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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion

Pendant No M.70 (on coming into service). Built 1912, 18099grt, 16kts. Armament: 8-6in. In service 27.10.14-2.8.16. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. Converted to armed storeship in mercantile service. Sunk 25.2.17 by U.50 160 miles NW of Fastnet. (British Warships 1914-1919)

An account of Captain W.R.D. Irvine RNR and the Ship's Loss.

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

This edit would not have been possible without the Internet, more specifically without these websites.
All of these are maintained by volunteers, usually unpaid and often at their own expense.
We thank you all and salute you! In no particular order… for Clydebuilt ships. for ships built on the Tyne. … and the Tees. …and in Sunderland. for Royal Fleet Auxiliaries. for Dutch merchant ships. for Norwegian merchant ships. for officer’s records. for place data and maps. for everything. for old warships. for merchant fleet lists. for maps. for places in South Africa. for Belfast ships. for everything WW1.

Each day’s transcript is a précis of the original log page, where routine events are usually omitted.
Occasionally, often on the first day of a month, a full record is given to convey something of the flavour of life aboard.
The original page can of course be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink for that day.
The second line of each day’s entry is the position of the vessel at noon.
When the position has not been entered in the log, I have used the known co-ordinates of the port if anchored or have estimated a position when at sea. The latter is marked [approx] and is usually estimated with the assistance of the invaluable Journey Plotter program.
Noon positions are given in the modern decimal format.
Other positions in the log are given in the traditional degrees and minutes style.

Some useful abbreviations:

AB: Able Seaman.
A/c: Altered course.
Asl: above sea level.
bg: Bearing.
BP: Battle Practice.
C: Cape, Cap, Cabo.
C-in-C: Commander in Chief.
Cdr: Commander.
CERA: Chief ERA.
CPO: Chief Petty Officer.
CS: Cable Ship.
DB: Double bottom.
DMG: Distance Made Good.
DR: Dead Reckoning.
Eng: Engineer(ing).
ERA: Engine Room Artificer.
Flt Lt: Flight Lieutenant.
Flt S/Lt: Flight Sub-Lieutenant.
Fm(s): Fathom(s).
FW: Fresh water.
Grt: Gross registered tonnage.
HMAS: HM Australian Ship.
HMAT: HM Australian Transport.
HMHS: His Majesty’s Hospital Ship.
HMS: His Majesty’s Ship.
HMT: HM Transport.
HMW: HM Whaler.
KHM: King’s Harbour Master.
Lat: Latitude.
L/Cpl: Lance Corporal.
Ldg: Leading Seaman, Stoker etc.
Long: Longitude.
Ldg Sn: Leading Seaman.
Lt: Lieutenant, also Lighthouse.
Lt/Cdr: Lieutenant Commander.
LV: Light Vessel.
(m): Magnetic (bearing).
Mech.: Mechanic.
Mid.: Midshipman.
MTO: Marine Transport Office(r).
NCO: Non Commissioned Officer.
OS: Officer Steward.
PO: Petty Officer.
Pos.: Position.
Pte: Private.
QF: Quick Firing.
RM: Royal Marine(s).
RMLI: Royal Marine Light Infantry.
RN: Royal Navy.
RNAS: Royal Naval Air Service.
RNR: Royal Naval Reserve.
RNVR: Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve.
S/Lt: Sub Lieutenant.
SMS: Seiner Majestät Schiff (a German warship).
SS: Screw Steamer.
(t): True (bearing).
Tel.: Telegraphist.
WO: Warrant Officer.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

LOG BOOK – NOVEMBER 24th 1914 TO March 31st 1915

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Front cover, Adm. 53/45875, 24th November 1914 to 1st April 1915.

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The above three pages are blank.

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Captain CS Wills RN

Tonnage. 27,946 tons.

Length. 625 feet overall.

Breadth. 71.35 feet.

Engines. Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co. Ltd. 14,500 IHP. Twin quadruple surface condensing, installed 1912.

Boilers. Same manufacturer, cylindrical multi-tubular steel, installed 1912.

Propellers. Manganese Bronze Co., London. twin, 19’ 9” dia. Condition very good.

Signed, CS Wills.

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Printed page of directions for logkeepers.

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Information page

Armament [diagram shown], eight 6" QF Mark II on P. II BD mountings.

Complement. Officers 33, seamen 264, marines 38, engine room establishment 87, other non-exec ratings 40, total 462 [362 in log].

Mercurial barometer. P Adie No 1138. 16’ asl.

Dry thermometer Negretti and Zambra No 8058.

Wet thermometer J Hicks MS124.

Sea thermometer Douglas Wells, no number.

Boats. 11 clinker built double-ended 30’ lifeboats.

1 gig.

1 Carley raft, capacity 41 persons.


Draught with full load. For’d 23’ 10”. Aft 25’ 6”.

Bunkers. 2,626 tons coal, with a further 1,128 tons in No 3 hold.

Tanks. 790 tons of boiler water, 331 tons drinking, with additional capacity in double bottom tanks.

Page signed by the Captain and by Cdr WRD Irvine RNR, Navigating Officer.

[Cdr Irvine was the Captain of Laconia before and after her conversion from a liner to an Armed Merchant Cruiser. There is a short biography at the conclusion of this edit].

Voyage from UK to, and operations off southern Africa

JP map Laconia 1914-15


[Liverpool and Portsmouth]

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24 November 1914


Lat 53.43, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Broke pendant, ship commissioned by Captain CS Wills as armed merchant cruiser with crew from Chatham depôt.

10.30am: Crew employed hoisting in and stowing stores, ammunition, projectiles etc.

  1.30pm: Fires lit and engine room telegraph tested. Steering gear examined.

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25 November 1914


Lat 53.43, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Hands taking in stores.

11.45am: Singled up moorings.

12.50pm: Left berth in Huskisson Dock assisted by three tugs.

  1.35pm: Made fast in Sandon Basin.

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26 November 1914

Liverpool and at sea towards Portsmouth

Lat 53.55, Long -3.37

  8.00am: Tested gun mountings. Compass adjusted by Lt Furse, compass adjuster.

  Draught on leaving 24’ 42” for’d, 26’ 10” aft. Coal 3,205 tons.

     Noon: Proceeded on passage.

  2.49pm: Dropped pilot to pilot boat off Point Lynas. Proceeded full speed.

  3.32pm: Middle Mouse I. abeam, 1.25 miles.

Weather: West wind f 6 with squally showers.

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27 November 1914

At sea

Lat 49.95, Long -4.85

12.50am: Smalls Lt abeam 3 miles, a/c S24W.

  8.00am: Pos. 50º 20’N, 5º 25’W.

  9.10am: Longships Lt abeam 3 miles, a/c S60E.

11.10am: Lizard Lt abeam 4 miles, a/c S38E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 294.5 miles, coasting.

  1.10pm: Eddystone Lt bg N49E(t).

  2.08pm: Same abeam 7 miles.

  2.35pm: Start Pt Lt bg N64E(t)

  3.54pm: Same abeam, 5 miles.

  6.12pm: Portland Bill Lt bg Lt N53E(m)

  7.17pm: Same abeam, 11 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos 50º 22’N, 2º 08’W.

10.05pm: Needles Lt bg N80E

11.00pm: St Catherine’s Pt Lt abeam 3.5 miles.

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28 November 1914

At sea to Portsmouth

Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

12.46am: Passed Warrior LV and anchored.

  7.10am: Weighed, pilot boarded.

  7.46am: Anchored, awaiting permission to enter harbour.

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.15am: Secured alongside South Railway jetty. Drew fires in five boilers, banked fires in remainder.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 164.5 miles to anchorage.

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29 November 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  9.05am: Commenced loading ammunition.

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30 November 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  3.25am: Ceased work at No 3 hold, barge unloaded.

  9.15am: Commenced loading victualling stores.

10.30am: Resumed loading ammunition. Work continuing throughout the night.


[Portsmouth, St Vincent and Ascension I.]

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1 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Receiving ammunition and victualling stores throughout the day and night.

  Sick list: 5.

Weather: Strong winds, W or SW, f 7 at times in the am, f 4 in the pm, with some rain showers, 50º to 55º F.

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2 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Hoisting in and stowing naval stores throughout the 24 hours.

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3 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Continuing to load stores throughout the 24 hours, with breaks for strong weather, SW winds up to f 7 with showers.

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4 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores.

  1.40pm: Ceased work at aft hatches owing to bad weather [force 8, squalls and rain].

11.30pm: Escort with prisoner arrived on board.

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5 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores and ammunition.

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6 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  7.05am: AB Jones brought on board by escort.

  Taking in stores.

  9.30pm: Ceased work for heavy rain.

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7 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores in between rain showers.

  9.00am: Exercised S2 and P2 guns. Hands overhauling boats etc.

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8 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores.

  9.00am: Gun crews at gun drill and loader exercises.

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9 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores.

  2.00pm: Discharged Lt/Cdr Masson [?] to HMS Pembroke. Lt/Cdr Bowles joined ship.

  7.45pm: One Marine from Chatham HQ joined the ship.

10.30pm: Stopped receiving stores and covered hatches owing to heavy rain.

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10 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores.

  5.30pm: Guard with prisoner returned from Barracks.

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11 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

     In am: Taking in stores.

  2.00pm: Stopped all work at hatches. Heavy continuous rain.

  5.00pm: One ERA and three stokers joined ship.

  7.00pm: Resumed work.

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12 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores.

  Discharging cordite and projectiles.

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13 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores, discharging ammunition.

  Shifting ship’s cordite from lower magazine to refrigeration chamber at No 3 hatch.

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14 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Cautioned Mr FC Williams, Gunner, with reference to his intemperance on Dec. 13th.

  Coaling at No 3 hatch [Note that even in harbour Laconia burns 20 tons a day, to keep steam up for winches, generators, heating etc.].

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15 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Taking in stores, coaling, shifting ammunition and preparing for sea.

  9.00am: P Wadey and AE Mason joined ship for passage.

  1.00pm: Hoisting in 42’ launch (derrick socket fractured) and shifting ammunition.

  3.00pm: Coaling at No 3 hatch.

  4.00pm: Lit fires.

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16 December 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  9.00am: Finished coaling. 687 tons received.

  1.00pm: Watch unrigging and hoisting out heavy derrick to return to dockyard.

  3.10pm: Ship left jetty and proceeded to No 4 buoy, pilot directing, three tugs assisting.

  7.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.40pm: Dropped pilot.

  7.50pm: Passed Warrior LV.

  9.25pm: St Catherine’s Lt abeam, 4 miles. Course S72W.

11.46pm: Portland Bill Lt bg N29W(m), 25 miles.

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17 December 1914

At sea

Lat 48.38, Long -5.53

  1.18am: Casquets Lt abeam, 18 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 49º 05’N, 3º 33’W (DR).

  9.00am: A/c S60W.

10.30am: A/c S43W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various 239 miles.

    In pm: Strong head wind and rough sea, shipping light water forward.

  8.00pm: Pos. 46º 43’N, 6º 52’W (DR).

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18 December 1914

At sea

Lat 43.33, Long -9.47

  Gales from West and SW all morning with frequent heavy rain.

  8.00am: Pos. 44º 09’N, 8º 57’W (DR).

     Noon: Course & DMG, S28.5W, 344.7 miles.

    In pm: Winds gradually moderate to F4.

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19 December 1914

At sea

Lat 37.63, Long -13.45

  Anti-rolling tank in action.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S25W, 387 miles.

  6.00pm: A/c S38W.

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20 December 1914

At sea

Lat 31.67, Long -16.80

  6.15am: Porto Santo Lt bg S80W.

  6.54am: Same abeam 12.5 miles.

  8.30am: Sail Rock [now Farilhao] abeam, 13 miles.

  9.30am: A/c S40W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S25W, 394 miles.

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21 December 1914

At sea

Lat 26.14, Long -20.0

     Noon: Course & DMG, S27W, 372 miles.

  5.54pm: Stellar pos. 24º 51’N, 20º 47’W.

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22 December 1914

At sea

Lat 20.75, Long -23.12

  6.15am: Stellar pos. 22º 06’N, 22º 18’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S28W, 365 miles.

  6.08pm: Stellar pos. 19º 28’N, 23º 47’W.

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23 December 1914

At sea to St Vincent, Cape Verde Is

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  9.57am: Anchored, St Vincent. Banked all fires. HM ships in port, Highflyer, Vengeance and Empress of Britain [Ireland in log]. Commenced discharging stores to various ships and coaling.

11.30am: HMS Marmora arrived.

    In pm: Fresh breeze and rough sea impeding rate of work considerably.

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24 December 1914

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Discharging stores to various ships and coaling.

  Moderate fresh breeze and swell impeding rate of work.

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25 December 1914

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Discharging stores to various ships and coaling.

  Moderate fresh breeze and swell impeding rate of work considerably.

  5.00pm: HMS Highflyer proceeded to sea

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26 December 1914

St Vincent and at sea

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  7.30pm: Finished coaling and discharging stores. All hatches and case ports closed and secured for sea.

  8.13pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.00pm: Machedo Pt Lt abeam 2 miles. Passed and signalled HMS Highflyer.

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27 December 1914

At sea

Lat 13.68, Long -24.37

  Received 1,885 tons of coal at St Vincent [so 3,303 tons in the holds and bunkers at noon].

  5.56am: N end of Brava I. [Ilha Brava] bg S53E.

  6.00am: A/c S7E.

  8.00am: Pos. 14º 31’N, 24º 39’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 203 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 59’N, 23º 36’W.

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28 December 1914

At sea

Lat 8.42, Long -22.05

  Xmas Day kept this day.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 18’N, 22º 23’W.

10.00am: Make and mend. Mess deck visited by Captain and officers. [In many ships a boisterous visit with the most junior crew member made Captain for the day. By tradition the officers serve the men’s dinner.]

     Noon: Course & DMG, S23.25E, 344 miles.

12.30pm: A/c S7E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 43’N, 21º 15’W.

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29 December 1914

At sea

Lat 3.13, Long -19.58

  5.57am: Stellar pos. 4º 28’N, 20º 10’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 07’N, 21º 01’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S25E, 350 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1º 44’N, 18º 58’W.

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30 December 1914

At sea

Lat -2.22, Long -17.53

  2.00am: Crossed the Equator.

  2.13am: Stellar pos. 0º 03’S, 18º 22’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 1º 18’S, 17º 35’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S21E, 344 miles.

  4.08pm: Swung ship for compass adjustment.

  6.30pm: Stellar pos. 3º 19’S, 17º 02’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 32’S, 16º 45’W.

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31 December 1914

At sea to Ascension I.

Lat -6.9, Long -14.97

  5.24am: Stellar pos. 5º 32.5S, 15º 47’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 10S, 15º 20W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S28.45E, 320 miles.

12.36pm: Made Ascension I. bg S3E(m), 60 miles.

  4.58pm: Anchored, Ascension I. Fires banked. HMS Vindictive in harbour and commenced discharging stores to same. Received a quantity of empties from her.


[Ascension I., St Helena, Simonstown, Durban, patrol off Delagoa Bay, Durban, Simonstown, Lüderitz Bay,

Walfisch Bay and Lüderitz Bay]

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1 January 1915

Ascension I. and at sea towards St Helena

Lat -8.73, Long -13.53

  3.10am: Finished discharging stores to HMS Vindictive.

  6.10am: Weighed, turned and proceeded, course S25E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 74.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 05’S, 12º 06’W.

10.30pm: Stellar pos. 10º 22’S, 11º 29’W.

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2 January 1915

At sea

Lat -12.50, Long -9.37

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 54’S, 10º 01’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S47E, 334 miles.

12.45pm: A/c S21E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 49’S, 7º 58’W.

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3 January 1915

At sea to St Helena and at sea towards Simonstown

Lat -15.92, Long -5.73

  8.00am: Pos. 15º 24’S, 5º 26’W.

10.52am: Anchored off Jamestown.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S46.5E, 295 miles.

12.30pm: Commenced landing stores for HMS Albion [to await her arrival later this month, vide Albion’s log].

  5.30pm: Finished landing stores.

  7.18pm: Weighed, turned and proceeded, course S25E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15º 51’S, 5º 37’W.

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4 January 1915

At sea

Lat -18.28, Long -2.80

  5.00am: Stellar pos. 17º 14’S, 4º 02’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 17º 43’S, 3º 30’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 225 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19º 30’S, 1º 41’W.

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5 January 1915

At sea

Lat -21.90, Long 1.57

  7.36am: Swung ship to E and S to test Flinders bar correction on bridge compass.

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 18’S, 0º 53’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S48.5E, 328 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23º 06’S, 3º 03’E.

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6 January 1915

At sea

Lat -25.67, Long 6.00

  8.00am: Pos. 24º 58’S, 3º 23’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S49E, 332 miles. A/c S24E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26º 43’S, 7º 27’E.

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7 January 1915

At sea

Lat -29.1, Long 10.75

  8.00am: Pos. 28º 02’S, 9º 20’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S51E, 324.5 miles.

12.15pm: Banked fires in one boiler and carried out steam trial with four boilers only. [Laconia is using 150 tons of coal in 24 hours. This reduction lowers her speed from 13.9 to 12 knots.]

  8.00pm: Pos. 30º 06’S, 12º 10’E.

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8 January 1915

At sea

Lat -32.05, Long 14.93

  8.00am: Pos. 31º 05’S, 13º 31’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S50E, 279 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 15’S, 16º 38’E.

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9 January 1915

At sea to Simonstown and on towards Durban

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  5.50am: Mist cleared off land. Cape of Good Hope bg East, 7 miles.

  7.40am: Anchored off Simonstown. Ships in port, HMS’ Hyacinth and Albion. Discharged stores to Hyacinth.

  1.55pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.00pm: Cape Pt Lt abeam 8.5 miles, a/c S12E.

  4.00pm: C Hangklip abeam, a/c S26E.

  6.11pm: Danger Pt abeam 4 miles, a/c S33E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 52’S 19º 48’E.

  8.45pm: C Agulhas Lt abeam 3.5 miles, a/c S71E.

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10 January 1915

At sea

Lat -34.32, Long 24.65

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 30S, 22º 55E.

11.55am: Seal Pt Lt bg N68E(m)

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 321 miles.

12.53pm: C St Francis [the site of the above lighthouse] abeam, 9 miles, a/c S85E.

  2.58pm: C Recife Lt bg N48E.

  3.57pm: Same abeam, 5.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 48’S, 26º 47’E.

  9.23pm: Great Fish Pt Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

11.55pm: Hood Pt Lt bg N50E.

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11 January 1915

At sea to Durban

Lat -31.45, Long 29.97

12.13am: Found by bearing of Hood Pt, N22E, ship setting out [veering away from the land]. A/c N77E.

  1.52am: Hood Pt Lt abeam, 10 miles, a/c N71E.

  5.15am: Daylight. Hauled in towards land, a/c N55E.

  8.00am: Pos. 32º 05’S, 29º 10’E.

  8.03am: Hole in the Wall abeam 5.75 miles.

10.22am: C Hermes Lt abeam 2.5 miles, a/c N76E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 324 miles.

  4.25pm: Shepstone Lt abeam, 4.7 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 55’S, 31º 06’E.

  9.10pm: Anchored off Durban.

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12 January 1915


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  5.50am: Weighed, pilot boarded. Proceeded into port.

  6.20am: Arrived at buoys, tug Richard King attending.

  8.00am: Moored fore and aft. Discharging stores to SS Tremayne for HMS Weymouth.

10.10am: Commenced coaling.

10.20am: Finished working stores.

  3.00pm: Preparing for sea.

  5.00pm: Sailing orders cancelled. Resumed coaling.

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13 January 1915


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Received fresh water. Continued coaling.

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14 January 1915

Durban and at sea

Lat -29.55, Long 31.39

  6.00am: Cleaning coal ports and preparing for sea.

  7.15am: Unshackled and rove slip ropes fore and aft.

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded under pilot.

  9.52am: Dropped pilot. Proceeded, NE’ly courses.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 26 miles.

  4.00pm: Continuous heavy rain squalls, casting lead frequently.

  4.30pm: St Lucia Lt bg N43E.

  5.34pm: Same abeam 3.75 miles, a/c N50E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28º 04’S, 32º 46’E.

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15 January 1915

At sea, patrolling off Delagoa Bay

Lat -26.25, Long 33.40

  5.25am: Sighted and closed steamer.

  6.05am: Signalled Portuguese SS Chinde. Proceeded.

  7.59am: Various courses off Delagoa Bay.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 38’S, 33º 15’E. Southerly courses until noon.

     Noon: Distance made good, 325 miles. A/c N74W.

  7.00pm: A/c S41W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 40’S, 33º 35’E.

11.16pm: C Inhaca Lt abeam, 16 miles.

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16 January 1915

At sea, patrolling off Delagoa Bay

Lat -25.58, Long 33.47

  2.30am: C Inhaca Lt abeam 14 miles, a/c N10E, then various courses during the day patrolling.

  4.50am: Closed and spoke Portuguese SS Ibo.

  7.43am: Closed and spoke SS Llandovery Castle.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 42’S, 33º 08’E.

     Noon: Distance made good, 258 miles.

  7.40pm: C Inhaca Lt bg S53W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 45’S, 33º 15’E.

  9.25pm: C Inhaca Lt abeam, 10 miles.

11.59pm: A/c N29E.

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17 January 1915

At sea, patrolling off Delagoa Bay

Lat -25.29, Long 33.89

  1.40am: C Inhaca Lt abeam, 25.5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 52’S, 33º 10’E.

11.00am: Limpopo Lt bg N12W [this is at the mouth of the Limpopo River at Songoene].

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 239 miles.

  1.56pm: Limpopo Lt abeam, 14 miles, a/c S71W.

  4.40pm: Sighted HMS Hyacinth bg S38W.

  5.25pm: Stopped, sent boat to Hyacinth*.

  6.10pm: Hoisted boat and proceeded, course S29W.

  6.48pm: C Inhaca Lt abeam, 15 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 51’S, 33º 11’E.

  *Hyacinth is the flagship of the C-in-C, Rear Admiral Herbert King-Hall.

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18 January 1915

At sea to Durban

Lat -29.74, Long 31.30

  5.42am: C St Lucia Lt abeam, 2.5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 29º 01’S, 32º 05’E.

12.15pm: Bluff Lt bg S74W(m).

  1.00pm: Picked up pilot. Tug Harry Escombe attending.

  2.56pm: Secured to buoys.

  3.30pm: Landed 150 libertymen.

  8.00pm: Libertymen returned.

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19 January 1915


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Water boat alongside. Coaling from lighters.

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20 January 1915


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Coaling proceeding throughout.

  9.45am: Escort landed for prisoner.

11.30am: Escort returned with prisoner.

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21 January 1915

Durban and at sea

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  8.00am: Closed coal ports, bunkers full. Unshackled from buoy.

  2.15pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,600 tons.

  4.07pm: Slipped from buoys, proceeded to pilot’s rules (Pilot Coombes), tug Richard King assisting.

  4.20pm: Let go tug.

  4.30pm: Engines full astern, ship took ground. Engines worked astern, pumping out tanks 3 and 5.

  4.40pm: Ship floated off and straightened in channel, tug assisting. Proceeded. Wells checked by carpenter, found correct.

  4.55pm: Dropped pilot. Course S47W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30º 29’S, 30º 47’E.

  9.20pm: Shepstone Lt abeam, 6 miles.

11.59pm: A/c S67W.

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22 January 1915

At sea.

Lat -33.37, Long 27.67 [lat/long reversed in log, corrected here]

12.35am: C Hermes Lt abeam on West horizon.

  1.52am: Same abeam, 8 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 32 50S, 28 30.5E.

10.30am: Hood Pt Lt abeam, 8 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG from Bluff Lt, various, 278 miles.

  3.47pm: Glendower Peak beacon bg N7E, 9 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 03’S, 25º 50’E.

  8.15pm: C Recife Lt abeam, 3.5 miles.

11.43pm: C St Francis Lt abeam, 5.75 miles.

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23 January 1915

At sea

Lat -34.85, Long 21.72 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 39S, 22º 54E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 311 miles.

12.35pm: A/c N66W.

  4.47pm: Ship swung on starboard helm for compass deviation.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 53S, 20º 08E.

  8.30pm: C Agulhas abeam, 3.5 miles.

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24 January 1915

At sea to Simonstown

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.25am: Danger Pt Lt abeam 11 miles.

  3.10am: Cape Pt Lt bg North.

  6.11am: Anchored, Simons Bay.

  9.15am: Mr Duffin Engineer RNR landed to hospital.

     Noon: Ship ranging considerably in gale force squalls.

  1.20pm: Dropped starboard anchor to one shackle.

  HM vessels in port: Goliath in dry dock, TBDs 029 and 060, examination service tender Chub.

  Strong winds and squalls all pm.

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25 January 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Dockyard diver down examining bottom and starboard side bilge.

     Noon: Diver’s report shows all correct.

  1.34pm: Leave officers landed.

  3.26pm: Shifted to No 5 berth.

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26 January 1915

Simonstown and at sea

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.20am: One Marine, one Ldg Sn and 11 Seamen joined for passage.

12.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.30pm: Slang Kop Lt abeam 4 miles.

  5.34pm: Picked up and signalled HMT Gaika. Turned and proceeded, same in company.

  5.55pm: Robben I. Lt abeam 2 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 34’S, 18º 00’E.

  8.25pm: Dassen I. Lt abeam 8 miles.

  [Note that in her log, Laconia often uses code letters when referring to transports, but I have generally omitted these here and used the full vessel names where known to avoid confusion.]

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27 January 1915

At sea

Lat -30.8, Long 16.40

  8.00am: Pos. 31º 34’S, 16º 42’E.

11.45am: Closed and identified SS Thatos of Gothenburg, bound Cape Town with lumber.

  7.13pm: Closed and identified SS Ingerid of Cape Town. Resumed course and station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 17’S, 15º 39’E.

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28 January 1915

At sea to Lüderitz Bay and at sea

Lat -26.63, Long 15.16

  8.00am: Pos. 26º 58.5’S, 15º 05’E.

10.35am: Anchored in Lüderitz Bay. Tug Sir Frederick came off to ship on arrival. HMT Gaika anchored in inner harbour, HMT Clan MacPhee already at anchor there.

  3.45pm: Weighed and proceeded, HMT Gaika in company, course NNW.

  5.08pm: Observed vessel SSW of Ichabo I., closed and identified as SS Agnes of Cape Town, at anchor. Proceeded with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26º 56’S, 14º 39’E.

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29 January 1915

At sea to Walfisch [now Walvis] Bay

Lat -22.88, Long 14.40

  8.00am: Pos. 23º 36’S, 14º 12’E (DR).

  9.30am: Frequent soundings, misty inland.

12.17pm: Anchored, Walfisch Bay. HMT Gaika proceeded to inner anchorage.

  2.00pm: HMS Astraea alongside for stores. HM Tug Afrikander [ex-Ludwig Wiener] alongside for stores and water. One Marine discharged to Astraea.

  4.30pm: Astraea cast off to anchor.

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30 January 1915

Walfisch Bay and at sea

Lat -21.81, Long 13.90

  5.00am: One bag of mails received from HMS Astraea.

  6.15am: Weighed and proceeded, Northerly courses until noon.

  8.00am: Pos. 22º 33.5’S, 14º 21.5’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 74.5 miles.

12.15pm: A/c S14W for Lüderitz Bay.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23º 24’S, 14º 05’E.

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31 January 1915

At sea to Lüderitz Bay and at sea

Lat -26.52, Long 14.95 DR

  5.30am: Patches of fog, clearing at times.

  7.18am: Mercury I. abeam 4 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 54’S, 14º 48’E.

  8.30am: Fog dense, reduced to half speed.

11.30am: Fog lifting at times and less dense.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 304 miles.

  1.34pm: Anchored in Lüderitz Bay.

  1.45pm: Tug Sir Frederick alongside. One PO and nine Seamen joined for passage. Received 20 bags of mail.

  2.32pm: Weighed and proceeded, Southerly courses.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27º 38’S, 15º 13’E.


[Escorting convoys between Simonstown and Walfisch Bay]

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1 February 1915

At sea

Lat -30.80, Long 16.42

12.15am: Exercised sea boat’s crew.

12.30am: Watch man and arm ship, port guns.

  4.15am: Exercised sea boat’s crew.

  4.30am: Watch man and arm ship, port guns.

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 01’S, 16º 05’E.

  9.10am: Divisions and prayers.

  9.30am: Hands overhauling davits and falls.

  1.15pm: Muster for payment.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32º 21’S, 17º 13’E.

  8.30pm: Watch man and arm ship.

11.00pm: Exercised sea boat’s crew.

  Sick list: 1.

Weather: SW winds f 3-4, cloudy but dry, 64º to 69º F.

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2 February 1915

At sea to Simons Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  2.17am: Dassen I. Lt abeam 19 miles.

  4.24am: Robben I. Lt abeam 18 miles.

  6.00am: Slang Kop abeam 7 miles.

  9.20am: Anchored in Simons Bay. In port: HMS’ Goliath and Armadale Castle.

10.50am: Coal lighter alongside.

  1.55pm: Landed one PO and nine Seamen RNVR.

  4.00pm: Armadale Castle left dry dock to No 5 berth.

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3 February 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  2.00am: Wind force 6 SE by S. Dropped starboard anchor.

  6.10am: Resumed coaling, rate impeded by sea.

  9.25am: 30 bags of mail landed.

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day.

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4 February 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  6.25am: Resumed coaling.

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day.

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5 February 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Coaling and discharging stores.

  2.30pm: Escort with prisoners arrived on board.

  8.15pm: Steamboat taken over from HMS Armadale Castle.

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6 February 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  6.10am: HMS Armadale Castle left port.

  Discharging stores to dockyard and HMS Goliath.

  2.30pm: Steamboat taken over by dockyard.

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7 February 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Discharging stores to HMS Goliath.

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8 February 1915

Simonstown to False Bay and return

Lat -34.25, Long 18.48

  5.00am: Preparing for sea. Target party to tug Scotsman.

  6.23am: Weighed and proceeded to target practice in False Bay, Scotsman towing target.

10.07am: Various courses and speeds for target practice.

  6.10pm: Returned to anchorage.

  6.50pm: Anchored.

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9 February 1915

Simonstown and at sea

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.47am: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.00pm: Cape Pt abeam 2.25 miles.

  1.30pm: Course N47W.

  4.54pm: Stopped off Green Pt Lt [Cape Town] awaiting convoy.

  5.00pm: SS’ Clan Maclaren [McClaren in log], Corfe Castle and Hyacinthus passed out to sea.

  5.50pm: SS Gaika under weigh. Proceeded with same, course N20W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 35’S, 18º 42’E.

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10 February 1915

At sea

Lat -30.70, Long 16.55

  Course N5E all day.

  8.00am: Pos. 31º 29’S, 16º 52’E.

  9.45am: Passed and signalled transport Z.

10.50am: Passed and signalled SS Ingerid.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 25’S, 15º 58’E.

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11 February 1915

At sea towards Walfisch Bay

Lat -26.79, Long 14.98

  8.00am: Pos. 27º 29’S, 15º 06.5’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 248 miles.

12.40pm: Lüderitz Bay Lt abeam 7 miles.

  6.13pm: Mercury I. abeam.

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12 February 1915

At sea to Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.88, Long 14.42

  8.00am: Pos. 23º 28’S, 14º 12’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 242 miles.

12.49pm: Anchored in Walfisch Bay. Convoy arrived. Ships in port: HMS’ Astraea, Armadale Castle, SS’ Clan Macfadyen [McFayden in log], Den of Glamis, Galway Castle, British Prince, Glenorchy, Monarch, City of Athens*, Clan MacPhee. HMHS Ebani, Collier Cilicia.

  *1899, 5,159 grt, Ellerman Line, sunk in 1917.

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13 February 1915

Walfisch Bay at sea and return

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  2.01pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea to fill Nos 6 and 15 DB tanks with salt water. Tested distillation machinery. Returned to harbour.

  6.07pm: Anchored.

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14 February 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Sunday routine.

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15 February 1915

Walfisch Bay and at sea

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.15am: SS Cilicia alongside to supply FW.

  6.00pm: Received mails from HMS Astraea and shore.

  7.00pm: Cilicia cast off. Received 193 tons FW from her.

  7.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S51W.

  9.00pm: A/c S26W.

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16 February 1915

At sea

Lat -26.08, Long 14.70

  5.00am: A/c S2E.

  6.00am: In fog until 11.00am.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 18.5’S, 14º 31’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 202 miles.

  3.07pm: Diaz Pt Lt abeam, 6 miles, a/c S13W.

  4.40pm: Possession I. abeam 5.2 miles.

  6.00pm: A/c S8W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27º 41’S, 15º 19.5’E.

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17 February 1915

At sea

Lat -30.8, Long 16.45

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 09’S, 16º 15’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 300 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32º 17’S, 17º 12’E.

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18 February 1915

At sea to Simonstown

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  3.18am: Dassen I. Lt abeam, 16.25 miles.

  6.48am: Slang Kop abeam.

10.09am: Anchored in Simons Bay. HM Ships in harbour, Goliath and Armadale Castle.

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19 February 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Discharging stores to dockyard tender and to HMS Goliath via lighter.

Received shrapnel projectiles. Received five bags of mail and one of parcels for HMS Astraea. One bag of mails for Afrikander.

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20 February 1915

Simonstown to Table Bay and at sea for Walfisch Bay

Lat -34.12, Long 18.24

  7.30am: Escort returned with two absentees.

  8.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.43am: Slang Kop Lt abeam 4.5 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 40 miles.

  2.08pm: Anchored in Table Bay, awaiting HMTs to convoy.

  4.20pm: HMT S proceeded.

  4.36pm: Weighed anchor.

  4.45pm: HMT N proceeded.

  5.40pm: HMTs Professor Woermann* and City of Athens put to sea.

  6.10pm: Proceeded with convoy [of the two vessels above].

  8.56pm: Dassen I. Lt abeam 8 miles, a/c N27W.

11.50pm: A/c N8W.

  *Professor Woermann, the third of three Woermann Line ships with this name, 1912, 6,061 grt, captured 1914, later renamed Professor and operated by Union Castle Line until 1921.

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21 February 1915

At sea

Lat -31.20, Long 16.47

  8.00am: Pos. 31º 54’S, 16º 50’E.

  1.45pm: A/c N18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 52’S, 15º 55’E.

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22 February 1915

At sea

Lat -27.17, Long 15.02

  7.48am: A/c N by W.

  8.00am: Pos. 27º 55’S, 15º 13’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 254 miles.

12.15pm: A/c N.

  3.05pm: Turned ship to ‘pick up’ HMT W [Professor Woermann].

  3.50pm: Communicated with same and proceeded.

  4.30pm: Cast of lead every 30 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 55’S, 14º 43’E.

Weather: Overcast and misty in the morning, thickening to fog f4 during the afternoon and night.

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23 February 1915

At sea to Walfisch Bay

Lat -23.24, Long 14.20

  8.00am: Pos. 23º 54’S, 14º 20’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 253 miles.

  2.47pm: Anchored in Walfisch Bay. Ships in port, HMS’ Astraea, Afrikander, SS’ Monarch and Clan MacPhee.

  4.00pm: SS’ Professor Woermann, Glenorchy and City of Athens arrived.

  7.15pm: Astraea and Afrikander put to sea.

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24 February 1915

Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund and return

Lat -23.2, Long 14.3 [approx]

  7.54am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.12am: Swakopmund Lt bg East, 4 miles.

  9.30am: Anchored, Swakopmund.

11.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.46pm: Anchored, Walfisch Bay.

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25 February 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  8.15pm: HMT Glenorchy proceeded.

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26 February 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.20am: HMT Galway Castle and HMS Armadale Castle arrived.

  7.40am: Armadale Castle put to sea.

  2.05pm: SS Clan MacPhee put to sea.

  4.00pm: HMTs Shonga and British Prince arrived.

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27 February 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  1.40pm: SS Rufidji* (Rifudji in log) arrived.

  6.30pm: SS City of Athens put to sea.

  *SS Rufidji, formerly Woermann Line, 1911, 5,442 grt, later renamed Huntscliff.

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28 February 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  4.30pm: HMT Erna Woermann* sailed.

  *Erna Woermann, the second of two Woermann Line ships of this name, 1902, 5,528 grt, ex-Louisiana, purchased 1905, captured at Duala in 1914, renamed Huntscastle and operated by Union Castle Line until 1921.


[Walfisch Bay and at sea for Simonstown]

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1 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  A typical day of entries in harbour.

  1.00am: Fire detector used. Rounds correct.

  2.20am: Watch man and arm ship.

  4.00am: Light breeze, overcast and hazy.

  4.45am: Watch man and arm ship. Fire detector used.

  6.00am: Clean decks.

  9.10am: Divisions and prayers.

10.00am: Mist cleared off. Watch cleaning over side and cleaning boats.

     Noon: Muster for payment.

  3.00pm: HMT Galway Castle left port.

  7.45pm: Darken ship. Night defence stations.

11.00pm: Rounds correct. Watch man and arm ship.

  Sick list: 1.

Weather: NE winds up to f 3, overcast with mist at times, 58º to 61ºF.

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2 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

11.40am: HMT Professor Woermann left port.

  3.30pm: HMT Hyacinthus arrived.

  4.00pm: HMT Clan Maclaren arrived.

  5.07pm: HMS Armadale Castle arrived. Midshipman WW Provo transferred to Armadale Castle for passage to Simonstown hospital.

  5.25pm: HMT Gaika arrived.

  6.15pm: Armadale Castle left port.

10.45pm: HMT Shonga left port.

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3 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

12.30am: HMHS Ebani arrived.

  9.30am: Depth of water alongside, 5¼ fathoms [31’ 6”, not a lot when Laconia draws about 28’!].

10.00am: Officers at pistol practice.

  1.00pm: Watch mustered and aired bedding.

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4 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  1.42pm: HMT British Prince proceeded to sea. Tug Alert arrived.

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5 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

11.45am: HMT Clan Maclaren left port.

  5.00pm: HMT Clan McFadyen arrived.

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6 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.00am: HMT Ingerid arrived.

  1.00pm: HMT Hyacinthus left port.

  7.10pm: HMT Gaika left port.

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7 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

11.05am: HMT Ingerid left port.

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8 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands employed shifting stores from upper to lower sections.

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9 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  1.25pm: HMT Erna Woermann sailed.

  7.30pm: HMHS Ebani proceeded to sea.

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10 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  9.25am: HMT Den of Glamis arrived.

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11 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands drying and restowing stores. [Laconia’s decks leak!]

  9.38am: HMT Rufidji sailed.

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12 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  1.32pm: HMT Clan MacPhee arrived.

  2.40pm: HMS Armadale Castle arrived.

  4.30pm: HMT Glenorchy arrived.

  5.10pm: Armadale Castle sailed.

  5.20pm: HMT City of Athens arrived.

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13 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  9.30am: Hands employed shifting stores. Carpenter caulking B deck.

10.00am: Marines examined at loader drill.

  4.00pm: HMT Professor Woermann arrived.

  5.25pm: HMT Monarch sailed.

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14 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  3.00pm: Received a small quantity of stores from HMT Professor Woermann.

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15 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  9.48am: HMT Clan Macbeth [McBeth in log] arrived.

11.00am: Schooner Jane Kilgour sailed.

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16 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  1.30pm: Carpenter’s party caulking decks.

11.30pm: HMT Clan MacPhee sailed.

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17 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  4.00pm: HMT Clan Ogilvy arrived.

  5.30pm: HMT Professor Woermann left.

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18 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  4.55pm: HMT Ingerid arrived.

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19 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

12.10pm: HMT Galway Castle arrived.

  1.00pm: Eng. C Brown Innes RNR joined ship.

  3.30pm: Collier arrived and made fast alongside.

  3.35pm: HMT British Prince arrived.

  4.30pm: HMT Glenorchy sailed.

  6.00pm: Collier ranging considerably alongside due to sea. Coaling suspended.

  7.15pm: Collier cast off to anchor.

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20 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.00am: Collier alongside, commenced coaling.

  8.15am: HMT Shonga arrived.

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling, collier cast off to anchor.

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21 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Sunday routine, no coaling.

  9.30am: HMT Haileybury arrived.

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22 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.30am: Collier alongside, commenced coaling.

  5.00pm: HS Ebani arrived.

  7.15pm: Collier cast off to anchor. Estimated 510 tons received today.

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23 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.10am: Collier alongside, commenced coaling.

  7.00pm: Collier cast off to anchor.

  7.20pm: HMS Armadale Castle arrived.

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24 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.00am: Collier alongside, commenced coaling.

  2.00pm: Diver down to clear suction inlets of marine growth.

  7.05pm: Collier cast off to anchor.

  7.50pm: HMS Armadale Castle left port.

10.45pm: HS Ebani sailed.

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25 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.25am: Collier alongside, commenced coaling.

  5.30pm: HMT Erna Woermann arrived.

  7.05pm: Collier cast off to anchor.

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26 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.50am: Collier alongside, commenced coaling.

  6.55pm: HMT Galway Castle left.

  7.05pm: Collier cast off to anchor.

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27 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  7.10am: Collier alongside, commenced coaling.

  5.30pm: HMT Erna Woermann sailed.

  6.30pm: HMT Shonga sailed.

  7.00pm: Finished coaling, total received 2,600 tons. [A very trying week for Laconia’s crew: all the work of getting the coal out of the collier and trimming it in the bunkers is done by them, with no chance to get the ship clean. In addition, Laconia has to man and arm the ship during darkness and continually has steam up, burning up to 35 tons of coal a day.]

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28 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  Hands cleaning ship after coaling.

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29 March 1915

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.95, Long 14.45

  5.45pm: HMS Armadale Castle arrived.

  7.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.15pm: Course S29W.

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30 March 1915

At sea

Lat -26.05, Long 14.70 DR

  5.00am: A/c S8W.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 11’S, 14º 25’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 202 miles.

  1.30pm: Observed land about Ichabo I. bg E by S.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27º 46’S, 15º 31’E.

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31 March 1915

At sea

Lat -31.15, Long 16.70

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 35’S, 16º 34’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 322 miles.

  1.15pm: Mustered for payment.

  8.00pm: Pos 32º 40’S, 17º 48’E.

  9.30pm: Dassen I. Lt bg S11E.

11.59pm: Same abeam 11.5 miles, a/c S5W.

Operations off eastern Africa

JP map Laconia eastern Africa


[Simonstown for dry dock, Cape Town, Durban and Mafia Island]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45876, signed by Cdr WRD Irvine, RNR.

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Dated 5th May 1915, signed Captain CS Wills, RN. Also 20th May, HMS Hyacinth and signed by the Flagship Commander.

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Duplicate scan

1 April 1915

At sea from Walfisch Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  1.00am: Celestial objects, Moon etc, very brilliant.

  5.20am: SS Saxon passed Westbound.

  7.54am: Anchored.

  8.45am: Weighed and proceeded into dry dock.

  9.05am: Made fast. Draft 26’ 3” fwd, 26’ 10” aft.

11.45am: Ship on blocks.

  3.15pm: Ship refloated, shims reqd aft.

  5.00pm: Ship on blocks and shored.

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Above five pages blank.

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2 April 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and working in dock.

  9.00am: Dockyard carpenters caulking B deck.

    In pm: Hands cleaning and painting.

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3 April 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

    In am: Hands painting etc.

    In pm: Admitted water to dock to float pontoons to paint upper parts. Small quantity of stores received.

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4 April 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  1.09pm: HMS Pyramus arrived.

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5 April 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

     In am: Watch painting over side.

  8.00am: HMS Pyramus entered dock.

10.00am: Dockyard carpenter caulking B deck.

  2.25pm: Ship afloat. Receiving water and stores.

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6 April 1915

Simonstown to Cape Town

Lat -34.22, Long 18.54

  8.57am: Left dry dock and anchored in Simons Bay.

10.31am: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.58pm: Entered dock in Cape Town and made fast alongside East pier.

  4.30pm: Finished with engines, fires banked, watch rigging coaling gear.

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7 April 1915

East Pier, Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  6.30am: SS Marathon left harbour for roadstead

  6.55am: SS Bida sailed.

  7.15am: SS Kwarra arrived.

  7.50am: Commenced coaling on both sides [the coal will be coming in with shore labour, probably mechanised, but the trimming in the holds will still fall to the crew].

10.45am: SS Clan MacMillan arrived

     Noon: Collier SS Tresillian arrived.

  8.00pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

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8 April 1915

East Pier, Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  7.00am: Resumed coaling.

  7.30am: SS Glenorchy and SS Baron Minto arrived.

  5.00pm: Baron Minto sailed.

10.20pm: Finished coaling.

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9 April 1915

East Pier, Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  1.45am: SS Rangitira* arrived.

  7.00am: SS Battenhall sailed.

10.15am: SS Pentaur** arrived.

11.30am: SS Lembok entered dock.

     Noon: SS Clan MacPhee arrived and docked.

  5.00pm: Read punishment warrants Nos 3, 4, 5 and 6. Three prisoners confined to cells.

  8.00pm: SS British Prince sailed.

  *Rangitira, 1909, 10,118 grt, the second of two Shaw Savill vessels of this name.

  **Pentaur, 1892, 3,134 grt, ex-Volumnia, owned at this time by ET Olufsen, Durban.

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10 April 1915

East Pier, Cape Town and at sea

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Commander O Barry joined for passage.

  8.30am: Escort returned with prisoner.

  9.30am: Fireman Scott brought to ship by civil police.

11.00am: Left wharf, proceeded to anchorage, anchored.

  3.40pm: Mail steamer Dunvegan Castle arrived.

11.20pm: Received mail.

11.51pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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11 April 1915

At sea

Lat -35.0, Long 20.55 [approx; log entry is 30 50.5S, 20 30W, clearly incorrect]

  3.10am: Cape Pt Lt abeam, 5 miles.

  7.05am: Danger Pt Lt abeam.

  9.10am: SS Shonga passed Westbound.

10.05am: C Agulhas Lt abeam 3.5 miles, a/c S73E.

11.07am: Passed transport Clan Maclaren [McLaren in log] westbound.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 146.5 miles.

  3.29pm: C Barracouta abeam.

  6.50pm: C Blaize Lt bg N25E.

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12 April 1915

At sea

Lat -34.11, Long 25.67

  8.00am: C St Francis Lt abeam, bg N18E, 3 miles.

11.00am: C Recife Lt bg N78E, a/c S83E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various 258.5 miles.

  5.00pm: Read warrant No 7.

  6.17pm: Glendower Beacon abeam.

  7.50pm: Gt Fish Pt Lt abeam, 5.5 miles, a/c N76E.

11.00pm: Brilliant phosphorescence in sea.

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13 April 1915

At sea

Lat -32.13, Long 29.17

  1.05am: Hood Pt Lt abeam, 4.2 miles.

  6.30am: Passed Swedish SS Hellenic Northbound.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 213 miles.

12.21pm: Hole in the Wall abeam, 5 miles.

  5.06pm: C Hermes Lt abeam, 1.7 miles.

  8.38pm: A/c N64E.

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14 April 1915

At sea to Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.30am: Passed SS Border Knight Southbound.

  2.15am: Passed SS Dart Southbound.

  6.58am: Picked up pilot.

  8.11am: Completed mooring to buoys in Durban harbour.

11.45am: Coal lighters alongside.

  2.20pm: SS Miltiades arrived. SS Hyathes [possibly Hyanthes is intended] sailed.

  4.40pm: SS Montrose sailed.

  5.20pm: SS Apolda* arrived.

  *Apolda 1901, 4,939 grt, formerly Deutsche-Australische Line, seized in Cape Town 1914.

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15 April 1915

Durban harbour

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Coaling from lighters all day.

    In am: Received a motor boat, hoisted in.

    In pm: Received a quantity of aviation stores.

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16 April 1915

Durban harbour

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Coaling completed in am.

  9.15am: SS Miltiades sailed.

  5.00pm: Read punishment warrant No 8.

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17 April 1915

Durban harbour

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

11.00am: Seaplane 122 hoisted on board.

     Noon: SS Kwarra arrived.

  1.00pm: Seaplane 119 hoisted on board and a quantity of seaplane stores received.

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18 April 1915

Durban harbour and at sea

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  8.00am: Seaplane 121 hoisted in.

  4.52pm: Left buoys assisted by tug and pilot.

  5.25pm: Cleared breakwater and dropped pilot, proceeded to sea. Course N68E (m).

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19 April 1915

At sea

Lat -26.64, Long 33.95

  1.08am: St Lucia Lt bg N1W, a/c N52E.

  5.50am: Pos. (stellar) 27º 51’S, 33º 09’E.

11.00am: Passed SS York Castle Southbound.

     Noon: DMG 248 miles.

  6.40pm: A/c N42E.

  7.00pm: Passed SS Samoset Southbound.

  9.55pm: Zavora Pt abeam, bg N45W, 16 miles.

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20 April 1915

At sea

Lat -21.97, Long 36.94

  5.40am: Pos. (stellar) 23º 19’S, 36º 20E’.

     Noon: DMG 325 miles.

  5.55pm: Pos. (stellar) 20º 36’S, 37º 41’E.

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21 April 1915

At sea

Lat -17.0, Long 39.84

  5.55am: Pos. (stellar) 18º 18’S, 39º 06E’.

     Noon: DMG 340 miles.

  2.36pm: Mafamede I. abeam, 11 miles.

  9.00pm: Mozambique Lt [on Ilha de Moçambique] abeam, 10 miles.

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22 April 1915

At sea

Lat -11.67, Long 41.05

  5.30am: Pos. (stellar) 13º 13’S, 41º 06’E.

     Noon: DMG 337 miles.

  2.30pm: Mtundo I. (Ilha Mtundo) abeam, 10 miles.

  4.21pm: C Delgado Lt abeam, 6 miles.

  6.30pm: Sighted and signalled HMAS Pioneer.

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23 April 1915

At sea and at anchor off Niororo I.

Lat -7.6, Long 39.65

  7.40am: Anchored off Niororo I.

  8.55am: SS Reichenfels made fast alongside and delivered seaplane stores.

10.39am: HMS Weymouth arrived.

     Noon: DMG 272 miles.

12.30pm: Reichenfels left for anchorage.

    In pm: Seaplanes hoisted out for trials.

  5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to position 2.5 miles NW of island.

  5.59pm: Anchored.

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24 April 1915

At various anchorages off Niororo I.

Lat -7.6, Long 39.65

  5.30am: Shifted anchorage.

  7.30am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

  9.10am: HMS Weymouth alongside for stores.

11.07am: Hyacinth left.

  5.20pm: Weymouth left from alongside.

  5.56pm: Shifted anchorage.

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25 April 1915

Niororo I. to Kilindini and return

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  5.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.10am: Anchored off Kilindini.

10.10am: Seaplane left on reconnaissance flight.

11.45am: Seaplane returned. [On this flight, the crew managed to photograph the German cruiser Konigsberg, in the Rufiji River.]

  2.23pm: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  2.30pm: SS Barjora anchored.

  4.00pm: Commander Barry left for Barjora for passage. One Sirdar and 19 Seedies* joined from Barjora.

  4.25pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

  *Seedies are locally recruited Muslim Seamen, who join on fixed contracts and are usually restricted to less skilled tasks. The Sirdar is their Petty Officer.

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26 April 1915

At various anchorages off Niororo I.

Lat -7.6, Long 39.65

  5.16am: Shifted anchorage.

  7.37am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  4.30pm: HMW Echo [an armed whaler purchased in Durban, ex-Barrowby] left.

  5.53pm: Shifted anchorage.

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27 April 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  5.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.58am: Anchored off Mafia I. [probably in Tirene Bay]

10.00am: HMAS Pioneer anchored

11.30am: Pioneer alongside for stores.

  2.25pm: Seaplane left on reconnaissance flight.

  3.30pm: Pioneer left.

  4.30pm: Seaplane returned and hoisted in.

  5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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28 April 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  5.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Anchored off Mafia I.

  9.20am: HMS Hyacinth alongside for stores.

  3.50pm: Hyacinth left.

  4.39pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.08pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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29 April 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  5.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Anchored off Mafia I.

    In pm: Seaplane 121 exercising, unable to climb to required height.

  4.33pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.08pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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30 April 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  5.32am: Shifted anchorage.

  6.29am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  7.10am: HMS Kinfauns Castle anchored and a small quantity of stores transferred to her in boats.

  9.00am: Lt/Cdr Bowles transferred to Kinfauns Castle for passage.

10.29am: Weighed and proceeded.

     Noon: Anchored off Mafia I.

  3.35pm: HMW Echo arrived.

  3.50pm: Echo left.

  4.26pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.02pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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[Niororo Island and Mafia Island]

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Cover Adm. 53/45877, signed by Cdr Irvine, RNR.

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Dated 3rd June 1915, signed by Captain CS Wills, RN.

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1 May 1915

Anchored off Niororo I.

Lat -7.6, Long 39.65

  5.22am: Shifted anchorage.

  6.25am: HMS’ Hyacinth, Chatham, Weymouth and Kinfauns Castle anchored.

10.20am: Kinfauns Castle sailed.

  5.34pm: Shifted anchorage.

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2 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.44am: Stopped to transfer interpreter to SS Reichenfels.

  7.16am: Anchored off Mafia I.

11.35am: Seven Seedie boys transferred to HMAS Pioneer.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.17pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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3 May 1915

Anchored off Niororo I.

Lat -7.6, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Shifted anchorage.

  6.30am: Collier Cento alongside and commenced coaling.

  8.30am: SS Reichenfels alongside and transferred a small quantity of seaplane stores.

10.07am: HMS Cornwall anchored.

11.15am: Reichenfels left.

11.55am: Cornwall left.

  5.00pm: Ceased coaling. Collier left and anchored.

  5.30pm: Shifted anchorage.

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4 May 1915

Anchored off Niororo I.

Lat -7.6, Long 39.65

  5.30am: Shifted anchorage.

  6.10am: Collier Cento alongside, commenced coaling.

  6.50am: HMS Chatham anchored.

  8.10am: HMW Fly [an armed whaler, ex-German Sturmvogel] anchored.

11.30am: SS Zanoni arrived.

  2.00pm: Received 20 Kroo* boys from SS.

  3.00pm: Ceased coaling. Hands hoisting out ammunition for Chatham.

  5.30pm: Shifted anchorage.

  *Kroo boys, like the Seedies, professional African Seamen, but these come from Liberia on the West Coast.

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5 May 1915

Niororo I. to Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  5.16am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.58am: Anchored in Tirene bay.

11.55am: Seaplane 119 hoisted out.

  1.30pm: Seaplane 119 (Lt Watkins) left on flight westward.

  2.10pm: SS Africa [?] sailed.

  4.19pm: Seaplane 122 (Lt Cull) left on recce for 119, overdue.

  4.30pm: Motor boat left to search.

  7.45pm: Information received of position of seaplane.

  8.20pm: Motor boat returned.

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6 May 1915

Mafia I. to Niororo I. and again

Lat -7.7, Long 39.65 [approx]

  5.20am: Weighed and proceeded. Telemotor control and steering gear failed to set. Steered with engines until steering gear adjusted.

  6.54am: Anchored.

  7.10am: HMW Fly brought seaplane 122 alongside. Hoisted in.

11.31am: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.15pm: Anchored off Mafia I.

  1.24pm: HMS Chatham anchored.

  2.35pm: SS Barjora sailed.

  4.27pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.06pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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7 May 1915

Various anchorages off Niororo I.

Lat -7.6, Long 39.65

  5.19am: Shifted anchorage.

  5.47am: Finished with engines.

  7.00am: Banked fires.

  9.10am: Divisions and prayers.

  9.30am: Officers to rifle drill. Watch working stores etc.

10.38am: HMW Childers [an armed whaler purchased in Durban, ex-Norvegia] anchored and received a small quantity of stores.

  3.20pm: Childers left.

  5.34pm: Shifted anchorage. Ship carefully darkened, night defence stations.

  7.15pm: Banked fires.

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8 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Anchored off Mafia I.

10.27am: HMS Chatham anchored

12.22pm: HMS Cornwall anchored.

  2.20pm: HMW Fly alongside for supplies.

  3.25pm: Chatham and Cornwall left.

  4.20pm: Fly cast off. Weighed and proceeded.

  6.05pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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9 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.58am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.14am: HMS Chatham arrived and anchored.

10.17am: HMW Echo arrived and anchored.

  1.35pm: Collier SS Lady Charlotte arrived and received from us a quantity of coal bags etc.

  2.58pm: Weighed and proceeded at full speed to recover seaplane in 7º 34’S, 39º 31’E.

  4.14pm: Anchored.

  4.45pm: Hoisted in seaplane 121.

  4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to Tirene Bay.

  6.14pm: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

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10 May 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  4.00am: Watch preparing to receive collier alongside.

  6.50am: Lady Charlotte alongside.

  7.30am: Commenced coaling.

  8.07am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  8.45am: HMW Echo anchored.

11.30am: HMS Chatham anchored.

  3.02pm: Pioneer left.

  4.45pm: HMW Pickle [an armed whaler, ex-German Seeadler] anchored.

  4.50pm: Echo alongside for stores.

  5.20pm: Echo left.

  5.30pm: Ceased coaling.

  5.45pm: Collier left to anchor.

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11 May 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.15am: Collier Lady Charlotte alongside.

  6.20am: HMW Pickle sailed.

  6.45am: Resumed coaling.

  7.30am: HMS Chatham anchored.

  9.24am: HMS Fly alongside.

11.10am: Fly left from alongside to Chatham.

  3.30pm: Finished coaling.

  5.28pm: Shifted anchorage to 1.5 miles NW of Tirene buoy.

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12 May 1915

Mafia Island to Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.20am: Shifted anchorage.

  9.25am: HMW Pickle alongside.

  3.00pm: Pickle cast off.

  3.05pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.40pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

  5.35pm: Shifted anchorage.

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13 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Shifted anchorage. Communicated with shore by boat.

  6.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.15am: Anchored in Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

11.25am: HMW Fly anchored.

12.30pm: HMS Chatham anchored.

  1.00pm: Stores supplied to HMAS Pioneer.

  4.13pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.53pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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14 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.54am: Anchored off Mafia Island.

  7.41am: HMS Chatham anchored.

10.30am: HMW Pickle alongside for stores.

12.20pm: HMW Childers anchored.

  1.30pm: Pickle cast off and anchored.

  1.45pm: HMW Childers alongside for stores and fresh water.

  3.35pm: Chatham left.

  4.10pm: Childers cast off.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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15 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.05am: Anchored off Mafia I.

  7.40am: Collier SS Zanoni alongside.

  8.00am: Commenced coaling.

  8.03am: HMS Chatham anchored.

  8.25am: HMW Childers anchored.

10.40am: HMW Fly arrived alongside Chatham.

  1.00pm: HMW Childers alongside for stores.

  2.00pm: Chatham left.

  2.25pm: Fly alongside for stores and fresh water.

  3.35pm: Fly left.

  4.00pm: Ceased coaling, collier left to anchor.

  4.22pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.09pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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16 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.08am: Anchored off Mafia I.

  7.50am: HMS Weymouth anchored and sent mail.

  9.00am: HMW Childers anchored.

  9.35am: HMW Pickle alongside for stores and water.

  9.45am: Childers left.

11.50am: Pickle left.

  2.00pm: Beef supplied to Weymouth.

  4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.57pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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17 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Anchored off Mafia I.

  7.30am: Collier SS Zanoni alongside and commenced coaling.

  7.53am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  9.06am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  9.25am: HMAS Pioneer arrived and made fast alongside SS Lady Charlotte to coal.

12.35pm: HMW Fly arrived.

  1.40pm: Pioneer ceased coaling.

  2.25pm: Fly alongside Weymouth.

  3.05pm: Hyacinth, Fly and Weymouth sailed.

  5.30pm: Finished coaling, collier left to anchor.

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18 May 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I. and Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.15am: Collier SS Zanoni alongside and commenced coaling.

11.30am: Hoisted out Seaplane 121.

  1.45pm: HMS Weymouth left collier to anchor.

  3.45pm: Ceased coaling.

  4.05pm: Seaplane 121 hoisted in. Weymouth sailed.

  4.22pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.07pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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19 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.57am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.34am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

11.30am: Collier SS Zanoni sailed.

  1.15pm: Hands mustered to receive HRH Princess Mary’s presents.

  1.35pm: SS Tuna arrived with mail.

  2.45pm: Hoisted in 121.

  3.00pm: One Seaman transferred to HMW Fly.

  3.15pm: Hyacinth left anchorage.

  4.19pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.04pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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20 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.58am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.05am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  8.45am: HMS Hyacinth alongside for stores.

  9.20am: HMW Pickle arrived and went alongside SS Lady Charlotte.

11.00am: Finished discharging stores to Hyacinth.

  1.00pm: Seaplane 121 left on recce flight.

  2.50pm: Seaplane 121 returned.

  2.55pm: Pioneer sailed.

  3.45pm: Hyacinth sailed.

  4.18pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.05pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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21 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.02am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.40am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  9.22am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

11.00am: HMW Fly anchored.

11.45am: Collier SS Zanoni alongside to transfer stores.

  1.40pm: 122 hoisted out.

  1.50pm. Fly alongside for stores.

  1.55pm: 122 left on flight.

  2.50pm: 121 hoisted out.

  3.20pm: Fly and Zanoni left.

  3.40pm: 122 returned. Both planes hoisted in.

  4.00pm: Hyacinth and Weymouth left anchorage.

  4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.06pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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22 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.02am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.30am: HMAS Pioneer arrived.

  7.40am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  7.45am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  9.10am: Weymouth left.

  9.15am: Gunlayers and trainers to Hyacinth.

11.34am: 121 hoisted out.

  1.20pm: SS Lady Charlotte sailed.

  3.12pm: Weymouth returned.

  3.15pm: 121 in.

  4.15pm: Hyacinth, Pioneer and Weymouth left anchorage.

  4.18pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.10pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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23 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.02am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.45am: HMW Pickle alongside for stores.

11.00am: Hoisted out 121.

  1.45pm: Pickle left to anchor.

  3.10pm: SS Tuna left.

  3.35pm: 121 in.

  4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.08pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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24 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.08am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.20am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  8.20am: HMW Fly alongside for stores.

10.10am: Fly left.

11.10am: HMW Pickle sailed.

  2.35pm: HMW Echo alongside for provisions.

  3.30pm: Echo left.

  3.50pm: Weymouth and Fly left anchorage.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.04pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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25 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.06am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.05am: HMW Echo arrived.

  8.30am: HMW Fly arrived.

12.50pm: Fly left.

  1.45pm: SS Barjora arrived and came alongside. Discharging stores to Barjora.

  4.40pm: Barjora left to anchor.

  5.40pm: HMAS Pioneer left anchorage.

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26 May 1915

Mafia I. to and at Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.20am: HMS Weymouth alongside for stores.

  7.25am: HMW Echo anchored.

  8.00am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  8.10am: Echo alongside for stores.

  8.20am: HMW Pickle anchored.

10.00am: Collier Lady Charlotte anchored.

12.30pm: HMS Laurentic anchored.

  1.40pm: Weymouth cast off and went alongside Laurentic.

  3.55pm: Echo cast off and Weymouth left.

  4.00pm: Echo, Lady Charlotte and SS Barjora sailed.

  4.19pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.04pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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27 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  1.00am: SS Barjora sailed.

  5.19am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.07am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.30am: HMW Fly alongside for provisions.

10.00am: Fly cast off and proceeded.

  4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.58pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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28 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.04am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.40am: HMS Weymouth arrived.

  8.54am: Seaplane 122 left on flight.

10.25am: Seaplane 122 returned.

10.30am: Party of gunlayers and trainers sent to HMS Hyacinth.

11.00am: Transferred small quantity of stores to Weymouth.

     Noon: Training party returned.

  1.00pm: Party of gunlayers and trainers sent to Hyacinth.

  2.00pm: Training party returned.

  4.13pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.58pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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29 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.07am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.15am: HMW Echo sailed.

  8.45am: HMW Pickle alongside.

11.25am: Pickle cast off.

  Continuous heavy rain throughout pm, obscuring land at times.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.05pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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30 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.21am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.08am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.15am: HMW Pickle alongside.

  9.26am: SS Lady Charlotte arrived.

12.12pm: HMS’ Hyacinth and Laurentic anchored.

12.20pm: Pickle to Laurentic for beef.

  3.15pm: Pickle alongside with beef.

  4.21pm: Pickle cast off, weighed and proceeded.

  6.05pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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31 May 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.05am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.25am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  7.50am: HMS Laurentic anchored.

  8.10am: HMS Weymouth and HMW Fly anchored.

  8.20am: HMAS Pioneer arrived alongside SS Zanoni.

10.00am: Seaplane 121 left on flight.

11.00am: Seaplane 121 returned.

11.15am: Signalman F Cooper joined ship.

11.30am: Laurentic proceeded to sea.

  1.30pm: SS Lady Charlotte anchored.

  2.15pm: Hyacinth left anchorage.

  2.55pm: Pioneer alongside.

  3.55pm: Pioneer left.

  4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.55pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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[Niororo Island and Mafia Island]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45878, signed by Cdr WRD Irvine, RNR.

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Dated 3rd July 1915, signed by Captain CS Wills, RN.

4caf8794cadfd3419701b974: ( 53-45878-002_1.jpg)

1 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.56am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.30am: 122 hoisted out.

  8.18am: HMW Echo anchored.

  8.25am: HMW Fly alongside.

  9.10am: Divisions, prayers.

  9.18am: Echo alongside collier Zanoni.

  9.30am: Watch employed shifting second three shackles of starboard cable in place of first. Carpenter overhauling shackles, pins etc.*

10.55am: Fly cast off.

     Noon: 122 hoisted in.

12.50pm: Fly left.

  1.15pm: Hands mustered for payment.

  2.40pm: SS Lady Charlotte sailed.

  3.40pm: Echo cast off.

  4.17pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.02pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

  *Because Laconia is weighing and anchoring twice a day at present, the wear is much greater than it would be in normal service. A shackle of cable is 75’.

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2 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.40am: HMAS Pioneer arrived. Provisions supplied to Pioneer and HMW Pickle.

  9.30am: Port cable hove up and first three shackles switched with second three. Carpenter overhauling shackles, pins etc.

11.30am: Pickle sailed.

  4.13pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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3 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.58am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.17am: HMW Echo anchored.

11.40am: HMW Fly alongside.

12.45pm: HMW Childers anchored.

  1.57pm: Fly left.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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4 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.58am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.10am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  7.18am: HMW Childers arrived.

  1.25pm: SS Lady Charlotte anchored.

  1.40pm: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  2.40pm: HMW Echo, Childers and Hyacinth sailed.

  4.15pm: Weymouth sailed.

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5 June 1915

Mafia I. to Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.50am: SS Lady Charlotte sailed.

  7.30am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  7.30am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and commenced coaling from SS Zanoni.

  8.20am: SS Kendal Castle arrived and came alongside for fresh water.

  8.25am: HMW Pickle arrived.

  9.20am: Pickle alongside.

10.20am: Collier SS Corinthia arrived.

11.00am: W Cribbin and J Bruce, Carpenters, discharged to Hyacinth.

12.40pm: Hyacinth finished coaling.

  1.08pm: Pickle left from alongside to anchor.

  2.25pm: Kendal Castle left to anchor.

  3.10pm: Hyacinth sailed.

  4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.02pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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6 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.01am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.20am: HMW Echo alongside.

  8.05am: HMW Childers alongside.

10.00am: Childers sailed.

  3.35pm: Echo sailed.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.02pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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7 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.16am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.01am: Anchored in Tirene Bay

  7.24am: HMS Weymouth anchored

  7.30am: Collier Zanoni proceeded to Weymouth.

  9.15am: Tug Revenger [one of the tugs used to tow HMS’ Mersey and Severn from Britain for the Rufiji action] alongside for water.

  Frequent heavy rain squalls

     Noon: HMW Pickle alongside.

  1.00pm: Pickle left to anchor.

  1.00pm: Revenger left and proceeded.

  3.55pm: Weymouth left.

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8 June 1915

Mafia I. to Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.50am: Seaplane 122 left on recce flight.

  7.28am: Seaplane 122 returned.

  8.00am: HMW Childers alongside.

  9.50am: Childers left to SS Zanoni.

  2.50pm: HMS Hyacinth and tug Blackcock left anchorage.

  3.20pm: SS Zanoni sailed.

  4.14pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.55pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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9 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

12.01am: SS Zanoni left anchorage.

  5.19am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.04am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.05am: HMW Pickle anchored.

10.10am: HMS Trent* arrived and came alongside for water.

  2.50pm: Trent cast off and left harbour.

  4.17pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.58pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

  *At this time still a fleet auxiliary but shortly to be designated HMS, so I have used that appellation throughout to avoid confusion.

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10 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.19am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.02am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.18am: Landed working party of Seedie boys.

  8.05am: HMW Childers alongside.

  8.55am: Tug TA Joliffe alongside.

10.55am: Tug Sarah Joliffe alongside.

  1.50pm: TA Joliffe cast off.

  2.35pm: Childers cast off.

  2.55pm: Sarah Joliffe cast off to anchor.

  4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.55pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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11 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I. and return

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.19am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.05am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.50am: HMWs Fly and Echo alongside.

  8.11am: HMS’ Hyacinth and Weymouth anchored.

  8.45am: Collier SS Corinthia alongside Hyacinth.

  9.30am: Tug TA Joliffe alongside.

12.30pm: F Reynolds AB joined from Echo.

12.55pm: Hyacinth finished coaling, HMW Pickle alongside.

  1.55pm: Pickle and Fly cast off.

  4.05pm: Weymouth sailed.

  4.14pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.52pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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12 June 1915

Niororo I. to and at Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.17am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.08am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.15am: Landed working party of Seedie boys.

  7.20am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  7.30am: Tugs Revenger and Blackcock alongside.

  8.45am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  9.50am: SS Cliftonhall [Clifton Hall in log] arrived and anchored.

10.00am: SS Corinthia’s boat hoisted and repaired.

10.25am: Revenger cast off.

11.10am: Blackcock cast off.

  2.10pm: SS Weissmann alongside with seaplane spares etc.

  3.30pm: Weissmann cast off and anchored.

  4.00pm: Received fruit from Cliftonhall.

  4.03pm: Pioneer left harbour.

  4.15pm: Hands to physical drill.

  6.00pm: Ship darkened, night defence stations.

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13 June 1915

Mafia I. to and at Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.00am: Working party of Seedie boys landed.

  8.00am: HMW Childers alongside.

11.00am: Childers proceeded to the assistance of capsized dhow.

     Noon: Mr B Harris, interpreter, joined from SS Weissmann.

12.35pm: Childers anchored.

  2.15pm: Childers left.

  3.20pm: SS Weissmann left anchorage.

  4.17pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.57pm: Anchored off Niororo I.


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14 June 1915

Niororo I. to Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.19am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.07am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.10am: Colliers Corinthia and Cliftonhall alongside. Commenced coaling.

  9.20am: Sea plane W920 landed to shore station.

12.53pm: HMW Pickle left.

  1.30pm: HMW Fly alongside.

  2.19pm: Fly left.

  4.15pm: Sea plane122 left on flight.

  5.30pm: Ceased coaling for the day, received 693 tons.

  5.35pm: Seedie boys returned from shore.

  5.45pm: Motor boat left to assist 122.

10.15pm: Sea plane returned towed by motor boat, hoisted in.

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15 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.00am: Resumed coaling.

  7.00am: Seedie boys landed.

  8.05am: HMW Childers alongside collier.

12.40pm: HMW Echo sailed.

  1.50pm: Childers left.

  2.55pm: Tug Sarah Joliffe alongside with stores.

  4.30pm: Finished coaling.

  4.50pm: Sarah Joliffe left to anchor.

  5.25pm: Colliers cast off and proceeded to anchor, total received 1,365 tons.

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16 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.45am: HMW Childers alongside.

  8.10am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

11.00am: J Blithe (apprentice) joined from SS Corinthia.

  1.10pm: Hyacinth finished coaling.

  2.25pm: Childers cast off.

  3.20pm: Hyacinth left.

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17 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.30am: HMAS Pioneer alongside collier.

  7.45am: HMW Echo alongside.

  8.15am: HMW Fly alongside.

10.50am: Fly left.

12.08pm: SS Barjora arrived and anchored.

  1.14pm: HMS Pyramus arrived and anchored.

  2.05pm: Pyramus left.

  2.30pm: SS Trent anchored.

  4.00pm: SS Barjora sailed.

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18 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.00am: Collier alongside HMS Trent.

  8.00am: Collier Cliftonhall alongside HMS Pyramus.

  8.10am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  9.00am: HMW Fly alongside.

  9.11am: HMS Laurentic arrived and anchored.

12.15pm: Fly cast off.

  2.00pm: Lt/Cdr GJ Bowles joined from HMS Pyramus.

  3.25pm: HMAS Pioneer sailed.

  3.55pm: Hyacinth sailed.

  4.15pm: Pyramus sailed.

  5.00pm: Mr B Harris, interpreter (Seedie), discharged to Laurentic.

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19 June 1915

At Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.35am: Shifted anchorage.

  7.50am: HMS Weymouth anchored

  9.20am: Tug Revenger alongside for water.

10.30am: Tug Blackcock alongside with quantity of wooden frames for aeroplane hangar.

10.30am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

10.45am: Quantity of stores received from HMS Laurentic.

10.45am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  1.00pm: Flt Lt H Blackburn and Flt S/Lt HJ Donald RNAS joined from Laurentic.

  2.12pm: Pioneer left.

  3.00pm: HMW Fly left.

  5.30pm: Blackcock alongside with provisions and beef from Laurentic.

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20 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.20am: SS Trent alongside for fresh water.

  7.00am: HMS Laurentic anchored.

  9.30am: HMW Childers alongside discharging beef.

11.00am: Childers left.

11.15am: The following RNAS ratings joined from HMS Laurentic. CPOs E Knight, G Nelson, H Ford, J Rogers. PO H Muggeridge. Air Mechanics F Mills, A Robson, S Fowler, R Connor, R Hughes, S Simon, R Dunning, D Anderson, W Reid, B Amos.

  2.26pm: Childers left.

  2.45pm: HMWs Echo and Pickle anchored.

  4.30pm: Laurentic sailed.

  6.00pm: Trent cast off and anchored.

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21 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.25am: SS Trent sailed.

  6.55am: HMS Laurentic anchored.

  7.15am: HMWs Echo and Pickle alongside.

  8.00am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  9.05am: HMS Duplex alongside with aviation stores.

  9.10am: HMW Fly alongside.

  9.45am: Tug Blackcock alongside.

  9.45am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

10.10am: Fly and Echo cast off.

11.10am: Tug Revenger left.

11.50am: Pyramus left.

  2.00pm: Blackcock left Hyacinth and sailed.

  4.50pm: Revenger alongside.

  5.50pm: Duplex left to anchor.

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22 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.45am: HMS Laurentic finished coaling.

  6.35am: Collier left Laurentic and anchored.

  7.45am: HMS’ Hyacinth and Pioneer anchored.

  9.15am: HMW Childers alongside.

11.00am: Hyacinth finished coaling.

     Noon: J Blithe (apprentice) discharged to SS Corinthia.

  1.30pm: J Robertson AB on Kendal Castle discharged to Hyacinth via Laconia.

  2.15pm: SS Weissmann arrived and anchored.

  2.40pm: Childers and Hyacinth sailed.

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23 June 1915

At Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.00am: HMS’ Duplex and Pioneer sailed.

  7.30am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

  8.07am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  9.10am: HMWs Echo, Fly and Childers arrived.

11.30am: Childers alongside for provisions.

12.45am: Pyramus finished coaling.

  1.00pm: J Robertson AB discharged to Hyacinth.

  2.30pm: Captain Dunn EAMS transferred to SS Weissmann for passage.

  3.00pm: Hyacinth and Weissmann sailed.

  7.55pm: Tug Blackcock alongside.

  9.00pm: Blackcock left to anchor.

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24 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.30am: HMWs Fly and Echo left anchorage.

  7.45am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  9.10am: HMS Hyacinth alongside for cordite and stores.

10.30am: Veered cable to 60 fms [from 45].

11.00am: Weymouth ceased coaling.

     Noon: Major R Gordon RM joined from SS Laurentic.

  2.00pm: Fly and Echo alongside for water.

  3.35pm: HMS’ Hyacinth, Weymouth, Pyramus and Pioneer left anchorage.

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25 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.20am: HMW Fly alongside for beef and cast off at 6.40am.

  9.10am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

  9.50am: Tug Sarah Joliffe alongside.

12.05pm: Pyramus sailed.

12.50pm: Sarah Joliffe cast off and sailed.

  3.05pm: HMW Echo and HMS Hyacinth sailed.

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26 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  8.25am: HMW Fly alongside for beef.

  9.30am: HMS Laurentic anchored.

10.10am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

11.15am: HMW Pickle alongside for beef and stores.

12.30pm: Tug Sarah Joliffe alongside. Quantity of stores transferred from Laurentic.

12.54pm: Pickle left.

  2.35pm: Tug Revenger alongside with Mersey's motor pinnace.

  3.10pm: Hyacinth left.

  4.45pm: Tug Sarah Joliffe left.

  4.50pm: Revenger anchored.

  7.00pm: Charles Coysh AB joined from HMS Mersey.

  7.30pm: P Ferendez and V Percival [?], Cooks, joined from SS Weissmann.

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27 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.15am: HMW Pickle anchored.

  8.45am: HMW Fly anchored.

  1.13pm: Fly alongside for beef.

  1.59pm: Fly cast off.

  2.00pm: Beef supplied to HMS Pyramus.

  4.30pm: HMS Trent arrived and anchored.

  8.00pm: HMS’ Severn and Mersey arrived alongside Trent.

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28 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.05am: HMW Childers alongside.

  7.50am: HMS’ Weymouth and Hyacinth anchored.

  8.20am: Weymouth coaling from collier [Cliftonhall].

  8.37am: Collier Corinthia alongside Hyacinth.

  8.47am: Childers cast off and anchored.

  9.00am: SS Kendal Castle anchored.

10.25am: Tug TA Joliffe alongside for stores.

10.50am: Weymouth finished coaling.

11.00am: Cliftonhall left Weymouth and anchored.

12.05pm: Hyacinth finished coaling, Corinthia left to anchor.

  1.00pm: W Cribbin and J Bruce, Carpenters, joined from Hyacinth.

  2.45pm: HMW Echo alongside for water.

  3.00pm: Pickle left.

  4.00pm: Weymouth left.

  4.25pm: Echo cast off.

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29 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.26am: Monitors shifted anchorage to SW.

  6.50am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

  7.00am: HMS’ Mersey and Severn at gun practice, assisted by aeroplanes*.

  8.05am: HMS Laurentic arrived and anchored.

  8.30am: Mersey returned to alongside HMS Trent.

  1.00pm: C Coysh AB discharged to HMS Mersey.

  2.30pm: Severn returned alongside Trent.

  3.25pm: HMWs Fly and Echo anchored.

  4.55pm: HMS’ Hyacinth and Pyramus sailed.

  *They are practising by firing over a small island with the aeroplane observing the fall of shot, in preparation for the attack on SMS Konigsberg.

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30 June 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.00am: HMS Laurentic finished coaling, collier left to anchor.

  7.07am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  8.00am: HMW Childers alongside.

11.20am: Childers cast off.

12.40pm: HMS Mersey alongside for water.

  2.00pm: Mersey cast off and anchored.

  2.35pm: Revenger and Sarah Joliffe alongside.

  3.35pm: A forequarter of beef lost overboard by accident whilst hoisting from Revenger.

  4.25pm: Revenger cast off and anchored.

  4.50pm: Hyacinth left.

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The above five pages blank.


[Mafia Island, Zanzibar and Kilindini]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45879, signed by Cdr WRD Irvine, RNR.

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This page has the figures for Laconia’s speed and coal consumption, signed by CS Wills.

“With all despatch” (the maximum power attainable for 24 hours), using 6 boilers. 17 knots, using 10 tons of coal per hour.

“With despatch” (the maximum seagoing speed while the coal lasts) using 5 boilers. 14 knots, 6.45 tons per hour.

“With moderate despatch” using four boilers. 12 knots, 4.6 tons per hour.

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1 July 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.00am: Monitors Severn and Mersey shifted anchorage.

  6.00am: HMWs Echo and Fly left.

  7.00am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

  8.00am: HMWs Childers and Pickle alongside for stores.

11.30am: Echo alongside for water.

11.35am: J Williams, Air Mechanic, joined from HMAS Pioneer.

12.15pm: SS Kassala arrived and anchored.

  1.30pm: Echo, Childers and Pickle cast off.

  4.40pm: Hyacinth sailed.

  5.55pm: Collier Kassala alongside, discharging stores.

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2 July 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.20am: Collier Cliftonhall alongside and commenced coaling

  6.56am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

11.45am: SS Tuna arrived and anchored.

  3.35pm: HMS Laurentic arrived and anchored.

  6.00pm: Finished coaling, 772 tons received, colliers cast off and anchored.

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3 July 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.30am: HMS Hyacinth anchored.

  7.27am: HMW Salamander [an armed whaler purchased in Durban, ex-Krabben] alongside.

  7.30am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

  7.45am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  8.05am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

12.30pm: HMAS Pioneer sailed.

  1.30pm: HMW Pickle arrived.

  3.00pm: Tug TA Joliffe, HMS’ Laurentic and Pyramus sailed.

  3.30pm: Receiving stores from Salamander.

  4.00pm: HMW Styx [an armed whaler purchased in Durban, ex-Etoile] alongside.

  4.50pm: Hyacinth left.

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4 July 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  9.10am: HMW Echo cast off.

     Noon: HMW Salamander cast off and anchored.

  3.40pm: HMS Duplex arrived and anchored. Fruit received from same.

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5 July 1915

Tirene Bay to Okusa I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.15am: HMW Childers alongside.

  6.40am: Childers cast off and sailed.

  6.55am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

  7.20am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  7.50am: Seaplanes 121 and 122 hoisted out and towed to shore*.

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.10pm: Mange Reef beacon abeam, 6.5 cables [a cable as a unit of measurement is 200 yards].

  3.40pm: Swung ship for compass deviation.

  5.05pm: Anchored North of Okusa I. in 19 fathoms.

  *From now on the planes operate from shore. On the following day they are in action during the first attack on SMS Konigsberg; see log of HMS Mersey.

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6 July 1915

S of Mafia I. to Kiassi, mouth of Rufidji River and return

Lat -8.05, Long 39.47

  5.16am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.24am: Anchored off Kiassi, mouth of Rufidji River.

  5.06pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.59pm: Anchored off Mafia I., N of Okusa I.

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7 July 1915

South of Mafia I. to Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  9.09am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.24am: Anchored in Tirene bay.

11.30am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

  1.00pm: Boat away to HMS Laurentic for stores.

  1.10pm: Tugs Sarah Joliffe and TA Joliffe anchored.

  1.15pm: HMS Trent arrived and anchored, HMS’ Mersey and Severn alongside Trent.

  2.00pm: HMW Rattler [an armed whaler purchased in Durban, ex-Splint] alongside for water.

  5.45pm: Tug Revenger alongside.

  6.15pm: HMW Pickle alongside.

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8 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia Island

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.10am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  7.30am: Boat from HMS Hyacinth alongside for stores.

  9.15am: Tug TA Joliffe alongside for stores.

10.15am: TA Joliffe cast off.

11.30am: Tug Revenger alongside for water.

12.15pm: Revenger cast off.

  2.25pm: HMS Challenger arrived and anchored.

  3.10pm: Reynolds, Stoker RNR, discharged to Childers.

  3.30pm: Davidson, Stoker RNR, joined Laconia via Hyacinth.

  4.05pm: Weymouth sailed.

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9 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  3.00am: Lt Bishop RMLI, C Phillips Pte and S Davidson, Stoker RNR, joined from Hyacinth.

  4.00am: F Reynolds PO, P Collins and J Kemp, Stokers RNR, transferred to Hyacinth.

  5.15am: Working party left to tug Blackcock.

10.30am: Blackcock alongside with stores.

11.50am: Blackcock cast off.

  2.00pm: Monitors [HMS’ Mersey and Severn] left collier and proceeded alongside SS Trent.

  2.50pm: HMS Laurentic sailed.

  4.35pm: HMS Weymouth sailed.

  4.55pm: Collier Exmouth shifted berth.

  6.00pm: HMW Pickle anchored.

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10 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia Island

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.35am: HMAS Pioneer sailed.

  7.15am: HMS Weymouth anchored.

  7.27am: HMW Childers left.

  8.30am. Monitors [HMS’ Mersey and Severn] shifted berth and carried out firing practice.

  8.55am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

  9.45am: HMW Charon [an armed whaler purchased in Durban, ex-Éclair] alongside for minesweeping stores.

10.40am: HMWs Pickle and Charon cast off to anchor.

     Noon: Monitors returned from firing practice and anchored.

12.20pm: HMW Fly alongside.

12.30pm: HMS Challenger sailed.

  1.10pm: Fly cast off.

  4.00pm: Pyramus sailed.

  4.15pm: HMW Echo alongside, then cast off to anchor.

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11 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia Island

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.50am: HMW Echo sailed.

  7.36am: HMW Salamander alongside, then cast off.

  8.00am: HMS’ Severn and Mersey proceeded towards Rufidji River [for the second attack on SMS Konigsberg].

  8.40am: C-in-C flag transferred to HMS Weymouth from HMS Hyacinth.

  9.00am: Hyacinth and Weymouth and HMS Trent left harbour.

11.50am: Aeroplane left aerodrome ground.

  5.40pm: Hyacinth anchored.

  6.00pm: HMS’ Weymouth, Challenger, Pioneer and Pyramus arrived.

  7.40pm: Severn and Mersey returned alongside Trent.

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12 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia Island

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.30am: HMW Echo alongside for repairs, HMW Salamander alongside for water.

  8.00am: Lt AG Bishop RMLI, E Phillips Pte RMLI to HMS Hyacinth.

10.30am: Tug Blackcock alongside, then cast off.

11.30am: Flag transferred to HMS Challenger.

12.15pm: HMS Hyacinth sailed.

  1.15pm: HMWs Salamander and Pickle [probably Echo is intended] cast off.

  1.30pm: HMS Weymouth alongside.

  3.15pm: Weymouth sailed.

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13 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia Island

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.50am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  9.30am: All hand lead lines overhauled and found correct.

  3.00pm: Tug TA Joliffe alongside for water.

  4.25pm: TA Joliffe cast off.

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14 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.40am: HMW Echo alongside.

  7.12am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  8.30am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

  9.30am: Watch employed working stores and painting ship.

11.30am: HMS Challenger shifted berth.

11.45am: Tug Revenger alongside for water.

  1.30pm: RNAS aeroplane fittings and stores being transferred from shore station on ship’s boats rigged as pontoons. Watch employed working stores and painting ship.

  4.00pm: Dinghy returned to Pyramus.

  5.30pm: Hands to physical drill.

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15 July 1915

Tirene bay, Mafia Island

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.20am: Tug TA Joliffe alongside.

  7.00am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

  7.15am: TA Joliffe cast off.

  8.40am: HMS Pyramus sailed.

  9.30am: HMS Duplex sailed.

11.00am: Stores supplied to HMS’ Challenger and Pioneer.

     Noon: Pte E Phillips RMLI joined from HMS Hyacinth. Cooks P Ferendez, SBH Ali, S Bin Tuam, civilians Roberts and Jones boarded from Mafia I.

12.45pm: HMW Pickle alongside.

  3.10pm: HMS Hyacinth left.

  4.00pm: Quantity of RNAS stores transferred from shore station.

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16 July 1915

Mafia I. to Zanzibar

Lat -6.66, Long 39.41

  3.00am: Ldg Sn J White transferred to HMS Hyacinth.

  4.00am: Said Ahmed, civilian clerk, joined from shore for passage.

  5.00am: Lt/Cdr GJ Bowles transferred to Hyacinth. Lt GJ Bishop RMLI transferred from Hyacinth.

  5.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Niororo I. abeam, 2 miles.

10.10am: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, 4 miles.

  2.01pm: Chumbe I. Lt abeam, 9 cables.

  2.34pm: Anchored at Zanzibar.

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17 July 1915

At anchor, Zanzibar.

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.15am: HMS Challenger arrived and anchored.

  9.00am: Said Ahmed, civilian clerk, Roberts and Jones, civilians landed.

  2.45pm: Liberty men landed.

  3.00pm: HMS Trent and HMW Echo arrived and anchored.

  4.15pm: HM Monitors Severn and Mersey arrived and anchored.

  6.45pm: Liberty men returned.

  9.15pm: Picket returned with three absentees.

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18 July 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: Prisoners released.

  8.00am: HMS Pyramus anchored.

  9.30am: SS Crimea [?] anchored.

  1.10pm: HMS Weymouth sailed.

  4.00pm: SS Crimea and SS Dilwara sailed.

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19 July 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.20am: Tug Blackcock alongside.

  9.30am: Discharged RNAS stores into lighter and lighter cast off.

  6.00pm: Colliers Exmouth and Newfield alongside.

  9.10pm: Escort returned with prisoner.

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20 July 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: Commenced coaling.

  9.03am: SS Barjora arrived and anchored.

10.30am: HMS’ Challenger, Echo and Styx sailed.

  5.00pm: Stopped coaling, colliers cast off and anchored. Total coal received from colliers 573 tons.

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21 July 1915

Zanzibar to Kilindini

Lat -4.88, Long 39.47 by X bearings

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded, various Northerly courses.

  6.50am: Mungopani Lt abeam, 9 cables.

  7.55am: Mwana Mwana Lt abeam, 1 mile, a/c N15E.

11.00am: Ulenge I. Lt abeam, 15 miles.

12.25pm: Ras Kegomacha Lt abeam, 11 miles.

  1.45pm: Chale Pt abeam, 6.25 miles.

  4.19pm: Passed Ras Kilindini Wharf and anchored.

  4.40pm: Weighed and shifted berth.

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22 July 1915

Kilindini Harbour

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  8.00am: Hoisted out seaplane 920

  8.30am: Discharging RNAS stores into lighters.

  3.20pm. Finished discharging RNAS gear.

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23 July 1915

Kilindini Harbour

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  9.20am: Exercised General Quarters.

  1.30pm: Hands employed painting about decks.

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24 July 1915

Kilindini Harbour

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  Hands variously employed.

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25 July 1915

Kilindini Harbour and on patrol

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  6.00am: The following personnel landed at Kilindini. Major R Gordon RMLI, Squadron Commander, Fl Lt HEM Watkins, Fl S/Lt HJ Arnold, CPO H Norrington, Mechanics J Spratt, G Molsby, N Bois, J Williams, R Hughes, G Adams, D Anderson, F Mills, W Read, G Jack, G Senior, B Amos, E Guerman, EHA Boggis, W Cornelius, G Sutcliffe, all RNAS.

  4.45pm: SS Barjora arrived.

  4.59pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course S20W.

  9.00pm: Ras Kegomacha Lt bg S9E.

  9.00pm: Passed HMS Pyramus.

10.40pm: Ras Kegomacha abeam, 7 miles.

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26 July 1915

On patrol and at Okuza I. [aka Okusa]

Lat -6.94, Long 39.77 by X bearings

  Various Southerly courses throughout the day as requisite for patrol.

  8.52am: S end of Zanzibar I. abeam.

11.10am: Ras Kanzi Lt bg S43W.

12.04pm: Same abeam, 13.5 miles.

  2.30pm: Moresby Pt Lt [aka Ras Mkumbi] bg S10E, a/c S22E.

  3.34pm: Same abeam 2.5 miles, a/c South.

  4.30pm: A/c S31W.

  8.34pm: Anchored off Okuza I., Okuza I. Lt bg S5W, 4 miles.

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27 July 1915

At Okuza Island and on patrol

Lat -9.17, Long 39.69

  6.20am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol Southwards.

  8.49am: S Fanjove I. Lt abeam, 4.5 miles.

10.30am: Mwamba Rukyira abeam 1.5 miles.

  1.07pm: A/c to look into Kilwa Kisiwani harbour.

  1.25pm: Turned off Grant Pt and proceeded NE.

  5.57pm: Fanjove I. abeam, 3.25 miles. A/c N32E.

  6.40pm: Okuza I. Lt bg N18W.

  9.40pm: Moresby Pt Lt bg N2W.

10.55pm: Same abeam, 4 miles, a/c N22W.

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28 July 1915

On patrol and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.10am: Pungume I. N end abeam, 2.75 miles.

  7.33am: Chumbe Lt abeam, 1 mile, a/c N by W.

  8.29am: Anchored at Zanzibar.

  4.30pm: Colliers Exmouth and Newfield alongside.

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29 July 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  7.15am: Commenced coaling.

  7.40am: SS Tuna arrived and anchored.

  9.20am: SS Matiana arrived and anchored.

  5.00pm: Ceased coaling, received 746 tons.

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30 July 1915

Zanzibar and en route to Mafia I.

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  7.05am: Commenced coaling.

     Noon: Ceased coaling.

  1.15pm: Colliers cast off to anchor.

  4.12pm: Weighed and proceeded, various courses through S channel; then S27W.

  8.40pm: Lights of Dar-es-Salaam abeam 10.5 miles.

10.30pm: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, 3 miles, a/c S13W.

11.10pm: HMS Duplex and three tugs passed Northbound.

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31 July 1915

At sea to Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  1.39am: Anchored in 30 fms.

  5.16am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.58am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  9.00am: HMS’ Challenger and Pioneer and whalers in port.

10.30am: One aeroplane hoisted out and landed.

11.00am: HMWs Echo and Rattler alongside.

  1.00pm: HMW Salamander alongside.

  1.30pm: Rattler, Salamander and Challenger sailed.

  1.45pm: HMW Childers alongside for stores.

  3.00pm: Pioneer sailed.

  4.05pm: Collier SS Kassala sailed.

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The above four pages blank.


[Mafia Island, Kilindini, Aden and Zanzibar]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45880, signed Cdr WRD Irvine, RNR.

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Dated 6th September 1915, signed Captain CS Wills, RN.

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Instrument Page.

Mercurial barometer, P Adie No 1138.

Air thermometers, N and Z MO 8058, J Hicks, 24.

Sea thermometer, Douglas and Wells, Liverpool.

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1 August 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.35am: RNAS party landed

  9.15am: Divisions.

10.30am: Church.

  6.20pm: Darken ship, night defence stations.

  7.20pm: Watch man and arm ship.

  Sick list: 8.

Weather: Southerly winds up to f4, dry, temperatures in the high 70ºs F.

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2 August 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.50am: HMW Childers sailed.

  3.35pm: Childers returned and anchored.

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3 August 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.00am: Watch painting ship’s side, Seedie boys holystoning decks.

  8.30am: Tug Blackcock alongside.

  9.40am: Blackcock cast off to anchor.

  9.50am: HMW Echo alongside for stores.

10.22am: HMAS Pioneer anchored.

10.42am: HMW Childers alongside for stores.

  2.30pm: Blackcock sailed.

  4.20pm: Childers and Echo cast off.

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4 August 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.00am: SB Abdullah, officer's servant from Mafia, joined ship.

  5.50am: HMAS Pioneer sailed.

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5 August 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  8.47am: SS Barjora anchored.

10.00am: Firemen RNR J Cannon, J Laurie, J McMullen and G Mortimer joined from Barjora.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 19 miles.

  3.55pm: Barjora sailed.

  5.30pm: HMAS Pioneer anchored and received stores.

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6 August 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I. and at sea towards Kilindini

Lat -7.58, Long 39.66 by X bearings

  5.00am: Discharged SB Abdullah to SS Barjora.

  7.00am: Caudron aeroplane case [?] hoisted in.

  7.45am: Tug Blackcock alongside.

  9.00am: HMW Echo alongside.

  9.52am: Echo cast off to anchor.

10.04am: Weighed and proceeded, N16W.

11.30am: Shungumbili I. abeam, 2 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 115 miles.

  1.15pm: North Fanjove I., abeam 11.5 miles, a/c N8E.

  1.44pm: Altered course to verify identity of SS Cluny Castle, bound south.

  3.00pm: Ras Kanzi abeam, 9 miles.

  5.40pm: South end of Zanzibar I. abeam.

  8.10pm: Ras Nungwi Lt bg N51W.

11.40pm: Ras Kegomache Lt bg N45E

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7 August 1915

At sea to Kilindini and at sea

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  5.00am: Lined up Mombasa I. leading lights and waited for daylight.

  5.40am: Proceeded into harbour.

  6.33am: Anchored.

  7.15am: SS Barjora arrived and anchored.

10.30am: Lighter alongside with RNAS stores.

11.00am: One Caudron aeroplane hoisted out and landed in lighter.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 223 miles.

12.05pm: Tug alongside with RNAS stores.

12.15pm: Tug left.

  1.00pm: Staff surgeon GMO Richards to HMS Trent.

  1.46pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  2.23pm: Set course S18W.

  8.12pm: Ras Kegomache Lt abeam, 12 miles, a/c S22W.

10.00pm: A/c S20W (due to current).

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8 August 1915

At sea to Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  8.22am: Anchored at Zanzibar. HMS’ Severn and Mersey in port.

11.30am: Collier SS Alliance [?] arrived.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 137 miles.

  1.00pm: E Brightman CPO to Mombasa.

  3.00pm: HMW Echo anchored.

  4.35pm: Weighed and proceeded by South Pass.

  5.44pm: Course S28E.

  8.15pm: Makatumbe I. abeam, 4 miles.

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9 August 1915

At sea to Mafia I. and at sea

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

12.15am: Moresby Pt Lt bg S32E.

  1.09am: In soundings and anchored, Moresby Lt bg S49E.

  5.24am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.50am: Shungumbili I. abeam, 2.2 miles.

  7.57am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.00am: Landed RNAS party.

11.50am: Hoisted in aeroplane in case.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 115 miles.

  4.08pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N16W.

  5.51pm: Niororo I. abeam, 2.9 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 14’S, 39º 39’E.

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10 August 1915

At sea, anchored at Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.29am: Anchored at Zanzibar.

  7.07am: Colliers Newfield and Alliance [?] alongside.

  7.40am: HMS Challenger (flag) anchored.

  8.00am: Commenced coaling.

10.45am: HMW Salamander alongside.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 118 miles.

  1.00pm: G Gahan, Pte RM, left to HMS Trent.

  4.00pm: Finished coaling, 643 tons.

  5.04pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N12W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 43’S, 39º 05’E.

  8.36pm: Ras Nungwe Lt abeam, 12 miles.

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11 August 1915

At sea to Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  6.00am: Arrived off Mombasa Lt and turned ship to await the departure of HMS Challenger.

  6.14am: Proceeded towards harbour.

  6.59am: Anchored off Kilindini Pier.

  9.30am: Aeroplane landed in lighter. Received RNAS stores.

11.00am: Norwegian SS Kaggefos arrived and anchored.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 140.5 miles.

  6.15pm: Liberty men returned, Seaman Weir RNR absent.

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12 August 1915


Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  7.00am: Transport SS Taroba arrived and anchored.

  8.30am: Watch receiving RNAS stores.

  5.00pm: Punishment warrant No 11 read, Seaman Peacock RNR.

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13 August 1915


Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  8.00am: Search party landed after Seaman Weir absent.

10.00am: A Peacock RNR Seaman to cells.

     Noon: Search party returned, absentee not found.

  2.00pm: Flt Cdr JT Cull, Flt Lt HE Watkins, VC Lacy WO, J Sproth, J Rogers (CPO), A Robson, E Quarman to Mombasa.

  4.15pm: Aeroplane hoisted in.

  5.00pm: Seaplane 950 hoisted in.

  8.00pm: J Weir, RNR seaman, returned from absence.

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14 August 1915

Kilindini and at sea towards Aden

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  7.00am: H Ford CPO, N Bennett, H Brazier, G Fowler, J Low, R Conner, C Tubbs (airmen) to Mombasa.

  8.00am: G Knight CPO, C Boggis, G Sutcliffe, W Cornelius, L Much, FG Mills, M Bois, J Williams, B Amos, J Lenin, D Anderson, R Hughes, A Much. [These men, all RNAS, are joining the ship for passage to Aden.]

10.10am: SS Ca[?] arrived and anchored.

  1.42pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N51E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 10.5’S, 40º 38’E.

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15 August 1915

At sea

Lat -0.5, Long 43.45

  8.00am: Pos. 1º 33’S, 42º 16’E

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 315 miles.

  3.05pm: Crossed the equator in Longitude 44º E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0º 48’N, 44º 47’E.

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16 August 1915

At sea

Lat 3.37, Long 47.5

  7.45am: A/c N39E.

  8.00am: Pos. 2º 40’N, 46º 48’E.

10.00am: A Peacock Seaman released from cells.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N46E, 336 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 52’N, 48º 36’E.

  8.55pm: A/c N29E.

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17 August 1915

At sea

Lat 8.77, Long 50.79

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 28’N, 50º 29’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 382 miles.

  1.30pm: Sea changing colour to dark green.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 19.5’N, 51º 23’E.

  8.10pm: SE Cape of Ras Hafun [Ras Xaafuun] abeam, 4.5 miles to WNW.

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18 August 1915

At sea

Lat 12.17, Long 49.82

  2.30am: C Guardafui abeam, 10 miles West.

  2.50am: A/c N57W.

  6.00am: A/c West.

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 11’N, 50º 38.5’E.

  8.50am: Ras Filuk abeam, 14 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 290 miles.

  3.50pm: Passed SS Rotte of Amsterdam bound East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 17.5’N, 48º 18’E.

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19 August 1915

At sea to Aden

Lat 12.6, Long 44.82 [approx; longitude 49º 49’E in log, probably 44º 49’E is intended.]

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 22’N, Long 45º 54’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N86W, 275 miles.

  1.17pm: Elephant’s Back Lt abeam, 4.25 miles.

  1.27pm: Stopped off BW buoy awaiting pilot.

  1.55pm: Pilot boarded.

  2.25pm: Anchored and swung ship to moor stern to buoy, tug assisting. Ships in port, HMS’ Philomel, Northbrook and Enterprise. An Italian gunboat. Steamers in port: SS Mombassa, SS Woodcock, SS Elephanta and three others illegible.

  4.00pm: Watch discharging seaplanes etc.

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20 August 1915


Lat 12.83, Long 45.0

  6.30am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

  7.45am: SS Keelung* arrived and moored.

  8.30am: RNAS gear being discharged to lighters.

11.55am: SS El Kantara arrived and moored.

  5.00pm: Left to SS Elephanta, Major R Gordon, Lt AG Bishop RMLI, Flt Lt VB Blackburn, WO GD Nelson and FLt S/Lt JG Arnold.

  *The first of two Ellerman & Bucknall vessels of this name, 1914, Hull, 6,672 grt, lost in 1918.

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21 August 1915


Lat 12.83, Long 45.0

  6.30am: Left ship to SS Elephanta; E Phillips Pte RM, J Rogers, E Knight and E Brightman CPOs. H Muggeridge and H Wise POs. E Boggis, E W Sutcliffe, A H Gregory, L Much, F G Grant, F J Mills, M Bois, E Quarman, J Williams, B Amos, G Senior, D Anderson, R Dunning, R Hughes, A Robson and P W Fox, all Air Mechanics.

  6.55am: SS Chakrata arrived.

  7.20am: SS Illegible [?] arrived.

  8.00am: Coaling proceeding.

10.30am: Finished discharging RNAS gear.

  2.00pm: J Ware [?] Seaman and A Burgen, Trimmer, discharged to hospital.

  3.00pm: SS Ora[?] arrived.

  5.45pm: Finished coaling.

  7.30pm: SS Elephanta sailed.

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22 August 1915

Aden and at sea towards Zanzibar

Lat 12.57, Long 46.12

  5.30am: J Spratt CPO, J Ross PO, WH Cornelius, Ldg Mech., BR Lee Ldg Mech. to shore for passage home.

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course S83E.

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 42’N, 45º 15’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 72.5 miles.

  2.13pm: British SS Glaucus passed bound West.

  4.30pm: British SS Malwa passed bound West.

  5.15pm: British SS Malakand passed bound West.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 30’N, 47º 59’E.

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23 August 1915

At sea

Lat 11.86, Long 51.36

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 06’N, 50º 32’E.

  8.19am: Ras Filuk abeam, 8.5 miles.

11.21am: C Guardafui bg S37W, 4.5 miles.

11.45am: A/c S12E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 308 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 30’N, 51º 44’E.

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24 August 1915

At sea.

Lat 8.49, Long 52.24

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 46’N, 52º 22’E.

10.10am: Signalled British SS Cordonia [?], Saigon to Marseilles.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 214 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 25.5’N, 31º 33.5’E.

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25 August 1915

At sea

Lat 4.54, Long 50.64

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 15’N, 50º 55’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S21.5W, 259 miles. A/c S33W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 14.5’N, 49º 51’E.

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26 August 1915

At sea.

Lat 0.84, Long 48.1

  8.00am: Pos. 1º 24’N, 48º 34’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 268 miles.

  6.27pm: Crossed the equator in 47º 04’E

  8.00pm: Pos. 0º 13.5’S, 46º 53’E.

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27 August 1915

At sea.

Lat -2.34, Long 44.9

  3.00am: Passed British SS Mombassa steering WSW.

  8.00am: Pos. 2º 03S, 45º 27E. A/c S50W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 274 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3º 18S, 43º 39E.

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28 August 1915

At sea

Lat -5.05, Long 41.39

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 55.5S, Long 41º 57E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S52.5W, 266.5 miles.

12.45pm: A/c S64W.

  6.14pm: Pos. (stellar) 5º 33S, 40º 22E.

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29 August 1915

At sea to Zanzibar.

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.32am: Mwana Mwana Lt abeam, 6 cables.

  8.05am: Anchored Zanzibar.

  8.45am: Collier Newfield alongside.

10.00am: Commenced coaling and continued throughout the day.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 165.5 miles. Total distance Aden to Zanzibar, 1,827.5 miles.

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30 August 1915

Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

12.40am: Collier shifted from port to starboard.

  6.30am: HMWs Salamander and Charon arrived and anchored.

  3.00pm: Finished coaling, collier cast off.

  5.01pm: Weighed and proceeded via Southern Passage.

  5.50pm: Chumbe Lt abeam 1 mile, set course S27E.

  9.13pm: Dar-es-Salaam Lt abeam

11.20pm: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, 3 miles.

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31 August 1915

At sea

Lat -8.74, Long 40.34

  3.15am: Signalled HMS Trent (off Moresby Pt).

  4.00am: Moresby Pt Lt abeam, 3 miles, bg S63W, a/c S8.5E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 12’S, 40º 05.5’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 170.5 miles.

  7.00pm: A/c S15.5E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 55.5’S, 40º 35’E.

11.20pm: C Delgado Lt bg S8W.

11.59pm: Sighted HMS Challenger bg S20E.

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The above four pages blank.


[Zanzibar, Mafia Island and South patrol]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45881, signed by WRD Irvine, RNR.

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Fuel consumption figures. Dated 8th October 1915, signed CS Wills.

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Instrument page, no changes.

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1 September 1915

At sea.

Lat -10.21, Long 40.36 [approx; Lat 11º 12.5’ in log, clear error]

12.54am: C Delgado Lt abeam, 6 miles.

  1.00am: Sighted HMS Challenger proceeding North, a/c to communicate.

  3.20am: Sighted SS Chinde (Portuguese), bg SSW.

  3.50am: Altered course to intercept the above.

  4.35am: Stopped and Lt Martyn proceeded aboard above in boat.

  5.50am: Boat returned, hoisted, proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 46.5’S, 40º 44’E.

  8.41am: C Delgado abeam, bg S64W, 3.75 miles.

  8.55am: A/c N27.5W.

11.00am: Ras Matunde abeam, 3 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 218 miles.

12.33pm: Ras Sangamku abeam, 3 miles, bg S37W, a/c N61.5W.

  3.30pm: Off Lindi River, a/c N2E.

  3.53pm: Ras Kibungwe abeam, 2 miles, a/c N77W.

  4.00pm: A/c N9W.

  6.15pm: A/c S45E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 34.5’S, 39º 51.5’E.

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2 September 1915

On patrol and at anchor in S Mafia channel.

Lat -8.47, Long 39.63

  1.00am: A/c N56W.

  3.30am: A/c N12W.

  5.37am: A/c West.

  5.42am: A/c SW to look into Kiswere harbour.

  6.10am: A/c S5W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 06.5’S, 39º 31’E [49º 31’E in log, clear error].

  8.05am: S end of Songa Manara I. abeam, 3 miles. A/c N6W.

  9.45am: S Fanjove Lt bg N4E.

11.15am: Same abeam, 2.7 miles bg N84W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 186 miles.

12.45pm: Nyuni I. abeam, 2 miles. A/c N24E.

  1.24pm: Okuza I. abeam, 2 miles. A/c N17W.

  3.07pm: Anchored, Kismani Pt [Ras Kisimani] bg N17E, E end of Boydu I. bg N4W.

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3 September 1915

S Mafia Channel to Zanzibar

Lat -7.24, Long 39.66

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course N50E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 2.5’S, 39º 35.25’E.

  8.24am: Kismani Pt abeam, 7 cables.

  9.43am: Shungumbili I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

11.23am: N Fanjove I. abeam bg N84W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 53.4 miles.

  1.30pm: Passed from light green water into blue water, dividing line east/west.

  3.25pm: Chumbe Lt bg N26W, 19 miles.

  4.52pm: Same abeam, 1 mile.

  5.44pm: Anchored, Zanzibar.

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4 September 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.20am: HMW Charon arrived and anchored.

  8.00am: Watch taking in and discharging stores.

  2.00pm: Pte W Buck, RMLI, landed to RN hospital Zanzibar.

  5.00pm: Lighter with beef from HMS Trent alongside.

  6.45pm: Libertymen returned, four absentees.

  8.15pm: Patrol landed for absentees.

  9.00pm: Patrol returned with absentees.

  9.40pm: Finished hoisting in beef.

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5 September 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.00am: Prisoners released.

  6.35am: SS Weismann arrived and anchored.

  7.00am: Lighter with stores from SS Clan Gordon.

  8.05am: HMHS Takada arrived and anchored.

  8.30am: Watch taking in stores and discharging flour.

  3.00pm: Two Seedie boys joined from shore, MB Mimbajo and MB Umbraboya.

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6 September 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: MB Hussein Seedie boy left ship.

     Noon: Mr JA Steel, Engineer RNR, cautioned for negligence when in charge of a working party ashore.

  2.45pm: HMW Rattler arrived and anchored.

  3.50pm: SS Cupid sailed.

10.14pm: All absentees on board.

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7 September 1915

Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  7.40am: HMS Challenger arrived and anchored.

  8.00am: Steam boat taken to Challenger.

  9.45am: SS Pundua anchored.

10.30am: HMWs Pickle and Fly alongside for stores.

11.00am: AB Umbayu Seedie boy joined from shore.

  3.45pm: Pickle and Fly cast off.

  3.57pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  4.27pm: Course S43W.

  5.55pm: S end of Kwale I. abeam, 3.75 miles.

 8.00pm: Pos. 6º 41.5’S, 39º 28.5’E.

10.10pm: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, 3.5 miles.

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8 September 1915

On patrol and anchored off Kilwa Kivinje

Lat -8.63, Long 39.63

12.50am: Moresby Pt Lt bg S10E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 06’S, 39º 45.5’E.

  2.00am: Same abeam 7 miles, a/c S11W.

  8.00am: S end of Kibondo I. abeam, 2.75 miles.

  9.30am: Okuza I. abeam, 3.5 miles.

10.15am: Nyuni I. 3.5 miles.

10.45am: A/c S.

11.30am: S Fanjove I. abeam, 3 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 171 miles.

  3.00pm: Kivurugu Islets abeam, 1.5 miles. Turned and proceeded N.

  6.14pm: Anchored 4 miles off Kilwa Kivinje.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 41’S, 39º 26’E.

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9 September 1915

Anchored off Kilwa Kivinje and on patrol.

Lat -9.65, Long 39.8 [approx, position in log plots on shore]

  5.36am: Weighed and proceeded, course S83E.

  7.03am: A/c S7E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 58’S, 39º 39’E.

  8.30am: Kivirugu Islets abeam, 1 mile.

10.12am: Ras Fughia* abeam, 2.25 miles.

10.30am: A/c S13E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 123.5 miles.

12.30pm: Ras Mzinga abeam, S75W, 2 miles.

  2.50pm: Mgau Mwania abeam, 5.5 miles.

  3.49pm: C Paman bg S35W, 5 miles.

  5.20pm: A/c S38E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 25’S, 40º 36.5’E.

  8.24pm: A/c S27E.

10.03pm: C Delgado Lt abeam 7 miles, a/c S12E.

  *Ras Fughia, mentioned in contemporary pilot books as lying at the entrance to Kiswere harbour, possibly no longer exists. This sandy coastline is changeable.

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10 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -11.54, Long 40.71

  2.00am: A/c S8W.

  6.25am: Port propeller fouled by gig’s falls. Stopped lowered boat and cleared away.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 43’S, 40º 45’E.

  8.20am: Boat hoisted and proceeded.

  9.45am: Mjumbi I. abeam, 5.5 miles, bg N83W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 191 miles.

12.30pm: A/c N16E.

12.40pm: Wreck of SS Ludwig Nobel* observed on Funga Narmiguas. Position of wreck, 11º 28’ 30”S, 40º 38’ 40”E.

  1.40pm: Tambuzi I. [Ilha Tambuzi] abeam, 2.25 miles.

  3.30pm: A/c N21E.

  6.30pm: A/c N9E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 03’S, 40º 53’E.

10.54pm: C Delgado Lt abeam, 9.5 miles.

  *Wrecked on 18th November 1912, a tanker with a cargo of whale oil, Norwegian owned and called SS Drageren at the time of her loss.

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11 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.84, Long 40.84

  3.00am: SS Newfield passed Southbound.

  3.40am: Cable ship Sherard Osborn passed Southbound to Mozambique.

  5.00am: A/c S9W.

  6.55am: A/c S18E.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 20’S, 40º 44’E.

10.35am: C Delgado abeam, 9 miles.

11.53am: Rongui I. abeam, 11 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 168.4 miles.

12.45pm: Altered course to intercept dhow.

  2.02pm: Stopped, dhow boarded by Lt Inman RNR. Dhow bound from Ito to Bombay. Proceeded.

  3.00pm: British India SS Pundua sighted Southbound.

  6.32pm: A/c N13E in position 11º 45.5’S, 40º 48 05’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 34’S, 40º 49.5’S.

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12 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.3, Long 40.6

   6.30am: Stopped and boarded Portuguese SS Luabo in position 11º 03’S, 40º 51.75’E. Boarding officer Lt Dunne, RNR.

  7.04am: Proceeded, N14W.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 57.5’S, 40º 49.5’E.

  8.45am: A/c N3W.

  9.00am: Rongui I. abeam, 3 miles.

  9.57am: C Delgado abeam, 3.5 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 177 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 02’S, 40º 05’E.

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13 September 1915

On patrol, at anchor in S Mafia channel and in Tirene Bay

Lat -8.07, Long 39.57

  2.30am: Kibondo I. abeam, 3 miles, A/c N45E.

  3.07am: A/c SSW. 4.55am: Okuza I. bg S70W, a/c N29W.

  6.33am: Anchored in S Mafia Channel, Mange Reef beacon bg S63W, E end of Boydu I. bg N9W.

  9.30am: Gun loading competition, won by P2 and S4.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 181 miles.

  3.57pm: Weighed, turned and proceeded.

  4.50pm: Ras Kismani beacon abeam, 6 cables.

  6.19pm: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  6.50pm: HMW Styx alongside for stores.

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14 September 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

11.45am: HMW Styx cast off to anchor.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 22 miles.

  1.00pm: HMS Severn alongside for stores.

  4.00pm: Severn cast off to anchor.

  8.00pm: J Strangeman AB joined from Styx for medical treatment.

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15 September 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I. and on patrol

Lat -8.26, Long 39.66

  6.50am: SS Kendal Castle arrived and anchored. Stores, fruit etc received from same.

  8.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.07am: Salim Bank buoy abeam.

  9.58am: Kismani Pt beacon abeam, 6 cables.

10.00am: Heavy squalls of rain.

10.34am: Mange reef beacon abeam, 7 cables.

11.56am: Okuza I. Lt abeam, 3 miles, a/c S9W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 33.5 miles.

  1.04pm: Nyuni I. abeam, bg N81W.

  2.28pm: S Fanjove Lt abeam, 5 miles.

  3.00pm: Turned ship, course N28E.

  6.00pm: Kibondo I. bg N57W. A/c N33E.

  7.20pm: Moresby Pt Lt bg N4E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 44’S, 39º 59’E.

  8.36pm: Moresby Pt Lt abeam, N82W, a/c N24W.

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16 September 1915

On patrol and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  1.45am: A/c N30W.

  5.40am: Makatumbe Lt bg S69W.

  6.30am: Passed HMWs Pickle and Fly steering SW.

  7.08am: S end of Pungume I. abeam, 4.75 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 18.5’S, 39º 10.5’E.

  9.03am: Anchored, Zanzibar.

  9.40am: Collier SS Exmouth alongside and commenced coaling.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 188.6 miles.

  Coaling throughout rest of day.

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17 September 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  Coaling continued throughout the night.

  5.00am: Collier shifted to starboard side. Coaling continued throughout the day with breaks for meals.

10.00am: MB Salem, YB Nasilue, AB Juma, MB Shayad, Seedie boys joined from shore.

11.59pm: Coaling ceased.

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18 September 1915

Zanzibar and on patrol

Lat -6.97, Long 39.64

  4.45am: Collier cast off.

  5.57am: Weighed and proceeded via South Passage.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 26’S, Long 39º 15.5’E.

10.06am: Makatumbi Lt abeam, 7.75 miles.

11.05am: Passed HMS Challenger bound north.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 57.5 miles. Ras Kanzi Lt abeam 5.5 miles.

  1.30pm: Hands to make and mend.

  3.10pm: Moresby Pt Lt bg S19E.

  5.25pm: Same abeam, a/c S7W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 53.5’S, Long 39º 57’E.

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19 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.03, Long 40.09

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 25’S, Long 39º 57’E. Kiswere harbour abeam, 18 miles.

  9.30am: Quarterly return of Courts Martial read.

10.20am: A/c S35E.

11.20am: A/c S46.5E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 190 miles.

12.15pm: A/c S53E.

  1.52pm: Ras Sangamku abeam, 3.5 miles, bg S27W.

  2.58pm: Stopped to speak small native sail boat. Found to be short of food.

  5.55pm: C Delgado Lt bg S8.5W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 26.5’S, Long 40º 51’E.

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20 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.06, Long 43.25

  6.30am: A/c N88E.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 12’S, 42º 41’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 201.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 56’S, 44º 53’E. A/c N71E.

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21 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -9.51, Long 45.8

  7.26am: Stopped. Boat from shore communicated.

  8.00am: Lying off Aldabra I.

  8.43am: Proceeded, course S84W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 214 miles.

  7.10pm: A/c S82W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 45’S, 44º 12’E.

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22 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.37, Long 41.6

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 17S, 42º 19.5E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S78W, 245.5 miles.

  5.00pm: C Delgado Lt bg S35W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 03S, 40º 32E.

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23 September 1915

On patrol and at Zanzibar

Lat -7.15, Long 39.77

  4.25am: A/c N32W.

  6.05am: A/c Okuza I. bg N74E, 10.5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 57’S, 39º 53.5’E.

  9.30am: Moresby Pt bg N69W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 267 miles. A/c N26W.

  1.12pm: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, 5.5 miles, bg S64W.

  3.40pm: Chumbe Lt bg N28W, 19 miles.

  5.45pm: Passed HMS Hyacinth steering to Southward.

  6.26pm: Anchored at Zanzibar.

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24 September 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.45am: Collier SS Exmouth alongside.

  6.40am: Commenced coaling.

  7.12am: Collier SS Mexico City alongside.

  5.00pm: Stopped coaling, 553 tons received.

  7.52pm: HMW Salamander sailed.

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25 September 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: Resumed coaling.

  7.45am: Tug Sarah Joliffe arrived.

  8.22am: SS Tuna arrived.

  8.53am: HMS Mersey sailed.

  3.00pm: Finished coaling 989 tons.

  5.00pm: Colliers Mexico City and Exmouth cast off to anchor.

  5.30pm: J Strangeman AB rejoined HMW Styx.

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26 September 1915

Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.30am: HMW Rattler arrived.

12.15pm: Rattler alongside.

  1.30pm: Rattler cast off to anchor.

  3.35pm: Weighed and proceeded through South Pass.

  6.04pm: A/c S28E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 46.5’S, 39º 28.5’E.

  9.30pm: A/c S26E.

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27 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -8.8, Long 39.66

  1.00am: Moresby Pt Lt bg S15E, 18 miles approx.

  2.54am: Same abeam, S64W, 5 miles. A/c S11W.

  4.40am: A/c S26W.

  7.01am: S end of Kibondo I. abeam, 7 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 14.5’S, 39º 46.5’E. A/c S30W.

  8.41am: Okuza I. abeam, 8.5 miles, bg N60W.

  9.26am: Nyuni I. abeam, 8 miles.

10.40am: Fanjove I. abeam, 3.5 miles, bg N60W. A/c South.

12.34pm: Mwamba Rukyira abeam, 4 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 176.5 miles.

  3.00pm: J Kemp Seaman RNR, rejoined from HMW Salamander.

  4.25pm: A/c S13E.

  4.30pm: Read punishment warrant No 13.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 53’S, 40º 07’E.

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28 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -11.85, Long 40.7

  1.55am: C Delgado Lt bg S7W.

  3.31am: Same abeam, 7.5 miles.

  4.30am: A/c S6W.

  5.20am: A/c S11.5W.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 17.5’S, 40º 45’E.

  8.50am: Tambuzi I. abeam, N78.5W, 5.25 miles.

  9.36am: Sighted wreck of SS on Funga Narmiguas [see 10th September].

11.50am: S end of Mjumbi I. abeam, 5 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 211.5 miles.

  2.55pm: Ibo I. Lt [on Ilha do Ibo], bg N84W. Turned and proceeded Northwards.

  5.42pm: A/c N19E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 32.5’S, 40º 46’E.

  8.20pm: Signalled Norwegian SS Norefos Zanzibar to Beira.

10.00pm: A/c N7E.

11.38pm: Position by stellar, 11º 3.25’S, 40º 49’E.

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29 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.03, Long 40.03

  2.15am: C Delgado Lt abeam, bg S57W, 6 miles.

  5.40am: Ras Ruvura abeam, 4 miles.

  6.30am: A/c S61W.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 05’S, 40º 08’E. A/c N45W.

10.25am: Turned ship off Lindi River and proceeded for Mikindani. Course S50E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 221 miles.

  1.00pm: In and out of Mikindani Bay, turning 8,000 yds from official’s house. Proceeded for Okuza I.*

  6.09pm: Stellar Position, 9º 41’S, 40º 1’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 26.5’S, 39º 57’E.

11.23pm: Stellar Pos. 8º 59’S, 39º 51.5’E.

  *The log often records “looking into” a bay on this coast. They are, it is true, quite large bays, but even so this a 28,000 ton ocean liner and the seamanship displayed while doing a destroyer’s job is exemplary.

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30 September 1915

At sea to Tirene Bay, Mafia Island.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  2.35am: Okuza I. Lt bg N49W.

  6.27am: Kismani beacon abeam, 0.75 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 51.5S, 39º 40E.

  8.20am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 178 miles.

  6.00pm: Read punishment warrant No 14.

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The above five pages blank.


[Mafia Island and on South patrol]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45882, signed by WRD Irvine.

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Dated 26th November 1915, signed by CS Wills.

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Instrument page, no changes.

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1 October 1915

Mafia I. and on patrol

Lat -8.19, Long 39.63

  1.00am: Rounds correct.

  3.30am: Watch man and arm ship (starboard guns).

  4.00am: Rounds correct.

  5.30am: Wash decks.

  5.35am: HMS Severn weighed and proceeded alongside collier [Kendal Castle].

  8.00am: Stand by engines.

  8.13am: Weighed, turned and proceeded, 50 revs.

  8.45am: Tirene buoy abeam, 3 cables.

  9.32am: Entering S Mafia channel.

  9.59am: Al Hadjiri buoy abeam, 0.5 miles.

10.20am: Ras Kisimani beacon abeam, 0.75 miles.

10.37am: No 5 buoy abeam, 0.5 miles.

11.04am: Mange Reef beacon abeam, 7 cables.

11.15am: Set course S14E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 27 miles.

12.40pm: Okuza I. Lt bg S76.5W, 2.75 miles.

  1.00pm: Hands muster for payment.

  1.15pm: A/c S5.5W.

  1.34pm: Nyuni I. bg N84.5W, 5.25 miles.

  2.00pm: Hands variously employed.

  2.56pm: S Fanjove I. Lt bg N84.5W, 5.25 miles.

  4.30pm: Lit fires in No 2 boiler.

  4.15pm: Evening quarters and physical drill.

  5.20pm: Mwamba Rukyira tree abeam, 2.5 miles.

  5.31pm: A/c S22E. Darkened ship, night defence stations. Watch man and arm ship. Note made of allowances for NW’ly current and leeway [wind SE by S, f 5-6]

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 13.5’S, Long 39º 47’E.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

  Sick list: 7.

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2 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.75, Long 40.72

  3.20am: Ras Sangamku bg SSE, a/c N71E.

  4.05am: A/c S70W.

  5.12am: Entered Mikindani Bay and approached to within 8,500 yds of Customs House. Turned and proceeded for C Delgado. Mikindani harbour channel buoys appear to have been removed, none being visible.

  6.40am: Ras Sangamku abeam, 3 miles, bg S39W, a/c S53E.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 15.5’S, Long 40º 25.5’E.

  8.04am: Ras Rovura abeam, 2.5 miles.

11.25am: C Delgado abeam, 3.1 miles.

11.55am: Portuguese SS Chinde at anchor in Tunghi Bay off Palma.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 200 miles.

  1.56pm: S end of Vamizi I. abeam, 4.25 miles.

  3.00pm: N end of Mtundo I. abeam, 4.5 miles.

  4.35pm: A/c S23.5W.

  5.00pm: Prisoner released.

  5.40pm: Approached to 7.5 cables distance of wreck of steamship on eastern edge of Funga Narmiguas. Turned and proceeded N24E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 11.5’S, Long 40º 47’E.

  8.50pm: SS Chinde passed bound south.

11.38pm: C Delgado abeam bg S67W, 3.5 miles.

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3 October 1915

On patrol and anchored in S Mafia channel

Lat -9.56, Long 39.76

  3.40am: A/c N55W.

  5.12am: Looked into Mikindani Bay and then proceed for Lindi River.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 02S, 39º 58.5E.

  9.23am: Clarkson Pt, Lindi River abeam, 3 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 198 miles.

  1.13pm: Grant Pt, Kiswere harbour abeam, 4.5 miles, a/c N1E.

  4.35pm: Tree and hut on Mwamba Rukyira abeam, 1.25 miles.

  6.09pm: A/c N18E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 23S, 39º 41.5E.

  8.50pm: Okuza I. Lt 5.75 miles.

  9.54pm: Anchored in S Mafia channel.

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4 October 1915

S Mafia Channel and Tirene Bay

Lat -8.0, Long 39.7 [approx; position in log illegible]

11.40am: Sighted HMS Severn proceeding towards Kibondo anchorage.

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N5.5E.

  4.22pm: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

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5 October 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  8.00am: HMS Hyacinth (flag) arrived and anchored.

11.00am: A Dwyer [?], Trimmer*, joined from Hyacinth.

  3.30pm: Hyacinth sailed.

  *Merchant Navy Stokers are divided into Trimmers and Firemen. The former work in the bunkers sending the coal down the chutes to the stokehold, where the Firemen feed the boilers.

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6 October 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.20am: HMS Severn sailed.

10.30am: Collier SS Kendal Castle arrived and anchored.

  3.25pm: HMW Pickle and Severn anchored.

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7 October 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.30am: HMW Pickle sailed.

  8.00am: HMS Severn sailed.

  8.20am: SS Barjora arrived and anchored.

  4.00pm: Barjora sailed.

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8 October 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  7.30am: Parcels delivered to HMW Fly.

  8.57am: Tug Revenger alongside.

  3.30pm: Fly sailed.

  4.00pm: Revenger left for Zanzibar.

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9 October 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I. and at sea

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  3.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol via S Mafia Channel.

  6.55pm: Okuza I. Lt bg S1W, 11 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 15.5’S, 39º 39.5’E.

  8.30pm: A/c S3E.

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10 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.17, Long 40.24

  4.50am: A/c S7W.

  7.42am: Closed Lindi River entrance.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 57’S, 39º 50.5’E.

11.20am: C Paman bg S21W, 3 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 176 miles.

12.20pm: A/c S51E.

  3.15pm: C Rovuma abeam, 3 miles, a/c S27E.

  5.50pm: C Delgado abeam, bg S65W, 5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 03.5’S, 40º 48.5’E.

10.30pm: A/c N6W.

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11 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.06, Long 40.0

  2.57pm: C Delgado Lt abeam, 7 miles.

  5.20am: A/c N45W.

  7.55am: Entered Mikindani Bay to 7,000 yds of Customs House, turned and proceeded Northwards.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 10’S, 40º 16’E.

10.00am: Exercising “Fire”, “Collision” and “Abandon ship” stations.

11.00am: A/c N50W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 200 miles.

  1.25pm: Clarkson Pt abeam, 3.75 miles.

  3.23pm: Ras Mzinga abeam, 3 miles.

  6.07pm: A/c N40E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 15’S, 39º 43’E.

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12 October 1915

On patrol, at Mafia I. and on patrol

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  4.24am: Okuza I. Lt, bg N25W.

  8.16am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  8.19am: Tug Revenger alongside.

  9.45am: HMS Severn sailed.

  2.15pm: HMW Childers sailed.

  2.54pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol via S Mafia channel.

  7.12pm: Okuza I. Lt abeam, 4 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 20’S, 39º 42.5’E. A/c S3E.

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13 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -9.77, Long 39.87

  7.22am: Entered Lindi Bay, then turned and proceeded E by S.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 57.5’S, 39º 51’E.

  8.40am: A/c S48E.

  9.35am: Turned, course N29W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 179 miles.

  1.30pm: A/v N14W.

  2.50pm: Grant Pt bg SW, 7 cables, a/c N50E.

  6.38pm: A/c N22E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 43.5’S, 39 43.5’E.

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14 October 1915

On patrol and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.57, Long 39.33

  2.05am: Moresby Pt Lt bg N5E.

  3.20am: Same abeam, 4 miles, a/c N22W.

  5.30am: Sighted SS Kendal Castle.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 02.5’S, 39º 40.5’E.

10.40am: Makatumbi Lt bg S62W, 7.75 miles.

11.59am: Chumbe I. Lt bg N21W, a/c N25W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 211 miles.

  3.11pm: Anchored at Zanzibar.

  4.25pm: Collier SS Mexico City alongside.

  4.25pm: Mid. B Brewster, discharged to Tug Revenger for passage to HMW Childers.

  5.00pm: CPO J P[?] and ABs W Mars, R Precious, E Tiley and J Shrive joined from HMS Challenger.

  5.00pm: W Howard, Signalman, joined from HMS Hyacinth.

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15 October 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.45am: HMS Challenger sailed.

  7.00am: Commenced coaling.

11.00am: Received 320 tons fresh water from shore.

  8.15pm: HMS Hyacinth sailed.

11.59pm: Ceased coaling for supper.

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16 October 1915

Zanzibar and on patrol

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.30am: Two Seedie boys absent.

11.00am: Finished coaling, 1,536 tons.

  1.15pm: Colliers cast off to anchor.

  1.30pm: SS Dilwara arrived and anchored.

  4.11pm: Weighed and proceeded via S Passage.

  5.15pm: Course S28E.

11.18pm: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, 3.5 miles, a/c S26E.

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17 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -8.49, Long 39.77

  2.44am: Moresby Pt bg S10E.

  5.27am: Same abeam, a/c S17.5W.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 58’S, 39 58.5’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 155 miles.

12.52pm: Fanjove Lt abeam, 8.5 miles.

  4.00pm: A/c S.

  6.15pm: Off Kiswere harbour, a/c S47E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 33.5’S, 39º 53’E.

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18 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -11.67, Long 40.73

  2.30am: A/c S4.5E.

  6.07am: C Delgado abeam West, 6.25 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 59’S, 40º 41.5’E.

10.20am: Tambuzi I. abeam, 5.5 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 220 miles. A/c S7W.

  2.50pm: A/c N7E.

  4.15pm: Read punishment warrant No 15.

  6.00pm: A/c N18E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 33’S, 40º 44.5’E.

11.30pm: No 4 boiler blown down to repair leaking joint.

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19 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -9.99, Long 39.89

12.47am: A/c N2E.

  1.00am: No 4 boiler connected up.

  3.26am: C Delgado bg S17W, 8 miles.

  6.40am: Observed SS Palamcotta steaming South.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 10’S, 40º 18.5’E.

  8.30am: Entered Mikindani Bay, turned 6,900 yards from official residence and resumed patrol.

10.02am: A/c N59W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 198 miles.

12.20pm: Entered approach to Lindi River, turned, proceeded Northwards.

  4.45pm: Off Grant Pt, a/c N50E.

  6.40pm: Stopped and darkened ship in 9º 15’S, 39º 45’E. Remained lying with head to SW, drifting NW at ½ knot per hour.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 15’S, 39º 44.5’E.

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20 October 1915

On patrol and at anchor in S Mafia channel

Lat -8.19, Long 39.63

12.01am: Lying with head to SW, drifting NW at ½ knot per hour. [This procedure is still effective as a patrolling measure, with the ship lying on the main shipping lane, and saves about 40 tons of coal in 24 hours. As well as saving money, this also increases the intervals between coaling, when of course the ship is out of action.]

  3.45am: Turned and steamed I mile East.

  5.15am: Pos. 9º 17.5’S, 39º 41’E.

  5.25am: Proceeded course N2E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 48’S, Long 39º 39’E. A/c N7.5E.

10.45am: Nyuni I. abeam, 3 miles, a/c N14E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 125 miles.

12.30pm: SS Barjora passed bound to Southward.

12.50pm: Anchored in S Mafia Channel.

  3.00pm: HMS Severn closed and communicated by boat.

  3.45pm: Severn left.

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21 October 1915

S Mafia channel to Tirene Bay

Lat -8.1, Long 39.6

11.00am: One iron stanchion, after gun deck rail, lost overboard.

11.33am: Weighed and proceeded for Tirene Bay.

  2.06pm: Anchored in Tirene Bay. HMS Severn in port.

  7.00pm: Mid. B Brewster joined from Severn.

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22 October 1915

Tirene Bay, Mafia I. and on patrol

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.30am: HMS Severn alongside for stores.

  7.30am: HMS Trent arrived and anchored.

  8.12am: Tug Revenger alongside.

  9.27am: Severn cast off to anchor.

10.00am: HMWs Charon and Childers alongside. Revenger cast off.

12.25pm: Trent proceeded to sea.

  2.00pm: Ship’s mail sent to Revenger.

  3.02pm: Weighed and proceeded Southwards via S Mafia channel.

  6.58pm: Okuza I. Lt abeam, 4 miles, a/c S2W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 23.5’S, Long 39º 41.5’E.

  9.10pm: Fanjove I. abeam.

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23 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.3, Long 40.42 [approx; position in log plots on land]

  3.40am: A/c S10E.

  5.54am: Entered mouth of Lindi River, to 6,000 yds from Umtama village.

  6.55am: Turned and proceeded to Southward.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 59.5’S, 39º 54’E. A/c S51E.

  8.55am: Mgau Mwania abeam.

  9.55am: Looked into Mikindani Harbour.

11.17am: A/c S59E.

11.30am: Mongo I. abeam, 2 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various,184 miles.

  3.30pm: C Delgado abeam 3.25 miles, a/c S10E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 21.5’S, 40º 52’E.

  8.00pm: Stopped engines and lying to, drift SSW 2.25 knots per hour.

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24 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.99, Long 40.79

12.01am: Lying to, drifting with engines stopped, SSW 2.25 knots per hour.

  5.02am: Stellar pos. 11º 41’S, 40º 44’E.

  6.00am: Proceeded, course N10E.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 27’S, 40º 45’E.

  8.50am: Tambuzi I. abeam, 6 miles.

11.52am: Vamizi I. abeam, 5 miles, a/c N8W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various (inc. drift),141 miles.

  2.32pm: C Delgado abeam, bg N82W, 3.5 miles.

  6.05pm: A/c N28W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 00’S, 40º 15’E.

  9.00pm: Stopped engines, ship lying to for the night, drift W by N 0.9 knots.

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25 October 1915

At sea and at anchor in S Mafia channel

Lat -8.99, Long 39.66

12.01am: Ship lying to, drifting WNW at about 1 knot.

  5.00am: Proceeded, course N38W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 34.5’S, 39º 45.5’E.

  9.19am: Grant Pt abeam, 7 cables, a/c N41E.

11.34am: Kivirugu Is abeam, 1.75 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various (inc. drift),146 miles.

  2.34pm: S Fanjove I. abeam, 4.5 miles.

  4.25pm: A/c N8W.

  6.10pm: Anchored in S Mafia channel.

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26 October 1915

To Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.12am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.19am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  7.50am: Tug Revenger alongside.

  8.50am: Revenger cast off.

  9.12am: SS Kendal Castle arrived and anchored.

  9.35am: HMS Severn alongside.

11.35am: Severn cast off to anchor.

  4.00pm: HMW Charon and Revenger left harbour.

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27 October 1915

Tirene bay and on patrol

Lat -8.72, Long 39.87

  4.38am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol via S Mafia channel.

  8.25am: Okuza I. abeam, 3.25 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 64 miles.

  3.30pm: Estimated pos. 9º 10.25’S, 6º 40’E.

  6.37pm: A/c S26E.

10.50pm: HMS Hyacinth passed Northbound.

11.05pm: A/c S37E.

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28 October 1915

At sea, at Tunghi Bay and at sea.

Lat -10.74, Long 40.64

12.15am: A/c S25E.

  2.05am: C Delgado Lt abeam, bg S65W, 10 miles.

  3.30am: A/c N48W.

  6.04am: Anchored in Tunghi Bay.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 45’S, 40º 36’E.

10.30am: Port officials boarded.

11.36am: Weighed and proceeded.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various,162 miles.

12.05pm: C Delgado abeam, bg N15W, 2 miles, a/c N54E.

  4.00pm: A/c N13W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 36’S, 40º 20’E.

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29 October 1915

At sea, Tirene Bay and at sea.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  2.30am: A/c N37W.

  4.30am: Okuza I. Lt bg N84W.

  6.20am: A/c N1E.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 51’S, 39º 35.5’E.

  8.59am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  9.05am: HMW Childers alongside for water.

  9.15am: Tug Revenger alongside with stores.

10.50am: Revenger left to anchor.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 200 miles.

  1.30pm: Childers cast off and anchored.

  1.50pm: Revenger sailed.

  2.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on Southern patrol.

  7.15pm: Okuza I. Lt abeam, bg S75W, 3.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 22’S, Long 39º 40’E.

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30 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.2, Long 40.2 [approx]

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 55’S, Long 39º 48’E.

11.30am: Looked into Mikindani Bay

11.58am: Proceeded Southward.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various,172 miles.

12.55pm: A/c S65E.

  1.47pm: Mongo I. abeam, 1.3 miles.

  3.12pm: Looked into Rovuma Bay.

  3.54pm: Course for Tirene Bay, N22E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 52’S, Long 40º 18’E.

  8.30pm: A/c N13W.

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31 October 1915

At sea to Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 13’S, 39º 40.5’E.

  8.10am: Okuza I. abeam, 5 miles.

11.24am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 201 miles.

  4.00pm: Mid. B Brewster joined HMW Styx, Mid. D Cann joined HMS Hyacinth.

  5.15pm: HMW Echo alongside.

  8.15pm: HMS Severn alongside.

  9.15pm: Severn cast off to anchor.

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[Mafia Island, Zanzibar and Simon’s Bay]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45883, signed by WRD Irvine.

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Dated 2nd December 1915, signed CS Wills.

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Mercurial barometer, P Adie No 1138.

Air thermometers, (dry) N and Z 8058 (wet) J Hicks No 24, up to 9th November, 3.00pm.

AC Cossar and Son 3430 and 3431 from that date to 30th November.

Sea thermometer, Douglas and Wells.

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1 November 1915

Tirene Bay and at sea towards Zanzibar

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  7.50am: HMS Hyacinth alongside for stores.

10.00am: Admiral's inspection of ship’s company.

11.00am: Collier Kendal Castle alongside to transfer oil drums.

  1.00pm: Hands muster for payment.

  3.30pm: Hyacinth cast off.

  4.00pm: SS Kendal Castle cast off to anchor.

  4.25pm: Weighed and proceeded for Zanzibar.

  6.10pm: Niororo I. abeam, 2 miles, a/c N6E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 19.5’S, 39º 41’E. A/c N7W.

11.30pm: SS Mexico City passed bound South.

  Sick list: 8.

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2 November 1915

At sea to Zanzibar

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  1.45am: HMS Hyacinth passed bound South.

  2.15am: A/c N35W.

  6.00am: Chumbe I. Lt bg N25W, 17 miles.

  8.32am: Anchored, Zanzibar.

  8.45am: HMS Challenger alongside for stores.

10.15am: Receiving stores from lighter.

12.30pm: One Pte RMLI joined from RNB, one ditto discharged to same.

  3.00pm: Challenger cast off to anchor.

  4.25pm: Colliers St Egbert and Ventmoor alongside.

  Sick list: 11.

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3 November 1915


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.20am: Commenced coaling.

  4.45pm: Pte JM Symons RMLI transferred to RNB Zanzibar. Pte E Button joined from same.

  5.00pm: Stopped coaling. Total received 957 Tons.

  Sick list: 12.

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4 November 1915

Zanzibar and at sea to Mafia I.

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: Resumed coaling.

     Noon: Finished coaling total received 1,409 tons.

12.15pm: Four Seedie boys absent.

  2.00pm: Colliers cast off to anchor.

  4.11pm: Weighed and proceeded Southwards.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 39’S, 39º 23.5’E.

  9.20pm: Lights of Dar-es-Salaam abeam, a/c S35E.

  Sick list: 12.

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5 November 1915

To Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  1.00am: HMS Hyacinth sighted, bound North.

  6.05am: Niororo I. abeam, 1.8 miles.

  7.52am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

10.18am: HMS Severn sailed.

  1.00pm: Mid. B Brewster rejoined from HMW Styx. Mid. Couch [?] discharged to same.

  Sick list: 11.

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6 November 1915

Tirene Bay and on patrol

Lat -8.62, Long 39.67

  4.05am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 07’S, 39º 35’E.

  9.08am: Okuza I. abeam 1 mile, a/c S5W.

11.38am: S Fanjove I. abeam, bg N85W, 5 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 55 miles.

  3.14pm: Kivurugu Is abeam, 1 mile, a/c S3E.

  5.30pm: Turned ship off Grant Pt and proceeded S50E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 34.5’S, 39º 56’E.

  8.00pm: Engines stopped and drifting.

  Sick list: 15.

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7 November 1915

On patrol

Lat -10.19, Long 40.32

12.01am: Engines stopped and drifting.

  4.40am: Proceeded.

  6.18am: Looked into Lindi Bay. Large whale seen.

  7.50am: Course S54E.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 58’S, 39º 52’E.

10.06am: Looked into Mikindani bay.

10.50am: Proceeded Southward.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various inc. drift, 138.5 miles.

12.42pm: S end of Mongo I. bg S39W, 2.25 miles.

  4.00pm: C Delgado bg S42W, 4 miles, a/c N30E.

  6.30pm: Stopped engines. Stellar position 10º 29’S, 40º 48’E. Ship drifting N54W at 1.2 knots.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 20’S, 40º 48’E.

  Sick list: 15.

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8 November 1915

On patrol

Lat -9.94, Long 39.78

12.01am: Engines stopped, ship drifting.

  4.40am: Proceeded.

  7.33am: Looked into Mikindani Bay. Two whales observed spouting in the bay.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 11.5’S, 40º 12.5’E.

  8.30am: Turned ship to Northwards.

11.00am: Looked into Lindi Bay.

11.55am: Turned and proceeded ENE.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various inc. drift, 131.5 miles.

  4.17pm: Turned ship off Grant Pt and proceeded NE by E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 56’S, 39º 44’E.

  Sick list: 15.

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9 November 1915

On patrol

Lat -7.06, Long 39.65

  4.50am: Moresby Pt bg N3W.

  6.37am: Same abeam, bg N68W, 4.7 miles, a/c N25W.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 30’S, 39º 38’E

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 186 miles.

12.45pm: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, bg S64W, 3.25 miles.

  5.00pm: Dry bulb thermometer accidentally broken.

  6.00pm: Read punishment warrants Nos 16 and 17.

  6.20pm: S end of Pungume I. abeam, 4.5 miles.

  7.22pm: Anchored 2 miles SE of Ariadne shoal.

  Sick list: 16.

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10 November 1915

To Zanzibar and at sea for Simons Bay

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

12.10am: Signalled HMW Charon.

  4.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.20am: Anchored at Zanzibar. HMS Hyacinth (flag) in port.

  8.00am: HMS Challenger arrived and anchored.

  9.15am: Diver employed on starboard stern gland.

11.50am: HMAS Pioneer sailed.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 65 miles.

     Noon: Received and hoisted in two service cutters. Received one RMLI prisoner.

  2.32pm: SS Barjora and SS Palamcotta arrived and anchored.

  3.00pm: Two Seedie boys returned, absentees. One AB to cells. Two privates RMLI joined from Hyacinth. One Trimmer released from cells.

One Ldg Sn and one AB joined from Challenger. Three privates RMLI joined from RN Hospital.

Joined from RN Barracks; one PO, one PO2, five Seamen, one Stoker PO, three Stokers, one Ch. Engineer, one Ship’s Corporal, one Orderly, one Writer, one boy civilian. [Presumably the majority or even all of these are on the sick list.]

  4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded Southwards.

  8.00pm: Lat 6º 36.5’S, 39º 22.5’E.

10.30pm: A/c S25E.

10.40pm: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, 4 miles.

  Sick list: 37.

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11 November 1915

At sea towards Simons Bay

Lat -9.09, Long 40.42

  2.40am: Moresby Pt Lt abeam bg S65W, 6.5 miles, a/c S10E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 27’S, Long 40º 14’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 193 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 27’S, Long 40º 46’E.

  9.19pm: C Delgado Lt abeam, 8.5 miles.

  Sick list: 36.

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12 November 1915

At sea

Lat -13.97, Long 40.94

12.01am: A/c S5W.

  5.15am: Ibo Lt abeam, 10.25 miles.

  7.40am: Maunhane Pt Lt abeam bg N87W, 15 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 13º 03’S, 40º 51.5’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 296 miles.

  1.00pm: A/c S12W.

  3.50pm: A/c S32W.

  4.30pm: St Georges I. Lt [on Ilha de Goa] abeam, 1.7 miles.

  7.00pm: A/c S30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15º 48’S, 40º 41’E.

  Sick list: 36.

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13 November 1915

At sea

Lat -18.95, Long 39.17

  8.00am: Pos. 18º 11’S, 39º 31’E.

  8.15am: A/c S32W.

11.00am: One prisoner released from cells.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 321 miles.

12.15pm: A/c S40W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 18’S, 38º 30’E.

  8.30pm: A/c S45W.

  Sick list: 36.

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14 November 1915

At sea

Lat -22.49, Long 36.7

  6.00am: A/c S39W.

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 50’S, 37º 07’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S32W, 251.5 miles.

  3.45pm: A/c S44W.

  4.35pm: Passed out of tropics.

  7.00pm: A number of swallows about ship.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24º 00’S, 36º 10’E.

  Sick list: 38.

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15 November 1915

At sea

Lat -26.62, Long 34.37

  6.15am: A/c S52W.

  7.00am: Several albatrosses about ship.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 53’S, 34º 53’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S27.5W, 280 miles.

  2.00pm: Wind shifted suddenly in squall to S by W and freshened rapidly to f6.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27º 44’S, 33º 33’E.

  Sick list: 39

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16 November 1915

At sea

Lat -30.2, Long 31.39

  7.00am: A/C S55W.

  8.00am: Pos. 29º 34’S, 31º 48’E.

  9.30am: One Trimmer to cells.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 267 miles.

12.15pm: A/c S67W.

  3.55pm: Shepstone Lt bg N74W.

  6.00pm: Read punishment warrant No 14.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31º 32’S, 30º 08’E.

  9.05pm: C Hermes Lt bg West.

10.30pm: Same abeam, 9 miles, a/c S60W.

  Sick list: 38.

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17 November 1915

At sea

Lat -33.99, Long 26.87

10.00am: Lost by accident, one pair of blacksmith’s flat tongs.

10.17am: Great Fish Pt Lt abeam 17.5 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 327 miles.

  2.00pm: Bird I. abeam bg N12W, 14 miles.

  4.45pm: C Recife Lt abeam bg N15E(m), 10 miles.

  8.32pm: C St Francis abeam, 9 miles.

  Sick list: 37.

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18 November 1915

At sea

Lat -34.8, Long 21.44

  5.00am: Lat 30º 42’S, 23º 06’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 272.5 miles.

  1.40pm: Passed Norwegian SS Orla East bound.

  3.40pm: Passed British SS Baron Cawdor to Eastward.

  5.05pm: Passed SS Newbury [?] (Eastbound) and SS Clan Davidson (Westbound), signalled.

  7.50pm: A/c N65W.

  8.25pm: C Agulhas abeam bg N27E, 5.5 miles.

10.45pm: Danger Pt Lt bg N, a/c N28W.

  Sick list: 37.

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19 November 1915

At sea to Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.40am: Danger Pt Lt abeam, 8.5 miles.

  3.30am: C Hangklip abeam, a/c N9W.

  5.13am: Cape Pt Lt abeam, bg S81W, 4 miles.

  6.10am: Telemotor gear failed, connected aft steering position.

  7.58am: Anchored in Simon’s Bay. HMS’ Celtic and Orbita in harbour, HMS Glasgow in dock.

     Noon: Banked fires.

Sick list: 43.

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20 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.00am: Landed to RN Hospital, Simonstown; one CERA, one PO, one PO2, one civilian boy, one OS, one Stoker PO, one Ship’s Corporal, one Ch. Armourer, one ship’s Writer, one Ldg Tel., one Stoker RNR.

10.40am: HMS Orbita sailed.

11.00am: One Pte RMLI to detention quarters, Simonstown.

  1.00pm: Shifted berth.

  8.15pm: Libertymen returned.

  9.00pm: Patrol returned with two men, one absentee.

  Sick list: 36.

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21 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  6.00am: Fireman Fitzpatrick released from sentry’s charge. One fireman absentee.

  Sick list: 10.

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22 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Tender Chub alongside.

  7.45am: First and third subs of all watches landed for three days’ leave.

  9.30am: To Cape Town for patrol duties; one PO, two Ldg Sn, four ABs, one L/Corp, two Ptes RMLI.

  4.15pm: Mid. B Brewster landed to hospital.

  5.00pm: Pte Cutts RMLI landed to hospital as orderly.

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23 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands variously employed.

  6.00pm: J Charlesworth AB released from cells.

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24 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.30am: Lt Dean RNR landed to hospital.

  9.30am: Hands discharging empties to lighter.

  1.00pm: One AB released from cells, one Pte RMLI discharged to hospital.

  3.00pm: Picket returned with two prisoners.

  4.00pm: Filling 6 and 7 ballast tanks.

  5.45pm: Tanks 5, 6 and 7 full (DB).

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25 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.00am: Libertymen returned. Working party landed for Engineer’s stores and picket house.

11.00am: Patrol returned. Absentees, two Seamen, three Firemen, one Gunner, one Trimmer.

12.30pm: One absentee Fireman returned.

12.45pm: DB tanks 1, 2 and 3 filling. Discharging ammunition and empties.

  4.00pm: Tanks 1, 2 and 3 full (salt), 14 and 15 filling.

  7.50pm: 14 and 15 full.

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26 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  8.00am: Cape Town patrol landed, one PO, two Ldg Sn, four ABs, one L/Corporal, two Ptes RMLI.

  9.10am: Two absentees returned on board.

11.30am: Lighter with stores to HMS Celtic.

  1.30pm: Hands discharging ammunition and drums of oil.

  3.00pm: Water boat Chub alongside with drinking water.

  5.45pm: Two absentees returned on board.

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27 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  9.30am: Discharging oil, stores and victuals.

11.00am: One Trimmer discharged to hospital.

11.15am: Two absentees returned on board.

11.30am: 1, 2 and 3 boilers empty.

  3.00pm: Absentees returned, two Seamen, one Gunner and one Trimmer.

  7.02pm: HMS Armadale Castle arrived and anchored.

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28 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Seedie boy Faize Bin Garneh (26), sustained fracture of four toes by drum of oil falling on his feet. Landed to hospital.

  7.10am: Chub alongside with boiler water.

  8.30am: Discharging stores and victuals to lighters.

  6.15pm: Prisoner from HMS Glasgow brought on board [for Court Martial, vide her log].

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29 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  8.00am: Fired one gun salute. [This marks the assembly for a Court Martial, unofficially known as the rogue’s salute].

  9.30am: Officers and witnesses for Court Martial arrived on board.

     Noon: Cape Town picket returned.

12.30pm: Court Martial adjourned.

  8.00pm: Picket and seven absentees returned.

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30 November 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  5.45am: All prisoners released.

  7.55am: Cape Town picket landed.

10.00am: Court Martial sitting.

11.50am: Court Martial dissolved.

  5.00pm: Prisoner transferred to HMS Celtic.

  6.00pm: One Signalman and one Fireman discharged to Celtic.

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The above five pages blank.


[Simon’s Bay and in drydock, Simonstown]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45884, signed WRD Irvine, RNR.

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Dated 7th January 1916, signed CS Wills.

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Instrument page, as November 1915

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1 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Chub alongside with fresh water.

  7.30am: Cape Town patrol returned (one Sergeant, one Corporal, four Marines).

  8.00am: Marine patrol landed, one NCO, two Privates.

  9.30am: Hands discharging stores to lighter.

10.04am: HMS Celtic sailed.

10.15am: Two boilermakers and two labourers from dockyard employed on board.

12.15pm: Fireman Lambert placed under sentry’s charge.

  1.00pm: Muster for payment.

  3.00pm: One Signalman and one Fireman discharged to HMS Celtic.

  3.30pm: Libertymen landed.

  4.00pm: One Ldg Sn and two ABs discharged to HMS Hyacinth.

  4.30pm: One Sergeant and two Marines landed for Cape Town patrol.

  4.45pm: Fireman Lambert released.

  7.00pm: One AB and one Pte RMLI absent.

  8.30pm: Cape Town patrol returned with three absentees.

  Sick list: 12

Weather: NW’ly breezes up to f 4, some showers, 60º to 66º F.

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2 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  8.00am: Two boilermakers and two labourers from dockyard employed on board.

  9.15am: Hands variously employed. Routine patrols landed etc.

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3 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Working party landed to draw stores.

11.00am: One Ldg Sn, four ABs, five Firemen and one Marine returned from absence.

  2.10pm: One Seaman returned from hospital.

  3.00pm: Lighter alongside with Bosun’s and Gunner’s stores.

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4 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands variously employed. Routine patrols.

  8.00pm: Libertymen returned, eight absentees.

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5 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  3.50am: Let go starboard anchor, veered to 9 fathoms on port [wind freshening to SSE f 5, reaching gale force 8 by midnight].

11.30am: One AB returned from hospital.

  7.00pm: One AB, one Fireman, one Trimmer absent.

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6 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  SSE gales f8-9 all day.

  6.00am: Beef from refrigerator transferred to HMS Armadale Castle by tender Chub.

  8.00am: One boilermaker, two labourers and 25 scalers onboard from dockyard.

11.00am: Two Firemen returned from absence.

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7 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands variously employed.

  Dockyard boiler party carry on.

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8 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands variously employed.

  Dockyard boiler party carry on.

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9 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands variously employed.

  Dockyard boiler party carry on.

  8.00am: Hands discharging ammunition into lighter. 1 x 6” projectile lost overboard by accident.

  4.15pm: Lighter with flour alongside.

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10 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  9.00am: Mr FC Williams, Gunner, absent without leave during the night 9th to 10th December [signed by Mr Williams].

11.11am: SS Kelso* entered dock basin.

  *Kelso, 1909, Hull, 1,292 grt, the second of three Wilson Line steamers with this name.

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11 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  8.30am: Dockyard boiler party carry on.

  5.30pm: AB F Hatfield joined from HMAS Pioneer.

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12 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.00am: One AB discharged to hospital. One AB joined from detention, one Marine from absence.

  4.00pm: Four absentees returned.

  7.50pm: Libertymen returned, five absentees.

  8.30pm: Two absentees returned.

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13 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  8.00am: Dockyard party onboard, five ERAs, seven boilermakers, nine labourers.

  9.50am: Three patients landed to hospital.

11.45am: One lighter alongside with timber.

  2.00pm: Escort returned with AB Mitchell.

  3.30pm: Two Trimmers joined from hospital.

  4.15pm: Wind freshening, let go port anchor [SE f5, increasing to f 7 by midnight].

  9.55pm: Veered out cable on both cables.

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14 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Dockyard party onboard.

11.55am: Mid. A Dalton joined from naval hospital.

  3.30am: Two Trimmers joined from hospital, one AB from absence.

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15 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Dockyard party onboard.

  1.20pm: Chub alongside with water.

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16 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Dockyard party onboard.

11.17am: HMS Armadale Castle arrived and anchored.

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17 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Dockyard party onboard.

11.30am: One AB joined from hospital, one Fireman joined from absence.

  9.00pm: Three absentees returned.

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18 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Dockyard party onboard.

10.00am: Received CO2 cylinders, coke and Steward’s stores.

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19 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Dockyard party onboard.

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20 December 1915

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.33am: HMS Macedonia arrived and anchored.

10.38am: Weighed and proceeded towards dock.

11.15am: Entering dry dock, one tug assisting. Damage sustained to stern.

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21 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands variously employed on dry dock routine tasks, scrubbing bottom etc. Party of shore carpenters onboard.

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22 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands painting ship and ranging cable. Dockyard carpenters caulking B deck.

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23 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  8.00am: Carpenters fitting up troop decks.

  9.30am: Inquiry held on board by Flag Captain into damage sustained while docking.

  4.00pm: Four ABs from HMAS Pioneer and one from HMS Glasgow joined. One Fireman joined from absence.

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24 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  8.30am: HMS Glasgow sailed.

10.00am: HMS Hyacinth shifted berth.

  3.00pm: One stoker joined from hospital, four ABs from Glasgow.

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25 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Church parties landed. Three ERAs from dockyard employed.

  1.30pm: Liberty men landed.

  1.40pm: One Ldg Sn and one AB broke out of dockyard. Patrol landed for search.

  9.00pm: Picket returned. One Fireman placed under sentry’s charge.

10.30pm: One rating placed under sentry’s charge.

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26 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  9.15am: Divisions. Inspection.

10.00am: Church parties landed.

  9.00pm: Two Ldg Seamen and one AB placed under sentry’s charge. 22 men marked as absent, three ABs, eight Firemen, nine Trimmers and two Greasers.

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27 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.45am: One RPO 1c confined to cabin for breaking out of ship.

  Refit continues. Windlass hoisted in for connection. One service cutter sent to dockyard. One Trimmer discharged to hospital. Six absentees returned. One Fireman and one Trimmer marked as absent.

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28 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  9.15am: McPhail AB, injured by accident in dry dock.

12.30pm: 14 absentees returned from Cape Town.

  1.00pm: Anchor cables hove in after overhaul.

  2.30pm: Fresh beef taken in.

  3.30pm: Commenced flooding dock.

  6.45pm: Read punishment warrants 19 and 20.

10.00pm: Fires lit in two boilers.

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29 December 1915

Simonstown [dry dock]

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.40am: Seaman McPhail discharged to RN hospital.

11.00am: Lt J Martyn rejoined ship from RN hospital.

     Noon: Ship floated.

  3.07pm: In berth alongside coaling jetty.

10.45pm: Dockyard gangway fell from quay and damaged. Ship ranging [ie surging backwards and forwards alongside the jetty] considerably.

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30 December 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  5.50am: Commenced coaling.

  8.00pm: Finished coaling, 1,001 tons.

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31 December 1915


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  7.00am: Damaged dock wall, as fenders got out of position.

10.00am: Tested ER telegraph and steering gear.

  1.25pm: Two absentees returned under escort.

  2.00pm: Violent squalls prevent ship leaving dock.

  3.00pm: One Ldg Sn and two ABs joined from Cape Yard.

  5.00pm: Read punishment warrant No 21. One Marine returned from hospital duty.

  6.00pm: One Cooper and one Signalman under arrest for break out.

  8.25pm: Three Firemen conveyed on board by escort.

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Above four pages blank.

Operations off eastern Africa and voyage to UK

JP map Laconia 1916


[Simonstown, Durban, to Kilindini with troops and Durban]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45885, signed WRD Irvine.

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Dated 10th February 1916, signed CS Wills.

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1 January 1916


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Strong SSE winds, gale force 8 or 9 at times, all day.

10.00am: Commenced coaling.

  3.00pm: One SBS to hospital, one Trimmer joined from same.

  5.00pm: Read punishment warrants 22 and 23. One Fireman to cells.

  7.45pm: Ceased coaling, 515 tons received.

  Sick list: 1.

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2 January 1916


Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  SSE winds up to gale force 8 all day.

  7.30am: Resumed coaling.

  7.00pm: Two Firemen to cells.

  8.00pm: Ceased coaling.

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3 January 1916

Simonstown and at sea

Lat -34.43, Long 18.81

  Gale force winds at first, gradually abating to f 4 by noon.

  7.00am: Wind moderating.

  7.35am: Ship canted from berth to dock entrance by dockyard staff.

  8.21am: Left dock.

  8.33am: Anchored.

  9.22am: Weighed and proceeded at full speed.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 23.5 miles. C Hangklip abeam, 2 miles.

  2.40pm: Danger Pt Lt abeam, 4.5 miles, a/c S38E.

  4.25pm: Quoin Pt abeam, 4 miles, a/c S45E.

  6.00pm: C Agulhas abeam, 6 miles, a/c S71E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 52’S, 20º 27.5’E.

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4 January 1916

At sea

Lat -34.39, Long 24.44

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 35’S, 23º 22’E. A/c S74E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 288 miles.

12.35pm: A/c S79E.

  1.15pm: Seal Pt Lt bg N73E, land partially obscured by rain.

  4.00pm: SS St Egbert passed bound west.

  6.13pm: C Recife Lt bg N13E, 6 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 00’S, 26º 10’E.

  8.12pm: Bird I. Lt abeam, 8 miles.

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5 January 1916

At sea

Lat -32.44, Long 28.75

  1.11am: Gt Fish Pt Lt bg N36E, a/c N78E.

  6.13am: Hood Pt Lt abeam, bg N21W, 6.25 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 32º 53’S, 28º 15’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 251 miles.

  4.25pm: A/c N67E.

  5.53pm: C Hermes Lt abeam, bg N22W, 5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31º 28.5’S, 29º 53.5’E.

10.10pm: HMS Armadale Castle passed bound South.

11.30pm: A/c N56E.

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6 January 1916

At sea and alongside quay, shed H, Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.30am: Shepstone Lt bg N40E.

  2.16am: Same abeam, bg N32W, 5.5 miles.

  8.59am: Pilot aboard.

  9.30am: Alongside quay, two tugs assisting.

10.30am: Commenced coaling. Coaling from railway waggons on quayside and lighters on the starboard side, local labour.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 200 miles.

  4.05pm: 93 libertymen landed.

  9.00pm: Libertymen returned, 17 absentees.

  9.30pm: Two Firemen placed under sentry’s charge.

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7 January 1916

Alongside quay, shed H, Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Coaling throughout.

  7.40am: HMS Hyacinth arrived.

  5.00pm: Fireman Fitzpatrick released from cells and resumed duty.

11.00pm: Shore carpenters landed.

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8 January 1916

Alongside quay, shed H, Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  1.00am: 10 absentees returned.

  6.00am: Troops embarking.

  9.00am: Taking in ammunition.

  1.30pm: Libertymen landed.

  2.00pm: Four Trimmers joined from shore to replace deserters.

  9.00pm: Libertymen returned, 18 absentees.

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9 January 1916

Durban and at sea

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.20am: Received three bags of mail for Mombasa and hoisting in troops baggage.

  1.00pm: Troops embarked, 5th and 6th SAI, total 2,591.

  4.00pm: Let go and proceeded, assisted by two tugs.

  4.38pm: Pilot left. Set course N70E.

11.05pm: C St Lucia Lt bg N32E.

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10 January 1916

At sea

Lat -26.67, Long 34.14

12.55am: St Lucia Lt abeam, 14 miles, a/c N52E.

  8.00am: Pos. 27º 26’S, 33º 34’E.

  9.30am: HMS Trent passed bound South.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 256.5 miles.

  6.35pm: SS Student, Liverpool, passed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 16’S, 35º 20’E.

10.25pm: A/c N47E.

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11 January 1916

At sea

Lat -22.24, Long 37.39

  Heavy swell and fresh SE winds f5-6 at times, all day.

  6.15am: Entered tropics.

  8.00am: Pos. 23º 07.5’S, 36º 50’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N34E, 320 miles. A/c N40E.

  5.10pm: Read punishment warrant No 24.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 35’S, 38º 26’E.

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12 January 1916

At sea

Lat -16.97, Long 40.19

  8.00am: Pos. 17º 48’S, 37º 43’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N26.5E, 353 miles. A/c N33E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15º 15’S, 41º 00’E. Mozambique Lt bg N38W.

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13 January 1916

At sea

Lat -11.64, Long 40.99

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 31S, 40º 57E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 330.5 miles.

  4.30pm: Estimated C Delgado bg West, 20 miles, a/c N9W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 42S, 40º 51E.

  9.40pm: Transport SS Professor Woermann passed bound South.

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14 January 1916

At sea to Kilindini

Lat -5.52, Long 40.19

  5.45am: A/c N7W.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 34’S, 40º 22’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 371.5 miles. A/c N13W.

  5.00pm: HMS Challenger passed bound south.

  6.27pm: Anchored at Kilindini.

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15 January 1916


Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  5.21am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up harbour to allocated berth.

  5.40am: Anchored. Ships in port: HMS’ Hyacinth, Mersey, SS’ Chenete [?], Barjora and Barpeta (Barpetta in log).

  7.00am: Lighter alongside for troops and baggage.

  8.40am: SS Clan Campbell arrived and anchored.

  9.20am: Troops commenced disembarking into lighters.

  5.00pm: Fireman J Wallace [?] released from cells and returned to duty.

  6.00pm: Watch continuing to discharge ammunition and baggage.

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16 January 1916

Kilindini and at sea

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  1.15am: Finished discharging ammunition.

  6.00am: Supplied beef to HMS Hyacinth.

10.15am: Finished disembarking troops.

11.00am: S/Lt JW Balls RNR and Mid. A Brownlee RNR joined ship from HMS Mersey.

  4.00pm: Received 13 bags of mail.

  5.01pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  5.58pm: Set course S21W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 28.5’S, 39º 36.5’E.

  9.32pm: Ras Kegomache Lt abeam, 9.25 miles.

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17 January 1916

At sea to Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  7.40am: Anchored at Zanzibar.

  8.00am: HMS Challenger alongside for stores.

10.00am: Six Seedie boys and nine Stokers joined from shore.

  2.00pm: One AB discharged to HMS Hyacinth and five Seedie boys discharged to shore.

  3.15pm: S/Lts FL Marshall and RS Boyd and Mids. ER Burles, NT Lloyd-Warren and B Illegible joined.

  3.30pm: Challenger cast off to anchor.

  3.45pm: Finished discharging stores.

  4.58pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.56pm: Dar-es-Salaam lights abeam.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 43.5’S, 39º 27.5’E.

  9.45pm: A/c S26E.

11.25pm: Moresby Pt Lt bg S1E.

11.35pm: A/c S20E.

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18 January 1916

At sea and at anchor south of Mafia I.

Lat -8.07, Long 39.6

12.50am: Moresby Pt Lt abeam, bg S70W, 6 miles.

  2.00am: Signalled CS Sherard Osborn.

  4.00am: A/c S46W.

  6.26pm: Mange Reef beacon abeam, 8 cables.

  6.43am: Anchored. Ships in anchorage, HMS’ Thistle, Childers and Charon.

11.00am: Collier Kendal Castle arrived.

11.30am: HMAS Pioneer arrived and made fast alongside to draw stores.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 158 miles.

  2.50pm: 6” target practice at target towed by HMW Childers.

  5.00pm: Water supplied (total 90 tons) to Pioneer and whalers.

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19 January 1916

At anchor off Mafia I. and at sea towards Durban.

Lat -8.84, Long 39.79

  5.00am: One Stoker and five ABs discharged to HMAS Pioneer.

  5.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 25.5’S, 39º 40.5’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 54.7 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 57’S, 40º 23’E.

11.35pm: HMS Armadale Castle passed bound North.

11.55pm: C Delgado Lt bg S36W.

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20 January 1916

At sea

Lat -12.7, Long 40.84

  1.10am: C Delgado abeam, 11.5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 52.5’S, 40º 48’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 249 miles.

12.25pm: A/c S2W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14º 26’S, 40º 58’E.

  9.00pm: A/c S7W.

10.20pm: A/c S19W.

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21 January 1916

At sea

Lat -17.3, Long 40.0

  8.00am: Pos. 16º 35’S, 40º 25’E.

  8.10am: A/c S39W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 290 miles.

12.10pm: A/c S41W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18º 42’S, 39º 07’E.

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22 January 1916

At sea

Lat -20.9, Long 37.54

  8.00am: Pos. 20º 25’S, 37º 50’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S33W, 258 miles. A/c S42W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22º 03’E, 36º 48’E.

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23 January 1916

At sea

Lat -24.74, Long 35.32

  4.50am: Passed out of tropics.

  8.00am: Pos. 24º 00’S, 35º 44’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 261 miles.

  6.50pm: Transport Professor Woermann passed bound North.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 43’S, 34º 27’E.

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24 January 1916

At sea

Lat -27.86, Long 32.82

  8.00am: Pos. 27º 36.5S, Long 33º 05E.

11.45am: A/c S45W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 231 miles.

  1.30pm: A/c S39W.

  2.30pm: C Vidal abeam, 3.75 miles.

  4.30pm: C St Lucia Lt abeam, 2.6 miles.

  5.30pm: A/c S60W.

  7.15pm: Transport Trafford Hall passed bound north.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 01’S, 32º 02.5’E.

  9.30pm: Signalled SS Shepstow Castle [possibly a phonetic error and Chepstow Castle is intended].

10.00pm: Signalled SS Umtata.

10.10pm: Signalled SS Montrose.

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25 January 1916

At sea and alongside quay, A Shed, Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  6.21am: Alongside quay, Durban.

  8.30am: Commenced coaling from quay and from lighters.

  9.45am: SS Griqua and SS Illegible arrived.

11.00am: Two Firemen absentees returned. Two Trimmers discharged to shore.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 155 miles.

  4.00pm: SS Cyrena sailed.

Coaling proceeding throughout and receiving fresh water.

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26 January 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  8.40am: Finished coaling.

10.00am: One Ldg Sn, one Cooper’s crew returned from absence.

  4.00pm: SS Kiningerden Nederlanden [?] arrived.

  4.54pm: SS Port Kembla sailed.

  5.00pm: Punishment warrants 25 and 26 read.

  6.00pm: Lt JH Gaskell and Lt J Smerdon, RNR, landed for passage to England.

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27 January 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  6.30am: SS Kishima Maru [possibly Kashima Maru* is intended] sailed.

  6.40am: SS Griqua sailed.

  7.10am: SS Miyasaki Maru** arrived.

  8.00am: Five absentees.

  9.20am: Labourers hoisting in 520 cases of ammunition.

10.00am: Received two Trimmers from shore.

  1.35pm: Hoisting in troop baggage.

  6.15pm: Four absentees returned under escort. Two Firemen to cells, one Fireman absent.

11.00pm: Fires lit in 2, 4, 5 and 6 boilers.

  *Kashima Maru, 1913, 10,559 grt, NYK Tokyo.

  **Miyasaki Maru, 1909, 8,500 grt, also NYK Tokyo.

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28 January 1916

Durban and at sea

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  6.55am: SS Port Hunter sailed.

  7.10am: SS Katori Maru* arrived.

  8.15am: Troops embarking.

10.00am: Two absentees returned, one AB Cooper’s crew absent, one Fireman absent.

10.15am: SS Clan Campbell left harbour to anchor outside.

     Noon: Embarked 4th SAH, 1,379 total.

  2.25pm: Left quay, turned and proceeded.

  3.06pm: Dropped pilot. Course N68E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 08’S, 31º 58’E.

  9.10pm: Observed St Lucia Lt bg N44E, 28 miles.

  *Katori Maru, 1913, 10,513 grt, NYK Tokyo.

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29 January 1916

At sea

Lat -26.69, Long 34.34

  1.30am: St Lucia Lt bg West.

  8.00am: Pos. 27º 19’S, 33º 46’E.

  9.30am: A/c N54E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 260 miles.

  1.50pm: Passed SS Daiten Maru bound south.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 24’S, 35º 20.5’E.

11.59pm: A/c N46E.

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30 January 1916

At sea

Lat -22.47, Long 37.29

  6.45am: Entered Tropics.

  7.00am: A/c N44E.

  8.00am: Pos. 23º 12’S, 36º 52’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 300 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 54’S, 38º 14’E.

  9.00pm: A/c N38E.

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31 January 1916

At sea

Lat -17.87, Long 39.8 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 18º 38’S, 39º 24’E.

11.26am: SS Gaika passed bound South.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N27E, 311 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17º 02’S, 40º 28’E.

  8.50pm: SS Clan Ferguson* passed bound South.

  *Clan Ferguson, 1898, Barrow-in-Furness, 4,807 grt, the first of two Clan Line steamers of this name.

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Above five pages blank.


[To Kilindini with troops, Durban, to Kilindini with troops and Kisimayu Bay]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45886, signed WRD Irvine, RNR.

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Dated 6th March 1916, signed CS Wills.

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1 February 1916

At sea

Lat -13.12, Long 41.3

  1.00am: A/c N8E.

  6.25am: A/c N5E.

  8.00am: Pos. 14º 02’S, 41º 20’E.

10.00am: A/c N3E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 310 miles. A/c N2W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11º 26’S, 41º 02’E.

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2 February 1916

At sea

Lat -7.77, Long 40.42

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 42’S, 40º 37’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N9W, 325 miles.

  6.30pm: Pos. (stellar) 6º 20’S, 40º 17’E.

  7.00pm: A/c N7W.

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3 February 1916

At sea to Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  1.20am: A/c N21W.

  2.45am: Ras Kegomache Lt abeam bg S69W, 17.5 miles.

  6.41am: Anchored, Kilindini Harbour.

  8.00am: One stowaway in charge of ship’s police.

  8.30am: Discharging troops, baggage and ammunition into lighters and supplying stores to HMAS Pioneer.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 231 miles.

  1.00pm: Seven Seamen discharged to shore, c/o MTO Kilindini. W Richardson, J Uden, P Howard [?], J French, A Davidson, A Whatling and E Robson. Nine Seedie boys received from RN Barracks, Zanzibar.

  2.00pm: Completed disembarkation of troops.

  3.00pm: One Steward joined from shore.

  5.15pm: 19 Marines discharged to HMS Challenger.

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4 February 1916

Kilindini and at sea

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

     Noon: Supplied stores to HMS Challenger.

  1.17pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.58pm: Set course S16E.

  5.00pm: A/c S8E.

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5 February 1916

At sea

Lat -8.37, Long 40.39

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 31’S, 40º 17’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 265 miles.

12.15pm: A/c S3E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 00’S, 40º 40’E.

10.34pm: C Delgado Lt bg S41W.

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6 February 1916

At sea

Lat -13.59, Long 40.99

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 34’S, 40º 54’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 315 miles.

  6.30pm: St George’s I. Lt abeam, 2 miles.

  7.00pm: Observed two steamers in Mozambique Harbour, one North German Lloyd Co., one German East Africa Co.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15º 22’S, 40º 50’E.

  9.30pm: A/c S39W.

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7 February 1916

At sea

Lat -18.34, Long 39.25

  1.00am: SS Africa passed steering East.

  8.00am: Pos. 17º 37’S, 39º 34’E.

  9.00am: Dropped target and exercised 6” guns with aiming rifle.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 309 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19º 59’S, 38º 18.5’E.

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8 February 1916

At sea

Lat -22.59, Long 36.5

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 53’S, 36º 57’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S31.25W, 298 miles.

  7.40pm: Burra Pt Lt abeam, 16 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23º 59’S, 35º 46’E.

  9.40pm: Zavora Pt Lt abeam, 13 miles, a/c S47W.

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9 February 1916

At sea

Lat -26.89, Long 33.79

  6.30am: Passed SS Maston (for Delagoa Bay).

  8.00am: Pos. 26º 06’S, 34º 20’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 298 miles.

  7.00pm: St Lucia Lt bg S68W, 29 miles.

  7.15pm: C Vidal abeam, 13 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28º 23’S, 32º 40’.

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10 February 1916

At sea to Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  6.05am: Passed Portuguese cruiser Adamastor.

  7.15am: Berthed alongside quay.

  9.00am: Commenced coaling both sides.

10.40am: Ship Senta sailed.

11.45am: Ship Gata sailed [probably sailing ships].

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 233 miles.

  1.10pm: SS Grotius sailed.

  2.35pm: SS Aros Castle sailed.

  3.00pm: Five patients landed to hospital.

  Coaling throughout.

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11 February 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  5.45am: Finished coaling.

11.00am: SS Lord Roberts sailed.

     Noon: Three trimmers discharged to shore.

12.05pm: SS Kishima Maru sailed.

12.50pm: HMS Vengeance (flag) arrived.

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12 February 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  6.00am: SS Antilochus sailed.

     Noon: Six Stokers and six Ordinary Seamen received from HMS Vengeance.

  6.35pm: SS River Araxes [ex-Fitzclarence] sailed.

  7.45pm: Transport SS Professor Woermann sailed.

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13 February 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  5.15am: Troops commenced embarking and baggage being hoisted in.

  6.40am: SS Buenaventura (American) sailed.

  7.00am: SS Clan Gordon sailed.

  8.15am: Hoisting in ammunition, 800 cases.

11.00am: HMS Vengeance sailed.

     Noon: Two absentees from Vengeance joined ship for passage.

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14 February 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  5.40am: Embarking troops and hoisting in baggage and ammunition.

  2.40pm: SS Brigitta [ex-Tennyson] arrived.

  4.30pm: Finished with baggage. Received mail for Kilindini.

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15 February 1916

Durban and at sea

Lat -29.86, Long 31.07

10.00am: Left quay.

10.30am: Anchored.

  3.45pm: SS New Zealand Transport arrived.

  4.15pm: SS Discoverer sailed.

  4.30pm: SS Italian [ex-Fantee] sailed.

  5.30pm: SS Peter Jebsen sailed.

  9.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course N68E.

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16 February 1916

At sea

Lat -28.02, Long 33.35

  Winds NE f 5-6 throughout the day.

  8.00am: Pos. 28º 22’S, 32º 49’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 163 miles from anchorage.

12.20pm: A/c N52E.

  4.40pm: Passed SS St Egbert, bound south.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26º 39’S, 34º 28.5’E.

  9.10pm: A/c N56E.

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17 February 1916

At sea

Lat -23.77, Long 36.34

  8.00am: Pos. 24º 37’S, 35º 49’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N32E, 302 miles.

  2.00pm: Entered tropics.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22º 15’S, 37º 19’E.

  9.00pm: A/c N42E.

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18 February 1916

At sea

Lat -19.27, Long 39.05

  8.00am: Pos. 19º 57’S, 38º 35’E.

  9.30am: A/c N41E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N29E, 309 miles.

12.30pm: A/c N40E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17º 36’S, 40º 01’E.

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19 February 1916

At sea

Lat -14.38, Long 41.14

  6.00am: A/c N8.5E.

  8.00am: Pos. 15º 06’S, 41º 11’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 324 miles.

12.20pm: A/c N5E.

  7.00pm: A/c N4E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 44’S, 41º 06’E.

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20 February 1916

At sea

Lat -9.14, Long 40.57

  5.00am: A/c N2W.

  5.51am: C Delgado bg S55W.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 08’S, 40º 47’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 316 miles.

  2.00pm: Two cell prisoners released.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 20’S, 40º 17’E.

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21 February 1916

At sea to Kilindini

Lat -4.29, Long 39.79

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 54’S, 39º 57’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 295 miles.

  1.30pm: Anchored in 17 fms in Kilindini harbour. HM Ships in port Vengeance, Challenger, Pioneer.

  2.00pm: Lighters alongside for troops and baggage.

  3.00pm: Discharging troops, baggage, ammunition and stores for HMS Severn.

  5.20pm: Finished disembarking of troops for day.

  7.00pm: Two Stokers discharged to Vengeance, one Seedie boy discharged to shore, two Stewards joined from Severn.

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22 February 1916


Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  7.00am: Disembarking troops, discharging baggage and ammunition.

  1.00pm: Supplied stores to HMAS Pioneer and HMS Vengeance.

  1.35pm: Finished disembarking troops.

  3.00pm: One AB discharged to Vengeance, one Cook joined from shore.

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23 February 1916


Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  5.30am: HMS Severn sailed.

10.50am: SS Miramichi on fire. Boats and pumps from all ships to assist*.

11.30am: SS Miramichi weighed and proceeded to Port Reitz.

12.15pm: Supplied stores to HMS Vengeance.

12.30pm: SS Professor Woermann sailed.

  2.00pm: Discharging rafts and life belts to lighter.

  *Miramichi was discharging petrol at the time. The crew of HMAS Pioneer, with quite remarkable bravery, managed to raise the anchor and beach her away from other shipping, where she burned out.

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24 February 1916


Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

10.30am: 13 supernumerary ratings* left to SS Montrose.

12.40pm: HMS Mersey arrived.

  2.00pm: Lighter left with life belts and hammocks.

  4.15pm: HMAS Pioneer sailed.

  5.00pm: Montrose sailed.

  *Probably Cooks etc, taken on to feed the troops.

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25 February 1916


Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  7.00am: Stores supplied to HMS Mersey.

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26 February 1916

Kilindini and at sea

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  7.00am: SS Weismann sailed.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.45pm: Course N46E.

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27 February 1916

At sea to Kisimayu

Lat -1.18, Long 42.3

  8.00am: Pos. 1º 42’S, 41º 53’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 244 miles.

12.08pm: A/c N20E.

  2.42pm: N end of Kisimayu I. bg N47W, a/c N46E.

  5.24pm: Anchored off Kisimayu.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0º 23’S, 42º 34’ 15”E (at anchor).

  8.30pm: Dhow from shore alongside.

  9.40pm: Dhow left.

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28 February 1916


Lat -0.38, Long 42.56

  4.50pm: SS Weismann arrived and anchored.

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29 February 1916


Lat -0.38, Long 42.56

10.40am: SS Weismann left.

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The above three pages blank, except for handwritten barometer information on the third.

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The above two pages blank.


[Kisimayu Bay, patrolling between Mafia Island and Lindi Bay and at Zanzibar]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45887, signed by WRD Irvine.

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Dated 4th April, signed CS Wills.

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Instrument page, as November 1915.

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1 March 1916

Kisimayu Bay and at sea

Lat -0.4, Long 42.6 [approx]

12.45am: Watch man and arm ship. Exercised searchlights.

  2.00am: Rounds correct.

  3.10am: Moon rise.

  5.30am: Night defence stations dispersed. Watch washing decks.

  8.10am: Italian SS Catania* arrived and anchored inside Kisimayu I.

  9.10am: Divisions. Prayers.

10.00am: Hands variously employed.

10.30am: Prepared for sea, ER telegraph, steering gear etc tried.

11.43am: Weighed and proceeded by North Channel.

12.24pm: Pos. 0º 22’S, 42º 34.5’E. Set course S39W.

  1.00pm: Payment muster.

  1.30pm: Hands variously employed.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Night defence stations.

  7.25pm: Watch man and arm ship.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1º 47’S, 41º 38’E.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

10.30pm: Sea boat’s crew mustered.

  Sick list: 6.

  *Catania, 1906, 3,188 grt.

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2 March 1916

At sea, anchored in Kilindini and at sea

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  6.00am: A/c S49W.

  8.00am: Pos. 3º 58’S, 39º 53’E.

  9.42am: Anchored in Kilindini Harbour. Banked fires.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 298 miles.

  5.08pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.50pm: Set course S20W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 34.5’S, 39º 35’E.

  9.30pm: Ras Kegomache Lt abeam, 11 miles. A/c S28W.

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3 March 1916

At sea to Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  1.22am: Ras Nungwi Lt bg S2E.

  2.28am: Mungopani Lt bg S2W.

  4.00am: Same abeam bg S55E, 10.25 miles.

  5.00am: A/c S13E, then various courses for anchorage.

  6.27am: While turning into berth, failed to clear the stern of HMS Trent, inflicting some damage* to overhang at the stern of that ship.

  6.55am: Anchored, Zanzibar. HM Ships in port, Vengeance, Hyacinth, Fly and Pickle. Banked fires.

11.30am: Surgeon B Sidney-Jones rejoined from Hyacinth. Carpenters Bruce and Crombie left on loan to Trent.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 143 miles.

  2.00pm: Loading stores and a maxim gun from lighter.

  5.09pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.53pm: Set course S30E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 35’S, 9º 27’E.

  9.07pm: Dar-es-Salaam lights abeam.

  *“Some damage” is putting it mildly; see Trent’s log for a list!

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4 March 1916

At sea, anchored in S Mafia Channel and on patrol

Lat -8.5, Long 39.7

12.50am: Moresby Pt Lt bg S12E.

  2.32am: Same abeam, 3.5 miles. A/c S20W.

  7.35am: Mange Reef beacon abeam, 8 cables.

  7.58am: Anchored in S Mafia Channel.

  8.00am: HMAS Pioneer arrived. Supplied with stores.

  9.50am: HMW Salamander alongside for stores and fresh water and received stores and mail for Rattler.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 153 miles.

  1.40pm: Salamander proceeded.

  4.55pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.07pm: Set course S14W.

  6.30pm: Okuza I. abeam, 3.7 miles, a/c S5E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 32’S, 39º 42’E.

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5 March 1916

At sea, anchored in Lindi River and on patrol.

Lat -9.98, Long 39.72

  7.51am: Anchored in Lindi River. No buoys visible from anchorage except one conical buoy to SE of fort. Leading mark beacons have also apparently been removed or covered.

  6.12pm: Weighed and proceeded, course East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 50’S, 40º 00’E.

  8.30pm: Stopped engines, fires banked, ship lying to.

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6 March 1916

On patrol, at anchor in Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.98, Long 39.72

12.01am: Lying to, engines stopped.

  5.00am: Proceeded.

  6.45am: Anchored in Lindi Bay. White house with red roof to left of fort has large red cross painted on board displayed on roof.

  6.11pm: Weighed and proceeded for S Mafia channel, various NE’ly courses.

  7.45pm: A/c N.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 46’S, 39º 52’E.

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7 March 1916

At sea, to S Mafia Channel and on patrol

Lat -8.04, Long 39.57 [approx]

  6.30am: Okuza I. abeam, 5.5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 02.5’S, 39º 24.5’E [this position plots on dry land].

  8.19am: Anchored. Banked fires. HMAS Pioneer at anchor.

10.30am: HMWs Fly and Pickle alongside for water etc.

  1.30pm: Collier Castle Bruce [formerly Lustleigh] arrived and made fast alongside Pioneer.

  4.00pm: Pickle and Fly left.

  5.33pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S15W.

  7.26pm: Okuza I. Lt abeam, bg S70W, 4.25 miles. A/c S5E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 21’S, 39º 42’E.

11.59pm: A/c S4E.

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8 March 1916

At sea, anchored in Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.98, Long 39.72

6.52am: Anchored in Lindi Bay.

6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

8.00pm: Pos. 9º 55.5’S, 40º 01’E.

9.30pm: Engines stopped, fires banked, lying to for rest of night.

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9 March 1916

On patrol, anchored in Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.98, Long 39.72

12.01am: Lying to, engines stopped.

  5.30am: Proceeded towards Mikindani Bay

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 14’S, 40º 14’E.

  8.05am: 7,000 yds from the residence, turned and proceeded for Lindi River.

11.47am: Anchored in Lindi Bay.

  6.08pm: Weighed and proceeded, course E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 50.5’S, 40º 00’E.

  8.30pm: Stopped engines, banked fires and lay to for the rest of the night.

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10 March 1916

On patrol, anchored in Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.95, Long 39.8 [approx]

12.01am: Lying to, engines stopped.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 39’S, 39º 58’E.

  9.20am: Target practice with 6” aiming rifles.

10.24am: Hoisted in target and proceeded SSW.

  1.06pm: Anchored in Lindi Bay.

  6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S89E.

  8.00pm: Lat 9º 58’S, 40º 01’E.

  9.30pm: Stopped engines, lying to for rest of night.

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11 March 1916

On patrol

Lat -9.94, Long 39.77

12.01am: Lying to, engines stopped.

  5.31am: Proceeded to Mikindani Bay.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 10’S, 40º 14.5’E.

  8.05am: Looked into Mikindani Bay, then turned and proceeded for Lindi River.

11.45am: Turned and proceeded for Kiswere harbour.

  3.20pm: Entering Kiswere harbour.

  3.36pm: Turned ship off Grant Point and proceeded for Zanzibar.

  5.55pm: Songa Manara I. abeam, 2 miles, a/c N21E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 44’S, 39º 44’E.

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12 March 1916

At sea to Zanzibar

Lat -6.58, Long 39.35

  2.04am: Moresby Pt abeam, 4 miles, a/c N21.5W.

  7.25am: Ras Kanzi abeam, 5 miles, a/c N28.5W.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 55’S, 39º 35’E.

11.30am: Chumbe I. Lt bg N31W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 231 miles.

  1.22pm: HMS’ Severn and Mersey passed to South.

  2.13pm: Anchored, Zanzibar.

  2.40pm: Three Officers and 12 Stokers joined from HMS Armadale Castle for passage to HMAS Pioneer.

  4.15pm: Armadale Castle sailed.

  6.00pm: Colliers Lord Roberts and Castle Bruce made fast alongside.

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13 March 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.30am: Coaling and taking on fresh water with breaks for meals.

  7.00pm: Coaling ceased for the day, received 947 tons.

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14 March 1916

Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: Resumed coaling and taking on fresh water.

10.00am: HMS Severn left port.

  2.13pm: Finished coaling, SS Castle Bruce cast off and sailed, SS Lord Roberts cast off and anchored.

  5.09pm: Weighed and proceeded Southwards.

  5.58pm: Set course S29.5E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 33’S, Long 39º 21’E.

11.30pm: Ras Kanzi Lt bg S6W. A/c S20E.

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15 March 1916

At sea, anchored in Tirene Bay and at sea for South patrol

Lat -8.2, Long 39.7

  6.39am: Niororo I. abeam, 1.9 miles.

  8.32am: Anchored, Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

  8.50am: HMW Fly alongside.

  9.30am: Diver examined bottom after report from engine room.

10.20am: HMW Pickle alongside.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 110 miles.

  2.00pm: Diver finished work.

  2.35pm: Pickle sailed.

  3.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, various courses through S Mafia Channel.

  7.45pm: Okuza I. abeam, 5.5 miles, a/c S4E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 15’S, 39º 42’E.

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16 March 1916

At sea, anchored in Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.95, Long 39.75

  5.45am: A/c S14W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 47’S, 39º 48’E.

  9.38am: Anchored, Lindi Bay.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 141 miles.

  6.14pm: Weighed and proceeded S79E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 59’S, 40º 00’E.

10.30pm: Signalled SS Professor Woermann, bound North.

11.59pm: A/c S5E.

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17 March 1916

Southern patrol

Lat -10.2, Long 40.19

  4.28am: C Delgado Lt abeam, 4.5 miles, a/c S16E.

  5.30am: Turned ship, a/c N33W.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 30.5’S, 40º 36.5’E.

  8.20am: Looked into Rovuma Bay.

  9.16am: Turned and proceeded for Lindi Bay.

11.00am: Entered Mikindani Bay.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 155 miles.

12.20pm: Turned and proceeded.

  3.53pm: Turned ship in Lindi Bay and proceeded for Tirene Bay, course N68E.

  6.15pm: A/c N4E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 25’S, 39º 46.5’E.

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18 March 1916

Southern patrol, in Tirene Bay and at sea

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  3.15am: Stopped engines, lying to.

  3.30am: Okuza I. Lt bg S88W, 6.5 miles.

  5.09am: Proceeded, N42W.

  6.10am: Tutia Reef abeam, 1.5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 55.5’S, 39º 34.5’E.

  9.11am: Anchored in Tirene Bay. HMS Hyacinth in anchorage.

  9.20am: HMAS Pioneer arrived and anchored.

11.00am: Stoker James Grant, absentee, received from Hyacinth.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 176 miles.

  1.00pm: HMWs Fly and Pickle alongside for stores and water.

  3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.36pm: Okuza I. abeam, 4.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 28’S, 39º 43.5’E.

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19 March 1916

At sea to Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.95, Long 39.75

12.18am: A/c S4E.

  7.28am: Anchored, Lindi Bay.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 141 miles.

  6.12pm: Weighed and proceeded East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 58’S, 40º 00’E.

  9.30pm: Stopped engines. Ship lying to for rest of night.

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20 March 1916

On patrol, anchored in Rovuma Bay and on patrol

Lat -10.45, Long 40.48

12.01am: Ship lying to.

  5.30am: Proceeded, course S2E.

  7.24am: A/c S24E, then courses for Mikindani Bay.

  8.00am: In Mikindani Bay.

  8.18am: Turned and proceeded N42E.

10.07am: Mungo I. abeam, 2 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 87 miles.

12.08pm: Anchored in Rovuma Bay.

  6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N30E.

  6.35pm: C Delgado Lt bg S24E, 16 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 30.5’S, 40º 42.5’E.

  8.45pm: Stopped engines, C Delgado Lt bg S50W, 12 miles, ship lying to for the night.

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21 March 1916

On patrol, anchored in Tunghi Bay and on patrol

Lat -10.77, Long 40.5

12.01am: Lying to, engines stopped.

  5.20am: Proceeded, S33W.

  6.29am: Anchored in Tunghi Bay.

  8.19am: Weighed and moved to inner anchorage off Palma.

  8.45am: Visit from port officials.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 40.5 miles inc drift.

  5.12pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: Course ENE.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 28.5’S, 40º 41’E.

  9.00pm: Stopped engines, lying to for night.

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22 March 1916

On patrol, anchored in Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.98, Long 39.72

12.01am: Lying to.

  5.30am: Proceeded, N54W.

  7.30am: Entered Mikindani Bay.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 12’S, 40º 12.5’E.

  8.30am: Turned to NNE and proceeded.

11.49am: Anchored in Lindi Bay.

  6.08pm: Weighed and proceeded East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9 55’S, 40 06.5’E.

  8.30pm: Engines stopped, ship lying to.

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23 March 1916

On patrol and anchored in S Mafia Channel.

Lat -9.17, Long 39.65 [approx; log longitude plots on land]

12.01am: Lying to, engines stopped.

  5.15am: Proceeded.

  6.45am: Entered Lindi Bay, turned and proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 51’S, 39º 50.5’E.

11.58am: Ras Ngumbe Sukani abeam, 1.5 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 98 miles inc drift.

  3.20pm: Fanjove I. Lt abeam, 2.75 miles.

  4.08pm: A/c N16E.

  6.35pm: Anchored in S Mafia Channel.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 01’S, 39º 36’E.

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24 March 1916

S Mafia Channel and Tirene Bay, Mafia I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.35am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  9.10am: HMWs Fly and Pickle alongside for stores and water.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 91 miles.

  4.00pm: Fly and Pickle left.

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25 March 1916

Tirene Bay and anchored off Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  3.10pm: SS Africa sailed.

  4.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N45E.

  6.03pm: Shungumbili I. abeam, 2.1 miles.

  6.36pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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26 March 1916

Anchored off Niororo I.

Lat -7.65, Long 39.65

  5.00am: HMWs Fly and Pickle left anchorage.

  9.20am: HMWs Echo and Childers arrived and came alongside.

  2.40pm: Echo and Childers left.

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27 March 1916

Niororo I. to Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  6.27am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.27am: Anchored in Tirene Bay. In port, HMWs Echo and Childers.

  9.55am: Childers sailed.

10.00am: Echo alongside.

  2.15pm: Echo cast off having received stores.

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28 March 1916

Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  Hands variously employed.

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29 March 1916

Mafia I. to Niororo I.

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

10.10am: HMW Echo alongside.

     Noon: SS Barjora arrived. Received mail and stores from Barjora and carpenters Bruce and Crombie returned from Zanzibar.

  3.00pm: Major Brooks from Mafia Residency joined for passage.

  3.30pm: Echo cast off to anchor.

  4.08pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.07pm: Anchored off Niororo I.

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30 March 1916

Niororo I. to Zanzibar

Lat -6.55, Long 39.29

  5.39am: Weighed and proceeded, Northerly courses.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 12.5’S, Long 39º 40’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 87 miles.

  1.15pm: HMS Salamander passed.

  3.03pm: Anchored, Zanzibar.

  5.40pm: Collier Castle Bruce alongside. Discharging stores into lighters for various ships.

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31 March 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: Commenced coaling.

10.30am: G Anderson, Seaman, discharged to hospital.

11.40am: HMW Salamander alongside.

  1.50pm: Salamander cast off to anchor.

  7.00pm: Stopped coaling.

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The above four pages blank.


[Zanzibar, Tanga Bay and on South patrol]

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Cover, Adm. 553/45888, signed WRD Irvine.

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Dated 5th May, signed CS Wills.

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Instruments as November 1915.

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1 April 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: Coaling.

  1.30pm: Shore party discharging stores into lighters.

  3.00pm: HMS Thistle arrived.

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling.

  Sick list: 7.

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2 April 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.15am: Coaling.

  3.20pm: Finished coaling.

  3.15pm: SS Castle Bruce cast off to anchor.

  4.00pm: SS Cyfarthfa cast off to anchor.

  4.20pm: Sgt Major Saunders RMLI landed to hospital.

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3 April 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  9.10am: Stores supplied to HMS Thistle.

  9.30am: SS’ St Egbert, Africa and Castilian [formerly Umbilo] arrived and anchored.

  2.00pm: Fireman O’Conner discharged to St Egbert.

  4.57pm: St Egbert sailed.

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4 April 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.35am: SS Khalifa sailed.

  7.10am: HMS Vengeance anchored.

  7.15am: Seedie boys returned from leave, two absentees, Nos 33 and 36. Supplied Vengeance and HMS Severn with stores.

  4.25pm: SS Castilian sailed.

  9.15pm: Lt Spence RNVR joined ship.

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5 April 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: HMW Fly anchored.

10.00am: Stores supplied to HMS Vengeance.

  4.15pm: SS Africa sailed.

  4.30pm: SS Castle Bruce sailed.

  Sick list: 10.

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6 April 1916

Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: HMS Severn sailed.

  8.10am: SS Huntscliff [ex-German SS Rufidji*] arrived.

10.20am: Lt Spence RNVR discharged to Huntscliff.

12.05pm: Seaplane 3096 hoisted in.

12.20pm: Seaplane 3096 hoisted out.

  1.42pm: Huntscliff sailed.

  4.59pm: Weighed and proceeded, Southerly courses.

  5.35pm: HMW Pickle passed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 29’S, 39º 18’E.

  9.28pm: Dar-es-Salaam lights abeam.

11.59pm: A/c S23E.

  Sick list: 12.

  *Rufidji, 1911, 5,442 grt, German East Africa Line, captured in 1915.

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7 April 1916

On patrol

Lat -8.33, Long 39.67

  2.48am: Moresby Pt Lt bg S11E.

  3.00am: Engines stopped, awaiting daylight.

  5.38am: Proceeded S50W.

  7.10am: Niororo I. abeam, 1.7 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 45’S, 39º 38’E.

  8.18am: Sighted HMS Hyacinth passing through S Mafia Ch. to Tirene.

11.40am: Okuza I. bg W, 4 miles, a/c S3W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 144 miles.

  1.45pm: Fanjove I. Lt abeam, 7.5 miles.

  2.00pm: Sighted SS Barjora, bound North.

  6.00pm: A/c S29E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 32’S, 39º 52.5’E,

10.00pm: Stopped engines, lying to for night.

  Sick list: 14.

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8 April 1916

On patrol, anchored in Lindi Bay and on patrol

Lat -9.98, Long 39.72

12.01am: Lying to, engines stopped.

  5.30am: Proceeded.

  7.16am: Anchored, Lindi Bay.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 115 miles.

  6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded East.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 55.5’S, 40º 02’E.

  8.45pm: Stopped engines, banked fires, lying to.

  Sick list: 12.

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9 April 1916

On patrol, anchored in Lindi Bay and at sea.

Lat -9.98, Long 39.72

12.01am: Lying to.

  5.31am: Proceeded.

  7.40am: Anchored, Lindi Bay.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 46 miles.

  1.02pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.17pm: A/c E by N.

  2.00pm: A/c N10E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 45’S, 39º 58’E.

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10 April 1916

At sea to Zanzibar and at sea.

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

12.25am: Moresby Pt Lt bg N10W.

  1.41am: Same abeam, bg N88W, 3.7 miles. A/c N20W.

  8.00am. Lat 6º 40’S, 39º 26’E.

  9.21am: S end of Pungume I. abeam, 4 miles.

11.56am: Anchored Zanzibar. HMAS Pioneer in port coaling.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 245 miles.

  1.16pm. Pioneer left.

  1.37pm: HMS Vengeance arrived and anchored.

  3.00pm: Hoisted in seaplanes [Short Admiralty type 827] 3096 and 3097 and received quantity of aviation stores.

  4.44pm: Weighed and proceeded, Northerly courses.

  6.08pm: Mungopani Lt bg N49E, 2.5 miles.

  8.00pm. Lat 5º 44.5’S, 39º 03’E.

  8.01pm: Ras Nungwi Lt bg N89E, 15 miles, a/c N40E.

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11 April 1916

At sea to Tanga Bay and at sea

Lat -5.05, Long 39.1

  1.45am: Ras Kegomache Lt bg N62E, about 20 miles.

  2.55am: Same bg N89E, 12 miles, turned ship to course S18W.

  4.40am: A/c S50W.

  7.05am: Anchored, Tanga Bay. Banked fires.

  8.00am: Pos. 5º 03’S, 39º 11’E.

  9.40am: Hoisted out seaplanes.

10.23am: Seaplanes proceeded towards Tanga.

11.40am: Seaplanes returned. HMS’ Vengeance, Pioneer and Thistle off Tanga.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 112 miles.

12.15pm: Hoisted in seaplanes.

  3.40pm: Vengeance and Thistle left the bay.

  3.43pm: Weighed and proceeded for Mafia Island.

  7.54pm: Ras Nungwi Lt abeam, 12 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5º 39.5’S, 39º 39.5’E.

  8.20pm: A/c S13E.

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12 April 1916

At sea to Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.66

  1.05am: S end of Zanzibar I. abeam.

  5.47pm: A/c S9W.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 34’S, 39º 39.5’E.

  8.19am: Niororo I. abeam bg S81E, 1.8 miles.

10.10am: Anchored in Tirene Bay. Fires banked.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 176 miles.

  1.00pm: Watch rigging cover for seaplanes.

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13 April 1916

Tirene Bay to Zanzibar and on patrol

Lat -6.81, Long 39.54

  5.29am: Weighed and proceeded. Course N14W.

  6.46am: Shungumbili I. abeam, 1.9 miles.

  7.14am: Niororo I. abeam, 2 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 29’S, 39º 40’E.

10.35am: Ras Kanzi Lt bg S82W, 5 miles, a/c N29.5W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 67 miles.

12.35pm: Makatumbi Lt abeam, 8 miles.

  4.15pm: Anchored Zanzibar.

  5.00pm: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

  5.15pm: Hoisted out seaplanes, RNAS party left for shore.

  7.50pm: Weighed and proceeded by South Channel.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 11’S, 39º 11’E.

  9.41pm: Kwale I. abeam, 3 miles.

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14 April 1916

On patrol

Lat -8.15, Long 39.94

  2.00am: A/c S27E.

  6.38am: A/c S9W.

  7.43am: Moresby Pt Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

  8.00am. Lat 7º 41’S, 40º 00’E.

10.53am: Starboard engine stopped for repairs.

11.10am: N end of Kibundo I. abeam, 12 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 176 miles, a/c S1E.

  2.17pm: Starboard engine resumed.

  4.45pm: HMS Vengeance observed.

  5.45pm: Stopped and communicated with Vengeance by boat.

  6.05pm: Proceeded, S22E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 11’S, 40º 07’E.

11.50pm: SS Palamcotta passed Northbound.

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15 April 1916

On patrol, anchored in Tunghi Bay and on patrol

Lat -10.72, Long 40.58

  2.40am: A/c S13E.

  6.53am: C Delgado abeam, 1.6 miles. Proceeded into Tunghi Bay.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 45.5’S, 40º 33’E.

  8.07am: Anchored off Palma.

  8.12am: Captain landed in gig.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 172 miles.

12.40pm: Commandant from Palma boarded…

  1.20pm: … and left.

  5.02pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S87E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 23’S, 40º 37’E.

10.00pm: A/c N38W.

11.00pm: Engines stopped, lying to.

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16 April 1916

On patrol

Lat -9.52, Long 39.75

12.01am: Lying to.

  3.00am: Proceeded, course N65W.

  5.38am: A/c N76W.

  6.05am: Stopped 2.5 miles off Mchinga Bay. Banked fires.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 43’S, 39º 48’E.

  9.03am: Observed HMS Hyacinth, bg North.

10.43am: Closed Hyacinth and communicated by boat. Received mails.

10.58am: Proceeded towards Kiswere.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 111 miles including drift.

12.56pm: Grant Pt bg South, 4 cables, a/c ENE.

  1.25pm: A/c N3E.

  3.39pm: Kivurugu Is abeam, 7 cables.

  3.45pm: A/c N52W.

  4.30pm: C Kilwa bg N66W, 3 miles, a/c S61E.

  7.00pm: Stopped engines, banked fires.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 04’S, 39º 57’E.

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17 April 1916

On patrol

Lat -9.19, Long 39.68

12.01am: Lying to.

  5.40am: Proceeded, course SW.

  5.56am: Observed HMW Styx to NW, same alongside for stores.

  7.40am: Proceeded towards Mwamba Rukyira.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 42.5’S, 39º 43’E.

  9.20am: Rounded Albemarle Spit to examine entrance to Kilwa Kisiwani.

11.03am: Kivurugu Is abeam, 7 cables. A/c South.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 120 miles including drift.

12.49pm: Ras Mombi abeam, 1.25 miles.

  1.23pm: Looked into Kiswere harbour.

  2.45pm: Engines stopped, lying to.

  5.45pm: Proceeded N19E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 02’S, 39º 46’E.

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18 April 1916

At sea to Zanzibar

Lat -6.71, Long 39.38

  2.48am: Moresby Pt Lt bg N1W.

  4.18am: Same abeam, 3.75 miles.

  4.31am: A/c N23W.

  7.25am: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam, bg S52W, 6.5 miles. A/c N48W.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 05’S, 39º 46’E.

11.10am: A/c to close Dar-es-Salaam.

11.25am: Makatumbi Lt bg S62W, 3 miles, a/c N5E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 197 miles.

  1.00pm: Chumbe I. Lt bg N23W.

  4.09pm: Anchored, Zanzibar. Banked fires.

  5.20pm: HMS Manica arrived and anchored.

  5.20pm: Collier SS Northumbria alongside for coaling.

  6.00pm: Two Seamen and two Firemen rejoined from Durban hospital via SS Barjora.

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19 April 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.30am: Coaling.

  7.35am: Collier SS Anglier alongside.

11.40am: HMS Thistle arrived and anchored.

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day.

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20 April 1916


Lat -6.7, Long 39.4

  5.30am: SS Khalifa sailed.

  6.00am: Resumed coaling.

10.30am: HMS Talbot arrived and anchored.

11.00am: Ship’s Steward Francis and Fireman Williams landed to hospital.

  3.15pm: Finished coaling, 1,502 tons.

  4.15pm: SS’ Northumbria and Anglier cast off to anchor.

  5.00pm: One Seaman joined from Talbot for passage to HMS Challenger. One Seedie boy joined from shore.

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21 April 1916

Zanzibar to Tirene Bay

Lat -7.22, Long 39.67

  5.00am: HMS Talbot coaling from collier.

  5.24am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 34’S, 39º 21.5’E.

  9.55am: HMS Hyacinth passed bound NW.

10.00am: Ras Kanzi Lt abeam 5 miles.

11.52am: A/c S1E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG 72 miles.

12.29pm: Niororo I. bg S3W.

  2.43pm: Shungumbili I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

  3.56pm: Anchored, Tirene Bay.

  5.00pm: HMWs Charon and Styx alongside for stores and water.

  5.00pm: HMS Severn came alongside for water.

  6.00pm: Severn, Charon and Styx left to anchor.

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22 April 1916

Mafia I. and on patrol

Lat -8.35, Long 39.67

  5.19am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.28am: Thick rain, so anchored in S Mafia Channel.

  8.37am: Rain cleared, proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 48’S, 39º 36.5’E.

10.09am: Mange Reef beacon abeam, 9 cables, a/c South.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, to Tirene 40 miles, from same 41 miles.

  1.30pm: S Fanjove I. Lt abeam, bg N83W, 5.25 miles.

  2.45pm: A/c S20W.

  3.36pm: Rounded Albemarle Spit, 6 cables, a/c S58W.

  4.40pm: Kivirugu Is abeam, 1.25 miles, a/c S27E.

  7.20pm: Stopped engines, lying to. Banked fires.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 21’S, 39º 53’E.

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23 April 1916

On patrol

Lat -9.94, Long 39.81

12.01am: Lying to.

  6.00am: Proceeded, course S8E.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 30’S, 39º 45.5’E.

10.15am: A/c S1W.

10.42am: Ras Kibungwe abeam, 1 mile, a/c to look into Lindi Bay.

11.00am: Observed drifting mine, general quarters and opened fire with 6” guns.

11.40am: Ceased fire, lowered boat and sank the mine with rifle fire.

Note: Mine painted red with marine growth on underside.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 112 miles.

12.30pm: Hoisted boat and proceeded for Mgau Mwania.

  2.11pm: Stopped about 3 miles NNE of Madjovi Rocks and transferred mail to HMS Challenger, balloon ship HMS Manica in company.

  3.50pm: Proceeded for Mchinga Bay, course N18W.

  6.14pm: 5 miles East of Mchinga Bay, a/c N51E.

  7.15pm: Stopped engines, lying to with fires banked.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 36’S, 39º 59’E.

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24 April 1916

On patrol

Lat -9.02, Long 39.68

12.01am: Lying to, fires banked.

  6.10am: Proceeded, N66W.

  6.45am: A/c N28W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 28’S, 39º 41’E.

  8.18am: A/c to close Kiswere harbour.

  8.32am: 4 cables off Grant Pt a/c N52E.

11.08am: Kivurugu Is abeam, 1.5 miles, a/c to inspect Sangarungu harbour.

11.54am: A/c East.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 102 miles including drift.

12.01pm: Stopped engines, banked fires.

  4.00pm: Kivurugu Is bg S7W, 4.5 miles.

  6.05pm: Proceeded, course S53E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 09’S, 39º 51’E. Stopped engines, banked fires.

  9.45pm: Coal in forward cross bunker found to be on fire. Flooded bunker with hoses from fire main.

11.00pm: Fire apparently well under control. Anti rolling tank filled.

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25 April 1916

South patrol

Lat -9.02, Long 39.64

12.01am: Watch extinguishing fire. Lying to, engines stopped.

  6.20am: Ras Matuso bg N44W, 10 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 03’S, 39º 41’E.

  8.00am: Flooding of bunker complete.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 35.5 miles including drift.

12.05pm: Temperature in cross bunker, 90º F at surface.

12.30pm: Pumping water out of forward cross bunker.

  2.00pm: Kivurugu Is bg S6E, 4.25 miles.

  4.50pm: Depth of water in bunker, 12’.

  5.10pm: C Kilwa bg N27W, 4 miles, proceeded S47E. Proceeded, course S47E.

  6.45pm: Depth of water in bunker 5’.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 17’S, 39º 50’E.

10.05pm: Stopped engines, lying to, fires banked.

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26 April 1916

South patrol

Lat -9.08, Long 39.67

12.01am: Lying to.

  1.30am: Temperature in for’d cross bunker 90ºF.

  6.05am: Proceeded, course S31W.

  7.18am: 3 miles E of Mchinga Bay, a/c N13W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 37’S, 39º 46.5’E.

  9.20am: A/c to approach Kiswere harbour.

11.20am: Ras Ngumbe Sukani abeam, 9 cables, a/c N17W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 98 miles including drift. A/c North.

12.50pm: Off Sangarungu harbour, a/c N28W.

  1.20pm: Turned ship to approach Kilwa Kisiwani.

  1.35pm: A/c S2E.8.00pm: Pos. 9º 42’S, 40º 00’E.

  2.40pm: Rounded Kivurugu Is, a/c S5E.

  6.15pm: A/c S60E.

  8.00pm: Stopped engines, banked fires, lying to.

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27 April 1916

South patrol

Lat -9.09, Long 39.66

12.01am: Lying to.

  6.10am: Proceeded N83W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 38’S, 39º 46.5’E.

  9.15am: Approached Kiswere harbour.

  9.37am: Grant Pt bg WSW, 6.5 cables, a/c NE.

11.20am: Off Ras Ngumbe Sukani a/c N24W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 124 miles.

12.40pm: Off Sangarungu harbour, a/c N23W.

  2.03pm: Kivurugu Is abeam, bg S60W, 1.7 miles.

  7.48pm: Signalled HMS Manica, bound North.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 45’S, 40º 05’E.

  8.00pm: Engines stopped, lying to. Temperature in bunker 90º F.

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28 April 1916

South patrol

Lat -9.69, Long 39.79

12.01am: Lying to.

  6.10am: Proceeded, co N85W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 40.5’S, 39º 47’E.

  9.00am: Stopped to communicate with HMS Challenger by boat.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 110 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 15’S, 40º 37’E.

  9.00pm: Stopped engines, lying to.

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29 April 1916

South patrol

Lat -10.17, Long 40.3

12.01am: Lying to.

  6.10am: Proceeded, course S48W.

  7.15am: A/c S12W.

  8.00am: Pos. 10º 12’S, 40º 33’E.

  9.00am: Ras Matunde bg N84W, 5.5 miles, a/c S33W.

  9.55am: A/v NNE.

10.15am: A/c N1E.

11.00am: A/c N51W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 130 miles.

  3.13pm: Communicated by boat with HMS Talbot.

  3.45pm: HMS Talbot proceeded South.

  4.05pm: Proceeded N10W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 21.5’S, 39º 53’E.

  9.00pm: Stopped engines, lying to.

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30 April 1916

At sea, Tirene Bay and at sea

Lat -8.07, Long 39.59

12.01am: Lying to.

  6.09am: Proceeded course N79W.

  6.40am: Kivirugu Is bg S, 4.5 miles, a/c N5E.

10.43am: Okuza I. abeam 3 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 138 miles.

  2.08pm: Anchored, Tirene Bay. HMS’ Vengeance and Severn in port.

  3.10pm: SS Anglier sailed.

  4.27pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.34pm: Shungumbili I. abeam, 2 miles.

  5.55pm: Niororo I. abeam, 1.8 miles.

10.05pm: A/c N28W off Ras Kanzi.

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Above five pages blank.


[Zanzibar, Aldabra Islands, Durban, to Kilindini with troops and Zanzibar]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45889, signed WRD Irvine.

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Dated 6th June 1916, signed CS Wills.

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Instruments as per November 1915.

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1 May 1916

At sea and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

12.15am: A/c N50W. Casting lead every 5 minutes.

  2.02am: Chumbe I. Lt bg N26W.

  3.00am: Stopped engines to lie to. HMS Challenger passed, steering SE.

  3.00am: Lying to.

  4.35am: Proceeded towards Chumbe I.

  6.30am: Anchored, Zanzibar.

  7.54am: HMS Manica arrived and anchored.

  8.45am: Hands discharging RNAS stores and ammunition into lighters.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, to Tirene 21 miles, from same 114 miles.

12.50pm: HMW Childers anchored.

  4.30pm: Liberty men landed.

  7.00pm: Escort sent ashore for absentees.

  Sick list: 8.

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2 May 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.25am: SS Khalifa sailed.

  9.45am: SS Barjora arrived and anchored.

11.00am: Stores supplied to HMAS Pioneer and HMS Manica.

11.30am: S/Lt JW Balls RNR rejoined from Hyacinth.

  2.16pm: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

  4.00pm: Lt E Blake RN and Seaman Watson RNVR joined from HMS Challenger.

  5.22pm: SS Barjora sailed.

  5.30pm: Pioneer sailed.

  5.40pm: HMW Echo sailed.

11.59pm: Lit fires in 1 & 2 boilers.

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3 May 1916

Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  6.00am: HMS Hyacinth came alongside for stores.

     Noon: One Fireman joined from hospital.

  2.00pm: Hyacinth cast off to anchor.

  4.21pm: Weighed and proceeded via South Passage.

  6.05pm: S end of Pungume I. bg S35E, 3.7 miles.

11.45pm: A/c S56E.

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4 May 1916

At sea

Lat -7.57, Long 41.95

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 26’S, 41º 28’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 196 miles.

12.20pm: A/c S60E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8º 10’S, 43º 09’E.

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5 May 1916

At sea, anchored Aldabra Is and at sea

Lat -9.29, Long 45.85

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 08’S, 45º 09’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various 254 miles.

  1.35pm: Various courses for anchorage.

  2.15pm: Anchored, Aldabra Is. Banked fires. Residents came off to ship and party of officers landed. Sea smooth.

  5.00pm: Boats returned.

  5.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, co S43W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 44’S, 45º 55’E.

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6 May 1916

At sea

Lat -12.14, Long 43.6.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 34’S, 44º 05’E.

  9.15am: Carried out aiming tube practice at target.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S43W 225 miles. A/c S39W.

  5.00pm: Read warrant No 30.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 19’S, 42º 39’E.

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7 May 1916

At sea

Lat -15.8, Long 41.27

  8.00am: Pos. 15º 14’S, 41º 41’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32W 259 miles. A/c S41W.

  6.00pm: Stellar Pos. 16º 52’S, 40º 37’E.

  8.20pm: A/c S42W.

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8 May 1916

At sea

Lat -19.3, Long 38.69

  8.00am: Pos. 18º 54’S, 39º 04’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32W, 259 miles. A/c S41W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 37’S, 37º 58’E.

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9 May 1916

At sea

Lat -22.62, Long 36.44

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 58’S, 36º 47’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32W, 235 miles.

  4.35pm: Passed out of tropics.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24º 02’S, 35º 48’E.

10.15pm: Zavora Lt bg N87W.

11.45pm: Same abeam bg N44W, 17 miles.

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10 May 1916

At sea

Lat -26.72, Long 34.05

  8.00am: Pos. 26º 05S, 34º 34E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S22W, 96 miles, S31W, 183 miles. A/c S53W.

  5.58pm: Stellar pos. 27º 46S, 33º 12E.

  9.30pm: St Lucia Lt bg S60W.

11.15pm: Same abeam, 9 miles, bg N37W. A/c S57W.

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11 May 1916

At sea and alongside quay, Durban.

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  2.00am: A/c S68W.

  6.15am: Bluff Lt bg S71W. Various courses for anchorage.

  8.45am: In berth alongside A shed, Durban.

10.30am: SS Indraghiri* sailed.

11.00am: AB E Watson discharged.

     Noon: SS Clan Shaw arrived.

12.15pm: F Watson, RNVR left to shore.

  2.00pm: Coaling from railway trucks on quay and lighter alongside.

  3.00pm: One ERA joined. F Lee, Armourer’s crew joined.

  4.30pm: Landed libertymen and patrol.

  Coaling continuously throughout the night.

  *After the takeover of the Indra Line by China Mutual in 1915, Indraghiri was re-named Eurylochus, but at this point still clearly sailing under her old name.

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12 May 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Coaling continuously throughout the day.

  6.30am: SS Machaon sailed.

  7.15am: SS Carlisle*, SS Samoset and SS Queen Maud sailed.

  7.20am: SS Jacatra arrived.

  9.15am: SS Nantwen arrived.

10.30am: Calder (Seaman) and Hughes (Fireman) rejoined from hospital.

11.00am: SS Roman Prince arrived.

12.20pm: SS Oranje sailed.

  2.40pm: SS Baron Jedborough (presumably Baron Jedburgh) sailed.

  3.20pm: SS Montrose sailed.

  Coal received by midnight, 2,650 tons.

  *This may be the Union Castle Mail SS Carlisle Castle, formerly Holtye.

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13 May 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  Coaling until 6.25am. Total received 2,800 tons.

  6.25am: Transport SS Kamora [?] arrived.

  8.05am: SS Nairung sailed.

11.35am: SS Oaklands Grange arrived.

  1.00pm: SS Berwick Castle sailed.

  3.45pm: SS Jacatra sailed.

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14 May 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  7.30am: RMS Norman sailed.

  7.40am: SS Roman Prince sailed.

  1.00pm: Schooner K Hall [?] arrived.

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15 May 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  6.30am: HMS Trent arrived.

  2.00pm: Two ERAs, two POs and 16 ratings joined from Trent.

  4.35pm: SS Huntscliff sailed.

  6.30pm: SS Afghan Prince sailed.

11.40pm: HMHS Ebani arrived off port.

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16 May 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  7.00am: HMHS Ebani entered port.

  7.10am: SS St Ronald sailed. SS Stentor* and SS Battenhall arrived.

  8.55am: SS Omrah and HMS Armadale Castle arrived.

  1.05pm: SS M[?] sailed.

  5.00pm: OS White released from cells.

  *The second of five Blue Funnel Line ships of this name, 1899, 6,772 grt, sold in 1922.

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17 May 1916


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  6.30am: SS St Egbert arrived.

10.25am: HMHS Ebani sailed.

12.20pm: SS Stentor sailed

  3.20pm: SS City of Manchester arrived.

  3.30pm: HMAT Omrah sailed.

  During this period in Durban, the usual records of absentees, patrols returning with prisoners and the like can be seen daily, but I haven’t recorded them here, except where individuals are named.

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18 May 1916

Durban and at sea

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

  5.15am: Troops arriving alongside by train.

  6.20am: Troops embarking.

  4.10pm: Left quay and proceeded for Kilindini.

  4.40pm: Dropped pilot, set course N69E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 35’S, 31º 38’E.

10.19pm: Port Durnford Lt bg N30W.

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19 May 1916

At sea

Lat -27.2, Long 33.89

12.33am: C St Lucia Lt bg N5E, a/c N56E.

  2.40am: Same abeam bg N34W, 12 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 27º 50’S, 33º 23’E.

10.12am: A/c N54E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 228 miles.

  1.00pm: A/c N50E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 51’S, 34º 59’E.

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20 May 1916

At sea.

Lat -23.39, Long 36.64

  8.00am: Pos. 24º 04’S, 36º 15’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N33E, 273 miles.

12.14pm: A/c N42E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21º 46’S, 37º 35’E.

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21 May 1916

At sea

Lat -18.85, Long 39.59

  8.00am: Pos. 19º 38’S, 39º 04’E.

11.59am: A/c N34E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N31E, 318 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17º 12’S, 40º 13’E.

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22 May 1916

At sea

Lat -14.051, Long 41.17

  8.00am: Pos. 14º 53’S, 41º 10’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 308 miles.

12.10pm: A/c N6E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12º 32’S, 41º 04’E.

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23 May 1916

At sea

Lat -8.6, Long 40.75

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 40’S, 40º 58’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 328 miles.

12.12pm: A/c N6W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 30’S, 40º 20’E.

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24 May 1916

At sea to Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  2.15am: HMHS Ebani passed bound South.

  5.40am: Mombasa Lt bg NW x W, 8.5 miles.

  7.10am: Anchored off Kilindini. In port, HMS Talbot.

  8.30am: Discharging troop baggage, stores and ammunition.

11.23am: Ebani arrived and anchored.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 285 miles.

  1.00pm: Disembarked troops.

  4.25pm: All troops disembarked. Continuing to discharge baggage and stores.

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25 May 1916

Kilindini and at sea

Lat -4.07, Long 39.65

  9.00 am: Supplied stores to HMS Talbot.

11.55am: Last lighter with baggage and ammunition cast off.

  2.00pm: Cdr Barry RN and Eng. J Anderson [?] RN, joined for passage.

  3.30pm: Received two prisoners from HMS Talbot for passage to Simonstown.

  4.00pm: SS Coconada sailed.

  5.00pm: SS Barjora and SS Greatham [formerly Bussorah] sailed.

  5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.45pm: Set course S18W.

  6.32pm: A/c S19W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 28’S, 39º 37.5’E.

10.39pm: Ras Kegomacha Lt abeam, 7.25 miles, a/c S28W.

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26 May 1916

At sea to Zanzibar

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  7.05am: Anchored.

10.00am: HMW Childers alongside for stores.

  2.33pm: Childers cast off to anchor.

  4.00pm: Funeral party, two officers and 20 men landed.

  5.00pm: SS Cupid arrived and anchored.

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27 May 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  8.00am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored. Supplied stores.

  2.00pm: Lt/Cdr Parkinson RNR left to SS Barjora for passage to Tirene.

  4.20pm: Barjora sailed.

  4.25pm: SS Berwick Castle sailed.

  5.00pm: Lt Steele RNR, CERA SE King and Ldg Stoker Williamson discharged to Hyacinth.

  5.00pm: HMW Echo sailed.

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28 May 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.20am: SS Khalifa sailed.

  8.05am: HMW Charon sailed.

  8.35am: SS Palamcotta arrived.

  8.37am: SS Logician* arrived.

12.50pm: HMW Childers arrived and anchored.

  5.55pm: HMW Styx sailed.

  7.10pm: HMW Echo arrived and anchored.

  *The first of two ships of this name operated by T and J Harrison Line, built 1894, Belfast, 4,878 tons, scrapped in 1923.

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29 May 1916


Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  7.18am: HMS Vengeance arrived and anchored.

  9.10am: HMS Talbot arrived and anchored.

  9.30am: Eng. Cdr Harris left to Vengeance.

     Noon: Three ratings joined ship, 22 ratings left ship.

  4.30pm: One prisoner for passage from Hyacinth received.

  5.00pm: Two WTOs discharged to Zanzibar.

  6.00pm: Five Ord Sn and one Canteen Manager discharged to Vengeance.

  8.10pm: HMS Hyacinth sailed.

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30 May 1916

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  5.00am: SS Khalifa sailed.

  5.20am: SS Palamcotta sailed.

  8.45am: HMW Charon arrived.

10.00am: C-in-C on board.

11.00am: Mid Busby RNR discharged to HMS Charon.

11.10am: C-in-C left.

  2.47pm: HMAS Pioneer arrived and anchored.

  3.35pm: S/Lt Marshall RNR, Mids Squires, Brownlee and Evans RNR and Sig. Turner discharged to Pioneer for passage.

  4.00pm: Seven ratings, one Sgt and two Corporals joined from HMS Vengeance.

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31 May 1916

Zanzibar and at sea

Lat -6.155, Long 39.19

  8.00am: Empties received from HMAS Pioneer.

12.04pm: Portuguese warship Adamastor arrived and anchored.

  1.00pm: J W[?] Canteen Manager joined ship.

  1.30pm: 14 invalids from RN Hospital joined, one invalid from HMS Vengeance joined.

  2.00pm: Finished discharging stores.

  4.30pm: Seedie boys discharged.

  5.11pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.03pm: Chumbe Lt abeam, 9 cables, set course S39E.

  9.15pm: Lights of Dar-es-Salaam abeam, 11.5 miles.

11.20pm: A/c S21E.

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Above four pages blank.


[Mafia Island, Durban, Simonstown, Cape Town and North towards UK with convoy]

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Cover, Adm. 53/45890, signed WRD Irvine.

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Dated 5th July 1916, signed CS Wills.

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Instruments, no change since November 1915.

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1 June 1916

At sea to Tirene Bay

Lat -7.89, Long 39.65

  2.30am: Moresby Pt Lt bg S14E.

  3.30am: Turned ship N32W, awaiting daylight.

  4.30am: A/c S19E, then various courses for anchorage.

  6.50am: Niororo I. abeam bg S80E, 1.5 miles.

  7.19am: Shungumbili I. abeam 2 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 48’S, 39º 39’E.

  8.32am: Anchored in Tirene Bay.

  9.10am: HMS Severn arrived and alongside for stores.

  9.20am: Lt Vickery RNR joined ship.

11.00am: Severn cast off and anchored.

11.50am: HMS Challenger alongside for stores.

  2.00pm: One rating received from Challenger and five ratings discharged to same.

  3.00pm: HMWs Rattler and Salamander alongside for stores and water.

  3.35pm: Challenger cast off to anchor.

  4.00pm: Lt L Martin RNR discharged to HMS Hyacinth.

  5.30pm: HMWs Rattler and Salamander cast off to anchor.

  9.30pm: Received mails from Severn.

  Sick list: 2.

Weather: South winds up to f 5, dry, temperatures in the high 70ºs F.

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2 June 1916

Tirene Bay and at sea for Durban

Lat -8.67, Long 39.92

  5.25am: Weighed anchor and proceeded.

  6.13am: Course S50W.

  6.43pm: A/c S7E.

  7.01am: Kisimani beacon abeam 4 cables.

  7.53am: A/c S24E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8º 08’S, Long 39º 36’E.

  8.49am: Okuza I. abeam, bg S66W, 4 miles.

  9.30am: Sighted HMS Thistle bound North.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 61 miles. A/c S23E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 46’S, Long 40º 31’E.

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3 June 1916

At sea

Lat -12.47, Long 41.05

  2.00am: A/c S4W.

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 59’S, Long 41º 05’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 254 miles.

12.05pm: A/c S6W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14º 40’S, Long 41º 02’E.

  9.45pm: St Georges Lt bg S42W.

10.53pm: Same abeam, 12.5 miles.

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4 June 1916

At sea

Lat -17.62, Long 39.72

  2.00am: A/c S39W.

  8.00am: Pos. 16º 43’S, Long 40º 13’E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 321 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19º 10’S, Long 38º 41’E.

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5 June 1916

At sea

Lat -22.39, Long 36.89

  6.20am: Passed SS Montrose bound North.

  8.00am: Pos. 21º 38’S, Long 37º 25’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S29W 327 miles.

  5.40pm: Left Tropics.

  6.30pm: A/c S44W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23º 49’S, Long 35º 49’E.

  8.04pm: Burro Lt [presumably Barra Pt Lt] bg N67W.

10.35pm: Zavora Pt Lt bg S64W.

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6 June 1916

At sea

Lat -26.32, Long 34.3

12.54am: Zavora Pt Lt abeam, 8.25 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 25º 39’S, Long 34º 31’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S34W, 275 miles.

12.30pm: A/c S49W.

  6.10pm: A/c S40W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27º 41’S, Long 33º 07’E.

10.00pm: A/c S/50W.

10.30pm: St Lucia Lt bg S63W.

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7 June 1916

At sea and alongside B Shed, Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.10am: St Lucia Lt abeam 14.5 miles, a/c S69W.

  2.55am: Port Durnford Lt abeam, bg N28W, 14 miles.

  4.35am: A/c S67W, then various courses for anchorage.

  8.00am: Pos. 29º 51’S, Long 31º 09’E.

  9.35am: Berthed alongside quay. HMS’ Armadale Castle and Himalaya in port.

10.40am: Coaling commenced both sides.

11.20am: SS Yangtsze* arrived. Mails landed.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 275 miles.

12.25pm: Transport Marathon arrived.

  1.00pm: One rating discharged to shore.

  2.48pm: HMHS Ebani arrived.

  3.00pm: Receiving cargo at No 4 hold.

  5.30pm: Ebani sailed.

  6.15pm: Three hospital cases received from Armadale Castle.

  *Yangtsze, 1899, 6,457 grt, Blue Funnel Line.

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8 June 1916

Durban and at sea

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.01am: Coaling throughout.

  5.55am: SS Willaston [Wilaston in log] arrived.

  6.00am: Stopped coaling.

  7.30am: Resumed coaling.

  8.00am: One rating joined from HMS Armadale Castle for passage. One rating discharged to shore, no longer required.

10.00am: SS Marosa* sailed.

11.00am: Eng. Lts Campbell and Wood joined for passage.

Eng. S/Lts McArthur, Mills, Mathisson and Nicholas joined for passage.

Acting S/Lts RNR Ayling, Berrington and Davies joined for passage.

11.30am: SS Malarka arrived.

  2.00pm: Lt Packingham RNR joined for passage.

  2.00pm: Four ratings joined from Armadale Castle, two ratings joined from HMS Himalaya. one rating joined from Military Camp, Durban.

  2.45pm: Eng. Lt Armit RNR discharged to Himalaya.

  3.00pm: Eng. Lt King RNR joined.

  3.15pm: One rating discharged to Armadale Castle.

  4.30pm: Dutch Cruiser Noord-Brabant sailed.

  5.00pm: Finished coaling.

  5.30pm: Left quay, turned and proceeded.

  5.52pm: Dropped pilot, proceeded South.

  8.35pm: Green Pt Lt [Clansthal] abeam, 9 miles, a/c S49W.

11.10pm: Shepstone Lt abeam, 7.5 miles.

  *I have been unable to find definitive details of either Marosa or Malarka.

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9 June 1916

At sea

Lat -32.73, Long 28.62

  2.10am: A/c S68W.

  3.10am: C Hermes Lt bg N80W.

  4.40am: Same abeam 13 miles.

  6.00am: Passed SS Ben Lomon [probably Ben Lomond is intended].

  8.00am: Pos. 32º 15’S, 29º 12.5’E. A/c S71W.

  9.13am: Bashee River abeam.

10.00am: WSW wind, f 7-8.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 217 miles.

  1.30pm: SS Polyphemus passed bound North.

  3.00pm: Ship pitching and taking light water for’d.

  3.38pm: Hood Pt abeam, 8.5 miles.

  5.00pm: Passed SS Clan Cumming* bound North.

  5.30pm: Passed SS Benguela bound to East London.

  6.40pm: Gt Fish Pt Lt bg N75W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33º 26’S, 27º 21’E.

  9.02pm: Gt Fish Pt Lt abeam11.5 miles, A/c S87W.

  *The first of three Clan Line ships of this name, 1899 (Barrow), 4,808 grt.

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10 June 1916

At sea

Lat -34.48, Long 24.27 DR

  Strong Westerly winds up to gale f 8 and head sea all day.

12.07am: Bird I. Lt bg N78W.

  2.24am: C Recife Lt bg N62W.

  4.42am: Same abeam, 10 miles.

  7.45am: C St Francis Lt abeam, 13 miles, a/c N72W.

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 21’S, 25º 07’E.

  8.20am: Passed SS Sindoro (Rotterdam) bound N.

11.48am: Passed SS Karatara*, bound NE.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 243 miles.

  2.00pm: Passed HMHS Ebani.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 30’S, 23º 05’E.

  8.45pm: Passed SS Ariosto bound West.

  *Karatara, 1882, Flensburg, 540 grt, Agnar SS Co, Knysna, SA.

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11 June 1916

At sea to Simonstown

Lat -34.87, Long 19.84

  1.35am: A/c N75W.

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 48’S, 20º 32’E.

  8.10am: A/c N62W.

  9.15am: Passed SS Afghan Prince bound West.

11.18am: C Agulhas abeam, bg N27E, 2.75 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 221 miles.

  1.13pm: Gunners Quoin abeam.

  2.59pm: Danger Pt abeam, 6 miles.

  3.25pm: A/c N31W.

  5.18pm: C Hangklip bg N22E.

  7.54pm: Anchored in Simons Bay.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 21’S, 18º 26’E.

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12 June 1916

At anchor, Simon's Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  6.55am: Lighters alongside. Commenced discharging stores, ammunition and empties.

  9.00am: One rating for passage discharged to shore.

12.15pm: Two ratings discharged to RN Hospital, two hospital cases joined for passage. 21 ratings joined from HMS Kent for passage. 19 hospital cases joined for passage. Ship’s steward rejoined from hospital.

  4.45pm: Five ratings and five prisoners discharged to detention barracks. 31 ratings joined from Kent for passage.

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13 June 1916

At anchor, Simon's Bay.

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands discharging, receiving and shifting stores and cleaning holds.

10.15am: HMS Kent left anchorage.

10.30am: 11 invalids discharged to RN hospital.

  5.10pm: WTO Love joined for passage.

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14 June 1916

At anchor, Simon's Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

  Hands receiving and discharging stores.

  9.30am: Two officers and eight ratings to hospital for examination.

  3.30pm: Six ratings (invalids) joined ship.

  4.30pm: Three ratings discharged to detention barracks.

11.30pm: Two absentees (Stokers) returned.

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15 June 1916

Simon’s Bay to Cape Town

Lat -34.24, Long 18.5

  9.05am: L/Cpl Pike RMLI rejoined.

  9.50am: 23 invalids joined for passage.

11.19am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.28pm: Cape Pt bg S74W, 2.75 miles, a/c S74W, then various courses for anchorage.

  4.35pm: Green Pt Lt bg South, I mile.

  5.10pm: Anchored, Cape Town. HMATs Argyllshire [A8], Marathon [A74], Benalla [A24] and Beltana [A72] in port.

  9.40pm: SS Waimera [possibly Waiwera is intended] arrived.

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16 June 1916

Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  3.30am: SS Benguela arrived and anchored.

  7.54am: Weighed and proceeded into dock alongside East Pier, pilot and tug assisting.

  8.00am: HMS Kent arrived and anchored.

10.00am: WTO Bellhouse joined from Kent.

10.30am: HMS Kent sailed with transports Marathon, Beltana, Benalla and Argyllshire.

12.50pm: HMAT Medic [A7] docked.

  1.00pm: Coaling both sides and discharging flour from No 4.

  3.00pm: Ass. Paymr Micklereid discharged to HMS Hyacinth.

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17 June 1916

Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  Coaling throughout.

11.39am: Receiving military stores.

12.30pm: SS Benguela sailed.

12.55pm: SS Llanstephan Castle arrived.

  2.30pm: SS Astyance [possibly Astyanax is intended] sailed.

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18 June 1916

Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  Coaling throughout.

  6.25am: HMAT Ascanius [A11] arrived and anchored in Bay.

  3.30pm: Finished coaling.

  4.25pm: SS Llanstephan Castle sailed.

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19 June 1916

Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  7.50am: SS York Castle sailed.

  8.00am: SS Kawi entered dock.

  8.55am: SS Chisholm* anchored.

  9.30am: Stevedores loading maize.

  1.50pm: SS Portugal* (transport) arrived.

  6.15pm: Kawi sailed.

  6.50pm: Six ratings from Durban hospital joined for passage.

  *I have been unable to find details of either of these vessels.

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20 June 1916

Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

12.01am: Stevedores loading maize unti 7.40pm.

  8.50am: SS Turakina arrived.

  9.40am: Cable ship Brittania sailed.

  1.00pm: SS Portugal sailed.

  1.40pm: HMAT Demosthenes [A64] anchored in Bay.

  3.20pm: SS Port Phlllip [Port Philip in log] arrived.

  5.30pm: SS Ajax sailed.

  9.45pm: SS Trafford Hall sailed.

10.15pm: SS Discoverer arrived.

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21 June 1916

Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

12.30am: Commenced receiving bullion.

  5.20am: All bullion aboard.

  7.00am: HMAT Warilda [A69] arrived.

  7.00am: Stoker Sullivan returned.

  7.30am: SS Leitrim* (transport) arrived.

  8.00am: Stevedores commenced loading maize and continued throughout.

  9.30am: 11 German prisoners (invalids) joined for passage.

10.30am: Three prisoners and one Boy joined for passage. 40 military invalids embarked.

  1.15pm: SS Port Phillip sailed.

  1.30pm: SS Santana* arrived.

  1.45pm: SS Alderney* arrived.

  4.20pm: SS Nimari* arrived and docked.

  4.50pm: Transport SS Warilda left dock to anchor.

  5.10pm: SS Cluny Castle arrived.

  6.00pm: WTOs Bellhouse and Love disembarked.

  *I have been unable to find definite information on any of these vessels.

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22 June 1916

Cape Town and at sea

Lat -33.4, Long 17.77

  1.00am: Finished loading maize, hatches secured for sea.

  7.41am: Left quay with pilot and 2 tugs, turned and proceeded to sea with transports Medic, Demosthenes, Ascanius and Warilda in convoy.

  8.00am: Pos. 33º 54’S, 18º 25.5’E.

  9.00am: Course N28W. Heavy SW swell, ship rolling max 15º. Commenced filling anti-roll tank.

11.15am: A/c N14W.

11.45am: Anti-roll tank in action, roll reduced to 4-6º.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 46 miles.

  1.30pm: SS Orontes passed Southbound.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32º 05’S, 16º 48’E.

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23 June 1916

At sea

Lat -29.89, Long 14.35

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 29S, 14º 54’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N39.5W, 273 miles.

12.55pm: A/c N10W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28º 42S, 13º 23’E.

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24 June 1916

At sea

Lat -26.14, Long 11.27

  8.00am: Pos. 26º 49S, 11º 43’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N36W, 278 miles.

12.30pm: A/c N12W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24º 49S, 10º 14’E.

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25 June 1916

At sea

Lat -22.1, Long 8.0

  4.25am: Entered Tropics.

  7.18am: A/c N14W.

  8.00am: Pos. 22º 55’S, 8º 36’E.

  9.30am: Divisions and inspection. Read Articles of War.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N37W, 299 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20º 53’S, 6º 51’E.

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26 June 1916

At sea

Lat -18.39, Long 4.8

  8.00am: Pos. 19º 00’S, Long 5º 18’E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N38.5W, 288 miles.

12.15pm: A/c N16W.

  2.47pm: Demosthenes hauled out of line for rifle practice.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17º 08’S, Long 3º 44’E.

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27 June 1916

At sea

Lat -14.54, Long 1.67

     Noon: Course and DMG, N38W, 293 miles.

12.40pm: A/c N19W.

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28 June 1916

At sea

Lat -10.9, Long -1.67

  8.00am: Pos. 11º 27’S, 1º 09’W.

11.30am: Troops exercised at abandon ship stations.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N41.75W, 292 miles.

  1.30pm: Abandon ship stations for the sick.

  5.30pm: Abandon ship stations, ship’s company.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9º 30’S, 2º 10’W.

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29 June 1916

At sea

Lat -7.3, Long -4.79

  8.00am: Pos. 7º 52’S, 4º 20’W.

  9.00am: A/c N17W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N40.5W, 284 miles.

  1.00pm: Speed reduced [from 11.5 to 10.4 knots, 56 to 50.5 rpm], SS Demosthenes unable to maintain speed.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6º 44’S, 5º 15’W.

  9.00pm: Increased speed to 56 rpm.

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30 June 1916

At sea

Lat -3.82, Long -7.6

  1.00am: Reduced to 50 rpm.

  8.00am: Pos. 4º 27S, 7º 04W.

  9.00am: Passed Japanese SS Miyazaki Maru [Miyasaki Maru in log], bound South (2 miles W).

     Noon: Course and DMG, N38.75W, 268 miles.

  7.30pm: A/c N15W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2º 47S, 8º 33W.

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The above five pages blank.


[In convoy to St Vincent and Devonport, then to Liverpool to pay off]

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Cover, 1st to 28th July, Adm. 53/45891, signed WRD Irvine, RNR.

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Dated 28th July 1916, signed CS Wills.

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Instruments as November 1915.

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1 July 1916

At sea

Lat -0.37, Long -10.47

  8.00am: Pos. 1º 02’S, 9º 57’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N39.75W, 269 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0º 58’N, 11º 40’W.

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2 July 1916

At sea

Lat 3.42, Long -13.9

12.15am: A/c N22W.

  7.15am: Swung for compasses on magnetic equator.

  8.00am: Pos. 2º 56’N, 13º 25’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N42.25W, 306.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4º 30.5’N, 14º 55’W.

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3 July 1916

At sea

Lat 6.82, Long -16.84

  8.00am: Pos. 6º 05’N, 16º 19’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N40.5W, 269 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7º 50’N, 17º 37’W.

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4 July 1916

At sea

Lat 9.8, Long -19.22

  8.00am: Pos. 9º 29’N, 18º 50’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N38.25W, 228 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10º 41’N, 20º 16’W.

  8.45pm: A/c N15W.

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5 July 1916

At sea

Lat 12.97, Long -21.9

  8.00am: Pos. 12º 23N, 21º 26’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N39.75W, 247 miles.

  1.00pm: A/c N24W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13º 46’N, 22º 39’W.

  9.15pm: A/c N27W.

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6 July 1916

At sea

Lat 14.95, Long -24.05

  5.40am: High peak of Fogo I. bg N7E.

  8.00am: Pos. 14º 34.5’N, 23º 41’W. Fogo Peak bg N44W, Mt Santo Antonio bg N27E.

11.00am: A/c N9W, Fogo Peak bg N54W, 21 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 173 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15º 50’N, 24º 36’W.

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7 July 1916

At sea to Porto Grande, St Vincent I.

Lat 16.89, Long -25.01.

  3.58am: Pt Macado Lt abeam, 4.5 miles, a/c N20E, then various courses for anchorage.

  6.17am: Convoy entered harbour and anchored. HM ships in port, King Alfred and Essex.

  9.45am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 138 miles.

  3.10pm: Finished coaling, 420 tons.

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8 July 1916

St Vincent Island

Lat 16.89, Long -25.01.

  1.31pm: Portuguese Machico sailed.

  4.30pm: FA Hungerford sailed. Greek SS Ichamina [?] sailed.

  6.50pm: Greek SS Gumaini [?] sailed.

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9 July 1916

St Vincent Island and at sea

Lat 16.89, Long -25.01.

11.00am: Brazilian SS Tabegy sailed.

11.45am: Lt Cahill RNR [from HMS King Alfred] and one seaman RNR joined for passage.

     Noon: Weighed and proceeded with convoy.

  2.10pm: Course N35E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18º 05’N, 24º 39’W.

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10 July 1916

At sea

Lat 20.64, Long -23.9

  8.00am: Pos. 19º 57’N, 24º 06’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 239.8 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21º 56’N, 23º 30’W.

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11 July 1916

At sea

Lat 24.64, Long -22.59

  5.00am: Left the Tropics.

  8.00am: Pos. 23º 58’N, 22º 48’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N17E, 250.8 miles.

12.50pm: A/c N33E.

  3.00pm: Transport Demosthenes left convoy and proceeded for Madeira to obtain fresh water.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25º 59’N, 22º 10’W.

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12 July 1916

At sea

Lat 28.67, Long -21.6

  8.00am: Pos. 28º 00’N, 21º 49’W.

  9.40am: Dutch SS Thuban passed steering South.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N12.25E, 247.7 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30º 05’N, 20º 10’W.

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13 July 1916

At sea

Lat 32.79, Long -20.11

  8.00am: Pos. 32º 08.5’N, 20º 24’W.

10.10am: SS Teiresias passed, bound South.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N17.25E, 258.6 miles.

12.15pm: A/c N46E.

  6.25pm: French four-masted barque Seine passed and signalled, steering to Southward.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 07’N, 19º 23’W.

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14 July 1916

At sea

Lat 36.74, Long -17.87

  8.00am: Pos. 36º 06’N, 18º 15’W.

  9.30am: SS Twickenham passed, bound West.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N25E, 261.6 miles.

12.16pm: A/c N43E.

  3.18pm: Observed SS bearing ENE, steering to North.

  3.44pm: Observed five masted schooner bearing ENE.

  6.56pm: Observed SS bearing NE by E steering to SE.

  8.00pm: Pos. 38º 04’N, 17º 07’W.

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15 July 1916

At sea

Lat 40.54, Long -15.74

  3.20 to 3.40am: General Quarters exercised.

  8.00am: Pos. 40º 00’N, 16º 05’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N23.75E, 248.9 miles.

  8.52pm: Stellar pos. 41º 49’N, 14º 58’W.

11.15pm: GMT Chronometer correct by Paris WTS.

11.45pm: GMT Chronometer correct by Paris WTS.

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16 July 1916

At sea

Lat 44.15, Long -13.55

  8.00am: Pos. 43º 34’N, 13º 56’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N24E, 238 miles.

  5.55pm: Passed heavy log (30ft) or boat bottom up in 45º 03’N, 12º 58’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 45º 50’N, 12º 50’W.

  9.08pm: A/c N45E.

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17 July 1916

At sea

Lat 47.54, Long -9.82

  4.18am: A/c N71E.

  5.35am: Observed destroyers to NNW, Nemesis, Larne, Brisk and Cameleon.

  6.00am: Convoy proceeded escorted by destroyers.

  8.00am: Pos. 47º 02’N, 11º 00’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 264 miles.

  5.30pm: Sighted warship to NNW, general quarters until identified as French.

  8.00pm: Pos. 48º 42’N, 7º 35’W.

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18 July 1916

At sea and alongside berth 7, Devonport.

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  3.38am: Lizard Lt bg N45E.

  5.10am: Same abeam bg N21W, 12 miles.

  7.00am: Eddystone Lt bg N62.5E, a/c N55E, then various courses for anchorage.

  8.00am: Pos. 50º 16’N, 4º 13’W.

  9.13am: Alongside, Devonport. Troops and German prisoners disembarking.

  1.00pm: 53 ratings discharged.

  2.15pm: Eng. Lt Bray, Lts Packingham and Bell RNR left ship.

  2.40pm: Eng. S/Lt Nicholls left to hospital.

  3.00pm: Eng. Lts Campbell, Woods and Eng S/Lts Mathison, McArthur and Mills discharged.

  3.10pm: Left berth and moved to buoy.

  4.20pm: Two prisoners discharged to detention quarters.

  5.50pm: Three ratings discharged to barracks. 17 bags of mail landed.

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19 July 1916


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  4.20pm: Left buoy and moved into basin.

  9.40pm: Discharged 1,228 cases bullion to railway (Marine escort).

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20 July 1916


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  Discharging stores and empties.

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21 July 1916

Devonport and at sea

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

11.00am: Transport SS Demosthenes arrived.

  5.00pm: KHM boarded.

  5.15pm: Left lock and proceeded to sea.

  6.10pm: KHM left.

  5.27pm. Passed Eddystone buoy, two destroyers in escort.

  8.02pm: Dodman Pt abeam, 7 miles.

  9.32pm: Lizard Lt abeam 2 miles.

  9.38pm: A/c N63W.

11.06pm: Wolf Lt abeam, 4 miles.

11.19pm: Longships abeam, 2.75 miles.

11.30pm: A/c N18E.

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22 July 1916

At sea to Liverpool

Lat 52.94, Long -5.04

  4.48am: Smalls Lt bg N23E.

  6.15am: Same abeam bg S72E, 5 miles.

  7.00am: A/c N38E.

  8.00am: Pos. 52º 05’N, 5º 36’W.

11.35am: A/c N43E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 256.5 miles.

12.32pm: British airship passed to WSW.

  1.30pm: South Stack Lt abeam, 2 miles.

  1.47pm: A/c N88E.

  4.52pm: Picked up pilot off Bar LV, then various courses for anchorage.

  6.47pm: Anchored off Egremont pier.

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23 July 1916


Lat 53.44, Long -3.03

  5.19pm: Weighed to enter Sandon Basin.

  8.03pm: Made fast in Sandon Dock.

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24 July 1916

In Sandon Dock, Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.0

  Hands variously employed.

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25 July 1916

In Sandon Dock, Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.0

  Crew hoisting up ammunition and unrigging admiralty fittings. Dock labour discharging cargo of maize.

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26 July 1916

In Sandon Dock, Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.0

  7.15am: J Welsh, Fireman, absentee, returned.

  9.00am: Discharging ammunition and cargo.

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27 July 1916

In Sandon Dock, Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.0

   Hands variously employed. Stevedores discharging maize.

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28 July 1916

In Sandon Dock, Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.0

  7.15am: Lt Inman RNR left for shore with confidential books.

  7.20am: Stevedores discharging cargo maize.

  9.30am: Pennant hauled down. Ship paid off.

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Four pages above blank.

Additional information for HMS Laconia

Commander WRD Irvine RNR

William Robert Duncan Irvine, who was born in November 1863, passed out of the training ship Conway in 1882 and completed his first seagoing trip as an apprentice aboard the British Antanador in 1884-85. Having then gained further experience with other shipping lines in voyages to the Far East and Australasia, he transferred to the Cunard Line in November 1895, in which capacity he served on the Liverpool - New York run, gaining steady advancement to Chief Officer in the Caronia in February 1905, and to Master of the Veria in September of the same year. Meanwhile, in common with other Mercantile Marine officers, he had been commissioned in the Royal Naval Reserve, gaining experience on assorted RN courses and advancement to Lieutenant in August 1899 and to Commander in July 1910.

By the outbreak of hostilities in August 1914, Irvine was in command of the SS Laconia, his previous RNR training being put to good use when the liner was shortly thereafter converted into an Armed Merchant Cruiser. AMCs were commanded by RN Captains and Commander Irvine served as Navigating Officer under Captain CS Wills RN. Thus equipped, Laconia served in the South Atlantic and in the Indian Ocean, as well as being employed as a headquarters ship during the operations leading to the capture of Tanga in German East Africa. Then in July 1916, she was returned to Cunard and resumed her usual cross-Atlantic voyages, work that led to her famous demise on 25 February 1917, when torpedoed by the U-50 some 160 miles NW by W off the Fastnet – one torpedo having struck the liner at 10.33pm on the starboard side just abaft the engine room, another found its mark in the engine room from point blank range about 30 minutes later, and she sank at 11.45pm.

The Laconia had 292 persons on board, comprising 34 First Class and 41 Second Class passengers, including women and children, in addition to Irvine and his crew, and of these 12 died, including Mrs Mary Hoy and her daughter Elizabeth, from Chicago. The survivors had to pass several hours in open boats before being picked up by the sloop HMS Laburnum.

Irvine’s account of the sinking, written at the Midland Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, adds much detail to events that fateful night, and he is quick to praise his officers and crew, and the passengers, for all ‘behaved splendidly ... I did not see a single case of panic and their departure from the ship was greatly due to the very prompt manner in which they carried out their boat drill, which we had fortunately had opportunities to practice a number of times on the voyage.’ He goes on to relate how he was one of 10 officers and crew who remained aboard after the first torpedo hit, and of their providential escape after the second torpedo smashed into the engine room 30 minutes later.

An accompanying carbon copy typescript includes the following observations of an anonymous author, possibly his wife:
‘On arrival at the rescue ship, Will [Irvine] had all leave his life boat first, crawling up the rope ladder at the ship’s side or being hauled up as some were too exhausted to crawl up. Of course, as each one got out of the boat, it became lighter and was tossing around furiously when he was left alone. And as he was trying to hold on to the ladder, a wave washed over him and swept his boat away and left him clinging to the lowest rung of the rope ladder. The buffeting about was terrible and he could hardly hold on as he was so exhausted and his hands cut, and as they were trying to get the rope to him, they heard him say, “I can’t make it”. Several bluejackets threw off their coats to jump, but just then he made one supreme effort, grabbed the rope and wound it around his arm, and they hauled him up, and such a cheering he got. It all seems most providential.’

The deaths of the Hoys, as so vividly reported by one of the survivors, Floyd Gibbons of the Chicago Tribune, arguably acted as the final catalyst in bringing the U.S.A. into the war. Indeed his account of the sinking, which includes mention of Irvine, was acclaimed as one of the outstanding newspaper reports of the conflict, and was read from the floor of both houses of Congress. Five weeks later, the USA declared war on Germany.

Irvine remained with Cunard for many years, commanding among other vessels the newly launched SS Laconia in the 1920s.