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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Destroyer, C-class

Three-funnelled 30-knotter, designated C-class. Launched 26.8.96 Palmer. c350-400 tons, c215(pp)x21x6ft. TE c6000ihp, 30kts. Armament: 1-12pdr, 5-6pdr, 2-18in tt. China Station. Sold 27.11.19 at Hong Kong. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:


The editing of this log would hardly have been possible without the Internet and I would like to acknowledge the following sites that have provided a wealth of interesting information and hyperlinks. for everything. for places. for ships and officers. for jackspeak, naval slang. for HK history. for Clydebuilt ships. for world lighthouses. for world lighthouses. for various ships. for Dutch merchant ships. for Norwegian ships. for Dutch tankers. for British merchant navy history. for collapsible boats. for information on Morris Tubes. for WW1 information. for the cartoon.

Whether for much information on many subjects or a single piece of the jigsaw, all of the above have been invaluable. The contributors to these sites, almost invariably working in their own time and at their own expense, deserve our thanks and appreciation. Those of us who follow the stories of ships and men that are long since gone are greatly in your debt and we salute you.

Some useful abbreviations.

AB: Able Seaman.
A/c: Altered course.
AR: Aiming Rifle.
Art. Eng.: Artificer Engineer, a Warrant rank.
Bg: Bearing.
(c): Chart (bearing).
C-in-C: Commander in Chief.
C of E: Church of England.
CERA: Chief ERA.
Ch: Chief (Stoker etc).
CPO: Chief Petty Officer.
DR: Dead Reckoning.
ER: Engine Room.
ERA: Engine Room Artificer.
F: Fahrenheit.
HIJMS: His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Ship.
HK: Hong Kong.
HMAS: HM Australian Ship.
HMS: His Majesty’s Ship.
HMTB(D): His Majesty’s Torpedo Boat (Destroyer).
L or Ldg: Leading Seaman, Stoker etc.
LS or Ldg Sn: Leading Seaman.
Lt: Lieutenant.
(m): Magnetic (bearing).
MO: Medical Officer.
Ord: Ordinary Seaman.
Pdr: Pounder as in 6 pdr gun.
PO: Petty Officer.
QF: Quick Firing.
RC: Roman Catholic.
RNR: Royal Naval Reserve.
Sig: Signalman.
S/Lt: Sub Lieutenant.
SPO: Stoker Petty Officer.
SS: Signal Station, Sight Setter or Screw Steamer.
Tel: Telegraphist.
VA: Vice Admiral.
W/T or WT: Wireless Telegraphy.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


JP map Whiting 1916


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4caf8cd0cadfd34197038133: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-001_1.jpg)

Original log cover, 26th August to 31st October 1916.

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4caf8cd1cadfd34197038135: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-002_1.jpg)

Above two pages blank.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038136: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-003_0.jpg)

Instrument page.

Aneroid barometer, Short & Mason, No 1891, 4’ 6” asl.

Hygrometer on deck aft, not screened.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038137: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-003_1.jpg)

26 August 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038138: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-004_0.jpg)

27 August 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine, church parties landed.

  Page signed by Lt R McMurray, RNR, in command.

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28 August 1916

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.35, Long 114.33 [approx]

  Lit fires in two boilers and prepared for sea.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded out of Camber.

  1.00pm: Anchored in Rocky harbour.

  3.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703813a: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-005_0.jpg)

29 August 1916

Night patrol, Hong Kong, night patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.30am: Secured to No 5a buoy, HK.

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.30pm: Escorted Japanese destroyer [HIJMS Asashio, vide Tamar’s log] into harbour.

  1.40pm: Proceeded on patrol.

  2.35pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.07pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703813b: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-005_1.jpg)

30 August 1916

Night patrol, Hong Kong, night patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.30am: Secured to No 5a buoy, HK. Let fires die out.

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703813c: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-006_0.jpg)

31 August 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.50am: Secured to No 5 buoy, HK. Let fires die out.

10.30am: Adjusting compasses.

  6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.


[Hong Kong area patrols]

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703813d: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-006_1.jpg)

1 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.40am: Secured to No 5a buoy, HK. Coal lighters secured alongside.

11.00am: Finished coaling, received 42 tons. [Whiting bunkers about 83 tons.]

  1.00pm: Leave for CPOs and POs till 5.30pm.

  6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

Sick List: 1.

Weather: Calm or light breezes, dry and clear, temperatures in the 80sF.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703813e: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-007_0.jpg)

2 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  9.25am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.30pm: Anchored in Mirs Bay. HMTB 035 secured alongside.

  1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded for torpedo firing exercise.

  2.45pm: Exercise complete.

  4.15pm: Anchored at Tai Po.

  6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703813f: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-007_1.jpg)

3 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  9.15am: Landed church parties.

11.40am: Church parties returned.

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038140: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-008_0.jpg)

4 September 1916

Patrol and Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  7.40am: Secured alongside North wall in Camber.

  9.30am: Coal lighter alongside, received 15 tons.

  5.20pm: Red typhoon signal hoisted.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038141: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-008_1.jpg)

5 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.31, Long 114.2

  1.15am: Secured to HM tug Atlas* and moved to Kowloon.

  2.35am: Secured to buoys, Kowloon.

  1.20pm: Black typhoon signals hoisted. Furled awnings and secured everything on upper deck.

  * A Rover class tug, 1909, 620 tons, in service until 1958.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038142: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-009_0.jpg)

6 September 1916

Hong Kong (Kowloon)

Lat 22.31, Long 114.2

  9.20am: Direction of typhoon changed to South

  Winds increasing throughout the day to NE f7 with heavy rain by midnight.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038143: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-009_1.jpg)

7 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.31, Long 114.2

10.30am: Typhoon signals hauled down.

     Noon: Rigged topmast.

  3.55pm: HM tug Atlas alongside. Left Kowloon and returned to Camber.

  4.30pm: Secured to North wall, Camber.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038144: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-010_0.jpg)

8 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands painting the side and employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038145: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-010_1.jpg)

9 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038146: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-011_0.jpg)

10 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038147: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-011_1.jpg)

11 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.26, Long 114.01 [approx]

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.30pm: Anchored off Lantau I.

  2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.05pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. Hands to bathe.

  8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038148: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-012_0.jpg)

12 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to 5a buoy.

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038149: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-012_1.jpg)

13 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.22, Long 114.07

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.30am: Secured to 5a buoy.

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.20am: Anchored in W Lama channel.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.45pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703814a: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-013_0.jpg)

14 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.25am: Secured to 5a buoy.

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703814b: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-013_1.jpg)

15 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.49, Long 114.34 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to 10 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.30pm: Anchored in Jones' Cove.

  4.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703814c: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-014_0.jpg)

16 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.35am: Secured to 10 buoy. Coaled from lighters, 40 tons.

  5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.40pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703814d: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-014_1.jpg)

17 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.3, Long 114.26

12.01am: On patrol.

  3.15am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.40am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.25am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.10pm: Anchored off Chung Island. [Now Chung Kwang O and no longer an island.]

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.20pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703814e: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-015_0.jpg)

18 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  2.10am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  7.20am: Slipped and proceeded.

  9.15am: Escorted four Japanese destroyers into harbour. [These are the Kaba class destroyers Ume, Kaede, Katsura and Kusunoki, vide Tamar’s log.]

10.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.30pm: Three ratings joined from HMS Tamar.

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703814f: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-015_1.jpg)

19 September 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.22, Long 114.07

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.30am: Boarded Danish cable ship Store*. All correct, allowed to proceed.

  9.00am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

10.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.10am: Anchored off Lamma I. Exercised away all boats.

  4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.45pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

* Probably the Store Nordiske 1 of the Great Northern Telegraph Co.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038150: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-016_0.jpg)

20 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.10am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  Coaled from lighters, 30 tons.

11.55am: Red typhoon warnings hoisted, direction SW.

  3.15pm: One rating joined ship.

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038151: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-016_1.jpg)

21 September 1916

Hong Kong, Joss House Bay, patrol

Lat 22.26, Long 114.29

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.35am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.50am: Anchored in Joss House Bay.

11.25am: Exercised action stations.

  4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038152: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-017_0.jpg)

22 September 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.10am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  Coaled from lighters, 25 tons.

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038153: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-017_1.jpg)

23 September 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Hebe Haven, patrol

Lat 22.37, Long 114.28 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.10am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.25pm: Anchored in Hebe Haven.

  4.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: Entered Clear Water Bay. Hands to bathe.

  6.00pm: Proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038154: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-018_0.jpg)

24 September 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.30am: Church parties landed.

  5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038155: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-018_1.jpg)

25 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

North winds, force 6-7 all day.

12.20am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.45am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.10am: Coaled from lighters, 23 tons Welsh.

10.00am: Black typhoon signal hoisted. Cleared lower decks.

10.30am: Art. 617, CSOB [possibly Confidential Signal Order Book] complied with.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038156: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-019_0.jpg)

26 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  North winds F7 at first, then East 5-6 in the afternoon, heavy rain at times.

  Hands employed as requisite.

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27 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.45am: Typhoon reported SW of colony.

11.55am: Typhoon signals hauled down.

  1.00pm: Removed typhoon cable and spread awnings.

  3.10pm: Slipped and proceeded to North wall of Camber. Let fires die out in 1 & 2.

  4.30pm: Leave until 11.00pm.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038158: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-020_0.jpg)

28 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands employed as requisite.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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29 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703815a: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-021_0.jpg)

30 September 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Paid quarterly money


[Hong Kong area patrols]

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1 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday in Camber.

  7.00am: Libertymen returned.

  9.15am: Clear up decks for rounds.

  9.30am: Divisions and rounds. Landed* RCs and Presbyterians.

10.00am: C of E party landed [eight ratings to HMS Tamar, vide her log].

11.15am: All church parties returned.

  1.00pm: Leave for watch and part until 7.00am.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

Weather: Light Easterlies, dry, temperatures around 80ºF.

* Note that although Whiting is tied up to the wharf, ratings going ashore are still landed in a body and after inspection, just as if they were going ashore in a boat.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703815c: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-022_0.jpg)

2 October 1916

Hong Kong and area patrols

Lat 22.3, Long 113.97

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.10pm: Anchored off Tai Ho.

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703815d: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-022_1.jpg)

3 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  3.30am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.20am: Secured to 5a buoy.

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703815e: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-023_0.jpg)

4 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to 5a buoy.

  9.45am: Shifted to No 5 buoy.

  5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703815f: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-023_1.jpg)

5 October 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.2, Long 114.12

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.05am: Secured to 5a buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

  9.45am: Exercised guns’ crews at aiming table practice.

11.55am: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  4.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038160: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-024_0.jpg)

6 October 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.37, Long 114.28

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.45am: Anchored in Port Shelter.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to swing ship for compass deviation.

  6.00pm: Completed swing and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038161: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-024_1.jpg)

7 October 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  7.00am: Coal lighters alongside, received 50 tons of coal.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038162: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-025_0.jpg)

8 October 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.27, Long 114.25 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

     Noon: Anchored in Sat-tiu-lug Bay. [I can’t positively identify this bay, but suspect that it may be what is now known as Siu Sai Wan.]

  1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.05pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038163: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-025_1.jpg)

Two days on one page.

9 October 1916

Patrol and in Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.40am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  6.45am: Received 15 tons of coal from lighters.

10.30am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to South wall.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch and part. [One watch and half of the other.]

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038163: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-025_1.jpg)

10 October 1916

In Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038164: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-026_0.jpg)

Two days on one page.

11 October 1916

In Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.15am: Red typhoon signals hoisted.

  4.30pm: One AB joined from HMTB 036 and one discharged to same.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038164: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-026_0.jpg)

12 October 1916

In Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.40am: Exercised landing party.

  8.15am: landing party returned.

  9.00am: Typhoon signals hauled down.

  5.45pm: PO Watisson discharged to HMS Tamar awaiting court martial.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038165: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-026_1.jpg)

Two days on one page.

13 October 1916

In Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite and painting.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038165: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-026_1.jpg)

14 October 1916

In Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  10.00am: One rating joined from HMS Tamar.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038166: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-027_0.jpg)

Two days on one page.

15 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038166: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-027_0.jpg)

16 October 1916

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 113.97

  6.45am: Slipped and proceeded to secure to Triumph buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

  9.20am: Aired bags and bedding.

11.30am: Anchored at Tai Ho.

  1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.45pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038167: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-027_1.jpg)

Two days on one page.

17 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.50am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038167: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-027_1.jpg)

18 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.27, Long 114.00

12.01am: On patrol.

12.30am: Anchored off Lamma I.

  6.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.40am: One PO discharged to HMS Tamar.

  9.50am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.15am: Anchored in Silver Mine Bay.

  One 4 gallon canvas bucket lost overboard by accident.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038168: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-028_0.jpg)

19 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.50am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038169: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-028_1.jpg)

20 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.50am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  9.45am: Finished coaling, 35 tons.

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.50am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.55pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703816a: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-029_0.jpg)

21 October 1916

Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong, on patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703816b: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-029_1.jpg)

22 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.26, Long 114.29

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.45am: Anchored in Joss House Bay.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  3.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  6.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703816c: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-030_0.jpg)

23 October 1916

Patrol and Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  Coaled from lighters, 20 tons.

10.10am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to North wall.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch and part.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703816d: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-030_1.jpg)

24 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703816e: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-031_0.jpg)

25 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703816f: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-031_1.jpg)

26 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.40am: Exercised landing party.

  7.55am: Landing party returned.

     Noon: Make and mend.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038170: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-032_0.jpg)

27 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.50am: Guard of Honour left ship.

  1.00pm: Guard returned.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038171: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-032_1.jpg)

28 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: Left Camber in tow of tug Atlas and secured to No 5 buoy.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038172: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-033_0.jpg)

29 October 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038173: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-033_1.jpg)

30 October 1916

Hong Kong, Tai Ho and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 113.97

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

11.40am: Anchored off Tai Ho.

  1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038174: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-034_0.jpg)

31 October 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol.

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.40am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038175: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038176: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038177: ( 53-68566/ADM 53-68566-035_1.jpg)

Above three pages blanks.


[Hong Kong area patrols]

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4caf8cd1cadfd34197038179: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-001_1.jpg)

Cover, 1st November to 31st December.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703817a: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703817b: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-002_1.jpg)

Above two pages blank.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703817c: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-003_0.jpg)

Aneroid barometer, 4’ 6” asl.

Air thermometers, on deck aft, not screened.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703817d: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay, Deep Water Bay and patrol.

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  7.10am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.00am: Carried out torpedo practice in Tai Tam Bay.

11.50am: Anchored.

  1.00pm: Hands employed about torpedoes.

  2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  6.30pm: Made monthly payment.

  8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

Weather: Northerly winds, F3-5, dry, temperatures 70-80ºF.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703817e: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1916

Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol

Lat 22.24, Long 114.18

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  1.00am: Carried out arc lamp test with Cape D’Aguilar signal station.

  6.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703817f: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Bluff I., patrol

Lat 22.31, Long 114.33 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy, coal lighters alongside.

  8.30am: Two ABs joined from HMS Tamar and two discharged to same.

10.00am: Finished coaling.

10.45am: Slipped and proceeded.

  1.15pm: Anchored off Bluff Island.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038180: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.45am: Shifted to No 10 buoy.

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038181: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Camp Cove, Tai Po, patrol

Lat 22.53, Long 114.3 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.25am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.45pm: Anchored in Camp Cove.

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.25pm: Anchored at Tai Po.

  5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038182: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  9.20am: Finished coaling, 25 tons.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038183: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038184: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting ship.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038185: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.50am: Exercised landing party.

  8.05am: Party returned.

  Painting ship.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038186: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-008_0.jpg)

10 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting ship.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038187: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.20am: Read warrant No 245.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038188: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.30am: One Stoker PO discharged to HMS Tamar (sick).

  Landed church parties.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038189: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1916

Hong Kong, Tolo harbour and patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.45pm: Took provisions for HMS’ Cornwall and Venus on board.

  2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  4.50pm: Anchored in Tolo Harbour.

  5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703818a: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Ho and patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 113.97 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.35am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.30pm: Anchored off Tai Ho.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703818b: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  2.30pm: Shifted to No 10 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703818c: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-011_0.jpg)

16 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Castle Peak Bay, patrol

Lat 22.37, Long 113.96

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.13am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.00am: Carried out 1” aiming practice*.

11.45am: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

* Aiming rifle. To save wear and tear on gun barrels and expenditure on full calibre shells, an aiming rifle was inserted into the barrel of the gun to fire a smaller round when practising.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703818d: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

11.00am: Finished coaling, received 40 tons.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703818e: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.15am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.20am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.10pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703818f: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.15am: Landed church parties.

  4.20pm: Two Ord. Seamen joined ship from HMS Tamar, two ABs discharged to same.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038190: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

10.15am: Finished coaling, 30 tons.

10.35am: Slipped and secured to North wall in Camber. Let fires die out.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038191: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038192: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Liberty men returned, one absentee.

  3.00pm: Absentee returned.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038193: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.45am: Exercised landing party.

  8.00am: Party returned.

  8.30am: One ERA and one Ldg Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar (sick).

     Noon: Make and mend.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038194: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting ship.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038195: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.45am: Tug Atlas secured alongside. Slipped and proceeded to No 9 buoy.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038196: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038197: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.26

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.30am: Escorted Russian aux. cruiser [Orel, vide log of HMS Tamar] into harbour.

11.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

12.25pm: Anchored off Chung Island.

  4.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038198: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.40am: Secured to No 9 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded.

11.30pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

4caf8cd1cadfd34197038199: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1916

Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong, Hami Wan, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.10am: Secured to No 9 buoy.

  4.15pm: Two ratings joined from HMS Tamar.

  5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703819a: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  5.00am: Carried out arc lamp test with Jubilee SS.

  7.15am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  8.50am: Slipped and proceeded.

  9.00am: Took station astern of HMAS Swan.

10.00am: Port circulating engine broke down, returned to harbour.

11.10am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Let fires die out.


[Hong Kong area patrols]

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703819b: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-018_1.jpg)

1 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Liberty men returned.

  8.45am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.00am: Made monthly payments.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch and part until 7.00am.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

  Sick List 3.

Weather: Light NE’lies, dry and clear, high temperature 67ºF at 4.00pm.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703819c: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-019_0.jpg)

2 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Coaled ship, 33 tons Welsh.

11.00am: Drew slops*.

  4.00pm: Tug Atlas alongside. Slipped and proceeded with same to go alongside HMS Rosario in Camber.

*Slops. Kit, various, ratings for the use of.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703819d: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-019_1.jpg)

3 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703819e: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-020_0.jpg)

4 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd1cadfd3419703819f: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-020_1.jpg)

5 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands testing torpedoes and drawing stores.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a0: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-021_0.jpg)

6 December 1916

Hong Kong, torpedo practice and on patrol

Lat 22.45, Long 114.19 [approx]

  5.45am: Charged torpedoes.

  7.00am: Left Camber and put to sea.

11.00am: Stopped at Tai Po and picked up target.

  2.15pm: Carried out Torpedo practice with HMS Swan.

  7.25pm: Anchored at Tai Po.

  8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a1: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-021_1.jpg)

7 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, gunnery practice and patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.25am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

  1.30pm: Carried out 1” aiming practice with HMS’ Swan and Virago.

  6.55pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a2: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-022_0.jpg)

8 December 1916

Patrol, battle practice, Long Harbour, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.45, Long 114.35 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Anchored in White Cove.

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded. Carried out preliminary battle practice.

  1.00pm: Anchored in Long Harbour.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.50pm: Entered HK harbour.

  8.10pm: Discharged one ERA to HMS Tamar (sick).

  8.30pm: Proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a3: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-022_1.jpg)

9 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Hami Wan, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 6 buoy. Coaled ship, 45 tons.

  4.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Tamar and two ratings joined from same.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a4: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-023_0.jpg)

10 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.25am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.15am: Landed church parties.

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a5: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-023_1.jpg)

11 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Rocky Harbour, patrol

Lat 22.35, Long 114.33

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.30am: One ERA joined from HMS Tamar.

10.30am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.13pm: Anchored in Rocky harbour.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a6: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-024_0.jpg)

12 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  2.00pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Tamar.

  5.10pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.00pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a7: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-024_1.jpg)

13 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay, patrol

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.55am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.20pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a8: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-025_0.jpg)

14 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.40am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

10.00am: One ERA discharged to HMS Tamar.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

11.30pm: Called Cape D’Aguilar with searchlight, no reply.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381a9: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-025_1.jpg)

15 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coaled ship, 50 tons.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.25pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381aa: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-026_0.jpg)

16 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay, patrol

Lat 22.22, Long 114.27 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.25am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  3.15pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381ab: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-026_1.jpg)

17 December 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.49, Long 114.33 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.45pm: Anchored in Jones Cove.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.10pm: Anchored off Tai Po.

  6.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381ac: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-027_0.jpg)

18 December 1916

Patrol and Hong Kong.

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coaled ship, 35 tons.

11.05am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to North wall.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch and part (except for unvaccinated men).

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381ad: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-027_1.jpg)

19 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Ship's company vaccinated.

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20 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting ship.

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21 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: Two ratings discharged to sick list, HMS Tamar.

  9.00am: Exercised landing party.

11.35am: Landing party returned.

     In pm: Hands painting and returning target to store.

     Leave to ER dept.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b0: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-029_0.jpg)

22 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b1: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-029_1.jpg)

23 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b2: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-030_0.jpg)

24 December 1916

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  One ERA discharged to HMS Tamar, sick list.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b3: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-030_1.jpg)

25 December 1916

Hong Kong and patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: HMS Virago secured alongside.

  9.30am: Landed church parties.

  5.10pm: Left Camber on patrol. Drenched fire in No 3, laid and lit Nos 1 and 2.

  6.30pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. Let fires die out in No 4 boiler.

  9.30pm: Entered HK harbour.

10.10pm: One rating discharged to HMS Tamar, sick.

10.30pm: Left harbour on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b4: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-031_0.jpg)

26 December 1916

Hong Kong area patrols.

Lat 22.2, Long 114.12

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Anchored off Beaufort Island [now Lo Chau ]

  8.55am: Weighed and proceeded to escort Japanese cruiser [HIJMS Suma, vide log of HMS Tamar] into harbour.

  9.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

10.55am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.20pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b5: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-031_1.jpg)

27 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Bluff I., patrol

Lat 22.33, Long 114.35

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.55am: Anchored off Bluff Island.

  4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to swing ship for deviation. Proceeded on patrol.

11.30pm: Called up Cape D'Aguilar with searchlight, received reply, distance 9 miles.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b6: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-032_0.jpg)

28 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.0am: Nine Chinese fitters lent to ship during the day.

10.00am: Stoker Moore returned on board from sick list.

  5.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b7: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-032_1.jpg)

29 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay, patrol

Lat 22.24, Long 114.18

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. Exercised away all boats.

  1.30pm: Carried out General Drill.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b8: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-033_0.jpg)

30 December 1916

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighter alongside.

11.15am: Finished coaling, 50 tons.

  5.23pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381b9: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-033_1.jpg)

31 December 1916

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.23, Long 114.06 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.40pm: Anchored South of Lantau I.

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  4.05pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

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4caf8cd2cadfd341970381bb: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-034_1.jpg)

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4caf8cd2cadfd341970381bd: ( 53-68567/ADM 53-68567-035_1.jpg)

Above four pages blank.


JP map Whiting 1917


[Hong Kong area patrols and dry dock]

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Cover, 1st January to 28th February, 1917.

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Above two pages blank.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c2: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-003_0.jpg)

Aneroid barometer, 4’ 6” asl.

Air thermometers, on deck aft, not screened.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c3: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-003_1.jpg)

1 January 1917

Patrol and Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.40am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Hands employed as requisite.

10.10am: Coal lighters secured alongside.

11.15am: Finished coaling, 16 tons.

11.40am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber.

11.55am: Secured alongside HMS Wivern. Let fires die out.

12.30pm: Hands clean ship.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch and part until 7.00am.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

  Sick list: 4.

Weather: Easterly winds up to f5 in the morning, lighter NW’lies in the afternoon, dry, temperatures in the 60s F.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c4: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-004_0.jpg)

2 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c5: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands scrubbing decks and washing paintwork.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c6: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Exercised landing party.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c7: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-005_1.jpg)

5 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Cleaning and painting.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c8: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Two ratings returned to ship for duty.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381c9: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381ca: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.44, Long 114.23 [approx]

  9.00am: One AB and one Stoker joined from hospital.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded out of Camber.

12.30pm: Anchored off Ai Chau I. [There are two tiny islands called A Chau, one near Tai Po, aka Center I. and one in Starling Inlet. Ai Chau is probably one of these and I think that the former is the more likely.]

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.55pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381cb: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy, HK.

  5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381cc: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy, HK.

  9.40am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.55am: Secured to Triumph buoy.

12.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381cd: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-008_1.jpg)

11 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy, HK.

  8.45am: One ERA placed on sick list in HMS Tamar.

  5.31pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381ce: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-009_0.jpg)

12 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  2.01am: Called up Cape D’Aguilar with searchlight and received reply, distance 9 miles.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy, HK. Coaled from lighters, 46 tons.

12.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381cf: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-009_1.jpg)

13 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.00am: One AB discharged to HMS Tamar.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381d0: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-010_0.jpg)

14 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381d1: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-010_1.jpg)

15 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  8.55am: Ship’s company landed for open list muster on HMS Tamar.

10.45am: Ship’s company returned.

10.50am: One Stoker 1c returned from sick list.

  5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381d2: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-011_0.jpg)

16 January 1917

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.37, Long 113.96

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.00am: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. HMTB 035 secured alongside.

11.55pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.30pm: Secured to No 5 buoy. Discharged one ERA from 035 to HMS Tamar.

  2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  5.00pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. Carried out general drill.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381d3: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-011_1.jpg)

17 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coaled ship, 50 tons.

  5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  7.10pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.25pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381d4: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-012_0.jpg)

18 January 1917

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  3.07am: Called up the Peak SS with searchlight, received reply. Weather clear and moonlit, 7 miles.

  6.55am: Anchored in Joss House Bay.

  7.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

     Noon: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  1.30pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  2.40pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay, HMTB 035 secured alongside.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Boarded and examined Chinese junk, all correct, allowed to proceed.

4caf8cd2cadfd341970381d5: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-012_1.jpg)

19 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  1.58am: Exercised night defence stations.

  2.15pm: Secured gear and ammunition.

  7.55am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381d6: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-013_0.jpg)

20 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  8.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  9.45am: Finished coaling, 15 tons.

12.45am: Slipped and proceeded.

  2.10pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay, HMTB 035 secured alongside.

  2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  4.30pm: Boarded and inspected Chinese junk, all correct.

  5.30pm: Boarded and inspected Chinese junk, all correct.

10.10pm: Called Jubilee signal station with searchlight, no reply at 9 miles, dark and light haze.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381d7: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-013_1.jpg)

21 January 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  5.05am: Called up Cape D’Aguilar from position 9 miles off.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.00am: One AB returned from sick list.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  1.00pm: Boarded and examined junk Jing Shiu. All correct.

  7.00pm: Boarded junk Sam Shing Lu, all correct.

  7.45pm: Boarded junk Wing Fat Lu, all correct.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381d8: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-014_0.jpg)

22 January 1917

Patrol and Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.55am: Entered Camber and secured to North wall.

  9.20am: Shifted to South wall. Let fires die out.

  1.00pm: Stokers to make and mend.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381d9: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-014_1.jpg)

23 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: One SPO invalided home.

  1.30pm: Hands employed landing anchors and cable and dismounting forward 6pdr guns.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381da: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-015_0.jpg)

24 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed disembarking ammunition.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381db: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-015_1.jpg)

25 January 1917

Camber and dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: Hands employed returning ammunition and as requisite.

  9.30am: AB Clarke joined ship from detention.

10.30am: Slipped and entered dry dock.

  2.10pm: Ship took the blocks.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381dc: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-016_0.jpg)

26 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381dd: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-016_1.jpg)

27 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.10am: Commodore [at this time Captain HGG Sandeman] visited ship.

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28 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381df: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-017_1.jpg)

29 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed dismounting forward 6pdr guns and as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e0: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-018_0.jpg)

30 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e1: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-018_1.jpg)

31 January 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Hong Kong area and short patrol off Swatau]

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1 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite in dry dock.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e3: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-019_1.jpg)

2 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.30am: Commenced filling dock.

  8.30am: Ship floated.

10.00am: Undocked and secured to South wall of Camber.

11.00am: Commenced ammunitioning ship from lighter.

  1.15pm: Embarking ammunition and cable.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e4: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-020_0.jpg)

3 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands getting anchors aboard and painting.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e5: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-020_1.jpg)

4 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  4.15pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Tamar and one Ord. joined from same.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e6: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-021_0.jpg)

5 February 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: Left Camber and secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.00am: Coal lighters alongside.

12.30pm: Finished coaling 50 tons.

  5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Exercised action stations.

  9.40pm: Signalled SS Wo Chow, Chefoo [now Yantai] to Hong Kong.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e7: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-021_1.jpg)

6 February 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.35, Long 113.97 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.20am: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. HMTB 038 alongside for water etc.

11.00am: TB 038 cast off, Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.05pm: Boarded junk T 1248H, all correct, allowed to proceed.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e8: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-022_0.jpg)

7 February 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.35, Long 113.96 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  3.27am: Commenced calling Peak SS with searchlight, no reply. Distance 6.5 miles, clear and moonlight.

  7.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  8.00am: One SPO placed on sick list.

  8.45am: Mustered kit bags.

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.10am: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. HMTB 038 alongside.

11.40am: TB 038 cast off, Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381e9: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-022_1.jpg)

8 February 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighters secured alongside.

  9.00am: One SPO joined from HMS Tamar.

10.00am: Finished coaling, 30 tons.

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381ea: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-023_0.jpg)

9 February 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.36, Long 113.96 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  2.02am: Called C. D’Aguilar SS with searchlight, received reply, 9 miles, weather clear and moonlit.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

9.55am: Slipped and proceeded. Ord. Seamen at instruction.

11.05am: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay, HMTB 038 alongside.

11.50am: TB 038 cast off, Weighed and proceeded.

  9.30pm: Signalled SS Kwang Se, Hai Fong to Hong Kong.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381eb: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-023_1.jpg)

10 February 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong and at sea Eastwards

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  9.45am: Completed coaling, 25 tons.

12.05pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  1.25pm: S Ninepin I. abeam, 1 mile.

  3.45pm: Single I. abeam, 5 miles.

  6.30pm: Pedro Blanco abeam, 7 miles.

  7.55pm: Chilang Pt Lt [Probably now Zhelang Yan ] N59E.

10.19pm: Same abeam, 4.5 miles, a/c N75E.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381ec: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-024_0.jpg)

11 February 1917

At sea to patrol ground off Swatau [now Shantou]

Lat 23.27, Long 116.85 [approx]

  2.45am: Breaker Pt Lt [now Shibeishan Jiao] bg N42E.

  5.09am: Same abeam, 3 miles.

  8.15am: Good Hope Cape [now Biao Jiao] abeam, 3 miles.

  1.00pm: One Ord. in stokehold for training.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381ed: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-024_1.jpg)

12 February 1917

Swatau to Hong Kong

Lat 22.9, Long 116.3 [approx]

  6.30am: Boarded SS Haldis, 5 miles East of Good Hope Cape.

  8.30am: Boarding party returned to ship with four bags of mails and 11 letters. Allowed Haldis to proceed.

  8.50am: Set course S45W.

  9.30am: Placed AB Powell under arrest.

10.21am: Breaker Pt abeam, 7.5 miles, a/c S79W.

12.03am: Kupchi Pt abeam, 6 miles.

  2.10am: Chilang Pt abeam, 3 miles.

  4.09am: Pedro Blanco abeam, 8.5 miles.

  5.13pm: Mendoza I. abeam, 7.5 miles.

  7.25pm: S Ninepin I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

  8.30pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, HK harbour.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381ee: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-025_0.jpg)

13 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.45am: Range party left ship.

  1.15pm: Hands striking yards and topmast.

  2.25pm: Coal lighters alongside.

  3.25pm: Range party returned.

  4.50pm: Finished coaling, 37 tons.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381ef: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-025_1.jpg)

14 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.20am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to South wall.

  7.45am: Landed range party.

  3.50pm: Range party returned.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f0: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-026_0.jpg)

15 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Landed range party.

  Hands painting upper deck.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f1: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-026_1.jpg)

16 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Landed range party.

  Hands painting upper deck.

  1.30pm: Read warrant No 250.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f2: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-027_0.jpg)

17 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands painting ship.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f3: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-027_1.jpg)

18 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  One SPO joined ship from HMS Tamar.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f4: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-028_0.jpg)

19 February 1917

Hong Kong and patrols

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3 [approx]

  7.15am: Left Camber on patrol.

  8.25am: Secured alongside HMS Virago in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.40am: Slipped and proceeded for W/T experiments.

  6.20pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.25pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f5: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-028_1.jpg)

20 February 1917

On patrol, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.35, Long 113.95 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.30am: Secured alongside HMTB 038 in Castle Peak Bay.

11.00am: Slipped and proceeded. Stopped and examined six junks, all correct.

  5.45pm: Boarded junk Kwong Hai Tai of Macao, all correct.

  7.20pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.23pm: Called Peak SS with searchlight, received reply. Distance 7 miles, dark and clear.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f6: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-029_0.jpg)

21 February 1917

On patrol, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f7: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-029_1.jpg)

22 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.37, Long 113.96

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  2.09am: Called C. D’Aguilar with searchlight, received reply, distance 8.5 miles, dark and clear.

  6.45am: Anchored off Beaufort I.

  7.25am: Weighed and proceeded to escort four Japanese destroyers into harbour.

  9.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

10.10am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.10am: Secured alongside HMTB 038 in Castle Peak Bay.

11.50am: Slipped and proceeded. Boarded junk San Hop Hing of Canton, all correct.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f8: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-030_0.jpg)

23 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  9.20am: Finished coaling, 40 tons.

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381f9: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-030_1.jpg)

24 February 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2 [very approximate]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  3.45am: Signalled SS Penang Maru, Singapore to Hong Kong.

  7.25am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.20pm: Anchored off Sa Mun I. [I can’t guess which island is intended here.]

  2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.25pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381fa: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-031_0.jpg)

25 February 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  1.30am: Called Jubilee SS with searchlight, received immediate reply, 9 miles, overcast and clear.

  7.25am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  Landed church parties.

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  7.00pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.30pm: Signalled SS Cavamba [?], Hongau to Hong Kong.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381fb: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-031_1.jpg)

26 February 1917

Patrol and Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  9.15am: Finished coaling (30 tons) and slipped and proceeded into Camber to secure to North wall. Let fires die out.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381fc: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-032_0.jpg)

27 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Landed range party.

  9.40am: Two Ord. Seamen landed for examination on HMS Tamar.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381fd: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-032_1.jpg)

28 February 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Landed range party.

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381fe: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-033_0.jpg)

4caf8cd3cadfd341970381ff: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-033_1.jpg)

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038200: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-034_0.jpg)

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038201: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038202: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038203: ( 53-68568/adm 53-68568-035_1.jpg)

Above six pages blank.

Logs for March and April 1917 not included, but Whiting remained busy during this period.

HMS Tamar records her coming and going on patrol regularly.


[Hong Kong area patrols]

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038204: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038205: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-001_1.jpg)

Front cover of log for May and June, 1917.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038206: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038207: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-002_1.jpg)

Above two pages blank.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038208: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-003_0.jpg)

Barometer is aneroid and 5' 6” above sea [approx].

Thermometer for air temperature is aft, on deck, not in screen.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038209: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-003_1.jpg)

1 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.40am: Secured to No 5a buoy. Hands scrub decks.

  9.00am: Hands employed as requisite.

10.30am: Issued slops.

11.30am: Made monthly payment.

     In pm: One Ldg Seaman broke out of ship.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

Weather: Light breezes, clear skies, dry, high temperature 75ºF at noon.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703820a: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-004_0.jpg)

2 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.22, Long 114.18

12.01am: At sea on Eastern patrol.

  6.30am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded for aiming tube practice.

12.45pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

12.55pm: HMTB 038 secured alongside.

  1.50pm: TB 038 left.

  6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  6.30pm: Hailed SS Vulcanus*, Dutch, Singapore to Hong Kong.

* Probably the MV Vulcanus, a cased oil carrier, but may be the earlier SS Vulcanus.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703820b: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Ma Wan, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  3.17am: Signalled C. D'Aguilar, received reply, 10 miles, dark and clear.

  5.30am: Investigated junk U Shung Kwing, 073W, licence No 873 of Shaukiwan.

  5.35am: Investigated two sampans, [details in log]. All three vessels above in the prohibited area during dark hours.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5a buoy. One Ldg Seaman returned from HMS Tamar.

  2.15pm: Slipped and proceeded to Ma Wan with Commodore on board.

  3.30pm: Anchored off Ma Wan.

  5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703820c: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1917

At sea, Hong Kong, Ma Wan, West Peak Bay

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea.

     In am: Hands attending on rafts etc. [The log offers no clues as to what Whiting is doing, but there was then a large fishing community on Ma Wan who lived on rafts, so perhaps the navy were moving and re-anchoring them for some reason.]

  3.45pm: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Ma Wan.

  9.00pm: Anchored in West Peak Bay.

11.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703820d: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-005_1.jpg)

5 May 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea.

10.30am: Relieved by HMTB 038 and proceeded into harbour.

11.00am: Secured to No 5a buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  3.00pm: Finished coaling, received 45 tons.

  6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703820e: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1917

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.21, Long 114.0 [approx]

12.01am: At sea.

  1.40am: Signalled Peak SS, no reply. Distance 8 miles, mist on peak, otherwise clear.

  3.45am: Signalled Jubilee SS, immediate answer. Distance 7 miles, weather clear.

  4.30am: Signalled Peak SS at 7 miles. Answered but light very dim.

  6.30am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.45pm: Anchored South of Lantau I.

  4.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.45pm: Anchored off Beaufort I.

  8.50pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703820f: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay, Camber

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.35am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  9.45am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.00am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

12.05pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.50pm: Secured to No 5a buoy. Coaled ship, 20 tons.

  3.50pm: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to North wall. Let fires die out.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038210: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Landed raft party.

  5.30pm: Raft party returned.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038211: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.45pm: Left Camber and berthed to outside North wall.

  5.30pm: Returned to inside North wall.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038212: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.45am: Exercised landing party.

  8.05am: Party returned.

12.30pm: Read warrant No 258.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038213: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-008_1.jpg)

11 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038214: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-009_0.jpg)

12 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038215: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038216: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.35, Long 114.0 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded out of Camber.

  2.50pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

  7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

10.30pm: Fouled starboard propeller. Boats and searchlight as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038217: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1917

At sea

Lat 22.33, Long 113.95 [approx]

  1.30am: Veered cable and anchor to bottom* in 23 fathoms.

  6.20am: Cleared propeller and weighed anchor.

10.30pm: Anchored West of Kap Sing Mun.

* Because the ship is stationary but may drift with wind or tide, the anchor is lowered until it touches the sea bed, so that if the vessel drifts into shallower water, it will be anchored.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038218: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-011_0.jpg)

16 May 1917

Kap Sing Mun, Hong Kong, Ma Wan

Lat 22.3, Long 114.14 [approx]

  1.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.20am: Proceeded for HK harbour.

12.34pm: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Ma Wan.

  Hands employed as requisite attending on rafts.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038219: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-011_1.jpg)

17 May 1917

At sea, Hong Kong and on Ma Wan patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands employed as requisite attending on rafts.

11.15am: Proceeded into HK.

12.10pm: Secured to buoy No 5a.

  4.12pm: Slipped and proceeded to investigate suspicious steamer.

  7.30pm: Proceeded to Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703821a: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-012_0.jpg)

18 May 1917

Ma Wan patrol

Lat 22.35, Long 114.04 [approx]

     In am: Hands employed as requisite attending on rafts.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703821b: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-012_1.jpg)

19 May 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On Western patrol.

  9.00am: Proceeded into HK harbour.

10.00am: Secured to buoy 5a. Coal lighters alongside.

  1.45pm: Finished coaling, 45 tons.

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703821c: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.50am: Secured to buoy 5a.

  9.30am: Landed church parties.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded. Swung ship for deviation.

  6.40pm: Anchored in Hami Wan. Hands to bathe.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.04pm: Called C. D’Aguilar SS, received reply. Distance 8 miles, dark and clear.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703821d: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  3.05am: Called Jubilee SS, prompt reply, distance 8 miles, clear.

  6.30am: Secured to buoy 5a. Coaled ship, 15 tons.

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.15pm: Secured to North wall in Camber.

  1.00pm: HMS Fame secured alongside.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703821e: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703821f: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-014_1.jpg)

23 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4caf8cd3cadfd34197038220: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-015_0.jpg)

24 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4caf8cd3cadfd34197038221: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038222: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-016_0.jpg)

26 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: One AB to HMS Tamar, sick list.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038223: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038224: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-017_0.jpg)

28 May 1917

Hong Kong and Eastern patrol

Lat 22.32, Long 114.34 [approx]

  One rating placed on sick list in HMS Tamar.

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.35pm: Anchored off Bluff I.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038225: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-017_1.jpg)

29 May 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.22 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.30am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

11.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded,

  9.15pm: In Shuig Shi Mun hailed two sampans and a junk [full details in log].

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038226: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-018_0.jpg)

30 May 1917

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.34, Long 114.08 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.35am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.15am: One rating joined from HMS Tamar.

  9.45am: Moved to No 10 buoy.

10.55am: Slipped and proceeded to Ma Wan.

     Noon: Returned to harbour.

12.50pm: Secured to buoy 10.

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038227: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-018_1.jpg)

31 May 1917

Hong Kong area patrols

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.25am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.10am: Anchored North of Ma Wan and watered HMTB 038. Hands attending on rafts.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.


[Hong Kong and Ma Wan patrol)

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038228: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-019_0.jpg)

1 June 1917

Ma Wan patrol

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  1.15am: Anchored North of Ma Wan, HMTB 038 taking over duties.

  Hands attending on rafts.

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

Sick List: 2.

Weather: Various light winds, overcast, heavy rain in the morning, temperatures in the 80s F.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038229: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-019_1.jpg)

2 June 1917

Ma Wan patrol

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06 [approx]

  1.15am: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.50pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703822a: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-020_0.jpg)

3 June 1917

Ma Wan patrol

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06 [approx]

  2.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  2.10am: Communicated with Jubilee SS by searchlight.

  5.30pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

  9.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703822b: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-020_1.jpg)

4 June 1917

Ma Wan, Hong Kong, Ma Wan

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.30am: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

  7.05am: Weighed and proceeded for HK.

  8.45am: Secured to buoy 5a, coal lighters alongside.

  2.00pm: Finished with coal, 65 tons.

  2.10pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.30pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703822c: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-021_0.jpg)

5 June 1917

Ma Wan patrols

Lat 22.34, Long 114.0 [approx]

10.05am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.10pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703822d: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-021_1.jpg)

6 June 1917

Ma Wan patrols

Lat 22.34, Long 113.99 [approx]

  6.47am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.10pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703822e: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-022_0.jpg)

7 June 1917

Ma Wan patrols

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.30pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd3419703822f: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-022_1.jpg)

8 June 1917

Ma Wan, Hong Kong, Ma Wan

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

     Noon: Secured to buoy 5a.

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.45pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038230: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-023_0.jpg)

9 June 1917

Ma Wan patrols

Lat 22.35, Long 114.02 [approx]

10.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd3cadfd34197038231: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-023_1.jpg)

10 June 1917

Ma Wan patrols

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.17pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038232: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-024_0.jpg)

11 June 1917

Ma Wan patrols

Lat 22.35, Long 114.04 [approx]

11.37am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.10pm: Anchored North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038233: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-024_1.jpg)

12 June 1917

Ma Wan to Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.20pm: Secured to North wall in Camber. Let fires die out.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038234: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-025_0.jpg)

13 June 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Coaled from lighters, 50 tons.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038235: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-025_1.jpg)

14 June 1917

Hong Kong, Ma Wan, Deep Water Bay, patrols

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded out of Camber.

11.30am: Secured alongside TB 038 at Ma Wan.

  1.55pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  3.15pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038236: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-026_0.jpg)

15 June 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Ma Wan

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.35am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  3.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Secured to buoy off Ma Wan.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038237: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-026_1.jpg)

16 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038238: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-027_0.jpg)

17 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038239: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-027_1.jpg)

18 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703823a: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-028_0.jpg)

19 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703823b: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-028_1.jpg)

20 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  6.15pm: Slipped from buoy to anchor north of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703823c: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-029_0.jpg)

21 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  4.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Returned to anchorage North of Ma Wan.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703823d: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-029_1.jpg)

22 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: Secured to Ma Wan buoy.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703823e: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-030_0.jpg)

23 June 1917

Ma Wan to Camber

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.39am: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.20am: Secured to buoy 5. Coal lighters alongside.

10.30am: Finished coaling, 50 tons.

11.00am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to North wall.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703823f: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-030_1.jpg)

24 June 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038240: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-031_0.jpg)

25 June 1917

Camber to Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded out of Camber.

10.05am: Secured to Ma Wan buoy.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038241: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-031_1.jpg)

26 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038242: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-032_0.jpg)

27 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  2.10pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  3.20pm: Returned to buoy.

  4.15pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.10pm: Returned to buoy.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038243: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-032_1.jpg)

28 June 1917

Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  2.30pm: Slipped and proceeded.

There are no clues as to what Whiting did in the afternoon, but it’s my guess that they just returned to the buoy after a trip round the bay as on the previous afternoon.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038244: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-033_0.jpg)

29 June 1917

Ma Wan and Chung Hue

Lat 22.36, Long 114.07

  6.35am: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.05am: Anchored North of Chung Hue.

  3.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.45pm: Returned to anchorage.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038245: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-033_1.jpg)

30 June 1917

Chung Hue, Camber and Ma Wan

Lat 22.36, Long 114.07

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  2.40pm: Secured to North wall of Camber.

  4.30pm: Discharged 18 ratings to HMS Tamar and 18 ratings joined from same.

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Secured to Ma Wan buoy.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038246: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-034_0.jpg)

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038247: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038248: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038249: ( 53-68569/adm 53-68569-035_1.jpg)

Above four pages blanks and back cover.


4caf8cd4cadfd3419703824a: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703824b: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-001_1.jpg)

Cover, July 1st 1917 to Aug 31st 1917, signed by Lt McMurray in command.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703824c: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703824d: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-002_1.jpg)

Above two pages blank.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703824e: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-003_0.jpg)

No changes to instruments.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703824f: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1917

Ma Wan and patrols

Lat 22.35, Long 114.03 [approx]

  6.00am: Hands scrub decks.

  9.00am: Clear up decks for divisions.

  9.30am: Divisions and rounds.

11.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

  5.00am: Secured to buoy at Ma Wan.

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.20pm: Returned to buoy.

Weather: Calm or light airs, rain in the morning, clear and dry in the afternoon, temperatures in the low 80s F.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038250: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1917

Ma Wan to Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.36, Long 114.06

  6.25pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.00pm: Secured to North wall in Camber.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038251: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038252: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Coaled from lighters, 35 tons.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038253: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.00am: Exercised landing party.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038254: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038255: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands clean ship.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038256: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: New ratings landed for inspection on HMS Tamar.

  9.30am: Landed church parties.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038257: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1917

Hong Kong and on night patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  4.15pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Tamar and four joined from same. AB Lovett placed under arrest.

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.00pm: Signalled SS Kuichow* for Hong Kong.

  * Possibly Kueichow is intended, China Navigation Co., 1905, 1,992 grt, scrapped 1936.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038258: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1917

Hong Kong patrols

Lat 22.31, Long 113.97 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.50am: Secured to buoy 5.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.25pm: Anchored off Tai Ho.

  1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.00pm: Anchored off Chung I.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038259: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1917

Hong Kong patrols

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  3.14am: Called Jubilee SS with searchlight, received reply. 8 miles, fine and moonlit.

  6.55am: Secured to buoy 5.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.35am: Carried out torpedo firing practice.

  6.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703825a: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-009_0.jpg)

12 July 1917

Hong Kong patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to buoy 5.

11.00am: Read warrant No 262.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.20pm: Anchored off Chung I.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.50pm: Signalled Japanese SS Kamataka Maru for Hong Kong.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703825b: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-009_1.jpg)

13 July 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Clear Water Bay and Tai Tam Bay

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  3.00am: Signalled C. D’Aguilar, received reply, 8 miles, fine and moonlight.

  6.45am: Secured to buoy 5. Lighters alongside.

10.20am: Finished with coal, 40 tons.

  3.35pm: No 1 typhoon signal hoisted. Two RNR ratings joined from HMS Tamar.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.20pm: Anchored in Clear Water Bay, furled all awnings and secured everything, in accordance with Art 617, CSOB.

  7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.30pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703825c: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1917

Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.22, Long 114.07 [approx]

  6.45am: Weighed and proceeded into HK harbour.

  8.10am: Secured to buoy 5.

  9.50am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  4.45pm: Anchored in Tung Wan.

  8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703825d: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1917

Hong Kong patrols

Lat 22.26, Long 114.29

12.01am: On patrol.

  3.30am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded into HK harbour.

  6.55am: Secured to buoy 5.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.10pm: Anchored in Joss House Bay.

  2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.25pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  8.25pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703825e: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1917

Patrol and Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to buoy 5. Lighters alongside.

  9.15am: Finished coaling, 30 tons.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to North wall.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703825f: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038260: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-012_0.jpg)

18 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.20pm: Red typhoon signal hoisted. Commenced raising steam.

  2.15pm: Left Camber in tow of Atlas and secured to No 5 buoy.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038261: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-012_1.jpg)

19 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.50am: Exercised landing party.

  1.25pm: No 1 Red typhoon signals hauled down.

  1.40pm: No 4 Black typhoon signal hoisted.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038262: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-013_0.jpg)

20 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.25am: Typhoon signals hauled down.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber to secure alongside North wall.

  Let fires die out and spread awnings.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038263: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-013_1.jpg)

21 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038264: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-014_0.jpg)

22 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038265: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-014_1.jpg)

23 July 1917

Hong Kong and patrols

Lat 22.27, Long 114.06 [approx]

  9.10am: Left Camber on patrol.

11.15am: Boarded junk Kwong Sang Su, passed.

12.50pm: Anchored in Lantau channel.

  1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.50pm: Anchored off Chung I.

  8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.20pm: Signalled SS Yokohama Maru for HK.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038266: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1917

Hong Kong patrols

Lat 22.25, Long 114.03 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.55am: Anchored off Beaufort I.

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded and escorted two Japanese cruisers into harbour. [These were HIJMS’ Yakumo and Tokiwa, according to the log of HMS Tamar.]

10.05am: Secured to buoy 10.

11.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.35pm: Anchored off Papai I.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.25pm: Anchored off Chung I.

  8.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.55pm: Investigated SS Borneo (American), Manila to Hong Kong.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038267: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-015_1.jpg)

25 July 1917

Hong Kong patrols

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.00pm: Anchored off Chung I.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.00pm: Hailed Dutch SS Tantalus for Hong Kong.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038268: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  4.00pm: S/Lt JL Croasdaile RNR discharged to HMS Tamar.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038269: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-016_1.jpg)

27 July 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.30am: Secured to North wall in Camber.

  8.30am: Hands removing stores into lighter.

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703826a: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-017_0.jpg)

28 July 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

11.10am: Escorted Japanese cruisers [Yakumo and Takiwa] out of harbour.

  2.30pm: Anchored off Chung I.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703826b: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-017_1.jpg)

29 July 1917

Hong Kong patrols to West Lamma channel

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.40am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

11.05am: All church parties returned.

11.40am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.55pm: Took capsized junk in tow.

10.05pm: Anchored in West Lamma channel.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703826c: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-018_0.jpg)

30 July 1917

West Lamma channel to Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.40am: Secured to North wall Camber.

11.30am: Transferred to South wall.Hands transferring stores and ammunition to lighters.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703826d: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-018_1.jpg)

31 July 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: Slipped and towed into dock.

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  5.00pm: Ship’s company transferred to HMS Tamar.


[Hong Kong for refit]

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703826e: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-019_0.jpg)

1 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  8.00am: One native Stoker absent.

  9.00am: One Lt RNR, one Gunner, two POs, one Ldg Seaman, three ABs and three Chinese Stokers commissioned HM TBD 035.

4caf8cd4cadfd3419703826f: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-019_1.jpg)

2 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  2.15pm: Absent native Stoker returned on board.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038270: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-020_0.jpg)

3 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038271: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-020_1.jpg)

4 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     Dockyard men employed on board.

     In pm: Make and mend.

     One Seaman returned from detention.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038272: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-021_0.jpg)

5 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Divisions and divine service.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038273: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-021_1.jpg)

6 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038274: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-022_0.jpg)

7 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038275: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-022_1.jpg)

8 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands returning stores to dockyard.

4caf8cd4cadfd34197038276: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-023_0.jpg)

9 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands returning stores to dockyard and chipping gun pedestals.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038277: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-023_1.jpg)

10 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  One ERA and one Stoker placed on sick list.

  Hands chipping gun pedestals, torpedo davits and stanchions.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038278: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-024_0.jpg)

11 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands chipping gun pedestals, torpedo davits and stanchions.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038279: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-024_1.jpg)

12 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Sunday routine.

11.00am: Red typhoon signal hoisted.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703827a: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-025_0.jpg)

13 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands chipping and removing cat davit* blocks.

  2.00pm: Set barometer by HMS Tamar, 0.15 advanced.

  3.00pm: Black typhoon signal hoisted.

  6.15pm: Black signal changed.

  9.15pm: Typhoon signal lowered.

 * Like most vessels of this era (Whiting was launched in 1896), the anchor was not drawn up into the hawse hole in the modern manner, but when clear of the surface was attached to a tackle suspended from the cat davit and drawn up to the cathead, a projecting beam at deck level abaft the bow.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703827b: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-025_1.jpg)

14 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands spreading awnings and scraping torpedo tubes.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703827c: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-026_0.jpg)

15 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands returning cable and scraping stanchions.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703827d: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-026_1.jpg)

16 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands scraping.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703827e: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-027_0.jpg)

17 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands scraping torpedo tubes and gun pedestals.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703827f: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-027_1.jpg)

18 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands scraping torpedo tubes and stanchions.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038280: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-028_0.jpg)

19 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Lt R McMurray returned from HM TB 035.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038281: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-028_1.jpg)

20 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands drawing cable from dockyard.

  One Ldg Seaman placed on sick list.

  One CERA, one ERA and two SPOs lent to HM TB 038.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038282: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-029_0.jpg)

21 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands red leading and painting torpedo tubes, gun pedestals and stanchions.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038283: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-029_1.jpg)

22 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands getting in chain cable.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038284: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-030_0.jpg)

23 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands replacing anchors.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038285: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-030_1.jpg)

24 August 1917

Hong Kong dry dock to Camber

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  8.30am: Commenced to flood dock.

  2.00pm: Ship towed into Camber.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038286: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-031_0.jpg)

25 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  One Signalman returned from HMS Virago.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038287: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-031_1.jpg)

26 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  8.00am: One Ldg Seaman returned from sick list and one Stoker placed on same.

  Hands stowing wire.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038288: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-032_0.jpg)

27 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  One Ldg Stoker on sick list.

4caf8cd5cadfd34197038289: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-032_1.jpg)

28 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  One Lt RNR, one Gunner, one CERA, one ERA, two SPOs, two POs, one Ldg Seaman, three ABs, three Chinese Stokers and one Signalman returned from HM TBs 035 and 038.

  One Ord. Seaman returned from sick list on HMS Tamar.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703828a: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-033_0.jpg)

29 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703828b: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-033_1.jpg)

30 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.2, Long 114.1

  Dockyard men employed on board.

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703828c: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-034_0.jpg)

31 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.2, Long 114.1

  7.00am: Coal lighters alongside.

11.30am: Finished coaling 80 tons.

  One AB to HMS Tamar, sick.

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703828d: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703828e: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd5cadfd3419703828f: ( 53-68570/ADM 53-68570-035_1.jpg)

Above three pages blank.


[Hong Kong area patrols]

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Front cover of log, 1st September to 1st November 1917.

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Above three pages blank.

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1 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.30am: Laid and lit fires in No 1 boiler.

  6.30am: Laid and lit fires in 3 and 4.

  7.45am: Hands getting in ammunition and cleaning ship.

  8.00am: Ship’s company returned to ship [from HMS Tamar].

  9.00am: Commenced basin trial*.

10.15am: Completed same.

11.45am: All fires out.

  1.30pm: Hands cleaning ship.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch and part until 7.00am.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

 Sick list: 6.

Weather: Calm or light airs, dry and clear, high temperature 82ºF at noon.

* Basin trial, ran engines and tested steering while secured alongside.

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2 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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3 September 1917

Hong Kong and patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Left Camber for steam trial.

10.40am: Secured to buoy No 5a.

11.55am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.40pm: Anchored in Joss House Bay.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.35pm: Anchored off Bluff I. and exercised action stations.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on night patrol.

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4 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  7.30am: Secured to buoy No 5a.

  2.10pm: One ERA joined from HMS Tamar.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.00pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on night patrol.

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5 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.27, Long 114.03 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.45am: Secured to buoy No 5a.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.45pm: Anchored off Lantau I.

  4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.55pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on night patrol.

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6 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.50am: Secured to buoy No 5a.

  5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.50pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on night patrol.

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7 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.55am: Secured to buoy No 5a.

  Coaled ship, 37 tons.

  1.30pm: Swung ship for deviation.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.40pm: Anchored North of Sun Kong I.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on night patrol.

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8 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.25, Long 114.06 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  2.00am: Called C. D’Aguillar, answered promptly, 8 miles, fine and clear.

  2.45am: Signalled SS Manapouri, Sourabaya to HK.

  7.15am: Secured to North wall of Camber.

  9.35am: Shifted to No 5 buoy.

10.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  4.00pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.10pm: Anchored in Picnic Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

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9 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.022, Long 113.72

12.01am: Patrolling.

  2.15am: Hailed British SS Cornelia, Honggai to HK.

  6.55am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.10pm: Anchored in Boddam Cove* and visited by customs official.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.50pm: Hailed Japanese SS Koyo Maru for HK.

*I think that this is Dongao wan on Dongao I., China. Boddam was the name of an East Indiaman that took shelter here in a typhoon, when it was known as Tong-hou I.

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10 September 1917

Patrol and Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  2.00am: Hailed SS Faiyman [?], Sydney to HK.

  7.00am: Secured to No 5a buoy.

  Coaled from lighters, 25 tons.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber. Allowed fires to die out.

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11 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.05pm: Red typhoon signal hoisted.

  8.15pm: Slipped and proceeded to No 5 buoy.

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12 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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13 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.25am: Red typhoon signal down.

  9.30am; Returned to North wall of Camber.

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14 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Exercised General Quarters.

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15 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands employed as requisite.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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16 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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17 September 1917

Hong Kong, Cascade Bay and patrol.

Lat 22.37, Long 114.28 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

10.00am: Commenced torpedo practice.

  1.05pm: Completed practice.

  5.00pm: Anchored in Cascade Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

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18 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, escort duty and patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to Triumph buoy.

  2.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to escort Japanese destroyers into harbour [a flotilla of seven vessels according to the log of HMS Diana.]

  4.45pm: Destroyers secured to buoys.

  5.00pm: Secured to flagship buoy.

  6.04pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

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19 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong and Hami Wan

Lat 22.2, Long 114.12

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.10am: Escorted Japanese cruiser [HIJMS Nisshin, vide Tamar’s log] into harbour.

  8.35am: Secured to No 21 buoy.

  9.25am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.15am: Anchored in Hami Wan [Hammi in log] for firing practice.

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20 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.40am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  1.10pm: One Ldg Stoker joined from HMS Tamar and one Stoker PO discharged to same.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.15pm: Hailed SS Ornelia, Honggai to HK.

10.50pm: Called up Cape D’Aguilar, answered promptly, 7 miles distant.

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21 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.27, Long 114.03 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

  9.15am: Finished coaling, 35 tons.

  9.45am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.50pm: Anchored off Lantau I.

  5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.20pm: Anchored in Picnic Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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22 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.55am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  6.05pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.05pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

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23 September 1917

Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 21.8, Long 113.95

  6.04am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.20pm: Communicated with Gap Rock.

  3.55pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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24 September 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong and Canton [now Guangzhou]

Lat 22.35, Long 113.96 [approx]

  3.45am: Hailed Norwegian SS Nevis and Japanese SS Nikko Maru.

  4.30am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  6.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coaled from lighters, 25 tons.

11.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.20pm: Moored to buoys off Canton.

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25 September 1917

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.15 [approx]

  6.30am: Slipped and proceeded down river.

12.30pm: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to North wall.

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26 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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27 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Lt/Cdr RS Connolly from HMTB 035 relieved Lt McMurray in command. S/Lt AH Bathurst relieved Lt Croasdaile who went to TB 035.

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28 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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29 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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30 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.


[Hong Kong patrols, Canton, Hong Kong]

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1 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.21, Long 114.0 [approx]

  5.45am: Lit fires in No 1.

  6.00am: Called hands.

  6.20am: Fall in for leaving Camber.

  7.00am: Liberty men returned. One Stoker joined ship.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Anchored South of Lan Tau [Lantau I.].

  3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.30pm: Anchored in Titan Bay [probably Tai Tam is intended here and in subsequent mentions].

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

 Sick list: 2.

Weather: Light Easterly winds, heavy rain at first, dry and clear later, temperatures around 80ºF.

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2 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.30am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

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3 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23

12.01am: Patrolling.

  3.36am: Jubilee SS, 7 miles.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  8.55am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.20pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay.

  At some point, not recorded in the log, they weigh and proceed on patrol.

11.15pm: Called D’Aguilar SS, 8 miles.

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4 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  5.55am: Called SS Rotoura [probably Rotorua], Saigon to Hong Kong, at anchor in Hami Wan.

  6.55am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  5.50pm: Anchored in Hami Wan Bay.

  8.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.35pm: Called Peak SS, 7 miles.

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5 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  3.20am: Spoke SS Benten Maru, Moji to HK, at anchor off Jine Pine [?].

  3.25am: Spoke SS Kwang Cha, Shanghai to HK.

  6.55am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coal lighters alongside.

10.45am: Finished coaling, 45 tons.

  1.40pm: One man returned from HMS Tamar.

  5.14pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.45pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

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6 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Gap Rock and patrol

Lat 21.83, Long 113.95 [approx]

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.55am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Water boat alongside.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded to Gap Rock.

12.20pm: Communicated with Gap Rock Lt.

  4.05pm: Anchored in Titan Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.20pm: Spoke SS Malay Maru, Singapore to HK, anchored off Beaufort I.

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7 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Bluff I., patrol

Lat 22.32, Long 114.34

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.35am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

     Noon: Anchored off Bluff I.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: Anchored off Titan Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

Page signed by Lt/Cdr RS Connolly, RNR

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8 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling. Stopped and ordered SS Daisuchi Maru [?] to anchor. Boarded.

  4.00am: Allowed to proceed.

  6.55am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  8.50am: Slipped and secured to Triumph buoy. Coaled ship, 25 tons.

11.15am: Slipped and proceeded to North wall of Camber.

  3.00pm: One Chinese Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar, sick.

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9 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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10 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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11 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.45am: Exercised landing party.

     Noon: One Ldg Stoker returned from HMS Tamar.

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12 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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13 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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14 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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15 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

10.30am: Exercised collision stations and General Quarters.

  3.30pm: Anchored in Titan Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

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16 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  2.30am: Signalled SS Lok Sang, Hoi How [now Haikou] to HK.

  6.35am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Cherub* alongside.

  5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.05pm: Anchored in Taitan [presumably Tai Tam is meant here and in subsequent mentions, including Taitam] Bay.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

11.37pm: Called Peak SS by searchlight.

* Water tanker Cherub, Minx class, 1901, 390 tons, lost in 1941 at HK.

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17 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.12 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

10.30am: One AB joined ship.

10.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.05am: Gunlayers practice at target.

12.30pm: Picked up target.

  3.30pm: Two men’s hats lost overboard, turned but could not recover them.

  4.00pm: Anchored in Tai Tan Bay.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.00pm: Spoke SS Manopouri [probably Manapouri is intended], Saigon to HK.

  9.10pm: Signalled D’Aguilar SS, 7 miles.

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18 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.12 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.35am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.00pm: Anchored in Armi Wan [presumably Hami Wan is intended].

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.05pm: Spoke Dutch SS Vulcanus*, Borneo to HK.

10.40pm: Called Jubilee SS, 7 miles.

* Probably MV Vulcanus, the Shell oiler of this name.

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19 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.25, Long 114.09 [approx]

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.45am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coaled and watered ship. 35 tons of coal, 1.5 tons of water.

10.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  3.10pm: Anchored in Taitan Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  8.30pm: Spoke SS Hanamad [?], Saigon to HK, at anchor off Nine Pins.

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20 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.05am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.20pm: Anchored in Taitan Bay.

  7.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.20pm: Spoke SS Taiwan Maru, Saigon to HK.

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21 October 1917

Patrol, Hong Kong, Rocky harbour and Castle Rock

Lat 22.35, Long 114.33

12.01am: On patrol.

  6.40am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.15pm: Anchored in Rocky Harbour.

  4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.20pm: Anchored off Castle Rock, bg S13W, boulder on Beaufort I. bg N63E.

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22 October 1917

Castle Rock, Hong Kong and Canton

Lat 22.5, Long 113.8 [approx]

  6.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Took in 2.5 tons of water.

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded for Canton.

  4.15pm: Secured head and stern to buoys at Canton.

  5.00pm: Leave until 7.00pm.

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23 October 1917

Canton (now Guangzhou)

Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

11.40am: Quarters. Clean guns.

11.50am: Return rags.

     Noon: Dinner.

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24 October 1917


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

11.00am: Captain* paid official visit to USS Pampanga.

*The CO, Lt/Cdr Connolly is always referred to as Captain by courtesy. To the crew he is, by immemorial custom, referred to as The Owner.

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25 October 1917


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

  1.00pm: Leave to 7.00pm.

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26 October 1917

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.14 [approx]

  6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded for Hong Kong.

12.30pm: Secured to No 5 buoy.

12.35pm: Commenced coaling and watered ship from Cherub.

  4.10pm: Finished coaling, 45 tons. Slipped and proceeded to North wall of Camber.

  5.00pm: Let fires die out.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382cd: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-032_1.jpg)

27 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite. Make and mend in pm.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382ce: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-033_0.jpg)

28 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. RCs, Wesleyans and Presbyterians landed. C of Es to HMS Tamar.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382cf: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-033_1.jpg)

29 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.40am: Spread awning over engine room.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d0: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-034_0.jpg)

30 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In pm: Hands employed dismounting guns.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d1: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-034_1.jpg)

31 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: Hands paint ship. Foremost two 6 pdrs removed.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d2: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-035_0.jpg)

1 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed at painting.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d3: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-035_1.jpg)

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d4: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-036_0.jpg)

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d5: ( 53-68571/ADM 53-68571-036_1.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

Logs for November and December 1917 are not included,

but HMS Tamar’s log (and others) records Whiting regularly in and out on patrol during that period.


JP map Whiting 1918


[Hong Kong patrols and Canton]

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d6: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d7: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-001_1.jpg)

Front cover, 1st January to 28th February, 1918.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d8: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382d9: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382da: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382db: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-003_1.jpg)

1 January 1918

Patrol, HK harbour and patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.30am: Hands fall in.

  7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Clean ship.

  9.15am: Secure.

11.45am: AWO No 4078 read to ship’s company.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Clean ship.

  5.05pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.10pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

Weather: Light airs, mostly misty or hazy, high temperature, 64ºF at 4.00pm.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382dc: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-004_0.jpg)

2 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong harbour and patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.29

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.30am: Hands fall in.

  7.10am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.10am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

11.00am: Anchored in Clear Water Bay. Exercised in and out Berthon boats.

  1.00pm: Landed Seamen for rifle and pistol exercise.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.10pm: Anchored in Taitan Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.25pm: Called Peak SS by searchlight, 7 miles, replied promptly.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382dd: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong harbour and at sea

Lat 22.29, Long 114.29

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.30am: Wash down.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to SW of Waglan Lt as ordered.

  3.30pm: Took junk in tow.

  7.30pm: Anchored with junk SW of Putoi.

11.20pm: Junk broke adrift [weather very thick mist].

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382de: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1918

At sea and Hong Kong

Lat 22.21, Long 114.18 [approx]

  5.40am: Weighed and proceeded to look for junk.

  6.55am: Found junk, secured to same and proceeded to Hong Kong.

  2.45pm: Secured junk alongside.

  6.30pm: Secured to No 5 buoy with junk.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382df: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-005_1.jpg)

5 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol.

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.40am: Commenced coaling.

  7.15am: Cherub took wreck away.

10.30am: Finished coaling, 41 tons.

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.30pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e0: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.23, Long 114.07 [approx]

12.30am: Called D’Aguilar SS by searchlight, prompt response.

  7.30am: Secured to buoy No 5.

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  5.40am: Anchored off Castle Rock.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e1: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1918

Castle Rock, Hong Kong, Canton

Lat 22.35, Long 113.97 [approx]

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded into HK.

  7.50am: Secured to buoy No 5.

  9.00am: Discharged one Signalman to HMS Tamar, sick.

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded to Canton.

  5.35pm: Secured to buoy at Canton.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e2: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1918


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands paint ship.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e3: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1918


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands paint ship.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e4: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1918


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands paint ship.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e5: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-008_1.jpg)

11 January 1918

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.35, Long 113.94 [approx]

  6.45am: Slipped and proceeded down river.

  1.35pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coaled ship, 35 tons.

  4.10pm: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to North wall.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e6: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-009_0.jpg)

12 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e7: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-009_1.jpg)

13 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e8: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-010_0.jpg)

14 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.0, Long 114.0 [approx]

  8.45am: Hands mustered by the open list on HMS Tamar.

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  1.00pm: Spoke Gap Rock Lt (nothing to report).

  1.45pm: Anchored in Taitan Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382e9: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-010_1.jpg)

15 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.15pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.05pm: Called Jubilee SS, prompt reply, weather hazy.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382ea: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-011_0.jpg)

This page appears to have been copied in error. It is a duplicate of 17th January.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382eb: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-011_1.jpg)

16 January 1918

[17 January in log]

Patrol, Hong Kong harbour, Chung I. and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.26

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

12.20pm: Anchored off Chung I. Exercised Seamen at Morris tube aiming rifle.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  6.00pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382ec: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-012_0.jpg)

17 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: On patrol.

  2.25am: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.30am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.10pm: Spoke SS Hung Lee for HK.

  6.20pm: Anchored in Taitan Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.05pm: Spoke Peak SS, 7 miles, clear.

10.40pm: Spoke D’Aguilar SS, 8 miles, clear.

11.30pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382ed: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-012_1.jpg)

18 January 1918

Hami Wan, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.30am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coaled ship.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

10.15am: Ran torpedoes in Taitan Bay.

11.35am: Finished run and anchored.

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  4.15pm: Anchored in Taitan Bay.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.20pm: Spoke SS Toyo Maru No 2, anchored off Nine Pins, for HK.

11.59pm: Anchored Hami Wan.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382ee: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-013_0.jpg)

19 January 1918

Hami Wan, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.20pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.00pm: Spoke SS Chin Chow, Hongay [Honggai] to HK.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382ef: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-013_1.jpg)

20 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.32, Long 114.34

12.01am: On patrol.

  7.25am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

     Noon: Anchored off Bluff I.

  3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.45pm: Anchored off Castle Rock.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f0: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-014_0.jpg)

21 January 1918

Castle Rock to Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.30am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  7.40am: Coaled ship, 30 tons.

  9.50am: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured alongside HMS Virago.

11.50am: Virago left. Secured to North Wall.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f1: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-014_1.jpg)

22 January 1918

Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Sent one torpedo to depôt and received two in lieu.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f2: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-015_0.jpg)

23 January 1918

Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f3: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-015_1.jpg)

24 January 1918

Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.15am: Landed party for drill.

  One gunmetal crutch without plate, Patt 73C, lost overboard by carelessness, G Willment.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f4: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-016_0.jpg)

25 January 1918

Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f5: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-016_1.jpg)

26 January 1918


Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f6: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-017_0.jpg)

27 January 1918


Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f7: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-017_1.jpg)

28 January 1918

Hong Kong and patrol

Lat 21.81, Long 113.94 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.30am: Signalled Gap Rock, nothing to report.

  4.00pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.50pm: Called D’Aguilar SS by searchlight, 9 miles, slight haze.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f8: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-018_0.jpg)

29 January 1918

Patro, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  7.15am: Secured to buoy [vide Tamar’s log]

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.30pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  8.05am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.00pm: Called Jubilee SS by searchlight, no delay, 7 miles, hazy.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382f9: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-018_1.jpg)

30 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  7.15am: Secured to buoy.

  5.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.15pm: Anchored in Taitam Bay.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.20pm: Spoke SS Senator (USA), Singapore to HK, anchored off Waglan.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382fa: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-019_0.jpg)

31 January 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.30am: Spoke SS Toku Maru, Hongay to HK, at anchor in Lamma Channel.

  7.20am: Secured to buoy No 5.

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.50pm: Spoke SS Wai Sang, Saigon to HK.

  9.05pm: Spoke SS Yushan, Saigon to HK.


[Hong Kong patrols and dry dock for refit]

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382fb: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-019_1.jpg)

1 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.30am: Hands prepare to coal ship.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  7.20am: Coal ship.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.40am: Employed as requisite.

10.20am: Finished coaling, 35 tons.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.30pm: Clean ship.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.25pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

 Sick list: 2.

Weather: Winds NE’ly, f 2-5, dry and clear, temperatures in the mid-fifties F.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382fc: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-020_0.jpg)

2 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  1.30pm: Shifted to No 11 buoy.

  5.00pm: Clear lower deck to furl awnings.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382fd: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-020_1.jpg)

3 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382fe: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-021_0.jpg)

4 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Coaled ship, 20 tons.

4caf8cd6cadfd341970382ff: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-021_1.jpg)

5 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

  2.40pm: One Stoker joined from hospital.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038300: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-022_0.jpg)

6 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038301: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-022_1.jpg)

7 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.00am: Exercised collision stations.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038302: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-023_0.jpg)

8 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: Coaled ship.

11.00am: Shifted into Camber.

  1.15pm: Spread awnings.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038303: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-023_1.jpg)

9 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038304: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-024_0.jpg)

10 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine, church parties etc.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038305: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-024_1.jpg)

11 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.23, Long 114.27 [approx]

  7.45am: HMS Virago secured alongside.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.45am: Signalled SS Doyo Maru, HK to Amping.

12.20pm: Passed SS Sain Kiang [?], bound for HK.

  4.25pm: Anchored in Taitam Bay.

  7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038306: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-025_0.jpg)

12 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.35am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.30pm: Anchored in Hami Wan.

  8.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.26pm: Called Jubilee SS, 7 miles, clear, answered.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038307: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-025_1.jpg)

13 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.35pm: Anchored in Taitam Bay.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038308: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-026_0.jpg)

14 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.16, Long 114.27 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.10am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  2.20pm: Spoke Gap Rock, nothing to report.

  5.10pm: Anchored off Castle Rock.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  8.40pm: Spoke Dutch SS Sultan van Langkat, Borneo to HK.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038309: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-026_1.jpg)

15 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.1 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coaled ship, 35 tons.

10.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  3.20pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  5.28pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  6.20pm: Anchored off Castle Rock.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd3419703830a: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-027_0.jpg)

16 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

11.30am: Shifted to No 12 buoy.

12.30pm: Slipped and proceeded into Camber.

  5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.15pm: Called Peak SS, 7 miles, clear, no reply.

  9.20pm: Called D’Aguilar SS, clear, answered promptly.

  9.25pm: Proceeded to investigate SS approaching Eastern entrance.

10.20pm: Reported to D’Aguilar, no SS in sight.

4caf8cd6cadfd3419703830b: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-027_1.jpg)

17 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.27, Long 114.09 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.05am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  4.00pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay.

  5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  6.50pm: Anchored off Castle Rock.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

11.00pm: Spoke SS Hanna Nielsen [Neilson in log], Shanghai to HK, anchored NE of Waglan.

4caf8cd6cadfd3419703830c: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-028_0.jpg)

18 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.05am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.20pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.15pm: Called D’Aguilar by searchlight, 7 miles, prompt reply.

4caf8cd6cadfd3419703830d: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-028_1.jpg)

19 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.12

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

10.35am: Anchored, Hami Wan. Landed men for rifle practice.

  1.07pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.50pm: Anchored off Castle Rock.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd3419703830e: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-029_0.jpg)

20 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.25am: Secured to buoy [vide Tamar’s log].

  Coaled ship, 40 tons.

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded East on patrol.

  6.45pm: Anchored in Taitam Bay.

  9.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

11.25pm: Called Jubilee SS, 7 miles, no delay.

4caf8cd6cadfd3419703830f: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-029_1.jpg)

21 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 21.82, Long 113.94

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.00am: Secured to No 5 buoy.

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded West on patrol.

12.15pm: Signalled Gap Rock, nothing to report.

12.40pm: Passed SS’ Chefoo and Chunghong.

  2.00pm: Practised 1” aiming rifle.

  6.00pm: Anchored off Castle Rock.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038310: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-030_0.jpg)

22 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.15am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded West on patrol.

  6.45pm: Anchored, Hami Wan.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038311: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-030_1.jpg)

23 February 1918

Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol

Lat 22.1, Long 114.2 [approx]

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  6.00am: Spoke SS Amherst, Hongay to HK.

  7.00am: Secured to No 5 buoy. Coaled ship, 20 tons

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

11.30am: Exercised maxims, 1” AR and sub-calibre firing.

  5.25pm: Anchored off Castle Rock.

  8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.30pm: Signalled SS Yushan, Bangkok to HK.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038312: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-031_0.jpg)

24 February 1918

Patrol and Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.01am: At sea on patrol.

  7.05am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  9.20am: C of E party to HMS Tamar.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038313: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-031_1.jpg)

25 February 1918

Hong Kong for dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Preparing to dock ship.

  7.55am: Cherub and steam launch towed ship into dock.

  Hands dismounting guns.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038314: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-032_0.jpg)

26 February 1918

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands dismounting and cleaning guns.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038315: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-032_1.jpg)

27 February 1918

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands dismounting and stripping guns.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038316: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-033_0.jpg)

28 February 1918

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands returning stores, painting boats and drawing cable.

4caf8cd6cadfd34197038317: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-033_1.jpg)

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038318: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-034_0.jpg)

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038319: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703831a: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703831b: ( 53-68572/ADM 53-68572-035_1.jpg)

Above five pages blank.

Logs for MARCH and APRIL 1918 are not included, but Whiting left dock on the 9th March and in the following weeks is often mentioned entering and leaving harbour on patrol in the log of HMS Tamar.

She also escorted the gunboat HMS Bee and SS Sui Yan (possibly Suiyang)

to Shanghai on the 9th April and returned to Hong Kong about 10 days later.


[Hong Kong, Saigon and Singapore]

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703831c: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703831d: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-001_1.jpg)

Front cover.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703831e: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703831f: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038320: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038321: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-003_1.jpg)

1 May 1918

Camber, Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.00am: Paint ship.

  7.15am: Coal ship.

  7.30am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Paint ship.

  9.05am: Finished coaling, 12 tons received.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Paint ship.

  4.00pm: Tea. Leave, 4.30pm to 11.00pm.

  9.00pm: Rounds corect.

Weather: Calm, clear, dry, temperatures in the 70s F.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038322: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-004_0.jpg)

2 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.30am: Landed party for drill on parade ground.

10.00am: Carried out basin trial.

11.10am: Ship’s company attended HMS Tamar to be atomised. [Probably a preventative against the influenza pandemic, the inhalation of a spray made up by a 2% solution of zinc sulphate.]

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038323: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.00am: Ship’s company attended HMS Tamar to be atomised.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038324: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.00am: Ship’s company attended HMS Tamar to be atomised.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038325: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-005_1.jpg)

5 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

10.30am: Ship’s company attended HMS Tamar to be atomised.

12.30pm: One Doctor joined ship.

  1.00pm: Lt/Cdr RS Connolly left ship. Lt F Wissler RNR joined [to take command].

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038326: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1918

Hong Kong and at sea

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.00am: Ship’s company attended HMS Tamar to be atomised.

  4.25pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  5.00pm: Cleared Sulphur Channel.

  8.00pm: Gap Rock abeam, 3 miles, a/c S35W (m).

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038327: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1918

At Sea

Lat 19.79, Long 112.34

  Courses South of West all day, speed 11 knots.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038328: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1918

At Sea

Lat 16.57, Long 109.94

  Course S5W all day, speed 11 knots.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038329: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1918

At sea

Lat 12.35, Long 109.55 (DR)

  3.15am: Sighted Pulo Kamler Lt, S55W (m).

  4.49pm: Same abeam, a/c S57W (m).

  9.00am: Cap Varella Lt abeam, 12 miles, bg N83W (m). A/c S12W (m)

     Noon: Shala I. abeam, 12 miles. A/c S17W (m).

  2.06pm: Hon Nai I. abeam, 8 miles.

  6.52pm: Cap Padaran abeam, 1 mile.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703832a: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1918

At sea to Saigon

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

  6.30am: Course and speed to proceed up Saigon River.

  7.40am: Pilot boarded.

11.45am: Secured alongside at Saigon.

  1.30pm: Coal lighter alongside. Coaled ship with native labour, received 60 tons.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703832b: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-008_1.jpg)

11 May 1918

Saigon and at sea

Lat 9.89, Long 107.04 (DR)

  6.25am: Slipped and proceeded down river.

10.10am: Stopped off Cape St James [aka Cap St Jacques, now Vung Tau], dropped pilot. Set course S3W (m).

  2.45pm: Pulo Condore bg S28W(m).

  6.38pm: Same abeam 18 miles, a/c S15.5W (m).

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703832c: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-009_0.jpg)

12 May 1918

At sea

Lat 5.36, Long 105.99

  Courses West of South, speed 13 knots all day.

10.42pm: Pulo Manki [now Pulau Mangkai] abeam, 21 miles, a/c S21W (m).

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703832d: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1918

[14 May in log]

At sea to Singapore

Lat 1.24, Long 103.86 [approx]

12.30am: Pulo Manki Lt dipped N65E(m).

  7.52am: Horsburgh Lt bg S35W(m), 14 miles.

  9.12am: Same abeam, a/c S78W(m).

11.00am: Entering Singapore Roads.

  2.50pm: Secured alongside No 7 Tanjong Pagar wharf. Coaled ship, 37 tons.

  4.00pm: One PO sent to hospital.

  4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Inner harbour and anchored in same.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703832e: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703832f: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Scrub and paint ship’s side.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038330: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-011_0.jpg)

16 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Paint ship, clean guns.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038331: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-011_1.jpg)

17 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038332: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-012_0.jpg)

18 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038333: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-012_1.jpg)

19 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine, landed church parties.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038334: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Exercised abandon ship stations.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038335: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038336: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038337: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-014_1.jpg)

23 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.30am: Weighed anchor and warped to buoy. [The harbour will be equipped with winches at strategic points to warp unpowered vessels from place to place, essential of course in the days of sail.]

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038338: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-015_0.jpg)

24 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038339: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703833a: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-016_0.jpg)

26 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

  5.10pm: One sick rating left for Tanglin hospital.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703833b: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Exercised stations for collision and abandon ship [Cartoon].

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703833c: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-017_0.jpg)

28 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85


4caf8cd7cadfd3419703833d: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-017_1.jpg)

29 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Exercised action and fire stations.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703833e: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-018_0.jpg)

30 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703833f: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-018_1.jpg)

31 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.



4caf8cd7cadfd34197038340: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-019_0.jpg)

1 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Scrub deck.

  7.30am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Scrub deck.

  1.00pm: Dinner.

  2.00pm: Leave to 11.00pm.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

Sick List: 2.

Weather: Light airs, dry and clear, temperatures in the 80s F.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038341: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-019_1.jpg)

2 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038342: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-020_0.jpg)

3 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  9.00am: Mr Ellis discharged to hospital.

10.00am: One Carley float boathook lost overboard by neglect by T Devlin and A Williams AB.

  3.25pm: Three ratings joined for accomodation.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038343: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-020_1.jpg)

4 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038344: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-021_0.jpg)

5 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038345: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-021_1.jpg)

6 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038346: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-022_0.jpg)

7 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.45am: Called hands. Air bedding.

  6.15am: Away all boats’ crew.

  7.15am: Hoisted boats.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038347: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-022_1.jpg)

8 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  1.29am: SS Medusa drifted and hit us on the port bow. Called hands, manned fenders, cleared away second anchor.

  2.30pm: Sent hands below. Lost overboard by accident one fender and one whistle.

  7.10am: Medusa towed away.

  3.15pm: Slipped and proceeded into dock.

  5.15pm: Secured in Albert dock.

  7.45pm: Ship on chocks.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038348: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-023_0.jpg)

9 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038349: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-023_1.jpg)

10 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  3.50pm: Flooded dock.

  5.00pm: Left dock and secured alongside No 3 Godown.

  6.30pm: Drew stores and coaled ship, 13 tons.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703834a: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-024_0.jpg)

11 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.05am: Left Godown and proceeded to Inner harbour and secured to buoy.

  9.15am: Hands chipping and painting rails.

  9.45am: One AB left for hospital.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703834b: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-024_1.jpg)

12 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.00pm: Mr Ellis returned to duty.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703834c: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-025_0.jpg)

13 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703834d: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-025_1.jpg)

14 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Exercised collision stations.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703834e: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-026_0.jpg)

15 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd7cadfd3419703834f: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-026_1.jpg)

16 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038350: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-027_0.jpg)

17 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Paint ship.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038351: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-027_1.jpg)

18 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

      Noon: Clear lower deck, furl awnings.

  2.30pm: Hands testing torpedoes.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038352: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-028_0.jpg)

19 June 1918

Singapore and at sea

Lat 1.24, Long 103.65 [approx]

  7.05am: Slipped and proceeded to sea through Keppel harbour.

  9.43am: Dropped target off Sultan Shoal and carried out aiming rifle exercise.

11.30am: Secure and sponge out guns.

  1.40pm: Lowered whaler and ran foremost torpedoes.

  2.15pm: Picked up torpedoes and returned to anchorage.

  3.35pm: Anchored off Pulo Serayu [?].

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038353: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-028_1.jpg)

20 June 1918

At sea for exercises

Lat 1.24, Long 103.65 [approx]

  8.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.50am: Dropped target off Sultan shoal for AR exercise.

  1.30pm: Dropped whaler and fired after torpedo.

  1.40pm: Hoisted whaler and picked up target.

  3.10pm: Anchored off Pulo Serayu.

  4.15pm: Furled after awnings and took down stanchions.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038354: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-029_0.jpg)

21 June 1918

At sea for exercises and return to Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  7.35am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.29am: Dropped target and carried out battle practice with 6pdr QFs.

  9.56am: Picked up target and proceeded into Keppel harbour.

  1.55pm: Tied to buoy.

  3.05pm: Slipped and proceeded to No 6 berth Tanjon Pagar. Coaled ship, 15 tons.

  5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded and secured to buoy.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038355: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-029_1.jpg)

22 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Spread all awnings.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038356: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-030_0.jpg)

23 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Landed church parties.

4caf8cd7cadfd34197038357: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-030_1.jpg)

24 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  4.00pm: One rating returned from hospital.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038358: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-031_0.jpg)

25 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038359: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-031_1.jpg)

26 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Painting ship.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703835a: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-032_0.jpg)

27 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Painting ship.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703835b: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-032_1.jpg)

28 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Painting ship.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703835c: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-033_0.jpg)

29 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703835d: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-033_1.jpg)

30 June 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703835e: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-034_0.jpg)

Signature of the CO, Lt F Wissler.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703835f: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038360: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038361: ( 53-68573/ADM 53-68573-035_1.jpg)

Above three pages covers and blanks.


[Singapore and local patrols]

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038362: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038363: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-001_1.jpg)

Front cover of log for July and August 1918.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038364: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038365: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038366: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blanks.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038367: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Scrub deck.

  7.25am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Hands employed as requisite.

  1.00pm: Dinner.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

Weather: Light Southerlies, dry and clear, temperatures in the 80s F.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038368: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1918

Singapore and at sea

Lat 0.69, Long 103.65 (DR)

  7.15am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  8.38am: Raffles Lt abeam, 1.75 miles.

11.05am: Pulo Pelangkat bg South, 3 miles.

11.40am: S Passage I. abeam, 0.5 miles.

12.30pm: Rounded N Brother, set course S36E(m).

  1.00pm: S Brother abeam, 1 mile.

  7.15pm: Muchie I. abeam bg N71E, 5 miles.

11.15pm: Benkale I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038369: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1918

At sea to Singapore

Lat 0.89, Long 104.28 (DR)

  3.33am: Tg Jang Lt bg N14E.

  4.50am: Same abeam, 3 miles.

11.16am: Little Karas I. abeam, 1 mile.

  3.10pm: Arrived in Singapore Roads.

  3.50pm: Secured alongside No 3 Godown, Tanjong Pagar. Coaled ship, 30 tons.

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded for Inner harbour and secured to buoy.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703836a: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703836b: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703836c: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.00pm: Two ratings returned from hospital.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703836d: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703836e: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1918

Singapore, patrol and return

Lat 1.16, Long 103.75 [approx]

  6.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol between Raffles Lt and Main Strait.

  6.10pm: Secured to buoy.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703836f: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038370: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1918

Singapore and night patrol

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.00pm: Courses (N74E and S74W) patrolling Singapore Main Strait.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038371: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1918

Patrol and return to Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

12.01am: Patrolling.

  6.40am: Secured to buoy.

  8.45am: Hands to strip and clean port 6pdr.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038372: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-009_0.jpg)

12 July 1918

Singapore, patrol and return

Lat 1.22, Long 103.84 [approx]

  6.00am: Slipped and proceeded to patrol between Raffles I. and St John’s I.

11.30am: Exercised action stations.

  4.00pm: Returned to Keppel harbour.

  5.50pm: Secured alongside No 2 Godown, Tajong Pagar. Coaled ship, 16 tons.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038373: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-009_1.jpg)

13 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038374: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038375: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1918

Singapore and night patrol

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     In am: Quantities of depth charges and spare parts arrived.

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol Main Strait.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038376: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1918

Night patrol and Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

12.01am: Patrolling.

  5.10am: Stopped and boarded SS Yushan, HK to Penang.

  6.00am: Spoke SS Tambi Maru (Japan) [possibly Tamba Maru, 1897, 6,102 grt, the first of three ships with this name owned by Nippon Yusen Kaisha KK], HK to Singapore.

  6.30am: Returned to Singapore.

  7.30am: Secured to buoy.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038377: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1918

Singapore and night patrol

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     In am: Hands stripping and cleaning 12 pdrs.

  1.30pm: One Stoker left for Tanglin hospital.

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol Singapore Main Strait.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038378: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-012_0.jpg)

18 July 1918

Night patrol and Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

12.01am: On patrol.

  1.00am: Spoke SS Manakura Maru (Japan), Shanghai to London.

  6.20am: Secured to buoy.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038379: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-012_1.jpg)

19 July 1918

Singapore, patrol, return

Lat 1.3, Long 104.2 [approx]

  6.00am: Slipped and proceeded to patrol Main Strait.

  4.20pm: Secured to No 9 Godown and coaled ship, 18 tons.

  5.26pm: Slipped and proceeded to secure to buoy in Inner harbour.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703837a: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-013_0.jpg)

20 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703837b: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-013_1.jpg)

21 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

  1.15pm: Mr AH Hall, Artificer Engineer, joined ship.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703837c: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-014_0.jpg)

22 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Clear lower deck. Out all boats and bower anchor.

  7.10am: Evolution complete.

  8.45am: Stripped and cleaned after 6 pdr

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703837d: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-014_1.jpg)

23 July 1918

Singapore, patrol and return

Lat 1.3, Long 104.19 [approx]

  6.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  6.05pm: Secured to buoy in Inner harbour.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703837e: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands scrubbing the side.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703837f: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-015_1.jpg)

25 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands painting the side.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038380: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands painting the side.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038381: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-016_1.jpg)

27 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038382: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-017_0.jpg)

28 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038383: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-017_1.jpg)

29 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Dismount and clean foremost torpedo tube.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038384: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-018_0.jpg)

30 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  4.17pm: One AB joined ship.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038385: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-018_1.jpg)

31 July 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Clean and assemble foremost torpedo tube.


[Singapore, Malacca, Port Dickson, Penang, Port Swettenham, Singapore]

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038386: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-019_0.jpg)

1 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.45am: Called hands.

  6.15am: Hands at dismounting after torpedo tube.

  7.25am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Cleaning and assembling after tube.

  1.00pm: Dinner.

  4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch until 11.00pm.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

Weather: Light airs, cloudy with some rain, temperatures in the low 80s F.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038387: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-019_1.jpg)

2 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised action stations.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038388: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-020_0.jpg)

3 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038389: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-020_1.jpg)

4 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

  4.45pm: C of E party landed.

  7.00pm: Same returned onboard.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703838a: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-021_0.jpg)

5 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Seamen exercised in boat pulling.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703838b: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-021_1.jpg)

6 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  8.45am: Hands painting boats and reeving new falls.

11.00am: Exercised collision stations.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703838c: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-022_0.jpg)

7 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  9.45am: Mr J Hutchinson, Art. Eng., left ship.

  1.45pm: One Stoker left for hospital.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703838d: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-022_1.jpg)

8 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  8.45am: Dismounted and cleaned searchlight.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703838e: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-023_0.jpg)

9 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703838f: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-023_1.jpg)

10 August 1918

Singapore and at sea

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  2.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Tanjong Pagar. Coaled ship, 10 tons.

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  6.30pm: Sultan Shoal Lt abeam, 1 mile.

  8.25pm: Brothers Lt abeam, 7 miles.

10.05pm: Pulo Sauk Lt abeam, 7 miles.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038390: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-024_0.jpg)

11 August 1918

At sea to Malacca

Lat 2.19, Long 102.23

12.45am to 2.56am: Various lights in Malacca Strait observed.

  3.35am: Pulo Undan Lt bg N43W.

  5.18am: Same abeam, 3 miles.

  6.55am: Anchored off Malacca.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038391: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-024_1.jpg)

12 August 1918


Lat 2.19, Long 102.23

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038392: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-025_0.jpg)

13 August 1918


Lat 2.19, Long 102.23

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038393: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-025_1.jpg)

14 August 1918

Malacca to Port Dickson

Lat 2.52, Long 101.8

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.40am: Anchored in Port Dickson harbour.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038394: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-026_0.jpg)

15 August 1918

Port Dickson

Lat 2.52, Long 101.8

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038395: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-026_1.jpg)

16 August 1918

Port Dickson and at sea

Lat 2.88, Long 100.98 [approx]

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.50am: Set course N64W.

11.10am: Sighted Japanese destroyer, exchanged challenges.

12.14pm: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam 2.75 miles.

  6.07pm: Pulau Jarak bg N49W.

  8.55pm: Same abeam, 7.5 miles.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038396: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-027_0.jpg)

17 August 1918

At sea to Penang

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

  2.30am: Sighted Muka Hd Lt bg N10W.

  5.50am: Entered S Channel to Penang.

  8.55am: Anchored Penang.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038397: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-027_1.jpg)

18 August 1918


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

  Coaled ship, 35 tons.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038398: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-028_0.jpg)

19 August 1918

Penang and at sea

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

  9.15am: Water boat Muriel fouled port propeller while being towed alongside.

  2.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.30pm: Saddle Is abeam 8.5 miles.

4caf8cd8cadfd34197038399: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-028_1.jpg)

20 August 1918

At sea to Port Swettenham

Lat 3.0, Long 101.38

12.24am: Pulo Jarak bg S20W.

  1.48am: Same abeam, 6.5 miles.

  8.45am: Courses as requisite to enter N Klang Strait.

11.50am: Anchored, Port Swettenham [now Port Klang].

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703839a: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-029_0.jpg)

21 August 1918

Port Swettenham and at sea

Lat 3.0, Long 101.38

  1.55pm: Weighed and proceeded down Klang Strait.

  3.23pm: Set course S48E.

  7.00pm: Cape Rachado Lt abeam, 6 miles, a/c S56E.

10.05pm: Malacca Lt abeam, 7 miles.

11.07pm: Pulo Undan Lt abeam, 3 miles.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703839b: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-029_1.jpg)

22 August 1918

At sea to Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  7.52am: Pulo Pisang abeam, 5.5 miles.

  9.38am: Sultan Shoal Lt abeam, 0.5 miles.

11.00am: Secured alongside 8 section, Tanjong Pagar. Coaled ship, 40 tons.

11.30am: One AB sent to hospital.

  1.35pm: Slipped and proceeded to secure to buoy in Inner harbour.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703839c: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-030_0.jpg)

23 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.05pm: One AB joined ship.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703839d: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-030_1.jpg)

24 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703839e: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-031_0.jpg)

25 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine. Landed church parties.

4caf8cd8cadfd3419703839f: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-031_1.jpg)

26 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     In am: Hands employed discharging and taking in ammunition.

  1.45pm: One Stoker discharged to hospital.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a0: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-032_0.jpg)

27 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.45pm: Ldg Sig Malman [?] left ship for hospital.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a1: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-032_1.jpg)

28 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands refitting awnings etc.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a2: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-033_0.jpg)

29 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a3: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-033_1.jpg)

30 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  8.45am: Hands scraping ship’s bottom.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a4: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-034_0.jpg)

31 August 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a5: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a6: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a7: ( 53-68574/ADM 53-68574-035_1.jpg)

Above three pages blank.


[Singapore, Bangkok, Singapore]

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a8: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383a9: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-001_1.jpg)

Front cover Sep/Oct 1918.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383aa: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383ab: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383ac: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383ad: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1918

Singapore and at sea

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.00am: Called hands.

  6.30am: Scrub decks.

  7.25am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

11.30am: Preparing ship for sea.

     Noon: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour.

12.17pm: Course S89E(c), 12 knots.

  1.50pm: A/c N84E(c).

  3.45pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 2 miles.

  3.50pm: A/c N14E(c).

  4.00pm: A/c N30E(c).

  4.45pm: A/c N14E(c).

  9.45pm: Pulo Aor (Pulau Aur) abeam, 7.75miles, a/c N19W(c).

Weather: Calm in harbour, light Easterlies at sea with some cloud and rain, high temperature 83ºF at noon.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383ae: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1918

At sea

Lat 4.97, Long 103.85 (DR)

  NW’ly courses all day, 12 knots.

11.30am: Pulau Brala abeam, 11 miles.

  5.31pm: Little Pisang Lt abeam, 17.8 miles.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383af: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1918

At sea

Lat 7.89, Long 101.24 (DR)

  Courses West of North all day.

  3.49pm: Koh Krah I. [now Ko Kra] abeam, 3.5 miles.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383b0: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1918

At sea

Lat 11.54, Long 100.69

  Northerly courses all day.

11.20pm: Observed Outer Bar Lt, N15E.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383b1: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1918

At sea to Bangkok

Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

12.27am: Anchored off outer bar.

  6.33am: Weighed and proceeded up Bangkok river.

  7.40am: Sunken Junk Lt abeam.

11.00am: Moored with two anchors ahead and one astern off British Legation, Bangkok.

4caf8cd8cadfd341970383b2: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383b3: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383b4: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383b5: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383b6: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  9.30am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

  4.30pm: Finished coaling, 64 tons.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383b7: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383b8: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383b9: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383ba: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1918


Lat 13.727, Long 100.512

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383bb: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1918

Bangkok and at sea

Lat 13.6, Long 100.59 [approx]

10.30am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

  1.10pm: Passed Outer Bar Lt, set course S2W.

  1.20pm: Dropped pilot.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383bc: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1918

At sea

Lat 10.09, Long 100.64 (DR)

  Southerly courses all day, 11 knots.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383bd: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1918

At sea

Lat 6.72, Long 102.49

  3.00pm: Sighted Printain I. [probably Perhentian Besar].

  3.55pm: A/c S47E(c).

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383be: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1918

At sea

Lat 3.44, Long 104.32 (DR)

  Southerly courses all day, 12 knots.

  4.50pm: Pulo Taiman [Pulo Tioman] bg S65W.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383bf: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1918

At sea to Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.30am: Horsburgh Lt bg S23W.

  4.15am: Courses to enter Singapore Strait.

  5.20am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

  8.00am: Entered Keppel harbour.

  9.00am: Secured alongside Tanjon Pagar, commenced coaling.

11.55am: Finished coaling, 72 tons.

12.45pm: Shifted to Inner harbour.

  1.10pm: Secured to buoy. Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c0: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     In am: Cleaning boats and scrubbing woodwork.

  2.45pm: One Stoker joined from hospital.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c1: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  5.10pm: One SPO joined ship.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c2: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c3: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-014_1.jpg)

23 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands scraping and painting side.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c4: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands scraping and painting side.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c5: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-015_1.jpg)

25 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.25pm: One Stoker joined from hospital.

  6.15pm: One AB joined from HMS Kent.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c6: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-016_0.jpg)

26 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands redleading and painting the side.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c7: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-016_1.jpg)

27 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.50am: Slipped and proceeded into Keppel and secured alongside wharf at Kings Dock. Hands getting out the boats and discharging ammunition into lighter.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c8: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-017_0.jpg)

28 September 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  7.55am: Tug alongside and towed ship into No 2 Kings dry dock.

10.00am: One OS discharged to HMS Kent and one joined from same.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383c9: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-017_1.jpg)

29 September 1918

Dry dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Paid out port wire cable into dock.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383ca: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-018_0.jpg)

30 September 1918

Dry dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club*.

  Hands painting boats and surveying cable.

  8.00pm: One Signal rating discharged to hospital.

* Opened in 1917 in Anson Rd, the club for non-commissioned military personnel.


[Singapore dry dock and in harbour during ‘flu epidemic]

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383cb: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-018_1.jpg)

1 October 1918

Dry dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Sick List 5.

  Weather: Calm, dry and clear, high temperature 90ºF at 4.00pm.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383cc: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-019_0.jpg)

2 October 1918

Dry dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Employed scrubbing side screens and spreading awnings.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383cd: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-019_1.jpg)

3 October 1918

Dry dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  2.30pm: One Chief Stoker left for HMS Kent.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383ce: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-020_0.jpg)

4 October 1918

Dry dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  One AB discharged to hospital.

  2.30pm: Hands stowing cable.

  6.00pm: Three ABs and one Stoker from HMS Cadmus discharged to HMS Kent.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383cf: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-020_1.jpg)

5 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.50am: Started to flood dock.

  7.05am: Left dry dock and secured alongside jetty in Keppel harbour.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d0: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-021_0.jpg)

6 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d1: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-021_1.jpg)

7 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  7.45am: Hands painting ERA and PO messes.

  5.00pm: Medical inspection of seven men who were sick.

  5.30pm: MO left.

  Sick list: 6.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d2: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-022_0.jpg)

8 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  8.15am: Hands painting wardroom.

10.00am: One officer sent to hospital.

11.30am: Seven ratings left ship for Tanglin hospital.

  1.35pm: Two Stokers returned from hospital.

  5.40pm: One rating sent to Tanglin hospital.

  Sick list: 13. [Presumably “Spanish influenza”.]

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d3: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-022_1.jpg)

9 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

10.45am: One Ldg Stoker left ship for hospital.

  Sick list: 14.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d4: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-023_0.jpg)

10 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  8.15am: Hands painting galley and fore mess deck.

  Sick list: 16.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d5: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-023_1.jpg)

11 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

12.50pm: One AB left ship for hospital.

  Sick list: 16.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d6: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-024_0.jpg)

12 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Hands painting and cleaning mess deck.

  Hoisted in both Berthon boats.

  Sick list: 19.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d7: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-024_1.jpg)

13 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 19.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d8: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-025_0.jpg)

14 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Hands painting the side.

  4.30pm: One ERA and one Ldg Stoker returned from hospital.

  Sick list: 19.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383d9: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-025_1.jpg)

15 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Hands painting the side.

  Sick list: 16.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383da: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-026_0.jpg)

16 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.40am: Called hands. Preparing ship for sea.

  7.20am: Left jetty but port engine broke down, returned and secured alongside.

  8.45am: Painting ship.

  Sick list: 14.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383db: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-026_1.jpg)

17 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Painting ship.

  Sick list: 16.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383dc: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-027_0.jpg)

18 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Scrubbing decks.

  Sick list: 14.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383dd: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-027_1.jpg)

19 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 14.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383de: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-028_0.jpg)

20 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Clean guns.

  Sick list: 14.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383df: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-028_1.jpg)

21 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  3.20pm: One CPO, one Ch. Stoker and one AB rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 11.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e0: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-029_0.jpg)

22 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 11.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e1: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-029_1.jpg)

23 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands sleeping at Union Jack Club.

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 11.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e2: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-030_0.jpg)

24 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  7.00am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour for steam trials.

  9.10am: Returned to harbour and secured alongside Tanjon Pagar. Coaled ship, 15 tons. [83.63 tons in the bunkers at noon.]

11.10am: Slipped and proceeded to Inner harbour and secured to buoy.

  Sick list: 11.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e3: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-030_1.jpg)

25 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.00am: Discharged Mr Ellis to hospital.

     Noon: Commenced loading and stowing ammunition.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e4: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-031_0.jpg)

26 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 12.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e5: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-031_1.jpg)

27 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  In am: Landed church parties.

  4.20pm: One officer returned from hospital.

  Sick list: 12.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e6: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-032_0.jpg)

28 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed on torpedoes.

  Sick list: 12.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e7: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-032_1.jpg)

29 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 12.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e8: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-033_0.jpg)

30 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85


  Sick list: 11.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383e9: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-033_1.jpg)

31 October 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.00am: Mr Dowsing [Downing?] discharged to Depôt, England.

  1.45pm: One AB discharged to hospital.

  Sick list: 11.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383ea: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-034_0.jpg)

Blank, signed by Lt F Wissler.

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383eb: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383ec: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cd9cadfd341970383ed: ( 53-68575/ADM 53-68575-035_1.jpg)

Above three pages blank and cover.



4caf8cd9cadfd341970383ee: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd341970383ef: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-001_1.jpg)

Front cover of log, November 1st to December 31st, 1918.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f0: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f1: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f2: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f3: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  5.45am: Called hands.

  6.15am: Scrub decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Clean guns.

  9.15am: Scrub small gear and woodwork.

  1.00pm: Dinner.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am.

  6.00pm: One anchor lantern [for the top of the mainmast while at anchor in darkness and on this ship, probably an oil lantern] lost overboard by accident.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

 Sick list: 11.

Weather: Light airs, dry and clear, temperatures in the low 80s F.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f4: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.00am: One SPO left ship for hospital.

  7.50pm: One Chinese discharged to hospital.

  Sick list: 11.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f5: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

  Sick list: 10.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f6: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  9.00am: Mr Ellis returned from hospital.

  3.00pm: Two Seamen and one Stoker returned from hospital.

  Sick list: 10.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f7: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 9.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f8: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  2.25pm: One SPO joined ship from hospital.

  Sick list: 9.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383f9: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 8.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383fa: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 8.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383fb: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 8.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383fc: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-008_0.jpg)

10 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

  Sick list: 8.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383fd: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  1.50pm: One Stoker joined from hospital.

  Sick list: 8.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383fe: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  2.45pm: One Stoker joined ship and two ratings joined from hospital.

  Sick list: 7.

4caf8cdacadfd341970383ff: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  9.00am: Lt Wissler sent to hospital.

  2.30pm: One Stoker returned from same.

  Sick list: 7.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038400: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

  Sick list: 5.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038401: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  2.00pm: One AB left for hospital.

  Sick list: 7.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038402: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-011_0.jpg)

16 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sick list: 8.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038403: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1918

[18th November in log]


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038404: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.30pm: One AB returned from hospital.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038405: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038406: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Clean torpedo tubes.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038407: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  4.00pm: Lt Wissler rejoined from hospital.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038408: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Seamen exercised at boat pulling.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038409: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703840a: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703840b: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands repairing awnings.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703840c: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised action stations.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703840d: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703840e: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703840f: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised collision stations.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038410: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.00pm: One AB returned from hospital.



4caf8cdacadfd34197038411: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-018_1.jpg)

1 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

A typical Sunday in harbour.

  6.30am: Clear up decks.

  7.30am: Landed RC church party.

  7.45am: Breakfast.

  8.30am: Landed C of E and Wesleyan church party.

  9.30am: Divisions.

11.00am: All church parties returned.

     Noon: Dinner.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch until 11.00pm.

  7.00pm: Landed patrol.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

11.00pm: Patrol returned.

Weather: Light airs, overcast but dry, high temperature 81ºF at noon.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038412: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-019_0.jpg)

2 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands repairing stantions [sic] and side rails.

  Exercised fire stations.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038413: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-019_1.jpg)

3 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands refitting Berthon boats.

  Exercised abandon ship.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038414: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-020_0.jpg)

4 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands refitting Berthon boats.

11.00am: Mr J Kelly, Gunner, joined as relief for Mr Ellis.

  1.00pm: One AB joined from hospital.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038415: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-020_1.jpg)

5 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Exercised Seamen at boat pulling.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038416: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-021_0.jpg)

6 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Tested Carley floats.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038417: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-021_1.jpg)

7 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038418: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-022_0.jpg)

8 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038419: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-022_1.jpg)

9 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised action stations.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703841a: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-023_0.jpg)

10 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed cleaning torpedoes etc.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703841b: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-023_1.jpg)

11 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.30am: One ERA returned from hospital.

  1.00pm: Exercised furl all awnings and down stanchions.

  5.00pm: Spread all awnings.


4caf8cdacadfd3419703841c: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-024_0.jpg)

12 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  8.45am: Hands repairing awnings.

10.00am: Lost overboard by accident, one hand scrubber brush, patt. 459.

     Noon: Exercised fire stations.

  2.15pm: One AB discharged to hospital.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703841d: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-024_1.jpg)

13 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703841e: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-025_0.jpg)

14 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703841f: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-025_1.jpg)

15 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038420: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-026_0.jpg)

16 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Away all boats for exercise.

  1.15pm: One WT rating joined from HMS Merlin.

  2.40pm: Three ERAs left ship for duty on SS’ Wing On and Tai Lee. [These are local steamers converted for duty as minesweepers.]

4caf8cdacadfd34197038421: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-026_1.jpg)

17 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Preparing depth charges and other gear for return.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038422: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-027_0.jpg)

18 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Refitting guard rails.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038423: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-027_1.jpg)

19 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.30am: Returned depth charges.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038424: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-028_0.jpg)

20 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised collision stations.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038425: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-028_1.jpg)

21 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038426: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-029_0.jpg)

22 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038427: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-029_1.jpg)

23 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038428: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-030_0.jpg)

24 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Saturday routine [for Christmas Eve].

4caf8cdacadfd34197038429: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-030_1.jpg)

25 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine [Christmas Day].

4caf8cdacadfd3419703842a: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-031_0.jpg)

26 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.00am: Pipe down.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703842b: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-031_1.jpg)

27 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703842c: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-032_0.jpg)

28 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703842d: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-032_1.jpg)

29 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703842e: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-033_0.jpg)

30 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised action stations.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703842f: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-033_1.jpg)

31 December 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038430: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-034_0.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd34197038431: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd34197038432: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd34197038433: ( 53-68576/ADM 53-68576-035_1.jpg)

Above four pages blanks and cover.


JP map Whiting 1919


[Singapore, Malacca, Singapore]

4caf8cdacadfd34197038434: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd34197038435: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-001_1.jpg)

Cover of log, January 1st to February 28th, 1919.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038436: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd34197038437: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd34197038438: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-003_0.jpg)

4caf8cdacadfd34197038439: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-003_1.jpg)

Above four pages blank.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703843a: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-004_0.jpg)

1 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Scrub decks.

  7.30am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Hands employed as requisite.

  9.45am: One AB left for hospital.

10.00am: Pipe down.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  7.00pm: Landed patrol.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

11.00pm: Patrol returned.

 Sick list: 4.

Weather: Calm or light airs, dry, high temperature 86ºF at 4.00pm.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703843b: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-004_1.jpg)

2 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703843c: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-005_0.jpg)

3 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed in repairing awnings and scrubbing woodwork.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703843d: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-005_1.jpg)

4 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703843e: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-006_0.jpg)

5 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdacadfd3419703843f: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-006_1.jpg)

6 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.20am: Exercised in and out Berthon boats.

  8.45am: Cleaning and painting whaler.

  1.45pm: Discharged one SPO to Tanglin hospital.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038440: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-007_0.jpg)

7 January 1919

Albert Dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded into dry dock.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038441: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-007_1.jpg)

8 January 1919

Albert Dock, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  9.05am: Left dock and proceeded to swing for deviation off Breakwater.

     Noon: Secured to West wharf in Tanjon Pagar. Coaled ship, received 10 tons.

  1.25pm: Slipped and proceeded to buoy in Inner harbour.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038442: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-008_0.jpg)

9 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands painting ship.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038443: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-008_1.jpg)

10 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands painting ship.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038444: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-009_0.jpg)

11 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Lost overboard by accident, one paintbrush.

4caf8cdacadfd34197038445: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-009_1.jpg)

12 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038446: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-010_0.jpg)

13 January 1919

Singapore to Malacca

Lat 1.15, Long 103.72 [approx]

  6.45am: Slipped and proceeded to No 4 section, Tanjon Pagar.

  9.00am: VA Sir Frederick Tudor [at this time C-in-C China] and staff boarded for passage to Malacca.

10.35am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

11.25am: Raffles Lt abeam, course S78W.

11.35am: Brothers Rock bg WSW.

  1.13pm: Pulo Pisang Lt abeam, 5.75 miles.

  5.00pm: Pulo Undan Lt abeam, 2 miles.

  5.44pm: Anchored in 4 fathoms.

The C-in-C and his staff probably disembarked and spent the night ashore, as Whiting would not have any suitable accommodation.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038447: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-010_1.jpg)

14 January 1919


Lat 2.19, Long 102.23

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038448: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-011_0.jpg)

15 January 1919

Malacca to Singapore

Lat 1.7, Long 102.7 [approx]

  9.30am: Admiral and staff re-embarked.

10.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.38am: Pulo Undan abeam, 4.75 miles, course S49E.

  2.38pm: Pulo Pisang abeam, 8.25 miles, a/c S57E.

  5.00pm: Secured to No 8 section, Tanjon Pagar. Admiral and staff disembarked.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038449: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-011_1.jpg)

16 January 1919

Singapore and at sea for exercises

Lat 1.28, Long 103.74

  7.40am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for target practice.

  8.45am: Anchored off Pulo Sarayu [probably Pulau Seraya]

10.30am: Target anchored.

11.00am: Commenced firing.

  2.00pm: Hands employed testing torpedoes.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703844a: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-012_0.jpg)

17 January 1919

At sea for exercises

Lat 1.27, Long 103.52

  6.15am: Charging and preparing torpedoes for running.

  8.37am: Slipped and proceeded through Selat Sembulan.

  9.30am: Dropped target off Sultan Shoal.

  9.46am: Ran both torpedoes.

10.45am: Picked up torpedoes and proceeded to anchor off Tanjong Bulus.

11.20am: Anchored in 10 fathoms.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703844b: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-012_1.jpg)

18 January 1919

At sea for exercises and in harbour, Singapore

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.00am: Hands rigging target and furling awnings.

  8.03am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.30am: Dropped target.

  8.45am: Commenced firing with 12 pdr and 6 pdrs. One 6 pdr misfire thrown overboard.

10.00am: Picked up target, set course N83E.

11.30am: Secured alongside No 8 section, Tanjon Pagar. Coaled ship.

     Noon: One WT rating discharged to SS Hang Sang.

  1.15pm: Finished coaling, 38 tons.

  1.25pm: Slipped and proceeded to buoy in Inner harbour.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703844c: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-013_0.jpg)

19 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703844d: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-013_1.jpg)

20 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands repairing screens and awnings.

  One sun helmet lost overboard by accident.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703844e: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-014_0.jpg)

21 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  8.45am: Hands cleaning torpedoes and splicing wires.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703844f: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-014_1.jpg)

22 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038450: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-015_0.jpg)

23 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Seamen at boat sailing.

  7.50am: Air bedding.

11.30am: Lash up and stow bedding. [The man’s bedding is rolled up inside his hammock, which is secured with seven evenly spaced hitches and stowed in the hammock nettings.]

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038451: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-015_1.jpg)

24 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised collision stations.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038452: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-016_0.jpg)

25 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038453: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-016_1.jpg)

26 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038454: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-017_0.jpg)

27 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Repairing awnings, repainting bridge.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038455: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-017_1.jpg)

28 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038456: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-018_0.jpg)

29 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  1.45pm: One AB discharged to Tanglin hospital.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038457: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-018_1.jpg)

30 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038458: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-019_0.jpg)

31 January 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.



4caf8cdbcadfd34197038459: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-019_1.jpg)

1 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Scrub decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Scrub decks.

11.00am: Clean guns.

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

  1.00pm: Dinner.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch until 11.00pm.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

 Sick list: 4.

Weather: Light airs, dry, some cloud, high temperature 82ºF at 4.00pm.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703845a: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-020_0.jpg)

2 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703845b: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-020_1.jpg)

3 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  8.45am: Seamen and Stokers muster bags and bedding.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703845c: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-021_0.jpg)

4 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands repairing awnings.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703845d: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-021_1.jpg)

5 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703845e: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-022_0.jpg)

6 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  3.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703845f: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-022_1.jpg)

7 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Exercised away all boats.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038460: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-023_0.jpg)

8 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038461: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-023_1.jpg)

9 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038462: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-024_0.jpg)

10 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.55am: Landed party of Seamen and Stokers for rifle exercise.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038463: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-024_1.jpg)

11 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

     Noon: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038464: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-025_0.jpg)

12 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  8.45am: Scrubbing screens and boat sails.

     Noon: Exercised collision and abandon ship stations.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038465: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-025_1.jpg)

13 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Exercised seamen at boat pulling.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038466: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-026_0.jpg)

14 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038467: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-026_1.jpg)

15 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038468: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-027_0.jpg)

16 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038469: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-027_1.jpg)

17 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.00am: Men landed for rifle exercise.

  2.10pm: One AB left for SS Hang Sang.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703846a: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-028_0.jpg)

18 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands painting the side.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703846b: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-028_1.jpg)

19 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.00am: Two ERAs returned from duty on minesweepers.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703846c: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-029_0.jpg)

20 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands scrub boat gear.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703846d: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-029_1.jpg)

21 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  4.50am: Landed ship’s company for route march.

  8.25am: Landing party returned.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703846e: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-030_0.jpg)

22 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703846f: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-030_1.jpg)

23 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038470: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-031_0.jpg)

24 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.00am: Seamen and Stokers landed for rifle exercise.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038471: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-031_1.jpg)

25 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Scraping and painting rails.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038472: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-032_0.jpg)

26 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038473: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-032_1.jpg)

27 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  4.50am: Landed ship’s company for route march.

  8.00am: Landing party returned.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038474: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-033_0.jpg)

28 February 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Exercised sightsetters.

  2.35pm: One Stoker joined from detention.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038475: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-033_1.jpg)

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038476: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-034_0.jpg)

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038477: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038478: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038479: ( 53-68577/ADM 53-68577-035_1.jpg)

Above five pages blanks and covers.


[Singapore, Saigon and Hong Kong for local patrols]

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703847a: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703847b: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-001_1.jpg)

Front cover, March 1st to April 30th, 1919,

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703847c: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703847d: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703847e: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703847f: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-003_1.jpg)

1 March 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  6.15am: Scrub deck.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Scrub deck.

11.00am: Clean guns.

11.30am: Monthly payment.

  1.00pm: Dinner.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch until 11.00pm.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

 Sick list: 4.

Weather: Light airs, dry and clear, temperatures in the 80s F.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038480: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-004_0.jpg)

2 March 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038481: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-004_1.jpg)

3 March 1919


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

  Scrubbed ship’s bottom.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038482: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-005_0.jpg)

4 March 1919

Singapore and at sea

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Keppel Harbour, secured to No 8 section Tanjon Pagar. Coaled ship, 10 tons.

12.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Hydrangea.

  1.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Hydrangea.

  1.50pm: Stoker and one Telegraphist joined ship. Proceeded.

  3.40pm: Horsburgh Lt observed, a/c N80E.

  4.41pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile. a/c N26E.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038483: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-005_1.jpg)

5 March 1919

At sea

Lat 4.45, Long 105.7 (DR)

  2.15am: Sighted Pulo Manki bg N53E.

  4.45am: Same abeam, 19.5 miles, a/c N15E.

10.20am: Passed three minesweepers, sweeps down.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038484: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-006_0.jpg)

6 March 1919

At sea

Lat 8.13, Long 106.66

12.20pm: Pulo Condore bg N by W, 30 miles.

  3.54pm: Same bg N53W, 2 miles.

  4.12pm: Hon Kuo Lt abeam, 1 mile [probably Hon Khoai on Pulo Obi, the Southernmost tip of Vietnam], a/c N16E(m).

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038485: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-006_1.jpg)

7 March 1919

At sea to Saigon

Lat 10.74, Long 106.7

12.55pm: Cape St James bg N10W, 25 miles.

  6.00am: Off Cape St James, pilot boarded, proceeded upriver.

10.30am: Secured alongside jetty at Saigon.

11.30am: Coal lighter alongside.

  9.15pm: Finished coaling, 40 tons.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038486: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-007_0.jpg)

8 March 1919


Lat 10.74, Long 106.7

11.40am: Pilot came aboard. Slipped and proceeded down river.

  3.48pm: Dropped pilot off Cape St James.

  8.12pm: Kega Pt Lt bg N30E, a/c N62E.

10.20pm: Same abeam, 9.5 miles.

11.47pm: Same dipped.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038487: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-007_1.jpg)

9 March 1919

At sea

Lat 12.5, Long 109.67 (DR)

  2.25am: Padaran Lt bg N32E, 21 miles.

  4.35am: Same abeam, 5.5 miles.

  1.10pm: Decreased speed, boiler trouble.

  1.30pm: Cap Varella Lt bg N46W.

  2.15pm: Same abeam, 5.5 miles.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038488: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-008_0.jpg)

10 March 1919

At sea

Lat 16.85, Long 109.97

     Noon: A/c N39E.

4caf8cdbcadfd34197038489: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-008_1.jpg)

11 March 1919

At sea

Lat 19.72, Long 112.04

  5.00pm: A/c N43E.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703848a: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-009_0.jpg)

12 March 1919

At sea to Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.53am: E Tangent of S Ladrone [part of the Wanshan group of islands] bg N7W.

11.10am: Courses to enter harbour.

11.35am: Secured alongside East wall of Camber.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703848b: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-009_1.jpg)

13 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703848c: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-010_0.jpg)

14 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Coaled from lighters, 62 tons.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703848d: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-010_1.jpg)

15 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Returned two torpedoes to store for annual survey. Received two in lieu.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703848e: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-011_0.jpg)

16 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. Landed Wesleyans and C of E party to HMS Tamar.

4caf8cdbcadfd3419703848f: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-011_1.jpg)

17 March 1919

Camber, patrol and Tai Po

Lat 22.41, Long 114.42 (DR)

  7.45am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  9.44am: Nine Pin group abeam.

10.16am: Steep Cliff abeam.

12.02pm: Tung Head abeam.

  1.05pm: Entered Middle Channel.

  1.45pm: Bluff Head abeam. Proceeding down Tolo Channel.

  3.30pm: Anchored off Taipoo [Tai Po].

4caf8cdccadfd34197038490: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-012_0.jpg)

18 March 1919

Tai Po and Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.6, Long 114.36 (DR)

  8.12am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.18am: Bluff Head abeam.

11.35am: Peak Rock abeam.

  4.30pm: Rounded Mirs Pt [now Dapeng Jiao].

  6.05pm: Anchored off Sai Mun Custom Station.

  7.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol off Mirs Pt.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038491: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-012_1.jpg)

19 March 1919

Patrol in Mirs Bay

Lat 22.38, Long 114.6 (DR)

12.01am: On patrol.

  5.15am: Anchored.

11.52am: Weighed and proceeded.

  1.35pm: Mirs Pt abeam.

  3.30pm: Port I. abeam, entered Tolo Channel.

  4.50pm: Entered Plover Cove.

  5.54pm: Left cove.

  6.30pm: Anchored off Taipoo.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038492: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-013_0.jpg)

20 March 1919

Patrol in Mirs Bay

Lat 22.47, Long 114.44 [approx]

  7.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.45am: Bush reef abeam.

  9.15am: Knob reef abeam.

10.30am: Rounded Port I., headed for Mirs Pt.

11.40am: Shek Ngau Chau abeam.

  2.22pm: Peak I. abeam.

  3.13pm: Rounded Leyton Pt, entering Bias Bay.

  4.20pm: Left Bias Bay.

  6.30pm: Anchored off Luni Aug I [?].

4caf8cdccadfd34197038493: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-013_1.jpg)

This page I have omitted; it is almost entirely the same as the 20th and probably copied in error from the deck log.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038494: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-014_0.jpg)

21 March 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.55, Long 114.45

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.45am: Mirs Pt abeam.

  8.45am: Patrolling in Mirs Bay.

     In pm: Patrolling Starling Inlet and Double Haven.

  3.12pm: Rounded Bluff Head towards Long Harbour.

  4.00pm: Looked in to both arms of Long Harbour.

  5.00pm: Headed for Tolo Harbour.

  6.25pm: Anchored in Three Fathoms Cove.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038495: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-014_1.jpg)

22 March 1919


Lat 22.54, Long 114.32 (DR)

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to anchor off Tai Po.

  8.35am: Weighed and proceeded through Tolo Channel.

10.15am: Knob Rock abeam.

11.45am: Peaked Rock abeam.

  1.54pm: Anchored of Sha-Tan Rock.

  2.25pm: Weighed and proceeded via Starling Inlet and Crooked Harbour.

  6.50pm: Anchored off Taipoo.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038496: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-015_0.jpg)

23 March 1919


Lat 22.54, Long 114.32 (DR)

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.51am: Anchored, Tai Po.

  8.35am: Weighed and proceeded through Tolo Channel.

11.45am: Peaked Rock abeam.

  1.54pm: Anchored off Sha-Tan Rock.

  2.25pm: Weighed and proceeded to Taipoo via Starling Inlet and Crooked Harbour.

  6.30pm: Anchored, Taipoo.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038497: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-015_1.jpg)

24 March 1919

Patrol and Hong Kong harbour

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.25am: Weighed and proceeded for HK.

11.46am: Passed HMS Virago.

12.23pm: Secured to Triumph buoy. Coaled from lighters, 36 tons.

  3.25pm: Slipped and proceeded into Camber and secured to N Wall.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038498: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-016_0.jpg)

25 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.45am: Landed range party.

10.00am: Took boats to boat shed.

  3.36pm: Range party returned.

4caf8cdccadfd34197038499: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-016_1.jpg)

26 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.30am: Read warrant No 18.

  1.15pm: Returned awnings.

4caf8cdccadfd3419703849a: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-017_0.jpg)

27 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Paint ship.

4caf8cdccadfd3419703849b: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-017_1.jpg)

28 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Paint ship.

4caf8cdccadfd3419703849c: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-018_0.jpg)

29 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Hoisted in all boats.

4caf8cdccadfd3419703849d: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-018_1.jpg)

30 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdccadfd3419703849e: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-019_0.jpg)

31 March 1919

Camber and on patrol

Lat 22.51, Long 114.37 (DR)

  7.28am: Slipped and proceeded.

  9.20am: Passed HMS Virago.

10.50am: Wong Man Chau abeam.

     Noon: Rounded Port I. into Tolo Channel.

  3.00pm: Anchored in Three Fathom Cove.


[Hong Kong and Mirs Bay patrols]

Noon positions in this month are usually entered as DR, but as they are all within sight of land,

it seems more likely that they were taken from cross bearings.

4caf8cdccadfd3419703849f: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-019_1.jpg)

1 April 1919


Lat 22.59, Long 114.33 (DR)

  6.30am: Scrub deck.

  7.05am: Weighed and proceeded through Tolo Channel.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.38am: Bluff Head abeam.

  9.17am: Round I. abeam.

11.00am: Peaked Rock abeam.

     Noon: Dinner.

12.30pm: Peng Chau I. abeam.

  2.30pm: Mirs Pt abeam.

  3.50pm: Winty [?] Hill abeam.

  5.20pm: Anchored in White Cove, Long Harbour.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

 Sick list: 4.

Weather: Light NEly airs, mostly overcast and raining, temperatures in the low 60s F.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a0: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-020_0.jpg)

2 April 1919

Patrol in Mirs Bay

Lat 22.59, Long 114.32 (DR)

  7.05am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.15am: Peng Chau I. abeam.

10.00am: Sha Na Ching Custom House abeam.

  1.52pm: Entered Crooked harbour.

  2.25pm: Double Haven.

  2.45pm: Cleared Deep Pass.

  2.50pm: Song I. abeam.

  3.20pm: Rounded Bluff Hd, entered Tolo channel.

  6.00pm: Anchored, Tai Po.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a1: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-020_1.jpg)

3 April 1919

Patrol in Mirs Bay

Lat 22.45, Long 114.47 (DR) [estimated, log position unclear]

  7.50am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.05am: Cleared Tolo Channel.

11.56am: Rounded Mirs Pt.

  1.25pm: Tuni Ang I. abeam.

  3.50pm: Reef I. abeam.

  4.50pm: Tree I. abeam.

  5.45pm: Anchored off Triple I.

I am unable to find modern names for any of the afternoon locations.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a2: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-021_0.jpg)

4 April 1919

Patrol in Mirs Bay

Lat 22.49, Long 114.46 (DR)

  7.05am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  8.35am: Pyramid I. abeam.

     Noon: Rounding Mirs Pt.

  1.50pm: Albion Pt abeam.

  5.10pm: Anchored off Peaked Rock.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded [not recorded in log].

  9.31pm: Port I. [aka Chek Chau] abeam.

10.40pm: Same abeam.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a3: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-021_1.jpg)

5 April 1919

Patrol in Mirs Bay

Lat 22.56, Long 114.44 (DR)

12.01am: At sea patrolling.

  3.00am: Port I. abeam.

  4.00am: Turned off Mirs Pt.

  5.45am: Anchored off TanTsui King.

11.55am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  2.25pm: Peak Rock abeam.

  4.35pm: Rounded Bluff Hd.

  6.30pm: Anchored off Taipoo.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a4: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-022_0.jpg)

6 April 1919

Patrol in Mirs Bay

Lat 22.47, Long 114.38 (DR)

  7.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.15am: Knob Reef abeam.

  1.50pm: Bate Head abeam.

  3.00pm: Conic I. abeam.

  4.45pm: Anchored in Cascade Bay.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a5: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-022_1.jpg)

7 April 1919

Cascade Bay to Hong Kong harbour

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.25am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol through inner Port Shelter.

  8.43am: Sighted HMS Virago.

  9.40am: Trio Is abeam.

10.00am: Steep I. abeam.

11.10am: Secured to No 5 buoy, HK. Coaled from lighters, 40 tons.

  4.20pm: Slipped and proceeded to secure to N Wall, Camber.

  6.30pm: HMS Fame secured alongside.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a6: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-023_0.jpg)

8 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Range party landed.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a7: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-023_1.jpg)

9 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Range party landed.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a8: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-024_0.jpg)

10 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Range party landed.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384a9: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-024_1.jpg)

11 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.40pm: HIJMS Yakumo entered, 7 gun salutes exchanged.

  5.30pm: One Signalman left, one joined.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384aa: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-025_0.jpg)

12 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384ab: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-025_1.jpg)

13 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384ac: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-026_0.jpg)

14 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.25am: HMS Fame left on patrol.

  Hands drawing stores.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384ad: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-026_1.jpg)

15 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Drawing stores and spreading awnings.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384ae: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-027_0.jpg)

16 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Returning and drawing stores and refitting awnings.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384af: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-027_1.jpg)

17 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b0: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-028_0.jpg)

18 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Landed church parties (Good Friday).

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b1: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-028_1.jpg)

19 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.00pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Tamar and one joined from HMS Robin.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b2: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-029_0.jpg)

20 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b3: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-029_1.jpg)

21 April 1919

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.49, Long 114.39 (DR)

  7.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

  8.43am: Rounded Tathong Pt.

  9.05am: Sighted HMS Fame.

  9.20am: Cliff Hd abeam.

10.57am: Bate Hd abeam.

     Noon: Kong Chau I. abeam.

  1.05pm: Song To I. abeam.

  1.30pm: Turned 16 pts (a 180º turn).

  2.00pm: Song To I. abeam.

  3.20pm: Anchored in Sandy Cove.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b4: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-030_0.jpg)

22 April 1919

Mirs Bay Patrol

Lat 22.54, Long 114.47 (DR)

  7.18am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.30am: Peak Rock abeam.

  1.33pm: Mirs Pt abeam.

  3.40pm: Anchored in N Bay, Tuni Ang I.

  6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

10.15pm: Anchored off Peng Chau.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b5: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-030_1.jpg)

23 April 1919


Lat 22.46, Long 114.28 (DR)

  4.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  5.15am: Rounded Port I.

  6.50am: Anchored off Tai Po.

10.50am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  1.25pm: Bluff Hd abeam.

  2.45pm: Peaked Hd abeam.

  3.10pm: North Pt, entering Crooked harbour.

  3.45pm: Entered Double Haven.

  4.00pm: Song To I. abeam.

  5.17pm: Anchored in Jones Cove.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b6: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-031_0.jpg)

24 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrols

Lat 22.59, Long 114.32 (DR)

  7.25am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  8.50am: Shek Ngau Chau abeam.

10.00am: East Cove Head abeam.

10.35am: Peng Chau abeam.

12.30pm: Peak Rock abeam.

  3.10pm: Entered Tolo Channel.

  5.00pm: Anchored off Taipoo.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b7: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-031_1.jpg)

25 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrols

Lat 22.43, Long 114.41 [estimated; position in log does not correspond with being off Bate Hd at noon]

  7.50am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  8.50am: Shek Ngau Chau abeam.

10.08am: Griffen Hd abeam.

     Noon: Bate Hd abeam.

  1.05pm: Middle Rock abeam.

  3.20pm: Coast I. abeam.

  4.00pm: Port I. abeam.

  5.00pm: Anchored in White Cove, Long Harbour.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b8: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-032_0.jpg)

26 April 1919


Lat 22.59, Long 114.34 (DR)

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.30am: East Cove Hill abeam.

  3.25pm: Bluff Hd abeam.

  5.30pm: Anchored off Taipo.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384b9: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-032_1.jpg)

27 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.37, Long 114.41 (DR)

  7.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  9.34am: Gruff Hd abeam.

11.09am: Bate Hd abeam.

12.08pm: Conic I. abeam.

  1.10pm: Entered Rocky Harbour.

  3.00pm: Entered Port Shelter.

  3.17pm: Anchored in Cascade Bay.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384ba: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-033_0.jpg)

28 April 1919

Cascade Bay to Hong Kong harbour

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

  8.00am: Collinson Hd abeam.

  9.30am: Basalt I. abeam. Passed HMS Virago.

10.40am: Passed through Lye Mun Pass.

11.25am: Secured to No 6 buoy. Coal lighter alongside.

  2.30pm: Finished coaling, 45 tons.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384bb: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-033_1.jpg)

29 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.30am: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Tamar.

  3.45pm: One AB discharged to HMS Robin.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384bc: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-034_0.jpg)

30 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.50pm: One rating joined from HMS Tamar.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384bd: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384be: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384bf: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-035_1.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c0: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-036_0.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c1: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-036_1.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c2: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-037_0.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c3: ( 53-68578/ADM 53-68578-037_1.jpg)

Above seven pages blanks and cover.


[Hong Kong, Canton, Hong Kong, Canton]

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c4: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c5: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-001_1.jpg)

Front cover, 1st May to 30th June 1919.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c6: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c7: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c8: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384c9: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-003_1.jpg)

1 May 1919

Hong Kong (No 6 buoy)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Scrub deck.

  7.30am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Hands employed as requisite.

10.50am: Stokers Toffs [?] and Greening, ABs Williams and Peavey [?] discharged to HMS Sandpiper. Stokers May and Powell and AB Bingham joined from same.

  1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite.

  4.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

 Sick list: 3.

Weather: Calm or light breezes, clear and dry, temperatures averaging 80ºF.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384ca: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-004_0.jpg)

2 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.15pm: One Ldg Sn and one Tel. rating left ship and the same joined.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384cb: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: ERA Norris and Ldg Stoker Faskin discharged to HMS Robin.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384cc: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384cd: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-005_1.jpg)

5 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4caf8cdccadfd341970384ce: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4caf8cdccadfd341970384cf: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4caf8cdccadfd341970384d0: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d1: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d2: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d3: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-008_1.jpg)

11 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  4.30pm: 12 ratings joined from Tamar and nine discharged to same.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d4: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-009_0.jpg)

12 May 1919

Hong Kong to Canton

Lat 22.7, Long 113.7 [approx]

  8.45am: Slipped and proceeded for Canton.

  9.37am: Ma Wan abeam.

10.31am: Tongkin abeam.

12.20pm: Passed HMS Fame.

  1.00pm: Wantong I. [now Xiahengdang] abeam.

  1.12pm: Tiger I. [now Dahu] abeam.

  1.55pm: Amherst Pt abeam.

  4.20pm: Moored to buoys at Canton.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d5: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d6: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded to secure to CM* buoy.

* Possibly the China Merchants SN Co.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d7: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d8: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-011_0.jpg)

16 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Exercised out all boats and abandon ship.

4caf8cdccadfd341970384d9: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-011_1.jpg)

17 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

11.40am: Slipped CM buoy and returned to sloop moorings.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384da: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-012_0.jpg)

18 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  6.30am: SPO Edwards discharged to naval hospital, Hong Kong.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384db: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-012_1.jpg)

19 May 1919

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.34, Long 114.0 [approx]

  5.50am: Slipped and proceeded for HK.

  8.15am: Amherst Pt abeam.

11.35am: Passed HMS Fame.

12.05pm: Pillar Pt abeam.

  1.22pm: Secured to No 5 buoy, HK. Coaled ship, 37 tons.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384dc: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: RFA Cherub alongside. Slipped and proceeded to buoy 5a.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384dd: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.00pm: Stoker J Marner joined from HMS Tamar.

  3.55pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau arrived.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384de: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: Muster bags.

  Hands employed refitting boats’ falls and scrubbing sidescreens.

  2.20pm: SPO Edwards joined from hospital. Stoker Isles joined from HMS Tamar.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384df: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-014_1.jpg)

23 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands scrubbing small gear and cleaning out the chain locker.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e0: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-015_0.jpg)

24 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e1: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  4.05pm: AB Lane and Ldg Stoker Smyth joined ship. AB Mansfield left for HMS Tamar.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e2: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-016_0.jpg)

26 May 1919

Hong Kong to Canton

Lat 22.89, Long 113.57 [approx]

  7.00am: Discharged Stoker Marner to HMS Tamar, sick.

  7.38am: Slipped and proceeded for Canton.

  8.15am: Cleared Kap Sin Mun.

10.25am: Passed HMS Fame.

12.15pm: Amherst Pt abeam.

  2.10pm: Anchored off Macau fort, trouble with steering gear.

  3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.30pm: Secured to sloops moorings, Canton.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e3: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

     In am: Aired bedding.

     In pm: Landed recreation party.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e4: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-017_0.jpg)

28 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Painting ship.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e5: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-017_1.jpg)

29 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

     In pm: Landed swimming and recreation parties.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e6: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-018_0.jpg)

30 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  8.45am: Cleaned out and disinfected under turtle back. [This class of destroyer has a distinctive convex foredeck, known as a turtleback.]

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e7: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-018_1.jpg)

31 May 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Canton, Hong Kong, Canton, Hong Kong]

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e8: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-019_0.jpg)

1 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  6.15am: Scrub deck.

  7.25am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast and clean.

  8.20am: Hands employed as requisite.

  9.15am: Divisions.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.00pm.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

 Sick list: 3.

Weather: Light SE’ly breezes, showers at noon, otherwise dry and clear, temperatures around 80ºF.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384e9: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-019_1.jpg)

2 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.6, Long 113.74 [approx]

  6.55am: Slipped and proceeded down river.

  9.15am: Amherst Pt abeam.

10.41am: Sampan Chau abeam.

  1.25pm: Pillar Pt abeam.

  3.10pm: Secured to buoy 5a, HK harbour. Coaled ship, 28 tons.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384ea: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-020_0.jpg)

3 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Dress ship (for the King’s birthday)

4caf8cddcadfd341970384eb: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-020_1.jpg)

4 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384ec: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-021_0.jpg)

5 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384ed: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-021_1.jpg)

6 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.00pm: Ldg Stoker Carter left for HMS Tamar, sick.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384ee: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-022_0.jpg)

7 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384ef: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-022_1.jpg)

8 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f0: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-023_0.jpg)

9 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.45pm: Slipped and proceeded into Camber in tow of tugs. Secured alongside HMS Hydrangea.

  2.10pm: One SPO left for HMS Tamar, sick.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f1: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-023_1.jpg)

10 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands scrub deck and canvas gear and draw provisions.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f2: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-024_0.jpg)

11 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f3: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-024_1.jpg)

12 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.35am: Landed party for route march.

  8.00am: Landing party returned. Breakfast.

10.10am: Mr Savage, Ch Gunner joined from HMS Tamar and Mr Kelly left for same.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f4: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-025_0.jpg)

13 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f5: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-025_1.jpg)

14 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: AB Westwood left for HMS Tamar, sick.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f6: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-026_0.jpg)

15 June 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.20am: HMS Carlisle left Camber.

  9.30am: Lt Manwaring relieved Lt Wissler RNR, discharged to hospital.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f7: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-026_1.jpg)

16 June 1919

Hong Kong to Canton

Lat 22.8, Long 113.6

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded for Canton.

11.59am: Sampan Chau abeam.

  3.28pm: Secured to buoys, Canton.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f8: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-027_0.jpg)

17 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384f9: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-027_1.jpg)

18 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Air bedding, repairing awnings, painting.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384fa: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-028_0.jpg)

19 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384fb: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-028_1.jpg)

20 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384fc: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-029_0.jpg)

21 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384fd: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-029_1.jpg)

22 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Sunday routine. Landed church parties.

4caf8cddcadfd341970384fe: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-030_0.jpg)

23 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  8.00am: Dressed ship [for Coronation Day 22nd June; deferred to this day as the navy does not dress ship on a Sunday].

4caf8cddcadfd341970384ff: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-030_1.jpg)

24 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038500: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-031_0.jpg)

25 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  7.00am: Discharged Ldg Sn Groves to HMS Tamar, sick.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038501: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-031_1.jpg)

26 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038502: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-032_0.jpg)

27 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038503: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-032_1.jpg)

28 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038504: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-033_0.jpg)

29 June 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

  Sunday routine.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038505: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-033_1.jpg)

30 June 1919

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.35, Long 114.03 [approx]

  6.20am: Slipped and proceeded down river.

  6.35am: Macau fort abeam.

  8.15am: Amherst Lt abeam.

12.15pm: Cleared Kap Sing Mun Pass.

  1.00pm: Secured to buoy. Lt Wissler rejoined from HMS Tamar and Lt Manwaring discharged to same.

  4.25pm: Discharged three Stokers to HMS Tarantula.

  4.50pm: Finished coaling, 40 tons.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038506: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-034_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038507: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-034_1.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038508: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-035_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038509: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-035_1.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd3419703850a: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-036_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd3419703850b: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-036_1.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd3419703850c: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-037_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd3419703850d: ( 53-68579/ADM 53-68579-037_1.jpg)

Above eight pages blanks and covers.


[Hong Kong to pay off]

4caf8cddcadfd3419703850e: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-001_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd3419703850f: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-001_1.jpg)

Front cover.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038510: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-002_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038511: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-002_1.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038512: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-003_0.jpg)

Above three pages blank.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038513: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.00am: Clean ship.

  7.25am: Clean guns.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Hands employed as requisite.

     Noon: Dinner. Make and mend.

  4.00pm: Tea. Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  9.00pm: Rounds correct.

Weather: Various light winds, early showers, cloudy, temperatures in the 80s F.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038514: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.30pm: HMS Kent arrived.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038515: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.30am: Exercised landing party.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038516: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Dressed ship [US Independence Day]

4caf8cddcadfd34197038517: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.30am: Cleared lower deck to clear a buoy and secured same to ship.

4caf8cddcadfd34197038518: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Negative church parties [rain].

4caf8cddcadfd34197038519: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Returning stores, torpedoes and ammunition.

  1.30pm: Left buoy towed by tugs and secured to S Wall of Camber.

4caf8cddcadfd3419703851a: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Returning stores and 77 tons of coal.

4caf8cddcadfd3419703851b: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Returning stores.

4caf8cddcadfd3419703851c: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Returning stores.

4caf8cddcadfd3419703851d: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Ship's company paid off.

4caf8cddcadfd3419703851e: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-009_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd3419703851f: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-009_1.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038520: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-010_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038521: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-010_1.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038522: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-011_0.jpg)

4caf8cddcadfd34197038523: ( 53-68580/ADM 53-68580-011_1.jpg)

The above six pages are covers and blanks.