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Destroyer, River or E-class Four funnels open-paired, designated E-class. Launched 14.4.04 Yarrow. 590 tons, c222(pp)x23x9ft. TE c7500ihp, 25.5kts, Armament: 4-12pdr, 2-18in tt. Crew: 70. China Station 1914, Mediterranean 1914-18. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Dardanelles 1915/16. Sold 30.6.20 Ward, Preston. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor Paul’s notes: Each days entry is a précis of the entries recorded in the log for that day. Routine events are usually omitted, but occasionally (usually on the first of the month) there is a full entry to give a flavour of life aboard. The second line of each day is the noon position, either from the co-ordinates of a known port or from a position recorded in the log from sightings or cross-bearings. Like many small ships, Welland often does not trouble to record the noon position or gets it demonstrably wrong and where that has happened the editor has estimated the position from other logged information, usually using the invaluable Journey Plotter program. Estimated positions are marked [approx]. Some useful abbreviations:
AB: Able Seaman.
Acknowledgements. Almost all of these sites are maintained by volunteers, usually at their own expense. We followers of ships long gone and crews who have downed their last tot are greatly in their debt. We thank and salute them. Off Caps! |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)
LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1913 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374c4: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-001_0.jpg) 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374c5: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-001_1.jpg) Cover 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374c6: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-002_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374c7: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-002_1.jpg) Completed chart of coal usage at various speeds and under various conditions. Signed GW Nicolson, Engineer Commander 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374c8: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-003_0.jpg) Log Page ‒ Blank 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374c9: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.00am: German gunboat TIGER left harbour. Hands employed drawing ammunition. 11.30am: Paid Monthly Payments. Hands employed embarking ammunition. 1.00pm: Hands employed ammunitioning ship. 4.20pm: Coal lighters came alongside. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374ca: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands coaled ship & drawing torpedoes. 9.00am: Hands employed drawing arming tubes, torpedoes, & scrubbing deck clothes. 1.15pm: Finished coaling. Received 180 tons. 2.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. 3.00pm: 1 Engine Room Artificer & 1 Leading Stoker rejoined ship from Hospital. 5.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374cb: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Lit up No. 4 Boiler. 7.55am: RIBBLE came into Basin. 8.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: WELLAND & USK carrying out Basin trials. 1.00pm: Torpedo Boat 036 came into harbour. Let fires die out in No. 4 Boiler. 1.15pm: Hands employed spreading awnings & painting ship. 4.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 5.00pm: Japanese gunboat arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374cc: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.30am: Employed scrubbing decks in WIVERN. 8.00am: Hands employed painting ship. spreading awnings & launching boats. 1.00pm: Hands painting ship. 4.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374cd: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.30am: Russian cruiser arrived. Discharged 1 Seaman to TAMAR, sick. 1.00pm: Hands employed painting ship's side. 2.30pm: 1 Stoker returned from Hospital. 4.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374ce: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed scrubbing deck of WIVERN. 8.00am: Employed cleaning ship & painting. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.30pm: One Leading Stoker returned from Hospital. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374cf: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.45am: Landed Non Conformist party. 10.15am: Church of England party to TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374d0: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands cleaning WIVERN. 8.00am: Hands as requisite. 9.30am: 1 Stoker returned from Sick List. 1.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374d1: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed preparing ship for Paying Off. 11.00am: Paid Money & Mess Savings. 11.30am: Paid off Medical Inspection. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca7cadfd341970374d2: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.00am: Commissioned ship with crew of WHITING. 10.30am: Left Basin & proceeded for short run. 12.00pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. 12.30pm: SUNDA (P & O) sailed with crews of WELLAND & USK. 1.30pm: Clear lower deck. Exercised Fire & Collision Stations. 4.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374d3: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1913 Hong Kong to Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.30am: Sent working party to WHITING. 7.00am: Hands as requisite & preparing ship for Sea. 8.35am: Working party returned. 9.00am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & Speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.20am: 12 knots. Set course for Mirs Bay. 11.20am: Course & Speed as requisite for entering Tolo harbour. 12.00pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 12½ fathoms. Conspicuous house on point. Small headland to North of pier. 1.00pm: Hands employed scraping & painting. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 6.45pm: Burnt searchlights. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374d4: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1913 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.00am: Hands scrub & wash upper deck. 9.00am: Divisions. Exercised General Quarters. 10.30am: Employed as requisite. Returned Stores. 1.00pm: Employed scrubbing after part & putting down deck clothes. 3.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374d5: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1913 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship's side & as requisite. 8.00am: Cleaning ships side painting gun pedestals & as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374d6: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1913 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.35am: Hands Mustered by Open List. 9.50am: Divisions. 10.45am: Hands to Prayers. 1.00pm: Special Leave from 1.30pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374d7: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1913 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.50am: Landed party for Route March. Hands preparing torpedoes for running. 11.35am: Landing party returned. 1.00pm: Hands employed about torpedoes & as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374d8: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1913 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 5.45am: Lit fires in No. 4 Boiler. 6.00am: Employed preparing ship for Sea & preparing torpedoes for running. 9.00am: Proceeded Course & Speed as requisite for laying down buoys & running torpedoes on naval range in Tolo harbour. 1.15pm: Completed torpedoes running. 2.00pm: Came to with Starboard anchor off Tai Po Pier. 3.00pm: Employed cleaning torpedoes & tubes. Rigging target for .303 firing. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374d9: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1913 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 4.30am: Lit fires in No. 2 & 4 boilers. 6.00am: Hands employed rigging aiming rifles in 12 pounder guns, getting up ammunition 2 piping. 7.30am: Weighed & proceeded. Course N 60º E. 15 knots. 8.24am: Altered course East. 8.35am: 12 knots. 8.37am: Altered course South. 8.40am: Stop. Dropped targets. Course & Speed as requisite for firing. 9.56am: On target. 10.23am: Altered course South West. 10.35am: Conic Island abeam. 10.44am: Altered course West South. Wan Chan Kok abeam. 10.48am: Altered course S 47º W. 11.15am: Course & Speed as requisite for entering harbour. 12.00pm: Secured to buoy. 12.05pm: USK secured to No. 9 buoy. 12.40pm: Coal lighters came alongside. 12.50pm: Started coaling. 3.55pm: Finished coaling. Received 50 tons. 4.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 7.00pm: 1 Chief stoker & 1 stoker joined ship from Hospital. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374da: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. Torpedo Instructor & 2 hands employed about torpedoes. 8.15am: Sent Working party of 9 hands to Kowloon. 9.00am: Lit fires in No. 2 boiler. 11.45am: Shifted from No. 9 to No. 2 buoy. 12.00pm: Working party returned. 12.40pm: Swung ship & corrected Standard Compass. 2.10pm: Slipped & proceeded to No. 9 buoy. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374db: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed scrubbing Upper deck. Torpedo Instructor & 2 hands employed about torpedoes. 9.00am: Employed cleaning ship's side. 9.30am: SMS SCHARNHORST arrived. 10.00am: 2 hands in dockyard returning old chart set & drawing new one. 1.00pm: Torpedo Instructor & 2 hands employed about torpedoes. Hands scrubbing Berthon boats. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374dc: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands scrubbing Upper deck. 7.30am: Scrubbing gun gear. 9.00am: Employed patching ship's, cleaning paint, & as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374dd: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.35am: Divisions. Church party to TAMAR. 10.30am: SMS TIGER arrived. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374de: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed painting bin covers & making same. 9.00am: Employed drawing provisions. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 3.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.30pm: USS CALLIS arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374df: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 8.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 10.55am: COLNE went into Basin. 11.35am: KENNET went into Basin. 1.00pm: Hands employed painting ship. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e0: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 5.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 8.00am: Hands employed painting ship. 1.00pm: Employed painting boats. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e1: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.15am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.35am: Divisions. Church of England party to TAMAR. 11.30am: Rounds. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e2: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed scrubbing Upper deck. 8.45am: Employed cleaning ship & oiling on Torpedoes. 9.20am: Piped down. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e3: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Aired night clothing. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning & patching ship's side. 11.00am: Lost one Sword bayonet overboard by accident. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e4: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic Church party. 9.30am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.35am: Church of England party to TAMAR. Divisions. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e5: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed washing down Upper deck & preparing for drill. 9.10am: Divisions. 9.30am: Exercised Out Bower Anchor; Clear for Action & Away All Boats' crews. 11.30am: Secure. 1.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing out boats. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00PM: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e6: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Aired bedding. 9.00am: Torpedo party left for Kowloon for lecture in Heater Torpedoes. 9.30am: Divisions. THISTLE, USK & Submarines proceeded. 11.30am: Divers from HAMPSHIRE recovered bayonet. 12.20pm: USK & Submarines returned. 1.00pm: Lash up & Stow bedding. 3.00pm: Employed serving on eye splice in Cat pendant. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e7: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1913 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing whaler for exercising under sail. 9.15am: Divisions. Lecture party to Kowloon. 9.30am: Exercised boat's crews under sail. 10.30am: CHELMER went into Basin. 1.00pm: MINOTAUR towed into Basin. Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 5.00pm: 1 Stoker Rating joined ship from TRIUMPH. 9.00pm: Rounds. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1914 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e8: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-019_0.jpg) 1 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Hands scrub & wash Upper deck. 8.50am: Landed 20 men for Route March. 9.00am: Lecture party to Kowloon. 2 Able Seamen returned from Sick List. 11.40am: Landing party returned. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.30pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. Paid Quarterly settlement. 1.45pm: Mustered by Ledger to read out Characters. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374e9: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-019_1.jpg) 2 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: HAMPSHIRE left for Colombo. Cheered ship. SMS TIGER left. 11.00am: Exercised General Quarters. 1.0pm: Employed scrubbing after part. 3.00pm: 1 Stoker joined ship from Hospital. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374ea: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-020_0.jpg) 3 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Employed painting waterline & as requsiite. 9.00am: CHELMER made fast to Buoy. 10.30am: SMS SCHARNHORST left harbour. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.00pm: HMS MOORHEN with the SANDPIPER in Tow arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374eb: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-020_1.jpg) 4 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.20am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.45am: Church of England party to TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374ec: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-021_0.jpg) 5 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & preparing torpedoes for running. 7.00am: Lit fires in No. 1 Boiler. 8.00am: USS WILMINGTON left harbour. 9.00am: Employed preparing for Sea & preparing torpedoes for running. 1.00pm: Slipped & proceeded Course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour by Western Entrance. 1.21pm: Green Island abeam. Altered course S ½ W 13 knots. 2.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for dropping mark buoys and carrying out torpedo practice. 3.00pm: Slip lowered whaler to assist USK to sweep for lost torpedo. 4.00pm: Picked up mark buoys & anchored close to USK. JED proceeded into Hong Kong for divers. Anchor bearings: Green Island N 35º E; Lamma Island S 79º E; Chung Island N 10º W. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374ed: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-021_1.jpg) 6 January 1914 Lawrua Channel, Hong Kong, and Tai Po Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. Torpedo party about torpedoes. 7.00am: JED arrived with divers. 8.45am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for carrying out Torpedo practice. 12.00pm: Hove to for divers. 12.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for torpedo firing. 1.30pm: Picked up mark buoys. Set course N½º E for Hong Kong 2.00pm: Green Island abeam. Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.45pm: Made fast to No. 24 Buoy at Kowloon. Returned torpedoes No. 8 & No. 34 to Depot. 4.30pm: Received torpedoes from Depot. 4.38pm: Slipped & proceeded through East Entrance. 5.21pm: Altered course N 54º E. 13 knots. 5.47pm: Steepcliffe Head North. Altered course N 35 º E 6.35pm: 10 knots. 6.41pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms 4 shackles. 8.30pm: Weighed & proceeded NW at 8 knots. 8.51pm: N½º W. 9.00pm: 13 knots. 9.06pm: Altered course NW. 9.12pm: Burned Searchlights. 9.15pm: Altered course S 52º W. 9.20pm: Switched out Lights. 9.27pm: 15½ knots. 9.40pm: Port Island abeam. Altered course S 49º W. 9.47pm: 13 knots. 9.48pm: Switched on Navigation Lights. Course & speed as requisite for anchoring. 10.10pm: Came to Starboard anchor 4 shackles. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374ee: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-022_0.jpg) 7 January 1914 Tai Po (Tolo Channel) Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & preparing torpedoes for running. 8.30am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for dropping target buoys. 9.00am: Carried out torpedo firing. 11.15am: USK left for Hong Kong to fetch Divers and boat. 11.25am: Anchored. 1.00pm: Employed sweeping for USK's torpedo. 3.30pm: RIBBLE proceeded to Tai Po. 5.30pm: USK returned. 6.25pm: RIBBLE returned 6.35pm: RIBBLE proceeded for Tai Po. 9.00pm: Rounds 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374ef: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-022_1.jpg) 8 January 1914 Tolo Channel Lat 22.4, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed building target & shipping aiming rifles. 8.45am: RIBBLE returned from Tai Po. 8.56am: Proceeded out of harbour. 9.45am: Dropped target. Course & speed as requisite for firing. 10.35am: Picked up target. Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 12.30pm: Anchored 3 shackles. 1.00pm: Hands employed getting target inboard & unrigging same. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.20pm: USK shifted billet. 9.00pm: Rounds. Anchor bearings: 1000 yards Beacon N 82º W; Long Island S 56º W; Knot Reef N 75º E 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f0: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-023_0.jpg) 9 January 1914 Tolo Channel Lat 22.4, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed scrubbing & preparing for General Drill. 9.05am: Divisions & Prayers. 9.30am: Exercised Collisions Stations, Abandon Ship Stations, Away All Boats, & Out Kedge Anchor. 10.20am: Replace gear. Employed cleaning all decks. 1.15pm: Employed scrubbing out boats & cleaning ship's side. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.30pm: RIBBLE left for Tai Po. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f1: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-023_1.jpg) 10 January 1914 Tolo Channel Lat 22.4, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed scrubbing Upper deck & cleaning Tubes & Gun pedestals. 9.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.45am: Lit fires in No. 4 Boiler. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f2: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-024_0.jpg) 11 January 1914 Tolo Channel & Hong Kong Lat 22.4, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 6.15am: JED went to Tai Po. 8.25am: JED returned. 9.35am: Divisions. 10.15am: USK recovered her torpedo. 10.43am: Weighed & proceeded. 10.47am: N 60º E – 13 knots. 11.11am: Altered course N 50º E. 11.15am: Altered course S 60º E. 11.19am: Altered course S 50º E 11.25am: Altered course S 25º E. 11.38am: Altered course S 13º W. 11.52am: Altered course S 19º W. 12.10pm: Altered course S 43º W. 12.40pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering Hong Kong through Lye Mun Pass. 1.20pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f3: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-024_1.jpg) 12 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed about torpedoes & scrubbing out boats. 10.25am: Discharged 1 Stoker to TAMAR. 1.00pm: Employed preparing torpedoes for running & as requisite. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f4: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-025_0.jpg) 13 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 3.00am: Lit fires in No. 2 Boiler. 4.15am: Lit fires in No. 4 Boiler. 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & preparing for Sea. 7.30am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for passing through Sulphur Channel. 8.00am: Course SSW – 13 knots. 8.40am: Course & speed as requisite for torpedo practice. 9.40am: Stop. 10.45am: Proceeded as requisite for firing. 11.30am: Set course NNE – 10 knots. 12.05pm:
Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. 3.00pm: Torpedo party employed painting torpedoes. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 4.28pm: SMS EMDEN left harbour. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f5: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-025_1.jpg) 14 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: Torpedo party about torpedoes. 8.45am: USS WILMINGTON left harbour. 9.00am: Hands employed making deck clothes. Torpedo party carrying on about torpedoes. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.00pm: Landed Dockyard party. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f6: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-026_0.jpg) 15 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00am: Employed preparing for coaling. Torpedo party preparing foremost torpedo for returning. 7.30am: Commenced coaling. 8.40am: Torpedo party to Kowloon to return torpedo. 10.40am: Torpedo party returned with torpedo. 11.50am: Finished coaling. Received 65 tons Welsh coal. 1.00pm: Employed cleaning ship after coaling. 4.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f7: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-026_1.jpg) 16 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed painting ship. 1.00pm: Employed painting ship. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f8: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-027_0.jpg) 17 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Aired Night clothing. 9.00am: Employed painting cowls & funnels. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374f9: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-027_1.jpg) 18 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.20am: Non Conformists landed. 9.35am: Divisions. 9.45am: Church of England party landed. 1.00pm:
Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374fa: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-028_0.jpg) 19 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: CHELMER & RIBBLE left for Tai Po. Landed Range party. 9.00am: Employed dismounting guns, cleaning mountings & making screens. 11.00am: Seaman gunners to Deflection Teacher. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.00pm: Replaced after 12 pounder. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374fb: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-028_1.jpg) 20 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. Torpedo Instructor & one hand preparing port 12 pounder for dismounting. 7.30am: Range party left ship. 8.45am: Sent working party for provisions. Seaman gunners to deflection teacher. 10.30am: One Stoker joined ship from TAMAR. Provision lighter came alongside. Provisioned ship. 1.00pm: Employed cleaning gun mountings & fitting deck clothes. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374fc: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-029_0.jpg) 21 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.40am: Range party left ship. 8.00am: Employed cleaning out boats. Dismounted & cleaned foremost 12 pounder. 10.00am: Engineers working party drawing stores from yard. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 1.30pm: HMS YARMOUTH arrived. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374fd: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-029_1.jpg) 22 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.40am: Landed range party. 8.00am: Employed scrubbing Deck clothes & gun covers. Torpedo Instructor & one hand employed about guns. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.000pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374fe: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-030_0.jpg) 23 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 6.30am: Landed Range party. 7.00am: Sent provision party to Kowloon. 10.40am: Provisioned ship. 11.00am: Hands employed as in forenoon. 1.00pm: Employed scrubbing after parts. 2.00pm: SMS LUCHS arrived. 2.05pm: HMS FAME left. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 4.15pm: 1 Stoker joined ship from Hospital. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd341970374ff: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-030_1.jpg) 24 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Aired Night clothing. 9.00am: Employed about Upper deck as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 1.50pm: FAME returned. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037500: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-031_0.jpg) 25 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.20am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.15am: Landed Non Conformist party. 9.35am: Divisions. 9.55am: Church of England party to TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 6.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037501: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-031_1.jpg) 26 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 3.00am: Lit fires in No. 1 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 3 Boiler. 6.00am: Prepared ship for sea. Torpedo party working about torpedoes. 7.18am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite. 7.41am: Set course S 22½º W – 13 knots. 8.05am: Course & speed as requisite for laying out buoys & for torpedo firing. 9.45am: Stop. 10.13am: Proceeded as requisite for firing. 10.45am: RIBBLE & JED proceeded to Hong Kong to get diving boat. 11.12am: Let go starboard anchor in 10 fathoms. 12.45pm: RIBBLE arrived with divers. 1.15pm: Commenced diving. 3.45pm: Recovered torpedo. Weighed & proceeded for Hong Kong. Set course NE – 10 knots. 4.30pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 5.00pm: Made fast to No. 9 buoy. 8.00pm: Leave to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. Anchor bearings: S Extreme Lamma Island E; N Extreme Chung Island N 47º W; Green Island Light House N 10º E. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037502: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-032_0.jpg) 27 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & preparing for Sea. 7.30am: Slipped & proceeded. 7.50am: Course SW by S – 13 knots. 8.12am: Course & speed as requisite for torpedo firing. 9.56am: Stop to recharge torpedoes. 10.17am: Proceeded. 11.30am: Set course NE by N – 16 knots. 11.56am: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 12.00pm: Japanese gunboat arrived. 12.26pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. 2.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. 3.00pm: Torpedo party about torpedoes. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037503: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-032_1.jpg) 28 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Scrub & wash Upper deck. 7.00am: Torpedo party carrying on with torpedoes. 9.00am: Employed about torpedoes & cleaning ship's side. 10.00am: Seamen gunners to Deflection Teacher. 1.15pm: Japanese cruiser arrived. 2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037504: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-033_0.jpg) 29 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Torpedo Instructor & 1 Senior Torpedoman to Kowloon to test gyros. Sent party to ordnance for Impulse Tubes, etc. Remainder as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037505: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-033_1.jpg) 30 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 2.45am: Lit fires in No. 1 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 3 Boiler. 6.00am: Employed preparing ship for Sea. 7.00am: Japanese Cruiser left. 7.25am: Proceeded. Course & speed as requisite. 7.50am: Course SW by S – 13 knots. 7.55am: Altered course SW. 8.30am: Course & speed as requisite for torpedo firing. 9.25am: Stop. 9.55am: Proceeded with practice. 10.25am: Stop. 10.42am: Proceeded. 10.55am: Stop. Shipped warheads. 12.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for firing. 2.00pm: Picked up buoys & set course NE by N – 16 knots. 2.25pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.40pm: Made fast to No. 9 buoy. 4.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037506: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-034_0.jpg) 31 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed washing down after parts. 7.30am: Clean Lower deck. Hoisted in targets. 8.45am: Aired Night clothing. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 2.00pm: Paid Monthly Payment. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037507: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-034_1.jpg) Log Page – Blank. 4caf8ca8cadfd34197037508: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-035_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037509: ( 53-68360/ADM 53-68360-035_1.jpg) Cover. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1914 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703750a: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-001_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703750b: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-001_1.jpg) Cover 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703750c: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-002_0.jpg) Log Page – List of irregularities, omissions, etc., found by HMS ALACRITY after reviewing WELLAND's log for the period ending 31 March 1914. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703750d: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-002_1.jpg) Log Page – Table of coal burned while WELLAND travelled at various speeds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703750e: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-003_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703750f: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Roman Catholics landed. 9.15am: Non Conformists landed. 9.35am: Divisions. 9.45am: Church of England party to TAMAR 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037510: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1914 Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00am: Lit fires in No. 2 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 4 Boiler. 6.00am: Prepared ship for Sea. 7.30am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite. 7.55am: Course SSW – 10 knots. 8.04am: Altered course SW. 8.30am: Course & speed as requisite for laying out buoys & carrying out torpedo firing. 11.45am: Parted company with Flotilla to carry out aiming practice. 12.00pm: Stop engines. 12.30pm: RIBBLE proceeded into harbour. 12.35pm: Proceeded Course & speed as requisite for carrying out aiming practice. 2.00pm: Completed firing, rejoined Flotilla. Course & speed as requisite for torpedo practice. CHELMER returned to harbour. 3.20pm: Completed practice. Set course NNE – 10 knots. 3.27pm: 13 knots. 4.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 4.30pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037511: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1914 Mirs Bay Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 6.00am: Employed washing down upper deck & preparing ship for Sea. 9.00am: Slipped & proceeded out of East entrance. 9.45am: Course NE – 10 knots. 10.45am: Altered course NNE. 12.00pm: Peng Chau East Entrance S 25º W – 3.1 miles. 12.10pm: Stop. 12.50pm: USK arrived. 1.15pm: Proceeded to carry out aiming rifle practice. 2.45pm: Completed practice. Set course N 56º W – 12 knots. 3.05pm: Altered course North. 3.40pm: Came to starboard anchor 5 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Peng Chau East Entrance S 18º E; Peng Chau West Entrance S 5º W; Albion Head S 35º E. 4.45pm: Cleared ship for action. 8.30pm: Weighed & proceeded Course & speed for carrying out Night Firing with 1" aiming. 10.35pm:
Finished practice. Course & speed as requisite for entering Long
Harbour. Anchor Bearings: Conspicuous hill S 50º E; Boulder Point N 54º E; Wintz Hill [Mau Ping Shan] N 11º E. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037512: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1914 Mirs Bay Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 7.00am: Employed rigging target. 9.00am: Proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for carrying out aiming rifle practice. 11.20am: Finished practice proceeded into North Channel. 11.30am: Stop. 12.00pm: Bearing: South Extreme Port Island S 39º E – ¾ mile. 12.20pm: Proceeded down Tolo Channel. 1.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor 3 shackles off Tai Po. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. Anchor Bearings: Pier S 32º W; House on Point N 80º W; Centre Island North Extreme East. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037513: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1914 Mirs Bay Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 6.00am: Prepared ship for Sea. 7.45am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.00am: Proceeded to carry out aiming practice. 10.15am: Anchored off Port Island: Anchor Bearings: Bluff Head N 68º W; Gruff Head S 52º W; West Extreme Grass Island S. 1.15pm: Proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for carrying out 12 pounder firing with Flotilla. 4.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for anchoring off Peng Chau Island. 4.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor in 7 fathoms. Anchor Bearings: East Cone Hill: N 78º E; E Extreme Peng Chau S 28º E; Albion Point N 8º E. 8.30pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for carrying out Night firing practice. 9.15pm: Completed practice as weather was too thick. 9.20pm: Course & speed as requisite for anchoring. 9.30pm: Anchored. Anchor Bearings: N Extreme Peng Chau S 75º W; E Extreme Peng Chau S 10º E; Albion Head N 8º W. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037514: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1914 Mirs Bay Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 6.00am: Employed washing down Forecastle & Iron deck. 7.00am: Replaced gear. Spread awnings. 8.45am: Weighed & proceeded to carry out aiming practice. 10.22am: Completed practice. Course & speed as requisite for carrying out turning exercises with Flotilla. 11.20am: Course SSW. 12.20pm: Course & speed as requisite for anchoring. 12.35pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 2 fathoms. 1.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037515: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1914 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Employed cleaning ship & as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037516: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1914 Tai Po Lat 22.446, Long 114.187 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.35am: Divisions. 10.00am: Prayers. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 7.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037517: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1914 Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Preparing ship for Sea. 7.35am: Weighed & proceeded. 7.40am: Course East – 10 knots. 8.04am: Altered course N 60º E. 9.00am: Course & speed as requisite for firing & repairing targets. 11.30am: Altered course S 20º W -13 knots. 12.04pm: Altered course S 15º W. 12.15pm: Altered course SW. 12.46pm: Altered course NW. 1.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 1.45pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. 6.30pm: 3 Ratings joined ship from Sick List. 9.00pm: Rounds. [10 February & 11 February scanned in reverse order; corrected here] 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037519: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-008_1.jpg) 10 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.25am: THISTLE sailed. 9.30am: Gunnery Training Classes from JED came on board for Instruction. 10.00am: Employed hands as requisite. Sent Tallying party to Kowloon. 1.00pm: Training Classes at Instruction. Employed about whaler & target sails. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037518: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-008_0.jpg) 11 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Prepared ship for coaling. 7.50am: Commenced coaling. 8.00am: Hands employed repairing targets. 9.00am: Gunnery Training Class to CHELMER for Instruction. 9.45am: JED left harbour. 10.20am: KENNET came out of Basin. 1.00pm: Employed repairing targets. 1.15pm: JED returned to harbour. 1.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 100 tons. 4.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703751a: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.40am: Gunnery Training Class to Instruction. 9.30am: JED proceeded. 10.00am: Sent party to draw targets. 11.40am: Target party returned. 1.00pm: Employed rigging target. 1.30pm: JED returned to harbour. 3.00pm: Gunnery Training Class at Instruction. Sent searchlight into Yard. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703751b: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Prepare ship for Sea. 7.35am: Slipped & proceeded. 7.47am: Set course N 60º W – 8 knots. 8.14am: Altered course N 4º W. 8.31am: Altered course S 78º W. 9.01am: Altered course S 68º W. 9.20am: Altered course SW by W. 9.30am: Course & speed as requisite for firing. Lost overboard by accident Cartridge 12 pounder case fired. Creeper Iron 1 in number. 12.15pm: Stop. 12.55pm: Proceeded as requisite for firing. 2.40pm: Course N 75º E – 13 knots. 3.15pm: Altered course E ½º N. 3.23pm: Altered course N 85º E. 3.32pm: Altered course S 45º E. 3.38pm: Altered course ESE. 3.50pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 4.20pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703751c: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed scrubbing Upper deck & as requisite. 8.00am: Hands painting ship & as requisite. 8.20am: Range party left ship. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703751d: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.20am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.35am: Divisions. 9.45am: Church of England party to TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703751e: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed cleaning out boats, fitting canvas on ladder rails, & as requisite. 11.00am: THISTLE arrived. 1.00pm: Sent Working party of 5 Able Seamen to return targets. Remainder of hands painting tubes, etc. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703751f: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands painting ship. 9.00am: Hands painting ship. 11.00am: 1 Rating returned from Sick List. 1.00pm: Leave to Port Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. Hands painting ship. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037520: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands painting ship inboard. 11.00am: Landed party to draw Searchlight. 1.00pm: Employed replacing Searchlight & painting. Leave to Starboard Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.00pm: 1 Rating joined ship from Sick List. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037521: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1914 Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands painting ship. 9.00am: Engineer's party drawing Stores. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 6.10pm: Lit fires in No. 2 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 4 Boiler. Recalled hands. 7.00pm: Prepared ship for Sea. 8.30pm: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.21pm: Set course N 87º E – 10 knots. 9.35pm: Altered course N 76º E. 10.55pm: 15 knots. 11.50pm: 12 knots. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037522: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1914 Hong Kong to Amoy [Xiamen] Lat 22.5, Long 116.6 12.30am: Course N 76º E – 15 knots. 12.50am: Sighted Chilang Light. 1.20am: Chilang Light N 50º E. 2.18am: Reduced to 10 knots (fog). 4.04am: Reduced to 8 knots. 6.00am: Employed as requisite. 8.00am: Altered course N 69º E. 9.10am: Increased to 10 knots. 10.15am: Sounded 21 fathoms. 11.30am: Sounded 18 fathoms. 11.37am: Sounded 19½ fathoms. 11.43am: 13 knots. 12.12pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 12.15pm: Sounded 21 fathoms. 12.28pm: 12 knots. 12.56pm: Altered course N 46º E – 15 knots. 1.06pm: 10 knots. 1.30pm: Altered course N 69º E. Sounded 25 fathoms. 2.00pm: Altered course N 54º E. 4.00pm: Quarters. Served out leather gear. 5.00pm: Altered course N 40º E. 7.20pm: 13 knots. 7.30pm: 10 knots. 8.55pm: Altered course North. 9.35pm: 6 knots. 9.50pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 16½ fathoms. Chapel Island N 4º W – 4 miles. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037523: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed washing down Upper deck. 9.30am: Weighed & proceeded. North – 9 knots. 9.44am: 6 knots. 10.00am: Altered course NE. 10.04am: Altered course E. 10.07am: Altered course SE. 10.15am: Sighted Chapel Island. 10.22am: Altered course North – 8 knots. 10.26am: 10 knots. 10.57am: Altered course N 52º W – 13 knots. 11.02am: Sighted Wu-sen Island [?] N 40º W – 15 knots. 11.12am: 17 knots. Course & speed as requisite for entering Amoy. 12.15pm: Made fast to Buoy. 12.30pm: KENNET came alongside & secured to Buoy. 3.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. 4.00pm: Quarters. LIEPZIG arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037524: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & as requisite. 9.35am: Divisions. 10.15am: Prayers. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 7.00pm. 3.00pm: Chinese cruiser arrived. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037525: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Scrub & wash Upper deck. 8.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship's side. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037526: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed making bin covers & as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. 5.00pm: SMS JAGUAR arrived. 6.00pm: SMS KAISERIN ELISABETH arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037527: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands employed scraping waterways & Iron deck around galley. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. 5.00pm: Chinese Admiral's yacht arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037528: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037529: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed cleaning out boats. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU arrived. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703752a: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.00am: SMS JAGUAR left harbour. 8.00am: Employed scraping waterways & Iron deck. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 7.00pm. 3.00pm: JAGUAR returned. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. LOGS FOR MARCH 1914 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703752b: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-017_1.jpg) 1 March 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Divisions. 10.00am: Prayers. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 7.00pm. 4.00pm: Quarters. Japanese Man of War left harbour. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703752c: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-018_0.jpg) 2 March 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands as requisite. 1.00pm: Chinese Revenue Cruiser PING CHING sailed. 3.00pm: Hands employed scraping sponsons. Tested Night sights & Firing Circuits. 4.00pm: Leave from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703752d: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-018_1.jpg) 3 March 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Scrub & wash Upper deck. 8.00am: Employed scraping gun mountings. 9.15am: SMS JAGUAR left harbour. 1.00pm: Hands as requisite. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703752e: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-019_0.jpg) 4 March 1914 Amoy Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed painting gun mountings & inside Sponsons. 10.00am: SMS SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU sailed. 1.00pm: Hands as requisite. 3.00pm: SCHARNHORST & GNEISENAU returned. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703752f: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-019_1.jpg) 5 March 1914 From Amoy to Hong Kong Lat 24.469, Long 118.062 6.00am: Employed preparing ship for Sea. 8.00am: Hands as requisite. 9.00am: SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU sailed. 11.45am: Lit fires in No. 1 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 2 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 3 Boiler. 1.00pm: Preparing ship for Sea. 2.30pm: Slipped & proceeded. 2.45pm: Course S 31º E – 15 knots. 3.18pm: Altered course S 5º E. 4.00pm: Quarters. 10 Knots. Exercised Collision Stations. 4.20pm: Altered course S 33º W. 5.00pm: 13 knots. 5.55pm: 15 knots. 6.40pm: Altered course SW. 7.40pm: Basthus Island NW ¾ mile. 9.30pm: Lamock Light abeam 2 miles. 9.45pm: Altered course S 62º W. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037530: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-020_0.jpg) 6 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Course S 62º W. - 15 knots. 12.45am: Breaker Point Light N 27º W, 5½ miles. Altered course S 69º W. 3.00am: Sighted Chilang Light West. 4.45am: Altered course S 78º W. 7.40am: S 80º W. 8.50am: Passed DORIS. 9.03am: Sighted Ping Head. 9.15am: Altered course S 75º W. 9.42am: East Ninepins abeam. Altered course S 82º W. 10.03am: Course & speed as requisite for entering Hong Kong. 10.45am: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. Coal lighter came alongside. 2.00pm: Coaling ship. 5.00pm: Completed coaling. Took in 100 tons. 6.00pm: 1 Engine Room Artificer joined ship from TAMAR. Discharged 1 Engine Room Artificer to TAMAR. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037531: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-020_1.jpg) 7 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Washing down ship's side & as requisite. 11.50am: Chinese Cruiser entered harbour. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 3.40pm: SMS TIGER entered harbour. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037532: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-021_0.jpg) 8 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.15am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.35am: Divisions. 9.40am: Church of England party to TAMAR. 1.15pm: PATRICIA arrived. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037533: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-021_1.jpg) 9 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed returning Gangway ladder to dockyard for repair. 10.00am: Torpedo party fitting double hydrostatic valves & replacing torpedoes for running. 1.00pm: Hands as requisite. Torpedo party working about torpedoes. 3.30pm: Japanese cruiser arrived. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.30pm: Japanese flagship sailed. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037534: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-022_0.jpg) 10 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & preparing for Drill. 8.00am: Discharged 1 Stoker to Sick List. 9.00am: Exercised Out Bower Anchor, Fire Quarters, & Away All Boats. 10.40am: Secured. Torpedo party working about torpedoes. 1.00pm: Torpedo party working about torpedoes. Cleaning out boats. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 7.00pm: Discharged 1 Leading stoker to TAMAR – sick. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037535: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-022_1.jpg) 11 March 1914 Hong Kong & at Sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Preparing ship for Sea. 7.30am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour – Western Entrance. 7.50am: Course SSW, 15 knots. 8.13am: Course & speed as requisite for laying out buoys & torpedo firing. 11.35am: Stop. 12.40pm: Proceeded picked up buoys. 1.00pm: Course N 35º E. 1.45pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.10pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. 5.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037536: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-023_0.jpg) 12 March 1914 Hong-Kong & at Sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Cleaning up & preparing ship for Sea. 8.45am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite as requisite for leaving harbour by Western Entrance. 9.12am: Course SSW – 13 knots. 9.35am: Course & speed as requisite for torpedo firing. 11.40am: Set course N 22º E – 15 knots. 12.00pm: Green Island Light House N 8º E 1¼ miles. 12.10pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 12.35pm: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. Preparing ship for coaling. 3.50pm: Commenced coaling. 5.00pm: MINOTAUR arrived. Employed cleaning ship. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 5.25pm: Completed with 35 tons coal. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds.. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037537: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-023_1.jpg) 13 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Scrub & wash Upper deck. 7.30am: HMS JAGUAR left harbour. 8.00am: Torpedo party about torpedoes. Engineers Dockyard party drawing stores. Cleaning ship & as requisite. 1.00pm: Employed provisioning ship. Torpedo party about torpedoes. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037538: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-024_0.jpg) 14 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: HMS KINNET left harbour. Employed cleaning ship's side & as requisite. 9.00am: HMS YARMOUTH proceeded. Employed cleaning ship. 10.00am: SEBASTIANO CABOTO (Italian Cruiser) arrived. 10.55am: KENNET returned. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 3.30pm: USS WILMINGTON arrived. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.00pm: One Leading Seaman returned from Sick List. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037539: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-024_1.jpg) 15 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.15am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.35am: Divisions. 9.45am: Church of England party to TAMAR. 10.00am: Chinese cruiser steamed through the harbour. 10.10am: Japanese cruiser TSUGARU sailed. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703753a: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-025_0.jpg) 16 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed as requisite. Landed Engineer's store party. Torpedo party worked about torpedoes. 10.00am: Chinese Cruiser entered harbour. 11.00am: Discharged 1 Rating to TAMAR. 1.00pm: Employed as requisite. Torpedo party parting & cleaning torpedoes. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703753b: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-025_1.jpg) 17 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & preparing for General drill. 9.00am: Exercised Collision stations, Abandon Ship, Put Bower Anchor & Boats Crews Under Oars. 11.00am: Replaced gear. 1.00pm: Hands as requisite. 1.35pm: ROBIN arrived. 2.35pm: SANDPIPER made fast to Buoy. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 5.00pm: Discharged 1 Able Seaman to Hospital. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703753c: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-026_0.jpg) 18 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & as requisite. 6.10am: HMS DORIS arrived. 8.00am: Employed painting ship's side. 9.35am: HMS KENNET left harbour. 1.00pm: Painting ship. 3.00pm: French gunboat VIGILANTE left dock & made fast to buoy. 3.45pm: KENNET returned. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703753d: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-026_1.jpg) 19 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed painting down aloft & as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands as requisite. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703753e: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-027_0.jpg) 20 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Exercised General Quarters. 9.00am: Employed painting Waterline & as requisite. 1.00pm: Employed painting Upper works. 3.00pm: 1 Rating returned from Sick List. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703753f: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-027_1.jpg) 21 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.05am: Italian Cruiser SEBASTIANO CABOTO left harbour. HMS ROBIN & SANDPIPER left. HMS USK came into the Stream. 12.40pm: HMS CHELMER came out into the Stream. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 4.40pm: 1 Rating returned from Sick List. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037540: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-028_0.jpg) 22 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands as requisite. 9.00am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.15am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.35am: Divisions. 10.05am: Church of England party landed. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037541: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-028_1.jpg) 23 March 1914 At Sea – Manoeuvres Lat 22.29, Long 114.26 5.30am: Lit fires in No. 1 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 3 Boiler. 6.00am: Prepared ship for Sea. 7.10am: CALLAO left harbour. 9.00am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for Junk Bay. 9.45am: Let go starboard anchor. Anchor Bearings: Mun Chau S 29º W; Conspicuous rocky point S 21º E; Chang Pang N 53º W. 1.00pm: WAP. Course & speed as requisite for examining coast between Collison & D'Aguilar Stations. 1.50pm: S 45º W – 12 knots. 2.16pm: Altered course SE 2.26pm: Altered course SW. 3.16pm: Altered course SSW. 3.25pm: Altered course S. 3.35pm: Altered course N 65º W. 4.00pm: Quarters. Cleared ship for Action. 5.25pm: Altered course N. 5.50pm: Altered course NNE. 6.10pm: Altered course ENE. 7.10pm: Altered course SW by W, 11 knots. 7.22pm: Altered course W. 8.00pm: Waglan Light N 20º W – NE Head S 2º W. 9.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for following MINOTAUR to Repulse Bay. 9.55pm: Course & speed as requisite for covering landing of Troops in Repulse Bay & Deep Water Bay. 10.14pm: Put Torpedo Boat 037 out of Action. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037542: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-029_0.jpg) 24 March 1914 At Sea – Manoeuvres Lat 22.39, Long 113.776 1.30am: Covered re-embarkation of troops. 2.00am: Took boats in tow. Course & speed as requisite for taking troops to South side of Lamma Island & disembarking them. 6.30am: Course South – 8 knots. 8.30am: Sent boats to MINOTAUR off Lema Island. 8.50am: Tai-Ta-Mi S 70º E 2 miles. 9.25am: Stop 12.45pm: Proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for raiding waters between Repulse Bay & D'Aguilar. 1.45pm: Put Patrol Boat out of action. 2.03pm: Put Kwang-Hoi out of action. 2.12pm: HAMPSHIRE’s Steam Pinnace out of action. 2.36pm: Submarine C38 out of action. 2.50pm: Course SW – 12 knots. 3.50pm: Course ESE – 15 knots. 4.11pm: Stop. 4.53pm: Proceeded astern of MINOTAUR. 5.54pm: Stop. Took boats in tow. Course N 18º W. 6.20pm: 8 knots. 8.28pm: Stop. 9.39pm: Proceeded. 9.54pm: Altered course East. 9.55pm: Speed as requisite for covering landing in Aberdeen Harbour. 10.17pm: Engaged Torpedo Boat 0367. 10.24pm: Engaged & put out of action Torpedo Boat 0376. 11.15pm: Course & speed as requisite for rendezvous in Sam Wan Bay. 12.04am: Stop. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037543: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-029_1.jpg) 25 March 1914 Manoeuvres Lat 22.272, Long 114.325 12.26am: Set Course & speed as requisite for attacking Western entrance of Hong Kong. 1.24am: Fired on by fort. Altered course 16 points. Set course for Aberdeen Bay. 1.58am: Stop. 3.10am: Fired on Torpedo Boat 036. 4.17am: Proceeded to South side of Lamma Island with Troops. 5.30am: Disembarked Troops. 6.20am: Proceeded WSW – 12 knots. 6.49am: Altered course W by N. 6.59am: Course & speed as requisite for anchoring of South side Lantau Island. 7.15am: Came to Starboard anchor Anchor Bearings: West entrance Sha-Ku-Chau S 7º E; Rocky Island S 72º W; East Entrance Chi-Chau Island S 37º W. 10.45am: Read: information that ship was out of action. 11.05am: WAP S 60º E – 12 knots. 11.32am: Altered course E by S. 12.37am: Altered course N 63º E. 12.45pm: Altered course N 50º E. 12.55pm: Altered course N 33º E. 1.15pm: Altered course S 40º W. 2.05pm: Altered course SW by S. 2.13pm: Stop off Lamma Island. 3.05pm: Read: Orders to chase FAME. Set course N 63º E – 20 knots. 3.40pm: Opened fire on FAME & put her out of action. 3.55pm: Course & speed as requisite to rejoin MINOTAUR. 4.47pm: Proceeded with MINOTAUR to Lamma Island. Course NNE – 8 knots. 6.50pm: Stop. 7.28pm: Proceeded with Junk in tow for Taitan Bay. 9.20pm: Stopped. Slipped Junks. 10.10pm: Proceeded. 10.40pm: Course East – 8 knots. 12.18am: Altered course S 75º W. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037544: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-030_0.jpg) 26 March 1914 Sea & Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.00am: Course S 75º W – 8 knots. 12.21am: Stop. 12.35am: Proceeded. 1.30am: Course WSW. 1.43am: Course SW by W. 1.55am: Course SE by E 2.30am: Course N 43º W. 2.45am: Course N 70º W. 3.15am: Course & speed as requisite for attacking Western entrance of Hong Kong. 3.40am: Turned 16 points & proceeded out of Hong Kong. Flotilla out of action. Course & speed as requisite for Taitan Bay. 4.48am: Anchored in Taitan Bay. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. Set course for Hong Kong. 10.20am: Made fast to No. 9 Buoy. 11.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: Sent party to tally coal. 3.00pm: COLNE proceeded to Sea for trials. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037545: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-030_1.jpg) 27 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Prepared ship for coaling. 8.00am: Hands coaling ship. 10.30am: KENNET went into dock. THISTLE left harbour. 11.00am: 2 Ratings discharged to TAMAR sick. 12.50pm: Completed coaling. Took in 102 tons. 2.00pm: Employed cleaning ship. Tested Night Sight Battery. 3.30pm: CHELMER went into Basin. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037546: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-031_0.jpg) 28 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Employed preparing to shift Billet. 9.40am: Towed to No. 5 Buoy. Hands as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037547: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-031_1.jpg) 29 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.15am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.15am: Church of England party landed. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 2.40pm: USS CALLAO made fast to No. 6 Buoy. 4.00pm: Quarters. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037548: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-032_0.jpg) 30 March 1914 Sea & Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00am: Lit fires in No. 4 Boiler. Lit fires in No. 5 Boiler. 6.00am: Employed rigging target & preparing ship for Sea. 7.35am: USK & RIBBLE proceeded. 7.55am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for leaving by Western entrance. 8.16am: Course SSW – 10 knots. 8.40am: Course & speed as requisite for dropping target & carrying out aiming practice. 11.30am: Picked up target. 11.40am: Course NE by N – 13 knots. 12.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 12.20pm: Secured to No. 5A Buoy. 1.45pm: Employed cleaning ship & unrigging target. Japanese cruiser SAKI arrived. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037549: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-032_1.jpg) 31 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Scrub & wash Upper deck. 7.30am: USK left harbour. 8.00am: Hands as requisite. 10.30am: Fell in for Medical Inspection. 11.00am: Discharged 2 Ratings to TAMAR, sick. 12.30pm: USK entered harbour. 1.45pm: Japanese gunboat left harbour. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703754a: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-033_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703754b: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-033_1.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703754c: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-034_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703754d: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-034_1.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703754e: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-035_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703754f: ( 53-68361/ADM 53-68361-035_1.jpg) Log Pages – Blank LOGS FOR APRIL 1914 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037550: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-001_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037551: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-001_1.jpg) Cover 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037552: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002a_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037553: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002a_1.jpg) Log Page – Completed table of coal usage at various speeds and conditions. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037554: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002b_0.jpg) Log Page – List of "irregularities, omissions, etc." found in the original log of WELLAND, compiled by the HMS MINOTAUR at Wei Hai Wei, 22 Jun 1914. Stamped by the Commander in Chief, China Station, 9 Jul 1914. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037555: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002b_1.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037556: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002c_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037557: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002c_1.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037558: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002d_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037559: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002d_1.jpg) Log Page – Note: HMS TRIUMPH, June 8, 1914 (To) Commanding Officer, HMS TRIUMPH "Log of HMS Welland examined & found correct." [signed] T. D. Sharp, King’s Harbour Master 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703755a: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002e_0.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703755b: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-002e_1.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703755c: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-004_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703755d: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-004_1.jpg) 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703755e: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-005_0.jpg) Log Page – Instruments – Blank. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703755f: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-005_1.jpg) 1 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & as requisite. 7.10am: USS CALLAO sailed. 8.00am: Employed scrubbing berth on boats & as requisite. 1.00pm: Paid Quarterly Settlement. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.45pm: HMS ALACRITY entered harbour. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037560: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-006_0.jpg) 2 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Scrub & wash Upper deck. 7.30am: COLNE proceeded. 8.40am: Submarines C36 & C38 left harbour. 9.10am: HMS USK left harbour. Divisions. 9.20am: COLNE returned. 10.00am: Employed cleaning ship's side. 11.30am: USK and submarines returned. Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037561: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-006_1.jpg) 3 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Divisions. 10.00am: Employed cleaning painted canvas & gun mountings. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037562: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-007_0.jpg) 4 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship & as requisite. 8.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037563: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-007_1.jpg) 5 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.15am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.35am: Divisions. 10.00am: Church of England party landed. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037564: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-008_0.jpg) 6 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 6.45am: Discharged 11 Ratings to FAME. 7.45am: COLNE left harbour. 9.00am: Discharged 1 Rating – sick. 11.15am: COLNE returned. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.40pm: COLNE left harbour. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 5.00pm: ALACRITY sailed. 6.00pm: Hands to Bathe. 7.55pm: COLNE proceeded. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037565: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-008_1.jpg) 7 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Preparing ship for Sea. 10.10am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for carrying out trial. 10.22am: Completed trial. 10.40am: Made fast to No. 5A Buoy. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.25pm: FAME returned. 3.00pm:
1 Rating returned from Sick List. 4.40pm: French gunboat ARGUS arrived. 5.00pm: Discharged 1 Leading Telegrapher & 1 Engine Room Artificer to COLNE. 5.30pm: 11 Ratings returned from FAME. 7.00pm: Discharged 1 stoker to TRIUMPH. 1 Stoker joined ship from TRIUMPH. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037566: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-009_0.jpg) 8 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Scrub & wash Upper deck. 7.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Discharged Commander Seymour to HMS COLNE. 10.00am: Lieutenant Commander Poignand joined ship. 1.00pm: Hands employed returning boats to the Yard. 1.45pm: HMS JED left the Basin. 2.15pm: Shifted Berth into the Basin. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. HMS MINOTAUR sailed. 5.30pm: Flotilla sailed. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037567: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-009_1.jpg) 9 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed getting out Stores. 9.00am: Employed returning torpedoes. 1.00pm: Employed housing Top Mast & as requisite. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037568: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-010_0.jpg) 10 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: Carried out Sunday Routine. 9.15am: Divisions. 9.30am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.35am: Landed Non Conformists. 10.20am: Church of England party landed. 1 Stoker returned from Sick List. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037569: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-010_1.jpg) 11 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703756a: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-011_0.jpg) 12 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.20am: Landed Non Conformists. 10.15am: Attended Divine Service on board TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703756b: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-011_1.jpg) 13 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Employed getting out ammunition & returning same. 11.15am: HMS HAMPSHIRE went out into The Stream. 1.00pm: Employed returning Cordite to Ordinance. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703756c: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-012_0.jpg) 14 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Employed overhauling boat's falls, blocks, & oiling down standing rigging. 10.00am: Submarines C36 & C38 left harbour. 11.00am: Stores Mustered & Inspected. 12.00pm: C 36 & C 38 returned. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703756d: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-012_1.jpg) 15 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Employed drawing stores from Kowloon. 8.00am: Torpedo Instructor & Leading Torpedo Operator at Depot parting & cleaning torpedoes. 10.00am: MOORHEN sailed. 11.00am: Leading Signalman joined ship from Sick List. 1.00pm: Employed refitting boat's falls & scraping & redleading iron blocks. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703756e: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-013_0.jpg) 16 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: HAMPSHIRE proceeded to carry out trial. 8.00am: Employed scraping on the Upper deck & finishing off boat's falls. 10.00am: Torpedo Instructor & Leading Torpedo Operator to Kowloon. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd3419703756f: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-013_1.jpg) 17 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Employed scraping Upper deck & refitting boom gear. 9.00am: 2 Ratings returned to duty. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037570: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-014_0.jpg) 18 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Employed overhauling Whaler & dinghy's slings & redleading same. 10.48am: MERLIN arrived. 11.15am: Cleaned up decks. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 3.00pm: THISTLE arrived. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037571: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-014_1.jpg) 19 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.20am: Landed Non Conformist party. 10.45am: Church of England to TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037572: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-015_0.jpg) 20 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Scraping Upper deck paint work aft & renewing boom gear. 9.00am: Submarines left harbour. 10.00am: Discharged 1 Rating – sick. 12.00pm: ROSARIO left harbour. 2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. Submarine C38 returned. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8ca9cadfd34197037573: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-015_1.jpg) 21 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: MERLIN left harbour. 8.00am: Scraping Upper deck paint work aft & renewing boom gear. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.00pm: 1 Rating returned from Hospital. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. HAMPSHIRE sailed. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037574: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-016_0.jpg) 22 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Redleading, scraping paint work aft & renewing boom gear. 8.00am: Japanese gunboat sailed. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 3.30pm: Landed Funeral party 14 men & 1 Petty Officer 1st. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037575: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-016_1.jpg) 23 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Redleading, scraping paint work aft. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.30pm: HAI CHI arrived. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037576: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-017_0.jpg) 24 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Employed scraping after bandstand & refitting boom gear. 9.00am: 1 Rating returned to duty. 10.00am: BRAMBLE arrived. 1.00pm: Employed scraping cowl hatches, etc. 2.10pm: DUPLEIX arrived. 3.30pm: ROBIN arrived. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037577: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-017_1.jpg) 25 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: BRAMBLE came into Basin. 8.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 11.30am: Small fire broke out in Wireless Room. 11.35am: Fire extinguished. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037578: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-018_0.jpg) 26 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic party. 9.25am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.45am: Church of England party landed. 1.00pm: Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037579: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-018_1.jpg) 27 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.50am: FAME made fast alongside. 10.00am: Employed scraping & redleading Upper deck paintwork. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703757a: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-019_0.jpg) 28 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: YARMOUTH arrived. 9.30am: Discharged 1 Able Seaman & 1 Leading Signalman to Torpedo Boat 037 for duty in West River. 10.00am: Torpedo Boat 035 & 037 sailed. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.00pm: Returned rifles, aiming rifles & pistols to Ordinance. 4.00pm: 1 Rating returned from Hospital. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 6.20pm: Torpedo Boat 035 & 037 returned. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703757b: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-019_1.jpg) 29 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Sent working party of 8 Able Seamen to TAMAR for sweeping exercises. 10.00am: Discharged 1 Rating – sick. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 8.45pm: Working party returned. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703757c: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-020_0.jpg) 30 April 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am:
DUPLEIX sailed. 10.00am: Discharged 1 Rating to Sick List. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 1.30pm: Chinese cruiser arrived. 3.00pm: 1 Leading Signalman rejoined from Torpedo Boat 037. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 7.00pm: THISTLE made fast to 5A Buoy. 9.00pm: Rounds. LOGS FOR MAY 1914 4caf8caacadfd3419703757d: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-020_1.jpg) 1 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00am: YARMOUTH sailed. 7.00am: Paid hands Monthly Payments. 9.00am: Torpedo Boats 035 & 037 sailed. 10.00am: Employed scraping paintwork. 11.00am: Torpedo Boats 036 & 038 arrived. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.45pm: ROSARIO & 2 submarines returned from Swatow. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703757e: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-021_0.jpg) 2 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 11.20am: Chinese cruiser arrived. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703757f: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-021_1.jpg) 3 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.25am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Divine Service on board TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037580: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-022_0.jpg) 4 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 1.50pm: FAME shifted Berth. 4.00pm:
Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. THISTLE left harbour. 4caf8caacadfd34197037581: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-022_1.jpg) 5 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: 8 Able Seamen away for Mine sweeping exercise. 9.00am: Discharged 1 Stoker to Sick List in TAMAR. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 4.45pm: German gunboat TSINGTAU arrived. 6.45pm: Mine sweeping party returned. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037582: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-023_0.jpg) 6 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scraping paintwork & dismounting after torpedo tube. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037583: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-023_1.jpg) 7 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Aired bedding. 8.00am: Hands scraping paintwork. 10.40am: Sent 1 Stoker to Hospital. 11.45am: Lashed up & stowed bedding. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.20pm: ROSARIO shifted Berth. 4.00pm:
Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 4caf8caacadfd34197037584: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-024_0.jpg) 8 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scrubbing canvas gear. 9.35am: Submarines C36 & C37 left Basin. 10.00am: 1 Stoker returned to Duty. 10.30am: C36 returned to Basin. 12.30pm: C37 returned to Basin. Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm:
Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 4caf8caacadfd34197037585: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-024_1.jpg) 9 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.10am: ROSARIO shifted Berth. 10.30am: 1 Stoker to Hospital. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037586: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-025_0.jpg) 10 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.25am: Landed Non Conformists. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Divine Service on board TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037587: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-025_1.jpg) 11 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side. 9.00am: 1 Able seaman on Sick List to hospital. 10.00am: BRAMBLE and ROBIN shifted from Dock to Basin. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. 6.30pm: German gunboat TSINGTAU left. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037588: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-026_0.jpg) 12 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands scraping paintwork forward. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037589: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-026_1.jpg) 13 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side. 9.15am: Lieutenant Ferguson left ship. 11.30am: USS WILMINGTON shifted Berth. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.00pm: Japanese gunboat arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703758a: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-027_0.jpg) 14 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: ROSARIO & 3 submarines into Dock. 8.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side. 9.00am: Japanese gunboat sailed. 11.00am: USS CALLAO sailed. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 3.00pm: ROBIN secured alongside WIVERN. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703758b: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-027_1.jpg) 15 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703758c: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-028_0.jpg) 16 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands scraping paintwork. Employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703758d: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-028_1.jpg) 17 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 9.00am: 1 Telegrapher sick – to TAMAR. 9.25pm: Landed Non Conformists. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30pm: Divine Service. 1.00pm: Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.00pm: 2 Stoker Petty Officers lent to FAME. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703758e: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-029_0.jpg) 18 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side. 9.00am: THISTLE sailed 9.05am: FAME sailed. 10.00am: TAMAR moved into Basin. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703758f: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-029_1.jpg) 19 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed scraping ship's side. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037590: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-030_0.jpg) 20 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Hands scraping ship's side. 1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037591: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-030_1.jpg) 21 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands scraping ship's side. 1.00pm: Hands scraping ship's side. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037592: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-031_0.jpg) 22 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Quarters. Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037593: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-031_1.jpg) 23 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.00am: FAME arrived & secured to Buoy. 7.30am: Hands scraping ship's side. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. FAME left harbour. 4.00pm: Quarters. 7.00pm: FAME returned to harbour. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037594: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-032_0.jpg) 24 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.00am: 2 ratings rejoined from FAME. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037595: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-032_1.jpg) 25 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands scraping ship's side & redleading ship. 1.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037596: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-033_0.jpg) 26 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed redleading ship's side. 10.15am: BRAMBLE left Basin for Steam trial. 11.00am: BRAMBLE returned. 1.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037597: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-033_1.jpg) 27 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed redleading ship's side. 9.00am: 1 Stoker rejoined from Sick List. 10.00am: ROBIN left Basin. 11.10am: ROBIN returned. 1.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 7.00pm: THISTLE arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037598: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-034_0.jpg) 28 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.35am: ROBIN left harbour. 7.30am: Hands scraping ship's side. Hands painting ship. 9.00am: Coxwain & 4 Able Seamen sent to Kowloon to draw stores. 11.00am: Store party returned. 11.20am: SANDPIPER arrived. 1.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd34197037599: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-034_1.jpg) 29 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed redleading ship's side. 1.00pm: Leave 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 1.40pm: 1 Stoker lent to Torpedo Boat 03 3.00pm: 1 Able Seaman returned from Hospital. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703759a: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-035_0.jpg) 30 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.15am: BRAMBLE left harbour. 7.30am: Hands scraping ship's side & redleading. 1.00pm: Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703759b: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-035_1.jpg) 31 May 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.45am: Church parties landed. 1.00pm: Leave 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd3419703759c: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-036_0.jpg) 4caf8caacadfd3419703759d: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-036_1.jpg) Log Pages – Blank 4caf8caacadfd3419703759e: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-037_0.jpg) 4caf8caacadfd3419703759f: ( 53-68362/ADM 53-68362-037_1.jpg) Cover LOGS FOR JUNE 1914 4caf8caacadfd341970375a0: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-001_0.jpg) 4caf8caacadfd341970375a1: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-001_1.jpg) Cover 4caf8caacadfd341970375a2: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-002_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank 4caf8caacadfd341970375a3: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-002_1.jpg) Log Page: Table of coal usage at different speeds and conditions 4caf8caacadfd341970375a4: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-003_0.jpg) Log Page – Instruments – Blank 4caf8caacadfd341970375a5: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Landed party for practice with Naval Brigade. 7.30am: Hands employed scraping bulkheads. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 2.45pm: Japanese gunboat UJI arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds 4caf8caacadfd341970375a6: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Landed party for practice with Naval Brigade. 6.55am: Japanese gunboat UJI left harbour. 7.30am: Hands employed scraping & painting ship. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.35pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd341970375a7: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Landing party took part in King's Birthday Parade. 8.00am: Dressed ship with masthead flags. 9.30am: Piped down. 12.20pm: Red typhoon signal hoisted. 1.15pm: Hands employed securing gear. 2.00pm: Leave to Watch from 9.30am to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Barometer reading incorrectly; reading taken from Dockyard barometer. 11.15pm: TRIUMPH shifted to Buoy. 4caf8caacadfd341970375a8: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed scraping Wireless house & Galley funnel. 8.40am: SANDPIPER shifted to Buoy. 11.00am: Two Able Seamen lent to FAME. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 8.30pm: Fire ashore. Fire Party landed. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caacadfd341970375a9: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands scraping paintwork. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.45pm: BRITOMART & FAME arrived. 5.00pm:
Two Able Seamen rejoined from FAME. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375aa: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.20am: BRITOMART entered basin. 7.30am: Hands employed as yesterday. 8.50am: SANDPIPER returned. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Special Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. Leave to part of watch aboard 5.30 to 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ab: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: Divisions on board TAMAR. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ac: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed refitting canvas gear. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. Part of watch till 11.00pm. 9.05pm: Fire ashore. Landed Fire party. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ad: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed refitting canvas on deck. 10.00am: THISTLE left Basin. 11.30am: THISTLE returned & made fast to Buoy. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon & working about boats. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ae: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed refitting canvas & painting ship. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.30pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375af: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed painting on deck. 10.40am: Japanese gunboat UJI arrived. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b0: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed refitting canvas gear. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b1: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed as on previous day. 9.00am: Sent party to Kowloon to draw stores. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b2: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: WILMINGTON arrived. 7.55am: FAME sailed. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b3: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed refitting boat & gear as required. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 1.10pm: SANDPIPER left Basin. 4.10pm: FAME returned. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b4: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed making up & stowing canvas. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b5: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed scraping corticine and refitting boat gripes. 9.00am: 1 Engine Room Artificer & 1 Senior Petty Officer rejoined from FAME. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 3.20pm: USS CALLIS arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b6: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed oiling down funnel guys. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b7: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed painting ship & repairing canvas gear. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 3.15pm:
Two Stokers rejoined from Hospital. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b8: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed spreading double awnings. 8.00am: Hands employed making up canvas & scrubbing boats covers. 11.30am: Typhoon signals (red) hoisted. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 5.45pm: Black Typhoon signals hoisted. 6.00pm: Hands employed securing ship for typhoon. 8.00pm: Ship secured, awnings furled & boats turned in. 10.30pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375b9: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.05am: Typhoon signals hauled down. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ba: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.15am: Hands shipped brow. 7.30am: Hands employed cleaning out paint shop & chain locker. 1.30pm: Hands employed preparing ship for docking. 3.30pm: ROSARIO & 2 submarines entered Basin from dock. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375bb: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Left Basin. 8.00am: Hands employed docking ship & rigging staging. 12.10pm: Hands to Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 3.30pm: 2 Able Seaman, 1 Engine Room Artificer, 1 Stoker Petty Officer lent to FAME. 5.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing ship's side. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375bc: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed spreading awnings & side screens. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 3.00pm: One Leading Signalman & one Stoker joined ship. 4.30pm: 1 Stoker Petty Officer lent to Torpedo Boat 038. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375bd: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed bending and painting fore band stand screen. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.15am & part till 11.00pm. 2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon 5.30pm: Two Able Seaman rejoined from FAME. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375be: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands cleaning & scraping corticine & painting canvas. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.15am & part till 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375bf: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed scraping upper deck. 11.45am: Read Fire Stations. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c0: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.15am: Church party landed. 11.45am: Party returned. 1.00pm: Special Leave to watch from 1.30pm till 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c1: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.45am: JED & CHELMER arrived. 7.30am: Hands employed reeving & refitting boats' falls. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am & part till 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c2: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed scraping corticine below. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 2.15pm: One Engine Room Artificer rejoined from Torpedo Boat 038. 9.00pm: Rounds. LOGS FOR JULY 1914 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c3: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-018_1.jpg) 1 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.15am: Paid monthly money. 7.30am: Hands employed scraping scuppers & generally refitting upper deck. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c4: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-019_0.jpg) 2 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands cleaning up upper deck. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed scraping corticine & drawing stores. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c5: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-019_1.jpg) 3 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands painting on forecastle and fitting new weather screens. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c6: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-020_0.jpg) 4 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed rigging voice piping and shellacking deck of wardroom. 8.00am: Dressed by masthead flags in honour of American national holiday. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am and part till 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c7: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-020_1.jpg) 5 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.10am: Chinese cruiser arrived. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am and part till 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c8: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-021_0.jpg) 6 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed as required for rigging Bridge screens & covering ladder rails. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am and part till 11.00pm. 4.15pm: Two Ratings rejoined from Torpedo Boat 037. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375c9: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-021_1.jpg) 7 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands working in forecastle. 10.45am: Red signals hoisted. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am and part till 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 3.00pm: One Rating rejoined from Hospital. 6.45pm: Black signals hoisted. Furled all awnings & secured gear. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ca: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-022_0.jpg) 8 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands painting ship. 9.30am: Walsh, Able Seaman fell from anchor bed into bottom of dock. Removed to sick bay, TAMAR, badly injured. 1.30pm: Hands employed painting Gallery. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375cb: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-022_1.jpg) 9 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed painting Gallery. 11.00am: Black Signals down. 11.30am: Two Ratings sent to Hospital. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Spread awnings. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375cc: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-023_0.jpg) 10 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Spread forecastle. awning. Hands employed on mess deck & refitting boom gear. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 3.00pm: Flooded dock. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375cd: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-023_1.jpg) 11 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed undocking ship. 9.10am: Secured alongside WIVERN. Hands painting side. 1.00pm: Leave to watch 1.30 to 6.30 am. (Seamen, after work finished). 3.15pm: Hands finished painting ship's side. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ce: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-024_0.jpg) 12 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.10am: Church party landed. 11.45am: Party returned. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am and part till 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375cf: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-024_1.jpg) 13 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.30am: Ship's company turned over from TAMAR to WELLAND. 7.45am: Spread double awnings. 8.30am: Hands employed drawing ammunition. 1.00pm: Hands ammunitioning ship. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d0: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-025_0.jpg) 14 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Furled forecastle awning. 7.45am: TRIUMPH under way. 8.00am: Sent provisioning party to Kowloon. 12.00pm: provisioning party returned. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.15pm: Hands employed provisioning ship and hoisting in torpedoes. 5.00pm: Finished provisioning. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d1: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-025_1.jpg) 15 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00am: Lit fires in No. 1 & No. 2 Boilers. 7.00am: CHELMER arrived. 9.15am: CHELMER secured alongside wall. 9.30am: Carried out Basin trial. Hands employed charging torpedoes. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed drawing Berthon boats. 3.00pm: Two Ratings joined for passage. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d2: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-026_0.jpg) 16 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Sent topmast, lower yard and wireless yard aloft. 8.00am: Hands employed rigging mast gear. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 11.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands employed hoisting in boats & securing for Sea. 9.00PM: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d3: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-026_1.jpg) 17 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.2, Long 114.1 4.15am: Lit up all Boilers. 5.40am: Hands employed preparing for Sea. 8.00am: Slipped & proceeded. 8.10am: Proceeded as requisite 10 knots for Sulphur Channel. 8.30am: Green Island 2½ cables on Starboard beam. Commenced preliminary trial, proceeded as requisite in East Lamma Channel. 8.40am: Stopped Starboard engine for adjustment. 9.05am: Ngan Chau Island beacons in line to Port. Altered course S 10º W 9.15am: Altered course S 33º W. 9.30am: Altered course N 50º W. 9.32am: Eased Port engine for adjustment. 9.35am: Altered course N 15º E. 10.000am: Proceeded as requisite through E. Lamma Channel. Course N 52º W. 11.00am: Commenced Full Power Trial. Proceeded as requisite for running on measured 3 miles Time run. To Eastward: 7 minutes 53 seconds. To Westward: 8 minutes 35 seconds. To Westward: 8 minutes 05 seconds. To Eastward: 7 minutes 54 seconds. To Westward: 7 minutes 44 seconds. 1.00pm: Completed 2 hours full power. Proceeded as requisite for working downstream. Let fires die out in Nos. 1 & 2 Boilers. 1.20pm: 12 knots as requisite for Sulphur Channel. 1.47pm:
Green Island light to Port 1½ cables as requisite for Hong
Kong harbour. 2.30pm: Let fires die out in Nos. 2 & 3 Boilers. 6.00pm: Leave to Watch 5.00pm to 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d4: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-027_0.jpg) 18 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Hands employed scrubbing decks. 10.30am: Japanese gunboat SAGA arrived. 12.15pm: Torpedo Boat 036 left Basin. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d5: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-027_1.jpg) 19 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.40am: Spread awnings. 9.35am: Landed Church parties. 12.00pm: Church parties returned. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm to 6.30am. 3.40pm: Cleaned up decks. 5.45pm: Furled Waist awnings. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d6: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-028_0.jpg) 20 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Left basin. Secured to Buoy. 8.00am: Coal lighters came alongside. 8.45am: Commenced coaling. 12.45pm: Finished coaling. Took on 60 tons. 2.00pm: Swung ship. 2.30pm: JED arrived. 6.40pm: Chinese torpedo boat arrived. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d7: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-028_1.jpg) 21 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.40am: Hands cleaning ship & painting. 8.30am: Chinese cruiser arrived. 11.00am: CLIO arrived. 1.00pm:
Leave to Watch 4.30pm to 6.30am. 2.00pm: USS CALLAO arrived. 3 Ratings rejoined from TAMAR. 4.45pm: Five Ratings joined for Passage. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d8: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-029_0.jpg) 22 July 1914 Hong Kong to Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 22.5, Long 115.3 1.30am: Lit up Nos. 1 & 2 Boilers. 5.15am: Hands employed securing for Sea. 5.45am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for Lye Mun Channel. 6.45am: Altered course N 80º E. 7.10am: Altered course N 75º E. Speed 10 knots. 8.45am: Hands employed rigging boom gear. 10.07am: Pedro Blanco S 77º E. 10.32am: Pedro Blanco abeam. 11.20am: Altered course N 70º E. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.10pm: Chilang Light N 79º W; Siki Rock N 28º W; Hutang Rock N 30º E. 4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 4.40pm: Course N 60º E. 6.30pm: Breaker Point Light House N 22º E 7 miles. Altered course N 70º E. 9.35pm: Lamock Light N 40º E; Good Hope NW. Altered course N 60º E. 11.40pm: Altered course to avoid Junks. Mid: Lamock Light S 80º W. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375d9: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-029_1.jpg) 23 July 1914 Hong Kong to Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 24.5, Long 118.9 1.00am: Altered course N 47ºE. 6.00am: Chapel Island Light House N 22ºW. 6.30am: Altered course NE. 7.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Increased to 150 revolutions. 9.40am: Kusan Pagoda N 40º W. Liao Tu Hills W. 11.50am: Ocksen Light House N 39º E. Altered course N 50º E. 12.55pm: Ocksen Light abeam. 1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.16pm: Turnabout Island N 27º E. Altered course N 40º E. 3.33pm: Abeam. Altered course N 37ºE. 4.00pm: Altered course N 35º E. Exercised Collision Stations. 4.25pm: Tungsha Island N 21º W. Altered course N 35º E. 6.25pm: Altered course N 30º E. 7.00pm: Tung Yung Light House N 8º E. 8.15pm: Altered course N 35º E. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375da: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-030_0.jpg) 24 July 1914 Hong Kong to Wei-hai Wei or at Sea Lat 29.3, Long 122.4 5.00am: Pe Shan Island N 58º W. 5.25am: Altered course N 20º E. 8.10am: Heishan Island N 23º E. 9.00am: Hands employed fitting heaving lines & repairing gun covers. 9.30am: Altered course N 22º E. 10.00am: Altered course N 24º E. 12.12pm: Altered course N 20º E. 1.30pm: Hands employed repairing canvas gear. 2.15pm: Tong Ting Light N 5º W, Pi Ling [?] Island N 25º W. Altered course N 10º E. 3.00pm: Passed Chinese cruiser to westward steering South. 3 miles. 4.00pm: Exercised Collision Stations. 4.20pm: Altered course N 23º E. 6.10pm: Lu Kon abeam 2¾ miles. 7.00pm: Altered course N 5º E. 8.00pm: North Saddle Light House N 65º W. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375db: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-030_1.jpg) 25 July 1914 Hong Kong to Wei-Hai-Wei or at Sea Lat 34.2, Long 123.3 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 12.15pm: Altered course North. 12.50pm: Altered course N 1º W. 11.45pm: Altered course N 18º E. 11.55pm: Altered course N 25º E. Mid: Altered course 4 points to clear Steamer. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375dc: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-031_0.jpg) 26 July 1914 Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 37.505, Long 122.156 12.05am: Altered course N 18º E. 12.30am: Altered course N 1º W. 1.15am: Altered course N 12º E. 2.00am: NE Promontory Island N 8º W; South Promontory Island S 52º W. Altered course N 10º E. 4.53am: Reduces to 8 knots. Sounded 14 fathoms. Course & speed as requisite. 6.30am: Entered harbour & secured to “D” Buoy. Banked fires. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning Upper deck. 10.15am: Discharged 3 Ratings to HMS THISTLE & 1 Rating to MINOTAUR 1.00pm: Special Leave to watch from 1.30pm till 7.30pm. 1.30pm: 2 Ratings sent to HMS HAMPSHIRE. 7.20pm: Furled side screens & midship waist awning. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375dd: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-031_1.jpg) 27 July 1914 Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 37.505, Long 122.156 4.10am: Lit up Nos. 2, 3, & 4 Boilers. 5.40am: Hands preparing for Sea. 8.20am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for picking up torpedoes. 10.00am: Hands employed picking up torpedoes. 11.20am: Centurion Hill S 60º W; chimney S 30º E. 12.20pm: Stopped & secured torpedo. 1.00pm: Proceeded 4 knots. 2.30pm: Stopped in Bluff Bay. 3.00pm: Went alongside & commenced coaling. 6.05pm: Finished coaling. Received 94 tons. Made fast to “C” Buoy. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375de: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-032_0.jpg) 28 July 1914 Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 37.505, Long 122.156 1.00am: Lit No. 2 Boiler. 3.00am: Banked fires. 5.40am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.15am: COLNE came alongside. 10.30am: Lieutenant Commander Poignand relinquished command. COLNE went to Buoy. Commander Seymour took over command. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30pm till 7.30pm. 2.00pm: Hands painting ship. 5.05pm: Slipped & secured to pier. Took spare torpedoes on board. 6.30pm: Left pier & secured to Buoy. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375df: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-032_1.jpg) 29 July 1914 Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 37.505, Long 122.156 5.40am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands painting ship's side. 11.30am: THISTLE left harbour. 2.00pm: Paid Monthly Money. 3.00pm: Hands painting ship. 6.00pm: Lit fires in No. 2 Boiler. 6.40pm: HESPER secured alongside. Towed out of harbour & anchored in Bluff Basin. 8.00pm: Cleared ship for Action. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e0: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-033_0.jpg) 30 July 1914 Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 37.505, Long 122.156 5.15am: Entered harbour & secured to Buoy. 9.00am: Hands cleaning Upper decks & replacing gear. 11.00am: Slipped & went alongside. 12.00pm: Commenced coaling. 2.15pm: ALACRITY sailed. 6.53pm: Finished coaling. Secured to Buoy. 9.00pm: Lit No. 4 Boiler. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e1: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-033_1.jpg) 31 July 1914 Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong Lat 37.4, Long 123.0 3.45am: Slipped & proceeded. 4.00am: Passed Outer Island. Course NE – 10 knots. 7.05am: Altered course S 80º E. 8.30am: Altered course S 25º E. Hands washing down Upper deck. 10.40am: Altered course S 6º E. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.40pm: Sighted NEWCASTLE. 4.00pm: Altered course S 5º W. 6.00pm: Took Station astern of NEWCASTLE. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e2: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e3: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-034_1.jpg) Log Pages – Blank 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e4: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e5: ( 53-68363/ADM 53-68363-035_1.jpg) Cover LOGS FOR AUGUST 1914 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e6: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e7: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-001_1.jpg) Cover 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e8: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-002_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank 4caf8cabcadfd341970375e9: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-002_1.jpg) Log Page – Table of coal usage at various speeds and conditions 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ea: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-003_0.jpg) Log Page – Instruments – Blank 4caf8cabcadfd341970375eb: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1914 At Sea Lat 33.5, Long 123.4 4.00am: Took Station 4 cables on Starboard beam of Flagship. 7.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.00am: NEWCASTLE detached. 1.30pm: Hands rigging Sweep gear. 7.00pm: Took Station astern of HAMPSHIRE. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ec: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 29.5, Long 123.4 5.00am: Hands cleaning up decks. 9.00am: Read Prayers. 9.30am: Altered course S 35º W. 1.53pm: Closed MINOTAUR for signal. 2.27pm: Flotilla took station astern 10 knots. MINOTAUR & HAMPSHIRE proceeded 15 knots. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ed: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 26.8, Long 121.2 2.10am: Reduced to 8 knots. 5.00am: Increased to 9 knots. 6.00am: Increased to 10 knots. 8.45am: Hands employed fitting Sweep wire. 1.40pm: Altered course S 49º W. 2.17pm: Altered course West. 3.15pm: Altered course SW by W. 5.20pm: Sighted Tang Yung Island: S 60º W. 5.25pm: Altered course S 38º W. 7.10pm: Altered course S 30º W. 7.50pm: Altered course S 35º W. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ee: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 24.4, Long 118.5 1.32am: Turn About Island abeam 2½ miles. Altered course S 41º W. 3.10am: Altered course S 66º W. 5.05am: Ocksen Island [Wuchiu Yu] S 21º W. 5.20am: Altered course S 50º W. 6.15am: Altered course S 49º W. 8.32am: Increased to 12 knots. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 12.00pm: Altered course S 48º W. 1.00pm: NEWCASTLE sighted on Starboard beam. 1.29pm: Chapel Island abeam. 7.55pm: Altered course S 60º W. 10.30pm: Altered course to avoid Junks. 10.55pm: Altered course S 58º W. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ef: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.30am: Altered course S 72º W. 3.00am: Altered course to clear Steamer. 3.23am: Altered course S 78º W. 7.10am: Increased to 17 knots. 7.35am: Increased to 20 knots. 8.05am: Altered course as requisite for Lye Mun Pass. 8.30am: Reduced to 14 knots. Proceeded as requisite. Secured to Buoy. 11.25am: Coal lighters came alongside. 12.00pm: Commander (D) left ship. Lieutenant Commander Poignand took over. 3.15pm: Provisioning party to Kowloon. 4.00pm: JED arrived. 7.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 120 tons. 8.00pm: Received official news of outbreak of war. 9.30pm: 2 Ratings joined ship. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f0: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1914 Hong Kong & at Sea Lat 22.3, Long 115.3 2.15am: Lit fires in No. 8 Boiler. 6.15am: Ship proceeded out of harbour as requisite. 10 knots. 7.30am: Waglan Light abeam. Altered course S 87º E. 7.40am: Altered course N 76º E. 9.45am: Exercised General Quarters. 11.02am: Pedro Blanco abeam. 1.00pm: Hands cleaning ship. 6.00pm: Increased to 12 knots. 8.00pm: Hands to Night Defence Stations 9.20pm: Altered course N 50º E. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f1: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1914 Hong Kong & at Sea Lat 25.1, Long 119.7 3.50am: Chapel Island N 38º W. 7.20am: Altered course N 38º E. 9.15am: Exercised General Quarters. 12.53pm: Altered course N 35º E. 2.05pm: Turnabout Island S 65º W. 6.07pm: Tung Yung abeam. 8.00pm: Exercised Night Defence Stations. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f2: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1914 Hong Kong & at Sea Lat 29.6, Long 122.6 5.15am: Sondan Island N 27º W. 5.45am: Altered course NNW. 6.40am: Hiesha Island N 15º E. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.00am: Tongting Island N; Lakta Island N 20º W – 12 miles. 2.14pm: Altered course North by East. 4.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for coming to single anchor at Base. 5.00pm: Anchor bearings: Whip rock N 65º E; L Bay S 65º W; Peak S. 10.30pm: Weighed & proceeded East at 12 knots. 11.00pm: Hands at Action Stations. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f3: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1914 Saddle Island Lat 30.8, Long 122.7 2.00am: Altered course West by South. 5.00am: Altered course SSW. 6.15am: Proceeded with JED – North 12 knots. 7.00am: Saddle Island Light House N 70º W. Altered course N 68º E 11 knots. 11.00am: Stopped off Fairway Buoy. Communicated with Steamer. 11.35am: Took station astern of JED. 1.30pm: Altered course SE. 1.42pm: Altered course S 60º E. 1.50pm: Sighted US Destroyer bearing SE. 2.00pm: Closed & communicated by signal. Course as requisite for returning to anchorage. 5.30pm: Went alongside Collier and commenced coaling. 7.00pm: Lost overboard by accident fenders – coir – small – 1 in number & Rope 60 fathoms. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f4: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1914 Saddle Island Lat 30.8, Long 122.7 1.00am: Lost overboard by accident: Fenders – coir – large – 2 in number, small – 1 in number. 4.00am: Finished coaling. Proceeded & anchored. 9.30am: Hands employed washing down upper deck. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 6.40pm: CADMUS arrived. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f5: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1914 At Sea Lat 31.6, Long 122.5 5.40am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.00am: Proceeded out of harbour as requisite for Fairway Buoy. 9.00am: Course N 65º E. Took Station on Port beam of YARMOUTH. 10.35am: Reduced to 14 knots. 11.30am: Sighted Shaweishan Island – N 82º W. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 5.00pm: Altered course NE 15 knots. 6.00pm: Altered course S 6º W. 9.00pm: Reduced to 12 knots. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f6: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1914 Saddle Island Lat 30.8, Long 122.7 2.15am: North Saddle Island S 19º W. 3.00am: Course & speed as requisite for Anchorage. 5.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor. 10.35am: Weighed & went alongside Collier. 11.00am: Anchored. 3.00pm: Went alongside Collier & commenced coaling. 5.00pm: Lost overboard by accident: fender, wood, for Torpedo Boat Destroyers, 1 in number. 8.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 50 tons. 9.00pm: Proceeded & anchored. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f7: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1914 Saddle Island Lat 30.8, Long 122.7 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.15am: Hands refitting fenders. 1.30pm: Weighed & proceeded with TRIUMPH. 2.25pm: Course N 20º W. 5.00pm: Amherst Rocks: S 60º W 5miles. 6.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for Patrolling between Shaweishan & Amherst Rocks. 8.00pm: Exercised Night Defence Stations. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f8: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1914 Saddle Island & at Sea Lat 30.8, Long 122.7 12.00am: Course as requisite for Patrol. 6.05am: Shaweishan Light: S 60º W 6miles. 7.58am: Altered course SW. 8.45am: Hands refitting wire & fenders. 9.00am: Altered course as requisite for Patrolling SW & NE alternately. 12.15am: Altered course WNW. Course & speed as requisite for Patrolling on SW by W and W by NW. 3.45am: Shaweishan: N 15º W. 6.19pm: Reduced to 'Slow.' 8.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for Patrolling North entrance to Yangtse River. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375f9: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1914 At Sea Lat 31.6, Long 122.5 6.25am: Rejoined COLNE. 6.33am: Course S 50º W. 8.12am: Course as requisite for Patrol 6 knots. 11.43am: Course North. COLNE parted company. 1.00pm: Shaweishan Island S 80º W. Altered course N 70º W. 2.00pm: Patrolled at various speeds. Course as requisite. 5.30pm: USK parted company. 8.00pm: Patrolled Northern Entrance on NE & SW. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375fa: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1914 At Sea Lat 31.3, Long 122.2 12.00am: Course SW. 1.28am: Course & speed as requisite for intercepting Steamer. 2.15am: COLNE passed steering SE. 4.05am: Altered course SW. 7.30am: Shaweishan Island S 38º W. 9.00am: Patrolled SW & NE. 10.00am: Shaweishan Island S 40º W. 11.30am: Stopped. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.05pm: Proceeded 10 knots. 5.00pm: Patrolled as requisite. 10.05pm: Examined Japanese steamer SATSUMA MARU. 11.41pm: Fairway Buoy West Mid: Altered course North. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375fb: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1914 Saddle Island [Nanyu Shan] Lat 28.86, Long 122.23 4.00am: Fairway Buoy close to Port. 5.00am: Course & speed as requisite. Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Split Island S 68º W; Elliot island SE. 10.00am: Proceeded as requisite for Anchorage. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor. 12.30pm: Went alongside Collier. 1.00pm: Commenced coaling. 2.00pm: Lost overboard by accident: Fenders coir small & fender ship coir small – 2 in number. 5.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 50 tons. 6.00pm: Anchor Bearings: Port Point WNW; Peak S; Starboard Point SE. 8.00pm: Hands washed down upper deck. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375fc: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1914 Saddle Island Lat 28.86, Long 122.23 5.00am: TRIUMPH arrived. 7.00am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.00am: Altered course N 20º W. 10.30am: Shaweishan: N 42º W; Amherst Rocks: S 70º W. 11.00am: Commenced Patrolling. 1.00pm: Shaweishan Island SW by W. Course & speed as requisite for Patrolling East & West. 4.00pm: Stopped engines. 5.55pm: Proceeded N 85º W – 5 knots. 10.50pm: N Saddle on the Bow. Course & speed as requisite for approaching Anchorage. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375fd: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1914 Saddle Island Lat 28.86, Long 122.23 12.20am: Anchored. 4.45am: Weighed & went alongside. 5.55am: Commenced coaling. 6.00am: Lost overboard by accident: fender wood for Torpedo Boat Destroyers – 1 in number. Hawser coir 4” 66 fathoms. 7.40am: Finished coaling & anchored. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Hands preparing for Sea. 2.00pm: Weighed & proceeded. 2.40pm: Course North 12 knots. 2.45pm: Blinkers S 42º W, Split Island N 53º W. 6.03pm: Destroyer took station astern of YARMOUTH. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375fe: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1914 At Sea Lat 35.2, Long 122.3 6.15am: Destroyers took Station on Starboard beam of YARMOUTH. 8.145am: Hands employed shoring up bulkheads. 11.45am: Raised steam in all Boilers. 12.08pm: Altered course N 15º W. 6.25pm: Destroyers took Station astern. 7.45pm: Altered course West. 4caf8cabcadfd341970375ff: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1914 At Sea Lat 35.6, Long 121.0 1.10am: Course S 40º W. 2.25am: Altered course for Patrolling. 4.15am: Round Island S 80º W. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.30am: Proceeded in company with YARMOUTH. 1.00pm: Course as requisite. Speed 11 knots. 3.17pm: Altered course North. 4.00pm: Eased to 8 knots. 6.45pm: Altered course S 64º W. 7.40pm: Increased to 20 knots to close steamer. 7.50pm: Stopped SS PAKLAT. Proceeded in company with JED. 8.05pm: Stopped. JED communicated with Japanese steamer. 10.10pm: Took SS PAKLAT to rendezvous. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037600: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1914 At Sea Lat 36.3, Long 121.2 [Estimated position, taken from HMS COLNE's logs] 1.20am: Surveyor Island North. 2.00am: Stopped. 8.00am: Proceeded alongside YARMOUTH to coal. 8.30am: Secured astern. 9.00am: Commenced coaling. 12.15pm: Finished coaling. Received 20 tons. 12.35pm: Proceeded in company with COLNE. 2.30pm: Altered course S 60º W. 2.50pm: Tcha Lien Tan WNW. 5.10pm: Stopped. 6.25pm: Proceeded full speed to rejoin Flotilla. 7.25pm: Rejoined Flotilla. 8.00pm: Proceeded as requisite. 11.30pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037601: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1914 At Sea Lat 35.0, Long 121.9 1.00am: Course & speed as requisite for waiting at rendezvous. 7.50am: Stopped. 9.45am: Proceeded NNE. 10.45am: Sighted TRIUMPH. 11.10am: Stopped for funeral service for men killed in KENNET. 11.25am: Proceeded NNE 8 knots. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037602: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.505, Long 122.156 2.00am: SE Promontory: N 35º W. 3.55am: NE Promontory: N 10º E. 5.00am: Course as requisite for rounding NE Promontory and entering harbour. 7.30am: Course & speed as requisite for “D” Buoy. 8.30am: Hands preparing for coaling. 1.30pm: Hands employed fitting bottom lines. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037603: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.505, Long 122.156 2.30am: Lit fires in No. 1 & 2 Boilers. 6.40am:
Slipped & went alongside. 10.40am: Finished coaling. Made fast to Buoy. 1.15pm: Hands cleaning ship & with Funeral parties. 4.05pm: Funeral parties landed. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037604: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.1, Long 122.8 4.30am: Lit fires in No. 2 & 3 Boilers. 5.30am: Lit No. 1 Boiler. 7.00am: Took in provisions. 8.00am: Slipped & proceeded. Course as requisite for leaving harbour. 10.30am: NE Prominence bearing South. Altered course SE. 10.50am: Altered course S 65º W. 5.55pm: Took Station astern of FRISIA. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037605: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1914 Wei hai Wei to Hong Kong Lat 32.4, Long 122.7 1.00am: Course S 5º W. 11 knots. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.45am: Reduced to 10 knots. 10.45am: JED detached. 11.00am: Increased to 11 knots. 1.40pm: JED rejoined. 2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 6.30pm: N. Saddle: S 5º W. 9.30pm: Altered course S 6º W. Mid: Altered course S 78º W. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037606: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong & at Sea Lat 28.2, Long 121.9 1.18am: Sheep Island N 60º W; Tongting S 74º W 4.00am: Tongting N 30º W. 6.45am: Heishan Island SW. 9.00am: Altered course S 35º W. Hands cleaning ship. 1.53pm: Sondan Island abeam. 4.00pm: Altered course S 80º W. 9.53pm: Tung Yung S 50º W. 11.45pm: Tung Yung abeam. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037607: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong & at Sea Lat 24.5, Long 119.3 5.00am: Turnabout Island NW. Altered course SW. 7.00am: Ocksen Island S 70º W. 8.00am: Ocksen Island abeam. Altered course S 55º W. 10.00am: Hands employed fitting fenders. 12.25pm: Altered course WSW. 1.00pm: Altered course SW by W. 2.00pm: Altered course S 60º W. 3.13pm: Chapel Island abeam 1½ miles. Altered course S 25º W. 6.10pm: Altered course S 40º W. 7.22pm: Brothers abeam. 9.35pm: Altered course S 60º W. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037608: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1914 Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong & at Sea Lat 22.2, Long 114.7 1.08am: Breaker Point N 75º W. 5.45am: Chilang Point N 88º W. 8.53am: Sighted Pedro Blanco. 9.55am: Pedro Blanco abeam. 12.08pm: Altered course N 70º W. 1.45pm: Waglan Light. Speed as requisite for Hong Kong. 2.55pm: Secured to No. 7 Buoy. 4.00pm: 1 Senior Petty Officer & 3 Stokers detained in TAMAR on Sick List. 6.00pm: Leave to watch till 6.30am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037609: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed drawing stores & provisions. 11.55am: Shifted from No. 7 to No. 9 Buoy. 12.00pm: Leave to Watch from 6.60pm to 6.30am. 12.30pm: Coal lighter came alongside 12.35pm: Commenced coaling. 4.05pm: Japanese gunboat left harbour. 9.20pm: Finished coaling. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1914 4caf8cabcadfd3419703760a: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-019_0.jpg) 1 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands reeving new boats falls. 8.30am: Sent party to Dockyard. 11.05am: Dockyard party returned. 11.30am: Typhoon signals hoisted. 1.30pm: 1 Rating joined ship. 2.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores. 7.00pm: 1 Able Seaman joined from KENNET. 4caf8cabcadfd3419703760b: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-019_1.jpg) 2 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands fitting wires & canvas gear. 1.15pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 2.10pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd3419703760c: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-020_0.jpg) 3 September 1914 Hong Kong to Sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Hands rigging new awning gear & fittings. 1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.45pm: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for Lye Mun. 7.154pm: Waglan SW. Altered course S 30º E. 4caf8cabcadfd3419703760d: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-020_1.jpg) 4 September 1914 At Sea Lat 20.2, Long 115.7 5.00am: Heavy rain squall. 7.30am: Altered course S 20º E. 9.00am: Altered course S 22º E. 10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.57pm: Altered course S 19º E. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 5.45pm: Took station astern of KENNET. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8cabcadfd3419703760e: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-021_0.jpg) 5 September 1914 At Sea Lat 16.5, Long 117.0 2.33am: Stopped. Half astern. 2.35am: Full ahead both. Collier SKERRIES grazed port propeller guard. 6.00am: Reserved Station in line. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning & oiling out all guns. 11.15am: Took Station astern of JED. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 6.45pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8cabcadfd3419703760f: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-021_1.jpg) 6 September 1914 Hong Kong to Pandarochan Bay or at Sea Lat 13.8, Long 119.3 2.30am: Altered course S 70º E. Sub Lieutenant R. Leeds was found asleep whilst in charge of the Watch; the Flotilla at the time were steaming without lights. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Read Prayers. Hands piped down. 5.45pm: Eased as requisite for taking Station astern. 9.00pm: Cabra Light N 15º W. Altered course S 35º E. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037610: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-022_0.jpg) 7 September 1914 Hong Kong to Pandarochan Bay Lat 11.6, Long 121.2 2.40am: Apo Light abeam. Altered course S 25º E. 4.00am: Altered course S 22º E. 6.50am: Altered course ESE. 7.25am: Altered course as requisite for anchorage. 9.40am: Anchored in 8 fathoms with 4 shackles. 11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037611: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-022_1.jpg) 8 September 1914 Pandarochan Bay Lat 11.6, Long 121.2 6.45am: Weighed & proceeded 9½ knots. 7.45am: Course SW. 8.00am: Ambolon Island N 50º W; Hin Point N 30º E. 8.45am: Altered course S 24º E. 10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.30pm: Sombrero Rock S 14º W. 4.55pm: Sombrero Rock abeam. 5.50pm: Took Station astern of Collier. 8.45pm: Altered course SSW. 4caf8cabcadfd34197037612: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-023_0.jpg) 9 September 1914 Pandarochan Bay or at Sea Lat 8.2, Long 120.5 2.00am: Altered course S 38º W. 7.30am: Took Station on Port beam of 2nd Division. 7.50am: Altered course S 38º W. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning guns & torpedoes. 12.20pm: Altered course S 50º W. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 6.00pm: Took Station astern of Collier. Darkened ship. 4caf8caccadfd34197037613: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-023_1.jpg) 10 September 1914 Hong Kong to Sandakan or at Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 6.00am: Increased as requisite for taking station on Starboard beam of 1st Division. 6.10am: Decreased as requisite. 7.00am: Reduced to 6 knots. 8.10am: Altered course S 30º E. Bo Aan W; Leheman Island S 70º W. 9.00am: Hands preparing ship for harbour. 11.10am: Bakala Island abeam 8.5 cables. 11.40am: Stopped. Came to in 6 fathoms. 1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3.30pm: 1 Rating joined from COLNE. 9.30pm: Went alongside Collier SKERRIES. 9.40pm: Commenced coaling. 4caf8caccadfd34197037614: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-024_0.jpg) 11 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 2.00am: Hands coaling ship. 6.30am: Finished coaling, received 95 tons. 6.55am: Left Collier. Anchored in 7 fathoms. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.30am: Hands spreading awnings. 10.40am: Hands piped down. 11.55am: Shifted Billet. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave to Watch 4.00pm till 6.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037615: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-024_1.jpg) 12 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.30am: CLIO arrived & anchored. 11.30am: Sub Lieutenant Hills joined ship. 1.00pm: Leave to Port Watch 2.45pm till 6.00pm. 1.30pm: CADMUS arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037616: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-025_0.jpg) 13 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 7.15am: Hands employed cleaning boats. 9.35am: COLNE left harbour. 9.45am: Landed escort. Read Prayers. 10.45am: Escort & 1 Able Seaman absentee returned onboard. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 10.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037617: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-025_1.jpg) 14 September 1914 Sandakan to Sea or on Patrol, Sibutu Channel Lat 5.7, Long 118.7 5.15am: Went alongside SWANLEY. 5.50am: Commenced coaling. 7.45am: Finished coaling. Received 20 tons. 8.00am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite. 12 knots. 9.45am: Course S 53º E. Tajanak Island bearing N 30º E 1½ miles. 10.50am: Stopped. Proceeded as requisite for taking soundings. 11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.00pm: Course S 47º E. 12 knots. 1.30pm:
Hands piped down. 3.12pm: Altered course S 47º E. 4.15pm: Altered course S 60º E. 5.00pm: Stopped. 6.00pm: Bongao Island S 64º E; Sibutu Peak S; Omapui S 22º W. 8.01pm: Proceeded Slow N 20º E. 4caf8caccadfd34197037618: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-026_0.jpg) 15 September 1914 On Patrol, Sibutu Channel Lat 5.0, Long 119.5 12.35am: Stopped engines. 7.20am: Sighted JED S 30º E. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.13am: Proceeded NNW 7½ knots. 12.47pm: Altered course N½º E. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 1.30pm: Stopped. 6.00pm: Hands to Night Defence Stations, up ammunition. 6.12pm: Proceeded N 20º E. 3½ knots. 4caf8caccadfd34197037619: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-026_1.jpg) 16 September 1914 On Patrol, Sibutu Channel Lat 5.1, Long 119.5 2.00am: Stopped. 5.45am: Secured Night Defence Stations. 8.45am:
Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.00pm: Stopped. 1.15pm:
Hands piped down. 8.00pm: Altered course N 10º E. 8.05pm: Altered course North. 9.30pm: Altered course West. Increased to 8½ knots. 9.55pm: Altered course N 20º E. 11.00pm: Reduced to Slow speed. 4caf8caccadfd3419703761a: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-027_0.jpg) 17 September 1914 On Patrol, Sibutu Channel Lat 5.1, Long 119.5 2.00am: Stopped. 5.30am: Proceeded S 42º W. 10 knots. 7.25am: Altered course West. 7.40am: Altered course NW. 7.45am: Altered course N 20º E. 7.48am: Reduced to 8½ knots. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.05pm: Proceeded. Course North. 5.05pm: Slow both engines. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8caccadfd3419703761b: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-027_1.jpg) 18 September 1914 On Patrol, Sibutu Channel Lat 5.2, Long 119.5 12.30am: Stopped. 5.30am: Secured. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.15am: Proceeded West. 11.30am: Stopped. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 5.50pm: Observed steamer bearing N 58º W. 6.00pm: Proceeded N 18º W. 13 knots. 6.26pm: Reduced to 8 knots as requisite for Patrolling. 6.40pm: Altered course North. Reduced to Slow speed. Mid: Stopped engines. 4caf8caccadfd3419703761c: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-028_0.jpg) 19 September 1914 Sibutu Channel to Sandakan or at Sandakan Lat 5.3, Long 119.3 1.55am: Sighted steamer bearing SE. Course & speed as requisite as requisite for overtaking steamer. 2.20am: Communicated with SS SKERRIES. 5.30am: Secured. 9.30am: Sighted COLNE. 9.55am: Communicated with COLNE. 10.20am: Proceeded in Company. N 46º W. 12.50pm: Altered course N 65º W. 1.05pm: Altered course N 58º W. 3.45pm: Altered course N 70º W. Sighted Steamer right ahead. 4.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for intercepting S.S. HUI SANG. 5.00pm: Went alongside SWANLEY. 7.00pm: Alongside Collier. 9.10pm: As requisite for rejoining COLNE & entering harbour. 10.30pm: CHELMER left harbour. 4caf8caccadfd3419703761d: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-028_1.jpg) 20 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 2.45am: Finished coaling. 3.10am: Slipped Collier. 3.20am: Anchored. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship & drawing provisions. 1.00pm: Leave to Port Watch 4.00pm till 6.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd3419703761e: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-029_0.jpg) 21 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 7.15am: Hands cleaning guns. 9.00am: Proceeded alongside prize TANNENFELS. 1.15pm: Watered prize. 1.30pm: JED entered harbour. 2.20pm: Left Collier & anchored. 2.45pm: Read Warrants Nos. 2 & 3. 6.15pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite. 6.35pm: Bahala Island abeam 2½ cables. Course N 32º E.. 7.35pm: Altered course N 88º E. 10 knots. 11.45pm: Altered course S 58º E. 4caf8caccadfd3419703761f: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-029_1.jpg) 22 September 1914 At Sea Lat 4.9, Long 119.7 1.00am: Sounded 8½ fathoms. 2.45am: Altered course S 20º E. 4.45am: Stopped. 5.30am: Proceeded N 70º W. 8½ knots. 6.00am: Stopped. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.48pm: Set course West 10 knots. 1.08pm: Stopped. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.35pm: Proceeded NW – Slow. 4.52pm: Increased to 8.5 knots Altered course as requisite for intercepting steamer. 5.45pm: Stopped. Boarded SS TAISAN MARU. 6.15pm: Proceeded N 65º E 10 knots. 8.01pm: Altered course N 70º E. 4caf8caccadfd34197037620: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-030_0.jpg) 23 September 1914 On Patrol off Sula Island Lat 5.4, Long 121.0 4.45am: Altered course N 40º W. 6.00am: Increased to 130 revolutions. 7.15am: Altered course N 30º E to close CHELMER. 7.45am: CHELMER came alongside to embark Ratings for prize crew. 8.30am: Shoved off. Discharged 1 Engine Room Artificer 1 Able Seaman & 1 Stoker to CHELMER. 9.45am: Stopped to clean steering gear. 11.00am: Hands cleaning ship & guns. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 6.30pm: Proceeded N 68º E 6 knots. 4caf8caccadfd34197037621: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-030_1.jpg) 24 September 1914 At Sea Lat 6.0, Long 122.2 4.45am: Altered course North. 5.15am: Increased to 10 knots. 6.00am: Altered course N 40º W. 6.35am: Stopped. Mount Matanal N 24º E. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship & making canvas covers. 1.10pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 6.30pm: Set course N 35º E 5 knots. 4caf8caccadfd34197037622: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-031_0.jpg) 25 September 1914 On Patrol Basilan Light Lat 6.8, Long 122.5 1.00am: Mount Matanal port beam. 5.00am: Altered course NW. 5.05am: Stopped. 5.30am: Course & speed as requisite for Patrol. 8.15am: Sighted COLNE bearing East. 9.45am: Closed, sent boat for mails. 10.05am: Proceeded 8½ knots. Course North. 11.05am: Stopped. 1.05pm: Proceeded 8½ knots. S 70º E. 1.30pm: Stopped. Hands piped down. 4.50pm: S 87º W 8 knots. 5.30pm: Stopped. 6.55pm: S 40º W. 8½ knots. 7.35pm: Altered course S 20º W. 8.00pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd34197037623: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-031_1.jpg) 26 September 1914 At Sea Lat 6.8, Long 122.1 1.25am: Proceeded S 30º W. Slow. 3.50am: Stopped. 4.00am: Sibago Island N 22º W; Coco Island N 57º W; Mount Matanal N 85º W. 9.00am: Altered course N 61º W 10 knots. 10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.40am: Altered course NW. 11.55am: Altered course West. 12.30pm: Altered course N 70º W. 1.05pm: Stopped. 2.00pm: Hands piped down. 4.05pm: Altered course West 10 knots. 5.25pm: Increased to 11½ knots. 5.30pm: Altered course N 80º W. 6.00pm: Altered course West. 6.48pm: 11 knots. 8.00pm: Hands to Night Patrol Stations. Mid: Altered course N 66º W. 4caf8caccadfd34197037624: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-032_0.jpg) 27 September 1914 Basilan Strait to Sandakan or at Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 1.10am: Reduced to 8 knots. 1.15am: Proceeded 10 knots. 2.07am: Reduced to 8 knots. 9.30am: Proceeded 11 knots. 10.09am: Read Prayers. 10.12am: Sighted Taganak Island. 1.03pm: Altered course S 70º W. 2.20pm: Altered course as requisite for harbour. Went alongside SS SKERRIES. 2.30pm: Commenced coaling. 11.35pm: Finished coaling. Received 100 tons. 11.55pm: Left Collier & anchored. 4caf8caccadfd34197037625: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-032_1.jpg) 28 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 7.00am: COLNE & CHELMER arrived. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 4.30pm till 10.00pm. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.00pm: 3 Ratings rejoined form prize. 3.00pm: 1 Rating discharged to CLIO. 4caf8caccadfd34197037626: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-033_0.jpg) 29 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 7.30am: CHELMER arrived. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.15am: COLNE commenced coaling. 1.15pm: JED arrived. 2.30pm: COLNE left Collier & anchored. 5.20pm: 1 Rating joined for passage to KENNET. 1 Rating rejoined from Collier. 7.00pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite as requisite. 7.30pm: Passed CHELMER. 9.00pm: Altered course N 69º E. 9.31pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 4caf8caccadfd34197037627: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-033_1.jpg) 30 September 1914 Sandakan to Basilan Straits or at Sea Lat 7.6, Long 120.8 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & restowing gear on upper deck. 12.55pm: Stopped. Sounded 7 fathoms. 1.00pm: Proceeded. N 20º E 10 knots. 2.05pm: Altered course NE. 4.00pm: Increased to 12 knots. 4.40pm: Altered course S 60º E. 5.40pm: Altered course S 89º E. 8.00pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 8.10pm: Altered course S 73º E. Santa Cruz Light abeam. 10.49pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd34197037628: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-034_0.jpg) 4caf8caccadfd34197037629: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-034_1.jpg) Log Pages – Blank 4caf8caccadfd3419703762a: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-035_0.jpg) 4caf8caccadfd3419703762b: ( 53-68364/ADM 53-68364-035_1.jpg) Cover LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1914 4caf8caccadfd3419703762c: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-001_0.jpg) 4caf8caccadfd3419703762d: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-001_1.jpg) Cover 4caf8caccadfd3419703762e: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-002_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank 4caf8caccadfd3419703762f: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-002_1.jpg) Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded: date Nov 8; no. of hours exceeded, ½; distance run per hour, average, 19 miles; coal expended per hour, average, 3½ tons; distance run per ton of coal, average, 5.4 miles; reasons for exceeding: to rejoin CLIO after searching Tambelan & Saint Barbe Is for enemy. 4caf8caccadfd34197037630: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-003_0.jpg) Log Page – Blank – Instruments – Barometer – Thermometer Air/Sea 4caf8caccadfd34197037631: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1914 Basilan Straits Lat 6.8, Long 122.3 5.33am: Set course N 35º E. Proceeded 8 knots. 6.25am: Sighted KENNET on Port bow bearing N 40º W. 6.56am: Stopped. 7.15am: Closed KENNET & discharged 1 Rating. 8.07am: Proceeded SW – Slow. 10.30am: Exercised General Quarters 11.20am: Secured. 11.45am: Increased speed as requisite for chasing steamer. 12.25pm: Altered course SE. 1.20pm: Stopped. 5.58pm: Proceeded S 88º W 8 knots. 6.13pm: Altered course S 80º W. 6.42pm: Altered course S 70º W. 7.27pm: Stopped. Little Coco Island sighted South. 8.05pm: Proceeded West as requisite for intercepting steamer. 8.45pm: Spoke Dutch oil ship LALAHADFI. 9.35pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd34197037632: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1914 In Basilan Straits Lat 6.9, Long 121.8 1.55am: Course N 60º W. 2.33am: Stopped. 5.45am: Proceeded N 58º W. Slow. 7.00am: Stopped. 8.30am: Course N 40º W. Exercised General Quarters. 10.00am: Passed Zamboanga, saw 1 USS naval Storeship & 1 destroyer also NDL BORNEO (well laden) at anchor. 11.20am: Stopped. 12.00pm: Took Station astern. 12.05pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 12.15pm: Increased to 12 knots. 12.20pm: Altered course S 74º E. Increased & Altered course as requisite for overhauling SS BRAND (Norwegian). Boarded steamer. 3.38pm: Coco Island: 1.5 miles on Starboard beam. 3.48pm: Stopped. 6.00pm: Altered course S 20º W. 6.15pm: Stopped. 8.30pm: Hands to Night Patrol Stations. 4caf8caccadfd34197037633: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1914 In Basilan Straits Lat 6.8, Long 122.3 12.03am: Course West. Proceeded 10 knots. 12.06am: Altered course S 80º W. Course as requisite. 12.20am: Stopped. 1.30am: Proceeded 10 knots. Course as requisite. 2.00am: Stopped. 3.35am: Course & speed as requisite for regaining position. 4.20am: Stopped. 5.40am: Altered course NW. Slow. 6.35am: Stopped. 8.00am: Hands cleaning & painting ship & cleaning arms. 10.40am: Sighted steamer. Course & speed as requisite for chasing her. 11.00am: Stopped. 12.20pm: Sighted steamer. Course & speed as requisite. 12.40pm: Boarded SS TANGO MARU. 1.55pm: Altered course N 75º W 8 knots. 3.05pm: Stopped. 6.00pm: Course S 50º W speed 8 knots. Observed light on Port beam bearing SSE Altered course as requisite. 7.20pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 7.40pm: Stopped. 8.18pm: Altered course N 50º E Slow. 8.45pm: Stopped off Coco Island. 9.00pm: Hands at Night Patrol Stations. 4caf8caccadfd34197037634: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1914 Basilan Strait Lat 6.8, Long 122.2 1.00am: Stopped. 2.25am: Course West 8½ knots. 3.00am: Stopped. 4.00am: Set Course N 60º W – Slow. 5.00am: Stopped. 5.43am: Observed steamer bearing North. Course & speed as requisite as requisite. 7.40am: Increased to 10 knots as requisite for chasing steamer. 8.30am: Boarded SS SABINE RICKMERS & ST ALBANS. 9.40am: Course East – Slow. 10.15am: Altered course N 80º E. 10.45am: Altered course N 70º E. 10.53am: Stopped. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 6.00pm: Altered course SW – Slow. 7.47pm: Proceeded SW – Slow. 8.35pm: Course & speed as requisite for closing JED. 9.00p,: Stopped. 9.35pm: Proceeded N 50º W. 10 knots. 10.15pm: Altered course N 10º W. 10.20pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd34197037635: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1914 Basilan Strait to Lamak Bay Lat 5.7, Long 121.5 12.30am: Set course WNW 8 knots. 12.50am: Stopped. 1.35am: Sighted steamer. 1.40am: Course & speed as requisite as requisite for chasing SS HARPALION 14 knots. 2.30am: Ordered to Patrol Station. 3.30am: Stopped. Coco Island N 80º W 4 miles. 5.20am: Proceeded S 30º E. 5.30am: Altered course S 20º E. 6.45am: Altered course S 30º W. 7.30am: Increased to 170 revolutions. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship & fitting screens. 10.20am: Sighted COLNE bearing West. 10.40am: Closed COLNE & proceeded in Company. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 3.00pm: Sighted CADMUS bearing West. 3.18pm: Dangerous Point S 75º W. Altered course as requisite for intercepting & communicating with CADMUS. 4.17pm: Altered course S 61º W. 8.05pm: Sighted Manuk Manka off Starboard bow. 8.15pm: Altered course S 80º W. 8.55pm: Altered course N 60º W. 10.45pm: Altered course N 45º W. 11.05pm: Altered course S 80º W. 4caf8caccadfd34197037636: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1914 Basilan Strait to Darvel Bay or at Lahat Datu Lat 10.4, Long 123.6 3.00am: Sighted land bearing S 15º W. 3.20am: Altered course N 80º W. 3.27am: Altered course West. 3.55am: Altered course N 75º W. 4.05am: Stopped to examine steering gear. 4.30am: Proceeded 10 knots as requisite for entering harbour. 5.40am: Secured alongside Collier. 5.50am: Commenced coaling. 8.00am: Hands employed coaling ship. 8.40am: CHELMER arrived. 10.15am: CADMUS arrived. 11.30am: CLIO arrived. 2.45pm: CLIO sailed. 3.20pm: COLNE arrived. 4.10pm: Finished coaling. Received 125 tons. 4.30pm: Set Course S 78º E 13 knots as requisite for crossing Darvel Bay. 5.35pm: Course & speed as requisite as requisite for entering Lahat Datu. 6.10pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 6.15pm: Shifted Billet. 6.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037637: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1914 Lahat Datu Lat 10.4, Long 123.6 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship after coaling. 12.00pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30pm till 8.00pm 12.05pm: CADMUS arrived. COLNE arrived. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037638: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1914 Lahat Datu to Sea Lat 4.7, Long 120.3 1.30am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite. 2.20am: Course S 18º E. 14 knots. 2.37am: Altered course as requisite for leaving harbour. 3.00am: Reduced to 12 knots. 5.22am: Altered course NE. 5.32am: Altered course N 70º E as requisite for rounding Sibutu Peak. 8.00am: Sibutu Peak: abeam to Starboard. 8.25am: Altered course S 80º E. 9.00am: Hands preparing ship for action & making canvas screens. 10.00am: Altered course ESE. 11.00am: Altered course S 85º E. 11.325am: Altered course East. 11.40am: Increased speed to 160 revolutions. 1.00pm: Altered course S 10º W. Reduced to 8 knots. 2.00pm: On arc of search in Celebes Sea. Hands piped down. 8.05pm: Darkened ship. Hands to Night Patrol Stations. 4caf8caccadfd34197037639: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1914 At Sea Lat 1.4, Long 119.7 2.00am: Hands at Night Patrol Stations. 5.25am: Secured. 8.13am: Altered course S 73º W. Increased to 13 knots. 8.53am: Reduced to 12 knots. 8.56am: Altered course S 70º W. 9.40am: Altered course S 10º W. Reduced to 8 knots. 9.48am: Sighted CLIO. 10.35am: Stopped. 11.16am: Proceeded S 10º W. 6 knots. 12.17pm: Stopped. 12.38pm: Proceeded as requisite for closing CLIO. 1.32pm: Stopped. 2.50pm: Proceeded S 42º E. 8 knots. 3.25pm: Altered course South. 3.42pm: Reduced to Slow as requisite for keeping on a line of bearing East of CLIO. 6.00pm: Hands to Night Patrol Stations. 9.00pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd3419703763a: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1914 At Sea Lat 0.0, Long 119.6 2.10am: Sighted North Watcher Light House bearing ESE. 5.28am: North watcher bearing S 88º E. Set course East 10 knots. 5.35am: Increased to 11.5b knots. 5.43am: Altered course N 75º E. 6.05am: Altered course N 80º E. 6.20am: Joined COLNE & CHELMER. Course & speed as requisite. 7.20am: Course S 10º W as requisite for searching coast of Celebes. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship & guns. 10.01am: Crossed equator, course South, speed 12 knots. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.30pm: Altered course N 59º W. 5.20pm: Altered course West. 6.00pm: Course as requisite for closing CLIO. 6.20pm: As requisite for taking up Patrolling position 2 miles E of CLIO. 6.30pm: Altered course SSW 7 knots. 9.00pm: Hands at Night Patrol Stations. 4caf8caccadfd3419703763b: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1914 At Sea Lat -0.7, Long 119.0 [Estimated; recorded position seems unlikely] 12.00am: Altered course South. 2.25am: Altered course S 2º E 90 revolutions. 3.55am: Altered course South. Reduced to 85 revolutions. 4.30am: Altered course S 42º E. Increased to 13 knots. 5.03am: Altered course East. Reduced to 12 knots. 5.10am: Took station astern of CHELMER. Course South. Speed 150 revolutions. 7.00am: Altered course East 7 knots. 7.10am: Altered course South. 9.00am: Altered course SSW. Hands cleaning ship. 11.10am: Sighted steamer. CHELMER sent to examine her, reduced to 8 knots. 12.55pm: Increased to 12 knots. 1.10pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 1.58pm: Set course for rejoining CLIO. 2.48pm: Altered course N 5º W. 3.43pm: Increased to 10 knots. 4.00pm: Closed CLIO & stopped. 5.15pm: Discharged 1 Engine Room Artificer (sick) to CLIO. 5.20pm: Hands preparing to be taken in tow. 9.50pm: Sighted light bearing NNE. 10.35pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd3419703763c: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1914 At Sea Lat -1.9, Long 118.9 1.00am: On Stationary Patrol in Straits of Makassar. 5.30am; Secured. 7.15am: Proceeded to CLIO. Taken in tow by CLIO. 7.45am: Slow Ahead. Course N 3º E. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & guns & working about canvas gear. 11.00am: In tow of CLIO speed 7 knots. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 5.10pm: Prepared to cast off tow. 5.30pm: Cast off tow. Took Station 2 cables astern of CLIO. Course N 3º E 9 knots. 4caf8caccadfd3419703763d: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1914 At Sea Lat 1.5, Long 119.3 5.30am: Secured. 8.45am: Stopped. CHELMER detached to examine oil vessel SIAM. 10.45am: CHELMER rejoined. 11.00am: Hands cleaning guns. 12.40pm: Altered course N 11º E. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 3.15pm: Altered course N 7º W. 5.45pm: Cast off Tow. 5.55pm: Proceeded N 7º W 9½ knots. 4caf8caccadfd3419703763e: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1914 Lahat Datu Lat 4.24, Long 119.0 5.30am: Secured. 7.00am: Altered course N 4º W. Increased to 10 knots. 8.20am: Altered course N 25º E. 9.05am: Altered course N 2º W. 10.00am: Altered course N 10º E. 10.10am: Altered course N 40º E. 10.40am: Altered course North. 11.40am: Altered course N 80º W. 1.30pm: Speed 11 knots. 2.00pm: Altered course N 64º W. 2.15pm: Altered course N 85º W. 2.43pm: Altered course N 39º W. 2.55pm: Altered course N 20º W. 3.15pm: Tanjong Sidongal abeam. 3.20pm: Altered course N 32º W. 4.25pm: Altered course as requisite for Lahat Datu. 5.10pm: As requisite for harbour. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd3419703763f: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship's side. 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 11.45am: CHELMER left harbour. 12.20pm: CADMUS arrived. Leave to Watch 4.30pm till 7.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands painting ship. 3.30pm: COLNE arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037640: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1914 Pulo Bati Lat 4.714, Long 118.457 7.30am: 2 Ratings joined ship. 8.00am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for Pulo Bati. 10.40am: Secured alongside Collier SKERRIES. Commenced coaling. 11.30am: Discharged 1 Rating to SWANLEY. 12.45pm: Hands coaling ship. 11.05pm: Finished coaling. Received 133 tons. Hands piped down. 4caf8caccadfd34197037641: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1914 Lahat Datu Lat 10.4, Long 123.6 8.50am: Left collier. Proceeded as requisite for Lahat Datu. 10.00am: Hands cleaning ship after coaling. 11.17am: Arrived Lahat Datu. Came to Starboard anchor 1 shackle. 1.10pm: Weighed & proceeded out of harbour. 1.50pm: Course SE 11 knots. 2.10pm: Altered course East. 3.40pm: Altered course N 75º E. 5.50pm: Hands to Night Patrol Stations. 8.40pm: Altered course S 30º E. 9.30pm: Altered course S 65º E. 11.25pm: Altered course S 68º E. 4caf8caccadfd34197037642: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1914 At Sea Lat 5.5, Long 121.0 5.20am: Altered course N 10º E. 6.55am: Altered course N 34º E. 8.00am: Stopped engines. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.30am: Read Prayers. 10.40am: Proceeded N 70º E. Slow. Hands piped down. 11.45am: Stopped. 4.10pm: Proceeded SE 6 knots. 5.06pm: Stopped. 7.00pm: Proceeded S 40º E Slow. 10.10pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd34197037643: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1914 At Sea Lat 5.4, Long 121.0 5.30am: Course SW Slow. 7.30am: Stopped. Mount Siasi bearing N 51º W. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.05am: Course S 40º E Slow. 12.00pm: Stopped engines. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.10pm: Proceeded SE slow. 5.45pm: Altered course N 65º E. 6.00pm: Increased to 125 revolutions. 9.50pm: Sighted light bearing NE. Course & speed as requisite as requisite for closing Japanese Cruiser YAHAGI. 10.55pm: Proceeded N 65º E 10 knots. 11.05pm: Stopped. 11.15pm: Proceeded N 65º E 4caf8caccadfd34197037644: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1914 At Sea Lat 6.7, Long 122.4 12.45am: Altered course N 34º E. 3.15am: Sighted land on Port bow. 3.50am: Reduced to Slow. 4.10am: Stopped. 5.00am: Proceeded N 20º W. 5.20am: Altered course as requisite for closing CHELMER. 6.25am: Sighted CHELMER bearing North. 7.00am: Stopped. 7.30am: Parted company from CHELMER. Resumed Patrolling. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship, painting, & splicing wire. 11.45am: Sighted steamer bearing S 80º E. Altered course S 70º E. speed 8 knots. 12.00pm: Altered course East. 1.00pm: Boarded SS ALDENHAM. Communicated with CHELMER. 1.30pm: Proceeded S 50º W Slow. 1.45pm: Stopped. 2.00pm: Hands piped down. 5.20pm: Proceeded S 10º W Slow. 6.00pm: Stopped. 8.20pm: Hands at Night Patrol Stations. Mid: Proceeded South 8 knots. 4caf8caccadfd34197037645: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1914 At Sea Lat 6.6, Long 122.4 12.55am: Stopped. 5.20am: Secured. 6.00am: Went into Hand Steering to repair steam gear. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship & painting boats. 10.10am: Proceeded SE – Slow. 11.30am: Stopped & communicated with CLIO. 11.50am: Course & speed as requisite as requisite. 1.20pm: Stopped. 2.40pm: Reversed to steam steering. 2.45pm: Proceeded S 10º E. 3.20pm: Altered course S 20º W. 3.50pm: As requisite for examining floating wreckage. 4.00pm: Proceeded S 15º W as requisite to close CLIO. 4.45pm: Stopped. 7.00pm: Proceeded S 20º W – Slow. 7.30pm: Stopped. 8.00pm: Proceeded S 20º W – Slow. 8.25pm: Stopped. 4caf8caccadfd34197037646: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 6.8, Long 121.3 12.05am: S 10º W speed 8 knots. 12.45am: Stopped engines. 4.10am: Sighted KENNET. 5.10am: Proceeded N 50º W. 5.30am: Altered course NW. 6.15am: Altered course N 58º W. 7.45am: Altered course N 85º W. 8.25am: Altered course West. Hands cleaning ship & painting & making mats. 10.10am: Altered course S 75º W. 1.15pm: Sighted bottom – Slow both engines. Altered course S 5º E. 1.20pm: Sounded 8½ fathoms. 1.23pm: Proceeded S 75º W 10 knots. 1.30pm: Sounded 11½ fathoms. 2.00pm: No bottom at 65 fathoms. 4.15pm: Altered course S 78º W. 5.00pm: Pangutaran Island abeam. 5.35pm: Altered course S 75º W. 7.00pm: Increased to 125 revolutions. 4caf8caccadfd34197037647: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 4.30am: Increased to 150 revolutions. 5.15am: Sighted Taganak Island. 5.20am: Increased to 160 revolutions. 6.30am: Altered course S 80º W. 7.00am: Altered course S 60º W. 7.10am: Altered course SW. 7.20am: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour. 8.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor. 8.20am: 1 Engine Room Artificer joined ship from COLNE. 9.00am: Proceeded alongside Collier SKERRIES. 10.00am: Commenced coaling. 12.45pm: Hands coaling ship. 6.40pm: Finished coaling. Left Collier & anchored. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037648: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 6.00am: CADMUS left Collier. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship after coaling. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 8.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8caccadfd34197037649: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.15am: CHELMER sailed. 9.20am: Hands to Prayers. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 4.30pm. 5.50pm: Left harbour as requisite. 6.50pm: Came to Starboard anchor min 4½ fathoms off Berhala. 9.00pm: Hands at Night Patrol Stations. 4caf8caccadfd3419703764a: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 5.40am: SS CHINGSANG passed. 7.00am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for returning to harbour. 8.00am: Came to with Starboard anchor of Sandakan veered 1½ shackles. 9.30am: Hands cleaning ship & making canvas screens. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 4.30pm. 2.00pm: Hands piped down. 5.55pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 6.47pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4½ fathoms. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703764b: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1914 Sandakan to Basilan Straits Lat 5.8, Long 118.6 2.15am: Sighted steamer bearing NE. 4.35am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite to close steamer & for entering harbour. 6.25am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 1 shackle. 8.35am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.00am: Set course N 40º E 11 knots. 9.25am: Altered course NE. 9.45am: Altered course N 70º E. 10.15am: Altered course S 60º E. 11.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 12.30pm: Altered course S 58º E. 2.30pm: Altered course S 64º E. 3.05pm: Altered course S 65º E. 3.20pm: Altered course S 60º E. 3.25pm: Sighted steamer bearing East by South. 3.40pm: Increased to 160 revolutions. Course as requisite for closing her. 4.50pm: Closed and confirmed identity of SS SANDAKAN. 5.40pm: Reduced to 11 knots. Set course S 60º E. 6.10pm: Heavy rain squall. 8.25pm: Altered course East. 8.35pm: Altered course N 27º E. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703764c: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1914 Sandakan to Basilan Straits Lat 6.1, Long 122.6 4.00am: Altered course N 45º E. 5.30am: Secured. 8.35am: Altered course N 50º E. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship & refitting boats falls. 11.00am: Altered course N 32º E. 1.00pm: Altered course N 24º E. 2.16pm: NE Point of Kanlungan Island abeam 2.7 miles. 2.50pm: Altered course N 26º E. 3.10pm: Sighted COLNE. Altered course as requisite for intercepting her. 4.00pm: Stopped. Communicated with COLNE. 4.40pm: COLNE left for Sandakan. 8.05pm: Proceeded N 40º E 8 knots. 8.55pm: Stopped. Sibago Island N 40º W 3 miles; Coco Island N 84º W 10 miles; Matanal S 34º W 10 miles. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703764d: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1914 Basilan Straits Lat 6.64, Long 122.60 [Estimated, near Sibago Island] 2.15am: Course S 70º E Slow. 3.00am: Stopped. 5.30am: Proceeded N 40º E 100 revolutions. 6.30am: Stopped. 9.00am: Hands cleaning ship & repairing boat 10.45am: Sighted steamer bearing East. Intercepted Cutter MINDANAO. Stopped. 1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.55pm: Proceeded N 70º W 6 knots. 9.00pm: Hands at Night Patrol Stations. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703764e: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1914 Basilan Straits Lat 6.69, Long 122.466 [Estimated, near Sibago Island] 12.05am: Proceeded N 70º E Slow. 12.30am: Stopped. 5.30am: Secured. 7.37am: Proceeded N 45º E 8 knots. 9.07am: Stopped. 9.10am: Hands cleaning ship & small arms. 11.40am: Proceeded N 20º E 8 knots. 11.50am: Altered course N 70º E. 12.00pm: Stopped. 1.20pm: Proceeded West. 1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.45pm: Altered course N 70º W. 2.25pm: Altered course N 72º W. 3.10pm: Altered course N 85º W. 3.45pm:
Course & speed as requisite for intercepting steamer 8.00pm: Altered course S 71º W. 10.00pm: Hands at Night patrol Stations. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703764f: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 5.30am: Secured. 7.30am: Sighted Bagnan Island bearing S 74º W. 8.15am: Altered course S 60º W. 8.27am: Bagnan abeam. 9.30am: Altered course SW. 9.55am: Altered course as requisite for entering harbour. 10.40am: Secured alongside SWANLEY. 12.55pm: Left SWANLEY went alongside SKERRIES. Commenced coaling. 9.50pm: Finished coaling. Left collier. 10.00pm: Came to Starboard anchor veered 2 shackles. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1914 4caf8cadcadfd34197037650: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-019_0.jpg) 1 November 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 7.30am: JED arrived. 8.45am: Paid Monthly Money. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship after coaling. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 8.00pm. 4.30pm: 1 Able seaman discharged to COLNE. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037651: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-019_1.jpg) 2 November 1914 Sandakan To Singapore Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 7.00am: JED entered harbour. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.40am: 2 Ratings joined from CLIO. 1.30pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite in company with COLNE & JED left harbour. 2.30pm: Course N 28º E. 2.45pm: Stopped. 3.00pm: Proceeded 9 knots. N 41º E. 4.00pm: Altered course N 4º W. 4.47pm: Clotilde Rock N 41º E. 5.05pm: Clotilde Rock abeam. 5.55pm: Took Station astern of SWANLEY 8.55pm: Sighted ships bearing WNW. 9.35pm: Altered course N 46º W. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037652: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-020_0.jpg) 3 November 1914 Sandakan To Singapore Lat 7.2, Long 116.6 5.30am: Altered course S 60º W. 7.55am: Altered course S 78º W. 8.55am: Resumed Formation No. 1. 10.00am: Hands employed fitting awnings. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.57pm: Stopped engines. 5.20pm: Proceeded in Night Cruising Formation. S 46º W. 9.00pm: Hands at No. 1 Patrol Stations. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037653: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-020_1.jpg) 4 November 1914 Sandakan To Singapore Lat 5.5, Long 113.8 5.45am: Secured. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & guns. 12.15pm: Altered course S 41º W. 12.45pm: Put clocks back ½ hour. Hands piped down. 7.00pm: Took up Night Cruising Formations. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037654: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-021_0.jpg) 5 November 1914 Sandakan To Singapore Lat 2.1, Long 109.3 8.45am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 10.45am: Altered course S 80º W. 11.35am: Altered course S 25º W. 12.25pm: Altered course West. 1.00pm: Put clocks back ¼ hour. 1.18pm: Altered course SW. 2.18pm: Altered course South. 2.33pm: Altered course SE. 4.00pm: Stopped. 4.20pm: Went alongside SWANLEY 4.30pm: Commenced coaling. 8.45pm: Finished coaling. 10.00pm: As requisite for taking Station astern of JED. 11.05pm: Course S 79º W 8 knots. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037655: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-021_1.jpg) 6 November 1914 Sandakan To Singapore Lat 2.1, Long 109.3 5.30am: Secured. 6.15am: Resumed Day Formation. 7.30am: Altered course S 62º W. 9.20am: Sighted steamer. 9.37am: Proceeded as requisite for intercepting & stopping SS INDIA SAMBA (British). 10.56am: As requisite for taking Station astern of JED. 12.45pm: Sighted steamer. 1.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes. 1.35pm: Stopped. 1.55pm: Proceeded S 57º W. 7.30pm: Stopped engines. Took up Night Cruising Formation. 8.45pm: Proceeded as requisite S 57º W. 9.10pm: Heavy Rain Squall. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037656: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-022_0.jpg) 7 November 1914 Sandakan To Singapore Lat 0.7, Long 107.3 [longitude mistakenly noted as 101°19' in log] 2.55am: Sighted an island S 74º W. 3.00am: Altered course S 72º W. 4.00am: Proceeded as requisite for examining islands. Speed 10 knots. 9.00am: Examined Tambelan Island for enemy. 11.30am: Course S 8º W. 2.00pm: Set course for Saint Barbe Island. Hands piped down. 5.00pm: Continued examination of Saint Barbe Island. 6.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for rendezvous. 6.55pm: Altered course S 60º W. 15 knots. 8.10pm: Course as requisite for rejoining CLIO. 8.25pm: Altered course N 65º W. 8.45pm: Proceed at 8 knots. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037657: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-022_1.jpg) 8 November 1914 Sandakan To Singapore Lat 1.1, Long 104.8 5.00am: Secured. Took up day Cruising Formation. 9.35am: Altered course N 58º W. 10.30am: Read Prayers. 12.15pm: Altered course S 66º W. 1.30pm: Altered course N 78º W. 1.41pm: Altered course N 52º W. 1.57pm:
Altered course S 80º W. 2.06pm: Speed 19 knots. 2.45pm: Altered course West. 3.20pm: Reduced to 16 knots. 4.00pm: As requisite for approaching Singapore. 5.30pm: Went alongside Tanjong Pagar. Pilot in charge. Commenced coaling. 10.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 140 tons 4caf8cadcadfd34197037658: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-023_0.jpg) 9 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.45am: Cast off from Jetty. Proceeded to anchor. 7.00am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered 1 shackle. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship after coaling. 5.00pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite. 6.35pm: Altered course N 78º E. 6.40pm: Altered course N 70º E. Increased to 15 knots. 7.30pm: Pedro Blanco Light 2 miles of the beam. 7.35pm: Altered course S 80º E. Reduced to 12 knots. 8.15pm: Altered course S 85º E. 8.45pm: Altered course S 57º E. 11.30pm: Altered course S 40º E. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037659: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-023_1.jpg) 10 November 1914 Singapore to Straits of Sunda Lat -1.67, Long 105.09 1.05am: Altered course SE. 1.30am: Altered course South. 4.20am: Sighted steamer on the beam. 5.25am: Tanjong Jem [?] Light abeam 11 miles. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.20pm: Altered course S 10º E. 12.50pm: Altered course S 25º E. 1.22pm: Altered course S 53º E. 2.10pm: Altered course S 53º E. 2.11pm: Altered course S 75º E. 3.58pm: Altered course East. 5.35pm: Altered course S 35º E. 5.50pm: Altered course S 22º E as requisite for Banka Straits. 6.20pm: Altered course S 70º E. 6.35pm: Altered course S 79º E. 7.35pm: Altered course S 55º E. 9.15pm: Altered course South. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703765a: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-024_0.jpg) 11 November 1914 Singapore to Straits of Sunda Lat -5.0, Long 106.1 6.30am: Altered course SW. 7.55am: Altered course S 35º W. 8.45am: Hands employed fitting new Berthing Rails. 10.00am: Eased to 10 knots. 11.00am: Altered course SE. 12.00pm: Stationary Patrol 4 miles WSW of Fourth Point Sunda Strait. 1.30pm: Proceeded N 58º E 5 knots. 2.30pm: Stopped. 3.35pm: Proceeded as requisite. Closed COLNE. 4.00pm: Communicated with COLNE. 5.45pm: Proceeded SE 10 knots. 6.30pm: Altered course NW 8 knots. 10.20pm: Stopped. 11.30pm: Proceeded as requisite. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703765b: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-024_1.jpg) 12 November 1914 Singapore to Straits of Sunda Lat -5.8, Long 108.8 12.30am: Altered course S 50º E. 1.10am: Altered course as requisite for patrolling Sunda Straits. 5.30am: Secured. 6.42am: Proceeded S 70º E 8 knots. 7.00am: Stopped. 8.23am: Proceeded 10 knots as requisite for JED. 8.45am: Stopped. 10.40am: Took Station astern of JED & COLNE. 11.00am: Proceeded N 25º E 9 knots 1.05pm: Altered course N 62º E. 1.30pm: Stopped. Hands piped down. 3.35pm: YAKUMO passed steering NNE. 5.00pm: Proceeded S 70º E. 5.37pm: Altered course S 60º E. 7.30pm: Sighted steamer bearing S 32º W. Course & speed as requisite for intercepting steamer. 9.00pm: Spoke SS DUNEDIN. 9.05pm: Course N 72º W. 9.50pm: As requisite for boarding SS Ban Hong Liong 4caf8cadcadfd3419703765c: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-025_0.jpg) 13 November 1914 Singapore to Straits of Sunda Lat -6.1, Long 105.0 12.15am: Altered course N 60º W. 12.30am: Altered course as requisite for Patrol. 5.15am: Altered course S 40º W. 5.30am: Increased to 10 knots. 5.55am: Altered course S 65º W. 8.00am: Stopped. 9.40am: Proceeded N 70º W. 10.00am: Hands employed washing down Upper deck & arming whaler. 12.05pm: Altered course N 60º W. 1.05pm: Altered course N 75º W. 2.00pm: Stopped. 6.25pm: Proceeded S 40º E. Slow. 6.35pm: Altered course S 80º E.. 9.15pm: Altered course N 20º W. 11.15pm: Altered course S 40º E. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703765d: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-025_1.jpg) 14 November 1914 Singapore to Straits of Sunda Lat -5.6, Long 105.2 2.45am: Altered course N 15º W. 5.00am: As requisite for examining Semangka Bay. 8.15am: Hands employed fitting new guard rails & oiling wires. 12.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for searching Lampong Bay and adjacent islands. 4.35pm: Sighted COLNE SE by South. 5.00pm: Course as requisite for closing COLNE. 5.20pm: Stopped & communicated with COLNE. 7.00pm: Proceeded N 65º E. 8.00pm: Altered course N 36º E. 8.45pm: Altered course N 34º E. 9.02pm: Altered course N 12º E. 9.35pm: Altered course N 15º E reduced to 6 knots.. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703765e: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-026_0.jpg) 15 November 1914 Sunda Straits Lat -5.923074, Long 105.885107 3.30am: Altered course N 10º W. 3.45am: Stopped. 5.00am: Proceeded N 20º E. 5.20am: Sighted SWANLEY. 5.30am: Altered course N 10º W. 6.05am: Proceeded in company of SWANLEY. 9.40am: Course & speed as requisite for Anchorage. 10.00am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 10.30am: Secured alongside SWANLEY. 12.45pm: Commenced coaling. 6.30pm:
Sighted vessel approaching from Southward. 8.30pm: Returned alongside Collier & continued coaling. 10.25pm: Finished coaling. Left Collier. 10.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered 3 shackles. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703765f: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-026_1.jpg) 16 November 1914 Sunda Straits Lat -5.923074, Long 105.885107 6.45am: Weighed & proceeded South 10 knots. 7.35am: Altered course S 14º W. 8.10am: Sighted COLNE bearing SSW. 8.30am: Took Station astern of COLNE. 10.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered 3 shackles. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 5.00pm: Weighed & proceeded S 30º E 10 knots. 6.15pm: Sighted steamer bearing SE Altered course as requisite to intercept & board SS FOUCHON. 8.00pm: Proceeded S 70º W. 8.30pm: Altered course N 70º W. 8.35pm: Stopped. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037660: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-027_0.jpg) 17 November 1914 Sunda Straits Lat -6.1, Long 105.8 2.10am: Proceeded N 20º W. Slow. 2.50am: Stopped. 5.40am: Proceeded S 10º W. 10 knots. 6.20am: Altered course S 40º W. 6.35am: Altered course West. 6.50am: Stopped. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship & renewing berthing rails. 10.05am: Proceeded S 40º E to intercept steamer 10.35am: Altered course N 30º E. 11.10am: Stopped. 12.10pm:
Proceeded N 35º E 110 revolutions. 1.15pm: As requisite to intercept SS ARIADNE (British). 2.25pm: Stopped. 5.00pm: Proceeded N 60º E 10 knots. 5.20pm: Altered course N 40º E. 5.35pm: Altered course N 23º E. 5.45pm: Altered course N 10º E. 6.20pm: Stopped. 7.00pm: Proceeded N 84º W. 7.30pm: Stopped. 10.00pm: As requisite to intercept Tug PILOT. 11.45pm: Stopped. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037661: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-027_1.jpg) 18 November 1914 Sunda Straits Lat -5.923074, Long 105.885107 1.40am: Proceeded S 10º W. 2.10am: Stopped. 4.10am: Proceeded West 6 knots. 4.40am: Stopped. 5.15am: Special Lookouts secured. Course & speed as requisite for Anchorage. 8.00am: Went alongside SS SWANLEY. 8.40am: Commenced coaling. 9.00am: Hands coaling ship. 11.05am: Finished coaling. Received 28 tons. 11.20am: Shoved off. Came to with Starboard anchor veered 3 shackles. 12.20pm: Japanese Cruiser NISSHIN arrived. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 5.00pm: NISSHIN left. 9.00pm: Rounds. Prepared for Sea. 9.30pm: COLNE & JED arrived. 10.45pm: Raised steam for 15 knots. 11.20pm: Weighed & proceeded N 53º E 12 knots. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037662: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-028_0.jpg) 19 November 1914 Sunda Straits to Singapore Lat -3.4, Long 106.5 2.14am: Altered course NE. Sighted North Watcher Light ahead. 3.09am: Sighted North Watcher Light abeam 8 miles. 5.30am: Returned ammunition. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & repairing & renewing guard rails. 9.30am: Increased to 13 knots. 11.45am: Sighted Bangka Island bearing North. 12.05pm: Altered course N 8º W. 1.00pm: Altered course N 25º W. 1.05pm: Altered course N 35º W. 2.00pm: Altered course N 50º W. 3.25pm: Altered course N 65º W. 4.45pm: Altered course NW. 5.00pm: Altered course N 25 º W. 6.00pm: Increased to 14 knots. 7.05pm: Mangka Island Light House abeam [probably Bangka] 7.10pm: Altered course N 45º W. Reduced to 13 knots. 7.30pm: Altered course N 70º W. 10.18pm: Altered course N 3º E. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037663: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-028_1.jpg) 20 November 1914 Sunda Straits to Singapore Lat 0.7, Long 104.4 5.30am: Special Lookouts secured. 6.20am: Altered course North. 6.30am: Altered course N 5º W. 6.45am: Point Jang abeam 4 miles. 7.32am: Altered course N 40º W. 8.35am: JED hauled out of the line to repair steering gear. 10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & preparing for harbour. 1.30pm: Altered course North. 1.50pm: Altered course N 86º W. 2.35pm:
Altered course N 60º W. 3.35pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 4.05pm: As requisite for approaching Singapore. 4.45pm: Arrived at anchor inside Breakwater. 7.00pm: Gave Leave to Watch till 10.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037664: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-029_0.jpg) 21 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & boats. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 6.00am. 2.00pm: Hands Make & Mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037665: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-029_1.jpg) 22 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Weighed & proceeded to Keppel Harbour. 9.40am: Entered No. 1 dock. 11.00am: Hands employed docking ship. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 6.00am. 2.00pm: Hands Make & Mend clothes. 5.30pm: Exercise Fire Stations. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Hands piped down. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037666: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-030_0.jpg) 23 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.00am: 1 Rating discharged to COLNE (sick). 8.25am: Hands refitting guard rails. 10.00am: CHELMER arrived & docked. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 5.30pm till 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon 5.15pm: Paid Monthly money. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037667: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-030_1.jpg) 24 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00am: Hands employed dismounting & cleaning guns. 8.30am: Hands employed refitting guard rails. 1.00pm: Special Leave to Watch 5.30pm till 7.00am. 2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon 9.00pm: Rounds 4caf8cadcadfd34197037668: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-031_0.jpg) 25 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning guns. 8.30am: Hands employed refitting whaler's falls & stripping down guns. 1.30pm: Hands employed reassembling & cleaning guns. 2.00pm: Leave to Watch 5.30pm till 7.00am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037669: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-031_1.jpg) 26 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning guns. 8.30am: Hands employed refitting guard rails. 1.30pm: Hands employed painting Forecastle awning & remounting Starboard 12 pounder. 3.00pm: Special Leave to Watch 5.30pm till 7.00am. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703766a: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-032_0.jpg) 27 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning guns. 8.15am: Hands employed painting ship. 1.00pm: Flooded dock. 1.30pm: Hands employed drawing stores & as requisite. 4.20pm: Undocked ship. 5.00pm: Went alongside coaling wharf. 5.10pm: Commenced coaling. 7.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 70 tons. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703766b: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-032_1.jpg) 28 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.30am: Hands employed shifting ship. 8.00am: Ship secured alongside CHELMER in Basin. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 7.00am. 1.45pm: Hands employed striking down provisions. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703766c: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-033_0.jpg) 29 November 1914 Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.50am: KENNET arrived. 7.30am: Hands cleaning guns. 10.00am: Divisions. 10.30am: Read Prayers. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 1.30pm till 11.00pm. 2.00pm: Hands piped down. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703766d: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-033_1.jpg) 30 November 1914 Singapore to Penang Lat 1.5, Long 103.0 7.15am: Slipped & proceeded. 8.00am: Course & speed as requisite for leaving Singapore. 8 knots. 8.30am: Formed Divisions – Line Ahead. 9.00am: Hands shipping & cleaning gun sights, & telescopes. 1.30pm: Hands fitting new awnings. 2.00pm: Hands piped down. 3.15pm: Pulo Undan Light N 15º W. 3.50pm: Pulo Undan Light abeam. 5.00pm: Altered course N 54º W. 11.30pm: Altered course N 25º W. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703766e: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cadcadfd3419703766f: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-034_1.jpg) Log Pages – Blank 4caf8cadcadfd34197037670: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cadcadfd34197037671: ( 53-68365/ADM 53-68365-035_1.jpg) Cover LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1914 4caf8cadcadfd34197037672: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cadcadfd34197037673: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-001_1.jpg) Cover 4caf8cadcadfd34197037674: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-002_0.jpg) Log Page – Certification – true copy – 1 December 1914 to 31January 1915 4caf8cadcadfd34197037675: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-002_1.jpg) Log Page – Distance run – Fuel consumption 4caf8cadcadfd34197037676: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-003_0.jpg) Log Page – Instruments – Blank 4caf8cadcadfd34197037677: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1914 Singapore to Penang and at Penang Lat 5.315845, Long 100.355342 5.30am: Special Lookouts secured. Returned ammunition. 8.00am: Altered course North. 8.45am: Hands employed fitting new awnings & bath screens. 10.10am: Altered course N 10º E. 10.25am: Altered course NE. 11.00am: Course & speed as requisite for harbour. 12.10pm: Came to with starboard anchor veered 4 shackles. 1.40pm: Commenced coaling. 5.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 58 tons. 7.05pm: Weighed & proceeded. 7.45pm: Increased to 11 knots. 8.30pm: Palo Penang Light 2 miles abeam to Port. Set course N 80º W. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037678: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1914 Penang to Colombo Lat 5.7, Long 97.2 1.30am: Sighted Pulo Pera N 75º W. 3.17am: Pulo Pera abeam 6 miles. 7.30am: Increased to 14 knots. 8.45am: Took Station on Port beam of 1st Division. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.15pm: As requisite for swinging ship for Compass adjustment. 5.30pm: Proceeded N 80º W 11 knots. 11.25pm: Altered course S 80º W. Pulo Weh, bearing S 40º W. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037679: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1914 Penang to Colombo Lat 6.3, Long 93.3 12.30am: Pulo Weh light: abeam 5 miles distant. 12.35am: Altered course N 85º W. 6.50am: Formed Divisions Line Ahead disposed abeam to Port. 8.01am: Altered course N 40º W. 9.30am: Put clocks back 30 minutes. 9.45am: Altered course N 89º W. Reduced to 8 knots. 10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship, fitting new awnings, & making canvas flaps to shot racks. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.00pm: Increased to 13 knots. Course N 88º W. 6.00pm: Altered course N 70º W. 6.54pm: Altered course N 88º W. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703767a: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1914 Penang to Colombo Lat 6.2, Long 88.7 1.45am: Sighted steamer on Port bow and altered course to intercept. 2.17am: Altered course N 70º W. 3.05am: Altered course N 88º W. 6.15am: Altered course N 86º W. 8.40am: Reduced to 10 knots. Hands employed securing & lashing gear on deck. 10.00am: Altered course N 80º W. 11.00am: Increased to 12 knots. 1.00pm: Altered course N 85º W. Hands piped down. 3.35pm: Altered course N 87º W. 4.42pm: Altered course N 88º W. 5.00pm: Altered course West. 7.05pm: Altered course S 80º W. 10.55pm: Increased to 18 knots. Mid: Altered course S 87º W. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703767b: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1914 Penang to Colombo Lat 6.1, Long 83.5 12.00am: Altered course S 87º W. 6.15am: Fell out Special Lookouts. 8.10am: Increased to 13 ½ knots. 10.00am: Put clocks back 30 minutes. 11.00am: Hands refitting awning stanchions & painting screens. 1.00pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes. Altered course N 86º W. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.00pm: Reduced to 12 knots. 8.20pm: Sighted Fort Basses Light N 35º W. Eased to 10 knots. 9.10pm: Fort Basses abeam. Altered course S 83º W. 10.45pm: Reduced to 9 knots. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703767c: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1914 Colombo Lat 6.9, Long 79.8 12.25am: Sighted Dondra Light WNW. 12.40am: Reduced to 8½ knots. 2.15am: Altered course N 65º W. 4.05am: Sighted Point de Galle Light N 32º W. 4.20am: Altered course N 48º W. 5.30am: Altered course N 20º W as requisite for rendezvous. 6.10am: Formed Division Line Ahead proceeded N 45º W 13knots. 6.38am: Altered course NW by North. 7.30am: Altered course NNW. 9.10am: Altered course North by West 11.10am: Breakwater Lighthouse bearing NW. 11.20am: Course & speed as requisite for harbour. 12.28pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. Secured stern to buoy. 1.55pm: Commenced coaling. 5.00pm: Japanese warship IBUKI left harbour. 10.15pm: Finished coaling. Received 20 tons. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703767d: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1914 Colombo Lat 6.9, Long 79.8 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship after coaling. 8.45am: Hands employed fitting screens & awnings. 1.00pm: Leave to Chief & 1st Class Petty Officers 3.30 till 7.00pm. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 9.00pm: Slipped, weighed, & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.25pm: Set course North by West 10 knots. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703767e: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1914 Colombo Lat 7.0, Long 76.8 6.15am: Fell out Special Lookouts. Returned ammunition. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & refitting upper deck gear. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 5.10pm: Night Defence Stations provided ammunition. 6.05pm: Darkened ship. 6.40pm: Placed Special Lookouts. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703767f: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll Lat 7.0214, Long 72.9193 1.45am: Heavy rain squall. 6.35am: Altered course S 75º W. 7.30am: Maldives islands: on Port beam bearing S 20º W. 7.40am: Altered course South. 8.00am: Altered course S 60º W. 8.40am: Altered course S 15º E. 8.50am: Altered course N 10º E. Reduced to 8 knots. 9.00am: Course & speed as requisite for anchoring. 10.30am: Came to Starboard anchor. 1.45pm: Weighed & proceeded alongside SWANLEY 1.50pm: Commenced coaling. 3.00pm: Lost overboard by accident engineer rake 1 in no. during coaling. 5.00pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes. 6.50pm: Finished coaling. Received 40 tons. Slipped & proceeded as requisite. 10.10pm: Proceeded in company with JED, CHELMER, & KENNET NE. Speed 6 knots. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037680: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll Lat 7.0214, Long 72.9193 2.30am: Altered course S 45º W. Increased to 7 knots. 7.00am: As requisite for closing COLNE. 7.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 9 fathoms. 7.50am: Sent Working Party to SWANLEY – 11 hands. 8.45am: Second Working Party sent to SWANLEY. 10.00am: Lost overboard by accident: Rope F.S. W. 50 fathoms & Hook, Spring, 1 in number & Shackle, Iron 1 in number. 12.00pm: Working party returned. 1.00pm: Sent Working Party to SWANLEY. 5.30pm: Working Party returned. 7.45pm: JED & KENNET left harbour. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037681: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll Lat 7.0214, Long 72.9193 4.05am: Sent Working Party to SWANLEY. 5.30am: CHELMER sailed. 9.40am: Hands piped down. 11.00am: Weighed & proceeded further into Lagoon. 11.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms. 1.30pm: Hands Make and Mend clothes. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037682: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll Lat 7.0214, Long 72.9193 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning guns & fitting wire stays to upper mast. 1.30pm: Hands Make and Mend clothes. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037683: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll Lat 7.0214, Long 72.9193 5.45am: Weighed & proceeded alongside SWANLEY. 5.50am: Commenced coaling. 8.35am: Finished coaling., Received 20 tons. 8.40am: Left SWANLEY & anchored. 11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship after coaling. 1.30pm: HMS JED, KENNET, CHELMER went alongside SWANLEY. 9.00pm: Rounds. Ship: Met: SWANLEY 4caf8cadcadfd34197037684: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll to Aden Lat 7.3, Long 72.1 6.00am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for leaving anchorage. 6.45am: Altered course N 75º W 8 knots. Hands employed cleaning ship & guns & securing upper deck gear for Sea. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 5.00pm: Furled awnings, provided ammunition. 5.20pm: Exchanged places in the Line with CHELMER – Station astern of COLNE. 10.00pm: Reduced to 8½ knots. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037685: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll to Aden Lat 8.4, Long 68.5 4.00am: Altered course N 72º W. 7.15am: Increased to 9½ knots. 8.30am: Hands employed rigging deflection teacher & cleaning ship & painting awnings. 11.00am: Put clock back 20 minutes. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.10pm: Altered course West. Sighted steamer. 4.30pm: COLNE hauled out of line to examine steamer. 5.00pm: Stopped engines. Sent to SWANLEY for provisions. 5.25pm: Proceeded N 75º W. 10 knots. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037686: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll to Aden Lat 9.5, Long 64.7 1.15am: Reduced to 8 knots. 2.10am: Increased to 10 knots. 7.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship & spreading awnings. 7.45am: Formed Divisions Line Ahead. 10.15am: Sight Setters & Guns crews to drill & loader. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 2.00pm: Altered course N 72º W. 4.15pm:
Altered course N 69º W. 8.05pm: Altered course N 72º W. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037687: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll to Aden Lat 10.7, Long 61.0 8.35am: COLNE hauled out of line. 10.00am: Put clocks back 15 minutes. Hands cleaning guns. Gun Layers & guns crews to Deflection Teacher & drill. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.45pm: Course & speed as requisite for closing SWANLEY. 4.50pm: Stopped. Drew fresh beef. 5.40pm: Proceeded N 72º W. 9 ½ knots. 10.00pm: Altered course N 70º W. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037688: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll to Aden Lat 11.5, Long 57.3 7.00am: Formed Divisions Line Ahead. Hands securing gear on upper deck. 8.45am: Hands employed refitting heaving lines, dead lines & fenders. 11.00am: Put clocks back 15 minutes. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 5.40pm: Formed Single Line Ahead. . 4caf8cadcadfd34197037689: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll to Aden Lat 12.4, Long 53.3 6.15am: Sighted Socotra Island starboard bow. 8.50am: Course N 65º W 9 knots. Hands employed cleaning guns & repairing fenders. 9.50am: Altered course N 46º W. 10.05am: Altered course as requisite for closing SWANLEY. 10.30am: Stopped. 11.00am: Proceeded N 79º W 11 knots. 12.00pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes. 1.25pm: Altered course N 78º W. 4.05pm: Sighted Abd-el-Kais abeam. 5.30pm: Altered course N 83º W. 7.45pm: Sight Setters at Night Sight Setting drill. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703768a: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1914 Ihavandiffulu Atoll to Aden Lat 12.8, Long 48.2 7.35am: Formed divisions Line Ahead 10 knots. 8.50am: Hands employed cleaning guns. 9.30am: Read Prayers. Piped down. 12.20pm: Altered course N 89º W. Hands piped down. 5.05pm: Reduced to 9 knots. 8.05pm: Increased to 10 knots. 8.10pm: Altered course N 87º W. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703768b: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1914 Aden Lat 12.8, Long 45.0 3.45am: Sighted Aden Light House Bearing West. 5.45am: Increased to 10 knots. Course & speed as requisite for approaching Aden. 6.45am: Stopped. 8.45am: Hands cleaning guns. 1.00pm: Special Leave to watch 4.30pm till 9.00pm. 2.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703768c: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1914 Aden Lat 12.8, Long 45.0 5.45am: Hands employed preparing for coaling. 7.00am: Coal lighters came alongside. Commenced coaling. 11.30am: Finished coaling. Received 132 tons. 1.30pm: Hands employed provisioning ship. 4.50pm: Preparing ship for Sea. 5.45pm: Weighed & slipped buoy and proceeded as requisite with Flotilla and SWANLEY. 6.30pm: Course S 35º W. 8 knots. 6.45pm: Increased to 10 knots. 7.00pm: Altered course S 50º W. 7.20pm: Altered course S 75º W. 10.48pm: Altered course N 80º W. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703768d: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1914 Aden to Suez Lat 14.1, Long 42.8 1.20am: Sighted Perim Light NW by N. 3.20am: Altered course N 40º W. 3.45am: Altered course N 18º W. 7.50am: Formed Divisions Line Ahead. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & painting & cleaning torpedoes. Guns crews to Loader drill. 11.00am: Put clocks back 7 minutes. 11.05am: Altered course N 25º W. 11.52am: Abu Ali Light House abeam. Altered course N 42º W. 1.35pm: Altered course N 27º W. Hands piped down. 4.55pm: Stopped. Sent boat to SWANLEY for beef. 5.10pm: Proceeded N 35º W. 10½ knots. 6.00pm: Altered course N 32º W. 6.38pm: Sighted Zebayia Island Light bearing N 13º E. 9.00pm: Jebel Teir bearing N 15º W. 10.40pm: Jebel Teir abeam. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703768e: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1914 Aden to Suez Lat 17.5, Long 40.5 5.45am: Returned ammunition. Fell out Special Lookouts. 7.30am: Formed Divisions Line Ahead. 8.45am: Hands employed refitting gangway ladders, painting gun covers & cleaning torpedoes. Guns crews at drill. 11.10am: Put clocks back 10 minutes. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 4.30pm: As requisite for closing SWANLEY. Stopped & sent boat for provisions. 5.00pm: Proceeded N 28º W. 10 knots. 7.30pm: Guns crews to Night Loader drill & sight setter drill. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703768f: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1914 Aden to Suez Lat 21.1, Long 38.2 2.05am: Altered course as requisite to clear steamer. 6.00am: Returned ammunition. Fell out Special Lookouts. 7.15am: Formed Divisions Line Ahead. 9.30am: Read Prayers. 9.40am: Hands piped down. 10.10am: Put clocks back 9 minutes. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 2.00pm: Altered course N 24º W. 4.45pm: As requisite for closing SWANLEY and drawing fresh meat. 5.00pm: Proceeded N 24º W. 8.15pm: Altered course N 23º W. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037690: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1914 Aden to Suez Lat 24.5, Long 36.3 6.35am: Sighted St John's Island S 75º W. 9.00am: Put clocks back 15 minutes. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship & at Deflection Teacher. Torpedo party painting torpedoes. 12.10pm: Altered course N 82º W. Hands piped down. 3.00pm: Daedalus Light House abeam. 3.10pm: Altered course N 27º W. 4.45pm: As requisite for closing SWANLEY. 5.00pm: Proceeded N 27º W 9 ½ knots. 11.55pm: Sighted Brothers Light House bearing N 40º W. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037691: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1914 Aden to Suez Lat 27.8, Long 33.8 1.30am: Brothers Light abeam. 6.15am: Secured. Returned ammunition. 6.45am: Sighted land on Port & Starboard bow. 7.20am: Altered course N 42º W. 9.30am: Read Prayers. 10.10am: Put clocks back 10 minutes. 12.15pm: Ashrafi Light House: abeam 2¼ miles. Hands piped down.. 2.10pm:
Altered course N 44º W. 5.25pm: Proceeded N 31º W, 9 knots. 6.35pm: Ras Gharib Light: abeam. 8.05pm: Altered course N 15º W. 8.20pm: Passed & communicated with MINERVA. 9.20pm: Sighted Zafarana Light bearing NW. 11.50pm: Zafarana Light abeam.
4caf8cadcadfd34197037692: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1914 Port Said Lat 31.3, Long 32.3 3.15am: Sighted Suez bearing North. 3.55am: Reduced to 7 knots as requisite for Suez. 5.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor off Suez. 6.00am: Hands preparing ship for passage up Canal. 10.30am: Hands employed cleaning guns & small arms. Weighed and proceeded as requisite for passing the Suez Canal. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 7.05pm: Arrived Port Said. Secured by Starboard anchor & stern to Jetty. 9.00pm: Rounds. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037693: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1914 Port Said Lat 31.3, Long 32.3 6.00am: Hands employed scrubbing decks & cleaning guns. 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 11.25am: Coal lighters came alongside. Commenced coaling. 1.00pm: Leave to Watch 4.30pm till 6.30pm. 2.00pm: Hands painting ship. 2.10pm: Finished coaling. Received 120 tons. 9.00pm: Rounds. 9.55pm: Russian Cruiser ASKOLD sailed. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037694: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1914 Port Said to Malta Lat 31.7, Long 31.7 2.30am: Lit up No. 2 & 3 Boilers. 5.15am: Hands employed securing ship for Sea. 6.00am: Pilot came on board. Weighed & proceeded as requisite. 7.15am: Dropped Pilot. Course N 40º W. 9 knots. 9.55am: Damietta Light House bearing S 63º W. 10.00am: Altered course N 74º W. 11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & securing gear. 1.00pm: Hands piped down. 5.00pm: Night Defence Stations. Provided ammunition. 4caf8cadcadfd34197037695: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1914 Port Said to Malta Lat 33.0, Long 27.3 6.15am: Fell out Special Lookouts. Returned ammunition. 7.30am: Formed Divisions Line Ahead to Starboard. Course N 67º W. 9.00am: Hands employed lashing & rigging Splinters Guard & unshipping & clearing away stanchions. 10.10am: Put clocks back 11 minutes. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. 5.5pm: Formed single Line Ahead. Provided ammunition. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1915 4caf8cadcadfd34197037696: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-019_0.jpg) 1 January 1915 Port Said to Malta Lat 34.1, Long 22.8 8.30am: Stopped 8.45am: Proceeded. Single line ahead 9.30am: Hands employed making bridge screens 10.18am: Put clocks back 18 minutes 1.30pm: Hands piped down 5.30pm: Formed single line ahead. Provided ammunition. Fresh water: Distilled 1 ton; expended 1 ton; remaining 1.5 tons Fuel: expended for all purposes – coal 22.2 tons; remaining 77.1 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cadcadfd34197037697: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-019_1.jpg) 2 January 1915 Port Said to Malta Lat 35.2, Long 18.4 7.15am: Hands employed fitting life lines round upper deck 4caf8cadcadfd34197037698: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-020_0.jpg) 3 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 6.40am: Fell out special lookouts 10.45am: Secured head and stern at destroyers’ trot Lazaretto Creek 1.00pm: Chelmer shifted billet 4caf8cadcadfd34197037699: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-020_1.jpg) 4 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.00am: Gave general leave to port watch from 8am to 8am 6th. Coal lighter came alongside. 4caf8cadcadfd3419703769a: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-021_0.jpg) 5 January 1915 [6 January in log] Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf8cadcadfd3419703769b: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-021_1.jpg) 6 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 12.30pm: Leave to watch from 8am to 8am Friday 4caf8cadcadfd3419703769c: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-022_0.jpg) 7 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf8cadcadfd3419703769d: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-022_1.jpg) 8 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 6.45am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea 8.30am: Slipped buoy and left Lazaretto Creek. Proceeded as requisite for Grand Harbour. 9.00am: Secured alongside Chelmer at Burmola Wharf, French Creek 4caf8cadcadfd3419703769e: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-023_0.jpg) 9 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.25am: Hands employed in dockyard and refitting canvas gear 1.15pm: Hands employed returning stores to dockyard 4caf8cadcadfd3419703769f: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-023_1.jpg) 10 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 9.30am: Landed church parties 11.30am: Church parties returned 12.25pm: Colne left harbour 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a0: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-024_0.jpg) 11 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.30am: Sent 2 ratings to hospital 1.30pm: Hands employed refitting fenders Number on sick list: 2 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a1: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-024_1.jpg) 12 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 11.00am: Sent 1 rating (sick) to Egmont Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a2: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-025_0.jpg) 13 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 10.00am: French battleship Danton docked 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a3: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-025_1.jpg) 14 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea 7.30am: Tug came alongside 7.45am: Ship shifted to buoy 8.35am: Commenced swinging for adjustment of compasses 9.30am: Finished swinging 11.30am: One rating rejoined from Egmont 12.10pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for leaving Malta, Chelmer and Kennet in company 12.25pm: Set course S87E speed 10 knots 12.35pm: Increased to 12 knots. Hands piped down. 4.00pm: Increased to 13 knots 4.50pm: Night Defence Stations provided ammunition 6.00pm: Placed look-outs 12 midnight: Altered course S88E 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a4: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-026_0.jpg) 15 January 1915 Malta to Tenedos Lat 36.2, Long 20.1 7.00am: Hands employed recovering whaler 9.00pm; Sighted Cape Matapan Light bearing N80E 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a5: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-026_1.jpg) 16 January 1915 Malta to Tenedos and at Vatika Bay Lat 36.5, Long 23.0 1.00am: Course and speed as requisite for anchorage 2.30am: Came to starboard anchor veered 3 shackles 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite 3.00pm: Sighted Cape Malea Light abeam 6.00pm: Placed look-out, darkened ship 7.05pm: Sighted St Georgio light bearingN30E 10.45pm: Thermia Island on starboard bow [probably what is now called Kythnos] 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a6: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-027_0.jpg) 17 January 1915 Malta to Tenedos Lat 39.0, Long 24.8 6.00am: Fell out special look-out, returned ammunition 7.00am: Lithari light abeam 9.10am: As requisite for closing MDS [this may mean Mediterranean Destroyer Squadron] 9.40am: Took station on starboard beam of Indefatigable 10.10am: Stopped. Sent letters to Indefatigable. 4.30pm: Sighted Tenedos Island bearing N69E 5.20pm: As requisite for approaching anchorage 5.30pm: Came to starboard anchor in 9.5 fathoms. Sent 2 ratings to Blenheim. 4caf8cadcadfd341970376a7: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-027_1.jpg) 18 January 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 4.30pm: 1 Rating joined from Blenheim. 4.45pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for R Patrol. 4caf8caecadfd341970376a8: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-028_0.jpg) 19 January 1915 On patrol off Dardanelles [No position given] As requisite for R Patrol. 7.15am: Secured. Returned ammunition. 8.00am: Hands preparing ship for coaling 10.25am: Went alongside collier 11.20am: Commenced coaling 5.30pm: Darkened ship 6.40pm: Finished coaling (80 Tons) 6.55pm: Left collier 7.10pm: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8caecadfd341970376a9: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-028_1.jpg) 20 January 1915 Patrolling off Tenedos [No position given] 6.10am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for E patrol 6.45am: Sighted steamer bearing S by E 7.10am: Stopped. Boarded SS Kriti (Greek). 7.50am: Proceeded as requisite 9.30am: Hands cleaning ship after coaling and painting whaler 4.45pm: As requisite for closing sail 5.00pm: Boarded sailing vessel Elektra (Persian flag) 5.35pm: Took sailing vessel in tow 6.05pm: Elektra slipped tow 6.25pm: Took vessel in tow again and proceeded as requisite for anchorage 8.15pm: Slipped vessel and turned her over to Blenheim [from Blenheim’s log we learn that Elektra was allowed to proceed the following morning] 8.30pm: Came to starboard anchor in 16 fathoms 11.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to search for steamer 4caf8caecadfd341970376aa: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-029_0.jpg) 21 January 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.55pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for northern anchorage 9.30pm: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8caecadfd341970376ab: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-029_1.jpg) 22 January 1915 On Tenedos Patrol [No position given] 6.20am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for Patrolling E 5.40pm: Came to starboard anchor, 5 shackles 4caf8caecadfd341970376ac: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-030_0.jpg) 23 January 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.00am: Hands preparing ship for coaling 7.10am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier 8.30am: Commenced coaling 12.05pm: Finished coaling 12.12pm: Left Collier (50 tons) 12.23pm: Anchored 5.05pm: Night defence stations. Provided ammunition. 4caf8caecadfd341970376ae: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-031_0.jpg) 24 January 1915 On Tenedos Patrol Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 [1.30pm at anchor off Tenedos Town] 6.40am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for E Patrol 8.10am: Sighted Collier North Britain 8.30am: Proceeded to Patrol D. Hands employed securing gear on upper deck. 10.35am: As requisite for returning to E 1.30pm: Let go starboard anchor off Tenedos town. 2.30pm: French submarine Faraday passed up Tenedos strait. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite 5.40pm: Came to starboard anchor, 5 shackles 4caf8caecadfd341970376af: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-031_1.jpg) 25 January 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 4caf8caecadfd341970376b0: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-032_0.jpg) 26 January 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.35am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for patrolling Tenedos Strait. 7.00am: Boarded S.S. Kriti & SO Dervish 7.45am: As requisite for closing Blenheim 8.05am: Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos town 8.20am: Stopped. sent boat to shore 9.10am: Resumed Patrol 3.30pm: Boarded S. Agios Nikolaus 4.15pm: As requisite for closing Blenheim 5.30pm: Resumed Patrol. Hands to night action stations. Provided ammunition. Darkened ship. 6.05pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 4 shackles 4caf8caecadfd341970376b1: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-032_1.jpg) 27 January 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.15am: Hands preparing for going alongside 9.00am: Weighed 9.25am: Secured alongside Blenheim. Lost overboard by accident crutch for whaler 1 in number. 10.30am: Left Blenheim 10.40am: Anchored 12.20pm: Weighed 12.40pm: Secured alongside collier 12.45pm: Hands coaling ship 2.30pm: Finished coaling 33 tons. Lost overboard by accident coal bags, 2 cwt, 2 in number. 2.55pm: Anchored 4caf8caecadfd341970376b2: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-033_0.jpg) 28 January 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.30am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for E patrol. 7.50am: As requisite for closing Blenheim 8.15am: Sent boat to Tenedos 9.30am: Proceeded as requisite for Blenheim 9.50am: Resumed patrol 11.00am: Hands making canvas bags for revolvers 2.15pm: Boarded SS Zatouna 4.10pm: Boarded S Agios Nikolaus 4.30pm: Resumed patrol 6.00pm: Came to starboard anchor 5 shackles 4caf8caecadfd341970376b3: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-033_1.jpg) 29 January 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.45am: Hands cleaning guns and torpedoes and scraping and painting on upper deck 3.00pm: One rating joined from Blenheim 4caf8caecadfd341970376b4: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-034_0.jpg) 30 January 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for patrolling Tenedos strait 10.00am: Commenced working up for half hours full power 10.20am: Commenced trial 10.50am: Finished trial 11.10am: Came to starboard anchor off Tenedos 4.50pm: Weighed & proceeded for C Patrol 9.00pm: As requisite for C patrol at 7 knots 4caf8caecadfd341970376ad: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-030_1.jpg) 31 January 1915 Dardanelles [No position given] 7.00am: As requisite for D Patrol 5.00pm: Proceeded to B Patrol 5.10pm: Night defence stations, provided ammunition. Darkened ship. Watch to No 2 patrol stations. C A Poignand, Lt. Commander signed log [the signature is well nigh unreadable, but the name can be found on the cover of February’s log. In 1917 Lt Commander Charles Astley Poignand was awarded the Order of St Anne by the Russian government for distinguished service in the Battle of Jutland.] 4caf8caecadfd341970376b5: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-034_1.jpg) 4caf8caecadfd341970376b6: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-035_0.jpg) 4caf8caecadfd341970376b7: ( 53-68366/ADM 53-68366-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1915 4caf8caecadfd341970376b8: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-001_0.jpg) 4caf8caecadfd341970376b9: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-001_1.jpg) 4caf8caecadfd341970376ba: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-002_0.jpg) 4caf8caecadfd341970376bb: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-002_1.jpg) Completed page giving distance run per ton of coal at various speeds. The page is signed by Lt Cmdr Poignand, and by J M Simpson, Engineer, Commander (D) (James Mansfield Simpson) 4caf8caecadfd341970376bc: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-003_0.jpg) 4caf8caecadfd341970376bd: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.30am: As requisite for anchorage 12 knots 8.40am: Secured alongside collier 8.50am: Commenced coaling 10.15am: Lost overboard two 2 cwt coal bags between collier and ship 12.30pm: Finished coaling 12.50pm: Anchored 2.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship after coaling 3.30pm: Dublin left 5.00pm: Hands to night defence stations provided ammunition. Darkened ship. 9.00pm: Rounds correct Provisions received: fresh meat 216 lbs; vegetables 400 lbs; bread 138 lbs Fresh water: distilled 1 ton; expended 1 ton; remaining 2 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 7.2 tons; remaining 126.3 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8caecadfd341970376be: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 12.30pm: Aneroid corrected by mercurial Barometer, by signal. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to A Patrol 4caf8caecadfd341970376bf: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1915 Dardanelles [No position given] As requisite for A patrol 2.15pam: 6 coal sacks washed overboard (lashing carried away) 5.40am: Life-buoy washed overboard [The wind in the morning was between force 8 and force 10] 4caf8caecadfd341970376c0: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.30am: Dublin sailed 10.45am: Dublin arrived & anchored 2.50pm: Weighed and went alongside collier 3.00pm: Hands commenced coaling 5.40pm: Finished coaling 36 tons 6.00pm: Anchored 4caf8caecadfd341970376c1: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.45am: Hands employed drawing stores from Blenheim and repairing upper deck gear 11.40am: Paid monthly money 12.15pm: Dublin arrived 4.30pm: Usk arrived and anchored 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to C Patrol 4caf8caecadfd341970376c2: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1915 Dardanelles [No position given] 5.30am: Detached Ribble to board sail 7.00am: Proceeded to D 9.00am: Stopped and boarded sailing boat 9.20am: Resumed patrol 10.30am: Hands surveying chain cables 11.30am: Lost overboard by accident 1 winter cap Welland is also engaged in C patrol, and B patrol 4caf8caecadfd341970376c3: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.10am: Proceeded 12 knots to anchorage 8.45am: Came to starboard anchor 9.05am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. Commenced coaling. 11.10am: Completed coaling 32 tons 11.25am: Anchored 4caf8caecadfd341970376c4: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1915 Tenedos to Sigri and back Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded S21W 15 knots 8.43am: Altered course as requisite for Sigri 9.10am: Stopped. Drew fresh vegetables from French minesweeper Pioche. 9.20am: Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos 10.00am: As requisite for anchorage 12.05pm: Stopped 12.25pm: Came to starboard anchor 1.35pm: Discharged 1 ERA to Blenheim 8.00pm: Vengeance arrived 4caf8caecadfd341970376c5: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.45am: Hands cleaning small arms and refitting life belts 6.00pm: Charlemagne arrived 4caf8caecadfd341970376c6: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for laying off positions of firing ships for bombardment of Dardanelles forts 10.30am: Anchored off Dardanelles 10.55am: Weighed and proceeded 11.15am: Anchored off Cape Helles 11.40am: Weighed and proceeded 11.55am: Anchored 4.10pm: Weighed and proceeded for Tenedos 18 knots 5.15pm: Stopped and came to starboard anchor 6.50pm: Inflexible sailed 4caf8caecadfd341970376c7: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.10am: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Hindukoosh. Drew oil and provisions. 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for Dardanelles 18 knots. Captain D, Captain of Vengeance, and party of OOQ’s and GLs of Vengeance onboard. [OOQs are Officers of Quarters, who are responsible for controlling the aim of one or more guns; GLs are Gunlayers.] 10.20am: As requisite for examining forts and instruction of G.L.s 12 noon: Proceeded for Tenedos 1.00pm: Stopped off Vengeance. Second gunnery party came onboard. 1.30pm: Proceeded as in forenoon 4.45pm: Stopped off Vengeance 5.55pm: Weighed and closed Vengeance 6.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos town 6.20pm: Stopped off Tenedos. Sent boat to shore 6.30pm: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage 7.45pm: Came to with starboard anchor veered 5 shackles 4caf8caecadfd341970376c8: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1915 Tenedos to Sigri and back Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded S20W 13 knots 9.20am: Arrived Sigri. Stopped and drew fresh vegetables from French minesweeper Pioche. 9.40am: Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos 1.00pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 5 shackles 4caf8caecadfd341970376c9: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier Ethel. Hands coaling ship. 7.45am: Cornwallis arrived and anchored 10.00am: Vengeance sailed 12.45pm: Finished coaling, left collier. Received 79 tons. 1.20pm: Wear arrived 4caf8caecadfd341970376ca: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 10.45am: Read prayers 11.00am: Hands employed rigging targets for A.R. practice 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. Carried out 1” A.R. practice. 5.00pm: As requisite for A Patrol 6.00pm: Watch to No II patrol stations 4caf8caecadfd341970376cb: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1915 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 [No position given; this is taken from other entries for Dardanelles Patrol] 6.20am: Secured. Proceeded to anchorage speed 12 knots. Hands prepared ship for coaling. 10.15am: Weighed, proceeded alongside Collier Clara. Hands coaled ship. 11.55am: Left collier, received 20 tons. Lost overboard coal bags 2 in no. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to northern anchorage 3.15pm: Anchored 4caf8caecadfd341970376cc: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 10.45am: Triumph arrived 4caf8caecadfd341970376cd: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1915 On Patrol and at Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.20am: Weighed & proceeded to E Patrol. Hands employed cleaning ship & guns. 9.00am: Hands preparing ship for action. 1.15pm: Hands preparing for 1" A.R. practice & fitting targets 2.25pm: Stopped & boarded SS Kriti off Tenedos 2.40pm: As requisite for attending on seaplanes 5.30pm: Proceeded to C Patrol. Darkened ship. 6.15pm: Watch to No II patrol stations 4caf8caecadfd341970376ce: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1915 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 [No position given; this is taken from other entries for Dardanelles Patrol] 7.00am: Secured, proceeded to Y Patrol 8.00am: As requisite for attending on submarines 8.45am: Hands fitting catch netting to waist guns & placing mantle around bridges 6.00pm: As requisite for B patrol 6.15 Watch to No II Patrol stations. B Patrol 4caf8caecadfd341970376cf: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1915 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 [No position given; this is taken from other entries for Dardanelles Patrol] 1.00am: As requisite for B patrol 6.45am: Secured, returned ammunition. 8.05am: Turkish battery near Kum Kale opened fire. Proceeded out of range. 8.10am: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage speed 20 knots. 9.20am: Went alongside collier, commenced coaling 12.30pm: Finished coaling, 42 tons 12.35pm: Left collier, anchored 5.0 Night defence stns. provided ammunition. B Patrol 4caf8caecadfd341970376d0: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded to northern anchorage 8.40am: Anchored 4caf8caecadfd341970376d1: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 9.40am: Weighed & closed Amethyst 10.06am: Returned and anchored 4.55pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for R Patrol speed 11.5 knots 4caf8caecadfd341970376d2: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 [No position given; this is taken from other entries for Dardanelles Patrol] 1.00am: As requisite for R Patrol 7.00am: As requisite for D Patrol 7.00pm: As requisite for R Patrol 4caf8caecadfd341970376d3: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 No position given; this is taken from other entries for Dardanelles Patrol 1.00am: As requisite for R patrol 7.30am: As requisite for anchorage. Hands preparing for coaling. 7.55am: Went alongside collier 8.40am: Commenced coaling 10.35am: Finished coaling (45 tons) 11.00am: Left collier, anchored 4caf8caecadfd341970376d4: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 10.45am: Weighed & proceeded alongside SS Carrigan Head. Took in provisions & stores. 2.50pm: Left store ship 3.00pm: Came to starboard anchor 4.10pm: Weighed & closed Blenheim. Took in fresh provisions. 5.15pm: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8caecadfd341970376d5: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to Dardanelles entrance 10.30am: As requisite for attending Agamemnon during bombardment of Turkish forts 12.20pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 3 shackles off Phido Island 5.30pm: Weighed and closed Ark Royal 7.15pm: Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos 7.50pm: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8caecadfd341970376d6: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 4.15am: Majestic weighed & proceeded 7.10am: Weighed & closed Wear 8.00am: Proceeded as requisite for attending on Ark Royal 10.00am: Took seaplane in tow. 10.15am: Shipped seaplane, proceeded to Tenedos 10.35am: Secured alongside collier 12.30pm: Hands carried on coaling 1.15pm: Finished coaling. 40 tons. 1.20pm: Left collier, proceeded as requisite for attending on Ark Royal. Hands cleaning ship after coaling. 5.30pm: Came to starboard anchor in 5 fathoms, veered 3 shackles off Rabbit Islands 4caf8caecadfd341970376d7: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1915 Rabbit Islands Lat 39.9, Long 26.1 7.30pm: Weighed & proceeded to T anchorage 4caf8caecadfd341970376d8: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 5.30am: Received 15 tons coal 7.30am: Employed securing for sea LOGS FOR MARCH 1915 4caf8caecadfd341970376d9: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-017_1.jpg) 1 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.30am: Hands employed cleaning guns 9.15am: Hands refitting Berthon boat's falls & whalers griping chocks, & cleaning small arms 1.15pm: Drew fresh provisions 2.25pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite 2.45pm: Course N21E 12 knots 3.15pm: Altered course W, as requisite for closing Inflexible off Imbros 4.15pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 5 shackles 6.00pm: Night defence stations, provided ammunition, darkened ship. Weighed and proceeded as requisite for Tenedos. 9.40pm: Came to starboard anchor, veered 5 shackles Provisions received: fresh meat 252 lbs; vegetables 400 lbs Fresh water: distilled 1 ton; expended 1 ton; remaining 2 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 14.8 tons; remaining 105.5 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8caecadfd341970376da: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-018_0.jpg) 2 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 1.20am: Three ratings came on board for passage 3.55am: Weighed & proceeded at 12 knots as requisite for Imbros 5.00am: Course as requisite for closing Inflexible 5.20am: Stopped 5.30am: Proceeded in company with Inflexible as requisite for Tenedos 6.25am: As requisite for examining small Boumbarada [probably bombarda, a small coasting sailing vessel] 6.50am: As requisite for Tenedos 8.05am: Came to starboard anchor 9.30am: Hands employed refitting fenders 4.30pm: 1 pair side cutting pliers lost overboard 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier 9.10pm: Finished coaling. Left Collier and anchored. 42 tons. 4caf8caecadfd341970376db: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-018_1.jpg) 3 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 4caf8caecadfd341970376dc: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-019_0.jpg) 4 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.15am: Weighed and closed Amethyst 8.50am: Proceeded as requisite for Rabbit Island Secured astern of HM Trawler No. 43. 10.20am: Slipped, proceeded as requisite for Tenedos. Came to with starboard anchor. 12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded 1.00pm: Closed Dublin speed 18 knots 1.50pm: Stopped, embarked Commander (N) for passage 2.10pm: Proceeded at 18 knots to close Queen Elizabeth 3.20pm: Came to starboard anchor off Imbros. Commander Douglas joined Queen Elizabeth. 4caf8caecadfd341970376dd: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-019_1.jpg) 5 March 1915 Imbros & off Gaba Tepe Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 [Evening anchorage at Tenedos; no noon position given] 8.55am: Weighed and closed Queen Elizabeth, proceeded as requisite for Gaba Tepe. Hands employed refitting and oiling blocks and guard rails. Ship attending on seaplanes. 11.00am: As requisite for attending on Ark Royal 11.30am: Proceeded full speed to assist fallen seaplane 12.10pm: As requisite for recovering wreckage and attending seaplanes 3.00pm: Fired on by concealed field battery 6.00pm: Proceeded 21 knots to rejoin Amethyst. 6.20pm: Closed Amethyst. Reduced to 14 knots. Darkened ship. 7.00pm: As requisite for Tenedos 7.50pm: Came to starboard anchor off Tenedos 4caf8caecadfd341970376de: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-020_0.jpg) 6 March 1915 From Tenedos to Syra Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.30am: Lord Nelson & Queen Elizabeth sailed 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier 10.20am: Commenced coaling 1.10pm: Finished coaling, left collier and closed Amethyst 55 tons 3.30pm: Proceeded course S30W 10 knots 5.45pm: Altered course S25W 6.40pm: Altered course S22W 7.30pm: Altered course S7W 9.30pm: Altered course S10W 11.00pm: Altered course S20W 11.45pm: Altered course S23W. Psara Light abeam. 4caf8caecadfd341970376df: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-020_1.jpg) 7 March 1915 From Tenedos to Syra, and at Port Livadhi (Serpho I) [Livadion, Serifos] Lat 37.4, Long 25.0 3.35am: Sighted C Armenisti Light bearingS22W 4.05pm: Sighted Livadi Light S55W 6.15pm: Livadi Point abeam 8.30am: Came to with starboard anchor veered 3 shackles 11.50am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 4.30pm: Course as requisite for patrolling off Siphano & Serpho Is [the latter is now Serifos] 6.30pm: Course as requisite for Port Livadhi 4caf8caecadfd341970376e0: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-021_0.jpg) 8 March 1915 From Port Livadhi to sea, Patrolling Cyclades Is Lat 37.6, Long 24.4 5.45am: Weighed and proceeded 8.00am: Proceeded as requisite for searching Islands of Thermia 10.00am: Examined Port St Stephanos 11.00am: Examined Port Irene 2.00pm: As requisite for examining Zea Island 2.30pm: Set course for Pt Angarlestro 3.10pm: As requisite for Mandri Channel 4.15pm: As requisite for Thermia 8 knots 7.50pm: Stopped engines off Port Irene 4caf8caecadfd341970376e1: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-021_1.jpg) 9 March 1915 Thermia to Syra, and at Port Naussa (Paros) Lat 37.1, Long 24.9 6.00am: Sighted Syra Island starboard bow 7.30am: Course & speed as requisite for approaching Syra 8.05am: Came to starboard anchor 8.30am: Hussar arrived 9.35am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for Paros I 12.15pm: Came to starboard anchor in Yanni Bay, Port Naussa 4caf8caecadfd341970376e2: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-022_0.jpg) 10 March 1915 From Paros to Syra Lat 37.4, Long 24.9 [Syra] 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded to sea 8.40am: As requisite for closing Hussar 9.45am: Came to starboard anchor at Syra 1.30pm: Sapphire arrived and anchored 4caf8caecadfd341970376e3: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-022_1.jpg) 11 March 1915 From Syra to off Thermia, and off Port Irene Lat 37.4, Long 24.9 [Syra] 7.30am: Hands preparing ship for coaling 8.35am: Weighed and proceeded to intercept Collier King John 10.30am: Secured alongside collier. Commenced coaling. 12 noon: Left collier and shifted billet 12.45pm: Secured alongside collier, resumed coaling 3.30pm: Finished coaling, left collier, proceeded out of harbour. 70 tons. 7.35pm: Stopped off Port Irene 4caf8caecadfd341970376e4: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-023_0.jpg) 12 March 1915 Off Port Irene to Syra, and at Port Livadhi Lat 37.0, Long 25.0 4.40am: Proceeded as requisite for Syra 8.00am: Stopped in Syra Harbour 8.50am: Sapphire arrived 9.20am: Proceeded course SSE 10 knots 12.05pm: Course as requisite for searching Despotiko & Strongyli Is 2.30pm: As requisite for searching Polykandro [Pholegrandos or Folegrandros] 5.30pm: As requisite for searching Siphano I 6.30pm: Course as requisite for Serpho I 7.45pm: Came to starboard anchor in Port Livadhi 4caf8caecadfd341970376e5: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-023_1.jpg) 13 March 1915 Port Livadhi to Syra Lat 37.6, Long 25.1 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite 10.15am: Course as requisite for intercepting steamer 10.40am: Boarded SS Vrondalos (Greek) 2.30pm: As requisite for searching Jura [now Nisi Gyaros] 5.00pm: As requisite for searching Syra 6.45pm: Came to starboard anchor off Syra 4caf8caecadfd341970376e6: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-024_0.jpg) 14 March 1915 From Syra to Port Naussa and at Anchor in Yanni Bay Lat 36.9, Long 25.1 [Pandros Island] 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded 8.40am: As requisite for steaming thru 14 Foot Pass, Antiparos Strait & for searching Antiparos Island & Despotiko Island. Hands piped down. 11.50am: Came to starboard anchor off Pandros Island [now Nisida Pontieronisi]. 3.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite 8.5 knots 4.00pm: As requisite to search Paros 5.00pm: Stopped to examine suspicious building. 5.30pm: Night defence stations. Provided ammunition. Resumed search and as requisite for Port Naussa. 7.00pm: Came to starboard anchor in Yanni Bay 4caf8caecadfd341970376e7: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-024_1.jpg) 15 March 1915 Port Naussa to Syra and at Kupho Islands [now Koufonisia] Lat 37.4, Long 24.9 [Syra] 3.50am: Weighed and proceeded 6.00am: Secured, returned ammunition, as requisite for approaching Syra 7.45am: Weighed & went alongside SS Remembrance; commenced coaling 12.25pm: Left Collier, set Co S42E 8.5 knots. 56 tons. 4.50pm: As requisite for searching Schinousa Island 5.15pm: Paid Monthly advance. Hands employed surveying starboard cable. Night defence stations, darkened ship. 7.00pm: Came to starboard anchor off Apano Kupho I [now Koufonisia] 4caf8caecadfd341970376e8: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-025_0.jpg) 16 March 1915 Kupho Island (Koufonisia) to Sea – searching Cyclades Lat 37.1, Long 25.2 5.50am: Weighed 6.00am: Proceeded as requisite 6.35am: Keraklia Island abeam [may be Iraklia] 9.15am: Altered course N60W as requisite for patrolling off Siphano 10.00am: Altered course as requisite to intercept Greek steamer. Hands employed cleaning & painting dinghy. 1.00pm: Stopped, as requisite for landing Interpreter at Pt Spathi Lt House [on Serifos] 2.30pm: Closed SS Tabarka 4caf8caecadfd341970376e9: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-025_1.jpg) 17 March 1915 Searching Sporades Lat 37.4, Long 25.9 2.30am: Proceeded as requisite to intercept steamer 3.15am: Resumed Patrol 6.00am: Proceeded to intercept steamer 7.00am: Stopped. Boarded Collier SS Amicus off Lyra. 9.00am: Altered course N85E. Hands painting dinghy & refitting bath screens. 12.30pm: C Papas 3’ on port bow [on Ikaria, and also called Akra Pappas] 2.30pm: As requisite for closing Sapphire 4.30pm: As requisite for searching Furmi Island [probably Fournoi] 8.30pm: C Papas 3' on stbd beam (Light not burning) 4caf8caecadfd341970376ea: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-026_0.jpg) 18 March 1915 Nikaria I. to Syra or searching Cyclades [Nikaria Island is now usually known as Ikaria] Lat 36.5, Long 25.4 1.50am: Nata Light bearing NE. Stopped. 7.30am: Course as requisite for Syra 8.10am: Hove to off Syra. Drew fresh provisions. 8.20am: Proceeded as requisite to intercept Collier 9.0am: Hands relacing screens & renewing guard rails 4caf8caecadfd341970376eb: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-026_1.jpg) 19 March 1915 Off Syra Lat 37.3, Long 24.5 4.10am: As requisite for patrolling 9.30 Hands cleaning small arms and relashing splinter protection to after gun platform 4.10pm: Closed Sapphire 4.25pm: Proceeded in company of Sapphire to Rhenea. 6.15pm: Came to starboard anchor in E bay of Rhenea, veered 4 shackles. 6.25 Hands prepared for coaling. Darkened ship. 4caf8cafcadfd341970376ec: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-027_0.jpg) 20 March 1915 Rhenea to Port Naussa Lat 35.5, Long 25.38 5.50am: Weighed and went alongside Sapphire 6.00am: Commenced coaling 10.05am: Finished coaling, left Sapphire and proceeded as requisite for Patrol 12.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for examining coasts of Naxos and Paros Islands 3.30pm: As requisite for approaching Port Naussa 4.05pm: Came to starboard anchor in 6 fathoms veered 3 shackles 4caf8cafcadfd341970376ed: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-027_1.jpg) 21 March 1915 Port Naussa to Syra Lat 37.4, Long 24.9 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving anchorage 8.00am: As requisite for approaching Syra 8.10am: Came to starboard anchor veered 3 shackles 10.00am: Weighed and lay off Syra 5.5 Night defence stations provided ammunition. Darkened ship. 4caf8cafcadfd341970376ee: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-028_0.jpg) 22 March 1915 From Syra to Rhenea Lat 37.4, Long 25.24 6.20am: Weighed and proceeded to close collier 6.50am: Proceeded as requisite for Rhenea 9.10am: Secured alongside Collier SS Lamington 10.00am: Chelmer & Racoon arrived, Racoon came alongside 2.50pm: Finished coaling, slipped and proceeded to Syra (68 tons) 4.15pm: Came to starboard anchor 2.5 shackles 4caf8cafcadfd341970376ef: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-028_1.jpg) 23 March 1915 Krazi Bay [Syra] Lat 37.4, Long 24.9 6.10am: Proceeded as requisite for Krazi Bay, Syra Island 7.25am: Came to starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered 5 shackles 8.45 Hands employed cleaning ship & securing life belts on gun platforms 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f0: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-029_0.jpg) 24 March 1915 Krazi Bay to Port Mudros and at Sea Lat 37.4, Long 24.9 5.05am: Weighed, proceeded as requisite for closing Sapphire 6.15am: As requisite for Syra Harbour 8.50am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for Krazi Bay 10.15am: Came to starboard anchor 2.45pm: Sapphire arrived 3.35pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for Steno Pass. 10.5 knots. 4.35pm: Set course N. Gaidaro I 0.5’ on port bow 6.18pm: Passed through Steno Pass 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f1: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-029_1.jpg) 25 March 1915 Krazi Bay to Port Mudros and Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.20am: Sighted Lemnos I ahead. Altered course North. Secured returned ammunition. 9.45am: Closed Queen Elizabeth. One 12 pounder loading tray overboard by accident. 11.25am: Secured alongside Collier SS Queensland transport 12.15pm: Commenced coaling 2.15pm: Finished coaling, 35 tons left Collier 2.30pm: Two Ratings joined for passage 2.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 7.05pm: Came to starboard anchorage off Tenedos 9.30pm: Weighed & closed Canopus. Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos. 10.30pm: Boarded Greek steamer. Removed suspicious character for investigation. 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f2: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-030_0.jpg) 26 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 1.00am: Closed Canopus and discharged prisoner 1.15pm: Hands rigging sweeping gear 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded in company with Wear. Exercised minesweeping. 4.50pm: Secured alongside Blenheim. Drew stores. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded for north anchorage 5.55pm: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f3: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-030_1.jpg) 27 March 1915 Tenedos to Lemnos and at Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 9.15am: Weighed & proceeded alongside store ship [Carrigan Head]. Hands employed provisioning ship. 11.50pm: Left store ship, proceeded as requisite for northern anchorage 1.40pm: Secured alongside Blenheim. Hands employed fitting new sweep wire. 2.00pm: Trawler Renano came alongside 8.30pm: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for T anchorage 9.45pm: Joined Inflexible proceeded as requisite for Lemnos. Speed 6 knots. Set Co S83W. 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f4: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-031_0.jpg) 28 March 1915 [No location given; between Port Mudros and Tenedos] Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 1.40am: Mudros Light N78W 5.20am: Stopped. As requisite for entering Port Mudros. 6.25am: As requisite for leaving Port Mudros 8.45am: Hands fitting sweeping gear 10.00am: As requisite for approaching Tenedos 10.30am: Secured alongside Wear 11.07am: Left Wear. Came to starboard anchor. 4.30pm: Hands fitting hemp tackle for sweep. 6.15pm: Weighed & proceeded alongside Blenheim. 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f5: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-031_1.jpg) 29 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 11.05am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 1.30pm: Hands employed at minesweeping exercise Lost overboard by accident 1 screw shackle 8.15pm: Came to with starboard anchor veered 4 shackles 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f6: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-032_0.jpg) 30 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for minesweeping exercise 11.00am: Proceeded as requisite for harbour 1.55pm: Proceeded alongside collier SS Clara. Hands employed coaling. 6.00pm: Finished coaling (70 tons). Left collier and anchored. 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f7: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-032_1.jpg) 31 March 1915 Tenedos to Port Mudros Lat 40.2, Long 25.5 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for closing Queen 8.05am: Anchored. Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.45am: Weighed and closed Queen 10.00am: French officers came onboard for passage, proceeded as requisite for Port Mudros 12.45pm: Altered course as requisite for sounding south end of Lemnos 1.05pm: As requisite for entering Port Mudros 2.50pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 3 shackles. French officers left. 6.20pm: Left harbour in company with Swiftsure and Minerva 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f8: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-033_0.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd341970376f9: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-033_1.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd341970376fa: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd341970376fb: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd341970376fc: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd341970376fd: ( 53-68367/ADM 53-68367-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 4caf8cafcadfd341970376fe: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd341970376ff: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-001_1.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd34197037700: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-002_0.jpg) ‘This is to certify that this is a true copy of the log of HMS Welland for the period 1st April 1915 to 31st May 1915’ signed C A Poignand, Lieutenant Commander 4caf8cafcadfd34197037701: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-002_1.jpg) Completed page giving distance run per ton of coal at various speeds. The page is signed by Lt Cmdr Poignand, and by J M Simpson, Engineer, Commander (D) (James Mansfield Simpson) 4caf8cafcadfd34197037702: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-003_0.jpg) 4caf8cafcadfd34197037703: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1915 Port Mudros to Tenedos and searching Gulf of Adramiyte [gulf on the Turkish mainland opposite Mityleni] Lat 39.5, Long 26.9 2.15am: Sighted Sigri Light bearing S3W 3.15am: Sigri Light abeam Altered course SE 4.30am: Altered course S by E 5.25am: Altered course N70E 6.00am: Took station on port beam of Swiftsure 6.15am: Stopped engines, proceeded as requisite 7.15am: Hands cleaning ship 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning guns and arms and refitting upper deck gear. Stopped engines and proceeded as requisite for following up French minesweepers. 1.30pm: Hands piped down 4.45pm: Altered course S85W 5.00pm: Night defence stations 5.30pm: Altered course N60W 6.00pm: Altered course N5E 6.30pm: Darkened ship. Altered course N6E. 7.00pm: Placed look-outs 8.15pm: Oinos Point abeam, increased to 10 knots 8.30pm: Course as requisite for harbour 8.55pm: Came to starboard anchor veered ~ shackles Fresh water: received 5 tons; distilled 5 tons; expended 5 tons; remaining 2 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 16.0 tons; remaining 95 tons [A complete day’s log] 4caf8cafcadfd34197037704: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 4caf8cafcadfd34197037705: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1915 Tenedos and Dardanelles Patrol Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier, SS Harlseywood 6.05am: Commenced coaling. Lost overboard by accident 4 coal bags. 8.30am: Finished coaling 50 tons 12 noon: Weighed & proceeded alongside Blenheim 5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for Patrol 6.45pm: Hands rigging sweep gear 9.00pm: Closed and communicated with Colne 9.15pm: Resumed Patrol in Morto Bay 4caf8cafcadfd34197037706: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Alongside store ship off Tenedos Town [noon position] 8.05am: Proceeded astern of Prince of Wales 8.40am: Enemy forts opened fire 10.30am: Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos. 13 knots. Hands preparing kites for returning. 11.45am: Went alongside store ship & returned 2-6 ft kites, drew 1-9 ft kite. 12.50pm: Secured alongside Renard 3.30pm: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for Dardanelles 5.15pm: As requisite for searching for mark buoys 4caf8cafcadfd34197037707: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1915 On Patrol, Dardanelles Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 [No position given; this is taken from other entries for Dardanelles Patrol] As requisite – for Patrolling between DeTort's battery and Kum Kale 6.15am: Fell out look-outs 6.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage 7.45pm: Came to starboard anchor, veered 5 shackles 4caf8cafcadfd34197037708: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 5.50am: Weighed. Proceeded alongside SS Harlseywood. Commenced coaling. Lost overboard by accident 5 coal bags. 47 tons. 8.50am: Finished coaling, slipped 9.10am: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8cafcadfd34197037709: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1915 Tenedos to Gulf of Smyrna Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.15am: Hands preparing kite for sweeping 7.30am: Weighed & proceeded alongside SS Hindu Kush 9.30am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for exercising mine sweeper with Wear 11.00am: Hands employed attending sweep & kite wires 12.20pm: Hauled in sweep 1.40pm: Proceeded as requisite for Tenedos 3.15pm: Anchored off Tenedos, veered 2 shackles 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded 7.48pm: Sigri Light 1' on port beam 4caf8cafcadfd3419703770a: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 8.10am: Stopped & boarded SS Farzana (Italian) [see also 10 April – this is a best guess] 9.40am: Proceeded 5.00pm: Sent boat to Dartmouth for bread 6.00pm: Went alongside Wear 6.35pm: Slipped & resumed Patrol. Darkened ship. 4caf8cafcadfd3419703770b: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 8.15am: Hands preparing ship for sweeping 10.00am: Proceeded to carry out sweeping exercise with Wear 11.00am: Finished sweeping, resumed Patrol 5.30pm: Closed Dartmouth drew provisions 6.40pm: Boarded small Greek steamer 4caf8cafcadfd3419703770c: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 11.00am: Closed Minerva. Captain went onboard Minerva. 2.15pm: As requisite for intercepting steamer 2.40pm: Stopped, boarded SS Farzana [a best guess] 3.00pm: As requisite for attending on Minerva 7.00pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. Maine (American) 7.45pm: Resumed Patrol, darkened ship 4caf8cafcadfd3419703770d: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Sigri and back Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 5.35am: Increased to 12 knots as requisite for closing Minerva 9.30am: As requisite for entering Sigri Harbour 9.35am: Secured alongside SS Barrington Coast 10.15am: Commenced coaling. Lost overboard by accident 6 coal bags. 4.10pm: Finished coaling. Slipped & proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna. 84 tons. 7.15pm: Closed Minerva 7.25pm: Proceeded as requisite for Patrol 11.00pm: Ship fired on by enemy riflemen on shore 4caf8cafcadfd3419703770e: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 1.00am: Patrolling off W Coast of Long Island [Chustan Island, often called Long Island] 6.30am: Closed Minerva 7.00am: Stopped and boarded SS Arcadia (Greek) 7.30am: As requisite for attending on seaplane 7.50am: Took seaplane in tow to Minerva 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and guns and renewing berthing rails 4caf8cafcadfd3419703770f: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1915 [As requisite for patrolling Gulf of Smyrna] Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 6.30am: Closed Minerva 11.00am: Lost overboard by accident 1 cork life buoy 4.15pm: Closed Wear 4caf8cafcadfd34197037710: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.8 9.15am: As requisite for exercising attack on Minerva 9.50am: Secured. Closed Minerva. 10.00am: Sent boat for provisions 8.15pm: Boarded SS Byzantium 4caf8cafcadfd34197037711: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.8 6.30am: Closed Minerva, drew bread. 10.00am: Hands preparing for sweeping exercise 10.15am: Hands employed practising mine-sweeping 4caf8cafcadfd34197037712: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1915 Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 9.30am: As requisite for sweeping exercise with Wear 10.30am: Exercised gun's crews at aiming rifle practice 11.45am: Secured. Hands sponging out & cleaning guns. 4caf8cafcadfd34197037713: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.8 [No position given; this is from previous days on Smyrna Patrol] 7.15am: Went alongside Colne, exchanged 9' kite for 6' kite 8.00am: Slipped, proceeded as requisite for attending on seaplane 12.30pm: Proceeded as requisite on patrol 4.30pm: As requisite for attending on seaplane 5.00pm: Bulldog arrived 4caf8cafcadfd34197037714: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Sigri and back Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 8.45am: As requisite for entering Sigri 9.15am: Secured alongside SS Barrington Court. Commenced coaling. 5.00pm: Finished coaling. 114 tons. Slipped and proceeded as requisite for leaving Sigri. 8.00pm: As requisite for patrolling Gulf of Smyrna 9.00pm: As requisite for patrolling off Chustan I 4caf8cafcadfd34197037715: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.6 6.00am: As requisite for attending on seaplane 7.00am: Closed Minerva. Drew bread. 7.45am: Resumed Patrol 3.45pm: Stopped & boarded SS Maine (USA) 5.00pm: Boarded SS Byzantium (Greek) 4caf8cafcadfd34197037716: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.6 12.25pm: Closed and went alongside Wear. Drew fresh bread. 12.40pm: Slipped. Set Course N20E as requisite for reconnoitring coast. 7.00pm: As requisite for closing Minerva and for Patrol 7.30pm: Minerva sailed 4caf8cafcadfd34197037717: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 37.4, Long 26.8 6.30am: Triad arrived, Bulldog sailed 8.30am: Closed Triad, drew fresh meat 9.15am: Course as requisite for Patrol 7.30pm: Closed Savage. Drew Maxim gun and accessories. 9.30pm: Sighted Pasha Light bearing S20W 4caf8cafcadfd34197037718: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1915 Sigri Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 1.30am: Altered course as requisite for Sigri harbour 1.40am: Came to starboard anchor in Port Sigri 4caf8cafcadfd34197037719: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1915 Sigri Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 7.30am: Weighed and went alongside SS Pikepool 8.30am: Commenced coaling 2.15pm: Finished coaling 77 tons 4.30pm: Slipped and anchored 4caf8cafcadfd3419703771a: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1915 Port Sigri to Smyrna and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 36.6, Long 26.7 3.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite 7.00am: As requisite for closing Wear 9.15am: Stopped off north end of Chustan Island 1.00pm: Boarded SS Porto di Rodi (Italian) 2.15pm: Boarded SS Elispondes (Greek) 4caf8cafcadfd3419703771b: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Mudros and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 5.30am: Savage sailed 8.00am: Boarded Italian steamer Washington of Venice from Alexandria to Vourlah etc. Detained her until orders re her disposal received. Cargo conditional contraband, and passengers under suspicion. 3.45pm: Closed SS Washington. Placed prize crew on board. 4.30pm: Proceeded, escorting SS Washington 10.00pm: As requisite for approaching Syri 10.30pm: Hove to off Syri harbour 11.30pm: Sent boat to Washington 4caf8cafcadfd3419703771c: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Mudros and back and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 1.00am: Proceeded course N40W 10 knots in company with Washington 5.30am: As requisite for approaching Port Mudros 6.30am: Hove to in Port Mudros 6.47am: Came to starboard anchor 1 shackle off Mudros town 7.00am: Weighed, closed SS Washington 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded speed 14 knots. Course as requisite for leaving Mudros. 7.20pm: As requisite for entering Gulf of Smyrna 7.50pm: Closed Wear 4caf8cafcadfd3419703771d: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1915 Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 9.30am: Closed Triad. Drew fresh meat. Hands employed cleaning guns & fitting up anti-aircraft guns, reeling up wires & refitting hawser reel. 12.30pm: Stopped & examined small sailing boat 4caf8cafcadfd3419703771e: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Sigri & back and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 5.00am: Proceeded as requisite for Sigri 9.05am: As requisite for Port Sigri, secured alongside collier 9.30am: Commenced coaling 2.10pm: Finished coaling, 78 tons 3.15pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite. 7.45pm: As requisite for closing Wear 4caf8cafcadfd3419703771f: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 5.00am: Wear sailed 5.15am: Secured. Returned ammunition. Sent one Very’s pistol and 12 lights to Triad. 5.35am: Triad sailed 3.40pm: Boarded SS Arcadia (Greek) 5.00pm: Boarded SS Elispondes (Greek) 7.20pm: Wear arrived 4caf8cafcadfd34197037720: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 6.00am: Closed Triad. Drew fresh meat. 6.30am: Shut steam off starboard engine for repairs 5.45pm: Took Turkish sailing boat in tow. 7.00pm: Removed cargo and papers of sailing boat LOGS FOR MAY 1915 4caf8cafcadfd34197037721: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-018_1.jpg) 1 May 1915 On Gulf of Smyrna Lat 36.6, Long 26.7 5.30am: Secured. Examined sailing boat. 6.40am: Examined sailing boat 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting down aloft, and oiling wires 5.05pm: Night defence stations 7.00pm: Went alongside Doris. Discharged confiscated cargo to Doris. 7.30pm: Darkened ship 7.53pm: Slipped. Resumed patrol. Watch to No II patrol stations. Fresh water: distilled 5 tons; expended 5 tons; remaining 1.5 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 14.4 tons; remaining 85.9 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cafcadfd34197037722: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-019_0.jpg) 2 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 36.6, Long 26.7 [Recorded position appears to be incorrect] 3.30am: Examined Greek sailing boat 6.50am: Boarded SS Constantinos (Greek). Put armed guard on board and detained vessel. 10.00am: Read prayers 12 noon: Turned prize over to Doris 2.00pm: Boarded SS Nikolas 9.00pm: Examined Greek sailing boat 4caf8cafcadfd34197037723: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-019_1.jpg) 3 May 1915 Gulf of Smyrna, Sigri & back and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 8.30am: As requisite for Port Sigri 9.00am: Secured alongside SS Lydie 9.10am: Commenced coaling 2.05pm: Finished coaling received 69 tons. Filled 100 bags for Triad. 2.50pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 4caf8cafcadfd34197037724: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-020_0.jpg) 4 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.6 5.40am: Wear sailed 7.00am: Closed Triad. Drew fresh meat. 8.30am: As requisite searching west coast of Gulf 10.05am: Ship fired on by enemy riflemen 10.07am: Returned fire with forward 12-pounder and Maxim. 10.15am: Ceased fire. One man slightly wounded. 12.30pm: Examined two sailing boats 5.05pm: Closed Triad. Sent one Rating to see Doctor. 6.25pm: Boarded SS Nikolaos (Greek) 7.15pm: Captain repaired on board Wear 4caf8cafcadfd34197037725: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-020_1.jpg) 5 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 9.45am: Hands refitting coaling gear, fitting shield to Maxim and shot protection to bridge 1.50pm: As requisite for closing Doris 2.40pm: Stopped. Captain repaired on board Doris. 3.00pm: Set Course S80W in company with Doris, Kennet and transports 9.25pm: Psara Light bearing N25W 4caf8cafcadfd34197037726: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-021_0.jpg) 6 May 1915 At Sea & in Sighajik Bay Lat 38.2, Long 26.7 5.00am: Altered course N. Secured. Lost overboard by accident 1 cork lifebuoy. 6.15am: Stopped. Proceeded as requisite for searching Sighajik Bay, Captain of Doris onboard. 8.00am: Captain of Doris left ship. Proceeded as requisite for leaving Port Sighajik. 9.10am: Came to starboard anchor in Sighajik Bay, veered 3.5 shackles 11.45am: Weighed & proceeded alongside Transport B4 1.15pm: Slipped and proceeded to Transport B6. Secured astern. 2.50pm: Slipped and closed Doris 3.10pm: As requisite for leaving Sighajik Bay in company with Doris and transports 7.30pm: Increased speed & altered course as requisite for examining Greek steamer at anchor in Skala Nuova [Kusadasi] 8.00pm: Rejoined Doris course N 86W 10 knots 1-12 powder gun cover lost overboard by accident. 1 gauge micrometer & gauges feeler in case do. by being knocked out of hand by heavy sea. 11.15pm: Parted company with Doris 4caf8cafcadfd34197037727: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-021_1.jpg) 7 May 1915 At sea Lat 37.8, Long 26.9 [Recorded position appears to be incorrect] 1.20am: As requisite for approaching Samos 2.50am: Came to starboard anchorage off Samos in 8 fms. veered 3 shackles. 5.00am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for searching coast of Samos for Gazelle. 1.00pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 capstan bar & 1 cork life buoy. 10.45pm: Sighted Sigri Light N15W 11.30pm: As requisite for Port Sigri 4caf8cafcadfd34197037728: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-022_0.jpg) 8 May 1915 Port Sigri to Gulf of Smyrna and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 12.15am: Came to starboard anchor 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier SS Redesmere 5.50am: Commenced coaling 11.25am: Finished coaling 98 tons 12.20pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 6.30pm: Stopped off Chustan Island, sent boats to Wear and Triad 7.30pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrol 4caf8cafcadfd34197037729: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-022_1.jpg) 9 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 4.55am: Secured. Returned ammunition. Wear sailed. 9.00am: Read prayers. Doris & Gazelle arrived. 10.30am: Proceeded alongside Gazelle. Drew stores. 11.00am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for attending on seaplane. 1.00pm: As requisite for closing Triad. 1.20pm: Boarded SS Bulgaria (Italian). 3.30pm: Secured alongside Gazelle. Completed drawing stores. 4.10pm: Slipped. Drew fresh meat from Triad. 4.45pm: Proceeded on patrol 4caf8cafcadfd3419703772a: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-023_0.jpg) 10 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 8.45am: Hands repairing boats gripes 9.15am: Closed Doris, Captain repaired onboard 10.45 Hands to action stations, course and speed as requisite for reconnoitring Vourlah Roads. 5.45pm: Closed Doris 4caf8cafcadfd3419703772b: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-023_1.jpg) 11 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 5.15am: Gazelle sailed 7.45am: Boarded SS Macedonia (Greek) 1.30pm: Exercised minesweeping with Wear 3.40pm: Hauled in kite, proceeded as requisite for intercepting & boarding SS Macedonia 5.15pm: Closed Doris 4caf8cafcadfd3419703772c: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-024_0.jpg) 12 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.655 7.00am: Boarded SS Nikolas (Greek) 9.45am: Hands employed renewing berthing rails & shot protection 12.20pm: Gazelle arrived 2.15pm: Closed Doris 5.00pm: As requisite for Mitylene [on Lesbos] 5.20pm: Stopped off Mitylene 6.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 8.15pm: Closed Doris. Drew bread. 8.30pm: As requisite for Patrol. Doris sailed. 4caf8cafcadfd3419703772d: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-024_1.jpg) 13 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning guns, refitting berthing rails & bridge screens. 2.00pm: Boarded SS Sparti (Greek) 2.30pm: Secured. Savage arrived. 3.11pm: Wear arrived 10.30pm: Savage sailed. 4caf8cafcadfd3419703772e: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-025_0.jpg) 14 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 5.00am: Secured. Wear sailed. 6.45pm: Wear arrived 4caf8cafcadfd3419703772f: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-025_1.jpg) 15 May 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Sigri and back, or on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 8.05am: As requisite for entering Port Sigri 8.30am: Secured alongside Collier SS Redesmere 8.50am: Commenced coaling 3.35pm: Finished coaling (110 tons) 3.40pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 6.30pm: As requisite for entering Gulf of Smyrna 7.30pm: As requisite for patrol 4caf8cafcadfd34197037730: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-026_0.jpg) 16 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.0, Long 26.0 1.00am: Proceeded with Savage to join Doris off Smyrna 1.30am: As requisite for attending on Doris during bombardment of searchlights on shore 3.30am: Resumed Patrol 4.30am: Sent to Gazelle for provisions 10.10am: Course as requisite for entering Port Sigri 10.30am: As requisite for leaving harbour in company with B11. Read prayers. Paid money and men’s savings. 12.45pm: As requisite for closing Triad 3.30pm: As requisite for entering Gulf of Smyrna 5.00pm: As requisite for closing Wear 6.45pm: As requisite for patrol 4caf8cafcadfd34197037731: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-026_1.jpg) 17 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.655 11.12am: Hands employed shoring up mess deck bulkheads. 11.45am: As requisite for searching for enemy submarines 1.30pm: Hands piped down (except foremost gun and crew) 7.00pm: As requisite for patrolling entrance to Smyrna 9.30pm: Closed Doris. Captain repaired onboard. 10.30pm: Resumed patrol 4caf8cafcadfd34197037732: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-027_0.jpg) 18 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.4 4.45am: Secured, returned ammunition, placed submarine look-outs. Course as requisite for attending on seaplane off Smyrna. 7.00am: As requisite for patrol 4caf8cafcadfd34197037733: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-027_1.jpg) 19 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.4 5.00am: As requisite for closing Wear 6.00am: Closed Wear 6.30am: Wear sailed 9.15am: Fired on by guns at Palio Tabia Point 2.15pm: Savage arrived 5.30pm: As requisite for closing Doris in company with B11 6.45pm: Captain proceeded onboard Doris 8.10pm: Sent to B11 for mails 9.00pm: Proceeded on Patrol 4caf8cafcadfd34197037734: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-028_0.jpg) 20 May 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Sigri Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 4.30am: Course as requisite for closing Doris 5.15am: Prize crew of Kennet and Prize Officer came onboard for passage 8.30am: As requisite for entering Sigri Harbour 9.20am: Secured alongside SS Redesmere 9.40am: Commenced coaling (97 tons) 5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded alongside SS Carterswell 6.50pm: Slipped. Came to starboard anchor. 4caf8cafcadfd34197037735: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-028_1.jpg) 21 May 1915 Port Sigri to Gulf of Smyrna and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.6 5.00am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Craigston 5.10am: Hands employed provisioning ship 7.50am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 1.15pm: As requisite for closing Doris 1.20pm: Stopped. Sent Ratings to Doris. 1.35pm: Closed Wear 3.10pm: Stopped and sent mails and gear to Wear 3.30pm: As requisite for closing Doris 4.00pm: As requisite for patrolling round Doris 4caf8cafcadfd34197037736: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-029_0.jpg) 22 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.9 11.50am: Kennet arrived 6.15pm: Closed and communicated with Kennet 6.30pm: Proceeded to outer Patrol 9.15pm: Savage arrived 4caf8cafcadfd34197037737: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-029_1.jpg) 23 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 4.30am: Secured. Savage sailed. 8.00am: Wear arrived 10.00am: Read prayers 2.15pm: Boarded Greek sailing boat 3.30pm: Boarded 2 sailing boats 4caf8cafcadfd34197037738: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-030_0.jpg) 24 May 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Sigri and Iero and back and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 4.15am: Proceeded to join Minerva 6.40am: Course as requisite for entering Port Iero 7.00am: Stopped off Minerva 7.15am: As requisite for leaving Port Iero 10.00am: Altered course as requisite for Port Sigri 10.30am: Secured alongside Collier Craigston 10.55am: Commenced coaling 3.30pm: Finished coaling 65 tons 3.35pm: Slipped and proceeded 5.45pm: Altered course as requisite for Port Iero 6.30pm: Stopped off Minerva, sent two Ratings to see Doctor 8.45pm: As requisite for entering Gulf of Smyrna and closing Wear 10.00pm: Stopped. Discharged 1 officer and 2 Ratings to Wear. 10.30pm: Proceeded on patrol Number on Sick List: 2 4caf8cafcadfd34197037739: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-030_1.jpg) 25 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.655 6.30am: Boarded SS Macedonia (Greek) 7.30am: Proceeded on patrol 11.30am: Stopped. Received 1 Turk and 1 Greek prisoners, from Greek Caique suspected of espionage. 6.30pm: Received 5 prisoners from fishing boat. Placed them under armed guard. 11.35pm: Wear arrived & closed 4caf8cafcadfd3419703773a: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-031_0.jpg) 26 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.655 12 midnight: Discharged 3 prisoners to Wear under armed guard 8.45am: Hands refitting coaling strops and fenders 10.00am: Discharged 2 released prisoners to Greek caique 6.45pm: Fired at by field battery 4caf8cafcadfd3419703773b: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-031_1.jpg) 27 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.8 8.30am: Closed Wear. Discharged 2 Turkish prisoners to Wear. 9.30am: Proceeded as requisite. Received 1 Greek interpreter. 4caf8cafcadfd3419703773c: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-032_0.jpg) 28 May 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.00am: As requisite for entering Port Iero 8.55am: Secured alongside collier 9.25am: Commenced coaling 3.30pm: Finished coaling 70 tons 3.40pm: Slipped and came to starboard anchor Number on Sick List: 1 4caf8cafcadfd3419703773d: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-032_1.jpg) 29 May 1915 Port Iero to Gulf of Smyrna and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.00am: Drew fresh meat. Landed escort to search for absentees. 10.00am: Escort and 4 prisoners returned 10.15am: Landed escort 12.15pm: Escort and 3 prisoners returned. Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 4caf8cafcadfd3419703773e: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-033_0.jpg) 30 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.9 9.10am: As requisite for closing Wear 9.40am: Closed Wear sent over mails provisions and 1 sick case 10.00am: Read prayers 10.15am: Proceeded on inner Patrol 3.30pm: Examined Greek caique 6.35pm: Fired on by enemy submarine (Turkish). As requisite for chasing same at full speed - engaged submarine. 7.30pm: Darkened ship. (Two rounds fired 1-12 pr 12 cwt, 1-12 per 8 cwt) 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703773f: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-033_1.jpg) 31 May 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 36.5, Long 27.0 4.50am: Secured. Placed special look-out. 7.50am: Sighted submarine bearing N by W. Proceeded full speed to intercept same. 7.50am: Gun action stations 8.05am: Secured (submarine British B6) 8.10am: Resumed Patrol 8.45am: Hands employed refitting bath screens and chart house windows 10.00am: Stopped. Sent 1 Rating for passage to Port Iero. 11.30am: Examined Greek caique 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037740: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037741: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037742: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037743: ( 53-68368/ADM 53-68368-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JUNE 1915 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037744: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037745: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-001_1.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037746: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is the original log of HMS Welland for the period 1st June to 31st July 1915. C A Poignand, Lieut Commander 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037747: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-002_1.jpg) Completed page giving distance run per ton of coal at various speeds. The page is signed by Lt Cmdr Poignand, and by J M Simpson, Engineer, Commander (D) (James Mansfield Simpson) Stamp of the Captain of the Fifth Destroyer Flotilla, 27 Sept 1915, signed by C A Cook 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037748: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-003_0.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037749: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.9 4.30am: Secured 7.30am: Hands cleaning ship 8.45am: Hands repairing chart house windows. 10.00am: Kennet arrived 11.30am: Closed Kennet. Navigating officer of Euryalus joined for passage. Proceeded as requisite for Port Iero N25W 13 knots 12.40pm: Altered course N by W 1.45pm: Altered course N20W 2.10pm: As requisite for entering Port Iero 2.45pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 3 shackles 8.30pm: Darkened ship 9.00pm: Rounds Fresh water: distilled .5 tons; expended .5 tons; remaining 1.5 tons Fuel expended for all purposes; coal 13.1 tons; remaining 68.6 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703774a: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1915 Port Iero to off Mytilene & back and at Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 5.50am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for Mytilene at 12 knots 7.20am: Stopped off Mytilene 8.30am: Closed trawler 8.40am: Proceeded as requisite for intercepting Turkish caique 9.00am: Captured caique, brought 3 prisoners onboard 10.40am: Proceeded for Port Iero with prize in tow, course S15E 8.5 knots 12 noon: As requisite for entering harbour 12.40pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 2 shackles 3.45pm: Turned over prize to Euralyus 4.00pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Mytilene. 5.30pm: Boarded SS Byzanteon & Athenae (Greek). Proceeded as requisite for Port Iero. 6.45pm: As requisite for entering harbour 7.30pm: Discharged 3 prisoners to Euralyus 7.45pm: Secured alongside collier 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703774b: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 6.00am: Commenced coaling 1.25pm: Finished coaling, 80 tons 5.10pm: Paid the hands 6.15pm: French minelayer Casabianca left harbour. 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703774c: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1915 Port Iero to Gulf of Smyrna and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 5.10am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 7.30am: Closed Wear. Course and speed as requisite for Patrol, & searching for survivors of Casabianca. [Casabianca was blown up by one of her own mines during an allied attempt to blockade Smyrna] 9.15am: Boarded Greek caique. Hands cleaning ship & guns & refitting fenders & guard rails. 12.30pm: Examined caique 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703774d: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 5.00pm: Boarded Greek caique 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703774e: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Afano & back and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 4.30am: As requisite for entering Port Afano 5.05am: Closed Kennet inside Port Afano 5.10am: Opened fire on Turkish snipers and shipping, and assisted in covering Kennet's whaler 6.00am: Destroyed stranded picket boat by gunfire 6.15am: Ceased fire. Kennet sailed. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship's guns and stowing fired cylinders. 4-12 pr. 8 cwt empty cylinders lost overboard during action. 10.30am: Read prayers 3.15pm: Closed Kennet off Cape Hydra 3.30pm: Proceeded on patrol 5.15pm: Stopped as requisite for salvage of gear from waterlogged cutter of late Casabianca 6.30pm: As requisite for boarding small caique. 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703774f: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.3 5.40am: Boarded S.S. Macedonia (Greek) 7.10am: As requisite for closing Euralyus 7.20am: Proceeded as requisite for escorting Euralyus speed 16 knots 9.20am: Parted company with Euralyus 11.45am: As requisite for reconnoitring Egri Liman. Gun action stations. 6.30pm: Boarded 3 Greek caiques. 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037750: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero and Port Kalloni and at Port Iero Lat 39.19, Long 26.24 5.30am: As requisite for entering Port Iero 6.10am: Secured alongside Collier and commenced coaling 20 tons 9.15 Stopped coaling, slipped and proceeded as requisite for searching coast for damaged aeroplane 11.15am: As requisite for entering Port Kalloni 11.30am: As requisite for searching Port Kalloni 12.45pm: Came to starboard anchor in Port Kalloni. Sent boat ashore to bring off aeroplane pilot. 1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving Port Kalloni 2.45pm: As requisite for Port Iero 3.40pm: Increased to 11.5 knots. Closed Kennet. 5.30pm: Came to starboard anchor veered 3 shackles 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier Melanie 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037751: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 5.00am: Commenced coaling 11.00am: Finished coaling. 90 tons. 1.30pm: Hands cleaning ship. Gave leave to port watch (special) from 3.30 to 6.30 pm. 4.20pm: Read warrant no [ ]. Discharged 1 cell prisoner to Vengeance. [There is no warrant number in the log] 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037752: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037753: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1915 Port Iero to Gulf of Sandarli and on Sandarli Patrol Lat 38.9, Long 26.9 4.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 6.00am: Course as requisite for B Patrol 9.50am: Fired on by howitzers in Namurt Liman Bay 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037754: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1915 On Mytilene Patrol Lat 38.9, Long 26.5 11.15am: Boarded SS Angheliki (Greek) 7.00pm: Boarded SS Athena (Greek) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037755: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1915 On Mytilene Patrol Lat 38.9, Long 26.8 9.00pm: As requisite for lying off Mytilene 10.35pm: Proceeded as requisite for following SS Macedonia 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037756: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.5 [Recorded position appears to be incorrect] 12.40am: Boarded SS Macedonia (Greek). Detained vessel & sent prize crew on board. 1.30pm: Proceeded in company with SS Macedonia as requisite for Port Iero 5.00am: Prize crew returned 8.05am: As requisite for approaching Port Iero 8.30am: As requisite for entering Port Iero 9.40am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna. 10.50am: Boarded Caique 12.05pm: Closed Wear 1.30pm: Exchanged challenge & reply with French minelayer 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037757: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.3 10.30am: Examined Greek caique 4.00pm: As requisite for reconnoitring Gulf of Gul-Baghche 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037758: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 5.30am: Closed Wear 7.05am: As requisite for entering Iero 7.30am: Secured alongside Collier SS Melanie 8.25am: Commenced coaling 4.55pm: Finished coaling. Received 117 tons. 6 coal bags lost overboard. 5.10pm: Left collier. Came to starboard anchor. 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037759: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703775a: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1915 Port Iero to Mitylene Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.7 4.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 4.30am: As requisite for attending on aeroplane, and for Mitylene Patrol 4.30pm: Closed Wear and proceeded on Patrol 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703775b: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.3, Long 26.5 4.45am: Secured. Placed day lookouts. 11.00am: Closed Gazelle 11.15am: Resumed patrol 6.20pm: Stopped off aerodrome. Sent boat to ditto. 9.00pm: Closed Carron 9.45pm: Resumed patrol 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703775c: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.6 6.00am: Proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 8.30am: Examined caique 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703775d: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.7 7.45am: Boarded caique 9.45am: Boarded SS Sparti 10.15am: Resumed patrol 1.30pm: As requisite for intercepting steamer 2.15pm: Boarded & detained SS Eleni (Greek). Sent prize crew onboard. 3.15pm: Resumed patrol 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703775e: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.00am: Proceeded as requisite for Port Iero 8.15am: Hands commenced coaling 2.15pm: Finished coaling. received 90 tons 2.20pm: Slipped. Secured alongside Vengeance. Drew stores and returned spare torpedo. 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703775f: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.45am: Hands employed rigging rifle shelter screens 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037760: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1915 Mitylene Patrol Lat 38.8, Long 26.0 4.00am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 8.45 Hands cleaning ship and fitting bullet protection 9.00am: As requisite for searching Gulf of Sandarli 6.00pm: As requisite for entering Port Iero. Sent boat to Square Island. 6.45pm: As requisite for patrol 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037761: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1915 Mitylene Patrol Lat 38.8, Long 26.5 4.15am: As requisite for attending on seaplane 5.30am: Closed Wear with seaplane in tow. Relieved Wear on Smyrna Patrol. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship, reeling up grappling line and re-stowing Kite wire 4.30pm: Proceeded to Adramyti patrol 8.30pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 cork life buoy 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037762: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1915 On Adramyti and Mitylene Patrol Lat 39.3, Long 26.5 3.45am: Boarded caique 8.45am: Hands renewing protection round after gun stand 3.00pm: Boarded caique 7.05pm Examined caique 8.30pm: Closed Gazelle 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037763: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1915 On Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.5, Long 26.7 [Gulf of Adramyti] 10.30am: Read prayers 11.00am: Boarded & detained Greek caique 11.30am: Proceeded on patrol 1.00pm: Boarded caique (2nd time) 8.15pm: Boarded caique 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037764: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1915 On Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.0, Long 26.7 4.00am: Boarded caique 9.30am: Hands fitting and painting splinter protection to bridge and forecastle 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037765: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1915 Mitylene Patrol to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.00am: Proceeded as requisite to Port Iero 8.00am: Commenced coaling 3.00pm: Finished coaling, received 114 tons 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037766: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.20pm: 1 Rating joined from Albion LOGS FOR JULY 1915 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037767: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-018_1.jpg) 1 July 1915 Port Iero to Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.2 5.00am: Lost overboard by accident 1 cork life buoy 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 6.30am: Relieved Heroic on Smyrna Patrol. Closed Wear & received interpreter. 9.15am: Hands fitting wires and coaling gear 10.30am: Boarded Caique 5.05pm: Night defence stations 6.40am: Examined Greek steamer 7.30am: Darkened ship, watch to No IV stations Fresh water: distilled 2 tons; expended 0.5 tons; remaining 3 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 19.3 tons; remaining 110.7 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037768: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-019_0.jpg) 2 July 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.3 11.45am: Examined Caique 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037769: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-019_1.jpg) 3 July 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.8, Long 26.5 [Recorded position appears to be incorrect] 7.30am: Proceeded as requisite for Mityleni 9.15am: Stopped off Mitylene. Drew fresh provisions. 9.25am: Proceeded as requisite for patrol 11.30am: Boarded caique 12.30pm: Boarded caique 5.00pm: Boarded caique Penelope (Greek) schooner 7.00pm: Took schooner in tow. Proceeded as requisite for Mitylene. 11.30pm: Cast off schooner, proceeded to Mitylene 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703776a: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-020_0.jpg) 4 July 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.3 12.30am: Came to starboard anchor 2 shackles off Mitylene. Turned Greek schooner over to Trawler 48. 1.30am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite in Gulf of Smyrna. 14 knots. 5.30am: Seaplane reconnoitring Smyrna 5.50am: Seaplane returned to Port Iero 7.30am: Seaplane made 2nd reconnaissance 8.45am: Seaplane returned to Iero 10.10am: Read prayers 12.05pm: Passed French destroyer 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703776b: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-020_1.jpg) 5 July 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.3 10.00am: Boarded caique 12.50pm: Boarded SS Elda (Greek) 2.00pm: Resumed patrol 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703776c: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-021_0.jpg) 6 July 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.35am: As requisite for entering Port Iero 7.25am: Secured alongside collier Redesmere 8.15am: Commenced coaling 2.10pm: Finished coaling (110 tons) 2.20pm: Slipped. Came to starboard anchor. Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703776d: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-021_1.jpg) 7 July 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703776e: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-022_0.jpg) 8 July 1915 Port Iero to Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.5, Long 26.9 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 6.30am: Relieved Heroic on A Patrol 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. Examined small caique. 10.00pm: Examined Greek caique 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703776f: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-022_1.jpg) 9 July 1915 Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.43, Long 26.23 10.45am: Boarded Greek schooner 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037770: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-023_0.jpg) 10 July 1915 Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.3, Long 26.5 4.15am: Boarded Greek caique. 9.00am: Boarded S.S. Zacynthus (Greek) 12.10pm: Closed Heroic, drew provisions 12.25pm: Resumed patrol 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037771: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-023_1.jpg) 11 July 1915 Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.5, Long 26.8 3.30am: Examined steamer 6.00am: Boarded SS Kerkelos/Kerketos [?] (Greek) 10.30am: Read prayers 3.15pm: Boarded Greek caique 5.50pm: Boarded SS Kerkelos/Kerketos [?] [unable to confirm this name] 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037772: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-024_0.jpg) 12 July 1915 From Gulf of Adramyti to Port Iero & Port Mudros Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 2.45am: Proceeded as requisite for Port Iero 5.30am: As requisite for entering harbour 5.40am: Secured alongside collier, drew stores 9.00am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. Lieutenant Commander Kerr on board for passage. 11.50am: Sigri light abeam 2.30pm: As requisite for entering Port Mudros 3.20pm: Stopped off Europa. Discharged Lieutenant Commander Kerr to Europa. 4.20pm: Secured alongside collier Ennisbrook 5.00pm: Commenced coaling. 100 tons. 6.40pm: Discharged 1 rating to Blenheim 10.50pm: Slipped and secured alongside Blenheim 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037773: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-024_1.jpg) 13 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.30am: Chelmer came alongside 7.15am: Chelmer slipped and proceeded 9.00am: Hands employed dismounting foremost gun and striking down fore yard 1.30pm: Hands employed spreading guns and dismounting foremost gun 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037774: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-025_0.jpg) 14 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 1.30pm: Hands employed dismounting foremost gun and stripping and cleaning torpedoes 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037775: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-025_1.jpg) 15 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.30am: Shifted ship astern of Blenheim 12.35pm: Shifted ship alongside Blenheim 7.05pm: Rattlesnake secured alongside 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037776: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-026_0.jpg) 16 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037777: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-026_1.jpg) 17 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 5.00am: Rattlesnake slipped and proceeded 1.35pm: TB 043 secured alongside 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037778: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-027_0.jpg) 18 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 8.35am: Church party send onboard Blenheim 11.35am: Church party returned 12 noon: TB 043 slipped and proceeded 1.30pm: Shifted slip astern of Blenheim 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037779: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-027_1.jpg) 19 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703777a: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-028_0.jpg) 20 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 7.40am: Captain left ship and took command of Harpy temporarily 3.45pm: Hands employed sending fore yard aloft 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703777b: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-028_1.jpg) 21 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703777c: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-029_0.jpg) 22 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703777d: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-029_1.jpg) 23 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703777e: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-030_0.jpg) 24 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703777f: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-030_1.jpg) 25 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.55am: Secured alongside Blenheim 8.40am: Church party sent onboard Blenheim 11.00am: Church party returned 3.15pm: Dropped astern of Blenheim 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037780: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-031_0.jpg) 26 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037781: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-031_1.jpg) 27 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037782: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-032_0.jpg) 28 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 11.40pm: Arno secured alongside 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037783: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-032_1.jpg) 29 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.05pm: Dropped astern of Blenheim 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037784: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-033_0.jpg) 30 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.10pm: Hands prepared ship for sea 8.05pm: 4 Ratings for passage to detention barracks came on board 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037785: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-033_1.jpg) 31 July 1915 Port Mudros to Malta Lat 39.3, Long 24.7 [Recorded position appears to be incorrect] 4.45am: Engineer Commander (D) came onboard for passage and 1 PO 5.00am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite. 12.15pm: Course as requisite through Doro & Zea Channels 8.12pm: Cape Malea abeam to starboard 3’ 9.40pm: Sighted Cape Matapan bearing S87W 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037786: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037787: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037788: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd34197037789: ( 53-68369/ADM 53-68369-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703778a: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703778b: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-001_1.jpg) Front cover of log book signed by captain 4caf8cb0cadfd3419703778c: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is the original log of HMS Welland for the period August 1st to September 30th 1915, signed C A Poignand, Lieutenant Commander 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703778d: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-002_1.jpg) Completed page giving distance run per ton of coal at various speeds. The page is signed by Lt Cmdr Poignand, and by H L Hammond, Engineer, Commander (D) Stamp of the Captain of the Fifth Destroyer Flotilla, signed by P Pitts Acting Captain [this is a best guess] 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703778e: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-003_0.jpg) 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703778f: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1915 Port Mudros to Malta Lat 36.3, Long 18.6 5.00am: Secured. Placed day look-outs. 7.00am: Reduced to 12 knots 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship 10.00am: Read prayers 10.15am: Piped down 12 noon: Put clocks back 1/2 hour 5.00pm: Paid Monthly money 5.30pm: Night defence stations 7.30pm: Darkened ship. Placed night look-outs. Fresh water: distilled 2 tons; expended 1 ton; remaining 4 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 37.2 tons; remaining 38.6 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037790: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1915 Port Mudros to Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 12.30am: Altered course as requisite to close steamer with tow. Challenged M30. 4.15am: Challenged French TBD 5.30am: Course as requisite for approaching Malta 5.45am: Increased to 12 knots. As requisite for entering Malta. 7.45am: Secured alongside Ribble 5.00pm: Shifted billet to let Ribble shove off 6.30pm: Lord Nelson left 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037791: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 1.45pm: Hands getting out boats and preparing them for returning them to Dockyard 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037792: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 9.00am: Slipped, proceeded in tow to No 1 Dock. Hands employed docking ship [alongside Gun Mounting Wharf]. 11.30am: 1 rating returned from Egmont 1.30pm: Hands employed shifting cases 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037793: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.55am: Hands drawing gear from lay apart store and cleaning out after compartment 1.30pm: Hands returning gun sight brackets 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037794: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037795: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands scraping waterways 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037796: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037797: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands refitting upper deck gear 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037798: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands employed provisioning ship 4caf8cb1cadfd34197037799: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands employed fitting topmast rigging and chipping walkways 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703779a: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands restowing cables and scraping water-ways 10.30am: Removed 26 tons of coal from ship to lighter. Taken off charge. 12.30pm: One TGM [Torpedo Gunner’s Mate] left ship for passage to Lemnos 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703779b: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands employed re-stowing gear in paint shop 4.00pm: 1 rating rejoined from hospital 6.45pm: Landed patrol 9.45pm: Patrol returned 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703779c: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting on upper deck 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703779d: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 9.45am: Church parties landed 11.20 and 11.45am: Church parties returned 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703779e: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands scraping on upper deck 1.30pm: Hands drawing stores 4.10pm: One SPO returned from hospital 4caf8cb1cadfd3419703779f: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands refitting wire and painting bath screens 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a0: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 6.15am: Discharged one rating to detention under escort 7.45am: Escort returned 8.05am: One rating discharged to hospital 9.45am: Hands cleaning small arms and painting in upper deck 1.30pm: Hands refitting look-out platform in foremast 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a1: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands refitting wire stays and painting ship 1.30pm: Hands making up kite wire and refitting mast gear Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a2: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands employed scraping bottom lines 1.30pm: Hands employed scraping water ways 4.15pm: Funeral party landed [this is likely to have been for the funeral of William Aldous RNR, a deckhand on Osiris, who died of peritonitis aged 33 on 19th August 1915. He is remembered on the Chatham Naval Memorial.] 6.30pm: Funeral Party returned Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a3: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands preparing ship for undocking 10.00am: Dock flooded 11.30am: Left dock, secured alongside jetty Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a4: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 9.45 and 10.05am: Church parties landed 11.50am and 12 noon: Church parties returned Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a5: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands drawing stores Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a6: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands scraping and painting ship’s side 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a7: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands chipping and painting ship’s side 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a8: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands painting masts and yards 2.55pm: 1 rating returned from hospital 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377a9: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.25am: 1 rating rejoined from Egmont 1.30pm: Hands fitting protection to upper gun platforms and reeving berthon boat’s falls 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377aa: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands employed getting in and storing torpedoes 10.30am: Hands employed drawing sweep wire drum 7.25am: Discharged 1 rating to Cruiser 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377ab: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 9.40 and 10.05am: Church parties landed 11.25 and 11.50am: Church parties returned 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377ac: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands fitting protection to foremost gun platform 1.20pm: 1 rating rejoined from Egmont 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377ad: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 8.45am: Hands drawing stores 11.15am: Coal lighter came alongside 1.30pm: Hands drawing life-belts 7.15pm: Coaling completed. 151 tons. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377ae: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-019_0.jpg) 1 September 1915 Malta to Mudros Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 6.45am: Hands cleaning ship 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea 10.45am: Tug secured alongside 11.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Number 4 buoy. Swung ship. Alongside Machinery Wharf. 11.50am: Three officers and 6 Ratings joined for passage 1.50pm: Hands preparing for sea 2.40pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite 2.50pm: Set course E speed 10 knots 3.05pm: Altered Course S87E 3.25pm: Increased to 12 knots 5.00pm: Night Defence Stations 6.40pm: Darkened Ship Provisions received: fresh meat 80 lbs; vegetables 260 lbs; bread 200 lbs Fresh water: received 2 tons; expended 2 tons; remaining 3 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 20.1 tons; remaining 130.8 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377af: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-019_1.jpg) 2 September 1915 Malta to Mudros Lat 36.1, Long 20.4 5.35pm: Sighted Cape Matapan on port bow 8.30pm: Cape Sparti abeam 9.05pm: Cape Malea on port bow. Course as requisite for rounding Cape Malea. 10.30pm: Belo Pulo bearing N10E [now Nisida Velopoula] 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b0: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-020_0.jpg) 3 September 1915 Malta to Mudros Lat 37.8, Long 25.0 3.45am: Altered course N42E as requisite for Zea Channel 7.12am: Sighted Cornwall 7.40am: Reduced to 12 knots as requisite for closing Cornwall 11.00am: Course N38E as requisite through Steno Pass 10.15pm: Course as requisite for approaching Mudros 10.45am: Came to starboard anchor veered 3 shackles 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b1: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-020_1.jpg) 4 September 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 5.10am: Proceeded as requisite for entering harbour 6.20am: Discharged 2 officers & 6 Ratings to Europa 6.45am: Went alongside collier 7.00am: Discharged Engineer Commander (D) to Blenheim 7.20am: Commenced coaling 12.30pm: Finished coaling 105 tons 4.45pm: Four Stokers & 1 Engine Room Artificer joined from Blenheim 5.00pm: 1 Lieutenant RNR joined for passage, & two Ratings 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b2: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-021_0.jpg) 5 September 1915 Mudros to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.1 5.55am: Proceeded as requisite 10.30am: Sigri Light House abeam. Read prayers. 12.25pm: Altered course as requisite for avoiding Eros 1.50pm: As requisite for Port Iero 2.20pm: Came to single anchor veered 3 shackles 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b3: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-021_1.jpg) 6 September 1915 Port Iero to Gulf of Adramyti Lat 39.3, Long 26.6 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. Course as requisite for Mityleni. 10.30am: Stopped off Mityleni, drew provisions 10.50am: Proceeded as requisite for A Patrol 12.40pm: Relieved Kennet on A Patrol 2.00pm: Stopped, sent mails to motor boat Penelope 2.30pm: Resumed patrol 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b4: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-022_0.jpg) 7 September 1915 On Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.3, Long 26.0 6.30am: Examined nets off Aivali 5.40pm: Closed Penelope 5.50pm: Resumed patrol 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b5: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-022_1.jpg) 8 September 1915 On Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.31, Long 26.61 7.00am: Penelope alongside. Hands watering Penelope 8.00 – 11.00am: Oomalah and Penelope alongside and under way as requisite 12.05pm: Proceeded as requisite to attach Turkish patrol post near Kara Tepe 1.10pm: Opened fire, bombarded buildings sheltering snipers 1.45pm: Ceased fire, resumed patrol 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b6: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-023_0.jpg) 9 September 1915 On Adramyti Patrol Lat 39.3, Long 26.5 [Recorded position appears to be incorrect] 11.00am: Closed Mary Rose 11.10am: Resumed patrol 1.15pm: Relieved by Kennet. Proceeded as requisite for Port Iero. 3.10pm: Secured alongside SS Errington Court 4.00pm: Commenced coaling 4.30pm: 4 lent ratings discharged to Canopus. 1 sick rating discharged. 6.50pm: Finished coaling. 80 tons. 7.15pm: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b7: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-023_1.jpg) 10 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b8: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-024_0.jpg) 11 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.00pm: Returned 450 fathoms 1.5” f.s.w. to Errington Court [f.s.w. may refer to flexible steel wire] 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377b9: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-024_1.jpg) 12 September 1915 Port Iero to Gulf of Smyrna Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 10.00am: Sent church party to Canopus 11.25am: Church party returned 1.30pm: 5 Ratings joined from Canopus, for prize crew 3.10pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 3.43pm: Altered course as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna, speed 12knots 6.15pm: Stopped 6.40pm: Dropped mark buoy 8.30pm: Latona arrived. As requisite for keeping station on mark buoy during mine laying. 9.30pm: Weighed mark buoy. Closed Latona. Sent Navigation officer of Canopus to Latona. Proceeded as requisite to escort Latona. 11.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for A patrol 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377ba: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-025_0.jpg) 13 September 1915 Gulf of Symrna to Gulf of Adramiyte on A patrol Lat 39.4, Long 26.7 12.40am: Mytilene Light abeam 6.30am: Relieved Kennet 11.00am: As requisite for patrol off Aivali 1.00pm: Sent whaler to repair Indicator nets 4.30pm: Whaler returned 6.25pm: Closed Trawler 48, drew provisions 11.00pm: Closed & spoke Penelope 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377bb: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-025_1.jpg) 14 September 1915 Gulf of Adramyti to Gulf of Smyrna and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 6.00am: Closed HMT 48, proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 9.40am: Penelope came alongside and proceeded 3.35pm: Penelope came alongside and proceeded 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377bc: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-026_0.jpg) 15 September 1915 Gulf of Adramyti to Gulf of Smyrna or on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 7.40am: Penelope came alongside 1.30pm: Penelope came alongside 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377bd: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-026_1.jpg) 16 September 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Iero Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 3.00am: Stopped off Chustan Point. Sent boat to investigate light. 3.50am: Resumed patrol 7.40am: Penelope came alongside 10.30am: As requisite for Drepano I. to search for refugees 11.10am: Proceeded on Patrol 1.30pm: Penelope came alongside. Gave 3 boxes biscuit to Penelope for Oomalah. Discharged 1 Rating to Welland for passage to Canopus. 3.20pm: Closed Kennet. Proceeded as requisite for Iero. 5.20pm: Secured alongside Collier. Discharged prize crew to Canopus. 10.30pm: Finished coaling. 90 tons. 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377be: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-027_0.jpg) 17 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.20am: HM Monitor No. 30 arrived 8.55am: 1 PO and 2 Stokers discharged to Canopus 2.15pm: Hands inoculated for typhoid 8.30pm: Latona sailed 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377bf: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-027_1.jpg) 18 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 3.00am: Latona arrived and anchored 10.00am: Latona weighed 3.20pm: Kennet arrived 3.40pm: Sailed 8.15pm: HM Monitor No. 22 arrived and anchored 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c0: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-028_0.jpg) 19 September 1915 Port Iero to Gulf of Smyrna Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 10.00am: Sent church party to Canopus 10.53am: Discharged 2 Ratings to Canopus 11.35am: Church party returned 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite 6.15pm: Stopped 6.30pm: Laid out mark buoy 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c1: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-028_1.jpg) 20 September 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.4, Long 26.65 2.45am: Latona arrived as requisite for mark boat during mine laying 3.25am: Sent Navigating Officer of Canopus to Kennet as requisite for Patrol 6.00am: As requisite for sinking three floating mines 11.40am: Spoke Mary Rose 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c2: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-029_0.jpg) 21 September 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 12.15pm: Penelope came alongside 1.00pm: Set Course as requisite for Mitylene 4.30pm: Stopped. Sent boat ashore. 4.50pm: As requisite for Smyrna Patrol 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c3: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-029_1.jpg) 22 September 1915 From Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 9.00am: Penelope came alongside 9.15am: Penelope proceeded 12 noon: Closed Penelope 3.30pm: Relieved by Kennet. Proceeded as requisite for Port Iero. 4.45pm: As requisite for entering harbour 5.25pm: Secured alongside Errington Court 73 tons 8.35pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite 8.45pm: Came to starboard anchor 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c4: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-030_0.jpg) 23 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 10.40am: One ERA joined from Canopus 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c5: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-030_1.jpg) 24 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.15pm: M30 weighed & proceeded 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c6: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-031_0.jpg) 25 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 10.50am: Hostile aeroplane reported. Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour in search. 12 noon: As requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 2.30pm: Stopped. Penelope came alongside. 4.15pm: Mary Rose came alongside 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c7: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-031_1.jpg) 26 September 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.0 10.30am: Read prayers 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c8: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-032_0.jpg) 27 September 1915 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 12.05pm: Mary Rose came alongside 12.30pm: Set course as requisite for Mitylene 3.55pm: Stopped off Mitylene. Drew provisions. 4.20pm: Proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377c9: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-032_1.jpg) 28 September 1915 From Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero Lat 38.6, Long 26.7 8.30am: Closed Mary Rose 10.00am: Boarded caique 3.00pm: Relieved by Kennet 4.00pm: As requisite for Port Iero 5.00pm: Secured alongside Collier Errington Court 6.00pm: Commenced coaling 8.30pm: Finished coaling. 80 tons. 8.45pm: Slipped & proceeded. Came to starboard anchor. 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377ca: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-033_0.jpg) 29 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377cb: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-033_1.jpg) 30 September 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377cc: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377cd: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377ce: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377cf: ( 53-68370/ADM 53-68370-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1915 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377d0: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377d1: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-001_1.jpg) Half of log book cover, signed by Lt Comdr C A Poynard RN 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377d2: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-002_0.jpg) ‘This is to certify that this is the original log of HMS Welland for the period 1st October – 31st October 1915’ signed by CA Poynard Lieut Comdr 4caf8cb1cadfd341970377d3: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-002_1.jpg) Completed page giving distance run per ton of coal at various speeds. The page is signed by Lt Cmdr Poignand, and by H L Hammond, Engineer, Commander (D) Stamp of the Captain of the Fifth Destroyer Flotilla, signed by C P R Coode Captain 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377d4: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-003_0.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377d5: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1915 Port Iero to Gulf of Smyrna and on Smyrna Patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & clearing petrol tins from Canopus Pinnace 8.45am: Hands painting gun covers and squaring wireless yard and altering rigging 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 2.00pm: Set course S5E speed 12 knots 2.50pm: Stopped and relieved Kennet 2.55pm: As requisite for patrol 4.50pm: Mary Rose came alongside, discharged petrol 5.10pm: Night defence stations 6.05pm: Mary Rose came alongside, and finished discharging petrol 6.30pm: Darkened ship Provisions received: fresh meat 74.5 lbs; vegetables 134 lbs; bread 141 lbs Fresh water: distilled 1 ton; expended .5 tons; remaining 1 ton Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 13.4 tons; remaining 113.3 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377d6: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1915 Off Aivali, on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.6, Long 25.8 1.45am: Hands preparing for towing aft 2.15am: As requisite for assisting M.30 to tow Trawler 48 off North coast of Gymno. 2.55am: T.45 floated 7.50am: Mary Rose came alongside 7.55am: Mary Rose proceeded 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship and stowing away towing gear 12.55pm: Stopped off Psara Island. Sent interpreter ashore. Proceeded as requisite for searching Psara and Antipsara coasts. 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377d7: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to off Mitylene and back, on Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 8.40am: Stopped. Penelope came alongside. Filled up Penelope with drinking water. 10.15am: Read prayers 12.05pm: Stopped off Long Island and took onboard 5 Greek refugees from Gul Baghche. Proceeded as requisite for Mitylene. 3.00pm: Cape Zeitin abeam 4.20pm: Landed refugees. Drew fresh provisions. 4.35pm: Proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Smyrna 5.10pm: Stopped. Sent boat to M.30 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377d8: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1915 Gulf of Smyrna to Port Iero Lat 38.5, Long 26.67 8.50am: Penelope came alongside 3.00pm: Relieved by Kennet 4.10pm: As requisite for entering harbour 4.35pm: Secured alongside Errington Court 4.45pm: Commenced coaling 8.00pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377d9: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1915 Port Iero to Mudros Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.45am: 1 Rating joined, 1 Rating discharged (Canopus) 1.10pm: M.30 arrived at anchorage 2.15pm: Jed arrived at anchorage 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 5.20pm: Sigri Lighthouse abeam 7.15pm: As requisite for approaching Mudros 9.10pm: Came to starboard anchor, veered 2 shackles 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377da: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1915 Mudros to sea and on Dardanelles Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.8 5.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier 6.00am: Commenced coaling 7.15am: Finished coaling. Proceeded alongside store ship Bangarth. Drew 9 ft kite, returned 6 ft kite. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.30am: Proceeded as requisite for sweeping exercise with Wear 11.30am: Hauled in kite. As requisite for patrol. 12.30pm: As requisite for patrol off Cape Yeni Shehr 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377db: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1915 On Dardanelles & Suvla Patrol Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 6.00am: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Bay 8.45am: Hands cleaning guns, remarking kite wire and preparing for sweeping exercise 10.35am: As requisite for sweeping exercise 11.40am: Completed sweeping exercise. Course as requisite for patrol off Suvla. 1.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for Cape Helles 2.00pm: Relieved Laforey on Cape Helles patrol 6.00pm: Closed Laforey, drew fresh meat 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377dc: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.2, Long 26.2 6.20am: Proceeded as requisite for H Patrol 8.00am: As requisite for patrolling off Suvla Bay & Anzac 9.15am: Gun action stations. As requisite for chasing surfaced submarine at full speed. 5.00pm: Proceeded as requisite for Helles Patrol 5.50pm: Stopped off Abercrombie and embarked Brigadier General de Rougemont for passage to C Helles, proceeded as requisite 6.30pm: Closed Helles, disembarked General 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377dd: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1915 Off Cape Helles to Mudros Lat 38.9, Long 26.0 9.30am: Hands making heaving lines and making up kite wires 11.00am: Relieved from Patrol. As requisite for Mudros in company with Wear. 2.00pm: As requisite for Mudros harbour 2.42pm: Secured alongside collier Redesmere 2.53pm: Commenced coaling 5.34pm: Finished coaling. Shipped and proceeded alongside Blenheim. 7.00pm: Torpedo Boat No 070 secured alongside 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377de: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 9.00am: Hands refitting sweeping gear and drawing wires 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377df: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1915 From Mudros to sea and on Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.0 7.30am: Slipped & proceeded 7.45am: Stopped off SS Southland embarked 1 Commander RN for passage 9.45am: As requisite for practising sweeping 10.30am: Hauled in kite, proceeded as requisite for Cape Helles 1.00pm: Stopped. Disembarked commander. 6.30pm: Darkened ship, proceeded into Morto Bay as requisite for Patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e0: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1915 On patrol Lat 40.2, Long 26.0 As requisite for Patrol in Morto Bay 6.30am: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Bay 8.45am: Hands preparing ship for sweeping exercise 9.30am: Commenced sweeping 10.00am: Sweep wire parted. Lost overboard 60 fathoms 2” f.s.w. rope. 10.20am: Proceeded as requisite for Kephalo 11.45am: Stopped off Triad. Embarked Major General Byng. Proceeded as requisite for Suvla. 1.05pm: Stopped. Transferred General Byng to Glory. 2.50pm: Proceeded as requisite for Cape Helles 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e1: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 9.45am: E20 returned down Dardanelles on account of broken steering gear 10.30am: Wear left Patrol to escort E20 11.30am: Louis arrived 3.30pm: As requisite for assisting Laforey & Louis to sink floating mine 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e2: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1915 Off Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 6.30am: Laforey left Patrol 12.10pm: Scourge arrived. Wear left. 12.55pm: Relieved by Louis 3.00pm: As requisite for harbour 4.00pm: Secured alongside collier 4.30pm: Commenced coaling 7.00pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e3: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e4: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1915 Mudros to Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.2, Long 26.0 5.45am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. E20 in company. 9.30am: Altered course as requisite for Kephalo 11.15am: Stopped as requisite off Cornwallis. Parted company from E20. Proceeded as requisite for Cape Helles. 12.45pm: Relieved Basilisk on Patrol off Cape Helles 5.10pm: Opened fire with 1" AP at stranded mine off Cape Yeni Shehr 5.20pm: Enemy riflemen opened fire. Secured. Proceeded as requisite for patrol. 6.10pm: As requisite for Morto Bay 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e5: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.2, Long 25.8 [Kephalo] 6.00am: Secured. Proceeded out of Dardanelles as requisite for patrol off Cape Helles 10.00am: Closed Cape Helles 10.30am: Read prayers 10.40am: Embarked Major General Davis and staff, proceeded as requisite for Kephalo 11.30am: As requisite for closing Triad 12 noon: Came to starboard anchor 1.05pm: Re-embarked General Davis and staff 1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving Kephalo 2.00pm: Stopped. Disembarked General and staff. Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Bay. 5.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for Dardanelles 6.15pm: Sent boat to Louis for mails 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e6: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1915 Dardanelles and Suvla Patrols Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 6.20am: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla B 7.50am: Closed Wear. Sent mails to Wear. 9.15am: Hands refitting coaling sledges and bullet protection to searchlight platform 9.30am: Closed Renard and transferred mails 10.15am: Proceeded as requisite for Cape Helles 11.45am: Closed Savage off Cape Helles for mails 4.45pm: Proceeded to close Harpy off Cape Helles 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e7: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1915 Off Cape Helles to Mudros Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 12.10pm: Relieved by Foxhound. Proceeded as requisite for Mudros. 2.50pm: Secured alongside Collier Margit 3.00pm: Commenced coaling 6.00pm: Finished coaling received 82 tons 6.10pm: Left collier (3 bags lost overboard) 6.25pm: Secured alongside Carrigan Head. Hands employed provisioning ship. 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e8: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 9.15am: Hands employed stowing provisions below 4.40pm: 1 Rating joined from Blenheim 6.00pm: Discharged 4 Ratings to Usk 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377e9: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1915 From Mudros to the Bulgarian Coast Lat 40.6, Long 25.1 7.00am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour in company with Askold, Kleiber, Harpy, Wear & Savage 2.00pm: As requisite for standing by Askold & Kleiber during bombardment of Port Lagos [Kara Agatch] & Bulgarian coast 5.10pm: Stopped off Dedeagatch 5.30pm: Proceeded in company with allied squadron 7.00pm: Parted company with Kleiber, proceeded as requisite with Wear 11.30pm: As requisite for patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377ea: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1915 Dardanelles to Kephado and Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.20am: Came to starboard anchor in Kephalo Anchorage. Embarked Lieut. Col. Heseltine, Kings' Messenger. [King’s Messengers were couriers employed by the Foreign Office to carry by hand secret and important documents.] 6.50am: Weighed and proceeded for Mudros 10.00am: Stopped off Imogene, disembarked King’s Messenger. Secured alongside collier. 12.50pm: Finished coaling. Received 44 tons. 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377eb: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1915 Mudros to Kephalo Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.7 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite, Usk in company 11.30am: Stopped as requisite for sinking drifting mine 12.25pm: Mine sank, proceeded as requisite for patrol 3.20pm: Course as requisite for Suvla Patrol. Usk rejoined. 5.00pm: Left Suvla B, proceeded for Kephalo Patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377ec: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 12 midnight: As requisite for Kephalo Patrol 6.15am: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Patrol 8.45am: Hands reeling up kite wire and cleaning ship 10.15am: Read prayers 5.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for Cape Helles 9.00pm: As requisite for Cape Helles patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377ed: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1915 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.40am: Proceeded as requisite for Mudros 9.30am: Secured alongside collier. Commenced coaling. 2.00pm: Received ammunition from Blenheim 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377ee: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 9.30am: 1 Rating sent to Blenheim (sick). Hands employed fitting clothes line and cleaning out boats. 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377ef: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1915 Mudros and on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour, Usk in company 6.00pm: As requisite for patrol in Morto Bay 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f0: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1915 Morto Bay to off Suvla and Mudros Lat 39.7, Long 25.9 6.10am: Proceeded out of Morto Bay as requisite for Suvla Patrol 10.50am: Relieved by Ribble 11.00am: As requisite for Mudros 11.30am: Kephalo Light House abeam 3.15pm: Course as requisite for Mudros 3.45pm: Secured alongside collier Margit Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f1: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f2: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f3: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1915 Mudros to Dardanelles Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 10.10am: Read prayers 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for closing Aragon. Embarked Chaplain General for passage. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 4.45pm: As requisite for entering Kephalo 5.10pm: Stopped in Kephalo anchorage. Disembarked Chaplain General. Proceeded as requisite for leaving Kephalo. 5.35pm: As requisite for Dardanelles Patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f4: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-019_0.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f5: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-019_1.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f6: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-020_0.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f7: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-020_1.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f8: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-021_0.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377f9: ( 53-68371/ADM 53-68371-021_1.jpg) LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1915 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377fa: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377fb: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-001_1.jpg) One half of log book cover, signed by Lt Cmdr C A Poignand 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377fc: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-002_0.jpg) ‘This is to certify that this is the original log of HMS Welland for the period November 1st 1915 to December 31st 1915’ signed Lt Cmdr C A Poignand 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377fd: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-002_1.jpg) Completed page giving distance run per ton of coal at various speeds. The page is signed by Lt Cmdr Poignand, and by H L Hammond, Engineer, Commander (D) Stamp of the Captain of the Fifth Destroyer Flotilla, signed by C P R Coode Captain 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377fe: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-003_0.jpg) 4caf8cb2cadfd341970377ff: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1915 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 6.10am: Secured and placed look-outs. Hands employed securing boats. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and refitting bath screens 5.05pm: Night defence stations 5.30pm: Darkened ship 6.00pm: Watch to No IV station Fresh water: distilled 0.5 tons; expended 0.5 tons; remaining 0.5 tons Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 21.2 tons; remaining 92.5 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037800: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1915 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.2, Long 26.1 6.30am: Secured. Sent letters to Beagle. Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Patrol in company with Wear. 8.45am: Hands preparing ship for sweeping 9.30am: As requisite for sweeping exercise with Wear 11.30am: Hauled in kite 12.15pm: Set course for Kephalo 1.15pm: As requisite for entering Kephalo 2.25pm: Embarked Major General Byng 2.30pm: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Bay 3.15pm: As requisite for entering Suvla Bay 3.20pm: Stopped off Glory. Disembarked General Byng. Proceeded as requisite for patrol. 5.05pm: As requisite for Kephalo patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037801: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1915 Kephalo to Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.15am: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla. Secured. 7.10am: Closed Pincher and Chelmer off Anzac 7.15am: Proceeded as requisite for closing Scourge 7.40am: Closed Scourge 8.00am: As requisite for Lydiard 8.45am: Closed Lydiard off left flank Helles 11.40am: As requisite for approaching Mudros 12.40pm: Secured alongside collier 3.15pm: Finished coaling, left collier 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037802: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037803: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1915 Mudros to Kephalo Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 7.20am: Weighed port anchor by hand 8.40am: Lost overboard 1 crutch from dinghy 11.05am: Weighed. Closed Aragon. Embarked PNTO [Principal Naval Transport Officer] and 3 Generals. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 2.50pm: Stopped in Kephalo Bay and disembarked PNTO and Generals 3.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Bay 4.30pm: Closed Savage & Scourge 4.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for Cape Helles 5.40pm: Closed Beagle & Wear. Sent boat to Wear. 6.00pm: Proceeded into Morto Bay 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037804: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1915 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 6.15am: Secured. Proceeded out of Dardanelles. 6.30pm: Closed Harpy. Sent over letters. 6.40pm: As requisite for patrol off Cape Helles 5.45pm: Sent to Beagle for letters 5.50pm: As requisite for Patrol off Seddul Bahr 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037805: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 6.00am: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla Bay with Wear 7.30am: As requisite for Suvla Bay 10.15am: Read prayers 5.00pm: Proceeded as requisite for Helles Patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037806: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1915 Off Cape Helles to Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 12.20am: Shelled light on shore 6.15am: Closed Ribble 6.50am: As requisite for Suvla B 7.57am: Closed Chelmer 8.00am: Closed Laforey 9.05am: Kephalo Point abeam 12.40pm: Secured alongside Maresfield 2.55pm: Finished coaling received 83 tons. Lost overboard 2 bags. 6.00pm: Received 5 12 pounder projectiles from Blenheim 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037807: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037808: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1915 Mudros and on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 1.20pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour in company with Wear 4.15pm: As requisite for exercising sweeping 4.50pm: Hauled in kite 5.30pm: As requisite for Patrol off Seddul Behr 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037809: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 6.30am: Secured. As requisite for Patrolling off Cape Helles 11.00am: Fired on by battery on Asiatic shore 5.20pm: Night defence stations. Closed Beagle and sent boat. 5.45pm: As requisite for Patrol in Morto Bay 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703780a: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.5, Long 26.3 6.00am: Proceeded out of Morto Bay 8.30am: As requisite for Patrolling entrance to Gulf of Xeros for enemy aircraft 2.00pm: Arrived off Suvla Point reduced to 6 knots, as requisite for Patrol 2.35pm: Wear arrived on patrol 3.15pm: Closed Scorpion for letters 4.15pm: Proceeded as requisite for Kephalo patrol 4.30pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Colne. 5.05pm: Night defence stations. Proceeded as requisite for Dardanelles. 11.00pm: Shelled Kum Kale fort 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703780b: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1915 Off Cape Helles to Mudros Lat 40.1, Long 26.0 12.20am: Shelled Kum Kale 4.10am: Shelled Kum Kale 6.30am: Secured. Closed Wear. 6.50am: Proceeded. Course N4W as requisite for position NE of Suvla. 10.00am: Relieved by Scourge 2.00pm: Altered course as requisite for entering harbour 2.30pm: Secured alongside collier Maresfield 5.00pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703780c: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 8.30am: Sent 2 ratings to Blenheim (sick) 10.35am: Captain (D) inspected ship & ships' company 10.45am: Captain (D) left ship Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703780d: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1915 Mudros and on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 9.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea and shipping warhead on forward torpedo. 9.15am: 1 Rating joined for passage. 11.30am: 1 Able Seaman joined from Blenheim 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour in company with Wear 2.00pm: Set course as requisite for Dardanelles 10.15pm: Shelled Kum Kale fort Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703780e: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1915 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 12.40am: Shelled Kum Kale 3.55am: Shelled Kum Kale 6.45am: Closed Basilisk and discharged 1 rating 6.50am: As requisite for patrolling off Dardanelles 4.30pm: Closed West Beach, sent in letter 4.45pm: Closed Beagle sent letters 5.15pm: Proceeded as requisite for Morto Bay patrol Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703780f: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 6.30am: Proceeded out of Dardanelles 6.45am: Proceeded as requisite for Suvla patrol in company with Wear 3.00pm: Proceeded as requisite for Kephalo 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037810: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1915 Off Kephalo and Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.30am: Closed Chelmer in Kephalo anchorage 7.15am: As requisite for leaving Kephalo 10.45am: As requisite for approaching Mudros 12.15pm: Secured alongside collier 2.00pm: Finished coaling. Lost overboard by accident 3 coal bags. 3.45pm: Proceeded alongside Carrigan Head 4.45pm: Hands provisioning ship and taking in stores 6.10pm: One hand rejoined from Blenheim Number on sick list: 1 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037811: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1915 Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 1.25pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 2.00pm: Set course as requisite for Dardanelles in company with Wear 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037812: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 5.50am: Shelled Kum Kale 6.40am: Closed Harpy, secured and placed look-outs 3.25pm: Monitor shelled Kum Kale 5.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrol off Seddul Bahr 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037813: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1915 Off Cape Helles to Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 7.30am: Set course as requisite for Mudros 8.00am: 1 tea kettle (W. R. Mess traps) 1 hammer and 1 side cutting pliers lost overboard by accident 10.50am: As requisite for entering Mudros 12.45pm: Secured alongside collier 1.00pm: Commenced coaling 2.25pm: Finished coaling 1 on Sick List 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037814: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1915 Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 10.45am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour in company with Wear 11.15am: Parted company with Wear 4.30pm: As requisite for patrol 6.00pm: As requisite for Patrol off Kum Kale 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037815: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.0 7.15am: Sent letters to Harpy 5.30pm: As requisite for patrol off Seddul Bahr 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037816: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1915 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.45am: Proceeded as requisite for Kephalo 7.50am: Stopped in Kephalo anchorage, embarked 7 military officers for passage 10.30am: Course as requisite for approaching Mudros 10.50am: Stopped, disembarked military officers. Secured alongside Collier. 12.50am: Commenced coaling 3.30pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037817: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1915 Mudros to the Dardanelles and on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 11.30am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour in company with Wear 4.45pm: As requisite for patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037818: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 7.00am: As requisite for patrol off Cape Yeni Shehr in company with Wear 11.00pm: Ribble arrived, proceeded as requisite for Morto Bay 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037819: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1915 Off Dardanelles to Mudros & on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 1.00am: As requisite for patrol in Morto Bay 7.00am: Proceeded out of Dardanelles. Course and speed as requisite for Anzac & Suvla. 7.30am: Received report from Lydiard 8.05am: Received Chelmer’s report 11.10am: As requisite for Mudros 12.10pm: Secured alongside collier 12.20pm: Commenced coaling 1.45pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703781a: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1915 Mudros to the Dardanelles and on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 10.35am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 6.00pm: As requisite for patrol between Seddul Bahr and Kum Kale 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703781b: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 5.45pm: As requisite for patrol between Seddul Bahr and Kum Kale 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703781c: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.2, Long 26.2 11.00am: Proceeded in company with Harpy and Wear to Gabe Tepe 11.30am: Received report from Laforey 12.30pm: As requisite for attending Lord Nelson during bombardment 12.45pm: Enemy field battery opened fire 1.45pm: Bombardment finished. Proceeded as requisite 18 knots to escort Lord Nelson to Mudros. 5.30pm: As requisite for entering Mudros 6.10pm: Secured alongside collier Melania 6.20pm: Commenced coaling. Discharged 1 rating to Blenheim (sick). 8.30am: Finished coaling Number on sick list: 1 LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1915 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703781d: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-018_1.jpg) 1 December 1915 Mudros to Dardanelles and on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship 9.00am: Hands employed fitting new bath screens, turning boat falls, and cleaning out boats 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. Discharged 1 rating to Blenheim. 12.30pm: As requisite for leaving harbour 17 knots 1.10pm: Reduced to 12 knots. Course as requisite for keeping station on Wear. 4.30pm: Arrived on patrol 5.05pm: Night defence stations 5.15pm: Darkened ship 6.00pm: Watch to no IV stations Number on sick list: 2 Provisions received: fresh meat 132 lbs Fresh water: distilled 0.5 tons; expended 1 ton; remaining 1 ton Fuel expended for all purposes: coal 16.4 tons; remaining 113.9 tons [A sample complete day’s log] 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703781e: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-019_0.jpg) 2 December 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 7.00am: Proceeded as requisite for left flank 7.20am: Closed Lawford for letters 7.25am: Proceeded as requisite to rejoin Patrol 3.30pm: Proceeded course as requisite to collect reports 3.55pm: Closed Lawford 4.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for Dardanelles 4.30pm: As requisite for petrol 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703781f: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-019_1.jpg) 3 December 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.0 11.30am: Ribble and Usk arrived 11.40am: Proceeded course S70W 20 knots in company with Wear 1.45pm: Course as requisite for approaching Mudros 2.05pm: As requisite for entering harbour 3.05pm: Secured alongside collier. Commenced coaling. 4.45pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037820: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-020_0.jpg) 4 December 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037821: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-020_1.jpg) 5 December 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 10.10am: Hands to Divisions and Captain’s Rounds 4.10pm: Discharged 1 Leading Signalman to Wear 5.20pm: 1 Signalman joined from Blenheim 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037822: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-021_0.jpg) 6 December 1915 Mudros to Dardanelles Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.9 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour in company with Wear 2.00pm: As requisite for patrol between Yeni Shehr and Cape Helles 5.00pm: Closed Harpy and sent over reports 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037823: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-021_1.jpg) 7 December 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 10.00am: Closed W Beach and sent in letters 10.30am: Resumed patrol 1.45pm: Proceeded as requisite to close Drifter 365 2.30pm: As requisite for patrol 5.30pm: Grasshopper and Bulldog arrived 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037824: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-022_0.jpg) 8 December 1915 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.8, Long 25.5 7.00am: Grasshopper closed and sent letters 10.15am: Ribble and Usk arrived 12.25pm: Course as requisite for harbour 1.25pm: Secured alongside collier 1.30pm: Commenced coaling 3.40pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037825: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-022_1.jpg) 9 December 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037826: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-023_0.jpg) 10 December 1915 Mudros to Dardanelles and on Patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.8 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded with Wear as requisite for leaving harbour 9.15am: Wear parted company and proceeded with VA onboard 1.00pm: Arrived on Patrol. Closed Staunch and sent over mails. 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037827: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-023_1.jpg) 11 December 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 7.15am: As requisite for Patrolling Cape Tekeh to Yeni-shehr 1.30pm: Closed Grasshopper. 1 stoker rejoined from sick list. 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037828: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-024_0.jpg) 12 December 1915 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 12.35pm: Ribble and Usk arrived 12.40pm: Closed Ribble. Sent boat for letter. 12.50pm: Proceeded in company with Wear 3.00pm: As requisite for Mudros 3.55pm: Secured alongside collier 5.50pm: Slipped, came to port anchor 4caf8cb2cadfd34197037829: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-024_1.jpg) 13 December 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 5.20pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Blenheim 5.40pm: 1 Rating joined from Blenheim 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703782a: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-025_0.jpg) 14 December 1915 Mudros to Dardanelles and on Patrol Lat 39.8, Long 25.5 8.00am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 10.35am: Weighed, proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 2.15pm: Arrived on Patrol. Sent letter to Ribble. 2.30pm: As requisite for patrol 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703782b: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-025_1.jpg) 15 December 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 1.00am: As requisite for patrolling Seddul Bahr to Kum Kale 7.10am: As requisite for finding SO Helles’ Ketches 11.30am: Sighted drifting mine. As requisite for sinking ditto by rifle fire. 12 noon: Resumed patrol 2.45pm: As requisite for sinking drifting mine by rifle fire 3.00pm: Mine sunk. Closed Bulldog. 4.45pm: Closed Bulldog and Grasshopper for correspondence 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703782c: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-026_0.jpg) 16 December 1915 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.7 6.45am: Secured. Proceeded as requisite for left flank Anzac. 7.30am: Closed Scorpion and received report 8.10am: Closed Colne and received report. Course as requisite for closing Kennet. 10.45am: Proceeded as requisite in company of Bulldog and Wear. 12.53pm: As requisite for approaching Mudros 2.00pm: Secured alongside collier Sheaffield 4.15pm: Finished coaling 4caf8cb2cadfd3419703782d: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-026_1.jpg) 17 December 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 3.15pm: Discharged Lt Hills RN to SS Wahine 4.30pm: Discharged 1 stoker to Blenheim 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703782e: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-027_0.jpg) 18 December 1915 Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.1, Long 25.2 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 3.00pm: Arrived on patrol course and speed as requisite 5.10pm: Increased speed to 200 Revs in search of reported hostile submarine 5.50pm: Resumed patrol 9.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for Morto Bay Patrol 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703782f: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-027_1.jpg) 19 December 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 1.30am: As requisite for Morto Bay Patrol 6.30am: Left Morto Bay 7.00am: Patrolling as requisite for entrance 4.50pm: Closed Bulldog with daily reports 9.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrol 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037830: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-028_0.jpg) 20 December 1915 Dardanelles Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 [No position is given; this is taken from other entries for Dardanelles Patrol] 2.00am: Course and speed as requisite for patrol 6.45am: Left straits and patrolled in entrance 2.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for collecting reports from Anzac 4.15pm: Received daily reports from Basilisk and proceeded to return to patrol 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037831: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-028_1.jpg) 21 December 1915 On patrol, Kephalo and Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 6.30am: Left Patrol and proceeded to Kephalo 7.10am: Arrived off Kephalo and awaited HMS Magnificent and Doris 9.00am: Proceeded at 10-11 knots to escort HMS Magnificent and Doris to Mudros 2.40pm: Arrived in Mudros Harbour and let go starboard anchor off HMS Blenheim 8.10pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded alongside Collier Holmpark. 11.00pm: Stopped coaling – cast off collier, and proceeded out of harbour course and speed as requisite 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037832: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-029_0.jpg) 22 December 1915 Imbros, Kephalo and Mudros Lat 40.22, Long 25.83 [Kephalo] 2.00am: Course and speed as requisite for searching south coast of Imbros for lost motor lighters 5.30am: Course and speed as requisite for searching south coast of Imbros for lost motor lighters 7.30am: Sighted 2 motor lighters ashore 1. on Cape Niger 2. to the Eastward of Cape Niger [now Sikia Burnu] 8.00am: Sent whalers crew ashore for crews of motor lighters 8.45am: Crews of motor lighters K.36 and 44 onboard (15) 9.20am: Proceeded course and speed as requisite for Kephalo 10.55am: Arrived in Kephalo and anchored 12.10pm: Disembarked crews of K36 and 44 12.20pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requsite for Mudros 3.55pm: Arrived in Mudros Harbour and secured alongside collier Holmpark 5.15pm: Completed with coal received 60 tons 6.10pm: Secured alongside Carrigan Head 8.00pm: Secured ship aft alongside Beagle. Hands employed provisioning ship. 11.00pm: Stores and provisioning complete 11.15pm: Cast off Carrigan Head and came to single anchor 3 shackles off HMS Blenheim 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037833: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-029_1.jpg) 23 December 1915 Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.24 Anchored off HMS Blenheim 8.45am: Hands air night clothing 11.55am: Down all night clothing 10.20pm: 1 Telegraphist RFR joined from HMS Fury 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037834: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-030_0.jpg) 24 December 1915 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.0, Long 25.4 Anchored off HMS Blenheim 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour in company with Wear 6.40pm: Transport passing steering to southward 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037835: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-030_1.jpg) 25 December 1915 At sea Lat 36.2, Long 21.7 1.05am: Sighted Levitha Island S20W 10.00am: Parted company of Wear and proceeded course and speed as requisite to examine small sailing boat 10.30am: Boarded Italian sailing boat (Simi to Crete) 10.40am: Proceeded to rejoin Wear 11.30am: Course as requisite for searching island of Rhodes 12.30pm: Course as requisite for searching Piskopi 2.00pm: Course as requisite for proceeding to rendezvous 5.05pm: Kandalusia Pt abeam, and took station astern of Wear 10.00pm: Sighted Peony 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037836: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-031_0.jpg) 26 December 1915 Searching Sporades Lat 36.2, Long 27.7 2.00am: Praso Nisi Light S60E 6.30am: Praso Nisi Point North 7.00am: Transport A.10 passed steering to southward 9.30am: Course as requisite for searching west coast of Rhode 10.30am: Read prayers 11.00am: Stopped and boarded S.S. Amerigo Vespucci (Italian) Khalki to Scarporto 6.45pm: Kandalusia Light bearing N65W 7.15pm: Arrived at Rendezvous South of Kandalusia Island. Course and speed as requisite for awaiting Wear. 8.30am: Proceeded on patrol with Wear 10.00am: Parted company of Wear 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037837: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-031_1.jpg) 27 December 1915 Searching Sporades Lat 37.1, Long 27.2 2.00am: Transport passed on Southeasterly course 4.00am: Course as requisite for patrol 8.15am: Piskopi Point abeam 2 cables 9.45am: Pasha Point abeam 4 cables. Course as requisite through Kos and Chuka channels 5.00pm: Passed Greek Light Cruiser Helle steering WNW 9.00pm: Patrolling southern strait of Khios 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037838: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-032_0.jpg) 28 December 1915 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.00am: Course as requisite for patrolling south of Khios 2.10am: Paspargo Light abeam 1 1/2 cables 3.45am: Pasha Light abeam 6 cables 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite. Station astern of Wear 8.00am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Port Iero 8.15am: Secured alongside collier Sterndale 2.05pm: Finished coaling (108 tons) and cast off 8.05pm: Concert party left for Ben-My-Chree 11.45pm: Concert Party returned 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037839: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-032_1.jpg) 29 December 1915 Port Iero and at sea Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour in company with Wear 4.20pm: Boarded Greek Ship Georgios Khios to Mitylene [Khios is a best guess] 7.00pm: Paspargo Light abeam 1 mile 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703783a: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-033_0.jpg) 30 December 1915 Patrolling Sporades Lat 36.6, Long 27.2 2.30am: In company of Wear 4.00am: Levitha Light abeam 8.20am: As requisite for closing Wear 8.45am: Course and speed as requisite for closing Italian merchant ship 10.00am: Closed S.S. Electrico (Italian) aground on NE coast of Liscios Island 11.30am: As requisite for attempting to tow off 1.40pm: Abandoned attempt to refloat Electrico 2.45pm: Courses as requisite for closing Peony 5.05pm: Boarded 2 small Greek sailing boats 6.30pm: Closed S.S. Electrico 7.30pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrol 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703783b: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-033_1.jpg) 31 December 1915 Patroling Sporades Lat 36.5, Long 28.0 4.20am: Altered course as requisite to close steamer bound opposite course 4.40am: Italian S.S. Amerigo Vespucci previously boarded by Welland December 26 5.15am: Sighted Rhodes Light bearing east 7.00am: Entered Rhodes harbour 7.15am: Left Rhodes harbour 9.00am: Courses as requisite for searching coast from Cape Makri to Cape Alupo 11.50am: Course and speed as requisite for closing Wear 12.20pm: Course and speed as requisite for searching coast of Symi 1.30pm: Examined Paniero Harbour 3.45pm: Closed Wear and proceeded in company 10.07pm: Reduced to 8 knots and parted company of Wear 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703783c: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703783d: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703783e: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703783f: ( 53-68372/ADM 53-68372-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JANUARY 1916 [Patrolling in the Dodecanese, Mudros, Malta, Algiers, Gibraltar, Queenstown for refit] 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037840: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037841: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook, January 1st to February 29th 1916. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037842: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-002_0.jpg) Handwritten: “This is to certify that this is the original Log of HMS Welland, for the period January 1st to February 29th, 1916.” Signed, Lt/Cdr PA Heyder [in command]. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037843: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-002_1.jpg) Page with recorded fuel consumption figures, signed by Captain Heyder* and dated March 1st 1916. Also signed Eng. Lt/Cdr (D) HL Hammond, aboard HMS Blenheim, 5th Destroyer Flotilla, dated 18th May 1916. *Note that all commanding officers are referred to as Captain by courtesy, whatever their substantive rank. To the crew however he is, by immemorial custom, referred to as The Owner. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037844: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037845: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1916 At sea on patrol Lat 36.44, Long 26.75 12.15am: Transport passed steering South. 2.40am: Praso Nisi Lt sighted. 4.00am: A/c S38W 5.00am: Kandalusia Lt [now Kandeliusa] abeam. 6.00am: Courses to close HMS Wear and took station astern of same, course N40W. 6.25am: Two hospital ships passed, steering NW’ly. 12.10pm: Parted company with Wear to search SE and E coast of Stampalia I. [aka Astypalaia]. 2.15pm: Anchored in Maltofana harbour. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.20pm: Met Wear and proceeded in company with same, course N25E. 7.00pm: A/c N43W. 7.45pm: Passed collier steering SE. 10.10pm: Hospital ship passed steering SE. 10.35pm: A/c N23E. Page signed by Lt/Cdr CA Poignand [in command until 16th February]. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037846: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1916 At sea to Port Iero [on the island of Mytilene, now Lesbos] Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.45am: Paspargo Light bg N5E. 2.50am: Same abeam, a/c to pass Chios. 7.00am: Off Port Iero entrance awaiting daylight. 8.10am: Entered harbour. 9.10am: Secured to collier Sterndale to coal* ship. 3.22pm: Completed with 102 tons and cast off to anchor. * Welland is designed for inshore patrols and only bunkers around 130 tons. A day’s patrol work uses about 20 tons, so she has to coal every few days. Here’s an excellent contemporary account of coaling in a larger ship. Yes, the officers really did join in!. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037847: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Clean ship and prepare for sea. Strong NE’ly winds all day f 4-6. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037848: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1916 Port Iero and on patrol Lat 38.6, Long 26.34 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to sea i/c with HMS Wear. Set course S35W. 11.30am: Courses to pass through Chios Strait. 12.30pm: Pasha Light abeam, 4 cables*. 2.00pm: Pasparga Light abeam, 4 cables. 2.55pm: Boarded SS Georgios (Greek). 3.35pm: Proceeded, S4E. 5.50pm: Cape Phano abeam, a/c S10W. 7.00pm: Cape Porphas Light bg N75W. 10.00pm: A/c to take station astern of Wear, course S23E. 10.15pm: Levithia [aka Levitha] Light bg South 1 mile. 11.50pm: Passed hospital ship steering North. * A naval measurement of distance, 1 cable is 200 yds, 183 metres approx. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037849: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1916 On patrol Lat 36.1, Long 27.67 [approx, position in log plots to dry land] 1.55am: Transport passed steering Southward. 7.05am: Sighted HMS Basilisk, a/c S75W. 7.30am: Sighted HMS Beagle, a/c N80E. 8.00am: Joined up with Beagle. 8.45am: Parted with Beagle and proceeded North in company with HMS Wear. 9.30am: Wear closed HMS Doris. Noon: C Monolithos bg N41E, 5.5 miles. 1.00pm: Examined Emporio Bay and then proceeded to patrol off Khalkia I. 5.10pm: Took station astern of Wear. 9.30pm: Sheltered in lee of Kandelusia [Kandeliusa] I. [NW f6] 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703784a: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1916 On patrol Lat 36.39, Long 27.37 12.01am: Sheltering under lee of Kandeliusa I. 9.30am: Proceeded S70E, 10 knots. 11.00am: Took shelter in Megalo Bay, Piskopi I. 5.35pm: Left Megalo Bay and took station astern of HMS Wear. 7.30pm: Stopped under lee of Kandeliusa Bay [N f 5, rough seas]. 11.15pm: Wear proceeded on Southern patrol. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703784b: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1916 On patrol Lat 36.5, Long 27.12 12.01am: On Patrol SE and NW of Kandeliusa I. 10.30am: Stopped to receive mails from HMS Racoon. 10.45am: Proceeded in company with HMS Wear. 9.15pm: C Papas abeam. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703784c: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1916 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 2.55am: Paspargo Lt abeam 6 cables. I/c with HMS Wear. 4.00am: Pasha Lt abeam. 8.00am: Secured alongside HMS Beagle and delivered mails. Cast off to anchor in D1 berth. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier Glenfinlas. 6.05pm: Completed with 115 tons of coal. Cast off to anchor in No 3 berth. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703784d: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703784e: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1916 Port Iero to Mudros Lat 38.67, Long 26.34 [Long 36º in log] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Wear. 3.40pm: Sigri Lt abeam [Sagri in log]. 4.35pm: Parted company with Wear. 6.00pm: Courses for entering Mudros Bay. 6.50pm: Came to single anchor off HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703784f: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands variously employed and drawing slops from HMS Blenheim. Noon: Paid quarterly settlement. 12.20pm: Received spare torpedo from Blenheim. 4.45pm: Returned ammunition to Blenheim. 5.00pm: Discharged one SPO and one AB to Blenheim and one Telegraphist RNVR to HMS Fury. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037850: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1916 Mudros and at sea towards Malta Lat 39.42, Long 25.22 [approx, Long 26º in log, way off course] 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Glenroy for 34 tons of coal. 8.30am: Cast off to secure alongside Q2 and returned kite* and sweeping gear. 9.45am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. 10.10am: Kombi Lt abeam. 7.40pm: Cape Phosia abeam. * The kites that Welland employs are not for the air, they are water kites or paravanes, used in sweeping for mines. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037851: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1916 At sea Lat 35.75, Long 22.5 12.05am: Sprathi Light abeam. 12.40am: Altered course as requisite to avoid sailing vessel. 9.00am: One half-gallon oil can (screw top) and two Lyddite shells washed overboard by heavy sea [sea state 6, very rough]. 5.00pm: Exercised night action stations and darkened ship. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037852: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1916 At sea Lat 35.62, Long 18.14 In am: Westerly courses at 10 knots into a head wind and very rough sea. 11.50am: Reduced speed to 8 knots. [Winds WSW or W f7, high seas] 12.45pm: A/c N76W. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037853: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1916 At sea to Malta Lat 35.79, Long 15.14 [Latitude 15º N in log] 11.50am: Sighted Malta. 2.30pm: Courses for entering Malta harbour. 3.30pm: Secured to buoy in French Creek. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037854: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Commenced coaling from lighter. 10.50am: Completed with coal (108 tons) from NSO Malta. 1.30pm: Leave to port watch till 7.00am.
4caf8cb3cadfd34197037855: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.30am: Hands restowing bunker rack* and drawing gear from lay-apart store in dockyard. 1.30pm: Hands cleaning out whaler and dinghy and returning gear to dockyard. [Not mentioned in the log but it is very likely that the starboard watch also got a run ashore.] 4.50pm: Joined for passage to England, one RM Bandmaster, one SPO and one RM Drummer. * Coal bunkers are not filled right up to the deck, to allow access to the coal trimmers, so to utilise some of the space, racks are fitted to the underside of the deck for stowing lumber, lengths of iron and the like. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037856: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1916 Malta and at sea for Algiers Lat 36.23, Long 13.85 7.40am: HMS’ Talbot and Minstrel arrived in harbour. 8.15am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. 8.45am: Passed transport SS Orsova and set course N40W. 12.30pm: A/c N68W. 3.30pm: Overtook SS Bardon Hall [?] steering same course. 3.45pm: Pantelleria I. on starboard bow, a/c N64W. 9.40pm: Cap Bon bg N60W. 10.35pm: Passed French cruiser Jeanne d’Arc steaming ESE, 5 miles on starboard beam. 11.00pm: C Bon bg West, 12 miles, a/c N55W. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037857: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1916 At sea Lat 37.23, Long 8.19 1.00am: C Bon Lt bg S34E. 8.05am: Cap Serrat abeam, bg S10E. 10.00am: Passed hospital ship steering East. 11.25am: Passed SS Sarpedon (Dutch) steering East. 4.10pm: Cap de Fer bg South, 6 miles. Passed SS Newisbrook [?], same course. 4.45pm: Passed SS’ Plymouth and Boston steering opposite course. 6.15pm: Cap Bougaroni abeam 4 miles, a/c N83W. 9.45pm: Hospital ship passed steering to Westward. 11.00pm: Cape Carbon bg S40W. 11.59pm: C Sigli [Sigri in log] Lt bg S60W. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037858: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1916 At sea to Algiers and at sea Lat 36.75, Long 3.06 1.30am: Sigli Lt abeam. 8.30am: SS Zealand (Br) passed reporting having sighted periscope 3 miles to East, a/c as requisite for searching. 9.30am: Fired one round at object like periscope and closed. Object turned out to be a broken boat of the Japanese SS Yaku Maru and hoisted it onboard. 9.45am: SS’ Knight of the Garter and City of Edinburgh signalled names. 10.30am: Courses to enter port of Algiers. Anchored and secured stern to jetty. Noon: Coal lighter alongside. Received 50 tons from Watt and Watt & Co of Algiers, native labour. 4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 6.00pm: Set course N88W, 12 knots. 6.20pm: Cape Caxine abeam, 5 miles. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037859: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1916 At sea for Gibraltar Lat 35.89, Long -0.8 11.20am: Passed French trawler patrol (DL659) (B2-93) (B.10). 7.55pm: Alboran I. Lt bg N55W. 9.00pm: Same abeam, 3.25 miles. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703785a: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1916 At sea to Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 2.00am: Large steamer with no lights passed steering East. 6.40am: Courses for Gibraltar harbour. 8.30am: Secured alongside Southern Mole. 3.00pm: Landed libertymen. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703785b: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1916 Gibraltar and at sea Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 8.00am: Commenced coaling (native labour). 11.00am: HMS Talbot in. 11.55am: Completed with coal (115 tons) from NSO Gibraltar. 12.15pm: Slipped jetty and proceeded to sea. 2.10pm: Tarifa Lt bg North, 2 miles. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703785c: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1916 At sea for UK Lat 38.42, Long -9.5 2.55am: Cape St Vincent Light bg N20W. 4.45am: Same abeam. 8.45am: Hands striking down coal on upper deck. 1.50pm: Cape Roca Lt [Cabo da Roca] bg E, 1.5 miles. 5.00pm: Burling Lighthouse [Ilhas de Berlengas] abeam 8 miles. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703785d: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1916 At sea Lat 43.22, Long -9.42 [Latitude in log 23º, clearly incorrect] 6.30am: Two steamers passed to port on opposite course. 10.10am: C Finisterre abeam. 5.00pm: Steamer passed on opposite course. 5.30pm: Ditto. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703785e: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1916 At sea Lat 48.1, Long -8.5 6.05am: Steamer passed on opposite course. 5.45pm: Steamer passed steering WSW. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703785f: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1916 At sea to Queenstown Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 6.00am: Kinsale Head Light on port bow. 7.00am: Awaiting daylight off Queenstown harbour. 7.45am: Entered harbour and secured to buoy. 10.30am: Tug Shamrock put ship alongside jetty. 3.00pm: Ratings taking passage to England left. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037860: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1916 Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed returning stores and gear to dockyard. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037861: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands returning torpedoes to dockyard. 1.30pm: Landed libertymen. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037862: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037863: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed sending down topmast. 1.30pm: Landed libertymen. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1916 [Haulbowline for docking and refit] 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037864: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-019_0.jpg) 1 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 A typical harbour day preparing for refit. 6.00am: Clean quarterdeck. 8.45am: Hands returning awnings to dockyard and coal (45 tons) to NSO. 1.30pm: Hands chipping and scraping etc. 6.10pm: Landed patrol. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 11.30pm: Patrol returned. Weather: Calm in the early watches, SW or West f 1-3 in pm, overcast with snow showers, temperatures in the upper 40ºs F. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037865: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-019_1.jpg) 2 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands taking provisions to lay-apart store. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037866: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-020_0.jpg) 3 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands cleaning storerooms and getting up cable for survey. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037867: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-020_1.jpg) 4 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands taking cables to testing shed. Shifted ship under sheer legs. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037868: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-021_0.jpg) 5 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands taking cables to testing shed. 4caf8cb3cadfd34197037869: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-021_1.jpg) 6 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb3cadfd3419703786a: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-022_0.jpg) 7 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping the side. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703786b: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-022_1.jpg) 8 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping the side. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703786c: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-023_0.jpg) 9 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping the side. Received from NSO 2 tons coal for culinary purposes. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703786d: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-023_1.jpg) 10 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping the side. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703786e: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-024_0.jpg) 11 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping the side. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703786f: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-024_1.jpg) 12 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands returning kedge anchor. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037870: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-025_0.jpg) 13 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037871: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-025_1.jpg) 14 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands clearing out magazines and storerooms. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037872: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-026_0.jpg) 15 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands clearing out magazines and paint locker. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037873: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-026_1.jpg) 16 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 2.30pm: Captain Poignand left ship for England 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037874: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-027_0.jpg) 17 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping the side and returning wires to lay-apart store. Received from NSO 2 tons coal for culinary purposes. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037875: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-027_1.jpg) 18 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 4.30pm: Shifted ship to dry dock. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037876: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-028_0.jpg) 19 February 1916 Haulbowline [dry dock] Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Long leave to watch from Noon until Noon 10th March. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037877: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-028_1.jpg) 20 February 1916 Haulbowline [dry dock] Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037878: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-029_0.jpg) 21 February 1916 Haulbowline [dry dock] Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Returning hawser reel to dockyard and gear to lay-apart store and scraping the side. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037879: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-029_1.jpg) 22 February 1916 Haulbowline [dry dock] Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed returning lamps for survey and stores to dockyard. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703787a: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-030_0.jpg) 23 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 8.30am: Commenced flooding dock 12.45pm: Secured ship in basin. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703787b: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-030_1.jpg) 24 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 10.00am: Shifted ship to West side of basin. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703787c: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-031_0.jpg) 25 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 1.00pm: Proceeded to put ship on slip. 2.10pm: Ship secured on slip. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703787d: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-031_1.jpg) 26 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Cleaning mess decks etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703787e: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-032_0.jpg) 27 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 6.30am: Scrub quarterdeck. 8.45am: Clear up for rounds. 9.30am: Captain’s rounds. 10.00am: Landed church party. 11.45am: Church party returned. 1.30pm: Hands piped down. Landed libertymen. 5.00pm: Watch to fire stations. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703787f: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-032_1.jpg) 28 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping the side etc. Page signed by PA Heyder, Lt in command. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037880: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-033_0.jpg) 29 February 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Received from NSO 2 tons coal for culinary purposes. Hands employed returning steaming light circuits to dockyard, drawing provisions and cleaning Maxim. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037881: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-033_1.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037882: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037883: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037884: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037885: ( 53-68373/ADM 53-68373-035_1.jpg) Above five pages blanks or covers. LOGS FOR MARCH 1916 [Haulbowline for refit] 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037886: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037887: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook, March and April 1916. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037888: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st March 1916 to April 30th, 1916, signed PA Heyder Lieutenant-in-Command.” 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037889: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page, including full power trial result for 14th April. Signed by the Captain (25th May) and Eng. Lt/Cdr HL Hammond, 5th Destroyer flotilla, 28th May 1916. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703788a: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703788b: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 6.30am: Clean upper deck. 8.30am: Hands employed in lay-apart store. 1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon. 5.00pm: Watch to fire stations. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Various breezes f 3-4, mostly overcast, 34 to 40º F. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703788c: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Returning grass hawsers* for survey and overhauling blocks. * coir rope, limited strength but floats, hence very handy to transfer wire ropes from one ship to another. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703788d: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands working in mounting shop, emptying refuse cart and returning gear to electrical shop. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703788e: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Cleaning etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703788f: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037890: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping the side and employed in the gun shed. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037891: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands cleaning out sponsons and scraping guns in gun mounting shed. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037892: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Discharged one rating to Haulbowline hospital. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037893: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping the side etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037894: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping the side etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037895: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037896: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037897: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping the side etc. Received from NSO 2 tons coal for culinary purposes. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037898: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed returning sweeping blocks to testing shed. Hands employed in gun-mounting shed 5.00pm: S Pouse [?] Wardroom Cook, discharged to HMS Colleen [the base ship for Queenstown] for passage to Malta. 4caf8cb4cadfd34197037899: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703789a: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 4.00pm: Left slip and secured in Basin 5.10pm: AB Long discharged to HMS Colleen. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703789b: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping fore bulkheads etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703789c: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Long leave to watch from Noon to Noon 28th March. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703789d: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703789e: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping the side etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd3419703789f: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping paintwork etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a0: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping paintwork in mess decks etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a1: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping paintwork in mess decks etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a2: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping and painting mess decks etc. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a3: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 10.30am: Departed this life Officer Steward G Diprose, L7498, reported from RN hospital. Received from NSO 2 tons coal for culinary purposes. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a4: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a5: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 9.30am: Discharged Stoker Watt to RN hospital. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a6: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands cleaning and scraping in the galley. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a7: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 9.30am: Discharged AB Greenwood to RN hospital. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a8: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Stripping down protective mattresses* from bridge and gun stands. * See this image at the Imperial War Museum for an example of protective mattresses. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378a9: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Scraping conning tower and transferring gear to canteen. LOGS FOR APRIL 1916 [Queenstown to complete refit, Gibraltar and Malta] 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378aa: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-019_0.jpg) 1 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 In am: Hands cleaning mess decks and lockers. In pm: Hands scraping conning tower. 5.00pm: Watch to fire stations. Sick list: 1. Weather: Calm or light airs, dry and clear, 40 to 54º F. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378ab: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-019_1.jpg) 2 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378ac: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-020_0.jpg) 3 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands scraping conning tower. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378ad: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-020_1.jpg) 4 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands padding foremost bandstand. [The raised platform around a gun. The padding is the same as the matting around the bridge in the photo above.] 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378ae: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-021_0.jpg) 5 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 1.00pm: One Officer Steward and one Officer Cook joined ship. 1.30pm: Hands fitting screen to after bandstand. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378af: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-021_1.jpg) 6 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Cleaning and painting. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b0: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-022_0.jpg) 7 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Painting and drawing gear from lay-apart store. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b1: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-022_1.jpg) 8 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 In am:Replacing gear and painting. In pm: Make and mend. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b2: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-023_0.jpg) 9 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b3: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-023_1.jpg) 10 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 8.00am: Ship commenced basin trial [running engines and steering gear while tied up]. 3.00pm: Completed basin trial. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b4: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-024_0.jpg) 11 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed drawing provisions. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b5: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-024_1.jpg) 12 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 8.45am: Commenced coaling. 3.50pm: Completed coaling, 107.6 tons. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b6: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-025_0.jpg) 13 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 11.00am: Left basin. 11.44am: Secured to buoy to swing for compasses. 1.45pm: Finished swinging, secured to Spencer Stairs and ammunitioned ship. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b7: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-025_1.jpg) 14 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 8.30am: Left Spencer Stairs and proceeded to sea for full speed trial. Speed by x-bearings, 23.1 knots. Noon: Courses to enter harbour. 12.15pm: Secured alongside Spencer Stairs. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b8: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-026_0.jpg) 15 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Hands employed putting protection mattresses around fore bridge and drawing torpedo stores. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378b9: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-026_1.jpg) 16 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Sunday routine. 3.00pm: Mr Perry, Gunner RN joined ship vice Mr Nicholls, Gunner RN. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378ba: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-027_0.jpg) 17 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Drawing torpedoes and electrical gear, fitting life buoys. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378bb: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-027_1.jpg) 18 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 Cleaning out sponsons, drawing canvas and torpedo gear. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378bc: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-028_0.jpg) 19 April 1916 Haulbowline Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 4.20pm: Left basin to swing for compasses. 6.15pm: Secured to Spencer Stairs and coaled ship. 8.20pm: Received 15 boxes of Lyddite shell. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378bd: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-028_1.jpg) 20 April 1916 Haulbowline and at sea for Gibraltar Lat 51.842, Long -8.3 9.20am: Completed with coal to 134.3 tons. 1.10pm: Two ABs and one Stoker joined ship. 2.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Course S28W. 4.00pm: Passed HMS Gloucester and destroyers to starboard. 4.22pm: Old Kinsale Point abeam to starboard. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378be: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-029_0.jpg) 21 April 1916 At sea Lat 47.67, Long -8.89 Course S28W, speed 12 knots. Passed various unnamed vessels during the day. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378bf: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-029_1.jpg) 22 April 1916 At sea Lat 43.04, Long -9.47 Southerly courses, 12 knots. 9.40am: C Finisterre on the port bow, a/c South (c). 12.35pm: A/c S18W (c). Passed various unidentified steamers. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c0: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-030_0.jpg) 23 April 1916 At sea Lat 37.94, Long -9.34 [Longitude East in log] 4.30am: Burling Lt abeam bg S72E. 5.25am: C Roca Lt bg South. 7.43am: Same abeam. 11.30am: Passed SS Petsia (Gr) on opposite course. 10.00am: Passed SS Byarmia (R) on opposite course. 2.35pm: C St Vincent bg S by E. 4.49pm: A/c S53E. Also passed various unidentified steamers during the day. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c1: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-030_1.jpg) 24 April 1916 At sea to Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 3.05am: Cadiz Lt abeam. 8.45am: Secured alongside South mole Gibraltar. Received 95 tons of coal from NSO Gibraltar. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c2: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-031_0.jpg) 25 April 1916 Gibraltar and at sea for Malta Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 5.20pm: Cast off jetty and proceeded to sea. 5.48pm: Europa Pt abeam, 0.25 miles. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c3: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-031_1.jpg) 26 April 1916 At sea Lat 36.04, Long -0.64 2.15am: Alboran Lt abeam, a/c S83E. 9.00am: Passed SS Castleton on opposite course. 4.00pm: Stopped SS Clan McFadden [probably Clan MacFadyen is intended] to enquire whether she had seen any submarines. Answer to negative. 8.28pm: C Tenez Lt abeam to starboard. 11.35pm: Cap Cherchel [Shershel in log] abeam 13 miles. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c4: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-032_0.jpg) 27 April 1916 At sea Lat 37.06, Long 5.48 2.48am: C Caxine abeam, 9.75 miles. Passed various unidentified steamers. 7.45pm: C Rosa on starboard bow. 8.20pm: Steamer to starboard on opposite course, failed to pick up same with searchlight. 11.55pm: Tabarka Lt abeam. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c5: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-032_1.jpg) 28 April 1916 At sea Lat 37.2, Long 11.27 [Latitude approximate, not recorded in log] 1.52am: Serat [Cap Serrat] abeam. Noon: Cape Bon bg S68W 12 miles. Passed various unidentified steamers.
4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c6: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-033_0.jpg) 29 April 1916 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 12.58am: Gozo Lt bg SE. 4.20am: Same abeam. A/c S40E. 8.00am: Waiting for permission to enter Grand harbour. 11.00am: Secured to Nos 1 and 1a buoys. 2.15pm: Commenced coaling, received from NSO Malta 76 tons. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c7: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-033_1.jpg) 30 April 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Harbour routine, leave to watch, 1.00pm to 10.00pm. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c8: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378c9: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378ca: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378cb: ( 53-68374/ADM 53-68374-035_1.jpg) Above four pages blanks and covers. LOGS FOR MAY 1916 [Malta, Mudros and Dodecanese patrol based at Port Iero] 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378cc: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378cd: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-001_1.jpg) Cover of Logbook copy for May 1916. 4caf8cb4cadfd341970378ce: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st May 1916 to 31st May 1916, signed PA Heyder Lieut-in-Command.” [Dated 1915 in log!] 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378cf: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page, including full power trial result for 14th April. Signed by the Captain (13th June) and Eng. Lt/Cdr HL Hammond, 5th Destroyer flotilla, 19th June 1916. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d0: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d1: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1916 Malta and at sea for Mudros Lat 36.0, Long 15.67 6.30am: Preparing for sea. 8.20am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, course N72E, 165 revs [14 knots]. 10.20am: A/c to read signal from transport on opposite course. 1.45pm: A/c to examine empty lifeboat. 4.00pm: A/c to answer challenge from sloop on opposite course. 7.30pm: Darkened ship. Passed various unidentified steamers during the day. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d2: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1916 At sea Lat 35.75, Long 21.64 Easterly courses until 5.10pm. 5.10pm: A/c N37E. 6.30pm: A/c N6E. 9.20pm: A/c N52E. 11.00pm: C Zurva abeam 12.5 miles. 11.59pm: A/c N36E. Passed numerous unidentified steamers during the day. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d3: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1916 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.64, Long 25.19 5.25am: Challenged by HMS Sentinel, replied. 11.05am: Strati I. abeam to port, a/c N20 E. 1.30pm: Secured alongside collier Ikaki. Commenced coaling. 4.15pm: Completed coaling, 82 tons. Cast off and anchored off HMS Blenheim. 6.25pm: Hands to bathe. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d4: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1916 Mudros and on Patrol Lat 40.11, Long 25.94 [approx] 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded. Embarked three Captains RN for passage to HMS Triad [The Dardanelles HQ ship]. 12.25pm: Anchored in Aliki Bay* [on the South coast of Imbros, now Gökçeada]. Sent three Captains to Triad. 2.55pm: Weighed and proceeded for Kephalo*. 4.30pm: Anchored in Kephalo harbour [a large bay on the East coast of Imbros, aka Pyrgos Bay]. Sent money to HMS Grafton. 5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol position. 6.35pm: Arrived on position. 10.03pm: Took station astern of HMS Comet, HMS Grampus following astern. Patrolling SE and NW between Tenedos [now Bozcaada] and Imbros. * A detailed map of the Aegean Sea at Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Comittee shows how Mudros, Imbros and Tenados lie in relation to Gallipoli. Kephalo Bay is the deep bay on the SE corner of Imbros, Aliki Bay lies just below it on the South coast and Kusu Bay is on the NE coast. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d5: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1916 On Patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.0 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol between Tenedos and Imbros. 10.30am: Proceeded to relieve HMS Racoon. 12.25pm: Resumed former patrol. 8.30pm: Took station astern of HMS Comet. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d6: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1916 Patrol, Kephalo Bay, at sea Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.01am: On patrol i/c with HMS Comet. 6.30am: Tending on Submarines during exercise. 7.30am: Proceeded for Kephalo Bay. 8.06am: Anchored abreast of HMS Grafton. 5.11pm: Weighed and proceeded for Port Iero. 11.14pm: C Sigri [actually a small island with a lighthouse] abeam to Port, 7.75 miles. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d7: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.00am: Approaching and entering Port Iero. 4.30am: Secured to collier Somersby and coaled ship. 8.30am: Received 68 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d8: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Hands employed painting. 9.10pm: Embarked one L/Cpl and six privates, RMLI. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378d9: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1916 Port Iero and at sea escorting monitor Lat 38.6, Long 26.6 [approx] 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 5.30am: Escorting monitor HMS Earl of Peterborough. 10.15am: Closed HMS Kennet. Transferred marines and mail to Kennet for Long I. 10.45am: Patrolling to seaward of monitor whilst bombarding enemy’s batteries. 3.30pm: Monitor commenced bombarding Ines Tepi. 4.10pm: Completed firing, proceeded North with monitor. 5.10pm: Received signal to proceed to assistance of steamer being chased by submarine in 37 55N, 25 05E. 9.45pm: Reduced to 18 knots. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378da: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1916 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.05am: Rounding North of Khios I. [aka Chios] 8.20am: Secured to collier Somersby in Port Iero. Coaled ship, 48 tons. 10.55am: Cast off to anchor. 3.30pm: Landed libertymen until 6.00pm. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378db: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1916 Port Iero and on patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.6 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 11.12am: Arrived on patrol. 12.40pm: Closed HMS Chelmer. Captain boarded same. 1.10pm: Proceeded on patrol NW and SE of monitors off Long I. [now Uzunada and also then called Chustan I.] 5.15pm: Closed HMS Chelmer. 9.00pm: Took station astern of Chelmer and proceeded close in under coast to SE end of Chustan I. 9.40pm: Parted company with Chelmer. 10.50pm: Anchored. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378dc: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1916 On patrol off Long I. Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 1.00am: HMS Chelmer anchored. 4.00am: Weighed and proceeded to patrol position, SE and NW of Long I. 8.50am: Enemy’s battery fired two rounds at Welland, approx cal. 5”. 10.10am: Carried out .303 aiming rifle* practice. 11.30am: Closed HMS Kennet for letters. * A .303 barrel is attached to the gun for practice, limiting expenditure on full calibre shells and avoiding wear and tear on the gun barrel. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378dd: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1916 Long I. patrol Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling off Kilsali I. [?] 4.00am: Proceed to day patrol position to NW and SE of Long I. 9.45am: Commenced .303 aiming rifle practice, taking turns with HMS Kennet to tow a target. 10.30am: Monitor bombarding enemy battery. 12.25pm: Enemy’s battery fired a few rounds on West side of Long I. 3.00pm: Motor boat alongside with one officer for passage to Port Iero. 9.50pm: Anchored to SE of Long I. 10.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to Monitor M.30 on fire to the West of Long I. Rescued ratings from same and proceeded for Port Iero. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378de: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.30am: Monitor’s cutter, in tow astern sunk. 2.10am: Arrived in Port Iero and anchored. Discharged M.30’s ratings to HMS Doris. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to SS Treveal [Traveal in log] for coal. 8.45am: Finished coaling (62 tons) and cast off. 10.45am: Half-masted colours*. 11.15am: Colours close up. *This is probably to mark the funerals of four M.30 casualties, all Stoker ratings. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378df: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1916 Port Iero and Long I. Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 7.45am: SNO came onboard. 7.50am: Weighed and proceeded for Long I. 9.40am: Arrived at Long I. and disembarked SNO in motor boat. 10.00am: Commenced shelling probable emplacement on Western coast. 11.00am: Ceased firing. In pm: Monitors bombarding enemy batteries at intervals. Welland patrolling. 4.40pm: SNO came onboard. Proceeded for Port Iero. 6.14pm: Disembarked SNO to steam boat off Port Iero and returned to patrol. 8.10pm: Closed HMS M.22 and remained near her. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e0: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1916 On Patrol off Long Island Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 12.50am: Enemy battery fired one round on to Long Island. 1.00am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling North of monitors. 8.35pm: Proceeded to patrol off Kursali. Enemy’s battery on Mantessi fired 13 rounds at Welland, without success, between 9.40 and 10.05pm. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e1: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1916 On patrol and to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling off Kursali. 3.10am: Proceeded for day patrol position. 9.20am: Proceeded for Port Iero, escorting motor boat Penelope. 12.20pm: Arrived Port Iero. 12.35pm: Secured alongside collier Treveal [Traveal in log]. Hands coal ship. 2.40pm: Completed with coal, 58 tons and cast off to anchor in C3.. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e2: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Hands employed as requisite. Make and mend in pm. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e3: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1916 Port Iero and Long Island patrol Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded to Long I. patrol. 6.40am: Arrived off Long I. and closed HMS Kennet. 5.30pm: Closed HMS M.33 for signalling purposes. 8.45pm: Proceeded to patrol off Kitsali. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e4: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1916 On patrol Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 12.01am: Keeping position in East Bay, Long Island. 3.30am: Proceeded to day patrol position. 5.15am: HMS Earl of Peterborough left Gulf in company with HMS Kennet also tug and monitor towing a lighter. 8.50am: Closed HMS M.32 to get mail. 11.30am: HMS Jed arrived on patrol. 3.40pm: Jed left patrol station. 7.30pm: Darkened ship, continued on patrol North of Long I. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e5: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1916 Patrol to Port Iero Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling North of Long Island. 4.00pm: Proceeded at 18 knots for Port Iero. 5.45pm: Secured alongside collier Treveal [Traveal in log]. 7.57pm: Completed with coal (58 tons), cast off to anchor as ordered in C1 berth. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e6: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e7: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1916 Port Iero and on Patrol Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 5.55am: Weighed and proceeded to relieve HMS Jed. 8.18am: Arrived on patrol. 10.40am: Carried out 1” aiming practice. 11.20am: Ceased firing. 11.30am: Patrolling North of monitors and Long I. 12.05pm: HMS Kennet left for Port Iero. 5.30pm: Received service mail from trawler. 8.10pm: Escorted tug and motor lighter to position 2 miles North of Long I. 9.15pm: Proceeded to patrol position in SE Bay. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e8: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1916 Long I. Patrol Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 12.15am: HMS M.32 passed to port steering North. 3.00am: Proceeded to day patrol position. 4.10am: HMS Earl of Peterborough left for Port Iero. 4.20am: Tug and lighter left for Port Iero. 11.00am: HMS Jed arrived on patrol. Patrolling North of monitors and Long I. for the rest of the day. 8.00pm: Tug, lighter and drifter arrived from Port Iero. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378e9: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1916 Long I. Patrol and Port Iero Lat 38.55, Long 26.68 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling North of Long I. 9.30am: Turkish battery commenced shelling Western side of Long I. 9.50am: HMS’ M.33 and M.18 replied. 1.50pm: Embarked interpreter from M.18 for passage to Port Iero and proceeded for same. 2.45pm: Secured alongside SS Treveal. Coaled ship. 5.00pm: Completed with coal, 62 tons and cast off to anchor in C1. . 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378ea: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.00am: HMS Grafton arrived and anchored. 7.05am: Trawler No 261 [Swallow] came alongside with engineer’s stores. Hands variously employed. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378eb: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1916 Port Lero and on patrol in Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 8.10am: Passed HMS Jed. 8.40am: Arrived on station to patrol the entrance to the Gulf of Smyrna. 11.15am: HMS M.18 opened fire on enemy’s battery on Eastern Shore. 6.15pm: HMS Grafton arrived on patrol. 9.00pm: Proceeded to patrol position in East Bay (Long Island). 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378ec: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.45am: Proceeded to day patrol position. 2.20am: HMS Grafton and monitors bombarding enemy’s searchlight and guns. 3.10am: Grafton left for Port Iero 4.30am: Tug Alice passed for Port Iero. 6.30am: Closed HMS Kennet with service letters for Port Iero. 7.15am: Kennet left for Port Iero. 9.30am: HMS Jed arrived on patrol 10.45am: Closed HMS M.32 and received orders to attend on same while firing. 11.45am: HMS M.18 bombarding enemy’s battery on Murdovan [probably now Mordogan] Pt. In pm: Patrolling off M.32 in entrance Gulf Smyrna. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378ed: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling entrance to Gulf. 5.15pm: Commenced firing on village on Western shore. 5.45pm: Ceased fire, 12 rounds. 7.50pm: Drifter arrived on patrol. 11.00pm: HMS M.18 fired 4 rounds at enemy searchlight on Murdovan Pt. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378ee: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling entrance to Gulf. 7.40am: Proceeded for Port Iero. Carried out monthly speed trial. Speed by cross bearings, 23 knots. 9.45am: Secured to SS Treveal in Port Iero. Commenced coaling. 10.00am: Suspended coaling for 40 minutes, thunderstorm. 1.50pm: Completed with coal, 83 tons and cast off to anchor in C2 berth. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378ef: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 9.10am: HMS Jed arrived. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f0: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-019_0.jpg) 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f1: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-019_1.jpg) 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f2: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-020_0.jpg) 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f3: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-020_1.jpg) 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f4: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-021_0.jpg) 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f5: ( 53-68375/ADM 53-68375-021_1.jpg) Above six pages blanks or covers. LOGS FOR JUNE 1916 [Dodecanese patrols, including visits to Port Iero, Mudros and Suda Bay] 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f6: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f7: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-001_1.jpg) Blue Logbook cover for June 1916. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f8: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st June 1916 to 30th June 1916, signed PA Heyder Lieut-in-Command.” 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378f9: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page, data crossed out, signatures of Lt-in-command PA Heyder, July 4th and Eng. Lt/Cdr HL Hammond, 24th July 1916. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378fa: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378fb: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1916 Port Iero and at sea escorting monitor Lat 38.49, Long 25.84 4.00am: Weighed and proceeded ahead of HMS Earl of Peterborough, 9 knots. Courses as requisite sig-zagging ahead of same. 7.30pm: Darkened ship, took station on starboard beam of Earl of Peterborough. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378fc: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1916 At sea escorting monitor Lat 37.97, Long 26.59 12.01am: Keeping station on starboard beam of HMS Earl of Peterborough. 4.00am: Patrol as requisite to seaward of Earl of Peterborough and HMS Grafton whilst bombarding [vide log of Grafton, they are bombarding Kusadasi]. 7.50am: Proceeded with Earl of Peterborough 4.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for Khios [aka Chios] Channel. 11.55pm: Asked permission to proceed to Mudros. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378fd: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1916 At sea to Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.31am: Sigri Lt abeam, a/c N26W. 5.00am: Sighted Kombi I ahead. 6.50am: Secured to collier in Mudros harbour. 10.00am: Completed coaling, 62 tons, cast off to go alongside store ship RFA Bacchus for provisions. 2.45pm: Finished with provisions and cast off to go alongside HMS Blenheim. 6.15pm: One officer and three ratings joined for passage to Port Iero. 8.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea, course S25E. 10.46pm: Sigri Lt on port bow. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378fe: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1916 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.20am: Sigri Lt abeam to port. 5.00am: Anchored in Port Iero. Discharged three ratings to HMS Earl of Peterborough. 10.05am: HMS Jed arrived and anchored. 10.10am: Sent church party to HMS Grafton. 4caf8cb5cadfd341970378ff: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1916 Port Iero to patrol and to Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.8, Long 26.6 [approx] 4.43am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 8.40am: Closed HMS Whitby Abbey for signalling purposes. Patrolling off Scio [aka Chios]. 10.45am: Stopped and boarded Greek steamer Ermoupolis, Piraeus to Scio. Ordered her to follow us to Port Iero. 3.30pm: Arrived off Port Iero entrance. Signalled Greek steamer to anchor in examination anchorage. Proceeded for Gulf of Smyrna. 5.25pm: Arrived in patrol area and closed HMS Kennet. Patrolling E and W in entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb5cadfd34197037900: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling E and W in entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 8.45am: Proceeded for Port Iero 10.45am: Secured to collier in Port Iero. 1.40pm: Finished coaling, 58 tons. Cast off to anchor in C2. 4caf8cb5cadfd34197037901: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.20pm: HMS Grafton weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8cb5cadfd34197037902: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1916 Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 7.58am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.00am: Arrived on patrol and closed HMS Jed for signalling purposes. 10.30am: Sent mail to Jed. Patrolling across entrance to Gulf. 4caf8cb5cadfd34197037903: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling across entrance to Gulf throughout the day. 2.40pm: Closed HMS Kennet to communicate with her. 5.20pm: Enemy’s battery on Eastern shore opened fire on Kennet without success. Kennet replied. 4caf8cb5cadfd34197037904: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.9, Long 26.9 [approx] 12.30am: Proceeded to East side of Long I. in company with HMS Kennet. 2.00am: Kennet commenced firing on Kitsali. 2.15am: Fired five rounds of common shell at Mentessi searchlight. 2.30am: Proceeded to day patrol position in entrance to Gulf. Noon: Course and speed to reconnoitre Gulf of Sandorli [Gulf of Candarli]. 2.20pm: Sent whaler to examine boat on Plati I., proved to belong to Greek Guard. 3.30pm: Returned to patrol. 5.42pm: Reported reconnoitre to HMS M.32. Continued patrol of entrance to Gulf. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037905: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling across entrance to Gulf. 7.32am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 9.05am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 11.45am: Completed with coal and cast off to anchor in C1. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037906: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1916 Port Iero to Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.40am: HMS Kennet arrived and anchored. 12.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.15pm: Arrived on patrol and closed HMS M.33 and HMS Jed for signalling purposes. 2.40pm: M.33 opened fire on enemy. 4.00pm: Continued to patrol across entrance to Gulf. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037907: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 2.30am: Reconnoitred neighborhood of Kilsali I. and Menlissi Ch. 4.00am: Menlissi battery fired eight rounds at ship, rapid fire, well directed and over. 4.05am: HMS M.33 fired on Murdovon battery. 7.00am: Resumed Gulf entrance patrol. 1.30pm: Closed M.33 and HMS Jed to pass orders. 4.35pm: Murdovan battery fired 3 rounds at HMS Jed. 5.45pm: M.33 fired 10 rounds at Tres Tepe battery. 7.00pm: Jed left for Port Iero. 8.55pm: Drifter arrived on patrol. 9.00pm: Patrolling across Gulf entrance. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037908: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.9, Long 26.6 [approx] 1.30am: Sighted HMS Earl of Peterborough escorted by HMS Jed. 3.10am: Monitors commenced firing on searchlights. 4.20am: Jed proceeded to Port Iero. 6.16am: Earl of Peterborough opened fire on Merminji. 7.30am: Earl of Peterborough ceased firing (25 rds). 7.40am: Proceeded to position midway between Gulf of Smyrna and Mitylene to escort aeroplane. 8.50am: Closed Earl of Peterborough to zig-zag across her bows. 11.10am: Arrived off Port Iero and parted company with Earl of Peterborough to return to patrol. 1.00pm: Arrived on patrol. 1.45pm: Turkish batteries West of Long I. commenced bombarding the island. Dense volumes of smoke observed on Long I. 4.40pm: Bombardment of Long I. ceased. 5.35pm: Closed HMS M.33 to communicate. 6.30pm: Closed HMS Kennet for letters. 7.50pm: Drifter arrived on patrol. 8.00pm: Fires burning on Long I. throughout watch. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037909: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling near M.33 in entrance to Gulf. 7.40am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 9.15am: Secured alongside collier, coaled ship. 11.55am: Finished coaling, 76 tons and cast off to anchor in C berth. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703790a: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.25pm: Shifted berth to C2. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703790b: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1916 Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 6.00am: HMS Kennet arrived and anchored. 7.03am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.00am: Arrived on patrol. 10.30am: Closed HMS M.32 and Captain went onboard. 11.00am: Captain returned, resumed patrol. 5.33pm: Closed HMS Jed to communicate. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703790c: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling across entrance of Gulf of Smyrna. 5.30am: HMS Jed left for Port Iero. 11.30am: Sighted small body of Turks and horses on Sahib I. 1.30pm: Fired 9 rounds at group of enemy horsemen. Resumed patrol. 5.45pm: Therme aeroplane dropped message. 6.45pm: Proceeded South to shell NW bay Long I. 6.50pm: Murdovan and Tres Tepe fired 20-25 rounds at ship. Fired two rounds at Tres Tepe. 7.10pm: Closed HMS M32 and Captain went onboard. 8.00pm: Sent boat to HMS Kennet for letters. Resumed patrol. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703790d: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna, Port Iero and Mudros Lat 39.25, Long 25.7 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling across entrance of Gulf of Smyrna. 4.10am: Left for Port Iero. 6.10am: Arrived in Port Iero and anchored. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Mudros, courses along Southern coast of Mytilene [now Lesbos]. 3.00pm: Courses to enter Port Mudros. 4.00pm: Secured alongside HMS Blenheim. Discharged one Stoker (sick) to same. Shipped gun shield for for’d gun. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703790e: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1916 Mudros to Port Iero Lat 39.24, Long 25.7 [approx] 5.00am: Cast off to go alongside collier Mokta. Coaled ship, 70 tons. 8.18am: Cast off and proceeded for Port Iero. 4.30pm: Arrived Port Iero and anchored in C1 berth. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703790f: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1916 Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.35am: HMS Kennet arrived and went alongside collier. 2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for searching Gulf of Khios for missing aeroplane. 5.30pm: Sighted aeroplane overhead steering for Mitylene. 6.00pm: HMM Anzac [?] closed. 8.30pm: Arrived on patrol. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037910: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol, Port Iero, at sea Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling entrance to Gulf. 8.30am: Closed HMS M.19 to communicate. 2.35pm: Closed HMS Jed and Captain went onboard. 2.45pm: Returned to Port Iero. 3.20pm: Closed HMS Arno and turned over patrol orders. 4.40pm: Anchored in Port Iero. 5.00pm: One rating joined from HMS Kennet for passage to Mudros. 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded along South coast of Mytilene. 11.45pm: Course N31W. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037911: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1916 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 5.30am: Secured to collier Mokta. Coaled ship. 7.40am: Finished coaling, 66 tons. Cast off to anchor off HMS Blenheim. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded, torpedo trials. 11.05am: Completed trial and returned to secure alongside Blenheim. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037912: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.50pm: Cast off from HMS Blenheim and secured alongside HMS Basilisk. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037913: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1916 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.6, Long 25.2 [approx] 8.45am: Embarked 78 bags of mail for Suda Bay [Crete]. 9.05am: Slipped and went alongside RFA Polshannon to take onboard one 6 foot kite. 9.40am: Cast off, but returned to Polshannon to return the kite. 10.15am: Proceeded to sea. Various SW’ly courses. 11.40pm: Antimilos I. abeam to port, a/c SSE. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037914: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1916 At sea to Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 6.15am: Secured alongside collier Rosario in Suda Bay. Coaled ship. 6.30am: Delivered mails and confidential books to HMS Edgar. 10.10am: Completed with coal, 46 tons, cast off to anchor. 1.30pm: HMS’ Colne, Usk and Chelmer arrived. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037915: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1916 Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: HMS Colne weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037916: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1916 Suda Bay and at sea Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 4.05am: HMS Chelmer left. 5.05am: HMS Ribble in and went alongside collier. 6.15pm: One Boy Telegraphist joined from HMS Edgar. 10.05pm: Received mails from HMS Edgar. 10.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, course East. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037917: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1916 At sea to Rhodes and at sea Lat 36.0, Long 27.0 [approx] 12.10am: Retymo Lt [now Rethymno] abeam to starboard, bg South. 3.00am: Sighted Standia I. Passed several vessels, unnamed. 7.00am: Closed HMS Aster, delivered and collected mails. 6.25pm: Delivered and collected mail at Rhodes. Proceeded N83W. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037918: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1916 At sea Lat 37.82, Long 26.88 [approx] 4.30am: Anchored in Port Laki [Leros]. Delivered and collected mail. 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.30am: Entered Port Vathi [Samos], delivered and collected mail. 11.20am: Proceeded. 3.10pm: Entered Khios, delivered and collected mail, proceeded. 7.25pm: Anchored in Port Iero off HMS Doris. Delivered and collected mail. 7.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 11.07am: Sigri Lt on starboard bow. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037919: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-018_1.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703791a: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-019_0.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703791b: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-019_1.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703791c: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-020_0.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703791d: ( 53-68376/ADM 53-68376-020_1.jpg) Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR JULY 1916 [Patrols amd mail runs between Mudros, Port Suda and Rhodes] 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703791e: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703791f: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook for July and August 1916. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037920: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st July 1916 to 31st August 1916, signed PA Heyder Lieut-in-Command.” 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037921: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-002_1.jpg) No data, but signatures of PA Heyder (25th September) and HL Hammond (27th September) as before. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037922: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037923: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1916 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 5.00am: Secured to SS Mokta in Mudros harbour. Coaled ship. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.20am: Resumed coaling. 9.45am: Completed with 95 tons of coal and cast off to anchor. 10.00am: Anchored. Hands clean ship. 3.00pm: Received mail for HMS’ Wear, Ribble and Usk. 4.00pm: Quarters. 5.00pm: Hands to bathe. 5.45pm: One Stoker 1c returned from sick list and six ratings joined for passage. 6.30pm: Paid monthly money. 7.30pm: One L/Cpl joined for passage to Khio. 8.30pm: Received mails for distribution. 9.00pm: Rounds. 11.15pm: Sig. S Lamb joined for passage. Sick list: 2. Weather: Northerly winds f 1-3, calm in the evening, overcast at first, dry and clear later, 74 to 86º F. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037924: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1916 Muoros and at sea for Port Iero, Khios and Port Vathi Lat 39.16, Long 25.75 [approx] 5.05am: Weighed and proceeded to swing for compasses. 6.10am: Completed swing and proceeded to secure alongside RFA Polshannon. Drew 9 foot kite. 7.20am: Cast off and proceeded to sea. 8.10am: Colected mails from trawler off Kondia. 8.35am: Proceeded, course S36E, 16 knots. 11.45am: Sigri Lt abeam to port. 2.35pm: Anchored off HMS Doris in Port Iero. Delivered and collected mail. 3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.00pm: Closed HMS Newmarket and delivered mail. Set course for Khios channel. 7.00pm: Stopped off Khios, delivered and collected mail. 10.00pm: Entered Port Vathi [Samos], delivered and collected mail, proceeded, course N48W. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037925: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1916 At sea Lat 36.44, Long 28.22 4.00am: Anchored in Port Laki [Leros]. Delivered mail and collected letters. 4.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.30am: Kandeliusa abeam to starboard, 3 miles. 11.30am: Anchored off Rhodes. Delivered and collected mail. 12.25pm. Weighed and proceeded, course WSW. 1.47pm: A/c to SW. 5.15pm: Stakida I. abeam to starboard, 4 miles. 6.15pm: Signalled HMS Azalea. 7.15pm: Closed trawler 258 [Richmond Castle, ex- Loch Leven] off Yanasades I. and delivered mail. 8.28pm: Course N77W. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037926: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1916 At sea to Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 12.30am: Standia I. abeam to port, a/c N88W. 3.30am: Sighted Deprano Lt, a/c W by S. 6.00am: Secured to SS Kepren [?] in Suda Bay. Coal ship. 9.50am: Completed with 100 tons of coal. Hands getting in stores for HMS’ Latona and Aster. 10.30am: Cast off to anchor. 1.30pm: One rating joined for passage to trawler 341 [Prince Palatine]. 8.30pm: One Telegraphist left ship. 10.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N60E. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037927: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1916 At sea to Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 12.01am: At sea, NE’ly courses. 12.10pm: Anchored off HMS Latona in Port Laki, then weighed to coal from collier. 2.00pm: Completed with coal [131.6 tons in bunkers] and cast off to anchor. Sent stores for HMS’ Latona and Aster to collier. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037928: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1916 Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 A quiet day in harbour. A bit of painting, swimming, liberty. 4.30am: HMS Usk arrived and anchored. 6.00am: Usk sailed. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037929: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1916 Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 2.15pm: Greek interpreter joined from HMS Ribble. 3.00pm: Hospital ship St Margaret of Scotland arrived and anchored. 3.45pm: Hospital ship left. 4.00pm: Ribble sailed. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703792a: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1916 Port Laki and Kos channel patrol Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 12.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.Courses to examine Kalimno I. [Nisos Kalimnos] 7.30pm: Darkened ship, hands to No IV patrol stations, patrolling in Kos channel. 9.20pm: Stopped and examined small native boat. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703792b: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1916 Patrolling around Kos Lat 36.8, Long 27.16 [approx] Patrolling around Kos and Kalimno and Levitha Is. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703792c: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1916 On patrol and Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 12.01am: Patrolling off Levitha. 4.25am: Secured alongside collier Bernica [possibly Bernicia is intended, there are two to choose from]. Coaled ship. 8.00am: Completed with coal, 44 tons. Cast off to anchor off HMS Latona. 1.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703792d: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1916 Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 4.30am: HMS Usk arrived with mails. 5.10am: Usk sailed and HMS Wear arrived. 5.30am: OS Dairo [possibly Officer Steward] joined from Usk. Hands employed scrubbing upper deck. 5.35am: HMS Partridge arrived and Wear sailed. 9.15am: Discharged one Stoker sick to HMS Latona. 1.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703792e: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1916 Port Laki, at sea on escort duty and return Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 3.15am: Weighed and proceeded to sea, i/c with HMS Empress, courses for Samos Strait. 5.00am: Stopped, Empress lowered planes. Patrolled around Empress. 6.30am: Planes returned, courses to return to Port Laki. 9.40am: Anchored in Port Laki off Empress. 1.00pm: Pipe down. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703792f: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1916 Port Laki and Port Iero Lat 38.0, Long 26.0 [approx] 4.15am: HMS’ Triad and Kennet sailed. 9.25am: SNO Laki came onboard. Weighed and proceeded. 1.30pm: Passed large sailing ship on opposite course. 2.20pm: Courses for Khios Strait. 4.30pm: Carried out 30 minutes full speed trial. 5.50pm: Anchored in Port Iero off HMS Doris. SNO (Laki) left ship. 6.15pm: Hands to bathe. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037930: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1916 Port Iero and at sea Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.00am: HMS Triad, C-in-C flag and HMS Kennet arrived and anchored. 4.30pm: K.27 came alongside and discharged 16 cases of bombs for Port Laki. 7.00pm: HMS Ribble arived and anchored. 9.00pm: SNO (Laki) came onboard. Weighed and proceeded to sea. Courses as requisite for Khios. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037931: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1916 At sea to Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 12.30am: Stopped off Khios and delivered letters. 8.30am: Arrived in Port Laki, disembarked SNO. 8.45am: Secured alonside collier Wathfield [Watfield in log] to coal ship. 12.20pm: Finished coaling, 73 tons, cast off and left on patrol, around Leros, Kos and Kalimno. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037932: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1916 On patrol Lat 36.9, Long 26.9 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling, Kos channel. 6.30am: Italian SS Ligure passed and signalled. 9.00am: Closed HMS Wear, communicated. Patrolling off Kalimno. Noon: Proceeed towards Piskopi I. 4.00pm: Exmined Magdala Bay [Megalo Bay may be intended here], Piskopi. 9.00pm: Course N60W, 6 knots. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037933: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1916 On patrol Lat 36.9, Long 27.0 [approx] 1.45am: A/c N½W. 6.40am: Anchored in Port Laki off HMS Latona. 7.00am: Embarked Lt/Cdr Myers RNVR. 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.30am: Anchored in Kalimno harbour. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded for Kos channel. 5.05pm: Anchored at Kos. 5.35pm: Weighed and proceeded for Kalimno. 7.10pm: Anchored, Kalimno. 9.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol in Kalimno Strait. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037934: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1916 On patrol and Port Laki Lat 37.2, Long 26.7 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling in Kalimno channel. 8.30am: Patrolling off Liposo channel and Patmos I. 10.30am: Examined Skala harbour [Patmos]. 5.30pm: Closed HMS Wear off Kos. 7.30pm: Secured to collier Westfield [in log, but probably Wathfield is intended, see 15th July and log of HMS Empress for this period] in Port Laki. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037935: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1916 Port Laki and patrol Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 9.15am: Finished coaling (78 tons), cast off Wathfield and anchored. 12.45pm: HMS Wear arrived in harbour. 2.20pm: Lt/Cdr Myers RNVR boarded. Weighed and proceeded for Kos. 5.10pm: Anchored off Kos. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded for Kara Ada I. to patrol. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037936: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1916 On patrol Lat 37.0, Long 27.4 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling to East and West, South of Kara Ada I. sland 4.30am: Proceeded towards HMS Doris near Peninsula. 5.00am: Fired at enemy on shore. 6.15am: Ceased firing. 8.20am: Firing at enemy at intervals. 1.00pm: Ceased firing. 2.00pm: Proceeded towards Kara Ada. 3.00pm: Anchored south of Kara Ada I. 4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for Port Laki. 7.25pm: Anchored in Port Laki. 7.55pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol to the Eastward of Kalimno I. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037937: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1916 On patrol and Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 12.01am: Patrolling to the eastward of Kalimno I. 7.00am: Proceeded towards Port Laki. 7.35am: Arrived and anchored. 8.20am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier Wathfield. Coal ship. 10.00am: Completed with coal and cast off to anchor. 5.10pm: HMS Latona’s picket boat came alongside for water, supplied 2.5 tons. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037938: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1916 Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 Painting. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037939: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1916 Port Laki and at sea Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 12.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros on port engine only. 5.00pm: Courses for Khios channel. 10.35pm: Course N28W. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703793a: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1916 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.38am: Sigri Lt abeam 7 miles. 8.00am: Secured to collier Dykland for coal. 9.35am: Finished coaling, cast off to go alongside RFA Bacchus for stores. 2.15pm: Cast off and secured alongside HMS Colne outside HMS Blenheim. 4.45pm: Hands completing with ammunition. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703793b: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.30am: Away all boats’ crews. 8.45am: Air night clothing. 8.55am: Quarters. Clean guns. Hands to stow provisions, four hands with Armourer. 9.30am: AB Goulding discharged to HMS Blenheim, sick. 7.50am: HMS Colne cast off. Welland secured to Blenheim. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703793c: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands variously employed. 5.20pm: Two ABs joined from HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703793d: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed dismounting guns. 6.40pm: Sent demolition party to HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703793e: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703793f: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1916 Mudros and at sea Lat 38.7, Long 25.4 [approx] 6.00am: Cast off and proceeded for steam trial. 8.15am: Steam trial complete. Set course S2W. 9.15am: HMS Osmanieh [Osmania in log] on opposite course. 11.25am: Sighted Psara I. bg SSE. 2.20pm: Same abeam to port. 8.00pm: Courses for Mykoni Channel. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037940: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1916 At sea to Port Laki and on patrol Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 6.45am: Secured alongside collier Transport, commenced coaling. 9.45am Cast off Transport, 45 tons recived and anchored off HMS Latona. 10.20am: SNO 1st Destroyer Squadron arrived. 8.17pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol off Kalimno Island. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037941: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1916 On patrol, Port Laki, Rhodes and at sea Lat 36.8, Long 26.8 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling Eastern coast of Kalimno I. 8.00am: Boarded saling ship Marigo from Alexandria to Nikosia in ballast and allowed to proceed. 8.25am: Returned to Port Laki. 9.35am: Arrived Port Laki, received mails and provisions. 10.15am: Put to sea. 2.50pm: Met HMS Colne and gave her provisions. 5.15pm: Entered Rhodes and anchored. 9.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1916 [Patrols from Port Laki, Suda Bay and Malta for dry dock] 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037942: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-019_0.jpg) 1 August 1916 At sea to Kalimno for local patrols Lat 36.95, Long 26.99 12.01am: On patrol. 6.00am: Stopped off Symi to deliver despatches. 8.45am: Courses through Kos channel towards Kalimno. 11.25am: Anchored, Kalimno harbour. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for Port Laki. 4.05pm: Stopped and delivered letters to Port Laki. 4.20pm: Proceeded to patrol Eastward of Kalimno I. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037943: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-019_1.jpg) 2 August 1916 Patrol and Port Laki Lat 37.07, Long 26.85 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling to the Eastward of Kalimno I. 9.30am: Joined HMS Wear for sweeping exercise. 12.20pm: Completed exercise, proceeded for Port Laki. 1.00pm: Secured to collier Transport. 3.45pm: Finished coaling 62 tons. Cast off to anchor off HMS Latona. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037944: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-020_0.jpg) 3 August 1916 Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded astern of HMS Colne. 9.30am: Closed HMS Wear for sweeping exercises with same. 10.10am: Wire parted, proceeded to search for kite. No sign of same, returned to harbour. 11.40am: Anchored off HMS Latona. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037945: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-020_1.jpg) 4 August 1916 Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 8.30am: HMS Latona’s picket boat alongside for water. 9.00am: HMS Colne sailed. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037946: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-021_0.jpg) 5 August 1916 Port Laki and on patrol Lat 36.7, Long 26.85 [approx] 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded for Kos. 4.00pm: On patrol off Symi. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037947: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-021_1.jpg) 6 August 1916 On patrol Lat 36.7, Long 27.9 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol off Symi I. 7.00am: Proceeded to patrol between Orta Pt and Cape Apostoli. 10.30am: Examined Gulf of Dorio. 2.15pm: Anchored off Symi. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.50pm: Fired 5 rounds on Turkish dug out. 5.40pm: Fired 4 rounds on Turkish dug out. 7.15pm: Anchored in Membro Bay. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037948: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-022_0.jpg) 7 August 1916 At sea to Port Laki Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 4.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.00am: Secured to collier Transport, coaled ship. 12.10pm: Completed with coal and cast off to anchor. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037949: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-022_1.jpg) 8 August 1916 Port Laki and at sea Lat 37.12, Long 26.85 11.10am: Picket boat from HMS Latona came alongside. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded with picket boat in tow astern, course S65W. 5.00pm: Proceeded to keep under the lee of Amorgos I. [Winds NW f 6-7 rising to gale force 8 by midnight]. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703794a: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-023_0.jpg) 9 August 1916 At sea to Suda Bay Lat 36.2, Long 24.9 [approx] 12.01am: Keeping under the lee of Amorgos [strong NW’lies f 6-7]. 4.10am: Proceeded, 8 knots. 9.15am: Course S55W. 11.30am: Tow parted. 12.10pm: Re-secured tow, proceeded. 4.48pm: Tow carried away, stopped and secured same. 5.28pm: Resumed course. 8.00pm: Anchored in Suda Bay. 9.15am: HMS Edgar sent for picket boat. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703794b: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-023_1.jpg) 10 August 1916 Suda Bay and at sea for Malta Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 1.00pm: Went alongside HMS Reindeer and took in kite. 2.00pm: Cast off and put to sea. 2.10pm: Courses to search for patrol vessel reported in danger. 6.00pm: Closed drifter and communicated. 7.20pm: Set course N50W. 8.10pm: Antikithera abeam, set course N54W. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703794c: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-024_0.jpg) 11 August 1916 At sea Lat 34.94, Long 19.45 Westerly courses, 12-13 knots, all day. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703794d: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-024_1.jpg) 12 August 1916 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.35am: Secured to 1 and 1a buoys. 12.30pm: Leave to starboard watch, 4.00pm to 4.00pm on the 15th August. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703794e: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-025_0.jpg) 13 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703794f: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-025_1.jpg) 14 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.45am: Slipped and proceeded with tug to French Creek. 11.10am: Secured in No 5 dry dock [but probably just to the wall outside, see 16th Aug.]. 6.00pm: Sent patrol to HMS Egmont* (Fort St Angelo). * The base ship. To conform to the British Naval Discipline Act, the commissioning pendant of the Captain of St Angelo must be flown afloat and until 1945 this was proudly carried by a small brass-funnelled picket boat moored in Kalkara Creek. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037950: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-026_0.jpg) 15 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.30am: Hands employed scraping the side and stowing away warheads. 11.45am: HMS Lord Nelson left harbour. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon, also in returning torpedoes and boats to dockyard. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037951: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-026_1.jpg) 16 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.30am: Entered No 5 dry dock assisted by tug. Hands employed refitting boats’ falls and in boat shed. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037952: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-027_0.jpg) 17 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed returning boats’ falls and gear to boat shed and scraping the side. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037953: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-027_1.jpg) 18 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.35am: One Stoker sent to RN hospital for dental treatment. 1.30pm: Getting cables into dock for survey. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037954: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-028_0.jpg) 19 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Scraping the side etc. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037955: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-028_1.jpg) 20 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 8.35am: One Stoker sent to RN hospital for dental treatment. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037956: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-029_0.jpg) 21 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Scraping the side etc. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037957: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-029_1.jpg) 22 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Scraping the side etc. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037958: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-030_0.jpg) 23 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Scraping and painting the side. Stowing cable in chain lockers. 5.45pm: One SPO discharged to HMS Petunia and one SPO joined from same. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037959: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-030_1.jpg) 24 August 1916 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands redleading etc. 11.20am: Discharged Stoker Wilkins to HMS Egmont. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703795a: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-031_0.jpg) 25 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.40am: Commenced to flood dock. 9.15am: Left dock with tug and secured alongside HMS Azalea in French Creek. Carried on scraping and redleading. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703795b: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-031_1.jpg) 26 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.55am: Cast off from HMS Azalea and secured under 40 ton crane, Hamilton Wharf. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703795c: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-032_0.jpg) 27 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703795d: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-032_1.jpg) 28 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Refitting boats. falls etc. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703795e: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-033_0.jpg) 29 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Painting etc. Received Pioneers [no idea who or what this refers to]. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703795f: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-033_1.jpg) 30 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.15am: Coaled from lighters, 134.5 tons in bunkers. 11.40am: Shifted to boiler wharf. 1.40pm: Torpedoes alongside. 3.55pm: Unnamed sloop secured alongside. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037960: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-034_0.jpg) 31 August 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 9.10am: HMS Comet secured alongside. Refit continues. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037961: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037962: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037963: ( 53-68377/ADM 53-68377-035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1916 [Malta, Port Said and Mudros for patrols] 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037964: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037965: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook for September/October 1916. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037966: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st September 1916 to 31st October 1916, signed PA Heyder, Lieut-in-Command.” 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037967: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-002_1.jpg) Blank except for signatures of PA Heyder (21st November 1916) and HL Hammond (23rd November 1916). 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037968: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8cb6cadfd34197037969: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1916 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.30am: Hands employed supplying shells to guns, replacing kite and float aft and drawing wires from dockyard. 9.15am: Commenced basin trials. Drew boats from dockyard and hoisted them. 10.00am: Trials complete and satisfactory. 11.30am: Cast off from jetty and secured to No 3 buoy. 11.45am: Swung for compasses. 1.50pm: Swinging complete, shifted to buoys 2 and 2a. 5.00pm: Liberty men landed. Hands to bathe. 7.00pm: Canteen party landed. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list: 1. Weather: NW breezes f 2-3, dry and clear, 71º to 81º F. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703796a: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1916 Malta and at sea for Port Said Lat 35.91, Long 14.6 [approx] 8.50am: One ERA joined, one left ship. 10.35am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, course N72E. 1.15pm: Course S28E, 12 knots. 4.10pm: A/c N46E. 9.05pm: A/c S83E. 10.00pm: Passed a hospital ship and a steamer. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703796b: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1916 At sea Lat 35.79, Long 19.5 [Long 37º 47 N in log, clear error] Easterly courses all day, 12 knots. Passed several unidentified steamers. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703796c: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1916 At sea Lat 35.65, Long 25.24 [approx] [position in log plots on land] Courses East and South of East all day, 11-12 knots. Passed several unidentified steamers. Noon: Standia I. bg South, 18 miles. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703796d: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1916 At sea Lat 32.55, Long 28.82 Courses SE’ly, 11 knots all day. Passed several unnamed vessels.. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703796e: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1916 At sea to Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 9.45am: Picked up pilot. 10.30am: Anchored and secured stern to coaling wharf, Port Said. 11.00am: Discharged 28 bags of confidential books to SNO Port Said. 11.45am: Commenced coaling from lighters. Recieved 120 tons coal from Admiralty stock. 4.30pm: Finished coaling. Clean ship. 5.00pm: Landed liberty men and canteen party. 4caf8cb6cadfd3419703796f: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1916 Port Said and at sea. Lat 31.77, Long 32.32 9.00am: Pilot boarded. 9.20am: Weighed and proceeded to sea, course N1E, 15 knots. 2.12pm: A/c N55W. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037970: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1916 At sea Lat 35.34, Long 28.82 [approx] [Longitude in log plots on land in Syria] Various Northerly courses all day, 15 knots. Passed various vessels. 10.50pm: Levithia Lt sighted, a/c N30W. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037971: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1916 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.06am: Nikara Lt abeam. 7.10am: Commenced full power trial. 7.40am: Completed trial, eased to 15 knots. 11.55am: Passed HMS Foresight on opposite course. Noon: Entered Mudros harbour. Delivered mails to HMS Europa. 1.35pm: Secured to collier Daybreak, commenced coaling. 5.40pm: Finished with coal, received 104 tons. Cast off to run torpedoes, but abandoned exercise due to light. Anchored off HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037972: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.25am: Weighed and proceeded for torpedo running. 8.00am: Exercise complete, anchored off HMS Blenheim. 5.00pm: AB Mansfield discharged to HMS Harpy. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037973: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1916 Mudros and at sea for patrols Lat 39.78, Long 25.25 [approx] 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Kennet for sweeping exercise. 12.50pm: Finished sweeping. 2.10pm: Carried out aiming rifle practice with Kennet. 3.40pm: Practice complete. Course N55E. 6.00pm: Closed SO patrol. 6.30pm: Proceeded on Southern patrol, N36W, S36E, 12 knots. 8.30pm: Communicated with Mavro I. 9.00pm: Patrolling on Gadaro Lt [on the islet Ortafener Adasi]. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037974: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1916 Patrolling off Imbros Lat 39.86, Long 26.10 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling N36W and S36E on Gadaro Lt, HMS Kennet in station astern. 12.40pm: HMS Foxhound proceeded towards Kephalo Bay. 4.45pm: Closed HMS Grampus 5.00pm: Proceeded in company with Kennet to NW patrol. 5.30pm: Heavy gun firing near Mavro. 6.00pm: Closed HMS Grasshopper and gave her daily reports. 6.30pm: Patrolling N79E and S79W on C Kephalo Lt, Kennet in station astern. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037975: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1916 Patrolling off Imbros Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.01am: Patrolling N79E and S79W on C Kephalo Lt, HMS Kennet in station astern. 6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into Kephalo Bay. 6.40am: Anchored off HMS Theseus. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea with Kennet for aiming rifle practice. 4.55pm: Hauled in target and proceeded on patrol. Patrolling N36W to S36E on Cape Niger [now Sikia Burnu on the South coast of Imbros]. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037976: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1916 Patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.9, Long 25.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling N36W to S36E on Cape Niger, HMS Kennet in station astern. 6.00am: Proceeded SW for target practice with Kennet. 10.30am: Carried out sweeping with Kennet. 11.55am: Proceeded for Mudros. 1.50pm: Secured alongside collier Rothely [perhaps Rothley is intended] in Mudros harbour. Coaled ship, 98 tons. 5.19pm: Finished coaling, cast off to anchor off HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037977: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Painting. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037978: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1916 Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.9, Long 25.6 [approx] 10.00am: Mail for Dardanelles patrol came onboard. Weighed and proceeded out of harbour in station astern of HMS Wear. 11.00am: Passed sweep to Wear. 2.30pm: Slipped sweep and proceeded to close Wear. 6.00pm: Courses for delivering mail to patrol. 7.00pm: Searchlight on Southern shore of Dardanelles switched on. 7.10pm: Took station astern of Wear. Turkish searchlight burning at intervals during watch, kept station astern of Wear. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037979: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1916 On patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.0 [approx] 12.01am: Keeping station astern of HMS Wear on Southern half of main patrol. 5.40am: Wear proceeded on Northern half of patrol, Welland to Southern half N36W, S36E. 9.30am: Closed Wear for target practice. 11.20am: Resumed patrol. Noon: Patrolling Southern half, N36W, S36E. 5.00pm: Took station astern of Wear for NW patrol. 10.00pm: Searchlight bg SSE switched on. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703797a: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1916 On patrol Lat 40.11, Long 25.94 12.01am: Northern patrol i/c with HMS Wear. 6.00am: Target practice with Wear. 7.30am: Proceeed for Aliki Bay. 8.15am: Anchored in Aliki Bay, Imbros*. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.30pm: Commenced Northern leg of main patrol with Wear. * A detailed map of Imbros at the Australian War Memorial. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703797b: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1916 On patrol Lat 39.8, Long 25.4 [approx] 12.01am: Northern half of main patrol i/c with HMS Wear. 6.00am: Proceeded for Mudros i/c with Wear. 8.40am: Veered out target and Wear commenced aiming practice. 10.40am: Passed sweep to Wear and commenced sweeping. 12.50pm: Hauled in sweep wire. 3.10pm: Proceeded for harbour. 3.55pm: Secured alongside SS Rothley, coaled ship. 6.00pm: Completed with coal, 90 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703797c: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.20am: Out kedge, swung ship’s head to West. 7.00am: Air bedding. 8.30am: Clean ship. 9.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 1.30pm: Clear upper deck, stow Carley floats. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 4.50pm: Exercised sight setters and guns’ crews at loader. 5.30pm: Hands to bathe. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list: 1. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703797d: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1916 Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.8, Long 25.23 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded alongside RFA Bacchus for stores. 9.55am: Slipped and proceeded i/c with HMS Wear. 10.45am: Passed sweep wire to Wear. Sweep wire fouled starboard propeller. Proceeded under lee of Kombi I. to clear it. 1.30pm: Wire clear. Closed Wear and passed sweep wire. 2.20pm: Sweep wire fouled boom. Hauled in sweep wire. 2.55pm: Took station astern of Wear, course N75E, 15 knots. 6.30pm: Stopped, sent letter to HMS Pincher. 7.00pm: Stopped, 1 mile SW of Mavro I. 8.00pm: Keeping position, Mavro Lt NE, Gadaro Lt S25E. Searchlight in Straits burning throughout the watch. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703797e: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1916 On patrol Lat 40.3, Long 26.1 [approx] 12.01am: Keeping on patrol position as in first watch. 1.20pm: Took station astern of HMS Wear on southern half of main patrol. 6.00am: Proceeded to Northern half of main patrol. 9.00am: Carried out target practice with Wear. 11.00am: Resumed patrol. 5.30pm: Stopped and sent letters to HMS Foxhound. Resumed patrol. 9.45pm: Observed light on peninsula south of Gaba Tepe. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703797f: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1916 Patrols Lat 40.11, Long 25.94 12.01am: On patrol i/c with HMS Wear. 6.40am: Aiming rifle practice with Wear. Proceeded to Kephalo Bay with same. 8.20am: Anchored in Kephalo Bay. 10.40am: Weighed and proceeded to Aliki Bay with Wear. 11.55am: Anchored in Aliki Bay. Hands unshipping sweeping boom and securing kite. 5.15pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded with HMS Wear. 7.00pm: On Northern half of main patrol. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037980: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1916 On patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Patrolling in station astern of HMS Wear, Northern half of main patrol. 5.15am: Proceeded to Aliki Bay to get mail from HMS Basilisk. 6.00am: Proceeded for Mudros. 9.55am: Secured alongside collier Rothley, coaled ship. 12.16pm: Finished coaling, 80 tons, cast off to anchor. 2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Blenheim. 6.15pm: HMS Arno secured to port side. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037981: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.25pm: HMS Grampus made fast and towed Welland to anchorage. 4.30pm: Football party landed… 6.40pm: … and returned. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037982: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1916 Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.8, Long 25.41 [approx] 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour with HMS Wear. Passed sweep wire and proceeded to sweep. Noon: Sweep wire parted, hauled it in. 12.35pm: Proceeded NE by N. 4.00pm: Arrived on patrol. 5.30pm: Observed drifting nets on port bow. 7.10pm: Proceeded to position 1.5 miles SW of Mavro I. Kept position. 8.20pm: Observed searchlight burning in direction of Mudros. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037983: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1916 On patrol Lat 40.2, Long 26.1 [approx] 12.01am: In position 1.5 miles SW of Mavro I. 5.15am: Took station astern of HMS Wear. 6.10am: Wear proceeded Northern half of main patrol, Welland to Southern half main patrol. 4.45pm: Proceeded to NW patrol. 5.45pm: Stopped and sent letters to HMS Redpole. Proceeded to NW patrol with Wear. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037984: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1916 Patrol, Kephalo Bay, patrol Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.01am: NW patrol with HMS Wear. 6.05am: Parted company and proceeded to Kephalo. 6.30am: Came to port anchor in Kephalo Bay. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol in company with HMS Fury. Courses as requisite for collecting daily reports. 6.45pm: Patrolling southern half of main Patrol. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037985: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1916 Patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Southern part of main patrol. 5.30am: Collected daily reports from HMS Grampus. 6.00am: Proceeded, Course W by S. 7.30am: A/c WSW. 9.15am: Anchored off HMS Blenheim in Mudros harbour. 9.30am: Captain (D)* onboard. Weighed and proceeded i/c with HMS Fury. 10.30am: Fury veered target, Welland fired 20 rounds practice. 11.30am: Returned to harbour. 12.36pm: Secured to SS Rothley and coaled ship. 2.06pm: Finished coaling, 90 tons, cast off to anchor. * At this time Captain CPR Coode, RN. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037986: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1916 [Mudros, Port Iero for Gulf of Smyrna patrols, Salonika and Port Iero for patrols] 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037987: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-018_1.jpg) 1 October 1916 Mudros to Port Iero Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 10.15am: Captain (D) inspected ship. 11.20am: Received three cases for HMS Colne 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded to close HMS Lord Nelson for mail. 12.30pm: Course S30E. 6.30pm: Anchored in Port Iero. Sent letters and cases to HMS Doris. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037988: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-019_0.jpg) 2 October 1916 Port Iero and on patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.30pm: Closed HMS Colne. 5.48pm: Proceeded to patrol entrance to the Gulf of Smyrna, Western portion. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037989: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-019_1.jpg) 3 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol, Port Iero, Mudros Lat 38.7, Long 26.61 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling entrance to the Gulf of Smyrna, Western portion. 11.43am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 1.15pm: Arrived in Port Iero. Closed HMS Earl of Peterborough and embarked sick officer for Mudros. 1.30pm: Left harbour. 4.00pm: Sigri abeam, a/c N31W. 6.00pm: Entering Mudros harbour. 6.30pm: Closed HS Karapara and disembarked sick officer. 7.30pm: Closed HMS Europa for mails. 8.00pm: Anchored. 9.30pm: Mail for 4th DS onboard. Weighed and proceeded. 10.10pm: Kombi Lt abeam, set course S30E. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703798a: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-020_0.jpg) 4 October 1916 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.10am: Sigri Lt bg S40E. 6.55am: Secured alongside collier Morebery [or Boldwell, both named in log]. Hands to breakfast. 7.45am: Coal ship. 10.20am: Completed with coal, 78 tons. Cast off to anchor off HMS Doris. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703798b: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-020_1.jpg) 5 October 1916 Port Iero, Gulf of Adrymati and Gulf of Smyrna Lat 39.5, Long 26.75 7.00am: Embarked Marine officer. Weighed and proceeded. 7.30am: Courses for Gulf of Adramyti. 11.42am: Opened fire on wireless masts at Northern end of Gulf. Destroyed one mast. 12.25pm: Proceeded for Mytilene. 4.05pm: Stopped off Square Rock and disembarked Marine officer. Proceeded for Gulf of Smyrna. 7.00pm: Patrolling East/West across entrance to Gulf, Western portion. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703798c: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-021_0.jpg) 6 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling East/West across entrance to Gulf, Western portion, for the rest of the day. 6.30am: Steamer (HMS Newmarket?) passed entrance. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703798d: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-021_1.jpg) 7 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling East/West across entrance to Gulf, Western portion, for the rest of the day. 1.45am: Searchlight on Long I. switched on. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703798e: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-022_0.jpg) 8 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling East/West across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 8.20am: Closed HMS M.33. 8.30am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 9.53am: Arrived in Port Iero and secured alongside SS Boldwell. Coaled ship. 12.40pm: Finished coaling, 95 tons and cast off to anchor off HMS Doris. 3.00pm: Landed liberty men and football party. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703798f: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-022_1.jpg) 9 October 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 2.20pm: HMS Colne arrived. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037990: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-023_0.jpg) 10 October 1916 Port Iero and on patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 4.02pm: Closed HMS Chelmer to deliver letter. 4.40pm: Commenced to patrol entrance of Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037991: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-023_1.jpg) 11 October 1916 On patrol Lat 39.0, Long 26.56 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4.00am: Left patrol for Port Iero. 6.30am: Arrived off entrance to Port Iero and proceeded to patrol across entrance. 10.00am: Searched Greek Caique, found substance in hold resembling soda. Sent her to Square Rock for examination. 10.20am: Closed signal station. 6.10pm: Proceeded for Gulf Smyrna patrol. 8.30pm: Patrolling across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037992: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-024_0.jpg) 12 October 1916 Patrols and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4.30am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 5.00am: HMS Colne crossed bows steering Westward. 6.30am: Patrolling entrance to Port Iero. 7.40am: Passed French Destroyer Cognée. 9.10am: Proceeded into Port Iero and secored to SS Elswick Grange. Coaled ship. 11.30am: Completed with coal, 50 tons, cast off collier and anchored as convenient off HMS Doris. 3.15pm: HMS Abercrombie arrived. 5.20pm: Hostile aircraft sighted. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037993: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-024_1.jpg) 13 October 1916 Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: HMS Hazel arrived. 6.50am: HMS Colne arrived. 7.00am: Hazel left. 8.40am: Motor lighter alongside and discharged oil. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 8.00pm: Took up patrol of Eastern Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037994: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-025_0.jpg) 14 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.63 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling Eastern Gulf of Smyrna 10.30am: Sighted fire on Southern shore of Sandarli Gulf. Noon: Continuing patrol as in forenoon. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037995: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-025_1.jpg) 15 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.63 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling Eastern Gulf of Smyrna 1.50am: Observed Lt bg N80E on Plati I. and proceeded to examine it. 3.00am: Resumed patrol. 7.00am: Reconnoitred Chandarli Gulf [aka Sandarli Gulf, see yesterday]. 8.05am: Under fire from the shore, no hits. 8.22am: Returned to patrol. 5.00pm: Closed HMS Colne and collected mail. 6.45pm: Searchlight on Long I. switched on. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037996: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-026_0.jpg) 16 October 1916 Patrol, Port Iero and at sea. Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling Eastern Gulf of Smyrna 5.30am: Closed HMS M.29. 5.40am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 10.45am: Alongside SS Elswick Grange, coaled ship. 2.10pm: Completed with coal, 72 tons. Cast off to anchor off HMS Doris. 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.30pm: A/c W by N. 7.00pm: A/c N66W. 8.22pm: Sigri Lt abeam to starboard. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037997: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-026_1.jpg) 17 October 1916 At sea to Salonika and at sea Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 1.52am: Psathiri Lt abeam, 6.5 miles. 5.04am: Kassandra Lt abeam, a/c N37W. 9.07am: Anchored off HMS Endymion in Salonika harbour. 1.45pm: Embarked Colonel Hood DSO. 1.53pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.55pm: Course S37E. 5.47pm: Kassandra Lt abeam, a/c S63E. 9.05pm: Psathiri Lt abeam, 6.75 miles. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037998: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-027_0.jpg) 18 October 1916 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 2.34am: Sigri Lt abeam, N28E. 6.45am: Secured alongside SS Elswick Grange in Port Iero. Coaled ship. 10.00am: Cast off collier to anchor near HMS Doris. In pm: Landed liberty men and football party. 4caf8cb7cadfd34197037999: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-027_1.jpg) 19 October 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 10.30am: Sent two Stokers to HMS Doris to see doctor. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703799a: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-028_0.jpg) 20 October 1916 Port Iero and on Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 7.20am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 8.20am: Closed HMS M29. 9.10am: Closed HMS Chelmer. 9.30am: Patrolling E and W on Western patrol. 6.50pm: Searchlight on Long I. switched on. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703799b: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-028_1.jpg) 21 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] Patrolling E and W on Western patrol until 8.00pm, then N and S. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703799c: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-029_0.jpg) 22 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling N and S on Western patrol. 2.30am: Commenced E and W patrol. 4.38pm: Closed HMS Colne for letters. 10.00pm: Observed new searchlight bg SE½S. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703799d: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-029_1.jpg) 23 October 1916 Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling E and W on Western patrol. 8.00am: Commenced full speed trial. 8.30am: Completed same, satisfactory. 8.45am: Course for Poert Iero. 10.15am: Secured to SS Elswick Grange. 2.35pm: Completed with coal, received 80 tons, cast off to anchor off HMS Doris. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703799e: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-030_0.jpg) 24 October 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.28pm: Trawler 1179 [Loch Naver] came alongside to discharge oil for Welland. 3.00pm: Landed football party. 4caf8cb7cadfd3419703799f: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-030_1.jpg) 25 October 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.45am: Two ratings to HMS Doris to see doctor. 4caf8cb7cadfd341970379a0: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-031_0.jpg) 26 October 1916 Port Iero and on patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 8.30am: Closed HMS Chelmer. 9.00am: Commenced Western patrol of entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb7cadfd341970379a1: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-031_1.jpg) 27 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E and W on Western patrol. 6.00am: HMS Chelmer left for Mudros. 9.30am: Off watch Seamen and Stokers to muster bags. 4.15pm: Commenced N to S patrol. 4caf8cb7cadfd341970379a2: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-032_0.jpg) 28 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling N and S on Western patrol. 5.00am: Resumed E to W patrol. 4caf8cb7cadfd341970379a3: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-032_1.jpg) 29 October 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling E and W on Western patrol. 8.30am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 10.00am: Secured to SS Elswick Grange. Coaled ship. 12.20pm: Received 96 tons, cast off to anchor near to HMS Doris. 4caf8cb7cadfd341970379a4: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-033_0.jpg) 30 October 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 9.43am: One Stoker to HMS Doris to see doctor. 1.30pm: Landed football party. 4caf8cb7cadfd341970379a5: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-033_1.jpg) 31 October 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 2.00am: Strong squall from SSE. Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379a6: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379a7: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-035_1.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379a8: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-036_0.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379a9: ( 53-68378/ADM 53-68378-036_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1916 [Mudros, Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol] 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379aa: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ab: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook for November/December 1916. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ac: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st November 1916 to 31st December 1916, signed PA Heyder Lieut-in-Command.” 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ad: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-002_1.jpg) Blank except for signatures of PA Heyder (15th January 1917) and HL Hammond (19th January 1917). 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ae: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-003_0.jpg) Instruments. Aneroid barometer Negretti & Zambra 978, 8’ asl. Air thermometers (on fore bridge, screened) TA Reynolds & Co. Sea thermometer TA Reynolds & Co. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379af: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1916 Port Iero and on Gulf of Smyrna patrol. Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 7.20am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.00am: Weather too rough for .303 AR practice. Hands employed as requisite. Proceeded to patrol E and W of entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 8.00pm: Patrolling E by N and W by S, Western patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b0: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by E by N W by S, Western patrol. 9.00am: Weather too rough for .303 AR practice. [NE winds f 5-6, rough sea.] 8.00pm: Patrolling ENE and WSW, Western patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b1: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling ENE and WSW on Gulf of Smyrna Western patrol 7.00am: Closed HMS Colne to communicate. 9.00am: Exercised general quarters and AR practice. 12.01pm: Patrolling E by N and W by S. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b2: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S. 5.00am: Course N50W for Mudros. 8.05am: Sigri Lt abeam. 12.15pm: Secured alongside RFA Bacchus in Mudros harbour. Provisioned ship. 4.10pm: Cast off from Bacchus and proceeded to carry out torpedo practice. 4.55pm: Anchored off HMS Bleinheim. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b3: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1916 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.55am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to carry out torpedo practice. 7.45am: Completed torpedo practice and anchored. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Jerseymoor for coal. 3.49pm: Received 105 tons, cast off collier and anchored off HMS Blenheim. 8.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded to sea in company with HMS’ Harpy and Wear. 9.30pm: Parted company with Harpy. Set course S30E i/c with Wear in station astern. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b4: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1916 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.20am: Sigri Light SE½E. 3.40pm: Switched on stern light for HMS Wear. 6.30am: Came to single anchor off HMS Doris at Port Iero. 4.40pm: HMS Gazelle arrived in harbour. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b5: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b6: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1916 Port Iero, Gulf of Sandarli, Khios, Port Iero, Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.73, Long 26.6 [approx] 7.50am: SNO came onboard. Weighed and proceeded to sea. 8.05am: Courses to reconnoitre Gulf of Sandarli. Enemy’s battery on Northern shore fired on Welland, all short. Fired 13 rounds in reply (common shell). 10.35am: Proceeded for Khios Strait. 2.05pm: Arrived in Khios and anchored. Sent mail to HMS M.22. 3.00pm: Two liberty men (POs) landed. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for Port Iero. 8.40pm: Arrived off Port Iero and disembarked SNO. Proceeded for Gulf of Smyrna patrol. 10.30pm: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf, Western patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b7: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf, Western patrol. 9.30am: Dropped target and proceeded to carry out .303 aiming practice. Exercised loaders and sightsetters. 10.40am: Resumed patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b8: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf, Western patrol. 6.30am: HMS Wear left for Port Iero. 9.20am: General quarters and carried out .303 aiming practice. Tested hydraulic release gears to depth charges (correct). 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379b9: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1916 Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling N50E and S50W across entrance to Gulf, Eastern patrol. 7.00am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 9.15am: Secured to SS Westmoor, coaled ship. 11.40am: Received 100 tons of coal, cast off to anchor off HMS Doris. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ba: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 9.25am: Air raid by enemy aeroplane, dropped two bombs without success. 1.15pm: Liberty men and football party landed. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379bb: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 In am: Hands variously employed. In pm: Liberty and football. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379bc: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1916 Port Iero to Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 7.25am: Mail came onboard. Weighed and proceeded. 8.35am: Stopped, sent mail to HMS Wear. 9.30am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna, Western patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379bd: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna Western patrol Lat 38.95, Long 26.54 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna, Western patrol. 9.30am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 11.00am: Arrived off entrance and collected mail for Scio [aka Khios or Chios]. 11.25am: Closed Greek steamer and escorted her to Scio. 3.50pm: Arrived in Scio. 4.15pm: Left for Gulf of Smyrna patrol. 7.05pm: Arrived on Western patrol, courses E by N and W by S. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379be: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna, Western patrol. 7.00am: Closed HMS Wear and discharged HMS M.22’s mails for England. 10.00am: AR practice at target. 4.15pm: Patrolling courses SSE and NNW. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379bf: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1916 Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling courses SSE and NNW, entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 8.10am: Proceeded to Port Iero. 9.45am: Secured to SS Westmoor, coaled ship. 11.40am: Received 75 tons, cast off to anchor near HMS Doris. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c0: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Saturday in harbour. 6.30am: Clean ship. 8.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 9.00am: Prayers. 9.15am: Clean ship and painting on upper deck. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list: 1. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c1: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Sunday routine. 10.30am: Pipe down. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c2: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1916 Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.59 [approx] 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.30am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna, Western patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c3: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.61 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 9.30am: Carried out .303 aiming practice, control and independent firing. 11.15am: Enemy’s battery on Southern shore of Sandali Gulf fired 6 to 7 rounds at Welland, 1 over, remainder in line and short. 1.15pm: Sighted HMS Wear escorting Greek steamer from Port Iero to Scio. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c4: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.61 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna, Western and Eastern patrol. 9.45am: Carried out .303 aiming practice. 10.00am: Resumed patrol. 5.30pm: Exercised action stations and darkened ship. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c5: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1916 On patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna, Western and Eastern patrol. 8.00am: [approx] Proceeded for Port Iero. 10.55am: Secured alongside collier Westmoor. Coaled ship. 12.48pm: Received 85 tons, cast off to anchor as convenient for HMS Doris. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c6: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.40am: Sent two SPOs and one Ldg Stoker to see doctor. 1.30pm: Landed liberty men and football party. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c7: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 9.30am: Hands employed turning boat-falls end for end*. 1.20pm: Liberty men and football party landed. * A regular practice on well-conducted ships. It evens out the wear, prolonging the life of the ropes and contributing to safety. A broken fall can be fatal. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c8: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1916 Port Iero and at sea for escort duty and patrol Lat 38.93, Long 26.53 [approx] 7.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.45am: Passed HMS Anemone. 9.10am: Proceeded to close Greek steamer Antigone off Mityline. 11.00am: Met Greek steamer and proceeded to escort her to Scio. 2.30pm: Observed enemy aeroplane under monitors’ fire flying from Scio towards Karaburni [Kara Burnu] Peninsula. 3.25pm: Arrived in Scio harbour with Antigone. 3.45pm: Proceeded out of harbour for Smyrna patrol. 6.05pm: Arrived on patrol. Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379c9: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 10.00am: Dropped target and proceeded to carry out .303 aiming practice. Exercised guns’ crews at loader. 10.35am: Picked up target and returned to patrol. Hands employed coating foc’sle ladder with canvas. 7.15pm: Firing heard (Mindinran [?] battery). 17 rounds fired in total. 8.00pm: to 9.00pm 12 rounds fired from battery. Shrapnel observed bursting N of Sahib Is. Several searchlights burning at intervals throughout watch. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ca: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 9.30am: Patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379cb: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1916 On patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 9.15am: Proceeded for Port Iero. 10.45am: Secured to SS Westmoor, coaled ship. 1.00pm: Received 82 tons, cast off to anchor off HMS Doris. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379cc: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 9.10am: Motor lighter alongside to discharge oil. 5.00pm: HMS Anemone sailed. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1916 [Port Iero for Gulf of Smyrna patrol] 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379cd: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-018_1.jpg) 1 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Scrub quarterdeck and clear up upper deck. 8.45am: Quarters. Clean guns. 9.00am: Prayers. 9.30am: Painting. 1.20pm: Landed liberty men. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 4.30pm: Fired two 2.25lb charges. 5.15pm: Landed liberty men. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list: 1. Weather: Light NE’ly breezes, dry and clear, 55 to 62º F. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ce: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-019_0.jpg) 2 December 1916 Port Iero and Gulf patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.6 [approx] 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.30am: Patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 1.30pm: Two British aeroplanes passed flying from Therine towards Smyrna. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379cf: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-019_1.jpg) 3 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.6 [approx] Patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna throughout the day. 1.30pm: Sighted Greek steamer escorted by a trawler North of Khios Strait, proceeding Eastward. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d0: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-020_0.jpg) 4 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 9.00am: Course for Port Iero. 10.00am: Collected mail from trawler. 10.40am: AR practice at target. 11.10am: Returned to patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d1: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-020_1.jpg) 5 December 1916 Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: Patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 6.30am: Course for Port Iero. 8.45am: Secured to SS Westmoor. Coaled ship. 10.10am: Received 72 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d2: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-021_0.jpg) 6 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: RC chaplain visited ship. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d3: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-021_1.jpg) 7 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.00am: RCs attended mass aboard HMS Doris. 8.00am: RFA Ermine arrived and anchored. 7.00pm: Mr WR Perry, Gunner RN, discharged to Doris. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d4: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-022_0.jpg) 8 December 1916 Port Iero and on patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.63 [approx] 6.00am: HMS M.16 left harbour. 7.50am: Mid. Hall RNR joined ship. 8.05am: HM Sub. E12 arrived. 9.05am: HMS Partridge arrived. 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.00am: Closed M.16. 11.59am: Arrived on patrol. Commenced patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d5: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-022_1.jpg) 9 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero Lat 38.65, Long 26.63 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling ENE and WSW across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 5.45pm: Left for Port Iero. 7.30pm: Arrived in Port Iero and anchored. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d6: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-023_0.jpg) 10 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.10am: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Westmoor. Coaled ship. 10.30am: Received 47 tons, cast off to anchor near HMS Doris. 2.25pm: HMS M.29 arrived and anchored. 4.20pm: HMS Partridge arrived and anchored… 4.40pm: … and left. 5.20pm: Three Ord Seamen joined ship. 5.35pm: M.29 left. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d7: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-023_1.jpg) 11 December 1916 Port Iero and at sea on escort duty Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to escort two Greek steamers to Syra. 11.00pm: Pasha Lt bg S. 11.59pm: Same abeam to starboard. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d8: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-024_0.jpg) 12 December 1916 At sea to Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.98 [approx] 12.15am: Psara Lt Bg S57W. 2.25am: Same abeam. Set course S24W. 8.00am: Courses for Mykonos channel and approaching Syra harbour. 1.15pm: Anchored, Syra [aka Siros] harbour. 3.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.00pm: Passed SS Thesalia (Greek) on opposite course. 5.36pm: Course N24E. 10.40pm: Psara Lt bgN½E. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379d9: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-024_1.jpg) 13 December 1916 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.50am: Psara Lt abeam. 7.15am: Secured to SS Westmoor in Port Iero. Coaled ship. 9.10am: Received 54 tons, cast off to anchor. 11.20am: HMS M.16 left harbour. 1.15pm: Ord. Seamen to HMS Doris for instruction. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379da: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-025_0.jpg) 14 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Sunday routine. 4.20pm: HMS Abercrombie returned and anchored. 5.30pm: Landed patrol to bring off absentees. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379db: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-025_1.jpg) 15 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 2.40am: HMS Gazelle arrived… 7.20am: … and left. 8.00am: One rating joined ship. 12.20pm: Served out winter clothing. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379dc: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-026_0.jpg) 16 December 1916 Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol. Lat 38.65, Long 26.63 [approx] 7.55am: Collier No 1125 arrived and anchored. 10.20am: Weighed and proceeded for patrol. 11.40am: Took over patrol from HM Trawler No 801 [William Purdy]. Patrol courses NE by E and SW by W across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 5.30pm: Courses E by N and W by S. 9.30pm: Dropped four Holmes Lights 2 miles S by W from centre of patrol line. 10.00am: Resumed patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379dd: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-026_1.jpg) 17 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.63 [approx] 12.01am: Courses E by N and W by S across entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. 10.00am: Sighted HMS Abercrombie proceeding Westward from Port Iero. 10.30am: Patrol courses NE by E and SW by W. 8.30pm: Courses E by N and W by S. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379de: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-027_0.jpg) 18 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Dacia Bay Lat 38.65, Long 26.63 [approx] 12.01am: Courses E by N and W by S. 6.00am: Courses NE by E, SW by W. 10.00am: Courses N by E and S by W. 2.30pm: Proceeded for Dacia Bay [which must be on the South coast of Mytilene]. 3.30pm: Anchored in the bay. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379df: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-027_1.jpg) 19 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of Dacia Bay for Port Iero. 9.20am: Secured to SS Holmesbank. Coaled ship. 11.20am: Received 64 tons and cast off to anchor. 12.40pm: One AB (ST) [Seaman Torpedoman) joined ship. 4.00pm: Midshipman Hall RN left ship for HMS Lord Nelson. 4.30pm: Five ABs (all SGs) [Seaman Gunner] left ship for HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e0: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-028_0.jpg) 20 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e1: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-028_1.jpg) 21 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e2: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-029_0.jpg) 22 December 1916 Port Iero and on patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 7.40am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.30am: Commenced patrolling the entrance to the Gulf of Smyrna, courses NE by E and SW by W. 5.30pm: Courses E by N and W by S. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e3: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-029_1.jpg) 23 December 1916 Patrol and escort duty Lat 38.95, Long 26.54 [approx] 12.01am: Gulf of Smyrna patrol, courses E by N and W by S. 10.15am: Set course for Port Iero. 11.00am: Arrived off Port Iero. 11.20am: Left for Khios escorting RFA Kharki. 4.30pm: Went alongside Kharki and received 120 fathoms of 4.5” wire. 5.30pm: Proceeded, darkened ship. 6.00pm: Course S8E, 18 knots. 7.45pm: Course SE by S. 8.00pm: Course East for Furni Passage. 11.25pm: Proceeded for Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e4: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-030_0.jpg) 24 December 1916 At sea for patrols Lat 38.7, Long 26.4 [approx] 12.01am: Various NW’ly courses 10 knots. 4.40am: Centre of Furni Passage, a/c N49W. 9.48am: A/c North. 11.24am: A/c N75E. 1.45pm: On Gulf of Smyrna patrol. 2.40pm: Proceeded for Port Iero to close PL [patrol launch]. 5.00pm: Arrived off Port Iero. 5.05pm: Returned to patrol. 6.10pm: Closed PL. Commenced E by N, W by S patrol across entrance to Gulf. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e5: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-030_1.jpg) 25 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: E by N, W by S patrol across entrance to Gulf. 9.00am: Course for Port Iero. 10.00am: Secured alongside SS Holmesbank or Holmpark, [both named in the log]. Coaled ship. 2.35pm: Finished with coal, received 100 tons. Cast off to anchor near HMS Doris. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e6: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-031_0.jpg) 26 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 10.10am: HMS Whitby Abbey arrived. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e7: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-031_1.jpg) 27 December 1916 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.10pm: One ERA joined ship from HMS Doris. 4.00pm: Discharged one PO to Doris for HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e8: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-032_0.jpg) 28 December 1916 Port Iero and on Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 7.40am: HMS Lowestoft arrived in harbour and anchored. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 11.00am: Patrolling on courses NE by N and SW by S on Gulf of Smyrna patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379e9: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-032_1.jpg) 29 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol. Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling on courses NE by E and SW by W on Gulf of Smyrna patrol. 10.00am: Courses N ½ W, S ½ E. 6.00pm: Courses NE ½ E, SW ½ W. 10.00pm: Courses E by N, W by S. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ea: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-033_0.jpg) 30 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol. Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 12.01am: Patrol courses across Gulf entrance, E by N, W by S. 9.30am: AR practice, control stations, sightsetters and loaders. 12.01pm: Courses NE by E, SW by S. 6.00pm: Courses E by N, W by S. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379eb: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-033_1.jpg) 31 December 1916 Gulf of Smyrna patrol and Port Iero. Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 12.01am: On entrance patrol, Gulf of Smyrna. 8.50am: Closed trawler and turned over patrol. Proceeded for Port Iero. 10.30am: Secured to collier Holmpark. Coaled ship. 12.05pm: Completed with coal 72 tons. Cast off and anchored as convenient for HMS Lowestoft. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ec: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ed: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-034_1.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ee: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-035_0.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ef: ( 53-68379/ADM 53-68379-035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank.
LOGS FOR JANUARY 1917 [Port Iero including Gulf of Smyrna patrol, Mudros including Dardanelles patrol, Suda Bay and Mudros] 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f0: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-001_0.jpg) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f1: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook January/February 1917. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f2: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st January 1917 to 28th February 1917, signed FE Ayers, Lieutenant-in-Command.” 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f3: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-002_1.jpg) Blank except for signatures of FE Ayers (2nd March 1917) and HL Hammond (stamped 1st April 1917) 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f4: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-003_0.jpg) Instruments. Aneroid barometer Negretti & Zambra 978, 8’ asl. Air thermometers (on fore bridge, screened) SA Calderara Sea thermometer SA Calderara 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f5: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1917 [1916 in log] Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Clean ship and scrub quarterdeck. 8.45am: Quarters. Clean guns. 9.00am: Prayers. 9.30am: Clean out dinghy and whaler. 1.10pm: Landed football party. 1.15pm: Landed liberty men. 2.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.20pm: HMS Gazelle arrived. 5.10pm: Liberty men and footballers returned. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list: 2. Weather: Northerly winds up to f 4, rain at times, temperatures in the 50ºs F. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f6: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1917 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.50am: Trawler 1179 [Loch Naver] secured alongside. Took in provisions and stores. 10.00am: Trawler 1179 cast off. Hands stow stores etc. In pm: Landed footballers and liberty men. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f7: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1917 Port Iero, Chios, Vathi Lat 38.37, Long 26.14 8.00am: SNO Port Iero [probably the Captain of HMS Doris, Frank Larken] came onboard. 8.05am: Left harbour. 11.00am: Anchored in Chios Harbour. 12.40pm: Weighed and proceeded for Vathi [Samos]. Course S49E. 3.55pm: Anchored in Vathi harbour. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f8: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1917 Port Iero Lat 38.1, Long 26.5 [approx] 9.40am: HMS Whitby Abbey arrived. 10.00am: PL 196 sailed. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.50am: Course N59W. 1.00pm: Courses for Khios Strait. 4.30pm: Disembarked SNO, Port Iero. 5.05pm: Anchored off collier Holmpark [Holmepark in log]. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379f9: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1917 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.00am: Secured alongside Holmpark [or Holmesbank, both named in log] 8.45am: Finished coaling, 70 tons, cast off to anchor. 9.10am: Anchored off HMS Lowestoft. 5.20pm: HMS Anenome left collier and anchored. 8.15pm: Anenome weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379fa: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1917 Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.10am: RFA Kharki [Khaki in log] arrived. 11.25am: HMS M.16 arrived. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379fb: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1917 Port Iero and Gulf of Smyrna patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.6 [approx] 7.15am: Left harbour for patrol 9.30am: Patrolling across entrance NE by E and SW by W. 8.00pm: Courses NW by N, SE by S. 11.59pm: Proceeded for Syra. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379fc: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1917 At sea to Syra [Siros] for escort duty Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 2.30am: Pasha Lt bg WNW 2 miles. 4.50am: Course S49W. 4.53am: Venetiko I. bg NW, 1.5 miles. 6.30am: Passed large transport (2 funnels, 2 masts) steering Southerly course. 7.30am: Passed River class destroyer on opposite course. 9.30am: Courses for Mykoni channel and approaching Syra. 10.40am: Anchored in Syra harbour. 4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, courses as requisite escorting Greek steamer from Syra to Mytilene. 9.00pm: Course N57E, 12 knots. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379fd: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1917 At sea to Port Iero and Mudros Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.00am: Psara Lt bg NE by E. 2.11am: Same abeam to starboard, 2 miles. 6.25am: Pasha Light abeam. 11.20am: Anchored, Port Iero, near HMS Lowestoft. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour for Mudros. 1.30pm: Signalled HMS Colne on opposite course. 3.20pm: Sigri Lt abeam to starboard, 2 miles. 6.30pm: Secured alongside SS Hollington in Mudros harbour. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379fe: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 8.35am: Hands coal ship. 10.07am: Received 85 tons, cast off to anchor off HMS Blenheim. 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Comet. 2.30pm: Mid. Hall RNR left ship for HMS Agamemnon. 6.00pm: Mr Somerfield, Gunner RN, joined ship from Blenheim. 4caf8cb8cadfd341970379ff: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1917 Mudros Lat 40.2, Long 26.1 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded to sea with HMS Wear, course N10E for Dardanelles patrol. 11.00am: Commenced Northern half of main patrol, patrolling from N point of South patrol to windward. 8.00pm: Patrolling i/c with Wear on Southern half of main patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a00: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 [approx] Southern half of main patrol, in station astern of HMS Wear. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a01: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 [approx] 12.01am: Southern half of main patrol, in station astern of HMS Wear. 6.00am: Wear proceeded to Kephalo Bay. 10.45am: HMS Foxhound arrived on patrol. 5.30pm: Sighted British mine floating, fired two rounds of common shell. Mine disappeared after 32 rounds of rifle fire. 6.00pm: On NW patrol. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a02: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1917 Dardanelles patrol and Mudros Lat 40.3, Long 25.95 [approx] 12.01am: On NW patrol. 7.00am: Proceeded for Kephalo Bay. 7.30am: Anchored off HMS Grafton. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for sweeping duties. 3.25pm: Secured to SS Hollington in Mudros harbour. Coaled ship. 6.15pm: Received 90 tons, cast off to secure alongside HMS Blenheim. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a03: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.20am: HMS Pincher cast off from HMS Blenheim. 10.30am: Dropped astern of Blenheim. 1.15pm: Hands working on guns and sent working party to HMS Wear for sweep wire. 3.20pm: Hauled up to secure alongside Blenheim. Discharged one ERA to same. Drew new kite wire. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a04: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands variously employed. 10.30am: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Blenheim. 5.00pm: Motor lighter alongside with sweep wire and kite. 5.05pm: One Ldg Sn joined ship from Blenheim. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a05: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: HMS’ Wear, Fury and Redpole left harbour. 9.30am: Hostility ratings to instruction on wire splicing. 1.15pm: Ord. Seamen to instruction on spreading Berthon boat. 2.00pm: Returned old sweep from Wear to HMS Blenheim. 6.55pm: HMS Renard secured outside HMS Grampus. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a06: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: HMS Kennet left. 4.30pm: One Stoker discharged to HMS Harpy and one to HMS Renard. One Stoker joined from Harpy. 6.30pm: Sent concert party to HMS Europa. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a07: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: HMS Grampus cast off from HMS Blenheim. 7.40am: Hauled up to Blenheim. 10.00am: Officers attending court of enquiry re loss of kite and sweep wire. 11.00am: Captain (D) entered harbour in HMS Foxhound. 1.30pm: Hands variously employed. 6.30pm: Concert party to HMS Europa. 4caf8cb8cadfd34197037a08: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: HMS Pincher sailed. 4.15pm: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Blenheim. 4.15pm: Read warrant (Stoker Rowsell). Prisoner discharged to Blenheim. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a09: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Winds NE f 6 at first increasing to gale f 8 by noon with continuous rain. 7.15am: RC church party to HMS Blenheim. 10.00am: Blenheim started to drag anchors towards Turks Pier. 10.50am: Tug passed tow to Welland. Let go and proceeded to anchor. 1.15pm: HMS Kennet arrived and anchored. Winds continuing f 5-6 in pm, cloudy but dry. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a0a: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: HMS’ Fury and Staunch left. 9.00am: HMS Grampus arrived. 8.00am: HMS’ Newcastle and Jed left. 1.15pm: HMS Foxhound arrived. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a0b: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 11.00am: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Pincher to exchange Captains. [Lt FE Ayers from Pincher, Lt PA Heyder from Welland]. Hands transferring Captains’ gear and preparing for coaling. 3.30pm: SPO Dyer rejoined ship. 5.30pm: HMS Mosquito arrived. 6.30pm: Cast off from Pincher to anchor. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a0c: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier Hollington. Coaled ship. 8.45am: Received 30 tons, cast off to anchor. 3.45pm: HMS Pincher left. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 5.45pm: Closed HMS Osmanieh to escort her Southwards. 7.15pm: Course S7W. 10.10pm: Sighted Skyros Lt. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a0d: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1917 At sea on escort duty and to Suda Bay Lat 36.71, Long 24.71 [approx] 12.15am: Skyros Lt abeam to starboard. 7.00am: Took station ahead of convoy and commenced zig-zag. Noon: Milo [now Milos] Lt bg N85W. 6.30pm: Arrived in Antikithera channel. Parted company with HMS Osmanieh and a/c S70E, 20 knots. 10.30pm: Anchored in Suda Bay to Westward of HMS Pelorus. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a0e: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1917 Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier Tresselick [SS Trelissick according to the log of HMS Pelorus] 10.15am: Completed with coal and anchored off HMS Pelorus. 9.30pm: HMS Ribble cast off collier to anchor. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a0f: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1917 Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a10: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1917 Suda Bay and at sea for Mudros escorting Lat 36.87, Long 26.4 12.01am: Weighed and proceeded to sea with SS Chesterfield [probably HMS Chesterfield is intended]. 1.00am: Deprano Lt bg S70E, a/c N62E. 4.30am: HS […] off port beam on same course. 6.15am: A/c N36E. 6.50am: HMS Renard convoying passed to port on opposite course. 7.25am: C Akrotiri [Santorini] abeam to port, 9 miles. 8.15am: A/c N57E, commenced zig-zag. 9.45am: Passed HMS Pincher on opposite course. 10.25am: Passed HMS Wear on opposite course escorting French auxiliary. 10.30am: French HS […] proceeded towards Mykoni channel. 12.55pm: Levithia Light House bg N80W, a/c N52W. 4.07pm: C Papas abeam. 9.20pm: Sighted Psara bg N18E. 11.35pm: Same abeam to starboard 13.5 miles. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a11: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1917 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 11.55am: Entered Mudros harbour i/c with SS Chesterfield and secured to collier Comeric. Coaled ship. 1.40pm: Received 35 tons, cast off to anchor off HMS Blenheim. 4.30pm: HMS’ Harpy and Mosquito arrived. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a12: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 10.30am: Vice Admiral Cecil Thursby [C-in-C Eastern Mediterranean] and Captain (D) [Captain CPR Coode] came on board and walked round ship. 11.45am: HMS Basilisk anchored. 11.59am: HMS Bulldog secured alongside HMS Blenheim. 1.30pm: Hands getting in depth charges, with Artificer from Blenheim. 3.45pm: HMS Lord Nelson in. 5.00pm: Basilisk out. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a13: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: HMS’ Foxhound and Bulldog sailed. 8.50am: HMS Grampus went alongside collier. 11.59am: Grampus went alongside HMS Blenheim. 2.00pm: HMS’ Staunch and Fury arrived. Staunch went alongside Blenheim. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1917 [Mudros, Salonika, Suda Bay, Salonika, Milos, Salonika, Milos, Suda Bay, Syra and Mudros, all escort duty] 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a14: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-019_0.jpg) 1 February 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.30am: Clean ship, scrub QD. 7.00am: Weighed starboard anchor. 8.45am: Air night clothing. 9.00am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill. 9.30am: Wardroom Steward returned to ship from HMS Blenheim. 10.50am: HMS Savage went alongside collier. 1.15pm: Hands painting the side. 1.30pm: Savage took HMS Staunch away from Blenheim to anchor. 2.15pm: HMS Ribble left collier and secured astern of Blenheim. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 5.00pm: Discharged one Leading Seaman to Staunch. 5.20pm: One Boy Telegraphist joined ship from Blenheim. Sick list: 2. Weather: Various breezes f 1-3, cloudy but dry, temperatures in the 50ºs F. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a15: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-019_1.jpg) 2 February 1917 Mudros and at sea for Salonika Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.15am: HMS’ Fury and Staunch left harbour. 9.00am: HMS Savage cast off HMS Blenheim and anchored off HMS Lord Nelson. 5.15pm: HMS Scorpion arrived in harbour and anchored. 6.00pm: HMS Fury anchored. 9.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 10.36pm: Kombi Lt bg N, 2 miles, a/c N84W. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a16: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-020_0.jpg) 3 February 1917 At sea to Salonika [now Thessaloniki] Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 2.47am: Cape Kassandra abeam. 9.10am: Secured to SS Warren in Salonika harbour. 10.00am: Received 33 tons of coal and cast off to anchor. 5.45pm: HMS Kennet arrived and anchored. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a17: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-020_1.jpg) 4 February 1917 Salonika and at sea Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 9.00am: RC church party to HMS St George. C of E party to HMS Endymion. 11.50am: HMS Implacable shifted berth. HMS Wear left harbour. 4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded with convoy. 6.24pm: Potomi Lt bg N34E, a/c S30E. 10.15pm: A/c S78E, commenced to zig-zag ahead of convoy French SS Metaphor. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a18: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-021_0.jpg) 5 February 1917 At sea Lat 37.7, Long 24.69 6.45am: Lithari Pt Lt abeam to starboard, 12.4 miles. 7.30am: Same bg West, a/c S24W. 10.20am: French destroyer Protet joined convoy. 10.30am: Sighted HMS’ Sentinel and Rattlesnake on opposite course with two transports. 12.40pm: Italian destroyer Ascaro took over convoy. Parted company and proceeded for Suda Bay. 7.33pm: Deprano Lt bg S2W. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a19: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-021_1.jpg) 6 February 1917 At sea to Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 7.00am: Sighted HMS Latona and closed. 8.45am: Escorted Latona to Suda Bay. 11.25am: Secured to collier, hands coal ship. 1.55pm: Completed with coal, cast off to anchor near HMS St George*. 5.15pm: HMS Snapdragon arrived and anchored. 5.30pm: HMS Wallflower anchored. 6.30pm: Raised steam for slow speed [winds SE f 6-7] 7.35pm: Greek steamer dragged anchor and fouled Welland’s berth. 9.20pm: Greek steamer Eugenia shifted berth. * A puzzling identification, HMS St George is the depot ship at Salonika, where she remained throughout 1917. The depot ship here is HMS Theseus [also an Edgar class cruiser] and that is probably what is intended. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a1a: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-022_0.jpg) 7 February 1917 Suda Bay and at sea Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 1.00am: Commenced to drag anchors. Weighed both and shifted berth. [Winds SE by E, f 6-7.] 1.10am: Let go both and steamed to anchors as requisite. 9.30am: HMS Kennet arrived and went alongside collier. 10.30am: HMS Peony arrived. 11.15am: HMS Wear left. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 3.45pm: C Deprano Lt bg S, a/c S87E. 7.40pm: Standia I. abeam, 3.2 miles. 8.00pm: Reduced to 11 knots, thick mist over land. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a1b: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-022_1.jpg) 8 February 1917 At sea on escort duty for Salonika Lat 35.89, Long 25.97 1.00am: Cape Sidero Light bg S14W, a/c S41E, reduced to 10 knots. 2.24am: Arrived on rendezvous, awaiting arrival of convoy. 8.20am: Closed convoy SS Brunswick and commenced escort to Salonika. 8.45am: Course N51W, 12 knots, zig-zagging in front of convoy. 5.40pm: Challenged Trawler No 776 [Holly, Banff reg. BF.710, serving as minesweeper]. 10.15pm: Course N58E. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a1c: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-023_0.jpg) 9 February 1917 At sea on escort duty for Salonika Lat 38.04, Long 25.64 12.50am: Levithia Lt bg NNE. 3.00am: Same bg S75W, a/c N53W. 6.15am: C Papas Light bg NW. 8.32am: Same abeam to starboard, 4 miles. 9.30am: A/c N24W. 12.55pm: Passed HMS Jonquil escorting SS Transylvania on opposite course. 1.10pm: Passed SS Shropshire* on opposite course. 1.35pm: SS Brunswick stopped to make engine adjustments [10 minutes]. 7.30pm: Lithari Lt sighted. 10.00pm: Shipped heavy sea [winds NE f 5-6, rough seas], 2 lengthening staves lost overboard. 10.15pm: Same abeam, S66W. * Both Transylvania and Shropshire are listed as troopships at this time. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a1d: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-023_1.jpg) 10 February 1917 At sea to Salonika Lat 40.05, Long 22.97 10.45am: Kassandra Point bg N60E, 6.6 miles. 10.50am: Passed HMS Jed steering East. 11.55am: Passed four trawlers. 3.40pm: Cape Cara [C Kara] abeam to starboard 2.5 miles, a/c for gate caique. 5.00pm: Secured alongside SS Brisbane River. Coaled ship. 7.40pm: Received 105 tons, cast off to anchor off HMS Endymion. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a1e: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-024_0.jpg) 11 February 1917 Salonika and at sea, escort duty Lat 40.2, Long 22.9 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour to escort SS’ Cestrian and Nitonian to Milo. 11.20am: Passed HMS Aster, opposite course. 12.35pm: Passed TB 30 [?], opposite course. 10.30pm: Lithari Lt [Skiros] bg S by W. 11.30pm: Same abeam, 9.8 miles, a/c S15W. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a1f: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-024_1.jpg) 12 February 1917 Salonika to Milo and to Salonika Lat 36.71, Long 24.45 10.45am: Arrived in Port Milo and anchored off French battleship Henri IV. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour to escort French SS’ Abda and Plata to Salonika. 7.00pm: A/c N49E for Thermia Channel. 10.11pm: Phassa Lt abeam 4.2 miles. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a20: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-025_0.jpg) 13 February 1917 At sea to Salonika Lat 39.7, Long 23.34 12.30am: Lithari Light bg N15W. 2.15pm: Same bg West, 13 miles, a/c N27W. 6.35am: Challenged trawler, correct reply. 7.30am: Passed River class destroyer on opposite course, escorting [probably HMS Jed, see her log]. 10.45am: Challenged French destroyer Cognée, reply correct. Same took station on port bow. 11.32am: Kassandra Light bg N49E, a/c N30W, Cognée dropped astern. 1.10pm: Passed TB on opposite course. 1.50pm: Passed French destroyer Trident on opposite course. 4.10pm: Secured to SS Livingstone in Salonika harbour, coaled ship. 6.25pm: Received 109 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a21: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-025_1.jpg) 14 February 1917 Salonika and at sea escorting towards Scarpanto Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 3.40pm: HMS Grasshopper arrived and anchored. 9.30am: Ship’s Carpenters from HMS St George onboard to repair whaler. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour to escort British SS’ Kingstonian and Huntspill* to Scarpanto. 7.00pm: Course S30E. 10.22pm: A/c S79E. * Formerly SS Koerber of Lloyd Austriaco, seized in 1914, renamed Huntspill. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a22: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-026_0.jpg) 15 February 1917 At sea, escort duty Lat 38.09, Long 25.5 2.45am: Passed SS Euterpe, opposite course. 3.03am: A/c S29E. 8.05am: Challenged French destroyer with convoy, correct reply. 8.44am: A/c S41E. 10.34am: A/c S19E. 4.33pm: A/c S54E. 7.53pm: Levithia Lt abeam 3.3 miles. 10.10pm: Kandeliusa Lt abeam, 10.1 miles. 11.23pm: A/c S42E. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a23: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-026_1.jpg) 16 February 1917 At sea to Scarpanto and Suda Bay Lat 35.67, Long 25.59 3.00am: C Prasonisi bg S85E. Parted company with convoy. Course N50W. 6.00am: A/c S65E. 7.00am: A/c S85E. Heavy NW’ly sea running. 10.25am: Heavy beam seas breaking over waist. 12.40pm: A/c West. 3.05pm: Deprano Lt abeam. 4.25pm: Secured to SS Cellissia in Suda Bay. Coaled ship. 7.15pm: Received 110 tons coal, cast off to anchor in A3 berth. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a2f: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-032_1.jpg) 17 February 1917 Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 This page was accidentally omitted from the fair copy of the deck log and the writer has gone back to include it at the end of the month, only to copy Wednesday 17th January by mistake, a day when Welland was in Mudros harbour. We can safely assume that Welland enjoyed a quiet Saturday in Suda Bay harbour. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a24: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-027_0.jpg) 18 February 1917 Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 3.15pm: HMS Cyclamen left. 6.00pm: HMS […] left harbour. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a25: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-027_1.jpg) 19 February 1917 Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 12.01pm: Weighed and proceeded. 12.27pm: A/c N5E. 1.00pm: Passed HMS Jonquil going into Suda Bay. 4.48pm: A/c N68W. 5.00pm: Two funnel transport passed steering SE’ly without escort. 7.12pm: Belo Pulo Lt abeam, a/c N24E. 8.00pm: On rendezvous off Belo Pulo [now Nisida Velopoula]. 11.00pm: Course N62E, 16 knots. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a26: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-028_0.jpg) 20 February 1917 At sea with convoy for Salonika Lat 39.04, Long 24.83 1.50pm: Tamelos Lt bg N87W, a/c N27E for Doro Channel. 4.27am: C Phassa Lt abeam 5 miles, a/c N24E. 5.15am: Passed French Hospital Ship Binglough [?] on opposite course. 7.30am: Challenged French destroyer Chevalier [possibly Cavalier is intended] with convoy, Southbound. 7.50am: A/c N17W. 11.05am: Sighted two ships and closed. 11.10am: Picked up convoy French SS Himalaya* and British SS Fraser River. 11.36am: Course N30W. 3.30pm: Passed French gunboat escorting on opposite course, challenged, replied. 5.00pm: A/c N78W. 11.05pm: A/c N29W, Kassandra bg N36E. * A French language site. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a27: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-028_1.jpg) 21 February 1917 At sea to Salonika Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 4.00am: Panomi Light bg N34E, a/c N3E, 6 knots [overcast and raining]. 5.15am: Challenged French destroyer Poignard, reply correct. 6.40am: Challenged French destroyer Sabretache, reply correct. 8.40am: Arrived in Salonika harbour, secured to collier Livingstonia, coaled ship. 10.15am: Received 115 tons, cast off to anchor. 12.05pm: HMS Pincher arrived. 12.50pm: HMS Adamant arrived. 1.30pm: HMS St George’s Shipwright onboard to repair whaler. 4.30pm: Pincher left. 5.40pm: HMS Aster anchored. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a28: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-029_0.jpg) 22 February 1917 Salonika and at sea Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 12.50pm: HMS Kennet in. 1.00pm: Hostile aeroplane sighted bg NNE, manned after guns. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea, escorting French SS Abda. 6.10pm: C Kara bg E, 1.5 miles. Course S3E. 7.22pm: Panomi Lt bg N34E, a/c S36E. 10.15pm: A/c S78.5E. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a29: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-029_1.jpg) 23 February 1917 At sea, escort duty to Milo and at sea Lat 37.74, Long 24.57 2.45am: Psthura Lt bg WSW, a/c S25E. 6.10am: Passed HMS Forward NE of Lithari. 6.33am: Lithari abeam, 10 miles. 7.00am: A/c S24W. 1.30pm: Challenged HMS Basilisk on same course. 3.55pm: A/c S5E. 5.45pm: Anchored, Port Milo. 11.00pm: Weighed and proceeded for Suda Bay. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a2a: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-030_0.jpg) 24 February 1917 Milo to Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 3.40am: Passed and challenged HMS’ Jed and Honeysuckle, bound for Milo. 5.05am: C Deprano bg S. 8.00am: Secured to SS Ellassa [?], coaled ship. 12.01pm: Received 77 tons, cast off to anchor in A4 berth. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a2b: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-030_1.jpg) 25 February 1917 Suda Bay and at sea towards Syra Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 1.05am: HMS Grasshopper in. 7.35am: HMS Rattlesnake out. 9.20am: HMS Partridge II arrived. 10.00am: Landed RC party, C of E party to HMS Theseus. 1.00pm: HMS Usk and Chelmer in. 2.00pm: HMS Kennet in. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea, course N23E. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a2c: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-031_0.jpg) 26 February 1917 At sea to Syra [aka Siros] and at sea for Mudros, escort duty Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.00am: Approaching Syra harbour. 7.20am: Anchored. 1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea, escorting SS Levant II for Mudros. 4.00pm: Course N8W. 10.45pm: Lithari Pt bg N53W. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a2d: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-031_1.jpg) 27 February 1917 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.20am: HMS Jonquil, on opposite course with convoy, challenged. 11.30am: Secured to SS Polymnia* in Mudros harbour. Coaled ship. 1.15pm: Received 64 tons, cast off to anchor. 3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for torpedo exercise. 4.50pm: Anchored off HMS Blenheim. 7.30pm: Sent concert party to Blenheim. 8.00pm: HMS Scorpion went alongside Blenheim. * Possibly the former SS Henriette Woermann, managed at this time by Kaye, Son & Co. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a2e: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-032_0.jpg) 28 February 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded for torpedo exercises. 9.40am: Anchored off HMS Blenheim. 4.20pm: One Stoker joined from Blenheim and one discharged to same. 7.30pm: Concert party to Blenheim. 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a30: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-033_0.jpg) 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a31: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-033_1.jpg) 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a32: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-034_0.jpg) 4caf8cb9cadfd34197037a33: ( 53-68380/ADM 53-68380-034_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1917 [Mudros, Malta, Suda Bay and Malta] 4caf8c9ccadfd34197037176: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-001_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ccadfd34197037177: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook for March and April 1917. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037178: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st March 1917 to 30th April 1917, signed FE Ayers, Lieutenant-in-Command.” 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037179: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-002_1.jpg) Blank except for signatures of FE Ayers (2nd May 1917) and HL Hammond (18th May 1917) 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703717a: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-003_0.jpg) Instruments. Aneroid barometer Negretti & Zambra 978, 8’ asl. Air thermometers (on fore bridge, screened) SA Calderara Sea thermometer SA Calderara 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703717b: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.15am: Clean ship, scrub QD. 8.00am: HMS’ Scorpion and Wolverine left. 8.45am: Quarters. Clean guns. 9.30am: Prayers. Physical drill. 9.45am: Hands to clean paint shop and working about torpedoes. Exercised sight setting and communication. 10.00am: Paid monthly money. 11.30am: HMS’ Kennet and Ribble arrived in harbour. 1.20pm: HMS Redpole anchored. 4.00pm: Exercised general quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds. Sick list: 2. Weather: Southerly breezes up to f 3, Rain and cloud for most of the day, temperatures in the 50ºs F. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703717c: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 6.00pm: HMS Kennet left. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703717d: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.9, Long 26.1 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded astern of HMS Redpole. 9.40am: Passed HMS Staunch and Fury on opposite course. 10.45am: Arrived on South patrol. AR and Maxim practice. 5.00pm: Veered target for Redpole. 5.45pm: Took up centre patrol. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703717e: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.1, Long 26.1 [approx] Patrol courses N36W, S36E, main centre patrol. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703717f: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1917 Dardanelles patrol, Kephalo Bay, patrol Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 Patrol courses N36W, S36E, main centre patrol. 7.55am: Sent DR [possibly daily report] to HMS Scorpion. 11.00am: Proceeded i/c with HMS Redpole to Kephalo Bay. 11.50am: Anchored. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on North patrol. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037180: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1917 Dardanelles patrol and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: On Dardanelles main patrol 6.30am: Course S66W. 9.05am: Secured to collier Etolia in Mudros harbour, coaled ship. 11.35am: Received 107 tons. 2.20pm: Torpedoes came alongside from HMS Blenheim. 4.00pm: Cast off from Etolia to anchor. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037181: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1917 Mudros and at sea for Malta Lat 39.45, Long 25.14 8.00am: HMS’ Scorpion and Wolverine left. 8.50am: Mails came onboard from HMS Europa. Eng. Capt. Wilson came onboard for passage to Malta. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course S20W. 7.25pm: C Phassa Lt bg E, a/c S28W. 9.35pm: Thermia Lt bg W, a/c S42W. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037182: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1917 At sea Lat 36.3, Long 19.67 4.26am: Cape Malea abeam. 6.00am: A/c S89W. Westerly courses for the rest of the day. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037183: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1917 At sea Lat 35.89, Long 16.54 Westerly courses all day. 10 knots in the am, 8 knots in the pm. Winds West f 6 with very rough seas, veering WNW later, continuing strong. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037184: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1917 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 5.45am: Sighted Malta, bg SW. 6.00am: Waiting off harbour for permission to enter. 11.00am: Secured alongside HMS Latona, Boathouse wharf. Received 120 tons coal from HM dockyard. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037185: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037186: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.15am: Discharged two 21” torpedoes. Hands provision ship. 6.00pm: HMS’ Bulldog and Harpy left harbour. Sick list: 2. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037187: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.50am: HMS Chelmer came alongside. 9.33am: Chelmer cast off. 6.00pm: Mail came onboard. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037188: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1917 Malta and at sea for Suda Bay Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.35am: Exam party of six ratings left for HMS Egmont. 11.58am: HMS Nemesis entered harbour and HMS Racoon left. 4.30pm: Cast off and proceeded for Marsa Sorroco [now Marsaxlokk]. 5.58pm: Anchored, Marsa Sorocco. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to escort HMT Megantic. 7.40pm: Course S64E. 8.00pm: HMS Nemesis found convoy. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037189: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1917 At sea, escort duty Lat 34.7, Long 19.8 12.01am: Course S64E, 16 knots. 10.10am: A/c N69E, escorting HMT Megantic i/c with HMS Nemesis. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703718a: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1917 At sea to Suda Bay and at sea, escort duty Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 4.35am: C Deprano Lt bg S by E. 8.05am: Secured to collier Margit in Suda Bay. 11.55am: Received 116 tons coal, cast off to anchor near HMS Theseus. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Nemesis to escort SS Herschel [usually Hermischel or Hermeschel in log, but Herschel, see 17th March first entry, seems more likely]. 6.45pm: Course WNW. 8.30pm: A/c W. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703718b: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1917 At sea towards Malta Lat 35.72, Long 20.05 Westerly courses all day, escorting SS Herschel, i/c with HMS Nemesis. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703718c: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1917 At sea Lat 36.07, Long 14.84 [DR] 12.01am: Escorting SS Herschel, i/c with HMS Nemesis. Convoy troubled by increasingly strong ENE winds with rough seas. 12.30pm: A/c N75E. Hove to, due to strong Easterly seas. Remaining head to sea, notional 4 knots, throughout the pm. Very rough seas, winds ENE f 5-6, overcast and raining. A strong wind and sea on the beam is not tolerable for the destroyers, with their relatively low freeboard and shallow draught, so they have to head into it. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703718d: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1917 At sea to Malta Lat 36.02, Long 15.17 12.01am: Heavy easterly sea running, so convoy remained head to wind, 4 knots. 5.00am: Wind and sea moderating. 9.10am: A/c N61W. 9.15am: A/c S65W. 3.00pm: Malta sighted, bg WSW. 5.00pm: Secured to 4 and 4a in Magazine wharf. 6.45pm: HMS Nereide left harbour. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703718e: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.35am: Commenced coaling [probably from lighters]. 11.40am: Completed with coal, received 124 tons from HM Dockyard. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703718f: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands variously employed, including returning cordite to ordnance for testing and drawing stores. 4.17pm: HMS Bulldog left. 5.36pm: HMS Harpy left. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037190: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 10.20am: HMS Skirmisher left. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037191: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Cleaning, painting, exercising. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037192: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 In am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Landed liberty men. 6.45pm: HMS Kennet entered harbour. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037193: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 11.50am: HMS’ Nemesis and Cameleon with HMT Megantic entered harbour. 1.30pm: Discharged one Boy Tel. to HMS Ribble, for passage to HMS Blenheim. 3.30pm: Ribble sailed. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037194: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.15am: HMT Megantic left. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037195: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.15am: HMS Hussar left. 5.00pm: HMS Foxhound left. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037196: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 3.20pm: HMS’ Minstrel and Nereide left. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037197: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1917 Malta and at sea, escort duty Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 2.30pm: Stoker Kennedy discharged to HMS Egmont for detention. 4.20pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour to escort SS Gallier to Antikithera. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037198: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1917 At sea, escort duty Lat 36.49, Long 18.27 Easterly courses all day, 10 knots, from 7.00pm, 7 knots. Passed several unidentified vessels. 4caf8c9dcadfd34197037199: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1917 At sea Lat 35.79, Long 21.74 Easterly courses all day, 7 knots until 6.00am, then 10 knots. In pm, 7 knots. Passed several unidentified vessels on opposite courses. 2.00pm: British HS Valdivia [Valdavia in log] passed on opposite course. 10.40pm: HMS Azalea took over convoy. 11.00pm: A/c S85E, reduced to 7 knots. LOGS FOR APRIL 1917 [Suda Bay and Malta] 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703719a: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-019_0.jpg) 1 April 1917 At sea to Suda Bay and at sea Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 12.57am: Cape Spada bg South, a/c S73E. 4.00am: Awaiting daylight off entrance to Suda Bay. 8.15am: Secured alongside collier Gardinnia [probably Gardenia is intended]. 10.08am: Received 80 tons coal, cast off to anchor. 2.40pm: HMS Wear anchored. 6.00pm: Cdr Brodie RN came onboard. Weighed and proceeded to escort SS Chesterfield to Malta. 8.00pm: Course N73W. 9.10pm: C Spada abeam, 3 miles. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703719b: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-019_1.jpg) 2 April 1917 At sea Lat 35.85, Long 19.8 Escorting SS Chesterfield from Suda to Malta, zig-zagging ahead of convoy. 8.00am: A/c N70W. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703719c: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-020_0.jpg) 3 April 1917 At sea to Malta and at sea Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 3.50am: A/c S69W. 11.00am: Entered Valetta harbour. Secured to 3 and 3a. 1.30pm: Coal lighters came alongside and commenced coaling. 3.30pm: Cdr Brodie left ship. 4.20pm: Completed with coal, 100 tons, slipped and proceeded to sea. 5.05pm: Course N16W. 9.00pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding along Southern Sicilian coast. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703719d: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-020_1.jpg) 4 April 1917 At sea and return to Malta Lat 36.54, Long 13.0 12.01am: Course N60W. 6.00am: Passed Hospital Ship on Southerly course. 6.30am: Passed HMS Sheldrake on Southerly course. 8.00am: A/c S50E. 10.35am: Rounded Pantellaria I. Set course S60E. Passed five British trawlers. 3.45pm: Sheldrake passed to port on same course. 6.00pm: Secured to HMS Geranium in French Creek, Malta. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703719e: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-021_0.jpg) 5 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.05am: Tug Alice secured. 2.00pm: Tug shoved off HMS Geranium. Welland secured to Canteen Wharf. 2.45pm: Coal coming alongside. 6.30pm: Completed with coal, 110 tons. 4caf8c9dcadfd3419703719f: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-021_1.jpg) 6 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. [Good Friday] 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a0: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-022_0.jpg) 7 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 3.45pm: HMS Adamant secured alongside. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a1: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-022_1.jpg) 8 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Easter Sunday. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a2: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-023_0.jpg) 9 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed de-coaling ship. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a3: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-023_1.jpg) 10 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 3.00pm: Shifted berth to Boiler Wharf. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a4: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-024_0.jpg) 11 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands returning ammunition to dockyard. 9.50am: HMS Usk cast off [for speed trials, see her log]. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a5: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-024_1.jpg) 12 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands scraping the side. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a6: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-025_0.jpg) 13 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands scraping the side. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a7: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-025_1.jpg) 14 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 1.45pm: Completed de-coaling, 130 tons returned to dockyard 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a8: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-026_0.jpg) 15 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371a9: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-026_1.jpg) 16 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.35am: HMS Usk secured alongside. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371aa: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-027_0.jpg) 17 April 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 9.55am: HMS Usk cast off. 10.00am: Tug came alongside and towed Welland to No 5 Dock. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371ab: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-027_1.jpg) 18 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands scraping and red-leading. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371ac: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-028_0.jpg) 19 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands scraping, red-leading and returning gear to dockyard for survey. 2.15pm: Sent Ldg Stoker Moore to HMS Egmont under arrest. 4caf8c9dcadfd341970371ad: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-028_1.jpg) 20 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Escort returned to ship with Ldg Stoker Moore. Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ae: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-029_0.jpg) 21 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371af: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-029_1.jpg) 22 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b0: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-030_0.jpg) 23 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b1: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-030_1.jpg) 24 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b2: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-031_0.jpg) 25 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands overhauling boats’ gear. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b3: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-031_1.jpg) 26 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands overhauling and repairing boats’ gear. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b4: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-032_0.jpg) 27 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands scraping below foc’sle. 10.30am: One Signalman RNVR joined ship. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b5: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-032_1.jpg) 28 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b6: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-033_0.jpg) 29 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b7: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-033_1.jpg) 30 April 1917 Malta [dry dock] Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. Paid monthly money. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b8: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-034_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371b9: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-034_1.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ba: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-035_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371bb: ( 53-68381/ADM 53-68381-035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR MAY 1917 [Malta for refit] 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371bc: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-001_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371bd: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook for May/June 1917. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371be: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st May 1917 to 30th June 1917, signed FE Ayers, Lieutenant-in-Command.” 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371bf: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-002_1.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c0: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-003_0.jpg) Above two pages blank. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c1: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-003_1.jpg) Blank except for signatures of FE Ayers (8th July 1917) and HL Hammond (17th July 1917), Stamped 7th August 1917, F Clifton-Brown, Captain (D), Fifth Destroyer Flotilla. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c2: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-004_0.jpg) Instruments. Aneroid barometer Negretti & Zambra 978, 8’ asl. Air thermometers (on fore bridge, screened) SA Calderara Sea thermometer SA Calderara 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c3: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-004_1.jpg) 1 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.30am: Clear up decks. Party unshackling cable from anchors. 9.15am: Left dry dock. Tugs towed ship to Hamilton Wharf, secured alongside. 10.00am: Hands employed painting the side. 1.30pm: Hands getting out cable for testing. 4.00pm: Liberty men landed. 5.00pm: Exercised fire stations. 7.00pm: Canteen party landed. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list: 1. Weather: Calm, dry, clear, temperatures in the 60ºs F. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c4: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-005_0.jpg) 2 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c5: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-005_1.jpg) 3 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands shifting messes to foc’sle. 10.30am: HMS Jed left. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c6: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-006_0.jpg) 4 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Cleaning, painting, refitting. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c7: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-006_1.jpg) 5 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.30am: Three Stokers to HMS Egmont for exam. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c8: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-007_0.jpg) 6 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. Church parties, Captain’s rounds, liberty etc. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371c9: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-007_1.jpg) 7 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.30am: Three ratings to HMS Egmont for educational test. 9.30am: Maltese dockyard men on strike, work on ship ceased. Placed armed sentries around dry dock and pumping station. Hands in three watches keeping guard. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ca: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-008_0.jpg) 8 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands in three watches keeping guard and assisting in dockyard. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371cb: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-008_1.jpg) 9 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands in three watches keeping guard and assisting in dockyard. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371cc: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-009_0.jpg) 10 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands in three watches keeping guard and assisting in dockyard. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371cd: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-009_1.jpg) 11 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands in three watches keeping guard and assisting in dockyard. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ce: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-010_0.jpg) 12 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.30am: Took guard off dry dock. 1.30pm: Hands working in dockyard and standing by in coaling rig. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371cf: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-010_1.jpg) 13 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d0: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-011_0.jpg) 14 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.00am: Dockyard labourers resumed work. Noon: Landed men for general leave. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d1: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-011_1.jpg) 15 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Tugs shifted HM TB 29. Welland shifted ahead to allow HMS Osmanieh to dock. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d2: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-012_0.jpg) 16 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Refit continues. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d3: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-012_1.jpg) 17 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Painting etc. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d4: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-013_0.jpg) 18 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Painting etc. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d5: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-013_1.jpg) 19 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.00am: Went alongside HMS Scourge. 10.00am: Returned to Hamilton wharf. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d6: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-014_0.jpg) 20 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d7: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-014_1.jpg) 21 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Refit continues. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d8: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-015_0.jpg) 22 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 11.00am: Shifted to canteen wharf. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371d9: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-015_1.jpg) 23 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Taking in ammunition and stowing it in magazines. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371da: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-016_0.jpg) 24 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 2.30pm: HMS Redpole secured alongside. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371db: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-016_1.jpg) 25 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Provisioning ship etc. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371dc: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-017_0.jpg) 26 May 1917 [25th in log] Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Provisioning ship, painting etc. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371dd: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-017_1.jpg) 27 May 1917 [26th in log] Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Sunday routine. [The log records details from a working day, presumably copied in error during the confusion over dates, see above] 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371de: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-018_0.jpg) 28 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Taking in cables. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371df: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-018_1.jpg) 29 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.00am: Shifted berth to go alongside HMS Larne. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e0: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-019_0.jpg) 30 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Taking in torpedoes, painting the side. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e1: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-019_1.jpg) 31 May 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.05am: Secured outside RFA Isonzo. LOGS FOR JUNE 1917 [Malta and Dardanelles patrols based at Mudros] 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e2: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-020_0.jpg) 1 June 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.30am: Prepare for coaling. 6.45am: Coal alongside. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Clean ship. 2.00pm: Moved to Somerset wharf. 3.45pm: Clear up decks. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Landed liberty men. 5.30pm: Commenced basin trial. 7.00pm: Canteen party landed. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list: 2. Weather: Calm and dry, max. temperature 88º at 4.00pm. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e3: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-020_1.jpg) 2 June 1917 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 10.45am: HMS Rifleman alongside. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e4: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-021_0.jpg) 3 June 1917 Malta Lat 35.95, Long 14.51 [approx] 10.15am: Left harbour for steam trials. Speed by x-bearings, 23.6 knots. 1.00pm: Returned to harbour. 2.00pm: Secured to No 3 buoy. Tug towed stern round to swing for compasses. 3.50pm: Moved to Somerset wharf. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e5: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-021_1.jpg) 4 June 1917 Malta and at sea Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30pm: Proceeded to sea. 7.55pm: Course S86E. 9.00pm: Passed two escorted steamers on opposite course. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e6: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-022_0.jpg) 5 June 1917 At sea Lat 36.1, Long 19.64 9.00am: Passed HMS Edgar to starboard on same course. 9.20pm: Sighted enemy submarine bg SSE, 4 miles approx Increased to full speed towards enemy, which dived. Reduced speed and searched vicinity till daylight. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e7: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-022_1.jpg) 6 June 1917 At sea Lat 36.5, Long 23.34 12.01am: Searching area where submarine was sighted. 5.00am: Increased to 13 knots, course S87E. 6.30am: Cape Matapan bg NE by N, a/c ENE. 11.15am: A/c N44E. 1.41pm: Karavi Rock abeam, 0.75 miles. 8.55pm: Phassa [Phasa in log] Lt bg East, a/c N19E. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e8: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-023_0.jpg) 7 June 1917 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.06am: Lithari Lt abeam, N75W. 8.00am: Entering Port Mudros. 8.30am: Went alongside collier. 12.30pm: Completed with coal and cast off to anchor. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to carry out torpedo practice. 4.30pm: Completed practice and returned to anchor near HMS Blenheim. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371e9: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-023_1.jpg) 8 June 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 10.40am: HMS’ Wear and Usk sailed. 11.30am: HMS Arno entered harbour. 6.00pm: HMS’ Grampus and Renard left harbour. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ea: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-024_0.jpg) 9 June 1917 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.72, Long 24.7 7.00am: Weighed and closed HMS Agamemnon. 7.55am: Proceeded to sea astern of HMS Savage. 10.00am: Dropped target and attended on Agamemnon during her firing. 12.30pm: Proceeded with Savage to Dardanelles patrol. 4.30pm: Arrived on patrol. 7.30pm: Sent correspondence to HMS Arno. 8.00pm: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W, 1 to 5 miles from Kephalo Lt. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371eb: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-024_1.jpg) 10 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.87, Long 26.07 12.01am: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W, 1 to 5 miles from Kephalo Lt. 6.00am: Proceeded and swept with HMS Savage to main patrol. 7.15am: Slipped sweep and proceeded to Tenedos patrol. 12.30pm: HMS Comet arrived on patrol. 12.40pm: Took station astern of Savage. 1.40pm: Anchored in Aliki Bay. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded i/c with Savage. 7.30pm: Sent correspondence to HMS Wolverine. 8.00pm: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ec: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-025_0.jpg) 11 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.24, Long 25.97 12.01am: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W. 10.00am: Patrolling off Kusu Bay [Kuzu Limani]. 6.30pm: Collected correspondence and proceeded to main patrol. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ed: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-025_1.jpg) 12 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Centre main patrol, courses N36W, S36E on C Niger Lt. W by W. 6.00am: Proceeded i/c with HMS Savage, S70W. 9.30am: Proceeded for Mudros. 10.05am: Secured alongside SS Wilton. 12.40pm: Completed with coal and cast off to anchor Westward of HMS Blenheim. 5.00pm: Three Stokers joined ship from Blenheim, two absentees and one sick from Malta. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ee: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-026_0.jpg) 13 June 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands variously employed. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ef: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-026_1.jpg) 14 June 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.9, Long 26.04* 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded i/c with HMS Savage. 10.25am: Savage went into Kephalo Bay. 11.50am: Arrived on Southern main patrol, courses N36W and S36E.. 7.00pm: Closed HMS Harpy with correspondence and proceeded to North patrol. 8.00pm: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W, 1 to 5 miles from Kephalo Lt. * Latitude in log 36 54N, a clear error. At Noon Gadaro Lt bears S36E, 4.5 miles and I have based the Noon position on this, assuming that the log keeper intended 39º rather than 36º. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f0: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-027_0.jpg) 15 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.9, Long 26.04 [yesterday’s mistake repeated today and corrected] 12.01am: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W, 8 knots. 6.00am: Proceeded to Southern end of main patrol. 9.00am: Patrolling off Tenedos. 12.15pm: Left patrol for Aliki Bay astern of HMS Savage. 1.20pm: Anchored, Aliki Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded i/c with Savage for Northern patrol. 8.00pm: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W, 8 knots. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f1: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-027_1.jpg) 16 June 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: On Northern patrol, courses NE by E, SW by W, 1 to 5 miles from Kephalo Lt. 6.00am: HMS’ Scorpion and Wolverine left patrol. 7.30am: Proceeded into Kusu Bay and presumably anchored. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for main patrol. 8.00pm: Patrolling 5 to 9 miles off C Niger. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f2: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-028_0.jpg) 17 June 1917 Dardanelles patrol and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: On patrol, 5 to 9 miles off C Niger. 6.00am: Proceeded for Mudros. 9.30am: Secured to SS Wilton. Coaled ship. 11.55am: Completed with coal and cast off to anchor. 5.00pm: Two ABs joined from HMS Blenheim and one Ldg Sn discharged to same. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f3: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-028_1.jpg) 18 June 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.0, Long 25.96 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. Course N70E. Noon: Arrived on main patrol. In pm: Patrolling N36W and S36E on Gadaro Lt, 8 knots, i/c with HMS Wear. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f4: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-029_0.jpg) 19 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.9, Long 26.04* 12.01am: In station astern of HMS Wear on Southern half of patrol. 5.00am: Independent patrol. 2.40pm: Proceeded for Aliki Bay. 3.20pm: Anchored. 5.45pm: HMS Savage entered harbour. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 7.30pm: Arrived on patrol and took station astern of Wear for Northern half of main patrol. * As on the 14th and 15th of this month, the Noon Latitude in the log (36º 54’ N) does not match with the other data and I have corrected it in the same way. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f5: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-029_1.jpg) 20 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.32, Long 25.94 12.01am: Astern of HMS Wear on main patrol. 6.00am: Proceeded to Kusu Bay. 7.30am: Anchored in A1 berth. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded to patrol between Kusu Bay and Zuffra Rock, to assist aircraft recconoitring Dedeagatch [now Alexandroupoli]. 3.30pm: Course S15W for Kusu Bay. 4.30pm: Anchored. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded i/c with Wear for Southern patrol. 9.50pm: Steamer Perdita (?) passed to Westward between Wear and Welland. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f6: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-030_0.jpg) 21 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Southern patrol i/c with HMS Wear. 5.50am: A/c S60W for Mudros. 8.00am: Commenced sweeping. 8.30am: Sweep wire parted. 9.20am: Resumed with Wear’s sweep wire. 10.30am: Slipped and entered harbour. Secured alongside collier Wilton. Coaled ship. 3.55pm: Completed with coal, cast off to anchor Westward of HMS Blenheim. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f7: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-030_1.jpg) 22 June 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f8: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-031_0.jpg) 23 June 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.98, Long 25.93 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded i/c with HMS Wear. 9.50am: Sweeping. 11.05am: Course N60W for Kusu Bay. 11.30am: A/c N40E, 19 knots. 2.10pm: Courses for Kusu Bay. 3.10pm: In Kusu Bay, delivered correspondence and proceeded for patrol. 4.30pm: Closed Wear and resumed main patrol. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371f9: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-031_1.jpg) 24 June 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.95, Long 25.92 12.01am: Main patrol with HMS Wear. 6.50am: Sighted British mine in 39 55 30N, 25 53 50E (by x-bearings). Closed same and exploded with gunfire. Resumed patrol. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371fa: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-032_0.jpg) 25 June 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: Main patrol with HMS Wear. 4.50am: Proceeded for Kusu Bay at 8 knots. 5.10am: Sent mails to HMS Mosquito. 7.30am: Anchored, Kusu Bay. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded i/c with Wear. 9.00pm: On main patrol. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371fb: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-032_1.jpg) 26 June 1917 Dardanelles patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Main patrol with HMS Wear. 5.30am: Closed and signalled Greek SS Roumeli, Tenedos to Imbros. 6.00am: A/c S30W for Mudros. 7.00am: Commenced sweeping course NW by W, 10 knots. 8.10am: Slipped sweep. 9.45am: Secured alongside SS Wilton, coaled ship. 1.00pm: Completed with coal, cast off to anchor. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371fc: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-033_0.jpg) 27 June 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371fd: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-033_1.jpg) 28 June 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.71, Long 25.38 [Lat and Long reversed in log] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded i/c with HMS Wear. 10.00am: Commenced sweeping SW by W. 11.15am: A/c N52E for Kusu, 19 knots. 3.10pm: Arrived Kusu Bay, closed HMS Edgar, delivered mail and left on patrol. 6.00am: In station astern of Wear for main patrol. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371fe: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-034_0.jpg) 29 June 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.98, Long 25.9 12.01am: Main patrol with HMS Wear. 2.25pm: Proceeded for Aliki Bay, 19 knots. 3.00pm: Anchored. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded with Wear for patrol. 6.00pm: Exercised night action with HMS’ Ribble and Wear. 7.00pm: Resumed patrol. 4caf8c9ecadfd341970371ff: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-034_1.jpg) 30 June 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: Main patrol with HMS Wear. 5.00am: Proceeded for Kusu Bay. 7.45am: Anchored in A4 berth. 1.35pm: HMS Usk arrived and anchored. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded with Wear for patrol. 8.00pm: On main patrol. 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037200: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-035_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037201: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-035_1.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037202: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-036_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037203: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-036_1.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037204: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-037_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037205: ( 53-68382/ADM 53-68382-037_1.jpg) Above six pages blanks and covers. LOGS FOR JULY 1917 [Dardanelles patrols based at Mudros] 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037206: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-001_0.jpg) 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037207: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook for July/August 1917. 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037208: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st July 1917 to 31st August 1917, signed FE Ayers, Lieutenant-in-Command.” 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037209: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-002_1.jpg) Blank except for signatures of FE Ayers (20th September 1917) and HL Hammond (9th September 1917), Stamped 16th October 1917, Captain (D), Fifth Destroyer Flotilla. 4caf8c9ecadfd3419703720a: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-003_0.jpg) Instruments. Aneroid barometer Negretti & Zambra 978, 8’ asl. Air thermometers (on fore bridge, not screened) TA Reynolds & Co. Sea thermometer TA Reynolds & Co. 4caf8c9ecadfd3419703720b: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Main patrol with HMS Wear. 6.00am: A/c S38W for Mudros. 7.00am: Commenced sweeping. 8.05am: Slipped sweep and entered harbour. 9.42am: Secured to SS Wilton, coaled ship. 2.15pm: Received 120 tons, cast off to anchor. 6.00pm: Hands to bathe. 4caf8c9ecadfd3419703720c: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1917 Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 3.20pm: HMS’ Ribble and Usk arrived. 4caf8c9ecadfd3419703720d: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.72, Long 25.38 [approx] 8.35am: Two Stokers joined ship and two Stokers discharged to detention. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded i/c with HMS Wear. 10.00am: Course S by W. Passed sweep. 11.15am: Slipped sweep, set course N42E, 18 knots. 2.00pm: Sent working party to attend to C Niger lamp. 3.20pm: Closed Wear, took station astern for patrol. 8.00pm: Closed HMS Foxhound, delivered mails. 4caf8c9ecadfd3419703720e: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.04, Long 25.89 12.01am: Main patrol with HMS Wear. 5.40am: Proceeded to C Niger to inspect light. 7.10am: Resumed patrol. 9.30am: Closed Wear and assisted in bombarding enemy batteries in Basheka Bay [now Besik Bay]. Enemy replied. 10.30am: Resumed patrol. 2.30pm: Closed Mosquito and HMS Usk and proceeded towards Tenedos to support Mosquito bombarding enemy batteries. 4.05pm: Enemy battery opened fire on Mosquito, most shot falling short. 6.45pm: Closed Wear. Resumed main patrol with same. 4caf8c9ecadfd3419703720f: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.07, Long 25.89 12.30am: Heavy gunfire from direction of Tenedos. 3.30am: Increased to 15 knots, course South. 4.30am: Attending on HMS’ Edgar and Raglan South of Tenedos. Courses N66W and S66E. 7.30pm: Proceeded to main patrol to join Wear. 4caf8c9ecadfd34197037210: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.30am: Left main patrol for Tenedos. 2.10am: Arrived off Tenedos and anchored. 2.35am: Enemy battery opened fire on HMS Welland. Weighed and proceeded out of range. 4.30am: Arrived on patrol. 5.50am: Proceeded for Pyrgos [another name for Kephalo Bay] and closed HMS Edgar. 6.25am: Course S37W. 7.15am: Heavy gunfire from direction of Tenedos. 9.10am: Secured to SS Manchester Civilian in Port Mudros. 12.30pm: Coal ship. 4.15pm: Received 115 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037211: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1917 Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037212: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1917 Mudros and on Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.98, Long 25.9 [approx] 8.00am: HMS Savage entered harbour. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded i/c with HMS Wear. 10.20am: Course N70E 12.15pm: Arrived on Southern patrol, courses N19W and S19E. 8.00pm: On Northern patrol astern of Wear. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037213: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.98, Long 25.9 12.01am: Astern of HMS Wear on main patrol. 5.15am: Closed C Niger. 6.00am: Sent boat to examine light. 6.45am: Resumed patrol. 2.00pm: Proceeded for Aliki Bay. HMS’ Ribble and Usk arrived on patrol. 2.40pm: Anchored. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceded out of harbor for 1” AR practice. 6.00pm: Divisional firing with Wear, Usk and Ribble. 8.00pm: On main patrol with Wear. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037214: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: Astern of HMS Wear on main patrol. Heavy firing in the direction of C Helles. 5.15am: Left patrol for Kusu Bay. 7.00am: Anchored. 1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour to carry out hydrophone practice with HM Sub. E35. 4.15pm: Returned to harbour [presumably Kusu Bay]. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Wear for main patrol. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037215: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Astern of HMS Wear on main patrol. 6.00am: Proceeded at 18 knots for rendezvous ENE from C Irene. 7.00am: Arrived at rv and commenced sweeping with Wear. 7.56am: Wear’s sweep wire carried away. Proceeded into Mudros harbour. 9.45am: Secured alongside SS Rugbeian. Coaled ship. 12.10pm: Received 88 tons and cast off to anchor. 7.00pm: Concert party (31) to HMS Blenheim. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037216: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 7.00pm: Concert party (10) to HMS Blenheim. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037217: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.98, Long 25.9 8.30am: HMS Colne and Savage entered harbour. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Wear for patrol. 10.00am: Course N60E, in station 3 miles on starboard beam of Wear. Noon: On Southern main patrol, 8 knots. 7.45pm: Closed HMS Bulldog to deliver mails. 8.00pm: On Northern half of main patrol with Wear. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037218: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.98, Long 25.9 12.01am: On Northern half of main patrol with HMS Wear. 6.00am: Proceeded to Southern half of patrol. 2.20pm: Proceeded for Aliki Bay, N25E, 12 knots. 3.20pm: Anchored. 5.30pm: Joined 10th Sub. Div. Weighed and proceeded with HMS Ribble for firing practice. 7.00pm: Proceeded to Northern patrol. 8.15pm: Heavy gunfire heard in the direction of Suvla Pt. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037219: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.06, Long 25.85 12.01am: On Northern half of main patrol with HMS Ribble. 1.50pm: Sub. Div. arrived on patrol. Proceeded for Aliki Bay. 2.30pm: Anchored. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for Northern patrol. 7.15pm: On patrol with HMS Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703721a: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol and Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: On Northern half of main patrol with HMS Ribble. 5.30am: Ribble went into Kusu. 6.00am: Course S53W. 6.30am: Commenced full power trial (19 knots) 9.30am: Anchored off HMS Blenheim, Port Mudros. 10.40am: Went alongside SS Rugbeian. Coaled ship. 1.50pm: Received 83 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703721b: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Cleaning, painting, refitting etc. 5.00pm: HMS Grampus left. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703721c: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.30pm: Captain “D”* inspected ship. Carried out general quarters and fire stations. 3.00pm: Captain “D” left. * At this time Captain F Clifton-Brown RN. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703721d: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1917 Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.98, Long 25.9 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded i/c with HMS Ribble. 10.00am: Parted company, course N66E. Noon: Arrived on patrol and took Northern half, courses N19W, S19E. 7.45pm: Closed HMS Harpy, delivered mail. 7.50pm: Proceeded with Ribble to Northern patrol. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703721e: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.06, Long 25.85 12.01am: Northern patrol with HMS Ribble. Courses NE by E, SW by W on Kephalo Lt. 5.30am: Proceeded to main patrol. 6.15am: Arrived on main patrol. 8.15am: Heavy gunfire in the direction of Tenedos. 11.45am: HMS Rattlesnake arrived on patrol. 12.05pm: Proceeded for Aliki Bay. 1.20pm: Anchored. 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 7.40am: On Northern patrol with HMS Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703721f: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: On Northern patrol with HMS Ribble. 6.15am: Left patrol, courses for Kusu Bay. 7.00am: Anchored. 2.00pm: HMS Savage arrived with mail. 4.45pm: One rating joined from HMS Edgar for passage to Mudros. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 8.00pm: On Southern patrol i/c with Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037220: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: On Southern main patrol with HMS Ribble. 6.15am: Set course SW, 18 knots. 7.45am: Commenced sweeping. 8.15am: Slipped sweep. 9.55am: Secured to SS Rugbeian. Coaled ship. 12.30pm: Received 78 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037221: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.30am: CPO Bates sent to HMS Blenheim, sick. 8.30am: WP to Blenheim to draw stores. In pm: Football and cricket parties landed. 7.10pm: Two Stokers joined from Blenheim. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037222: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1917 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.82, Long 25.99 7.15am: Shipped six gas cylinders for Mavro I. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded to close HMS Europa. Cdr Cotiell [or Coliell] RNVR and one military officer joined for passage to Tenedos. 9.40am: Course S85E, 16 knots. 11.50am: Stopped off Dimitri Cove [on the SW coast of Tenedos*] and disembarked officers. Noon: Proceeded for Kusu Bay. 2.00pm: Stopped off Aliki for signalling purposes with HMS Wear. 3.00pm: Anchored in Kusu Bay to discharge gas cylinders. 3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for main patrol. 6.15pm: Closed HMS Harpy to deliver mail. Proceeded to Northern patrol with HMS Ribble. * A detailed map of Tenedos at Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Comittee. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037223: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1917 Dardanelles Patrols Lat 40.06, Long 25.85 12.01am: On Northern patrol with HMS Ribble. Exercising hydrophone for ten minutes in every hour. 5.45am: Proceeded to main patrol. 11.45am: HMS Rattlesnake arrived on patrol. 5.40pm: Closed HMS Wear off Aliki. 6.00pm: Divisional firing practice with HMS’ Usk, Ribble and Wear. 6.50pm: Mail to Usk and proceeded on Northern patrol with Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037224: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: On Northern patrol with HMS Ribble. 6.15am: Proceeded into Kusu Bay. 6.45am: Anchored. 5.00pm: HMS Ribble weighed and proceeded. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for Southern main patrol with Ribble. 11.30pm: Observed shrapnel bursting over Mudros [anti-aircraft fire according to log of HMS Blenheim]. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037225: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: On Southern main patrol with HMS Ribble. 5.45am: Left patrol line, S54W, 16 knots. 7.00am: Commenced sweeping. 8.00am: Slipped sweep and proceeded for harbour. 9.30am: Secured to SS Rugbeian. Coaled ship. 9.35am: Discharged Stoker Thompson to HMS Blenheim, sick. 12.30pm: Received 74 tons of coal, cast off to anchor. 5.00pm: CPO Bates returned onboard [see 23rd July]. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037226: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 8.30am: HMS Wear left. 9.00am: HMS Usk left. 9.15am: HMS Chelmer arrived. 11.59am: HMS Fury arrived. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037227: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1917 Mudros and Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.98, Long 25.91 8.35am: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Ribble. 12.10pm: Arrived on Northern half of main patrol. 7.35pm: Closed HMS Harpy and sent mail. Proceeded to North patrol with Ribble. 8.40pm: Arrived on Northern patrol. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037228: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.1, Long 25.94 12.01am: On Northern half of main patrol with HMS Ribble. 5.45am: Proceeded to main patrol. 7.15am: Arrived on patrol line. 11.40am: Proceeded for Aliki Bay. 12.15pm: Anchored. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.00pm: Sent mail to HMS Wear. 8.00pm: Patrolling North of barrage i/c with Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037229: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1917 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.3, Long 26.0 12.01am: Patrolling North of barrage in company with HMS Ribble. 5.30am: Ribble proceeded for Kusu Bay. 6.00am: HMS Raglan left Kusu Bay on NW’ly course. Noon: Patrolling NE of Kusu Bay. 6.35pm: Proceeded with Ribble for Southern patrol. 8.40pm: On Southern main patrol with Ribble. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1917 [Dardanelles patrols based at Mudros, Syra and Piraeus] 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703722a: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-019_0.jpg) 1 August 1917 At Sea and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: On Southern main patrol in company with HMS Ribble. 3.00am: Ribble left for Kephalo Bay. 5.45am: Closed HMS Scourge and embarked CPO for passage to Mudros. Proceeded for same. 8.35am: Secured to SS Falls City, coaled ship. 11.00am: Received 64 tons, cast off to anchor. 6.00pm: Discharged one ERA to HMS Blenheim. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703722b: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-019_1.jpg) 2 August 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703722c: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-020_0.jpg) 3 August 1917 Mudros and at Sea Lat 40.05, Long 25.85 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Ribble. 9.30am: Passed French battleship Republique, escorted by HMS’ Pincher and Redpole. 10.00am: Passed HMS’ Scourge and Savage on opposite course. 12.30pm: Arrived on patrol and took Northern half. 7.30pm: Delivered mail to HMS Harpy. 8.40pm: Arrived on Northern patrol with Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703722d: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-020_1.jpg) 4 August 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.25, Long 26.0 12.01am: On Northern patrol with HMS Ribble. 6.20pm: Proceeded with Ribble to Southern patrol. 7.30am: Closed HMS Wear. 8.00am: Proceeded to North patrol. 9.25am: Arrived on patrol line. Noon: Patrolling North of barrage, NE of Kusu Bay. 6.05am: Entered Kusu Bay and closed HMS Edgar. 6.45pm: Left harbour for patrol. 9.30pm: Arrived in position 6 miles North of Suvla Pt and stopped. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703722e: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-021_0.jpg) 5 August 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: Stopped 6 miles North of Suvla Pt. 2.00am: Proceeded for patrol. 3.30am: Arrived on patrol, HMS Ribble astern. 6.00am: Proceeded into Kusu Bay. 6.20am: Anchored. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded and closed Ribble for secret letter. 8.30pm: Arrived on Southern patrol, i/c Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703722f: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-021_1.jpg) 6 August 1917 Dardanelled patrols and at Mudros Lat 39.73, Long 25.2 [approx] 12.01am: Southern main patrol in company with HMS Ribble. 6.00am: Proceeded in company with Ribble for Mudros. 8.00am: Arrived off Kombi I. awaiting arrival of HMS Agammemnon. 8.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite for attending on HMS Agamemmnon whilst firing. 12.15pm: Returned to harbour and secured to SS Falls City to coal ship. 4.20pm: Completed with coal, received 78 tons. Cast off to anchor. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037230: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-022_0.jpg) 7 August 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.00am: Torpedo working party from HMS Blenheim arrived on board. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to run torpodoes. 7.30am: Anchored to westward of Blenheim. 9.10am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Blenheim. Five ratings left for Blenheim to reammunition. 5.00pm: Ldg Sn Svenson discharged to Blenheim. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037231: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-022_1.jpg) 8 August 1917 Mudros and at Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.7, Long 25.3 [approx] 8.45am: Captain “D” came onboard. Cast off Blenheim and proceeded out of harbour. 9.20am: Closes HMS Wear to transfer Captain “D”. 9.30am: Proceeded for firing practice with HMS’ Wear, Usk and Ribble. 10.45am: Course East, 15 knots. 11.45am: A/c N64W. 1.30pm: A/c for Kusu Bay, Ribble proceeded to patrol line. 3.30pm: Entered Kusu Bay and closed HMS Edgar. Captain went onboard. 4.03pm: Left harbour for patrol. 5.30pm: Arrived on patrol. 7.15pm: Closed HMS Harpy and collected daily reports. 8.00pm: Commenced Northern patrol with Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037232: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-023_0.jpg) 9 August 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 39.98, Long 25.9 12.01am: Patrolling North of barrage with HMS Ribble. 5.20am: Proceeded into Kusu Bay and anchored. 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Southern patrol. 7.30am: Closed HMS Wear and signalled same. 8.00am: Reduced to 4 knots stemming sea on Southern Main patrol. 1.00pm: Sub. Div. arrived on patrol. Proceeded for Pyrgos. 1.45pm: Anchored in Pyrgos Bay [aka Kefalo Bay]. 2.40pm: Trawler No 1767 [Cassandra] came alongside and loaded six gas cylinders for C Niger Lt. 3.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.20pm: Anchored in Aliki Bay. 7.15pm: Weighed and proceeded for Northern patrol. 8.20pm: Arrived on patrol line, reduced to 3 knots i/c with Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037233: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-023_1.jpg) 10 August 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: Patrolling North of barrage with HMS Ribble. 5.45am: Proceeded to anchor in Kusu Bay. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for Southern patrol. 8.30pm: Arrived on patrol with Ribble. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037234: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-024_0.jpg) 11 August 1917 Dardanelles patrols and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Southern main patrol with HMS Ribble. 6.00am: Proceeded for Mudros and carried out full power trial. 7.00am: Swept allotted area. 8.00am: Finished sweep and went into harbour to secure to SS Falls City. 11.30am: Completed with coal, 125 tons, then cast off to anchor. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037235: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-024_1.jpg) 12 August 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Sunday routine. 9.25am: HMS’ Grasshopper and Basilisk arrived. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037236: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-025_0.jpg) 13 August 1917 Mudros and at sea Lat 40.06, Long 25.85 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Ribble for patrol. Passed HMS Phoenix entering harbour. Weather too rough to sweep, so course N60E, 15 knots. 12.20pm: Arrived on patrol 5.30pm: Ribble went into Aliki Bay. 7.30pm: Sent mails to HMS Harpy. 8.00pm: Arrived on Northern patrol, Ribble in station astern. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037237: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-025_1.jpg) 14 August 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.3, Long 25.94 12.01am: Patrolling North of barrage, courses NE and SW, i/c with HMS Ribble. 5.00am: Ribble left for main patrol. 4.00pm: Closed HMS Basilisk for mail. Resumed patrol. 5.50pm: Closed HMS Usk with mail. 6.30pm: Ribble in station astern. Continued patrol NE of Kusu Bay. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037238: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-026_0.jpg) 15 August 1917 Dardanelles patrols Lat 40.23, Long 25.95 12.01am: Ribble in station astern, continued patrol NE of Kusu Bay. 5.30am: Went into Kusu Bay and anchored. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.00pm: Closed HMS Basilisk for mails. 8.30pm: Arrived on Southern main patrol, Ribble in station astern. Courses N20W, S19E. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037239: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-026_1.jpg) 16 August 1917 Dardanelles patrol and at Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.01am: Southern main patrol, Ribble in station astern. 6.00am: Proceeded S58W for Mudros, Ribble i/c. 7.00am: Swept allotted area. 8.45am: Proceeded to position SW of Lemnos to escort collier to Mudros. 10.45am: Entered harbour and secured to SS Falls City. 12.55pm: Received 66 tons, cast off to anchor. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703723a: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-027_0.jpg) 17 August 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 9.00am: Sent three Ldg Sn to HMS Blenheim to pass for PO 1c. 6.00pm: Exercised Stokers’ crew at boat pulling. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703723b: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-027_1.jpg) 18 August 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 9.00am: HMS’ Ribble and Usk left. 9.30am: Sent two ratings to HMS Blenheim for examination. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703723c: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-028_0.jpg) 19 August 1917 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Sunday routine. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S19W for Syra. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703723d: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-028_1.jpg) 20 August 1917 At sea to Syra and Piraeus. Lat 37.6, Long 23.9 [approx] 12.35am: Lithari Lt abeam to starboard, 7.5 miles. 3.10am: A/c S6W. 3.45am: Sighted Phassa Lt on port bow. 5.00am: A/c S35E. 7.20am: Anchored in Syra [aka Siros] harbour. 7.50am: Embarked passengers and mails. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Piraeus, NW’ly courses. 3.00pm: Secured to grain wharf, Piraeus. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703723e: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-029_0.jpg) 21 August 1917 Piraeus to Syra Lat 37.5, Long 24.2 [approx] 7.30am: Passengers and mail for Syra came onboard. 8.00am: Cast off and proceeded to sea. 3.00pm: Arrived in Syra harbour and anchored. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703723f: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-029_1.jpg) 22 August 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037240: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-030_0.jpg) 23 August 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 8.30am: HMS Adamant and HM Sub. E12 entered harbour. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037241: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-030_1.jpg) 24 August 1917 Syra and at sea Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.30pm: Closed French SS Parana at anchor with list to port in position 40 04 15N, 24 35 20E*. Standing by. *This position is clearly incorrect, it would be somewhere to the West of Lemnos. Here is a very detailed account of the loss of the Parana. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037242: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-031_0.jpg) 25 August 1917 At sea Lat 37.98, Long 24.42 [approx] 12.01am: Lying off SS Parana. 2.40am: HMS Adamant closed and challenged. 9.45am: Closed HMS Rescue and sent salvage officer onboard. 10.20am: Parana sank. 10.30am: Course S9E. 10.50am: Course S27E. 11.45am: Course N27W and returned to vicinity of wreck. 2.15pm: Patrolling in the vicinity of the wreck. 7.00pm: Proceeded for Syra. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037243: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-031_1.jpg) 26 August 1917 Syra and at sea Lat 37.5, Long 24.2 [approx] 6.00am: HMS Skirmisher and HMS Chesterfield [a fleet messenger] entered harbour. 8.30am: Embarked mails and passengers for Piraeus. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 4.10pm: Anchored, Piraeus. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037244: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-032_0.jpg) 27 August 1917 Piraeus Lat 37.945, Long 23.637 Hands variously employed. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037245: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-032_1.jpg) 28 August 1917 Piraeus Lat 37.945, Long 23.637 10.30am: HMS Whitby Abbey arrived and anchored. 5.25pm: Lt-General Beaumont, RM and Wing-Captain Scarlett RN came onboard 5.30pm: HMS Triad with RA Fremantle arrived. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037246: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-033_0.jpg) 29 August 1917 Piraeus Lat 37.945, Long 23.637 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037247: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-033_1.jpg) 30 August 1917 Piraeus and at sea Lat 37.945, Long 23.637 7.35am: Weighed and proceeded to Salamis Bay for coal. 8.10am: Secured alongside collier Metropole. Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Completed coaling, cast off to return to Piraeus. 11.30am: Anchored. 5.00pm: Left harbour astern of HMS Triad, SE’ly courses. 9.00pm: A/c N34E. 10.20pm: A/c N14E. 11.25pm: C Phassa abeam to starboard. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037248: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-034_0.jpg) 31 August 1917 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 3.00am: Lithari Lt bg N60W, a/c N10E. 10.00am: Courses to enter harbour i/c with HMS Triad. 11.25am: Secured to SS Jerseymoor, coaled ship. 4.45pm: Completed with coal, cast of to anchor. 4caf8c9fcadfd34197037249: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-034_1.jpg) 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703724a: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-035_0.jpg) 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703724b: ( 53-68383/ADM 53-68383-035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1917 [Escort and messenger duties between Mudros, Syra, Piraeus, Skyros, Salonika, Suda Bay and Mudros for docking] 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703724c: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-001_0.jpg) 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703724d: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-001_1.jpg) Blue front cover of Logbook for September/October 1917. 4caf8c9fcadfd3419703724e: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-002_0.jpg) “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS Welland from 1st September 1916 to 31st October 1916 [sic], signed FE Ayers, Lieutenant-in-Command.” [1917 is intended] 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703724f: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-002_1.jpg) Blank except for signature of Eng. Lt/Cdr HL Hammond (12th November 1917). 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037250: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037251: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1917 Mudros to Syra and at sea Lat 38.57, Long 24.8 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded for Syra. 4.40pm: Anchored, Syra. 7.00pm: Embarked Wing-Captain Scarlett for passage to Mudros. 7.05pm: Weighed and proceeded for Piraeus [in log, but actually Mudros is intended]. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037252: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1917 At sea to Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.30am: Lithari Lt abeam. 8.30am: Closed HMS Ark Royal and disembarked Wing-Captain Scarlett. 9.10am: Anchored at short stay Westward of HMS Blenheim. 11.25am: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Jerseymoor. 1.00pm: Finished coaling and cast off to anchor. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded for Syra. 11.05pm: Lithari Lt abeam, 9.4 miles. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037253: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1917 At sea to Syra and Piraeus Lat 37.51, Long 24.0 [approx] 2.40am: Phassa Lt abeam. 6.30am: Anchored in Syra harbour. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded with mails and passengers for Piraeus. 3.00pm: Anchored in Piraeus harbour. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037254: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1917 Piraeus to Syra Lat 37.5, Long 24.3 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded with mail and passengers for Syra. 3.05pm: Anchored in Syra harbour. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037255: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037256: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 Cleaning, refitting. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037257: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 Hands employed as requisite. 7.15pm: HMS Folkestone arrived. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037258: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 Cleaning, painting, exercises etc. 10.30pm: One Sub-Lieutenant left ship for England via HMS Usk, Mid. Scotcher* joined from same. *Probably Act. S/Lt Cyril George Scotcher. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037259: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 Sunday routine. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703725a: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1917 Syra and at sea Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 7.45pm: Course N30W. 10.00pm: Givorion Lt abeam, 4 miles. Phassa Lt abeam, a/c N20E. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703725b: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1917 At sea to Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.15am: Lithari Lt bg N25W. 2.46am: Same abeam bg N70W, 11 miles. 3.00am: Passed hospital ship. 7.05am: North End of Strati bg N82W, Kombi Pt bg N12E. 8.30am: Closed HS Karapara and discharged Captain, sick. Proceeded alongside collier. 9.35am: Secured alongside SS Jerseymoor. 11.59am: Finished coaling, 74 tons, cast off and anchored. 1.20pm: Lt NL Veresmith RN, joined to take command. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to close HMS Triad, received mails and left harbour. 9.50pm: S end of Strati abeam, bg N72W. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703725c: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1917 At sea to Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 1.30pm: Lithari Lt bg N72W, 9 miles, a/c S10W. 3.00am: Phassa Lt sighted. 9.40am: Anchored, Syra. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703725d: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 5.50am: HMS Skirmisher sailed. 7.50am: HMS Reindeer arrived and anchored. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703725e: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1917 Syra and at sea Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. 8.10pm: Steno Pass Lt abeam bg N50E. 9.40pm: Phassa Lt bg N52E, a/c N20W. 9.58pm: Givorion Lt [now Gavrion] abeam bg N70E, a/c N. 10.37pm: Phassa Lt abeam, bg E, 3 miles, a/c N19E. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703725f: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1917 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.45am: Lithari Lt abeam, 11 miles. 5.30am: Strati I. bg N20W. 7.15am: Kombi Lt bg N18E. 9.45am: Secured to collier in Port Mudros. 11.30am: Cast off to anchor. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded i/c SS Dago. 6.33pm: Kalamaki bg S78E, Tripti Pt bg S43E. 10.00pm: Lithari Lt bg S17W 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037260: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1917 At sea to Pireaus and at sea Lat 37.8, Long 24.4 [approx] 12.40am: Lithari Lt abeam bg W, a/c S20W. 5.30am: Took station ahead of convoy. 2.50pm: Phleva I. abeam, a/c for swept channel. 5.00pm: Anchored, Piraeus. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 8.27pm: Phleva Lt bg N64W, a/c S40E. 11.50pm: C Tamalos abeam. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037261: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1917 At sea to Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 1.35am: Thermia [now Kithnos] abeam bg S27E, a/c E. 5.45am: Anchored, Syra. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037262: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1917 Syra to Piraeus Lat 37.6, Long 23.9 [approx] 8.00am: Captain C Brown arrived aboard for passage. 8.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 2.45pm: Anchored, Piraeus. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037263: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1917 Piraeus to Skiros Lat 37.42, Long 24.2 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded, escorting SS Dago. 12.30pm: C Tamelos abeam. 9.45pm: Anchored, Port Trebuki [Skiros]. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037264: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1917 Trebuki Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037265: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1917 Trebuki and at sea Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded i/c SS Drago. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037266: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1917 At sea to Salonika Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 1.10am: Psathura Lt abeam, bg S80W. 11.20am: Secured to SS Clivegrove, coaled ship. 3.35pm: Finished coaling. Slipped and went alongside RFA Tiflis for oil. 6.15pm: Cast off to anchor. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037267: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1917 Salonika and at sea Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Reindeer and HMT Volumnia. 7.37pm: Kassandra Lt bg S85E. 9.25pm: A/c S74E, 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037268: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1917 At sea to Trebuki and at sea Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 1.23am: Psathura Lt bg S5W, 3.6 miles. 3.00am: Piperi I. abeam. 8.30am: Anchored, Trebuki harbour. 5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded [with HMT Volumnia] 8.50pm: C Phassa Lt ahead S5E. 10.43pm: C Phassa Lt abeam, a/c S5E. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037269: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1917 At sea to Suda Bay and at sea Lat 35.64, Long 24.11 2.00am: C Tamelos Lt abeam N40W. 2.30pm: Secured alongside collier in Suda Bay. Commenced coaling.No. 1 hold. 6.40pm: Slipped from collier and proceeded out of harbour. Exercised night action stations. 7.45pm: C Drepano Lt bg S4W, set course N24E for Syra. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703726a: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1917 At sea to Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 3.00am:: Kyparissa Pt bg N54E. 7.40am: Full power trial. 8.45am: Anchored, Syra. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703726b: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1917 Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 Hands at drills and exercises. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703726c: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1917 Syra and at sea Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. Co as requisite for swept channel. 8.40pm: Phassa Lt bg N10E. 9.05pm: Gavrion Lt abeam bg N49E. 10.00pm: A/c N19E, Phassa abeam, 2 miles. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703726d: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1917 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.10am: Lithari Lt bg N26W. 7.00am: Sighted Kombi Lt. 9.45am: Docked in floating dock, Mudros. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703726e: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1917 Mudros [floating dock] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands cleaning the bottom, painting boats etc. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1917 [Mudros, Port Said, Syrian coast patrols, Port Said, Mudros, Port iero, Port Kalloni] 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703726f: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-018_1.jpg) 1 October 1917 Mudros [floating dock] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed refitting, preparing to strike topmast and refitting topmast rigging 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037270: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-019_0.jpg) 2 October 1917 Mudros [floating dock] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Refitting etc. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037271: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-019_1.jpg) 3 October 1917 Mudros [floating dock] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Refitting etc. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037272: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-020_0.jpg) 4 October 1917 Mudros [floating dock] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Refitting etc. One Stoker joined from HMS Blenheim, one discharged to same. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037273: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-020_1.jpg) 5 October 1917 Mudros [floating dock] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Refitting etc. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037274: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-021_0.jpg) 6 October 1917 Mudros [floating dock] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Refitting etc. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037275: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-021_1.jpg) 7 October 1917 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.00am: Flooding dock commenced. 10.00am: Tug towed Welland from dock to buoy. 2.05pm: HMS Savage secured alongside and proceeded across harbour. 2.40pm: Anchored. Savage slipped and proceeded to coal. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037276: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-022_0.jpg) 8 October 1917 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded astern of HMS Blenheim to take in boiler water. 3.25pm: Slipped from Blenheim and proceeded across harbour to collier. Secured alongside and coaled ship. 6.20pm: Slipped from collier and closed Blenheim. 6.45pm: Proceeded out of harbour. 9.40pm: Sigri Lt bg S18E. 11.40pm: Sighted Psara Lt, a/c S30E. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037277: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-022_1.jpg) 9 October 1917 At sea Lat 36.02, Long 27.23 12.42am: Psara Lt abeam 3.5 miles. 5.10am: Papas Lt bg NE, a/c S41E. 7.45am: Levitha Lt abeam, a/c S31E. 10.10am: Kandeliusa abeam, 3 miles. 12.38pm: Saria I. abeam 4.5 miles, a/c S47E. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037278: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-023_0.jpg) 10 October 1917 At sea to Port Said Lat 31.84, Long 32.67 2.45pm: Anchored, Port Said and secured aft to wharf. 4.00pm: Commenced coaling from lighter, native labour. 4.30pm: Discharged Stoker Gibbs to hospital. 6.00pm: Finished coaling, hands employed cleaning ship. 7.00pm: Landed liberty men. 4caf8ca0cadfd34197037279: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-023_1.jpg) 11 October 1917 Port Said and at sea Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 5.30pm: Stopped and as requisite for swinging ship. 6.00pm: Proceeded course N, 2 cables ahead of HMY Managem* [Managen in log], 7 knots. * A hired auxiliary patrol yacht, used by the Eastern Med. Special Intelligence Bureau. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703727a: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-024_0.jpg) 12 October 1917 At sea Lat 32.12, Long 34.34 12.01am: Course N75E. 9.00am: Yacht sent boat to trawler. Numerous course alterations and sounding in the pm, courses generally NE or NNE. 8.00pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling between Cape Carmel and Athlir. 4caf8ca0cadfd3419703727b: ( 53-68384/ADM 53-68384-024_1.jpg) 13 October 1917 Off Syrian coast Lat 32.32, Long 34.72 5.25am: Stoppe |