.

  9.55am: Sanago River abeam 5 miles.

  3.45pm: Anchored in 7 fms off Kribi.

  4.00pm: Manatee anchored close to.

  4.30pm: Disembarked stores and mails.

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19 February 1916

Kribi to Campo

Lat 2.65, Long 9.8 [approx]

  6.00am: Anchor aweigh and proceeded, Manatee in tow.

  6.50am: Stopped off Ehike Hike.

  7.45am: Proceeded, W by S.

  8.30am: A/c SSE to close boat under sail.

  9.05am: Stopped.

10.10am: Proceeded.

11.20am: Stopped to communicate with Amerique, proceeded.

11.30am: Wolf Rock abeam 2 miles.

  1.00pm: A/c to close HMS Sirius at Campo.

  2.35pm: Came to starboard anchor in 5.75 fms off Campo.

  3.00pm: Disembarked stores and mails to Sirius and shore.

  3.55pm: HMS Rinaldo arrived.

  5.10pm: Amerique arrived.

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20 February 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.81

  2.20pm: SS Antonico* sighted. HMS Rinaldo weighed and intercepted.

  2.30pm: Manatee arrived from Campo.

  3.50pm: Rinaldo anchored and Antonico proceeded.

  5.50pm: Manatee proceeded over bar.

* About six thousand native Cameroon soldiers with German officers and NCOs crossed into Spanish Guinea in January and they were all taken to Fernando Po, where they remained for the rest of the war. Antonico would have been one of the vessels used to transport them.

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21 February 1916

Campo to Bata Pt

Lat 2.1, Long 9.7

  6.00am: Anchor aweigh and proceeded SW by S, 140 revs.

  9.10am: Stopped to communicate with Vauban.

10.35am: Proceeded.

11.00am: Anchored in 9.5 fms off Bata Pt.

  8.00pm: Vauban arrived and anchored.

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22 February 1916

Bata Pt to Bata and return.

Lat 1.838, Long 9.73

  6.45am: Weighed and proceeded towards Bata.

  8.30am: Came to starboard anchor at Bata in 3.75 fms.

  9.00am: SS Antonico sailed.

  4.45pm: French cruiser Vauban sailed.

  5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.35pm: Came to starboard anchor off Bata Pt in 7.5 fms.

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23 February 1916

Bata Pt to Bojé

Lat 2.5, Long 9.7 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded N 140 revs.

  8.15am: Bird Rock abeam 2.5 miles, a/c N20E.

10.15am: Stopped to communicate with HMS Sirius. Proceeded, N18E.

     Noon: Stopped to communicate with SS Forcados. Proceeded.

  1.25pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 4 fms.

  1.40pm: SS Amerique arrived and anchored.

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24 February 1916


Lat 2.56, Long 9.83

  9.30pm: SS Forcados arrived.

10.00pm: Forcados sailed.

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25 February 1916

Bojé to Campo and at sea

Lat 2.56, Long 9.83

  6.05am: SS Amerique sailed.

  3.06pm: Weighed and proceeded for Campo.

  5.00pm: Came to starboard anchor off Campo in 6.5 fms.

  7.00pm: Anchor aweigh and proceeded, course N4W, 7.7 knots.

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26 February 1916

At sea to Duala

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.30am: Fairway buoy abeam.

  9.35am: Came to starboard anchor in 5.5 fms at Duala.

  9.45am: Captain left ship for hospital.

11.05am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier.

  3.00pm: Finished coaling and left collier.

  4.00pm: Collided with SS Relentless. No 17 bulkhead slightly bent. Top strake outer plating broken and bent. Stringer plate and angle iron off foc’sle deck broken. Covering board smashed. No visible damage to Relentless. Stock of port anchor slightly bent

  5.00pm: Midshipman McKay joined ship.

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27 February 1916

Duala and at sea

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.15am: Read warrant No 13.

11.10am: One Stoker RNR discharged to HMS Astraea for imprisonment.

11.50am: HMS [sic] Lome arrived.

12.45pm: Three ratings [one Ldg Sn and two ABs from Astraea, vide log of same] joined for passage to HMS Sirius.

  2.45pm: Anchor aweigh and proceeded.

  6.17pm: Fairway buoy abeam. Set course S1W.

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28 February 1916

At sea to Campo and Bata

Lat 2.5, Long 9.75 [approx]

  7.10am: Came to starboard anchor off Campo in 6 fms. Disembarked stores to Manatee.

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded SW.

11.22am: Campo Pt abeam.

11.25am: Pajaros Rocks abeam 3.5 miles.

  1.50pm: Stopped to communicate with SS Amerique.

  4.50pm: Anchored off Bata in 5.75 fms.

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29 February 1916

Bata to Campo

Lat 2.35, Long 9.76

  7.45am: Anchor aweigh and proceeded North.

10.16am: Sighted HMS Sirius at anchor in Campo Roads.

12.40pm: Anchored in 6 fms.

  7.50pm: SS Forcados arrived.

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1 March 1916


Lat 2.35, Long 9.76


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Above 15 pages blank

No logs for 2 March 1916 to 23 October 1917


JP map Dwarf 1917


[Commissioned at Gibraltar]

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4f960fc5a2fc8e2def0003b8: ( 53-40456-001_1.jpg)

Front cover, Adm. 53/40456. Signed Lt DS Macleod, RNR.

4f960fc5a2fc8e2def0003b9: ( 53-40456-002_0.jpg)

4f960fc6a2fc8e2def0003ba: ( 53-40456-002_1.jpg)

Signed Lt/Cdr C Douglas, i/c 3rd December 1917.

4f960fc6a2fc8e2def0003bb: ( 53-40456-003_0.jpg)

Mercurial barometer 3’ asl.

Wet thermometer Hicks 121805.

Dry thermometer Hicks 121806.

Sea thermometer Calderara [Caldera in log] of London.

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24 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: Broke pennant. Ship recommissioned. Ship's company mustered. Commander (D) inspected ship.

Hands drawing stores.

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25 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands drawing stores.

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26 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f960fc7a2fc8e2def0003bf: ( 53-40456-005_0.jpg)

27 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands cleaning ship.

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28 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine. Church parties landed.

4f960fc8a2fc8e2def0003c1: ( 53-40456-006_0.jpg)

29 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f960fc8a2fc8e2def0003c2: ( 53-40456-006_1.jpg)

30 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: One Stoker PO discharged to hospital.

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31 October 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands painting and drawing stores.

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4f960fc9a2fc8e2def0003c5: ( 53-40456-008_0.jpg)

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Above seven pages blank.


[Gibraltar and Dakar]

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4f960fcba2fc8e2def0003cc: ( 53-40457-001_1.jpg)

Front cover, Adm. 53/40457, signed Lt DS Macleod, RNR, Navigating Officer.

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4f960fcca2fc8e2def0003ce: ( 53-40457-002_1.jpg)

Signature of Lt/Cdr CVO Douglas, RN, 3rd December 1917.

4f960fcca2fc8e2def0003cf: ( 53-40457-003_0.jpg)

Instruments, see Oct. 1917

4f960fcca2fc8e2def0003d0: ( 53-40457-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.00am: Hands cleaning ship and drawing stores.

11.45am: Ship’s company paid.

  1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite.

Weather: Calm, dry, 59º to 70º F.

4f960fcda2fc8e2def0003d1: ( 53-40457-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.30am: Tested magazine floods.

10.00am: Received 7 tons of fresh water.

  Lost overboard by accident, two paint brushes

4f960fcda2fc8e2def0003d2: ( 53-40457-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Drawing stores, painting, cleaning.

4f960fcda2fc8e2def0003d3: ( 53-40457-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Landed church parties.

4f960fcea2fc8e2def0003d4: ( 53-40457-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f960fcea2fc8e2def0003d5: ( 53-40457-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f960fcea2fc8e2def0003d6: ( 53-40457-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Ldg Sn Stickles discharged to hospital.

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8 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: Secured ship for basin trial.

4f960fcfa2fc8e2def0003d8: ( 53-40457-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

11.30am: Lt/Cdr C Douglas* and S/Lt Milford joined ship.

  *Although a substantive Lt/Cdr, he will be known as Captain Douglas by courtesy and as “the owner” by the crew.

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10 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f960fd0a2fc8e2def0003da: ( 53-40457-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Landed church parties.

4f960fd0a2fc8e2def0003db: ( 53-40457-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am until noon: Coaling. [Full bunkers, 147.5 tons. Dwarf does not have fires lit at this time.]

  9.25pm: Surgeon Barton joined ship.

4f960fd0a2fc8e2def0003dc: ( 53-40457-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  4.00pm: Received 5 tons of boiler and 7 tons of fresh water.

  4.50pm: Exercised “general quarters”.

4f960fd0a2fc8e2def0003dd: ( 53-40457-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: AB Wooding and Ord Sn McCarthy discharged to hospital.

  5.30pm: Exercised “abandon ship stations”.

4f960fd1a2fc8e2def0003de: ( 53-40457-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.00am to 3.30pm: Hands employed taking ammunition on board.

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16 November 1917


Lat 36.12, Long -5.35 [approx]

  9.00am: Tug Bustler* alongside.

  9.10am: Left harbour and proceeded to carry out steam trials.

  1.15pm: Finished steam trials.

  1.45pm: Arrived back in harbour and secured alongside wall.

*Bustler, iron dockyard paddle tug, 1890, 346 tons.

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17 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

11.30am: Lt DS Macleod and S/Lt FC Jackson joined ship.

  5.00pm: Landed patrol of one officer and 10 men.

4f960fd2a2fc8e2def0003e1: ( 53-40457-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

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19 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  4.30pm: Read out first collision stations.

  7.15pm: One Seaman, one Stoker and one Krooman joined ship.

4f960fd2a2fc8e2def0003e3: ( 53-40457-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1917


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea.

11.45am: One rating joined ship and one discharged to HMS Celandine.

12.30pm: Slipped moorings and proceeded outside harbour to swing ship.

  2.30pm: Finished swinging ship. Cdr Frewin left ship in ML [motor launch].

  2.45pm: Carnero Pt abeam 1.5 miles.

  5.00pm: A/c S85W.

  5.30pm: Half armament manned.

  7.15pm: A/c S45W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35º 37’N, 6º 09’W.

4f960fd3a2fc8e2def0003e4: ( 53-40457-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1917

At sea

Lat 34.0, Long -7.12

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 08’N, 6º 59’W.

  9.30am: Passed ship’s life boat half full of water.

10.30am: A/c S80W.

  3.00pm: Came on thick fog, took soundings.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 11’N, 8º 43’W.

10.00pm: Thick fog.

4f960fd3a2fc8e2def0003e5: ( 53-40457-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1917

At sea

Lat 31.37, Long -9.99

Various courses throughout the day between S22W and S40W.

  7.30am: Log line parted. Lost governor and rotator.

  8.00am: Pos. 31º 54’N, 9º 45’W.

  8.20am: Streamed patent log.

     Noon: DMG 202 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30º 24’N, 10º 34’W.

4f960fd3a2fc8e2def0003e6: ( 53-40457-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1917

At sea

Lat 28.52, Long -11.4

  7.20am: A/c S60W.

  8.00am: Pos. 29º 02’N, 10º 50’W.

  9.15am: Cape Nun [now known as Cape Chaunar] abeam, 3 miles, a/c S61W.

10.40am: Sighted French patrol vessel.

     Noon: DMG 190 miles.

  2.00pm: A/c S54W.

  2.30pm: Met French patrol boat Fanelly.

  6.00pm: A/c N83W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28º 36’N, 12º 36’W.

11.00pm: Rounded Cape Juby, 5 miles, a/c S50W.

4f960fd4a2fc8e2def0003e7: ( 53-40457-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1917

At sea

Lat 26.57, Long -14.15

Various courses between S44W and S70W throughout the day.

  8.00am: Pos. 27º 00’N, 13º 58’W.

     Noon: DMG 197 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 45’N, 15º 56’W.

4f960fd4a2fc8e2def0003e8: ( 53-40457-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1917

At sea

Lat 23.67, Long -16.1

12.01am: Course S45W.

  8.00am: Pos. 24º 10’N, 15º 49’W.

     Noon: DMG 200 miles. A/c S48W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22º 40’N, 16º 41’W.

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26 November 1917

At sea

Lat 20.5, Long -17.24

Various courses between S6W and S25W during the day.

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 03’N, 19º 20’W.

  9.55am: Cape Blanco abeam 9 miles.

     Noon: DMG 206 miles.

  3.30pm: Met SS Générale Dodds (French) bound North.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19º 20’N, 17º 03’W.

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27 November 1917

At sea

Lat 17.15, Long -16.62

  8.00am: Pos. 17º 42’N, 16º 42’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S8E, 192 miles.

  3.30pm: A/c S45W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16º 12’N, 16º 51’W.

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28 November 1917

At sea to Dakar

Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  4.20am: Cape Verde [now Cap-Vert] Lt bg S35W.

  5.25am: A/c NE to await daylight.

  6.00am: A/c WSW. Heavy ground swell vessel, rolling heavily

  8.35am: Stopped off Cap Manuel.

  8.40am: Got orders from exam vessel to proceed.

  8.45am: Passed through boom defence. Picked up pilot.

  9.15am: Anchored, Dakar.

     Noon: DMG 167 miles.

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29 November 1917


Lat 14.74, Long -17.63

  7.30am: Commenced coaling ship with native labour.

12.30pm: Finished coaling, received 105 tons.

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30 November 1917

Dakar and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 14.32, Long -17.39

  9.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.50am: Passed boom defence, a/c S14W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S4W, 24 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 19’N, 17º 13’W.

11.59pm: A/c S18W.

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Above five pages blank.


[Sierra Leone, escorting cable ship, Lagos and Ambas Bay]

4f960fd7a2fc8e2def0003f3: ( 53-40458-001_0.jpg)

4f960fd8a2fc8e2def0003f4: ( 53-40458-001_1.jpg)

Front cover, Adm. 53/40458, signed Lt DS Macleod RNR.

4f960fd8a2fc8e2def0003f5: ( 53-40458-002_0.jpg)

4f960fd8a2fc8e2def0003f6: ( 53-40458-002_1.jpg)

Stamp of the HMS Astraea 6th Jan 1918.

Signed by Cosmo AO Douglas, Lt/Cdr in command, dated 31st December 1917.

Also signed by Captain Valentine EB Phillimore, SNO West Africa, 7th January 1918.

4f960fd9a2fc8e2def0003f7: ( 53-40458-003_0.jpg)

Instruments, no changes.

4f960fd9a2fc8e2def0003f8: ( 53-40458-003_1.jpg)

1 December 1917

At sea

Lat 11.47, Long -17.12

12.01am: Course S18W.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 44’N, 17º 20’W.

  9.05am: Divisions, prayers.

  9.30am: Reduced to 150 revs.

     Noon: DMG 172 miles.

12.05pm: Quinine issued.

  5.00pm: Confused swell, vessel rolling heavily. A/c S40E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 38’N, 16º 54’W.

4f960fd9a2fc8e2def0003f9: ( 53-40458-004_0.jpg)

2 December 1917

At sea

Lat 9.74, Long -15.5

Fine and clear weather, course S40E all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 56’N, 14º 45’W.

     Noon: DMG 158 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 10’N, 14º 02’W.

4f960fdaa2fc8e2def0003fa: ( 53-40458-004_1.jpg)

3 December 1917

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.50am: Passed Sierra Leone Lt.

  7.55am: Passed through boom defences.

  8.30am: Anchored.

  9.30am to 2.00pm: Completed with coal.

  2.30pm: Hands employed washing down decks. Received 2,000 gallons of washing water.

  6.00pm: Paid ship’s company monthly wages.

4f960fdaa2fc8e2def0003fb: ( 53-40458-005_0.jpg)

4 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite and painting ship.

  2.30pm: Liberty men landed

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5 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting aloft etc.

4f960fdba2fc8e2def0003fd: ( 53-40458-006_0.jpg)

6 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: HMS Sirius arrived.

4f960fdba2fc8e2def0003fe: ( 53-40458-006_1.jpg)

7 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.20am: Furled QD awning. Tornado passed East of Sierra Leone.

  Hands employed as requisite and painting ship.

4f960fdba2fc8e2def0003ff: ( 53-40458-007_0.jpg)

8 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Exercised “action”, “fire” and “collision” stations. Read warrant No 1.

4f960fdba2fc8e2def000400: ( 53-40458-007_1.jpg)

9 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.00am: Church party of 20 men and two officers attended divine service on board HMS Bacchante.

4f960fdca2fc8e2def000401: ( 53-40458-008_0.jpg)

10 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite and painting ship.

  3.20pm: Discharged AB Harper to hospital.

4f960fdca2fc8e2def000402: ( 53-40458-008_1.jpg)

11 December 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.15am: HMS Newcastle arrived and anchored.

  4.30pm: AB Dilger RFR and AB Burns RNVR joined ship from HMS Bacchante.

4f960fdca2fc8e2def000403: ( 53-40458-009_0.jpg)

12 December 1917

Sierra Leone and at sea

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded escorting cable ship Transmitter.

  4.50pm: Passed Fairway buoy, a/c S60W.

  5.00pm: Exchanged signals with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 14’N, 14º 24’W.

4f960fdda2fc8e2def000404: ( 53-40458-009_1.jpg)

13 December 1917

At sea

Lat 6.94, Long -12.32 DR

Keeping station with CS Transmitter throughout the day, SE’ly courses.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 12’N, 12º 47’W.

     Noon: DMG 152 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 24’N, 11º 27’W.

  9.00pm: Confused swell, ship rolling heavily at times.

4f960fdda2fc8e2def000405: ( 53-40458-010_0.jpg)

14 December 1917

At sea.

Lat 5.09, Long -9.65

Keeping station with CS Transmitter throughout the day, SE’ly courses.

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 30’N, 10º 00’W.

     Noon: DMG 199 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 35’N, 8º 34’W.

4f960fdda2fc8e2def000406: ( 53-40458-010_1.jpg)

15 December 1917

At sea

Lat 4.32, Long -6.45

Escorting CS Transmitter, Easterly courses.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 19’N, 7º 00’W.

     Noon: DMG 200 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 42’N, 5º 34’W.

4f960fdea2fc8e2def000407: ( 53-40458-011_0.jpg)

16 December 1917

At sea

Lat 4.75, Long -3.37

  6.00am: Parted company with CS Transmitter, a/c S65E.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 06’N, 3º 46’W.

     Noon: DMG 202 miles. A/c S70E.

  5.15pm: A/c S50E.

  5.25pm: Axim Lt bg E.

  6.30pm: Same abeam, 7 miles.

  6.40pm: Sighted Cape Three Points Lt.

  8.00pm: Same abeam, 5 miles, a/c E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 38’N, 2º 05’W.

  9.25pm: Sekondi Lt bg N25E.

10.25pm: A/c S85E, sounding every half hour.

11.00pm: Sekondi Lt abeam, 7 miles.

4f960fdea2fc8e2def000408: ( 53-40458-011_1.jpg)

17 December 1917

At sea

Lat 5.14, Long 0.14

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 14’N, 0º 10’W. A/c N80E.

     Noon: DMG 220 miles.

  6.00pm: Cape St Paul abeam, 5 miles, a/c East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 49’N, 1º 18’E.

4f960fdea2fc8e2def000409: ( 53-40458-012_0.jpg)

18 December 1917

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 12’N, 3º 00’W.

10.30am: Lagos Lt bg N80E.

11.55am: Arrived off Lagos bar and awaited pilot.

     Noon: DMG 204 miles.

12.20pm: Pilot Kenelley boarded, proceeded.

  1.30pm: Anchored off Government House, Lagos.

4f960fdea2fc8e2def00040a: ( 53-40458-012_1.jpg)

19 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Ash boat came alongside.

11.30am: Muster for quinine.

4f960fdfa2fc8e2def00040b: ( 53-40458-013_0.jpg)

20 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  1.00pm: to 7.00pm, coaling from lighters.

4f960fdfa2fc8e2def00040c: ( 53-40458-013_1.jpg)

21 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Draught 10’ 8.5” for’d, 9’ 8.5” aft. [Note that this is a design feature of this class. Designed for shallow coastal waters and rivers, this trim means that the bow strikes the ground first and stops the vessel, rather than running the whole vessel aground.]

4f960fe0a2fc8e2def00040e: ( 53-40458-014_1.jpg)

22 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Cleaning etc.

4f960fdfa2fc8e2def00040d: ( 53-40458-014_0.jpg)

23 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4f960fe0a2fc8e2def00040f: ( 53-40458-015_0.jpg)

24 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Painting etc.

4f960fe0a2fc8e2def000410: ( 53-40458-015_1.jpg)

25 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.30am: Church party landed.

  2.00pm: Lt Macleod RNR (N) placed under arrest by Captain's orders.

4f960fe1a2fc8e2def000411: ( 53-40458-016_0.jpg)

26 December 1917


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  3.20pm: Lt Macleod RNR taken on board HMS Astraea under open arrest.

  4.30pm: Lt Beavers RNR joined ship from Astraea.

4f960fe1a2fc8e2def000412: ( 53-40458-016_1.jpg)

27 December 1917

Lagos and at sea

Lat 6.09, Long 3.74

  7.35pm: Pilot Kenelley boarded.

  8.07am: Anchor aweigh (foul). Proceeded.

  8.40am: Stopped for 35 minutes to clear anchor.

  9.15am: Anchor clear and secure, pilot left. Set course S33E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S31E, 27 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 18’N, 4º 35’E.

4f960fe1a2fc8e2def000413: ( 53-40458-017_0.jpg)

28 December 1917

At sea

Lat 4.17, Long 6.04

  9.00am: Sighted HMS Astraea astern.

  9.20am: Slowed down and a/c SE to meet expected storm.

10.00am: Resumed course, S60E.

11.00am: Cape Nun [Nigeria] abeam, 7 miles.

11.50am: Astraea passed to Eastward.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S31E, 27 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 06’N, 7º 08’E.

4f960fe1a2fc8e2def000414: ( 53-40458-017_1.jpg)

29 December 1917

At sea to Ambas Bay

Lat 3.99, Long 9.07

  4.20am: Sounding boom foul, stopped engines and reversed to clear. [Dwarf has a sounding machine which lowers a weight on a wire from a boom. The wire is caught around the prop.]

  9.30am: A/c East.

10.00am: A/c S77E, Cape Debunja bg N60E.

12.20pm: Passed South of Pirate Rocks

     Noon: Course & DMG, S74E, 186 miles.

12.25pm: Anchored in Ambas Bay.

  5.15pm: Hove up and proceeded to inner anchorage in company with HMS Astraea. Anchored.

4f960fe2a2fc8e2def000415: ( 53-40458-018_0.jpg)

30 December 1917

Ambas Bay

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

11.45am: Act. S/Lt Milford RN attended by Fleet Surgeon from HMS Astraea.

  6.00pm: Act. S/Lt Milford left ship for Astraea [sick, see Astraea’s log].

  6.15pm: Ch. Boatswain Green joined from Astraea*.

* A Chief Bos’n will be quite capable of standing a watch in the place of a S/Lt.

4f960fe2a2fc8e2def000416: ( 53-40458-018_1.jpg)

31 December 1917

Ambas Bay to Tiko and return

Lat 4.03, Long 9.37

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

  6.10am: Nachtigal Lt abeam

  6.42am: Passed Nicol I.

  8.15am: Anchored off Tiko Wharf.

  8.40am: Made fast to wharf and started coaling from wharf and lighter.

  4.00pm: Finished coaling. Left wharf and proceeded down river.

  6.52pm: Anchored in Ambas Bay.

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4f960fe3a2fc8e2def000418: ( 53-40458-019_1.jpg)

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4f960fe3a2fc8e2def00041a: ( 53-40458-020_1.jpg)

Above four pages blank.

No logs for 1 January 1918 to 31 August 1920

LOG BOOK for SEPTEMBER 1st 1920 TO JULY 2nd 1921

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4caf8667cadfd34197015b26: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0001_1.jpg)

Front cover, Adm. 53/76506, 1st September 1920 to 2nd July 1921.

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4caf8667cadfd34197015b28: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0002_1.jpg)

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Above five pages blank.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b2c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0004_1.jpg)

HMS Dwarf

1st September 1920 to 2nd July 1921.

Lt/Cdr Francis Cuthbert Platt DSO, RN in command.


Displacement. 710 tons.

Length. 180 ft.

Breadth. 33 ft.

Manufacturer. London & Glasgow Shipbuilding Co.

IHP. 900 normal draught, 1300 forced draught.

Engines. Vertical triple expansion, 1898.

Boilers. Manufacturer Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. 1917.

Yarrow type.

Propeller. Admiralty pattern bronze in good condition.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b2d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0005_0.jpg)

Printed page of instructions for logkeepers.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b2e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0005_1.jpg)

Details of ship.


6 officers.

35 Seamen.

5 Kroomen.

9 Marines.

24 Engine room.

13 others.

Total 92.

Barometer. Mercurial No A387 and after 14th Sep. 1920 A 278.

Air thermometers. Sited port battery aft, in screen.

Parkyn and Son & Co. Nos 5326 and 5325 and after 14th Sep 1920, 5346 and 5345.

Sea thermometer JA Reynolds & Co,


Two 4” Mk IV semi-auto.

Four two pdr pom-poms, Mk II.

Four 3 pdr Hotchkiss Mk I.

Two .303 Maxims.

Nine Lewis guns.


One steam cutter, 23 ft.

One sailing cutter, 26 ft.

One Montagu whaler, 27 ft.

One surf boat.

One skiff dinghy, 16 ft.

Loaded draught 11’ 1” for’d, 10’ 1” aft.

Signed by S/Lt RG Mackay, Navigating officer.


JP map Dwarf 1920


[Gibraltar, Las Palmas and Freetown]

4caf8667cadfd34197015b2f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0006_0.jpg)

1 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

     Noon: Ship commissioned.

  1.15pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Monarch.

  3.30pm: New crew arrived on board.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b30: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0006_1.jpg)

2 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: HMS Monarch sailed for Malta.

11.45am: Italian cruiser Varese sailed.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b31: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0007_0.jpg)

3 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Hands to bathe.

  8.45am: Medical inspection of ship’s company.

  2.30pm: Discharged one Marine to HMS Cormorant.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b32: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0007_1.jpg)

4 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Hands employed rigging capstan, cleaning ship and employed about anchors and cables.

  1.30pm: Hands to make and mend.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b33: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0008_0.jpg)

5 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

  6.00am: Hands getting in cable.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b34: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0008_1.jpg)

6 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b35: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0009_0.jpg)

7 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.45am: Two American destroyers arrived.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b36: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0009_1.jpg)

8 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  5.30pm: Completed provisioning.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b37: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0010_0.jpg)

9 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.10am: Egyptian royal yacht El Mahrousa [Mahroussa in log] arrived.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b38: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0010_1.jpg)

10 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Hands employed rigging coaling screens and holystoning upper deck.

  8.00am: Secured coal lighter alongside.

11.30am: Finished coaling, 40 tons.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b39: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0011_0.jpg)

11 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.20am: Carried out basin trials.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b3a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0011_1.jpg)

12 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.30am: HMS Ceres arrived.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b3b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0012_0.jpg)

13 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.50am: Slipped from wall.

  8.00am: French sloop Hamelin* arrived.

  8.15am: Secured to No 9 buoy.

  9.00am: Hands employed ammunitioning ship.

  5.15pm: Cast off ammunition lighter.

  6.30pm: Cast off oil lighter.

* A Jacques Coeur class patrol vessel.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b3c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0012_1.jpg)

14 September 1920


Lat 36.1, Long -5.4

10.08am: Slipped from buoy.

10.15am: Proceeded to sea for full power and gun trials.

11.00am: Commenced gun trials.

12.30pm: Completed gun trials.

  2.20pm: Fired P1 pompoms.

  3.20pm: Secured to No 9 Buoy.

  Barometer and thermometers broken by the effect of gunfire.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b3d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0013_0.jpg)

15 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

11.15am: Completed with coal (152 tons) from lighters.

  5.00pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Calypso and one AB joined from same.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b3e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0013_1.jpg)

16 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.30am: Hoisted whaler and surf boat.

  9.15am: Landed ship’s company during inclining trials. [Dwarf has certainly had some changes, notably in the engine room, and she is now deeper draughted than before, so this test is required.]

11.15am: Ship’s company returned on board.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b3f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0014_0.jpg)

17 September 1920


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.10am: HMS Sportive secured to No 7 buoy.

  4.30pm: Three Stokers joined for passage to HMS Thistle.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b40: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0014_1.jpg)

4caf8667cadfd34197015b41: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0015_0.jpg)

Details of the positions of compass correctors.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b42: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0015_1.jpg)

18 September 1920

Gibraltar and at sea towards Las Palmas

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

12.15pm: Slipped and proceeded, course S37W.

  1.15pm: A/c S81W.

  2.56pm: Tarifa Pt abeam.

  5.31pm: Cape Spartel abeam, a/c S61.5W.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b43: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0016_0.jpg)

19 September 1920

At sea

Lat 34.2, Long -8.2 [approx]

  1.00pm: A/c S57.5W.

11.18pm: C Kantin Lt abeam.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b44: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0016_1.jpg)

20 September 1920

At sea

Lat 31.44, Long -11.29

Course S60W all day.

12.15am: Cape Kantin Lt bg S55½E.

  4.10pm: Steering gear out of action for 15 minutes.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b45: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0017_0.jpg)

21 September 1920

At sea

Lat 29.3, Long -14.2 [approx]

11.00am: A/c S46.5W.

  8.30pm: Jandia Point bg S28W.

11.10pm: Jandia Point abeam.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b46: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0017_1.jpg)

22 September 1920

At sea to Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  2.00am: Isleta Lt ahead.

  8.00am: Pilot boarded, fired salute to Spain.

  8.30am: Anchored in inner harbour, secured stern to buoy, coal lighter alongside. Completed with coal.

  1.00pm: Washing down after coaling.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b47: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0018_0.jpg)

23 September 1920

Las Palmas and at sea towards Freetown

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.19pm: Course S32W.

  9.15pm: Maspalomas Lt abeam.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b48: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0018_1.jpg)

24 September 1920

At sea

Lat 25.7, Long -15.95

Course S32W all day.

  9.00am: Hands rigging foresails.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b49: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0019_0.jpg)

25 September 1920

At sea

Lat 22.51, Long -17.05

  4.00pm: A/c S17W.

10.40pm: Cape Blanco [now Ras Nouadhibou] bg S18E.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b4a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0019_1.jpg)

26 September 1920

At sea

Lat 19.04, Long -17.39

12.33am: Cape Blanco Lt abeam, 8 miles. A/c S33W.

     Noon: A/c S21.5W.

  4.30pm: Port watch pumping out rudder compartment.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b4b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0020_0.jpg)

27 September 1920

At sea

Lat 16.5, Long -17.8 [approx]

  6.45pm: Cape Verde Lt bg S13W.

  8.15pm: A/c S33W.

  9.15pm: A/c S15W.

10.00pm: Cape Verde Lt bg N54E,

4caf8667cadfd34197015b4c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0020_1.jpg)

28 September 1920

At sea

Lat 13.8, Long -18.0 [approx]

12.01am: Course S14W.

10.00am: Sloped QD awning for tornado.

  9.45pm: A/c S22.5E.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b4d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0021_0.jpg)

29 September 1920

At sea

Lat 11.2, Long -16.8 [approx]

  8.00am: A/c S41E.

  6.15pm: A/c S46E.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b4e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0021_1.jpg)

30 September 1920

At sea to Freetown

Lat 8.55, Long -13.3 [approx]

12.55pm: Anchored off Freetown.

  2.30pm: Cassiopée, French sloop, arrived.


[At anchor off Freetown, Sierra Leone]

4caf8667cadfd34197015b4f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0022_0.jpg)

1 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Clean ship.

  6.30am: Quarters. Clean guns.

  9.00am: Divisions.

10.45am: Discharged one Krooman to shore.

  1.30pm: Paid hands.

  6.40pm: Hoisted steam cutter.

  7.10pm: Hoisted cutter.

  Sick list: 1.

Weather: Light airs, dry, 77º to 84º F.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b50: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0022_1.jpg)

2 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.00am: Cassiopée sailed.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b51: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0023_0.jpg)

3 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8667cadfd34197015b52: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0023_1.jpg)

4 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Hands variously employed.

  3.00pm: HMS Thistle sailed for Las Palmas.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b53: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0024_0.jpg)

5 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.05am: Shifted billet.

  7.35am: Coal lighters alongside.

11.30am: Completed with coal.

  1.30pm: Shifted billet and let go both anchors.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b54: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0024_1.jpg)

6 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting etc.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b55: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0025_0.jpg)

7 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting on the upper deck.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b56: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0025_1.jpg)

8 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24


4caf8668cadfd34197015b57: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0026_0.jpg)

9 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24


4caf8668cadfd34197015b58: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0026_1.jpg)

10 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b59: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0027_0.jpg)

11 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Scrub decks, paint ship.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b5a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0027_1.jpg)

12 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.45pm: Discharged two Kroomen to shore.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b5b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0028_0.jpg)

13 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

A good example of a typical day in a tropical port, warm with a light breeze.

  5.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

  6.00am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

  6.30am: Quarters. Clean guns.

  7.00am: Watch below clean messdecks.

  8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and painting.

  1.30pm: Leave to starboard watch and first part of port watch until 6.00pm.

  6.30pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

  Sick list: 1.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b5c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0028_1.jpg)

14 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.45am: Water boat alongside, received 20 tons.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b5d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0029_0.jpg)

15 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting mess decks etc.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b5e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0029_1.jpg)

16 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Holystoning upper deck, painting mess decks etc.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b5f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0030_0.jpg)

17 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b60: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0030_1.jpg)

18 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Hoisted boiler out of steam cutter.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b61: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0031_0.jpg)

19 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.50am: Diving party left ship.

10.40am: Diving party returned.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b62: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0031_1.jpg)

20 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Refitting etc.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b63: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0032_0.jpg)

21 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.50am: Water boat alongside, received 13.5 tons.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b64: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0032_1.jpg)

22 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting and refitting.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b65: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0033_0.jpg)

23 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b66: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0033_1.jpg)

24 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b67: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0034_0.jpg)

25 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands stripping S2 3 pdr.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b68: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0034_1.jpg)

26 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

11.15am: Discharged one AB to hospital and one Krooman to shore.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b69: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0035_0.jpg)

27 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

11.00am: Exercised landing party.

  Mr Arthur C Green, Commissioned Engineer, reprimanded for sleeping out of the ship without permission and remaining absent from his place of duty twelve hours.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b6a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0035_1.jpg)

28 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.50am: Water boat alongside, 13.5 tons. [In harbour Dwarf uses 2 or 3 tons of water a day and burns on average about half a ton of coal, for the galley fires and hot water. The main boilers are not lit.]

4caf8668cadfd34197015b6b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0036_0.jpg)

29 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b6c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0036_1.jpg)

30 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b6d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0037_0.jpg)

31 October 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Freetown, Lagos, Duala, Calabar and Victoria]

4caf8668cadfd34197015b6e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0037_1.jpg)

1 November 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.30am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

  5.30am: Scrub upper deck.

  6.30am: Quarters. Clean guns.

  7.00am: Watch on deck, brightwork stations. Watch below, messdecks.

  9.00am: Divisions.

  9.10am: Hands to scrubbing ship’s side and stripping 3 pdrs.

  1.30pm to 6.00pm: Leave to port watch and first part of starboard.

  6.30pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

  Sick list: 1.

Weather: Light airs, dry, 79º to 83º F.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b6f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0038_0.jpg)

2 November 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: Discharged one PO to hospital.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b70: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0038_1.jpg)

3 November 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b71: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0039_0.jpg)

4 November 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.50am: Water boat alongside, 13.5 tons.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b72: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0039_1.jpg)

5 November 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

12.15am: Chief Stoker Charles Tonner, 302413 (Ch), accidentally drowned. [No further detail is recorded, nor is there any mention of a funeral, so perhaps his body was not recovered.]

4caf8668cadfd34197015b73: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0040_0.jpg)

6 November 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b74: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0040_1.jpg)

7 November 1920

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b75: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0041_0.jpg)

8 November 1920

Freetown and at sea towards Lagos

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.20am: Coal lighter alongside.

  8.20am: Discharged one AB to hospital.

  8.45am: Water lighter alongside.

11.51am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

12.09pm: Course 281º, 8 knots.

12.45pm: A/c 216º.

  5.30pm: A/c 180º.

  8.00pm: A/c 114º.

  9.45pm: Passed SS Elmina bound for Freetown.

10.00pm: A/c 121º.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b76: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0041_1.jpg)

9 November 1920

At sea

Lat 6.5, Long -12.0 [approx]

12.01am: Course S40E.

  8.00am: A/c S35E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b77: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0042_0.jpg)

10 November 1920

At sea.

Lat 5.1, Long -10.0 [approx]

12.01am: Course S35E.

10.00am: A/c S50E.

10.00pm: Passed SS Poona steering N. A/c S45E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b78: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0042_1.jpg)

11 November 1920

At sea

Lat 4.12, Long -7.25

12.01am: Course S45E.

  9.00am: A/c S77.5E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b79: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0043_0.jpg)

12 November 1920

At sea

Lat 4.82, Long -4.1

12.01am: Course S77.5E.

  3.00am: A/c S50E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b7a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0043_1.jpg)

13 November 1920

At sea

Lat 4.51, Long -0.84

  6.40am: A/c N85E.

  4.45pm: Reduced speed to 6 knots.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b7b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0044_0.jpg)

14 November 1920

At sea

Lat 5.54, Long 1.8

  8.45pm: Passed SS Abinsi steering W.

10.00pm: A/c N70E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b7c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0044_1.jpg)

15 November 1920

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  1.15am: Sighted Lagos Lt.

  9.00am: Picked up pilot off Lagos harbour entrance.

10.17am: Came to port anchor in 3 fms.

  1.30pm: Secured water boat alongside.

  5.00pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b7d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0045_0.jpg)

16 November 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

  2.35pm: Coal lighters cast off.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b7e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0045_1.jpg)

17 November 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.45am: Hands refitting steam cutter’s falls.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b7f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0046_0.jpg)

18 November 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.30am: Ash lighter* alongside.

* The ashes have some value in making building blocks etc, so are sold in port rather than being dumped into the sea.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b80: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0046_1.jpg)

19 November 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Medical inspection.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b81: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0047_0.jpg)

20 November 1920

Lagos and at sea towards Duala

Lat 6.39, Long 3.41 [approx]

  8.30am: Water boat alongside.

10.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.40am: Passed outer breakwater and dropped pilot at Fairway buoy.

Course S30E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b82: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0047_1.jpg)

21 November 1920

At sea

Lat 4.04, Long 5.67 DR

11.00am: A/c S75E.

12.50pm: A/c S40E.

  4.10pm: A/c S75E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b83: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0048_0.jpg)

22 November 1920

At sea to Duala

Lat 3.84, Long 9.2

  1.30pm: Passed Fairway buoy and proceeded up Cameroon river.

  3.00pm: Picked up pilot.

  4.35pm: Saluted French flag, 21 guns.

  4.40pm: Anchored at Duala.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b84: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0048_1.jpg)

23 November 1920


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  2.45pm: Ash and water lighters alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b85: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0049_0.jpg)

24 November 1920

Duala and at sea towards Calabar

Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded down river.

  5.30pm: Dropped pilot.

11.58pm: Debunja Lt abeam.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b86: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0049_1.jpg)

25 November 1920

At sea to Calabar

Lat 4.7, Long 8.4 [approx]

  8.00am: Carried out aiming rifle practice at floating targets.

  9.30am: Passed Fairway buoy and proceeded up Calabar River.

  3.15pm: Anchored off Calabar.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b87: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0050_0.jpg)

26 November 1920


Lat 4.97, Long 8.32

  6.30am: Shifted berth.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b88: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0050_1.jpg)

27 November 1920


Lat 4.97, Long 8.32

  Hands employed as requisite, Saturday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b89: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0051_0.jpg)

28 November 1920


Lat 4.97, Long 8.32

  Sunday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b8a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0051_1.jpg)

29 November 1920


Lat 4.97, Long 8.32

  8.00am: Weighed and secured alongside jetty.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b8b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0052_0.jpg)

30 November 1920

Calabar and at sea to Victoria

Lat 4.37, Long 8.49 DR

  6.10am: Slipped and proceeded down river.

11.25am: Fairway buoy abeam.

  5.35pm: Anchored, Victoria.


[Victoria and Lagos]

4caf8668cadfd34197015b8c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0052_1.jpg)

1 December 1920


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.00am: Scrub and wash upper deck.

  7.00am: WD brightwork stations, WB messdecks. [WD, watch on deck, WB, watch below.]

  8.00am: Dressed ship.

  9.00am: Hands employed painting and refitting.

     Noon: Fired 21 gun salute [for the birthday of HM Queen Alexandra].

  1.30pm: Leave to starboard watch and second part of port watch until 6.00pm.

  Sick list: Nil.

Weather: Various light breezes, dry, 76º to 83º F.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b8d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0053_0.jpg)

2 December 1920


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  8.00am: Landed landing party.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b8e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0053_1.jpg)

3 December 1920


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed painting ship’s side.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b8f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0054_0.jpg)

4 December 1920


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.50am: Water boat alongside.

  7.30am: Landed second landing party.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b90: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0054_1.jpg)

5 December 1920


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Sunday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b91: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0055_0.jpg)

6 December 1920


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.15am: Water lighter alongside.

  2.15pm: Landing party returned.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b92: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0055_1.jpg)

7 December 1920

Victoria and at sea towards Lagos

Lat 4.0, Long 9.04

10.25am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

10.45am: Course N80W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 59.5’N, 7º 58.5’E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b93: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0056_0.jpg)

8 December 1920

At sea

Lat 4.34, Long 5.79

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 03’N, 6º 14’E

  8.30am: A/c N40W.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b94: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0056_1.jpg)

9 December 1920

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.45am: Picked up pilot.

11.50am: Secured to No 1 buoy, Lagos harbour.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b95: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0057_0.jpg)

10 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers.

  8.00am: Water lighter alongside.

12.45pm: Two ratings rejoined from hospital.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b96: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0057_1.jpg)

11 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.30am: Ash boat alongside.

10.10am: Laid out stern anchor downstream.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b97: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0058_0.jpg)

12 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b98: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0058_1.jpg)

13 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Coaling from lighters, received 110 tons.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b99: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0059_0.jpg)

14 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b9a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0059_1.jpg)

15 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.35am: Water boat alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b9b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0060_0.jpg)

16 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Cleaning and painting.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b9c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0060_1.jpg)

17 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  2.00pm: Kroomen drawing stores from SS Sapele.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b9d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0061_0.jpg)

18 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  4.30am: Secured drifting lighter alongside.

  7.00am: Water boat alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b9e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0061_1.jpg)

19 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Cleaning and painting.

4caf8668cadfd34197015b9f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0062_0.jpg)

20 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba0: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0062_1.jpg)

21 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: Water boat alongside.

  5.00pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba1: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0063_0.jpg)

22 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4


4caf8668cadfd34197015ba2: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0063_1.jpg)

23 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  4.15pm: Three ratings rejoined from hospital.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba3: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0064_0.jpg)

24 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba4: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0064_1.jpg)

25 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.15am: Water boat alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba5: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0065_0.jpg)

26 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires lit in main boilers.

11.30am: Muster by the open list.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba6: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0065_1.jpg)

27 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  1.00pm: One Krooman rejoined from hospital.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba7: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0066_0.jpg)

28 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: HMS Birmingham entered harbour.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba8: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0066_1.jpg)

29 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Ship inspected by C-in-C Africa station [at this time Vice-Admiral Sir William Goodenough].

  3.00pm: Water boat alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015ba9: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0067_0.jpg)

30 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8668cadfd34197015baa: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0067_1.jpg)

31 December 1920


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.


JP map Dwarf 1921


[Lagos, Victoria and Lagos]

4caf8668cadfd34197015bab: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0068_0.jpg)

1 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.00am: Scrub and wash upper deck. Lit fires in steam cutter.

  7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns.

  8.45am: WD, wash down. WB, mess decks.

11.15am: Quarters. Clean guns.

11.40am: Secure.

  2.00pm: Leave to port watch and first part of starboard.

  9.20pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

  Sick list: 2.

Weather: Light airs, clear skies, 72º to 84º F.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bac: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0068_1.jpg)

2 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires lit in main boilers.

10.15am: HMS Birmingham sailed for Lobito Bay.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bad: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0069_0.jpg)

3 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Routine cleaning and painting.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bae: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0069_1.jpg)

4 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands painting and working about ammunition.

4caf8668cadfd34197015baf: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0070_0.jpg)

5 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.50am: Water boat alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb0: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0070_1.jpg)

6 January 1921

Lagos and at sea

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires lit in main boilers.

12.25pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  1.00pm: Passed outer breakwater and dropped pilot at Fairway buoy.

  Course S30E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 46’N, 4º 03’E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb1: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0071_0.jpg)

7 January 1921

At sea towards Victoria

Lat 4.32, Long 5.4

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 34.5’N, 5º 09’E.

12.50pm: A/c S63E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 59’N, 6º 22.5’E. A/c S79E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb2: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0071_1.jpg)

8 January 1921

At sea to Victoria

Lat 3.75, Long 8.29

  8.00am: Pos. 3º 59’N, 8º 03’E.

  7.30pm: Anchored in Victoria harbour.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb3: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0072_0.jpg)

9 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  6.30am: Weighed and shifted to anchorage off Morton Pt.

Drew fires in main boilers.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb4: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0072_1.jpg)

10 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb5: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0073_0.jpg)

11 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  7.45am: Water lighter alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb6: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0073_1.jpg)

12 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  7.30am: Landed party for Buea [formerly the German colonial capital].

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb7: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0074_0.jpg)

13 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Painting boats etc.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb8: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0074_1.jpg)

14 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  9.10am: Water lighter alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bb9: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0075_0.jpg)

15 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Clean ship, Saturday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bba: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0075_1.jpg)

16 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Sunday routine.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bbb: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0076_0.jpg)

17 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  2.15pm: Water lighter alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bbc: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0076_1.jpg)

18 January 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  7.50am: Water lighter alongside.

  9.50am: Hands refitting boats’ falls.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bbd: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0077_0.jpg)

19 January 1921

Victoria and at sea towards Lagos

Lat 4.02, Long 8.91

Fires lit in main boilers.

  9.28am: Weighed and proceeded to sea, course N78W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 01’N, 7º 51’E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bbe: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0077_1.jpg)

20 January 1921

At sea

Lat 4.11, Long 5.94

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 01’N, 6º 15.5’E.

  9.00am: A/c N46W.

  3.00pm: A/c N30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 45’N, 5º 11’E.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bbf: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0078_0.jpg)

21 January 1921

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.2, Long 3.6 [approx]

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 50’N, 4º 09’E.

  5.40pm: Anchored in Lagos harbour.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bc0: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0078_1.jpg)

22 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers

  7.00am: Water boat alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bc1: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0079_0.jpg)

23 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.15am: Muster by open list.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bc2: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0079_1.jpg)

24 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed painting waterline and refitting boats’ falls.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bc3: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0080_0.jpg)

25 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.15am: Hands refitting whaler.

  9.15am: Secured coal lighter alongside.

4caf8668cadfd34197015bc4: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0080_1.jpg)

26 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Landed party for route march.

11.30am: Party returned onboard.

  4.30pm: Cast off coal lighter, coal complete, 153.6 tons.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bc5: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0081_0.jpg)

27 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  3.40pm: Two ratings joined ship per SS Appam.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bc6: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0081_1.jpg)

28 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.15am: Water boat alongside.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bc7: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0082_0.jpg)

29 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bc8: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0082_1.jpg)

30 January 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.45am: Stokers muster by open list.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bc9: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0083_0.jpg)

31 January 1921

Lagos and at sea towards Accra

Lat 6.39, Long 3.39 DR

Fires lit in main boilers.

  7.50am: Water boat alongside.

10.59am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

11.45am: Passed outer breakwater. Set course West.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 06.5’N, 2º 24.5’E.


[Accra and Sierra Leone]

4caf8669cadfd34197015bca: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0083_1.jpg)

1 February 1921

At sea to Accra

Lat 5.62, Long 0.39

  2.00am: Retarded clocks 20 minutes.

  6.00am: Retarded clocks 20 minutes.*

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 40’N, 0º 54’E. A/c N80W.

  3.20pm: A/c S80W.

  4.00pm: A/c S70W.

  5.30pm: Hauled in patent log. Courses as requisite for anchorage.

  6.30pm: Anchored, Accra.

  Sick list: 0.

*Like all ships, Dwarf’s clocks are adjusted to local time as she moves around the globe. This is usually done in two equal increments, so that one watch is not favoured over the other.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bcb: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0084_0.jpg)

2 February 1921


Lat 5.53, Long -0.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bcc: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0084_1.jpg)

3 February 1921


Lat 5.53, Long -0.2

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bcd: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0085_0.jpg)

4 February 1921

Accra and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 5.37, Long -0.29 DR

10.20am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. Set course S50W.

  4.00pm: A/c S82W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4 56N, 1 11W.

11.30pm: Secconde Lt [aka Sekondi] bg 214º.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bce: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0085_1.jpg)

5 February 1921

At sea

Lat 4.46, Long -2.65

  4.05am: C Three Points Lt bg 222º.

  5.50am: Same abeam.

  7.15am: A/c N78W.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 31’N, 2º 15’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 23’N, 3º 31’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bcf: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0086_0.jpg)

6 February 1921

At sea

Lat 4.22, Long -5.24

  Course N78W all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 15’N, 4º 48’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 265º, 156 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 08’N, 6º 07’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd0: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0086_1.jpg)

7 February 1921

At sea

Lat 4.27, Long -7.6

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 01’N, 7º 28’W. A/c N53W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 271º, 141 miles.

  1.30pm: C Palomas abeam 2.5 miles. A/c N75W.

  3.00pm: Passed Dutch steamer steering East.

  5.00pm: A/c N55W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 24’N, 8º 27’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd1: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0087_0.jpg)

8 February 1921

At sea.

Lat 5.14, Long -10.04

  Course N38W all day.

  2.45am: Passed SS Akabo steering South.

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 00’N, 9º 35’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 290º, 153 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 36’N, 10º 44’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd2: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0087_1.jpg)

9 February 1921

At sea.

Lat 6.57, Long -12.35

  Course N38W all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 16’N, 11º 48’W

     Noon: Course and DMG, 302º, 161 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 02’N, 13º 14’W

11.50pm: Passed SS [?] steering East. A/c 330º.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd3: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0088_0.jpg)

10 February 1921

At sea to Freetown, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.51, Long -13.3 [approx]

12.03pm: C Sierra Leone Lt abeam.

12.37pm: Anchored, Freetown.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd4: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0088_1.jpg)

11 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Fires out in main boilers.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd5: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0089_0.jpg)

12 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd6: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0089_1.jpg)

13 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd7: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0090_0.jpg)

14 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Completed with coal (151 tons) from lighters and landed oil drums.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd8: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0090_1.jpg)

15 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bd9: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0091_0.jpg)

16 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: Water boat alongside, received 12 tons. Kroomen scrubbing coaling screens.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bda: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0091_1.jpg)

17 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bdb: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0092_0.jpg)

18 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24


4caf8669cadfd34197015bdc: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0092_1.jpg)

19 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Scrub gun gear. Clean guns.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bdd: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0093_0.jpg)

20 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bde: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0093_1.jpg)

21 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.00am: Water boat alongside, received 13 tons. Hands provisioning ship, getting out empty casks etc.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bdf: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0094_0.jpg)

22 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Hands stowing Carpenter’s stores and painting whaler.

  5.00pm: Discharged one Krooman to shore.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be0: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0094_1.jpg)

23 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.30am: Water boat alongside, received 4.5 tons.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be1: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0095_0.jpg)

24 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Lit fires in main boilers.

  9.00am: Hands provisioning ship.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be2: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0095_1.jpg)

25 February 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Hands employed about sheet anchor etc.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be3: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0096_0.jpg)

26 February 1921

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Bathurst

Lat 8.59, Long -13.5

  9.24am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

  9.45am: Passed SS Benue entering harbour.

10.03am: Course N40W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 05’N, 14º 28’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be4: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0096_1.jpg)

27 February 1921

At sea

Lat 10.16, Long -16.1

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 50’N, 15º 37’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 301º, 180 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 38.5’N, 15º 16’W.

11.00pm: A/c N20E.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be5: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0097_0.jpg)

28 February 1921

At sea

Lat 12.02, Long -17.29

12.40am: SS Kenilworth Castle passed steering North.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 43’N, 17º 13.5’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 299º, 154 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 49’N, 17º 16’W.


[Bathurst, in Gambia River, Bathurst and Sierra Leone]

4caf8669cadfd34197015be6: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0097_1.jpg)

1 March 1921

At sea to Bathurst [now Banjul, Gambia]

Lat 13.48, Long -16.58 [approx]

  7.00am: Manoeuvring off entrance to river.

11.05am: Fairway buoy.

11.40am: Middle buoy.

12.40pm: Black buoy.

  1.45pm: Anchored off Government Pier, Bathurst.

  5.00pm: Discharged two ratings to W/T station, two ratings joined from same.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be7: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0098_0.jpg)

2 March 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires out in main boilers.

  9.35am: Hands refitting Boatswain’s stores.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be8: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0098_1.jpg)

3 March 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires lit in main boilers.

  9.35am: Hands refitting Boatswain’s stores.

4caf8669cadfd34197015be9: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0099_0.jpg)

4 March 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  9.45am: Shifted berth alongside jetty.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bea: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0099_1.jpg)

5 March 1921

Bathurst and up River Gambia

Lat 13.43, Long -16.13

6.45am: Slipped and proceeded up river.

8.58am: Fort James abeam.

11.05am: Anchored off Muta Pt.

11.35am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

6.07pm: Anchored off Balingo Town.

4caf8669cadfd34197015beb: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0100_0.jpg)

6 March 1921

River Gambia

Lat 13.64, Long -15.37 [approx]

5.40am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

11.30am: Passed Balangar.

5.20pm: Passed SS Slav heading down river.

7.42pm: Anchored off MacCarthy’s I. [now Janjanbureh Island].

4caf8669cadfd34197015bec: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0100_1.jpg)

7 March 1921

MacCarthy's Island

Lat 13.544, Long -14.761

Fires out in main boilers.

  9.00am: Fired a salute of 17 guns to HE the Governor of the Gambia [at this time Sir Cecil Hamilton Armitage].

9.05am: Hands employed sponging out guns and refitting boat gear.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bed: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0101_0.jpg)

8 March 1921

MacCarthy's Island

Lat 13.544, Long -14.761

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bee: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0101_1.jpg)

9 March 1921

MacCarthy's Island

Lat 13.544, Long -14.761

Fires lit in main boilers.

Hands blacking down rigging [applying a graphite paste that dries to a nice black sheen. Very smart and an effective rust preventer for steel wire rope.]

4caf8669cadfd34197015bef: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0102_0.jpg)

10 March 1921

MacCarthy's Island

Lat 13.544, Long -14.761

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf0: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0102_1.jpg)

11 March 1921

MacCarthy's Island and down river

Lat 13.65, Long -14.91 [approx]

9.38am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

12.37pm: Anchored off Kuntaur.

  2.58pm: Weighed and proceeded down river.

  7.30pm: Passed Kauur.

Not recorded in the log, but Dwarf appears to have anchored at midnight.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf1: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0103_0.jpg)

12 March 1921

Gambia River

Lat 13.32, Long -16.35

9.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

11.44am: Anchored off James Fort.

1.02pm: Weighed and proceeded down river.

3.13pm: Anchored off Bathurst.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf2: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0103_1.jpg)

13 March 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf3: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0104_0.jpg)

14 March 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf4: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0104_1.jpg)

15 March 1921

Bathurst and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires lit in main boilers

12.25pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

  1.25pm: White channel buoy.

  1.52pm: Black buoy.

  2.52pm: Middle buoy.

  3.08pm: Cape St Mary abeam.

  6.30pm: A/c S40W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 05’N, 17º 06’W

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf5: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0105_0.jpg)

16 March 1921

At sea

Lat 10.93, Long -17.13

12.40am: A/c S17W.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 0.5N, 17º 08W.

  9.45am: A/c S27E.

  1.40pm: A/c S39E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 18N, 16º 14W.

  9.50pm: Passed SS Rabymere steering NW.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf6: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0105_1.jpg)

17 March 1921

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.99, Long -14.5

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 23N, 14º 48W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 127º, 194 miles.

  6.40pm: Cape Sierra Leone Lt, bg 109º.

  9.10pm: Cape Sierra Leone Lt abeam.

  9.40pm: Anchored off Freetown.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf7: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0106_0.jpg)

18 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.30am: Shifted berth, water lighter alongside.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf8: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0106_1.jpg)

19 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Fires out in main boilers.

  Mr Read, Gunner RN, joined ship from SS Appam.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bf9: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0107_0.jpg)

20 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bfa: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0107_1.jpg)

21 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.00am: Coaling from lighters both sides, completed with 152.1 tons.

  2.30pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

  5.00pm: Store lighter alongside.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bfb: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0108_0.jpg)

22 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.50am: Water lighter alongside, received 6 tons.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bfc: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0108_1.jpg)

23 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24


4caf8669cadfd34197015bfd: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0109_0.jpg)

24 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24


4caf8669cadfd34197015bfe: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0109_1.jpg)

25 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015bff: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0110_0.jpg)

26 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Secured water lighter alongside, received 13 tons.

  1.45pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital.

  3.00pm: Mr Bowden, Gunner RN, left ship for SS Zaria.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c00: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0110_1.jpg)

27 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c01: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0111_0.jpg)

28 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c02: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0111_1.jpg)

29 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.50pm: Two ratings rejoined ship from hospital.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c03: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0112_0.jpg)

30 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting ship.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c04: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0112_1.jpg)

31 March 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  1.00pm: Secured water lighter alongside.


[Sierra Leone, Bathurst, Sierra Leone]

4caf8669cadfd34197015c05: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0113_0.jpg)

1 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.00am: Scrub and wash upper deck. Lit fires in steam cutter.

  7.00am: WD, brightwork stations. WB, messdecks.

  9.00am: Hands employed painting ship.

  1.30pm: Leave to port watch and second part of starboard watch, to 6.00pm.

  1.30pm: Paid hands.

  2.00pm: Kroomen painting ship.

  9.00pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

  Sick list: 2.

Weather: Calm or light airs, some cloud, 78º to 84º F.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c06: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0113_1.jpg)

2 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.26am: Secured water lighter alongside, received 8 tons.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c07: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0114_0.jpg)

3 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c08: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0114_1.jpg)

4 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting ship.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c09: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0115_0.jpg)

5 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.45am: Moored water lighter alongside, received 10 tons.

  9.30am: Hands painting and stripping 3 pdrs.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c0a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0115_1.jpg)

6 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c0b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0116_0.jpg)

7 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24


4caf8669cadfd34197015c0c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0116_1.jpg)

8 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Hands employed painting ship and drawing stores.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c0d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0117_0.jpg)

9 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: Moored water lighter alongside, received 10.5 tons.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c0e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0117_1.jpg)

10 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Fires lit in main boilers.

  Sunday routine.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c0f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0118_0.jpg)

11 April 1921

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Bathurst

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  2.37pm: C Sierra Leone Lt abeam. Course N37W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 52’N, 13º 51’W.

  8.40pm: SS Egori passed steaming NW.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c10: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0118_1.jpg)

12 April 1921

At sea

Lat 10.04, Long -15.44

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 41’N, 15º 07’W.

  6.00pm: A/c N45W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 35’N, 15º 16’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c11: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0119_0.jpg)

13 April 1921

At sea

Lat 11.92, Long -17.24

  4.00am: A/c N12E.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 28’, 17º 12’W.

  9.00am: Passed French SS H[?] steering S.

     Noon: DMG 175 miles, various courses.

  1.30pm: Passed unknown steamer steering S.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 46’N, 17º 20’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c12: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0119_1.jpg)

14 April 1921

At sea to Bathurst

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  9.50am: Came to starboard anchor off Bathurst.

10.00am: Hands employed refitting awnings and fenders.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c13: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0120_0.jpg)

15 April 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires out in main boilers.

  9.30am: Hands employed painting waterline and about boats.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c14: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0120_1.jpg)

16 April 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Scrub gun gear. Clean guns.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c15: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0121_0.jpg)

17 April 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Sunday routine.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c16: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0121_1.jpg)

18 April 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires lit in main boilers.

  9.30pm: Hands refitting boats’ gear.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c17: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0122_0.jpg)

19 April 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  9.30pm: Hands refitting boats’ gear.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c18: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0122_1.jpg)

20 April 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed about boats.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c19: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0123_0.jpg)

21 April 1921

Bathurst and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  6.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Government Wharf.

  5.07pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  6.30pm: Course N67W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 35’N, 16º 41’W. A/c S75W.

11.59pm: A/c S32W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c1a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0123_1.jpg)

22 April 1921

At sea

Lat 11.74, Long -17.32

  7.00am: Passed French steamer steering N.

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 16’N, 17º 21’W. A/c S10W.

  5.10pm: A/c S32E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 54’N, 16º 56’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c1b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0124_0.jpg)

23 April 1921

At sea

Lat 9.8, Long -15.2 [approx]

  8.00am: A/c S39E.

  8.50am: Passed SS Bereby steering NW.

  6.45pm: Slow both. Swung ship for deviation.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c1c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0124_1.jpg)

24 April 1921

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.45am: Sighted C Sierra Leone Lt bg S69E.

  5.35am: Came to starboard anchor off Freetown.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c1d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0125_0.jpg)

25 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Fires out in main boilers.

  9.30am: Hands employed painting and holystoning.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c1e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0125_1.jpg)

26 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Completed with coal (155 tons) from lighters.

  Received 10 tons of water.

Note that this loading increases Dwarf’s draught, both fore and aft, by 1’ 3”.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c1f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0126_0.jpg)

27 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24


4caf8669cadfd34197015c20: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0126_1.jpg)

28 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.10am: HMS Thistle arrived.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c21: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0127_0.jpg)

29 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.15am: Armed guard proceeded to SS Blue Triangle*.

11.30am: Guard returned aboard.

* USA, 1920, 5,120 grt.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c22: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0127_1.jpg)

30 April 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Received 12 tons of water from water lighter.


[Sierra Leone, Monrovia, Sierra Leone, Dakar and Tenerife]

4caf8669cadfd34197015c23: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0128_0.jpg)

1 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.00am: Wash and scrub upper deck.

  7.00am: Quarters. Clean guns.

  8.45am: WD, brightwork stations. WB, messdecks.

  9.30am: Divisions.

10.30am: Divine service.

  1.30pm: Leave to port watch and 1st part of starboard to 6.00pm.

  7.00pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

  Sick list: 0.

Weather: Calm or light airs, dry 80º to 86º F.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c24: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0128_1.jpg)

2 May 1921

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Monrovia

Lat 8.3, Long -13.49 DR

  9.07am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.29am: C Sierra Leone Lt abeam.

  9.50am: Course S60W, 180 revs.

  7.35pm: Passed SS Boutry steering NW.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 28’N, 13º 23’W.

  8.20pm: Passed SS Roumanier* steering NW.

  9.30pm: SS Albertville** passed steering SE.

* Roumanier, the second of two Lloyd Royal Belge ships with this name, ex- Lake Duane, 1917, 1,949 grt.

**Albertville, the fourth of six Cie Maritime Belge ships of that name, 1912, 7,745 tons, sold in 1923 and renamed Angola.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c25: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0129_0.jpg)

3 May 1921

At sea to Monrovia

Lat 6.6, Long -11.57

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 50’N, 11º 55’W.

10.20am: Sighted C Mount bg S80E.

  1.01pm: Cape Mount abeam.

  6.50pm: Anchored off Monrovia.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c26: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0129_1.jpg)

4 May 1921


Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

  7.45am: Shifted berth 5 cables N.

  8.00am: Fired a salute of 21 guns for the Republic of Liberia.

  9.30am: Hands employed sponging out 3 pounders.

  5.00pm: French sloop Cassiopée arrived.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c27: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0130_0.jpg)

5 May 1921


Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

  5.00pm: French sloop Cassiopée sailed.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c28: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0130_1.jpg)

6 May 1921

Monrovia and at sea

Lat 6.67, Long -11.64

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.42am: Shaped course N49W, 180 revs.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 28N, 11º 05W.

  8.00am: Dressed ship with masthead flags, for the anniversary of the accession to the throne of HM the King.

10.34am: Cape Mount abeam.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N49W, 52.7 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 04N, 12º 36W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c29: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0131_0.jpg)

7 May 1921

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.45, Long -13.35 [approx]

  6.00am: A/c N24E.

  8.00am: A/c N60E.

10.17am: A/c N70E.

  1.45pm: C Sierra Leone Lt abeam.

  2.45pm: Anchored off Freetown.

  3.30pm: Water lighter alongside, received 12 tons.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c2a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0131_1.jpg)

8 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c2b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0132_0.jpg)

9 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c2c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0132_1.jpg)

10 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c2d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0133_0.jpg)

11 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.00pm: Kroomen holystoning upper deck. Store lighter alongside.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c2e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0133_1.jpg)

12 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.40am: Water lighter alongside.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c2f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0134_0.jpg)

13 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c30: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0134_1.jpg)

14 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c31: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0135_0.jpg)

15 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.15am: HMS Birmingham arrived from Simonstown.

10.00am: Church party to Birmingham.

Birmingham’s log notes that HMS Thistle is also at anchor here.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c32: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0135_1.jpg)

16 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting ship.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c33: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0136_0.jpg)

17 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.30am: HMS Birmingham sailed for Portsmouth.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c34: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0136_1.jpg)

18 May 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Fires lit in main boilers.

  9.50am: Shifted berth to eastward. Completed with coal from lighters (149 tons).

4caf8669cadfd34197015c35: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0137_0.jpg)

19 May 1921

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Dakar

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.30pm: Discharged five Kroomen to shore.

  6.52pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  7.30pm: C Sierra Leone Lt abeam, course N37W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 32’N, 13º 21’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c36: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0137_1.jpg)

20 May 1921

At sea

Lat 9.67, Long -15.07

  Course N37W, speed 7.5 to 8 knots all day.

  2.05pm: Passed unknown steamer steering SE.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 23’N, 14º 38’W.

4caf8669cadfd34197015c37: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0138_0.jpg)

21 May 1921

At sea

Lat 11.6, Long -17.29 DR

  6.00am: A/c N7E.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 06’N, 17º 14’W.

10.00am: A/c N17E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 29’N, 17º 16’W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c38: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0138_1.jpg)

22 May 1921

At sea to Dakar

Lat 14.35, Long -17.3

  8.00am: Pos. 13º 54’N, 17º 18’W.

  2.30pm: A/c N35W.

  4.07pm: Anchored off Dakar harbour. Saluted French flag with 21 guns.

  4.37pm: Weighed and proceeded into naval harbour and secured to buoy.

Place: Visited: 4.56 4caf866acadfd34197015c39: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0139_0.jpg)

23 May 1921


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

Fires out in main boilers.

  Completed with coal from lighters (149.9 tons)

4caf866acadfd34197015c3a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0139_1.jpg)

24 May 1921


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  Hands variously employed.

4caf866acadfd34197015c3b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0140_0.jpg)

25 May 1921


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  2.30pm: Saluted HBM Consul-General, Dakar with 11 guns.

  5.10pm: Received 16 tons of water from lighter.

4caf866acadfd34197015c3c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0140_1.jpg)

26 May 1921

Dakar and at sea towards Tenerife

Lat 15.09, Long -17.54 DR

Fires lit in main boilers.

  7.15am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  8.00am: Pos. 14º 38’N, 17º 28’W.

  8.43am: C Verde Lt abeam.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16º 01’N, 1º 30’W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c3d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0141_0.jpg)

27 May 1921

At sea

Lat 17.87, Long -17.42 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 17º 24’N, 17º 27’W.

  4.30pm: Passed French SS Draa* steering S.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18º 49’N, 17º 23’W.

* Compagnie de Navigacion Paquet, ex- Phu-Yen, 1902, 1,999 grt.

4caf866acadfd34197015c3e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0141_1.jpg)

28 May 1921

At sea

Lat 20.25, Long -17.3 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 19º 53’N, 17º 19’W.

  9.35am: A/c N30E.

10.35am: A/c N20E.

4caf866acadfd34197015c3f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0142_0.jpg)

29 May 1921

At sea

Lat 23.0, Long -17.45 [approx]

10.39am: A/c to avoid SS Carina* steering SSW.

  1.03pm: Passed SS Este** steering SSW.

  6.45pm: Passed SS Chama and an unknown steamer steering to southward.

  9.30pm: Passed SS Matadi steering S.

*1907, 5,461 grt, formerly SS Greifswald, Nord-deutscher Lloyd.

**Possibly Este, 1906, 2,633 grt, Syndikats Rhederei Gmbh.

4caf866acadfd34197015c40: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0142_1.jpg)

30 May 1921

At sea

Lat 25.5, Long -16.7 [approx]

  9.00am: Three Dutch ships passing, steering to NEward.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26º 08’N, 16º 52’W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c41: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0143_0.jpg)

31 May 1921

At sea to Tenerife.

Lat 27.7, Long -16.5 [approx]

  7.00am: Sighted peak of Tenerife bg N9E.

  2.55pm: Passed SS R[?] steering to Northward.

  5.25pm: Saluted Spanish flag with 21 guns.

  5.40pm: Secured head and stern to buoy, Santa Cruz harbour.


[Tenerife and Gibraltar for drydock]

4caf866acadfd34197015c42: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0143_1.jpg)

1 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

Fires out in main boilers.

  Coaling, completed to 135.7 tons.

4caf866acadfd34197015c43: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0144_0.jpg)

2 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife.

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

Fires lit in main boilers.

     Noon: Fired a salute of 19 guns to HE the Civil Governor, Canaries [at this time Sr Ernesto Garcia de Velasco].

4caf866acadfd34197015c44: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0144_1.jpg)

3 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

Fires out in main boilers.

  8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of the King’s birthday.

     Noon: Fired Royal 21 gun salute.

4caf866acadfd34197015c45: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0145_0.jpg)

4 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  5.15am: Spanish gunboat Infanta Isabel arrived.

  9.10am: Water lighter alongside.

4caf866acadfd34197015c46: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0145_1.jpg)

5 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf866acadfd34197015c47: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0146_0.jpg)

6 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24


4caf866acadfd34197015c48: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0146_1.jpg)

7 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24


4caf866acadfd34197015c49: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0147_0.jpg)

8 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  7.30am: Infanta Isabel left for Gomera.

4caf866acadfd34197015c4a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0147_1.jpg)

9 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  Painting and refitting.

4caf866acadfd34197015c4b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0148_0.jpg)

10 June 1921

Santa Cruz, Tenerife and at sea towards Gibraltar

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

Fires lit in main boilers.

  8.30am: Secured water lighter alongside, received 14 tons.

  6.29pm: Slipped from buoys. Weighed and proceeded to sea, course N65E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28º 32’N, Long 16º 07’W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c4c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0148_1.jpg)

11 June 1921

At sea

Lat 29.6, Long -14.64 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 29º 20’N, Long 15º 00’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30º 09’N, Long 13º 53’W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c4d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0149_0.jpg)

12 June 1921

At sea

Lat 31.1, Long -11.99

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 56’N, Long 12º 45’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N71E at 6.5 knots.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31º 35’N, Long 11º 10’W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c4e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0149_1.jpg)

13 June 1921

At sea

Lat 33.0, Long -9.3

  8.00am: Pos. 32º 21’N, Long 9º 56’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N65E at 7.4 knots.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 42’N, Long 8º 23’W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c4f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0150_0.jpg)

14 June 1921

At sea to Gibraltar

Lat 35.27, Long -6.59

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 49’N, Long 7º 09’W.

  1.45pm: Passed sailing ship steering to Northward.

  9.08pm: Secured to No 17 buoy, Gibraltar.

4caf866acadfd34197015c50: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0150_1.jpg)

15 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

Fires out in main boilers.

  9.30am: Hands employed preparing for dockyard.

  1.30pm: Hands employed getting up ammunition.

4caf866acadfd34197015c51: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0151_0.jpg)

16 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.40am: Hands employed striking out ammunition into lighter alongside.

  2.30pm: Slipped No 17 buoy and proceeded alongside wall in charge of tug.

4caf866acadfd34197015c52: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0151_1.jpg)

17 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

 Meteorological instruments returned to store.

  8.50am: Hands employed striking out provisions.

4caf866acadfd34197015c53: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0152_0.jpg)

18 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Hands employed getting out stores into lighter alongside.

4caf866acadfd34197015c54: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0152_1.jpg)

19 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

4caf866acadfd34197015c55: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0153_0.jpg)

20 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.00am: Hands employed returning Carpenter’s stores.

  8.48am: Hands employed ranging cable for survey [getting up the anchor chains and laying them out on the on the quayside for survey; very hard and dirty work].

4caf866acadfd34197015c56: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0153_1.jpg)

21 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4caf866acadfd34197015c57: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0154_0.jpg)

22 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed returning stores and chipping paintwork.

4caf866acadfd34197015c58: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0154_1.jpg)

23 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  1.35pm: Discharged one W/T rating to North Front W/T station.

4caf866acadfd34197015c59: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0155_0.jpg)

24 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands chipping paintwork.

4caf866acadfd34197015c5a: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0155_1.jpg)

25 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.45am: Hands employed returning canvas and chipping paintwork.

4caf866acadfd34197015c5b: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0156_0.jpg)

26 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

4caf866acadfd34197015c5c: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0156_1.jpg)

27 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands chipping paintwork.

4caf866acadfd34197015c5d: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0157_0.jpg)

28 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands scraping paintwork.

4caf866acadfd34197015c5e: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0157_1.jpg)

29 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands scraping paintwork.

4caf866acadfd34197015c5f: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0158_0.jpg)

30 June 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  2.50pm: Slipped from wall and proceeded into No 1 dock in charge of tug. Docked in company with HM Ships Rowena, Restless and tug Crocodile.


[Gibraltar in dock and ship paid off]

4caf866acadfd34197015c60: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0158_1.jpg)

1 July 1921

Gibraltar [dry dock]

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  In pm: Paid hands. Hands proceeded to HMS Cormorant [the receiving ship at Gibraltar].

4caf866acadfd34197015c61: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0159_0.jpg)

2 July 1921

Gibraltar [dry dock]

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: Ship paid off. Discharged ship's company to HMS Cormorant.

4caf866acadfd34197015c62: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0159_1.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c63: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0160_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c64: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0160_1.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c65: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0161_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c66: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0161_1.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c67: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0162_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c68: ( 53-76506/ADM 53-76506-0162_1.jpg)

Above seven pages blank.

3 July to 25 August 1921 not included

LOG BOOK for AUGUST 26th 1921 TO SEPTEMBER 9th 1922

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Front cover, Adm. 53/76507.

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Above five pages blank.

4caf866acadfd34197015c70: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0004_1.jpg)


Lt/Cdr Francis C Platt, RN.

Commencing 26th August 1921

Displacement. 710 tons.

Length. 180 ft.

Breadth. 33 ft.

Manufacturer. London & Glasgow Shipbuilding Co.

IHP. 900 normal draught, 1300 forced draught.

Engines. Vertical triple expansion, 1898.

Boilers. Manufacturer Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. 1917.

Yarrow type.

Propeller. Admiralty pattern bronze, 3 bladed in efficient condition.

4caf866acadfd34197015c71: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0005_0.jpg)

Printed page of instructions for logkeepers.

4caf866acadfd34197015c72: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0005_1.jpg)

Ship’s establishment.

6 officers.

29 Seamen.

8 marines.

25 engine room.

12 other ratings.

19 Kroomen.


Barometer No A278, 3’ asl.

Air thermometers, AC Cossor & Sons, Nos 6096 and 6097, mounted on the port waist, screened.

Sea thermometer, SAA Calderara.


Two 4” Mk IV one fore one aft.

Four Pom poms, two either side on the boat deck.

Four 3 pdrs, two either side in the battery.


One 27’ whaler, one 28’ cutter, one 16’ dinghy, one 26’ steam cutter and one surf boat.

Draught with a full load, 11’ 0” for’d, 9’ 6” aft.

Coal bunkers, 143 tons. [Note that Dwarf routinely loads additional coal in bags on deck to extend her range.]

Water tanks, 10 tons for boilers, 7 tons for drinking. [Another limiting factor in how long she can remain at sea.]



4caf866acadfd34197015c73: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0006_0.jpg)

26 August 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: Ship commissioned by Lt/Cdr FC Platt DSO, RN.

  9.45am: Carried out basin trial.

4caf866acadfd34197015c74: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0006_1.jpg)

27 August 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed stowing stores and painting masts.

4caf866acadfd34197015c75: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0007_0.jpg)

28 August 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands painting ship.

4caf866acadfd34197015c76: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0007_1.jpg)

29 August 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015c77: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0008_0.jpg)

30 August 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.00am: Slipped from quay and secured to No 9 buoy with tug. Hands ammunitioning ship from lighter.

  2.00pm: Surgeon Lt A Esmonde RN joined ship from SS Kashgar (passage).

4caf866acadfd34197015c78: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0008_1.jpg)

31 August 1921

Gibraltar and at sea for trials

Lat 35.9, Long -5.3 [approx]

Fires lit in main boilers.

10.05am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for full power trials.

  3.00pm: Finished full power trial and returned to harbour.

  4.10pm: Secured to No 9 buoy.


[Gibraltar, Tenerife, Bathurst and Sierra Leone]

4caf866acadfd34197015c79: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0009_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c7a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0009_1.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c7b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0010_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c7c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0010_1.jpg)

Pages with notes of compass deviations, somewhat muddled.

4caf866acadfd34197015c7d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0011_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c7e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0011_1.jpg)

1 September 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

Fires out in main boilers.

  9.00am: Swung ship for compass correction.

10.45am: Proceeded with tug to dockyard wall opposite Dockyard Tower.

  1.30pm: Marines inspected by Lt Scott RMLI of HMS Calypso.

4caf866acadfd34197015c7f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0012_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c80: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0012_1.jpg)

2 September 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.30am: Ship inspected by Captain Peck, DSO, RN, Gibraltar CSO.

4caf866acadfd34197015c83: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0014_0.jpg)

3 September 1921


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015c81: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0013_0.jpg)

4caf866acadfd34197015c82: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0013_1.jpg)

4 September 1921

Gibraltar and at sea

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

Fires lit in main boilers.

  4.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Course S32W, 8 knots.

  6.30pm: C Tarifa Lt abeam (S) 4 miles. A/c S84W.

  8.00pm: C Spartel Lt bg S71E.

  9.54pm: A/c S65W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c85: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0015_0.jpg)

5 September 1921

At sea

Lat 34.48, Long -7.9

  Course S65W all day.

  1.16am: Passed steamer steering North, 0.75 miles (S).

4caf866acadfd34197015c86: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0015_1.jpg)

6 September 1921

At sea

Lat 32.37, Long -11.09

  Course S65W all day.

     Noon: Course & DMG (from 10.00pm 4th Sept), S65W, 330 miles.

4caf866acadfd34197015c87: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0016_0.jpg)

7 September 1921

At sea

Lat 30.19, Long -14.24

  6.00am: A/c S60W.

     Noon: Course & DMG (from 10.00pm 4th Sept), S66W (Mag), 525 miles.

4caf866acadfd34197015c88: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0016_1.jpg)

8 September 1921

At sea to Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  2.53am: Sighted C St Roque Lt bg S75W.

  9.30am: Fired 21 guns salute to Spanish flag. Pilot boarded.

10.15am: Anchored and moored head and stern to buoys in Tenerife harbour.

10.30am: Discharged pilot and commenced coaling with shore labour.

12.15pm: Completed with coal, received 88 tons. Received 14 tons of water.

4caf866acadfd34197015c89: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0017_0.jpg)

9 September 1921

Santa Cruz

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  9.30am: Exercised divers at monthly dip.

11.15am: Fired salute for British Consul, 9 guns.

4caf866acadfd34197015c8a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0017_1.jpg)

10 September 1921

Santa Cruz

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  Saturday routine: Hands to make and mend in pm.

4caf866acadfd34197015c8b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0018_0.jpg)

11 September 1921

Santa Cruz.

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf866acadfd34197015c8c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0018_1.jpg)

12 September 1921

Santa Cruz

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  5.00pm: Weighed anchor. Cable parted close to anchor swivel. Secured to buoys. Divers searching for anchor.

  8.30pm: Divers returned to ship.

4caf866acadfd34197015c8d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0019_0.jpg)

13 September 1921

Santa Cruz and at sea towards Bathurst

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  6.00am: Restarted diving operation.

  6.10pm: Ceased diving. Failed to find anchor.

  7.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea, course S28W.

  9.35pm: Abona Lt S73W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c8e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0019_1.jpg)

14 September 1921

At sea

Lat 26.2, Long -16.8 [approx]

  9.20am: A/c S25W.

  5.00pm: Passed steamer steering North, 2 miles (S).

4caf866acadfd34197015c8f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0020_0.jpg)

15 September 1921

At sea

Lat 23.0, Long -17.5 [approx]

  Course S25W all day.

4caf866acadfd34197015c90: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0020_1.jpg)

16 September 1921

At sea

Lat 19.43, Long -18.14

  4.40am: A/c S11W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 210º, 186 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18º 12’N, 17º 51.5’W. A/c S14W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c91: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0021_0.jpg)

17 September 1921

At sea

Lat 15.78, Long -17.76

     Noon: Course & DMG, S10W, 220 miles.

  6.35pm: Sighted C Verde Lt bg S48E.

  8.00pm: A/c S17E.

10.00pm: C Verde Lt bg N21E, C Manuel bg N40E.

11.30pm: Passed tug with two lighters in tow steering S10W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c92: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0021_1.jpg)

18 September 1921

At sea to Bathurst

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  6.07am: A/c S72E, then various courses for anchorage.

  6.38am: Sighted Fairway Buoy N32E.

  8.55am: Anchored in Bathurst harbour.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside Government Pier.

4caf866acadfd34197015c93: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0022_0.jpg)

19 September 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Painting ship.

4caf866acadfd34197015c94: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0022_1.jpg)

20 September 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

12.30am: Tornado.

4caf866acadfd34197015c95: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0023_0.jpg)

21 September 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires out in main boilers.

  7.00am: Slipped and proceeded alongside French Wharf.

4caf866acadfd34197015c96: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0023_1.jpg)

22 September 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015c97: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0024_0.jpg)

23 September 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015c98: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0024_1.jpg)

24 September 1921

Bathurst and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 13.5, Long -16.7 [approx]

Fires lit in main boilers.

  6.30am: Discharged one Krooman to shore.

  7.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

  Stopped at each to fix African Knoll Buoy, Middle Buoy and Fairway Buoy [i.e. stopping at each buoy and taking precise bearings to fix their positions for the chart].

10.56am: Proceeded S66W.

12.33pm: A/c S42W.

  6.45pm: A/c S14W.

4caf866acadfd34197015c99: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0025_0.jpg)

25 September 1921

At sea

Lat 10.58, Long -16.48

  3.20am: Tornado passed over.

  3.00am: Heavy electrical storm with chain, fork and sheet lightning and thunderbolts.

  3.45am: A/c S22E.

  5.00am: Storm abated.

  6.45am: A/c S38E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 200 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 54.5’N, 15º 27.5’W

4caf866acadfd34197015c9a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0025_1.jpg)

26 September 1921

At sea to Freetown

Lat 8.7, Long -13.4 [approx]

  3.30pm: Anchored in Sierra Leone Bay [Kroo Bay].

  7.00pm: Discharged one Marine to hospital.

4caf866acadfd34197015c9b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0026_0.jpg)

27 September 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015c9c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0026_1.jpg)

28 September 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Coaled ship with shore labour, received 140 tons.

4caf866acadfd34197015c9d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0027_0.jpg)

29 September 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

12.30pm: Nine Kroomen joined ship.

4caf866acadfd34197015c9e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0027_1.jpg)

30 September 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

11.55pm: Tornado passed over.


(Sierra Leone and at sea towards Lagos)

4caf866acadfd34197015c9f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0028_0.jpg)

1 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  1.00pm: Leave to watch and part until 6.30pm.

  Sick list: 1.

Weather: Overcast at first, light Easterlies, calm at noon, fresh East winds around 4.00pm with rain, calm and overcast later.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0028_1.jpg)

2 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0029_0.jpg)

3 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting ship etc.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0029_1.jpg)

4 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting ship etc.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0030_0.jpg)

5 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Painting ship etc.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0030_1.jpg)

6 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0031_0.jpg)

7 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0031_1.jpg)

8 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0032_0.jpg)

9 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf866acadfd34197015ca8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0032_1.jpg)

10 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.00am: Shifted berth. New bearings, Cathedral Tower bg S2E 475 yds, King Tom store bg S85W. Hands employed as requisite and clearing starboard anchor (foul).

4caf866acadfd34197015ca9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0033_0.jpg)

11 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015caa: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0033_1.jpg)

12 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015cab: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0034_0.jpg)

13 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866acadfd34197015cac: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0034_1.jpg)

14 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cad: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0035_0.jpg)

15 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cae: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0035_1.jpg)

16 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015caf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0036_0.jpg)

17 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0036_1.jpg)

18 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

  7.30pm: HMS Dublin arrived and anchored.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0037_0.jpg)

19 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Ship inspected by Captain Elder RN, HMS Dublin.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0037_1.jpg)

20 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0038_0.jpg)

21 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

12.30pm: Read warrants Nos 1 and 2.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0038_1.jpg)

22 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

12.30pm: One Stoker joined from hospital.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0039_0.jpg)

23 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.00am: HMS Dublin sailed for Monrovia.

  9.00am: HMS Wallflower sailed for Lagos.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0039_1.jpg)

24 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0040_0.jpg)

25 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0040_1.jpg)

26 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.00am: Coaled ship with native labour.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cb9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0041_0.jpg)

27 October 1921

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Lagos

Lat 8.35, Long -13.45 [approx]

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour after clearing fouled port anchor.

  9.58am: Course S64W.

  6.45pm: A/c S38E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 39’N, 13º 38’W.

10.50pm: Strong tornado from NE.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cba: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0041_1.jpg)

28 October 1921

At sea

Lat 6.6, Long -12.0 [approx]

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 50N, 12º 20W.

  3.06pm: Sighted C Mount bg N85E.

  5.08pm: Stopped starboard engine for 10 mins.

  5.16pm: Tornado passed over.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 09N, 11º 25W.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cbb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0042_0.jpg)

29 October 1921

At sea

Lat 5.22, Long -9.9 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 28N, 10º 17W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 160º, S38E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 44N, 9º 38W.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cbc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0042_1.jpg)

30 October 1921

At sea

Lat 4.19, Long -7.19 DR

  4.02am: A/c S69E.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 09N, 7º 44W. A/c S76E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 12N, 6º 12W.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cbd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0043_0.jpg)

31 October 1921

At sea

Lat 4.43, Long -4.7

  Course S76E all day*.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 24N, 5º 09W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 151º, N22E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 26N, 3º 39W.

* Very interesting to note that although Dwarf’s heading is South of East, she has been slowly creeping North for the past two days, due to the action of Southerly winds and currents.


[Lagos, Calabar and Victoria]

4caf866bcadfd34197015cbe: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0043_1.jpg)

1 November 1921

At sea

Lat 4.7, Long -2.1 [approx]

  3.35am: Axim Lt bg N70E.

  3.55am: A/c S64E.

  5.10am: Sighted Three Points Light bg N79E.

  5.20am: Axim Lt bg N19E, Three Points Lt bg N70E.

  6.05am: Three Points Lt bg N6E, 8.5 miles, a/c East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 07’N, 0º 16’W.

10.15pm: Tornado passed over.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cbf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0044_0.jpg)

2 November 1921

At sea

Lat 5.5, Long 0.5 [approx]

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 54’N, 2º 35’E.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0044_1.jpg)

3 November 1921

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  3.15am: Sighted Lagos Lt N46E.

  6.10am: Proceeded with pilot into harbour.

  7.15am: Secured stern to buoys off Marina Wharf and anchored.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0045_0.jpg)

4 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0045_1.jpg)

5 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0046_0.jpg)

6 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0046_1.jpg)

7 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: Landed party for route march.

  9.30am: Coaling ship by shore labour, 118 tons received.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0047_0.jpg)

8 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0047_1.jpg)

9 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Diving party away for monthly dip.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0048_0.jpg)

10 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0048_1.jpg)

11 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

11.00am: Fired two gun salute, then two minutes’ silence in accordance with the wishes of HM the King and C-in-C telegram.

11.02am: Fired one gun salute.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cc9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0049_0.jpg)

12 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cca: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0049_1.jpg)

13 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ccb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0050_0.jpg)

14 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Lit fires in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ccc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0050_1.jpg)

15 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ccd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0051_0.jpg)

16 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ccf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0052_0.jpg)

17 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0052_1.jpg)

18 November 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Received 17 tons of coal.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0053_0.jpg)

19 November 1921

Lagos and at sea towards Calabar

Lat 6.3, Long 3.6 [approx]

  7.45am: Took on board pilot.

  8.00am: Heavy tornado.

  8.10am: Slipped buoy, weighed and proceeded.

  9.35am. Dropped pilot, course S32E.

  8.00pm: A/c S37E.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0053_1.jpg)

20 November 1921

At sea

Lat 4.3, Long 5.6 [approx]

11.45am: A/c to avoid merchant SS St Pierre (Fr).

  2.46pm: Formoso Pt Lt bg N44E.

  3.16pm: A/c S74E.

  6.00pm: Small tornado passed over.

  8.55pm: A/c to avoid merchant ship stopped.

11.30pm: A/c S89E, sounding 25.5 fathoms.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0054_0.jpg)

21 November 1921

At sea to Calabar

Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

  6.40am: A/c S65E.

  7.15am: A/c to avoid Fairway buoy, then various courses up river.

12.50pm: Anchored off Calabar dockyard.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0054_1.jpg)

22 November 1921


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0055_0.jpg)

23 November 1921


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0055_1.jpg)

24 November 1921


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0056_0.jpg)

25 November 1921


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0056_1.jpg)

26 November 1921


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

Fires lit in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cd9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0057_0.jpg)

27 November 1921

Calabar to Victoria

Lat 4.5, Long 8.4 [approx]

  5.35am: Weighed and proceeded down river, 180 revs.

10.19am: Passed Fairway buoy, a/c S44E.

12.15pm: Sighted Fernando Po bg S27E.

  3.05pm: Debunja Pt Lt abeam (P).

  5.32pm: Anchored off Victoria.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cda: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0057_1.jpg)

28 November 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  9.00am: Shifted billet 2 cables seaward.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cdb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0058_0.jpg)

29 November 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

     Noon: Paid monthly payment.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cdc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0058_1.jpg)

30 November 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  7.00am: Ship’s company left for Buea except for Kroomen and C & M party. [Buea is in the foothills, so this appears to be a jolly for some rest and recreation].


[Victoria, Santa Isabel and Lagos]

4caf866bcadfd34197015cdd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0059_0.jpg)

1 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall for Queen Alexandra's birthday.

     Noon: Fired 21 gun salute.

  7.00pm: Undressed ship.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cde: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0059_1.jpg)

2 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cdf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0060_0.jpg)

3 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0060_1.jpg)

4 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0061_0.jpg)

5 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0061_1.jpg)

6 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0062_0.jpg)

7 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

12.15pm: Buea party returned onboard.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0062_1.jpg)

8 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0063_0.jpg)

9 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0063_1.jpg)

10 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0064_0.jpg)

11 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0064_1.jpg)

12 December 1921


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

Lit fires in main boilers.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ce9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0065_0.jpg)

13 December 1921

Victoria to Santa Isabel, Fernado Po

Lat 3.77, Long 8.78

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.15am: Fired 21 gun salute.

  9.30am: Anchored, Santa Isabel harbour.

10.55am: Shifted billet ½ cable South.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cea: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0065_1.jpg)

14 December 1921

Santa Isabel

Lat 3.77, Long 8.78

  8.55am: Spanish Governor [Sr Angel Barrera y Luyando] came on board.

10.15am: Spanish Governor left ship. Fired 11 gun salute.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ceb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0066_0.jpg)

15 December 1921

Santa Isabel

Lat 3.77, Long 8.78

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cec: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0066_1.jpg)

16 December 1921

Santa Isabel and at sea towards Lagos

Lat 4.0, Long 7.6 [approx]

  6.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.12am: A/c N40W. Passed Spanish mail steamer going into Santa Isabel.

  7.35am: A/c N71W.

  7.45pm: A/c N75E.

4caf866bcadfd34197015ced: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0067_0.jpg)

17 December 1921

At sea

Lat 4.9, Long 5.0 [approx]

  4.00am: Palm Pt bg N25W.

  4.15am: A/c N50W.

  8.15am: A/c N34W.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cee: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0067_1.jpg)

18 December 1921

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

11.20am: Secured stern to buoy and anchored in Lagos harbour.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cef: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0068_0.jpg)

19 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  1.30pm: One Chief Writer and one Ldg Victualling Steward joined ship from Chatham Barracks.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0068_1.jpg)

20 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  2.00pm: HMS Crozier arrived.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0069_0.jpg)

21 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Coaling by shore labour.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0069_1.jpg)

22 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Completed with coal, 128 tons received.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0070_0.jpg)

23 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0070_1.jpg)

24 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  2.30pm: HMS Crozier sailed.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0071_0.jpg)

25 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0071_1.jpg)

26 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0072_0.jpg)

27 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0072_1.jpg)

28 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cf9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0073_0.jpg)

29 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cfa: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0073_1.jpg)

30 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cfb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0074_0.jpg)

31 December 1921


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.


JP map Dwarf 1922


[Lagos and at sea toward St Paul de Loanda]

4caf866bcadfd34197015cfc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0074_1.jpg)

1 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

  9.30am: Divisions. Divine service.

10.00am: Pipe down.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch and part until 6.30pm.

  Sick list: Nil.

Weather: Mostly cloudy and overcast, SSW breezes in the afternoon, 79º to 83º F.

  Page signed by Lt/Cdr Platt, in command.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cfd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0075_0.jpg)

2 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cfe: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0075_1.jpg)

3 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015cff: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0076_0.jpg)

4 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d00: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0076_1.jpg)

5 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers.

10.00am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d01: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0077_0.jpg)

6 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  1.30pm: Two ratings rejoined from hospital.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d02: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0077_1.jpg)

7 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d03: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0078_0.jpg)

8 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires lit in main boilers.

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d04: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0078_1.jpg)

9 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.00pm: Discharged Lt Freund [possibly] to hospital.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d05: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0079_0.jpg)

10 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d06: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0079_1.jpg)

11 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d07: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0080_0.jpg)

12 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d08: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0080_1.jpg)

13 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d09: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0081_0.jpg)

14 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d0a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0081_1.jpg)

15 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d0b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0082_0.jpg)

16 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d0c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0082_1.jpg)

17 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d0d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0083_0.jpg)

18 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d0e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0083_1.jpg)

19 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d0f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0084_0.jpg)

20 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d10: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0084_1.jpg)

21 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d11: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0085_0.jpg)

22 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d12: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0085_1.jpg)

23 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers.

10.00am: Held Court of Inquiry on loss of government stores.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d13: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0086_0.jpg)

24 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d14: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0086_1.jpg)

25 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: Discharged Lt Freund [possibly] to Government Hospital.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d15: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0087_0.jpg)

26 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires lit in main boilers.

  8.00am: Coaled ship with shore labour.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d16: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0087_1.jpg)

27 January 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  5.00pm: 1st Lt returned from hospital.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d17: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0088_0.jpg)

28 January 1922

Lagos and at sea towards St Paul de Loanda

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  3.15pm: Weighed and proceeded with pilot onboard.

  4.10pm: Dropped pilot, course S21E.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d18: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0088_1.jpg)

29 January 1922

At sea

Lat 4.1, Long 4.7 [approx]

  Course S21E all day.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d19: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0089_0.jpg)

30 January 1922

At sea

Lat 1.6, Long 6.2 [approx]

12.50pm: A/c S7E.

4caf866bcadfd34197015d1a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0089_1.jpg)

31 January 1922

At sea

Lat -0.5, Long 8.0 [approx]

  3.10am: Sighted Ilheu das Cabras Lt bg S8W.

  6.00am: A/c S15E.

  1.00pm: A/c S22.5E.


[St Paul de Loanda, Walvis Bay, Lüderitz Bay and Simon’s Town]

4caf866bcadfd34197015d1b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0090_0.jpg)

1 February 1922

At sea

Lat -2.6, Long 9.1 [approx]

  Course S23E, speed 7 knots all day.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d1c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0090_1.jpg)

2 February 1922

At sea

Lat -5.0, Long 10.4 [approx]

     Noon: A/c S20.5E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d1d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0091_0.jpg)

3 February 1922

At sea

Lat -7.3, Long 12.2 [approx]

  Course S21E, speed 7 knots all day.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d1e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0091_1.jpg)

4 February 1922

At sea to St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  7.09am: A/c S41E, then various courses for anchorage.

  8.10am: Saluted Portuguese flag, 21 guns.

  8.20am: Anchored, St Paul de Loanda [now Luanda].

  1.30pm: Hands completed ship with coal.

  3.30pm: Saluted Portuguese Governor, 19 guns.

  4.00pm: Portuguese sloop sailed for Boma.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d1f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0092_0.jpg)

5 February 1922

St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d20: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0092_1.jpg)

6 February 1922

St Paul de Loanda and at sea towards Walvis Bay

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  7.45pm: Course S65W.

  9.07pm: A/c S70W.

10.09pm: A/c S35W.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d21: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0093_0.jpg)

7 February 1922

At sea

Lat -10.8, Long 12.6 [approx]

  Course S30W all day.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d22: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0093_1.jpg)

8 February 1922

At sea

Lat -13.0, Long 12.2 [approx]

  Course S30W all day.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d23: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0094_0.jpg)

9 February 1922

At sea

Lat -15.6, Long 11.6 [approx]

  7.00am: A/c S20W.

  4.35pm: Slow both, furled foc’sle and quarterdeck awnings [SW winds f 4-5, reaching 6 later].

4caf866ccadfd34197015d24: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0094_1.jpg)

10 February 1922

At sea

Lat -18.2, Long 11.7 [approx]

  8.00am: A/c S7E. [Speed reduced to 5.5 knots heading into South winds f 4-5.]

  8.15am: A/c S26E.

  9.45pm: A/c S14E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d25: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0095_0.jpg)

11 February 1922

At sea

Lat -20.6, Long 13.1 [approx]

  1.00pm: A/c S19E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d26: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0095_1.jpg)

12 February 1922

At sea to Walvis Bay

Lat -22.8, Long 14.4 [approx]

  5.30am: A/c S45E.

  7.00am: A/c S55E.

  9.35am: A/c S37E, then various courses for anchorage.

  1.20pm: Anchored 2 cables east of HMS Thistle in Walvis Bay.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d27: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0096_0.jpg)

13 February 1922

Walvis Bay [aka Walfisch Bay]

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  9.00am: Coaled ship with ship’s company labour.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d28: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0096_1.jpg)

14 February 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d29: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0097_0.jpg)

15 February 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d2a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0097_1.jpg)

16 February 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d2b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0098_0.jpg)

17 February 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Regatta held between Dwarf and HMS Thistle.

Thistle’s log records that on this day she took over the duties of SNO West Africa from Dwarf.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d2c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0098_1.jpg)

18 February 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  9.15am: Cleared lower deck, read Articles of War. Read warrant No 3.

11.35am: HMS Thistle sailed for St Paul de Loanda.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d2d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0099_0.jpg)

19 February 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  8.50pm: Tug Garth brought off libertymen and reported loss of Private Reginald Rowbotham, [17804, Chatham] RMLI, drowned by accidentally falling overboard whilst returning from leave.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d2e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0099_1.jpg)

20 February 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.00am: Hands coaled ship.

  4.30pm: Held Court of Inquiry into death of Private R Rowbotham [no funeral is recorded, so perhaps his body was not recovered].

4caf866ccadfd34197015d2f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0100_0.jpg)

21 February 1922

Walvis Bay and at sea towards Lüderitz Bay

Lat -23.6, Long 14.3 [approx]

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.20am: Pelican Pt Lt abeam.

  8.00am: Walvis No 1 buoy abeam, 0.5 miles, a/c S28W.

  4.15pm: A/c S12W.

  9.30pm: A/c S14W.

10.10pm: A/c S26W.

11.59pm: A/c S13W.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d30: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0100_1.jpg)

22 February 1922

At sea to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -25.8, Long 14.7 [approx]

  10.45pm: Anchored in Lüderitz Bay.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d31: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0101_0.jpg)

23 February 1922

Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.63, Long 15.16

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d32: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0101_1.jpg)

24 February 1922

Lüderitz Bay and at sea towards Simon's Town

Lat -27.7, Long 15.3 [approx]

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  7.10am: Diaz Lt abeam, a/c SW.

  9.50am: A/c S7W.

  4.00pm: A/c S3E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d33: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0102_0.jpg)

25 February 1922

At sea

Lat -29.8, Long 16.1 [approx]

  6.00pm: A/c S4W.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d34: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0102_1.jpg)

26 February 1922

At sea

Lat -32.0, Long 17.1 [approx]

  7.10am: A/c S19W.

  5.30pm: A/c S3E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d35: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0103_0.jpg)

27 February 1922

At sea to Simon’s Town

Lat -33.8, Long 18.0 [approx]

  3.00am: Passed SS Briton steering SE.

  2.50pm: Cape Pt Lt bg N35W, 3 miles.

  4.50pm: Anchored and secured alongside SE Mole.

  6.30pm: Discharged one prisoner to HMS Lowestoft [probably from warrant No 3, 18 February, presumably a sentence requiring cell punishment].

  Ships in harbour, HMS’ Lowestoft (Flag), Dublin, Wallflower, Crozier (SAN).

4caf866ccadfd34197015d36: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0103_1.jpg)

28 February 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

HMS Dwarf now remains in Simon’s Town refitting until 26 April.


(Simon’s Town for refit)

4caf866ccadfd34197015d37: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0104_0.jpg)

1 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed cleaning ship and refitting.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d38: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0104_1.jpg)

2 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed cleaning ship and refitting.

  1.30pm: Hands to make and mend.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d39: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0105_0.jpg)

3 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.00am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d3a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0105_1.jpg)

4 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Saturday routine.

  1.30pm: Leave to port watch until 8.00am Monday.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d3b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0106_0.jpg)

5 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sunday routine.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d3c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0106_1.jpg)

6 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.00am: C-in-C Vice Admiral Sir William Goodenough visited the ship.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d3d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0107_0.jpg)

7 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44


4caf866ccadfd34197015d3e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0107_1.jpg)

8 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44


4caf866ccadfd34197015d3f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0108_0.jpg)

9 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Painting. Make and mend in pm.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d40: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0108_1.jpg)

10 March 1922

Simon's Town.

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44


  4.00pm: Leave to starboard watch until 8.00am 15th March.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d41: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0109_0.jpg)

11 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Saturday routine, clean ship, make and mend.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d42: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0109_1.jpg)

12 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sunday routine

4caf866ccadfd34197015d43: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0110_0.jpg)

13 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44


4caf866ccadfd34197015d44: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0110_1.jpg)

14 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d45: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0111_0.jpg)

15 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.00am: Discharged one SPO to hospital.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d46: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0111_1.jpg)

16 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  4.00pm: General leave to port watch from 4.00pm till 8.00am Tuesday 21st March.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d47: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0112_0.jpg)

17 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Discharged two Marines and one Stoker to Chatham barracks per SS Briton.

10.00am: Court Martial assembled for trial of VCPO Hutley, ON 340720. [See Court of Inquiry of 22 January in Lagos].

  2.30pm: Court Martial finished.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d48: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0112_1.jpg)

18 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.00am: HMS Wallflower left basin.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d49: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0113_0.jpg)

19 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.00am: HMS Wallflower proceeded to Port Elizabeth.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d4a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0113_1.jpg)

20 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  7.00am: HMS’ Dublin and Lowestoft left for Port Elizabeth.

10.00am: Discharged one Marine by mail boat for RNB Chatham.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d4b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0114_0.jpg)

21 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d4c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0114_1.jpg)

22 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d4d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0115_0.jpg)

23 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d4e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0115_1.jpg)

24 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d4f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0116_0.jpg)

25 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  1.30pm: Weekend leave to starboard watch, until 8.00am Monday.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d50: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0116_1.jpg)

26 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sunday routine.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d51: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0117_0.jpg)

27 March 1922

Simon's Town.

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.00am: HMS’ Lowestoft and Dublin entered basin.

11.00am: Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d52: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0117_1.jpg)

28 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d53: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0118_0.jpg)

29 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.30am: Sent ammunition, stores and equipment to sanatorium.

  1.30pm: Sent range party to sanatorium.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d54: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0118_1.jpg)

30 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  10.00am: Hands addressed by C-in-C on parade ground (negative Kroomen).

4caf866ccadfd34197015d55: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0119_0.jpg)

31 March 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Simon’s Town refitting and Lüderitz Bay]

4caf866ccadfd34197015d56: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0119_1.jpg)

1 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.15am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.30am: Paid quarterly settlement.

  1.30pm: Hands to make and mend. Leave to starboard watch until 8.00am Monday.

  Sick list: 2.

Weather: Various breezes, N by W f 2-3 in the pm after some rain around noon, temperatures 62º to 69º F.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d57: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0120_0.jpg)

2 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sunday routine.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d58: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0120_1.jpg)

3 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d59: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0121_0.jpg)

4 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands restowing provision holds.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d5a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0121_1.jpg)

5 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d5b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0122_0.jpg)

6 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Range party returned to ship.

12.30pm: Range party left ship.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d5c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0122_1.jpg)

7 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  2.00pm: One Stoker returned from hospital.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d5d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0123_0.jpg)

8 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  1.30pm: Leave to starboard watch until 7.00am Monday.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d5e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0123_1.jpg)

9 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sunday routine.

10.00am: Discharged one Krooman to hospital.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d5f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0124_0.jpg)

10 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  4.00pm: Read warrant No 4. Discharged one Stoker to detention quarters.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d60: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0124_1.jpg)

11 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d61: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0125_0.jpg)

12 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d62: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0125_1.jpg)

13 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Range party returned.

12.30pm: One Stoker and one Cook discharged to hospital.

  4.00pm: Paid fortnightly payment

4caf866ccadfd34197015d63: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0126_0.jpg)

14 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sunday routine [Good Friday].

4caf866ccadfd34197015d64: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0126_1.jpg)

15 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Weekend leave to port watch.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d65: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0127_0.jpg)

16 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sunday routine [divisions, rounds, church parties landed, pipe down at noon].

4caf866ccadfd34197015d66: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0127_1.jpg)

17 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.15am: Hands at general drill and general quarters.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d67: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0128_0.jpg)

18 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.50am: HMS Lowestoft arrived in basin.

10.00am: Hands at divisions and drill. Ship inspected by Captain N O’Neill, Chief of Staff.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d68: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0128_1.jpg)

19 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  3.00pm: Hands ammunition ship.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d69: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0129_0.jpg)

20 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: RM detachment at drill.

  9.30am: Hands storing ship.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d6a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0129_1.jpg)

21 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Coaled ship, received 120 tons.

  3.30pm: Six Privates joined ship from Chatham barracks.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d6b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0130_0.jpg)

22 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.30am: HMS Dublin proceeded to Elephant Bay.

11.00am: HMS Lowestoft shifted to West wall.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d6c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0130_1.jpg)

23 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Diving party away on hull fittings.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d6d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0131_0.jpg)

24 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Hands provisioning ship.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d6e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0131_1.jpg)

25 April 1922

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: RMLI detachment inspected by Captain Miles RMLI, FRMO.

  2.00pm: One Cook returned from hospital.

  4.30pm: One Krooman joined from HMS Wallflower for passage to Sierra Leone.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d6f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0132_0.jpg)

4caf866ccadfd34197015d74: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0134_1.jpg)

26 April 1922

Simon’s Town and at sea towards Lüderitz Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

Fires lit in main boilers.

  2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to swing for compasses.

  3.10pm: Proceeded.

  4.40pm: A/c S60W.

  5.25pm: A/c N35W.

  6.00am: A/c N.

  6.35pm: Cape Pt Lt bg S52E, Slang Kop Lt bg N21E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d71: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0133_0.jpg)

4caf866ccadfd34197015d72: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0133_1.jpg)

4caf866ccadfd34197015d70: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0132_1.jpg)

Pages with notes on compass corrections.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d75: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0135_0.jpg)

4caf866ccadfd34197015d76: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0135_1.jpg)

27 April 1922

At sea

Lat -32.2, Long 17.2 [approx]

  1.55am: Dassen I. lt abeam, 14 miles.

  3.54am: Same bg S43E.

  6.30am: A/c N17E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d77: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0136_0.jpg)

28 April 1922

At sea

Lat -29.5, Long 15.9 [approx]

  6.00am: A/c North.

  9.45pm: A/c N5E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d78: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0136_1.jpg)

29 April 1922

At sea to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.62, Long 15.14

  8.00am: A/c N26E, then various courses for anchorage.

  1.15pm: Anchored in Robert harbour, Lüderitz Bay.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d79: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0137_0.jpg)

30 April 1922

Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.63, Long 15.16

  Sunday routine.


[Lüderitz Bay, Walvis Bay, Lobito and St Paul de Loanda]

4caf866ccadfd34197015d7a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0137_1.jpg)

1 May 1922

Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.63, Long 15.16

  9.15am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.00am: Paid monthly payment.

  8.00pm: Leave to watch and part to attend a concert and dance till midnight.

  Sick list: 3.

Weather: SW’ly breezes in the afternoon, dry, 57 to 67º F.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d7b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0138_0.jpg)

2 May 1922

Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.63, Long 15.16

  8.00pm: Leave to watch and part till midnight for concert.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d7c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0138_1.jpg)

3 May 1922

Lüderitz Bay and at sea towards Walvis Bay

Lat -26.0, Long 14.7 [approx]

  1.00am: Strong, dry squally wind from desert [NE f 5-6].

  4.00am: Temperature 78º F.

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

  7.40am: Course N17W.

11.45am: A/c N12E.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d7d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0139_0.jpg)

4 May 1922

At sea to Walvis Bay

Lat -23.1, Long 14.3 [approx]

  4.10am: A/c N28E.

  9.00am: Carried out 1” aiming rifle practice. Exercised 4” guns crews and control parties.

12.50pm: Sighted Walvis Bay No 2 buoy. A/c N75E, then various courses for anchorage.

  2.10pm: Anchored in Walvis Bay harbour. HMS Dublin in harbour.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d7e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0139_1.jpg)

5 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d7f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0140_0.jpg)

6 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall for Accession Day.

     Noon: Fired 21 gun salute.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d80: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0140_1.jpg)

7 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

10.00am: Hands rigging target.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d81: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0141_0.jpg)

8 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  8.00am: Party rigged target on spit.

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for carrying out firing and gunlayers’ test.

  Lost overboard by accident during firing, 24 4” brass cylinders, 20 2pdr brass cylinders and one rubber lifebuoy. [Hard to visualise quite what went wrong here!]

12.20pm: Anchored.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d82: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0141_1.jpg)

9 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  4.00am: HMS Dublin left for Saldanha Bay.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d83: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0142_0.jpg)

10 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  9.00am: Coaled ship. Took in 128 tons. [This brings her total coal to 173.5 tons, so about 25 tons in bags on deck.]

4caf866ccadfd34197015d84: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0142_1.jpg)

11 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ccadfd34197015d85: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0143_0.jpg)

12 May 1922

Walvis Bay and at sea towards Lobito

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  1.05pm: German SS Sultan* anchored.

  3.30pm: Received one case of marine clothing from the above.

  3.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  4.20pm: A/c N9W.

* Sultan, 1902, 5,528 tons, the second German East Africa Line ship of this name; she was Erna Woermann, then Huntscastle after being captured in Duala during the war.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d86: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0143_1.jpg)

13 May 1922

At sea

Lat -20.1, Long 12.8 [approx]

  Course N9W all day, 8 knots.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d87: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0144_0.jpg)

14 May 1922

At sea

Lat -17.2, Long 11.4 [approx]

  6.45am: A/c N19E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d88: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0144_1.jpg)

15 May 1922

At sea

Lat -14.0, Long 12.0 [approx]

  4.00am: A/c N42E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d89: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0145_0.jpg)

16 May 1922

At sea to Lobito

Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

10.30am: Anchored in the harbour, Lobito Bay.

12.15pm: Fired 9 gun salute for Vice-Consul.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d8a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0145_1.jpg)

17 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  7.00am: Hands bathing ashore on spit opposite ship.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d8b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0146_0.jpg)

18 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d8c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0146_1.jpg)

19 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  9.00am: SS Asareus [?] (German Woermann) arrived.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d8d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0147_0.jpg)

20 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d8e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0147_1.jpg)

21 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d8f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0148_0.jpg)

22 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56


4caf866dcadfd34197015d90: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0148_1.jpg)

23 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  1.00pm: HE the Portuguese Governor (Benguela*) came on board.

  3.50pm: Fired 17 gun salute for above Governor.

*Benguela is a large town about 30 km from Lobito and is also the name of the province, so probably this is the provincial governor, not the colonial governor-general).

4caf866dcadfd34197015d91: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0149_0.jpg)

24 May 1922


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Ganda (Portuguese) alongside jetty to water.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d92: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0149_1.jpg)

25 May 1922

Lobito and at sea towards St Paul de Loanda

Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  1.25pm: Received two bags of Portuguese mail for St Paul de Loanda.

  1.45pm: Slipped from SS Ganda and proceeded to sea.

  2.10pm: Course N5E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d93: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0150_0.jpg)

26 May 1922

At sea to St Paul de Loanda

Lat -10.0, Long 12.8 [approx]

  8.00am: Dressed ship masthead flags for Queen Alexandra’s birthday [actually this is Queen Mary’s birthday!].

  5.20pm: A/c S30E.

  6.40pm: Anchored, St Paul de Loanda.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d94: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0150_1.jpg)

27 May 1922

St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  9.00am: Fired 21 gun salute to Portuguese Flag.

10.00am: Saluted Consul General, 11 guns.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d95: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0151_0.jpg)

28 May 1922

St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d96: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0151_1.jpg)

29 May 1922

St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  Completed with coal, native labour.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d97: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0152_0.jpg)

30 May 1922

St Paul de Loanda and at sea towards Port Gentil

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  6.45pm: Spit LV abeam (P) 2 cables, course N17W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d98: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0152_1.jpg)

31 May 1922

At sea

Lat -6.2, Long 11.2 [approx]

  Course N17W, speed 8 knots, all day.


[Port Gentil, Sangatanga and Lagos]

4caf866dcadfd34197015d99: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0153_0.jpg)

1 June 1922

At sea

Lat -3.5, Long 9.4 [approx]

  Courses West of North, speed 8 to 9 knots, all day.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d9a: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0153_1.jpg)

2 June 1922

At sea to Port Gentil [then French Equatorial Africa, now Gabon]

Lat -0.5, Long 8.5 [approx]

  7.00am: A/c N10E.

11.40am: Sighted Cape Lopez bg S60E. A/c S60E, then various courses for anchorage.

  3.00pm: Anchored in Port Gentil harbour. Ships in harbour SS Prosper and SS Ambroise.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d9b: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0154_0.jpg)

3 June 1922

Port Gentil

Lat -0.72, Long 8.8

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall for King's birthday.

10.00am: Fired 15 gun salute for French Governor [at this time M. Victor Augagneur] who came on board.

     Noon: Fired 21 gun salute.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d9c: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0154_1.jpg)

4 June 1922

Port Gentil

Lat -0.72, Long 8.8

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d9d: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0155_0.jpg)

5 June 1922

Port Gentil to Sanga Tanga.

Lat -0.47, Long 9.2 [approx]

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded, course N60E.

11.40am: A/c S65E.

  1.00pm: Anchored in approx 0º 28’S, 9º 12’E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d9e: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0155_1.jpg)

6 June 1922

Sanga Tanga and at sea towards Lagos

Lat 1.4, Long 8.3 [approx]

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded, course N24W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015d9f: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0156_0.jpg)

7 June 1922

At sea

Lat 2.9, Long 6.7 [approx]

  Courses NNW all day.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0156_1.jpg)

8 June 1922

At sea

Lat 4.6, Long 5.0 [approx]

10.30pm: Sounded, 9 fathoms, a/c N73W.

11.25pm: A/c N85W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0157_0.jpg)

9 June 1922

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.3, Long 3.5 [approx]

12.20am: Lagos Lt bg N69W, various courses.

  2.15am: Anchored in 9 fathoms.

  6.30am: Pilot came on board.

  6.45am: Weighed and proceeded up harbour.

  7.30am: Anchored opposite E.D. Director House. HMS Thistle in harbour.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0157_1.jpg)

10 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Sent one case of Marine clothing to HMS Thistle.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0158_0.jpg)

11 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0158_1.jpg)

12 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires out in main boilers.

  1.00pm: Dwarf dragged her anchor to opposite W/T Station. Veered to three shackles.

  4.00pm: HMS Thistle sailed [for San Thomé, vide her log].

4caf866dcadfd34197015da5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0159_0.jpg)

13 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Shifted billet, towed by tug. Moored and anchored off Marina Wharf, stern to buoy, port bower in 3 fathoms, veered to five shackles.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0159_1.jpg)

14 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Diving party away on monthly dip.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0160_0.jpg)

15 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0160_1.jpg)

16 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015da9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0161_0.jpg)

17 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015daa: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0161_1.jpg)

18 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dab: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0162_0.jpg)

19 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

Fires lit in main boilers.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dac: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0162_1.jpg)

20 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dad: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0163_0.jpg)

21 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dae: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0163_1.jpg)

22 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall for Coronation day.

     Noon: Fired 21 gun salute.

4caf866dcadfd34197015daf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0164_0.jpg)

23 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0164_1.jpg)

24 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: Discharged one Stoker to SS Abinsi for Portsmouth Barracks.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0165_0.jpg)

25 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0165_1.jpg)

26 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

11.30am: Half masted colours for the late First Sea Lord Sir A Wilson by Admiralty Orders.

  1.30pm: Hoisted colours.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0166_0.jpg)

27 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0166_1.jpg)

28 June 1922


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0167_0.jpg)

29 June 1922

[28 June in log]

Lagos and at sea towards Accra

Lat 6.35, Long 3.3 [approx]

  9.30am: Weighed and proceeded, pilot on board.

10.30am: Pilot left ship.

10.40am: Fairway buoy abeam to port, 5 cables. Course S87W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0167_1.jpg)

30 June 1922

[29 June in log]

At sea

Lat 5.8, Long 1.2 [approx]

12.25pm: C St Paul bg North, a/c N60W.

  1.05pm: A/c N87W.

  5.00pm: Volta River abeam to starboard.


[Accra, Sekondi and Monrovia]

4caf866dcadfd34197015db7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0168_0.jpg)

1 July 1922

At sea to Accra

Lat 5.54, Long -0.2

  1.30am: A/c SSW.

  3.30am: A/c North, then various courses for anchorage.

  6.50am: Anchored in Accra Bay.

11.00am: Paid quarterly settlement.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0168_1.jpg)

2 July 1922


Lat 5.54, Long -0.2

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015db9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0169_0.jpg)

3 July 1922


Lat 5.54, Long -0.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dba: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0169_1.jpg)

4 July 1922

Accra and at sea towards Sekondi

Lat 5.54, Long -0.2

  7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S61W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dbb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0170_0.jpg)

5 July 1922

At sea to Sekondi

Lat 4.9, Long -1.7

11.34am: Anchored in Accra Roads, Sekondi.

  1.30pm: Coal lighter alongside, coaled ship with ship’s company labour.

  2.00pm: SS Akabo arrived with mails.

  9.15pm: Akabo left.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dbc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0170_1.jpg)

6 July 1922

Sekondi and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 4.7, Long -3.1 [approx]

  6.25am: Weighed and proceeded. Course S15W.

  7.15am: A/c S79W.

10.54am: C Three Points abeam to starboard.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dbd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0171_0.jpg)

7 July 1922

At sea

Lat 4.3, Long -5.4 [approx]

  3.00am: Passed CS Transmitter (Eastern Telegraph Co) steering East.

  8.20pm: A/c N73W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dbe: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0171_1.jpg)

8 July 1922

At sea

Lat 4.2, Long -7.9 [approx]

  6.30am: A/c N79W.

10.30am: Set three staysails. (The wind and swell are from the SW so these fore and aft sails will reduce Dwarf’s unpleasant tendency to roll.]

  4.12pm: A/c S80W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dbf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0172_0.jpg)

9 July 1922

At sea

Lat 5.5, Long -10.0 [approx]

  2.00am: A/c N72W.

  4.10am: A/c N50W.

  6.30am: A/c N43W.

11.30pm: SS Aba passed to port.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0172_1.jpg)

10 July 1922

At sea

Lat 6.7, Long -12.0 [approx]

  2.20am: HMS Verbena passed to port.

  7.00am: A/c N40W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0173_0.jpg)

11 July 1922

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: A/c N18E.

  6.20am: Hit submerged wreckage in 79º 50’N, 13º 39.5’W approx.

11.05am: A/c N50E, then various courses for anchorage.

12.10pm: Moored and anchored ship, Sierra Leone.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0173_1.jpg)

12 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Coaled ship with shore labour.

10.30am: Discharged one AB to hospital.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0174_0.jpg)

13 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0174_1.jpg)

14 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0175_0.jpg)

15 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0175_1.jpg)

16 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0176_0.jpg)

17 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Surveying cables.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0176_1.jpg)

18 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dc9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0177_0.jpg)

19 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Stored ship from lighter. 80 cases flour, 12 cases tobacco.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dca: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0177_1.jpg)

20 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dcb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0178_0.jpg)

21 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dcc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0178_1.jpg)

22 July 1922

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: SS Appam arrived.

  2.00pm: Appam left.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dcd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0179_0.jpg)

23 July 1922

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Monrovia

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.00am: Church. Bishop of Sierra Leone [at this time the Rt Rev John Walmsley] on board.

  3.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  4.40pm: Course S60W.

  6.00pm: Set jib.

10.30pm: A/c S18W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dce: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0179_1.jpg)

24 July 1922

At sea

Lat 7.3, Long -13.1 [approx]

  1.30am: A/c S43W.

11.45am: Furled jib.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dcf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0180_0.jpg)

25 July 1922

At sea to Monrovia.

Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

  4.00am: A/c N27E.

  4.40am: Sighted Monrovia Mt bg N50E, approx 9 miles.

  5.35am: A/c N40E.

  6.15am: Anchored, Monrovia.

  8.00am: Fired 21 gun salute for country.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0180_1.jpg)

26 July 1922


Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

  8.00am: Dressed ship. Independence Day of Liberian Republic.

     Noon: Fired 21 gun salute.

  1.20pm: Shifted billet one mile to seaward. Let go starboard anchor in 6 fms. Heavy swell.

10.00pm: Veered to 10 shackles. [A shackle at this time was a measure of anchor chain of 12½ fathoms, or 75 feet, and was the length of chain between joining shackles. Dwarf has veered out 750 feet of chain, more than four times the length of the ship.]

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0181_0.jpg)

27 July 1922

Monrovia and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

  4.00pm: Received one bag of mails for Sierra Leone.

  6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N47W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0181_1.jpg)

28 July 1922

At sea

Lat 7.0, Long -12.5 [approx]

  9.55am: Land bearing N38E.

  6.00pm: A/c N4E.

  8.20pm: A/c N53E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0182_0.jpg)

29 July 1922

At sea to Sierra Leone and at sea towards Bathurst

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

12.01am: A/c S80E.

  2.00am: Anchored off EG Pier S75E.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course N41W.

The log omits to mention it, but Dwarf must have coaled during the morning as the log shows 133 tons in the bunkers.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0182_1.jpg)

30 July 1922

At sea

Lat 9.7, Long -15.1 [approx]

  Sunday routine.

  9.00pm: A/c N22W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0183_0.jpg)

31 July 1922

At sea

Lat 11.5, Long -16.6 [approx]

  4.00am: A/c N18E.

  7.30pm: A/c N25W.

  8.00pm: A/c N18E.

11.59pm: A/c S81E.


[Bathurst, Dakar, St Vincent, Funchal and Gibraltar]

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0183_1.jpg)

1 August 1922

At sea to Bathurst

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  2.15am: Slow both, a/c N80W.

  5.15am: A/c S81E.

  6.15am: Sighted land to starboard.

  6.30am: Sighted W/T mast bg E by S.

  7.18am: A/c N70E.

11.00am: Anchored in Bathurst Roads.

  Sick list: 1.

Weather: Light NW’ly breezes, mostly cloudy or overcast with rain at times, 75º to 83º F.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0184_0.jpg)

2 August 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0184_1.jpg)

3 August 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires out in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dd9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0185_0.jpg)

4 August 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dda: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0185_1.jpg)

5 August 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015ddb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0186_0.jpg)

6 August 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015ddc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0186_1.jpg)

7 August 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

Fires lit in main boilers.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015ddd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0187_0.jpg)

8 August 1922

Bathurst and at sea towards Dakar

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded alongside customs wharf.

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.15pm: Africa Knoll buoy abeam to port, course N70W.

  9.40pm: Outer Fairway buoy abeam, a/c N24W.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dde: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0187_1.jpg)

9 August 1922

At sea to Dakar

Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  2.45am: A/c N7E.

  5.30am: C Verde Lt bg N45W.

  8.25am: Stopped to pick up Pilot.

  8.30am: Saluted country 21 guns.

  9.00am: Secured to buoy close to Arsenal.

  9.30am: Coaled ship with shore labour.

4caf866dcadfd34197015ddf: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0188_0.jpg)

10 August 1922


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  9.00am: French sloop Antares secured to adjacent buoy.

10.15am: Saluted British Consul, 11 guns.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0188_1.jpg)

11 August 1922


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0189_0.jpg)

12 August 1922

Dakar and at sea to St Vincent, Cape Verde Is

Lat 15.6, Long -19.0 [approx]

  6.40am: Slipped and proceeded, course N52W, speed 8 knots.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de2: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0189_1.jpg)

13 August 1922

At sea

Lat 16.2, Long -21.5 [approx]

  Course N52W all day.

  Sunday routine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de3: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0190_0.jpg)

14 August 1922

At sea to St Vincent

Lat 16.8, Long -23.8 [approx]

  4.10am: Lat by Polaris, 16º 32.5’N

  6.45am: Sighted land (St Nicholas I.) bg 260º.

  9.20am: A/c N53W.

  4.00pm: A/c S85W.

  5.00pm: Anchored in Rio Grande [Porto Grande Bay]. Saluted Portuguese Flag, 21 guns.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de4: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0190_1.jpg)

15 August 1922

St Vincent [Sao Vicente]

Lat 16.89, Long -25.00

10.00am: Saluted British Consul with 7 guns.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de5: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0191_0.jpg)

16 August 1922

St Vincent

Lat 16.89, Long -25.00

  9.00am: Diving party away examining pier.

11.00am: Coaled ship with shore labour.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de6: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0191_1.jpg)

17 August 1922

St Vincent and at sea towards Madeira

Lat 18.2, Long -24.6 [approx]

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course N44E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de7: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0192_0.jpg)

18 August 1922

At sea

Lat 20.2, Long -23.5 [approx]

  Course N44E all day, 7.5 knots.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0192_1.jpg)

19 August 1922

At sea

Lat 22.3, Long -22.4 [approx]

  Course N44E all day, 7 knots.

4caf866dcadfd34197015de9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0193_0.jpg)

20 August 1922

At sea

Lat 24.4, Long -21.3 [approx]

  5.00am: A/c N42E.

  2.15pm: Port engine stopped for repairs.

  8.00pm: Restarted port engine.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dea: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0193_1.jpg)

21 August 1922

At sea

Lat 26.5, Long -20.2 [approx]

  8.00am: A/c N40E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015deb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0194_0.jpg)

22 August 1922

At sea

Lat 28.6, Long -19.1 [approx]

  Course N40E all day, 6.5 knots.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dec: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0194_1.jpg)

23 August 1922

At sea

Lat 30.7, Long -18.0 [approx]

  5.20am: A/c N44E.

  9.40am: A/c N50E.

4caf866dcadfd34197015ded: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0195_0.jpg)

24 August 1922

At sea to Funchal, Madeira

Lat 32.64, Long -16.9

  2.00am: Sighted Lt Gp FL (3), not marked on chart but thought to be Fora I., bg N9E.

  7.15am: Stopped starboard engine for repairs.

  8.05am: Anchored, Funchal harbour. Saluted Portuguese Flag, 21 guns salute. Coaled ship with shore labour.

11.00am: SS Armadale Castle sailed.

4caf866dcadfd34197015dee: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0195_1.jpg)

25 August 1922


Lat 32.64, Long -16.9

11.55am: Fired 7 gun salute to British Consul. Fired 15 gun salute to Civil Governor. Fired 15 gun salute to Military Governor.

4caf866dcadfd34197015def: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0196_0.jpg)

26 August 1922


Lat 32.64, Long -16.9

  9.00am: Hands cleaning and painting ship’s side.

  1.30pm: Make and mend.

4caf866ecadfd34197015df0: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0196_1.jpg)

27 August 1922


Lat 32.64, Long -16.9

  Sunday routine.

4caf866ecadfd34197015df1: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0197_0.jpg)

28 August 1922

Funchal and at sea towards Gibraltar

Lat 32.9, Long -16.2 [approx]

  7.00am: SS Almanzora (RMSP) arrived.

  9.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course N87E.

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29 August 1922

At sea

Lat 33.9, Long -12.8 [approx]

     Noon: A/c N84E.

  7.10pm: A/c N81E.

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30 August 1922

At sea

Lat 35.1, Long -8.7 [approx]

     Noon: A/c N77E.

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31 August 1922

At sea to Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  6.20am: Sighted C Spartel bg S87E.

11.25am: Secured to No 9 buoy, Gibraltar.

  Lost overboard by accident while on passage, one box of percussion primers.

  1.30pm: Hands employed to de-ammunition ship.

  3.30pm: Shifted by tug to dockyard wall.


[Gibraltar for refit and new crew]

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1 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: Commenced refit.

11.00am: Paid monthly payment.

  1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch to 7.00am and part to 11.00pm.

  Sick list: Nil.

Weather: SW breezes up to f4, dry and clear, 65º to 71º F.

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2 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

11.00am: Spanish Governor of Algeciras visited in a gunboat. Paraded guard.

  8.45pm: HMS Ceres entered harbour.

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3 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.00am: HMS Curlew arrived.

  9.00am: Discharged five ratings to HMS Ceres for passage home.

10.40am: HMS Vindictive sailed.

4caf866ecadfd34197015df8: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0200_1.jpg)

4 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: Carried out monthly diving dip.

4caf866ecadfd34197015df9: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0201_0.jpg)

5 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: Sent cutter, surf boat and whaler to boat shed.

4caf866ecadfd34197015dfa: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0201_1.jpg)

6 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  9.00am: Barometer returned to stores.

  1.30pm: Hands employed swinging cables onto jetty.

4caf866ecadfd34197015dfb: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0202_0.jpg)

7 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  1.30pm: Hands removing stores to lay apart store.

4caf866ecadfd34197015dfc: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0202_1.jpg)

8 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: HMS Rigorous left for trials.

4caf866ecadfd34197015dfd: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0203_0.jpg)

9 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  5.00am: HMS Calypso arrived.

12.25pm: All ratings left ship for HMS Cormorant. Ship prepared for fumigation. All ratings victualled at Cormorant and WO's. Two men onboard as ship keepers.

4caf866ecadfd34197015dfe: ( 53-76507/ADM 53-76507-0203_1.jpg)

  September 9 - September 20

  All hands victualled and accommodated in HMS Cormorant.

  Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

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20 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  1.30pm: Paid off. Crew transferred to HMS Vindictive.

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Above seven pages are all blank.


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Front cover, Adm/53.76508, 21st September 1922 to October 1st 1923.

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Above five pages blank.

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Commanded by Lt/Cdr S Phillimore.

For the period commencing Sept. 21st 1922

Tonnage 710. Length 180’. Breadth 33’.

Engines by London & Glasgow Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.

IHP: Natural draught 900, forced draught 1300.

Vertical triple expansion 3 cylinder. Fixed in vessel 1898.

Boilers: Hawthorn Leslie & Co. Yarrow small tube, 1917.

Propellor: London & Glasgow Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Three blade bronze, condition very good.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e0f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0005_0.jpg)

Printed page of instructions for logkeepers.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e10: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0005_1.jpg)

Details of ship.


6 officers.

34 Seamen,

14 Kroomen.

9 Marines.

24 engine room.

14 others.

Total 101

Barometer. A 278.

Air thermometers. Sited port waist, in screen. AG Cossar & Son from 24th October 1922.

Sea thermometer. AG Cossar & Son from 24th October 1922.


Two 4” Mk IV semi-auto.

Four two pdr pom-poms, Mk II.

Four 3 pdr Hotchkiss Mk I.


One steam cutter, 23 ft.

One service cutter, 28 ft.

One Montagu whaler, 27 ft.

One surf boat, 25 ft.

One skiff dinghy, 16 ft.

Loaded draught 11’ 5” for’d, 10’ 1” aft.

Signed by the Captain and the Navigating Officer.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e11: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0006_0.jpg)

21 September 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  HMS Dwarf recommissioned with a Chatham crew. Ship in dock yard hands for yearly refit.

  From 21st Sept to 11th Oct ship's company were accommodated in HMS Cormorant.

  Oct 3rd 1922. Read warrant No 1.


[Gibraltar to complete refit]

4caf866ecadfd34197015e12: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0006_1.jpg)

11 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: Ship’s company left HMS Cormorant to live in HMS Dwarf. Hands cleaning messdecks.

  3.25pm: Italian cruiser Francesco Ferruccio arrived with escorting TBD. HRH Prince of Piedmont on board.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e13: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0007_0.jpg)

12 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed drawing stores.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e14: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0007_1.jpg)

13 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed on stores and cleaning messdecks.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e15: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0008_0.jpg)

14 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  3.00pm: Italian cruiser Francesco Ferruccio left.

  4.00pm: 12 American destroyers arrived. [This is Destroyer Squadron 14, all Clemson class destoyers, that left Norfolk Roads on 2 October for Constantinople. In alphabetical order they are USS’ Bainbridge DD-246, Barry DD-248, Fox DD-234, Gilmer DD-233, Goff DD-247, Hatfield DD-231, Hopkins DD-249, Kane DD-235, King DD-242, McFarland DD-237, Overton DD-239, Sturtevant DD-240.]

4caf866ecadfd34197015e16: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0008_1.jpg)

15 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine. Read the Articles of War.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e17: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0009_0.jpg)

16 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Hands painting magazines and shell rooms.

  3.30pm: Landed football party.

  5.15pm: 12 US destroyers left harbour.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e18: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0009_1.jpg)

17 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands scraping ship’s side and employed on ship’s stores.

  2.00pm: One AB rejoined ship from RN Hospital.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e19: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0010_0.jpg)

18 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: HMS Diomede arrived.

  9.30am: Hands drawing medical stores and red-leading ship’s side.

  2.00pm: Hands drawing Bosun’s stores.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e1a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0010_1.jpg)

19 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.00am: HMS Diomede sailed.

  9.00am: HMS Thunderer arrived.

  2.00pm: USS Pittsburgh [Pittsberg in log] arrived.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e1b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0011_0.jpg)

20 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands painting ship.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e1c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0011_1.jpg)

21 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Store parties landed.

  1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

  2.00pm: Duty part of watch secured SS Hecuba* alongside main wharf.

  5.00pm: Hecuba sailed.

*Hecuba, the second of two Blue Funnel Line ships of this name. 1901, 7,540 tons, ex-Brandenburg, sold and scrapped in 1924.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e1d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0012_0.jpg)

22 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e1e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0012_1.jpg)

23 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.00am: Hands drawing provisions for four months from victualling yard.

11.00am: USS Pittsburgh fired salute on hoisting flag of VA Long, transferred from USS Utah.

  1.30pm: Utah sailed for USA.

  2.00pm: HMS Sportive shifted berth to a buoy.

  5.45pm: Finished stowing provisions.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e1f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0013_0.jpg)

24 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.30am: Bosun’s party refitting boat falls.

  8.00am: Dress ship with mast head flags on occasion of HM the Queen of Spain's birthday. [A sign of happier times between Gibraltar and Spain!]

  9.00am: Store parties landed.

10.00am: HMS Thunderer shifted berth to detached mole.

     Noon: Salute of 21 guns fired.

  1.00pm: HMS Sportive sailed.

  2.40pm: Sportive returned and secured to buoy.

  3.40pm: Sportive left for Malta.

  4.00pm: Hoisted steam cutter.

  4.20pm: HMS Vindictive arrived.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e20: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0013_1.jpg)

25 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands painting aloft and upperworks. Store parties drawing stores.

10.00am: HMS Vindictive sailed.

11.00am: One Ldg Seaman discharged to hospital.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e21: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0014_0.jpg)

26 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands refitting boats’ falls and painting.

  7.00am: HMS Endeavour arrived.

  2.00pm: One Ldg Cook and one Corporal of Marines joined ship.

  3.00pm: One Stoker discharged to hospital.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e22: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0014_1.jpg)

27 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Shifted ship under 50 ton crane.

10.00am: Royal Marine detachment inspected.

10.30am: Shifted ship to No 1 billet.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e23: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0015_0.jpg)

28 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  7.00am: Raised steam in both boilers for basin trials.

  8.00pm: Let fires die out.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e24: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0015_1.jpg)

29 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday routine.

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4caf866ecadfd34197015e26: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0016_1.jpg)

30 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Shifted to coal jetty with tug.

11.30am: HMS Endeavour sailed for Sierra Leone.

12.30pm: Raised steam in one boiler.

  2.30pm: Completed with coal, 140 tons.

  4.00pm: Hands drawing boats.

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4caf866ecadfd34197015e28: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0017_1.jpg)

Records of compass deviations.

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4caf866ecadfd34197015e2a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0018_1.jpg)

Positions of compass correction bars.

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4caf866ecadfd34197015e2c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0019_1.jpg)

31 October 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  4.30am: Raised steam in both boilers. Hoisted boats.

  9.38am: Cast off and proceeded for steam trial.

11.50am: Completed trial. Secured to No 7 buoy.

  1.30pm: Swung ship for compass correction, tug assisting. Let fires die out.


[Gibraltar, Tenerife, Dakar, Bathurst and Freetown]

4caf866ecadfd34197015e2d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0020_0.jpg)

1 November 1922


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Embarked ammunition.

  3.00pm: One Ldg Seaman and one Stoker joined from hospital.

  5.00pm: One Ldg Signalman and one AB discharged to HMS Cormorant.

  5.30pm: Hands mustered for payment.

Weather: Calm or light airs, cloudy, 53º to 65º F.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e2e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0020_1.jpg)

2 November 1922

Gibraltar and at sea towards Tenerife

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  4.00am: Raised steam in both boilers. Hoisted boats.

10.00am: Inspection by CSO for VA Gibraltar.

10.30am: Exercised action stations.

10.55am: CSO left ship.

11.30am: Slipped and proceeded, Westerly courses.

12.28pm: A/c S61.5W.

  2.12pm: A/c N80W.

  3.18pm: A/c S84.5W.

 5.25pm: Passed SS Santorus of Catania bound West.

  5.54pm: Cape Spartel Lt bg S (mag), 2.75 miles.

  8.27pm: Steering gear jambed. Stopped engines.

  8.40pm: Proceeded.

  9.15pm: Larache Lt bg S10E.

10.00pm: Same bg S24.5E.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e2f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0021_0.jpg)

3 November 1922

At sea

Lat 34.19, Long -8.19

  8.00am: Pos. 35º 40’N, 6º 11’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 228.5º, 146 miles.

  5.15pm: Sighted HMS’ Hood and Repulse hull down to eastward.

  7.25pm: Helm defective. Stopped engines.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 31.5’N, 9º 04’W.

  8.07pm: Proceeded.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e30: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0021_1.jpg)

4 November 1922

At sea

Lat 32.2, Long -11.04

  8.00am: Pos. 32º 33’N, 10º 30.5’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 230.5º, 192 miles.

  4.00pm: Exercised “collision” and “abandon ship” stations.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30º 28’N, 11º 57’W.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e31: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0022_0.jpg)

5 November 1922

At sea

Lat 30.0, Long -14.19

8.00am: Pos. 30º 21’N, 13º 32’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 231º, 210 miles.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e32: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0022_1.jpg)

6 November 1922

At sea to Santa Cruz

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  1.00am: Sighted Anaga Lt bg S71W(mag).

  5.02am: Anaga Lt abeam 5 miles.

  7.00am: Spanish pilot boarded. Fired 21 guns salute.

  7.38am: Anchored and secured to buoys fore and aft, in Santa Cruz harbour.

  9.00am: British Vice-Consul visited.

  9.45am: Let fires die out. Coaling (native labour), received 75 tons.

11.00pm: Libertymen returned, two absentees.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e33: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0023_0.jpg)

7 November 1922

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  2.00pm: Two absentees returned.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e34: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0023_1.jpg)

8 November 1922

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  Clean ship etc.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e35: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0024_0.jpg)

9 November 1922

Santa Cruz de Tenerife and at sea towards Dakar

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

  5.00am: Raised steam on both boilers.

11.25am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. Course S28.5W

  4.15pm: Set fore staysail.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27º 20’N, 16º 31’W. A/c S26W.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e36: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0024_1.jpg)

10 November 1922

At sea

Lat 25.0, Long -17.02

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 33’N, 16º 52’W.

  9.45am: Set main staysail.

     Noon: Course & DMG 191º, 210 miles.

  5.35pm: Lowered fore staysail.

  6.15pm: Reset fore staysail.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23º 53.5’N, 17º 18’W.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e37: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0025_0.jpg)

11 November 1922

At sea

Lat 21.71, Long -17.79

  8.00am: Pos. 22º 14’N, 17º 40’W.

11.00am: Stopped engines. Two minutes silence.

     Noon: Course & DMG 192º, 202 miles.

12.25pm: Lowered fore and main staysails.

  4.20pm: A/c S15W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 35’N, 17º 53’W.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e38: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0025_1.jpg)

12 November 1922

At sea

Lat 18.16, Long -17.83

  1.35am: Set fore and main staysails.

  8.00am: Pos. 18º 45’N, 17º 48.5’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 191º, 41 miles, 178º 180 miles.

  2.20pm: Lowered staysails.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16º 58.7’N, 17º 47’W.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e39: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0026_0.jpg)

13 November 1922

At sea to Dakar

Lat 14.76, Long -17.66 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 15º 22’N, 17º 43.5’W.

  9.00am: Sighted Almadi Pt bg S19W.

11.15am: Exercised Lewis gun firing.

  3.20pm: Stopped and took pilot onboard. Fired 21 gun salute.

  4.00pm: Secured to buoy. Coaling lighter alongside port side. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e3a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0026_1.jpg)

14 November 1922


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  Coaling both sides, received 70 tons.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e3b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0027_0.jpg)

15 November 1922


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

11.00am: British Consul-General visited ship. Fired 11 gun salute.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e3c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0027_1.jpg)

16 November 1922

Dakar and at sea towards Bathurst

Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  1.35am: French sloop Regulus left.

  3.00pm: Raised steam in both boilers.

  7.30pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. Course S10E.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e3d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0028_0.jpg)

17 November 1922

At sea to Bathurst

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  4.15am: Sighted Fairway buoy, Gambia River.

  8.05am: Fairway buoy abeam.

  9.42am: Anchored off Bathurst in 10 fms. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e3e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0028_1.jpg)

18 November 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e3f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0029_0.jpg)

19 November 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

10.30am: Landed RC church party. C of E party sent to HMS Thistle.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e40: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0029_1.jpg)

20 November 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Painting etc.

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21 November 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Painting etc.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e42: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0030_1.jpg)

22 November 1922


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  6.00am: Landed RM detachment for drill.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e43: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0031_0.jpg)

23 November 1922

Bathurst and at sea towards Freetown

Lat 13.46, Long -16.9

  3.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of river.

10.02am: Fairway buoy abeam. Course S67W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 219º, 20 miles.

  1.35pm: Set fore and main staysails.

  4.15pm: A/c S18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 20’N, 17º 29’W.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e44: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0031_1.jpg)

24 November 1922

At sea

Lat 10.71, Long -16.8

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 55.5’N, 17º 16.3’W.

12.40pm: Lowered staysails.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 06.5’N, 15º 48.5’W.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e45: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0032_0.jpg)

25 November 1922

At sea to Freetown.

Lat 8.79, Long -13.81

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 09’N, 14º 17’W.

10.48am: A/c S42E, then various courses for anchorage.

     Noon: Course & DMG 123º, 212 miles.

  1.00pm: Sighted Cape Sierra Leone right ahead.

  4.20pm: Anchored off Freetown. HMS Endeavour in harbour. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e46: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0032_1.jpg)

26 November 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: Landed RC church party.

10.00am: C of E party sent to HMS Endeavour.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e47: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0033_0.jpg)

27 November 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: HMS Endeavour sailed.

10.00am: Coaling from lighters. Received 105 tons.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e48: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0033_1.jpg)

28 November 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e49: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0034_0.jpg)

29 November 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.30am: Marine detachment landed for drill.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e4a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0034_1.jpg)

30 November 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.00am: Hands landed to prepare boom defence gear for removal.


[Freetown and at sea locally to assist HMS Endeavour with survey]

4caf866ecadfd34197015e4b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0035_0.jpg)

1 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Landed boom defence party.

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall in honour of birthday of HM Queen Alexandra.

  9.15am: Divisions, prayers.

     Noon: Fired salute of 21 guns.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 6.00pm.

  7.00pm: Drew fires in picket boat.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

  Sick list: 1.

Weather: Wind SE f1 in am, calm in pm, overcast, 78º to 81º F.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e4c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0035_1.jpg)

2 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: HMS Endeavour arrived.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e4d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0036_0.jpg)

3 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

Sunday routine.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e4e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0036_1.jpg)

4 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Working party landed to prepare boom defence for evacuation.

  9.00am: HMS Endeavour sailed.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e4f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0037_0.jpg)

5 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Landed boom defence party.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e50: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0037_1.jpg)

6 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Marine detachment landed for drill.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e51: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0038_0.jpg)

7 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e52: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0038_1.jpg)

8 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.00pm: HMS Endeavour arrived.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e53: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0039_0.jpg)

9 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  3.00pm: Half masted colours on death of Bishop of Sierra Leone [the Rt Rev John Walmsley].

4caf866ecadfd34197015e54: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0039_1.jpg)

10 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: Half masted colours for funeral of Bishop of Sierra Leone.

11.00am: Rehoisted colours.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e55: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0040_0.jpg)

11 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Landed boom defence working party.

  1.00pm: One PO and one AB joined ship from HMS Endeavour [PO Richardson and AB Forrest, to assist in surveying duties, vide log of Endeavour].

  2.00pm: Endeavour sailed.

  4.00pm: Two Marines discharged to military hospital.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e56: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0040_1.jpg)

12 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Boom party landed. RM detachment landed for drill.

4caf866ecadfd34197015e57: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0041_0.jpg)

13 December 1922

Freetown and at sea off Cape Sierra Leone

Lat 8.45, Long -13.35 [approx]

12.01am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  6.00am: Starboard anchor weighed foul. Let go port anchor.

  8.27am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.10am: Wreck off Sierra Leone Cape bore S2E 7 cables.

  9.50am: Anchored in position 7 miles 248º from Aberdeen Hill.

  3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S70E.

  4.22pm: Anchored. HMS Endeavour anchored 2.5 cables to seaward [Dwarf is assisting Endeavour with a survey]

4caf866ecadfd34197015e58: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0041_1.jpg)

14 December 1922

At sea off Cape Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.4 [approx]

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course N75W, 8 knots.

  7.07am: Anchored. Angles taken to assist HMS Endeavour.

  4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S71E, 8 knots.

  5.45pm: Anchored. HMS Endeavour anchored 2 cables to seaward.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e59: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0042_0.jpg)

15 December 1922

At sea off Banana Peak, Sierra Leone

Lat 8.1, Long -13.3 [approx]

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.35am: Anchored. 7.5m 276º from Banana Pk. Angles taken to assist HMS Endeavour.

  2.34pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S76E, 8 knots.

  3.15pm: Stopped. Returned one PO and one AB to HMS Endeavour.

  6.35pm: Anchored off False Cape.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e5a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0042_1.jpg)

16 December 1922

False Cape to Freetown

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded, course N, 8 knots.

  7.50am: Anchored off Freetown. Drew fires in one boiler.

10.50am: HMS Endeavour arrived.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e5b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0043_0.jpg)

17 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Landed RC party.

10.00am: C of E party to HMS Endeavour.

  5.00pm: One Blacksmith and one AB [divers according to Endeavour’s log] joined ship from Endeavour.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e5c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0043_1.jpg)

18 December 1922


Lat 8.5, Long -13.28

  6.10am: Weighed and proceeded to Pirate Bay in Sierra Leone River.

  6.40am: Secured to buoy in Pirate Bay. Cutter with diving party away sinking old boom defence buoys.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e5d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0044_0.jpg)

19 December 1922

Sierra Leone River

Lat 8.5, Long -13.28

  5.30am: Hands cleaning ship and party away sinking buoys.

  8.00am: HMS Endeavour passed to seaward.

  4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded up river.

  5.14pm: Anchored in Kru Bay.

  5.40pm: Shifted berth and re-anchored.

  Lost overboard from diving boat by accident: One 11lb sledge hammer, one 6lb slogging hammer, two crosscut chisels and three chipping chisels [from which it may be inferred that the method of sinking the old buoys was to bash a big hole in their sides!]

4caf866fcadfd34197015e5e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0044_1.jpg)

20 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: Diving party salving anchor off Government Pier.

11.30am: One Private RMLI rejoined ship from military hospital.

  2.35pm: Shifted berth and re-anchored.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e5f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0045_0.jpg)

21 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Marine detachment landed for drill.

  8.00am: Divers examining underwater fittings.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e60: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0045_1.jpg)

22 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.40pm: HMS Endeavour arrived. Discharged one Blacksmith and one AB to same.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e61: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0046_0.jpg)

23 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

11.30pm: One Ldg Signalman joined from depôt.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e62: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0046_1.jpg)

24 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e63: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0047_0.jpg)

25 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Christmas Day, no work.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e64: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0047_1.jpg)

26 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing bridge to go alongside.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e65: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0048_0.jpg)

27 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to secure alongside HMS Endeavour [for some seasonal ship visiting. Endeavour puts on an officers’ dance and a ship’s company dance on successive nights, after their concert on the 26th. There was also a whist drive! Vide log of Endeavour].

10.00am: Landed swimming party.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e66: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0048_1.jpg)

28 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Marines landed for drill.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e67: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0049_0.jpg)

29 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Landed swimming party, remainder painting upper deck.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e68: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0049_1.jpg)

30 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.55am: Cast off from HMS Endeavour to anchor.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e69: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0049a_0.jpg)

31 December 1922


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine. Landed RC church party. C of E party to service in HMS Endeavour.


JP map Dwarf 1923


[Freetown, Accra and Lagos]

4caf866fcadfd34197015e6a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0049a_1.jpg)

1 January 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.00am: Marine detachment landed for drilll.

  9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Non swimming party landed.

  9.30am: Hands returning empties to store and reeling up and oiling wires.

     Noon: Leave to port watch, 1.30pm to 6.30pm.

  1.30pm: Landed libertymen.

  4.00pm: Evening quarters.

  6.30pm: Libertymen returned.

  8.00pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

  Sick list: 2.

Weather: Calm at first, then light SW breezes, mostly cloudy, 79º to 85º F.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e6b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0050_0.jpg)

2 January 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Hands refitting tackles and cleaning ship.

10.00am: HMS Endeavour left for Dublin I. [vide her log].

4caf866fcadfd34197015e6c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0050_1.jpg)

3 January 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Non swimming party landed.

  9.30am: Hands refitting coaling screens [the screens that cover all hatchways, doors and ventilators to keep coal dust out while coaling. Refitting them in this case means inspecting and renovating as required].

4caf866fcadfd34197015e6d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0051_0.jpg)

4 January 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Hands refitting coaling gear [the barrows, shovels, derricks, whips, slings and hooks that bring the coal aboard in bags from the lighter or collier].

  3.30pm: HMS Endeavour arrived.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e6e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0051_1.jpg)

5 January 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.30am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

  8.30am: Hands refitting boom gear and holystoning upper deck.

12.20pm: Completed with coal, received 151 tons.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e6f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0052_0.jpg)

6 January 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.30pm: One Marine rejoined ship from military hospital.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e70: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0052_1.jpg)

7 January 1923

Freetown and at sea towards Accra

Lat 8.45, Long -13.35 by X bearings

  4.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  8.30am: Weighed foul anchor*.

  9.30am: Three RM Privates joined ship.

10.50am: Proceeded.

11.25am: Course S59W.

  4.39pm: A/c S.

  7.24pm: A/c S39E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 35’N, 13º 35.5’W.

10.25pm: A/c S37E.

*Something to which Bramble class gunboats are very prone, as they draw more water for’d than aft and so the stern tends to be blown around the anchor.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e71: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0053_0.jpg)

8 January 1923

At sea

Lat 6.45, Long -11.99 DR

  4.00am: A/c S40E.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 42N, 12º 23.5W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 03N, 10º 59.4W.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e72: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0053_1.jpg)

9 January 1923

At sea

Lat 4.9, Long -9.1

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 09N, 9º 36W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 16.8N, 8º 14.1W.

10.33pm: A/c S15W.

10.37pm: A/c S77E.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e73: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0054_0.jpg)

10 January 1923

At sea

Lat 4.31, Long -6.21

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 15.5’N, 6º 46’W.

  4.00pm: Exercised “close WT doors” and “streaming fog buoy” [a buoy towed behind the ship in poor visibility to give advance warning to ships coming up from astern. Useful for Dwarf as most commercial steamers are considerably faster than her].

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 23.5’N, 8º 05’W.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e74: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0054_1.jpg)

11 January 1923

At sea

Lat 4.56, Long -2.53

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 29.4’N, 3º 07.5’W

     Noon: Course & DMG 086º, 223 miles.

  4.00pm: Exercised “sea boats crew picking up life buoy” and “cleared foc’sle for action”. Exercised control party.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 46.5’N, 1º 37’W.

  8.05pm: Sekondi Lt bg N15W, 11 miles.

11.30pm: Sighted Cape Coast Castle Lt abeam, 14 miles.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e75: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0055_0.jpg)

12 January 1923

At sea to Accra

Lat 5.54, Long -0.2

12.04am: Cape Coast Castle bg N4.5E, 10 miles.

  3.04am: Stopped. Port circulating pump broken down.

  3.11am: Proceeded.

  6.00am: Hands clearing QD for action.

  7.00am: Exercised “general quarters”. Carried out 1” aiming rifle practice.

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 12.5’N, 0º 30’W

12.09pm: Anchored off Accra. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e76: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0055_1.jpg)

13 January 1923


Lat 5.54, Long -0.2

10.00am: One Krooman discharged to hospital.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e77: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0056_0.jpg)

14 January 1923


Lat 5.54, Long -0.2

  Sunday routine.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e78: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0056_1.jpg)

15 January 1923

Accra and at sea

Lat 5.58, Long 0.13

  4.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  9.04am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.28am: Christiansborg Castle bg N14E, course S87E.

10.45am: Set main stay sail.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 078.5º, 20 miles.

12.15pm: Set fore staysail.

  4.30pm: Exercised “abandon ship” stations.

  5.25pm: Furled fore staysail.

  6.30pm: Reset fore staysail. Cape St Paul Lt bg N14W(m), 4.1 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 49’N, 1º 11’E.

  9.00pm: Lowered fore staysail.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e79: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0057_0.jpg)

16 January 1923

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.34, Long 3.19

  7.00am: A/c N72E.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 11’N, 2º 41.5’E.

  9.30am: Marines exercised at 4” gun drill.

12.50pm: Lagos Lt bg N80E(m).

  1.45pm: A/c N47E for Fairway buoy.

  3.22pm: Anchored, Lagos harbour.

  5.40pm: Secured stern to buoy in Lagos River.

  8.00pm: Hands shortened in both cables to 3 shackles. Sounded 3.5 fathoms, for’d, 3 fathoms aft. Let fires die out.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e7a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0057_1.jpg)

17 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.30am: Hands preparing holds for provisioning.

  3.00pm: Provisions lighter secured alongside.

  4.30pm: Hands stowing rum in spirit room [a procedure closely supervised by the Master-at-Arms].

4caf866fcadfd34197015e7b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0058_0.jpg)

18 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Completed with provisions.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e7c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0058_1.jpg)

19 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

9.30am: Hands refitting boom gear and holystoning upper deck [the booms are rigged from the side of the ship in harbour to provide moorings for the boats].

4caf866fcadfd34197015e7d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0059_0.jpg)

20 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.00am: RM detachment landed for drill. Hands scrubbing boat deck.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e7e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0059_1.jpg)

21 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine. RC party landed. Church on board. Hands mustered by the ledger

4caf866fcadfd34197015e7f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0060_0.jpg)

22 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Completed with coal from lighters, received 100 tons.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e80: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0060_1.jpg)

23 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands painting down aloft and cleaning ship’s side.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e81: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0061_0.jpg)

24 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands painting ship.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e82: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0061_1.jpg)

25 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: Marines landed for drill.

  9.30am: Hands employed scraping and painting boats.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e83: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0062_0.jpg)

26 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: One Krooman rejoined ship from hospital, Accra.

  9.30am: Hands turning boats falls and painting waterline [the falls, the ropes used to hoist and lower the boats, are regularly turned end for end to even out the wear on them].

4caf866fcadfd34197015e84: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0062_1.jpg)

27 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  2.00pm: Starboard after provision hold and formost 4” shell room discovered flooded due to burst in Downton [a type of pump] supply pipe. Hands employed cleaning flooded compartments.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e85: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0063_0.jpg)

28 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e86: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0063_1.jpg)

29 January 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Coaling from lighters, received 13 tons.

  4.30pm: Watch employed striking down ammunition [sending ammunition below, no doubt shells brought up from the flooded magazine to dry out] and preparing ship for sea.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e87: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0064_0.jpg)

30 January 1923

Lagos and at sea towards Calabar

Lat 6.4, Long 3.45 [approx]

  4.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

11.05am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

11.34am: Passed breakwater, dropped pilot.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 37’N, 4º 05’E.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e88: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0064_1.jpg)

31 January 1923

At sea

Lat 4.53, Long 5.44 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 46’N, 5º 03’E.

10.00am: A/c S40E.

11.15am: Land on port bow.

     Noon: Course & DMG 133º, 164 miles.

12.35pm: Set main staysail.

  2.10pm: Steering gear defective. Stopped engines.

  2.19pm: Proceeded.

  2.47pm: Set fore staysail.

  4.00pm: Lowered fore staysail. Sighted Cape Formoso bg ESE.

  6.00pm: Cape Formoso Lt abeam 10.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 01.5’N, 6º 11.5’E.

  9.33pm: A/c S75E.


[Calabar, Victoria and Duala]

4caf866fcadfd34197015e89: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0065_0.jpg)

1 February 1923

At sea to Calabar

Lat 4.27, Long 8.0 DR

  4.00am: Sounded, 28 fathoms, a/c E. Sounding hourly.

  7.00am: Set staysails.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 07.5’N, 7º 34’E.

  9.00am: Sounded 13.5 fathoms.

  9.25am: Lowered main staysail.

10.25am: Lowered fore staysail.

  2.15pm: Sighted Calabar Fairway buoy right ahead.

  3.25pm: At Fairway buoy and entered Calabar River.

  7.15pm: Anchored off Parrot I.

Weather: East f 7 at 2.00am with heavy rain, abating to f3 from South or SE later with rain until 8.00am. Calm in the afternoon, remaining cloudy but dry, 78º to 86º F.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e8a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0065_1.jpg)

2 February 1923


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

  7.55am: Weighed and proceeded into Calabar anchorage.

  9.45am: Anchored. Let fires die out.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e8b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0066_0.jpg)

3 February 1923


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e8c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0066_1.jpg)

4 February 1923


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

  Sunday routine.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e8d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0067_0.jpg)

5 February 1923


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

10.00am: Hands spreading new awning on boat deck.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e8e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0067_1.jpg)

6 February 1923


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

10.00am: Hands painting cutter and repairing awnings.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e8f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0068_0.jpg)

7 February 1923


Lat 4.95, Long 8.3

10.00am: Hands painting cutter and washing down paintwork.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e90: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0068_1.jpg)

8 February 1923

Calabar and at sea towards Victoria

Lat 4.8, Long 8.32 [approx]

12.01am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

  2.15pm: Fairway buoy N12E(m), 2 cables. Anchored.

  9.19pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S10.5W.

11.26pm: A/c S58E.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e91: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0069_0.jpg)

9 February 1923

At sea to Victoria

Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  3.55am: Debunja Lt N39E.

  6.30am: Ambas I. right ahead.

  8.05am: Anchored in Victoria harbour.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e92: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0069_1.jpg)

10 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  8.30am: Starboard watch left ship for Buea for recuperation.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e93: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0070_0.jpg)

11 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e94: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0070_1.jpg)

12 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands painting messdeck and boats.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e95: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0071_0.jpg)

13 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands painting messdeck.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e96: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0071_1.jpg)

14 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands painting messdeck.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e97: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0072_0.jpg)

15 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Kroomen drawing water from shore in surf boat.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e98: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0072_1.jpg)

16 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  1.30pm: Starboard watch returned from Buea.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e99: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0073_0.jpg)

17 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  8.00am: Landed port watch for recuperation at Buea.

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship and drawing water in surf boat.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e9a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0073_1.jpg)

18 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Sunday routine.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e9b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0074_0.jpg)

19 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands painting messdecks and drawing water in surf boat.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e9c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0074_1.jpg)

20 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands painting messdecks and drawing water in surf boat.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e9d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0075_0.jpg)

21 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands painting messdecks and drawing water in surf boat.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e9e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0075_1.jpg)

22 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

  Hands painting messdecks.

4caf866fcadfd34197015e9f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0076_0.jpg)

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea0: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0076_1.jpg)

23 February 1923


Lat 4.0, Long 9.2

12.30am: Sloped all awnings [heavy rain].

  4.00pm: Watch weighing and stowing potatoes.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea1: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0077_0.jpg)

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea2: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0077_1.jpg)

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea3: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0078_0.jpg)

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea4: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0078_1.jpg)

Records of compass deviations and positions of correctors.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea5: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0078a_0.jpg)

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea6: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0078a_1.jpg)

24 February 1923

Victoria to Duala

Lat 3.9, Long 9.5 [approx]

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Swung ship for compass deviation.

  9.40am: At A buoy, Cameroon River.

11.25am: Picked up pilot at Base buoy.

  2.05pm: Anchored off Government Wharf, Duala. Let fires die out.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea7: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0079_0.jpg)

25 February 1923


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Sunday routine.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea8: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0079_1.jpg)

26 February 1923


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  Hands scraping waterline and mustering bags [a kit inspection, the men keep all their clothes in tubular canvas bags].

4caf866fcadfd34197015ea9: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0080_0.jpg)

27 February 1923


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

10.00am: Hands painting port battery and refitting boom gear.

  5.15pm: Port watch exercised in signals.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eaa: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0080_1.jpg)

28 February 1923


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  5.15pm: Starboard watch exercised in signals.


[Duala and Lagos]

4caf866fcadfd34197015eab: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0081_0.jpg)

1 March 1923


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  6.00am: Landing party to small arms drill. Remainder cleaning ship.

  9.15am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill. Marines to small arms drill. Hands painting and chipping upper deck.

  1.00pm: Monthly payment of ships company. Medical inspection.

  1.30pm: Leave to starboard watch to 7.00pm.

  4.00pm: Quarters.

  7.00pm: Libertymen returned.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

  Sick list: 2.

Weather: Calm spells and various light breezes, some cloud but dry, 80º to 86º F.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eac: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0081_1.jpg)

2 March 1923


Lat 4.03, Long 9.67

  9.30am: Hands canvassing voice pipes and refitting whaler’s gripes [the lashings and bars that secure boats when they are turned inboard at sea].

10.00am: 3 pdr and pom-pom guns’ crews to drill.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ead: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0082_0.jpg)

3 March 1923

Duala to Ambas Bay and at sea

Lat 3.98, Long 9.18 [approx]

12.01am: Raised steam in both boilers. Sloped all awnings [thunderstorm, with heavy rain].

  6.00am: Pilot came onboard. Weighed and proceeded.

  8.05am: Dropped pilot at Base buoy.

  9.30am: Men under 21 to physical drill. Marines mustering kit and bedding.

  9.35am: At A buoy, a/c N43W.

11.18am: Entered Ambas Bay.

12.22pm: Anchored in same.

  5.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S80W.

  5.55pm: N point of Ambas I. bg S, 3.5 cables, a/c N79W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 59.5’N, 9º 01’E.

  8.20pm: Debunja Lt abeam 6.8 miles.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eae: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0082_1.jpg)

4 March 1923

At sea

Lat 4.02, Long 7.15

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 02.5N, 8º 36.5E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 271º, 114 miles.

  2.00pm: A/c N75.5W.

  7.40pm: A/c W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 05.5N, 6º 07.5E.

  8.07pm: Formoso Lt abeam 11 miles, a/c N87W.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eaf: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0083_0.jpg)

5 March 1923

At sea

Lat 5.0, Long 4.84

12.50am: A/c N25W.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 42.5N, 5º 01E.

  9.30am: Kroomen mustering bags and hammocks. Marines in full marching order.

11.10am: Exercised control parties.

  4.00pm: Cleared ship for action stations. Stopped, dropped target for 1” aiming practice.

  6.10pm: Stopped. Picked up target and proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 32.5N, 4º 29.5E.

  8.45pm: Stopped. Dropped target for 1” night firing practice.

  9.57pm: Picked up target and proceeded.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb0: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0083_1.jpg)

6 March 1923

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.34, Long 3.6

  4.07am: A/c S11E.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 11.5’N, 3º 55.5’E.

12.30pm: Sighted Lagos Lt bg N59W.

  2.00pm: At Lagos Bar buoy.

  2.40pm: Sent sea boat to SS Boma for pilot.

  2.45pm: Proceeded up river.

  3.40pm: Anchored off Marine wharf, Lagos.

  4.45pm: Shifted billet and anchored with stern to buoy in Lagos River. Let fires die out.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb1: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0084_0.jpg)

7 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.30am: Store lighter alongside. Hands storing ship.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb2: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0084_1.jpg)

8 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Coaled from lighters alongside. Received 125 tons.

  9.30am: Hands refitting cutter’s sailing gear.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb3: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0085_0.jpg)

9 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.00am: Coal lighters cast off. Hands clean ship.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb4: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.c m/ADM 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0085_1.jpg)

10 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.30am: Hands cleaning batteries, mess decks etc.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb5: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0086_0.jpg)

11 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

  8.30am: Landed RC party.

  9.30am: Divisions. Church. Read Articles of War.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb6: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0086_1.jpg)

12 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Painting and refitting.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb7: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0087_0.jpg)

13 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  4.00pm: Port watch exercised at rigging diving boat and manning and arming whaler.

  8.30pm: Hands employed sloping awnings and hoisting boats [heavy rain, force 7 NE’ly, thunder and lightning].

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb8: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0087_1.jpg)

14 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Exercised landing party in full equipment.

10.00am: Hands employed preparing sheet anchor [a large emergency anchor] for letting go.

  4.00pm: Starboard watch exercised at rigging diving boat and manning and arming whaler.

  4.30pm: Watch employed on kedge anchor [a small anchor that can be put into a boat and carried out away from the ship, so that it can be laid when the ship is stationary].

4caf866fcadfd34197015eb9: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0088_0.jpg)

15 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.00am: Exercised “away all boats' crews”, “tow aft” and “out kedge anchor”.

  9.30am: Hands employed reeling up and oiling wires.

  4.00pm: Exercised port watch at “away one wire hawser” and “away fire engine”.

4caf866fcadfd34197015eba: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0088_1.jpg)

16 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.00am: Exercised landing armed parties.

  2.00pm: One Marine discharged to hospital.

  4.00pm: Exercised starboard watch at “away one wire hawser” and “away fire engine”.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ebb: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0089_0.jpg)

17 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ebc: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0089_1.jpg)

18 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ebd: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0090_0.jpg)

19 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.00am: Exercised “collision” and “abandon ship” stations.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ebe: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0090_1.jpg)

20 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Hands chipping and painting on boat deck and making stockings for rigging bottle screws [the screws that adjust the tension of standing rigging, heavily greased and once adjusted, encased in a smart canvas stocking].

4caf866fcadfd34197015ebf: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0091_0.jpg)

21 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4


4caf866fcadfd34197015ec0: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0091_1.jpg)

22 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: Aired bedding.

  9.30am: Painting on boat deck.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ec1: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0092_0.jpg)

23 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”.

  9.45am: Hands painting on boat deck and refitting steam cutter.

  4.15pm: Painting funnels and cowls.

4caf866fcadfd34197015ec2: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0092_1.jpg)

24 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: Raised steam in one boiler.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ec3: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0093_0.jpg)

25 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine. Muster by open list.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ec4: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0093_1.jpg)

26 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4


4caf8670cadfd34197015ec5: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0094_0.jpg)

27 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4


4caf8670cadfd34197015ec6: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0094_1.jpg)

28 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: HMS Lowestoft arrived, flying flag of C-in-C African Station [at this time RA Sir Rudolph Bentinck, KCMG] . Fired salute of 13 guns.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ec7: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0095_0.jpg)

29 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  4.00pm: HE the Governor of Nigeria [at this time Sir Hugh Clifford, GCMG] embarked in SS Abinsi.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ec8: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0095_1.jpg)

30 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Good Friday. C of E party to church in HMS Lowestoft.

  2.00pm: HE the Governor of Nigeria left Lagos for England in SS Abinsi.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ec9: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0096_0.jpg)

31 March 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Saturday, aired night clothing, cleaned ship.


[Lagos, St Paul de Loanda, Lobito, Elephant Bay, Lobito, St Paul de Loanda

and at sea towards Cape Frio]

4caf8670cadfd34197015eca: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0096_1.jpg)

1 April 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine. C of E party to church in HMS Lowestoft.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ecb: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0097_0.jpg)

2 April 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ecc: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0097_1.jpg)

3 April 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: RM detachment inspected by FRMO [Fleet Royal Marine Officer].

  4.00pm: One Krooman rejoined ship from hospital.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ecd: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0098_0.jpg)

4 April 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.00am: Divisions. C-in-C Africa Station arrived onboard. Hands mustered by open list. Exercised “general quarters”, “collision” and “fire” stations, “flooding magazines”.

11.00am: C-in-C left ship.

  2.00pm: Fleet gunnery officer inspected all guns.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ece: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0098_1.jpg)

5 April 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.00am: Exercised “man and arm boats”. Sent armed boats to flagship.

10.00am: Exercised control parties.

11.00am: Discharged one AB to HMS Lowestoft, one AB joined from same.

12.30pm: Raised steam in both boilers.

  5.00pm: Weighed and slipped.

  6.14pm: At single anchor in the pool.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ecf: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0099_0.jpg)

6 April 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: Rake party and target arrived from HMS Lowestoft.

11.15am: Lowestoft left harbour.

  1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

  1.54pm: At Fairway buoy. Course and speed as requisite to carry out two runs, towing target for Lowestoft.

  4.00pm: Closed Lowestoft to transfer target. Towing wire foul of port propellor. Sent down diver.

  6.15pm: Wire clear. Lt Governor of S Nigeria boarded from Lowestoft. Dwarf’s firing programme abandoned. Returned to harbour.

  7.30pm: Anchored in pool.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed0: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0099_1.jpg)

7 April 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Coaling. Received 65 tons.

  9.30am: Hands fitting new boats’ falls and respreading awnings.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed1: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0100_0.jpg)

8 April 1923

Lagos and at sea towards St Paul de Loanda

Lat 6.09, Long 3.64 DR

  2.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  7.00am: Pilot arrived onboard. Proceeded out of harbour.

  9.04am: At Fairway buoy. Pilot left ship. Co S21E, 7.3 knots.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 16’N, 4º 10’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed2: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0100_1.jpg)

9 April 1923

At sea

Lat 3.64, Long 5.24 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 01’N, 4º 59’E.

12.30pm: Tornado. Wind backed to SE

  8.00pm: Pos. 2º 50’N, 5º 45’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed3: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0101_0.jpg)

10 April 1923

At sea

Lat 1.66, Long 6.85 by X bearings

  7.30am: Sighted Principe I. bg S52E.

  8.00am: Pos. 2º 00’N, 6º 31’E.

  9.00am: Hands employed striking down coal.

     Noon: Course & DMG 142º, 158 miles.

  4.00pm: A/c S12E.

  5.25pm: Sighted San Thome I. bg WSW.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0º 35N, 7º 27E. A/c S6E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed4: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0101_1.jpg)

11 April 1923

At sea

Lat -1.07, Long 8.21

  2.15am: Rudder chain carried away. Slowed, a/c W.

  4.32am: Steering gear repaired, a/c S6E, 185 revs.

  8.00am: Pos. 0º 37’S, 7º 55.5’E. Set staysails.

  3.15pm: A/c S10E.

  3.45pm: A/c S2W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2º 12’S, 9º 09’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed5: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0102_0.jpg)

12 April 1923

At sea

Lat -3.44, Long 9.3

Sounding regularly during the morning with numerous course alterations.

  8.00am: Pos. 3º 36’S, 9º 18’E.

  9.30am: Starboard engine stopped.

10.00am: Thermometer on marine barometer broken by accident.

12.10pm: Stopped starboard engine.

12.52pm: Ran on both engines.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 15’S, 10º 00’E.

  8.22pm: A/c S18E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed6: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0102_1.jpg)

13 April 1923

At sea

Lat -5.94, Long 11.34

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 30’S, 11º 04’E. A/c S11E.

  9.30am: Hands employed pointing boats’ falls, fitting fenders and painting dinghy.

     Noon: Course & DMG 141º, 195 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 47.3’S, 11º 52’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed7: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0103_0.jpg)

14 April 1923

At sea to St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.44, Long 13.19

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 59’S, 12º 45.5’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG 143º, 186 miles.

  2.25pm: Passed Dantas LV and entered harbour.

  3.00pm: Anchored. Fired salute of 21 guns to Portuguese flag. Salute returned from Fort San Miguel.

  4.00pm: Consul General called on ship.

  5.00pm: Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed8: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0103_1.jpg)

15 April 1923

St. Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  Sunday routine.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ed9: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0104_0.jpg)

16 April 1923

St. Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  Hands refitting pudding fenders on griping spars.

  Completed with coal. Received 90 tons.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eda: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0104_1.jpg)

17 April 1923

St. Paul de Loanda and at sea towards Lobito

Lat -8.99, Long 12.9 DR

  3.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  6.55am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

  7.47am: Dantas LV abeam. Course N25W.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 42.5’S, 13º 14.7’E.

  8.17am: A/c S63W.

12.21pm: A/c S3W.

12.45pm: Hoisted staysails.

  6.18pm: Cape Ledo abeam 14.4 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 2.7’S, 13º 06’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015edb: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0105_0.jpg)

18 April 1923

At sea to Lobito Bay and at sea towards Elephant Bay

Lat -12.09, Long 13.62 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 43’S, 13º 28.5’E.

11.00am: A/c S16W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 167º, 188 miles.

12.25pm: A/c S13W, then various courses for anchorage.

  2.05pm: Anchored in Lobito Bay. British Vice Consul visited ship. Landed swimming party on sand spit.

  6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.17pm: Lobito Lt bg S28E 2.2 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 18’S, 13º 31’E.

10.00pm: Sighted St Phillip’s Bonnet Lt bg S.

4caf8670cadfd34197015edc: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0105_1.jpg)

19 April 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.22, Long 12.73

  1.45am: A/c S41W.

  8.00am: Pos. 13º 05S, 12º 31.5E.

  8.56am: A/c S80E, then various courses for anchorage.

10.04am: Anchored in Elephant Bay.

  4.15pm: Landed swimming party.

4caf8670cadfd34197015edd: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0106_0.jpg)

20 April 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.22, Long 12.73

10.00am: Hands ranging port anchor cable on foc’sle for survey.

  5.00pm: Swimming party landed.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ede: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0106_1.jpg)

21 April 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.22, Long 12.73

  6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and drying out port cable locker.

  5.00pm: Swimming party landed.

4caf8670cadfd34197015edf: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0107_0.jpg)

22 April 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.22, Long 12.73

  5.00pm: Swimming party landed.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee0: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0107_1.jpg)

23 April 1923

Elephant Bay and at sea towards Lobito

Lat -13.22, Long 12.73

10.00am: Hands striking down port cable.

11.00am: Carried out firing practice with 3 pdrs and pom-pom guns.

     Noon: Raised steam in both boilers.

  7.06pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N20E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 06.3’S, 12º 45’E.

11.59pm: A/c N73E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee1: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0108_0.jpg)

24 April 1923

At sea to Lobito

Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  5.16am: St Phillip’s Bonnet bg S7W, Lobito Lt bg S72E.

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 18’S, 13º 36’E.

  9.00am: Anchored, Lobito. Drew fires in one boiler.

  5.00pm: Landed swimming party.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee2: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0108_1.jpg)

25 April 1923

Lobito and at sea towards St Paul de Loanda

Lat -11.67, Long 13.45

  2.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  6.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course N2E.

  9.00am: Exercised “general quarters”. 2 pdr guns’ crews at drill.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 43’S, 13º 11’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee3: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0109_0.jpg)

26 April 1923

At sea to St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.79, Long 13.1

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 20’S, 12º 51’E. A/c N26E.

     Noon: A/c N88E.

  2.00pm: Passed Dantas LV abeam 7.5 cables.

  2.35pm: Anchored, St Paul de Loanda. Fired salute of 21 guns. Salute replied to by Fort San Miguel.

  5.00pm: Commenced coaling from lighters. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee4: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0109_1.jpg)

27 April 1923

St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  2.10pm: Finished coaling. Received 160 tons.

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28 April 1923

St Paul de Loanda and at sea towards Cape Frio [Namibia]

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  8.30am: Hands embarking sand and washing ship’s side.

     Noon: Raised steam in both boilers.

  7.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea in search of survivors of SS Mossamedes, wrecked off Cape Frio at 3.00am, 24th April 1923.

  7.42pm: Dantas LV abeam 7 cables.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 44’S, 13º 16’E.

  8.20pm: A/c S62W.

10.25pm: Cape Lombo Lt bg S28E [aka Ponta das Palmeirinhas].

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee6: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0110_1.jpg)

29 April 1923

At sea

Lat -10.2, Long 12.64

  1.10am: Cape Lombo Lt abeam 4.5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 46’S, 12º 44’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 03’S, 12º 26.5’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee7: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0111_0.jpg)

30 April 1923

At sea

Lat -12.97, Long 12.19

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 19.5’S, 12º 09.5’E.

  6.00am: Kroomen striking down coal from upper deck.

  9.00am: Hands employed making upper bridge awning and refitting whaler’s sailing gear.

     Noon: Course & DMG 189º, 168 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 51.5’S, 11º 56’E.


[Walvis Bay, Lobito and St Paul de Loanda]

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1 May 1923

At sea

Lat -15.59, Long 11.45

  8.00am: Pos. 15º 04’S, 11º 32’E.

  7.23 am: A/c to investigate piece of wreckage. Stopped.

  7.44am: Proceeded.

     Noon: Course & DMG 195º, 164 miles. A/c S19W.

  7.00pm: A/c S26W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16º 23’S, 11º 25’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ee9: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0112_0.jpg)

2 May 1923

At sea

Lat -17.54, Long 11.29

  8.00am: Pos. 17º 16.5’S, 11º 22’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG 184.5º, 122 miles.

12.35pm: A/c S2E.

  4.00pm: Increased to 6 knots, sounding hourly, no bottom.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18º 12.5’S, 11º 33.5’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eea: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0112_1.jpg)

3 May 1923

At sea

Lat -19.69, Long 12.32

  2.00am: A/c S10E.

  8.00am: Pos. 19º 17’S, 12º 06’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG 156º, 142 miles.

  7.00pm: Sounding hourly, average 80 fathoms.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 17.8’S, 12º 42.8’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eeb: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0113_0.jpg)

4 May 1923

At sea

Lat -21.77, Long 13.61

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 10’S, 13º 16’E.

  9.00am: A/c S22W.

10.15am: A/c S10E.

     Noon: Course & DMG 150º, 145 miles.

  1.30pm: A/c S67E.

  3.16pm: A/c N10W. Sounding 24 fathoms.

  4.00pm: Stopped, Cape Cross bg N83E, 4 miles.

  6.35pm: Proceeded S44W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21º 56’S, 13º 49’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eec: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0113_1.jpg)

5 May 1923

At sea to Walvis Bay

Lat -22.76, Long 14.46

  1.46am: A/c S54E.

  4.00am: Sounding half hourly. 70 to 41 fathoms.

  8.00am: Pos. 22º 36.7’S, 14º 14.5’E. Stopped, mist.

  9.20am: Proceeded, sounding every 20 minutes.

     Noon: Course & DMG 141º, 76 miles.

  1.35pm: Anchored in Walvis Bay. Drew fires in both boilers.

  4.00pm: Paid monthly allowance.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eed: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0114_0.jpg)

6 May 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Sunday routine.

  8.00am: Dressed ship on anniversary of accession of HM the King.

  5.00pm: Undressed ship.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eee: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0114_1.jpg)

7 May 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  8.00am: Raised steam in one boiler.

10.00am: Commenced coaling.

     Noon: Fired salute of 21 guns on anniversary of accession of HM the King.

11.30pm: Completed with coal.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eef: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0115_0.jpg)

8 May 1923

Walvis Bay and at sea towards Lobito

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

10.00am: One AB discharged to Colonial Hospital, Swakopmund.

     Noon: Raised steam in both boilers.

  6.13pm: Weighed, cleared foul anchor and proceeded.

  6.56pm: Pelican Pt Lt bg 234º, 4.1 miles. A/c N19W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22º 45.5’S, 14º 23.5’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef0: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0115_1.jpg)

9 May 1923

At sea

Lat -21.19, Long 13.19

  1.00am: Sounded, 60 fms. Set main staysail.

  4.50am: A/c N8W.

  7.00am: Sounded, 70 fms. Hoisted fore staysail.

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 37’S, 13º 27.5’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 09.5’S, 12º 32’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef1: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0116_0.jpg)

10 May 1923

At sea

Lat -18.49, Long 11.34

  8.00am: Pos. 18º 50.5’S, 11º 45.5’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG 328º, 193 miles.

  1.30pm: A/c N.

  5.24pm: A/c N23.5E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17º 25.5’S, 11º 17’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef2: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0116_1.jpg)

11 May 1923

At sea

Lat -15.19, Long 11.41

  8.00am: Pos. 15º 47’S, 11º 23’E.

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”. 2 pdr guns to drill.

     Noon: Course & DMG various, 198 miles.

12.30pm: A/c N40E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14º 13’S, 11º 48’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef3: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0117_0.jpg)

12 May 1923

At sea to Lobito

Lat -12.49, Long 12.99

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 51.5’S, 12º 34’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG various, 192 miles. A/c S89E.

  3.10pm: A/c S79E.

  5.00pm: Rounded Lobito spit.

  5.30pm: Secured alongside pier. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef4: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0117_1.jpg)

13 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  7.30am: Cast off from jetty to anchor in 20 fathoms. Let fires die out.

  5.00pm: Swimming party landed.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef5: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0118_0.jpg)

14 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

10.00am: Hands hauling up and ranging starboard cable for survey.

  2.00pm: HE the Governor of Benguela visited. Fired salute of 15 guns on departure of same.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef6: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0118_1.jpg)

15 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  9.30am: Hands employed washing down aloft, repairing awnings and cleaning out chain locker.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef7: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0119_0.jpg)

16 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  9.30am: Hands washing down aloft and repairing awnings.

  1.30pm: Hands painting whaler.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef8: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0119_1.jpg)

17 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  9.0am: Hands repairing awnings, painting whaler, surveying cable and oiling wires.

4caf8670cadfd34197015ef9: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0120_0.jpg)

18 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  9.30am: Hands employed striking down starboard cable, painting and fetching water from shore.

4caf8670cadfd34197015efa: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0120_1.jpg)

19 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Hands variously employed.

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20 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Sunday routine.

4caf8670cadfd34197015efc: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0121_1.jpg)

21 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Hands painting ship and fetching water from shore.

4caf8670cadfd34197015efd: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0122_0.jpg)

22 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Hands painting gun covers, refitting cutter's falls and drawing water from shore.

4caf8670cadfd34197015efe: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0122_1.jpg)

23 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  Hands surveying canvas gear, restowing the canvas room and cleaning the fresh water tanks.

4caf8670cadfd34197015eff: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0123_0.jpg)

24 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  8.00am: Dressed ship in celebration of Empire Day.

10.00am: Raised steam in one boiler.

  1.30pm: Hands employed ferrying water in cutter.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f00: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0123_1.jpg)

25 May 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Clan MacInnes at Lobito jetty for water.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f01: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0124_0.jpg)

26 May 1923

Lobito and at sea towards St Paul de Loanda.

Lat -11.72, Long 13.34

  1.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  6.15am: Cast off SS Clan MacInnes and proceeded out of harbour.

  8.00am: Dressed ship with mast head flags on occasion of the birthday of HM the Queen.

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 10’S, 13º 35’E. Course 346º.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 47’S, 13º 06’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f02: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0124_1.jpg)

27 May 1923

At sea to St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.77, Long 13.16 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 10’S, 12º 49.5’E.

  8.30am: Cape Lombo Lt bg S84E (m).

  1.50pm: Anchored, St Paul de Loanda. Drew fires in one boiler.

  4.30pm: Coal lighter secured alongside.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f03: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0125_0.jpg)

28 May 1923

St Paul de Loanda

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  Coaling. Received 110 tons.

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29 May 1923

St Paul de Loanda and at sea towards Lagos

Lat -8.78, Long 13.26

  8.30am: Hands cleaning boats and repairing canvas gear.

  8.45pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

  9.30pm: Dantas LV bg S31W(m), 1.8m.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f05: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0126_0.jpg)

30 May 1923

At sea

Lat -7.21, Long 12.26

  Course 327º all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 38’S, 12º 32.5’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 22’S, 11º 42’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f06: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0126_1.jpg)

31 May 1923

At sea

Lat -4.65, Long 10.4

  Course 327º all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 06’S, 10º 52’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 324.5º, 190 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 47’S, 9º 50.5’E.


[At sea to and at Lagos]

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1 June 1923

At sea

Lat -2.37, Long 8.7

  8.00am: Pos. 2º 28’S, 8º 59’E.

  9.25am: Dropped target for aiming rifle, 3 pdr and pom-pom practice.

     Noon: Course & DMG 323º, 172 miles (in 22 hours).

12.15pm: Proceeded, course N19W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1º 23’S, 8º 08’E.

  Sick list: 3.

Weather: Calm, mostly cloudy, temperatures in the high 70º’s F.

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2 June 1923

At sea

Lat 0.43, Long 7.21

  8.00am: Pos. 0º 06’N, 7º 26’E.

  8.00am: Dressed ship with mast head flags on the occasion of the birthday of HM the King [tomorrow, the actual date, being Sunday].

     Noon: Course & DMG 333º, 190 miles.

  1.00pm: Sighted San Thome I. WSW.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1º 24’N, 6º 31’E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f09: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0128_0.jpg)

3 June 1923

At sea

Lat 3.02, Long 5.44

  7.55am: Stopped for 20 minutes to adjust steering chains.

  8.00am: Pos. 2º 26’N, 5º 40’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG 326º, 187 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 56’N, 4º 52’E. A/c N21W.

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4 June 1923

At sea to Lagos

Lat 5.69, Long 3.88

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 21’N, 4º 6.5’E.

  9.30am: Marines’ gun crews to 4” gun drill [by tradition, the Marines work the after gun turret].

     Noon: Course & DMG 330º, 186 miles.

  2.20pm: Commenced steam trial 250 revs.

  4.20pm: Steam trial completed.

  5.40pm: Stopped at Fairway buoy to pick up pilot.

  6.00pm: Passed breakwater.

  6.30pm: Anchored in No 1 anchorage in the Pool. HMS Thistle in harbour. Distance covered from St Paul de Loanda, 1,073.8 miles.

  7.30pm: One AB (QO) joined ship [a quarter officer, i.e. qualified to control the firing of one or more guns independently].

4caf8670cadfd34197015f0b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0129_0.jpg)

5 June 1923


Lat 6.35, Long 3.4 [approx]

  8.00am: Hands preparing for towing target. Target alongside. Cleared for action.

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, HMS Thistle in company. Veered target to 300 fms. Co and speed as req for OOQ (officers of quarters) firing by HMS Thistle and for battle practice.

11.34am: Stopped and transferred target to HMS Thistle. Course and speed as requisite for one run of battle practice and one run OOQ control.

  2.15pm: Opened fire.

  2.22pm: Ceased fire, BP run.

  2.43pm: Opened fire.

  2.51pm: Ceased fire, OOQ control run.

  4.00pm: Passed breakwater.

  4.45pm: Anchored off Marine Wharf.

  7.00pm: Shifted billet, secured stern to buoy and let go both anchors.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f0c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0129_1.jpg)

6 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: Hands spreading foc’sle and quarter deck awnings and taughtening cables.

11.30am: HMS Thistle secured alongside.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f0d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0130_0.jpg)

7 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  5.00am: Let fires die out.

  8.30am: Hands clearing provision holds.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f0e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0130_1.jpg)

8 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: One Armourer’s Crew left ship for passage to England.

  4.30pm: Regatta between HMS’ Thistle and Dwarf. [These were pulling races and on small ships like these, most hands took part. Crack crews were assembled for the larger boats, but the efforts of the jollies (Marines) and the cooks pulling the dinghy were always appreciated. Bragging rights at stake and an opportunity for some discreet gambling.]

4caf8670cadfd34197015f0f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0131_0.jpg)

9 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: Hands turning out and lowering boats.

  4.30pm: Regatta between HMS’ Dwarf and Thistle.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f10: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0131_1.jpg)

10 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

  3.00pm: French sloop Cassiopée arrived.

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11 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.00am: SS Lagos secured alongside with stores. Hands provisioning and storing ship.

  2.00pm: SS Lagos cast off. Hands striking down stores.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f12: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0132_1.jpg)

12 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands striking down stores.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f13: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0133_0.jpg)

13 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed on pattern VII target.

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14 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

12.30pm: Water lighter secured alongside.

  4.30pm: French sloop Cassiopée left.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f15: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0134_0.jpg)

15 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.45am: HMS Thistle left for Libreville.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f16: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0134_1.jpg)

16 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: Seaman exercised at rifle drill.

     Noon: French sloop “Cassiopée” arrived after explosion on board and with two compartments flooded. Anchored in pool with three Seamen killed. Half masted colours.

  4.00pm: Landed firing party and mourners for funeral of three French Seamen.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f17: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0135_0.jpg)

17 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  3.00pm: Landed firing party and mourners for funeral of fourth French Seaman.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f18: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0135_1.jpg)

18 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.15am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

  1.00pm: Hands sloping awnings and passing frapping lines [in very heavy rain and a force 5 Easterly; frapping lines go over the awnings to prevent them from being blown away].

  6.20pm: Completed with coal. Received 146 tons.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f19: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0136_0.jpg)

19 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Hands cleaning paintwork and pumping out cable lockers.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f1a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0136_1.jpg)

20 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Hands repairing awnings.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f1b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0137_0.jpg)

21 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Painting the side.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f1c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0137_1.jpg)

22 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  8.00am: Dressed ship on anniversary of the Coronation of HM the King.

     Noon: Fired salute of 21 guns.

  5.00pm: Undressed ship.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f1d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0138_0.jpg)

23 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

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24 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f1f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0139_0.jpg)

25 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  7.00am: Let fires die out.

  8.00am: Party for Ibadan left ship with three days leave.

10.30am: Kroomen provisioning ship from lighter.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f20: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0139_1.jpg)

26 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands making and repairing awnings and painting in batteries.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f21: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0140_0.jpg)

27 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4


4caf8670cadfd34197015f22: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0140_1.jpg)

28 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  5.00pm: Party from Ibadan returned.

  7.30pm: Hands frapping awnings [SE force 6 and heavy rain].

4caf8670cadfd34197015f23: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0141_0.jpg)

29 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Hands repairing awning.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f24: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0141_1.jpg)

30 June 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  4.00pm: Raised steam in one boiler.


[Lagos, Port Harcourt, Lagos and at sea]

4caf8670cadfd34197015f25: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0142_0.jpg)

1 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. Raised steam in steam cutter.

  9.00am: RC church party landed, divisions, prayers.

  1.30pm: Leave to starboard watch to 8.00pm.

  4.00pm: Evening quarters.

  8.00pm: Libertymen returned.

  8.30pm: Drew fires in steam boat.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

  Sick list: 2.

Weather: SW’ly breezes f 1-4, cloudy, occasional showers, 78º to 80º F.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f26: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0142_1.jpg)

2 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Hands fitting new whaler's falls and refitting bridge screens.

  1.00pm: Hands paid quarterly settlement.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f27: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0143_0.jpg)

3 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Hands painting funnel and on QD.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f28: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0143_1.jpg)

4 July 1923

Lagos and at sea towards Port Harcourt

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

     Noon: Raised steam in both boilers.

  6.00pm: Weighed and let go stern wires. Proceeded out of harbour.

  6.48pm: At Fairway buoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 15.5’N, 3º 28.5’E. A/c S4W.

  9.50pm: A/c S28E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f29: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0144_0.jpg)

5 July 1923

At sea

Lat 5.06, Long 4.61

  1.05am: Stopped port engine. Air pump broken down.

  2.21am: Proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 14’N, 4º 21’E.

  9.30am: Hands refitting lower boom guys and painting steam cutter.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 135º, 97 miles (in 16 hours).

12.35pm: A/c S34E.

  4.00pm: Read warrant No 2.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 34’N, 5º 17.3’E

  8.45pm: A/c S28E.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f2a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0144_1.jpg)

6 July 1923

At sea to Port Harcourt (Nigeria)

Lat 4.38, Long 7.1 [approx]

  1.00am: Sighted Formoso Lt bg ENE.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 06’N, 6º 34’E.

11.35am: At Fairway buoy, Bonny River. Course and speed as requisite to cross bar and proceed up river to Port Harcourt.

  1.25pm: Slowed off Bonny to communicate with signal station.

  1.30pm: Proceeded up river.

  3.40pm: Stopped off Dawes I. Picked up pilot.

  5.15pm: Anchored off Port Harcourt. Let fires die out in one boiler.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f2b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0145_0.jpg)

7 July 1923

Port Harcourt

Lat 4.805, Long 7.065 [approx]

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f2c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0145_1.jpg)

8 July 1923

Port Harcourt

Lat 4.805, Long 7.065 [approx]

  Sunday routine.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f2d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0146_0.jpg)

9 July 1923

Port Harcourt

Lat 4.805, Long 7.065 [approx]

  9.30am: Hands employed fuzing shell, refitting fenders and painting.

4caf8670cadfd34197015f2e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0146_1.jpg)

10 July 1923

Port Harcourt

Lat 4.805, Long 7.065 [approx]

  9.30am: Hands employed fuzing shell, refitting fenders and painting.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f2f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0147_0.jpg)

11 July 1923

Port Harcourt

Lat 4.805, Long 7.065 [approx]

  9.30am: Hands refitting fenders and painting funnel.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f30: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0147_1.jpg)

12 July 1923

Port Harcourt and at sea towards Lagos

Lat 4.7, Long 7.09 [approx]

  4.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

10.00am: Pilot arrived on board.

10.10am: Weighed and proceeded down Bonny River.

11.40am: Pilot disembarked off Dawes I.

  2.20pm: Off Bonny Town, stopped for telegram.

  2.25pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for crossing Bonny Bar.

  4.07pm: At Bonny Bar buoy, course S47W(m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 04.7’N, 6º 43.5’E.

10.30pm: Formoso Lt bg N40W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f31: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0148_0.jpg)

13 July 1923

At sea

Lat 4.7, Long 5.16

  4.30am: A/c N34W.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 21’N, 5º 34’E.

  4.20pm: Started steam trial 260 revs [achieving a speed of 11 knots].

  6.20pm: Completed steam trial 180 revs.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 30’N, 4º 30’E.

  8.30pm: A/c N41W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f32: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0148_1.jpg)

14 July 1923

At sea to Lagos

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  5.25am: Sighted Lagos Lt N35W.

  7.17am: Passed breakwater.

  8.00am: Anchored in Lagos harbour. One AB and one Marine joined ship.

  3.00pm: Secured stern to buoy and let go starboard anchor. Tug towing stern round. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f33: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0149_0.jpg)

15 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f34: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0149_1.jpg)

16 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Hands fitting awning curtains and red leading steering chains.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f35: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0150_0.jpg)

17 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f36: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0150_1.jpg)

18 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Coaling from lighters. Received 135 tons.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f37: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0151_0.jpg)

19 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f38: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0151_1.jpg)

20 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  6.30am: Hands supplying rifles and equipment. Landed every available man for drill.

  8.30am: Landing party returned.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f39: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0152_0.jpg)

21 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f3a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0152_1.jpg)

22 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Sunday routine. Read Articles of War.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f3b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0153_0.jpg)

23 July 1923


Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

  Coaling from lighters. Received 60 tons.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f3c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0153_1.jpg)

24 July 1923

Lagos and at sea towards Sierra Leone

Lat 6.44, Long 3.4

10.00am: Discharged one AB to Colonial Hospital. One Krooman discharged to shore.

     Noon: Raised steam in both boilers.

  2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.45pm: At Fairway buoy, course S83W(m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 11.5’N, 2º 58.2’E.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f3d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0154_0.jpg)

25 July 1923

At sea

Lat 5.67, Long 1.2

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 44.7’N, 1º 40’E.

  8.15am: Hands cleaning ship and striking down coal.

  9.30am: Hands fitting new catting pendant [a tackle that brings the anchor to a cathead as was then the practice] and washing down quarter deck.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 254º, 111.3 miles (in 20 hours).

  1.43pm: Sighted Cape St Paul Lt bg N4W(m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 27.2’N, 0º 24.5’E.

  8.30pm: A/c S80W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f3e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0154_1.jpg)

26 July 1923

At sea

Lat 4.68, Long -1.32

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 02.7’N, 0º 46.5’W. A/c S85W.

  9.30am: Hands refitting catting pendant, painting gun covers and striking down coal.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 248º, 160 miles.

12.15pm: A/c N77W.

  3.40pm: Sighted Cape Three Points bg N77W. A/c W.

  7.00pm: A/c N80W. C Three Points bg N, 4 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 40.5’N, 2º 10.5’W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f3f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0155_0.jpg)

27 July 1923

At sea

Lat 4.36, Long -3.52

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 33’N, 3º 16’W.

  9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”.

  1.00pm: A/c N77W.

  4.15pm: Exercised “abandon ship” stations.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 19’N, 4º 14’W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f40: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0155_1.jpg)

28 July 1923

At sea

Lat 4.23, Long -5.69

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 14’N, 5º 19’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 266.5º, 128 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 13.5’N, 6º 28.5’W

  8.15pm: A/c N81W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f41: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0156_0.jpg)

29 July 1923

At sea

Lat 4.29, Long -7.88

  6.30am: A/c N70W.

  7.30am: A/c N75W.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 16’’N, 7º 30’W.

  9.00am: Cape Palmas bg NNW.

10.30am: Cape Palmas abeam, 5.8 miles.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 272º, 130 miles.

  3.30pm: A/c N46W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 32’N, 8º 44’W

4caf8671cadfd34197015f42: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0156_1.jpg)

30 July 1923

At sea

Lat 5.46, Long -10.34 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 11’N, 9º 56’W. A/c N38W.

  4.15pm: Cleared ship for action, exercised “general quarters”. Darkened ship

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 01’N, 11º 10’W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f43: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0157_0.jpg)

31 July 1923

At sea

Lat 7.38, Long -13.09 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 48’N, 12º 20’W.

11.15am: N50W.

  1.00pm: A/c N60W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 47’N, 13º 58.5’W.

10.25pm: A/c N14E.

11.18pm: A/c N5E.


[Freetown, Konakri, Bathurst, Dakar and at sea towards Las Palmas]

4caf8671cadfd34197015f44: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0157_1.jpg)

1 August 1923

At sea to Freetown

Lat 8.55, Long -13.35 [approx]

  8.00am: Visibility ¾ mile. SSW wind f6, heavy rain. Anchored in 10 fms.

11.57am: Weighed.

12.18pm: Proceeded East.

  1.05pm: A/c S61E.

  2.30pm: Passed Sierra Leone Lt.

  3.20pm: Anchored off Freetown. Let fires die out.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f45: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0158_0.jpg)

2 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  7.15am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

  2.30pm: Completed with coal from lighters, received 125 tons.

  4.30pm: One Krooman and one Krooman OS2 discharged to shore.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f46: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0158_1.jpg)

3 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

12.30pm: Hands paid monthly advance. Discharged one AB to hospital.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f47: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0159_0.jpg)

4 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

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5 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sunday routine.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f49: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0160_0.jpg)

6 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Landed swimming party. Hands refitting dinghy falls and cleaning out cutter.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f4a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0160_1.jpg)

7 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f4b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0161_0.jpg)

8 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.30am: Landed non-swimmers party.

  9.30am: One AB rejoined ship from Colonial Hospital.

  9.45am: Lewis guns’ crews to drill.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f4c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0161_1.jpg)

9 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.00am: Landed Lewis guns’ crews for exercise on the range.

  9.30am: Landed non-swimming party. Hands holystoning boat deck and repairing awnings.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f4d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0162_0.jpg)

10 August 1923


Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.30am: Landed non-swimming party and diving party.

10.00am: Hands securing ship for sea.

  3.00pm: Raised steam in one boiler.

  6.00pm: Discharged nine Kroomen to shore.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f4e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0162_1.jpg)

11 August 1923

Freetown to Konakri

Lat 8.99, Long -13.75

  1.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  6.20am: Weighed and proceeded. Course N54W(m).

  7.04am: N22W.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 36.5’N, 13º 23’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, 316.5º, 31.5 miles. A/c N18E.

  1.30pm: A/c N35E, then various courses for anchorage.

  3.25pm: Stopped off Konakri Lt.

  3.33pm: Proceeded.

  3.45pm: Anchored. Drew fires in one boiler.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f4f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0163_0.jpg)

12 August 1923


Lat 9.52, Long -13.71

  Sunday routine.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f50: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0163_1.jpg)

13 August 1923


Lat 9.52, Long -13.71

11.00am: Lt Governor of French Guinea visited. Fired 15 gun salute.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f51: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0164_0.jpg)

14 August 1923


Lat 9.52, Long -13.71

  Hands rigging target and chipping paintwork.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f52: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0164_1.jpg)

15 August 1923

Konakri and at sea towards Bathurst

Lat 9.52, Long -13.71

  8.30am: Hands securing for sea, clearing foc’sle for action and placing searchlight on fore bridge.

10.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  2.50pm: Weighed, cleared foul anchor and proceeded out of harbour.

  4.00pm: Cleared quarterdeck for action.

  6.35pm: Stopped, dropped target and carried out 1” aiming rifle practice for 4” guns.

  7.51pm: Course N57.5W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 32.2’N, 14º 02’W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f53: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0165_0.jpg)

16 August 1923

At sea

Lat 10.11, Long -15.83 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 57.5’N, 15º 22’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 288º, 111 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 21.5’N, 16º 36.5’W.

  9.00pm: A/c N27W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f54: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0165_1.jpg)

17 August 1923

At sea

Lat 11.64, Long -17.56

  7.40am: A/c N14.5E.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 12’N, 17º 35’W.

12.35pm: A/c N10E.

  4.40pm: Passed SS Kenilworth Castle bound South.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 44.5’N, 17º 32.5’W.

  8.25pm: A/c N4E.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f55: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0166_0.jpg)

18 August 1923

At sea to Bathurst

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  6.20am: A/c S68E.

  8.00am: Pos. 13º 35’N, 16º 52’W.

  8.17am: At Fairway buoy, entered Gambia River.

11.05am: Anchored, Bathurst.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f56: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0166_1.jpg)

19 August 1923


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Sunday routine.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f57: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0167_0.jpg)

20 August 1923


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Cleaning boats and chipping funnel.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f58: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0167_1.jpg)

21 August 1923


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Painting the side.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f59: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0168_0.jpg)

22 August 1923


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Painting ship.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f5a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0168_1.jpg)

23 August 1923


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  8.30am: Raised steam for slow speed [Wind ENE f6, heavy rain].

  9.30am: Hands chipping funnel and refitting jiggers [light tackles consisting of a double and single block, used for many small hoists onboard].

4caf8671cadfd34197015f5b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0169_0.jpg)

24 August 1923


Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f5c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0169_1.jpg)

25 August 1923

Bathurst and at sea towards Dakar

Lat 13.44, Long -16.56

  9.00am: Hands preparing for sea.

10.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded down river.

  5.00pm: At Fairway buoy. Course N71W(m),180 revs.

  6.35pm: Stopped and dropped target. General quarters. Carried out 3 runs of full calibre with 4”, 3 pdr and 2 pdr guns.

  7.55pm: Picked up target. Proceeded N70W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f5d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0170_0.jpg)

26 August 1923

At sea to Dakar

Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  3.23am: Cape Verde Lt bg N6E.

  3.49am: Cape Manuel Lt N16E(m).

  8.45am: Entered Dakar harbour, fired salute of 21 guns and secured to buoy.

  4.00pm: British Consul General visited, fired salute of 11 guns.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f5e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0170_1.jpg)

27 August 1923


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  Hands employed embarking sand and repairing awnings. Coaling from lighters. Received 115 tons.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f5f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0171_0.jpg)

28 August 1923


Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  9.30am: Raised steam in one boiler.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f60: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0171_1.jpg)

29 August 1923

Dakar and at sea towards Las Palmas

Lat 14.79, Long -17.67

  4.00am: Raised steam in both boilers.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour.

  9.33am: Course N86W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15º 39.5’N, 17º 43’W.

11.30am: A/c N16E.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f61: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0172_0.jpg)

30 August 1923

At sea

Lat 17.57, Long -17.71

  7.00am: Passed SS Abinsi bound South.

  8.00am: Pos. 17º 09’N, 17º 50.5’W.

  9.30am: Hands repairing whaler’s sail and washing paintwork.

     Noon: Course & DMG 359º, 167 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18º 30’N, 17º 41’W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f62: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0172_1.jpg)

31 August 1923

At sea

Lat 20.61, Long -17.95

  8.00am: Pos. 20º 02.3’N, 17º 53’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 356º, 184 miles.

12.20pm: A/c N15E.

  4.00pm: Passed SS Ceramic bound south.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21º 27’N, 17º 45.5’W.


[At sea to Las Palmas and Gibraltar for paying off]

4caf8671cadfd34197015f63: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0173_0.jpg)

1 September 1923

At sea

Lat 22.6, Long -17.37

  8.00am: Pos. 22º 20’N, 17º 24’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23º 05’N, 17º 18’W. A/c N38E.

  Sick list: 3.

Weather: NE winds f 6-7 with very rough seas all day.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f64: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0173_1.jpg)

2 September 1923

At sea

Lat 23.99, Long -17.07

  8.00am: Pos. 23º 49.5’N, 17º 02’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 012º, 85 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24º 26’N, 16º 53’W.

Weather: NE winds f 6 with rough seas continuing all day.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f65: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0174_0.jpg)

3 September 1923

At sea

Lat 25.24, Long -16.49

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 04’N, 16º 36.5’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 022.5º, 83 miles.

12.22pm: A/c N44E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 43.5’N, 16º 14’W. A/c N39E.

Weather: NE winds f 6 with rough seas continuing all day.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f66: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0174_1.jpg)

4 September 1923

At sea

Lat 26.77, Long -16.02

  6.50am: A/c N446.5E.

  8.00am: Pos. 26º 29’N, 16º 13.5’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 016º, 94.5 miles.

  6.50pm: A/c N53E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27º 17’N, 15º 41’W.

  9.40pm: Las Palomas Lt bg N20E.

11.15pm: A/c N53E.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f67: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0175_0.jpg)

5 September 1923

At sea to Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  5.25am: A/c N20W.

  7.40am: Sighted Las Palmas bg NNW, 4 miles.

  8.30am: Fired national salute of 21 guns. Pilot boarded.

  8.45am: Anchored.

  9.00am: Secured stern to buoy.

  9.35am: Commenced coaling.

  6.00pm: Finished coaling, received 130 tons.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f68: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0175_1.jpg)

6 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Let fires die out.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f69: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0176_0.jpg)

7 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Hands variously employed.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f6a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0176_1.jpg)

8 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Cleaning ship etc.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f6b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0177_0.jpg)

9 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Sunday routine. Hands mustered by open list.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f6c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0177_1.jpg)

10 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Hands employed provisioning ship.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f6d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0178_0.jpg)

11 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Painting down aloft and on upper deck.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f6e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0178_1.jpg)

12 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Painting and scraping.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f6f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0179_0.jpg)

13 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Hands unfuzing shell and chipping paintwork. Marines mustering bags.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f70: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0179_1.jpg)

14 September 1923

Las Palmas

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  Raised steam in one boiler.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f71: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0180_0.jpg)

15 September 1923

Las Palmas and at sea towards Gibraltar

Lat 28.32, Long -15.19

  9.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.00am: Isleta Lt bg 240º, 6.2 miles. Course N63E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28º 57’N, 14º 24’W. A/c N58E.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f72: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0180_1.jpg)

16 September 1923

At sea

Lat 30.37, Long -12.84

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 03’N, 12º 11’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 045º, 173 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31º 00’N, 12º 03’W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f73: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0181_0.jpg)

17 September 1923

At sea

Lat 32.33, Long -10.49

  8.00am: Pos. 31º 57N, 10º 58W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 046º, 170 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 03.5N, 9º 32W.

11.59pm: Cap de Mazagan Lt bg S61E(m), 30 miles.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f74: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0181_1.jpg)

18 September 1923

At sea

Lat 34.41, Long -7.79

  4.07am: Mazagan Lt bg S, 28 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 02N, 8º 16.5W.

     Noon: Course & DMG 047.5º, 184 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35º 10N, 6º 50.5W.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f75: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0182_0.jpg)

19 September 1923

At sea to Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

12.48am: Cap Spartel Lt bg N75E(m).

  3.40am: C Malabata Lt bg S79E(m).

10.05am: Secured to North side Gun wharf, Gibraltar. Hands disembarking ammunition. Let fires die out.

  4.00pm: Finished disembarking ammunition. Cast off from Gun wharf with tug and secured to Coaling wharf.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f76: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0182_1.jpg)

20 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed un-coaling ship, 74 tons.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f77: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0183_0.jpg)

21 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Cast off from coaling wharf in tow of tug. Secured alongside Main wharf.

  2.00pm: Hands employed taking all boats to boat shed.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f78: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0183_1.jpg)

22 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00am: One Ldg Seaman discharged to hospital.

  5.00pm: Landed swimming party.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f79: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0184_0.jpg)

23 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Sunday. Church parties landed.

  5.00pm: Landed swimming party.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f7a: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0184_1.jpg)

24 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: Hands employed disembarking stores.

  5.00pm: Landed swimming party.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f7b: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0185_0.jpg)

25 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed returning Paymaster's stores.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f7c: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0185_1.jpg)

26 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands employed disembarking ordnance stores and canvas gear.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f7d: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0186_0.jpg)

27 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  Hands returning Boatswain's stores.

  1.00pm: Dutch submarine depôt ship Pelikaan [Pellican in log] and three submarines arrived.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f7e: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0186_1.jpg)

28 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.30am: Hands employed furling and returning awnings.

     Noon: Ship's company medically inspected.

  1.30pm: Hands transporting victualling stores and mess gear to dock quarters.

  4.00pm: Ship's company left for HMS Cormorant. Hands re-commissioning left for dock quarters.

  4.30pm: HMS Dwarf being sealed for fumigation.

4caf8671cadfd34197015f7f: ( 53-76508/ADM 53-76508-0187_0.jpg)

29 September 1923


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

  8.00am: HMS Dwarf paid off.

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