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Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion Pendant No M.90 (on coming into service). Built 1908, 6239grt, 15kts, owned by booth Line. Armament: 6-6in, 2-6pdr. Crew (7.15): 32 officers & 220 crew (bi). In service 21.11.14. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. Sunk 25.5.17 by U.88 west of the Shetlands. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes: HMS
“Hilary”, originally named SS “Hilary”, was a
cargo and passenger liner built in 1908 by Caledon Shipbuilding &
Engineering Company, Dundee, for the Booth Steamship Company to
operate on the Europe/South America route.
A distinctive feature of this copy of logs of HMS “Hilary” is that ship speeds in remarks column have been underlined in red. Captain
Dean’s report on the loss of HMS “Hilary” can be
found at the end of this page.
Grainger J.D. The
Maritime Blockade of Germany in the Great War 1914-1918
of the Tenth Cruiser Squadron: A challenge for the Royal Navy and its
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) THE VOYAGES OF HMS HILARY 1914 LOG BOOK – DECEMBER 6th 1914 TO MARCH 24th 1915 LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1914 4f9622cda2fc8e2def003d26: ( 53-44317-001_0.jpg) 4f9622cda2fc8e2def003d27: ( 53-44317-001_1.jpg) 4f9622cea2fc8e2def003d28: ( 53-44317-002_0.jpg) 4f9622cea2fc8e2def003d29: ( 53-44317-002_1.jpg) 4f9622cea2fc8e2def003d2a: ( 53-44317-004_0.jpg) 4f9622cfa2fc8e2def003d2b: ( 53-44317-004_1.jpg) 4f9622cfa2fc8e2def003d2c: ( 53-44317-005_0.jpg) [Log Book Directions Page] 4f9622cfa2fc8e2def003d2d: ( 53-44317-005_1.jpg) [Ship Particulars] 4f9622d0a2fc8e2def003d2e: ( 53-44317-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Draft arrived from HMS “Vivid”. Commissioned ship Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d0a2fc8e2def003d2f: ( 53-44317-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship Am: Hands employed arranging sleeping quarters and stowage of baggage Pm: No Compasses or Instruments in place 4.30pm: Leave granted to R & W watches till 7am, boys to 7pm Pm: Lieutenant G Strickland RNR joined ship Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d0a2fc8e2def003d30: ( 53-44317-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship and taking in stores Am: No Compasses or Instruments in place Pm: Hands employed taking in Ammunition, etc 4.30pm: Leave granted to W & B watch till 7am, Boys to 7pm Pm: Red Watch employed stowing Ammunition 4f9622d1a2fc8e2def003d31: ( 53-44317-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship and clearing ammunition vans, etc Am: No Compasses or Instruments in place Pm: Hands employed taking in stores, etc 4.30pm: Leave granted to R & B watches till 7am, Boys till 7pm Pm: Watch employed unloading guns and mountings from waggons Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d1a2fc8e2def003d32: ( 53-44317-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship etc Am: Boarded Midshipman R G Arnot Am: Boarded Midshipman Burrows Am: Hands employed taking in Ammunition, etc Pm: No Compasses or Instruments in place 4.30pm: Leave granted to R & W watches till 7am, Boys to 9pm Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d1a2fc8e2def003d33: ( 53-44317-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship Am: No compasses or Instruments in place Pm: Hands variously employed 4.30pm: Leave granted to W & B watches till 7am, Boys to 7pm Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d2a2fc8e2def003d34: ( 53-44317-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship and taking in stores Am: No compasses or Instruments in place Pm: Hands variously employed 4.30pm: Leave granted to R & B watches till 7am, Boys to 7pm Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d2a2fc8e2def003d35: ( 53-44317-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 6.00am: Spread fires in all boilers Am: Hands employed as required 10.30am: Landed Church parties Am: No Compasses or Instruments in place 1.15pm: Leave granted till 10pm, Boys till 7pm 1.45pm: Watch employed preparing ship for shifting 2.30pm: Cast off and proceeded assisted by two steam tugs 3.15pm: Made fast alongside Brunswick entrance to await morning tide 4f9622d2a2fc8e2def003d36: ( 53-44317-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea 8.5am: Stand by engines, cast off and proceeded down river. Thick fog, engines as required for anchorage 9.15am: Let go Port anchor in 14 fms water to 60 fms cable 9.17am: Finished with engines Am: Thick fog, fog regulations carried out Anchor Bearings: Woodside ferry NWxW ½ W, Cunard buoy SxW ½ W, Liver building NNE, Ship’s head South 1.0pm: Fog cleared 1.30 to 3.30pm: Preparing crew for action stations 3.30 to 4.0pm: Clearing decks etc 4.0pm: Vessel swung to Flood Pm: Fine clear weather 9.20pm: Vessel swung to Ebb Fine clear weather calm Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d3a2fc8e2def003d37: ( 53-44317-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1914 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 3.45am: Vessel swung to Flood Am: Fine clear weather Am: Light to gentle breeze, hazy Am: Light wind, overcast, hazy Pm: Light wind, misty weather 5.0pm: Vessel swung to flood Pm: Mod wind, cloudy weather Pm: Gentle wind, cloudy weather Numebr on sick list: Nil 4f9622d3a2fc8e2def003d38: ( 53-44317-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1914 Liverpool to Cruising Lat 53.51, Long -3.36 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea 9.35am: Stand by and commenced to weigh anchor, engines as required 9.49am: Anchor up, all clear, proceeded. Various speeds 10.30am: Passed Rock Light House 11.32am: Passed Bar Light Vessel 11.40am: Commenced gun tests 0.15pm: Finished gun test, shaped course WxN and proceeded 12 knots 12.40pm: NW Lt Vessel ¼ mile, altered course WxN ½ N and streamed log 1.40pm: Reduced speed to 10 knots for adjusting compasses off Ormes Head 3.15pm: Proceeded WxN 14 knots 3.53pm: Point Linus abeam 4.22pm: South Stack bore S54W 5.35pm: Reduced speed to 12 knots. Courses various 6.5pm: Reduced speed, engines and courses as required to anchorage in Holyhead Bay 6.10pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 10 fms water veered to 45 fms chain. Landed pilot and representative for firing Anchor bearings in Holyhead: Breakwater light NxE, Oec buoy light ENE 6.44pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, engine as required 7.7pm: Shaped course NW and proceeded 12 knots 7.20pm: Skerries abeam, streamed Patent Log 7.35pm: Altered course North 10.16pm: Altered course NxW to allow for set 10.43pm: Chickens Light abeam, dist 3 ½ miles, log 39 n/m; altered course N6W Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d3a2fc8e2def003d39: ( 53-44317-011_1.jpg) [Attached note] Record of observations for deviation Patent N° and N° of Standard Compass: Bruces patent Mersey Compass Captain: R. H. Bather, Navigating Officer F. C-P. Harris Description of ship: Armed Merchant Cruise, Horse Power 5000, Armament: 6 6” guns and 2 6 pounders HMS “Hilary”, Place of observation Off Great Ormes Head, Date: December 16th 1914 [ed. note: this form has been filled out] 4f9622d4a2fc8e2def003d3a: ( 53-44317-012_0.jpg) Description and position of correctors [ed. note: form left blank] 4f9622d4a2fc8e2def003d3b: ( 53-44317-012_1.jpg) 17 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 56.6, Long -7.16 1.7am: South Rock abeam, dist. 4 miles, log 65.5 2.25am: Mew Island Light abeam, dist 4 miles, log 82 3.32am: Altered course off Maidens to N16W 3.40am: Maidens abeam, dist 5 miles, log 95 4.47am: Sanda Island Light abeam, dist 11 miles, log 108 5.20am: Mull of Cantyre abeam, dist 5 miles, log 114 6.2am: Altacarry abeam, dist. 6 miles, altered course N29W 7.20am: Otter Rock Light abeam, dist 6 miles 8.12am: Altered course N44W. Strong set to Leeward 8.45am: Oversay light abeam, dist 3 ½ miles, log 52 9.0am: Altered course N20W, log 52 ½ Am: Watch employed in lacing dodgers & variously [ed. note: list of soundings taken from 0.55pm to 3.50pm] 4.0pm: Observed Barra Head bearing NE ½ E 4.30pm: Barra Head abeam 5 miles, altered course N19E 8.30pm: Monarch Island Light abeam dist 3 miles 10.0pm: Observed Flannan Is light bearing N38E Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d4a2fc8e2def003d3c: ( 53-44317-013_0.jpg) 18 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.75, Long -7.03 0.27am: Flannan Is abeam 10 miles, log 20, altered course N32E Am: Lost overboard by accident from after 6” gun (elevating wheel) 11.0am: Altered course North 11.20am: Reduced speed 10 knots 11.25am: Slow 11.35am: Stopped to examine Norwegian steamer “Romsdal” 11.50am: Proceeded 6 knots. Course S40E “Romsdal” in company Pm: Darkened ship for night defence, Evening quarters Pm: Speed of Vessel regulated occasionally according to speed of SS “Romsdal” Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622d5a2fc8e2def003d3d: ( 53-44317-013_1.jpg) 19 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.96, Long -4.05 2.10am: Took cast 52 fms F.S. (Fine Sand) 3.30am: Turned ship North to await daylight. Reduced speed slow, 6 knots 5.0am: Reduced speed to dead slow, 4 knots 6.30am: Turned ship round and Proceeded South 7.0am: Increased speed to 8 knots 8.23am: Stopped, Noup Head bearing S9E, 18 miles. Sent seaboat away with boarding party consisting of Sub Lt Southcombe and 7 men 9.25am: Sea boat returned, proceeded on course N24W, 14 knots, zigzagging Noon: Sighted HMS “Otway” on port bow Pm: Darken ship prepare for night defence evening quarters 4.0pm: Position by stars Lat 60 38N, Long 4 47W Easterly set experienced 5.0pm: Altered course S8W. Reduced speed to 6 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622d5a2fc8e2def003d3e: ( 53-44317-014_0.jpg) 20 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.0, Long -5.0 1.0am: Altered course NNW, increased speed to 13 knots to examine steamer 1.25am: Slow 1.29am: Stopped Lat 59 46N, Long 4 48W. Spoke Russian SS from Cardiff to Archangel allowed her to proceed 1.55am: Proceeded 6 ½ knots 3.30am: Courses various to examine steamer 4.20am: Fired blank 4.23am: Fired second blank 4.56am: Proceeded SxW ½ W, 7 knots, Swedish steamer “Kronprins Gustaf” following 7.55am: Stop 8.5am: Sent sea boat away with boarding party. Lat 59 34N, Long 4 42W. Boarding Officer: Sub Lieut G F Strickland; Accompanying officer: Edward A Jacobs 9.10am: Boat returned. Steamer “Kronprins Gustaf” ordered to proceed to Kirkwall 9.25am: Proceeded 13 ½ knots 9.30am: Shaped course N2E, patent log streamed and reset. Course zigzagging 0.38pm: Lat 60 11N, Long 5 8W. Reduced speed to examine British steamer “Luca” of Liverpool from Archangel to Liverpool. Allowed to proceed 1.0pm: Proceeded 13 ½ knots, Course N2E 3.20pm: Reduced speed to examine Danish SS “Gudrun”. Reported naval officer onboard proceeding to Kirkwall. Allowed to proceed 3.30pm: Resumed course 13 ½ knots 4.30pm: Altered course S16W, speed 6 ½ knots. Darken ship, preparing for night defence evening quarters Number on sick list: 3 4f9622d5a2fc8e2def003d3f: ( 53-44317-014_1.jpg) 21 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.26, Long -4.5 5.35am: Observed loom of Sule Skerry Light bearing S2W, altered course S2W 8.0am: Altered course N2E, increased speed to 13 ½ knots, zigzagging 9.30am: Reduced speed to examine British SS “Tervoe”, allowed to proceed. Lat 59 32N, Long 4 40W 10.20am: Exercised general quarters and physical drill 10.35am: Stopped & examined Danish SS “Dagny” bound to Bristol from Frederikstad 10.40am: Proceeded on course, 13 ½ knots, watches employed at gun drill and as required Pm: Watch employed cleaning and overhauling lifeboats 2.45pm: Sighted HMS “Oropesa” on Port beam 3.30pm: Preparing for night defence and darken ship 4.0pm: Altered course S2W, speed 6 knots. Evening Quarters 11.30pm: Sighted SS “Rapidan” on port beam, altered course and speed Number on sick list: 5 [ed. note: SS “Tervoe” previously named “Jabiru”, 1899; 696 tons; Cork Steam ship Company, Ltd. Built at Newcastle by Messrs, Wigham, Richardson & Co., Ltd., and subsequently sold to Limerick Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and re-named “Tervoe”. Latter Company sold her in 1916 to a London Company, who renamed her “Galicia”. Journal of the Cork Historical and Archeological Society, The society 1919, page XIV] 4f9622d6a2fc8e2def003d40: ( 53-44317-015_0.jpg) 22 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.0, Long -5.16 12.20am: Stopped and sent sea boat away with boarding party to examine SS “Rapidan”: Lat 60 4N, Long 5 2W. Allowed to proceed 1.40am: Boat returned 1.45am: Proceeded 7 knots 7.50am: Courses and speed various to examine Norwegian SS “Secovia” [ed. note: misspelt for SS “Segovia”] Lat 59 34N, Long 4 59W, from Newcastle to Oporto with general cargo. Allowed to proceed 8.50am: Altered course N5E, 13 ½ knots 10.50am: Exercised crew in fire and collision stations 3.44pm: Examined American oil SS “Romene”: Lat 60 35N, Long 5 19W. Allowed to proceed 4.45pm: Altered course S2W, speed 7 knots 10.30pm: Stopped to examine Norwegian SS “Skotfa” [ed. note: perhaps misspelt for SS “Skotfos”] from Swansea to Odda, with coal & tin plates: allowed to proceed. Lat 60 12N, Long 5 14W. Boarding Officer: O E Miles; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.20pm: Proceeded 7 ½ knots Number on sick list: 6 4f9622d6a2fc8e2def003d41: ( 53-44317-015_1.jpg) 23 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.15, Long -5.1 8.0am: Altered course N2E zigzagging, speed 13 ½ miles 9.45am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill Read articles of war 4.0pm: Altered course S5W, 6 knots 4.50pm: Altered course S9W Number on sick list: 6 4f9622d6a2fc8e2def003d42: ( 53-44317-016_0.jpg) 24 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.65, Long -4.95 7.20am: Increased speed to 10 knots 8.0am: Altered course N2W, speed 13 ½ knots 8.50am: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Lat 4 30W boarded & examined trawler “Olivine” of Hull, allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Osmund E Miles, Accompanying Officer: Edwin A Jacobs 9.50am: Proceeded 14 knots 11.30am: Altered course to WxS to close Sailing Vessel 0.56pm: Stopped in Lat 59 33N, Long 5 11W boarded & examined Norwegian barque “Duncrag”, from Philadelphia to Stornoway to clear. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: G F Strickland, Accompanying Officer: Edward A Jacobs 1.50pm: Proceeded N12E, 14 knots 7.0pm: Altered course S5W, reduced speed to 7 knots 7.30pm: Signalled SS “Stockholm”, from Stockholm to Philadelphia, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 60 37N, Long 5 26W 8.55pm: Increased speed 9.28pm: Reduced speed to 7 knots and proceeded S5W Number on sick list: 6 4f9622d7a2fc8e2def003d43: ( 53-44317-016_1.jpg) 25 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.03, Long -5.13 12.15am: Altered course SExE to close steamer 8.22am: Altered course S19E, Sule Skerry bearing S19E 8.30am: Altered course N2E, speed 13 ½ knots 10.30am: Divine Service 4.0pm: Altered course S5W. Reduced speed to 6 ½ knots 6.15pm: Increased speed to 8 knots 11.0pm to Midnight: Various courses and speeds Number on sick list: 7 4f9622d7a2fc8e2def003d44: ( 53-44317-017_0.jpg) 26 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.78, Long -4.83 5.10am: Sighted SS. Signalled SS “Zenet” from Gothenberg. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 20N, Long 4 48W 6.33am: Increased speed to 12 knots Hands variously employed Noon: Increased speed to 13 knots 2.30pm: Private Waugh Pby 16649 RMLI fell overboard in Lat 60 21N, Long 5 14W. Let go lifebuoy. Stopped. Altered course 16 points. Searched the vicinity till 3 pm but no trace, heavy squall, force of wind 10, very high dangerous sea 3.0pm: Reduced speed to 10 knots WL aerial carried away 4.30pm: Reduced speed to 8 knots 5.40pm: Altered course S10W. Reduced speed to 7 knots 7.0pm: Increased speed to 10 knots 8.0pm: Aireal replaced 9.10pm: Patent log carried away 10.25pm: Renewed & reset Number on sick list: 6 4f9622d7a2fc8e2def003d45: ( 53-44317-017_1.jpg) 27 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.8, Long -5.13 12.0am: Wind backed to SE with heavy hail squalls 4.5am: Reduced speed to 8 knots 5.30am: Altered course to N10W and various to close steamer 7 to 8am: Fierce squall, force of wind 12 9.50am: Examined SS “Nippo”* Swedish, from Christiania to Barry, cargo timber. Lat 59 22N, Long 4 57W. Allowed her to proceed Proceeded N8W, 10 knots 10.55am: Increased speed to 14 knots 1.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing NE. Various courses & speeds to examine “Oslo” (Wilson Line) in Lat 60 5N, Long 5 14W, from Liverpool to Christiania with general cargo. Allowed her to proceed 2.10pm: Resumed course N8E, 14 knots 5.0pm: Altered course S4W, 8 knots 10.07pm: Reduced speed to 7 knots Number on sick list: 5 *[ed. note: perhaps misspelt for SS “Nippon”] 4f9622d8a2fc8e2def003d46: ( 53-44317-018_0.jpg) 28 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.1, Long -5.06 6.30am: Made loom of Sule Skerry bearing SSW 8.5am: Increased speed to 12 knots Noon: Increased speed to 14 knots zigzagging 4.0pm: Altered course S3W. Reduced speed to 8 knots 10.0pm: Sighted steamer bearing NW. Various courses to 10.40. Stopped Lat 60 11N, Long 5 19W. Boarded Norwegian SS “Skarpsno” from Galveston to Gotburg & Christiania. Cargo flour, cotton & seed cake. Number on sick list: 3 [ed. note: “Seed Waste (further referred to as Seedcake) is the residue remaining after the removal of oil from any oil-bearing seeds, cereals and cereal products, and any other commodities with similar properties. This is achieved by mechanical crushing or by a process known as solvent extraction. Seedcake is a by-product of the production of vegetable oils from the oil bearing seeds or grains and it is principally used as animal feed or fertilizer.”] 4f9622d8a2fc8e2def003d47: ( 53-44317-018_1.jpg) 29 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.96, Long -4.86 Boarding Officer: Osmund E Miles Accompanying Officer: Edward A Jacobs: 1.05am: Sent prize crew onboard consisting of Sub Lt Strickland & 4 men with orders to proceed to Kirkwall 1.50am: Proceeded S3W, 10 knots 5.30am: Sighted steamer on Starboard bow 6.0am: Altered course N70E, increased speed to 11 knots 7.30am: Reduced speed to 6 knots to follow vessel. Various speeds 8.38am: Stopped & various. Examined Norwegian SS “Renvik”* with prize crew, Lat 59 42N, Long 3 42W, and Swedish SS “Margaret”, Christiania to Santos. Cargo paper. Allowed to proceed 8.54am: Proceeded 14 knots, N46W 4.0pm: Altered course S2W, zigzagging 4.45pm: Reduced speed to 8 knots 9.42pm: Increased speed to 10 knots Number on sick list: 2 [ed. note: perhaps misspelt for “Ranvik”. Two possible Norwegian ships with that name: “Ranvik” (1909) and “Ranvik (“1912). The ship met by “Hilary” should be “Ranvik” (1912)] 4f9622d8a2fc8e2def003d48: ( 53-44317-019_0.jpg) 30 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.08, Long -5.08 0.30am: In Lat 59 43N, Long 4 58W signalled Norwegian SS “Elsa” from Kirkwall to Newport News. Allowed to proceed 1.30am: In Lat 59 36N, Long 4 50W, signalled SS “Wico” from Kirkwall to USA, allowed to proceed 2.25am: Sighted Sule Skerry bearing S2E 8.0am: Altered course North, speed 13 ½ knots 10.30am: Exercised fire drill, collision mat drill and abandon ship stations 1.0pm: Sighted two sailing vessels on Staboard bow 1.30pm: In Lat 60 16N, Long 5 12W spoke Russian barque “Albyn” from Drammen to Melbourne, cargo wood. Altered course & reduced speed to keep in touch with him 2.0pm: Observed the other vessel dismasted bearing NNE 4.50pm: Altered course and increased speed to 12 Knots 7.05pm: Sighted vessel on Port bow; altered course and reduced speed 7.30pm: Stopped 7.50pm: Proceeded dead slow on Starboard engine to accompany dismasted vessel till daylight Number on sick list: 3 4f9622d9a2fc8e2def003d49: ( 53-44317-019_1.jpg) 31 December 1914 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 61.33, Long -5.83 8.30am: Closed barque 8.45am: Stopped. Sent one Officer & signalman onboard Norwegian barque “Maryetta” from Aalborg to Santos, cargo cement, who asked to be taken in tow; got out 5 ½” wire & secured to barque’s cable 11.15am: Secured tow 11.40am: Proceeded S22E, 5 knots 0.15pm: Increased speed to 40 revs 1.50pm: Increased speed to 45 revs 2.0pm: Streamed & set Patent log Number on sick list: 3 THE VOYAGES OF HMS HILARY 1915 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1915 4f9622d9a2fc8e2def003d4a: ( 53-44317-020_0.jpg) 1 January 1915 [Incorrectly marked as 1914 by the log-keeper] From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.03, Long -2.93 6.40am: Reduced speed to 35 revs 8.40am: Increased speed to 40 revs 9.15am: Stopped whilst communicating with barque 9.55am: Altered course S8E, increased speed to 40 revs 0.55pm: Increased speed to 45 revs 3.45pm: Reduced speed to 35 revs 6.45pm: Hauled in Patent log [ed. note: soundings taken from 8.42pm to 10.0pm] 10.40pm: Sighted Fair Island South Lt bearing SExE 11.50pm: Barque sent up rocket, stopped & communicated with Morse lamp, he reported, sprung a leak & sinking Number on sick list: 3 4f9622d9a2fc8e2def003d4b: ( 53-44317-020_1.jpg) 2 January 1915 [Incorrectly marked as 1914 by the log-keeper] From Liverpool to Cruising and at Kirkwall 0.15am: Signalled from barque that they were going to abandon ship 12.30am: Shipped towing hawser and manoeuvred vessel to get to windward of barque 12.40am: Boat and crew left the ship 1.0am: Boat capsized, engines as required to pick up crew 1.15am: Barque sank in Lat 59 32N, Long 2 6W 1.20am: Lowered port sea boat and picked up six men. Among the lost were Sub Lieut O E Miles RNR and signalman Frank Scott ON, DJ, 5747 2.0am: Hoisted sea boat & proceeded SSE 10 knots 8.50am: Auskerry Light House bore S87W 9.40am: Increased speed to 13 knots 10.0am: Auskerry abeam 2 miles 11.05am: Reduced speed to 10 knots 11.25am: Stopped 11.26am: Let go Port anchor in 8 fms water 11.30am: Let go Starboard anchor & veered to 45 fms both Anchor bearings: Ship’s head South, Cathedral S20W, Greenfield SExE Lost with barque: 80 fms of 5 ½ inch wire and one large 30 ton shackle 3.30pm: Shipwrecked crew left for shore Number on sick list: 3 4f9622d9a2fc8e2def003d4c: ( 53-44317-021_0.jpg) 3 January 1915 Kirkwall Lat 58.98, Long -2.96 Hands employed cleaning ship 7.50am: 3 officers, 5 marines and 2 seamen joined ship (ex prize crews) 8.40am: 4 officers, 11 marines and 17 seamen joined ship (ex prize crews) Divisions & Divine Service Number on sick list: 2 4f9622daa2fc8e2def003d4d: ( 53-44317-021_1.jpg) 4 January 1915 Kirkwall Lat 58.98, Long -2.96 6.45am: 2 officers 5 marines & 2 seamen left ship to proceed to Liverpool (ex prize crew) Am: Hands employed painting ship Number on sick list: 3 4f9622daa2fc8e2def003d4e: ( 53-44317-022_0.jpg) 5 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.13, Long -2.81 3.15am: 1 officer & 5 seamen returned onboard, ex prize crew of SS “Skarpsno” Am: Hands cleaning ship 9.55am: Stand by engines 10.25am: Weighed anchor & proceeded 14 knots Courses Various through Stronsay & Westray Firths 0.45pm: Exit Westray Firth 1.15pm: Noup Head bore N62E, 5 miles. Altered course North zigzagging 2.0pm: Streamed Patent log Number on sick list: 3 4f9622dba2fc8e2def003d4f: ( 53-44317-022_1.jpg) 6 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 57.81, Long -8.56 Observed Flannan Light bearing S39W 5.30am: Altered course S65W. Easterly set of 17 miles 7.15am: Flannan Light abeam dist 11 miles 10.37am: Hauled in Patent log 11.40am: Reduced speed & various to anchorage Anchor bearings: Ship’s head SxE, Levenish Is SE, Dun Pt S14W 0.04pm: Let go Port anchor in Village Bay, St Kilda, in 20 fms water 45 fms chain. Lowered away port sea boat & transhipped ex prize crews to HMS “Hildebrand” 1.0pm: Weighed & proceeded 14 knots, streamed P log 1.20pm: Boreray Is abeam, altered course N42E 3.55pm: Flannan Isle abeam dist 18 miles 11.45pm: Altered course S86E. Reduced speed to 12 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dba2fc8e2def003d50: ( 53-44317-023_0.jpg) 7 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.08, Long -2.93 9.20am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” on port bow 9.45am: Stopped in Lat 60 24N, Long 3 20W, transferred ex prize crew to “Cedric” 10.10am: Proceeded full speed. Course SxE Noon: Altered course N72W & reduced speed to 13 knots 5.0pm: Reduced speed to 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dba2fc8e2def003d51: ( 53-44317-023_1.jpg) 8 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.46, Long -7.8 0.13am: Altered course N5W & reduced speed to 8 knots Am: Altered course S5E & increased speed to 13 knots 10.0am: Reduced speed to 12 knots 10.25am: Exercised fire control party. Remainder as requisite 3.0pm: Sighted SS on port bow; bore towards her, full speed 3.54pm: Fired blank 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 53N, Long 6 54W & spoke American SS “Llama” with prize crew onboard 4.30pm: Proceeded 13 knots S23W 5.52pm: Altered course N5W & reduced to 9 knots 6.50pm: Sighted light on port bow 7.0pm: Altered course NW full speed. Courses as requisite to close steamer 9.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 34N, Long 7 49W, boarded Norwegian SS “Glitra”, from Baltimore to Aarhus, with grain, calling at Kirkwall. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H Spencer; Accompanying officer: E A Jacobs 11.0pm: Proceeded 9 knots N22E Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dca2fc8e2def003d52: ( 53-44317-024_0.jpg) 9 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.46, Long -6.46 1.0am: Altered course S66E, increased to 12 knots 9.0am: Sighted HMS “Otway” port bow 9.20am: Sighted SS on port bow increased speed & bore towards her. SS “Glitra” again 9.58am: Altered course N87W, 13 knots 6.10pm: Altered course WNW and as requisite to close steamer 6.40pm: Fired two blanks 6.50pm: Stopped in Lat 59 8N, Long 9 4W, boarding Swedish SS “Lappland”, from Ellesmere to Narvik in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.10pm: Proceeded 10 knots S70E. Streamed Patent log 10.0pm: Altered course East Number on sick list: 1 4f9622dca2fc8e2def003d53: ( 53-44317-024_1.jpg) 10 January 1915 Liverpool Lat 59.46, Long -5.71 0.50am: Altered course to close steamer 0.58am: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 7 28W spoke SS “Salerno” (Norwegian), to Buenos Aires from Bergen. General cargo. Allowed to proceed 1.12am: Proceeded 11 knots, course East 8.0am: Altered course West and increased to 12 knots 11.50am: Altered course West and reduced to 10 knots 2.15pm: Increased to 13 knots 2.48pm: Reduced to 12 knots 4.40pm: Decreased to 9 knots 7.0pm: Altered course East and increased to 10 knots 11.0pm: Altered course North Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dca2fc8e2def003d54: ( 53-44317-025_0.jpg) 11 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.9, Long -8.76 7.35am: Reduced to 7 knots 8.55am: Increased to 10 knots 9.0am: Altered course East. Divisions & prayers, exercised guns crews. Boys at physical drill 1.0pm: Altered course West 5.0pm: Altered course East & reduced to 10 knots 7.0pm: Altered course West & reduced to 5 knots 9.25pm: Altered course East & increased to 9 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dca2fc8e2def003d55: ( 53-44317-025_1.jpg) 12 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.86, Long -9.06 9.0am: Altered course N68W 9.30am: Increased to 11 knots 10.0am: Divisions & prayers, exercised action Am: Inspection of quarters by Commander 1.0pm: Altered course N59E & increased to 13 ½ knots 8.0pm: Altered course N4W & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dda2fc8e2def003d56: ( 53-44317-026_0.jpg) 13 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.4, Long -6.73 8.20am: Stopped in Lat 60 19N, Long 7 20W and spoke Danish SS “Kronborg” from Charleston to Denmark. Cargo oilcake. Course and speed as requisite 10.40am: Altered course S72E to escort SS, 6 knots, to St Magnus Bay, too rough to board 3.10pm: Stopped in Lat 60 29N, Long 6 0W sent prize crew to SS “Kronborg” 3.55pm: Proceeded N86W, 10 knots, streamed Patent log Darken ship, evening quarters Number on sick list: 3 4f9622dda2fc8e2def003d57: ( 53-44317-026_1.jpg) 14 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.58, Long -7.63 9.10am: Increased to 12 knots, zigzag 10.10am: Divisions & prayers, Boys at physical drill, Remainder as requisite Number on sick list: 3 4f9622dda2fc8e2def003d58: ( 53-44317-027_0.jpg) 15 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.15, Long -7.21 Am: Divisions & prayers. Exercised fire stations & physical drill 9.0pm: Altered course NNE & reduced to 8 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622dea2fc8e2def003d59: ( 53-44317-027_1.jpg) 16 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.9, Long -8.11 4.10am: Altered course S41W, increased to 12 knots 9.40am to 11.0am: Courses as requisite to speak USA SS “El Monte”, from Bremen to New York. Cargo salt. Allowed to proceed 11.0am: Altered course N22E, speed 10 knots 2.0pm: Altered course N4W & increased to 11 knots 5.05pm: Altered course S4E& reduced to 10 knots 6.30pm: Reduced to 8 knots 7.20pm: Altered course N34E & increased to 12 knots 11.45pm: Altered course S4E & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dea2fc8e2def003d5a: ( 53-44317-028_0.jpg) 17 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.13, Long -8.03 Am: Divisions & Divine Service 12.0am: Increased to 13 knots Pm: Spoke HMS “Changuinola” 6.45pm: Observed loom of Sule Skerry bearing S40E 9.0pm: Reduced to 5 knots & altered course N4W 9.45pm: Sighted HMS “Oropesa” on Starboard beam Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dea2fc8e2def003d5b: ( 53-44317-028_1.jpg) 18 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.85, Long -4.81 8.30am: Altered course S20W & increased to 12 knots [ed. note: Soundings taken every 20 minutes from 10.50am to 11.30am] 3.15pm: Altered course S20E & proceeded full speed 5.40pm: Observed loom of Sule Skerry bearing SSW 6.34pm: Sighted SS on Port bow, altered course NE 7.13pm: Reduced to 8 knots, spoke SS “Birmingham” bound to Kirkwall 7.15pm: Altered course SW & increased to 12 knots 8.0pm: Altered course N47W & reduced to 6 knots 10.20pm: Sighted SS on port bow 10.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 33N, Long 4 15W & examined Swedish SS “Africanic” from Gib to Kirkwall, cargo Copra & oilcake, allowed to proceed 11.0pm: Proceeded NW 9 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dfa2fc8e2def003d5c: ( 53-44317-029_0.jpg) 19 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.05, Long -7.11 1.0am: Exercised gun crews & sea boats crew 3.0am: Increased to 10 knots 7.35am: Altered course N73W & increased to 12 knots 8.45am: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” 10.15am: Reduced to 10 knots & altered course to N78W 0.30pm: Held sale of deceased men’s effects 5.30pm: Received orders to proceed to Liverpool 5.42pm: Altered course S19W, full speed 11.55pm: Observed Flannan Lt bearing S33W Number on sick list: 2 4f9622dfa2fc8e2def003d5d: ( 53-44317-029_1.jpg) 20 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 56.55, Long -7.53 1.45am: Flannan Lt abeam 11 miles, altered course S28W 6.35am: Monarch Light abeam 7 miles, altered course S30W 10.47am: Barra Head abeam 3 miles, altered course S3W [ed. note: 0.50pm to 1.25pm: soundings] 1.40pm: Observed Skerryvore bearing N65E, altered course S13E 4.55pm: Oversay abeam dist 3 miles, altered course S25E 7.5pm: Altacarry abeam 4 miles, altered course S25E 9.25pm: Maidens abeam 6 miles 11.5pm: Skullmartin abeam 7 ½ miles Number on sick list: 3 4f9622dfa2fc8e2def003d5e: ( 53-44317-030_0.jpg) 21 January 1915 At Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 1.36am: Chickens abeam 4 miles 5.20am: Sighted NW Light vessel 5.35am: Reduced speed to 10 knots 6.55am: Stopped to receive pilot 7.15am: Proceeded 7.26am: Passing Bar Light Vessel 8.35am: Passing Rock Light 9.03am: Let go Starboard anchor off, landing stage in 11 fms water 75 fms chain 9.10am: Finished with engines Anchor Bearings: Woodside ferry SW, Seacombe Ferry NxW ¼ W, Liver Clock NExE ½ E 1.42pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded 2.20pm: Sub Lieut Strickland & 5 Seamen rejoined ship 2.40pm: Made fast in East float 4.10pm: Let go & proceeded 4.40pm: Made fast in West float 5.0pm: Drew fires in main boiler 6.30pm: Gave leave to Blue & White watches 7.45pm: Lieut Johnson RN joined ship Number on sick list: 2 4f9622e0a2fc8e2def003d5f: ( 53-44317-030_1.jpg) 22 January 1915 At Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed as requisite 9.20am: RNR seaman sent to hospital 10.0am to 11.0am: Court of enquiry held onboard, re* Barque “Maryetta” 11.0am: Sub Lieut Southcombe & 5 Seaman rejoined Ship Am: Midshipman Bell joined ship 2.0pm: Commenced coaling ship 3.45pm: Lieut Hoskyns RN left ship 4.0pm: Sub Lieut Diehl and Midshipman Coleman joined ship Leave granted to part of R watch from 5pm to 7am *[ed. note: re = “with regard to”] 4f9622e0a2fc8e2def003d60: ( 53-44317-031_0.jpg) 23 January 1915 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Hands employed painting ship, etc 8.30am: Six armourers came onboard to dismount & refit Y gun 9.0pm: 1 OS & 1 Signal boy joined ship 4f9622e1a2fc8e2def003d61: ( 53-44317-031_1.jpg) 24 January 1915 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship Am: Leave granted to boys and part of R watch 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Marine [ed. note: Space left blank] sentenced to 14 days cells. Warrant N° 1 5.30pm: 1 Marine joined ship from Plymouth 4f9622e1a2fc8e2def003d62: ( 53-44317-032_0.jpg) 25 January 1915 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed painting ship & as requisite 10.0am: Spread low fires in main boilers Pm: B & W watches returned from long leave 4f9622e2a2fc8e2def003d63: ( 53-44317-032_1.jpg) 26 January 1915 Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship & getting ready for sea Am: Finished coaling ship. Total received 1565 tons 3.42pm: Cast off and proceeded 4.42pm: Made fast in East Float to await tide 6.29pm: Cast off & proceeded, engines as requisite 6.50pm: Entered river 7.26pm: Rock Light abeam 8.31pm: Bar Light abeam 8.42pm: Stopped, discharged pilot & proceeded full speed 8.45pm: Set course N46W, streamed Patent Log 4f9622e2a2fc8e2def003d64: ( 53-44317-033_0.jpg) 27 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 55.91, Long -6.88 1.45am: Chickens bore N74E, 4 miles; altered course N5W 3.45am: South Rock Lt Vessel abeam 5.20am: Mew Island abeam 5 miles 6.35am: Maidens abeam 4 miles, altered course N16W 8.45am: Altacarry abeam 3 ½ miles 8.50am: Reduced speed to speak trawler 9.4am: Proceeded full speed 10.28am: Oversay abeam 3 miles, altered course N8W 10.30am: Steering gear on bridge jammed, on examination found piece of brass screw in cogs 1.35pm: Skerryvore abeam 6 miles, altered course N15W 4.0pm: Barra Head abeam 4 miles, altered course N15E 7.30pm: Monarch Isle abeam 7 miles, altered course N22E 10.55pm: Flannan Lt abeam 9 miles, altered course N31E Number on sick list: 3 4f9622e2a2fc8e2def003d65: ( 53-44317-033_1.jpg) 28 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.93, Long -7.06 8.30am: Commenced zigzagging Am: Divisions & prayers. Gun drill & physical exercise 9.40am: Reduced speed to speak ship “Songvig” with prize crew 9.45am: Proceeded full 11.30am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” & “Otway”. Reduced speed 11.40am: Received orders for patrol 11.45am: Altered course N68W, 13 ½ knots 3.28pm: Reduced speed to speak trawler “Raetia” of Grimsby 3.47pm: Proceeded N70W, 13 ½ knots 5.0pm: Reduced speed to speak British trawler 5.10pm: Proceeded 9.0pm: Altered course S67E, reduced to 11 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622e3a2fc8e2def003d66: ( 53-44317-034_0.jpg) 29 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.91, Long -9.0 7.30am: Altered course N67W, increased to 13 knots Am: Divisions, Prayers, and exercised action Pm: Read Warrant N° 2 6.30pm: Altered course S54E, 11 ½ knots. Patrol shifted 25’ to Southward Number on sick list: 2 4f9622e3a2fc8e2def003d67: ( 53-44317-034_1.jpg) 30 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.5, Long -9.0 7.30am: Altered course N68W, 13 knots Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 0.25pm: Course and speed as requisite to examine floating object, hauled in Patent Log 0.45pm: Proceeded, streamed Patent Log Pm: Read Warrant N° 3 6.30pm: Altered course S65E and reduced speed to 11 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622e3a2fc8e2def003d68: ( 53-44317-035_0.jpg) 31 January 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.41, Long -8.8 7.30am: Altered course N68W, increased to 13 knots Am: Divisions & Divine Service Am: Patrol 25 miles to Southward 6.0pm: Altered course S68E and reduced to 11 knots Number on sick list: 3 LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1915 4f9622e4a2fc8e2def003d69: ( 53-44317-035_1.jpg) 1 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.41, Long -8.5 6.0am: Altered course N68W, increased to 13 knots 8.15am: In Lat 60 25N, Long 8 15W examined Norwegian Barque “Edderside”, in ballast, from Louvick* to Savannah. Allowed her to proceed 8.40am: Altered course N48W and proceeded to 10 knots 9.30am: Stopped, dropped target 9.50am: Proceeded 10 knots, carried out aiming rifle practice 11.40am: Picked up target 11.45am: Proceeded N80W, 13 knots. Streamed Patent Log 6.30pm: Altered course S68E and reduced to 11 knots Number on sick list: 5 * [ed. note: perhaps Larvik] 4f9622e4a2fc8e2def003d6a: ( 53-44317-036_0.jpg) 2 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.11, Long -8.9 9.30am: Stopped, hauled in Patent Log, dropped target 9.40am: Proceeded 10 knots and carried out aiming rifle practice 11.10am: Stopped and picked up target 11.20am: Proceeded N72W, 13 knots. Streamed Patent Log 0.55pm: Reduced to 11 knots 5.20pm: High sea, hove vessel to & reduced to 6 knots 8.30pm: Altered course S60E and increased to 9 knots 9.0pm: Hove to again heading SW, 6 knots. Vessel labouring heavily Number on sick list: 4 4f9622e4a2fc8e2def003d6b: ( 53-44317-036_1.jpg) 3 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.05, Long -10.66 Am: High sea, vessel labouring heavily 2.20pm: Altered ship head to SW 8.0pm: Altered ships head to SWxS Number on sick list: 6 4f9622e5a2fc8e2def003d6c: ( 53-44317-037_0.jpg) 4 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.41, Long -8.5 Am: Vessel labouring heavily 4.45pm: Altered course NE and increased to 13 knots 4.50pm: Streamed patent Log 5.30pm: Read Warrant N° 4 Number on sick list: 5 4f9622e5a2fc8e2def003d6d: ( 53-44317-037_1.jpg) 5 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.05, Long -3.16 Am: Divisions, Prayers, exercised action & fire drill 0.50pm: Reduced to 11 knots 3.35pm: Stopped; in Lat 60 18N, Long 4 28W examined Danish SS “Sterling”, from Reykjavik to Leith. Allowed to proceed 3.45pm: Proceeded SSW to intercept SS 4.20pm: Stopped Lat 60 11N, Long 4 29W examined Norwegian SS “Belle Ile” from Galveston to Gothenburg, ordered her to proceed to Kirkwall 5.20pm: Proceeded N27W, 11 knots 8.35pm: Altered course South and reduced to 7 knots 10.10pm: Sighted HMS “Motagua” on port bow 11.10pm: Increased to 9 knots 4f9622e5a2fc8e2def003d6e: ( 53-44317-038_0.jpg) 6 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.93, Long -5.25 Am: Vessel labouring heavily 3.50pm: Reduced to 7 knots Number on sick list: 5 4f9622e6a2fc8e2def003d6f: ( 53-44317-038_1.jpg) 7 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.13, Long -5.4 8.30am: Sounded 89 fms 9.0am: Altered course N7W & increased to 9 knots 9.45am: Sounded, no bottom 10.15am: Divisions 10.45am: Divine Service 4.0pm: Reduced to 7 knots. Vessel labouring heavily 6.50pm: Circular rack carrying steering engine, in after wheelhouse, carried away on Starboard side, also supporting pedestals limiting port helm to 10° Pm: Speed of engines regulated to steer vessel 10.45pm: Signalled SS “Mexicano” bound West, allowed to proceed Number on sick list: 3 4f9622e6a2fc8e2def003d70: ( 53-44317-039_0.jpg) 8 February 1915 Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.23, Long -4.56 7.30am: Weather moderating. Streamed Patent Log 9.10am: Stopped in Lat 59 27N, Long 4 44W examined British SS “Zena” from Glasgow to Gothenburg, allowed to proceed 10.30am: Proceeded S7E, 7 knots Noon: Sighted Sule Skerry bearing SxW, altered course N10W Pm: Increased to 11 knots Pm: Speed of engines regulated to steer vessel 6.30pm: In Lat 59 30N, Long 4 43W stopped & examined Norwegian SS “Wilfred” from Trondhem to Manchester with wood. Allowed to proceed 6.45pm: Proceeded 7.15pm: Altered course N17W, 9 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622e6a2fc8e2def003d71: ( 53-44317-039_1.jpg) 9 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.58, Long -4.58 7.10am: Altered course N7W & increased to 11 knots 10.15am: Stopped engines to put shoe under steam tiller 10.30am: Proceeded 11 knots S7E. Exercised action Noon: Sighted SS on Starboard beam 0.15pm: Altered course S55E to close 0.40pm: Stopped. Boarded Swedish SS “Cremona” with damage and loss of funnel, from Gothenburg to Glasgow. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed 2.10pm: Resumed course S18W, 11 knots 2.30pm: Received orders by W/T to proceed to Clyde 3.0pm: Altered course N80W and increased to 12 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622e7a2fc8e2def003d72: ( 53-44317-040_0.jpg) 10 February 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 56.58, Long -7.61 2.33am: Flannan Is Light abeam 12 miles, altered course S24W 7.0am: Monarch Island Light abeam 10 miles, altered course S12W 11.0am: Barra Head abeam 5 miles, altered course S10E 1.50pm: Skerryvore abeam 7 miles 5.10pm: Oversay abeam 4 miles, altered course S30E 7.35pm: Mull of Cantyre abeam 4 miles, altered course S63E 8.15pm: Sanda abeam 2 ½ [miles], altered course N80E 9.43pm: Pladda abeam 3 miles 10.25pm: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 11.16pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course N25E 11.55pm: Toward abeam, altered course N37E Number on sick list: 2 4f9622e7a2fc8e2def003d73: ( 53-44317-040_1.jpg) 11 February 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Anchor bearings: Tail of Bank buoy S ¾ W, Prince’s Pier lights SWxS, Red Light WxS ¼ S 0.20am: Cloch abeam, altered course N75E. Reduced speed & various 0.25am: Challenged by examination SS 0.30am: Pilot boarded, proceeded to anchorage 1.20am: Let go Port anchor 45 fms in 12 ¼ fms water 1.30am: Finished with engines 5.30am: Swung to flood 6.30am: Weighed anchor & proceeded assisted by two tugs 7.39am: Passing Dumbarton Rock 9.30am: Entered Queens Dock Glasgow 9.50am: Made fast to quay 10.0am: Drew fires Am: Hands employed cleaning & painting ship Pm: Long leave granted to Red watch 9.40pm: Let go from wharf & proceeded 9.55pm: Entered River 11.20pm: Entered Prince’s dock & made fast to quay 4f9622e7a2fc8e2def003d74: ( 53-44317-041_0.jpg) 12 February 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed cleaning & painting ship Pm: Commenced coaling Pm: One rating Telegraphist discharged to AMC “Motagua” 4f9622e8a2fc8e2def003d75: ( 53-44317-041_1.jpg) 13 February 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: One Rating (RMLI) discharged to hospital 5.30pm: Finished coaling 4f9622e8a2fc8e2def003d76: ( 53-44317-042_0.jpg) 14 February 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Roman Catholic church party landed Am: Divine Service onboard 4f9622e8a2fc8e2def003d77: ( 53-44317-042_1.jpg) 15 February 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed painting & as required 4f9622e9a2fc8e2def003d78: ( 53-44317-043_0.jpg) 16 February 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship Am: Liberty men returned from long leave 2.0pm: Spread low fires Pm: One rating joined ship from AMC “Motagua” 11.0pm: Spread high fires 4f9622e9a2fc8e2def003d79: ( 53-44317-043_1.jpg) 17 February 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed getting ship ready for sea 1.30pm: Cast off from wharf 2.5pm: Entered River & proceed. Engines as required 3.40pm: Passing Dumbarton Rock 4.23pm: Let go Port anchor off Tail of Bank Greenock, 45 fms chain in 15 fms water Anchor bearings: 2 Red Lights SW ¾ S, Fort Matilda Lights W ¼ N, Roseneath Buoy NW ½ N 10.15pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded, 10 knots 10.45pm: Cloch Light abeam, altered course S60W 11.0pm: Streamed Patent Log 11.20pm: Toward abeam, altered course S29W 4f9622e9a2fc8e2def003d7a: ( 53-44317-044_0.jpg) 18 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.11, Long -7.06 0.20am: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S24W 1.40am: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 2.18am: Pladda abeam 3 ½ miles, altered course S78W 4.33am: Sanda abeam 2 ½ miles 5.40am: Mull abeam 3 miles 8.20am: Increased to 13 knots 8.38am: Oversay abeam 2 miles, altered course N12W 0.43pm: Skerryvore abeam 7 miles 3.27pm: Barra Head abeam 5 ½ miles, altered course N15E 7.10pm: Monarch abeam 6 miles, altered course N21E 8.45pm: Flannan bearing N34E, altered course N10E 10.30pm: Flannan abeam 11 miles, altered course N33E Number on sick list: 1 4f9622eaa2fc8e2def003d7b: ( 53-44317-044_1.jpg) 19 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.48, Long -8.13 11.20am: Signalled HMS “Digby” 0.28pm: Altered course & increased to 13 knots 4.30pm: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” on port beam 6.45pm: Reduced to 10 knots Number on Sick list: Nil 4f9622eaa2fc8e2def003d7c: ( 53-44317-045_0.jpg) 20 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.63, Long -7.55 10.0am: Altered course N87E & increased to 12 knots Noon: Reduced to 8 knots 7.0pm: Sounded no bottom 8.40pm: Sounded 120 fms sand Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622eaa2fc8e2def003d7d: ( 53-44317-045_1.jpg) 21 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.88, Long -6.71 9.0am: Sounded no bottom 11.0am: Sounded 120 fms sand Noon: Sounded 90 fms sand 0.55pm: Altered course S8E & increased to 12 knots 1.30pm: Stopped & signalled American SS “Cushing” from New York to Copenhagen with petroleum, ordered her to follow us 2.0pm: Proceeded N16E speed various 7.45pm: Sighted Sumbo Light bearing N63E, 8 miles 8.10pm: Stopped under lee of Sydero & sent prize crew onboard SS “Cushing” with orders to proceed to Kirkwall 11.30pm: Proceeded S20W, 10 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622eba2fc8e2def003d7e: ( 53-44317-046_0.jpg) 22 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.43, Long -9.25 Am: Divisions & Prayers Pm: Evening quarters, prepare ship for night defence Pm: Darken ship Number on sick list: 1 4f9622eba2fc8e2def003d7f: ( 53-44317-046_1.jpg) 23 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.45, Long -9.0 7.15am: Altered course N78W & increased to 12 ½ knots Am: Divisions & prayers, exercised action. Read articles of War & returns of Court Martial 6.30pm: Stopped in Lat 60 27N, Long 9 56W. Boarded Swedish SS “Baltic” from Copenhagen to Wilmington in ballast. Boarding Officer: Southcombe; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs, AP RNR [Assistant Paymaster, Royal Naval Reserve] 7.45pm: Proceeded WxN following SS 8.50pm: Ordered SS to proceed to Stornoway; altered course N87W, 13 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622eba2fc8e2def003d80: ( 53-44317-047_0.jpg) 24 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.46, Long -8.93 9.30am: Stopped, dropped target 9.40am: Proceeded 10 knots & carried out aiming rifle practice 11.0am: Stopped, picked up target 11.15am: Proceeded N78W 13 knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622eca2fc8e2def003d81: ( 53-44317-047_1.jpg) 25 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.43, Long -8.75 9.30am: Stopped 9.45am: Dropped target, proceeded 12 knots, exercised action & carried out 6” gun target practice & tested 6 pounder mountings 11.30am: Stopped, picked up target 11.45pm: Proceeded N83W, 13 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622eca2fc8e2def003d82: ( 53-44317-048_0.jpg) 26 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.35, Long -8.0 10.5am: Reduced to 11 knots 10.55am: Altered course SW & reduced 8 knots 11.55am: Signalled HMS “Mantua” on Port beam 7.15pm: Altered course SE & increased to 13 knots 8.0pm: Altered course N85W & reduced to 8 knots Midnight: Altered course N82E & increased 9 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622eca2fc8e2def003d83: ( 53-44317-048_1.jpg) 27 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.78, Long -7.56 5.40am: Sighted SS on Starboard bow. Course as requisite to close 6.30am: Course West following SS till daylight 7.10am: In Lat 60 40N, Long 7 46W signalled Norwegian SS “Bra Kar” from Copenhagen to Baltimore, in ballast. Allowed her to proceed 8.30am: Altered course S82W, 13 knots. Signalled HMS “Alsatian” Number on sick list: 3 4f9622eda2fc8e2def003d84: ( 53-44317-049_0.jpg) 28 February 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.88, Long -7.73 8.25am: Reduced speed to 9 knots 8.40am: Altered course West for leeway 10.30am: Divisions & Divine Service 4.10pm: Altered course W ½ N and reduced to 8 knots 4.15pm: Sighted SS on Port bow 4.20pm: Increased to 10 knots & altered course as requisite 4.45pm: In Lat 59 34N, Long 8 21W spoke Norwegian SS “Dokka” from Baltimore to Moso, cargo grain, ordered her to proceed Kirkwall 5.15pm: Altered course N45W, 8 knots 7.45pm: Sighted HMS “Digby” 9.18pm: Increased to 13 knots 11.15pm: Altered course N82E & reduced to 10 knots 11.20pm: In Lat 59 30N, Long 9 28W spoke Norwegian SS “Bratland” from Galveston to Gothenburg, ordered her to proceed to Kirkwall Number on sick list: 3 4f9622f5a2fc8e2def003d9f: ( 53-44317-062_1.jpg) 4f9622f6a2fc8e2def003da0: ( 53-44317-063_0.jpg) 4f9622f6a2fc8e2def003da1: ( 53-44317-063_1.jpg) 4f9622f6a2fc8e2def003da2: ( 53-44317-064_0.jpg) 4f9622f7a2fc8e2def003da3: ( 53-44317-064_1.jpg) 4f9622f7a2fc8e2def003da4: ( 53-44317-065_0.jpg) 4f9622f7a2fc8e2def003da5: ( 53-44317-065_1.jpg) 4f9622f8a2fc8e2def003da6: ( 53-44317-066_0.jpg) 4f9622f8a2fc8e2def003da7: ( 53-44317-066_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MARCH 1915 4f9622f9a2fc8e2def003da8: ( 53-44318-001_0.jpg) 4f9622f9a2fc8e2def003da9: ( 53-44318-001_1.jpg) [F C P Harris sings log book as Navigating Officer] 4f9622f9a2fc8e2def003daa: ( 53-44318-002_0.jpg) 4f9622faa2fc8e2def003dab: ( 53-44318-002_1.jpg) [R H Bather signs log book as Captain 1st April 1915] 4f9622faa2fc8e2def003dac: ( 53-44318-003_0.jpg) 4f9622faa2fc8e2def003dad: ( 53-44318-003_1.jpg) 4f9622eda2fc8e2def003d85: ( 53-44317-049_1.jpg) 1 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.66, Long -8.33 Am: Proceeded N82E, 12 knots Noon: Reduced to 10 Knots. Altered course WxN 1.30pm: Spoke Norwegian SS “Ranvik” from Stockholm to Balimore, in ballast. Allowed to proceed, in Lat 59 35N, Long 8 43W 9.50pm: Signalled Norwegian SS “Ullabrand”* from Newcastle to Baltimore, in ballast. Allowed to proceed in Lat 59 43N, Long 9 34W 11.0pm: Altered course S85E, 10 knots 11.20pm: Increased to 11 knots Number on sick list: 2 *[Ed. note: SS “Ulabrand”] 4f9622faa2fc8e2def003dae: ( 53-44318-004_0.jpg) 4f9622eda2fc8e2def003d86: ( 53-44317-050_0.jpg) 2 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.63, Long -8.76 6.27am: Stopped in Lat 59 24N, Long 8 52W & received prize crew from HMS “Digby” 8.15am: Proceeded N to intercept SS 9.15am: Spoke in in Lat 59 32N, Long 8 55W Norwegian SS “Atna” from Galveston to Christiania with cotton & flour. Put prize crew onboard with orders to proceed to Kirkwall. Boarding Officer: G F Strickland; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs APr RNR [Assistant Paymaster, Royal Naval Reserve] 10.30am: Proceeded NE, 13 knots 1.0pm: Reduced speed to 10 knots & altered course to close SS 1.5pm: Stopped & boarded Swedish SS “Axel Johnson” from Rio to Stockholm. General cargo. Ordered her to proceed to Kirkwall. Boarding Officer: Sub Lieut Southcombe, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs APr RNR 2.5pm: Proceeded S82W, 13 knots 9.45pm: Straight course Number on sick list: 2 4f9622fba2fc8e2def003daf: ( 53-44318-004_1.jpg) 4f9622eea2fc8e2def003d87: ( 53-44317-050_1.jpg) 3 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.98, Long -8.56 10.35am: Altered course to close sailing vessel 11.45am: Reduced speed as requisite Noon: Signalled Norwegian Ship “Sophie”, from Drovel to Savannah, in ballast. Allowed her to proceed 0.20pm: Altered course S50W, 10 knots 6.30pm: Altered course N82E, 9 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622fba2fc8e2def003db0: ( 53-44318-005_0.jpg) 4f9622eea2fc8e2def003d88: ( 53-44317-051_0.jpg) 4 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.75, Long -8.16 7.15am: Increased to 10 knots 9.25am: Increased to 3 knots 11.45am: in Lat 59 45N, Long 8 10W Stopped & boarded American SS “Matanzas” from Bremerhaven to New York. Cargo Dyes. Allowed her to proceed. Boarding Officer: Southcombe, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.5pm: Proceeded N68E, 13 knots 1.45pm: In Lat 59 59N, Long 7 42W Spoke Norwegian barque “Bonovento” from Falmouth to Gotenborgh, cargo Linseed. Allowed to proceed 2.15pm: Proceeded S82W, 13 knots 6.10pm: Sighted SS on Port beam, altered course SxE 7.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 33N, Long 8 28W & boarded Norwegian SS “Bjornefjord” from Philadelphia to Helsingborg, cargo wheat. Ordered to proceed to Kirkwall. Boarding Officer: Lieut Southcombe, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.0pm: Proceeded N60W, 9 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622eea2fc8e2def003d89: ( 53-44317-051_1.jpg) 4f9622eea2fc8e2def003d89: ( 53-44317-051_1.jpg) 5 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.76, Long -8.51 7.0am: Increased to 12 knots Am: Divisions, Prayers & Physical drill 2.45pm: In Lat 59 30N, Long 8 56W stopped & boarded trawler “Golden Gleam” of Hull, from St Kilda to Faeroe Bank. Allowed her to proceed. Boarding officer: Diehl; Accompanying Officer: [ed. note: space left blank] 3.10pm: Proceeded N83E, 13 knots 3.45pm: Reduced speed in Lat 59 32N, Long 8 43W & boarded Norwegian Ship “Hippalos” from Falmouth to Aalborg, Cargo Saltpeter. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Lieut Southcombe; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.25pm: Proceeded N85W, 13 knots 6.30pm: Reduced to 10 knots 8.15pm: Altered course N82E & reduced to 9 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622eea2fc8e2def003d8a: ( 53-44317-052_0.jpg) 4f9622eea2fc8e2def003d8a: ( 53-44317-052_0.jpg) 6 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.78, Long -9.11 7.0am: Altered course N22E & increased to 13 knots 9.50am: Stopped 10.50am: In Lat 59 57N, Long 9 12W sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Drammensfjord” with orders to proceed to Kirkwall 11.25am: Proceeded S6W, 13 knots 4.15pm: Altered course S22W & reduced to 12 knots 7.0pm: Altered course N22E & reduced to 11 knots 10.0pm: Altered course S22W & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f9622efa2fc8e2def003d8b: ( 53-44317-052_1.jpg) 4f9622efa2fc8e2def003d8b: ( 53-44317-052_1.jpg) 7 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.63, Long -9.1 1.0am: Altered course N22E & increased to 11 knots 4.0am: Altered course S22W & reduced to 10 knots 6.50am: Altered course N22E & increased to 11 knots 10.0am: Altered course S22W, 12 knots 1.45pm: In Lat 59 34N, Long 9 0W Stopped & boarded Norwegian SS “Progresso” [ed. note: mispelt for SS “Progreso”] from New York to Norrköping, cargo Sisal. Put prize crew onboard with orders to proceed to Kirkwall. Boarding Officer: H Diehl; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 2.50pm: Proceeded N22E, 13 knots 4.25pm: Stopped in Lat 59 54N, Log 9 W & received prize crew from HMS “Motagua” 4.47pm: Proceeded S22W, 12 knots 7.0pm: Altered course N22E, 10 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f9622efa2fc8e2def003d8c: ( 53-44317-053_0.jpg) 4f9622efa2fc8e2def003d8c: ( 53-44317-053_0.jpg) 8 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.66, Long -8.86 6.10am: Increased to 13 knots Am: Divisions, Prayers, Physical drill & exercised abandon ship, all boats swung out 7.0pm: Altered course N20E & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622efa2fc8e2def003d8d: ( 53-44317-053_1.jpg) 4f9622efa2fc8e2def003d8d: ( 53-44317-053_1.jpg) 9 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.73, Long -9.0 7.0am: Sighted sailing vessel port bow, altered course to close 8.0am: In Lat 59 38N, Long 8 40W Sent prize crew on board Norwegian barque “Margarita” from Buenos Aires to Flekkefjord cargo dye wood. Boarding Officer H Diehl, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.20am: Proceeded N12W, 13 knots 4.0pm: Altered course S25W & reduced to 10 knots 9.0pm: Sighted SS on port quarter, altered course to close 9.40pm: Stopped in Lat 59 48N, Long 8 52W & put prize crew onboard American SS “Maracas” from New York to Goteborg & Port Cassion, cargo of bacon & lard 10.40pm: Proceeded S38W, 10 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622f0a2fc8e2def003d8e: ( 53-44317-054_0.jpg) 4f9622f0a2fc8e2def003d8e: ( 53-44317-054_0.jpg) 10 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.73, Long -9.1 6.0am: Commenced zigzagging & increased to 13 knots 4.30pm: Sounded no bottom. Reduced to 10 knots 5.10pm: Altered course S56W & increased to 12 knots 6.0pm: Reduced to 10 knots Midnight: Altered course N52E, 11 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622fda2fc8e2def003db7: ( 53-44318-008_1.jpg) 4f9622f0a2fc8e2def003d8f: ( 53-44317-054_1.jpg) 11 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.66, Long -8.33 6.0am: Increased to 12 knots 6.30am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” 7.0am: Stopped & received prize crew from “Cedric” 7.0am: Proceeded N78W, 12 knots 12.40pm: Altered course to close SS 1.0pm: Stopped in Lat 60 35N, Long 8 46W & received ratings from HMS “Oropesa” 1.40pm: Proceeded S30W, 13 knots 7.25pm: Sighted SS on Starboard beam, altered course to close 7.40pm: Stopped in Lat 59 34N, Long 9W & boarded Danish SS “Canadia” from Galveston to Christiania & Goteborg; cargo cotton & flour. Sent prize crew with orders to proceed to Kirkwall 9.40pm: Proceeded S25W, 10 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f9622f0a2fc8e2def003d90: ( 53-44317-055_0.jpg) 4f9622f0a2fc8e2def003d90: ( 53-44317-055_0.jpg) 12 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.9, Long -6.3 5.40am: Increased to 13 knots 10.56 to 11.35am: Swung for correcting compass 0.12pm: Sighted sailing vessel on starboard bow, altered course to close 1.15pm: Spoke Norwegian barque “Parnass” 3.05pm: Sighted HMS “Cedric” & “Duke of Albany” 4.0pm: Stopped in Lat 60 00N, Long 5 18W & received prize crews from “Duke of Albany” 4.50pm: Proceeded S68E, 6 knots 5.22pm: Altered course N30W, 13 knots 6.50pm: In Lat 60 7N, Long 5 10W spoke Danish SS “Algarve” from Lisbon to Copenhagen. Allowed to proceed 7.47pm: Stopped in Lat 60 7N, Long 5 30W & received two ratings from HMS “Columbella” for HMS “Otway” 8.20pm: Proceeded N52W, 10 knots Number on sick list: nil 4f9622f1a2fc8e2def003d91: ( 53-44317-055_1.jpg) 4f9622f1a2fc8e2def003d91: ( 53-44317-055_1.jpg) 13 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.55, Long -9.16 6.0am: Increased to 13 knots 9.0am: Stopped in Lat 60 41N, Long 8 55W & met “Patuca” & “Mantua” to transfer prize crews 10.55am: Proceeded S42W, 10 ½ knots 10.30pm: Reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622f1a2fc8e2def003d92: ( 53-44317-056_0.jpg) 4f9622f1a2fc8e2def003d92: ( 53-44317-056_0.jpg) 14 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.2, Long -9.46 5.40am: Increased to 12 ½ knots Am: Divisions & Divine Service 5.20pm: Reduced to 12 knots 8.0pm: Reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622f1a2fc8e2def003d93: ( 53-44317-056_1.jpg) 4f9622f1a2fc8e2def003d93: ( 53-44317-056_1.jpg) 15 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.95, Long -9.41 5.40am: Increased to 12 knots 7.50am: Sighted SS on Starboard bow, altered course to close 8.20am: In Lat 59 52N, Long 8 34W spoke Swedish SS “Aldebaran” from Charleston to Aarhuns; cargo oilcake. Allowed to proceed 9.0am: Proceeded N68W, 12 ½ knots 4.35pm: Reduced to 11 knots 6.45pm: Reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622f2a2fc8e2def003d94: ( 53-44317-057_0.jpg) 4f9622f2a2fc8e2def003d94: ( 53-44317-057_0.jpg) 16 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.5, Long -10.38 6.0am: Increased to 12 knots 8.0am: Altered course S26E & reduced to 11 knots 10.30am: Stopped, dropped target 10.35am: Proceeded 10 knots and carried out aiming rifle practice 0.10pm: Stopped, picked up target & proceeded S3W, 12 knots 8.0pm: Reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622f2a2fc8e2def003d95: ( 53-44317-057_1.jpg) 4f9622f2a2fc8e2def003d95: ( 53-44317-057_1.jpg) 17 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 55.58, Long -7.13 5.30am: Barra Head abeam, dist 17 miles 6.0am: Altered course S33E, increased to 14 knots 8.55am: Skerryvore abeam 9 miles, altered course S24W 11.37am: Altered course S57E, Inishtrahull bearing S20W, 10 miles 12.30pm: Met Destroyer escort 2.5pm: Altered course S44E to pass inside Rathlin Island 5.30pm: Maidens abeam 4 ½ miles 6.50pm: Mew Island abeam 7 miles, altered course S1W 10.0pm: Altered course S46E, Chickens abeam 3 miles Number on sick list: Nil 4f9622f2a2fc8e2def003d96: ( 53-44317-058_0.jpg) 4f9622f2a2fc8e2def003d96: ( 53-44317-058_0.jpg) 18 March 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising and at Liverpool Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 1.25am: Ormes Head abeam 19 miles 2.45am: Stopped off Bar, received pilot & proceeded 3.10am: Formby abeam 4.5am: Rock Light abeam 4.37am: Let go Starboard anchor in 12 fms water to 30 fms cable 4.40am: Let go Port anchor 4.45am: Finished with engines 7.25am: Hove up Starboard anchor and payed out 15 fms of port cable Anchor Bearings: Green light on Landing Stage SExS, Seacombe ferry WSW, Egremont ferry NNW Noon: Weighed anchor & proceeded to dock 0.30pm: Made fast in entrance to East Float to await tide 1.50pm: Proceeded 2.40pm: Made fast alongside “City of Lahore” in Vittoria Dock Birkenhead 7.30pm: Three prize crews rejoined ship 4f9622f3a2fc8e2def003d97: ( 53-44317-058_1.jpg) 4f9622f3a2fc8e2def003d97: ( 53-44317-058_1.jpg) 19 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 7 to 8.30am: Shifted ship to alongside quay Am: Hands employed painting ship, etc Pm: Cammell Laird men employed at repairs, etc Pm: Hands employed as requisite & clearing hauling line from SS “Clan Forbes” propeller 4f9622f3a2fc8e2def003d98: ( 53-44317-059_0.jpg) 4f9622f3a2fc8e2def003d98: ( 53-44317-059_0.jpg) 20 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Cammell Laird men employed at repairs, etc Am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite Am: Cammell Laird discharging ballast from N°2 hold 4f9622f3a2fc8e2def003d99: ( 53-44317-059_1.jpg) 4f9622f3a2fc8e2def003d99: ( 53-44317-059_1.jpg) 21 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 10.15am: Sent church party to HMS “Ambrose” 4f9622f4a2fc8e2def003d9a: ( 53-44317-060_0.jpg) 4f9622f4a2fc8e2def003d9a: ( 53-44317-060_0.jpg) 22 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Pm: Finished discharging ballast from N° 2 hold Pm: Coal lighters came alongside 4f9622f4a2fc8e2def003d9b: ( 53-44317-060_1.jpg) 4f9622f4a2fc8e2def003d9b: ( 53-44317-060_1.jpg) 23 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 8.45am: Started coaling 4f9622f4a2fc8e2def003d9c: ( 53-44317-061_0.jpg) 4f9622f4a2fc8e2def003d9c: ( 53-44317-061_0.jpg) 24 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed as requisite 4f9622f5a2fc8e2def003d9d: ( 53-44317-061_1.jpg) 4f962302a2fc8e2def003dc5: ( 53-44318-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hand employed as requisite Pm: Read warrant N° 6 4f962302a2fc8e2def003dc6: ( 53-44318-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as requisite 11.30am: Read warrants 7 & 8 6.0pm: Low fires spread 4f962303a2fc8e2def003dc7: ( 53-44318-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1915 Birkenhead Lat 53.4, Long -3.0 6.0am: High fires spread. Hands employed as requisite 11.0am: Quarters, clear guns Pm: Hands employed getting ship ready for sea 6.0pm: Let go from wharf & proceeded 6.53pm: Made fast in basin 8.35pm: Cast off & proceeded to River 9.20pm: Rock Lt abeam 10.10pm: Dropped pilot off Formby & proceeded, streamed Patent log 10.30pm: Bar abeam, altered course N54W, 13 knots 4f962303a2fc8e2def003dc8: ( 53-44318-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 55.23, Long -6.2 3.50am: Chickens Light abeam, 10 miles 4.25am: Chickens Light bore N72E, 12 miles, altered course N14E 7.55am: Skulmartin light vessel abeam 8 ½ miles 8.50am: Mew Island abeam 5 miles 10.05am: Maidens abeam 3 ½ miles 11.45am: Signalled Tor Point Noon: Altered course N76W to pass inside Rathlin Island 2.10pm: Oversay abeam 9 miles 5.40pm: Skerryvore abeam 9 ½ miles 8.0pm: Reduced to 13 knots 8.15pm: Barra Head abeam 9 miles Number on sick list: 2 4f962303a2fc8e2def003dc9: ( 53-44318-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.45, Long -9.0 1.55am: St Kilda abeam 12 miles 8.25am: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” 11.0am: Altered course N20E & reduced to 12 knots Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Read warrant N° 9 Number on sick list: 3 4f962304a2fc8e2def003dca: ( 53-44318-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.83, Long -9.0 Am: Divisions, Prayers, General quarters, exercised action 0.30pm: Signalled HMS “Oropesa” 1.50pm: Signalled HMS “Changuinola” 6.50pm: Stopped in Lat 59 47N, Long 9 2W; sent prize crew onboard Danish SS “Dorte Jensen” from New York to Odence. Cargo Maize. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.20pm: Proceeded S22W, 12 knots 10.0pm: Altered course N20E, 10 knots Midnight: Altered course S26W, 12 knots Number on sick list: 5 4f962304a2fc8e2def003dcb: ( 53-44318-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.8, Long -9.16 0.50am: Altered course variously to close SS 1.30am: Stopped in Lat 59 40N, Long 9 2W; boarded & sent prize crew onbord Norwegian SS “Capella I”, from New York to Aalborg, Cargo oil cake. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.0am: Proceeded S26W, 12 knots 4.35pm: Sighted SS on Port bow 5.0pm: Stopped in Lat 59 35N, Long 9 0W; boarded & sent prize crew onboard Swedish SS “Sverige” from New York to Gothenburg. Cargo grain. Boarding Officer: H Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.7pm: Proceeded N45W, 11 ½ knots 7.0pm: Altered course S30W & reduced to 10 knots. Darken ship 10.25pm: Increased to 11 knots Midnight: Altered course S28W, 10 knots Number on sick list: 4 4f962304a2fc8e2def003dcc: ( 53-44318-019_0.jpg) 4f962305a2fc8e2def003dcd: ( 53-44318-019_1.jpg) 4f962305a2fc8e2def003dce: ( 53-44318-020_0.jpg) 4f962305a2fc8e2def003dcf: ( 53-44318-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 4f962306a2fc8e2def003dd0: ( 53-44319-001_0.jpg) 4f962306a2fc8e2def003dd1: ( 53-44319-001_1.jpg) [Cover of log book, April to 1/5/15; F C P Harris signes as Navigating Officer] 4f962306a2fc8e2def003dd2: ( 53-44319-002_0.jpg) 4f962307a2fc8e2def003dd3: ( 53-44319-002_1.jpg) 4f962307a2fc8e2def003dd4: ( 53-44319-003_0.jpg) 4f962307a2fc8e2def003dd5: ( 53-44319-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.75, Long -9.3 3.0am: Altered course N18E & increased to 11 knots 6.0am: Altered course S28W & reduced to 10 knots 8.10am: Increased to 12 knots, zigzag 10.40 to 11.25am: Course and speed various to speak Grimsby trawler “Frolic” GY 237 bound to Fleetwood 11.25am: Proceeded N23E 1.58pm: Altered course to intercept SS 2.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 38N, Long 9 8W. Sent prize crew onboard Danish SS “Hammershus” from Galveston to Christiania cargo cotton & flour. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.15pm: Proceeded S7W, 12 knots 6.0pm: Altered course S26W, 13 knots 9.0pm: Altered course N20E, 10 knots 9.55pm: Altered course to chase SS. Courses Various 11.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 19N, Long 8 38W; sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Romsdal” from New York to Christiania. Cargo wheat. Boarding Officer: Act Lieut Southcombe; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs Number on sick list: 6 4f962308a2fc8e2def003dd6: ( 53-44319-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.71, Long -9.0 0.25am: Proceeded N2W, 9 knots 6.0am: Altered course S26W, 12 knots 10.0am: Altered course N20E, 11 knots. Divisions & Divine Service Number on sick list: 7 4f962308a2fc8e2def003dd7: ( 53-44319-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.86, Long -9.25 9.0am: Sighted SS on port bow. Altered course to close 9.15am: Stopped in Lat 60 3N, Long 8 55W sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Steinstad” from Baltimore to Berger. Cargo Grain. Boarding Officer: H Diehl, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.10am: Proceeded S88W, 10 knots 11.15am: Sighted SS on port beam. Altered course to close Noon: Sighted HMS “Oropesa” 0.15pm: Altered course S88W, 10 knots Pm: Reduced to 7 ½ knots Number on sick list: 7 4f962308a2fc8e2def003dd8: ( 53-44319-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.13, Long -8.6 6.35am: Altered course to close SS 8.0am: In Lat 60 3N, Long 8 56W spoke Norwegian SS “Finn”, from Newcastle to Norfolk in ballast, allowed to proceed 8.15am: Altered course S88W 9.50am: Sighted SS on port bow. Altered course to close 10.15am: In Lat 60 2N, long 9 2W spoke American Oil tank “Muskogee” from New Orleans to Copenhagen, cargo paraffin. Received orders by wireless to follow her. Course East, 10 knots Number on sick list: 8 4f962309a2fc8e2def003dd9: ( 53-44319-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.7, Long -4.46 11.30am: Sighted HMS “Orotava” on Starboard bow 11.35am: Altered course S53W, 13 knots 3.30pm: Altered course N72W & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 6 4f962309a2fc8e2def003dda: ( 53-44319-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.2, Long -7.3 6.0am: Altered course S15E, zigzagging & increased to 12 knots Am: Divisions, prayers, exercised collision stations [ed. note: Soundings taken from Noon to 1.30pm] 1.0pm: Sounded 85 fms coarse sand. Reduced to 8 knots 1.40pm: Increased to 10 knots, zigzag 1.55pm: Sighted Sulisker bearing East, 12 miles 3.0pm: Altered course S15E and increased to 13 knots 9.22pm: Tiumpan Head abeam 5 miles 10.0pm: Reduced speed 10.38pm: Let go port anchor in Stornoway harbour in 10 fms water, 45 fms cable 10.40pm: Embarked prize crew for 10th C.S. [Cruiser Squadron] Anchor bearings: Beacon Light S28W, Pier red light N34W Number on sick list: 5 4f962309a2fc8e2def003ddb: ( 53-44319-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 58.63, Long -8.2 0.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded 13 knots. Courses various 1.20am: Tiumpan Head abeam 5 miles 2.41am: Butt of Lewis abeam 8 miles 11.05am: Reduced to 10 knots, altered course S58E 3.35pm: Altered course S57E, increased to 13 ½ knots 9.40pm: Butt of Lewis abeam 8 miles, altered course S13W 10.42pm: Altered course S51W, reduced to 8 knots 11.0pm: Stopped under lee of land, met HMS “Hildrebrand” but weather too rough to transfer prize crews 11.45pm: Proceeded N29W, 8 knots Number on sick list: 5 4f96230aa2fc8e2def003ddc: ( 53-44319-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.06, Long -7.81 2.0am: Altered course S22E & increased to 9 knots 3.55am: Altered course S13E. Butt of Lewis bearing West, 3 miles 4.20am: Stopped under Lee of land & delivered prize crews to HMS “Hildebrand” 5.0am: Proceeded N26W, 13 ½ knots 5.15am: Butt of Lewis abeam 2 miles. Altered course N34W, zigzag 8.55am: Altered course N58W & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 6 4f96230aa2fc8e2def003ddd: ( 53-44319-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.01, Long -9.35 Am: Altered course N80E, increased to 11 knots 10.40pm: Altered course S82E & reduced to 8 knots Number on sick list: 7 4f96230aa2fc8e2def003dde: ( 53-44319-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.03, Long -8.48 6.30am: Stopped in Lat 60 20N, Long 7 00W, met HMS “Oropesa” & “Patuca” and transferred prize crews 7.30am: Proceeded N84W, 12 ½ knots 5.10pm: Stopped at Rendezvous 5.50pm: Proceeded 6 knots turning in a Circle 6.20pm: Sighted HMS “Virginian” 6.35pm: Stopped & transferred prize crews 7.05pm: Proceeded N44E, 11 knots 11.31pm: Stopped in Lat 59 50N, Long 9W & sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Irma”, from Iceland to Barcelona. Boarding Officer: [ed. note: space left blank]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs, Assistant Paymaster RNR Number on sick list: 6 4f96230ba2fc8e2def003ddf: ( 53-44319-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.21, Long -8.73 0.45am: Proceeded N44E, 12 knots 4.45am: Increased to 13 knots, zigzag Am: Divisions & Divine Service 4.0pm: Altered course to close SS 4.15pm: Stopped in Lat 59 29N, Long 8 57W & sent prize crew onboard Swedish SS “Georgia” from Savannah to Gothenburg. Cargo cotton. Also received 1 German prisoner. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson, Sub Lieut RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs, Assistant Paymaster RNR 5.30pm: Proceeded S15W, 10 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f96230ba2fc8e2def003de0: ( 53-44319-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.5, Long -7.25 4.40am: Increase to 12 ½ knots, zigzag 5.20am: Altered course to close SS 5.50am: Stopped in Lat 59 44N, Long 6 8W & spoke Danish SS “L. H. Carl” from Androssan to Aarhus. Cargo oil cake. Allowed to proceed 6.20am: Proceeded S85W, 12 ½ knots 8.40am: Altered course to close SS 8.50am: Spoke Danish SS “Roma” in Lat 59 35N, Long 6 42W, from Philadelphia to Copenhagen. Cargo Lub' oil. Ordered her to proceed to Kirkwall 9.15am: Proceeded various courses to intercept barque 10.30am: In Lat 59 31N, Long 7 14W spoke Norwegian barque “Odin” from Christiania to Dublin. Cargo timber. Allowed to proceed 10.50am: Proceeded slow to intercept sailing vessel 1.0pm: In Lat 59 36N, Long 7 12W spoke Norwegian Barquentine “Baron Holberg” from Carljohansvaern to Swansea. Cargo timber 1.15pm: Proceeded S75W 2.10pm: Spoke Swedish SS “Tordis” from New Orleans to Esbjerg. Cargo Oilcake. Ordered her to proceed to Kirkwall 2.35pm: Proceeded S82W 5.45pm: Altered course to close SS 6.30pm: In Lat 59 14N, Long 7 48W stopped and sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Hero” from New York to Aalborg. Cargo Maize. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson, Sub-Lieut RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs, Assistant Paymaster RNR 7.20pm: Proceeded S87W, 10 knots Number on sick list: 4 4f96230ba2fc8e2def003de1: ( 53-44319-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.45, Long -7.23 4.35am: Increased to 12 ½ knots, zigzag 7.40am: Altered course to close SS 8.0am: Stopped in Lat 59 42N, Long 6 26W sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Mirjam” from Baltimore to Stockholm. Cargo grain. Boarding Officer: H Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs, Assistant Paymaster RNR 9.5am: Proceeded S81W, 12 ½ knots 10.20am: Altered course to close SS 10.40am: Spoke Norwegian SS “Fritdjof Nansen” from New Castle to Boston, in ballast 10.45am: Proceeded S82W, 12 ½ knots 6.30pm: Altered course N82E & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 5 [ed. note: There was another Norwegian SS “Fritdjof Nansen” at that time] 4f96230ca2fc8e2def003de2: ( 53-44319-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.38, Long -7.46 5.45am: Increased to 12 ½ knots zigzag Number on sick list: 5 4f96230ca2fc8e2def003de3: ( 53-44319-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 60.23, Long -4.53 10.30am: Stopped in Lat 60 16N, Long 4 26W & sent prize crew onboard Danish SS “Jungshoved” from New York to Malmo. Cargo Grain. Boarding Officer Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.45am. Proceeded S80W, 12 ½ knots 6.10pm: Stopped in Lat 59 58N, Log 6 2W & boarded Danish SS “Dagmar” from Falmouth to Copenhagen, cargo general. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: C.M.W [Charles M. Wray] (?); Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.25pm: Proceeded S68W, 12 ½ knots Midnight: Altered course N81E & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 6 4f96230ca2fc8e2def003de4: ( 53-44319-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.73, Long -5.58 4.0am: Increased to 12 ½ knots 10.0am: Reduced to 10 knots 2.0pm: Altered course S26W. N Rona bearing S43W 3.30pm: N Rona abeam 5 miles, altered course S35W. Increased to 12 ½ knots, zigzag 7.0pm: Butt of Lewis abeam 11 miles 8.20pm: Tiumpan Head abeam 4 miles, altered course S68W 9.40pm: Stopped 9.45pm: Let go Port anchor off Stornoway in 22 fms water to 45 fms cable Anchor bearings: Holm N55E, Arnish Point N22W Number on sick list: 4 4f96230da2fc8e2def003de5: ( 53-44319-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.38, Long -6.93 2.30am: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” arrived 3.15am: Received prize crews weighed anchor & proceeded. Various courses and speed 3.30am: Altered course S38E, 13 knots 4.50am: Tiumpan Head bore NW, altered course N30E 6.05am: Butt of Lewis bore N50W, 12 miles. Altered course N14W 9.22am: Sulisker abeam 10 ½ miles Noon: Spoke Danish SS “Skodsborg” from Aberdeen to St Johns NF, in ballast. Allowed to proceed 0.55pm: Altered course S68E & reduced to 11 knots 3.25pm: Sighted HMS “Cedric” on Starboard bow 3.50pm: Stopped in Lat 59 30N, Long 6 2W & transferred prize crews to HMS “Cedric” 4.30pm: Proceeded S87W 12 ½ knots 7.40pm: Altered course NW to close SS 8.0pm: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 7 0W & sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Storaker”, from New York to Copenhagen. Cargo Maize. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.20pm: Proceeded S85W, 11 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f96230da2fc8e2def003de6: ( 53-44319-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.13, Long -7.61 1.0am: Altered course S89E and reduced to 10 knots 4.30am: Increased to 12 ½ knots, zigzag 6.0am: Altered course N89W and reduced to 11 knots Am: Divisions & Divine Service 2.0pm: Altered course to intercept Norwegian SS “Olav Kijrie” [ed. note: misspelt for SS “Olav Kyrre”] from New Orleans to Gothberg via Kirkwall. Cargo general 2.20pm: Altered course East, 8 knots 3.45pm: Signalled SS to proceed to Kirkwall. Altered course WxS ½ S, 11 knots 9.30pm: Altered course S89E, 10 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f96230da2fc8e2def003de7: ( 53-44319-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.0, Long -8.3 4.0am: Increased to 12 ½ knots 8.30pm: Reduced to 10 knots, straight Number on sick list: 2 4f96230ea2fc8e2def003de8: ( 53-44319-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 58.8, Long -8.33 3.15am: Stopped in Lat 59 11N, Long 7 34W & boarded Danish SS “Bertha”, from Runcon to Iceland. Cargo salt. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: L J Pingriff, RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.10am: Proceeded N89W, 12 ½ knots 7.40am: Spoke HMS “Oropesa” 2.10pm: Sighted SS in Starboard bow. Altered course to close 2.50pm: Signalled American SS “Joseph W. Fordney” with prize crew from Kirkwall 3.0pm: Altered course S76E and increased to 14 knots 6.0pm: Altered course East. Butt of Lewis bearing South, 4 ½ miles 8.12pm: Tiumpan Head abeam, 4 ½ miles. Altered course S60W 9.20pm: Reduced speed 9.27pm: Stopped & let go starboard anchor off Stornoway in 17 fms water with 45 fms cable 11.15pm: Received prize crews from HMS “Duke of Cornwall”, weighed anchor & proceeded S38E, 14 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96230ea2fc8e2def003de9: ( 53-44319-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 58.68, Long -6.26 2.5am: Butt of Lewis abeam 10 miles 7.40am: In Lat 59 4N, Long 7 20W stopped & boarded Swedish SS “Oscarsborg” from Androssan to Kirkwall, allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: L J Pingriff, RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.35am: Proceeded S34E, 14 knots 0.30pm: Butt of Lewis abeam 8 miles 2.34pm: Tiumpan Head abeam 6 ½ miles, altered course S70W 3.20pm: Stopped off Bible Island & received prize crews from drifter 3.34pm: Proceeded N74E, 14 knots 5.42pm: Butt of Lewis abeam 9 miles 8.26pm: Reduced to 12 ½ knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96230ea2fc8e2def003dea: ( 53-44319-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 59.3, Long -7.75 5.50am: Altered course to keep station with HMS “Cedric” 5.55am: Increased to 14 knots 7.7am: Reduced speed 7.10am: Stopped in Lat 59 32N, Long 6 56W & delivered prize crews to HMS “Cedric” 7.35am: Proceeded S77W, 12 ½ knots 10.02am: Stopped. Dropped target 10.30am: Picked up target 10.45am: Proceeded NW, 10 knots 11.0pm: Stopped in Lat 59 18N, Long 7 45W & sent prize crew onboard Swedish SS “St Croix” from Galveston to Aarhus. Cargo oil cake. Boarding Officer: L J P [ed. note: L J Pingriff]; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 0.10pm: Proceeded S77W, 12 ½ knots 3.40pm: Reduced speed 4.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 58N, Long 8 48W & boarded Russian Barquentine “Equator” from Halmstad to Ayr. Cargo pitprofs. Also, Danish schooner “Haabet” from Dysart to Portruria, cargo coal, allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: L J P [ed. note: L J Pingriff]; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 5.20pm: Proceeded S77W, 12 ½ knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96230fa2fc8e2def003deb: ( 53-44319-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 58.95, Long -8.36 6.0am: Reduced speed & altered course to intercept SS 6.10am: Spoke American SS “Pioneer” with prize crew onboard, allowed to proceed 6.22am: Proceeded N89W, 10 knots 6.40am: Increased to 12 ½ knots, zigzag 7.20am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” on Starboard beam 10.0am: Stopped & dropped target 10.05am: Proceeded 10 knots, thick fog 10.40am: Stopped, picked up target 10.50am: Proceeded S89W, 12 ½ knots 5.25pm: Stopped in Lat 58 27N, Long 9 50W & sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “Locksley” from New York to Helsingborg, Cargo grain. Boarding Officer: L J P [ed. note: L J Pingriff]; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 6.15pm: Proceeded S88E, 12 knots 4f96230fa2fc8e2def003dec: ( 53-44319-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 58.73, Long -7.75 6.0am: Altered course S84W & increased to 12 ½ knots 7.30am: Sulisker abeam 8 miles 6.45pm: Altered course S89E & reduced to 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96230fa2fc8e2def003ded: ( 53-44319-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 58.73, Long -7.93 4.30am: Signalled HMS “Orotava” 6.0am: Altered course N89W & increased to 12 ½ knots 6.10am: Observed Sulisker N6E, 6 miles 10.25am: Altered course to close SS 10.50am: In Lat 58 47N, Long 7 30W spoke Swedish SS “Kronprinsessan Margareta” with prize crew onboard 10.50am: Proceeded N75W 4.50pm: Altered course to close SS 5.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 33N, Long 9 29W & sent prize crew to Swedish SS “Avesta” from Santos to Gothenburg. Cargo coffee. Also received one German. Boarding Officer: Spencer; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 6.10pm: Proceeded N74W, 12 knots 7.30pm: Altered course East & reduced to 11 ½ knots 10.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 35N, long 9 7W & boarded Norwegian SS “Perth”, from Narvik to Freemantle, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Wray; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 10.50pm: Proceeded N85E, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 2 [ed. note: a story about Avesta and a Royal Navy armed guard of HMS “Mantua” on board can be read here] 4f962310a2fc8e2def003dee: ( 53-44319-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 58.73, Long -7.5 6.45am: Increased to 12 ½ knots 8.12am: Altered course S76W. Sulisker bearing S14E, 9 miles 10.10am: Reduced speed. Dropped target 10.20am: Proceeded 10 knots & carried out aiming rifle practice 10.55am: Picked up target & proceeded N89W, 12 ½ knots 8.0pm: Altered course S89E & reduced to 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 2 4f962310a2fc8e2def003def: ( 53-44319-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1915 From Liverpool to Cruising Lat 56.66, Long -7.95 Noon: Barra Head bore N80E, 12 miles. Increased to 14 knots 2.30am: Skerryvore abeam 13 miles 5.40pm: Oversay abeam 9 miles, altered course S51E 9.30pm: Rounded Mull of Cantyre 10.10pm: Sanda abeam, altered course N80E 11.42pm: Pladda abeam 2 miles Number on sick list: 2 4f962310a2fc8e2def003df0: ( 53-44319-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 0.30am: Holy Island abeam 3 miles 1.23am: Passing Little Cumbrae 2.25am: Cloch abeam. Reduced speed 2.40am: Received pilot & proceeded 12 knots to anchorage 2.55am: Reduced to 10 knots 3.0am: Stopped 3.02am: Let go Starboard anchor in 13 fms water to 60 fms cable Anchor bearings: Tail of Bank buoy S6W, Red Lamp S73E, Roseneath Patch NW 8.15am: Weighed anchor & proceeded 9.5am: Passing Dumbarton 10.50am: Entered Prince’s Dock 11.15am: Made fast to quay. Finished with engines 1.20pm: 3 seamen/marine prize crew returned to ship 3.30pm: Long leave for Red watch & part White watch 4.0pm: Leave for 1st part of watch until 7am, boys until 10pm 6.30pm: Two prize crews returned to ship Number on sick list: 1 4f962311a2fc8e2def003df1: ( 53-44319-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.0am: Hands clean ship & as requisite 10.30am: Prize crew returned to ship 11.0am: 4 marines joined ship 1.20pm: Hands employed painting ship 2.0pm: Shifted ship under coal tip 4.0pm: Landed liberty men. One leading seaman & one boy left ship for Devonport Number on sick list: 1 4f962311a2fc8e2def003df2: ( 53-44319-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.0am: Hands employed painting & as requisite Number on sick list: 1 4f962312a2fc8e2def003df4: ( 53-44319-019_0.jpg) 4f962312a2fc8e2def003df5: ( 53-44319-019_1.jpg) 4f962312a2fc8e2def003df6: ( 53-44319-020_0.jpg) 4f962313a2fc8e2def003df7: ( 53-44319-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MAY 1915 4f962313a2fc8e2def003df8: ( 53-44320-001_0.jpg) 4f962313a2fc8e2def003df9: ( 53-44320-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs May 1915 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f962314a2fc8e2def003dfa: ( 53-44320-002_0.jpg) 4f962314a2fc8e2def003dfb: ( 53-44320-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: R H Bather signs log page as Captain on 8 June 1915] 4f962314a2fc8e2def003dfc: ( 53-44320-003_0.jpg) 4f962315a2fc8e2def003dfd: ( 53-44320-003_1.jpg) 4f962311a2fc8e2def003df3: ( 53-44319-018_1.jpg) 1 May 1915 Place: Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.0am: Hands employed painting ship & as requisite 9.0am: Hands employed painting & as requisite [Am: Divisions and prayers] 1.20pm: Hands employed painting ship & receiving stores [Pm: Leave granted to watch till 7am, boys till 10pm] Number on sick list: 1 4f962315a2fc8e2def003dfe: ( 53-44320-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 10.30am: Landed Church party Am: Low fire set away 1.0pm: Leave granted to watch, boys till 10pm Pm: High fires set away Number on sick list: 2 4f962315a2fc8e2def003dff: ( 53-44320-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 2.0pm: Finished coaling. Received 1661 tons Pm: Leave granted to watch till 7.0am, boys till 10pm Number on sick list: 2 4f962316a2fc8e2def003e00: ( 53-44320-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as requisite Pm: Leave granted to watch and part of watch till 7.0am, boys till 10pm Number on sick list: 4 4f962316a2fc8e2def003e01: ( 53-44320-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite 3.15pm: Cast off from wharf & proceeded 4.05pm: Entered River 5.45pm: Passing Dumbarton 6.40pm: Anchored off Tail of Bank in 13 fms water, 45 fms cable Anchor bearings: Red Light S18W, Tail of Bank buoy S35E, Roseneath patch N31W 8.35pm: Weighed & proceeded 12 ½ knots, S66W 9.20pm: Cloch abeam, altered course S35W 9.30pm: Toward abeam, altered course S30W & increased to 14 knots 10.10pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S25W 11.44pm: Pladda abeam 2 miles Number on sick list: 3 4f962316a2fc8e2def003e02: ( 53-44320-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 55.81, Long -8.0 1.07am: Sanda abeam 2 miles 1.55am: Altered course N22W. Rounded Mull of Cantyre 2.06am: Mull Light abeam 1 mile 11.27am: Barra Head abeam 9 miles 8.0pm: Reduced to 13 knots Number on sick list: 4 4f962317a2fc8e2def003e03: ( 7 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.06, Long -9.01 Am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill & general quarters Noon: Altered course N69E & reduced to 12 knots 0.45am: Sighted HMS “Oropesa” 4.25pm: Altered course S72W spoke HMS “Virginian” 5.0pm: Altered course S67E & increased to 14 knots 5.07pm: Altered course S25E. Sighted & spoke HMS “Alsatian” 5.30pm: Stopped 5.55pm: Proceeded S54W, 13 knots, accompanying HMS “Alsatian” 7.20pm: HMS “Patuca” proceeding in company 9.10pm: Stopped in Lat 60 33N, Long 8 2W & communicated by boat with “Alsatian” 9.35am: Proceeded S81E, 12 knots Number on sick list: 4 4f962317a2fc8e2def003e04: ( 53-44320-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.41, Long -4.1 6.40pm: Sighted HMS “Caribbean” Number on sick list: 5 4f962317a2fc8e2def003e05: ( 53-44320-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.31, Long -4.16 7.15am: Altered course to intercept sailing vessel 7.30am: Stopped in Lat 60 53N, Long 4 18W & boarded Norwegian ship “Songvig” from Malmö to St Thomas, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: L J Pingriff; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.05am: Proceeded S12W, 12 knots 11.20am: Stopped & picked up black painted fisherman’s buoy 12.0am: Proceeded N21E, 12 knots 2.45pm: Stopped in Lat 60 51N, Long 3 46W & boarded Grimsby trawler “Eliane” from Faeroe to Lerwick. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: L J Pingriff; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.05pm: Proceeded S39E, 12 knots 5.30pm: Stopped in Lat 60 27N, Long 4 3W & boarded Danish SS “Arkansas” from Copenhagen to Baltimore. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: L J Pingriff; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.10pm: Proceeded N17E, 12 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f962318a2fc8e2def003e06: ( 53-44320-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 61.25, Long -4.13 1.0pm: Altered course to close sailing vessel 2.0pm: Spoke Norwegian ship “Mabella” from Malmö to Mississippi. Allowed to proceed 2.30pm: Proceeded N17E 6.38pm: Altered course to close trawler 7.0pm: Spoke Hull trawler “Electra” from Iceland to Lerwick. Allowed to proceed Number on sick list: 3 4f962318a2fc8e2def003e07: ( 53-44320-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 61.66, Long -4.0 Am: Divisions & Prayers, Physical drill Number on sick list: 3 4f962318a2fc8e2def003e08: ( 53-44320-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.0, Long -10.0 9.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 33N, Long 10 0W & put prize crew onboard Swedish SS “Osman” from Baltimore to Helsingborg. Cargo Maize. Boarding Officer: Ping[riff]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.20pm: Proceeded S26W, 12 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f962319a2fc8e2def003e09: ( 53-44320-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.76, Long -7.0 11.45am: Stopped in Lat 59 46N, Long 7 0W & boarded Norwegian SS “Tancred” from Newcastle to Chesapeake. Boarding Officer: Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.45pm: Proceeded N84W, 12 knots 2.55pm: Stopped in Lat 59 41N, Long 7 43W & put prize crew onboard “Tancred” with orders to proceed to Stornoway 3.15pm: Proceeded S88E, 13 knots 8.0pm: Altered course to close SS 8.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 55N, Long 6 5W & boarded Danish SS “E M Dalgas” from Buenos Aires to Gothenburg via Androssar. Cargo Maize & Linseed. Boarding Officer: Wills, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.5pm: Proceeded N88W, 12 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f962319a2fc8e2def003e0a: ( 53-44320-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.36, Long -8.08 3.15am: Stopped in Lat 59 23N, Long 7 47W & put prize crew onboard Danish SS “Dania” from New York to Copenhagen. General cargo. Boarding Officer: C S Southcombe; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.30am: Proceeded N40W, 12 knots 7.30am: Stopped in Lat 59 13N, Long 8 3W & sent prize crew onboard Norwegian SS “John Blumen” from Baltimore to Copenhagen. Cargo grain. Boarding Officer: H Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.15am: Proceeded S25W, 12 knots Am: Divisions, Prayers, physical drill, general quarters, Abandon ship, fire & collision mat drill 2.10pm: Stopped in Lat 59 8N, Long 8 0W & sent armed guard onboard Swedish SS “Scandinavia” from Leixoes to Goteborg. Cargo general. Boarding Officer: Wray; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.0pm: Proceeded N19E, 12 knots 7.10pm: Stopped in Lat 59 4N, Long 8 5W & sent armed guard onboard Danish SS “Polarstjernen” from Tyne to Delaware, in ballast. Boarding Officer: C S Southcombe; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.43pm: Proceeded N19E, 12 knots Number on sick list: 3 [ed. note: another link to SS “John Blumen”] 4f962319a2fc8e2def003e0b: ( 53-44320-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.36, Long -8.0 Am: Division & Prayers Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Pm: Darken ship Number on sick list: 2 4f96231aa2fc8e2def003e0c: ( 53-44320-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.25, Long -9.0 8.45am: Stopped in Lat 58 54N, Long 8 49W & boarded Danish SS “L. P. Holmblad” from Brazil via Falmouth to Copenhagen. Cargo Coffee. Boarding Officer: Wray; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 9.25am: Proceeded N7E, 12 knots 4.0pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Sommerstad” from Newport News to Copenhagen Cargo Maize. Ordered her to follow 4.15pm: Altered course S26W, 8 knots 5.45pm: Closed HMS “Changuinola” handed over SS 6.0pm: Proceeded S65W & various, 12 knots 7.10pm: Spoke Grimsby trawler “Quixotic” from Iceland to Fleetwood 7.15pm: Altered course N19E, 12 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f96231aa2fc8e2def003e0d: ( 53-44320-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.85, Long -10.0 5.0am: Altered course S26W. Sighted HMS “Patia” Number on sick list: 2 4f96231aa2fc8e2def003e0e: ( 53-44320-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.58, Long -8.78 6.45am: Sighted HMS “Teutonic” 9.30am: Stopped in Lat 59 38N, Long 8 0W & received prize crews from HMS “Patuca” 9.50am: Proceeded West, 12 knots. Divisions & General quarters Number on sick list: 2 4f96231ba2fc8e2def003e0f: ( 53-44320-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.73, Long -12.16 Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 1 4f96231ba2fc8e2def003e10: ( 53-44320-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.0, Long -11.06 7.0am: Altered course S26W & reduced to 10 knots 8.15am: Altered course N19E & reduced to 5 knots 11.45am: Increased to 10 knots 10.20pm: Stopped in Lat 58 52N, Long 10 55W & received armed guards from HMS “Duke of Cornwall” 11.25pm: Proceeded N74W, 12 knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f96231ba2fc8e2def003e11: ( 53-44320-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.0, Long -9.76 Am: Divisions, prayers. Physical drill. General quarters Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 1 4f96231ca2fc8e2def003e12: ( 53-44320-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.98, Long -9.76 5.0pm: Altered course S1W. Sighted HMS “Oropesa” Number on sick list: 1 4f96231ca2fc8e2def003e13: ( 53-44320-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.0, Long -9.75 Am: Divisions & Divine Service Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 11.0pm: Altered course S4W & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96231ca2fc8e2def003e14: ( 53-44320-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.98, Long -9.63 5.0am: Altered course S4W & increased to 12 knots 7.5am: Stopped in Lat 58 48N, Long 9 37W & transferred armed guard to HMS “Changuinola” 7.25am: Proceeded S2W, 12 knots 7.20pm: Examined steam trawler “Phoebe” from Fleetwood to Iceland 10.0pm: Reduced to 10 knots, thick fog Number on sick list: 1 4f96231da2fc8e2def003e15: ( 53-44320-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.05, Long -9.16 2.0am: Altered course N8W, increased to 12 knots 1.35pm: Stopped in Lat 59 12N, Long 6 45W & transferred armed guard to HMS “Teutonic” 1.50pm: Proceeded N75W, 12 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96231da2fc8e2def003e16: ( 53-44320-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.85, Long -9.83 3.25am: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” 9.30am: Altered course to close sailing vessel 10.0am: Stopped in Lat 58 47N, Long 10 0W boarded Norwegian barque “Lingard” from Stavanger to Melbourne. Cargo wood. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.10am: Proceeded N67E, 12 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96231da2fc8e2def003e17: ( 53-44320-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.0, Long -9.75 Am: Divisions, Prayers, & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 1 4f96231ea2fc8e2def003e18: ( 53-44320-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.13, Long -9.75 4.05am: Stopped in Lat 59N, Long 9 38W & sent armed guard onboard Norwegian Barque “Edderside” from Savanah to Kallendborg. Cargo oil cake. Boarding Officer: Joynson; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 5.07am: Proceeded S26E, 12 knots 10.05am: Stopped in Lat 59N, Long 9 45W dropped target proceeded 10 knots & carried out gun practice with aiming tubes 11.0am: Stopped, picked up target & proceeded N7W, 12 knots 11.0pm: Altered course S7E & reduced to 11 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96231ea2fc8e2def003e19: ( 53-44320-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.13, Long -9.53 1.30am: Altered course North & increased to 12 ½ knots 5.0am: Altered course S7E & reduced to 10 knots 7.30am: Altered course North & increased to 12 knots 9.30am: Stopped in Lat 59 12N, Long 9 40W & sent armed guard onboard Norwegian barque “Lysglimt” from Savannah to Frederickshaven. Cargo oilcake. Boarding Officer: Joynson; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 10.40am: Proceeded S9W, 11 knots 1.45pm: Altered course N3E & increased to 12 knots 5.0pm: Altered course S3E & reduced to 11 knots 7.55pm: Altered course N6W & increased to 12 knots 11.0pm: Altered course S1E & reduced to 11 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96231ea2fc8e2def003e1a: ( 53-44320-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.13, Long -9.7 2.0am: Altered course N5W & increased to 12 knots 5.0am: Altered course S1E & reduced to 11 knots 8.0am: Altered course N7W & increased to 12 knots 2.0pm: Altered course N61W & reduced to 10 knots Number on sick list: 1 4f96231fa2fc8e2def003e1b: ( 53-44320-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.83, Long -8.76 6.30am: Increased to 13 knots Noon: Increased to 14 knots 2.10pm: Barra Head abeam 8 miles, altered course South 4.52pm: Skerryvore abeam 10 miles 8.15pm: Altered course S55E, Oversay abeam 10 miles 10.55pm: Rounded Mull of Cantyre 11.22pm: Sanda abeam 1 mile Number on sick list: 1 4f96231fa2fc8e2def003e1d: ( 53-44320-019_1.jpg) 4f962320a2fc8e2def003e1e: ( 53-44320-020_0.jpg) 4f962320a2fc8e2def003e1f: ( 53-44320-020_1.jpg) 4f962320a2fc8e2def003e20: ( 53-44320-021_0.jpg) 4f962321a2fc8e2def003e21: ( 53-44320-021_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JUNE 1915 4f962321a2fc8e2def003e22: ( 53-44321-001_0.jpg) 4f962321a2fc8e2def003e23: ( 53-44321-001_1.jpg) [ed note: F C P Harris signs log book for June 1915 as Navigating Officer] 4f962322a2fc8e2def003e24: ( 53-44321-002_0.jpg) 4f962322a2fc8e2def003e25: ( 53-44321-002_1.jpg) [ed note: R H Bather: Signs log page as Commander on 1st July 1915] 4f962322a2fc8e2def003e26: ( 53-44321-003_0.jpg) 4f96231fa2fc8e2def003e1c: ( 53-44320-019_0.jpg) 4f962323a2fc8e2def003e27: ( 53-44321-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 0.40am: Pladda abeam, altered course N27E 2.0am: Little Cumbrae abeam 3.05am: Cloch Point abeam 3.50am: Received pilot and proceeded 4.35am: Passing Dumbarton 6.10am: Entered Prince’s Dock Glasgow 6.30am: Made fast to quay 10.0am: Fires drawn Pm: Hands employed getting ship ready for dry dock Pm: Long leave granted 4.0pm: Leave granted to part of watch till 7am, boys till 11pm 4f962323a2fc8e2def003e28: ( 53-44321-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 3.10am: Let go from wharf 4.0am: Entered dry dock 5.35am: Ship took the blocks 9.0am: Read warrant N° 10 7.15pm: 6 Ratings joined ship 4f962323a2fc8e2def003e29: ( 53-44321-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite Pm: Leave granted to part of watch till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962324a2fc8e2def003e2a: ( 53-44321-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite 4.35pm: Commenced flooding dock 5.20pm: Ship afloat 5.40pm: Left dry dock 6.30pm: Made fast to quay under coaling tip Prince’s dock 7.30pm: Leave granted to part of watch till 7am, boys till 10pm 7.45pm: Started coaling ship 4f962324a2fc8e2def003e2b: ( 53-44321-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite 4.30pm: Commenced to shift ship 6.0pm: Made fast in berth N° 6 Resumed coaling 4f962324a2fc8e2def003e2c: ( 53-44321-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 10.20am: Landed Church parties Catholic service held onboard 1.30pm: Leave granted to part of watch till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962325a2fc8e2def003e2d: ( 53-44321-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite Pm: Leave granted to part of watch till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962325a2fc8e2def003e2e: ( 53-44321-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.55am: Finished coaling. Received 1678 tons 10.0am: Low fires set away. Received 300 tons of drinking water Pm: Leave granted till 8am 10.0pm: High fires set away 4f962325a2fc8e2def003e2f: ( 53-44321-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 9.40am: Unmoored and proceeded 9.50am: Entered river. Courses & speeds as requisite 11.30am: Passing Dumbarton 11.55am: Stopped & engines as requisite to anchorage 0.05pm: Anchored off Tail of Bank Greenock in 13 fms water, 45 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Tail of Bank buoy S6E, Roseneath patch N35W, Red lamp S81W 7.10pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded 11 knots 7.40pm: Cloch abeam, altered course S39W 8.10pm: Toward abeam, altered course S30W 9.0pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S26W & increased to 14 knots, zigzag 9.55pm: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 10.20pm: Pladda abeam 3 miles, altered course S80W 11.45pm: Sanda abeam 1 ¼ miles, altered course N60W 4f962326a2fc8e2def003e30: ( 53-44321-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 57.0, Long -8.5 0.30am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ¾ mile, altered course N28W 2.40am: Oversay abeam 10 miles 7.0am: Skerryvore abeam 11 miles 9.40am: Barra Head abeam 11 miles, altered course N26W & reduced to 13 knots 10.50am: Sighted & challenged HMS “Columbella” 1 waist belt lost overboard by accident 2.55pm: St Kilda abeam 30 miles Read warrant N° 11 4.15pm: Reduced to 11 knots Number on sick list: 3 4f962326a2fc8e2def003e31: ( 53-44321-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.81, Long -8.83 6.15am: Sighted HMS “Digby” 6.40am: Stopped in Lat 60 12N, Long 7 40W & received armed guards from “Digby” 7.20am: Proceeded N24W, 12 knots 8.0am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” 9.20am: Increased to 13 knots 1.50pm: Altered course N19W & reduced to 11 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f962326a2fc8e2def003e32: ( 53-44321-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.0, Long -11.85 7.0am: Stopped in Lat 63 36N, Long 12 45W & transferred prize crew to HMS “Otway” 7.20am: Proceeded N42E, 12 knots 8.50am: Intercepted British trawler “Ostrich” (H729), allowed to proceed 0.10pm: Stopped in Lat 64 9N, Long 12 5W & boarded Danish SS “Ceres” from Copenhagen to Iceland. General cargo & passengers. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.50pm: Proceeded N10E, 12 knots 4.10pm: Altered course to close SS 5.25pm: Stopped in Lat 64 45N, Long 12 25W & boarded British SS “Grangewood” from Iquique to Archangel. Cargo Nitrate of Soda. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs Also met HMS “Andes” & transferred armed guard 6.25pm: Proceeded S30W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 3 4f962327a2fc8e2def003e33: ( 53-44321-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.41, Long -12.0 Am: Divisions & Divine Service 4.0pm: Altered course S17W. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 10.10pm: Thick fog, reduced to 10 knots, straight course Midnight: Altered course S17E & increased to 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 2 4f962327a2fc8e2def003e34: ( 53-44321-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.26, Long -12.08 5.53pm: Altered course S34E to close SS and increased to 13 ½ knots 7.0pm: Stopped in Lat 63 29N, Long 12 4W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Pingriff onboard American SS “Seaconnet” from New York to Christiania & Gotenborg. Cargo general Rifles Ammunition & copper. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.40pm: Proceeded N38W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 2 4f962327a2fc8e2def003e35: ( 53-44321-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.71, Long -13.08 Am: Divisions & prayers. General quarters, exercised collision, fire & abandon ship, also tested hand steering gear Number on sick list: 3 4f962328a2fc8e2def003e36: ( 53-44321-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.26, Long -12.08 4.50am: Sighted HMS “Alcantara” on Port bow 7.0pm: Sighted Grimsby trawler “Robinia” (GY1147) bound SE Number on sick list: 1 4f962328a2fc8e2def003e37: ( 53-44321-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.81, Long -13.28 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: Nil 4f962328a2fc8e2def003e38: ( 53-44321-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.986, Long -13.43 4.30am: Altered course N2E, straight course 8.0am: Altered course S5W & increased to 14 knots 10.15am: Sighted & challenged HMS “Changuinola” 11.45am: Sighted HMS “Arlanza” 0.20pm: Reduced to 11 ½ knots 9.0pm: Stopped in Lat 62 45N, Long 13 16W & received armed guard from HMS “Motagua” 9.25pm: Proceeded N4W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f962329a2fc8e2def003e39: ( 53-44321-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.11, Long -13.58 1.30am: Sighted & challenged HMS “Changuinola” Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence, read warrant N° 12 Number on sick list: Nil 4f962329a2fc8e2def003e3a: ( 53-44321-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.81, Long -13.3 Am: Ship’s company mustered by Ledger 11.0am: Divine Service 7.15pm: Altered course N12E. Sighted & challenged HMS “Changuinola” Number on sick list: Nil 4f962329a2fc8e2def003e3b: ( 53-44321-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.71, Long -13.2 2.30am: Altered course N67E to intercept Hull Trawler “Tally Ho” (H 522). Allowed to proceed 9.55am: Stopped in Lat 62 39N, Long 13 6W dropped target 9.57am: Proceeded 11 ½ knots & carried out aiming rifle practice 11.0am: Stopped, picked up target 11.25am: Proceeded N4W, 11 ½ knots 1.30pm: Stopped in Lat 63 2N, Long 13 30W dropped target 1.37pm: Proceeded 11 ½ knots & carried out aiming rifle practice 2.25pm: Stopped, picked up target 2.40pm: Proceeded N4W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: Nil 4f96232aa2fc8e2def003e3c: ( 53-44321-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.1, Long -13.66 Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: nil 4f96232aa2fc8e2def003e3d: ( 53-44321-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.58, Long -12.93 7.05am: Altered course N58E to close SS 7.40am: Stopped in Lat 63 22N, Long 13 39W & boarded Dutch trawler “Odin” (IJM 168) from Yimaden to Iceland. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.10am: Proceeded ExN to close SS, full speed Am: Divisions & physical drill 10.10am: Stopped in Lat 63 41N, Long 12 50W & boarded Norwegian SS “Sverre” from New York to Archangel. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.10am: Proceeded S55W, 12 knots 2.37pm: Stopped in Lat 63 8N, Long 13 22W & sent prize crew with Sub Lieut Wells onboard Norwegian SS “Noruega” from New Orleans to Christiania. Cargo assorted. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.30pm: Proceeded N28W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 2 4f96232ba2fc8e2def003e3e: ( 53-44321-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.11, Long -13.6 7.30am: Altered course to close trawler “Oceanic” GY 863. Allowed to proceed Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 4 4f96232ba2fc8e2def003e3f: ( 53-44321-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.86, Long -13.28 6.50pm: Altered course WNW to close SS 7.55pm: Full speed 8.30pm: Stopped in Lat 63 12N, Long 14 26W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Joynson onboard Swedish Motor ship “San Francisco” from Gothenborg to San Francisco. Cargo general. Boarding Officer: L J Pingriff; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.10pm: Proceeded S22E, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 3 4f96232ba2fc8e2def003e40: ( 53-44321-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.83, Long -13.31 Am: Divisions & Prayers Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 4 4f96232ba2fc8e2def003e41: ( 53-44321-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.11, Long -13.6 4.0pm: Altered course S80W to close SS & increased to 12 ½ knots 4.40pm: Stopped in Lat 62 27N, Log 13 15W & boarded Norwegian SS “Susanna” from Leith to Iceland. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.10pm: Proceeded N8E, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 3 4f96232ca2fc8e2def003e42: ( 53-44321-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.55, Long -13.03 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 11.20pm: Stopped in Lat 62 45N, Long 13 7W & boarded Norwegian SS “Irma” from Iceland to Barcelona via Faeroe. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs Number on sick list: 3 4f96232ca2fc8e2def003e43: ( 53-44321-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.13, Long -13.6 Midnight: Proceeded N4W, 11 ½ knots Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 4 4f96232da2fc8e2def003e44: ( 53-44321-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.85, Long -13.21 5.25pm: Stopped in Lat 62 59N, Long 13 32W & boarded Grimsby trawler “Electric”, GY 236, from Iceland to Fleetwood. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.50pm: Proceeded N9E, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 4 4f96232da2fc8e2def003e45: ( 53-44321-018_1.jpg) 4f96232da2fc8e2def003e46: ( 53-44321-019_0.jpg) 4f96232ea2fc8e2def003e47: ( 53-44321-019_1.jpg) 4f96232ea2fc8e2def003e48: ( 53-44321-020_0.jpg) 4f96232ea2fc8e2def003e49: ( 53-44321-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JULY 1915 4f96232fa2fc8e2def003e4a: ( 53-44322-001_0.jpg) 4f96232fa2fc8e2def003e4b: ( 53-44322-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs log book for July 1915 as Navigating Officer] 4f96232fa2fc8e2def003e4c: ( 53-44322-002_0.jpg) 4f962330a2fc8e2def003e4d: ( 53-44322-002_1.jpg) [Ed note: R H Bather signs log page as Commander on 7th August 1915] 4f962330a2fc8e2def003e4e: ( 53-44322-003_0.jpg) 4f962330a2fc8e2def003e4f: ( 53-44322-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.81, Long -13.3 6.55am: Stopped in Lat 63 0N, Long 13 50W & received armed guard from HMS “Virginian” 7.30am: Proceeded South 11 ½ knots Am: Pumped out after peak fresh water 53 tons 3.10pm: Intercepted British trawler “St Lawrence N° 1” (SN102). Allowed to proceed Number on sick list: 5 4f962331a2fc8e2def003e50: ( 53-44322-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.11, Long -13.58 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Exercised general quarters Number on sick list: 4 4f962331a2fc8e2def003e51: ( 53-44322-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.58, Long -13.06 2.5pm: Stopped in Lat 62 49N, Long 13 11W & boarded Dutch trawler “Balder” (IJN 143) from Iceland to Yumder with fish. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 2.55pm: Proceeded South 13 ½ knots 3.47pm: Altered course N8W, 11 ½ knots 8.0pm: Reduced to 10 knots straight 11.10pm: Increased to 11 ½ knots, zigzag Number on sick list: 4 4f962331a2fc8e2def003e52: ( 53-44322-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.13, Long -13.58 0.22am: Reduced to 10 knots straight 4.30am: Increased to 11 ½ zigzag 6.30am: Reduced to 10 knots straight 9.30am: Increased to 11 ½ knots zigzagging Am: Divisions, Inspection, & Divine Service 1.0pm: Altered course S5W & reduced to 10 knots 1.30pm: Increased to 11 ½ knots 2.0pm: Reduced to 10 knots 2.20pm: Reduced to 6 knots 2.40pm: Increased to 10 knots 3.0pm: Increased to 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 4 4f962332a2fc8e2def003e53: ( 53-44322-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.78, Long -13.25 4.0am: Altered course S5W & reduced to 10 knots 4.32am: Increased to 11 ½ knots 9.25am: Altered course E to close SS 9.50am: Stopped in Lat 62 30N, Long 13 0W & boarded Norwegian SS “F Heredia” from Reykjavik to Thorshaven, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.18am: Proceeded N4W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 4 4f962332a2fc8e2def003e54: ( 53-44322-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.78, Long -13.23 10.50am: Stopped in Lat 62 41N Long 13 3W & boarded Iceland trawler “Marz” (RE 114) from Reykjavik to Bergen, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.15am: Proceeded N16W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 3 4f962332a2fc8e2def003e55: ( 53-44322-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.7, Long -13.2 11.30am: Stopped in Lat 62 42N, Long 12 38W & picked up buoy marked SS “Sicyon” GY [163] 11.50am: Proceeded N72W, 11 ½ knots 3.50am: Stopped in Lat 62 12N, Long 12 40W & Communicated with HMS “Otway” 4.0pm: Proceeded N4W, 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 3 4f962333a2fc8e2def003e56: ( 53-44322-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.76, Long -13.21 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 4.0pm: Altered course N4W. Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 3 4f962333a2fc8e2def003e57: ( 53-44322-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.93, Long -12.0 6.0am: Altered course S12W & increased to 13 ½ knots 11.55am: Sighted HMS “Ambrose” 4.10pm: Sighted HMS “Mantua” 4.50pm: Sighted HMS “Orcoma” 8.25pm: Sighted HMS “Virginian” Number on sick list: 2 4f962333a2fc8e2def003e58: ( 53-44322-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.58, Long -7.7 2.45am: Sighted HMS “Orotava” 6.0am: Altered course S44E & increased to 14 knots Noon: Barra Head abeam 9 miles 3.34pm: Cairns of Coll abeam 3 miles S35E Pm: Courses as requisite passing through Mull Sound 6.0pm: Exit Sound. Course as requisite 8.10pm: Altered course S37W. Entering Sound of Islay 9.09pm: Exit Islay, altered course S2E 9.15pm: Darken ship 11.12pm: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ½ mile; altered course S54E Midnight: Altered course N80E, Sanda abeam Number on sick list: 2 4f962334a2fc8e2def003e59: ( 53-44322-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising and at Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 1.25am: Pladda abeam 3 miles 2.0am: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 3.0am: Passing Little Cumbrae, altered course N23E 3.35am: Toward abeam, altered course N33E 3.55am: Passing Boom defence. Stopped 4.0am: Received Pilot & proceeded 4.25am: Stopped 4.30am: Let go Starboard anchor in 17 fms water 60 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Roseneath Patch N50W, Red Lamp S60W, Tail of Bank S4W 7.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded 8.30am: Passing Dumbarton 10.0am: Entered Queen’s dock 10.30am: Made fast to quay Am: Fires drawn 3.30pm: Commenced coaling 4.0pm: Leave for Red watch and part of White watch 7.15pm: 1 Boy discharged to hospital Number on sick list: 3 4f962334a2fc8e2def003e5a: ( 53-44322-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 3.0am: Shifted ship to South branch Queen’s Dock 9.0am: Hands employed working as requisite 1.0pm: Paid monthly payment 1.20pm: Hands employed cleaning fresh water tanks & as requisite 4.30pm: Leave for liberty men 4f962334a2fc8e2def003e5b: ( 53-44322-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave to liberty men 4f962335a2fc8e2def003e5c: ( 53-44322-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship 4.30pm: Leave for liberty men; working party employed taking in stores 4f962335a2fc8e2def003e5d: ( 53-44322-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.20am: Hands employed as requisite 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave for liberty men 4f962335a2fc8e2def003e5e: ( 53-44322-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 4.15am: Shifted ship alongside wharfs 6.0am: Finished coaling. Received 1708 tons 9.0am: Hands employed getting in stores 1.0pm: Low fires set away 1.20pm: Hands employed taking in stores Pm: Received 378 tons of water 4.0pm: Leave for liberty men Pm: High fires set away 4f962336a2fc8e2def003e5f: ( 53-44322-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.15am: Hands employed as requisite 1.48pm: Stand by Engines 2.0pm: Cast off moorings & proceeded 3.0pm: Entered river, engines as requisite 4.30pm: Passing Dumbarton 5.25pm: Stopped 5.30pm: Anchored off Tail of Bank in 10 fms water, 45 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Roseneath patch N40W, Red lamp S32W, Tail of Bank buoy S26E 9.0pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded N56W, 13 knots 9.36pm: Passing defence boom 9.40pm: Increased to 14 knots, altered course S39W 10.37pm: Passing Little Cumbrae, altered course S26W 11.30pm: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 4f962336a2fc8e2def003e60: ( 53-44322-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.53, Long -8.66 0.10am: Pladda abeam 2 miles 1.30am: Sanda abeam 2 miles, altered course N55W 2.25am: Various courses rounding Mull of Cantyre ½ mile, altered course N22W 5.10am: Oversay abeam 7 miles 8.10am: Skerryvore bore N60E 10.45am: Barra Head abeam 32 miles 1.30pm: Sighted HMS “India” Number on sick list: 4 4f962336a2fc8e2def003e61: ( 53-44322-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.43, Long -10.91 3.35am: Sighted HMS “Ramsey” 6.0am: Sighted HMS “Motagua” 7.0am: Reduced to 12 ½ knots 11.55am: Stopped Lat 59 26N, Long 10 43W & received ratings from HMS “Columbella” 0.30pm: Proceeded North 13 knots, zigzag Pm: Read warrant N° 13 5.20pm: Altered course N17E, zigzag 8.20pm: Altered course North, straight 10.0pm: Reduced to 6 knots & sounded whistle [ed. note: weather logs report fog (F2)] 10.50pm: Altered course S4W & increased to 13 knots, zigzag Number on sick list: 4 4f962337a2fc8e2def003e62: ( 53-44322-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 61.0, Long -11.5 2.30am: Altered course N3W, zigzag 5.50am: Reduced to 6 knots, straight & sounded whistle [ed. note: weather logs report fog (F3)] 6.07am: Altered course S4W, increased to 10 knots, straight 6.40am: Increased to 12 ½ knots, zigzag 4.30pm: Read warrant N° 14 4.40pm: Stopped in Lat 61 5N, Long 11 16W & exchanged ratings with HMS “Oropesa” 5.25pm: Proceeded N7W, 12 ½ knots 9.20pm: Sighted SS “Norrbotten” bound to Stornoway with armed guards Number on sick list: 5 4f962337a2fc8e2def003e63: ( 53-44322-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 61.86, Long -12.21 5.0am: Stopped in Lat 62 51N, Long 13 15W & sent 1 officer & 4 ratings to HMS “Hildebrand” 5.40am: Proceeded S5W, 12 ½ knots 5.37pm: Stopped in Lat 61 54N, Long 12 5W & sent 1 officer & 3 ratings to HMS “Changuinola” 6.0pm: Proceeded N4W, 12 ½ knots Number on sick list: 5 4f962337a2fc8e2def003e64: ( 53-44322-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.53, Long -13.0 Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 4 4f962338a2fc8e2def003e65: ( 53-44322-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.63, Long -12.68 Am: Divisions, Prayers, Physical drill. Exercised general quarters & fire stations 4.0pm: Altered course N3W. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 8.10pm: Sighted HMS “Hildebrand” Pm: Darken ship Number on sick list: 5 4f962338a2fc8e2def003e66: ( 53-44322-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 65.18, Long -12.25 6.30am: Carried away Port fore topmast backstay 6.45am: Stopped in Lat 64 43N, Long 12 9W & boarded Danish schooner “Helge” from Dysart to Oe Fiord, cargo coal 7.25am: Proceeded S85E, 65 revs 8.0am: Stopped in Lat 64 44N, Long 12 00W & boarded Danish schooner “Uranus” from Halmstad to Blondaos. Cargo pit props 8.45am: Proceeded NE, 65 revs 9.20am: Stopped in Lat 64 48N, Long 11 56W & boarded Danish Schooner “Vera” from Dysart to Seides Fiord. Cargo coal. Boarding Officer: AGJ [ed. note: initials of A G Joynson]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.50am: Proceeded N5W, 65 revs 3.24pm: Hvalvig abeam 17 mils 5.0pm: Stopped in Lat 65 55N, Lat 12 56W & boarded Norwegian SS “Gyller” from Oe Fiord to Leith, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: AGJ [ed. note: initials of A G Joynson]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.27pm: Proceeded N17W,12 ½ knots 9.10pm: Stopped in Lat 66 25N, Long 14 3W & boarded Swedish SS “Uno” from Single Fiord to Trondhjem, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A G J [ed. note: initials of A G Joynson]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.45pm: Proceeded N9W, 12 ½ knots 10.20pm: Langanaes abeam 10 miles, altered course N44W Number on sick list: 4 [ed. note: a Swedish steamer “Uno” is mentioned here:] 4f962338a2fc8e2def003e67: ( 53-44322-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 67.16, Long -16.15 Am: Divisions, Inspection, & Divine Service Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 4 4f962339a2fc8e2def003e68: ( 53-44322-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 67.01, Long -16.15 9.14am: Stopped Port Engine to repair Condenser 10.51am: Stopped Starboard Engine to repair condenser & proceeded with Port Engine 1.0pm: Proceeding with both Engines 11 ½ knots Number on sick list: 4 4f962339a2fc8e2def003e69: ( 53-44322-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 67.26, Long -16.13 10.12am: Stopped in Lat 67 16N, Long 16 8W & dropped target 10.30am: Proceeded 12 ½ knots & carried out aiming rifle practice 11.55am: Stopped & picked up target Noon: Proceeded S60E, 65 revs, zigzag 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Prepare for night defence. Straight course 6.0pm: Altered course N85W, straight course. Reduced to 35 revs 7.15pm: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs, zigzag 9.50pm: Stopped in Lat 66 55N, Long 14 35W boarded Danish schooner “M. Hay” from Dysart to Akureyri. Cargo coal. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A G J [ed. note: initials for A G Joynson]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.13pm: Proceeded N80W, 65 revs, zigzag 10.30pm: Reduced to 35 revs, straight Course Number on sick list: 4 4f962339a2fc8e2def003e6a: ( 53-44322-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.66, Long -16.18 [ed note: soundings taken from 0.30am to 3.0am] 3.10am: Altered course N25E, straight course, 35 revs 5.35am: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs, zigzag 9.25am: Altered course various to close schooner 9.35am: Stopped in Lat 66 34N, Long 15 22W & boarded Danish schooner “Concordia”, Dysart to Akureyri. Cargo Coal. Allowed to proceed 9.50am: Proceeded N63W, straight course, 65 revs 10.55am: Altered course S34W, straight course 11.15am: Sounded 69 fms fine sand. Reduced to 35 revs, straight course 11.35am: Altered course N25E, 30 revs 0.45pm: Sounded 86 fms, increased to 65 revs, zigzag 1.20pm: Altered course to intercept SS 2.57pm: Rodehuk abeam 3 miles 3.45pm: Stopped in Lat 66 30N, Long 16 59W & boarded Norwegian SS “Aalesund” from Leith to Sigle Fiord. Cargo coal 4.10pm: Proceeded slow N70E 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 30N, Long 16 57W & boarded Norwegian SS “Alden” from Christianiasund to Sigle Fiord. Cargo salt & empty barrels. Boarding Officer: A G J [ed. note: initials for A G Joynson]; Accompanying Officer: E A J [ed. note: initials for E A Jacobs] 5.0pm: Proceeded N84E, 12 ½ knots, zigzag 5.51pm: Rodehuk abeam 5 ¼ miles 7.0pm: Altered course N25E, zigzag 10.0pm: Altered course S34W, zigzag Number on sick list: 4 4f96233aa2fc8e2def003e6b: ( 53-44322-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.86, Long -16.13 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 4.0pm: Altered course S34W. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 8.15pm: Reduced to 6 knots, straight course, thick fog Number on sick list: 4 4f96233aa2fc8e2def003e6c: ( 53-44322-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.76, Long -16.1 2.30am: Fog cleared 2.40am: Increased to 12 ½ knots, zigzag 10.10am: Stopped in Lat 66 49N, Long 16 8W exercised collision stations, placed collision mat, mustered at boat stations 11.0am: Dropped target, proceeded 60 revs & carried out aiming rifle practice 11.50am: Stopped, picked up target & proceeded N25E, 65 revs 2.0pm: Altered course S34W & reduced to 30 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f96233aa2fc8e2def003e6d: ( 53-44322-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.75, Long -15.36 10.20am: Increased to 65 revs 2.0pm: Altered course S37W, zigzag 6.15pm: Reduced to 50 revs, thick fog 7.40pm: Dense fog, reduced to 30 revs 10.15pm: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs, zigzag Number on sick list: 4 4f96233ba2fc8e2def003e6e: ( 53-44322-019_0.jpg) 4f96233ba2fc8e2def003e6f: ( 53-44322-019_1.jpg) 4f96233ba2fc8e2def003e70: ( 53-44322-020_0.jpg) 4f96233ca2fc8e2def003e71: ( 53-44322-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 4f96233ca2fc8e2def003e72: ( 53-44323-001_0.jpg) 4f96233ca2fc8e2def003e73: ( 53-44323-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: Frederick C P Harris signs log book for August 1915 as Navigating Officer] 4f96233da2fc8e2def003e74: ( 53-44323-002_0.jpg) 4f96233da2fc8e2def003e75: ( 53-44323-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: Rowland H Bather signs log page as Captain, on 1st September 1915] 4f96233da2fc8e2def003e76: ( 53-44323-003_0.jpg) 4f96233ea2fc8e2def003e77: ( 53-44323-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.88, Long -16.13 6.50am: Reduced to 30 revs, thick fog 7.30am: Altered course N25E, 50 revs 9.15am: Fog cleared 10.0am: Altered course S34W & increased to 65 revs, zigzag course Noon: Thick fog, reduced to 30 revs 5.15pm: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs, zigzag course 6.30pm: Altered course S34W, fog patches 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 7.20pm: Increased to 65 revs 8.40pm: Reduced to 30 revs 10.20pm: Increased to 65 revs 11.5pm: Reduced to 30 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f96233ea2fc8e2def003e78: ( 53-44323-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 67.21, Long -16.13 Am: Divisions, Prayers & Physical drill 10.0am: Increased to 65 revs Pm: Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 4 4f96233ea2fc8e2def003e79: ( 53-44323-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.86, Long -16.25 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters 10.25am: Altered course N20E. Revsnaes Beacon bearing West mag. 5 ½ miles Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 3 4f96233fa2fc8e2def003e7a: ( 53-44323-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.88, Long -16.13 5.08am: Altered course to intercept SS 5.15am: Stopped in Lat 66 46N, Long 16 8W & boarded Norwegian SS “Aalesund” from Sigle Fiord to Trondhjem. Cargo herrings. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.55am: Proceeded N25E, 65 revs Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Number on sick list: 2 4f96233fa2fc8e2def003e7b: ( 53-44323-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.9, Long -16.13 Am: Divisions, Prayers & Physical drill 4.0pm: Altered course S34W. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 1 4f96233fa2fc8e2def003e7c: ( 53-44323-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 67.11, Long -16.13 9.16am: Altered course N25E. Revsnaes beacon bearing South true 6 miles Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters 4.0pm: Altered course N25E. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: Nil 4f962340a2fc8e2def003e7d: ( 53-44323-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.71, Long -16.13 4.0am: Altered course N25E. Dense fog, reduced to 30 revs. Straight Course 7.0am: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs, zigzag course 9.10am: Dense fog, reduced to 30 revs, straight course 10.42am: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs, zigzag course 2.35pm: Thick fog. Reduced to 30 revs 3.30pm: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: Nil 4f962340a2fc8e2def003e7e: ( 53-44323-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.51, Long -13.25 0.55am: Sighted Revsnaes Light bearing S34W 10.50am: Langnaes Point abeam 10 miles 6.20pm: Fog set in, eased to 50 revs 8.30pm: Fog cleared, increased to 65 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f962340a2fc8e2def003e7f: ( 53-44323-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.51, Long -6.95 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: Nil 4f962341a2fc8e2def003e80: ( 53-44323-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 66.45, Long 0.8 Am: Divisions & Prayers Am: Exercised general quarters 4.0pm: Altered course N39E. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 1 4f962341a2fc8e2def003e81: ( 53-44323-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 65.25, Long -2.96 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 4.0pm: Altered course S87E. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 1 4f962341a2fc8e2def003e82: ( 53-44323-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.51, Long -9.36 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 4.35pm: Dense fog 6.10pm: Fog cleared 6.50pm: Dense fog 10.0pm: Fog cleared Number on sick list: 3 4f962342a2fc8e2def003e83: ( 53-44323-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 57.5, Long -11.0 3.37am: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” 8.35pm: Altered course to close SS 9.23pm: Stopped in Lat 57 13N, Long 11 6W & sent armed to Norwegian SS “Stryn” from Baltimore to Malmö. Cargo coal. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.50pm: Proceeded N42W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962342a2fc8e2def003e84: ( 53-44323-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 57.26, Long -11.5 5.15pm: Altered course to close SS. Engines full speed 8.5pm: Stopped in Lat 58 3N, Long 11 50W & boarded French SS “Bencken”[?] from Liverpool to Archangel, cargo ammunition. Boarding Officer: W J Canner; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 8.40pm: Proceeded S2W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962342a2fc8e2def003e85: ( 53-44323-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.48, Long -8.96 4.30am: Altered course intercept Danish schooner “Nauta”. Allowed her to proceed 5.30am: Altered course S36E, 75 revs 7.33pm: Oversay abeam 8 miles 10.0pm: Course and speeds as requisite rounding Mull of Cantyre 10.43pm: Sanda abeam Number on sick list: 2 4f962343a2fc8e2def003e86: ( 53-44323-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 0.05am: Pladda abeam 2 ¾ miles 0.35am: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 1.28am: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course N23E 2.0am: Toward Point abeam, altered course N30E 2.20am: Stopped off boom to await opening of gate 2.40am: Proceeded, 65 Revs 2.55am: Stopped & received pilot 3.0am: Proceeded various courses and speeds 4.0am: Passing Dumbarton Rock 5.45am: Entered Princes Dock 6.0am: Made fast alongside East berth Prince’s Dock Glasgow 7.0am: Commenced coaling 8.0am: Drew main fires Am: Hands employed painting ship, etc 11.05am: Received armed guard of 1 Officer & 4 Men from HMS “Patia” 4.55pm: Leave granted till 7am, boys till 10pm 5.55pm: One rating RNR discharged from ship for passage by rail to Plymouth Naval Hospital 6.0pm: Shifted ship to berth N° 6 8.0pm: Made fast in berth 9.0pm: Resumed coaling 4f962343a2fc8e2def003e87: ( 53-44323-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Pm: Hands employed painting ship & as requisite 4.30pm: Leave granted till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962343a2fc8e2def003e88: ( 53-44323-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave granted till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962344a2fc8e2def003e89: ( 53-44323-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite 10.20am: Finished coaling, received 1646 tons 2.40pm: Armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Pingriff returned 3.0pm: Shifted ship to N° 5 berth Pm: Leave granted till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962344a2fc8e2def003e8a: ( 53-44323-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite Pm: Leave granted till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962344a2fc8e2def003e8b: ( 53-44323-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am; Hands employed cleaning ship, etc 8.0am: High fires set away 11.0am: 2 armed guards arrived from HMS “Changuinola” 1.30pm: Leave granted till midnight 4f962345a2fc8e2def003e8c: ( 53-44323-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed getting ship ready for sea 10.0am: Unmoored & proceed from berth 10.26am: Entered river & proceeded. Various courses & speed 11.50am: Passing Dumbarton Rock 0.30pm: Stopped 0.35pm: Let go Starboard anchor off Tail of Bank Greenock in 11 fms of water to 60 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Roseneath patch N35W, Red lamp N81W, Tail of Bank S2W 7.53pm: Weighed & proceeded N50W, 65 revs 8.20pm: Courses as requisite passing boom defence 8.27pm: Altered course S39W, 75 revs 8.53pm: Toward abeam, altered course S32W 9.28pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S26W 10.27pm: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 11.05pm: Pladda abeam 2 miles Number on sick list: 2 4f962345a2fc8e2def003e8d: ( 53-44323-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1915 At Sea Lat 56.36, Long -8.85 0.30am: Sanda abeam 2 miles 1.10am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ½ mile 2.25am: Otter Rock abeam 2 ½ miles 3.43am: Oversay abeam 7 miles 4.05am: Oversay bearing N66E 8 miles, altered course N31W 4.30pm: Altered course N2W & reduced to 70 revs 8.0pm: Reduced to 65 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962345a2fc8e2def003e8e: ( 53-44323-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.78, Long -11.05 5.0am: Sighted HMS “Arlanza” 6.45am: Sighted HMS “Motagua” 7.20pm: Reduced to 50 revs 8.30pm: Altered course N20E & increased to 65 revs 10.15pm: Intercepted Russian SS “Nadejda” from Barry to Archangel Number on sick list: 4 4f962346a2fc8e2def003e8f: ( 53-44323-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 60.96, Long -10.86 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 1.52pm: Stopped in Lat 61 10N, Long 10 50W & Communicated with HMS “Victorian” 2.08pm: Proceeded N6W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962346a2fc8e2def003e90: ( 53-44323-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.05, Long -6.21 11.20am: Altered course SW to intercept SS 11.50am: Stopped in Lat 64 2N, Long 6 13W & boarded Norwegian SS “Fenris” from Haugesund to Oe fiord. Cargo empty barrels. Boarding Officer: W J Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.30pm: Proceeded N26E, 65 revs 4.30pm: Altered course N60E, full speed 5.10pm: Altered course S34W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962346a2fc8e2def003e91: ( 53-44323-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.0, Long -6.0 3.10pm: Stopped in Lat 64 20N, Long 5 20W & boarded Norwegian SS “Varo” from Bergen to Sigle Fiord. Cargo empty barrels. Boarding Officer: W J Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.50pm: Proceeded S80E & 65 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962347a2fc8e2def003e92: ( 53-44323-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.93, Long -3.13 5.40pm: Altered course S34E, full speed to close SS 5.50pm: Signalled British Collier “Astrea” 6.0pm: Altered course N83W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962347a2fc8e2def003e93: ( 53-44323-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.33, Long -4.4 7.50am: Set up relieving tackles 10.25am: Reduced to 60 revs, straight. Divisions & Divine Service 5.0pm: Altered course S27W & reduced to 50 revs 8.0pm: Altered course N18E & increased to 60 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962347a2fc8e2def003e94: ( 53-44323-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.03, Long -6.0 1.0am: Altered course S27W & reduced to 50 revs 5.0am: Altered course N18E & increased to 60 revs 8.10am: Altered course S27W. Increased to 65 revs, zigzag course Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 4 4f962348a2fc8e2def003e95: ( 53-44323-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.43, Long -6.0 10.50am: Stopped in Lat 64 36N, Long 5 57W & Communicated with HMS “Ebro” 11.0am: Proceeded West, 65 revs 1.30pm: Stopped in Lat 64 20N, Long 6 0W & dropped target 2.0pm: Proceeded 65 revs & carried out aiming rifle practice 2.30pm: Stopped & picked up target 2.40pm: Proceeded N18E, 65 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962348a2fc8e2def003e96: ( 53-44323-019_0.jpg) 4f962348a2fc8e2def003e97: ( 53-44323-019_1.jpg) 4f962349a2fc8e2def003e98: ( 53-44323-020_0.jpg) 4f962349a2fc8e2def003e99: ( 53-44323-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 4f962349a2fc8e2def003e9a: ( 53-44324-001_0.jpg) 4f96234aa2fc8e2def003e9b: ( 53-44324-001_1.jpg)[ [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs September log book as Navigating Officer] 4f96234aa2fc8e2def003e9c: ( 53-44324-002_0.jpg) 4f96234aa2fc8e2def003e9d: ( 53-44324-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: R H Bather signs log page as Acting Captain, on 1st October 1915] 4f96234ba2fc8e2def003e9e: ( 53-44324-003_0.jpg) 4f96234ba2fc8e2def003e9f: ( 53-44324-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.06, Long -6.0 9.25am: Altered course S14E to close SS Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 9.42am: Stopped in Lat 64 23N, Long 5 56W & boarded Norwegian SS “Steinar” from Eggesbonds to Oe Fiord, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: W J Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.10am: Proceeded S29W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f96234ba2fc8e2def003ea0: ( 53-44324-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.1, Long -6.0 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 2.30pm: Sighted HMS “Cedric” Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 11.13pm: Altered course NNW to close SS Number on sick list: 3 4f96234ca2fc8e2def003ea1: ( 53-44324-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.7, Long -6.0 0.10am: Stopped in Lat 63 23N, Long 6 12W & boarded Swedish SS “Falster” from Addevalla to Sigle Fiord. Cargo empty barrels. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Kenner [Canner?]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 1.0am: Proceeded S18W, 65 revs Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters & fire stations 2.40pm: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” & HMS “Cedric” Number on sick list: 2 4f96234ca2fc8e2def003ea2: ( 53-44324-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.88, Long -6.0 11.30am: Fuglö bearing S20W, true 21 miles; altered course N18E 1.20pm: Altered course N41W to close SS 2.0pm: Signalled Swedish SS “Hero” with armed guard onboard 2.40pm: Stopped engines to examine fisherman’s buoy 2.45pm: Proceeded 65 revs Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course S32W to close SS 5.25pm: Stopped in Lat 63 37N, Long 5 50W & boarded Norwegian SS “Minerva” from Bergen to Isa Fiord. Cargo barrels. Boarding Officer: Kenner [Canner?]; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.50pm: Proceeded S32W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96234ca2fc8e2def003ea3: ( 53-44324-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.93, Long -6.0 Am: Divisions, Inspection & Divine Service Pm: Fog set in 4.0pm: Altered course S27W. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Number on sick list: 1 4f96234da2fc8e2def003ea4: ( 53-44324-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 61.36, Long -4.1 11.0am: Stopped in Lat 61 20N, Long 4 6W & boarded Danish barque “Ceres” from Greenland to Copenhagen. Cargo fish oil & seal skins. Boarding officer: Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.50am: Proceeded N16E, 65 revs 0.55pm: Stopped in Lat 61 20N, Long 4 6W & Sent Armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Joynson onboard barque “Ceres” 1.20pm: Proceeded N16E, 65 revs 6.25pm: Stopped in Lat 62 13N, Long 4 23W & boarded Norwegian schooner “Fremad” from Reykjavik to Fredrickshald, in ballast. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.45pm: Proceeded N16W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96234da2fc8e2def003ea5: ( 53-44324-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 64.75, Long -6.0 Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters & collision stations 3.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course 7.30pm: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 6.55pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 7.15pm: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 1 4f96234da2fc8e2def003ea6: ( 53-44324-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.01, Long -10.12 2.0am: Altered course N70W & increased to 65 revs, straight 4.0am: Commenced to zigzag 10.05am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 11.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 0.25pm: Reduced to 50 revs 4.0pm: Increased to 65 revs. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Midnight: Fog cleared Number on sick list: 1 4f96234ea2fc8e2def003ea7: ( 53-44324-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.33, Long -11.0 2.0am: Altered course S40E to close SS 2.42am: Reduced to 50 revs 3.05am: Stopped in Lat 63 0N, Long 10 58W & Sent Armed guard onboard Danish SS “Godafoss” from Iceland to Leith & Copenhagen. Cargo general. Armed guard officer: Canner. Boarding Officer: L J Pingriff; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.38am: Proceeded N20E, 65 revs 3.35pm: Reduced to 50 revs 4.10pm: Altered course N20E & increased to 65 revs 5.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs 8.20pm: Reduced to 30 revs 11.20pm: Increased to 50 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f96234ea2fc8e2def003ea8: ( 53-44324-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.38, Long -11.0 4.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 5.15pm: Course & speed as requisite on Rendezvous 6.30pm: Stopped in Lat 62 40N, Long 11 0W & exchanged ratings with HMS “Ambrose” 7.0pm: Proceeded N20E, 65 revs 8.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f96234ea2fc8e2def003ea9: ( 53-44324-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.25, Long -11.0 5.0am: Reduced to 30 revs 6.50am: Stopped. Dense fogr Revs 8.10am: Increased to 50 revs 8.35am: Stopped in Lat 62 4N, Long 11 0W & boarded British trawler “Tally Ho” from Iceland to Hull with fish. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.15am [ed. note: possibly 9.15am]: Proceeded S29W, 50 revs 9.55am: Altered course N20E & increased to 75 revs 10.20pm: Reduced to 50 revs 10.45pm: Reduced to 30 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f96234fa2fc8e2def003eaa: ( 53-44324-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.28, Long -11.0 9.0am: Increased to 50 revs 9.34am: Reduced to 30 revs 4.20am: Increased to 50 revs 5.0pm: Altered course N20E, 65 revs 5.55pm: Reduced to 50 revs 6.25pm: Reduced to 30 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f96234fa2fc8e2def003eab: ( 53-44324-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.33, Long -11.0 1.0am: Altered course N20E & increased to 50 revs 5.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 7.35am: Altered course to close vessel 8.05am: Stopped in Lat 62 50N, Long 10 55W & boarded Danish Motor Fishing boat “Svea” from Lysekil to Reykjavik, in ballast. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer E A Jacobs 8.35am: Proceeded N20E, 65 revs 9.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f96234fa2fc8e2def003eac: ( 53-44324-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.7, Long -12.13 4.45am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 6.15am: Stopped in Lat 63 0N, Long 11 0W & boarded Danish Schooner “Venus” from Copenhagen to Iceland. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.50am: Proceeded S29W, 65 revs 7.22am: Altered course N70W to close British trawler (H103) boarded by HMS “Columbella” 3.50pm: Spoke British SS “Agberi” 8.30pm: Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: nil 4f962350a2fc8e2def003ead: ( 53-44324-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.86, Long -14.38 1.0am: Altered course N2E & reduced to 50 revs 6.15am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag course 8.30pm: Straight course. Reduced to 50 revs Midnight: Altered course N2E & increased to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962350a2fc8e2def003eae: ( 53-44324-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.81, Long -14.33 4.0am: Altered course S11W & reduced to 50 revs 4.30am: Increased to 65 revs & zigzag 30° each side 9.0am: Zigzag, straight & 30° each side 5.15pm: Altered course N45W to close vessel 5.35pm: Stopped in Lat 62 25N, Long 14 27W & boarded Hull trawler (H692) “Windward Ho” from Iceland to Hull with fish. Boarding Officer: Coleman; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 6.40pm: Proceeded N36E, 65 revs 9.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: Nil 4f962350a2fc8e2def003eaf: ( 53-44324-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.13, Long -12.38 4.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 8.50am: Sighted HMS “Ambrose” 5.40pm: Stopped in Lat 61 58N, Long 10 13W & received armed guard from HMS “Virginian” 6.0pm: Proceeded N43W, 65 revs 8.20pm: Altered course N30E to close SS 8.52pm: Stopped in Lat 62 23N, Long 11 12W & boarded Danish SS “Esbjerg” from Kirkwall to Reykjavik. Cargo petrol & benzene. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Coleman; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 9.40pm: Proceeded N38W, 60 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f962351a2fc8e2def003eb0: ( 53-44324-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.96, Long -15.25 4.35am: Altered course N38E to close SS 5.05am: Stopped in Lat 63 11N, Long 13 42W & boarded Norwegian SS “Minerva” from Osa Fiord to Bergen. Cargo herrings. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Coleman; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 5.45am: Proceeded N22W, 65 revs 8.15pm: Reduced to 50 revs. Straight course Number on sick list: Nil 4f962351a2fc8e2def003eb1: ( 53-44324-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 63.95, Long -15.45 5.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Am: Divisions, Inspection, & Divine Service 6.07pm: Sounded, no bottom, log 62.2 6.18pm: Sounded 90 fms sand, log 65 6.40pm: Sounded 70 fms sand, log 69.6 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course Number on sick list: Nil 4f962351a2fc8e2def003eb2: ( 53-44324-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.68, Long -15.08 5.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 2.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course 2.30pm: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 4f962352a2fc8e2def003eb3: ( 53-44324-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.0, Long -13.76 9.45am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 10.10am: Exercised General Quarters 4.0pm: Altered course S20E. Evening Quarters & prepare for night defence 5.20pm: Spoke British SS “J.T.L.P.” from Hartlepool to New York 10.35pm: Decreased to 55 revs [ed. note: “J.T.L.P.” signal letters of SS “Sineus” of London. “1919. Signal letters of British ships for the use of ships at sea, and for signal stations. Prepared by Charles H. Jones, O.B.E. Rregistrar General Of Shipping And Seamen.] 4f962352a2fc8e2def003eb4: ( 53-44324-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.25, Long -8.03 5.30am: Increased to 70 revs [ed. note: soundings taken every half an hour from 10.30am to 3.0pm] 3.0pm: Increased to 75 revs 4.40pm: Oversay Light House S3W, 4 miles 7.30pm: Course as required for Rounding Mull of Cantyre 8.5pm: Sanda Light abeam 2 miles, altered course N80E 10.45pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course N24E 11.16pm: Toward Point abeam, altered course N52E 11.32pm: Decreased to 60 revs 11.40pm: Passed boom defence. Course and speeds as requisite Cloch Light abeam, set course N80E 11.45pm: Stopped and picked up pilot 11.50pm: Proceeded E ½ N 12.18pm: Stopped & let go port anchor in 16 fms water to 45 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Roseneath patch N42W; Tail of Bank S9W, Ship’s head: South Number on sick list: 2 4f962352a2fc8e2def003eb5: ( 53-44324-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising and at Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 8.40am: Weighed anchor & proceeded 9.25am: Passing Dumbarton Rock 10.55am: Entered Prince’s Dock 11.25am: Made fast under coal crane Noon: Drew fires Pm: Commenced coaling Pm: Hands employed as requisite Pm: Long leave granted to Red watch & part of White watch 4.30pm: Leave to Blue watch till 7am 5.30pm: Discharged 14 ratings with 1 PO in charge to Devonport Barracks 8.15pm: Eleven boys & 1 fireman joined ship & 1 Marine from HMS “Eagle” 8.45pm: Shifted ship to Queens Dock 10.30pm: Made fast 11.30pm: Resumed coaling Number on sick list: Nil 4f962353a2fc8e2def003eb6: ( 53-44324-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite 4.30pm: Leave granted to first part of Blue watch until 7am 4f962353a2fc8e2def003eb7: ( 53-44324-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite 12.0am: Leave to part of watch 4f962353a2fc8e2def003eb8: ( 53-44324-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 12.15am: 14 Boys Joined ship from Devonport 7.30am: Hands employed as requisite 10.0am: Roman Catholic party landed 10.30am: Church of England party landed 11.50am: R.C. returned 1.0pm: Church party returned 4f962354a2fc8e2def003eb9: ( 53-44324-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite 2.50pm: 1 armed guard & 2 absentees rejoined ship from HMS “Ambrose” 5.30pm: 1 rating left for Depot 6.0pm: Finished coaling. Received 1649 tons 11.45pm: Shifted Ship from Queens Dock to York Hill berth 4f962354a2fc8e2def003eba: ( 53-44324-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 1.45am: Secured Ship alongside Yorkhill quay 9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite 4f962354a2fc8e2def003ebb: ( 53-44324-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite Noon: Set away Low fires 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite Water received: 309 tons 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7am, boys 10pm 9.45pm: 4 ERAs, 1 able seaman & 1 Marine left for Depot Midnight: Set away High fires 4f962355a2fc8e2def003ebc: ( 53-44324-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1915 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.15am: Hands employed as requisite Am: Hands employed getting ship ready for sea 4.45pm: Unmoored & proceeded, courses & speeds as requisite down River 6.15pm: Passing Dumbarton 7.0pm: Dropped pilot off Tail of Bank & proceeded as requisite 7.45pm: Cleared boom defence, altered course S37W, 75 revs 8.0pm: Streamed Patent Log 8.05pm: Toward Point abeam, altered course S32W 8.44pm: Passing Little Cumbrae, altered course S25W 9.37pm: Holy Island abeam, distance 2 miles, zigzag 10.03pm: Pladda bore N70W, altered course S80W 10.18pm: Pladda abeam, distance 2 miles 11.45pm: Sanda abeam, distance 2 miles, altered course N52W 4f962355a2fc8e2def003ebd: ( 53-44324-018_1.jpg) 4f962355a2fc8e2def003ebe: ( 53-44324-019_0.jpg) 4f962356a2fc8e2def003ebf: ( 53-44324-019_1.jpg) 4f962356a2fc8e2def003ec0: ( 53-44324-020_0.jpg) 4f962356a2fc8e2def003ec1: ( 53-44324-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1915 4f962357a2fc8e2def003ec2: ( 53-44325-001_0.jpg) 4f962357a2fc8e2def003ec3: ( 53-44325-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs October 1915 log as Navigating Officer] 4f962357a2fc8e2def003ec4: ( 53-44325-002_0.jpg) 4f962358a2fc8e2def003ec5: ( 53-44325-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: R H Bather signs October log book as Captain on 1st November 1915] 4f962358a2fc8e2def003ec6: ( 53-44325-003_0.jpg) 4f962358a2fc8e2def003ec7: ( 53-44325-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.73, Long -8.98 0.20am: Courses as requisite rounding Mull of Cantyre 0.40am: Rounded Mull ½ mile, altered course N19W 2.05am: Otter Rock Light Vessel abeam, 3 ½ miles 3.25am: Oversay abeam, distance 7 miles 3.43am: Altered course N31W, Oversay bearing N65E, 9 miles 9.44am: Barra Head abeam, distance 32 miles 7.10pm: Altered course N5W & reduced to 60 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S70W & reduced to 55 revs Midnight: Altered course N2W & decreased to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962359a2fc8e2def003ec8: ( 53-44325-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 57.66, Long -11.08 4.0am: Altered course S7W & increased to 55 revs 5.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag course Noon: Stopped & received back signals from HMS “Oritava” [ed. note: misspelt for HMS “Orotava”] 0.30pm: Proceeded S70W, 65 revs 7.40pm: Reduced to 50 revs 7.55pm: Altered course N68W & increased to 65 revs 9.25pm: Stopped in Lat 56 27N, Long 11 34W & gave back signals to HMS “Motagua” 9.30pm: Proceeded S3E, 50 revs Midnight: Altered course N12W & increased to 65 revs, zigzag course Number on sick list: 2 4f962359a2fc8e2def003ec9: ( 53-44325-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.7, Long -11.8 Am: Divisions & Inspection. Divine Service 1.10pm: Altered course S28W to close SS 2.20pm: In Lat 56 18N, Long 11 32W Intercepted British SS “Ramore Head” from Ardrossan to Montreal in ballast. Allowed to proceed 2.25pm: Proceeded S18E, 65 revs 7.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 2 4f962359a2fc8e2def003eca: ( 53-44325-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.71, Long -11.83 3.37am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 9.06pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96235aa2fc8e2def003ecb: ( 53-44325-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 56.5, Long -11.8 5.45am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill. Exercised General Quarters & fire stations 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 8 4f96235aa2fc8e2def003ecc: ( 53-44325-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.41, Long -11.3 5.35am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 7.45pm: Altered course S27W & reduced to 50 revs straight Number on sick list: 2 4f96235aa2fc8e2def003ecd: ( 53-44325-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.35, Long -11.18 6.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 3.0pm: Altered course S57W & reduced to 50 revs, straight 6.50pm: Reduced to 40 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96235ba2fc8e2def003ece: ( 53-44325-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.43, Long -11.18 7.30am: Altered course N18E & increased to 65 revs, zigzag 3.30pm: Sighted HMS “Cedric” 7.45pm: Altered course S27W & reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 3 4f96235ba2fc8e2def003ecf: ( 53-44325-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.41, Long -11.18 5.15am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 7.40pm: Altered course N70E to close vessel 8.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 23N, Long 11 6W boarded Swedish barque “Niola” from Hernosand to Lisbon. Cargo timber. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.0pm: Proceeded S27W, 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 2 4f96235ba2fc8e2def003ed0: ( 53-44325-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.2, Long -11.7 5.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Am: Divisions & Inspection Am: Divine Service 11.40am: Altered course N35W & as requisite to close SS 0.10pm: Stopped in Lat 58 12N, Long 11 42W & Intercepted British SS “Turret Chief” from Montreal to Leith. Cargo grain. Allowed to proceed 0.45pm: Proceeded N77W, full speed, zigzag 2.20pm: Sighted HMS “Victorian” 3.45pm: Reduced to 60 revs, steaming in circle 4.55pm: Stopped in Lat 58 10N, Long 12 10W & transferred patient Senior Engineer Harper RNR to HMS “Alsatian” 5.30pm: Proceeded N66E, 65 revs 9.30pm: Altered course S27W & reduced to 50 revs 10.0pm: Altered course N80E & as requisite to close SS 10.30pm: In Lat 58 43N, Long 11 14W intercepted British oiler “Oilfield” from Invergordon to Philadelphia. Allowed to proceed 10.40pm: Altered course S25W, 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96235ca2fc8e2def003ed1: ( 53-44325-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.95, Long -11.18 6.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 4.30pm: Altered course N1W & reduced to 60 revs 6.15pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 10.35pm: Altered course S56W to close SS 11.0pm: Signalled American oil tanker “Platuria” New York to Aarhus, cargo petroleum 11.20pm: Altered course ESE to follow, reduced to 6 knots Number on sick list: 2 4f96235ca2fc8e2def003ed2: ( 53-44325-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.6, Long -10.5 7.30am: Stopped in Lat 58 33N, Long 10 0W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Southcombe RNR onboard SS “Platuria”. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 8.15am: Proceeded West, 60 revs Am: Divisions, Prayers & Physical drill Am: Exercised collision & abandon ship stations 8.0m: Altered course S8W. Sighted HMS “Motagua”, hove to with steamer Number on sick list: 2 4f96235ca2fc8e2def003ed3: ( 53-44325-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.867, Long -11.95 Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill 2.35pm: Reduced to 40 revs 6.18pm: Hove to heading South, 35 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f96235da2fc8e2def003ed4: ( 53-44325-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.95, Long -11.53 7.0am: Altered course N14E & increased to 50 revs 4.30pm: Altered course S88E to close sailing vessel 5.0pm: In Lat 58 28N, Long 11 20W intercepted Danish 3M F & A schooner “Tvøroyri” from Faeroes to Liverpool in ballast. Allowed to proceed Number on sick list: 4 4f96235da2fc8e2def003ed5: ( 53-44325-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.63, Long -11.6 7.10am: Increased to 65 revs 10.0am: Commenced zigzagging 11.18am: Altered course to close SS Noon: Intercepted British ammunition carrier “Combe”. Allowed to proceed 0.30pm: Stopped in Lat 58 38N, Long 11 38W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Coleman onboard SS “Kentucky” from New York to Copenhagen. Cargo general. Boarding Officer: Jacobs 1.10pm: Proceeded S20W, 65 revs 5.30pm: Altered course N64W to close sailing vessel 6.0pm: Altered course West & as requisite to close 6.40pm: Stopped in Lat 58 24N, Long 11 50W & boarded Norwegian barque “Hordo” from Fredrickshald to Adelaide. Cargo timber. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.35pm: Proceeded N15E, 55 revs 9.15pm: Altered course S10W, 50 revs 11.25pm: Altered course SSE to close SS Midnight: Intercepted Admiralty oiler “Danubian”, allowed to proceed. Altered course N3W Number on sick list: 5 4f96235da2fc8e2def003ed6: ( 53-44325-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.85, Long -12.03 2.55am: Stopped in Lat 58 38N, Long 11 44 W & boarded British SS “Axminster” from Archangel to Cardiff. Cargo timber. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: W J Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.0am: Proceeded N2W, 50 revs 6.35am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 1.05pm: Altered course N8E & increased to 70 revs 3.15pm: Sighted HMS “Otway”, “Hildebrand” & SS “Corona” in tow 4.15pm: Altered course S49E & reduced to 40 revs 4.30pm: Reduced to 30 revs 5.30pm: Tow parted, courses & speeds as requisite 9.0pm: Proceeded S49E, 25 revs to accompany tow Number on sick list: 5 4f96235ea2fc8e2def003ed7: ( 53-44325-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.08, Long -10.16 8.0am: Courses & speeds as requisite 10.0am: Stopped Lat 59 10N, Long 10 4W abeam of SS “Corona” & opened with after 2 Y 6” guns 10.43am: Ceased firing 10.55am: “Corona” sank 11.10am: Proceeded S57W, 65 revs 5.20pm: Sighted HMS “Victorian” Number on sick list: 4 4f96235ea2fc8e2def003ed8: ( 53-44325-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.38, Long -11.61 Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill 4.0pm: Altered course N1W. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence Darken ship Number on sick list: 5 4f96235ea2fc8e2def003ed9: ( 53-44325-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.3, Long -11.55 5.07am: Altered course to intercept SS, courses as requisite 6.25am: Stopped in Lat 58 26N, Long 11 16W & boarded British SS “Rievaulx Abby” from Liverpool to Archangel. Cargo ammunition. Boarding Officer: W J Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.10am: Proceeded S32E, 65 revs 10.35am: Stopped in Lat 58 12N, Long 11 28W, dropped target 10.38am: Proceeded 65 revs & carried out aiming rifle practice 11.30am: Stopped picked up target 11.40am: Proceeded N1W, 65 revs 2.45pm: Altered course S70W to close SS 3.0pm: Stopped in Lat 57 54N, Long 11 22W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Joynson RNR onboard Norwegian SS “Bratsberg”, from Buenos Aires to Copenhagen. Cargo maize. Boarding Officer: W J Canner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.55pm: Proceeded S8W, 65 revs Number on sick list: 6 4f96235fa2fc8e2def003eda: ( 53-44325-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.4, Long -11.58 Am: Division, prayers & physical drill Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 5.15pm: Courses as requisite for Rendezvous Lat 58 24N, Long 11 35W Number on sick list: 7 4f96235fa2fc8e2def003edb: ( 53-44325-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.76, Long -11.83 8.10am: Reduced to 40 revs 9.05am: Altered course N1W & increased to 50 revs 11.25am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 4.15pm: Altered course N40E & increased to 50 revs 10.0pm: Intercepted British SS “Roanoke” Number on sick list: 7 4f96235fa2fc8e2def003edc: ( 53-44325-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 58.56, Long -11.7 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 8.0am: Altered course N1W & reduced to 60 revs 9.45am: Altered course S14W & increased to 65 revs 2.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 2.20pm: Altered course N67W & increased to 65 revs 3.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 36N, Long 11 27W & Communicated with HMS “Columbella” & HMS “Virginian” 4.0pm: Proceeded N8W, 60 revs 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 9.30pm: Reduced to 40 revs Number on sick list: 8 4f962360a2fc8e2def003edd: ( 53-44325-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 59.25, Long -12.16 6.30am: Increased to 50 revs 7.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag course Noon: Stopped and boarded Danish cargo ship “Valkyrien”, from Frederickstat to Melbourne. Cargo timber. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.45pm: Proceeded N40E, 65 revs 1.30pm: Sighted HMS “Victorian” 3.30pm: Sighted HMS “Hildebrand” 5.57pm: Altered course to close SS 6.50pm: Stopped in Lat 60 20N, Long 11 32W & sent Armed Guard in charge of Sub Lieut Coleman RNR onboard Norwegian SS “Avona” from Baltimore to Gothenberg. Cargo coal. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 7.48pm: Proceeded N40E, 65 revs Number on sick list: 7 [Ed. note: Norwegian SS “Avona” is mentioned HMS Digby Log books, March 25th, 1915, and in “American rights & British pretensions on the seas; the facts and the documents, official and other, bearing upon the present attitude of Great Britain toward the commerce of the United States. The Facts and the Documents, Official and Other, Bearing upon the Present Attitude of Great Britain toward the Commerce of the United States. Compiled, with introductory memoranda, by William Bayard Hale, New York, Robert M. McBride & Company, 1915, Chapter 81 page 59. ] 4f962360a2fc8e2def003ede: ( 53-44325-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1915 From Glasgow to Cruising Lat 62.43, Long -7.73 7.15am: Increased to 70 revs 11.0am: Sighted Faeroes bearing S24E 3.05pm: Fuglö Island abeam 14 miles 6.57pm: Reduced to 65 revs Number on sick list: 10 4f962360a2fc8e2def003edf: ( 53-44325-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1915 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 1.30am: Sighted HMS “Otway” 6.35am: Increased to 70 revs 9.10am: Passing Muckle Roe Light House, reduced to half speed & various to anchorage 9.20am: Passing boom defence 9.30am: Anchored in N° 3 Berth Busta Voe 15 fms water, 65 fms chain. Banked fires 10.15am: Colliers “Westwood” & “Hamire Wood” came alongside 0.40pm: Commenced coaling 1.55pm: Armed Guard in charge of Lieut Joynson RNR arrived onboard 7.0pm: Stopped coaling 4f962361a2fc8e2def003ee0: ( 53-44325-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1915 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 7.0am: Resumed coaling 6.0pm: Stopped coaling 4f962361a2fc8e2def003ee1: ( 53-44325-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1915 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 7.0am: Resumed coaling 5.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 900 tons 4f962362a2fc8e2def003ee2: ( 53-44325-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1915 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 Am: Hands employed getting ship ready for sea 6.45pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Courses & speeds as requisite 7.20pm: Passing boom defence, increased to 70 revs 7.30pm: Swarbacks Light abeam, altered course N43W 4f962362a2fc8e2def003ee3: ( 53-44325-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 62.43, Long -7.73 7.30am: Commenced zigzagging 10.30am: Sighted Fuglö bearing S40W 11.50am: Fuglö abeam dist. 18 miles 4.45pm: Sighted HMS “Victorian” 6.35pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962362a2fc8e2def003ee4: ( 53-44325-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 61.23, Long -12.9 7.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 11.45am: Stopped in Lat 61 2N, Long 12 54W & transferred armed guard to HMS “Oropesa” 0.05pm: Proceeded S10W, 65 revs 2.0pm: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” 8.0pm: Altered course S9W & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f962363a2fc8e2def003ee5: ( 53-44325-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 60.78, Long -12.96 12.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Noon: Sighted HMS “Changuinola”, altered course South 6.35pm: Reduced to 50 revs 11.35pm: Sighted HMS “Cedric” and SS Number on sick list: 3 4f962363a2fc8e2def003ee6: ( 53-44325-019_0.jpg) 4f962363a2fc8e2def003ee7: ( 53-44325-019_1.jpg) 4f962364a2fc8e2def003ee8: ( 53-44325-020_0.jpg) 4f962364a2fc8e2def003ee9: ( 53-44325-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1915 4f962364a2fc8e2def003eea: ( 53-44326-001_0.jpg) 4f962365a2fc8e2def003eeb: ( 53-44326-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs November 1915 log as Navigating Officer] 4f962365a2fc8e2def003eec: ( 53-44326-002_0.jpg) 4f962365a2fc8e2def003eed: ( 53-44326-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: R H Bather signs log page as Captain on 1st December 1915] 4f962366a2fc8e2def003eee: ( 53-44326-003_0.jpg) 4f962366a2fc8e2def003eef: ( 53-44326-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 59.65, Long -11.2 1.20am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 9.20am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” on port bow Division & Prayers 10.05am: Stopped in Lat 59 34N, Long 10 43W & received armed guard from HMS” Cedric” 10.35am: Proceeded N52W, 65 revs 6.0pm: Altered course S56E & reduced to 50 revs 9.23pm: Altered course S25W, full speed to close SS 10.0pm: Sighted HMS “Cedric” closing some SS 10.12pm: Altered course S65E & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962366a2fc8e2def003ef0: ( 53-44326-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 59.85, Long -11.18 3.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill Am: Fire, collision & abandon ship stations 6.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962367a2fc8e2def003ef1: ( 53-44326-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 60.23, Long -17.0 7.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 2 4f962367a2fc8e2def003ef2: ( 53-44326-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 60.71, Long -17.0 7.10am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 8.0pm: Altered course S31W & reduced to 50 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 1 4f962367a2fc8e2def003ef3: ( 53-44326-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1915 From Busta Voe to Cruising Lat 60.16, Long -17.0 7.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 7.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight Number on sick list: 1 4f962368a2fc8e2def003ef4: ( 53-44326-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1915 At Sea Lat 58.16, Long -11.31 7.0am: Increased to 65 revs 8.0am: Sighted HMS “Almanzora” & HMS “Victorian”, course as required to close 9.20am: Stopped in Lat 58 55N, Long 11 18W & received armed guard from HMS “Victorian” 9.50am: Proceeded S66E, 65 revs, zigzag 5.30pm: Straight course 6.30pm: Altered course S56E & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962368a2fc8e2def003ef5: ( 53-44326-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1915 At Sea Lat 58.88, Long -10.56 6.0am: Altered course N58W & increased to 60 revs 8.17am: Reduced to 40 revs Am: Divisions & inspection. Divine Service 1.35pm: Altered course WxN to close SS 2.0pm: In Lat 58 54N, Long 10 50W Intercepted Danish SS “Alexandra” from New York to Copenhagen. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed 2.30pm: Proceeded N58W 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence, Increased to 50 revs. Darken ship 9.30pm: Altered course West to close 9.40pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Songa” from Baltimore to Bergen. Cargo grain 9.45pm: Proceeded ExS, speeds as requisite to follow Number on sick list: 1 4f962368a2fc8e2def003ef6: ( 53-44326-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1915 At Sea Lat 58.83, Long -10.56 3.0am: Stopped in Lat 59 5N, Long 10 56W & put armed guard in charge of Lieut Joynson on board SS “Songa”; Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 3.55am: Proceeded S39E, 50 revs 7.0am: Altered course N58W & increased to 60 revs 8.15am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 9.33am: Altered course to close SS 9.45am: Full speed 10.20am: Stopped in Lat 58 56N, Long 10 40W & boarded Norwegian SS “Activ” from Reykjavik to Troon. Cargo fish. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs Noon: Altered course N58W, 65 revs, zigzag 3.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 0N, Long 11 48W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Southcombe onboard Danish SS “Sirius” from Galveston to Aalborg. Cargo oilcake. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman, Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.10pm: Proceeded N58W, 65 revs, zigzag 7.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 2 4f962369a2fc8e2def003ef7: ( 53-44326-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.13, Long -11.36 7.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 7.25am: Sighted HMS “Andes” 11.55am: Reduced to 60 revs, straight 4.0pm: Altered course N12W & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962369a2fc8e2def003ef8: ( 53-44326-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.25, Long -11.2 8.0am: Sighted HMS “Almanzora” 1.45pm: Altered course N70E to close SS 1.55pm: Increased to 60 revs 3.45pm: Signalled Norwegian SS “Ranvik” from Philadelphia to Bergen. Cargo grain 3.45pm: Reduced to slow & various to follow 8.40pm: Stopped in Lat 59 41N Long 10 32W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Coleman onboard SS “Ranvik”. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 9.40pm: Proceeded S75W, 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962369a2fc8e2def003ef9: ( 53-44326-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.36, Long -11.3 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 1 4f96236aa2fc8e2def003efa: ( 53-44326-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.46, Long -10.55 7.15am: Altered course N50W, increased to 65 revs, zigzag 3.50pm: Altered course North to close SS & proceeded full speed 4.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 22N, Long 11 56W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Canner onboard Norwegian SS “Glitra” from New Orleans to Aarhus. Cargo oil cake. Boarding Officer: J H Diehl, Lieut RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.10pm: Proceeded S29W, 65 revs 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: nil 4f96236aa2fc8e2def003efb: ( 53-44326-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.26, Long -11.56 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 3.25pm: Altered course N35W to close SS 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 21N, Long 12 2W & boarded Russian SS “Novorossia” from Cardiff to Archangel. Cargo coal. Boarding Officer: H Diehl, Lieut RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.05pm: Proceeded S49W, 65 revs 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 9.40pm: Increased to 65 revs to close SS 10.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 10.25pm: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 11 00W & boarded Norwegian SS “Caupanger”* from Newcastle to New York, in ballast. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.30pm: Proceeded N89E, 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 *[ed. note: SS “Kaupanger”] 4f96236aa2fc8e2def003efc: ( 53-44326-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.46, Long -10.55 6.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 10.15am: Hands mustered by open list. Divine Service 6.45pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 2 4f96236ba2fc8e2def003efd: ( 53-44326-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.43, Long -10.4 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 2.50pm: Altered course N60W to close SS 3.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 21N, Long 11 33W & boarded British SS “Westward Ho” from Brest to Arkhangel. Cargo military stores. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Pingriff; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.20pm: Proceeded S86W, 50 revs 8.15pm: Increased to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96236ba2fc8e2def003efe: ( 53-44326-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.88, Long -10.6 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Noon: Sighted HMS “Almanzora” 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96236ba2fc8e2def003eff: ( 53-44326-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.86, Long -10.43 7.0am: Increased to 60 revs, zigzag 6.30pm: Altered course S84E & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96236ca2fc8e2def003f00: ( 53-44326-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.46, Long -10.46 8.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 5.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96236ca2fc8e2def003f01: ( 53-44326-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1915 At Sea Lat 60.36, Long -10.0 7.55am: Sighted HMS “Patia” 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 8.20am: Sighted HMS “Patuca” 5.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 9.0pm: Increased to 60 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96236ca2fc8e2def003f02: ( 53-44326-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1915 At Sea Lat 59.56, Long -10.1 0.30am: Altered course N20E & reduced to 50 revs 4.0am: Altered course S27W & increased to 60 revs 7.40am: Reduced to 50 revs 1.30pm: Increased to 55 revs 7.50pm: Increased to 60 revs 8.15pm: Increased to 70 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96236da2fc8e2def003f03: ( 53-44326-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1915 At Sea Lat 56.33, Long -7.43 2.10am: Increased to 75 revs 9.10am: Sighted Barra Head bearing S44E 9.40am: Barra Head abeam 4 miles, altered course S4W 4.43pm: Oversay abeam 3 miles, altered course S37E 7.0pm: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ½ mile, courses as requisite 7.30pm: Sanda abeam 2 miles, altered course N80E 8.45pm: Pladda abeam 2 miles 9.20pm: Holy Island abeam 1 ½ miles 10.10pm: Passing Little Cumbrae, altered course N24E 10.45pm: Toward abeam, altered course N32E 11.0pm: Passing Boom Defence, thick fog set in, stopped picked up pilot. Courses as requisite to anchorage Number on sick list: 1 4f96236da2fc8e2def003f04: ( 53-44326-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 0.15am: Stopped off Tail of Bank & let go Starboard anchor in 13 fms water, 45 fms cable Thick fog Anchor Bearings: Roseneath patch N85W, Powder Buoy N60E, Roseneath farm North Occasional thick fog 1.30pm: Sub Lieut Banner joined ship Pm: Hands employed as requisite 4f96236da2fc8e2def003f05: ( 53-44326-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 1.30pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Various speeds up river 2.35pm: Passing Dumbarton Rock 3.15pm: When off Rashielee collided with SS “Luchana” 4.35pm: Entered Queens Dock 5.0pm: Made fast alongside N° 5 Berth, finished with engines 5.30pm: Armed guards rejoined ship 5.45pm: Sub Lieut Cleary joined ship 5.30pm: Drew fires 8.0pm: Granted long leave to Blue watch & part of White watch Commenced coaling 4f96236ea2fc8e2def003f06: ( 53-44326-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as requisite 10.30am: Stopped coaling 10.45am: Shifted ship to south basin 11.30am: Resumed coaling 2.30pm: Two signal ratings joined ship Pm: Lieut Pingriff RNR left ship for Plymouth Depot Hospital Diver examined port propeller 5.55pm: Lead signalman & 1 boy left ship for RN Depot Plymouth Pm: Leave granted to part of Red Watch & boys Ship coaling 4f96236ea2fc8e2def003f07: ( 53-44326-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave granted to part of watch & boys 4f96236ea2fc8e2def003f08: ( 53-44326-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave granted to part of watch & boys 4f96236fa2fc8e2def003f09: ( 53-44326-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 11.0am: Finished coaling. Received 1659 tons 3.0pm: Shifted ship to Yorkhill wharf When going out of Queen’s dock, port propeller grazed quay wall 5.0pm: Leave granted to part of watch & boys 7.0pm: Started to discharge sand ballast from N° 2 hold 4f96236fa2fc8e2def003f0a: ( 53-44326-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Discharging sand ballast Pm: Discharging sand ballast 6.0pm: Diver examined port propeller 4f96236fa2fc8e2def003f0b: ( 53-44326-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Discharging sand ballast Am: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave to part of watch & boys Pm: Discharging sand ballast 4f962370a2fc8e2def003f0c: ( 53-44326-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 5.30am: Finished discharging sand ballast from N° 2 hold 6.0am: Low fires set away Am: Hands employed as requisite 5.0pm to 6.0pm: Shifted ship to Queen’s Dock 7.40pm: Commenced to take in ballast at N° 2 hold Midnight: High fires set away 4f962370a2fc8e2def003f0d: ( 53-44326-018_1.jpg) 4f962370a2fc8e2def003f0e: ( 53-44326-019_0.jpg) 4f962371a2fc8e2def003f0f: ( 53-44326-019_1.jpg) 4f962371a2fc8e2def003f10: ( 53-44326-020_0.jpg) 4f962371a2fc8e2def003f11: ( 53-44326-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1915 4f962372a2fc8e2def003f12: ( 53-44327-001_0.jpg) 4f962372a2fc8e2def003f13: ( 53-44327-001_1.jpg) [Ed. Note: F C P Harris signs December 1915 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f962372a2fc8e2def003f14: ( 53-44327-002_0.jpg) 4f962373a2fc8e2def003f15: ( 53-44327-002_1.jpg) [Ed note: R H Bather signs log page as Captain, on 1st January 1916] 4f962373a2fc8e2def003f16: ( 53-44327-003_0.jpg) 4f962373a2fc8e2def003f17: ( 53-44327-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 5.0am: Finished taking in ballast at N° 2 hold Am: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave granted to watch till 7am, boys to 10pm 4f962374a2fc8e2def003f18: ( 53-44327-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as requisite Pm: Water received: 404 tons 7.0pm: Stand by engines 7.04pm: Let go from quay and proceeded 7.30pm: Entered River, speeds as requisite 9.0pm: Passed Dumbarton 9.45pm: Dropped pilot off Greenock & proceeded N50W 10.25pm: Passed boom defence, altered course S39W, 75 revs 10.50pm: Toward abeam, altered course S33W 11.25pm: Cumbrae abeam, altered course S26W 4f962374a2fc8e2def003f19: ( 53-44327-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1915 At Sea Lat 56.51, Long -7.75 0.25am: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 0.55am: Pladda abeam, 4 miles. Altered course S80W 2.24am: Sanda abeam 2 miles 3.10am: Courses a requisite rounding Mull of Cantyre 4.55am: Otter Rock abeam 3 ½ miles 6.05am: Oversay abeam 7 miles 7.30am: Commenced zigzagging 1.10pm: Barra Head abeam 18 miles 5.30pm: Reduced to 65 revs, straight 9.0pm: Altered course S6E & reduced to 50 revs 10.48pm: Increased to 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962374a2fc8e2def003f1a: ( 53-44327-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1915 At Sea Lat 57.41, Long -10.75 6.0am: Reduced to 50 revs 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 5.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight Number on sick list: 3 4f962375a2fc8e2def003f1b: ( 53-44327-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1915 At Sea Lat 57.43, Long -10.35 7.15am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Am: Divisions & inspection. Church 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Reduced to 55 revs, straight 10.35pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962375a2fc8e2def003f1c: ( 53-44327-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1915 At Sea Lat 58.58, Long -9.0 10.0am: Altered course N89W & increased to 60 revs 11.30am: Altered course S89E & increased to 65 revs Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Darken ship. Read warrant N° 15 6.0pm: Altered course S89E & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962375a2fc8e2def003f1d: ( 53-44327-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1915 At Sea Lat 58.65, Long -8.86 8.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Noon: Altered course N89W & reduced to 55 revs, straight 4.0pm: Altered course N85E & reduced to 40 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962376a2fc8e2def003f1e: ( 53-44327-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1915 At Sea Lat 58.44, Long -7.86 3.0am: Sighted loom of Flannan Island Light bearing S40E 5.0am: Increased to 50 revs 5.40am: Reduced to 40 revs 7.30am: Flannan Island abeam 22 miles 8.45am: Increased to 50 revs 10.0am: In Lat 58 37N, Long 8 8W signalled Norwegian SS “Symra” from Baltimore to Helsingborg. Cargo grain 10.05am: Reduced to 40 revs 10.45am: Altered course ExN to accompany SS 3.45pm: Altered course East & increased to 55 revs 4.10pm: Stopped in Lat 58 42N, Long 7 4W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Canner onboard SS “Symra” for Kirkwall. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 5.05pm: Proceeded N70W, 40 revs 7.40pm: Flannan Island Light abeam 26 miles Number on sick list: 2 4f962376a2fc8e2def003f1f: ( 53-44327-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1915 At Sea Lat 58.88, Long -9.26 6.0am: Altered course N86W & increased to 50 revs 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 10.0am: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” 10.30am: Sighted HMS “Patia” 11.25am: Sighted HMS “Columbella” Noon: Reduced speed to slow 0.20pm: Stopped & transferred ratings to HMS “Patia” 0.35pm: Proceeded N58W, 65 revs 5.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 2 4f962376a2fc8e2def003f20: ( 53-44327-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.58, Long -9.53 8.40am: Altered course N68W & increased to 55 revs to close sailing vessel Am: Division, prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters and fire stations 10.0am: In Lat 59 48N, Long 8 52W signalled Norwegian barque “Ferm” with armed guard onboard. Altered course S78W & increased to 60 revs 11.30am: Altered course N89W & increased to 65 revs 1.40pm: Altered course N15E & reduced to 50 revs 2.03pm: Stopped in Lat 59 32N, Long 10 10W & received 1 rating from HMS “Hildebrand” 2.40pm: Proceeded S72W, 60 revs 5.30pm: Altered course N67E & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962377a2fc8e2def003f21: ( 53-44327-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.73, Long -9.95 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 4.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight. Evening quarters, prepare for night defence, darken ship Number on sick list: 2 4f962377a2fc8e2def003f22: ( 53-44327-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1915 At Sea Lat 60.06, Long -9.06 1.30am: Hove to heading NE & reduced to 35 revs 4.15pm: Altered course S70W & increased to 50 revs. Darken ship Number on sick list: 2 4f962377a2fc8e2def003f23: ( 53-44327-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.81, Long -9.3 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs 6.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 5 4f962378a2fc8e2def003f24: ( 53-44327-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.8, Long -9.6 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs & zigzag 9.10am: Reduced to 55 revs, straight 3.0pm: Sighted HMS “Hildebrand” 6.30pm: Altered course S85E & increased to 50 revs Number on sick list: 6 4f962378a2fc8e2def003f25: ( 53-44327-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.78, Long -9.66 3.13am: Altered course S43E to close & increased to 60 revs 3.45am: Stopped in Lat 59 58N, Long 8 35W & boarded American SS “Corning” from Copenhagen to New York, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.0am: Proceeded S88E, 50 revs 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Number on sick list: 6 4f962378a2fc8e2def003f26: ( 53-44327-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.66, Long -9.5 4.25am: Altered course N62E to close trawler 4.45am: In Lat 60 6N, Long 8 10W stopped & examined British trawler “Margarite” from Iceland to Hull 5.0am: Proceeded S88E, 50 revs 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 11.35am: Altered course NW to close HMS “Virginian” 0.10pm: Stopped & received armed guard from HMS “Virginian” 0.45pm: Proceeded N78W, 65 revs 2.0pm: Altered course NW. Communicating with HMS “Virginian” closing SS “Frederick VIII” Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence, read warrant N° 16. Darken ship 7.05pm: Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 6 4f962379a2fc8e2def003f27: ( 53-44327-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.73, Long -9.91 6.0am: Altered course N88W & reduced to 50 revs 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag 4.05pm: Altered course S62W to close SS 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 26N, Long 11 20W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Cleary onboard Danish SS “Svend II” from New Orleans to Aalborg. Cargo oil cake. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.40pm: Proceeded N62W, 50 revs 6.55pm: Increased to 65 revs 7.0pm: Commenced zigzagging Number on sick list: 4 4f962379a2fc8e2def003f28: ( 53-44327-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.75, Long -9.83 6.30am: Reduced to 50 revs 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag Number on sick list: 4 4f962379a2fc8e2def003f29: ( 53-44327-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1915 At Sea Lat 59.0, Long -9.26 10.15am: Divisions & Inspection 10.50am: Divine Service 12.0am: Altered course N89W. Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f96237aa2fc8e2def003f2a: ( 53-44327-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1915 At Sea Lat 58.5, Long -12.0 7.25am: Reduced to 50 revs 9.0am: Straight course 9.45am: Stopped in Lat 58 30N, Long 11 20W, hauled P log 9.45am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill 10.15am: Exercised General Quarters 1.30pm: Half speed, altered course SW 1.40pm: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” 1.48pm: Stopped in Lat 58 30N, [Long] 11 20W & communicated with HMS “Alsatian” 2.25pm: Proceeded S78W, 60 revs. Streamed Pat. log 4.30pm: Course straight & zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f96237aa2fc8e2def003f2b: ( 53-44327-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1915 At Sea Lat 56.13, Long -7.21 5.30am: Sighted Barra Head bearing S10E, altered course S8W 7.20am: Barra Head on 4 pt bearing 8.25am: Barra Head abeam 11 miles dist, log 27, altered course S11E 8.30am: Increased to 65 revs 10.40am: Skerryvore Light House on 4 pts bearing 11.25am: Skerryvore abeam 9 miles dist, log 44.6 3.05pm: Oversay abeam 10 miles dist, altered course S46E 5.16pm: Otter Rock abeam 6.15 to 6.35pm: Courses various rounding the Mull of Cantyre ½ mile dist 7.0pm: Sanda abeam 2 miles dist 8.26pm: Pladda Light abeam 2 miles dist 9.10pm: Holy Island abeam, hauled in P log 11.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 11.10pm: Passed through boom 11.12pm: Cloch abeam, courses and speeds as requisite 11.20pm: Stopped, took pilot aboard 11.30pm: Proceeded 11.50pm: Stopped off Greenock; made fast aft tug, proceeded Number on sick list: 1 4f96237aa2fc8e2def003f2c: ( 53-44327-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 0.35am: Dumbarton Rock abeam 1.0am: Made fast fore tug Am: Courses and speeds as requisite up the Clyde 2.30am: Safely moored alongside 68 berth Stob Cross. Rung off engines 9.0am: Drew fires * Water in after pick condemned, brackish Am: Leave granted to Red watch & after part of White watch until Noon Thursday 3.15pm: Steam hopper alongside. Started discharging sand ballast from N°5 hold into same Pm: Working continuously on ballast 4f96237ba2fc8e2def003f2d: ( 53-44327-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Working ballast continuously 4f96237ba2fc8e2def003f2e: ( 53-44327-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 2.0am: Finished sand ballast. Lifted limbers & cleared bilges 4f96237ba2fc8e2def003f2f: ( 53-44327-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 11.15am: Landed Church Party 12.30pm: Church Party returned 1.0pm: Leave granted to part watch until 7.0am; Boys 10.0pm 4f96237ca2fc8e2def003f30: ( 53-44327-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 10.30am: Landed Church Parties 12.15pm: Church Party returned on board 1.0pm: Leave granted to part of watch 7.0am; Boys 10.0pm 4f96237ca2fc8e2def003f31: ( 53-44327-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 3.30pm: Pilot aboard 4.20pm: Cast off moorings & proceeded to Dry dock in tow of 2 tugs 1 for’d 1 aft 6.0pm: Entered dock cast off tugs 6.15pm: Ship resting on blocks, started shoring up 8.25pm: Dock pumped dry 4f96237ca2fc8e2def003f32: ( 53-44327-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Dry dock men employed variously on different parts of ship Am: Long leave men returned. Leave granted to Blue watch & fore part White watch until 9.0am Sat 1st Jan 4.0pm: Leave granted to part watch 4f96237da2fc8e2def003f33: ( 53-44327-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Scrubbing & painting ship’s bottom Am: Taking in provisions 4.0pm: Leave granted to part watch 4f96237da2fc8e2def003f34: ( 53-44327-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.0pm: Leave granted to part watch 4f96237da2fc8e2def003f35: ( 53-44327-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1915 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.25am: Started flooding dock. Hands to stations 5.15am: Ship afloat, pilot aboard 5.35am: Secured stern tug 5.40am: Commenced shifting out 5.55am: Cleared dry dock. Secured fore tug & proceeded to Queen’s dock 7.20am: Arrived in berth, cast off tugs 8.0am: Started coaling 4.0pm: Leave granted to part watch 7.50pm: Ceased coaling 8.0pm: Shifted ship 4f96237ea2fc8e2def003f36: ( 53-44327-019_0.jpg) 4f96237ea2fc8e2def003f37: ( 53-44327-019_1.jpg) 4f96237ea2fc8e2def003f38: ( 53-44327-020_0.jpg) 4f96237fa2fc8e2def003f39: ( 53-44327-020_1.jpg) THE VOYAGES OF HMS HILARY 1916 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1916 4f96237fa2fc8e2def003f3a: ( 53-44328-001_0.jpg) 4f96237fa2fc8e2def003f3b: ( 53-44328-001_1.jpg) [Ed. Note: F C P Harris signs January 1916 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f962380a2fc8e2def003f3c: ( 53-44328-002_0.jpg) 4f962380a2fc8e2def003f3d: ( 53-44328-002_1.jpg) “Ordinary speed to consumption exceeded. Reasons for exceeding: Ordinary speed exceeded on various occasions for short periods only in order to carry out services ordered” [Ed. Note: Arthur L Ashby signs log page as Captain] 4f962380a2fc8e2def003f3e: ( 53-44328-003_0.jpg) 4f962381a2fc8e2def003f3f: ( 53-44328-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 11.0am: Commander Ashby RN joined ship relieving Captain Bather RN Pm: Part watch granted leave 4f962381a2fc8e2def003f40: ( 53-44328-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 9.55am: Landed RC party 10.30am: Landed Church of England & Wesleyan parties 12.20pm: Church parties returned on board 1.30pm: Leave granted to part watch 4.0pm: Low fires set away 4f962381a2fc8e2def003f41: ( 53-44328-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.44am: Hands piped to stations 5.0am: Cast off mooring, shifting ship into centre of dock 7.30am: Ship in position, started coaling from colliers 9.0-10.0am: Ceased coaling, breakfast Noon: High fires set away 2.0-3.0pm: Ceased coaling, lunch 4.30pm: Leave granted to port watch also discharged 1 boy to hospital 8.45pm: Ceased coaling 9.45pm: Shifted ship to N° 5 coal tip assisted by pilot & 3 tugs 11.0pm: Ship safely moored alongside Midnight: Commenced taking in ballast N° 3 4f962382a2fc8e2def003f42: ( 53-44328-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 10.30am: Finished ballasting. Resumed coaling 1.20pm: Ceased coaling 1.30pm: Shifted ship to top end of dock assisted by pilot & 3 tugs 2.30pm: Resumed coaling 8.30pm: Finished coaling. Total received 1124 tons Pm: Pilot aboard 10.05pm: Rung Stand by 10.15pm: Tugs fast, cast off from wharf & proceeded 10.38pm: Cleared docks & proceeded down river. Courses & speeds as requisite 11.05pm: Darken ship 4f962382a2fc8e2def003f43: ( 53-44328-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1916 At Sea Lat 55.66, Long -6.83 0.15am: Fore tug adrift lines parted. Course & speed as requisite 1.0am: Off Greenock, let go aft tug 1.20am: Stopped & transferred pilot to tug. Proceeded half speed ahead N50W 1.34am: Kempock Point abeam, altered course West 1.50am: Passed through gates of boom defence, altered course S39W. Streamed & set pat. log. Increased 75 revs 2.15am: Toward Point abeam 2.50am: Altered course S26W, Great Cumbrae abeam 3.40am: Holy Island abeam 4.10am: Pladda abeam 4 miles dist, altered course S80W 5.25am: Sanda Island abeam 4 miles dist, altered course N50W 7.0am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ½ mile dist, altered course N22W. Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 10.05am: The Hoe abeam 4 ½ miles dist 10.40am: Oversea abeam, dist 9 ½ miles. Altered course N33W 6.20pm: Barra Head abeam 33 miles dist 8.15pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight course 4f962382a2fc8e2def003f44: ( 53-44328-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1916 At Sea Lat 58.43, Long -9.5 2.0am: Altered course N18E, straight 8.0am: Increased to 60 revs, zigzag 10.45am: Altered course S81W. Increased to 65 revs, straight Noon: Reduced to 50 revs 4.0pm: Reduced to 40 revs 4.30pm: Darken ship. Read warrant N° 17 9.0pm: Increased to 45 revs, altered course N81E Number on sick list: Nil 4f962383a2fc8e2def003f45: ( 53-44328-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1916 At Sea Lat 58.66, Long -8.75 6.0am: Altered course S81W, straight course 8.0am: Altered course N88W. Reduced to 40 revs 9.0pm: Altered course N83E, increased to 50 revs 9.35pm: Exchanged Pendants with HMS “Almanzora” Number on sick list: Nil 4f962383a2fc8e2def003f46: ( 53-44328-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1916 At Sea Lat 55.63, Long -8.93 0.30am: Altered course to intercept SS “Devona” S Shields to Portland, Maine. Allowed to proceed 1.40am: Proceeded N86E, 55 revs 4.15am: Altered course S34W. Courses various closing steamer 4.37am: Increased to 65 revs 4.55am: Increased to 70 revs 5.15am: Reduced to 50 revs. Spoke to SS “Lux” Tyne to Philadelphia, ballast. Allowed to proceed 8.0am: Increased to 60 revs, commenced zigzag 9.0am: Altered course S81W, zigzag 3.05pm: Altered course S20W to close steamer 3.20pm: Stopped in Lat 58 22N, Long 9 43W & sent Armed Guard in charge of Sub Lt Banner on board American SS “Wico” from New York to Copenhagen. Cargo petroleum. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 4.20pm: Proceeded S81W, 60 revs 4f962383a2fc8e2def003f47: ( 53-44328-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1916 At Sea Lat 58.76, Long -8.4 10.15am: Divisions & Captains inspection 10.45am: Divine Service 1.35pm: Reduced to 50 revs 12.0pm: Altered course N7W & increased 55 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962384a2fc8e2def003f48: ( 53-44328-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.36, Long -8.28 4.0am: Altered course S8W, straight 7.40am: Altered course N7W, straight 8.05am: Reduced to 45 revs 11.30am: In Lat 59 22N, [Long] 8 24N signalled Norwegian SS “Haugastøl” from Galveston to Gothenburg calling Kirkwall. Cargo Cotton Noon: Altered course S43E. Reduced 40 revs, following steamer until weather permits of boarding 2.0pm: Reduced to 35 revs 6.0pm: Reduced 30 revs 7.05pm: Reduced 25 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962384a2fc8e2def003f49: ( 53-44328-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.48, Long -4.25 2.0am: Increased to 30 revs 2.45am: Increased to 35 revs 5.25am: Increased to 40 revs 6.50am: Sule Skerry light (lume) abeam 21.7 miles 8.30am: Increased to 50 revs 9.25am: Started zigzag 10.0am: Altered course East closing steamer 10.40am: Increased to 60 revs 10.20am: Reduced to 40 revs 10.40am: Increased to 60 revs & ordered SS “Haugastøl” to proceed to Kirkwall. Altered course N78W. Courses & Speeds as requisite escorting & closing SS Noon: Closed SS “Winga” Glasgow to Gothenberg. General cargo. Allowed to proceed 0.20pm: Reduced to 50 revs, altered course S5W 0.25pm: Reduced to 40 revs 2.45pm: Increased 75 revs, commenced zigzag 4.35pm: Altered course N84W. Reduced to 60 revs. Spoke Steam Trawler “Horicusia”* 292GY, Iceland to Grimsby. Cargo fish. Allowed to proceed 5.15pm: Proceeded N71W, 75 revs 6.25pm: Altered course S45E closing SS. Courses & speeds as requisite closing SS 7.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 10N, Long 5 0W & send armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Coleman on board American SS “Ausable”** from Galveston to Copenhagen. Cargo oil cake. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 8.53pm: Proceeded N58W, straight & 30°; 65 revs 10.50pm: End of N Rona bearing SSW Number on sick list: 2 *[ed note: perhaps misspelt steam trawler “Hortensia” GY 292] **[ed. note. SS “Ausable”: more news at Naval History and Heritage Command] 4f962384a2fc8e2def003f4a: ( 53-44328-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.36, Long -8.37 1.10am: Altered course to intercept SS “Stockholm” 2.0am: Stopped in Lat 59 19N, Long 6 20W & sent Armed Guard in charge of Sub Lt Cleary on board Swedish SS “Stockholm” from New York to Gothenburg. Cargo General & 6 Passengers. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 3.03am: Proceeded N80W, 70 revs 10.40am: Altered course N7W & reduced to 55 revs 12.40pm: Courses & speeds as requisite to close SS 1.0pm: Intercepted American SS “Brindilla” from New York to Malmö. Cargo petroleum 1.15pm: Stopped engines 2.30pm: In Lat 59 14N, Long 8 18W sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Wills onboard “Brindilla” with orders for Kirkwall. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 3.0pm: Proceeded S44W, 60 revs 5.05pm: Altered course N10W & reduced to 55 revs 8.10pm: Reduced to 40 revs 9.20pm: Reduced to 35 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962385a2fc8e2def003f4b: ( 53-44328-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.66, Long -8.55 10.30am: Increased to 50 revs 10.42am: Increased to 60 revs 11.05am: Altered course SSW to intercept SS 11.15am: Increased to 75 revs 11.20am: Altered course S79E & reduced to 65 revs. Signalled Danish SS “United States” from New York to Christiania. Cargo general 11.40am: Increased to 70 revs 11.50am: Increased to 75 revs & altered course S87E 3.50pm: Sighted HMS “Motagua” 4.30pm: Stopped in Lat 60 0N, Long 6 56W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Joynson onboard SS “United States”, with orders to proceed to Kirkwall. Accompanying Officer: Arnott 5.25pm: Proceeded S27W, 60 revs 6.15pm: Reduced to 45 revs 6.25pm: Increased to 60 revs 6.32pm: Altered course N80E & reduced to 50 revs 6.45pm: Stopped in Lat 59 50N, Long 6 56W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Spencer onboard Norwegian SS “Sif” from New York to Bergen. Cargo flour & general. Boarding Officer: Canner 7.35pm: Proceeded S68W, 60 revs 10.40pm: Commenced zigzag Number on sick list: Nil 4f962385a2fc8e2def003f4c: ( 53-44328-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.36, Long -8.61 0.55am: Sighted HMS “Patia” Noon: Altered course S8W & reduced to 55 revs 1.45pm: Altered course N47E & increased to 60 revs 10.0pm: Altered course N40W & reduced to 50 revs Midnight: Reduced to 40 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f962385a2fc8e2def003f4d: ( 53-44328-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.85, Long -10.16 9.40am: Altered course North & reduced to 35 revs 10.40am: Increased to 45 revs 11.30am: Altered course S12E & increased to 60 revs 3.10pm: Altered course SExS & increased to 75 revs 4.28pm: Altered course N7W & reduced to 60 revs 8.30pm: Altered course S7W & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f962386a2fc8e2def003f4e: ( 53-44328-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.76, Long -9.75 8.30am: Increased to 60 revs, zigzag 10.15am: Divisions & inspection 10.40am: Church 3.30pm: Increased to 75 revs 4.10pm: Altered course N20W & reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962386a2fc8e2def003f4f: ( 53-44328-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.33, Long -9.3 9.45am: Stopped in Lat 60 10N, Long 9 10W & Communicated with HMS “Patuca” 11.10am: Proceeded N3W, 60 revs, zigzag 6.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S9W & increased to 60 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962386a2fc8e2def003f50: ( 53-44328-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.91, Long -10.03 9.55am: Stopped in Lat 60 39N, Long 9 24W & received armed guard from HMS “Orotava” 10.11am: Proceeded N8W, 60 revs Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters, fire & collision stations 4.10pm: Altered course N5W & reduced to 55 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S11W & increased to 60 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962387a2fc8e2def003f51: ( 53-44328-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.95, Long -10.1 0.10am: Altered course N5W straight & reduced to 55 revs 4.0am: Altered course S9W & increased to 60 revs 8.45pm: Altered course SW & reduced to 45 revs 10.55pm: Reduced to 40 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962387a2fc8e2def003f52: ( 53-44328-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.33, Long -10.2 Am: Steam pipe casing broken away from chairs on port side of forward Shelter deck 7.30am: Heavy sea, carried away electric log, clock, line, governor & rotator lost. Bridge telegraph casing broken on Starboard side shelter deck, lead bracket bent & chains exposed. Port frame & glass broken in artizans mess room. Also angle bar broken & plate dented 9.15pm: Streamed Cherub log 10.30pm: Signalled Norwegian SS “John Blumer” Tyne to Baltimore, in ballast. Allowed her to proceed 10.35pm: Altered course N62E, 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962387a2fc8e2def003f53: ( 53-44328-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.61, Long -9.56 4.05am: Reduced to 40 revs 7.30am: Hauled in Patent Log 8.0pm: Streamed Cherub Log 11.0pm: Altered course N53E & increased to 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962388a2fc8e2def003f54: ( 53-44328-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.88, Long -9.53 2.0am: Altered course WxS & reduced to 30 revs 8.30am: Altered course N69E & increased to 50 revs 11.30am: Stopped engines for engineers purposes 11.34am: Proceeded 60 revs 2.20pm: Spoke British trawler “Fawn” GY 1008 bound SE 2.27pm: Altered course WxS & reduced to 50 revs 2.36pm: Reduced to 40 revs 10.05pm: Streamed Cherub log 11.20pm: Altered course WxN, 40 revs on Starboard engine, 35 revs on Port Number on sick list: 3 4f962388a2fc8e2def003f55: ( 53-44328-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.16, Long -10.0 8.0am: Increased Starboard revs to 45 Am: Divisions, Inspection & Church 10.0pm: Streamed Cherub log Number on sick list: 4 4f962388a2fc8e2def003f56: ( 53-44328-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.4, Long -8.53 1.0am: Altered course S65E & increased to 65 revs 9.45am: Sighted HMS “Columbella” on Starboard beam 0.20pm: Altered course SWxS & reduced to 50 revs 0.40pm: Reduced to 40 revs 1.0pm: In Lat 60 21N, Long 8 25W signalled Norwegian SS “Mercator” from Copenhagen to Norfolk, in ballast. Allowed to proceed 2.18pm: Reduced to 35 revs 3.0pm: Altered course SWxS & increased to 40 revs 3.07pm: Increased to 55 revs 6.0pm: Altered course N61E & reduced to 50 revs 8.50pm: Reduced to 45 revs 9.10pm: Increased to 50 revs. Sighted HMS “Almanzora” 10.40pm: Altered course WSW & reduced to 40 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962389a2fc8e2def003f57: ( 53-44328-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.08, Long -7.86 6.30am: Altered course ExN & increased to 50 revs 11.0am: Altered course WxN & reduced to 40 revs Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Read warrant N° 18 Number on sick list: 4 4f962389a2fc8e2def003f58: ( 53-44328-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.53, Long -8.61 8.0am: Altered course N82E & increased to 50 revs 3.28pm: Altered course S & increased to 60 revs 3.58pm: Increased to 75 revs 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 18N, Long 8 5W & Boarded British SS “Kirklee” from Dundee to New York. Cargo general. Vessel stopped, repairing condensers. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Diehl; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.50pm: Proceeded N10E, 60 revs 9.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962389a2fc8e2def003f59: ( 53-44328-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.41, Long -8.56 7.0am: Altered course East. Courses and speeds various to close SS 7.45am: Stopped in Lat 60 8N, Long 8 19W & boarded Norwegian SS “Knut Skaaluren” from Kirkwall to New York, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: G F Strickland Also received armed guards from HMS “Almanzora” Noon: Altered course S29W & increased to 55 revs 3.13pm: Increased to 75 revs 3.55pm: Altered course S73W & reduced to 50 revs 4.05pm: Stopped in Lat 59 50N, Long 8 5W & boarded American SS “Wico” from Copenhagen to New York, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding officer: B O Banner 4.55pm: Proceeded WNW slow 5.10pm: Altered course N9E& increased to 65 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S59W & increased to 60 revs 11.45pm: Altered course N17E & reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f96238aa2fc8e2def003f5a: ( 53-44328-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.41, Long -8.16 4.0am: Altered course S29W & increased to 55 revs 8.15am: Altered course N17E & reduced to 50 revs Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters. Collision & abandon ship stations Noon: Altered course S29W & increased to 65 revs 5.05pm: Altered course N17E. Reduced 50 revs 7.35pm: Courses & speeds as requisite closing ship 8.35pm: In Lat 60 10N, Long 8 10W examined GY trawler “Quail” GY215 from Iceland to Grimsby. Cargo fish. Allowed to proceed 9.05pm: Proceeded S29W, 60 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f96238aa2fc8e2def003f5b: ( 53-44328-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1916 At Sea Lat 60.26, Long -8.16 0.20am: Altered course N17E. Reduced 50 revs 4.0am: Altered course S29W. Increased 55 revs 8.45am: Altered course N17E. Reduced to 50 revs 12.0am: Altered course S29W. Increased 55 revs 8.35pm: Altered course N79W. Increased 75 revs 9.15pm: Altered course S15W. Reduced to 65 revs 10.40pm: 50 revs Pm: Courses & speeds as requisite closing ship 11.45pm: Stopped in Lat 59 46N, Long 8 10W boarded Swedish SS “Bolmen” ex-“Ymer” Gothenburg to New York, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: F Cleary; Accompanying Officer: R Arnot Number on sick list: 3 4f96238aa2fc8e2def003f5c: ( 53-44328-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.83, Long -8.33 0.45am: Proceeded N17E, 50 revs, streamed P Log 10.30am: Hands mustered by open list 11.0am: Altered course S29W. Increased to 60 revs 11.15am: Divine Service 2.40pm: Altered course N28E. Reduced 50 revs 5.0pm: Altered course S27W. Increased 60 revs. Darken ship 8.25pm: Altered course N19E. Reduced 50 revs 11.0pm: Altered course S27W. Increased 60 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96238ba2fc8e2def003f5d: ( 53-44328-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1916 At Sea Lat 59.7, Long -8.16 2.20am: Altered course N19E. Reduced 50 revs 5.0am: Altered course S27W. Increased 60 revs 8.15am: Altered course N19E. Reduced 50 revs 11.0am: Altered course S26W. Increased 60 revs 2.0pm: Altered course N17E. Reduced 50 revs 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course S11W, increased 60 revs 4.15pm: Resumed Course & speed Pm: Courses and speeds as requisite closing steamer 7.45pm: Stopped in Lat 59 35N, Long 7 50W boarded Swedish SS “Baltic” Gothenburg to Durban via Lerwick. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.30pm: Proceeded N70W, 50 revs 11.0pm: Altered course S26W. Increased 55 revs 11.50pm: Increased 60 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96238ba2fc8e2def003f5e: ( 53-44328-019_0.jpg) 4f96238ba2fc8e2def003f5f: ( 53-44328-019_1.jpg) 4f96238ca2fc8e2def003f60: ( 53-44328-020_0.jpg) 4f96238ca2fc8e2def003f61: ( 53-44328-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1916 4f96238ca2fc8e2def003f62: ( 53-44329-001_0.jpg) 4f96238da2fc8e2def003f63: ( 53-44329-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs February 1916 log as Navigating Officer] 4f96238da2fc8e2def003f64: ( 53-44329-002_0.jpg) 4f96238da2fc8e2def003f65: ( 53-44329-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: R H Bather signs February 1916 log as Captain] 4f96238ea2fc8e2def003f66: ( 53-44329-003_0.jpg) 4f96238ea2fc8e2def003f67: ( 53-44329-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1916 At Sea Lat 60.15, Long -7.46 0.05am: Altered course S60W. Increased 75 revs Am: Courses & speeds as requisite closing steamer 2.10am: Stopped in Lat 59 32N, Long 8 44W & boarded SS “Rosalind”, Tyne to Port Arthur, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.25am: Proceeded N70E, 50 revs 5.30am: Altered course S26W. Increased 55 revs 7.0am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “Orcoma” 8.0am: Altered course N42E. Increased 60 revs Am: Division, prayers & physical drill. Exercised general quarters, fire & collision stations 5.45pm to 7.15pm: Soundings taken every half hour 8.25pm: Increased to 65 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96238ea2fc8e2def003f68: ( 53-44329-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 2.0am: Reduced to 60 revs [ed. note: Soundings taken from 5.45am to 7.40am] 6.0am: Sounded 72 fms Rocks. Reduced to 35 revs 7.40am: Sounded 62 fms, increased to 60 revs 7.50am: Reduced to 30 revs. Sighted land ahead 8.40am: Increased to 75 revs 8.55am: Gruney Island abeam 3 miles 10.25am: Esha Lt House abeam 1 mile 11.0am: Murbie Stacks Light House abeam. Course and speeds various into harbour 11.25am: Passing boom defence 11.40am: Anchored in Busta Voe, Berth N°1, in 14 fms water Anchor Bearings: Church N56E, Flagstaff N85W, Post Office N35E 12.30pm: Fires banked in 3 boilers. Remaining boiler working auxiliary machinery 2.0pm: Colliers came alongside 2.30pm: Commenced coaling with ship’s company 5.30pm: Finished coaling for the night Number on sick list: 2 4f96238fa2fc8e2def003f69: ( 53-44329-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 7.45am: Coaling party arrived from HMS “Gibraltar” 8.10am: Resumed coaling [ed. note: Arthur L. Ashby signes log page] 5.30pm: Stopped coaling for the night 4f96238fa2fc8e2def003f6a: ( 53-44329-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 2.35am: Let go Starboard anchor with 20 fms cable 7.50am: Coaling party came onboard from HMS “Gibraltar” 8.0am: Resumed coaling 6.0pm: Finished coaling. Received 930 tons 6.15pm: Hove up Starboard anchor 4f96238fa2fc8e2def003f6b: ( 53-44329-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 Am: Hands employed as requisite cleaning ship 7.30am: Collier “Sir Francis” cast off 8.0am: Collier “Dalwood” cast off 11.0am: Divine Service by Chaplain from HMS “Gibraltar” 11.50am: Admiral came onboard Pm: All fires set away from noon 3.0pm: Received 2 armed guards for “Orcoma” & “Victorian” Pm: CPO Coleman discharged to hospital & Midshipman Arnot left ship for HMTB 5.30pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded out of harbour. Courses & speeds as requisite 6.05pm: Altered course N41W & increased to 75 revs 6.52pm: Altered course N52W. Esha Ness Light abeam 4 miles dist. Streamed P. log. Zigzag, straight & 30° 11.30pm: Straight Course 4f962390a2fc8e2def003f6c: ( 53-44329-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1916 At Sea Lat 62.5, Long -6.0 1.50am: Altered course S30W. Reduced 60 revs 2.0am: Reduced to 50 revs 2.40am: Increased 60 revs 3.0am: Altered course N18W. Increased 75 revs 11.50am: Reduced 50 revs 0.05pm: Reduced 30 revs 1.15pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS “Virginian” 1.30pm: Altered course N86W. Increased 40 revs Pm: Courses and speeds as requisite closing HMS “Virginian” 3.10pm: Stopped 5 miles North of Fuglö & communicated with HMS “Virginian” 3.30pm: Proceeded N9W 50 Revs 4f962390a2fc8e2def003f6d: ( 53-44329-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.9, Long -7.26 4.0am: Altered course N77W. Increased 55 revs 11.45am: Reduced to 40 revs 11.40am: Increased to 55 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S78E. Reduced 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962390a2fc8e2def003f6e: ( 53-44329-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.05, Long -6.06 6.0am: Altered course N77W. Increased 55 revs 9.25am: Altered course S66E. Increased 60 revs 11.0am: Reduced 40 revs 0.05pm: Sighted HMS “Victorian”, exchanged pendants. Courses & speeds as requisite, closing same 0.35pm: Stopped in Lat 64 3N, Long 5 55W discharged armed guard to HMS “Victorian” 1.35pm: Proceeded N78W, 60 revs 3.0pm: Altered course N75E to close HMS “Victorian” 4.55pm: Reduced 50 revs 6.20pm: Increased to 60 revs 10.0pm: Altered course S77E. Reduced 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f962391a2fc8e2def003f6f: ( 53-44329-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.18, Long -8.15 6.0am: Altered course N77W. Increased 55 revs 10.10am: Reduced 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962391a2fc8e2def003f70: ( 53-44329-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.08, Long -7.05 8.05am: Increased to 60 rev 10.12am: Stopped in Lat 63 52N, Long 7 31W dropped target & proceeded 60 revs & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice, courses & speeds various 11.40am: Stopped & took target aboard 11.47am: Proceeded N74W 60 revs. 6.0pm: Altered course S77E. Reduced 50 revs 11.25pm: Increased 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 [Ed. note: Arthur L Ashby signs log page] 4f962391a2fc8e2def003f71: ( 53-44329-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.86, Long -7.63 6.30am: Altered course N77W. Reduced 50 revs 8.0am: Increased 55 revs 1.0pm: Wind hauled NW, heavy snow squall 7.0pm: Altered course S77E. Reduced 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962392a2fc8e2def003f72: ( 53-44329-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.85, Long -7.91 6.0am: Altered course N77W. Increased 55 revs 7.0pm: Altered course S74E. Reduced 50 revs 11.22pm: Increased 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962392a2fc8e2def003f73: ( 53-44329-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.83, Long -8.0 10.15am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection 10.50am: Divine service 1.20pm: Increased 60 revs 4.30pm: Altered course S31W. Increased 65 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962392a2fc8e2def003f74: ( 53-44329-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1916 At Sea Lat 61.15, Long -10.93 5.45am: Reduced 50 revs 7.25am: Altered course N11W. Full speed to turn Am: Courses & speeds as requisite closing steamer 9.0am: Stopped in Lat 61 34N, Long 10 23W. Intercepted Danish SS “Valverg”* from Reykjavik to Tyne, in ballast. Allowed to proceed 9.20am: Proceeded S46W, 60 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S28W. Increased 65 revs Number on sick list: 4 *[Ed. note: possibly misspelt for SS “Valborg”] 4f962393a2fc8e2def003f75: ( 53-44329-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1916 At Sea Lat 58.45, Long -12.13 3.45am: Altered course N45W to close steamer 4.0am: Reduced to 40 revs Am: Courses & speeds as requisite keeping in company with steamer until day light 9.0am: Reduced 40 revs Am: Courses & speeds as requisite examining steamer Danish Trawler “Eggert Olafsson” RE 156. Allowed to proceed 10.15am: Proceeded SEE, 75 revs 1.25pm: Altered course S3E to close steamer Pm: Courses & speeds as requisite closing steamer 2.37pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Romsdalsfjord” from Newcastle to New York. General cargo. Allowed to proceed. Proceeded S41E, 75 revs 3.0pm: Sighted HMS “Orcoma”. Courses & speeds as requisite 3.35pm: Stopped in Lat 58 5N Long 10 46W & discharged armed guard to HMS “Orcoma” 4.20pm: N° 19 warrant read 5.05pm: Proceeded N44E, 55 revs. Streamed P. Log 5.35pm: Increased 60 revs 11.10pm: Reduced 55 revs 11.30pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f962393a2fc8e2def003f76: ( 53-44329-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1916 At Sea Lat 58.65, Long -9.13 6.0am: Altered course S89W. Increased 60 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° 1.45pm: Altered course N37E. Increased 75 revs 3.0pm: Sighted HMS “Mantua”. Reduced 70 revs 3.45pm: Reduced 40 revs 4.30pm: Increased 60 revs 5.23pm: Altered course N50E. Courses & speeds as requisite closing HMS “Ebro” 6.10pm: Stopped in Lat 59 24N Long 8 54W & communicated with HMS “Ebro” 6.40pm: Proceeded S76W, 60 revs, streamed log 10.0pm: Altered course S89E, 55 revs; zigzag straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f962393a2fc8e2def003f77: ( 53-44329-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1916 At Sea Lat 59.16, Long -9.0 6.0am: Altered course N89W, 60 revs 6.0pm: Altered course S89E; zigzag, straight & 30. Reduced 55 revs Number on sick list: 5 [Ed note: Arthur L Ashely signs log page] 4f962394a2fc8e2def003f78: ( 53-44329-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1916 At Sea Lat 63.08, Long -7.26 6.0am: Altered course N89W, 60 revs 8.0am: Straight course 9.10am: Altered course N34W to close SS 9.15am: Increased 75 revs 9.30am: Sighted HMS “Mantua” also closing SS. Courses & speeds as requisite 10.25am: Reduced 60 revs 10.30am: Reduced 30 revs 10.40am: In Lat 29 18N, Long 8 22W dropped target. Proceeded various speeds & course & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 12.0am: Picked up target 0.05pm: Proceeded N89W, 65 revs, streamed & set Patent Log 6.20pm: Altered course S89E, 60 revs; zigzag, straight & 30° 11.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 6 4f962394a2fc8e2def003f79: ( 53-44329-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1916 At Sea Lat 59.26, Long -8.96 2.0am: Altered course N89W, 65 revs 7.15am: Altered course S89E. Reduced 55 revs; zigzag, straight & 30° 11.30am: Altered course N61E to intercept SS 11.55am: Altered course North. Increased 70 revs 0.15pm: Reduced 40 revs 0.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 8 36W & boarded British oiler “Oyleric” late “Barneson” to Newport News, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Banner; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 1.0pm: Proceeded South, 55 revs 2.12pm: Altered course S45W to close SS. Course & speeds as requisite 3.10pm: In Lat 59 12N, Long 8 28W Intercepted British Admiralty oiler “Cowrie” from Humber to Norfolk. Allowed to proceed 3.15pm: Altered course N84E, 65 revs 5.30pm: Sighted HMS “Otway” 6.25pm: Altered course N89W, 55 revs; zigzag, straight & 30° 7.30pm: Sighted HMS “Otway” 12.0pm: Increased 60 revs Number on sick list: 6 4f962394a2fc8e2def003f7a: ( 53-44329-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1916 At Sea Lat 59.13, Long -8.1 6.0am: Altered course S89E. Reduced 55 revs 10.15am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection 10.50am: Divine Service 11.20am: Altered course ESE, 65 revs. Courses & speeds as requisite closing sailing vessel Noon: Stopped boarded Swedish schooner “Barden” from Norway to Philadelphia, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.30pm: Proceeded N86E. Streamed P.L., 55 revs 5.55pm: Altered course N89W, 60 revs 9.42pm: Altered course N22E. Increased 70 revs to close sailing vessel. Courses & speeds as requisite 10.45pm: Stopped in Lat 59 22N, Long 8 8W & sent armed guard with Sub Lt Cleary RNR on board Norwegian Barque “Anakonda” from Buenos Aires to Aarhus. Cargo maize. Ordered to proceed to Lerwick Number on sick list: 4 [ed. note: Sailing ship barque “Anakonda”: German three maste barque built built by krupp, germania of keil in 1889, for E. Holzapfel, of Hamburg. Sold to Norwegian owner O. R. Føreid of Grimstad in 1912, name kept. Registered in Christiansand, sold to T. Davidsen of Kristiania in 1912, who sold her back to Germany for breaking up in 1925. Tonnage: 1483 brt, 1393 netto. Measures: 235,0 - 38,1 - 21,8 Source:] 4f962395a2fc8e2def003f7b: ( 53-44329-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1916 At Sea Lat 58.75, Long -9.0 0.20am: Proceeded N89W, 65 revs, zigzag 5.12am: Altered course East to close SS. Courses & speeds as requisite 5.30am: Stopped in Lat 59 6N, Long 9 30W & sent armed guard with Lieut Banner on board British SS “Oruro” from New York to Archangel. Cargo general 6.50am: Proceeded N89W, 65 revs 8.15am: Altered course S24E, zigzag, straight and 30°; 55 revs 8.30am: Sighted HMS “Patuca” 6.28pm: Altered course N22W. Increased 75 revs to close SS. Courses & speeds as requisite 7.35pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Camilla” with armed guard on board from HMS “Patia” 7.40pm: Altered course S76W, straight; 65 revs 8.25pm: Sighted loom of Butt of Lewis Lt bearing S20E 9.50pm: Started zigzag 10.0pm: Altered course N89W, zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f962395a2fc8e2def003f7c: ( 53-44329-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1916 At Sea Lat 58.83, Long -9.18 6.0am: Altered course S89E, 60 revs 7.50am: Increased 65 revs 9.55am: Reduced to slow, hauled in P.L. 10.0am: In Lat 58 42N, Long 9 0W dropped target 10.05am: Proceeded various speeds & Courses & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice, exercised General Quarters 11.30am: Stopped, picked up target 11.40am: Proceeded N17E, 55 revs, straight Noon: Altered course N89E zigzag, straight & 30° 0.10pm: Sighted HMS “Ebro” 6.30pm: Altered course N89W, zigzag 7.30pm: Flannan Island Light bearing S12W Number on sick list: 1 4f962395a2fc8e2def003f7d: ( 53-44329-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1916 At Sea Lat 57.65, Long -9.78 6.0am: Altered course S89E, zigzag 7.15am: Sighted HMS “Ebro” 8.0am: Altered course S12W, zigzag, straight & 30°. Increased 75 revs 10.30am: Sighted St Kilda bearing S53E, dist 46 miles 11.45am: St Kilda abeam, dist 39 miles 2.0pm: Reduced 65 revs 4.50pm: Altered course S22E, commenced zigzag 30° each side 5.35pm: Sighted Barra Head bearing S72E 7.40pm: Barra Head abeam 27 miles dist 10.30pm: Skerryvore abeam 20 miles dist Number on sick list: 2 4f962396a2fc8e2def003f7e: ( 53-44329-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1916 At Sea Lat 55.38, Long -5.13 1.18am: Oversay Light bearing S67E 2.30am: Oversay bearing N40E, altered course S70E 4.0am: Increased 75 revs; altered course S18E. Otter Rock abeam, 2 ½ miles 5.35am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre, ½ mile dist 6.30am: Sanda Island abeam, altered course N80E 8.12am: Pladda Light House abeam, 2 miles dist 8.50am: Holy Island abeam, 1 mile 10.0am: Passing Little Cumbrae, altered course N25E 10.55am: Toward Point abeam, altered course N32E 11.05am: Reduced speed, passing through boom defence 11.25am: Stopped & received pilot 11.30am: Proceeded 60 revs, courses & speeds as requisite 11.45am: Secured after tug 0.30pm: Passing Dumbarton Rock 2.10pm: Entered Princes Dock 3.0pm: Made fast alongside N° 19 berth 3.0pm: All fires drawn 5.0pm: Long leave granted to Red Watch & part of White watch 6.0pm: Commenced coaling 6.45pm: Leave granted to 1st part till 7 am 4f962396a2fc8e2def003f7f: ( 53-44329-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 10.30am: Armed guard in charge of Lieut Banner joined ship 4.30pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch till 7am, boys till 10pm 8.30pm: Armed guard of HMS “Columbella” joined ship 4f962396a2fc8e2def003f80: ( 53-44329-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Coaling stopped till defect repaired to bilge pipes in bunker 7.40 to 8.45am: Shifted ship to Berth N° 6 10.50am: One boy joined ship from Chatham 1.0pm: Leave granted to 1st part of watch till 7am, boys till 10pm 6.10pm: One Wireless rating left ship for Devonport 4f962397a2fc8e2def003f81: ( 53-44329-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.40am: Armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Cleary returned to ship 6.0am: Armed guard for HMS “Columbella” left ship 9.45am: Roman Catholic Church party landed 10.10am: Church of England party landed 1.15pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch 4f962397a2fc8e2def003f82: ( 53-44329-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.30am: Resumed coaling. Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave granted to 1st part of watch till 7am, boys till 10pm 4f962397a2fc8e2def003f83: ( 53-44329-017_1.jpg) 29 February 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 9.10am: Eleven boys joined ship from Devonport 4.0pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch 5.30pm: Finished coaling. Amount received 1430 tons 6.15pm: Shifted ship to berth N° 8 9.30pm: Shifted ship to berth N° 1 4f962398a2fc8e2def003f84: ( 53-44329-018_0.jpg) 4f962398a2fc8e2def003f85: ( 53-44329-018_1.jpg) 4f962398a2fc8e2def003f86: ( 53-44329-019_0.jpg) 4f962399a2fc8e2def003f87: ( 53-44329-019_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MARCH 1916 4f962399a2fc8e2def003f88: ( 53-44330-001_0.jpg) 4f962399a2fc8e2def003f89: ( 53-44330-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs March 1916 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f96239aa2fc8e2def003f8a: ( 53-44330-002_0.jpg) 4f96239aa2fc8e2def003f8b: ( 53-44330-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: R H Bather signs March 1916 log book as Captain] 4f96239aa2fc8e2def003f8c: ( 53-44330-003_0.jpg) 4f96239ba2fc8e2def003f8d: ( 53-44330-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 7.15am: Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Leave granted to part of watch 7.0am; boys 10.0pm 11.15pm: Started swinging ship in dock assisted by pilot & 1 tug 4f96239ba2fc8e2def003f8e: ( 53-44330-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.0am: Remoored alongside, cast off tug 4.0pm: Leave granted 2nd part of watch 7.0am, Boys 10.0pm 4f96239ba2fc8e2def003f8f: ( 53-44330-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.30pm: Leave granted 1st part watch 7.0am, Boys 10.0pm 4f96239ca2fc8e2def003f90: ( 53-44330-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 1.0pm: Low fires set away 4.0pm: Long leave expired 4.30pm: Leave granted to Blue watch & forepart of White watch until midnight 9.0pm: 12 Ratings left ship to return depots 10.0pm: High fires set away 4f96239ca2fc8e2def003f91: ( 53-44330-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 0.30pm: Pilot aboard, singled up ship made fast tugs fore & aft 0.55pm: Rung stand by 1.05pm: Cast off moorings & proceeded courses & speeds as requisite 1.25pm: Cleared Princess Dock, proceed down river 1.50pm: Cast off fore tug 2.45pm: Passed Dumbarton Rock 3.25pm: Cast off aft. Tug 3.30pm: Anchored off Tail of Bank, 15 fms Port anchor, 3 ½ shackles Bearings Ship Position: Roseneath Patch N45W, Red Lamp S66W, Princess Pier S20W 6.0pm: Rung stand by, started heave up anchor 6.10pm: Anchor up. Rung Half Speed, 65 Revs. Set Course N55W 6.20pm: Stopped & received signal from motor launch 6.33pm: Proceeded N90W, Kempock Point abeam, 65 revs 6.50pm: Stopped awaiting boom to open 7.05pm: Proceeded 7.10pm: Cleared boom. Streamed P.L. Set course S39W, 75 revs 7.37pm: Altered course S32W, Toward Point abeam 8.20pm: Cumbrae abeam 9.20pm: Holy Island abeam 1 ¼ miles dist 9.38pm: Pladda abeam, 2 ½ miles dist; altered course S80W 11.20pm: Sanda abeam 2 miles dist; altered course N55W Number on sick list: Nil 4f96239ca2fc8e2def003f92: ( 53-44330-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1916 At Sea Lat 56.83, Long -9.21 0.10am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre, ½ mile dist; altered course N22W 1.38am: Otter Rock abeam 5 miles dist 2.20am: Oversay abeam, 7 miles dist; altered course N33W 5.30am: Skerryvore Light abeam 23 miles dist 5.40am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 7.30am: Barra Head bearing N43E 8.30am: Barra Head abeam, 34 miles dist 8.0pm: Reduced 65 revs, straight course. Altered course N29E 11.45pm: Rung Full Speed to close SS 12.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 44N, Long 10 43W sent armed guard in charge [ed. note: to be continued in the next log page] Number on sick list: Nil 4f96239da2fc8e2def003f93: ( 53-44330-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1916 At Sea Lat 59.41, Long -12.43 [Continuing from the previous log page] Sub Lt Cleary on board Danish SS “Orion” from Baltimore to Copenhagen. Cargo grain 1.30am: Proceeded N58W, 50 revs. Streamed P. L. 6.15am: Increased 60 revs, zigzag 30° every 15 minutes 7.33am: Altered course S45E to close HMS “Orotava” 8.10am: Stopped in Lat 58 52N, Long 12 25W & communicated with HMS “Orotava” 8.45am: Proceeded N32W, 50 revs in company with HMS “Orotava” to close SS 9.10am: Stopped in Lat 58 55N, Long 12 26W & communicated with HMS “Orotava” 9.25am: Proceeded N30W, 65 revs, zigzag straight & 30° 10.25am: Altered course N44E Full Speed. Exercised General Quarters 2.20pm: Reduced speed. Hauled P.L. Communicated with HMS “Teutonic” 2.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 53N, Long 12 4W 3.0pm: Proceeded N9W, 65 revs, zigzag straight & 30° 3.20pm: Increased 70 revs 8.30pm: Straight course Number on sick list: Nil 4f96239da2fc8e2def003f94: ( 53-44330-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1916 At Sea Lat 62.56, Long -17.41 6.0am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 7.45am: Sighted land bearing N18E 8.55am: Straight course 9.20am: Stopped in Lat 62 56N, Long 16 44W & communicated with HMS “Changuinola” 9.30am: Proceeded S71W, 65 revs; zigzag, straight & 30° 0.05pm: Sighted HMS “Patia” 1.45pm: Stopped in Lat 62 18N, Long 17 54W & communicated with HMS “Patia” 2.10pm: Proceeded S43W, 65 revs, zigzag 6.30pm: Signalled HMS “Hildebrand” 10.30pm: Straight course. Reduced 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96239da2fc8e2def003f95: ( 53-44330-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.83, Long -13.71 4.0am: Altered course to close SS. Increased 65 revs. Courses & speeds as requisite 4.55am: Stopped in Lat 61 52N, Long 15 38W & boarded British Trawler “Gavina” FD 236, Iceland to Hull. Cargo fish. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.40am: Proceeded S8E, 50 revs, straight course 6.30am: Increased 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Read Warrant N° 20 to POs 4.45pm: Altered course N87W, zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f96239ea2fc8e2def003f96: ( 53-44330-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.46, Long -10.56 8.50am: Altered course South. Courses & speeds as requisite 9.30am: Stopped in Lat 60 31N, Long 10 25W & boarded British trawler “Cadet” H 210, from Iceland to Hull. Cargo fish. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.55am: Proceeded N87W, 65 revs 10.12am: Stopped in Lat 60 30N, Long 10 28W & dropped target 10.15am: Proceeded 10 knots & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 11.15am: Stopped & picked up target 11.45am: Proceeded N87W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.23pm: Altered course S87E, zigzag, straight & 30° 8.15pm: Sighted HMS “Moldavia” 11.0pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f96239ea2fc8e2def003f97: ( 53-44330-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.33, Long -11.35 6.0am: Altered course N87W, zigzag, straight & 45° 10.40am: Reduced 60 revs 5.30pm: Altered course S87E. Increased 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.30pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f96239ea2fc8e2def003f98: ( 53-44330-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.38, Long -11.0 6.0am: Altered course N87W, zigzag, straight & 45° 6.40am: Altered course S88W, zigzag, straight & 45° 10.15am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection 11.0am: Divine Service Noon: Altered course N87W, zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0pm: Altered course S87E, zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f96239fa2fc8e2def003f99: ( 53-44330-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.36, Long -11.06 6.0am: Altered course N87W, zigzag, straight & 45° 5.45pm: Altered course S87E, zigzag straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f96239fa2fc8e2def003f9a: ( 53-44330-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.4, Long -11.4 4.10am: Altered course N87W, straight Course 4.40am: Altered course S87E, zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0am: Altered course N87W, straight & 45° 0.45pm: Altered course S78W, zigzag, straight & 30°. Increased 75 revs 4.30pm: Sighted HMS “Hildebrand” 4.55pm: Stopped in Lat 59 50N, Long 13 6W & communicated with HMS “Hildebrand” 5.20pm: Proceeded N53W, 65 revs, zigzag 8.30pm: Altered course N66W, zigzag, straight & 45° 11.30pm: Altered course S85E, zigzag, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 4 4f96239fa2fc8e2def003f9b: ( 53-44330-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1916 At Sea Lat 59.96, Long -15.13 6.0am: Altered course N85W, zigzag, straight & 45° 8.30am: Reduced 60 revs 6.0pm: Altered course S85E, straight & 60° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623a0a2fc8e2def003f9c: ( 53-44330-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.15, Long -14.8 6.0am: Altered course N85W, zigzag straight & 45° 7.30am: Increased 65 revs 1.30pm: Stopped port engine for engineers purposes 1.50pm: Proceeded with port engine 11.15pm: Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f9623a0a2fc8e2def003f9d: ( 53-44330-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.0, Long -15.0 6.0am: Altered course N85W & increased to 65 revs 1.40pm: Altered course S58W, zigzag, straight & 45° 9.0pm: Altered course N76E, zigzag, straight & 30° 10.35pm: Reduced 60 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f9623a0a2fc8e2def003f9e: ( 53-44330-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1916 At Sea Lat 59.2, Long -15.6 6.05am: Altered course S4E to close SS. Increased to Full Speed. Courses & speeds as requisite 6.35am: Reduced Half Speed 6.38pm: Stopped in Lat 59 47N, Long 14 24W & boarded American SS “A. A. Raven” Narvik to Philadelphia. Cargo Iron ore. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.57am: Proceeded S76W, 65 revs. Straight & 45° zigzag 8.0am: Zigzag, straight & 30° 11.30am: Altered course S83W same zigzag 6.0pm: Altered course N76E zigzag, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 6 4f9623a1a2fc8e2def003f9f: ( 53-44330-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1916 At Sea Lat 59.11, Long -16.2 6.0am: Altered course S76W, zigzag, straight & 45° 8.0am: Reduced 60 revs 10.30am: Divine Service 11.15am: Altered course S85W, zigzag, straight & 45° Noon: Increased 65 revs 6.0pm: Altered course N74E, straight & 30° zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a1a2fc8e2def003fa0: ( 53-44330-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1916 At Sea Lat 59.18, Long -15.96 6.30am: Altered course S77W, zigzag straight & 45° 8.0am: Straight & 30° zigzag 9.0am: Spoke Barque “Lysglint” [ed . note: misspelt for Barque “Lysglimt”] for Kirkwall with armed guard from “Virginian” Noon: Zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0pm: Altered course N74E, straight & 30° zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a1a2fc8e2def003fa1: ( 53-44330-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1916 At Sea Lat 59.3, Long -16.46 6.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 45° zigzag 11.0am: Altered course S62W, straight & 45° zigzag Noon: Reduced 60 revs 4.0pm: Altered course S8E. Increased 65 revs 5.0pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° 10.0pm: Reduced 60 revs, straight course 11.0pm: Increased 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623a2a2fc8e2def003fa2: ( 53-44330-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1916 At Sea Lat 58.38, Long -15.0 6.45am: Altered course N85W, straight & 45° zigzag 8.0am: Reduced 60 revs 6.0pm: Altered course S85E, straight & 30° zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a2a2fc8e2def003fa3: ( 53-44330-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1916 At Sea Lat 58.08, Long -14.86 6.0am: Altered course N85W, zigzag, straight & 45° 7.18am: Altered course S56W. Rung Full speed ahead 7.50am: Altered course B77W, zigzag, straight & 45°. Reduced 60 revs 9.20am: Increased 65 revs 9.22am: Altered course N1W to close SS. Courses & speeds as requisite 10.45am: Stopped in Lat 58 57N, Long 14 43W & boarded Danish SS “Oscar II” Copenhagen to New York via Kirkwall. General cargo. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.26am: Proceeded N85W, 65 revs, straight & 45° zigzag 6.0pm: Altered course S85E, straight & 30° zigzag Midnight: Altered course S56E, straight & 30° zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a2a2fc8e2def003fa4: ( 53-44330-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1916 At Sea Lat 58.05, Long -14.3 6.0am: Altered course N85W, straight & 45° zigzag. Increased 65 revs 8.0am: Straight & 30° zigzag 10.0am: Altered course North to close SS 11.0am: Stopped in Lat 58 37N, Long 14 18W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Diehl onboard Danish SS “Tula” from New York to Copenhagen. Cargo general 11.55am: Proceeded N85W, 60 revs 12.20pm: Stopped in Lat 58 32N, Long 14 26W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Canner onboard American SS “Moreni” from Philadelphia to Copenhagen. Cargo petroleum. Boarding Officer: B O Banner 1.20pm: Proceeded S85W, 65 revs 4.30pm: Stopped in Lat 58 16N, Long 15 22W & dropped target 4.33pm: Proceeded 50 revs & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 5.15pm: Stopped & picked up target 5.23pm: Proceeded N85W, 65 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 7.50pm: Altered course S85E, straight & 45° 8.40pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a3a2fc8e2def003fa5: ( 53-44330-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1916 At Sea Lat 57.91, Long -14.53 3.20am: Increased to 55 revs 11.10am: Reduced to 55 revs, hove to heading N20W 4.0pm: Streamed & set Cherub log 10.50pm: Altered course S34E & increased to 55 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a3a2fc8e2def003fa6: ( 53-44330-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1916 At Sea Lat 57.73, Long -15.26 10.15am: Divisions and mustered by open list 10.45am: Divine Service Number on sick list: 4 4f9623a3a2fc8e2def003fa7: ( 53-44330-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1916 At Sea Lat 58.1, Long -14.28 6.40am: Altered course S85E. Increased to full speed to close steamer 7.25am: Hauled in P log 7.35am: Stopped in Lat 58 12N, Long 13 11W. Sent armed Guard on board Dutch SS “Kelbergen” in charge of Sub Lieut Coleman. Vessel bound from Baltimore to Leith with general cargo. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; [ed. note: Accompanying Officer]: E A Jacobs 8.35am: Proceeded N86W, 65 revs. Streamed P. L. 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 57 45N, Long 15 50W and dropped target 4.27pm: Proceeded 60 revs. Heavy snow squall 4.50pm: Stopped & picked up target 5.0pm: Proceeded N72E straight & 30° zigzag. Streamed P. L. and prepared for night defence Number on sick list: 2 4f9623a4a2fc8e2def003fa8: ( 53-44330-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.06, Long -10.6 5.0am: Commenced to zigzag 30° 12.0am: Altered course N50E, zigzag 1.30pm: Altered course S82E. Reduced to 65 revs, zigzag 30° 8.0pm: Altered course S68E, zigzag 8.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs. Straight course 8.55pm: Altered course North. Increased to 65 revs 9.05pm: Altered course S67E. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a4a2fc8e2def003fa9: ( 53-44330-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1916 At Sea Lat 60.06, Long -5.0 1.40am: Increased to 65 revs 2.15am: Stopped in Lat 60 33N, Long 5 55W & boarded Norwegian SS “Balto” with armed guard on board from French cruiser “Artois”. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.55am: Proceeded N47E, 60 revs & streamed log 5.0am: Zigzag course 30° 8.30am: Altered course S25W. Increased to 65 revs. Zigzag course 11.30pm: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a4a2fc8e2def003faa: ( 53-44330-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 2.20am: Sighted Esha Ness Light bearing S58E 4.03am: Esha Ness abeam 3 miles, altered course S30W 4.45am: Reduced to 50 revs. Muckle Roe abeam; courses & speeds as requisite 4.55am: Passing boom defence 5.14am: Anchored in N° 2 berth Busta Voe, 60 fms of cable in 13 fms water Anchor bearings: Flagstaff N50W; Free Church N50E 6.30am: Colliers “Gregynog” & “Wychwood” came alongside 8.50am: Commenced coaling 9.40am: Armed guard with Sub Lieut Cleary joined ship, also CPO Coleman 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night 4f9623a5a2fc8e2def003fab: ( 53-44330-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 5.45am: Resumed coaling 6.10pm: Collier “Wychwood” left ship 7.0pm: Collier 129 came alongside 7.47pm: Finished coaling for the night 10.20pm: Armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut joined ship 4f9623a5a2fc8e2def003fac: ( 53-44330-019_0.jpg) 4f9623a5a2fc8e2def003fad: ( 53-44330-019_1.jpg) 4f9623a6a2fc8e2def003fae: ( 53-44330-020_0.jpg) 4f9623a6a2fc8e2def003faf: ( 53-44330-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR APRIL 1916 4f9623a7a2fc8e2def003fb0: ( 53-44331-001_0.jpg) 4f9623a7a2fc8e2def003fb1: ( 53-44331-001_1.jpg) [Ed Note: F C P Harris signs April 1916 log as Navigating Officer] 4f9623a7a2fc8e2def003fb2: ( 53-44331-002_0.jpg) 4f9623a8a2fc8e2def003fb3: ( 53-44331-002_1.jpg) 4f9623a8a2fc8e2def003fb4: ( 53-44331-003_0.jpg) 4f9623a8a2fc8e2def003fb5: ( 53-44331-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 5.30am: Commenced coaling 7.55am: Sub Lt Cleary left ship 8.10am: Ceased coaling 9.15am: Resumed coaling 10.0am: 1 AB sent to hospital 11.30am: Finished coaling. Coal received 1122 tons 12.10pm: SS “Gregynog” cast off 12.20pm: SS “Cundall” cast off 3.0pm: One Armed Guard returned ship 6.45pm: Prepare for night defence 7.30pm: Darken ship 8.15pm: Armed Guard returned ship 8.35pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Courses & speeds as requisite 8.55pm: Passed through boom defence 9.30pm: Muckle Roe, altered course N59W, 65 revs, streamed P. L. 10.20pm: Esha Ness Light abeam 3.5 miles dist Number on sick list: 2 4f9623a8a2fc8e2def003fb6: ( 53-44331-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1916 At Sea Lat 61.0, Long -6.46 5.0am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 11.10am: Divine Service 2.37pm: Altered course to close sailing vessel 3.0pm: Spoke Norwegian SV “Najade” from Brunswick to Narvik. Guard on board from “Artois” 7.05pm: Sighted Danish fishing smack TG238 Number on sick list: 2 4f9623a9a2fc8e2def003fb7: ( 53-44331-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.98, Long -14.18 4.30am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course N87W, zigzag 10.30am: 6” guns crews exercised at loader. Sightsetters exercised 1.15pm: Boys exercised physical drill 1.30pm: 2 watches of boys at school 3.0pm: Straight course 3.57pm: Reduced 55 revs 8.0pm: Altered course N86W. Reduced 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623a9a2fc8e2def003fb8: ( 53-44331-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.73, Long -15.11 10.0am: Altered course N36W. Reduced speed 10.25am: Resumed speed 50 revs, altered course N68W Am: Boys to instruction 1.15pm: Boys to physical drill 1.30pm: Boys to school 4.45-6.45pm: Boys class I at school 10.45pm: Increased 60 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623a9a2fc8e2def003fb9: ( 53-44331-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.95, Long -14.7 4.30am: Increased 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0am: Altered course N85W, zigzag, straight & 45° Noon: Zigzag, straight & 30° 1.10pm: Boys to physical drill 1.25pm: First aid class. Boys class II to school 3.30pm: Sighted HMS “Otway” 4.45-6.45pm: Boys class I to school 6.30pm: Altered course S82E, zigzag, straight & 45° 7.0pm: Reduced 55 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 3 4f9623aaa2fc8e2def003fba: ( 53-44331-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.46, Long -14.66 5.10am: Increased 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0am: Altered course S75W, zigzag, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course S59W, zigzag, straight & 30° 8.40pm: Altered course S82E straight & 45° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623aaa2fc8e2def003fbb: ( 53-44331-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1916 At Sea Lat 58.35, Long -15.0 0.10am: Reduced 55 revs, straight course 4.03am: Increased 65 revs, zigzag & 45° 10.20am: Exercised General Quarters, Collision & Abandon Ship stations. Boys to signalling classes 0.20pm: Altered course N25W to close Sailing Vessel 0.55pm: Altered course North & signalled Sailing Vessel “Atalanta”. Prize crew “Artois” 2.20pm: Altered course S87W zigzag, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 18N, Long 15 10W sent armed guard in charge Lieut Banner on board Danish SS “United States” from New York to Copenhagen to Kirkwall. Boarding Officer: Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.35pm: Proceeded N87W, 65 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 5.20pm: Altered course N45W to intercept steamer 5.40pm: Stopped in Lat 58 14N, Long 15 52W & sent armed guard in charge Sub Lt Groome onboard Norwegian SS “Sola” New York to Christiania. Cargo petroleum. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs. Sent to Kirkwall 6.40pm: Proceeded S84W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 7.15pm: Altered course N76W to close SS 7.45pm: Stopped in Lat 58 10N, Long 16 2W & put armed guard on board American SS “Brindilla” in charge Sub Lt Coleman from Philadelphia to Stockholm. Cargo Petroleum. Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs. Sent Kirkwall 8.25pm: Proceeded S77W, 65 revs 9.0pm: Altered course S84E, 75 revs 10.48pm: Reduced 60 revs 11.0pm: Reduced 50 revs 4f9623aaa2fc8e2def003fbc: ( 53-44331-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1916 At Sea Lat 58.93, Long -14.23 6.0am: Altered course N68W, zigzag, straight & 30°. Increased 65 revs 6.15am: Straight course, reduced 55 revs 9.0am: Altered course West intercepting Br SS “Asuncion de Larrinaga”. Allowed to proceed 11.0pm: Altered course N12E closing SS 11.50pm: Rung full speed Number on sick list: 2 4f9623aba2fc8e2def003fbd: ( 53-44331-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1916 At Sea Lat 58.35, Long -14.31 0.30am: Altered course N4W. Reduced 55 revs 1.30am: Sighted HMS “Artois” 7.30am: Increased Full Speed to close SS 7.50am: Reduced to 55 revs 7.55am: Altered course S31W. Sighted HMS “Otway” 10.0am: Increased to 65 revs; zigzag, straight & 30° 11.05am: Altered course N18E, zigzag 2.10pm: Altered course S30W, straight & 45° 4.30pm: Sighted SS bearing WSW 5.15pm: Stopped in Lat 58 13N, Long 14 13W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Canner onboard Swedish SS “Oxelösund” Savannah to Helsingborg. Cargo oilcake. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs 6.10pm: Proceeded N35E, 65 revs, zigzag 8.50pm: Altered course S29W, straight & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623aba2fc8e2def003fbe: ( 53-44331-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.03, Long -15.05 0.30am: Increased to 65 revs & zigzag, straight & 45° 2.0am: Altered course S29W, zigzag 5.0am: Altered course N19E, zigzag 7.50am: Altered course S35W; zigzag, straight & 30° 8.40am: Altered course N43W, zigzag, straight & 30° 9.35am: Straight course Am: 6” guns crews exercised at the loader 11.15am: Reduced to 55 revs, straight 1.30pm: First aid class at examination 6.43pm: Mod gale, rough sea, hove vessel to heading NWxW & reduced to 35 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f9623aba2fc8e2def003fbf: ( 53-44331-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.41, Long -16.1 Am: Exercised General Quarters & fire stations. Boys at instruction class Noon: Altered course S12W & increased to 55 revs 1.30pm: Boys to school 11.0pm: Commenced zigzagging, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 5 4f9623aca2fc8e2def003fc0: ( 53-44331-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.73, Long -15.0 6.0am: Altered course N56W. Increased to 65 revs & zigzag, straight & 45° 4.0pm: Altered zigzag to straight & 45° 6.0pm: Altered course S85E, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 5 4f9623aca2fc8e2def003fc1: ( 53-44331-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.36, Long -14.7 5.57am: Stopped in Lat 60 9N, Long 13 10W & received armed guards from HMS “Orcoma” 6.40am: Proceeded S71W, 75 revs, straight & 30° zigzag Noon: Altered course N85W, zigzag, straight & 30° 0.40pm: Stopped in Lat 59 18N, Long 14 57W & discharged rating to HMS “Gloucestershire” 1.05pm: Proceeded S30W, 75 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 4.30pm: Sighted HMS “Motagua”. Courses & speeds as requisite communicating with HMS “Motagua”, sea too rough to discharge rating 5.35pm: Proceeded N33E, 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° 7.05pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 3 4f9623aca2fc8e2def003fc2: ( 53-44331-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.93, Long -14.7 1.0am: Altered course N85E & zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0am: Altered course N85W. Increased to 65 revs & zigzag, straight & 30° 8.30am: Zigzag, straight & 45° 10.15am: Stopped in Lat 60 0N, Long 14 34W & dropped target 10.20am: Proceeded various speeds & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 11.15am: Stopped & picked up target 11.22am: Proceeded N85W, 65 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 6.25pm: Altered course S85E, zigzag, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623ada2fc8e2def003fc3: ( 53-44331-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1916 At Sea Lat 59.86, Long -14.26 6.10am: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” 6.30am: Altered course N85W zigzag, straight & 45° 11.0am: Stopped in Lat 59 53N, Long 14W Vice Admiral came onboard, presented medals to two ratings & inspected ship’s company 11.30am: Proceeded N85W, 65 revs 11.55am: Stopped, Vice Admiral left ship 0.15pm: Proceeded S13W, 60 revs, zigzag, straight & 45° 1.55pm: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” Number on sick list: 4 4f9623ada2fc8e2def003fc4: ( 53-44331-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1916 At Sea Lat 58.03, Long -13.86 1.0am: Altered course S87E, zigzag straight & 45° 3.30am: Altered course N87W & zigzag, straight & 45° 5.30am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course 6.18am: Courses as requisite on Rendezvous 6.20am: Increased to 65 revs 6.55am: Reduced to 50 revs 8.35am: Stopped in Lat 58 12N, Long 12 52W & discharged rating to HMS “Motauga” 8.50am: Proceeded N85W, 65 revs, zigzag straight & 30° Am: Divisions & Divine Service 7.50pm: Altered course S22E to close SS 8.25pm: Stopped in Lat 57 34N, Long 15 50W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Banner onboard Norwegian SS “Ontaneda” from Galveston to Aalborg, cargo oil cake. Boarding Officer: Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 9.05pm: Proceeded East, 60 revs, zigzag straight & 45° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623ada2fc8e2def003fc5: ( 53-44331-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1916 At Sea Lat 57.86, Long -14.41 6.0am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° zigzag 8.10am: Altered course N83W, straight 9.40am: Altered course N79W & reduced to 55 revs 11.55am: Reduced 45 revs 6.0pm: Increased to 55 revs 10.30pm: Altered course S78E. Reduced 50 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f9623aea2fc8e2def003fc6: ( 53-44331-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1916 At Sea Lat 58.25, Long -11.26 0.30am: Courses as requisite closing SS “Inland” 6.40am: Altered course S67E, 45 revs. Courses & speeds as requisite rendezvous with “Artois” 7.35am: Altered course N68W, 55 revs 10.0am: Stopped in Lat 58 26N, Long 11 2W & received armed guard from “Artois” 10.35am: Proceeded N75W, 55 revs 10.50pm: Reduced 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f9623aea2fc8e2def003fc7: ( 53-44331-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1916 At Sea Lat 58.16, Long -12.58 4.30am: Increased 60 revs. Zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0am: Altered course N87W. Increased 65 revs. Straight & 30° zigzag 7.30am: Zigzag, straight & 30° 10.40am: Hands muster winter clothing for inspection 5.55pm: Altered course S89E, zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623aea2fc8e2def003fc8: ( 53-44331-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1916 At Sea Lat 58.16, Long -12.5 6.10am: Altered course N87W, zigzag, straight & 45° 5.30pm: Altered course East, zigzag, straight & 30° 9.40pm: Altered course S15W, straight & 30° zigzag 10.05pm: Straight course Number on sick list: 2 4f9623afa2fc8e2def003fc9: ( 53-44331-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1916 At Sea Lat 55.41, Long -11.93 2.0am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 10.30am: Divine Service 11.25am: Altered course S70E. Increased 75 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 1.0pm: Altered course S73E, straight & 30° zigzag 9.0pm: Altered course S62E, straight course 11.0pm: Tory Island abeam, 10 ½ miles dist; altered course S67E, straight Number on sick list: 2 4f9623afa2fc8e2def003fca: ( 53-44331-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1916 At Sea Lat 55.25, Long -5.3 1.30am: Inishtrahull abeam ¼ mile dist; altered course S53E 4.23am: Passed through Rathlin Sound, Rue Point abeam; altered course S62E 4.50am: Exchanged Pendants with HMS “Norman” [?] 5.0am: Tor Pt abeam, altered course S22E 5.30am: Zigzag, straight & 30° 8.56am: Pladda Island abeam 2 miles dist, altered course N35E 9.25am: Holy Island abeam 2 miles dist 10.24am: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course N25E 11.25am: Passed through boom. Speed & course as requisite 11.35am: Took Pilot aboard, proceeded to anchorage Noon: Anchored off Greenock. Anchor bearings: Roseneath Patch Buoy NW ¼ W, Red lamp WxS, Tail of Bank Buoy S ½ W 1.15pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Courses & speeds as requisite 1.30pm: Made fast aft tug 2.10pm: Passed Dumbarton Rock 2.50pm: Made fast fore tug 3.0pm: Passed Rothsay Dock 3.45pm: Entered Prince’s Dock 4.35pm: In berth N° 22, safely moored. Cast off tugs 5.0pm: All fires drawn 5.30pm: 4 Ratings 1 Sub Lt RNVR joined ship 7.15pm: Leave granted Blue watch after part White watch until 4.0pm 1st May 1916 8.0pm: Leave to part watch until 7.0am of next morning & boys till 10.0pm tonight 10.0pm: 2 ratings left ship to join depot Devonport & 1 RNR rating left for hospital Number on sick list: 1 4f9623afa2fc8e2def003fcb: ( 53-44331-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning shellroom 8.30am: Capt Dean RN joined ship 9.45am: RC party to service on board HMS “Columbella” 10.0am: C of E party to church Noon: RC Party returned on board 1.0pm: C of E party on board Number on sick list: 1 4f9623b0a2fc8e2def003fcc: ( 53-44331-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.0am: Pilot aboard made fast 1 tug fore & aft. Cast off moorings & proceeded under tip 8.0am: Safely moored under tip (coaling) 8.20am: Commenced coaling N° 2 hatch Am: Hands employed getting up ammunition 1.20pm: Hands fall in for monthly payment 2.25pm: Captain Bather left ship Pm: Coaling continuously Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623b0a2fc8e2def003fcd: ( 53-44331-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 3.30am: Finished coaling N° 2 hold 6.0am: Hands employed shifting ship across opposite berth in dock 7.0am: Ship safely moored in place 9.0am: Hands coaling ship & working out ammunition 4.0pm: Pilot aboard, made fast 1 tug each for & aft, cast off mooring & proceeded to N° 4 berth to coal 5.30pm: Safely moored in position 6.30pm: Commenced coaling side pockets Pm: Ship coaling throughout night Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623b0a2fc8e2def003fce: ( 53-44331-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Ship coaling continuously 9.0am: Hands cleaning N° 3 hold and as requisite Am: Coaling continuously 1.0pm: Hands getting stores on board & as requisite Pm: Coaling continuously Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623b1a2fc8e2def003fcf: ( 53-44331-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Coaling continuously 8.55am: 2 Ratings joined ship Pm: Hands employed painting ship & as requisite. Coaling continuously 4.45pm: Finished coaling, amount received: 1780 tons 5.55pm: Pilot on board to shift ship 6.50pm: Secured tug fore & aft. Cast off moorings & proceeded to N° 3 berth 8.0pm: Safely moored in berth 4f9623b1a2fc8e2def003fd0: ( 53-44331-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 7.15am: Hands employed as requisite 8.0am: Shifting ship for position under crane to lift out fos’cle gun 10.25am: Shifted ship to lift out A Gun 1.20pm: Shifted ship to lift out B Gun 5.0pm: Hands shifting ship to lift out X Gun 4f9623b1a2fc8e2def003fd1: ( 53-44331-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.20am: Hands shifting ship along wharf 6.55am: Hands shifting ship for taking out guns 8.20am: Hands shifting ship back to berth 10.0am: Hands taking on board ammunition & shells, Lyddite 1.0pm: Leave granted 2nd part watch. Boys 10.0pm. Man 7.0am. One rating, private (RMLI) discharged to HMS “Diligence”, Invergordon 7.30pm: Hands employed moving ship astern 4f9623b2a2fc8e2def003fd2: ( 53-44331-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 7.10am: Hands clearing deck Am: Shore workmen on board at various work 9.45am: Landed RC Church party 10.45am: Landed Church of England Church party 11.15am: RCs returned on board Noon: Church of England party returned on board 11.40pm: 2 AB absentees reported themselves on board belonging to HMS “Minion” Number on sick list: 1 4f9623b2a2fc8e2def003fd3: ( 53-44331-018_1.jpg) Forwarded. F W Dean, Act Captain 4f9623b2a2fc8e2def003fd4: ( 53-44331-019_0.jpg) 4f9623b3a2fc8e2def003fd5: ( 53-44331-019_1.jpg) 4f9623b3a2fc8e2def003fd6: ( 53-44331-020_0.jpg) 4f9623b3a2fc8e2def003fd7: ( 53-44331-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MAY 1916 4f9623b4a2fc8e2def003fd8: ( 53-44332-001_0.jpg) 4f9623b4a2fc8e2def003fd9: ( 53-44332-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs May 1916 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f9623b4a2fc8e2def003fda: ( 53-44332-002_0.jpg) 4f9623b5a2fc8e2def003fdb: ( 53-44332-002_1.jpg) 4f9623b5a2fc8e2def003fdc: ( 53-44332-003_0.jpg) 4f9623b5a2fc8e2def003fdd: ( 53-44332-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 7.15am: Hands employed stowing ammunition in magazine & discharging shell into truck 8.30am: 1 Rating joined ship 11.0am: 1 Rating joined ship 3.45pm: Read warrants N° 22 & 23 7.45pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS “Minion” 4f9623b6a2fc8e2def003fde: ( 53-44332-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.20pm: Hands employed shifting ship to unship gun mountings with big crane 4f9623b6a2fc8e2def003fdf: ( 53-44332-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.20pm: Watch employed shifting ship to lift in guns with big crane Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623b6a2fc8e2def003fe0: ( 53-44332-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 9.0am: Hands employed shifting ship to replace guns with big crane 4f9623b7a2fc8e2def003fe1: ( 53-44332-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1916 At Sea Lat 55.46, Long -5.0 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing ship for sea 9.0am: Hands employed striking down ammunition, etc 10.15am: Shifted ship under crane 11.10am: Secured ship alongside wharf Noon: Pilot on board Anchor bearings: Helensburgh Pier N38E, Robert Ness N7E, Roseneath Patch buoy N55W; Ship’s head ENE 0.35pm: Rung stand by 0.50pm: Aft tug fast let go moorings & commenced to swing ship in dock 1.10pm: Ship swung 1.20pm: Passed through dock gates, courses & speeds as requisite, down river 2.30pm: Passed Rothsay Dock 3.10pm: Passed Dumbarton Rock 4.06pm: Anchored in 11 fthms water. Starboard anchor 45 fthms cable 5.0pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded N66W, 65 revs 5.23pm: Kempock Point abeam. Altered course West 5.36pm: Altered course as requisite until past boom 5.39pm: Passed boom set course S39W 5.55pm: Increased to 70 revs 6.02pm: Toward Point abeam, altered course S32W 6.40pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, streamed & set log. Altered course S25W, zigzag, straight & 30° 7.45pm: Holy Island abeam, dist 2 miles. Log 14.3 8.16pm: Pladda bore N70W, 4 miles. Altered course S80W log 20.5, zigzag 10.0pm: Sanda light abeam, dist 2 miles. Altered course N60W, zigzag 10.20pm: Course as requisite rounding Mull of Cantyre 10.48pm: Round Mull of Cantyre ½ mile; altered course N24W 12.0pm: Altered course N70W. Straight course 4f9623b7a2fc8e2def003fe2: ( 53-44332-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1916 At Sea Lat 55.48, Long -10.11 1.18am: Oversay Light abeam 10 miles 3.0am: Inishtrahull Light abeam 3 miles. Altered course N68W 3.30am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 7.0am: Straight course 7.40am: Resumed zigzag 50 revs on Starboard leg 7.50am: Increased to 70 revs on Course & port leg 8.10am: Reduced to 60 revs 10.20am: Sighted HMS “Otway” bound East 5.0pm: Altered course N15E zigzag. Reduced to 40 revs 7.20pm: Challenged & correct reply HMS “Gloucestershire” 8.30pm: Altered course N26E. Increased to 50 revs 9.30pm: Straight course Number on sick list: 2 4f9623b7a2fc8e2def003fe3: ( 53-44332-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1916 At Sea Lat 56.88, Long -12.46 2.0am: Altered course N67W to close vessel. Straight course 2.30am: Increased to 60 revs 2.35am: Altered course S68W. Increased to 70 revs 3.0am: Reduced to 50 revs 3.20am: Hauled in P. Log 3.40am: Altered course NxW. Reduced to 40 revs 3.55am: Log streamed 5.30am: Altered course SWxW. Hauled in log 5.35am: Increased to 50 revs 5.50am: Stopped in Stopped in Lat 56 3N, Long 12 30W & boarded Norwegian barque “Aeolus” from Christiania to Richmond, in ballast. Boarding Officer: Sub Lieut A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.35am: Proceeded N47E, 60 revs. Straight & 30°. Streamed log 9.30am: Altered course N25W. Increased 70 revs 9.45am: Altered course NNE closing vessel. Divisions & prayers 10.15am: Reduced to 50 revs 10.40am: Stopped in Lat 56 32N, Long 12 24W and boarded British SS “Lexington” from Norfolk to Liverpool. Cargo general. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.45am: Proceeded N7W, 60 revs, straight & 30°. Streamed log 1.0pm: Altered course N1W, zigzag 3.15pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Mantua” 3.55pm: P log hauled in 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Prepared for night defence and stopped in Lat 57 6N, Long 13 0W and communicated with HMS “Mantua” 4.30pm: Proceeded S27W, 60 revs, straight & 30°. Streamed P log 6.25pm: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 6.40pm: Altered course S3E zigzag 7.0pm: Altered course S43E zigzag 7.10pm: Hauled in log 7.15pm: Stopped in Lat 56 40N, Long 12 51W & communicated with HMS “Gloucestershire” 7.40pm: Proceeded N82E, 60 revs. Log streamed, straight course 8.0pm: Zigzag course 10.0pm: Straight course. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f9623b8a2fc8e2def003fe4: ( 53-44332-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.03, Long -11.9 3.0am: Commenced zigzag 6.0am: Altered course N88W zigzag 8.01am: Sighted & exchanged pendants with HMS “Orotava” 8.30am: Sighted Norwegian barque “Hjertnes” 9.20am: Altered course N88W zigzag 0.30pm: Electric log streamed 6.0pm: Altered course S88E zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f9623b8a2fc8e2def003fe5: ( 53-44332-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.18, Long -11.8 2.40am: Altered course N30E closing sailing vessel, zigzag 3.10am: Altered course North. Spoke sailing vessel “Hjertnes” 3.30am: Altered course S72E, zigzag 6.30am: Altered course N88W, zigzag 9.0am: Increased to 65 revs 11.37am: Altered course North to close vessel 12.0am: Altered course N30W straight to close HMS “Teutonic” 0.18pm: Decreased speed to 45 revs and altered course S24W to keep station 7 cables ahead of HMS “Teutonic”. HMS “Mantua” in station astern of “Teutonic” 0.30pm: Stopped in Lat 57 6N, Long 11 54W and sent rating to HMS “Teutonic” 1.10pm: Proceeded S89W, 65 revs, zigzag 4.10pm: Altered course S27W, zigzag 4.52pm: Altered course South, closing sailing vessel 5.04pm: Reduced to 55 revs 5.10pm: Hauled in P log 5.15pm: Stopped in Lat 56 42N, Long 12 55W and sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Groome, on board Danish barque “Hawthornbank” from New Orleans to Denmark. Cargo oil cake. Witnessing officer: E A Jacobs 6.10pm: Proceeded N39W at 65 revs, zigzag 7.0pm: Altered course S88E, zigzag 8.0pm: Altered course N75E, zigzag 8.35pm: Altered course N50E, zigzag Midnight: Altered course S88E, zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f9623b8a2fc8e2def003fe6: ( 53-44332-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.6, Long -11.5 6.0am: Altered course N88W, zigzag 9.0am: Altered course S65W to close sailing vessel, zigzag to close sailing vessel 10.20am: In Lat 57 36N, Long 11 30W dropped target and carried out aiming rifle practice Noon: Picked up target & proceeded N86W at 65 revs, zigzag & streamed P log 12.40pm: Sighted HMS “Royal Oak” 6.30pm: Altered course S88E, zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f9623b9a2fc8e2def003fe7: ( 53-44332-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.61, Long -11.83 6.0am: Altered course N88W, zigzag 11.0am: Altered course S87W, zigzag Noon: Altered course N88W, zigzag 4.40pm: Altered course South, zigzag 4.53pm: Altered course S30W, zigzag 5.0pm: Altered course S60W, zigzag 6.04pm: Altered course S88E zigzag 6.14pm: Altered course N64E, zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f9623b9a2fc8e2def003fe8: ( 53-44332-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1916 At Sea Lat 58.33, Long -11.98 6.0am: Altered course S83W, zigzag 11.10am: Altered course S67E, zigzag Noon: Altered course S83W, zigzag 6.0pm: Altered course N83W, zigzag 10.45pm: Altered course SE by S. Hauled in P log 11.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 16N, Long 12 8W & boarded Dutch SS “Thuban” from Rotterdam to Portland Maine, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: [space left blank] Number on sick list: 2 4f9623b9a2fc8e2def003fe9: ( 53-44332-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1916 At Sea Lat 58.38, Long -11.8 12.15am: Sent armed in charge Sub Lieut Coleman on board Danish SS “Stockholm” from New York to Gothenburg. Cargo general 1.15am: Proceeded N83E, 65 revs, zigzag. Streamed P log 1.30am: Altered course NNE, zigzag to close vessel 1.55am: Stopped in Lat 58 22N, Long 12 9W & sent armed guard in charge Lieut Canner on board Dutch SS “New York” [ed. note: misspelt for SS “Newyork”] from New York to Bergen. Cargo refined oil 2.50am: Proceeded N87E at 65 revs, zigzag. Streamed P log 7.0am: Altered course S83W, zigzag 10.18am: Altered course N45W to close vessel 10.35am: Log in 10.40am: Stopped in in Lat 58 28N, Long 11 42W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Joynson, on board Dutch SS “Alcor”* from New York to Rotterdam with cargo grain 11.25am: Proceeded S83W at 65 revs, zigzag 1.0pm: Altered course S28W, zigzag 3.30pm: Sighted HMS “Columbella” 3.40pm: Hauled in P log. Courses as requisite 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Prepared for night defence. Closing HMS Columbella” 4.10pm: Stopped in Lat 57 47N, Long 12 15W & received 2 ratings from HMS “Columbella” 4.30pm: Proceeded S36W, zigzag, 65 revs 9.40pm: Altered course N82E, zigzag Number on sick list: 2 [ed. Note: Two Dutch cargo vessels with that name: “Alcor” (1912) and “Alcor” (1915)] 4f9623baa2fc8e2def003fea: ( 53-44332-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.1, Long -11.78 4.30am: Sighted HMS “Patuca” 6.0am: Altered course S82W zigzag 10.45am: Divine Service 2.13pm: Altered course straight & 30°. Reduced to 50 revs 2.17pm: Altered course straight & 45°. Increased to 65 revs 6.30pm: Altered course N82E, zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f9623baa2fc8e2def003feb: ( 53-44332-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.1, Long -11.38 1.45am: Sighted HMS “Hildebrand” 6.0am: Altered course S82W, zigzag 10.0am: Altered course N79W, straight & 30° zigzag 1.0pm: Altered course S82W, straight & 30° zigzag. 2nd class of boys to school 5.0pm: First class of boys to school 6.05pm: Altered course N57W to close SS 6.20pm: Stopped in Lat 56 40N, Long 13 7W & sent armed guard onboard Danish SS “Tomsk”, Lieut Banner in charge, from New York to Copenhagen. Cargo general. Boarding Officer: Diehl; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.20pm: Proceeded N82E, 65 revs, straight & 45° zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f9623baa2fc8e2def003fec: ( 53-44332-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.08, Long -11.73 1.50am: Altered course S70W to close sailing vessel. Courses & speeds as requisite 3.30am: Stopped in Lat 57 10N, Long 11 10W & boarded Russian ship “Imperator Alexander II” from Glasgow to Canada, in ballast. Papers correct, allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.30am: Proceeded N70E, 65 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 7.0am: Altered course S82W, zigzag, straight & 45° zigzag 4.40pm: Sighted & spoke HMS “Patuca” 4.45pm: Stopped in Lat 56 50N, Long 13 0W & boarded Norwegian SS “Hallbjorg” from New York to Archangel via Ardrossan. Cargo general (war stores). Allowed to proceed. [ed note: the initials HS on the left of this log entry might stand for H Spencer as Boarding Officer] Also intercepted Norwegian SS “Aucvald” [ed. note: misspelt for SS “Augvald”] bound W with correct flag of day 7.12pm: Sighted HMS “Andes”. Altered course WNW. Course as requisite communicating with HMS “Andes” 7.40pm: Proceeded N20E, straight & 30° zigzag, 65 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f9623bba2fc8e2def003fed: ( 53-44332-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1916 At Sea Lat 60.1, Long -13.38 10.30am: Altered course N56E, straight & 30° zigzag 0.30pm: Altered course S83W, zigzag, straight & 45° 1.0pm: Altered course N12E zigzag, straight & 30° 2.45pm: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” 3.10pm: Stopped in Lat 60 20N, Long 13 44W & communicated with HMS “Alsatian”. Received 1 armed guard for “Andes”. Capt Dean went onboard “Alsatian” 4.0pm: Proceeded N75E, 65 revs, in station 1 mile ahead of “Alsatian” 5.05pm: Stopped in Lat 60 27N, Long 13 30W Capt Dean returned onboard 5.30pm: Proceeded S59W, 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 45° 9.10pm: Altered course N85E. Reduced to 60 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 5 4f9623bba2fc8e2def003fee: ( 53-44332-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1916 At Sea Lat 60.23, Long -13.16 6.0am: Altered course S83W, straight & 30° zigzag 7.30am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course 8.20am: Increased to 65 revs & zigzag 2.10pm: Altered course S27E, zigzag, straight & 30° 2.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 56N, Long 13 30W & discharged armed guard for “Andes” to HMS “Almanzora” 3.20pm: Proceeded N80W, 65 revs, straight & 45° zigzag 7.0pm: Altered course N85E, straight & 45° zigzag Number on sick list: 3 [ed. note: log page signed F W Dean, Acting Captain] 4f9623bba2fc8e2def003fef: ( 53-44332-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1916 At Sea Lat 60.23, Long -13.811 6.0am: Altered course S83W, zigzag, straight & 45° 9.45am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course 10.0am: Boys to physical drill & signal exercise, Gun crews to aiming rifle firing 11.0am: Boys to Compass & helm 11.15am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 2.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course 4.40pm: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° zigzag 6.30pm: Altered course zigzag to straight & 30° 7.12pm: Altered course S53W, straight & 30° 8.15pm: Altered course S71W, straight & 30° zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f9623bca2fc8e2def003ff0: ( 53-44332-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.83, Long -18.33 3.35am: Sighted Norwegian SS “Hagland” [ed. Note: perhaps misspelt “Haugland”] flying correct flag of the day, bound West 7.0am: Altered course S88W, zigzag, straight & 45° Am: Lieut Wray on sick list: measles 11.15am: Stopped in Lat 57 50N, Long 18 20W & sent armed guard onboard Dutch SS “Merak” from Baltimore to Rotterdam. Cargo maize. Boarding Officer: Spencer; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.12pm: Proceeded S86W, 65 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 7.30pm: Altered course N88E, straight & 45°zigzag Number on sick list: 2 4f9623bca2fc8e2def003ff1: ( 53-44332-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.68, Long -18.8 5.30am: Altered course S86W, straight & 45° Am: Divisions & Inspection Am: Divine Service Midnight: Reduced to 50 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 3 4f9623bca2fc8e2def003ff2: ( 53-44332-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.68, Long -18.73 Pm: Two watches of boys to school & inspection of bags 5.30pm: Increased to 60 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Altered course N87E, zigzag, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623bda2fc8e2def003ff3: ( 53-44332-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.5, Long -18.9 4.08am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 4.30am: Increased to 60 revs, zigzag 5.0am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 6.0am: Altered course S87W, straight 10.0am: Altered course S68W & increased to 55 revs 0.10pm: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 45° 4.45pm: Altered course N45W to intercept SS 5.20pm: In Lat 56 54N, Long 19 42W intercepted Norwegian SS “Unita”, Baltimore to Aarhus. Cargo maize 6.0pm: Altered course N33W, speed as requisite, “Unita” following 6.30pm: Sighted HMS “Orcoma” 7.20pm: Increased to 55 revs, “Orcoma” taking charge of “Unita” 8.05pm: Reduced to 50 revs 10.0pm: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623bda2fc8e2def003ff4: ( 53-44332-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.5, Long -18.9 4.30am: In Lat 57 38N, Long 17 10W intercepted Norwegian SS “Maisen” flying correct flag of the day, allowed to proceed 5.30am: Altered course S86W, straight & 45° zigzag 10.30am: In Lat 57 19N, Long 18 10W reduced speed & dropped target. Hauled in P log. Proceeded 10 knots & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 11.35am: Proceeded on course S86W, 65 revs; zigzag, log 97.8 4.45pm: Altered course NNW to close SS 5.0pm: Spoke HMS “Orcoma”. Altered course S75W, zigzag 6.30pm: Altered course N88E. Reduced to 60 revs, zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f9623bda2fc8e2def003ff5: ( 53-44332-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1916 At Sea Lat 57.16, Long -18.63 3.30am: Sighted sailing vessel 4.25am: Stopped in Lat 57 32N, Long 17 25W & received armed guards from HMS “Patia” 5.0am: Proceeded N60W, 65 revs, zigzag 6.30am: Stopped in Lat 57 34N, Long 17 49W & boarded French barque “Chateau d'If”* from Androssan to Hayte, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: A G Joynson 7.0am: Proceeded S50E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S86W, straight & 45° 0.30pm: Altered course SW to close SS. Log hauled in 0.50pm: Stopped in Lat 57 6N, Long 18 46W & sent armed guard on board Swedish SS “Sir Ernest Cassel” from Philadelphia to Gothenburg. Cargo coal & lead. Armed guard Officer Sub Lieut Groome RNR. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman. Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 1.40pm: Proceeded N68E, 65 revs, straight & 30°. Log streamed 6.30pm: Altered course as requisite to close SS 6.55pm: Altered course N68E, zigzag. Pm: In Lat 57 50N, Long 17 35W intercepted Dutch SS “Madioen” bound West flying correct flag of day & allowed to proceed 8.10pm: Altered course North zigzag to close SS 8.40pm: Altered course N70E. In Lat 58 6N, Long 17 20W intercepted Dutch SS “Maasdijk” bound West flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed Number on sick list: 3 [Ed. Note: “Château-d'If”, ship operated by Société des Voiliers Marseillais. Launched in June 1900, the ship was sold to Brown & Corblet in 1910.] 4f9623bea2fc8e2def003ff6: ( 53-44332-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1916 At Sea Lat 60.25, Long -13.1 9.0am: Increased to 60 revs 10.10am: Boys to signalling instruction 12.0am: Altered course N68E, zigzag. Increased to 75 revs 1.15pm: Midshipmen & Sub Lieutenants to signalling instruction 8.0pm: Altered course N86E, straight & 30°. Intercepted British Steam Trawler “Leo GY36” in Lat 61 33N, Long 11 12W also Steam trawler “Lord Lansdowne”. Both allowed to proceed 11.0pm: Straight course Number on sick list: 3 4f9623bea2fc8e2def003ff7: ( 53-44332-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1916 At Sea Lat 62.53, Long -5.0 4.45am: Sighted Faroe Islands 9.0am: Altered course S41E, straight & 30° 12.0am: Altered course straight & 30° 8.50pm: Darkened ship. Took cast off lead 78 fthms no bottom 9.0pm: Soundings 90 fthms, no bottom 9.15pm: Straight course, reduced to 50 revs 9.25pm: Zigzag 9.55pm: Increased to 75 revs 10.0pm: Altered course S62E, zigzag 10.20pm: Soundings 74 fthms, fine sand, log 96 10.50pm: Soundings 66 fthms, Gravel; log 3 11.30pm: Esha Ness S12E dist 12 miles, log 12.5 11.40pm: Altered course S4W, zigzag Number on sick list: 3 4f9623bea2fc8e2def003ff8: ( 53-44332-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 12.30am: Altered course S13E, Esha Ness Light abeam, dist 1 ½ miles, log 26.1 12.57am: Altered course S18E & hauled in P log 1.15am: Muckle Roe Light abeam ½ mile. Reduced speed, engines as requisite entering harbour 1.25am: Passed boom 1.35am: Stopped 1.40am: Let go Port anchor 60 fthms cable in fthms water in N° 2 anchorage Busta Voe 6.30am: Collier “Foreland” alongside & made fast port side 7.0am: Collier “Excellent” made fast on starboard side 7.30am: Coaling party came on board from HMS “Gibraltar” 9.20am: Commenced coaling 9.30am: Armed guard with Lieut Spencer in charge rejoined ship Noon: Stopped coaling 1.0pm: Resumed coaling 4.0pm: Stopped coaling 4.30pm: Resumed coaling 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night 4f9623bfa2fc8e2def003ff9: ( 53-44332-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 7.40am: Coaling party came onboard from “Gibraltar” 8.0am: Commenced coaling Noon: Stopped coaling 1.0pm: Resumed coaling 3.50pm: Stopped coaling 4.30pm: Resumed coaling 6.15pm: Stopped coaling for the night 6.30pm: One armed guard with Sub Lieut Groome rejoined ship 4f9623bfa2fc8e2def003ffa: ( 53-44332-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 8.0am: Resumed coaling Noon: Stopped coaling 1.30pm: Resumed coaling 3.25pm: Finished coaling, total received 1200 tons 6.45pm: Discharged 1 rating cot case to “Gibraltar” 10.0pm: HMS “Columbella” weighed anchor and proceeded to sea 4f9623bfa2fc8e2def003ffb: ( 53-44332-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.38, Long -1.35 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 10.20am: Hoisted all boats 2.0pm: Leave to Red & Blue Watch until 6pm 6.0pm: Divine Service 10.50pm: Engines stand by, commenced to weigh anchor 11.07pm: Anchor aweigh 11.14pm: Proceeded 60 revs, course as requisite 11.31pm: Passed through boom defence & increased to 65 revs 11.40pm: Muckle Roe Light abeam dist ¾ mile, altered course N41W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623c0a2fc8e2def003ffc: ( 53-44332-019_0.jpg) 4f9623c0a2fc8e2def003ffd: ( 53-44332-019_1.jpg) 4f9623c0a2fc8e2def003ffe: ( 53-44332-020_0.jpg) 4f9623c1a2fc8e2def003fff: ( 53-44332-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JUNE 1916 4f9623c1a2fc8e2def004000: ( 53-44333-001_0.jpg) 4f9623c2a2fc8e2def004001: ( 53-44333-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs June log book as Navigating Officer] 4f9623c2a2fc8e2def004002: ( 53-44333-002_0.jpg) 4f9623c2a2fc8e2def004003: ( 53-44333-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623c2a2fc8e2def004004: ( 53-44333-003_0.jpg) 4f9623c3a2fc8e2def004005: ( 53-44333-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.53, Long -0.95 0.25am: Esha Ness Light abeam. Set & streamed log 1.10am: Altered course North, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course N57E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course S23E, straight & 45° 12.0am: Altered course N62E, straight & 45° 3.0pm: Altered course S25E, straight & 45° 6.10pm: Altered course N18W, straight & 45° 9.0pm: Altered course S64W, straight & 45°. Darken ship 12.0pm: Altered course N29W, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c3a2fc8e2def004006: ( 53-44333-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.53, Long -0.93 12.50am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 3.0am: Reduced to 40 revs 8.0am: Altered course S35W, straight & 30°. Increased to 50 revs 8.30am: Sighted HMS “Donegal” & “King Orry” 10.30am: Increased to 60 revs 12.0am: Altered course N52E. Reduced to 40 revs 12.15pm: Increased to 65 revs 12.25pm: Altered course N52E. Reduced to 40 revs. Straight course 6.30pm: Altered course S68W. Increased to 60 revs. Straight course 7.50pm: Altered course to close sailing vessel. Courses as requisite 9.10pm: Reduced to 40 revs 9.20pm: Hauled in P Log & Stopped in Lat 61 44N, Long 0 29W & sent armed guard, Sub Lieut Coleman on board Danish schooner “Emanuel” from Iceland to Bergen, in ballast 10.15pm: Proceeded N54W, 50 revs, straight course. Streamed P Log 11.0pm: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c3a2fc8e2def004007: ( 53-44333-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.5, Long -4.6 0.45am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 2.08am: Increased to 60 revs, zigzag course 3.15am: Altered course N88W, straight & 30° 8.05am: Increased to 65 revs 10.0am: Altered course S85W, straight & 30° & increased to 70 revs 11.10am: Stopped in Lat 61 30N, Long 4 39W & Sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Banner onboard Danish SS “Smiril”, Torshavn to Copenhagen, in ballast. Accompanying Officer: Jacobs Noon: Proceeded S85W, 70 revs, straight & 30° 7.46pm: Altered course South to close SS 9.0pm: Intercepted Hull trawler “Alonso” (H887) bound NW, flying correct flag of day Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c4a2fc8e2def004008: ( 53-44333-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.36, Long -10.11 1.0am: Altered course N42W zigzag, straight & 30° 1.35am: Sighted HMS “Victorian” 6.30am: Altered course S56E, zigzag, straight & 45°. Reduced to 65 revs 3.0pm: Altered course N31E, zigzag, straight & 45° 6.0pm: Altered course S37W, straight & 45° 9.0pm: Altered course N57W, straight & 45°. Darken ship Midnight: Altered course S37W, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c4a2fc8e2def004009: ( 53-44333-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.25, Long -10.16 2.20am: Altered course S85W to close Sailing Vessel 2.45am: Altered course N68W, straight & 30° 4.10am: Stopped in Lat 60 50N, Long 11 0W & boarded Danish schooner “Ludvig” from Dysart to Reykjavik. Cargo coal. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H S Wills; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 4.45am: Proceeded N57W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 6.0am: Altered course S56E, straight & 45° 9.0am: Altered course N31E, straight & 45° Divisions, Prayers & physical drill. 6” guns crews to loading practice Noon: Altered course S62E, straight & 45° 1.50pm: Altered course N22E to close SS 2.10pm: Altered course S35E, Midshipmen & Sub Lieuts to signal exercise 3.15pm: Intercepted British trawler “Bona” (H855) bound SE. Allowed to proceed 6.10pm: Altered course S37W, straight & 45° 9.0pm: Altered course N57W, straight & 45° Midnight: Altered course S37W, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c4a2fc8e2def00400a: ( 53-44333-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.35, Long -10.26 3.0am: Altered course N57W, straight & 45° 7.25am: Altered course North to close sailing vessel 9.0am: Altered course N64E straight & 45°. Intercepted Danish schooner “Dagmar” flying correct flag of day 10.0am: Altered course zigzag, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course S56E. Reduced to 55 revs 1.30pm: Altered course North to close sailing vessel 2.10pm: Courses as requisite 2.30pm: In Lat 61 24N, Long 9 56W intercepted Danish schooner “Garibaldi” from Leith to Iceland. Cargo coal. Allowed to proceed 2.35pm: Altered course N77E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 6.30pm: Altered course S37W, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course N57W, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs Midnight: Altered course N76E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c5a2fc8e2def00400b: ( 53-44333-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.25, Long -10.2 1.45am: Stopped Starboard engine for engineers purposes 1.55am: Proceeded 6.20am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 7.35am: Altered course zigzag to straight & 45° 8.08am: Altered course S8E, straight & 45° 9.0am: Altered course S78W, straight & 45° Noon: Increased to 65 revs 1.0pm: Altered course S81W, straight & 45° 5.45pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c5a2fc8e2def00400c: ( 53-44333-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.23, Long -10.28 1.30am: Altered course NExN to close SS. Increased to 70 revs 2.20am: Altered course N76E, 60 revs. In Lat 61 24N, Long 9 47W intercepted British trawler (“Amker”*) (H 398) bound SE. Allowed to proceed 6.30am: Altered course S80W, straight & 45°. Increased to 65 revs 8.20am: Altered course N80W to close trawler 8.45am: Intercepted British trawler “Commander Holbrook” (H 223) bound SE in Lat 61 35N, Long 9 24W. Proceeded S80W, straight & 45° 10.15am: Boys to instruction, Compass & helm, etc 1.0pm: Altered course S78W, straight & 45° 4.15pm: In Lat 60 52N, Long 11 20W, stopped. Dropped target & proceeded 11 knots & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 5.0pm: Stopped, picked up target 5.10pm: Proceeded S78W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 6.30pm: Altered course N78E, straight & 45° 9.0pm: Altered course S56E to close sailing vessel 9.55pm: Stopped in Lat 60 56N, Long 10 38W & boarded Danish Schooner “Vonin” from Copenhagen to Iceland. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Wills; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 10.37pm: Proceeded N47E, 65 revs, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N78E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 [ed. note: Log page signed F W Dean, Acting Captain] *[ed. note: Possibly misspelt for Trawler “Amber” H398] 4f9623c5a2fc8e2def00400d: ( 53-44333-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.38, Long -9.93 2.45am: Altered course S5E, straight & 30° 4.30am: Altered course N35E, straight & 30° 7.30am: Altered course S78W, straight & 45° 10.20am: Stopped in Lat 61 32N, Long 9 41W & boarded British trawler “Pretoria” (GY 180) from Iceland to Grimsby with fish. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Wills; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 11.0am: Proceeded S62W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 0.45pm: Altered course S78W, straight & 30° 4.30pm: Altered course zigzag to straight & 45° 6.0pm: Altered course N78E, straight & 45°. Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c6a2fc8e2def00400e: ( 53-44333-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.31, Long -9.56 1.55am: Stopped in Lat 61 23N, Long 9 46W & boarded Norwegian Whaler “Bos” from Aalsund [ed. note: Aalesund], whaling. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Wills; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 2.25am: Proceeded N78E, 65 revs, straight & 45° 4.30am: Altered course S73E, straight & 30° 5.05am: Altered course S40E, straight & 30° 6.05am: Altered course N14W, straight & 30° 7.15am: Altered course N55E, straight & 30° 7.30am: Altered course S78W, straight & 45° 11.0am: Altered L [leg?] zigzag, straight & 30° 11.48am: Altered course SSE & increased to full speed 1.25pm: Stopped in Lat 61 3N, Long 9 18[?]W & intercepted Danish SS “Olga” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 1.45pm: Proceeded N79W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.35pm: Passed fisherman’s bladder buoy 7.45pm: Altered course N78E, straight & 45°. Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623c6a2fc8e2def00400f: ( 53-44333-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1916 At Sea Lat 61.35, Long -9.96 5.45am: Sighted Faeroe Islands bearing East 6.0am: Altered course S78W, straight & 45° 8.0am: Altered course South, straight & 30° 8.48am: Altered course North. Increased to 65 revs 9.0am: Zigzag, straight & 30° 9.30am: Altered course S78W, straight & 45° 10.20am: Hands mustered by open list 10.55am: Divine Service Noon: Altered course zigzag to straight & 30° 2.0pm: Altered course S45W, straight & 30° 4.25pm: Altered course S22E to close trawler 5.25pm: Stopped in Lat 60 31N, Long 10 22W & boarded British trawler “Jonquil” (GY 391) fishing 5.55pm: Proceeded S14E, straight & 45°, 65 revs 7.0pm: Intercepted British trawler “Vulcana” (GY 27) flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed 8.40pm: Altered course S74E, straight & 45° 9.0pm: Sighted HMS “Alsatian”, altered course S15E 9.10pm: Altered course S45W, courses & speeds as requisite 10.0pm: Stopped in Lat 60 0N, Long 9 46W & communicated with HMS “Alsatian” 10.55pm: Proceeded S68W, 65 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c6a2fc8e2def004010: ( 53-44333-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1916 At Sea Lat 58.75, Long -12.16 0.10am: Reduced to 55 revs 6.0am: Courses as requisite on Rendezvous 9.48am: Stopped in Lat 59 10N, Long 11 30W & transferred 2 armed guards to HMS “Gloucestershire” 10.15am: Proceeded S61W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Altered course N87W, straight & 30° 6.17pm: Stopped in Lat 58 21N, Long 14 3W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Groome onboard American SS “Platuria” from Philadelphia to Gothenburg. Cargo Petroleum. Witnessing Officer: E A Jacobs 6.50pm: Proceeded N87W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 7.15pm: Altered course S87E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c7a2fc8e2def004011: ( 53-44333-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1916 At Sea Lat 58.71, Long -11.55 2.46am: Increased to 65 revs 3.0am: Increased to 70 revs 6.0am: In Lat 58 57N, Long 10 52W intercepted British SS “Ottawa” bound East, flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 6.0am: Altered course S35W to close sailing vessel, straight & 30°, 65 revs 6.35am: Altered course S2E, straight & 30° 7.50am: Altered course S45E, straight & 30° 8.15am: In Lat 58 36N, Long 10 32W intercepted Norwegian barque “Calluna” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed 8.20am: Altered course N54W, straight & 30° 11.0am: Stopped in Lat 58 50N, Long 11 32W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Coleman onboard Dutch motor ship “Selene” New York to Christiana. Cargo Petroleum. Witnessing Officer: E A Jacobs 11.50am: Proceeded N88W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 2.0pm: Mr Becket (Gunner) corrected by Captain for bringing forward a frivolous & vexatious complaint 7.10pm: Altered course S86E. Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c7a2fc8e2def004012: ( 53-44333-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1916 At Sea Lat 58.46, Long -12.96 6.0am: Altered course N88W. Increased to 65 revs, straight & 30° 7.30am: Altered L [leg?] zigzag to straight & 45° 0.10pm: Altered course N11W to close SS 0.38pm: Stopped in Lat 58 32N, Long 13 5W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Banner onboard Danish SS “Thyra S” New York to Copenhagen. Cargo lubricating oil. Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 1.20pm: Proceeded N88W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 1.30pm: Altered course North to close SS 2.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 36N, Long 13 10W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Canner onboard American SS “Pioneer”, Bayonne to Copenhagen. Cargo petroleum. Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 2.45pm: Proceeded S71E, 65 revs 2.55pm: Altered course South to close SS 3.0pm: Stopped in Lat 58 36N, Long 13 3W & boarded British SS “Hurona”, West bound, N Shields to Montreal, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H Diehl; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 3.40pm: Proceeded S88W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 7.0pm: Altered course S86E, reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 9.25pm: Altered course N45E to close SS 10.0pm: Increased to 65 revs 10.10pm: Increased to 75 revs & altered course to NW Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c7a2fc8e2def004013: ( 53-44333-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1916 At Sea Lat 58.83, Long -12.4 1.0am: Altered course S84E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs 2.08am: Altered course S56W & increased to 65 revs 3.0am: Altered course S88E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs 8.55am: Altered course N88W, straight & 30° 9.50am: Altered course N30E & increased to 65 revs to close SS 10.20am: Stopped in Lat 58 48N, Long 12 4W & sent armed guard in charge of Lieut Wills onboard Dutch SS “Zijldijk”, New York to Amsterdam. Cargo general. Witnessing Officer: Jacobs 11.07am: Proceeded N51W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 1.05pm: Altered course N60W, straight & 30° 7.20pm: Altered course S86E, reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623c8a2fc8e2def004014: ( 53-44333-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1916 At Sea Lat 59.56, Long -13.18 5.0am: Altered course South, increased to 65 revs to close SS 5.45am: Intercepted Dutch SS “Farmsum” bound West; flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 5.48am: Altered course N45E, straight & 30° 6.45am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° 10.17am: Stopped in Lat 59 34N, Long 13 10W & dropped target 10.20am: Proceeded 12 knots & carried out 6” gun practice; 6 rounds from each gun 11.25am: Stopped & picked up target 11.45am: Proceeded N86W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Altered course S86E, reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 7.0pm: Altered course WNW to close SS. Increased to 65 revs 7.30pm: Altered course West. Intercepted British ammunition carrier “Clan MacIntosh” bound North flying correct flag of day in Lat 59 14N, Long 15 10W. Allowed to proceed 7.40pm: Altered course S86E, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c8a2fc8e2def004015: ( 53-44333-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1916 At Sea Lat 59.53, Long -13.41 6.30am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 30°. Sighted HMS “Mantua” & communicated 9.12am: Altered course WSW to close sailing vessel 9.30am: In Lat 59 37N, Long 12 50W intercepted Danish schooner “Marthing”, bound NW, flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 9.50am: Altered course N86W, straight & 45° 5.0pm: In Lat 59 15N, Long 14 8W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 6.0pm: Stopped, picked up target & proceeded N86W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 6.05pm: Altered course NWxW to close SS 6.35pm: In Lat 59 17N, Long 15 8W intercepted British collier “Melanie” bound North. Allowed to proceed 6.40pm: Altered course S84E, 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c8a2fc8e2def004016: ( 53-44333-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1916 At Sea Lat 59.43, Long -13.53 6.0am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° Am: Divisions & inspection Am: Divine Service 11.0am: Increased to 65 revs Noon: Reduced to 60 revs 2.0pm: Altered course N77W, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N8E, straight & 30° 11.55pm: Altered course N45W to close sailing vessel Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c9a2fc8e2def004017: ( 53-44333-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1916 At Sea Lat 60.85, Long -13.63 0.45am: Stopped in Lat 60 7N, Long 16 6W & boarded Danish schooner “Vera”, Ibiza to Nord Fjord. Cargo salt. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson. Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 1.25am: Proceeded N73E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 7.30am: Reduced to 55 revs 8.50am: Altered course S85E to close HMS “Alsatian”. Courses and speeds as requisite 10.10am: Stopped in Lat 60 57N, Long 13 40W & communicated with HMS “Alsatian”. Captain Dean went onboard 10.45am: Proceeded S26W, 4 knots, in station 2 miles astern of “Alsatian” 11.50am: Stopped, Captain returned onboard Noon: Proceeded S32W, full speed, straight & 30° 10.0pm: Altered course S2W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c9a2fc8e2def004018: ( 53-44333-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1916 At Sea Lat 56.23, Long -11.33 2.25am: Stopped in Lat 57 52N, Long 13 5W & intercepted British transport “Strathbane”, Liverpool to Archangel, with munitions. Allowed to proceed 2.40am: Proceeded S2W, full speed 11.0am: Sighted HMS “Orotava” Pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course S58E, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Read Warrant N° 24 [ed. note: Soundings taken from 7.20pm to 8.30pm] 11.10pm: Tory Island abeam, 3 ½ miles; altered course S83E Number on sick list: 2 4f9623c9a2fc8e2def004019: ( 53-44333-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1916 At Sea Lat 55.21, Long -5.36 1.40am: Inishtrahull abeam ½ mile; altered course S55E 4.07am: Altered course S65E and as requisite passing through Rathlin Sound 9.20am: Pladda abeam 2 miles 9.25am: Pladda bore N70W; altered course N21E 10.55am: Passing Little Cumbrae, altered course N24E 11.30am: Toward [Point] abeam, altered course N32E 11.50am: Passing boom defence 0.08pm: Stopped off Greenock & received pilot 0.20pm: Proceeded, speed as requisite 0.30pm: Made fast after tug 1.30pm: Dumbarton abeam 3.0pm: Passing Bowline, made fast foreward tug 4.20pm: Entered Prince’s dock 4.50pm: Made fast in berth N° 28 5.0pm: Draw all fires Pm: 3 Armed guards joined ship 5.45pm: Sub Lieut Banner RNVR joined ship, for decoding duties 7.0pm: Commenced coaling 8.45pm: Discharged 2 ratings to hospital & 2 ratings to Devonport 10.35pm: One armed guard joined ship 4f9623caa2fc8e2def00401a: ( 53-44333-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.30am: Commenced to shift ship 7.35am: Made fast in Berth 14 7.45am: Resumed coaling 4f9623caa2fc8e2def00401b: ( 53-44333-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite Pm: Leave granted to part of watch till 7am 4f9623caa2fc8e2def00401c: ( 53-44333-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 11.50am: Finished coaling, received 1628 tons 2.0pm: Commenced shifting ballast 100 tons from N° 3 hold to N° 2 hold 4.0pm: Commenced shifting ship 4.45pm: Made fast in berth 31 4f9623cba2fc8e2def00401d: ( 53-44333-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Finished shifting ballast 9.45am: RC Church party landed 10.40am: Church of England party landed Pm: Lifted Z & after 6” guns & landed them on the quay 4f9623cba2fc8e2def00401e: ( 53-44333-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Lifted Y 6” gun & landed it on the quay 4f9623cba2fc8e2def00401f: ( 53-44333-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Discharged 2 trimmers 4f9623cca2fc8e2def004020: ( 53-44333-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite Pm: Leave to 1st part of watch till 7am 4f9623cca2fc8e2def004021: ( 53-44333-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 9.30am: 8 boys joined ship from depot Devonport 4f9623cca2fc8e2def004022: ( 53-44333-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 11.0am: Low fires set away Pm: Leave to part of watch till 10pm 6.0pm: High fires set away 4f9623cda2fc8e2def004023: ( 53-44333-018_1.jpg) 4f9623cda2fc8e2def004024: ( 53-44333-019_0.jpg) 4f9623cda2fc8e2def004025: ( 53-44333-019_1.jpg) 4f9623cea2fc8e2def004026: ( 53-44333-020_0.jpg) 4f9623cea2fc8e2def004027: ( 53-44333-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JULY 1916 4f9623cea2fc8e2def004028: ( 53-44334-001_0.jpg) 4f9623cfa2fc8e2def004029: ( 53-44334-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs July 1916 log page as Navigating Officer] 4f9623cfa2fc8e2def00402a: ( 53-44334-002_0.jpg) 4f9623d0a2fc8e2def00402b: ( 53-44334-002_1.jpg) [Ed note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623d0a2fc8e2def00402c: ( 53-44334-003_0.jpg) 4f9623d0a2fc8e2def00402d: ( 53-44334-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.30pm to 4.0pm: Replacing guns 5.0pm: 2 ratings joined ship for HMS “Gloucestershire” 5.15pm: Discharged 7 Ratings for RN Barracks Devonport 4f9623d1a2fc8e2def00402e: ( 53-44334-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 1.15pm: Stand by engines 1.10pm: Cast off from wharf & proceeded 1.20pm: Entered river 2.57pm: Passing Dumbarton 3.40pm: Stopped 3.45pm: Anchored off Tail of Bank Greenock in 12 fms water, 45 fms cable. Put clock back 1 hour to GMT Anchor bearings: Roseneath buoy N57W, Tail of Bank buoy S19W, Red lamp S69W 5.50pm: Weighed anchor 6.10pm: Proceeded N70W, 70 revs 6.40pm: Passing Boom defence, altered course S31W 7.45pm: Toward Point abeam, altered course S31W 7.45pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S25W. Reset log 8.0pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° 8.50pm: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 9.19pm: Pladda abeam 4 miles, altered course S57W 10.05pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 3 miles 11.35pm: Sanda abeam 2 miles 4f9623d1a2fc8e2def00402f: ( 53-44334-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1916 At Sea Lat 55.53, Long -9.5 0.10am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ½ mile; altered course N32W 1.20am: Altered course N67W. Otter Rock bearing N14E, 6 ½ miles 4.0am: Inishtrahull abeam 6 ½ miles, altered course N69W 10.05am: Dropped target in Lat 55 32N, Long 9 20W & carried out Forward & A & B 6” gun tests 11.25am: Stopped & picked up target 11.30am: Proceeded N69W, 70 revs, straight & 30° 1.20pm: Reduced to 65 revs Pm: Read warrants N° 25 & 26. Two men placed in cells 7.0pm: Altered course N30E, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Darken ship. Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623d1a2fc8e2def004030: ( 53-44334-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1916 At Sea Lat 56.86, Long -12.46 0.05am: Reduced to 55 revs 6.30am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 7.03am: Stopped in Lat 57 11N, Long 11 13W & discharged ratings to HMS “Gloucestershire” 7.40am: Proceeded S83W, 65 revs 8.10am: Altered course NWxN to close SS 8.40am: Intercepted Dutch SS “Wieringen” East bound, flying correct flag of day 8.45am: Altered course S78W, straight & 30° 3.25pm: Altered course NNW to close SS 4.0pm: Signalled RMS “Olympic” bound East 4.50pm: In Lat 56 24N, Long 13 44W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 5.40pm: Stopped, picked up target & proceeded S67W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.40pm: Altered course N83E & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623d1a2fc8e2def004031: ( 53-44334-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1916 At Sea Lat 56.58, Long -12.83 6.0am: Altered course S83W, zigzag, straight & 45° Am: Armed guards at instruction; guns crews exercised at loader 1.30pm: Boys of 2nd Class to school 4.55pm: Dropped target in Lat 56 15N, Long 14 5W & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 5.25pm: Stopped & picked up target 5.30pm: Proceeded S83W, 65 revs 5.50pm: Altered course N83E, straight & 30° & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623d2a2fc8e2def004032: ( 53-44334-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1916 At Sea Lat 56.71, Long -12.6 6.0am: Altered course S83W, straight & 45°. Increased to 65 revs 10.30am: Altered course N52W, straight & 45° zigzag Noon: Altered course S83W, straight & 45° zigzag 4.0pm: Read warrant N° 27 & in Lat 56 23N, Long 13 40W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 4.45pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.50pm: Proceeded S83W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 6.20pm: Altered course N83W, straight & 30°, & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page] 4f9623d2a2fc8e2def004033: ( 53-44334-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1916 At Sea Lat 56.76, Long -12.46 3.55am: Altered course N34E to close SS. Increased to 65 revs 5.0am: Increased to 70 revs 5.50am: Reduced to 60 revs, altered course North 5.55am: In Lat 57 22N, Long 12 0W intercepted British ammunition carrier “Bedeburn” from Liverpool to White Sea with munitions. Allowed to proceed. Altered course N45E 6.30am: Intercepted British trawler “Ben Hope” (A285) from Rockall to Aberdeen with fish. Allowed to proceed 6.30am: Altered course S36W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 10.10am: Altered course S83W, straight & 45°. Exercised General Quarters 10.37am: Stopped engines, collision stations Half speed astern 10.40am: Stopped 10.52am: Proceeded 65 revs 6.15pm: Altered course N83W, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623d2a2fc8e2def004034: ( 53-44334-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1916 At Sea Lat 56.8, Long -12.75 1.50am: Altered course N83E, straight & 30° 4.40am: Altered course N30E. Increased to 65 revs 6.10am: Stopped in Lat 57 23N, Long 11 14W & sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Coleman onboard Norwegian Brig “Takma” from Fray Bentos to Christiansand. Cargo salt licks. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.50am: Proceeded S78W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 10.30am: Altered zigzag to straight & 45° 6.0pm: Altered course N83E. Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 10.20pm: Altered course S75E. Increased to 65 revs to close sailing vessel 11.05pm: Stopped in Lat 56 57N, Long 12 45W & boarded Danish schooner “Hermod” from Troon to Iceland. Cargo coal. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.45pm: Proceeded N83E, 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623d3a2fc8e2def004035: ( 53-44334-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1916 At Sea Lat 56.71, Long -12.58 5.15am: Altered course N40W. Increased to 65 revs to close SS 5.45am: Increased to 70 revs 6.40am: Stopped in Lat 57 11N, Long 11 44W & boarded Norwegian SS “Ramfos” from Newcastle to Hampton Roads, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H Diehl; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.25am: Proceeded S12W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 8.20am: Altered course S83W, straight & 45° Am: Divine Service 6.0pm: Altered course N83E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f9623d3a2fc8e2def004036: ( 53-44334-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1916 At Sea Lat 57.53, Long -12.3 5.47am: Altered course N62E to close HMS “Andes” 6.12am: Stopped in Lat 57 23N, Long 11 49W & received armed guard from “Andes” for “Gloucestershire” 6.50am: Proceeded N30E, 55 revs 8.0am: Altered course S86W, straight & 30° 10.30am: Altered course N16E, straight & 20°. Increased to 65 revs Am: Divisions, Prayers, Physical drill. Exercised towing stations 9.0pm: Darken ship. Reduced to 60 revs 10.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623d3a2fc8e2def004037: ( 53-44334-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1916 At Sea Lat 60.88, Long -14.2 4.45am: Sighted HMS “Almanzora” 6.12am: Altered course N77E to close HMS “Otway”. Courses a requisite closing 7.0am: Stopped in Lat 60 27N, Long 12 30W & communicated with “Otway”. Flagship Gunnery Lieut came onboard 7.30am: Proceeded N39W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.0am: Altered course N9W to close SS 11.30am: In Lat 60 51N, Long 14 4W intercepted British Admiralty collier “Kyleakin” flying correct flag of day, bound North. Allowed to proceed 11.35am: Proceeded N39W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 4.05am: In Lat 61 16N, Long 15 39W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 4.40pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.50pm: Proceeded N37W, 65 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623d4a2fc8e2def004038: ( 53-44334-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1916 At Sea Lat 63.28, Long -22.05 7.30am: Altered course N4W, straight & 30° 11.30am: Altered course N14W, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Altered course N19W, straight & 30° 3.45pm: Skarfastr [Skarfasker] Light House abeam 4 miles, altered course N6W, straight & 30° 10.05pm: Ondverdanes Light House abeam 13 miles; altered course N16E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623d4a2fc8e2def004039: ( 53-44334-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1916 At Sea Lat 60.88, Long -14.2 2.0am: Staalbierg Huk abeam 10 miles, altered course N57E, straight & 30° 4.45am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 5.0am: Altered course N71E, straight & 30° 5.10am: Sighted HMS “Patia”. Reduced to 55 revs 5.45am: Stopped in Lat 66 7N, Long 24 7W & communicated with “Gloucestershire” & “Patia” 7.0am: Proceeded N79E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 10.15am: Altered course S60W, straight & 30° 10.35am: Altered course S36W, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course N61W, straight & 30° 2.0pm: Altered course S84E, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence, Read Warrant N° 28 5.05pm: Altered course S63E, straight & 30° 5.30pm: Courses as requisite Around the land 6.20pm: Intercepted British trawler “Conan Doyle” (H 240) with fish. Courses as requisite 7.0pm: North Cape bore N81W ½ mile; altered course N19E, straight & 30° 8.25pm: Altered course West, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623d4a2fc8e2def00403a: ( 53-44334-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.26, Long -26.78 3.0am: Altered course East, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S34E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course N70W, straight & 30° 10.05am: Ritter Huk abeam, 3 miles 10.15am: Altered course West, straight & 30° 2.40pm: Altered course N80E, straight & 30° 6.15pm: Altered course S70E, straight & 30° 6.50pm: Altered course S51E, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course N10W. North Cape abeam 3 miles 9.0pm: Altered course West, straight & 30° 10.20pm: Passed HMS “Patia” bound East Number on sick list: 4 4f9623d5a2fc8e2def00403b: ( 53-44334-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.2, Long -23.86 3.0am: Altered course East, straight & 30° 7.0am: Altered course S54E, straight & 30° 7.35am: Rogur Huk abeam 3 ½ miles 8.37am: North Cape abeam 3 miles; altered course N62W, straight & 30° 10.32am: Altered course S79W, straight & 30° 11.0am: Straumnaes abeam 2 miles 2.30pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° Pm: Evening quarters. In Lat 66 14N, Long 23 44W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 4.40pm: Stopped 4.50pm: Proceeded N77E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 7.10pm: Altered course S59E, straight & 30° 8.10pm: Altered course N18E, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course West, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623d5a2fc8e2def00403c: ( 53-44334-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.31, Long -23.76 3.0am: Altered course East, straight & 30° 6.50am: Altered course S33E, straight & 30° 8.30am: North Cape abeam 3 miles, altered course N56W, straight & 30° Am: Divine Service 10.55am: Stopped in Lat 66 33N, Long 23 9W & communicated with HMS “Gloucestershire” 11.45am: Proceeded West, 55 revs, straight Noon: Altered course South, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Altered course N74E, straight & 30° 5.15pm: Altered course S55E, straight & 30° 7.0pm: North Cape abeam 3 miles 7.20pm: Altered course N26W, straight & 30° 8.55pm: Altered course West, straight & 20° 11.19pm: Straumnaes abeam 5 miles Number on sick list: 1 4f9623d5a2fc8e2def00403d: ( 53-44334-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.4, Long -22.2 4.0am: Altered course East, straight & 20° 8.30am: Altered course S54E, straight & 30° Am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill. Exercised towing stations 8.15pm: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” & communicated 10.50pm: Altered course West, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623d6a2fc8e2def00403e: ( 53-44334-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.28, Long -23.63 3.0am: Altered course East, straight & 30° 7.0am: Altered course S53E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course N61W, straight & 30° 10.43am: Altered course S80W, straight & 30° 2.30pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° Pm: Evening quarters, in Lat 66 21N, Long 23 31W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 4.44pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.50pm: Proceeded S34E, 65 revs 5.25pm: Stopped in Lat 66 19N, Long 23 26W & boarded Norwegian SS “Are” from Arkreyri [ed. note: misspelt for Akureyri] to Reykjavik, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: S. B. Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.08pm: Proceeded N65E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course East, straight & 30° 8.55pm: Altered course West, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623d6a2fc8e2def00403f: ( 53-44334-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.4, Long -21.98 3.0am: Altered course East, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S40E, straight & 30° 9.47am: Altered course S59E, straight & 30° 9.55am: North Cape abeam, 2 ½ miles 5.0pm: Altered course S50E to clear ice field 6.50pm: Stopped in Lat 66 40N, Long 18 22W & communicated with HMS “Orcoma”; received armed guard 7.15pm: Proceeded S59E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 8.30pm: Grimsey Island abeam, 6 miles 11.0pm: Altered course S25E, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course S59E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623d6a2fc8e2def004040: ( 53-44334-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.4, Long -14.9 0.30am: Altered course S57E, straight & 30° 0.40am: Revsnaes Light house abeam, 5 miles 2.20am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 5.15am: Altered course N69W, straight & 30° 6.20am: Langnaes Light house bearing S21W, 10 miles. Altered course N23E, straight & 30° 6.50am: Stopped & intercepted French schooner “Emergude”* flag of day, allowed to proceed 6.57am: Proceeded N23E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course S32E, straight & 30° 11.44am: Stopped in Lat 66 30N, Long 14 34W & boarded Norwegian schooner “Brødrene” from Kristiansund to Eyiafjord. Cargo salt & coal. Boarding Officer: Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.10pm: Proceeded N24E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.10pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° Pm: Evening quarters, in Lat 66 51N, Long 14 31W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 4.30pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.40pm: Proceeded S32W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.20pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] *[ed. note: perhaps French schooner “Emeraude”] 4f9623d7a2fc8e2def004041: ( 53-44334-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.53, Long -14.53 3.0am: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° 6.10am: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course S32E, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623d7a2fc8e2def004042: ( 53-44334-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.61, Long -14.35 3.0am: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° 6.05am: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° 0.10pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 3.0pm: S32W, straight & 30° 5.30pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs to close SS 6.0pm: Exchanged signals with HMS “Orcoma”; altered course S32W, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Pm: Clouds of very fine dust resembling fog flowing off the land 7.40pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 10.05pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623d7a2fc8e2def004043: ( 53-44334-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.35, Long -14.4 0.15am: Altered course S2E, straight & 20°. Increased to full speed 2.35am: Altered course N12W, straight & 30° & reduced to 55 revs 4.30am: Langnaes abeam 10 ½ miles 5.0am: N14E, straight & 30° 8.10am: Altered course S24W, straight & 30° 11.05am: Increased to 70 revs to close SS 11.50am: Altered course S10W, straight & 20°. Langnaes abeam 2 miles 0.52pm: Stopped in Lat 66 12N, Long 14 7W & sent armed guard Lieut Banner onboard Norwegian SS “Nordborg” from Iceland to Fraserboro, in ballast 1.45pm: Proceeded N5W to close schooner, 55 revs 2.50pm: Stopped in Lat 66 21N, Long 14 22W & boarded Danish schooner (FD370) from Faeroe Is fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.15pm: Proceeded N25E, 65 revs to close sailing vessel 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 51N, Long 14 12W & boarded Danish schooner “Kirstine” from Halmstad to Akureyri. Cargo timber. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.45pm: Proceeded N85W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 5.35pm: Langnaes bore S32W, 6 miles. Altered course N24E 6.30pm: Sighted HMS “Orcoma” 9.0pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623d8a2fc8e2def004044: ( 53-44334-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1916 At Sea Lat 66.66, Long -14.3 1.24am: Altered course N55E to close sailing vessel, straight & 30° 1.30am: Increased to 65 revs 2.10am: Stopped in Lat 66 55N, Long 14 24W & spoke French schooner “Courlis” fishing 2.15am: Proceeded S72W, 65 revs, straight & 30°, to close sailing vessel 2.55am: Stopped in Lat 66 53N, Long 14 32W & intercepted French schooner “Anemone” fishing. Allowed to proceed 3.05am: Proceeded N24E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.30am: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° 10.10am: Altered course S5E & increased to 65 revs to close SS 11.17am: Stopped in Lat 66 41N, Long 14 17W & boarded Norwegian SS “Steinar” from Haugesund to Oefjord. Cargo salt & barrels and 9 passengers. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 11.55am: Proceeded S77W, 55 revs, straight & 30° zigzag 2.10pm: Altered course N87E to close SS 2.30pm: Stopped in Lat 66 36 ½N, Long 14 53W & boarded Norwegian SS “Hareid”*, also SS “Budsund”, both from Aalesund to Iceland, fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 3.20pm: Proceeded N70W, straight & 30°, 55 revs 4.10pm: Altered course S86E, straight & 30° 5.18pm: Langnaes abeam 9 miles 5.45pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 8.50pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 [ed. note: SS “Hareid” of Aalesund mentioned in “The Merchant Navy”, volume III, by Archibald Hurd. London, John Murray, Albemarle Street, W, 1929 WW1Book-MN3a-Merchant_Navy_in_WW1_Hurd.htm] 4f9623d8a2fc8e2def004045: ( 53-44334-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1916 At Sea Lat 65.66, Long -12.3 2.0am: Altered course S12W, straight & 30° 4.45am: Reduced to 40 revs, thick fog 4.55am: Increased to 55 revs 5.0am: Sighted HMS “Patia”, altered course S8E. Continuous sounding with patent lead 5.40am: Proceeded S8E, 55 revs, straight. Sounded 95 fms stone [ed. note: Soundings taken form 6.30am to 9.45am] 9.25am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° 11.0am: Reduced to 55 revs, straight course Noon: Increased to 65 revs [ed. note: Soundings taken form 1.05pm to 1.35pm] 7.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs 7.30pm: Increased to 60 revs, straight & 30° 10.20pm: Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f9623d8a2fc8e2def004046: ( 53-44334-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1916 At Sea Lat 63.0, Long -14.5 0.05am: Stopped 0.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite on Rendezvous. Dense fog 0.40am: Proceeded S23E, 50 revs 1.30am: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° 2.35am: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 6.0am: Courses as requisite on rendezvous 8.0am: Stopped in Lat 63 7N, Long 10 20W & communicated with HMS “Otway” 8.25am: Proceeded N28W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 10.05am: Altered course S3W, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course N28W, straight & 30° 2.0pm: Altered course S53E, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs 8.45pm: Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 [ed. note: F W Dean signs page as Acting Captain] 4f9623d9a2fc8e2def004047: ( 53-44334-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1916 At Sea Lat 61.96, Long -4.06 7.20am: Increased to 65 revs 8.0am: Altered course S28W, straight & 30° 10.10am: Stopped in Lat 62 18N, Long 3 54W & boarded Russian schooner “Pauline” from Archangel to Plymouth, cargo timber. Boarding Officer: Groome; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 11.12am: Proceeded S8W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course S6W, straight & 30° 5.30pm: Altered course S28E, straight & 30° 9.15pm: Sighted Esha Ness Light bearing S31E. Intercepted British SS “Oceanic” GY863 flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed 9.30pm: Altered course S17E, straight & 30° 10.15pm: Altered course N58E, full speed 10.43pm: Altered course S75E, courses as requisite 10.45pm: Action stations 11.45pm: Uyea Island abeam 1 mile. Courses as requisite Number on sick list: 5 4f9623d9a2fc8e2def004048: ( 53-44334-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 Midnight: Altered course S35W. Muckle Ossa abeam 1 mile 0.15am: Esha Ness abeam 1 mile. Courses as requisite 0.25am: Reduced to 65 revs 1.05am: Passing Muckle Roe 1.12am: Passing through boom defence 1.15am: Reduced to 55 revs 1.30am: Stopped & anchored in N° 2 berth Busta Voe, 60 fms cable in 15 fms of water Anchor bearings: Flagstaff N60W, Free Church N50E 7.20am: Colliers “Hebburn” & “Dalewood” came alongside 7.30am: 80 hands came onboard from HMS “Gibraltar” to coal ship 8.0am: Commenced coaling 5.0pm: 4 seamen, 1 stoker & 1 marine joined ship 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night 4f9623d9a2fc8e2def004049: ( 53-44334-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 Am: HMS “Orotava” arrived & anchored in N° 3 berth 7.55am: Resumed coaling 3.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 1050 tons 10.10pm: HMS “Columbella” weighed anchor & left harbour 4f9623daa2fc8e2def00404a: ( 53-44334-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 9.10am: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Engines as required to Berth N°1 9.30am: Anchored in berth N° 1, 60 fms of cable in 16 fms water Anchor bearings: Flagstaff N76W, Free Church N65E 9.10am: Cot case sent to Hospital at Lerwick 2.0pm: Divine Service for Nonconformists 5.30pm: Divine Service & Holy Communion 11.50pm: HMS “Sylvia” proceeded out of harbour 4f9623daa2fc8e2def00404b: ( 53-44334-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 1.32am: HMS “Alsatian” arrived & anchored in Berth N° 2 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 9.35am: Exercised abandon ship Pm: Exchanged one rating with HMS “Alsatian” 5.30pm: Armed guard for HMS “Gloucestershire” joined ship 6.40pm: HMS “Vienna” arrived & anchored 7.30pm: Armed guard for HMS “Gloucestershire” joined ship & one officer for HMS “Walpole” 8.30pm: Armed guard Lieut Banner rejoined ship 10.05pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded, S40W, 55 revs 10.32pm: Courses & speeds as requisite passing boom defence 10.34pm: Proceeded S80W, 65 revs 10.43pm: Muckle Roe abeam, altered course N37W 11.30pm: 3 ½ miles; altered course N44W, straight & 30° 4f9623daa2fc8e2def00404c: ( 53-44334-019_0.jpg) 4f9623dba2fc8e2def00404d: ( 53-44334-019_1.jpg) 4f9623dba2fc8e2def00404e: ( 53-44334-020_0.jpg) 4f9623dba2fc8e2def00404f: ( 53-44334-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR AUGUST 1916 4f9623dca2fc8e2def004050: ( 53-44335-001_0.jpg) 4f9623dca2fc8e2def004051: ( 53-44335-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs August 1916 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f9623dda2fc8e2def004052: ( 53-44335-002_0.jpg) 4f9623dda2fc8e2def004053: ( 53-44335-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623dda2fc8e2def004054: ( 53-44335-003_0.jpg) 4f9623dea2fc8e2def004055: ( 53-44335-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1916 At Sea Lat 62.11, Long -4.48 5.0am: Altered course N3W, straight & 30° 9.10am: Stopped in Lat 61 40N, Long 4 10W & boarded Norwegian ship “Sierra Miranda” from Aberdeen to Hampton Roads in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 9.45am: Proceeded N3W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Altered course N26W, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Altered zigzag to straight & 20° 4.10pm: Altered course N76W, reduced to 50 revs to close sailing vessel 4.33pm: Altered course N45W & increased to 65 revs 4.50pm: Reduced to 45 revs 5.45pm: Increased to 65 rev. In Lat 62 51N, Long 5 34W intercepted Norwegian Barque “Clan Graham” from Hull to New York, in ballast. Allowed to proceed 10.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs 10.45pm: Reduced to 45 revs 11.30pm: Reduced to 40 revs, altered course NW hove to 4f9623dea2fc8e2def004056: ( 53-44335-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1916 At Sea Lat 63.96, Long -8.73 4.07am: Altered course N28W. Increased to 55 revs 6.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 20° 10.15am: In Lat 63 58N, Long 8 47W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 11.50am: Stopped 11.55am: Picked up target & proceeded N22W, 65 revs, straight & 20° 2.40pm: Altered course S85W to close sailing vessel 3.15pm: Stopped in Lat 64 21N, Long 9 40W & sent armed guard Midshipman Bell onboard Danish smack “H M Stanley” from Iceland fishing grounds to Faeroes 4.25pm: Proceeded N20W, 65 revs, straight & 20° 8.13pm: Reduced to 60 revs Midnight: Altered course N18W, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 3 4f9623dea2fc8e2def004057: ( 53-44335-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.43, Long -14.63 0.45am: Intercepted SS “Argo” with armed guard onboard 3.30am: In Lat 65 40N, Long 12 42W intercepted Danish schooner “Omen” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Altered course N14W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 7.50am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 9.0am: Altered course N66W, straight & 20° 9.05am: Reduced to 55 revs 10.0am: Increased to full speed 10.30am: Stopped in in Lat 66 18N, Long 14 38W & boarded Norwegian SS “Ponix”* from Kopervig to Iceland fishing grounds. Allowed to proceed. Also communicated with HMS “Gloucestershire” & discharged armed guards 11.30am: Proceeded S43W 0.20pm: Altered course N68E. Increased to 55 revs 1.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 17N, Long 14 31W & communicated with HMS “Orcoma” 1.50pm: Proceeded S85E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 4.10pm: Altered course N66W, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course S37E, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course N40W, straight & 30° 11.35pm: Increased to 65 revs Number on sick list: 1 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] *[ed. note: perhaps SS “Fønix”] 4f9623dfa2fc8e2def004058: ( 53-44335-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.5, Long -15.08 0.05am: Stopped in Lat 66 19N, Long 14 16W & communicated with HMT “Arley” & HMT “Saxon”. Supplied 1 armed guard to “Arley” 0.45am: Proceeded N16E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 1.25am: Langnaes abeam 5 miles 5.0am: Altered course S31W, straight & 30° 6.45am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 8.0am: Altered course N25E, straight & 30° 9.13am: Altered course S41W, straight & 30° 11.30am: Altered course S87W, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Altered course N4W, straight & 30° 2.0pm: Altered course S69E, straight & 30° 3.06pm: Stopped in Lat 66 30N, Long 15 9W & received one rating sick from HMT “Saxon” 3.50pm: Proceeded S69E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 4.10pm: In Lat 66 31N, Long 14 59W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 4.40pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.45pm: Proceeded S63E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 5.40pm: Altered course N25E, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course S31W, straight & 30°. Hands darken ship Number on sick list: 1 4f9623dfa2fc8e2def004059: ( 53-44335-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.41, Long -14.36 0.15am: Increased to full speed 0.30am: Stopped & spoke HMT “Saxon” 0.32am: Proceeded N28E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.30am: Altered course S31W, straight & 30° 5.08am: Stopped in Lat 66 41N, Long 14 31W & spoke HMS “Gloucestershire” 5.30am: Proceeded S31W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course N25E, straight & 30° 7.15am: Altered course S24W, straight & 30° 10.10am: Stopped in Lat 66 31N, Long 14 20W & communicated with HMS “Gloucestershire” 11.20am: Proceeded S48W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 0.20pm: Langnaes abeam 3 miles 0.38pm: Altered course N15W, straight & 30° 0.42pm: Increased to 65 revs 1.10pm: Stopped in Lat 66 27N, Long 14 34W & communicated with HMT “Saxon” boarding Norwegian SS “Diana” 1.57pm: Proceeded N65W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 5.34pm: Altered course N49E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623dfa2fc8e2def00405a: ( 53-44335-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.51, Long -15.01 3.0am: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course S31W, straight & 30° 11.0am: Altered course N54W, straight & 30° 2.30pm: Altered course N75W, straight & 30° 3.15pm: Revsnaes abeam 2 miles 3.25pm: Altered course N12W to close sailing vessel 4.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 41N, Long 16 30W & boarded Danish schooner “Lala Rookh”* fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.52pm: Proceeded S48W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Altered course N52E, straight & 30° 7.30pm: Revsnaes abeam 10 miles Midnight: Altered course S4W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil *[ed note: misspelt for “Laila Rookh”] 4f9623dfa2fc8e2def00405b: ( 53-44335-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.68, Long -14.9 3.0am: Altered course N3W, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course S4W, straight & 30° 9.30am: Stopped in Lat 66 49N, Long 15 5W & boarded Danish schooner “Queen” from Klaborg to Faroes, fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.0am: Proceeded S4W, 55 revs 10.0am: Dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 11.05am: Stopped & picked up target 11.10am: Proceeded S4W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 1.55pm: Stopped in Lat 66 35 ½N, Long 14 35W & communicated with HMT “Arley” 2.45pm: Proceeded N27W, 55 revs 3.35pm: Altered course N62W, straight & 30° 3.45pm: Altered course S11E & increased to 65 revs 4.25pm: Reduced to 55 revs 5.0pm: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course N62E, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course S38W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e0a2fc8e2def00405c: ( 53-44335-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.31, Long -14.53 3.0am: Altered course N31E, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course S38W, straight & 30° 10.03am: Stopped in Lat 66 32N, Long 14 25W & boarded Danish smack “Atlantic” (TN31) from Thorshavn Faroes, fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.30am: Proceeded S31W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 11.38am: Langnaes abeam 3 miles 1.15pm: Stopped in Lat 66 6N, Long 14 21W & boarded Danish smack “Hurricane” (TN27) from Thorshavn Faeroes, fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 1.43pm: Proceeded S1W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.55pm: Altered course N17E, straight & 30° 4.06pm: In Lat 65 56 ½N, Long 14 1W dropped target to carry out 1” aiming rifle practice, thick fog set in 5.10pm: Stopped and picked up target 5.20pm: Proceeded N17E, 35 revs 6.0pm: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 5N, Long 14 6W & put armed guard Lieut Groome onboard Norwegian SS “Assistant”* from Stavanger, fishing. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.20pm: Proceeded ExS, 65 revs, to close SS 7.33pm: Stopped in Lat 66 5N, Long 13 50W & boarded Norwegian SS “Namdal” from Aalesund, fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.40pm: Proceeded N14E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 11.0pm: Langnaes abeam 8 miles *[ed. note: SS “Assistant”, Norwegian steam trawler, mentioned in “The Merchant Navy”, volume III, by Archibald Hurd. London, John Murray, Albemarle Street, W, 1929 - WW1Book-MN3a-Merchant_Navy_in_WW1_Hurd.htm] 4f9623e0a2fc8e2def00405d: ( 53-44335-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.55, Long -14.4 4.0am: Altered course S31W, straight & 30° 7.0am: Altered course S17W, straight & 30° 8.20am: Stopped in Lat 66 29N, Long 14 30W & boarded American schooner “Maxine Elliott” from Gloucester USA, fishing. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 8.40am: Proceeded S11W, 55 revs 9.10am: Langnaes abeam 2 miles 9.15am: Altered course N20E, straight & 30° 9.50am: Reduced to 35 revs, thick fog 10.25am: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° 10.50am: In Lat 66 35N, Long 14 25W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 11.30am: Stopped & picked up target 11.35am: Proceeded S27W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 0.57pm: Stopped in Lat 66 35 ½N, Long 14 21W & boarded Norwegian SS “Sjøblomsten” from Aalesund to fishing grounds. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Banner; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs Also communicated with HMT “Saxon” 2.30pm: Proceeded S51W, 55 revs 2.50pm: Stopped 3.11pm: Proceeded S12W, 35 revs 4.16pm: Increased to 65 revs 4.54pm: Reduced to 55 revs 4.55pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 6.07pm: Langnaes abeam 7 miles 10.20pm: Reduced to 55 revs 10.40pm: Increased to 55 revs Midnight: Altered course S18E, straight & 30° 4f9623e0a2fc8e2def00405e: ( 53-44335-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.23, Long -14.33 3.0am: Altered course S63W, straight & 30° 3.30am: Thick fog, reduced to 35 revs 4.30am: Fog lifted. Increased to 55 revs 6.07am: Stopped in Lat 66 37N, Long 13 58W & boarded Norwegian SS “Sylphide” from Aalsund [ed. note: Aalesund] to fishing grounds, salt & empty barrels. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: B O Banner; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.45am: Proceeded S43W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 8.15am: Met HMT “Arley” in Lat 66 24N, Long 13 48W proceeding in company, speed as requisite 8.50am: Stopped in Lat 66 20N, Long 13 48W & communicated with “Arley”. Supplied her with armed guard Sub Lieut Coleman 9.30am: Proceeded N68W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 11.12am: Stopped in Lat 66 12N, Long 14 20W & communicated with HMT “Saxon”, provided her with armed guards. Lieut Banner & Mid Seale 11.55pm: Proceeded N19E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 1.08pm: Langnaes abeam 3 miles; altered course N48W 2.22pm: Altered course N62W & increased to 65 revs 2.52pm: Stopped in in Lat 66 38N, Long 15 5W & sent armed guard, Lieut Canner onboard Norwegian SS “Hareid” from Iceland to Aalesund with fish, also boarded British trawler “Cadet” (H210). Boarding Officer: H Diehl; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 3.55pm: Proceeded N46W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.42pm: Revsnaes abeam 3 miles 6.50pm: Stopped in Lat 66 37N, Long 16 12W & boarded Norwegian schooner “Labrador” from Haugesund, also SS “Barden”, SS “Kamp” & SS “Islaendingen” all from Aalesund, all fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Diehl & Spencer. Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 9.10pm: Proceeded N52W, 55 revs, straight & 30° [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623e1a2fc8e2def00405f: ( 53-44335-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.56, Long -22.16 1.30am: Altered course N67W, straight & 30°. Grimsey Island bearing S43W Am: Hands painting ship 11.35am: Altered course N56W, straight & 30° 0.40pm: North Cape abeam 3 ½ miles 2.05pm: Straumnaes abeam 3 ½ miles; altered course N5W, straight & 20° 4.04pm: In Lat 66 46 ½N, Long 23 41W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming rifle practice 4.40pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.45pm: Proceeded N5W, 55 revs, straight & 20° 9.30pm: Altered course S3W, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623e1a2fc8e2def004060: ( 53-44335-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1916 At Sea Lat 65.38, Long -24.71 3.0am: Altered course S65W, straight & 30° 7.0am: Altered course S46W, straight & 30° 10.58am: Staalbierg Huk abeam 2 miles 11.15am: Stopped in Lat 65 27N, Long 24 36W & boarded Norwegian SS “Frank Somers” from New York to Iceland to fish & proceed to Norway. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: G F Strickland; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 0.20pm: Proceeded N39E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 1.12pm: Altered course N67E, straight & 30° 5.30pm: Altered course S74E, straight & 30° 10.0pm: Altered course N69E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e1a2fc8e2def004061: ( 53-44335-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1916 At Sea Lat 65.46, Long -24.68 5.0am: Altered course S70W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S61W, straight & 30° 10.15am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection 10.50am: Divine Service 0.50pm: Staalbierg Huk abeam 2 ½ miles 2.0pm: Altered course N53E, straight & 30° 3.16pm: Staalbierg Huk abeam 2 ½ miles; altered course N63E 9.30pm: Altered course N69E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e2a2fc8e2def004062: ( 53-44335-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.18, Long -21.03 3.08am: Reduced to 45 revs, straight 4.40am: Increased to 55 revs 5.0am: Altered course S53E. Commenced sounding every 10 minutes 8.20am: Reduced to 40 revs & reduced sounding to every half hour Pm: Frequent sounding with Patent lead 10.40pm: Increased to 55 revs, zigzag 11.55pm: Reduced to 40 revs, straight Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e2a2fc8e2def004063: ( 53-44335-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.48, Long -21.16 10.0am: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30°. Exercised general quarters 0.05pm: Reduced to 35 revs 2.15pm: Altered course S87W, frequent sounding 4f9623e2a2fc8e2def004064: ( 53-44335-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.43, Long -19.48 9.08am: Altered course S63E frequently sounding 11.30am: Stopped in Lat 66 26N, Long 19 39W & communicated with HMS “Almanzora” 0.12pm: Proceeded N84W, 55 revs 1.05pm: Fog lifting, increased to 65 revs 2.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 14N, Long 20 23W & boarded Norwegian SS “Eystein” from Aalsund [ed. note: Aalesund] to Siglefjord, engaged in fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 2.53pm: Proceeded N80W, 65 revs 5.12pm: Reduced speed as requisite 5.33pm: Stopped 5.45pm: Anchored in Norder Fjord in 14 fms water, 60 fms cable 5.46pm: Finished with engines Anchor Bearings: Arnesey Island S18E, Krossnaes Point N56E 8.30pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded N83E, 55 revs 9.0pm: Reduced to 45 revs 9.30pm: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623e3a2fc8e2def004065: ( 53-44335-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1916 At Sea Lat 66.98, Long -24.08 5.0am: Altered course N56W, straight & 30° 7.0am: Altered course S67W, straight & 30° 8.25am: Altered course S75W, straight & 30° 9.10am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 20° 2.45pm: Stalbierg Huk abeam 2 ½ miles 2.55pm: Altered course S20W, straight & 20° 6.08pm: Ondverdanes abeam 3 ½ miles 6.55pm: Altered course S9W, straight & 20° Pm: Foggy, commenced sounding 11.57pm: Reduced to 45 revs Number on sick list: 1 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623e3a2fc8e2def004066: ( 53-44335-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1916 At Sea Lat 62.6, Long -19.8 0.22am: Sighted Reykjanes Light 0.23am: Altered course S15E & increased to 65 revs 0.50am: Reykjanes Light abeam 3 miles 5.55am: Sighted Vestmannaeyjar Island bearing East 9.35am: Stopped in Lat 62 38N, Long 20 0W & dropped target 9.36am: Proceeded 65 revs & carried out 6” gun practice 11.0am: Stopped & picked up target 11.15am: Proceeded S17E, 65 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e3a2fc8e2def004067: ( 53-44335-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1916 At Sea Lat 61.06, Long -12.06 0.55pm: Stopped in Lat 61 26N, Long 12 00W & intercepted British trawler “Aralia” (GY371) from Grimsby to Iceland to fish. Allowed to proceed 0.57pm: Proceeded S79E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 2.25pm: In Lat 61 35N, Long 11 32W intercepted British trawler “Commander Holbrook” (H233) flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed 4.08pm: In Lat 61 16N, Long 11 52W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming 4.52pm: Stopped to pick up target 5.0pm: Proceeded N19W, 65 revs, straight & 30°. Prepare for night defence 7.10pm: Altered course N58E, straight & 30° 10.40pm: Straight course & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e4a2fc8e2def004068: ( 53-44335-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1916 At Sea Lat 63.83, Long -8.85 2.0am: Increased to 65 revs, altered course WxS 2.15am: Stopped in Lat 62 40N, Long 10 48W & boarded British trawler “Envoy” (A507) from Iceland to Aberdeen with fish. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 2.45am: Proceeded N58E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 5.17am: Stopped in Lat 63 5N, Long 10 10W & sent armed guard Midshipman Bell onboard Danish schooner “Venus” from Copenhagen to Stokkoeyrie. Cargo general 6.20am: On Captain of Schooner refusing to proceed to Lerwick, placed Lieut Joynson & prize crew onboard 6.50am: Proceeded N58E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.15am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection 11.0am: Divine Service Noon: Altered course N78E, full speed 0.45pm: In Lat 63 55N, Long 8 32W intercepted British SS “Tandil” from Archangel to Rockford, flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed 0.50pm: Altered course N57E, 65 revs 3.55pm: Altered course SxW to close SS 4.30pm: Increased to full speed 4.55pm: Altered course S60E, spoke HMS “Orvieto” & reduced to 65 revs 5.10pm: Altered course N48E, straight & 30° 7.50pm: Altered course S29W, straight & 30° & reduced to 55 revs Midnight: Altered course S77W, straight & 30°, & increased to 65 revs 4f9623e4a2fc8e2def004069: ( 53-44335-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1916 At Sea Lat 63.0, Long -10.0 7.35am: In Lat 63 22N, Long 9 16W intercepted British Ammunition carrier SS “Chama”. Allowed to proceed. Altered course S45E. Increased to 70 revs 8.35am: In Lat 63 16N, Long 8 58W intercepted British Ammunition Carrier “Hariot”*. Allowed to proceed 10.18am: Stopped in Lat 63 4N, Long 9 41W & communicated with schooner “Venus” supplied her with water to work motor 11.0am: Proceeded S84W, 70 revs, straight & 20° 2.41pm: Stopped in Lat 63 7N, Long 9 29W & communicated with HMS “Alsatian”. Admiral came onboard 2.30pm: Dropped target & carried out 6” gun practice. Speeds as requisite 4.30pm: Admiral left 4.40pm: Proceeded S51W, straight & 30°. Full speed. Read warrant N° 29 10.0pm: Straight course Number on sick list: Nil *[ed. note: perhaps SS Heriot (1905)] 4f9623e4a2fc8e2def00406a: ( 53-44335-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1916 At Sea Lat 59.38, Long -13.16 3.0am: Zigzag, straight & 30° 6.30am: Stopped in Lat 60 12N, Long 12 24W & lowered boat & examined fishermans buoys 7.20am: Proceeded S51W, full speed Noon: Altered course S38W, straight & 20° 2.15pm: Courses as requisite to intercept Dutch SS “Epsilon” bound west flying correct flag of day 2.48pm: Proceeded S42W, straight & 20° 4.17pm: Reduced to slow to lash boat on N° 2 [h?] 4.33pm: Full speed 10.0pm: Straight course Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e5a2fc8e2def00406b: ( 53-44335-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1916 At Sea Lat 56.06, Long -10.3 4.0am: Commenced zigzag 7.15am: Stopped in Lat 56 31N, Long 11 50W & communicated with HMS “Moldavia” 7.45am: Proceeded S34E, full speed, straight & 30° 7.0pm: Tory Island abeam 10 miles; altered course S72E 8.13pm: Fanad Point Light abeam 9 miles 9.20pm: Inishtrahull abeam 1 mile; altered course S78E 11.20pm: Oversay abeam 12 miles Midnight: Otter Rock bearing 45°, dist 4 miles; altered course S26E Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623e5a2fc8e2def00406c: ( 53-44335-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.30am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ½ miles; altered course S50E 2.13am: Sanda Island abeam 2 ½ miles 3.37am: Pladda abeam 2 miles 5.10am: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course N24E 5.45am: Toward abeam, altered course N32E 6.10am: Passing boom defence 6.25am: Stopped & received pilot 6.30am: Proceeded various speeds up river. Put clock ahead 1 hour to BST 8.42am: Passing Bowling 9.0am: Passing Rothesay Dock 10.10am: Entered Prince’s dock, Glasgow 10.20am: Made fast in berth N° 10 10.30am: Drew all fires 11.30am: 1 rating joined ship awaiting passage 2.0pm: Hands mustered for payment 3.30pm: Gave leave for blue watch & fore part of white watch until 6pm September 2nd Leave to 1st part boys from 4pm until 7pm. Ordinary Sea 10pm 4.30pm: Leave for 1st part of watch until 7.45am 5.30pm: One armed guard returned on board, 1 Midshipman 1 seaman & 1 seaman lent from “Arley” 11.30pm: Shifted ship to coaling wharf 4f9623e5a2fc8e2def00406d: ( 53-44335-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 12.45am: Commenced coaling 6.30am: Finished coaling 7.0am: Called the hands 7.35am: Breakfast. Clean in Refitting Rig 9.45am: Hands employed shifted ship as requisite 10.40am: Hands employed scrubbing ship’s bottom 11.20am: Hands to dinner 11.45am: Pilot aboard 12.0am: Tugs secured. Proceeded from coaling crane to dry dock missed tide & returned to N° 8 Berth 1.20pm: Secured alongside N° 8 berth. Cast off tugs 1.30pm: Pilot left ship 1.50pm: Leave to 2nd part of red watch until 9pm. Boys of 2nd part until 7pm. Reminder of hands pipe down 10.30pm: Hands employed shifting ship from N° 8 Berth to dry dock 11.10pm: Entered dry dock. Hands employed storeing up and staying ship 12.10pm: Commenced pumping out dock 4f9623e6a2fc8e2def00406e: ( 53-44335-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.30am: Finished pumping ship docked 1.40am: Armed guard returned on board 2 officers & 6 ratings 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Workmen employed cleaning ship’s bottom & various work on board 12.0am: Leave granted to 1st part Red watch until 7.45am. Boys of 1st part until 7pm 1.0pm: Hands to make and mend 4f9623e6a2fc8e2def00406f: ( 53-44335-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.0am: Officer & Petty Officer sent to station to meet ratings 8.15am: Hands fall in & clean up Decks 10.30am: Church parties landed. 1 officer & 1 petty officer returned on board 0.30pm: Church parties returned 1.0pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch till 7.45am. Boys until 7pm 4f9623e6a2fc8e2def004070: ( 53-44335-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite 1.20pm: Hands employed getting in stores as requisite 4.0pm: Leave granted to 1st part of watch & boys until 8pm. Men until 7.45pm [ed note: possibly 7.45am] 8.50pm: Clear up decks 4f9623e7a2fc8e2def004071: ( 53-44335-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 0.35am: 1 Deserter returned onboard put in cells under sentry’s charge 7.0am: Called hands 7.15am: Breakfast & clean in refitting rig 10.0am: Leave granted to boys 0.30pm: Fx 6” gun lifted & placed ashore 1.20pm: Hands told off as requisite 3.35pm: After 6” gun Starboard side of promenade deck lifted & placed ashore 4.0pm: Leave granted to 2nd part red watch until 7.45am 8.0pm: Boys returned on board 8.10pm: Eng Lieut Tindal joined ship from leave 4f9623e7a2fc8e2def004072: ( 53-44335-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.10pm: Clear up Decks 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite. Workmen as usual. Party getting in Wines & Beers Armourer party employed cleaning guns. Leave for boys from 4 till 7pm. Leave to 1st part of watch till 7.45am 5.0pm: Replaced “x.” 6” gun 8.45pm: Absentee from “Gloucestershire” arrived on board 4f9623e7a2fc8e2def004073: ( 53-44335-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands fall & employed stowing cable, cleaning ship & getting in provisions 11.0am: Replaced Fxle 6” gun 1.10pm: Hands fall in, employed getting stores in 1.20pm: Pilot came aboard 2.55pm: Shifted from Dry Dock to N° 8 Berth 4.0pm: Leave granted to 2nd part watch until 7.45. Boys 8pm 6.40pm: Started coaling 8.0pm: Ship coaling 9.30pm: Ceased coaling (allowance time) 10.30pm: Resumed coaling 12.0pm: Ship coaling 4f9623e8a2fc8e2def004074: ( 53-44335-019_0.jpg) 4f9623e8a2fc8e2def004075: ( 53-44335-019_1.jpg) 4f9623e8a2fc8e2def004076: ( 53-44335-020_0.jpg) 4f9623e9a2fc8e2def004077: ( 53-44335-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1916 4f9623e9a2fc8e2def004078: ( 53-44336-001_0.jpg) 4f9623eaa2fc8e2def004079: ( 53-44336-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs September 1916 log as Navigating Officer] 4f9623eaa2fc8e2def00407a: ( 53-44336-002_0.jpg) 4f9623eaa2fc8e2def00407b: ( 53-44336-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Act Captain] 4f9623eba2fc8e2def00407c: ( 53-44336-003_0.jpg) 4f9623eba2fc8e2def00407d: ( 53-44336-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 3.35am: Ceased coaling 4.30am: Resumed coaling 8.0am: Ship coaling. Hands employed as requisite 8.45am: Hands employed getting stores aboard 8.45am: Cease coaling. Workmen as usual 10.0am: Resumed coaling 12.0am: Dinner. Ship coaling 1.15pm: Hands fall in & employed provisioning ship Shifted ship from N° 8 berth to N° 6 Wharf. Coaling ship Pm: 3 boys & 1 Sergeant marines joined ship. Sergeant taking passage to “Ebro” 4.0pm: Leave for 1st part of watch till 7.45am. Boys 9pm 9.30pm: Coaling party to supper 10.30pm: Resumed coaling 4f9623eba2fc8e2def00407e: ( 53-44336-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Coaling party stopped 4.30am: Resumed coaling 8.0am: Hands employed provisioning ship, Armourers party. Workmen as usual. Ship coaling. Hands getting in ammunition 10.05am: One absentee from “Gloucestershire” arrived on board 1.0pm: Ceased coaling 1.10pm: Hands employed on stores & as requisite 2.0pm: Resumed coaling 3.0pm: Leave granted to 2nd part Red watch until 7.45am, boys of 1st & 2nd part until 7pm 4.0pm: Ship coaling 4.50pm: Ceased coaling 6.30pm: Chaplain joined ship 8.45pm: Discharged 3 ratings to Portsmouth Depot 4f9623eca2fc8e2def00407f: ( 53-44336-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.0am: Commenced coaling 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as requisite 9.0am: 6 ratings joined ship 10.0am: Roman Catholic party sent to “Moldavia” for church 12.0am: Dinner. Low fires set away 1.30pm: Leave to watch & Part of watch until 7.45am, boys 9pm 2.0pm: Ceased coaling 3.0pm: Resumed coaling 5.0pm: Completed coaling, total received 1500 tons 5.30pm: Hands employed shifting ship from N° 8 berth to N° 3 for lifting B gun 6.0pm: High fires set away Pm: “Corrected Acting Lieutenant W H Diehl RNR for improperly delegating the duty of “Rounds” to a junior officer and for leaving the ship without permission during the evening of August 2nd. Signed F W Dean, Acting Captain. Signed W H Diehl, Acting Lieutenant RNR” 4f9623eca2fc8e2def004080: ( 53-44336-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1916 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed painting ship, etc Am: Read warrant N° 30 1.20pm: Discharged 1 rating onshore to military prison 2.0pm: Discharged 1 rating 4.20pm: Cast off from quay & proceeded assisted by two steam tugs, speeds as requisite 4.45pm: Entered river 5.30pm: Passing Rothesay Dock 6.25pm: Passing Dumbarton Rock 7.10pm: Stopped off Tail of Bank Greenock 7.15pm: Anchored in 15 fms water, 60 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Tail of Bank S10E, Prince’s Pier S25W, Kilereggan Point N48W 8.0pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded 65 revs. Courses & speeds as requisite 8.30pm: Courses as requisite passing through boom defence 8.35pm: Altered course S39W, 70 revs 9.0pm: Toward abeam, altered course S32W 9.37pm: Little Cumbrae abeam; altered course S26W 10.30pm: Holy Island abeam, 2 miles 10.55pm: Pladda abeam 3 ½ miles; altered course S80W 4f9623eca2fc8e2def004081: ( 53-44336-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1916 At Sea Lat 55.51, Long -9.33 0.35am: Sanda abeam 2 miles 1.32am: Rounded Mull of Cantyre ½ mile; altered course N23W 4.03am: Oversay abeam 10 miles 4.20am: Zigzag, straight & 30° 6.0am: Inishtrahull abeam 4 miles 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence, read warrants Nos 31 and 32 7.35pm: Altered course N20E, straight & 30°.Darken ship 8.0pm: Reduced to 60 revs, straight 10.25pm: Altered course N76W & increased to 65 revs 4f9623eda2fc8e2def004082: ( 53-44336-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1916 At Sea Lat 55.71, Long -16.36 5.30am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 0.47pm: Altered course S20E to close SS 1.47pm: Stopped in Lat 55 39N, Long 16 6W & boarded British SS “Benue” from Brest to Archangel; cargo war material. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 2.45pm: Proceeded N65W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 5.35pm: Stopped in Lat 55 40N, Long 16 58W & communicated with HMS “Patuca” 5.55pm: Proceeded N28E, 60 revs, straight & 30° 9.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight course Number on sick list: 1 4f9623eda2fc8e2def004083: ( 53-44336-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1916 At Sea Lat 57.93, Long -18.23 4.30am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 5.25am: Altered course S88E to close “Patia” 5.50am: Stopped in Lat 57 47N, Long 16 31W & communicated with HMS “Patia” 6.0am: Proceeded N34W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° & reduced to 55 revs 9.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 2.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Reduced to 35 revs. Vessel shipping heavy water. Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence 4.50pm: Increased to 45 revs 5.50pm: Reduced to 30 revs 6.25pm: Increased to 55 revs 7.40pm: Altered course S34E, increased to 65 revs 8.0pm: In Lat 57 39N, Long 19 24W intercepted Dutch SS “Sloterdijk” bound W flying flag of day. Altered course S86E, 55 revs Number on sick list: 1 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623eda2fc8e2def004084: ( 53-44336-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1916 At Sea Lat 59.31, Long -15.45 5.15am: In Lat 58 19N, Long 16 45W intercepted Norwegian SS “Christian Michelsen” bound West, flying flag of day 6.10am: Altered course N56E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.15am: Exercised general quarters & abandon ship stations 2.0pm: Straight course 2.30pm: Sighted HMS “Teutonic” 7.45pm: In Lat 60 26N, Long 13 34W intercepted British SS “Oukou” from Cardiff to Archangel. Cargo coal. Allowed to proceed 8.0pm: Proceeded N55E, 65 revs. Darken ship 11.0pm: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623eea2fc8e2def004085: ( 53-44336-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1916 At Sea Lat 62.86, Long -10.53 2.42am: Altered course S62E to close SS 2.55am: Altered course N13W. Examined whaler 3.05am: Altered course N55E, 65 revs 4.30am: Zigzag, straight & 30° 10.28am: Altered course S29W, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course N32E, straight & 30° 1.20pm: Intercepted British trawler “St Lawrence”, bound SE. Allowed to proceed 2.30pm: In Lat 62 21N, Long 10 25W intercepted French SS “Venezuela” from Brest to Archangel, allowed to proceed. Also Danish schooner “Paketten” 3.37pm: Proceeded N31E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.10pm: Altered course S29W, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623eea2fc8e2def004086: ( 53-44336-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1916 At Sea Lat 64.98, Long -9.75 6.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 10.30am: Altered course N40E, straight & 45° 11.0am: Church Service 0.35pm: Altered course S28W, straight & 45° 5.30pm: Church Service 10.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N22E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623eea2fc8e2def004087: ( 53-44336-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1916 At Sea Lat 64.68, Long -10.05 5.35am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 8.0am: Sighted HMS “Andes” 9.50am: In Lat 64 34N, Long 10 00W dropped target & carried out 1” aiming 10.50am: Stopped & picked up target 10.55am: Proceeded N45W, 55 revs 11.20am: Stopped in Lat 64 34N, Long 10 18W & communicated with HMS “Orvieto” 11.35am: Proceeded N50E, 65 revs, straight & 45° 1.05pm: Altered course S27W, straight & 45° 1.10pm: Thick fog. Reduced to 45 revs, straight 2.20pm: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 8.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course S23E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623efa2fc8e2def004088: ( 53-44336-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1916 At Sea Lat 64.8, Long -9.86 9.28am: Stopped in Lat 64 25N, Long 9 37W & boarded Danish schooner “Bois” from Lerwick to Iceland. Cargo general. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 10.15am: Proceeded N4W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 0.55pm: Altered course S29W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 1.20pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight 3.0pm: Increased to 55 revs, zigzag, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N21E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623efa2fc8e2def004089: ( 53-44336-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1916 At Sea Lat 63.85, Long -9.48 0.10am: Reduced to 45 revs 9.20am: Altered course N60E & increased to 55 revs 9.40am: Altered course S22E, intercepted Danish fishing smack 11.15am: Altered course N3W, 45 revs 4.20pm: Increased to 55 revs 5.05pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Ørn” with armed guard onboard 5.30pm: Intercepted Swedish SS “Aron” with armed guard onboard 5.35pm: Proceeded S28W, 55 revs, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N21E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623efa2fc8e2def00408a: ( 53-44336-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1916 At Sea Lat 64.73, Long -9.98 5.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.30am: Stopped in Lat 64N, Long 10 0W & boarded Danish smack “Kara” from Iceland to Faeroes with fish. Allowed to proceed. Also at 7.50[am] in Lat 63 59N, Long 9 51W boarded Danish smack “Hurricane” from Iceland to Faeroes with fish. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Groome; Accompanying Officer: Jacobs 8.15am: Proceeded N19E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 0.35pm: Altered course S28W, straight & 45° 7.17pm: Altered course N9W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623f0a2fc8e2def00408b: ( 53-44336-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1916 At Sea Lat 65.88, Long -13 2.10am: Stopped in Lat 64 46N, Long 10 55W intercepted Swedish SS “Hertha” with armed guard onboard. Allowed to proceed 2.15am: Proceeded N15W, 65 revs 3.0am: Stopped in Lat 64 53N, Long 10 55W & intercepted Swedish SS “Agin” with armed guard onboard. Allowed to proceed 3.15am: Proceeded N22E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course N37W, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Altered course N22W, straight & 30° 2.0pm: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 3.05pm: In Lat 66 15N, Long 14 18W courses & speeds as requisite communicating with HMS “Gloucesterhsire”, supplied her with 7 armed guards 4.30pm: Proceeded S34E, straight & 30°, 65 revs 10.0pm: Altered course S28E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f0a2fc8e2def00408c: ( 53-44336-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.5, Long -10 4.0am: Altered course N23E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° Noon: Altered course S28W, straight & 45° 5.0pm: Reduced to slow securing fore derricks, etc 5.47pm: Stopped both engines to renew bottom lines 6.05pm: Proceeded 65 revs 9.0pm: Altered course S33W, straight & 30° & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f0a2fc8e2def00408d: ( 53-44336-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1916 At Sea Lat 65.31, Long -10.05 3.45am: Stopped in Lat 64 19N, Long 10 0W & boarded Norwegian SS “Alf” from Stavanger to Iceland. Cargo empty barrels & salt. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: H Diehl, Lieut RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.35am: Proceeded N22E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 5.45am: Altered course S60E to close sailing vessel 6.05am: Stopped in Lat 64 33N, Long 9 54W & boarded Danish schooner “Queen” from Iceland to Faeroes 1/5th cargo fish. Boarding Officer: H Diehl, Lieut RNR; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 6.32am: Proceeded N22E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.20am: Church Service 11.25am: Altered course S45W, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course S15W, straight & 30° 0.55pm: Stopped in Lat 65 10N, Long 10 0W & sent armed guard Lieut Canner onboard American motor schooner “Matchless” from Iceland to Stavanger with fish 1.30pm: Proceeded N21E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 2.25pm: Altered course S29W, straight & 45° 8.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f0a2fc8e2def00408e: ( 53-44336-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1916 At Sea Lat 64.21, Long -10 0.30am: Reduced to 45 revs 1.30pm: Altered course N60E & increased to 55 revs 4.05pm: Reduced to 45 revs 8.0pm: Altered course N85E & increased to 45 revs 10.30pm: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f1a2fc8e2def00408f: ( 53-44336-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1916 At Sea Lat 65.41, Long -5.56 5.0am: Increased 65 revs, straight & 45° 6.30am: In Lat 65 19N, Long 5 28W intercepted British collier “Cameron” from Cardiff to Archangel, allowed to proceed 7.0am: Proceeded S18E, 65 revs, straight & 45° 8.25am: Altered course N20E, straight & 45° 9.50am: In Lat 65 20N, Long 10 0W dropped target & carried our 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.35am: Stopped & picked up target 10.40am: Proceeded N49W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Sighted HMS “Andes” 4f9623f1a2fc8e2def004090: ( 53-44336-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.76, Long -14.28 8.0am: Altered course N8W, straight & 30° 9.0am: Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire” 9.40am: Stopped in Lat 66 44N, Long 14 28W & picked up “Gloucestershire’s” boat with fore derrick 9.50am: Proceeded S11E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.45am: Stopped & communicated with HMS “Gloucestershire” 10.50am: Proceeded 65 revs, courses as requisite 11.10am: Altered course N8E, straight & 45° 2.0pm: Altered course S31W straight & 45° 3.30pm: Stopped in Lat 66 52N, Long 14 19W & boarded Danish smack “Gunhild” from Faeroes, fishing. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A G Joynson; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 4.05pm: Proceeded S46W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 5.50pm: Altered course S19E, straight & 45° 7.0pm: Altered course N10E, straight & 45° 10.0pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 45° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f1a2fc8e2def004091: ( 53-44336-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.51, Long -14.36 1.0am: Altered course S49W, straight & 45° 5.0am: Altered course N10E, straight & 45° 7.50am: Altered course S31W, straight & 45° 10.25am: Intercepted American schooner “Frank W Benedict” with armed guard onboard 10.30am: Altered course S2E, straight & 30° 0.25pm: Stopped in Lat 66 27N, Long 14 13W & boarded Swedish SS “Edith” from Gothenberg to Siglefjord in ballast 1.25pm: Proceeded S60W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 1.50pm: Reduced to 40 revs 2.15pm: Altered course N40E, 65 revs 2.45pm: Stopped in Lat 66 27N, Long 14 13W & ordered SS “Edith” to proceed 3.02pm: Proceeded S55E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 4.10pm: Stopped in Lat 66 26N, Long 13 48W & boarded Danish smack “Tronsgjisvingui” [ed. note: misspelt for Danish smack “Trongjisvingur”] from Faroes fishing. Allowed to proceed 4.55pm: Proceeded S54E, 65 revs 5.12pm: Altered course N63W, straight & 30° 6.50pm: Stopped in Lat 66 24N, Long 14 16W & communicated with HMS “Patuca” & HMT “Robert Smith” 7.30pm: Proceeded N68E, 65 revs, straight & 45° 8.0pm: Reduced to 45 revs 8.45pm: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° 10.25pm: Altered course N33E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623f2a2fc8e2def004092: ( 53-44336-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.36, Long -14.35 1.0am: Altered course S57W, straight & 30° 5.30am: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 7.30am: Altered course S48W, straight & 30° 10.50am: Stopped in Lat 66 25N, Long 14 22W & communicated with HMT “Robert Smith” 11.15am: Proceeded N18E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.47am: Stopped in Lat 66 28N, 14 31W & sent armed guard onboard Danish schooner “Eva” from Akureyre to New York. Cargo Sheep skins 0.33pm: Proceeded N24E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 2.10pm: Stopped in Lat 66 44N, Long 14 31W & communicated with HMS “Patuca”. Received 2 armed guards 2.30pm: Proceeded N24E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course S31W, straight & 30° 5.07pm: Altered course S4W, straight & 30° 6.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 25N, Long 14 24W & communicated with HMS “Patia” and HMT “Walpole” 7.0pm: Proceeded N24E, 65 revs, straight & 45° 10.05pm: Altered course N42W, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623f2a2fc8e2def004093: ( 53-44336-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.5, Long -14.78 1.0am: Altered course S8E, straight & 45° 5.30am: Altered course N42W, straight & 45° 9.10am: Stopped in Lat 66 45N, Long 15 40W & discharged 4 armed guards to HMS “Ebro” 9.25am: Proceeded S37E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.50am: Stopped in Lat 66 30N, Long 14 47W & boarded Swedish SS “Solve” from Hoganas to Siglefjord in ballast, allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Potts; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 0.30pm: Proceeded N35E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 2.10pm: Altered course N27W, sighted HMS “Patuca” 2.36pm: Altered course N69E, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course S25W, straight & 30° 4.16pm: Altered course S44W, straight & 30° 5.50pm: Stopped in Lat 66 36N, Long 14 34W & communicated with HMT “Robert Smith”. Courses & speeds as requisite 7.40pm: Stopped in Lat 66 27N, Long 14 52W & communicated with “Robert Smith” 7.55pm: Proceeded N89E, 65 revs, straight & 45° 11.0pm: Altered course N40W, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623f2a2fc8e2def004094: ( 53-44336-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.41, Long -14.55 3.0am: Altered course S16E, straight & 45° 7.0am: Altered course N75W, straight & 45° 9.0am: Stopped in Lat 66 28N, Long 14 37W & communicated with HMT “Robert Smith” 9.14am: Proceeded N75E, 65 revs, straight & 30° Am: Divisions, rounds & Church Service 10.25am: Stopped in Lat 66 35N, Long 14 30W & boarded Norwegian SS “Kristina” from Siglefjord to Stavanger, in ballast. Allowed to proceed 11.0am: Proceeded S57W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.40am: Stopped & communicated with “Robert Smith” 11.50am: Proceeded N25E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N45W, straight & 45° 8.0pm: Altered course N88E, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623f3a2fc8e2def004095: ( 53-44336-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.61, Long -14.48 2.0am: Altered course S75W, straight & 45° 7.43am: Altered course N34E, straight & 45° 9.50am: In Lat 66 52N, Long 11 38W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.28am: Stopped & picked up target 10.32am: Proceeded S18W, 65 revs, straight & 30°. Signalmen to signal practice 1.0pm: Altered course S14E, straight & 30° 1.53pm: Stopped in Lat 66 24N, Long 14 10W & communicated with HMS “Changuinola” 2.18pm: Proceeded S84W, 65 revs 2.35pm: Stopped in Lat 66 21N, Long 14 21W & communicated with HMT “Walpole” 2.47pm: Proceeded N18E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Langnaes abeam 3 ½ miles 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Read warrant N° 32 6.0pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° 7.10pm: Stopped in Lat 67 12N, Long 14 26W & discharged 2 armed guards to HMS “Ebro” 7.20pm: Proceeded S31W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.0pm: Altered course East, straight & 45° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623f3a2fc8e2def004096: ( 53-44336-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.38, Long -14.4 2.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 45° 8.12am: Altered course N48E, straight & 30° 10.0am: Altered course S31W, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course N38E, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Altered course S46W, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Observed Langnaes bearing SW 7 miles; altered course N36W, straight & 45° 8.0pm: Altered course East & reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623f3a2fc8e2def004097: ( 53-44336-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1916 At Sea Lat 66.46, Long -14.7 2.0am: Altered course S74W, straight & 30° 7.35am: Altered course S31W, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs 8.20am: Reduced to 45 revs 8.25am: Langnaes abeam 4 miles 8.30 to 9.18am: Speeds as requisite communicating with HMT “Robert Smith” 9.18am: Altered course N8W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.40am: Stopped in Lat 66 22N, Long 14 18W & sent armed guard (Midshipman Anderson) onboard Swedish smack “Regalia” from Iceland to Gotenborg. Cargo fish 10.30am: Proceeded N8W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.18am: Langnaes abeam 2 miles; altered course N35W, straight & 30° 3.26pm: Stopped in Lat 66 49N, Long 16 0W & communicated with HMS “Changuinola”. Captain Dean went onboard 3.45pm: Proceeded S20E, 55 revs, following “Changuinola” 3.55pm: Increased to 65 revs 4.45pm: Stopped & picked up boat, Captain Dean returned onboard 4.55pm: Proceeded S35E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.57pm: Stopped in Lat 66 31N, Long 14 37W & received 6 armed guards from HMS “Virginian” 7.18pm: Proceeded N84E, 65 revs, straight & 30°. Darken ship Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f4a2fc8e2def004098: ( 53-44336-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1916 At Sea Lat 65.81, Long -8.81 2.0am: Altered course S9E, straight & 30° 7.30am: Altered course S35E, straight & 30° to close sailing vessel 8.35am: Altered course S10E, straight & 30° 9.20am: Altered course S7E. Intercepted American schooner “Richard W Clark” with armed guard onboard 9.25am: Proceeded S9E, straight & 30° 5.22pm: Altered course N83E, increased to full speed 8.10pm: Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623f4a2fc8e2def004099: ( 53-44336-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1916 At Sea Lat 62.76, Long -4.35 5.10am: Increased to 65 revs 6.55am: Stopped in Lat 63 13N, Long 4 45W & boarded Norwegian SS “Steinar” from Haugesund to Iceland. Cargo salt & empty barrels. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: A M Coleman; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.35am: Proceeded S4E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.40am: In Lat 62 58N, Long 4 14W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.45am: Stopped & picked up target 10.55am: Proceeded S42W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 5.17pm: Courses as requisite 5.20pm: In Lat 61 44N, Long 5 7W intercepted British trawler “Companion” from Faeroes to Aberdeen, part cargo fish. Allowed to proceed 5.30pm: Altered course S42W, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course S55E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f4a2fc8e2def00409a: ( 53-44336-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1916 Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 2.45am: Sighted Esha Ness Light 4.45am: Esha Ness Light abeam 4 miles 5.0am: Sighted HMS “Arab” 5.25am: Passing Muckle Roe Light 5.35am: Passing Boom Defence 5.56am: Stopped 6.0am: Anchored in Busta Voe N° 3 berth, in 17 fms water, 60 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff N20W, Free Church N51E 6.45am: Collier “Sir Francis” came alongside 7.0am: Collier “Cundall” came alongside 7.40am: Coaling party from HMS “Gibraltar” came onboard 8.45am: Commenced coaling 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night 7.30pm: HMS “Moldavia” sailed Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f5a2fc8e2def00409b: ( 53-44336-018_1.jpg) 4f9623f5a2fc8e2def00409c: ( 53-44336-019_0.jpg) 4f9623f5a2fc8e2def00409d: ( 53-44336-019_1.jpg) 4f9623f6a2fc8e2def00409e: ( 53-44336-020_0.jpg) 4f9623f6a2fc8e2def00409f: ( 53-44336-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1916 4f9623f7a2fc8e2def0040a0: ( 53-44337-001_0.jpg) 4f9623f7a2fc8e2def0040a1: ( 53-44337-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs October 1916 log as Navigating Officer] 4f9623f7a2fc8e2def0040a2: ( 53-44337-002_0.jpg) 4f9623f8a2fc8e2def0040a3: ( 53-44337-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623f8a2fc8e2def0040a4: ( 53-44337-003_0.jpg) 4f9623f8a2fc8e2def0040a5: ( 53-44337-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1916 Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 8.0am: Resumed coaling 2.0pm: Finished coaling. Received 900 tons 2.35pm: Collier “Sir Francis” cast off 3.35pm: Collier “Cundall” cast off 5.30pm: Church Service Midnight: HMS “Alsatian” arrived & anchored in No 2 berth Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f9a2fc8e2def0040a6: ( 53-44337-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1916 Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 1.30pm: Leave granted to Blue & White watches till 5.30pm Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623f9a2fc8e2def0040a7: ( 53-44337-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1916 Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship 9.30am: Exercised abandon ship stations 1.30pm: Leave granted to Red & Blue watches till 4.30pm 5.05pm: Discharged 1 rating to HMS “Patuca” 9.12pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Courses & speeds as requisite 9.35pm: Passing Boom defence 9.40pm: Passing Muckle Roe; altered course N37W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 10.30pm: Esha Ness abeam 4 miles 4f9623f9a2fc8e2def0040a8: ( 53-44337-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1916 At Sea Lat 62.1, Long -4.86 7.45am: In Lat 61 20N, Long 4 42W intercepted Norwegian schooner “Louis Bossert” with armed guard onboard. Altered course N13W, straight & 30° 9.15am: Stopped in Lat 61 33N, Long 4 50W & discharged armed guards to HMT “Arley” 9.30am: Proceeded N19E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.0pm: Altered course N28W, straight & 30° Midnight: Stopped in Lat 64 11N, Long 5 10W Number on sick list: 1 4f9623faa2fc8e2def0040a9: ( 53-44337-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1916 At Sea Lat 62.76, Long -4.35 0.15am: Boarded Norwegian SS “Markland” from Archangel to Barry dock. Cargo wood. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: S B Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 1.0am: Proceeded N28W, 65 revs, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course N16W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623faa2fc8e2def0040aa: ( 53-44337-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.61, Long -15.8 1.0am: Altered course S76W, straight & 30° 6.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 7.10 to 8.0am: Courses as requisite communicating with HMS “Almanzora” 8.0am: Altered course N72W, straight & 45° 10.0am: Stopped in Lat 66 41N, Long 14 58W & communicated with HMS “Virginian” 10.25am: Proceeded N72W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 1.0pm: Revsnaes bore S30W; altered course N27E, straight & 30° 4.45pm: Altered course S34W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course N55W, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f9623faa2fc8e2def0040ab: ( 53-44337-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.58, Long -22.7 2.0am: Altered course N69W, straight & 30° 6.25am: Increased to 65 revs. Sighted HMS “Almanzora” 8.0am: Altered course N27W, straight & 30° 9.25 to 9.50am: Courses as requisite communicating with HMS “Almanzora” 9.50am: Altered course N86W, straight & 20°. Increased to 70 revs 11.0am: Passed small iceberg 90 ft high 11.40am: North Cape abeam 9 miles 1.0pm: Altered course N79W. Straumnaes abeam 2 miles 2.0pm: Stopped in Lat 66 26N, Long 23 27W & examined British trawler “Commander Holbrook” 2.07pm: Proceeded N60W 2.20pm: Stopped in Lat 66 26N, Long 23 35W & boarded Danish schooner “Gefion” from Fleetwood to Iceland. Cargo salt. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: S B Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 2.40pm: Proceeded N81W, 65 revs, straight & 20° 6.45pm: Reduced to 55 revs 8.30pm: Reduced to 35 revs. Straight 11.20pm: Increased to 45 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623fba2fc8e2def0040ac: ( 53-44337-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1916 At Sea Lat 65.73, Long -28.36 6.0am: Increased to 55 revs 7.30am: Altered course N54W. Increased to 65 revs 10.30am: Church service 3.45pm: Passed iceberg: Lat 65 55N, Long 27 24W 4.15pm: Passed large iceberg in Lat 66 2N, Long 27 13W, also sighted HMS “Almanzora” & altered course N67W to close 4.23pm: Altered course S13E, speeds as requisite keeping station 6.03pm: Altered course N46W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course S19E & reduced to 35 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623fba2fc8e2def0040ad: ( 53-44337-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1916 At Sea Lat 65.95, Long -28.06 7.25am: Increased to 55 revs 10.0am: Passed iceberg in Lat 65 53N, Long 27 55W 10.35am: Courses as requisite circling large iceberg 200 ft high in Lat 65 57N, Long 27 40W 1.35pm: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 30° 4.20pm: Altered course N20W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Reduced to 45 revs, straight & 45° 10.0pm: Altered course S19E, straight & 45°. Increased to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f9623fba2fc8e2def0040ae: ( 53-44337-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.01, Long -28.83 8.0am: Altered course N23W, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs Noon: Altered course S22E, straight 4.0pm: Altered course N23W, straight & 30° 7.10pm: Reduced to 50 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S22E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623fca2fc8e2def0040af: ( 53-44337-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.03, Long -28.53 2.0am: Altered course N23W, straight & 30° 5.0am: Altered course S22E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course N23W, straight & 30°, 65 revs Noon: Altered course S22E, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course N15W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course S22E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f9623fca2fc8e2def0040b0: ( 53-44337-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.05, Long -28.56 0.15am: Altered course N31W, straight & 30° 4.30am: Altered course S22E, straight & 30° 7.40am: Increased to 65 revs 8.0am: Altered course N23W, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course S22E, straight & 30° 4.05pm: Altered course N24W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course S21E, straight & 30°. Increased to 50 revs Number on sick list: 4 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623fca2fc8e2def0040b1: ( 53-44337-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.05, Long -28.53 1.0am: Altered course N24W, straight & 30° 4.30am: Altered course S20E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course N24W, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs Noon: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° 4.15pm: Altered course N35W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623fda2fc8e2def0040b2: ( 53-44337-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.06, Long -27.41 Am: Wind unsteady 2.30am: Reduced to 50 revs 4.0am: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° 5.0am: Hove to heading East, reduced to 40 revs 8.15pm: Altered course S52W. Increased to 60 revs 10.30pm: Zigzag, straight & 20° Midnight: Altered course N23W, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 4 4f9623fda2fc8e2def0040b3: ( 53-44337-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.05, Long -28.58 4.30am: Altered course S21E, straight & 30° 5.15am: Passed iceberg bearing WSW 2 miles 5.40am: Passed iceberg bearing ENE 3 miles 7.43am: Increased to 65 revs 8.0am: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course S17E, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course N27W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course S17E, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623fda2fc8e2def0040b4: ( 53-44337-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1916 At Sea Lat 65.85, Long -28.11 4.0am: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° 8.40am: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° 10.08am: In Lat 65 53N, Long 27 47W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.45am: Stopped & picked up target 10.50am: Proceeded N25W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 0.30pm: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course N25W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f9623fea2fc8e2def0040b5: ( 53-44337-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1916 At Sea Lat 66.05, Long -28.58 4.0am: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° 8.10am: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° 11.40am: Altered course S21E, straight & 30° 1.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 20° 4.35pm: Altered course N27W, straight & 20° 8.0pm: Altered course S38E, straight & 20° Midnight: Altered course N33W, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 1 4f9623fea2fc8e2def0040b6: ( 53-44337-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1916 At Sea Lat 65.95, Long -28.26 4.0am: Altered course S6E, straight & 20° 8.0am: Altered course S27W, straight & 20° 9.20am: Altered course N34W, straight & 20° 0.10pm: Altered course S17E, straight & 20° 1.40pm: Altered course S15E, straight & 20° Pm: Boys 2nd class to school 4.05pm: Altered course N26W, straight & 20° 8.0pm: Altered course S19E, straight & 20° Midnight: Altered course S25W, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 1 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f9623fea2fc8e2def0040b7: ( 53-44337-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1916 At Sea Lat 65.46, Long -24.86 1.0am: Altered course S17E, straight & 20° 3.0am: Straight course 4.15am: Reduced to 45 revs 8.13am: Altered course South & increased to 55 revs 9.30am: Reduced to 45 revs hove to heading WSW. Division, Prayers & physical drill 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Reduced to 40 revs 6.08pm: Altered ship’s head to WxN & increased to 45 revs Midnight: Altered ships head to WxS Number on sick list: 1 4f9623ffa2fc8e2def0040b8: ( 53-44337-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1916 At Sea Lat 65.33, Long -26.5 7.30am: Altered course N23E, 55 revs 9.25am: Altered course S88E, 65 revs Pm: Courses as requisite entering Arna Fiord [Arnarfjördhur] 6.15pm: Stopped in Lat 65 49N, Long 23 57W & received 3 armed guards from HMS “Motagua” 6.50pm: Proceeded N23W, 65 revs 7.45pm: Altered course S72W & reduced to 60 revs 10.15pm: Staalbierg Huk abeam 7 ½ miles Number on sick list: 1 4f9623ffa2fc8e2def0040b9: ( 53-44337-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1916 At Sea Lat 63.53, Long -22.36 3.45am: Ondverdanaes Light abeam 5 miles 8.30am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 20° 10.0am: Increased to 65 revs 10.35am: Reykjanes abeam 3 ½ miles, altered course S4W 6.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S19E, straight & 30° 4f9623ffa2fc8e2def0040ba: ( 53-44337-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1916 At Sea Lat 61.05, Long -17.0 3.45 to 3.58am: Courses as requisite to intercept Danish SS “Eggert Olafsson” boarded by HMS “Orotava”. Allowed to proceed 3.58am: Altered course S14E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 10.15am: Church service Noon: Altered course S5W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 5.37pm: Altered course S80W to close SS 7.05pm: Stopped in Lat 59 10N, Long 16 24W & boarded British SS “Rhodesia” from Hull to Key West, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: S B Groome; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 7.45pm: Proceeded S3W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 4f962400a2fc8e2def0040bb: ( 53-44337-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1916 At Sea Lat 57.46, Long -16.65 7.30am: Altered course S8E, straight & 30°.Increased to 65 revs 11.15am: Rockall abeam 1 mile; altered course S2W 0.30pm: Increased to full speed 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course S37E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f962400a2fc8e2def0040bc: ( 53-44337-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1916 At Sea Lat 55.18, Long -6.0 4.30am: Sighted Tory Island Light 5.0am: Altered course S62E, straight & 30° 5.50am: Tory Island abeam 14 miles 6.50am: Sighted Inishtrahull 7.20am: Fanad Point Light abeam (S28W) 10 miles 8.15am: Inishtrahull Light abeam ½ miles; Altered course S55E 9.30am: Altered course S50E, straight & 30° 9.50am: Passed HMS “Virginian” bound west 10.30am: Altered course S55E, straight & 30° 10.45am: Courses as requisite through Rathlin Sound 11.48am: Tor Point abeam 1 mile. Set course S25E, straight & 20° 1.23pm: Altered course N62E, straight & 20° 3.28pm: Pladda abeam 1 ½ miles 4.05pm: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 5.45pm: Reduced speed & courses as requisite passing boom defence 6.15pm: Stopped off Greenock & received pilot 7.30pm: Passing Dumbarton Rock 9.10pm: Entered Princes Dock 9.40pm: Made fast in berth N° 29 10.0pm: All fires drawn Number on sick list: 1 4f962400a2fc8e2def0040bd: ( 53-44337-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as required 1.15am: Leave granted to part of ship’s company until 6pm Nov 3rd 1916 1.20pm: Hands employed clearing magazines 2.10pm: Discharged 6 ratings to the shore 11.25pm: Armed guard returned to ship 1 officer & 2 men 4f962401a2fc8e2def0040be: ( 53-44337-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as required 12.20pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital Pm: Hands employed discharging ammunition & shells & as required 1.25pm: Discharged 1 marine to depot 2.40pm: Shifted ship 4f962401a2fc8e2def0040bf: ( 53-44337-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.15am: Shifted ship Am: Hands employed as required 1.0pm: Shifted ship 1.15pm: Leave granted to 1st part of watch 8.40pm: Shifted ship to coaling tips 9.35pm: Made fast 11.0pm: Commenced coaling 4f962401a2fc8e2def0040c0: ( 53-44337-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 4.0am: Stopped coaling 4.30am: Resumed coaling 8.0am: Hands employed as required 9.0am: Stopped coaling 10.20am: Resumed coaling 11.30am: Leave granted to 3rd part of watch until 5pm 11.45am: Shifted ship to N° 22 1.0pm: Made fast 9.15pm: 2 Absentees from HMS “Patuca” reported on board 4f962402a2fc8e2def0040c1: ( 53-44337-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 3.0am: 1 absentee from HMS “Patuca” reported onboard 8.0am: Hands employed washing down decks 10.30am: Landed church parties 1.15pm: Leave granted to part of watch until 7.45 4f962402a2fc8e2def0040c2: ( 53-44337-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 7.0am: Commenced coaling 7.50am: 1 rating joined from hospital 9.30am: 1 Absentee reported onboard from “Moldavia” Coal received 1780 tons 12.45pm: 1 Absentee from HMS “Patuca” brought aboard by civil police 1.20pm: Hands employed as required 2.0pm: Shifted ship 3.20pm: 1 Absentee from HMS “Moldavia” brought onboard by civil police 4.0pm: Leave granted to 3rd part of watch 4f962402a2fc8e2def0040c3: ( 53-44337-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 6.30am: Resumed coaling 8.0am: Hands employed as required 9.10am: 1 Rating from HMS “Orvieto” reported onboard from hospital 10.15am: 1 Rating from “Orotava” sick leave & 2 absentees from HMS “Moldavia” reported onboard 1.20pm: Hands employed as required 5.0pm: 17 cases of wines received on board 9.0pm: Slight fire in N° 4 hold: no damage 9.45pm: Fire in P.O.’s smoke room: no damage 4f962403a2fc8e2def0040c4: ( 53-44337-019_0.jpg) 4f962403a2fc8e2def0040c5: ( 53-44337-019_1.jpg) 4f962403a2fc8e2def0040c6: ( 53-44337-020_0.jpg) 4f962404a2fc8e2def0040c7: ( 53-44337-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1916 4f962404a2fc8e2def0040c8: ( 53-44338-001_0.jpg) 4f962404a2fc8e2def0040c9: ( 53-44338-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs November 1916 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f962405a2fc8e2def0040ca: ( 53-44338-002_0.jpg) 4f962405a2fc8e2def0040cb: ( 53-44338-002_1.jpg) [Ed note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962405a2fc8e2def0040cc: ( 53-44338-003_0.jpg) 4f962406a2fc8e2def0040cd: ( 53-44338-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 8.45am: Five ratings joined ship from Depot Am: Hands employed taking in stores Pm: Hands taking ammunitions onboard 4.30pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch 4f962406a2fc8e2def0040ce: ( 53-44338-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 8.0am: Hands employed as required 1.0pm: Discharged Engineer Lieutenant to shore 1.30pm: Leave granted to 1st Division until 7.45am 5.30pm: One rating joined from Depot 4f962406a2fc8e2def0040cf: ( 53-44338-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 8.0am: Hands employed as required 1.20pm: Hands employed shipping ammunition & stores 4.45pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch until 7.45[am] 4f962407a2fc8e2def0040d0: ( 53-44338-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 8.0am: Hands employed as required 1.15pm: Leave granted to 3rd part division 3.05pm: Leave granted to 2nd division 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised fire stations & read warrant N° 36 6.30pm: Leave granted to White & Blue watches till 7.45am 4f962407a2fc8e2def0040d1: ( 53-44338-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 0.05am: 12 ratings joined ship Am: Hands employed cleaning ship 9.45am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection 10.20am: Church parties landed 1.30pm: Leave granted to Blue & Red watches till 7.45am 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised fire stations & anti air craft stations 4f962407a2fc8e2def0040d2: ( 53-44338-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 6.20 to 7.45am: Shifted ship from Berth 22 to Berth 31 Am: Hands employed stowing magazines & shell room, etc 1.0pm: Leave granted to White watch till 7.45am. Hands employed as requisite 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised fire stations 4.30pm: Leave granted to Red watch till 7.45am 8.0pm: Low fires set away 4f962408a2fc8e2def0040d3: ( 53-44338-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as required Noon: High fires set away 1.0pm: Leave granted to Blue watch till 11pm 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercise fire stations and anti air craft stations 5.15pm: Discharged 1 rating to Depot Number on sick list: 3 4f962408a2fc8e2def0040d4: ( 53-44338-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Hands employed as requisite 1.0pm: Leave granted to Red watch till 11pm 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised fire stations 4.30pm: Leave granted to Blue watch till 7am Number on sick list: 3 4f962408a2fc8e2def0040d5: ( 53-44338-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1916 Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.30 Am: Corrected Mr J W Harwood Engineer Lieutenant RNR (temp) for being absent for two hours after his leave expired when ship was about to go to sea. Signed: J W Harwood; F W Dean Acting Captain Am: Hands employed as requisite 1.0pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital 5.35pm: 1 steward & 1 cooks mate discharged to shore 8.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to depot 10.30pm: Made fast tugs, singled in & stand by engines 10.45pm: Cast off from quay & proceeded; engines as required 11.05pm: Entered river 11.35pm: Passed Rothesay dock 4f962409a2fc8e2def0040d6: ( 53-44338-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1916 Off Little Cumbrae [Lat 55.72, Long -4.94] 0.25am: Passing Bowling 0.45am: Passing Dumbarton Rock 1.35am: Anchored off Tail of Bank in 12fms water, 60 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Roseneath patch N32W, Custom House S65W, Tail of Bank buoy S18E 6.50am: Swig to flood 10.0am: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Engines as required 10.40am: Passed boom defence, altered course S35W. Increased to 65 revs 11.07am: Altered course S26W, Skelmorlie buoy abeam 11.50am: Little Cumbrae abeam. Commenced zigzag 1.0pm: Off Holy Island, courses as requisite for gun test 2.0pm: Finished firing, proceeded N26E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 2.45pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, straight course 3.28pm: Toward [Point] abeam, altered course N35E 3.50pm: Courses & speeds as requisite passing boom defence 4.10pm: Courses & speeds as requisite off Tail of Bank adjusting compasses 4.57pm: Stopped & anchored in 13 fms water, 60 fms cable Anchor bearings: Roseneath patch N40W, Prince’s pier S30W, Tail of Bank buoy S6E Number on sick list: Nil 4f962409a2fc8e2def0040d7: ( 53-44338-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1916 At Sea Lat 55.11, Long -5.28 2.30am: Swung to ebb 6.45am: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite 6.52am: Passed boom defence. Altered course S35W. Increased to 65 revs 8.0am: Passing Little Cumbrae. Altered course S22W 8.10am: Full speed, straight & 30° zigzag 9.06am: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 10.20am: Ailsa Craig abeam 3 miles 9.45am: In Lat 55 20N, Long 5 1W, object reported on Starboard beam supposed to be torpedo, sighted by Captain and Starboard lookout 11.30am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 2.38pm: Torr Point abeam 2 miles, altered course N55W 3.0pm: Anvil Point abeam 1 mile 5.45pm: Inishtrahull abeam ¾ mile 6.05pm: Altered course N69W, straight & 20°, reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f962409a2fc8e2def0040d8: ( 53-44338-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.58, Long -12.83 3.24am: Altered course N33W, straight & 20°. Increased to 70 revs 11.0am: Church service Noon: Reduced to 60 revs 2.52pm: Stopped in Lat 56 52N, Long 13 34W & communicated with HMS “Virginian” 3.05pm: Proceeded N77W, straight & 30°, 60 revs 7.0pm: Altered course S77E, straight & 30°, reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96240aa2fc8e2def0040d9: ( 53-44338-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.83, Long -13.06 6.0am: Altered course N77W, straight & 30° 7.30am: Zigzag, straight & 45°. Increased to 65 revs Noon: Altered course N71W, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Altered course S77E, straight & 30°, & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f96240aa2fc8e2def0040da: ( 53-44338-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.23, Long -12.83 8.30am: Altered course N9E, straight & 30° 7.41am: Altered course N78E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S71E, straight & 30° 8.10am: Stopped in Lat 57 35N, Long 11 27W & discharged ratings to HMS “Teutonic” 8.35am: Proceeded S88W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 7.0pm: Altered course S77E, straight & 30°, reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f96240aa2fc8e2def0040db: ( 53-44338-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.9, Long -13.08 6.0am: Altered course N77W, straight & 30° 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° Noon: Altered course zigzag to straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 56 45N, Long 14 26W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice]. Engines as requisite 4.55pm: Stopped & picked up target 5.0pm: Proceeded S84W, 65 revs, straight & 30°. Prepare for night defence 6.30pm: Altered course S75E & reduced to 50 revs. Straight course Number on sick list: Nil 4f96240ba2fc8e2def0040dc: ( 53-44338-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.75, Long -13.33 8.0am: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° 8.30am: Altered course S80W, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Q M Pearce & Boy West knocked down & injured owing to ship rolling 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence, hove to heading SE ½ S, reduced to 35 revs Number on sick list: Nil [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f96240ba2fc8e2def0040dd: ( 53-44338-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.91, Long -12.88 8.0am: Altered course N89E & increased to 65 revs 9.10am: Reduced to 50 revs [ed. note: soundings taken every hour from 2.0pm to 4.0pm] 4.15pm: Increased to 55 revs 5.0pm: Sounded not bottom 130 fms 6.0pm: Sounded no bottom 6.10pm: Altered course S70E, reduced to 45 revs 7.10pm: Increased to 55 revs 7.15pm: Altered course S80W, 65 revs 7.40pm: Altered course S70E, 45 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96240ba2fc8e2def0040de: ( 53-44338-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.21, Long -12.55 9.15am: Altered course N87W, 55 revs 11.40am: Altered course N58W, 60 revs 3.0pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Altered course S70E, reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96240ca2fc8e2def0040df: ( 53-44338-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.86, Long -12.8 2.0am: Increased to 55 revs 6.40am: Altered course N79W, straight & 30° 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 10.45am: Church service 11.0am: Altered course S56W, full speed 11.35am: Altered course N45W, straight & 30°. Sighted HMS “Virginian” 0.07pm: Reduced to 65 revs 1.12pm: Stopped in Lat 56 57N, Long 13 14W & boarded Danish barque “Atalanta” from Aalborg to Santos. Cargo cement 2.10pm: Proceeded N84W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 3.12pm: Stopped in Lat 56 55N, Long 13 16W & sent armed guard Lieut Banner onboard “Atalanta” 3.38pm: Proceeded N80W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.45pm: Stopped in Lat 56 45N, Long 14 15W & boarded Danish schooner “Eva” from Stornoway to New York. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: E A Jacobs; Accompanying Officer: A M Coleman 7.25pm: Proceeded N65E, 55 revs 8.0pm: Altered course S75E, 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f96240ca2fc8e2def0040e0: ( 53-44338-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.83, Long -13.3 6.0am: Altered course N79W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 8.10am: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” 4.0pm: Evening quarters, in Lat 56 49N, Long 14 3W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 4.45pm: Proceeded N77W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 5.30pm: Altered course S77E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f96240ca2fc8e2def0040e1: ( 53-44338-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.0, Long -12.33 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 9.40am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill. Exercise general quarters. Fire stations, Collision stations & towing stations 11.15am: Exercised action 0.45pm: Altered course N77W, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Altered course S77E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f96240da2fc8e2def0040e2: ( 53-44338-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.96, Long -12.43 6.0am: Altered course N77W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.40am: Sighted HMS “Avenger” Noon: Altered course S72W, straight & 30° 2.07pm: Altered course S38E, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course N40W, straight & 30° 4.17pm: Altered course N52W, straight & 30° 8.40pm: Altered course S77E, straight & 30° and reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f96240da2fc8e2def0040e3: ( 53-44338-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.83, Long -11.5 5.45am: Altered course N77W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S74W, straight & 30° & increased to 65 revs 11.0am: Reduced to 50 revs, altered course S65E 11.30am: Increased to 65 revs, altered course N69W 0.30pm: Altered course S65E & reduced to 55 revs 1.30pm: Altered course N74E, straight & 20°, 65 revs 3.30pm: Altered course N65W, straight & 20° 5.35pm: Reduced to 55 revs 11.0pm: Altered course N73E, straight & 30°, 50 revs Number on sick list: 4 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f96240da2fc8e2def0040e4: ( 53-44338-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.2, Long -13.03 6.0am: Altered course S70W, straight & 30°. Increased to 60 revs 9.30am: Altered course S73W, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N73E, straight & 30°, 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f96240ea2fc8e2def0040e5: ( 53-44338-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.28, Long -12.53 6.0am: Altered course S73W, straight & 30°. Increased to 60 revs 9.38am: Stopped in Lat 57 36N, Long 11 32W & communicated with HMS “Arlanza” 9.55am: Proceeded S87W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 0.40pm: Altered course S73W, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N71E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96240ea2fc8e2def0040e6: ( 53-44338-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.3, Long -15.03 1.0am: Altered course West, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course N26W, straight & 20°. Increased to 65 revs 8.30am: Altered course N16W, straight & 20° 10.15am: Divisions & muster by open list 10.30am: Church Service 11.30am: Altered course N65W to close SS “San Tirso” 11.45am: Reduced to 50 revs 0.50pm: Courses as requisite in company with SS “San Tirso” with damaged steering gear. Also Tug “Sarah Jolliffe”, AMT “Robert Smith” and AMT “Rushcoe”, standing by. Reduced to 40 revs 2.35pm: Increased to 50 revs 6.50pm: Increased to 55 revs 7.15pm: Altered course S51E, straight & 20° Midnight: Altered course N71E, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 2 4f96240ea2fc8e2def0040e7: ( 53-44338-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.43, Long -12.33 8.0am: Altered course S17W, straight & 45° and increased to 65 revs Noon: Altered course S34W, straight & 20° 7.0pm: Altered course N40E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 8.20pm: Altered course N80E, 65 revs 9.20pm: Altered course S81E, full speed 9.25pm: Signalled HMT “Armageddon” 9.30am: Altered course N32E, straight & 30°, 55 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96240fa2fc8e2def0040e8: ( 53-44338-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.28, Long -11.9 6.0am: Altered course S45W, straight & 30° 10.0am: Altered course S50W, straight & 30° Am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill. Exercised fire stations 3.0pm: Altered course S32W, straight & 20° 6.45pm: Altered course N40E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f96240fa2fc8e2def0040e9: ( 53-44338-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1916 At Sea Lat 56.95, Long -12.4 6.0am: Altered course S45W, straight & 30° 7.38am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 9.50am: In Lat 57 20N, Long 11 47W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.45am: Stopped & picked up target 10.55am: Proceeded S45W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Reduced speed & stopped Communicating with HMT “Rushcoe”, Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 4.05pm: Proceeded S45W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N40E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 7.12pm: Increased to 65 revs 7.35pm: Reduced to 55 revs. Communicated with HMT “Rushcoe” & altered course N10E 8.40pm: Altered course N40E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f96240fa2fc8e2def0040ea: ( 53-44338-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1916 At Sea Lat 57.28, Long -12.0 6.0am: Altered course S45W, straight & 30° 11.0am: Altered course S50W, straight & 20° 11.35am: Altered course N2E, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs 8.15pm: Altered course S24E & reduced to 55 revs 9.15pm: Altered course N82E, straight & 20°, 65 revs Number on sick list: 1 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962410a2fc8e2def0040eb: ( 53-44338-018_1.jpg) 4f962410a2fc8e2def0040ec: ( 53-44338-019_0.jpg) 4f962410a2fc8e2def0040ed: ( 53-44338-019_1.jpg) 4f962411a2fc8e2def0040ee: ( 53-44338-020_0.jpg) 4f962411a2fc8e2def0040ef: ( 53-44338-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1916 4f962411a2fc8e2def0040f0: ( 53-44339-001_0.jpg) 4f962412a2fc8e2def0040f1: ( 53-44339-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs November 1916 log as Navigating Officer] 4f962412a2fc8e2def0040f2: ( 53-44339-002_0.jpg) 4f962412a2fc8e2def0040f3: ( 53-44339-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962413a2fc8e2def0040f4: ( 53-44339-003_0.jpg) 4f962413a2fc8e2def0040f5: ( 53-44339-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.31, Long -10.3 6.30am: Altered course S77W, 55 revs, straight & 20° Am: In Lat 59 34N, Long 9 20W intercepted Admiralty Oiler “San Jeronimo” from Sabine to Kirkwall 9.05am: Altered course S77W, straight & 20° 1.50pm: Increased to 65 revs 3.0pm: Stopped in Lat 59 7N, Long 10 33W & examined British SS “Annapolis” from New York to Leith. Cargo general 3.20pm: Proceeded S5E, 65 revs 3.48pm: Stopped in Lat 59 2N, Long 10 25W & sent armed guard Lieut Groome onboard Danish SS “Hellig Olav” from New York to Copenhagen. Cargo general, 500 passengers, & 1,000 bags of mails 4.30pm: Proceeded West, straight & 20°, 65 revs. Read warrant N° 37 8.30pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° and reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962413a2fc8e2def0040f6: ( 53-44339-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.26, Long -10.63 5.30am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 7.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 10.25am: Stopped in Lat 59 25N, Long 10 6W & sent armed guard Lieut Canner onboard Norwegian barque “Nordstjerne” from New Orleans to Aarhus. Cargo Oil cake 10.55am: Proceeded S75W, 65 revs, straight & 20° 6.15pm: Altered course N77E. Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 10.20pm: Stopped in Lat 58 54N, Long 11 28W & sent armed guard Lieut Joynson onboard Norwegian SS “Mirjam”, Philadelphia to Larvik. Cargo grain 11.0pm: Proceeded N77E, 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f962414a2fc8e2def0040f7: ( 53-44339-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.16, Long -10.8 1.45am: Altered course S85E, full speed 2.15am: Stopped in Lat 59 14N, Long 10 24W & sent armed guard Sub Lieut Coleman onboard American SS “Rochester” from New York to Gothenburg. Cargo Lubricating oil 3.13am: Proceeded N77E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 7.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 9.10am: Altered course N77W, straight & 20° 10.30am: Church service 11.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 20° 2.12pm: Altered course S23W, straight & 20° 3.05pm: Stopped in Lat 59 0N, Long 11 0W & sent armed guard Lieut Spencer onboard Swedish SS “Agusta” from Savannah to Landskrona. Cargo cotton cake 3.35pm: Proceeded N69W, 65 revs, straight & 20° 7.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs 9.0pm: Stopped in Lat 59 7N, Long 12 41W & sent armed guard Midshipman Bell onboard Dutch SS “Jacatra”, Baltimore to Rotterndam. Cargo grain. Sent to Stornoway 9.55pm: Proceeded N86W, 55 revs, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 1 4f962414a2fc8e2def0040f8: ( 53-44339-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.25, Long -13.1 2.0am: Altered course S86E, straight & 20° 5.10am: Stopped in Lat 58 58N, Long 12 50W & boarded Danish SS “Arkansas” from Newcastle to Baltimore. Cargo wood pulp. Allowed to proceed. Boarding Officer: Vicker; Accompanying Officer: E A Jacobs 5.45am: Proceeded N46E, 55 revs 6.45am: Increased to 65 revs 7.0am: Altered course N86W, straight & 20° & reduced to 55 revs 9.10am: Increased to 65 revs 9.42am: Altered course N54E, straight & 20° 10.0am: Increased to full speed 11.30am: In Lat 59 14N, Long 13 6W intercepted British SS “Daghild” Sunderland to Halifax in ballast. Allowed to proceed 11.55am: Proceeded N54E, full speed, straight & 20° Number on sick list: 2 4f962414a2fc8e2def0040f9: ( 53-44339-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1916 At Sea Lat 62.85, Long -6.26 7.0am: Altered course S68E, straight & 20° 8.0am: Reduced to 65 revs 9.45am: In Lat 62 51N, Long 6 53W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.30am: Stopped & picked up target 10.36am: Proceeded S68E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 0.30pm: Altered course S21E, straight & 30° 2.45pm: Sighted Fuglö bearing S15W 4.18pm: Fuglö abeam 18 miles Number on sick list: 2 4f962415a2fc8e2def0040fa: ( 53-44339-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 5.50am: Sighted Esha Ness Light bearing S8E. Altered course South & increased to 65 revs 7.34am: Esha Ness Light abeam 1 ½ miles 7.45am: Met Destroyer escort. Courses as requisite, engines as requisite 8.30am: Passed boom defence 8.45am: Stopped 8.50am: Anchored in N° 1 berth, Busta Voe in 16 fms water, 60 fms of cable Anchor Bearings: Free Church N85E, Flagstaff S86W 9.20am: Colliers “Kyleakin” and “De Fontaine” came alongside, also coaling party from HMS “Gibraltar”, 76 men. Commenced coaling. 2 armed guards joined ship 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night. Darken ship 4f962415a2fc8e2def0040fb: ( 53-44339-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 8.0am: Resumed coaling 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night 4f962415a2fc8e2def0040fc: ( 53-44339-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 8.0am: Resumed coaling 11.0am: 4 armed guards rejoined ship Am: Engineer Lieut Commander Taylor joined ship 1.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 1050 tons Pm: Hands employed cleaning ship 7.45pm: Discharged Assistant Paymaster in charge E A Jacobs to Chatham Hospital 4f962416a2fc8e2def0040fd: ( 53-44339-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1916 At Busta Voe Lat 60.35, Long -1.37 8.0am: Put all boats in water 9.0am: Exercised Abandon Ship 10.0am: Blue watch landed for recreation 1.0pm: Leave granted to Red & White watches till 4.30pm 5.15pm: 1 armed guard arrived onboard for HMS “Patuca” 8.18pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Engines as required 8.45pm: Passing boom defence. Increased to 65 revs 9.05pm: Muckle Roe abeam. Altered course N35W 9.30pm: Commenced zigzag 9.55pm: Esha Ness abeam 4 miles. Altered course N18W, straight & 30° 4f962416a2fc8e2def0040fe: ( 53-44339-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1916 At Sea Lat 62.63, Long -4.91 11.30am: Divisions & Church Service 1.25pm: Sighted Fuglö bearing S75W 2.0pm: Altered course N68W, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course S64W, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: Nil 4f962416a2fc8e2def0040ff: ( 53-44339-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1916 At Sea Lat 61.6, Long -11.18 6.0am: Altered course N34W, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs 9.08am: Sighted HMS “Alsatian”, altered course W 9.30am: Stopped in Lat 61 57N, Long 11 0W & communicated with HMS “Alsatian” 10.10am: Proceeded S26W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.30am: Altered course S42W, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course S65E, straight & 20°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f962417a2fc8e2def004100: ( 53-44339-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.45, Long -9.45 3.25am: Reduced to 45 revs 9.0am: Altered course S83W, 55 revs 9.35am: Altered course N80W, reduced to 45 revs 9.40am: In Lat 59 32N, Long 9 44W intercepted Norwegian barque “Norma”, Trondjem to Savannah, in ballast. Allowed to proceed 10.30am: Altered course S75E, 55 revs Noon: Altered course SxE, increased to 65 revs & intercepted Danish SS “Oscar II” flying correct flag. Allowed to proceed 0.15pm: Altered course S88E, reduced to 55 revs 3.0pm: Altered course N22E, straight & 30° 3.55pm: Altered course S24W, straight & 30° 5.26pm: Altered course N68W, straight & 30° 6.25pm: Altered course N7W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course N24E, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f962417a2fc8e2def004101: ( 53-44339-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.55, Long -9.63 5.30am: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S35E, straight & 30° 9.15am: Altered course S24W, straight & 30° 11.40am: Stopped in Lat 59 33N, Long 9 38W & discharged 1 armed guard to HMS “Patuca” Noon: Proceeded N22E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 1.20pm: Increased to 65 revs 10.0pm: Altered course N51E, straight & 30° 4f962417a2fc8e2def004102: ( 53-44339-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1916 At Sea Lat 62.02, Long -9.11 4.0am: Altered course S22W, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course N23E, straight & 30° 9.30am: Altered course N39E, straight & 30° 11.53am: Reduced to 45 revs 0.50pm: Reduced to 35 revs 1.25pm: Altered course S23W, 55 revs 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, read warrant N° 38 5.10pm: Altered course N23E, 35 revs Number on sick list: 2 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962418a2fc8e2def004103: ( 53-44339-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1916 At Sea Lat 60.48, Long -8.81 2.35am: Altered course S13W, 55 revs [ed. note: sounding taken every 15 minutes from 7.45 to 8.45am] 9.30am: Divisions, Prayers & action stations. Intercepted British trawler GY 466 “Nestor” 10.45am: Intercepted British trawler GY 1281 “Brisbane” bound North 0.10pm: Increased to 60 revs 1.07pm: Altered course S66W & reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962418a2fc8e2def004104: ( 53-44339-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1916 At Sea Lat 60.38, Long -8.7 2.30am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 6.20am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 9.45am: In Lat 60 34N, Long 8 21W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.25am: Stopped & picked up target 10.33am: Proceeded S77W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.37pm: Increased to 65 revs 3.40pm: Altered course S34W, full speed 4.43pm: Stopped in Lat 59 49N, Long 9 47W & examined Norwegian SS “Activ” with armed guard on board from HMS “Columbella” 5.40pm: Proceeded N43W, 55 revs 11.0pm: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f962418a2fc8e2def004105: ( 53-44339-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1916 At Sea Lat 60.31, Long -8.91 6.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f962419a2fc8e2def004106: ( 53-44339-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.95, Long -10.0 6.30am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 8.10am: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° 8.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.45am: In Lat 60 8N, Long 9 20W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.15am: Stopped & picked up target 10.25am: Proceeded S77W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence, reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 5.55pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° 10.30pm: Altered zigzag to straight & 20° Number on sick list: Nil 4f962419a2fc8e2def004107: ( 53-44339-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1916 At Sea Lat 60.95, Long -10.06 6.50am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered zigzag to straight & 30° Am: Medical inspection of crew 11.13am: Altered course N75W, 65 revs * A quantity of fresh water Condemned 1.0pm: In Lat 60 10N, Long 10 28W intercepted Danish SS “Brage” (RE147) flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 1.05pm: Altered course S52W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 5.25pm: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 7.50pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 20° Number on sick list: Nil 4f962419a2fc8e2def004108: ( 53-44339-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.57, Long -10.66 6.30am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 0.10pm: Stopped in Lat 59 42N, Long 10 44W & dropped big target & carried out 6” gun practice, engines as required 1.20pm: Stopped & picked up target 1.40pm: Proceeded S10W, straight & 30°, 55 revs 2.40pm: In Lat 59 32N, Long 10 43W intercepted Norwegian Sailing Vessel “Audny” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed. Altered course S88W, straight & 30° 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 1 4f96241aa2fc8e2def004109: ( 53-44339-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.66, Long -10.86 5.15am: Starboard engine stopped for Engineers purposes 5.38am: Proceeded Starboard Engine 3.35pm: Sighted HMS “Patia” Number on sick list: 1 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f96241aa2fc8e2def00410a: ( 53-44339-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.75, Long -10.5 3.30am: Altered course N78W, courses & engines as requisite 3.50am: Stopped in Lat 59 55N, Long 10 2W & sent armed guard Lieut Banner onboard Norwegian SS “Havna” from Reykjavik to Stornoway, in ballast 5.50am: Proceeded N67E, 55 revs, straight & 20° 8.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 20° 9.50am: In Lat 59 53N, Long 10 7W dropped target and carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice]. Engines as requisite 10.35am: Stopped & picked up target 10.45am: Proceeded S80W, 60 revs, straight & 30° 2.0pm: Full speed 3.30pm: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 11 36W & boarded British SS “Manchester Trader” from West Hartlepool to Hampton Roads, in ballast. Allowed to proceed 3.55pm: Proceeded S80W, 65 revs 4.50pm: Stopped in Lat 59 9N, Long 12 00W & sent armed guard Midship. Vickers onboard Norwegian SS “Briefond” from Philadelphia to Gotenborg. Cargo petroleum 5.30pm: Proceeded N52E, 55 revs 5.47pm: Stopped for engineers requirements 7.0pm: Proceeded N77E, 55 revs 10.43pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f96241aa2fc8e2def00410b: ( 53-44339-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.75, Long -10.8 6.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 8.44am: Altered course S72W, straight & 30° 9.30am: Increased to 65 revs, zigzag, straight & 45° 1.0pm: Altered course S79W, straight & 45° 4.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 5.55pm: Altered course N75E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f96241ba2fc8e2def00410c: ( 53-44339-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.73, Long -10.58 6.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 10.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° Am: Church Service 3.15pm: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 11 30W & sent armed guard Lieut Groome onboard American SS “Corning” from Philadelphia to Copenhagen. Cargo petroleum 3.42pm: Proceeded S89W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 4.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs 6.30pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f96241ba2fc8e2def00410d: ( 53-44339-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1916 At Sea Lat 60.25, Long -9.0 1.30am: Courses as requisite to close SS 2.48am: Stopped in Lat 60 5N, Long 10 38W & boarded Norwegian SS “Drammensfjord” from Christiania to New York via Kirkwall. Allowed to proceed 3.45am: Proceeded S89E, 65 revs 8.13am: Zigzag, straight & 20° 9.30am: Stopped in Lat 60 30N, Long 8 30W & communicated with HMS “Alsatian” 10.13am: Proceeded S68W, straight & 20°, 65 revs 10.45am: Church Service 1.55pm: Altered course S82W, straight & 30° 3.15pm: Stopped in Lat 59 48N, Long 9 32W & communicated with HMS “Avenger” 3.25pm: Proceeded N83W, straight & 30°, 60 revs 7.30pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs 11.0pm: Altered course South, full speed 11.50pm: Stopped in Lat 59 52N, Long 9 46W & boarded British SS “Devona” from Tyne to Montreal, in ballast Number on sick list: Nil 4f96241ba2fc8e2def00410e: ( 53-44339-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1916 At Sea Lat 60.25, Long -9.11 0.30am: Proceeded N71E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 7.0am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 9.0am: Increased to 65 revs 9.45am: In Lat 60 22N, Long 8 50W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] & with 6 pdr 10.55am: Proceeded S77W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 5.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 6.35pm: Altered course N77E, straight & 20° Number on sick list: Nil 4f96241ca2fc8e2def00410f: ( 53-44339-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1916 At Sea Lat 60.2, Long -9.63 5.30am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 8.10am: Increased to 60 revs 9.0am: Altered course S86W, straight & 30° 9.45am: In Lat 60 19N, Long 8 40W dropped target & carried out aiming rifle practice 6 pounders 10.20am: Stopped & picked up target 10.27am: Proceeded S86W, 60 revs, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 5.35pm: Reduced to 45 revs 7.03pm: Altered course S17W, 65 revs 7.45pm: Stopped in Lat 59 30N, Long 10 58W & sent armed guard Midshipman Seal onboard Norwegian SS “John Bakke” from Baltimore to Skein. Cargo grain 8.45pm: Proceeded N74E, 45 revs 10.30pm: Sighted HMS “Avenger” 11.22pm: Altered course S11E, full speed 11.50pm: Stopped in Lat 59 46N, Long 10 15W intercepted Dutch SS “Selene” west bound, flying correct flag. Allowed to proceed Number on sick list: Nil 4f96241ca2fc8e2def004110: ( 53-44339-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1916 At Sea Lat 58.8, Long -8.7 0.10am: Proceeded S80E, 45 revs 8.30am: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 20° 9.45am: Reduced to 50 revs 10.30am: Reduced to 45 revs 8.55pm: Stopped in Lat 59 26N, Long 10 8W & sent armed guard Midshipman Barrows onboard Norwegian SS “Norfolk” from Savannah to Rotterdam. Cargo pig iron, cotton, & oil 9.50pm: Proceeded N47W, 45 revs Number on sick list: 1 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f96241ca2fc8e2def004111: ( 53-44339-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.71, Long -10.9 6.0am: Altered course S82W, straight & 20° 6.20am: Increased to 55 revs 10.05am: In Lat 59 46N, Long 10 45W dropped big target & carried out 6” gun practice & 6 pdr practice. Engines as required 11.10am: Stopped & picked up target 11.22am: Proceeded S82W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 7.45pm: Altered course N82E, straight & 30° & reduced to 45 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96241da2fc8e2def004112: ( 53-44339-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.58, Long -11.23 6.0am: Altered course S82W, straight & 30° 10.0am: Altered course S86W, straight & 30° 0.15pm: Increased to 50 revs 8.0pm: Altered course N82E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 45 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96241da2fc8e2def004113: ( 53-44339-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1916 At Sea Lat 59.53, Long -11.55 0.40am: Altered course S70E, 65 revs 1.25am: Stopped in Lat 59 34N, Long 11 4W & sent armed guard Lieut Spencer onboard Swedish SS “Helsingborg” from Baltic to Baltimore. Cargo wood pulp 2.30am: Proceeded N74E, straight & 30°, 45 revs 6.30am: Altered course S82W, straight & 30° 8.30am: Increased to full speed, straight & 20° 9.0am: Reduced to 55 revs 10.30am: Divine Service Noon: Altered course S73W, straight & 30° 5.36pm: Reduced to 45 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f96241da2fc8e2def004114: ( 53-44339-019_0.jpg) 4f96241ea2fc8e2def004115: ( 53-44339-019_1.jpg) 4f96241ea2fc8e2def004116: ( 53-44339-020_0.jpg) 4f96241ea2fc8e2def004117: ( 53-44339-020_1.jpg) THE VOYAGES OF HMS HILARY 1917 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1917 4f96241fa2fc8e2def004118: ( 53-44340-001_0.jpg) 4f96241fa2fc8e2def004119: ( 53-44340-001_1.jpg) [Ed Note: F C P Harris signs January 1917 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f96241fa2fc8e2def00411a: ( 53-44340-002_0.jpg) 4f962420a2fc8e2def00411b: ( 53-44340-002_1.jpg) [Ed. Note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962420a2fc8e2def00411c: ( 53-44340-003_0.jpg) 4f962420a2fc8e2def00411d: ( 53-44340-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1917 At Sea Lat 57.26, Long -13.88 4.0am: Altered course S11W closing Sailing Vessel 4.20am: Stopped in Lat 58 20N, Long 14 11W & boarded Swedish schooner “Valkyr” from Gotenborg to Saffi. Cargo wood. Allowed to proceed 6.10am: Proceeded S10W, straight & 30°, 45 revs 8.20am: Increased to 55 revs 9.30am: Increased to 65 revs 9.48am: Altered course West, Rockall bearing SWxW ½ W 6 miles 10.23am: Rockall abeam 1 mile, altered course S10W 10.30am: Straight & 45° 5.10pm: In Lat 56 30N, Long 13 00W intercepted Danish SS “Transvaal” from Stornoway, flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 5.25pm: Reduced to 55 revs, altered course N72W 5.55pm: Reduced to 45 revs 7.45pm: Altered course SSW, 55 revs 8.17pm: Reduced to 50 revs 10.18pm: Stopped in Lat 56 36N, Long 12 46W & sent armed guard Lieut Canner onboard Swedish SS “Kronprinsessan Victoria” from Mobile to Goteborg. Cargo pig iron 11.05pm: Proceeded N70W, 45 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962421a2fc8e2def00411e: ( 53-44340-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1917 At Sea Lat 55.98, Long -10.81 2.0am: Altered course S40E, straight & 30° 8.10am: Increased to 55 revs 9.35am: Increased to 60 revs [ed. note: soundings taken at 4.15pm, then every half hour from 4.33pm to 7.30pm] 7.30pm: Observed Tory Island Light bearing S15W, altered course S30W, straight & 30° 8.15pm: Tory Island abeam 9 miles, altered course S75E, full speed 9.35pm: Fanad Head abeam 8 miles 10.39pm: Inishtrahull abeam 1 mile, altered course S54E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f962421a2fc8e2def00411f: ( 53-44340-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.35am: Passing through Rathlin Sound 3.15am: Maidens abeam 3 ½ miles, altered course N66E 5.07am: Ailsa Craig abeam 1 mile, altered course N25E 5.52am: Pladda abeam 3 miles 6.15am: Holy Island abeam 2 miles 7.10am: Passing Little Cumbrae 7.45am: Toward [Point] abeam N33E 8.10am: Passing boom defence 8.22am: Stopped & received pilot. Engines as required passing up river 11.20am: Entered Prince’s dock 0.10pm: Made fast in berth N° [ed. note: space left blank] 0.30pm: All main boiler fires drawn 4.0pm: Leave granted to Blue & fore part of White watch from Jan 3rd until Jan 12th pm 4.05pm: Commenced coaling 6.0pm: Short leave granted to 1st & 2nd part of watch until 7.45am 9.30pm: Ceased coaling for supper 10.30pm: Resumed coaling 4f962421a2fc8e2def004120: ( 53-44340-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.0am: Ceased coaling, allowance time 4.30am: Resumed coaling 7.0am: Shifted ship along quay 7.0am: Ceased coaling, allowance time 8.10am: Resumed coaling 9.15am: Hands employed cleaning out tanks & getting in stores as requisite 12.0am: Leave granted to 1st part of watch until 7.45am 1.20pm: Hands employed cleaning tanks 2.0pm: Ceased coaling (allowance time) 3.0pm: Resumed coaling 4.0pm: Leave granted to 3rd division of watch until 7.45am 5.30pm: Ceased coaling (allowance time) 6.0pm: Resumed coaling 7.10pm: One PO 1st class & 6 seaman, one NCO & 6 marines landed for patrol duties in charge of Mr Beckett, Gunner 9.30pm: Ceased coaling 10.30pm: Resumed coaling 11.40pm: Patrol returned on board [ed. note: NCO = Non-Commissioned Officer] 4f962422a2fc8e2def004121: ( 53-44340-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.0am: Ceased coaling (allowance time) 4.30am: Resumed coaling 6.0am: Ceased coaling. Day shift of men came on 6.12am: Resumed coaling 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning tanks & getting stores aboard 9.0am: Ceased coaling (allowance time) 10.0am: Resumed coaling 10.0am: 5 6” gun sights sent ashore for repairs. Lieut Canner & armed guard returned on board Am: Shore workmen employed on various work 12.0am: Leave granted to 2nd division of watch until 7.45am, Boys until 7pm 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite 4.30pm: Leave granted to 1st division of watch until 7.45am 9.30pm: Ceased coaling 10.30pm: Resumed coaling 4f962422a2fc8e2def004122: ( 53-44340-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Ceased coaling. Coaling Completed. Received 1806 tons 0.20pm: Shifted ship as required for big crane to lift guns 3.05pm: Secured ship alongside Finnieston Big Crane 3.40pm: Leave granted to 3rd part of watch until 7.45am, remainder of watch employed getting in stores 4.15pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch until 7.45am, boys 7.0pm 5.30pm: 5 RNR men’s kit bags & hammocks discharged from ship en route for Chatham Depot 6.04pm: Foremost Backspring carried away fairlead 6.10pm: Hands employed working hawsers as required for tide 4f962422a2fc8e2def004123: ( 53-44340-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite 9.20am: Watch employed shifting ship as requisite to lift Y gun 10.30am: Landed Church parties 12.0am: Church of England party returned on board 0.35pm: Watch employed shifted ship as requisite to lift X gun 1.0pm: Leave granted to 1st and 3rd part of watch till 7.45am. Boys 7pm 6.10pm: Hands employed working hawsers as required for tide 4f962423a2fc8e2def004124: ( 53-44340-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning tanks & cleaning ship 10.0am: Hands employed shifting ship to lift after gun 11.55am: Hands employed getting out ammunition 1.0pm: Leave granted to 2nd division watch until 7.45am. Boys 7pm 1.10pm: Hands employed ship as requisite 2.15pm: Hands employed getting in stores 3.0pm: Hands employed shifting ship as requisite 3.22pm: “A” gun lifted ashore on jetty 3.33pm: 6 ratings sent ashore to Dentists 4.0pm: Leave granted to 1st division watch until 7.45am 4.25pm: Diver went down to examine propellers 4.45pm: “A” 6” gun replaced 5.40pm: Finished diving 5.50pm: After Backspring carried away 7.0pm: PO 1st class & 6 seamen, one NCO & 6 marines landed for patrol duties in charge Lieut Groome RNR 11.05pm: Patrol returned on board 4f962423a2fc8e2def004125: ( 53-44340-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands getting in stores as required 9.21am: One rating joined ship from RN depot Plymouth 9.31am: One officer joined ship (Sub Lieut RNR) 9.45am: Hands employed shifting ship as requisite 10.09am: Lifted “B” gun on to jetty 10.35am: Two prisoners in charge of escort discharged to “Hildebrand” for passage to their respective ships 11.0am: Hands employed getting in 3 shell cartridge cases 12.0am: Leave granted to 3rd division of watch until 7.45am. Boys 7pm 0.30pm: “B” gun replaced 1.0pm: Hands fall in employed getting in stores 2.0pm: Tugs arrived, shifted ship from Finnieston Quay 3.45pm: Tied up alongside N° 17 berth Queen’s Dock 4.0pm: Hands employed getting in stores 6.0pm: Leave to part of watch 6.20pm: Liberty men fall in 6.30pm: Finished getting in stores 4f962423a2fc8e2def004126: ( 53-44340-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 0.30am: 3 Royal marines joined ship from Depot 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite on tanks 9.45am: 18 Ratings joined ship from Depot 10.15am: Hands employed getting in stores 1.20pm: Hands employed with guns & cleaning tanks & getting in stores Pm: Leave granted to 1st and 3rd division of watch until 7.45am. Boys 7am [ed. note: perhaps 7pm] Pm: 2nd part of watch employed getting in stores 8.0pm: Dynamo stopped 8.10pm: Emergency lights in all parts of ship lighted 4f962424a2fc8e2def004127: ( 53-44340-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning out tanks, painting ship’s side, working about guns, provisioning ship & as requisite 1.10pm: Hands employed cleaning out tanks & getting in stores. Gunner party as requisite 2.10pm: Gave leave to 2nd division of watch until 7.45am. Boys 9pm 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised fire stations & aerial [?] gun stations 4.20pm: Leave for part of watch 5.45pm: Patrol to supper & clean 7.0pm: Patrol left ship in charge of Sub Lieut 8.50pm: One Officer left ship for Depot 11.35pm: Patrol returned on board 4f962424a2fc8e2def004128: ( 53-44340-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning tanks & as requisite 9.40am: Hands employed getting in ammunition 1.30pm: Shifted ship to berth 27 6.0pm: Leave granted to Red watch & part of White watch till 7.45am 4f962424a2fc8e2def004129: ( 53-44340-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.0am: Low fires set away 8.55am: Two ratings joined ship. Hands employed stowing ammunition 10.15am: One rating returned from RN Hospital Queensferry 10.50am: One officer RNVR joined ship 11.10am: One rating (steward) joined ship from Portsmouth Noon: Leave granted to White & Blue watches, till 7am Noon: High fires set away 4.0pm: Exercised quarters, exercised fire stations 6.30pm: Discharged 23 ratings to depot 4f962425a2fc8e2def00412a: ( 53-44340-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 2.12pm: Cast off from berth & proceeded. Engines as required 2.25pm: Entered river 3.15pm: Passed Rothesay dock 4.15pm: Passing Dumbarton Rock 4.50pm: Stopped off Greenock & dropped pilot 5.0pm: Proceeded, courses & engines as requisite 5.25pm: Passed boom defence, altered course S36W, 70 revs 5.45pm: Skelmorlie buoy abeam, altered course S28W 6.20pm: Passing Little Cumbrae, altered course S25W 7.15pm: Holy Island abeam 1 mile 8.23pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 1 mile, altered course S67W 9.17pm: Corsewall abeam 9 ½ miles 10.25pm: Maidens bore S67W, 4 miles; altered course N26W 4f962425a2fc8e2def00412b: ( 53-44340-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1917 At Sea Lat 55.43, Long -10.0 1.08am: Anvil Point abeam 1 mile 1.30am: Commenced zigzag straight & 30° 4.14am: Inishtrahull abeam 1 mile 4.30am: Altered course N69W, straight & 30° 7.0am: Tory Island abeam 9 ½ miles Noon: Altered course N24W, reduced to 65 revs 0.10pm: Increased to full speed 0.20pm: Reduced to 65 revs 1.23pm: Stopped in Lat 55 37N, Long 10 18W & boarded Norwegian SS “Christian Michelsen” from Falmouth to Rotterdam. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed 2.0pm: Proceeded N24W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 9.50pm: Altered course S74W, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N74E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f962425a2fc8e2def00412c: ( 53-44340-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1917 At Sea Lat 57.06, Long -11.05 7.30am: Altered course N25W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs 8.42am: Stopped in Lat 57 19N, Long 10 55W & communicated with HMS “Patia” 8.55am: Proceeded S7W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 10.07am: Altered course S74W, straight & 45° 11.30am: Altered course N50E, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course N20E, straight & 30° 4.10pm: Stopped in Lat 57 48N, Long 10 20W & discharged 1 armed guard to HT “Rushcoe” 4.30pm: Proceeded S64W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight Number on sick list: 1 4f962426a2fc8e2def00412d: ( 53-44340-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1917 At Sea Lat 57.46, Long -10.5 0.45am: Commenced zigzag straight & 30° 2.0am: Altered course N70E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs 11.45am: Stopped in Lat 57 28N, Long 10 30W & discharged 1 armed guard Mid Bell to HMT “Robert Smith” Noon: Proceeded N17W, 65 revs 0.10pm: Stopped in Lat 57 30N, Long 10 34W & discharged 1 armed guard Mid Vickers to HMT “Saxon” 0.25pm: Proceeded S77W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 6.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 7.0pm: Straight course Number on sick list: 1 4f962426a2fc8e2def00412e: ( 53-44340-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1917 At Sea Lat 57.46, Long -10.5 4.45am: Commenced zigzag, straight & 30° 6.30am: Altered course S77W, straight & 30° 7.20am: Altered course N77E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 60 revs 10.0am: Altered course S63E, straight & 30° 10.30am: Altered course S76W, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course S73W, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs 7.0pm: Straight course 9.0pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° 11.30pm: Altered course S24W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962426a2fc8e2def00412f: ( 53-44340-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1917 At Sea Lat 57.06, Long -11.73 3.0am: Altered course N60E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 60 revs 10.30am: Altered course S57W, straight & 30° 2.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs 3.37pm: Altered course S2W, straight & 30° 4.53pm: Altered course N46W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 2 4f962427a2fc8e2def004130: ( 53-44340-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1917 At Sea Lat 57.1, Long -11.5 7.0am: Altered course S71W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S56W, straight & 30°, 60 revs 8.30am: 65 revs 3.10pm: Altered course S22W, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course N22E, straight & 30° 5.30pm: Altered course S67W, straight & 30° 6.15pm: Altered course N69W, straight & 30°, 50 revs 9.0pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f962427a2fc8e2def004131: ( 53-44340-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1917 At Sea Lat 56.68, Long -11.46 8.0am: Altered course S35W, 65 revs 10.35am: Church Service 11.30am: Altered course S17E, straight & 30° 0.37pm: Altered course S10W, straight & 30° 0.53pm: Stopped in Lat 56 39N, Long 11 23W & communicated with French cruiser “Champagne” 1.20pm: Proceeded N68W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.15pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs 11.20pm: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f962427a2fc8e2def004132: ( 53-44340-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1917 At Sea Lat 56.91, Long -13.58 1.15am: Altered course S81E, straight & 30° 3.12am: Altered course N84W, straight & 30° 8.30am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 10.30am: Altered course S80E, straight & 45° Noon: Altered course S70E, straight & 45° 0.25pm: Stopped in Lat 56 53N, Long 13 23W & communicated with HMS “Avenger” 0.30pm: Proceeded N5E, straight & 30°, 65 revs 5.0pm: Rockall abeam 1 ½ miles. Altered course N18W, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs 10.0pm: Altered course S86E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 5 4f962428a2fc8e2def004133: ( 53-44340-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1917 At Sea Lat 58.36, Long -14.0 5.30am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 55 revs 8.30am: Increased to 60 revs 9.45am: In Lat 58 24N, Long 13 47W dropped target & carried out 1” & 6 pdr practice 11.12am: Stopped & picked up target 11.20am: Proceeded N88W, 60 revs, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f962428a2fc8e2def004134: ( 53-44340-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1917 At Sea Lat 58.33, Long -14.38 8.0am: Increased to 60 revs, straight & 30° 11.0am: Altered course West, reduced to 50 revs Noon: Altered course West, intercepted British Admiralty oiler 68, bound East. Allowed to proceed 3.20pm: Reduced to 35 revs, hove to heading SWxS 9.0pm: Altered course NNE, 50 revs 10.35pm: Altered course SExE ½ E, 35 revs 10.53pm: Altered course East, 60 revs 11.42pm: Altered course SE, 35 revs, hove to Number on sick list: 3 4f962428a2fc8e2def004135: ( 53-44340-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1917 At Sea Lat 58.08, Long -14.43 1.30pm: Altered course NNE, 60 revs 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence. Hove to heading SExE, 35 revs Number on sick list: 4 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962429a2fc8e2def004136: ( 53-44340-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1917 At Sea Lat 58.33, Long -13.91 8.0am: Altered course N39W, 50 revs 9.40am: Divisions, Prayers & physical drill 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence 5.0pm: Darken ship Number on sick list: 4 4f962429a2fc8e2def004137: ( 53-44340-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1917 At Sea Lat 58.23, Long -14.35 9.20am: Increased to 55 revs 9.30am: Straight & 30° zigzag 7.0pm: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f962429a2fc8e2def004138: ( 53-44340-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1917 At Sea Lat 58.25, Long -14.16 6.0am: Altered course S86E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S83E, straight & 30° 10.0am: In Lat 58 8N, Long 14 40W intercepted Danish barque “Asverd” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Proceeded S88E, straight & 30° 11.0am: Church Service 2.0pm: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Altered course N88W, straight & 30° 7.40pm: Stopped in Lat 58 33N, Long 13 57W & sent armed guard Lieut Groome onboard Swedish SS “Grekland” from Baltimore to Landskrona. Cargo maize 9.0pm: Proceeded S76E, 55 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f96242aa2fc8e2def004139: ( 53-44340-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1917 At Sea Lat 58.93, Long -12.16 7.0am: Altered course N49W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S60W, straight & 30° 8.55am: Stopped in Lat 59 0N, Long 11 24W & communicated with HMS “Patuca” 9.17am: Proceeded N45W, 65 revs 10.22am: Stopped in Lat 59 2N, Long 11 46W & communicated with HMS “Changuinola” 10.40am: Proceeded S83W, 65 revs, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course S53W, straight & 30° 1.19pm: Altered course S55E, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course South, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence, read warrant N° 39 & 40 4.05pm: Stopped in Lat 58 39N, Lat 11 28W & communicated with HMS “Ebro” 4.25pm: Proceeded S59E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs 6.50pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f96242aa2fc8e2def00413a: ( 53-44340-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1917 At Sea Lat 59.05, Long -9.3 5.0am: Altered course S76W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs 8.30am: Altered course S37W, straight & 30° 9.40am: Altered course S74W, straight & 30° 10.0am: In Lat 59 6N, Long 9 7W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 11.21am: Stopped & picked up target 11.25am: Proceeded S74W, 65 revs, straight & 30° Noon: Altered zigzag to straight & 45° 2.36pm: Altered course S50W, straight & 30° 3.04pm: Stopped in Lat 58 43N, Long 10 3W & boarded Admiralty oiler “Rosalind” from Sabine to Kirkwall. Allowed to proceed 3.32pm: Proceeded S74W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 6.05pm: Altered course N78E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs 9.0pm: Altered course N73E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 1 4f96242aa2fc8e2def00413b: ( 53-44340-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1917 At Sea Lat 59.01, Long -8.96 3.10am: Altered course N2W, 65 revs 3.30am: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 8 20W intercepted Danish schooner “Hamlet” with armed guard onboard allowed to proceed 3.50am: Proceeded S3W, 65 revs 4.50am: Altered course N47E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs 6.20am: Altered course S76W, straight & 30° 7.35am: In Lat 59 15N, Long 8 22W intercepted Norwegian SS “Conrad Moer”* flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 7.40am: Altered course S79W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 10.50am: In Lat 59 4N, Long 8 42W boarded British trawler from Long Hope on special service. Allowed to proceed 11.20am: Proceeded West, 65 revs, straight & 30° 1.50pm: Altered course West, straight & 30°. In Lat 58 55N, Long 9 40W intercepted American schooner “Salisbury”. Correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed 2.0pm: Altered course S76W, straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 58 40N, Long 10 22W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 4.40pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.45pm: Proceeded S76W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 6.20pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 1 *[ed. note: misspelt for SS “Conrad Mohr”] 4f96242ba2fc8e2def00413c: ( 53-44340-019_0.jpg) 4f96242ba2fc8e2def00413d: ( 53-44340-019_1.jpg) 4f96242ba2fc8e2def00413e: ( 53-44340-020_0.jpg) 4f96242ca2fc8e2def00413f: ( 53-44340-020_1.jpg) LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1917 4f96242ca2fc8e2def004140: ( 53-44341-001_0.jpg) 4f96242da2fc8e2def004141: ( 53-44341-001_1.jpg) [Ed note: F C P Harris signs February 1917 log as Navigating Officer] 4f96242da2fc8e2def004142: ( 53-44341-002_0.jpg) 4f96242da2fc8e2def004143: ( 53-44341-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f96242ea2fc8e2def004144: ( 53-44341-003_0.jpg) 4f96242ea2fc8e2def004145: ( 53-44341-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1917 At Sea Lat 59.0, Long -9.41 5.30am: Altered course S76W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 9.53am: In Lat 59 5N, Long 9 10W dropped target & carried out 6 pdr practice 10.45am: Stopped & picked up target 10.53am: Proceeded S76W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 5.40pm: Altered course N76E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 2 4f96242ea2fc8e2def004146: ( 53-44341-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1917 At Sea Lat 59.13, Long -9.06 1.0am: Intercepted British oiler No 98 Flying correct flag of day 6.0am: Altered course S76W straight & 30° 8.20am: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 8 14W & communicated with French cruiser “Artois” 8.30am: Proceeded S81W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.50am: Stopped in Lat 59 16N, Long 8 37W & sent armed guard Mid Seale onboard Norwegian “Ranenfjord” from New York to Bergen. Cargo general 10.30am: Proceeded S78W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 58 37N, Long 10 31W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 4.35pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.40pm: Proceeded S78W, 65 revs, straight & 30°. Prepare for night defence 6.0pm: Altered course N75E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f96242fa2fc8e2def004147: ( 53-44341-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1917 At Sea Lat 58.63, Long -10.46 5.0am: Altered course N80W, straight & 30° 8.13am: Altered course N39W, straight & 30° 9.55am: Stopped in Lat 59 21N, Long 9 14W & communicated with HMS “Motagua” 10.10am: Proceeded S34W, straight & 30°, 60 revs 11.35am: Altered course S80W, straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 58 34N, Long 10 38W dropped target & carried out 6 pounder practice 4.50pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.55pm: Proceeded S80W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N70E, straight & 30° 9.20pm: Heavy snow squall, reduced to slow 9.33pm: Increased to 55 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f96242fa2fc8e2def004148: ( 53-44341-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1917 At Sea Lat 59.13, Long -9.56 6.45am: Altered course S80W, straight & 30° 8.24am: Increased to 60 revs 10.10am: Divisions & Church service Noon: Altered course West, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course N70E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 55 revs Midnight: Altered course S55W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f96242fa2fc8e2def004149: ( 53-44341-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1917 At Sea Lat 58.2, Long -9.68 8.0am: Altered course N78E, straight & 30°, 65 revs 9.15am: Altered course SxW, full speed 9.25am: Signalled HMS “Patia” 9.30am: Altered course N75E, straight & 30°, 65 revs 11.20am: Sighted St Kilda bearing SE 44 miles 11.37am: Altered course N85E, straight & 30° 1.30pm: Altered course N55E, straight & 30° 1.35pm: Stopped in Lat 58 21N, Long 9 15W & communicated with HMS “Patuca” 2.0pm: Proceeded S68W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 6.0pm: Altered course S65W, straight & 30° 6.40pm: Reduced to 55 revs 10.0pm: Altered course S63W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f962430a2fc8e2def00414a: ( 53-44341-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1917 At Sea Lat 57.451, Long -11.03 3.0am: Altered course N80E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S65W, straight & 30° 9.30am: Reduced to 45 revs, straight course 1.10pm: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30°. Wind suddenly flew to NW 2.0pm: Altered course S75W, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course N68E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f962430a2fc8e2def00414b: ( 53-44341-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1917 At Sea Lat 57.46, Long -10.75 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs 8.55am: Stopped in Lat 57 40N, Long 10 30W & supplied two armed guards to HMT “Robert Smith” 8.45am: Courses & speeds as required 9.08am: Proceeded S73W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 9.40am: Altered course S30W, straight & 30° 10.12am: Stopped in Lat 57 32N, Long 10 35W & sent armed guard Lieut Spencer onboard Swedish SS “Bolmen”, New York to Gothenborg. Cargo general 10.47am: Proceeded S73W, 65 revs, straight & 45° 1.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs, straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 57 6N, Long 11 32W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 4.40pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.45pm: Proceeded S73W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 8.36pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f962430a2fc8e2def00414c: ( 53-44341-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1917 At Sea Lat 57.71, Long -12.6 1.0am: Altered course N26E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 60 revs, straight & 45° 10.20am: Stopped in Lat 57 44N, Long 12 36W & communicated with HMS “Motagua” 11.05am: Proceeded 65 revs. Courses as requisite 11.40am: Altered course S59E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 2.30pm: Altered course S20W, 70 revs, straight & 20° 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, prepare for night defence, reduced to 65 revs. Read Warrant N° 42 5.05pm: Altered course S21E, straight & 20° 5.35pm: Stopped in Lat 57 6N, Long 11 38W & communicated with HMS “Columbella” 5.55pm: Proceeded N28W, 50 revs, straight & 30° 11.0pm: Altered course S66E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 6 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962431a2fc8e2def00414d: ( 53-44341-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1917 At Sea Lat 57.43, Long -11.18 7.30am: Altered course N70W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 60 revs, straight & 45° 9.55am: In Lat 57 36N, Long 10 35W dropped target & carried out 1” & 6 pdr practice 11.12am: Stopped & picked up target 11.15am: Proceeded S66E, 60 revs, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course S88E, straight & 45° 2.30pm: Altered course S81W, straight & 45° 6.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962431a2fc8e2def00414e: ( 53-44341-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1917 At Sea Lat 56.75, Long -11.91 2.0am: Altered course S78E, straight & 45° 8.0am: Altered course N88W, straight & 45°. Increased to 60 revs At Noon aTS [Apparent Time at Ship] observed spots near centre of sun like this it appeared to be two with a narrow passage between them, I make this, for although I have seen sun spots before, I have never seen such large ones 7.0pm: Altered course S88E, straight & 45°. Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 [ed. note: “UK Solar System Data Centre at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory was able to confirm that this observation was indeed correct. Photographs taken from the Dehra Dun observatory show quite clearly that on that day, and on the days leading up to the 10th, a large sunspot group was indeed observed almost exactly as the observer on H.M.S. Hilary described”] 4f962431a2fc8e2def00414f: ( 53-44341-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1917 At Sea Lat 56.98, Long -10.0 7.0am: Sighted HMS “Virginian” bound South 7.30am: Increased to 60 revs 8.10am: Sighted HMS “Arley” 8.30am: Altered course S69E, straight & 45° 10.35am: Stopped in Lat 57 4N, Long 9 50W & communicated with HMT “Robert Smith” 10.50am: Proceeded N84W, straight & 45°, 60 revs. 11.15am: Altered course S79E, straight & 45° 11.45am: Stopped in Lat 56 59N, Long 9 50W & communicated with HMT “Robert Smith” 0.05pm: Proceeded N80W, 60 revs, straight & 45° 7.0pm: Altered course S44E, straight & 30°. Increased to 65 revs. Number on sick list: 1 4f962432a2fc8e2def004150: ( 53-44341-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1917 At Sea Lat 55.26, Long -6.38 Am: The following articles have been lost overboard between 1st March 1915 and 12th Feb 1917 and not previously entered in the log. 4 Duffle coats 5 Duffle trousers 8 Oilskin jackets 3 Oilskin trousers 52 Sou Westers 4 pairs of sea boots 2 long oilskin coats 7.0am: Increased to full speed 7.15am: Tory Island bearing S31W, 18 miles, altered course S60E, straight & 30° 9.05am: Altered course S50E, straight & 30° 9.48am: Inishtrahull abeam 1 mile, altered course S57E, straight & 30° 0.10pm to 0.25pm: Passing through Rathlin Sound. Altered course S50E 0.45pm: Torr Point abeam 1 mile, altered course S25E 1.0pm: Zigzag, straight & 30° 2.17pm: Maidens abeam 4 miles, altered course N66E, straight & 30° 4.20pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 1 mile, altered course N26E 5.10pm: Pladda abeam 2 ½ miles 5.40pm: Holy Island abeam 1 ½ miles 6.33pm: Little Cumbrae abeam 7.12pm: Toward Point abeam, altered course N36E 7.35pm: Passing Boom defence, courses & speeds as required 7.50pm: Stopped off Greenock & received pilot 8.0pm: Proceeded, courses & speeds as required to anchorage 8.26pm: Stopped & anchored off Tail of Bank in 16 fms water, 60 fms cable Anchor Bearings: Helensburgh pier Light N37E, Tail of Bank buoy S20W, Roseneath patch buoy N56E; Ship’s head SWxW Number on sick list: 2 4f962432a2fc8e2def004151: ( 53-44341-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 4.25am: Swing to flood Am: Hands employed painting down aloft 0.19pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Engines as required 0.33pm: Entered river 1.20pm: Passed Dumbarton Rock 2.50pm: Entered Queen’s Dock 3.10pm: Made Fast in Berth 30 3.30pm: Drew all fires 5.30pm: Long leave granted to Blue watch & part of White watch 4f962432a2fc8e2def004152: ( 53-44341-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 5.30 to 7.0am: Shifting ship to berth 10 7.15am: Commenced coaling 2.0pm: Leave granted to 2nd part of watch Pm: One officer & 5 men arrived onboard for “Patuca” 6.15 to 7.10pm: Shifting ship to Berth N° 20 7.30pm: Leave granted to part of watch 4f962433a2fc8e2def004153: ( 53-44341-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 11.0am: Armed guard ratings joined ship for “Patuca” 1.30pm: Leave to part of watch 1.55pm: Two prisoners received onboard from HMS “Patia” for HMS “Patuca” 5.0pm: Leave to second part of watch 4f962433a2fc8e2def004154: ( 53-44341-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 10.30am: Two Officers joined ship 1.15pm: Leave granted to part of watch 4.50pm: Read Warrant N° 43. Marine prisoner sent to Military detention Barracks 7.45pm: Armed guard of HMS “Patuca” joined ship 4f962433a2fc8e2def004155: ( 53-44341-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 6.0am: Finished coaling: received 1526 tons 9.35am: Discharged 2 ratings to HMS “Changuinola” 10.30am: Gave leave to all boys for usual days outing 11.20am: Discharged 2 ratings to HMS “Columbella” 1.0pm: Gave leave to 1st & 2nd watches 3.0pm: Two court marshal [martial] prisoners escorted to Rosyth 3.15pm: Discharged 2 marines to Plymouth 8.0pm: Sub Lieut joined ship 4f962434a2fc8e2def004156: ( 53-44341-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands cleaning ship 9.45am: RC Church party landed 9.50am: 12 ratings joined ship 10.0am: Remainder of Church parties landed 1.15pm: Leave to 2nd & 3rd parts of watch, boys till 7pm 4f962434a2fc8e2def004157: ( 53-44341-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed as requisite 8.0am: Low fires set away Noon: High fires set away Pm: Hands employed as requisite 4f962434a2fc8e2def004158: ( 53-44341-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] Am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite 0.15pm: 1 Sub Lieut left ship for Portsmouth 0.20pm: 2 armed guards rejoined ship 3.45pm: Gunners mate left ship for Depot 6.30pm: Discharged 1 rating Plumber to HMS “Eagle”, & 3 ratings to Portsmouth 4f962435a2fc8e2def004159: ( 53-44341-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 9.30am: Stand by engines 9.40am: Unmoored & proceeded, engines as required 10.35am: Entered river 11.48am: Passing Bowling 0.04pm: Passing Dumbarton Rock 0.55pm: Discharged Pilot off Greenock & proceeded courses & speeds as required 1.23pm: Passed boom, full speed; altered course S37W 1.45pm: Skelmorlie buoy abeam, altered course S29W 2.02pm: Little Cumbrae, altered course S28W, straight & 30° 3.25pm: Holy Island abeam, dist 1 ¾ miles 5.37pm: Toward Point abeam, altered course N35E 6.05pm: Passed boom defence, course as required to anchorage 6.30pm: Stopped 6.35pm: Anchored off Tail of Bank in 12 fms water Anchor bearings: Tail of Bank buoy S26W, Roseneath buoy N50W 4f962435a2fc8e2def00415a: ( 53-44341-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 0.30am: Swung to Ebb tide Am: Corrected Engineer Lieut J W Harwood RNR (Tempy) for (1) making a disturbance in an improper place namely MAA’s cabin on 20th inst; (2) incurring excessive charges for wines & spirits on Feb 18th & 20th. [Signed:] F W Dean Acting Captain, [Signed:] J W Harwood 6.30am: Swung to Flood tide 8.0am: Hands employed painting ship 0.30pm: Swung to Ebb 7.0pm: Ship swung to Flood [ed. note: MAA = Master-at-arms] [ed. note: 20th inst = 20th instante mense] 4f962435a2fc8e2def00415b: ( 53-44341-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.0am: Swung to Ebb 7.0am: Swung to Flood 8.0am: Hands employed painting ship 1.30pm: Two ABs joined ship from depot 2.45pm: Swung to Ebb 6.30pm: Swung to Flood 4f962436a2fc8e2def00415c: ( 53-44341-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 2.15am: Thick fog, regulations carried out 3.0am: Fog cleared, ship swung to Ebb 7.30am: Swung to Flood Am: Hands employed cleaning ship, etc 2.0pm: Leave granted to Chief & 1st class Petty Officers till 6pm 2.0pm: Ship swung to Ebb 8.0pm: Swung to Flood 4f962436a2fc8e2def00415d: ( 53-44341-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1917 At Sea Lat 55.15, Long -5.21 7.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Courses & speeds as required 7.50am: Passed boom defence, altered course S38W, full speed 8.50am: Reduced to 65 revs 8.52am: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S27W, straight & 30° 9.57am: Holy Island abeam 1 ½ miles 11.25am: Ailsa Craig bore N50W, 2 ½ miles. Altered course S67W, straight & 30° 0.55pm: Corsewall Light House bore S50E, 9 miles. Altered course S75W, straight & 30° 1.45pm: Maidens bore S75W, 4 miles. Altered course N26W, straight & 30° 3.40pm: Rue Point abeam 1 mile, entered Rathlin Sound 4.35pm: Altered course N72W, straight & 30° 5.41pm: Altered course N72W, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Inishtrahull abeam 1 ¼ miles 7.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs 7.40pm: Increased to 60 revs 8.10pm: Fanad Light abeam 9 miles 10.35pm: Tory Island Light abeam 9 miles Number on sick list: 4 4f962436a2fc8e2def00415e: ( 53-44341-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1917 At Sea Lat 56.2, Long -11.63 4.30am: Altered course N24W, straight & 30° 0.10pm: Sighted HMS “Victorian” bound SE 4.05pm: In Lat 56 44N, Long 12 15W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 5.05pm: Stopped & picked up target 5.10pm: Proceeded N24W, 60 revs, straight & 30° 7.0pm: Altered course N52E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f962436a2fc8e2def00415f: ( 53-44341-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1917 At Sea Lat 58.83, Long -10.36 7.20am: Increased to 60 revs, straight & 45° 8.0am: Altered course N82E, straight & 45° 9.0am: Altered course S82W, straight & 30° 10.0am: Reduced to 50 revs 10.40am: Altered course N82E, straight & 30° 11.05am: Altered course N20E, straight & 30° 11.37am: Altered course N82E, straight & 30° 0.10pm: Altered course N82W, straight & 30° 2.30pm: Altered course N82E, straight & 30° 3.33pm: Altered course N20E, straight & 30° 4.10pm: Altered course N82E, straight & 30° 4.30pm: Altered course S52W, straight & 30° 5.55pm: Altered course S79W, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Reduced to 40 revs 10.30pm: Altered course S82W, 45 revs Pm: Steering by head gear in order to repair stern steering gear Number on sick list: 3 4f962437a2fc8e2def004160: ( 53-44341-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1917 At Sea Lat 58.55, Long -11.0 0.15am: Increased to 55 revs 0.35am: Reduced to 45 revs 3.0am: Altered course N84E, steam steering gear in order 7.05am: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30°. Altered course N75E 8.19am: Increased to 65 revs 9.40am: Courses & speeds as requisite 9.54am: Stopped in Lat 58 42N, Long 10 36W & communicated with HMS “Patia”. When coming alongside, lifeboat swamped & threw crew into the water, crew saved, but lifeboat lost 11.23am: Proceeded S64W, straight & 30°, 60 revs 0.50pm: Reduced to 50 revs 1.13pm: Increased to 65 revs 1.20pm: Altered course S7W, Communicating with HMS “Hildebrand” 1.33pm: Altered course N47E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.20pm: Altered course S82W, straight & 30° 4.10pm: In Lat 58 38N, Long 10 52W dropped target & carried out 6 pdr practice 4.50pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.55pm: Proceeded S82W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Altered course N82E, straight & 30°. Darken ship Number on sick list: 5 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962437a2fc8e2def004161: ( 53-44341-017_1.jpg) 4f962437a2fc8e2def004162: ( 53-44341-018_0.jpg) 4f962438a2fc8e2def004163: ( 53-44341-018_1.jpg) 4f962438a2fc8e2def004164: ( 53-44341-019_0.jpg) 4f962438a2fc8e2def004165: ( 53-44341-019_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MARCH 1917 4f962439a2fc8e2def004166: ( 53-44342-001_0.jpg) 4f962439a2fc8e2def004167: ( 53-44342-001_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F C P Harris signs March 1917 log book as Navigating Officer] 4f96243aa2fc8e2def004168: ( 53-44342-002_0.jpg) 4f96243aa2fc8e2def004169: ( 53-44342-002_1.jpg) [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f96243aa2fc8e2def00416a: ( 53-44342-003_0.jpg) 4f96243ba2fc8e2def00416b: ( 53-44342-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.93, Long -9.8 5.30am: Altered course S82W, straight & 30° 3.35pm: Altered course N80W, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Reduced to 50 revs, straight & 30° 8.0pm: Altered course S75E, straight & 20° 10.30pm: Reduced to 40 revs, straight Number on sick list: 5 4f96243ba2fc8e2def00416c: ( 53-44342-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.83, Long -9.75 7.0am: Altered course N19E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 7.45am: Altered course N78W, straight & 45° 9.20am: Altered course S78E, straight & 30° 9.30am: Altered course S23E, straight & 30° 10.35am: Stopped in Lat 58 45N, Long 9 32W & communicated with HMS “Motagua”, received 6 ratings 11.10am: Proceeded N80W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 11.37am: Altered course N28W, straight & 30° 3.05pm: Altered course N78W, straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 59 12N, Long 10 58W dropped target & carried out 1” and 6 pdr practice 4.55pm: Stopped & picked up target 5.0pm: Proceeded N78W, 60 revs, straight & 30° 7.0pm: Reduced to 55 revs 7.45pm: Altered course S78E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 7 4f96243ba2fc8e2def00416d: ( 53-44342-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1917 At Sea Lat 59.53, Long -10.11 4.30am: Altered course N67W, straight & 30° 8.30am: Altered course S68E, straight & 30° 9.17am: Altered course S37W, straight & 30° 10.23am: Altered course N2E, straight & 30° 11.05am: Altered course N21E, straight & 30° 11.47am: Altered course S68E, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Altered course S22W, straight & 30° 2.35pm: Altered course N80W, straight & 30° 7.30pm: Reduced to 50 revs 8.35pm: Altered course S76E, straight & 30° 10.37pm: Altered course S73E. Reduced to 45 revs Number on sick list: 5 4f96243ca2fc8e2def00416e: ( 53-44342-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1917 At Sea Lat 59.25, Long -10.56 3.45am: Altered course SExS and reduced to 35 revs hove to 7.30am: Altered course N36E, 50 revs 8.23am: Altered course N81W, straight & 20° 10.30am: Church Service 0.24pm: Altered course S82W, straight & 20° 1.0pm: Altered course S78W, straight & 20° 6.15pm: Altered course S65E, 40 revs. Darken ship Number on sick list: 4 4f96243ca2fc8e2def00416f: ( 53-44342-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1917 At Sea Lat 59.25, Long -9.35 9.10am: Reduced to 35 revs 10.0am: Altered course S22E, 40 revs, in company with French cruiser “Champagne” 10.30am: Reduced to 35 revs 1.05pm: Reduced to 30 revs. Communicating with “Champagne” with International Code 5.25pm: Altered course North, 50 revs 6.30pm: Altered course SExE, 35 revs 8.50pm: Ordered “Champagne” to proceed. Altered course N71W, 50 revs 9.40pm: Straight & 20° Number on sick list: 2 4f96243ca2fc8e2def004170: ( 53-44342-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1917 At Sea Lat 59.13, Long -7.91 1.0am: Altered course S73E, straight & 20° 1.35am: Increased to 60 revs 1.45am: Increased to 65 revs 5.15am: Altered course N22E. Sighted bright light 6.0am: Altered course S73E, straight & 20° 9.15am: Altered course S45E, 55 revs 9.50am: In Lat 59 34N, Long 8 0W examined Danish schooner “Tvøroyri” flying correct flag of day 10.20am: Altered course SSE. Stopped Port engine for repairs Starboard Engine 35 revs hove to 11.20am: Engine repaired 35 revs both 1.08pm: Altered course S73W, 55 revs 1.30pm: Straight & 20° zigzag 6.05pm: Full speed. Sighted Periscope on Starboard quarter. Altered course S20W to bring periscope astern 6.15pm: Altered course S73W, straight & 30° 6.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs 11.48pm: Altered course N38W, straight & 20°. Reduced to 50 revs Number on sick list: 3 4f96243da2fc8e2def004171: ( 53-44342-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.73, Long -14.38 6.0am: Altered course N80W, straight & 20°, 60 revs 8.0am: Altered course N89W, straight & 20° 8.30am: Straight & 30° 3.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs 5.0pm: Altered course N80W, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course S86W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 5 4f96243da2fc8e2def004172: ( 53-44342-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.0, Long -18.0 3.0am: Altered course N88E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 50 revs 7.50am: Increased to 55 revs 9.30am: Altered course S84W, straight & 30° 1.30pm: Altered course N68W, straight & 30° 2.30pm: Altered course N34W, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course N86E, straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 57 54N, Long 18 19W dropped target & carried out 1” & 6 pounder practice 4.55pm: Stopped & picked up target 5.0pm: Proceeded N86E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 8.45pm: Stopped engines for engineers purposes 9.0pm: Proceeded N86E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 9.30pm: Altered course S86W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 8 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f96243da2fc8e2def004173: ( 53-44342-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1917 At Sea Lat 57.46, Long -21.2 2.30am: Altered course N75W, zigzag 8.0am: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° 2.45pm: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 9.10pm: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 7 4f96243ea2fc8e2def004174: ( 53-44342-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1917 At Sea Lat 57.43, Long -21.16 3.0am: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 9.25am: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° 2.35pm: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 10.0pm: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 8 4f96243ea2fc8e2def004175: ( 53-44342-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1917 At Sea Lat 57.5, Long -21.0 3.0am: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 7.30am: Altered course N75E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° 10.30am: Church Service 1.45pm: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 3.0pm: Altered course S68E, straight & 30° 3.52pm: Stopped in Lat 57 28N, Long 20 55W & communicated with HMS “Hildebrand” 4.03pm: Proceeded N67W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 5.05pm: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 9.0pm: Altered course N83W, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 7 4f96243ea2fc8e2def004176: ( 53-44342-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1917 At Sea Lat 57.55, Long -24.76 3.0am: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 8.0am: Increased to 65 revs, straight & 45° 9.0am: Altered course N83W, straight & 45° 9.40am: In Lat 57 37N, Long 20 17W dropped target & carried out 1” [aiming rifle practice] 10.20am: Stopped & picked up target 10.25am: Proceeded N83W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 0.05pm: Altered course N10E, straight & 30° 2.0pm: Altered course S30W, straight & 30° 4.05pm: In Lat 57 30N, Long 21W dropped out target & carried out 6 pounder practice 4.40pm: Stopped & picked up target 4.45pm: Proceeded N33E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 7.30pm: Reduced to 55 revs 8.20pm: Altered course S29W, straight & 30° Midnight: Altered course N27E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 5 4f96243fa2fc8e2def004177: ( 53-44342-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1917 At Sea Lat 57.58, Long -20.13 1.0am: Stopped in Lat 57 32N, Long 21 00W & boarded British SS “Hambleton Range” from Dundee to New York. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed 1.30am: Proceeded N27E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 4.40am: Altered course S29W, straight & 30° 7.45am: Altered course N27E, straight & 30° 8.30am: Altered course S77E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.50am: In Lat 57 34N, Long 20 23W dropped target & carried out 6” gun firing, speeds as requisite 10.55am: Stopped & picked up target 11.17am: Proceeded S77E, 65 revs, straight 30° 7.05pm: Stopped in Lat 57 54N, Long 17 30W & boarded British SS “Regent” from Sunderland to Buenos Aires. Cargo coal. Allowed to proceed 7.25pm: Proceeded S83E, 65 revs, straight & 30° 9.10pm: Reduced to 60 revs Number on sick list: 4 4f96243fa2fc8e2def004178: ( 53-44342-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.38, Long -12.86 7.32am: Altered course S86E, 65 revs 7.50am: Altered course S45E, straight & 30° 8.30am: Altered course N7E, straight & 30° 9.05am: Altered course N84W, straight & 45° 10.0am: Altered course S33E, straight & 45° 11.40am: Altered course South, straight & 30° 0.08pm: Stopped in Lat 58 22N, Long 13 6W & communicated with HMS “Moldavia” 0.40pm: Proceeded N73W, 60 revs, straight & 30° 5.40pm: Altered course S61W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 6.25pm: Stopped in Lat 58 6N, long 15 00W & boarded British SS “Caterino” from Baltimore to Leith. Cargo corn & steel. Allowed to proceed 6.58pm: Proceeded N10W, straight & 30°, 55 revs 8.15pm: Altered course S86E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f96243fa2fc8e2def004179: ( 53-44342-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.75, Long -13.16 6.32am: Altered course S25E, straight & 30° 7.28am: Stopped in Lat 58 47N, Long 12 10W & communicated with HMS “Gloucestershire” 8.25am: Proceeded S11W, 60 revs 8.55am: Courses as requisite communicating with SS “Caterino” 9.23am: Altered course N66W, straight & 30°, 65 revs Noon: Straight & 45° zigzag 2.20pm: Stopped in Lat 58 48N, Long 13 54W & communicated with HMS “Kildonan Castle” 3.15pm: Proceeded S66W, 55 revs, straight & 30° 7.35pm: Reduced to 45 revs Number on sick list: 3 [ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] 4f962440a2fc8e2def00417a: ( 53-44342-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.46, Long -13.86 5.25am: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° 6.0am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° 4.30pm: Altered course West, straight & 30° 6.10pm: Shifted into hand steering gear to repair stern pipe 6.40pm: Altered course S82E, straight & 30° 8.15pm: Resumed steam steering gear Number on sick list: 3 4f962440a2fc8e2def00417b: ( 53-44342-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.38, Long -13.93 5.30am: Altered course West, straight & 30° Noon: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Reduced to 50 revs 7.35pm: Altered course S86E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 3 4f962440a2fc8e2def00417c: ( 53-44342-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.43, Long -14.03 5.30am: Altered course N86W, straight & 30° 7.20am: Increased to 55 revs 9.15am: Reduced to slow to clean forward gun 9.50am: Proceeded 55 revs 10.40am: Church Service 2.08pm: Reduced to 50 revs 2.30pm: Straight course 4.0pm: Evening quarters, prepare for night defence. Reduced to 45 revs & altered course West Number on sick list: 4 4f962441a2fc8e2def00417d: ( 53-44342-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1917 At Sea Lat 59.05, Long -12.46 9.20am: Hove to heading NWxW ½ W, 40 revs on Port engine & 30 revs on Starboard [engine] 1.0pm: Altered course N48E, 50 revs 3.0pm: Increased to 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.30pm: Altered course S1W, straight & 30° 5.40pm: Altered course N3E, straight & 30°. Reduced to 50 revs 7.0pm: Straight course Number on sick list: 5 4f962441a2fc8e2def00417e: ( 53-44342-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1917 At Sea Lat 58.95, Long -12.21 6.30am: Altered course S5W, straight & 30° 6.40am: Increased to 55 revs 9.30am: Altered course N3E, straight & 30° 9.43am: In Lat 58 55N, Long 12 8W dropped target & carried out 1” & 6 pounder practice 10.51am: Stopped & picked up target 11.0am: Proceeded N3E, 55 revs, straight & 30° 3.40pm: Altered course N79W, straight & 30° 10.0pm: Altered course S81E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 5 4f962441a2fc8e2def00417f: ( 53-44342-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1917 At Sea Lat 59.26, Long -13.06 5.0am: Altered course S13E, straight & 30° 6.12am: In Lat 59 10N, Long 12 12W intercepted British SS “Colorado” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Hull to New York 7.08am: Stopped in Lat 59 0N, Long 12 0W & communicated with French Cruiser “Artois” 7.15am: Proceeded N25W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 10.15am: Stopped in Lat 59 21N, Long 12 46W & boarded British SS “Cairndhu” from Portland Main to Leith. Cargo general 11.05am: Proceeded N81W, straight & 30°, 65 revs 6.20pm: Stopped in Lat 59 2N, long 15 22W & boarded Belgian Relief SS “Ministre de Smet de Naeyer” from New York to Rotterdam. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed 7.05pm: Proceeded S60E, straight & 30°, 55 revs 9.0pm: Altered course S81E, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 4f962442a2fc8e2def004180: ( 53-44342-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1917 At Sea Lat 59.13, Long -12.11 7.0am: Altered course N81W, straight & 30° 8.0am: Altered course S81E, straight & 30° 9.0am: Altered course S12E, straight t& 30° 9.20am: 65 revs 9.30am: Altered course S18W, straight & 30° 9.45am: Stopped in Lat 59 20N, Long 11 33W & communicated with HMS “Orvieto” 10.15am: Proceeded S78W, 65 revs, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Petra”, Belgian Relief, flying correct flag of day in Lat 59 2N, Long 12 23W 1.42pm: Stopped in Lat 58 56N, Long 12 40W & communicated with French cruiser “Artois” 1.55pm: Proceeded N52W, 60 revs, straight & 30° 6.0pm: Altered course S18E, 65 revs, straight & 30° Number on sick list: 4 [Ed. note: F W Dean signs log page as Acting Captain] [Ed. note: D/S “Petra”: later “Svartfond”, “Bøklund”, “Sydhavet”, “Sixten”, “Enosis” & “Omonia”. Built in 1912, by Sunderland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., for A/S Petra of Tonsberg, Norway. Gross tonnage 2111] 4f962442a2fc8e2def004181: ( 53-44342-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1917 At Sea Lat 56.41, Long -9.28 6.0am: Increased to full speed 8.55am: Action Stations 8.30am: Altered course East, courses as requisite 8.57am: Stopped in Lat 56 52N, Long 9 54W & boarded British SS “Nevisian” from Liverpool to New York. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed 9.42am: Proceeded S16E, full speed, straight & 30° 11.0am: Altered course S6W, straight & 30° 1.0pm: Altered course S20E, straight & 30° 1.22pm: Sounded 79 fms sand 1.30pm: Altered course S38E, straight & 30° 5.05pm: Altered course S70E, straight & 30° 6.08pm: Altered course S5E, straight & 30° 8.10pm: Inishtrahull abeam 8 ½ miles 10.10pm: Rue Point abeam 1 mile Number on sick list: 3 4f962442a2fc8e2def004182: ( 53-44342-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 1.50am: Altered course N24E, Ailsa Craig abeam 1 mile 2.20am: Reduced to 65 revs, thick fog. Kept whistle sounding 3.0am: Fog cleared, full speed 3.05am: Holy Island abeam 1 mile 3.57am: Passing Little Cumbrae 4.30am: Toward abeam, altered course N34E 4.55am: Passing Boom Defence. Course & speeds as requisite 5.15am: Stopped & received pilot 5.20am: Proceeded, speeds as requisite 5.40am: Stopped & anchored off Tail of Bank Greenock in 12 fms water Anchor bearings: Tail of Bank buoy S25W, Prince’s pier S45W, Fort Matilda N81W, Roseneath Patch N53W 9.18am: Commenced heaving in 9.03am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded engines as requisite up River with pilot 10.20am: Passed Dumbarton Rock Noon: Entering Prince’s Dock 0.30pm: Made fast to Plantation Quay 2.0pm: Hands muster for payment 3.0pm: Long leave granted to Blue Watch & fore part of White from pm March 24th until 8pm April 5th 4.45pm: Sub Lieut Coleman RNR temporarily discharged to local Hospital 5.0pm: Long leave granted to 2nd & 3rd part of watch until 7.45pm, Boys 7pm 6.05pm: Rev Kelly left Ship 8.30pm: Sub Lieut Attenbury RNVR joined ship Number on sick list: 2 4f962443a2fc8e2def004183: ( 53-44342-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning up decks 9.0am: Hands to clean in N° 2 10.15am: Church parties landed 11.20am: Forecastle Gun lifted onto jetty 12.35pm: Church parties returned 1.0pm: Hands employed shifting ship astern as requisite 1.45pm: Secured alongside 2.0pm: Leave granted to 1st and 3rd part of watch until 7.45pm, Boys until 7 pm 3.15pm: One rating (steward) discharged from ship to Ruchill fever hospital, Maryhill Glasgow Pm: Workmen employed on board Number on sick list: 1 4f962443a2fc8e2def004184: ( 53-44342-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning fore 6” magazine & shell room & as required RNR training classes to gun stripping 9.35am: One absentee returned on board (Sea RNR) Am: Workmen employed onboard 12.0am: Leave granted to 2nd division of watch until 7.45am, Boys until 7 pm 1.20pm: Hands employed as required 5.0pm: Leave granted to 1st & 3rd parts till 7.45am, Boys 7pm 4f962443a2fc8e2def004185: ( 53-44342-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning up decks & as required 1.20pm: Hands employed cleaning refrigerator, cleaning N°1 hold & training classes 3.15pm: Leave granted to 3rd part of watch until 7.45am 4.15pm: 3 ratings (RMLI) discharged to RM Barracks Plymouth 4f962444a2fc8e2def004186: ( 53-44342-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 8.15am: Hands employed clearing out N° 1 hold. Training classes working about target & as requisite 12.45pm: Hands employed shifting Ship from Plantation quay to Whiteside Rd Replaced forecastle gun 3.15pm: Eng Lieut Discharged to fever hospital 5.0pm: Hands employed shifting ship into Govan Dry Dock 7.0pm: Leave granted to 1st & 3rd parts until 7.45am 8.30pm: One absentee from “Patia” reported himself on board 11.0pm: Armed guards from Changuinola reported themselves onboard 2 officers & 10 men Number on sick list: 1 4f962444a2fc8e2def004187: ( 53-44342-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 10.0am: Two prisoners joined ship from HMS “Onslaught” 2.45pm: Started flooded dock 3.10pm: One Supernumerary rating left ship for RN Barracks Plymouth 3.30pm: Pilot arrived on board 5.0pm: Left Dry Dock 5.30pm: Secured alongside N° 10 Berth. Two tugs employed 5.40pm: Pilot left ship 6.0pm: Leave granted to 1st & 2nd division of watch until 7.45am, boys 10pm 6.30pm: Two Ratings joined ship for “Motagua” & “Changuinola” 4f962444a2fc8e2def004188: ( 53-44342-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 9.45am: 11 ratings joined ship from RN Depot Plymouth 10.45am: One absentee from “Ebro” brought on board by police 12.0am: Leave granted to 3rd division of watch until 7.45am, Boys 7pm 4.45pm: 3 prisoners discharged to “Columbella” Leave granted to 2nd & 3rd part of watch until 7.45[am] 10.0pm: 1 Rating joined ship from hospital for “Hildebrand” 4f962445a2fc8e2def004189: ( 53-44342-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1917 [Glasgow] [Lat 55.86, Long -4.30] 10.0am: Armed guard from “Hildebrand” joined ship 1 officer & 3 men 12.0am: Leave granted to 1st & 3rd part of watched from 1.30pm until 7.45am, boys 7pm 1.0pm: Hands to make and mend clothes 4.0pm: Hands to Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire stations 4f962445a2fc8e2def00418a: ( 53-44342-019_0.jpg) 4f962445a2fc8e2def00418b: ( 53-44342-019_1.jpg) 4f962446a2fc8e2def00418c: ( 53-44342-020_0.jpg) 4f962446a2fc8e2def00418d: ( 53-44342-020_1.jpg) HMS “Hilary” sunk, after being torpedoed by German submarine U-88, on May 25th, 1917, “at 07.10, in Lat 60 33N, Long 03 00W, whilst en route for Swarbacks Minn to coal. HMS Hilary Casualties: MCGRIEVY, Peter, Senior Reserve Attendant, RNASBR, M 10292 (Dev) ROBB, Frank, Shipwright, MMR, (no service number listed) SHENTON, Edwin H, Boy 1c, J 38244 TRIMBLE, William, Assistant Storekeeper, MMR, 723122 Source: xDKCas1917-05May.htm Captain F W Dean to Vice-Admiral commanding Tenth Cruiser Squadron HMS Gibraltar, 27th May, 1917 I regret to report that at about 7.25 a.m. on 25th inst Hilary was disabled by a torpedo and subsequently sunk. During the morning ship had been advancing 165 deg. at 10 knots, steaming 12.5 knots and zigzagging 4 and 8 points. At 7.10 a.m. ship being in Lat 60.33’N, Long 3W, course was altered to 103 degrees, and speed reduced to 10 knots course was altered to 103 degrees, and speed reduced to 10 knots to drop P.V.s. At about 7.22 a.m., the P.V.s having gone clear, speed was increased again to 12.5 knots, and very shortly after a torpedo struck ship on port side just before boiler room. I went to port side of bridge and clearly saw remains of its track and the beginning of the same which was between 400 and 500 yards away. I ordered helm hard a port, telegraphed to close W.T. Doors, and then full speed, “action statins” being sounded at the same time. A minute late report was telephoned from Engine Room that water was up to the furnaces and putting out the fires. I then ordered “abandon ship” stations, standing fast the three after gun’s crews. Report was brought to me that W/T operator was unable to signal as aerial was damaged, he shifted to auxiliary aerial, but dynamo power failing, the emergency batteries were not sufficiently strong to charge it. He then shifted to main aerial again, one wire of which was still in place and the other wire which had been earthing, having now been insulated he got a spark and sent emergency signal to Gibraltar at 7.45a.m. He did not however got any acknowledgement till 7.55 a.m. owing to chrystal being out of adjustment through shock. The second torpedo wrecked instruments entirely. All hands went quickly to their stations, I kept engines going as long as possible to get a little further from submarine, ship quickly lost her way and at about 8.0 a.m. I ordered the boats to be lowered. This was done and each boat showed off as soon as loaded. At about 8.05 a.m. N° 3 boat Port being then alongside getting her last few men in, a second torpedo struck ship port side, nearly under this boat which was blown high in air and its passengers scattered. The four men whose names I have already reported were killed and three were injured, but these and the rest of men from this boat were taken into other boats. Meanwhile a few shots were fired at periscope but without effect. I now ordered the after gun’s crews to abandon ship and this was done. The S.M.O., Dr Carr, having had the sick placed in boats, examined the two men who were thrown from N°3 boat onto the boat deck and found them to be dead. At about 8.30 a.m. the officers and men, about 12 in number, who had remained on board working, left ship on Carley rafts or boat. Com. Wray and Asst Steward Edwards were now the only two persons left on board with me. We provided ourselves with lance bombs on the boat deck in case submarine gave us a chance to use them, also with rifles and ammunition. The periscope was observed from time to time cruising around the ship, and Lieut. Com Wray fired several shots from a 6 pdr at it but without effect. A favourable opportunity offering we manned A 6” gun but found that training gear had gone wrong through shock and though we pushed the gun round we were unable to align the sights on the moving periscope. At about 8.40 a third torpedo was fired which struck ship on starboard side of boiler room. At about 9.12 it was apparent that ship was going quickly, we then went down to the promenade deck and the water having risen to this level, we got in and swam some 20 yards clear when at 9.15, ship sank. Lieut Harris in a boat somewhat overloaded having picked up many of those from torpedoed boat had kept close by ship, and after she sank he closed two boats (which had been stowed inboard and floated clear) and by my order he distributed some men into each of these. One went to take the men from Carley floats, the other took Lieut. Com. Wray, Steward Edwards and myself on board. The submarine came to surface soon after ship sank and hunted amongst the wreckage picking up objects, she then went to the Carley floats in succession and obtained from officers in them particulars of ship’s name, tonnage and armament, she then went off towards SW. The boats made their way towards Shetland under oars and sail, between 3 and 5 p.m. six of them were rescued by Lieut. Rivers, RNR, in drifter Maggie Bruce 92 BCK, and in the early morning of the 26th, the seventh and last boat was rescued by TBD Sarpedon. I have satisfaction in reporting that the conduct of officers and men was in accordance with tradition. I do not think anything was left undone which might have saved ship. The submarine was favoured to the utmost extent by bright low sun which partly accounts for periscope not being seen. The alteration of course at 7.10 a.m. enabled submarine to get in perfect position. I attach a list of officers and men whose conduct is considered worthy of special mention.” [Grainger J.D. The Maritime Blockade of Germany in the Great War 1914-1918. Ashgate 2003, Chapter 11: 707-709] “The two officers who were interrogated by the captain of the submarine were the ship’s surgeon and one of the lieutenants. The information given was as evasive as it could be with a pistol held to their heads, but Captain Dean was certain that his confidential books had all gone down in the ship, and that his officers could not have refused the information they gave with the submarine's gun ready to blow all their boats out of the water.” [The loss of “Hilary” from “The Merchant Navy”, volume III, by Archibald Hurd. London, John Murray, Albemarle Street, W, 1929 - WW1Book-MN3a-Merchant_Navy_in_WW1_Hurd.htm] The story of Hilary sighting of a sea serpent was published in the shape of a letter in the scientific journal Nature in 1930 and is presented as “an important piece of evidence for the existence of the creature populary called the sea serpent”. The creature was seen by Captain Dean and several of the officers and men of HMS “Hilary” and the encounter is reported as follows: “About 9 a.m., on approx. 22/5/17, H.M.S. ‘Hilary’ was some 70 miles S.E. of the S.E. part of Iceland, the day very fine and clear, the Iceland mountains in sight, flat, calm, and smooth sea. An object was observed on the starboard quarter. The ship was turned round and steered straight for the object. When we were about a cable (200 yards) from it the creature quietly moved out of our way, and we passed it on our starboard side at a distance of about 30 yards, getting a very good view of it… As we passed close to the creature it lifted its head once or twice, as if looking at us. The head was in appearance black and glossy, with no protrusions such as ears, etc.; in shape, about that of a cow…the top edge of the neck was just awash, and it curved to almost a semicircle as the creature moved its head as if to follow us with its eyes. The dorsal fin was a black equilateral triangle, which rose at times till the peak was estimated to be four feet above the water.” Nature writer adds that “three independent estimates made on board the ‘Hilary’ gave a length of the neck of the ‘sea serpent’ (head to dorsal fin) as 15 feet or more, 20 feet and 28 feet. The head appeared to have a patch of whitish flesh in front, like that around a cow’s nostrils. The dorsal fin was thin and flexible, occasionally curving over at the top. The ‘Hilary’ being on patrol at the time, the unfortunate creature was used as a target for anti-submarine practice with the 6-pounders, at about 1200 yards range. A direct hit having apparently scored, it disappeared, no trace remaining. A few days later (May 25, 1917) the ship was torpedoed and sunk, taking with her all logs, journals, etc. recording the ‘sea serpent’ incident. As described the creature seems to have borne a most striking resemblance to that seen off the Brazilian coast, in December 1905, from the Earl of Crawford’s yacht ‘Valhalla’ (see Nature, June 28, 1906, p. 202). This also exhibited a dorsal fin rising some four feet out of the water, and a long, snake-like neck, terminating in a head described as resembling that of a turtle. In this case the head and part of the neck were lifted well clear of the water, and not merely floating awash.” “In both cases,” it is remarked by Nature writer, “there seems no doubt that the observers saw a single living sea-creature of unknown species.” [Nature 1930; Vol 125 (N° 3151): 496] |
Revised 28/09/2015 |